PDF - Christian Friends of Israel
PDF - Christian Friends of Israel
Christian Friends of Israel IN TOUCH No.176 3rd Quarter 2013 Thousands Celebrate 65 Years of Israel Keren Pryor writes on saying little, but doing much p.6-7 We report on CFI Jerusalem’s Conference p.3-4 Young CFI speaks up for Israel in Parliament p.4 ‘YOUR GOD REIGNS’ In Touch is the quarterly magazine of Christian Friends of Israel UK CFI-UK seeks to bless Israel by means of practical and moral support, and to serve the Church in teaching about God’s purposes for Israel and the Hebraic roots of our faith. CFI also produces a monthly News Report, a monthly Prayer Letter and a Middle East Update CD/MP3. Please send for full details of the practical projects and also of the many teaching resources available. As an educational charity, we carry a variety of resources relevant to our purpose. We do not necessarily endorse every view expressed by our guest writers or authors of these resources. CFI Communications PO Box 2687 Eastbourne BN22 7LZ Tel: 01323 410810 Fax: 01323 410211 Email: [email protected] Websites: www.cfi.org.uk www.keshercourse.org.uk Published by: CFI Charitable Trust UK Registered Charity No. 1101899 Registered Office: c/o Caladine, Chantry House 22 Upperton Road Eastbourne, BN21 1BF Company No. 04984515 VAT Registration No: 678-7802-75 Front Cover Image: Closer to Israel 65 Rally Trafalgar Square Jacob Vince writes about how Gentiles throughout the Bible have told the Jewish people ‘your God reigns’ H ow beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ (Isaiah 52:1-7) All of us will, I expect, know the song ‘How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him’ with the chorus ‘Our God reigns.’ Whilst this might be correct in terms of our adopting your God as our God, the Biblical imperative is an announcement to the other that, ‘their God reigns.’ The implication of this is that it is not a message from an Israelite to Israel, otherwise they would say, ‘our God reigns.’ It must therefore be from someone who is not an Israelite, a Gentile, in order to say, ‘your God reigns.’ Throughout the Bible there are a surprisingly high number of Gentiles who recognise the God of Israel, and who by what they say and by what they do, illustrate their understanding that ‘your God reigns.’ They include Rahab, resident of Jericho who recognised the land as having been given by God to Israel, Jael wife of Heber a Kenite, who overcame Sisera, King Jabin’s military commander, Ruth the Moabitess who clung to Naomi and said: ‘your God, my God.’ Then there are the centurions, one based at Capernaum who loved the Jewish nation, another at the crucifixion and finally Cornelius at Caesarea, who had the respect of all the Jewish people. All three centurions recognised the higher authority, ‘your God reigns.’ What characterises all these Gentiles in the Bible, and should characterise us as well, are two things: understanding and humility. These are the attributes that the Apostle Paul alludes to in his letter to the Romans, where he exhorts a church comprised of Gentiles not to be arrogant or ignorant. The implication is that the Church should instead, through humility, better understand. The Church has much to learn concerning Israel’s place in God’s unfolding purposes and covenants, and to think that it does not is to fall into the trap of arrogance leading to ignorance. One of the responsibilities of Christian Friends of Israel is to help in this task through education toward our own Christian constituency, leading on to advocacy alongside the Jewish community, and direct aid in Israel itself. As Christians, first we need to better understand the ‘God who reigns’, as both specific and universal, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must then also realise that we cannot proclaim the message that, ‘your God reigns’ from a distance. Metaphorically, we need to climb the mountain, most of which we have put there ourselves, make sure that practically we have feet on the ground, feet of peace, through advocacy and aid, then and only then might we be given the opportunity to relay the message of good tidings. Incarnation! Transformation! Proclamation! We need to be there, make a difference and with understanding share the good news of salvation, ‘Your God reigns!’ JERUSALEM CONFERENCE REPORT Ellen Vince writes on the recent CFI Conference in Jerusalem I t has truly been a blessing to be in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost and the CFI Jerusalem 2-day conference. We sensed the Lord’s presence. There were about 170 people from around 14 nations at the conference of which an amazing three quarters were non-English speakers. As a result of Ray and Sharon’s visit to Bejing last year the newly appointed CFI Rep there, Lois Yun, had brought a large contingent of Chinese supporters, amongst them some key people, several pastors and worship leaders, who had come with hungry hearts to receive as much teaching from God’s Word regarding Israel and the Church as possible, since this is new to them. In China anti-Semitism is unknown and unlike the UK, there is not a history of Replacement Theology which needs to be undone. Chinese Christians are open for God’s timely prophetic word. Every talk was translated into Mandarin on stage by some very charismatic interpreters and a French translation was provided by headphones. Rivka Kidron, the former secretary of Bibi Netanyahu was the first speaker and was proud to show Christians what God has done in Israel, pointing out that any Jew in Israel is a direct fulfilment of God’s promise to the Jewish people. She was greatly encouraged that millions of Christians across the world stand with Israel. The diversity of speakers - both Christians and Jews - gave a well balanced picture of what is happening in Israel and the Middle East, and what the Church’s calling is in regard to Israel and how to work that out in practice. The worship in the evening was powerfully led by Tommie Coleman with young musicians and singers from King of Kings. Israeli dancing was also performed by CFI team members. There were stalls in the meeting hall with handmade crafts and a bookstall by the Bible Society alongside information from Christian Friends of Magen David Adom (who support Israel’s emergency response service). The conference culminated in the Chinese choir (after leading worship on the 2nd night) being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and under great weeping led the way in repentance for which many people came forward. The talks have all been recorded and are made available for whoever is interested, although you have to be aware that some interpreting into Mandarin Chinese can be heard in the background on most recordings (see page 11 for further details). Kevin and Stacey Howard interviewed every speaker for CFI.ORG.UK // 3 Focal Point. These will eventually be available to view on Revelation TV and on Youtube at this weblink: http://www.youtube.com/ Focalpointtv2013 Focal Point is a great tool to bring CFI to the nations, designed to educate the Church and counteract negative media about Israel. Kevin and Stacey asked us to pray for more media team members that have a calling for Israel to join them and also to pray how the Lord can use Focal Point as a tool to especially reach young people. After a rest day we met with Ray and Sharon and the CFI board at the CFI headquarters for the AGM, following which the CFI International Representatives had their annual meeting. First reports were given by the various CFI Outreach Project Coordinators. They all do a sterling job with great dedication and commitment and it is great to meet them personally and hear first-hand how God is using them greatly to bless the Jewish people. For more information see “For Zion’s Sake” where you can read for yourself about these projects (more on page 9). CFI Representatives from the various nations were in attendance, this year including: Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Congo, Nigeria, UK and USA. During the conference Mohan Weerakon, CFI Representative in Sri Lanka, had shared how the poor people from his nation had been blessed by an amazing harvest of farm crops as God promised in His Word, following that blessing of Israel with a gift from their hearts (Genesis 12:3). It is encouraging and exciting to see how the Lord is using everyone in different ways, depending on the situation in their country, to teach the Church about the importance of Israel, influence Parliament/ governments where possible, come alongside the Jewish community and raise funds for CFI. Thanks must go to Ray and Sharon Sanders and the CFI Jerusalem team, who worked so hard to make this conference such a blessing. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS LOBBY PARLIAMENT O ver 70 young professionals attended the first ever Israel Connect and Christian Friends of Israel Young Adult’s Lobby of Parliament. Those who took part in the event were able to see the high level of support Israel enjoys across the political spectrum, and how through lobbying their MPs this support can be increased. The Deputy Ambassador of Israel to the UK, Alon Roth-Snir, started the evening with an expert briefing on Israel and the wider Middle East to an attentive audience. He was followed by Fabian Hamilton MP (Labour) who gave an extremely interesting speech where he clearly identified Iran’s regime as the biggest threat to security and peace in the Middle East. Lee Scott MP (Conservative) spoke superbly alongside him. He shared from his own experience some of the personal costs that come with taking a stand on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people in the current political climate in the UK, while also making clear his support for the State of Israel and reminding us of the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Louise Elman MP (Labour) 4 // IN TOUCH emphasised the many good stories that could be told about Israel’s positive contribution to the wider world and public good. Andrew Percy MP (Conservative) spoke about the strong ties between Israel and Britain in further education and health care, and why these ties benefit both Britain and Israel and should be strengthened in the future. Guto Bebb MP (Conservative) concluded the evening by saying that the British Government must not continually criticise the sole stable and mature democracy in the Middle East. He also spoke about his and Andrew’s ongoing campaign to look at the misuse of UK taxpayer’s money that has been given to the Palestinian Authority and then ended up being given to terrorists. Sam Hailes THOUSANDS CELEBRATE 65 YEARS OF ISRAEL London’s celebration of the Jewish nation began with a parade and ended with a concert in Trafalgar Square. T housands of Israel supporters descended on central London on 2nd June to celebrate 65 years of the Jewish state. Speakers including Chief Rabbi Lord Sachs and the Ambassador of Israel to the UK, Daniel Taub, addressed a packed audience in Trafalgar Square after 50 organisations including CFI-UK (with nearly 150 supporters in its group) marched in support of Israel. The public display of support - especially from the Christian community - moved a number of Jewish people to tears. The party atmosphere was enhanced by hot weather and organiser Douglas Krikler said the event was filled with “joy and enthusiasm”. The chief Rabbi said in his address: “Israel has not had one day without the fear of war, or terror, or missiles, or worse. Israel has stood firm and brave and strong. Because of Israel the Jewish people walk tall.” He later told the crowd: “Israel is where Jews and Muslims work together in hospitals to treat people of all faiths. It is where universities teach students of every race and religion. Is that an apartheid state?” Mr Taub said Israel is a country which “exceeds the wildest dreams of our great grandparents” and remarked that Israeli cows produce more milk than any other cows in the world! Sam Hailes CFI.ORG.UK // 5 LEARN AND LIVE Avot 1:15 Shammai says: Make your Torah [study] a fixed practice; say little and do much; and receive everyone with a cheerful face. Make your Torah study a fixed practice... T he extended c o n c e p t of Torah includes all the teachings of God; His words of revelation to us of Himself, and also His commands and directions in accord with His purposes, both for our lives as His people and in the wider scope of history. The foundation of His Word is the Torah, or the Pentateuch; the first five books of the Bible. This Torah is the springboard for all that follows. Even Yeshua, Who walked this earth as the Torah of God incarnate, was grounded as a child in the study of the Hebrew Scriptures. In that time, of the Second Temple period, young boys began their study of Torah at age five, beginning with the Book of Leviticus; as they do to the present day in most Orthodox communities. The aim being that the Scriptures would become “yours,” as this verse literally reads: “Make your Torah a fixed priority...” The brilliant commentator and well respected physician and philosopher during the Middle Ages, Maimonides, strongly agreed with Shammai that the study of Torah should be the central priority and the constant preoccupation of one’s life, with all else secondary. In practice, this simply means that one should fix a consistent time for 6 // IN TOUCH study of the Word and determine that other claims on one’s life will not detract from it. The Hebrew word ‘Aseh [make] your Torah...’ also means ‘Do’. William Berkson points out that the phrase also can be read as, “Do your Torah consistently.” In other words, ensure that you are applying what you learn and that your actions remain consistent with your knowledge of God’s Word. To underscore the importance of maintaining a regular study routine he refers to a later Talmudic sage, Rava, who lists it as the second of six questions he suggests will be asked on the Day of Judgment : 1. Did you deal honestly in business [or in your dealings with others]? 2. Did you fix times for Torah study? 3. Did you engage in [some form of] procreation? 4. Did you hope for salvation [for all]? 5. Did you engage in critical discussion of wisdom? [take life seriously?] 6. Did you understand how to infer one thing from another? [and thereby foresee the consequences of your actions?] When one places value on God’s Word, which Yeshua enfleshed, lived and demonstrated, and treasures it as ‘a pearl of great price’ (Matthew 13:46), the study of the truths of Torah becomes essential The following article is one of a series of weekly teaching emails written by Keren Hannah titled: "Ethics - Now and Then". It is based on Keren’s studies in Pirkei Avot - The Sayings of the Fathers, a compilation of ethical teachings and sayings from the Jewish sages. If readers would like to sign-up to receive these free weekly emails, then they should go to the website of the Centre for Judaic-Christian Studies (www.jcstudies.com) to one’s very existence. It is highly important to be a good steward of one’s practical, day-to-day resources and to take care of one’s work and business matters to the best of one’s ability – the doing of which is listed first on Rava’s list! However, when one “orders one’s steps” in accord with and in obedience to the Word of God, it is a person’s devoted study that leads to the transformation of all the areas of his or her life; the moral, intellectual and spiritual, which are then reflected in the physical. Say little and do much.... Most commentaries refer to the example of Abraham to illustrate this gem of wisdom. When he invited the three desert travellers to stop for refreshment, Abraham said: “Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, while I bring a morsel of bread...” (Genesis 18:4-5). In fact, he hurried to have a sumptuous meal prepared and served them a fatted calf as well as cakes of fine flour. He said little but did much. Often we are tempted to do the reverse; we promise much, usually with every good intention, but actually manage to do very little. There is more talk and communication in the world today than ever before in history. People’s lives generally are filled with constant Tweeting, Skyping, mobile-phoning, textmessaging and Facebook chatter. We do well to note Shammai’s reminder that the real world is still a world of deeds; and real achievement lies in doing. The wise nothing”? Are they words of spirit and truth, or of the flesh and the world? Yeshua provides us with the yardstick, as it were, with which to measure our words: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”(John 6:63) Words spoken in harmony with be as humble as Hillel rather than overbearing as Shammai” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 30b). We can assume that Shammai was aware of this negative character trait and, to his credit, he may have been speaking to himself here as much as to his students. The Hebrew term translated “...the real world is still a world of deeds; and real achievement lies in doing. The wise course of action is to ‘say little and do much.’” course of action is to “say little and do much.” An interesting concept described in Jewish literature is that the Lord allots each person a specific number of words to speak during one’s lifetime. When this allotment is used up, one’s life ends. The conclusion is drawn that the less one speaks, the longer one will live and the more time one will have to serve the Lord in doing good. Given the importance of words, as well as our related activities, we need to ask ourselves: Do my words speak life? Do they edify and build up, or do they break down and “profit God’s Spirit of holiness will resonate with our spirits and bring true peace and joyful edification, even when they are difficult or ‘everyone’ is kol adam, which also can be translated as ‘the whole man.’ Although one characteristic of a person may be offensive to you, when you take into account the ‘whole’ person and find their good qualities you can greet them with a genuinely cheerful countenance, even when more serious interaction is to follow. If we all could accomplish this, the world would certainly be a more pleasant place in which to live and work. challenging. Words that are influenced by the enemy of our souls, even when they are flattering and may comfort our flesh, will not truly edify or bring life. ...and receive everyone with a cheerful face It is interesting that Shammai includes this word of counsel as he had a reputation for having a stern personality and had little patience with foolishness or ignorance. The Talmud records, “One should always Thank you to all our supporters who have completed the Questionnaire sent out with a previous edition of In Touch. We appreciate your thoughtful and positive comments. If you have not yet sent in your Questionnaire, please can we encourage you to do so. CFI.ORG.UK // 7 #pex' chafets I (part two) Hebrew Word But whoever rejects the Son will not see life; rather Study with God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36). Each person has been blessed with free will to choose the path they John C. P. Smith n the first part of this study, we noted that the verb #pex' chafets means “to delight in, take pleasure in, favour, desire; be pleased, willing”, and that it sometimes behaves as an adjective, e.g. “willing, eager”. The noun #p,xe chefets (plural chafatsim) means “delight, desire, pleasure, joy; will, purpose”. Naturally, everybody has chafatsim (desires). And, in His great generosity, God designed innumerable pleasures for us to enjoy in life. For instance, have you ever wondered how different eating would be if there was only one flavour? Or seeing, if there was only one colour? Or listening, if there was only one musical note? Or gardening, if there was only one kind of plant? In His unfathomable wisdom, God lovingly prepared a gloriously rich world for mankind to delight in. Yet if a person takes all these blessings with no acknowledgement or thanks, or any sort of meaningful interaction with the Giver, they have violated the Creator’s kindness. Sadly, you only have to listen to the radio or watch TV to realise that we live in a society that is obsessed with pursuing godless pleasures. And Paul (Sha’ul) warns that “The wrath of God is being revealed against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who... neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him” (Romans 1:18, 21). Ironically, such people miss the greatest of all pleasures—knowing God. The Westminster Shorter Catechism famously asks, “What is the chief end of man?”, to which many a Presbyterian child would confidently answer, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever”. What a shame this is not widely taught in our schools today! Instead, it is common to hear people defending their godless lifestyle by saying that they try to live a good life and be kind to others, sometimes adding that they think that Jesus was a great man. But if that is where it ends, it is no more than a poor attempt (see Isaiah 64:6 [Heb. v.5]) at the second commandment, to love your ‘neighbour’ as yourself (Matthew 22:39; see also Leviticus 19:18); whilst completely ignoring “the first and greatest commandment”, which according to Jesus Himself is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37-8; see also Deuteronomy 6:5). And an essential part of knowing and loving God, which Jesus described as the “work of God”, is to “believe in Him whom He has sent” (John 6:29). Indeed, if a person is truly seeking to be fulfilled, to have the joy of being at peace with God and having the hope of eternal life, they must begin by facing this reality: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. take in life. But there are consequences. God speaks through the prophets against those for whom “the word of Yahweh is offensive... they have no chafets [pleasure/ delight] in it” (Jeremiah 6:10); “they have chosen their own ways, and their soul chafets [delights] in their abominations... they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not chafets [delight]” (Isaiah 66:3-4). But, “Whoever chafets [desires] life and loves many days, that he may see good” (Psalm 34:13) will heed the words of wisdom found in the Bible: “Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil and do good; seek shalom and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14-15). “For wisdom is better than rubies, and all chafatsim [pleasures] cannot be compared with her” (Proverbs 8:11; similarly 3:15). Those wishing to aim at the highest target in life need, like David, to immerse themselves in God’s Word and submit their will to His: “I chafets [delight/desire] to do Your will, O my God, and Your torah [teaching/law] is within my heart” (Psalm 40:8). Take David’s advice: “Delight yourself in Yahweh and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). Yeshua puts it this way: “whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25). God’s plans are always accomplished: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I have chafets [desired], and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). Since the beginning of creation, even after the Fall, the Lord’s ultimate purposes are being fulfilled: “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My chefets [pleasure]’” (Isaiah 46:10). The Psalmist declares: “Whatever Yahweh chafets [desires/pleases] He does, in heaven and in earth” (Psalm 135:6, similarly also Psalm 115:3), something which we are privileged to participate in when we pray, “Your will be done on earth as in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). And God has revealed His special plans for Yisra’el through the prophets. He promised His people a time when “all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of chefets [a delightful land]” (Malachi 3:12). “You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of Yahweh, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God... you shall be called Hb'-ycip.x,, cheftsi-vah [I have delighted in her]... for Yahweh chafets [delights] in you” (Isaiah 62:3-4). “Yahweh your God in your midst is mighty; He will save. He will exult over you with gladness, He will be silent in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy” (Zephaniah 3:17). What a wonderful prospect! Whether Jew or Gentile, those who have placed their trust in Yeshua have the great and certain hope of living forever in the glorious presence of their loving Creator. And that’s a cause for much rejoicing! “The works of Yahweh are great, studied by all who chafets [delight] in them” (Psalm 111:2) 8 // IN TOUCH CFI-UK @ New Wine & Momentum 2013 W e will be exhibiting at all three weeks of New Wine and Soul Survivor’s Momentum Weekend this summer (dates below). If you are at the event, please do stop by and encourage others to check out our stand in the Marketplace. NEW WINE: London & South East: 27th July to 2nd August ~ Royal Bath & West Showground Central & South West - 4th August to 10th August ~ Royal Bath & West Showground North & East: 3rd to 9th August ~ Newark & Nottinghamshire County Showground Soul Survivor’s MOMENTUM: August 23rd to 27th - Royal Bath & West Showground News from CFI Jerusalem T o read about CFI’s aid projects in Jerusalem, including Forsake Them Not (caring for Holocaust survivors), First Fruits (supporting believers in the land) and Under His Wings (helping victims of terrorist attacks) request a copy of the quarterly colour magazine: “For Zion’s Sake.” This publication can either be received as a paper copy in the post, or as an electronic download via email notification from CFIUK. It can also be downloaded direct from the CFI Jerusalem website. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY CFI Jerusalem Conferences 2014 & 2015 Pastors and Leaders Conference April 1st to 3rd, 2014 Theme: ‘Up To Jerusalem: A Taste of God’s Appointed Feasts’ CFI Jerusalem 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference & Tour March 22nd to April 2nd, 2015 (dates to be confirmed and subject to change ~ further details as soon as available) CFI.ORG.UK // 9 NEW RESOURCES W B hy is a tiny country surrounded on all sides by hostile Arab nations the focus of so much attention from politicians and the media? The conclusions here may be too unpalatable for a politically-correct world to accept, but deserve to be taken seriously. orn into a poor, traditional Muslim Bedouin village in Israel, Ishmael Khaldi grew to become the nation’s first Bedouin diplomat. He tells a unique story of transformation, from his modest roots to his triumph as a voice of reason in the Middle East. I Seventy years after the wholesale massacre of six million European Jews in the gas ovens of Nazi Germany, a succeeding generation (and the nation of Israel in particular) is being threatened with another holocaust - this time from a different source - while the world looks the other way. Charles Gardner offers some answers to this perplexing situation. B451 / 144 pages paperback / £9.00 n this new title Mo unravels the deep symbolism of the traditional Jewish wedding (in its various stages) and draws a parallel through the whole of the Scriptures to the marriage of Jesus (as the Bridegroom) with His betrothed, the Church. This book could not have come at a better and more critical time, when the sacred institution of marriage between a man and a woman is being redefined. B454 / 138 pages paperback / £8.50 I n this popular title, the authors address the question: how is it that Israel - a country of 7.1 million, only 65 years old, surrounded by enemies, in “..Anyone who doubts that Israel is a diverse and vibrant democracy should read Ishmael Khaldi’s story. Where else but in Israel could a young Bedouin man go from sheepherder, sleeping under the stars, to a diplomat, representing his country abroad. This is the story of one remarkable young man, and one remarkable young country” ~ Alan Dershowitz, author of “The Case for Israel.” B452 / 131 pages paperback / £12.50 T his DVD looks at how a small nation makes a big difference as it explores the triumph of the human spirit. Israel, surrounded by enemies, has turned a desert, with little natural resourcs, into a flourishing and productive society which blesses the whole world. D115 / NTSC DVD 55 MINUTES / £11.00 10 // IN TOUCH a constant state of war, with few natural resources - produces more start-up companies than larger, peaceful, and stable nations? Drawing on many examples they describe how Israeli society uniquely combines both innovative and entrepreneurial intensity. B453 / 314 pages paperback / £12.00 S ee the enclosed colour flyer or CFIUK webshop for full details. C34/ 32 pages calender / £9.00 Teaching from the 2013 CFI Jerusalem Conference is available on single audio CDs priced £5.00 each (incl. UK p&p), or as a compilation set on 6 CDs (CDS123) priced £19.50 (incl. UK p&p). PLEASE NOTE: Most CDs carry more than 1 message, and simultaneous translation into Mandarin Chinese can be heard from time to time in the background. We have edited out as much of this as possible, but a few instances of translation still remain. CD668 (2 messages): (1) A Time of Awakening: A Foreshadowing of What is to Come ~ Sharon Sanders (Co-director of CFI Jerusalem) in her keynote message takes and expands the conference theme, particularly emphasising the emerging countries where Christians are awakening not only to the Gospel, but to an understanding of Israel’s place in God’s unfolding purposes. (2) Provoking to Jealousy: Does the Church Really Know What This Means? ~ Sharon examines the Church’s poor response to this injunction over the centuries and then illustrates ways in which this is being rectified by some Christians expressing friendship toward Israel today. CD669 (4 messages): (1) God’s Eternal Covenant: The Uniting of Christians and Jews ~ Anne Ayalon (campaigner and advocate for stronger Jewish-Christian relations) gives an encouraging and inspiring talk showing her appreciation of the practical and social benefits to both Israel and the Christian constituency of enhanced relations through a variety of joint projects and initiatives. (2) Here Am I, Send Me Lord ~ Earl Cox (political adviser to US Presidents and advocate for Israel) draws from his long experience of advocating for Israel, shows that everyone can be used by the Lord in this task as they draw upon the strength that God gives. This task is not restricted to special people, the Lord will use any who are willing to follow His leading and calling. (3) Jerusalem: The Stumbling Block ~ Carrie Hart (long-time Israel based journalist) surveys the Biblical imperatives, historic and current responses to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the concern that lessons are not being learned. (4) Israel Is The FocalPoint: The Blessing Israel Brings to the World Kevin & Stacey Howard (Heads of CFI Jerusalem Media) take the listener through the concept and progression of FocalPoint: the monthly TV programme providing positive, relevant, accurate and up-to-date analysis of Israel. CD670 (2 messages): (1) Recovering the Lost Tribes: Awakening of the Asian Exiles ~ Michael Freund (responsible for aliyah of Jews from Asian countries) draws from his experience of working across Asia to locate and assist Jewish individuals and communities to make Aliyah, and provides real life examples of those returning from India and China. (2) The Uniqueness of Israel: What the Nations Should Know ~ Dr Jay Rawlings (writer and documentary producer) provides a simple stepby-step guide showing why Israel is important in the outworking of God’s past and present purposes, and also why it is fundamental to His full revelation to humankind as a covenant making and keeping God. CD671 (1 message): The Winds of War: A Growing Threat of Crisis for Israel ~ Jonathan Spyer (international political adviser on the Middle East) provides one of the best, most comprehensive and perceptive overviews of the recent power shift in the Middle East in relation to Israel. CD672 (2 messages): (1) Accepting Our Call: Our Responsibility to Pray for Israel ~ Rev. Rick Ridings (Founder of Succat Hallel 24/7 Prayer Centre) looks at the imperative to pray for Israel from the Scripture and uses examples of how this is taking effect in practice today through continuous prayer, praise and intercession within the land of Israel and throughout the world. (2) The Power of the Priestly Blessing: Its Infinite Inspiration ~ David Nekrutman (Head of the Centre for Jewish Christian Cooperation and Understanding, Efrat) takes the audience through the dynamics of the Priestly blessing, including the Shabbat prayers given in all orthodox Jewish households, and how the blessing encompasses and affirms family values. CD673 (2 messages): (1) Your God Reigns: A Long Overdue Christian Proclamation to Israel ~ Jacob Vince (CEO of CFI-UK) surveys six key Gentiles in the Bible: Rahab, Jael, Ruth and three Centurions, who declare and demonstrate that “your God, the God of Israel, reigns.” (2) End Times: Holding Fast to Scripture ~ Robbie Coleman (pastor and CFI Jerusalem Israel Tours’ Coordinator) Robbie concluded the conference with a keynote speech illustrating from Jesus words the care we must take not to be deceived. Beginning with the letters to the Churches in Revelation, he goes on to illustrate how certain popular Christian speakers on the matter of Israel do not line up with what the Scriptures say. CFI JERUSALEM 2012 CONFERENCE SPECIAL CD667 (1 message): Persecuted For Christ ~ Pastor Umar Mulinde shares his testimony of coming into a living relationship with Messiah Jesus from a Muslim background...his fearless preaching of the Gospel in his home country...the cost to him and his family...and the medical care and support given to him and his family in Israel. A moving and challenging story of grace and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. NB. MP3 audio versions of all these CDs are available on the CFI-UK webshop CFI.ORG.UK // 11 “Keeping Covenant” KELVIN CROMBIE Speaking Tour 2013 Monday 7th October at 7.30pm Moreton Christian Assembly Pasture Road, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 7TG Contact: Dave & Kat Borlase Tel: 01516 776767 ~ Email: [email protected] Thursday 17th October at 7.30pm Dewsbury Revival Centre, West Park Street, Dewsbury, WF13 4LA Contact: Brian Taylor Tel: 01924 459294 ~ Email: [email protected] Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm Emmanuel Christian Centre Lloyd Street, Llandudno, LL30 2YA Contact: Roy Thurley Tel: 0845 230 6364 ~ Email: [email protected] Saturday 19th October Beit Yeshua Day Conference: 9.15am to 5.30pm Emmanuel College, Consett Road Lobley Hill, Gateshead, NE11 0AN CFI-UK Contact: David Soakell Tel: 01642 469663 ~ Email: [email protected] Beit Yeshua Contacts: Laurence Levine ~ Tel: 0191 5282822 Marjorie Webster ~ Tel: 0191 4400402 Wednesday 9th October at 7.30pm Joint CFI Midlands venue: St John's Church 4 Walmley Road, Sutton Coldfield, B76 1QN Contact: Dave & Chris Walker ~ Tel: 01384 567042 or Tony & Gloria Greenwood ~ Tel: 01827 713864 or Garfield Spencer ~ Tel: 0121 661 9496 Thursday 10th October at 7.30pm Swindon Evangelical Church 17-19 Devizes Road, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 4BH Contact: Matt Elwick Tel: 01249 891844 ~ Email: [email protected] Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October CFI Annual Conference 2013 Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road Eastbourne, BN21 1UE Contact: CFI Eastbourne Office Tel: 01323 410810 ~ Email: [email protected] NB. Full details in the CFI August mailing Sunday 13th October Joint meeting with the Jewish community North London venue - REGISTRATION REQUIRED Contact: CFI Eastbourne Office Tel: 01323 410810 ~ Email: [email protected] Tuesday 15th October at 8.00pm Main Hall, Brentwood County High School, Shenfield Common, Seven Arches Road, Brentwood, CM14 4JF Contact: Moira Dare-Edwards Tel: 01277 213243 Email: [email protected] Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm House of Prayer, Fishergate Centre Fishergate, Norwich, NR3 1SE Contact: Bill & Val Crudgington Email: [email protected] Sunday 20th October at 3.00pm Carlisle Christian Fellowship, Charlotte St. Church, Carlisle, CA2 5BT Contact: David Soakell ~ Tel: 01642 469663 or Ronald McNeill ~ Tel: 07815 294543 NEW INTERCESSORS FOR ISRAEL PRAYER RESOURCE I ntercessors for Israel is a national and international prayer movement. In this latest 2-DVD set in their series, “Praying Through The Land of Israel”, you are taken on an IFI prayer tour of God’s Land in the southern part of Israel. As you travel, you are given important historical, geographical, and spiritual background, so you can pray both in Spirit and with your understanding. You will see the significance of each place throughout God’s redemptive history...past, present and prophetic. Join with those on the tour as they pray into current and future events related to each site and God’s word. D114 / 2-DVD Set ~ 270 minutes approx / £17.50