Tesis Leonor Valenzuela - Repositorio UC
Tesis Leonor Valenzuela - Repositorio UC
PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CHILE Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas Mención en Ecología TESIS DOCTORAL PATRONES DE DIVERSIDAD ALFA, BETA Y GAMMA EN SISTEMAS INSULARES. Por LEONOR ADRIANA VALENZUELA OSPINA Enero, 2013 Santiago, Chile PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CHILE Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas Mención en Ecología PATRONES DE DIVERSIDAD ALFA, BETA Y GAMMA EN SISTEMAS INSULARES. Tesis entregada a la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile en cumplimiento parcial de los requisitos para optar al Grado de Doctor en Ciencias con mención en Ecología Por LEONOR ADRIANA VALENZUELA OSPINA Director de tesis Dr. Pablo A. Marquet Enero, 2014 Santiago, Chile “…a la luz de la teoría de la evolución, son las semejanzas y no las diversidades en estas lejanas islas las que son más difíciles de explicar… no podemos llegar a ninguna conclusión confiable en cuanto a cómo el estado actual del mundo orgánico se produjo, hasta que hayamos comprobado con cierta exactitud las leyes generales de la distribución de los seres vivos sobre la superficie de la Tierra” Alfred Russel Wallace “Las islas y archipiélagos son, en muchos aspectos, microcosmos del resto del mundo” Jonathan Losos y Robert Ricklefs i AGRADECIMIENTOS Doy las gracias a mi tutor Pablo Marquet por su estímulo, confianza y su ayuda en el desarrollo de las ideas y los métodos que subyacen a esta tesis. En especial estoy profundamente agradecida con él por compartir conmigo su forma única de ver el mundo, a través de la cual una compleja maraña de ideas y datos se convierten en una explicación clara y novedosa. De igual manera agradezco a los miembros del comité por sus aportes y observaciones tanto en el proyecto que antecedió a este trabajo como en el documento final del mismo. Mi sincero agradecimiento a mis compañeros y profesores del doctorado por proporcionarme un entorno estimulante en el que aprender y en especial a Mauricio Lima por su apoyo en todos los aspectos que implica estar en un doctorado y a Andrés Parada y Tamara Catalán por los muchos debates estimulantes y también por el compañerismo y la risa que me han sostenido durante mis estudios de postgrado. Gracias a todos los compañeros del laboratorio que han hecho más ameno e interesante todo este proceso y siempre han estado dispuestos a colaborarme, en especial Pamela Martínez, Guillermo Espinoza, Juan Manuel Barreneche y Sebastián Abades ya que sin su ayuda parte de esta tesis no habría sido posible. A mis amigos, Gabriela Flores, Paula Giraldo, Robert Márquez, Gabriel Castaño, Renzo Vargas, Alejandra Troncoso, Andrea Najera y Jimena Guerrero mil gracias por su compañía y amistad. Quiero agradecer a muchas personas que sin conocerlas han hecho posible la realización de esta tesis, ya que su arduo trabajo ha hecho accesible al público un gran conjunto de datos sin los cuales esta tesis no se habría podido realizar. Doy las gracias al Programa de becas VRI de la Universidad Católica, la beca Conicyt para estudiantes latinoamericanos y la beca de término del Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad IEB por el apoyo financiero que me permitió desarrollar y completar mis estudios. Mi familia, especialmente mis padres Mercy Ospina y Jaime Valenzuela, me han brindado un apoyo incondicional durante mis estudios de posgrado, como lo han hecho en toda mi vida y por eso estoy muy agradecida con ellos. Por último, no podía tener completa esta tesis sin el apoyo incondicional y fomento de Daniel Osorio, que ha estado siempre ahí para mí y en ningún momento dudó de que pudiera hacerlo. ii TABLA DE CONTENIDO RESUMEN GENERAL.............................................................................................................1 INTRODUCCIÓN .....................................................................................................................3 CAPÍTULO 1 .............................................................................................................................6 ON THE DETERMINANTS OF ALPHA AND BETA DIVERSITY IN INSULAR BIOTAS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 7 METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 10 Data ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Statistical Analysis ................................................................................................................ 12 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 14 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 16 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 20 Table Legends ........................................................................................................................... 27 Figure Legends ......................................................................................................................... 27 Supplementary material ............................................................................................................ 28 CAPÍTULO 2 ...........................................................................................................................47 SPECIES DIVERSITY UNDER A NEUTRAL COLONIZATION RULE.......................47 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 47 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 48 METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 49 Model .................................................................................................................................... 49 Previous work ................................................................................................................... 49 Extensions ......................................................................................................................... 51 Simulations and Model performance ................................................................................ 54 Neutral diversity in real archipelagos ............................................................................... 55 iii RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 56 Model Performance............................................................................................................... 56 Neutral diversity in real archipelagoes ................................................................................. 57 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 58 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 61 Figure Legends ......................................................................................................................... 64 CAPÍTULO 3 ...........................................................................................................................73 THE ROLE OF SPATIAL CONFIGURATION, HETEROGENEITY AND SPECIES POOL ON SPECIES RICHNESS AND PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY OF INSULAR MAMMALS ............................................................................................................................ 73 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 73 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 74 Determinants of species richness and phylogenetic diversity .............................................. 76 Partitioning taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in alpha and beta components .............. 78 METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 79 Data ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Statistical Analysis ................................................................................................................ 82 Bivariate analysis .............................................................................................................. 82 Structural equation model ................................................................................................. 82 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 84 Determinants of species richness and phylogenetic diversity .............................................. 84 Partitioning taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in alpha and beta components .............. 85 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 86 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 90 Figure Legends ......................................................................................................................... 96 Table Legends ........................................................................................................................... 97 Supplementary material ............................................................................................................ 97 CONCLUSIONES GENERALES ........................................................................................107 LITERATURA CITADA ......................................................................................................111 iv RESUMEN GENERAL La ecología de comunidades y la biogeografía buscan entender los procesos que determinan los patrones en la naturaleza, pero generalmente a distintas escalas espaciales y enfatizando diferentes procesos. La ecología de comunidades por lo general se ha centrado en los efectos de los procesos de selección a pequeña escala, mientras que la biogeografía se ha enfocado en los efectos de la dispersión y especiación a gran escala, aunque recientemente han convergido a una escala regional, donde se tienen en cuenta cuatro procesos generales: selección, deriva ecológica, dispersión y especiación. En este sentido, descomponer la diversidad regional (diversidad γ) en sus componentes α, que representa la diversidad local y β, que da cuenta de la variación en la composición de especies, ayuda a entender los vínculos entre las diferentes escalas espaciales y como esta influye en los patrones de diversidad. Los archipiélagos son sistemas relativamente bien estudiados para los cuales existe una considerable base empírica y teórica, están compuestos por unidades discretas (islas), cuantificables, numerosas y variables en tamaño, forma y distancia, lo cual los hace un sistema idóneo para entender cómo interactúan diferentes factores tales como: el tamaño, la heterogeneidad, la configuración espacial, el aislamiento y el pool continental, que dan cuenta de los cuatro procesos ya mencionados. En esta tesis se estudiaron las causas de los patrones de diversidad alfa, beta y gamma en sistemas insulares a dos escalas, intra archipiélagos, es decir entre islas de un mismo archipiélago (capitulo 1) e inter archipiélagos, es decir entre archipiélagos (capitulo 2 y 3). Para esto utilizamos la diversidad de mamíferos terrestres no voladores de 21 archipiélagos (155 islas) ubicados alrededor del mundo. Nuestro estudio muestra que esta nueva aproximación puede ayudar a entender mejor los procesos detrás de las relaciones entre diferentes factores y los componentes de la diversidad. A menor escala, es decir entre islas de un mismo archipiélago (capitulo 1), los factores relacionados con los procesos de selección, como el área, la diversidad de hábitats y el tamaño corporal, tienen un mayor efecto que los relacionados con dispersión (distancia al continente y distancia entre islas), mientras que a mayor escala (entre archipiélagos, capitulo 3), la dispersión cobra mayor relevancia y los patrones de diversidad pueden ser explicados 1 por los efectos conjuntos de los factores relacionados con procesos de dispersión entre las islas, que dependen de la configuración espacial y procesos de selección, relacionados con la heterogeneidad del sistema. A nivel inter-archipiélagos, bajo el modelo de colonización neutral (capítulo 2), los patrones de diversidad se vieron afectados por la tasa de migración, el tamaño y topología de los archipiélagos, lo cual nos indica que los procesos de deriva ecológica pueden generar diferentes patrones a través de los efectos de estos factores. Sin embargo, los resultados indican que los procesos no-neutrales disminuyen la riqueza de especies presentes en una metacomunidad y aumentan la diferenciación entre las comunidades locales (diversidad β, capitulo 3). 2 INTRODUCCIÓN Desde los inicios de la ecología, han existido dos perspectivas que se han considerado diametralmente opuestas, sobre cómo se estructuran las comunidades ecológicas: la teoría de nicho y la teoría neutral. Esta aparente contradicción es lo que se conoce como la paradoja de MacArhur (Schoener, 1983; Loreau & Mouquet, 1999), ya que su trabajo se centro tanto en el concepto de nicho para explicar la diversidad a escala local (Macarthur et al., 1967) como en la teoría de biogeografía de islas (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967). Sin embargo, al igual que como lo considero el propio MacArthur en algunos de sus trabajos (MacArthur & Levins, 1964; Horn & Arthur, 1972) la teoría de metacomunidades considera que la paradoja de MacArhur más que representar una dicotomía ilustra diferentes extremos de un continuo (Chase & Bengtsson, 2010), los cuales representan dos partes complementarias de una visión más amplia que examina como el determinismo (e.g interacciones entre las especies y el ambiente) y los procesos estocásticos (e.g dispersión) interactúan para dar cuenta de la estructura metacomunitaria (Chase, 2007). Dentro de los procesos deterministas se encuentran los procesos de selección asociados normalmente al nicho de las especies, mientras que entre los procesos estocásticos comúnmente se encuentran la deriva, la dispersión y la especiación, aunque estos dos últimos pueden tener un componente determinístico (Chase & Myers, 2011). Debido a que las dinámicas de la diversidad de especies a escala local y regional, no son independientes, descomponer la diversidad en sus componentes ayuda a entender los vínculos entre las diferentes escalas espaciales y como esta influye en los patrones de diversidad (Leibold et al., 2004). A escala local, la diversidad o riqueza de especies corresponde a la diversidad-α, la variación entre la composición de las especies entre una localidad y otra representa la diversidad-β, mientras que la diversidad regional o diversidad-γ se puede derivar de una partición multiplicativa (γ= α/β, Whittaker, 1972) o aditiva (γ= α + β, Lande, 1996). En términos generales existen cuatro procesos que pueden afectar de manera diferencial los componentes de la diversidad: 1) Procesos de selección, que son aquellos que favorecen diferentes especies en diferentes ambientes, 2) deriva ecológica o estocasticidad 3 demográfica, 3) limitación a la dispersión y 4) especiación (Vellend, 2010). En este sentido, es relevante entender el efecto y la interacción de factores que dan cuenta de estos cuatro procesos a diferentes escalas espaciales. La teoría de biogeografía de islas (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963, 1967) enfatiza la importancia del área, el aislamiento y el pool de especies como factores determinantes de la riqueza de especies a través de procesos de colonización (dispersión) y extinción estocástica (deriva). La teoría de nicho, enfatiza la importancia del área, la heterogeneidad ambiental, la energía disponible y rasgos de las especies que reflejan su auto-ecología como el tamaño corporal o nivel trófico, como factores relevantes que dan cuenta de procesos de selección. La teoría de metacomunidades abarca explícitamente la deriva, la selección y la dispersión (Holyoak et al., 2005), mientras que los estudios que tienen en cuenta las relaciones local- regional (Ricklefs & Schluter, 1993) destacan los efectos del pool de especies y la latitud, ya que de manera indirecta permiten entender los efectos de la especiación y la dispersión (Ricklefs, 1987). Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios se centran en los patrones. Adicionalmente, es necesario considerar que existen dos niveles de abstracción, bajo los cuales se puede analizar los patrones de diversidad. Dentro de una metacomunidad, se puede analizar la variación en la riqueza de especies entre comunidades (diversidad α, componente sobre el que se enfocan la mayoría de los trabajos) y la variación en la composición de la comunidad entre los sitios (Legendre et al., 2005), mientras que el análisis de la variación en la diversidad beta entre los grupos de sitios (Legendre et al., 2005; Tuomisto & Ruokolainen, 2006) y de la diversidad regional, solo se puede llevar a cabo comparando metacomunidades (nivel al cual existen pocos estudios observacionales, Logue et al., 2011). En este sentido, los archipiélagos, que son un conjunto de islas generalmente de un mismo origen geológico, son un buen sistema de estudio, debido a su carácter discreto y variable en términos de tamaño, forma y aislamiento, sumado al hecho de ser sistemas relativamente bien estudiados para los cuales existe una base empírica y teórica considerable (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007; Lomolino & Brown, 2009), además que permite el estudio de los patrones de diversidad a nivel intra e inter archipiélagos. Como grupo de estudio se escogió a los mamíferos, ya que son un grupo bien estudiado, cuya taxonomía y sistemática está relativamente bien definida y se conocen sus relaciones de escalamiento alométrico (Damuth, 1981). 4 En esta tesis se estudiaron las causas de los patrones de diversidad alfa, beta y gamma en sistemas insulares. Para esto utilizamos la diversidad de mamíferos terrestres no voladores de 21 archipiélagos (155 islas) ubicados alrededor del mundo. En primer lugar, evaluamos los efectos de la capacidad de carga, el aislamiento y el tamaño corporal en los patrones de diversidad dentro de los archipiélagos, identificando las diferencias en los tamaños de efecto de cada variable a través de un meta-análisis, con el fin de poder evaluar la generalidad y la validez de los patrones observados (Capitulo 1). En segundo lugar, analizamos los patrones de diversidad entre los archipiélagos, ya que esto permite entender cómo se estructuran los ensambles de especies a una mayor escala, en este sentido, son pocos los antecedentes dentro de la teoría insular (pero ver Patterson & Atmar 1986, Schoener 1976). Para esto evaluamos cómo los componentes básicos de un modelo de colonización neutral: procesos de dispersión asociados a la conectividad y procesos de deriva asociados al tamaño de la metacomunidad, determinan la diversidad de los archipiélagos (diversidad- γ) y sus componentes α y β, además determinamos bajo que dominio nuestro modelo puede adaptarse eficazmente a los datos de un mundo no neutral (Capitulo 2). Adicionalmente, analizamos como la heterogeneidad, la configuración espacial, el tamaño, la latitud, el pool de especies y aislamiento de los archipiélagos afectan la partición de la diversidad a través de modelos de ecuaciones estructuradas que permiten entender los efectos directos e indirectos de los factores y así determinar cuáles son los procesos involucrados en la estructuración metacomunitaria (Capitulo 3). Los resultados de esta tesis permiten identificar los factores y procesos involucrados en la formación de los patrones de diversidad de mamíferos insulares a nivel intra e inter archipiélagos. Como lo señalaron MacArthur & Wilson (1963), entender la dinámica de la distribución de las especies en los archipiélagos puede ayudar a comprender la variación en el tamaño y la variedad distribución ecológica de los taxones a nivel continental (por ejemplo, Brown, 1995; Gaston, 2009) y nuestro conocimiento en general sobre la biogeografía y ecología de comunidades, ayudando de igual manera a entender los sistemas antrópicamente modificados (por ejemplo, Terborgh, 1974; Laurance, 2010). 5 CAPÍTULO 1 ON THE DETERMINANTS OF ALPHA AND BETA DIVERSITY IN INSULAR BIOTAS Abstract Understanding the processes that determine the number and identity of species in local communities remains a vexing problem and a major goal in both community ecology and biogeography. Islands biotas have historically been used to test simple hypotheses on the role of different factors in affecting changes in species numbers. However, as yet we do not have an overall agreement on what are the important factors driving the observed changes. In this study we perform a meta-analysis based on mammalian species inhabiting 19 archipelagoes across the world. Unlike previous studies we focus on two diversity components (alpha and beta diversity) and distinguished between the spatial and nestedness component in beta diversity. For both the alpha and beta components of diversity we analyzed the relative importance of area, habitat diversity and productivity, which are related to the capacity of islands to sustain species, and two measures of isolation (geographical distances between islands and distance to the nearest mainland). Since body size affects species incidence across archipelagoes we repeated the analysis for species in different body size classes (quartiles). Each relationship was characterized by two effect sizes, strength (correlation coefficient) and the slope. Our analysis shows that alpha diversity increases with island area and habitat diversity. Island productivity, however, had no significant effect. The spatial component of beta diversity decreases with increased body mass and with decreases in the distance between islands, while the nestedness component increases with increased body mass, islands area and habitat diversity. 6 INTRODUCTION Understanding the processes that determine the number and identity of species in local communities remains a vexing problem and a major goal in both community ecology and biogeography (Hortal et al., 2012). Ever since MacArthur and Wilson (1967) and Diamond (1975) island biotas have had a prominent role as study systems, due to its discrete nature and quantifiable variation in size and isolation, which allows an the role easy quantification of dispersal and resource availability upon species richness. This is reflected in that a substantial amount of theoretical and empirical work is currently available for insular communities (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007; Lomolino & Brown, 2009) and the proliferation of alternative hypotheses to explain diversity patterns in islands (e.g., Connor & Mccoy, 1979; Kalmar & Currie, 2006; Whittaker et al., 2008). Many authors have postulated that the number of species in a given community depends on the processes that affect the availability of limited resources for consumers (Brown, 1981; Wright, 1983; Ernest & Brown, 2001; Hubbell, 2001; Monte-luna et al., 2004), and have used factors such as the area, habitat heterogeneity and available energy, which are related to the variety and availability of resources in islands, as predictors of their richness (Wright, 1983; Currie & Fritz, 1993; Rosenzweig, 1995; Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007). The mechanisms that support a role for these variables in affecting richness are: (i) area affects susceptibility to extinction; as the area of the island increases so does the amount of resources and population size, thus reducing the probability of local population extinction (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967), hence higher richness should be expected in larger islands (ii) the habitat heterogeneity allows greater possibilities for niche partitioning and therefore a larger number of species that can coexist (Williams, 1964; MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Triantis et al., 2003), and (iii) the availability of resources, which can be measured in terms of energy or productivity, would increase the number of individuals and species that a given island could sustain (Wright, 1983). Similarly island isolation is an important determinant of species richness (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967), as it affects colonization and extinction (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Brown & Kodric-Brown, 1977) and the positive effect it has on speciation rates (Heaney, 2000). Thus factors related to isolation such as the distance to the mainland and the distance between islands can be important in determining species richness. However, the number of species in a 7 local community or insular biota can provide limited information on the processes shaping community assembly, and a closer look at the factors that account for variation in species composition or beta diversity (Whittaker, 1972; Condit et al., 2002; Myers et al., 2013) can be important. Beta diversity (β), the same as species richness, is influenced by ecological processes that determine the distribution of species, including niche differentiation, competition and dispersal and spatial characteristics of the physical environment where in which these processes occur (Nekola et al., 1999; Koleff et al., 2003). β-diversity can be generated by loss and replacement of species or a combination of the two (Baselga, 2010) and therefore, it can be divided in two components; the nestedness-resultant (Bnes) and the spatial species turnover (Bsim) (Harrison et al., 1992; Baselga, 2007). The nestedness component of β-diversity is high when the identity of species found in depauperate sites tend to be a subset of the species found in sites with greater richness (Wright & Reeves, 1992; Ulrich & Gotelli, 2007), which is a result of a non-random process of species loss (Patterson & Atmar, 1986; Cutler, 1994; Gaston & Blackburn, 2000), or addition due to differential colonization (Kadmon, 1995; Lomolino, 1996) or a nested distribution of habitats (Simberloff & Martin, 1991). On the other hand, spatial turnover reflects the fact that some species are replaced by other species as a result of changes in the environment or because of spatial and historical constraints (Qian et al., 2005) or due to stochasticity. The spatial species turnover component emphasize changes in species composition independent of changes in richness, while the nested component quantifies the addition or loss of species that affect richness among sites. Overall, environmental dissimilarity and geographical distance are the two most important factors in explaining beta diversity (Harrison et al., 1992; Nekola et al., 1999). The change in the composition of species across environmental gradients is a function of the difference between habitats and is mainly explained by species sorting, whereby, different environments favors different species so that the better competitor on a given resource outcompetes other species and ‘wins’ on that resource (Huston, 1999; Chase & Leibold, 2002; Leibold & Holyoak, 2004; Davies et al., 2009). The effect of geographic distance, on the other hand, is explained in large part by differences in the biogeographic history and dispersal ability of species (Harrison et al., 1992; Condit et al., 2002; Chase, 2003). Most of these studies, however, have been done in continuous systems, where the role of isolation would be 8 difficult to see, whereas for island systems it has been reported that beta diversity is regulated by the distance and area in birds (Guerrero et al., 2005; Fattorini, 2010) or only by the distance between islands for invertebrates and reptiles (Hausdorf & Hennig, 2005; Dapporto et al., 2007; Fattorini, 2010). Traits such as body size and species dispersal ability could have a detectable effect on insular diversity patterns, the same as in continuum systems (Meiri & Thomas, 2007; Soininen et al., 2007). For example, the data reported for mammalian dispersal distances and dispersal ability are inversely related to body size and (e.g., 10- 150 km for large mammals vs. 410 km for small, see Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007). Further, since there is a negative relationship between abundance and body size (Damuth, 1981; Peters, 1986) and that the same amount of resources can support few large or many small due to the positive scaling between body size and the rate of resource consumption and the energetic equivalence it entails (Damuth, 1981; Calder, 1984; Peters, 1986; Marquet et al., 1995; Ernest & Brown, 2001; White et al., 2007), it is expected that the distribution of body sizes differ between high species richness and low richness areas, due to metabolic as well as community processes that regulate the assembly of communities (Brown & Nicoletto, 1991; Marquet & Cofré, 1999). According to the hypotheses proposed by Brown and Nicoletto (1991), across continental mammals assemblages, competitive exclusion among medium size species, differential extinction of large species and specialization of the smaller ones drive changes in species composition, hence beta diversity across spatial scales. Similarly, Marquet and Taper (1993) suggest that in insular systems, the smallest and the largest species would tend to change the most as landmass area changes due to differential extinction, such that the smallest islands would tend to have a nested subset of the species present in the larger ones. In this sense, extreme size species would show high beta diversity and may only be present in islands with high carrying capacity, while according to Brown and Nicoletto (1991) the modal size species would also show a high spatial turnover. Further, because of competitive exclusion modal size species would also show high turnover the same as small ones due to specialization on energetically rich resources (Brown & Nicoletto, 1991). Finally, in addition to factors mentioned above (i.e., resource availability and variety, isolation and body size), the history of insularization, or how a particular system came into existence (i.e. the island geologic history), may be very important in affecting diversity 9 patterns as the relative importance of extinction and colonization vary depending on the island´s origin; continental, oceanic or barrier (e.g., Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007; Lomolino & Brown, 2009; Weigelt & Kreft, 2012). In this contribution, we evaluated the effects of carrying capacity, isolation and body size upon diversity patterns, identifying the differences in effect sizes for each variable through a meta-analysis. In particular we test the following hypotheses: 1. As it has been commonly observed we expect that species richness increases with factors associated to island carrying capacity and decreases with those related to isolation. Further, because the diversity of oceanic islands arises largely by colonization and endemic radiation, while in landbridge islands assemblages may be shaped largely by extinctions, and can be in a non-equilibrium state, we expect differential effects of carrying capacity and isolation factors across island type. 2. Carrying capacity (total NPP and number of Habitat types) have a larger effect size than area (see Wylie & Currie, 1993). 3. Changes in island carrying capacity affect beta diversity, specifically through the component of nestedness-resultant. In this sense, the effect should be stronger in land-bridges islands. 4. Geographical distances between islands affect beta diversity, specifically through the component of spatial turnover. 5. There is a nonlinear effect of body size on beta diversity with a maximum at intermediate sizes for spatial turnover component and an opposite pattern for nestedness-resultant. METHODS Data To assess the effects of carrying capacity, isolation and body size distribution in the diversity of insular mammals, we compiled presence-absence data of species on islands by carrying out a literature review including only recent, terrestrial, non-volant mammal fauna found in 243 islands, spread over 17 archipelagos around the world (Table 1). The total area of the sampled islands within each archipelago corresponds in all cases more than 80% of total area. With 10 these data, we calculated alpha diversity as the number of species per island and total beta diversity (βsor) between each pair of islands within archipelagoes using Sorensen´s index (Baselga, 2010). The contribution of spatial turnover (βsim) was measured with the Simpson index (Koleff et al., 2003) and beta diversity due to nestedness-resultant (βnes), was measured as the difference between βsor and βsim (Baselga, 2010). These measures do not overestimate the fraction of total dissimilarity can be attributable to richness differences and evaluate nesting patterns considering both on paired overlap and matrix filling (Baselga, 2012). To determine the carrying capacity of the islands, we use three measures: total area of the island, total net primary productivity (NPP) and the choros measure proposed by Triantis et al. (2003), choros (K) arises as the result of the multiplication of the area of the region with the number of the different habitat types present on the region (K = H*A), where H is the number of habitats and A is the total area of the region. Subsequently, we analyzed the effect of average net primary productivity and the number of habitats. The isolation of each island was determined using two measurements, the closest distance to the mainland and the average minimum distance to other islands of the archipelago. To measure the effect of body size, we divided the distribution of all insular mammals (transformed to log2) in four groups using the body size quartiles (< 32.44, 32.45-162.02, 162.03-2288.2, >2288.2 g). To determine the spatial location, area and isolation of islands we used the GSHHS-A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shore line Data Base version 2.1. (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/gshhs.html). The NPP was calculated from the MODIS GPP / NPP (Zhao & Running, 2010), and the number of habitats from the GlobCover 2009 (Global Land Cover Map), using the software ArcGIS 10. Body mass was obtained from the PanTHERIA database (Jones et al., 2009) otherwise we used the midpoint of the range of body size given in Walkers Mammals of the World (Novak & Novak, 1999). Additional data were compiled from other sources (Kays & Wilson, 2009; Okie & Brown, 2009; Alviola et al., 2011; Heaney et al., 2011; Rickart & Heaney, 2011). For species for which we could not find any published measurement of body mass (n= 57), we relied on the fact that phylogenetically close species tend to be similar in size (Smith et al., 2003) and used the geometric mean body mass of the closest phylogenetic relative for which information on body mass was available (Table S1). To assess the effect of island origin on species diversity we recognize two main types of geological origins: land-bridge and oceanic islands. Land-bridge or continental 11 islands are either part of the continental shelf or were once connected to continental landmasses but became isolated from it. Oceanic islands are mainly of volcanic origin and have arisen as newly formed land from the sea floor. We classify the archipelagos considering the origin of most of the islands following Heaney (1986); we defined whether an archipelago was ‘land-bridge’ or ‘oceanic’, based on the ocean depth separating it from a continental land mass and using as a threshold a depth of 120 m; below that depth we considered an island as landbridge and oceanic otherwise. Statistical Analysis We conducted linear regressions between species richness and the explanatory variables (area, NPP, NPP/area, number of habitats and choros) (log transformed) for each of the 17 archipelagos. For the analysis of beta diversity, we used distance or dissimilarity matrices, the dissimilarity matrix of environmental variables (area, PNN and habitat) was computed as the Mahalanobis distance between each pair of islands (Orlóci, 1978) for isolation variables we used Euclidean distance matrices. The values of the respective distances and beta diversity components were used to perform linear regressions. To calculate the effect sizes for the metaanalysis we considered the correlation coefficient (r), slope (standardized between -1 and 1, b) and the error of the slope. We measured two effect sizes that reflect different aspects of the relationships, the strength and steepness. The strength quantifies the amount of variation in diversity with respect to the explanatory variables, and defined as Fisher's Z transformation of the correlation coefficient (rz), weighted by the sampling variance (Rosenberg et al., 2000). The steepness indicates how quickly diversity changes with respect to the variable of interest, and is reflected in the slope (b) with SEb as variance estimate (Hillebrand et al., 2001). We used a weighted meta-analysis on rz and b (Rosenberg et al., 2000; Hillebrand et al., 2001) to calculate the grand mean effect sizes, and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using the bootstrapping procedure in MetaWin 2.0 (Rosenberg et al., 2000). We calculated the Q statistic and its significance (using 9999 randomizations) to assess if the studies have very heterogeneous effect sizes, which would imply that the average effect does not adequately represent the set of studies, We complemented our Q estimates with reports of the I2 index, which can be interpreted as the percentage of total variability in a set of effect sizes because of true 12 heterogeneity, that is, between-study (or between-comparison) variability. For instance, I2 = 50 means that half of the total variability among effect sizes is caused not by sampling error but by true heterogeneity between studies or comparisons. To assess the effect of islands type, we used the random-effects model for categorical data, an algorithm referred to as the mixed effects model (Gurevitch & Hedges, 1999). This model is analogous to ANOVA and is based on the more realistic assumption that a given class of studies shares a common effect and that random variation among studies exists (Gurevitch & Hedges, 1993; Rosenberg et al., 2000). Under this approach, heterogeneity of results across comparisons or studies (i.e. the amount of variation in r-scores) was estimated by the Q statistic, a measure that partitions total heterogeneity into variance explained by the model (QM) and residual error not explained by the model (Qe; i.e. Qt = Qb + Qe; Rosenberg et al., 2000). This partitioning is analogous to F in ANOVA tests (Rosenberg et al., 2000). Both Qb and Qe were tested against an X2distribution (alpha= 0.05). A statistically significant Qb implies that here are differences among cumulative effect sizes for the groups; statistically significant values of Qe imply that there is heterogeneity among effect sizes not explained by the model (Rosenberg et al., 2000). Upon detecting statistically significant heterogeneity we considered the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval linked to each effect size to determine which categories were different. To determine the effect of body size on alpha diversity, we calculated the average values and the standard deviation in the richness of each body size quartile standardized by the total number of species. We calculated effect sizes using the Hedges’ d, in which effect size corresponds to the standardized mean difference d (Gurevitch & Hedges, 1993). To obtain the standard mean difference (d), we divided the difference between group means by the pooled standard deviation (SD) for all pair-wise comparisons of body size classes. To determine the effect on beta diversity, we perform the same procedure, but calculating the mean and standard deviation for each of the measures of beta diversity. We used Comprehensive MetaWin 2.0 for all calculations (mean effect size, confidence interval and Q statistic). For each weighted mean r and Hedges´d, we calculated the fail-safe number of studies, the number of additional ‘negative’ studies (studies in which the intervention effect was zero) that would be needed to increase the P value for the meta-analysis to above 0.05 (Rosenthal, 1991). The larger the failsafe number of studies, the greater our confidence in that the observed results are a reliable estimate of the true effect is high (Rosenberg et al., 2000). In general, effect sizes of 0.20, 13 0.50, and 0.80 are thought to represent weak, moderate, and strong effects, respectively (Rosenberg et al., 2000). We use the model developed in the chapter 2 as a null model against which compare empirical patterns in alpha and beta diversity. Comparisons were made through a test of Wilcoxon paired test for each of the archipelagos. To determine the effects of the factors of interest we repeated the meta-analysis to model results. RESULTS We found an overall significance of carrying capacity and alpha diversity relationship (Fig 2), although more than one third of the original studies did not show significant relationships. Significant differences, were detected between the five measures of carrying capacity: area, total NPP, choros, NPP/area and number of habitats in the strength (Qb = 6.93, df = 4, 80, P = 0.003) and slope (Qb =53.99, df = 4, 80, P = 0.001) because of the effect of NPP/area. The effect size for area, total NPP, choros and number of habitats was strongly positive and statistically significant, while the effect of mean NPP was negative and no significant (Fig 2). The size effect of measures of carrying capacity (area and number of habitats) on alpha diversity did not differ across island types (Table 2). Significantly positive effects were recorded for both land-bridge and oceanic islands for all measures. Isolation also had a significant effect upon alpha diversity (Fig 2), but this was weak and negative. Both isolation measures, distance to the mainland (rz = -0.27 and b = -0.05) and distance among islands (rz = -0.25, b = -0.05) had similar effects upon alpha diversity (Qb = 0.03, df = 1, 32, P = 0.87 and Qb = 2.32, df = 1, 32, P = 0.87 respectively). Also, the effect size of isolation respect to the mainland on alpha diversity did not differ across island type, although the effect was positive but not significant for oceanic islands (Table 2). Regarding the effect of body size upon alpha diversity no significant differences were found between the first quartile and the other quartiles and between the third and fourth quartile. In contrast, significant reductions were found in third and fourth quartile compared with the second quartile with moderate and strong effect sizes (d2-3 = -0.42 and d2-4 = 0.97; Fig 3). 14 The effect size of carrying capacity on beta diversity (Bsor) did not differ across capacity measures for strength (Zr) or slope (b) (Qb = 3.72, d.f. = 2, 48, P = 0.08; Qb = 0.78, d.f. = 2, 48, P = 0.14; respectively Fig. 4). Carrying capacity has a significant positive effect for both strength and slope, but higher for Zr (0.15) than for the slope (0.02). Significantly positive effects were recorded for the differences in area and for differences in the number of habitats, but not for mean NPP (Fig. 5). This result is due to the effect of differences in area and habitat number in the nestedness-resultant component (Bnes; Fig 5). The effect size of delta-area or delta-habitat on nestedness-resultant diversity did not differ across island type, although the effect of delta-habitat is greater in land-bridge islands (Table 2). Isolation affect positively and significantly beta diversity (Zr= 0.19; b= 0.03) principally through spatial turnover component (Bsim; Zr= 0.14; b= 0.02; Fig 4). The effect size did not differ between differences in distance to mainland and inter-island distances (Qb = 0.59, d.f. = 2, 32, P = 0.28; Qb = 0.08, d.f. = 2, 32, P = 0.08; for Zr an b respectively), but the effect of distance inter-islands is higher than distance to mainland (Fig 4). Body size has opposite effects on turnover (Bsim) and nestedness-resultant (Bnes) components of beta diversity. For Bsim, significant differences were found between the first quartile and the other quartiles (greater diversity in the first quartile), whereas, for the fourth quartile BNES increases significantly with respect to the other (Fig 5). Regarding the analysis of bias, for both alpha and beta, values of I2 ranged from 0% to 4% in the analysis of carrying capacity and isolation, indicating that no exist large variation in the size of the effect. However, body size analysis showed I2 values between 0% and 52% indicating that the variation in the effect size in across factor-level categories exists and needs to be explained (Table S2, S3). The fail-safe number of studies was higher for alpha than for beta. In most cases, the neutral model overestimates alpha diversity, finding significant differences in 10 of 17 archipelagos (Table 3). Moreover, the model underestimates beta diversity, finding significant differences in 14 of 17 archipelagos. However, in the neutral model as well as empirical data, carrying capacity measures have the same effect on alpha diversity, while the distance to the mainland showed significant differences (Figure 6). To beta diversity, significant differences in effect size of the area and the distance between islands is observed (Figure 6). 15 DISCUSSION Species diversity is governed by multiple processes operating at different spatial and temporal scales (Brown & Lomolino, 2000; Gaston & Blackburn, 2000; Whittaker et al., 2001). Ever since (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963) area and isolation have been thought to be among the main factors affecting species richness in island systems, With time, however, other variables, have been added to the list of potential drivers of alpha diversity in insular system, such as productivity and complexity of habitats (Williams, 1964; Wright, 1983), and as yet we do not have a clear picture on their relative importance. In this contribution we used a meta-analytic framework to disentangle the relative contribution of several potential drivers of alpha diversity (area, NPP, NPP/area, choros and number of habitats). Our results show that effects of carrying capacity measures upon changes in the mammal species richness vary statistically. Choros showed slightly higher effect sizes while total productivity (NPP) showed smaller effects. Similarly, the numbers of habitats present a significant effect on species richness but lower than the effect of area, while NPP / area had no significant effect. In this sense, the nonflying mammal species richness is determined primarily by an area per se effect and by the interrelationship between the area and habitats. Species-energy theory (Wright, 1983), is based on the resource requirements of the species and the production of resources in the islands, in this sense, the NPP /area represents general resources for herbivorous mammals and indirectly resources for higher trophic levels. Our results show that there is no effect of NPP/are upon alpha diversity. Other researchers working in continuous systems, however, have found an effect of NPP / area in global mammals richness (Waide et al., 1999; Luck, 2007), similarly, Kalmar and Currie (2006) found a significant effect of temperature (used as a proxy for productivity) on the richness of birds. Thus the he lack of correlation within islands could reflect an interaction between area and / or isolation effects and NPP / area, such that the most productive islands tend to be smaller or more isolated than the most productive ones. To test for this hypothesis we looked for associations between island area, isolation and NPP/area, finding a positive and significant effect between isolation and the NPP / area 0.27 (95% CI: 0.04 – 0.53) and a not significant effect of area (0.17; 95% CI: -0.01-0.42). This suggests that the relationship between NPP / area and richness of mammals is affected by dispersal limitation. As predicted by the theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967), 16 there is a negative effect of isolation, no matter how it is measured as distance from the mainland or average distance between islands, according to reports from Kalmar and Currie for island birds. Beta diversity was also affected by island carrying capacity as reflected in the nestedness-resultant component of beta diversity and measured as area and number of habitats, implying that changes in habitat and area have a significant effect on the differential gain and loss of species. Further, the slope observed between habitat changes either number of habitats and Bnes, indicates that species extinction are susceptible to both area and habitat loss. Because there is a positive relationship between the area and the number of habitats, large mammals are the most affected by these changes. Isolation, on the other hand, affected beta diversity in different ways. Distance to the continent, while having a significant and positive effect on beta diversity, it had similar impact on the nestedness-resultant and species replacement or turnover component of beta diversity. Inter-island distance, however, affected mostly the turnover component. This is an interesting result that can be explained by considering that the replacement of species associated with geographic distance is explained largely by biogeographic history and the dispersal capability of species (Harrison et al., 1992; Condit et al., 2002; Chase, 2003). For example, general climatic gradients could affect a compositional change between more distant locations, and therefore can influence Bsim. Greater spatial turnover of species may be due to a steeper gradient, that strongly influences the distribution of species, especially in land bridge island systems because the underlying spatial heterogeneity of the landscape prior to isolation and greater area (Tscharntke et al., 2012). Moreover, given that the distance between islands has a significant effect upon Bsim, but the effects of distance to the continent are not significant, we conclude that the majority of colonization is determined by exchanges between the islands, indicating that the colonization especially in oceanic islands is of a stepping stone type (Fattorini, 2010). However, our analysis cannot distinguish between differential colonization and spatial heterogeneity. Our data partially support the hypothesis that median body size have higher alpha diversity, due its high frequencies of island occurrences (Okie & Brown, 2009), because even the smallest mammals (<32.5) are not significantly different from other quartiles, the mammalian body size between 32.5 and 162 g have higher alpha diversity than mammals of larger body sizes. Mammals within this body size range have low beta diversity in terms of 17 Bnes as Bsim, which may be a result of good dispersion capability, coupled with small energetic requirements and generality in resource (Brown & Nicoletto, 1991; Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007; Okie & Brown, 2009). The positive and significant effect of maximum body size range with Bnes, together with the low alpha diversity of this size range, indicates a differential extinction of the species, which may be an indirect effect of area because, as has been reported by Marquet and Taper (1998) and confirmed by other studies (Okie & Brown, 2009; Millien & Gonzalez, 2011) and as shown by our data (rz = 0.73, b = 0.49) there is a positive relationship between the maximum size and the area of the islands, as a result of habitat requirements, trophic status and likelihood of extinction of species (Brown et al., 1993; Marquet & Taper, 1998). The effects of body size distribution on species turnover are contrary to those of βnes, in this case, the smaller species have high spatial turnover, which may be associated to the existence of strong restrictions associated to metabolic requirements such as space, food and other environmental conditions (Brown & Maurer, 1986; Marquet & Taper, 1998; Okie & Brown, 2009). This can lead to high competitive exclusion exists within this range of body size, that include modal size of all insular mammals studied (32.35g), agreeing with the findings of Brown and Nicoletto (1991) for mammals in North America, although its modal value is a little higher (45g), which added to the high dispersal capabilities in relation to large mammals (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007) can account for the observed pattern. Island type is considered as a strong determinant of species diversity, although, this factor is a problematic variable. It is collinear with other variables (e. g. area, isolation) thus limiting biological inference. It is likely that this is one of the reasons why we did not find a significant effect of island type. On land-bridge islands, we expected greater effect of carrying capacity because many assemblages represent ‘relaxation’ faunas as result of selective or random extinction, but extinction may also play an important role in oceanic islands. Assemblages on oceanic islands are likely to be shaped predominantly by colonization and endemic speciation, determined by isolation, although in land-bridge islands the distance to the mainland can affect the probability of recolonization and speciation of the species. Therefore regardless of geological origin, large and remote islands have endemic species associated with a high diversity (e.g Luzon and Mindanao in Philippines and Borneo and Java 18 in Sunda shelf), although these features are more common in oceanic islands, which may explain the tendency to a positive effect of distance in this type of islands. The results provided here describes the patterns of alpha and beta diversity for nonflying mammals in various archipelagos, which allows to establish whether factors influencing diversity patterns are consistent across scales and geographical context. Alpha diversity is primarily determined by a carrying capacity effect mediated by area and habitat, as seen in the model neutral. While for beta diversity species body size is the factor that has a larger effect, but it has a reverse effect in both beta components. According to our results beta diversity is likely affected by differential extinction accounting for the importance of the nestednessresultant component, while mass effects and historical factors affect spatial turnover and are mostly associated to distance effects. For these reasons, we found differences in the effect size of the area and the distance between islands between the observed values and expected under a neutral model. The data analyzed in this study, have an intrinsic bias, because with the exception of bats, generally native mammals are not a feature of most isolated oceanic islands (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007). Similarly, there is a bias with respect to the geographical location of the islands studied. There are few studies in the southern hemisphere. However, bias analysis indicate that there is little unexplained variance within the analysis performed and for most of the correlations fail-safe number is relatively high. 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General characteristics of the studied archipelagos. It shows the mean and standard deviation for each variable. Table 2. Comparisons between the types of islands (Statistical Qb) for the relationship of variables studied with alpha and beta diversity. It also presents mean effect size, strength (rz) with 95% confidence intervals, fail-safe number and I2 index Table 3. Comparisons between observed and expected alpha and beta diversity under neutral model. Table 4. Differences in mean effect size (95% confidence intervals) strength rz for observed and expected alpha and beta diversity under neutral model. Figure Legends Figure 1. Geographical location of the islands considered in the study Figure 2. Mean effect size (95% confidence intervals) strength rz (a,c) and slope b (b,d) for alpha diversity. a-b, Effect sizes for carrying capacity measures: Area, total productivity (totalNPP), mean productivity, choros and number of habitats.c-d, Effect sizes for isolation measures: distance to the mainland and mean inter islands distance. Figure 3. Effect size (Hedge´s d) for alpha diversity in relation to body mass, considering its distribution quartiles. Figure 4. Mean effect size (95% confidence intervals) strength rz (a,c) and slope b (b,d) for beta diversity (Bsor, black squares) and its components; nestedness-resultant (Bnes, triangles) and turnover (Bsim, circles). a-b, Effect sizes for carrying capacity measures: Area, total productivity (total-NPP), mean productivity, choros and number of habitats.c-d, Effect sizes for isolation measures: distance to the mainland and mean inter islands distance. Figure 5. Effect size (Hedge´s d) components of beta diversity, turnover (circles) and nestedness-resultant (triangles) in relation to body mass, considering its distribution quartiles. 27 Supplementary material Table S1. Mean body size for all species. Table S1. Mean effect size, strength (rz) with 95% confidence intervals, heterogeneity analysis, fail-safe number and I2 index for variables determinants of alpha and beta diversity Table S2. Mean effect size, slope (b) with 95% confidence intervals, heterogeneity analysis, fail-safe number and I2 index for variables determinants of alpha and beta diversity 28 Table 1. 29 Table 2. Diversity Variable Area Alpha Number of habitats Distance to Mainland Δ Area Bnes Δ Number of habitats Mean Effect (Zr) LCI UCI All 0.93 0.68 1.17 Landbridge 0.97 0.62 1.34 Oceanic 0.87 0.45 1.21 All 0.79 0.68 0.92 Landbridge 0.82 0.66 1.00 Oceanic 0.74 0.65 0.86 All -0.27 -0.49 -0.05 Landbridge -0.44 -0.69 -0.18 Oceanic 0.02 -0.29 0.25 All 0.30 0.16 0.47 Landbridge 0.30 0.07 0.55 Oceanic 0.30 0.23 0.36 All 0.36 0.21 0.53 Landbridge 0.40 0.16 0.59 Oceanic 0.30 0.18 0.57 Island type 30 Fail-safe number I2 (%) 18.85 1, 15 0.28 233.80 0.05 14.55 1, 15 0.56 539.50 -0.24 12.74 1, 15 0.69 20.70 -0.41 14.09 1, 15 0.59 65.70 -0.28 15.06 1, 15 0.52 90.10 -0.20 Qb df P Table 3. Alpha diversity Archipelago Observed Expected Beta diversity (Bsor) W P W P Adriatic 6.5 12.9 105 0.000 Observed Expected 0.3 0.3 2761 0.008 Alexander 7.0 48.6 299 < 0.001 0.5 0.2 34400 < 0.001 Phillipines 6.0 167.1 861 < 0.001 0.8 0.2 335500 < 0.001 Eolie 3.0 7.1 28 0.015 0.1 0.2 191 0.007 Napolitan 5.0 1.7 10 0.120 0.3 0.0 21 0.030 Ponziane 2.0 2.1 9 0.810 0.3 0.1 45 0.080 Sardinian 3.0 4.3 40 0.530 0.5 0.2 1453 < 0.001 Tremiti 2.5 1.6 10 0.120 0.3 0.0 20 0.063 Tuscan 4.0 4.7 11 1.000 0.4 0.1 217 < 0.001 Japan 8.5 110.4 78 0.001 0.7 0.1 2211 < 0.001 Kuril 5.5 36.1 36 0.008 0.8 0.2 404 < 0.001 Lake Huron 2.0 1.2 188 0.009 0.5 0.7 17090 < 0.001 Maine 4.0 2.0 240 0.001 0.5 0.8 26530 < 0.001 Mar de Cortez 2.0 7.9 507 < 0.001 1.0 0.9 118400 < 0.001 Sunda Shelf 18.0 231.8 99 0.002 0.7 0.4 Texas 16.0 8.2 17 0.218 0.4 Virginia 3.0 3.3 34 0.558 0.5 31 3198 < 0.001 0.2 75 0.422 0.4 722 0.020 Table 4. Diversity Variable Area Total NPP Choros Alpha Mean NPP Habitats number Mainland distance Inter-islands distance Area Mean NPP Bsor Habitats number Mainland distance Inter-islands distance Effect size 0.94 0.88 0.96 0.00 0.79 -0.26 -0.25 0.17 0.05 0.24 0.15 0.23 Observed LCI UCI 0.68 1.18 0.63 1.12 0.74 1.20 -0.21 0.19 0.68 0.91 -0.47 -0.05 -0.45 -0.07 0.07 0.31 -0.02 0.13 0.13 0.40 0.09 0.21 0.08 0.34 32 Expected Effect size LCI 0.88 0.64 0.89 0.67 0.84 0.61 0.30 0.11 0.57 0.39 0.36 0.06 -0.53 -0.69 0.00 -0.05 0.18 0.10 0.14 0.03 0.13 0.04 0.57 0.42 UCI Q 1.13 0.126 1.11 0.002 1.10 0.497 0.55 3.867 0.72 4.199 0.69 10.865 -0.41 4.498 0.07 2.791 0.30 1.671 0.30 0.994 0.28 0.043 0.73 11.104 P 0.723 0.967 0.481 0.050 0.050 0.001 0.034 0.048 0.196 0.319 0.835 0.001 Figure 1. 33 Figure 2. 34 Figure 3. 35 Figure 4. 36 Figure 5. 37 Table S1. Species Log mass Reference Aeromys tephromelas 2.95 Smith et al 2003 Alces alces 5.55 Smith et al 2003 Ammospermophilus insularis 2.09 Geometric mean Ammospermophilus leucurus 2.02 Smith et al 2003 Aonyx cinerea 3.58 Okie & Brown 2009 Apodemus argenteus 1.39 Geometric mean Apodemus epimelas 1.39 Geometric mean Apodemus flavicollis 1.39 Smith et al 2003 Apodemus peninsulae 1.39 Gage 1998 Apodemus speciosus 1.39 Geometric mean Apodemus sylvaticus 1.33 Smith et al 2003 Apomys hylocetes 1.46 Geometric mean Apomys insignis 1.63 Heaney et al 2010 Apomys littoralis 1.49 Smith et al 2003 Apomys microdon 1.55 Smith et al 2003 Arctictis binturong 3.83 Smith et al 2003 Arctogalidia trivirgata 3.35 Smith et al 2003 Atherurus macrourus 3.30 Smith et al 2003 Axis kuhlii 4.74 Smith et al 2003 Axis porcinus 4.52 Smith et al 2003 Barbastella barbastellus 0.90 Bassariscus astutus 3.05 Smith et al 2003 Smith et al 2003 Batomys hamiguitan 2.24 Balete et al 2008 Batomys salomonseni 2.27 Bullimus bagobus group 2.64 Smith et al 2003 Smith et al 2003 Callosciurus caniceps 2.41 Smith et al 2003 Callosciurus finlaysonii 2.44 Soligo & Martin 2006 Callosciurus melanogaster 2.44 Soligo & Martin 2006 Canis latrans 4.04 Brook & Bowman 2004 Canis lupus 4.23 Smith et al 2003 Capra hircus Capricornis crispus 4.53 4.48 Smith et al 2003 Brook & Bowman 2004 Cervus alfredi 4.68 Whitehead, K. 1993. Cervus mariannus 4.70 Smith et al 2003 Cervus nippon 4.68 Brook & Bowman 2004 Chaetodipus arenarius 1.36 Smith et al 2003 Chaetodipus baileyi 1.42 Smith et al 2003 Chaetodipus fallax 1.27 Smith et al 2003 Chaetodipus intermedius 1.22 Smith et al 2003 Chaetodipus penicillatus 1.18 Smith et al 2003 Chaetodipus spinatus 1.21 Chimarrogale platycephala 1.51 Smith et al 2003 Smith et al 2003 38 Species Log mass Reference Chiropodomys calamianensis 1.61 Soligo & Martin 2006 Chiropodomys gliroides 1.26 Smith et al 2003 Chiropodomys karlkoopmani 1.46 Soligo & Martin 2006 Clethrionomys rufocanus 1.57 Smith et al 2003 Clethrionomys rutilus 1.44 Smith et al 2003 Crateromys australis 2.87 Geometric mean Crocidura beatus 1.02 Smith et al 2003 Crocidura beccarii 1.02 Okie & Brown 2009 Crocidura dsinezumi 1.00 Gage 1998 Crocidura fuliginosa 1.08 Smith et al 2003 Crocidura grandis 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura horsfieldii 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura leucodon 1.02 Smith et al 2003 Crocidura malayana 1.02 Okie & Brown 2009 Crocidura negrina 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura orii 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura pachyura 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura palawanensis 1.02 Geometric mean Crocidura sicula 1.02 Sara et al 2010 Crocidura suaveolens 1.02 Smith et al 2003 Crocidura parvacauda 1.02 Geometric mean Crunomys melanius 1.78 Heaney et al 2010 Cynocephalus volans 3.10 Smith et al 2003 Dama dama 4.69 Smith et al 2003 Dendrogale murina 1.70 Smith et al 2003 Dicrostonyx torquatus 1.93 Smith et al 2003 Diplothrix legata 2.78 Hughey 2000 Dipodomys merriami 1.62 Smith et al 2003 Dymecodon pilirostris 1.08 Kubota et al 1975 Echinosorex gymnurus 2.98 Okie & Brown 2009 Eliomys quercinus 2.06 Smith et al 2003 Eptesicus serotinus 1.36 Smith et al 2003 Erinaceus europaeus 2.89 Smith et al 2003 Erinaceus roumanicus 2.88 Geometric mean Euroscaptor mizura 1.46 Nowak, 1999 Exilisciurus concinnus 1.49 Smith et al 2003 Exilisciurus exilis 1.28 Okie & Brown 2009 Prionailurus bengalensis 3.52 Okie & Brown 2009 Galeopterus vartiegatus 3.00 Okie & Brown 2009 Glirulus japonicus 1.43 Soligo & Martin 2006 Glis glis 2.10 Gage 1998 Gulo gulo 4.16 Smith et al 2003 Haeromys margarettae 1.10 Okie & Brown 2009 Helarctos malayanus 4.58 Brook & Bowman 2004 Hemigalus derbyanus 3.18 Smith et al 2003 Herpestes brachyurus 3.15 Smith et al 2003 39 Species Log mass Reference Herpestes javanicus 2.88 Hylobates klossii 3.76 Okie & Brown 2009 Smith et al 2003 Hylomys suillus 1.81 Okie & Brown 2009 Hylopetes lepidus 1.70 Okie & Brown 2009 Hylopetes nigripes 2.73 Soligo & Martin 2006 Hylopetes sipora 1.95 Soligo & Martin 2006 Hylopetes spadiceus 1.70 Okie & Brown 2009 Hypsugo savii 0.70 Lehotska & Lhotsky 2006 Hystrix brachyura 3.90 Smith et al 2003 Hystrix cristata 4.10 Smith et al 2003 Hystrix javanica 4.36 Okie & Brown 2009 Hystrix pumila 3.44 Smith et al 2003 Iomys horsfieldi 2.08 Smith et al 2003 Iomys sipora 1.95 Soligo & Martin 2006 Lariscus insignis 2.30 Smith et al 2003 Lariscus obscurus 2.29 Geometric mean Lemmus sibiricus 1.72 Smith et al 2003 Lenothrix canus 2.08 Okie & Brown 2009 Leopoldamys edwardsi 2.48 Okie & Brown 2009 Leopoldamys sabanus 2.54 Okie & Brown 2009 Leopoldamys siporanus 2.51 Geometric mean Lepus alleni 3.57 Smith et al 2003 Lepus brachyurus 3.40 Geometric mean Lepus californicus 3.40 Smith et al 2003 Lepus capensis 3.40 Smith et al 2003 Lepus europaeus 3.40 Smith et al 2003 Lepus insularis 3.40 Geometric mean Lepus timidus 3.48 Smith et al 2003 Limnomys sibuanus 1.81 Heaney et al 2010 Lutra lutra 3.64 Smith et al 2003 Lutra sumatrana 3.74 Brook & Bowman 2004 Macaca fascicularis 3.51 Okie & Brown 2009 Macaca fuscata 4.00 Brook & Bowman 2004 Manis javanica 3.71 Smith et al 2003 Marmota camtschatica 3.78 Macdonald 2001 Martes flavigula 3.07 Smith et al 2003 Martes martes 3.11 Smith et al 2003 Martes melampus 3.00 Smith et al 2003 Martes zibellina 3.05 Smith et al 2003 Maxomys pagensis 1.97 Geometric mean Maxomys panglima 2.33 Geometric mean Maxomys rajah 2.18 Okie & Brown 2009 Maxomys surifer 2.14 Smith et al 2003 Maxomys whiteheadi 1.73 Okie & Brown 2009 Meles meles 4.00 Brook & Bowman 2004 Menetes berdmorei 2.29 Nowak, 1999 40 Species Log mass Reference Microtus montebelli 1.60 Geometric mean Microtus oeconomus 1.60 Smith et al 2003 Microtus sachalinensis 1.60 Geometric mean Miniopterus schreibersi 1.06 Smith et al 2003 Mogera tokudae 2.11 IUCN 1995 Mogera wogura 2.05 IUCN 1995 Mogera wogura robusta 2.05 IUCN 1995 Muntiacus muntjak 4.15 Okie & Brown 2009 Mus caroli 1.10 Geometric mean Mus castaneus 1.10 Geometric mean Mus musculus 1.18 Smith et al 2003 Mustela erminea 1.85 Smith et al 2003 Mustela nivalis 1.67 Smith et al 2003 Mydaus javanensis 3.40 Smith et al 2003 Mydaus marchei 3.40 Nowak, 1999 Myodes andersoni 1.39 Geometric mean Myodes rufocanus 1.39 Pearson -1962 Myodes rutilis 1.39 Batzli, G. 1999. Myodes sikotanensis 1.39 Geometric mean Myodes smithii 1.39 Geometric mean Myopus schisticolor 1.40 Smith et al 2003 Myotis myotis 1.39 Smith et al 2003 Nannosciurus melanotis 1.16 Hayssen 2008 Nasalis larvatus 3.95 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma albigula 2.31 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma anthonyi 2.29 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma bryanti 2.26 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma bunkeri 2.57 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma lepida 2.21 Smith et al 2003 Neotoma martinensis 2.39 Nyctereutes procyonoides 3.61 Smith et al 2003 Smith et al 2003 Niviventer bukit 1.88 Gage 1998 Niviventer cremoriventer 1.82 Smith et al 2003 Niviventer lepturus 1.93 Okie & Brown 2009 Notiosorex crawfordi 0.64 Smith et al 2003 Nyctalus lasiopterus 1.70 Smith et al 2003 Nyctalus leisleri 1.12 Smith et al 2003 Nycticebus coucang 2.62 Smith et al 2003 Ochotona hyperborea 2.23 Geometric mean Odocoileus hemionus 4.72 Brook & Bowman 2004 Oryctolagus cuniculus 3.20 Smith et al 2003 Ovis canadensis 4.87 Smith et al 2003 Ovis orientalis 4.51 Brook & Bowman 2004 Paguma larvata 3.63 Smith et al 2003 Palawanomys furvus 2.01 Heaney et al 2010 Panthera pardus 4.66 Okie & Brown 2009 41 Species Log mass Reference Panthera tigris 5.16 Brook & Bowman 2004 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus 3.51 Okie & Brown 2009 Pentalagus furnessi 3.40 Nowak, 1999 Peromyscus boylii 1.33 Smith et al 2003 Peromyscus caniceps 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus crinitus 1.51 Smith et al 2003 Peromyscus dickeyi 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus eremicus 1.51 Smith et al 2003 Peromyscus eva 1.51 Smith et al 2003 Peromyscus guardia 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus intermedius 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus interparietalus 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus maniculatus 1.51 Smith et al 2003 Peromyscus pembertoni 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus pseudocrinitus 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus segugis 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus slevini 1.51 Geometric mean Peromyscus stephani 1.51 Geometric mean Petaurista elegans 2.98 Okie & Brown 2009 Petaurista leucogenys 3.07 Hayssen 2008 Petaurista petaurista 3.13 Okie & Brown 2009 Petaurista philippensis 3.22 Smith et al 2003 Petinomys crinitus 3.05 Soligo & Martin 2006 Petinomys genibarbis 2.04 Smith et al 2003 Petinomys hageni 1.74 Okie & Brown 2009 Petinomys vordermanni 1.61 Pipistrellus kuhlii 0.77 Okie & Brown 2009 Smith et al 2003 Pipistrellus nathusii 0.86 Smith et al 2003 Pipistrellus pipistrellus 0.76 Smith et al 2003 Pithecheir melanurus 2.03 Okie & Brown 2009 Plecotus auritus 0.89 Smith et al 2003 Plecotus austriacus 0.86 Smith et al 2003 Podogymnura truei 1.80 Heaney et al 2010 Presbytis melalophos 3.78 Brook & Bowman 2004 Presbytis potenziani 3.81 Smith et al 2003 Presbytis rubicunda 3.80 Okie & Brown 2009 Prionailurus viverrinus 3.89 Smith et al 2003 Prionodon linsang 2.85 Okie & Brown 2009 Pteromys momonga 2.11 Geometric mean Pteromys volans 2.11 Smith et al 2003 Pteromyscus pulverulentus 2.43 Smith et al 2003 Ptilocercus lowii 1.63 Smith et al 2003 Rangifer tarandus 4.79 Brook & Bowman 2004 Rattus 2.17 Geometric mean Rattus adustus 2.17 Geometric mean Rattus anandalei 2.17 Geometric mean 42 Species Log mass Reference Rattus enganus 2.17 Geometric mean Rattus everetti group 2.17 Gage 1998 Rattus exulans 2.17 Smith et al 2003 Rattus lugens 2.17 Geometric mean Rattus norvegicus 2.17 Smith et al 2003 Rattus rattus 2.17 Smith et al 2003 Rattus remotus 2.17 Geometric mean Rattus tiomanicus 2.11 Okie & Brown 2009 Ratufa affinis 3.05 Smith et al 2003 Ratufa bicolor 3.31 Smith et al 2003 Rhinolophus euryale 0.91 Smith et al 2003 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 1.32 Smith et al 2003 Rhinolophus hipposideros 0.67 Smith et al 2003 Rhinosciurus laticaudatus 2.34 Smith et al 2003 Rhizomys sumatrensis 2.40 Okie & Brown 2009 Sciurus lis 2.37 Hayssen 2008 Sciurus vulgaris 2.52 Smith et al 2003 Simias concolor 3.90 Burton, F. 1995. Sorex shinto 0.78 Gage 1998 Sorex caecutiens 0.73 Smith et al 2003 Sorex camtschatica 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex daphaenodon 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex gracillimus 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex gracillumus 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex hosonoi 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex isodon 0.78 Smith et al 2003 Sorex lecuogaster 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex minutissimus 0.78 Smith et al 2003 Sorex suaveolens 0.78 Geometric mean Sorex unguiculatus 0.78 Geometric mean Spermophilus parryii 2.88 Smith et al 2003 Spermophilus tereticaudus 2.19 Smith et al 2003 Spermophilus variegatus 2.84 Smith et al 2003 Suncus etruscus 0.26 Smith et al 2003 Suncus murinus 1.60 Smith et al 2003 Suncus palawanensis 0.74 Geometric mean Sundamys muelleri 2.34 Smith et al 2003 Sundasciurus hoogstraali 2.41 Geometric mean Sundasciurus lowii 1.93 Smith et al 2003 Sundasciurus moellendorffi 2.28 Hayssen 2008 Sundasciurus philippinensis 2.39 Hayssen 2008 Sundasciurus rabori 2.21 Hayssen 2008 Sundasciurus steerii 2.37 Hayssen 2008 Sundasciurus tenuis 1.88 Okie & Brown 2009 Sus barbatus 4.99 Okie & Brown 2009 Sus scrofa 4.93 Smith et al 2003 43 Species Log mass Reference Sus verrucosus 4.91 Okie & Brown 2009 Sylvilagus bachmani 2.81 Smith et al 2003 Sylvilagus mansuetus 3.04 Geometric mean Tadarida teniotis 1.43 Smith et al 2003 Talpa europaea 1.89 Smith et al 2003 Tamias sibiricus 1.93 Smith et al 2003 Tarsius bancanus 1.89 Smith et al 2003 Tarsius syrichta 2.02 Smith et al 2003 Tarsomys apoensis 1.84 Heaney et al 2010 Thomomys bottae 2.06 Smith et al 2003 Tokudaia muenninki 2.25 Sutou et al 2001. Tokudaia osimensis 2.11 Sutou et al 2001. Trachypithecus cristatus 3.92 Smith et al 2003 Trachypithecus obscurus 3.81 Okie & Brown 2009 Tragulus javanicus 3.35 Smith et al 2003 Tragulus napu 3.60 Smith et al 2003 Tupaia belangeri 2.30 Smith et al 2003 Tupaia glis 2.20 Smith et al 2003 Tupaia gracilis 1.87 Smith et al 2003 Tupaia javanica 2.02 Okie & Brown 2009 Tupaia minor 1.77 Smith et al 2003 Tupaia palawanensis 2.16 Geometric mean Tupaia splendidula 2.20 Okie & Brown 2009 Tupaia tana 2.30 Okie & Brown 2009 Urocyon cinereoargenteus 3.58 Smith et al 2003 Urogale everetti 2.54 Smith et al 2003 Urotrichus talpoides 1.65 Smith et al 2003 Ursus arctos 5.14 Smith et al 2003 Ursus thibetanus 4.89 Smith et al 2003 Viverra megaspila 3.95 Brook & Bowman 2004 Viverra tangalunga 3.87 Smith et al 2003 Viverra zibetha 3.94 Brook & Bowman 2004 Viverricula indica 3.43 Smith et al 2003 Vulpes vulpes 3.77 Smith et al 2003 44 Table S2. Mean Diversity Bsor Bsim Bnes Variable Fail-safe Effect (Zr) LCI UCI Qe P number I2 Area 0.93 0.68 1.17 18.85 0.28 233.80 0.05 Total NPP 0.87 0.61 1.12 18.25 0.31 204.00 0.01 Choros 0.96 0.70 1.17 18.48 0.30 261.70 0.03 Mean NPP 0.00 -0.21 0.21 13.81 0.61 0.00 -0.30 Number of Habitats 0.79 0.68 0.92 14.55 0.56 539.50 -0.24 Distance to mainland -0.27 -0.49 -0.05 12.74 0.69 6.60 -0.41 Inter-islands distance -0.25 -0.44 -0.06 17.39 0.36 14.50 -0.04 ΔArea 0.17 0.07 0.30 9.61 0.89 15.60 -0.87 ΔMean NPP 0.05 -0.03 0.13 5.18 0.99 0.00 -2.47 ΔNumber of Habitats 0.24 0.12 0.39 11.64 0.77 36.50 -0.55 ΔDistance to mainland 0.15 0.09 0.21 3.94 1.00 7.70 -3.57 Inter-islands distance 0.23 0.10 0.34 12.26 0.73 35.50 -0.47 ΔArea -0.09 -0.21 0.04 12.41 0.72 0.00 -0.45 ΔMean NPP 0.04 -0.03 0.09 3.74 1.00 0.00 -3.81 ΔNumber of Habitats -0.07 -0.16 0.02 7.65 0.96 0.00 -1.35 ΔDistance to mainland 0.04 -0.04 0.11 6.70 0.98 0.00 -1.69 Inter-islands distance 0.25 0.13 0.36 11.48 0.78 39.30 -0.57 ΔArea 0.30 0.16 0.47 14.09 0.59 62.00 -0.28 ΔMean NPP -0.01 -0.06 0.07 4.11 1.00 0.00 -3.38 ΔNumber of Habitats 0.36 0.21 0.53 15.06 0.52 90.10 -0.20 ΔDistance to mainland 0.10 0.00 0.23 8.05 0.95 0.00 -1.24 Inter-islands distance -0.10 -0.22 0.02 14.21 0.58 0.00 -0.27 45 Table S2 Mean Diversity Variable Effect (b) LCI UCI Qe P number I2 Area 0.18 0.11 0.26 7.21 0.97 49.20 -1.50 Total NPP 0.17 0.10 0.25 7.01 0.97 40.90 -1.57 Choros 0.18 0.11 0.26 7.06 0.97 52.00 -1.55 -0.002 -0.04 0.04 2.39 1.00 0 -6.52 Number of habitats 0.15 0.09 0.21 4.15 1.00 28.10 -3.34 Distance to mainland -0.05 -0.10 -0.01 2.32 1.00 0 -6.76 Inter-islands distance -0.05 -0.09 0.00 3.24 1.00 0 -4.56 ΔArea 0.03 0.01 0.05 1.83 1.00 0 -8.82 ΔMean NPP 0.01 -0.01 0.02 0.90 1.00 0 -18.95 ΔNumber of Habitats 0.04 0.02 0.07 2.11 1.00 0 -7.53 ΔDistance to mainland 0.02 0.01 0.04 1.15 1.00 0 -14.71 Inter-islands distance 0.04 0.01 0.06 2.91 1.00 0 -5.18 ΔArea -0.01 -0.04 0.01 2.43 1.00 0 -6.41 ΔMean NPP 0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.75 1.00 0 -23.08 ΔNumber of Habitats -0.01 -0.03 0.00 1.76 1.00 0 -9.23 ΔDistance to mainland 0.01 0.00 0.02 1.25 1.00 0 -13.45 Inter-islands distance 0.03 0.01 0.07 4.31 1.00 0 -3.18 ΔArea 0.03 0.01 0.08 4.15 1.00 0 -3.34 -0.001 -0.01 0.01 0.76 1.00 0 -22.83 ΔNumber of Habitats 0.03 0.01 0.09 5.02 1.00 1.10 -2.59 ΔDistance to mainland 0.01 0.001 0.04 1.13 1.00 0 -14.94 Inter-islands distance -0.01 -0.03 0.01 2.83 1.00 0 -5.37 Mean NPP Bsor Bsim ΔMean NPP Bnes Fail-safe 46 CAPÍTULO 2 SPECIES DIVERSITY UNDER A NEUTRAL COLONIZATION RULE Abstract Metacommunity theory provides a conceptual foundation for understanding the processes that determine which and how many species live in spatially structured communities. In this framework, neutral theory has emerged as a useful approach to link spatial biodiversity patterns to dispersal, speciation and ecological drift. Here, we advance the spatially explicit neutral model by representing the metacommunity as a network of smaller communities colonized from a continental species pool. We use this model to evaluate how the basic properties of a metacommunity – connectivity and size– determine overall metacommunity γ-diversity, and how that is partitioned into α- and β-components and under what conditions observed patterns of mammalian diversity in archipelagoes fit the neutral model. We found that spatial configuration of island within archipelagoes (network topology) can increase γdiversity through the β-component. In general terms, the neutral model explains the observed diversity patterns in qualitative rather than quantitative terms, our results indicate that non-neutral processes reduce species richness present in metacommunities and increase the differentiation between local communities (β- diversity). Further, we found that αdominated metacommunities usually are of small size. 47 INTRODUCTION Islands have played a central role in ecology and biogeography both theoretically and experimentally (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007). No island-inspired ecological theory has had more impact than MacArthur and Wilson´s equilibrium theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963; Losos & Ricklefs, 2009), which predicts species richness through colonization and extinction processes under a neutral model at the species-level. The unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography is based on equilibrium theory of island biogeography (Hubbell, 2001). It is also an unabashedly neutral theory, but at individual-level. This means that individuals are essentially identical in their per capita probabilities of giving birth, death, migration, and speciation (Hubbell, 2001). Because the neutral theory proposes that the local community receives immigrants from a species pool, this theory has a high potential to be applied in island systems (Hubbell, 2009). The neutral theory is one of the four general frameworks of metacommunity theory (Leibold et al., 2004). The four canonical metacommunity models: neutral, patch dynamics, species sorting and mass effects, make different assumptions regarding how species respond to environmental and spatial gradients. These models differ in the relative importance of three ecological processes: environmental influences (termed ‘‘environmental filtering’’), dispersal among patches, and species interactions (Biswas & Wagner, 2012). In all, the neutral model is the simplest one, assuming that communities are structured only by dispersion and stochastic processes. In this regard, neutral theory is thus a good starting point for an explanation of species richness patterns (Hubbell, 2001), with which one can test whether the effects of niche differentiation penetrate the summary statistics being studied, such as species diversity patterns (Rosindell et al., 2011). Neutral metacommunity models can be classified as either spatially implicit or spatially explicit (McGill et al., 2006). Although spatially explicit models have been explored with stochastic simulations and analytic methods (Bell, 2000; Hubbell, 2001; Chave & Leigh, 2002; Chave et al., 2002; McGill et al., 2005; Rosindell & Cornell, 2007), few studies have taken into account the internal structure of metacommunities that determine spatially explicit patterns in richness (but see Economo & Keitt, 2008). 48 Moreover, colonization driven neutral models have focused on the dynamic between an island and the mainland (e.g, Conlisk et al., 2010), without considering the effect of the other islands within archipelagos; although the within archipelago effect was recognized by MacArthur and Wilson (1963, 1967) when dealing with stepping stone colonization of islands. Similarly, it has become prominent in spatially realistic models of metapopulations (Hanski & Ovaskainen, 2000). In this contribution we extend the model proposed by Conlisk et al (2010) to predict the patterns of diversity within and among islands in archipelagos (metacommunities) with different spatial structures and different continental species pools. We investigate how the basic components of the model (i.e. connectivity, and metacommunity size) determine overall metacommunity γ-diversity and its components α-diversity and β-diversity (Lande, 1996) and under which domain our model can effectively fit the data from a non-neutral world. METHODS Model Previous work Following Conlisk et al. (2010), we start by focusing in an island with room for J ≥2 individuals, which is located near a large mainland. Individuals on the island may have emigrated from the mainland, or may be the offspring of island parents. Let us further assume the existence of S species and that on the mainland, species coexist in unchanging proportions P1,…,Ps . On the island, the species coexist in variable proportion where represents the current abundance of species k, thus ∑ ∑ , denotes the total island abundance. The vector N1,…,Ns will change as colonization proceeds. Finally, let us assume that colonization does not depend on the age, origin, or other detailed characteristic of individuals, i.e., neutrality assumption (Hubbell, 2001) Following Conlisk et al (2010) we assume that the island is colonized one individual at a time, and that there are no deaths. A stochastic colonization rule will determine the species i of the next colonist, given the current state N1,N2,…,Ns . Once the colonist is determined, the vector N1,N2,…,Ns will be updated by adding one to abundance 49 Nk. Starting from an initial condition of zero abundance, this colonization rule will be repeatedly applied until the island reaches saturation at ∑ . To understand how this rule is implemented let us denote by h the probability that the next colonist is an immigrant offspring of a mainland parent, and thus let 1-h be the probability that the next colonist is an offspring of an existing colonist. The probability that the next colonist is an immigrant of species k from the mainland is then the product of h and Pk. Similarly the probability that the next colonist is an island offspring of species k is the product of 1-h and ∑ ∑ . That is, provided that the island is not saturated (so long as ). We want to estimate (at every time step) the probability that the next colonist will be of species k, given current abundances, that is: ( | ) ( )∑ (1) The first term corresponds to the effect of the mainland and the second term corresponds to the effect of the island (birth process). The immigration probability (h) is a variable function determined by ( ( ) ( ) )∑ (2) where m is a fixed parameter obeying 0 < m < 1 (akin to the immigration parameter in Hubbell´s model). Notice that at the beginning of the colonization process the island receiving colonists is empty, implying that ∑ . Under this circumstance h=1 in eqn.2 as it should. As colonization proceeds h steadily declines until h=m, when ∑ , and only one individual is required to saturate the island at the final step of the colonization process. As noticed by Conslick et al. (2010), m corresponds to the immigration probability in Hubbell´s model when only one empty spot is to be filled. In eqn (2) it is apparent that the mainland sends migrants at a constant rate while the island sends propagules in proportion to proportional to the number of islanders. Hence, the ratio ⁄( ) is proportional to ⁄∑ ∑ . That is, ∑ ∑ 50 (3) where C corresponds to the rate of migrants from the mainland. As mentioned, it follows directly from the above expression that when t = 0 (initial state) h = 1. However, for later times t the function h need to take into account the effect of the islanders. For that reason, one could assume that the effect of the mainland when t goes to infinity tends to decrease until the value h = m (Hubbell’s immigration parameter), and since ∑ ( where J is the maximum island capacity, proportional to the area) then we obtain that: ( ( ) ) which implies the final expression ( ( ) ) ∑ ( ( ) ( ) (4) )∑ Using the last equation to eliminate h from the next colonist probability we obtain that (the next colonist is of species |current ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) )∑ J repetitions of this rule yield a colonization outcome. Colonization can be easily simulated using the final equation with parameters number of individuals (J), immigration probability (m) and proportion of the species on the mainland (Pk’s). Extensions In our model we now consider a mainland and n islands connected by an adjacency matrix A which is fixed. In graph theory, the adjacency matrix is a zero-one symmetric matrix where if there exists an edge between the islands i and j and 0 otherwise. In this extension we consider the following variables and parameters: an archipelago with S species corresponds to the abundance of the species k on island i. Each species can be represented by a vector of abundances, ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ each of length N and where each value represents the abundance of species k in island i. As before, we will assume that on the mainland, species coexist in unchanging proportions P1,…,Ps.. To implement the colonization rule in this context we need to define as h the probability that the next colonist is an immigrant offspring of a mainland parent, hi,i as the probability that the next colonist 51 is an offspring of an existing colonist in island i and hi,j as the probability that the next colonist is an offspring of an individual in island j, which is in the neighborhood of i. In this context, we will obtain two abundances distributions: one will be a local distribution (one for each island) and the other will be a joint metacommunity distribution for the archipelago or ensemble of islands. As before we want to estimate the probability for the next immigrant arriving to the system, which will depend on the mainland and the island distribution of abundances, that is, (the next colonist is of species |current ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ) Using the Bayes formula for total probabilities we have: (the next colonist is of species |current ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ∑ ( ⃗⃗⃗⃗ | ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ) ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ) ( In the last expression, the probability choosing island i can be considered from an uniform distribution, in which case it will be 1/n, or from any other distribution for that matter, as inversely proportional to the distance to the mainland. For that reason, we will be interested on the probability of the next colonist given the current state on the island i (fixed). Assuming as Conlisk et al (2010), that each island is colonized one individual at a time, and that there are no deaths and that h is constant we have that: (the next colonist is of species |current ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ∑ ∑ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ on island ) ∑ ( ) The first term corresponds to the probability that the next colonist is an immigrant of species k from the mainland, the second term corresponds to the probability that the next colonist is the offspring of a parent of species k already in island i and the third term corresponds to the effect of the neighborhood, that is the probability that the next immigrant is the offspring a parent of species k in island j, which is connected to i (i.e. ai,j=1) . Eqn (5) is subjected to the boundary condition: 52 )( ) ∑ ( ) Again, we need to compute an expression for the variables . In this case, we extend the results of Conlisk et al. (2010) in the following way. In our case, the ratio ∑ will be inversely proportional to the total number of islanders, that is, ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ But, from the boundary condition we can simplify the above expression and obtain that ∑ ∑ ∑ and solving for the constant C we get: ∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ Assuming that the colonization of the archipelago starts for all islands at the same time, then at time t = 0 (initial state) the function h needs to be 1 because the immigration occurs only from the mainland, which is satisfied by eqn. (7). Further, if we assume that each island is able to sustain a maximum number J of individuals, then when ∑ , and only one individual is required to saturate a given island at the final step of the colonization process, eqn (7) will become equal to m the immigration probability in Hubbell´s model, that is ( ) ∑ ( ( ) ) implying that [( ) ∑ ( )] Finally, the immigration probability h is a variable determined by 53 [( [( ) ∑ ( )] ( ∑ ) ( )] In the same way, we can obtain the value for the other ) ∑ ( ∑ ] expressions )∑ ( [( ∑ )[∑ )] ( ∑ )[∑ ∑ ] and )∑ ( ∑ [( ) ∑ ( )] ∑ ( ∑ )[∑ ∑ ] Using the last expressions to eliminate the h variables from eqn. (5) yields the colonization rule (the next colonist is of species |current ⃗⃗⃗⃗ [( [( ∑ ) ) ∑ ( )] ( )] ( ⃗⃗⃗⃗ on island ) ) ( )[∑ )∑ ( ∑ ∑ ] ( ) In this case, colonization can be easily simulated using the final equation with parameters: number of individuals (J), immigration probability (m), proportion of the species on the mainland (Pk’s), number of islands (n), probability choosing islands (Pi`s) and adjacency matrix (A). Simulations and Model performance To simulate Hubbell’s neutral colonization model with dispersal limitation, first we evaluate the performance of the model using a toy system. We consider the effect of the migration rate on diversity patterns in two extreme network structures, a linear chain of islands (chain topology) and a network where all the islands are connected to each other (island topology). Diversity levels were calculated for networks of 14 local islands, considering all the islands equal in terms of capacity (equal area and number of individuals, J= 19228) and probability of selection (Pis= 0.074). Metacommunity size is determined by the number of individuals and is expected that it will directly control the equilibrium diversity under neutrality. To determine this 54 relationship, we increase the number of individuals per island, holding constant immigration probability (m= 10-6), the number of islands (14) and network topology (chain or island). The number of islands, is another factor that can alter patterns of diversity, fragmentation per se (i.e. altered spatial arrangement of remaining habitat) may increase gamma diversity through its effect on the beta component (Tscharntke et al., 2012). To measure the effect of fragmentation per se, we maintained constant both the total number of individuals of the archipelago as the rest of the parameters and increase the number of islands. To determine the effect of network topology on diversity patterns, we hold migration probability and number of links constant while changing the architecture of the network. We consider a linear chain topology, a randomly connected topology, a star topology and a completely connected topology. We considered networks with the same characteristics as those used to measure the effect of migration; the migration rate was set to values between 0.1 and 10-6. We measure topological differences through the diameter; which is the minimum distance between the furthest nodes (Albert & Barabasi 2002). We measure the effect of the topology through a linear regression between the logarithm of the diameter and the logarithm of α- and β-diversity. Neutral diversity in real archipelagos The model described above serves as a null model against which to compare empirical patterns in abundance and diversity. In particular, we are interested in comparing empirical patterns in α, β and γ diversity observed in 21 archipelagos with different spatial structure and different species pool. For each archipelago we calculated four parameters: Carrying capacity (J), the probability of choosing species k ( ), the probabilities of choosing island i ( ) and network structure or the adjacency matrix connecting the islands (A). Carrying capacity represents the total number of individuals that can colonize an island and we considered it to be proportional to area ( J µ A1 ) as usually assumed in island biogeography (see MacArthur & Wilson, 1963, 1967). To identify the mammal species belonging to the species pool associated to each archipelago, using ArcGIS 10 we counted and identified all species whose polygons of geographic distributions (Taken from Grenyer et al., 2006), overlapped a buffer of 1000 km centered at the archipelago under analysis. We calculate 55 the probability of selecting a species of mainland ( ), dividing the density of each species k( ) by the total density of species (∑ ). Because we have no density data for each species, we estimated from the body size ( , (Damuth, 1981)). We estimate the probability of choosing an island ( ) as function of the minimum distance to the mainland ( ) normalized by the largest minimum distance ( ), .The network formed by the islands within the archipelago that exchange individuals was estimated in the form of an adjacency matrix (A) estimated by computing the minimum spanning tree (MST, the shortest length tree that connects all islands) based on the minimum geographical distances (Urban & Keitt, 2001) between them. For each archipelago we ran the model 1000 times, thus obtaining an average value for γ-diversity and α and β components (we use additive partition methods). We compared simulations results directly with field data through a paired t-test to see if they are quantitatively equal and with a Spearman correlation test to determine if they behave similarly. We also examined whether deviations of the empirical data from the neutral model (empirical data minus simulated data) are affected by the total area of the archipelago and network topology (diameter). RESULTS Model Performance We find that γ-diversity increased monotonically with increasing migration rate (m). In general the mayor contribution to γ-diversity was made by the a -component. The contribution of the β component was more important at intermediate migration rates and for graphs with low connectivity (chain topology) (Fig 1). Regardless of the type of network topology, the average α diversity increases with increasing migration rate and beta diversity increases to a maximum when the migration rate is equal to 10-4, to diminish afterwards. In our spatially explicit model, the relationship between metacommunity size and g -diversity is linear the same as the relationship with α and β components (R2= 0.99, P<0.001 in all cases, Fig. 2). The effect of size on gamma diversity does not vary between network topologies. However, β-diversity increases and α-diversity decreases in linear network topology as compared to the situation in the island topology. The effect of fragmentation per se (number of islands) on biodiversity depends on the network topology 56 (Fig 3). When all of the islands are connected to each other (i.e. in the island graph), gamma diversity does not change as the number of islands increases (slope = -0.02, P = 0.22), since the effects on alpha and beta components are similar in magnitude but opposite in sign (α-slope = -0.21, β-slope = 0.2, P <0.001). When the islands are connected as a chain graph α-diversity steadily decreases (slope = -0.47, P <0.001) while β -diversity does the opposite (slope = 0.72, P <0.001). Interestingly there is a cross-over effect such that when the archipelago is composed of few islands (ca. 15 in Figure 3) the α-components is more important in determining γ-diversity, but for systems with a larger number of islands the β -component becomes more important causing a significant increase in gamma diversity (slope = 0.25, P <0.001). With respect to the effect of network topology, we find that that networks with longer diameters have lower alpha diversity (R2= 0.76, P=0.05) and larger beta diversity (R2= 0.89, P=0.01) especially when the migration rate is high (m=0.1), as with the real data (Fig 7d). When the migration rate is very low (m= 10-6), the effect on α-diversity is not significant (P = 0.28) and is marginal on β-diversity (P = 0.05) (Fig 4). Neutral diversity in real archipelagoes Above a threshold in total area of the archipelago and diameter our model overestimates both α- and γ-diversity and underestimate β-diversity (Figure 5). In quantitative terms, there are significant differences between observed and predicted values for both α-diversity (t= 2.25, P= 0.04) and β-diversity (t= -2.45, P= 0.02) and marginally so for γ-diversity (t= 1.82, P= 0.08). However, there is a high and significant correlation between observed and predicted values for all diversity components, ranging from 0.83 (P< 0.001) for β-diversity to 0.6 for α-diversity (P= 0.003), with an intermediate value for γ-diversity (rs= 0.75, P< 0.001). In the neutral model as well as in the empirical data α-, β- and γ-diversity exhibit a power law relationship with total area of the archipelago (Fig 7a and 7b). However, under the neutral model, α- and β-diversity increase at the same rate with the size of the metacommunity (t = 0.08, P =0.93), whereas for the observed data, β-diversity has a higher slope than alpha diversity (t = 2.08, P =0.04), which lead to a cross-over. Similarly, under 57 the neutral model, there is always a dominance of the α-diversity component while for the observed data, dominance changes according to the total area of the archipelago; for in small archipelagoes there is dominance by the α- diversity component but for large ones the β-diversity component dominates. For α- and γ-diversity, the deviations of empirical data from simulated results are kept close to zero for metacommunities with an area less than 10,000 km 2 with fit (R2) of 91% and 84% respectively, after this point neutral model values are much greater than the observed (Fig 5 and Fig 7a). For β-diversity, the inflection point increases to 100,000 km2, but with a smaller fit (R2 = 0.70) and for larger metacommunities the observed values are greater than predicted (Fig 5 and Fig7a) When using the diameter to determine the effects of the network topology upon diversity, we found that archipelagos with large diameters have a greater allocation of diversity into the α- and β-component (Fig 7c and 7d). However, as with total area of the archipelago, the slope of β-diversity tends to be steeper than the ones for α-diversity (t= 1.94, P=0.05) while the α- and β-diversity under neutral model exhibit the same slope (t= 0.58, P=0.56). Regarding deviations empirical data from simulated results, for β-diversity above a diameter of 100 km, there is a high deviation with respect to the neutral model with fit (R2) of 70%. However, network diameter has a smaller explanatory power for the deviations observed in α- and γ-diversity (38% and 27% respectively), especially for values above the inflection point (Fig5 and 7c). DISCUSSION We have shown that the neutral metacommunity model developed by Conslik et al (2010) can be applied to understand diversity patterns in insular systems and in particular the existence of a cross over between the relative contribution of alpha and beta diversity. In particular, one simple and generic extension of the classic neutral model for one local community connected to a single metacommunity, to one in which several local communities are included and their pattern of connectivity is included as well as the network topology, provide a more realistic description of insular metacommunities 58 (Rosindell et al., 2011). Because our neutral model is a model of colonization, which takes into account the continent, γ-diversity always increases monotonically with increasing migration rate, contrary to what was reported by Economo & Keitt (2008) for metacommunities. We found that beta diversity shows a maximum at an intermediate migration rate probably because an increase in the rate of migration of individuals, from the mainland and from surrounding islands, leads to an increase in beta diversity at the beginning of the colonization when arriving individual most likely belong to different species thus increasing beta diversity, however, when rate of migration increases further, it tends to homogenize the diversity of the system as expected. Under a neutral model, fragmentation (i.e. measured as the number of islands or local communities) decreases alpha diversity but the opposite was observed for beta diversity. The increase in beta diversity is likely affected by an increase in the likelihood of finding different combinations of species co-occurring in different islands as the number of islands increases especially when the species pool is large (Chase, 2003). Decreasing size of the islands by effect of further fragmentation decreases the probability of persistence of some species leading to a lower alpha diversity. (Tscharntke et al., 2012). However, the effects on gamma diversity are observed only when there is low connectivity between the islands, which suggests that under a neutral model, fragmentation per se can increase regional diversity. This result together with the fact that the model underestimates observed beta diversity, suggests that other factors control β-diversity such as in situ selection, speciation and extinction associated with different species traits. None of these factors are considered in the present model and may be important for mammals in insular biotas (e.g., Heaney, 1986; Marquet & Taper, 1998; Okie & Brown, 2009; Chapters 1 and 3). The linear scaling of γ-diversity with total area of the archipelago is consistent with the linearity of interprovincial species–area curves (Rosenzweig, 1995), although under the neutral model, the slope is twice the observed in our data (Zneutral= 0.47, Zobs=0.23, t= 4.96, P<0.001), mainly due to the overestimation of alpha diversity, which indicate that other non-neutral processes reduce species richness in archipelagoes. Topological differences in metacommunity reflect different spatial arrangements of islands. As in the model of Economo and Keitt (2008), we found that for higher migration rates negative effects of topology upon the contribution of α-diversity to gamma diversity 59 becomes apparent (Figure 3). Although the effect is not as strong as the migration rate, our spatially explicit neutral colonization model underscores the importance of geometry in patterns of insular diversity. Considering all the islands equal, in terms of size and distance to the mainland, and keeping the number of links fixed, the chain topology allows for greater differentiation between communities thus beta diversity increases, because the topology has an effect on the isolation of the islands, which in turn affects the likelihood of colonization of some species. In nature, some archipelagos are arranged in long chains, such as barrier islands and other arrangements have star type with a central island. Our measure of diameter depends of the number of links and the geometry of the connections; however, if we consider the Adriatic and Sunda shelf archipelagos, which have the same number of islands, we see that their geometry and extension have a great effect, as both are quite different in terms of deviations from the model (Indicate in Figure 6). Because topological changes are also linked to changes in the size and number of islands, in the simulations under real conditions, the diameter has a positive effect on beta diversity as alpha diversity. With respect to the fit of the model to natural systems, our results show that under certain conditions, the neutral model may account for the diversity patterns of archipelagoes, taking into account the internal structure of the networks and stochastic colonization processes. These conditions are for α-dominated archipelagoes, which are mainly limited by the area of the metacommunity and number of islands. 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Number of islands, pool and probability of being selected (D) were equal for all (14 islands, pool= 151 species and D=0.074) for a network with island completely connected (a) and chain (b) structure. Figure 3. γ-diversity (black squares), partitioned additively into α-diversity (triangles) and β-diversity (circles) in a network of 14 nodes plotted as a function of fragmentation (number of islands). Number of individuals (J), pool and probability of being selected (D) were equal for all (J=30000, pool= 151 species and D=0.074) for a network with island, completely connected (a) and chain (b) structure. Figure 4. Effect of network topology on diversity patterns, α-diversity (squares) and βdiversity (triangles) as function of network diameter (the longest path between any two nodes in the graph, where the path length between these nodes is itself the shortest possible path) for the metacommunities with connected, star, chain, random or MST (minimum spanning tree for real network) or random topologies, with migration rate=1x10-1 (black) or m= 1x10-6 (gray) and otherwise similar parameter values (14 nodes, J=19228 individuals ,D=0.074). Figure 5. Deviations (observed minus simulated neutral values) from neutral model for diversity components with respect to the area the metacommunity, a, α-diversity, b, βdiversity and c, γ-diversity. The line represents the equivalence between the data and the neutral simulations. 64 Figure 6. Deviations (observed minus simulated neutral values) from neutral model for diversity components with respect to the network topology (Diameter), a) α-diversity, b) β-diversity and c) γ-diversity. The line represents the equivalence between the data and the neutral simulations. Figure 7. Observed (a,c) and neutral (b, d) alpha and beta diversity components as a function of metacommunity area (a,b) and network topology (c,d). 65 Figure 1. 66 Figure 2. 67 Figure 3. 68 Figure 4. 69 Figure 5. 70 Figure 6. 71 Figure 7. 72 CAPÍTULO 3 THE ROLE OF SPATIAL CONFIGURATION, HETEROGENEITY AND SPECIES POOL ON SPECIES RICHNESS AND PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY OF INSULAR MAMMALS Abstract Metacommunity theory predicts that both dispersal rates and heterogeneity have the potential to alter patterns of local and regional species diversity through dispersion and selection processes. However, the relative importance of heterogeneity and dispersal remains unresolved in real landscapes, because other factors related to stochastic and speciation processes may be acting. In this sense, working with phylogenetic diversity may help to better understand the processes because assemblage-level phylogenies carry the signature of ecological and evolutionary processes. Island systems have been considered natural laboratories for investigating the structure and dynamics of species assemblages at the community level, and in this study, we analyze the relationship between phylogenetic diversity and species richness of mammals with six factors: size, heterogeneity, spatial configuration, distance to the mainland, pool of species and latitude, through a SEM- PLS in order to determine the processes that account for observed patterns. We found that the processes of community assembly in islands are mostly independent of phylogeny, although, the alpha component exhibits a negative relationship with the spatial configuration. This low phylogenetic diversity may be associated with speciation in situ and/or colonization rates associated with phylogenetically conserved traits. Dispersal and selection processes are the main determinants of species richness. Species richness of archipelagos increases with increasing heterogeneity and spatial configuration, as predicted by some theoretical and experimental studies in metacommunities. This increase is due mainly to the effect of these factors, in interaction with the pool of species on β-component, suggesting an interaction between stochastic dispersal processes and selection processes of establishment or extinction mediated by local conditions. 73 INTRODUCTION Ever since MacArthur and Wilson (1963, 1967) species richness has been seen as resulting from the interaction between ecological factors affecting colonization, persistence and extinction of species and historical factors affecting the pool of species available to colonize local communities. More recently, metacommunity theory predicts that both dispersal rate between patches and heterogeneity have the potential to alter patterns of species diversity at local and regional level (Loreau & Mouquet, 1999; Mouquet & Loreau, 2003; Mouquet et al., 2006). When the dispersion connects local communities to form a metacommunity (a set of species that persist in a series of interconnected habitat patches), local processes (such as availability of resources, species interactions and niche partitioning) and regional (such as speciation rates, history of dispersal and climate stability) may play a role in determining the structure, diversity and composition of species (Ricklefs, 1987, 2004; Nally & Lake, 1999). The estimation of phylogenetic diversity is a useful tool for examining the contributions of history and evolution of the community structure features (Anacker & Harrison, 2012). Locally, a low phylogenetic diversity associated with sites with few resources, may suggest that the community is affected by habitat or phylogenetic filtering (Grime et al., 2008; Dinnage, 2009), while a high phylogenetic diversity may be indicative of competitive exclusion (Darwin, 1859; Elton, 1946) whereby closely related species tend to exclude each other. Moreover, when the phylogenetic distance across communities is high (i.e. high phylogenetic beta diversity) along environmental gradients, this could be indicative niche conservatism or in situ evolution (Graham & Fine, 2008). Similarly, the study of the co-variation between phylogenetic diversity and species richness may help elucidate the evolutionary and biogeographic processes shaping local community assembly (Davies & Buckley, 2011; Morlon et al., 2011). A fast speciation rate and low immigration rate may lead to low phylogenetic diversity in relation to species richness, while a low diversification and frequent long distance migrations may lead to high phylogenetic diversity (Davies & Buckley, 2011). Since immigration rate within archipelagoes as well as between the archipelago and the source area (i.e. mainland) is affected by isolation and the topology of the island networks 74 (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963; Chapter 1 and 2 this thesis, 1967), it is expected that both heterogeneity and the spatial configuration of the islands affect phylogenetic diversity. Although there are many studies on the determinants of species richness, there are few studies about metacommunity structure from a macroecological perspective especially in terrestrial vertebrates (Logue et al., 2011). Therefore, the relative importance of heterogeneity and dispersal remains unresolved in real landscapes where the spatial configuration as well as environmental and historical factors can alter the relative contributions of each factor (Ricklefs, 1987; Cottenie, 2005; Cadotte, 2007; Leibold et al., 2010; Chisholm et al., 2011). Similarly, there are few studies on the determinants of changes in phylogenetic diversity at metacommunity level (Davies & Buckley, 2011). In general, studies on species diversity, have focused on the relationship between species diversity and area, latitude or heterogeneity; the relationship between local and regional species diversity, the relationship between species composition and abiotic environment, distance-decay and connectivity patterns (Rosenzweig, 1995; Morin, 1999). Most of these patterns have multiple explanations that can be understood by considering the interaction among four general processes: selection, drift, dispersal and speciation (Vellend, 2010). Species are added to communities through speciation (creation of new species) and dispersion (movement of individuals in space), while the relative abundance of these species is established by drift (stochastic changes in the abundances of species) and selection or the dynamics of fitness advantages resulting from biotic and abiotic changes (Vellend, 2010) in this context, for example the theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967) represents a balance between drift and dispersion, the spatial "mass effect" represent a combination of dispersal and selection, niche and "species sorting" models represent selection, whereas local-regional relationship result from the interaction among speciation, selection and drift (Vellend, 2010). Island systems have been considered natural laboratories for investigating the factors affecting species diversity and the structure and dynamics of species assemblages at the community level (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Simberloff, 1976; Grant & Abbott, 1980; Gilpin & Diamond, 1981; Cardillo et al., 2008; Wilson, 2009). In this paper, we 75 use them to shed light on the relationship between phylogenetic diversity and species richness of insular mammals at the metacommunity level (or archipelago level). First, we determine the direct and indirect effect of heterogeneity and spatial configuration, taking into account factors that may affect these relationships, such as the size of the archipelago (total area and number of islands) and the distance to the mainland or continental pool, upon species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Second, we analyze how the above factors affect regional species richness and phylogenetic diversity and their alpha (local diversity) and beta (changing composition) components. Determinants of species richness and phylogenetic diversity The main evolutionary processes that influence taxonomic or phylogenetic diversity in archipelagoes are speciation, dispersion and extinction, which are often associated with environmental features like area, heterogeneity (topographic or habitat diversity), the spatial configuration of islands, the isolation and pool of species (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Ricklefs, 1987; Rosenzweig, 1995; Loreau & Mouquet, 1999; Losos & Schluter, 2000; Chase, 2003; Kraft et al., 2011). However, these factors usually interact in complex ways. Similarly, since the phylogenetic diversity (PD) tends to co-vary with species richness, PD needs to be controlled by richness for understand the direct effects of the above factors (Fig 1, richness-PD relationship). An increase in the size of the archipelago (area and number of islands) would have a direct positive effect per se on species richness (Fig 1) produced by stochastic processes that increase the passive uptake of settlers with increasing area (Gilpin & Diamond, 1981) or by minimizing the extinction rate (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963, 1967). Similarly, large islands may accumulate more species through their higher rate of in situ speciation (e.g. MacArthur & Wilson 1967; Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2007), which also directly affect, in a negatively way, phylogenetic diversity (Losos & Schluter, 2000; Fig 1). However, area could also have an indirect effect upon species richness through the heterogeneity and spatial arrangement of island areas (Fig 1). The heterogeneity present in each archipelago would have a direct positive impact promoting greater species 76 richness (Fig 1). In the presence of habitat selection, archipelagos with greater variety of habitats would accommodate a larger number of communities and therefore would have a higher species richness (Rosenzweig, 1995), which would generate an indirect positive effect on phylogenetic diversity. However, this could also have a direct negative effect on phylogenetic diversity (Fig 1), as it would allow the coexistence of closely related species (Darwin, 1859; Grant, 1966) and in situ speciation (Losos & Schluter, 2000). In systems composed of several patches, as archipelagos, the arrangement or spatial configuration of the patches (islands) and the distance between them can influence the movement and thus the end result of species interactions and thus community assembly (Forbes & Chase, 2002; Leibold et al., 2004), and species richness. Increased spatial structuring may lead to increased species richness, because a low connectivity between islands would allow the coexistence of different communities (Quinn & Harrison, 1988; Forbes & Chase, 2002; Economo & Keitt, 2008). Similarly, the spatial configuration of islands in an archipelago may affect the likelihood of in situ speciation and coexistence of closely related species, thus affecting phylogenetic diversity patterns (Fig 1). As established in the theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967), a greater distance to the mainland decreases the rate of species migration, decreasing species richness (Fig 1). In addition, a smaller distance to the source of colonization could rescue species populations from a possible demographic crisis and extinction (Brown & Kodric-Brown, 1977), so the distance of the archipelago to the mainland or source of colonists is negatively correlated with species richness (Fig 1). Considering that species colonization ability is a phylogenetically conserved trait, it is expected that with increasing isolation, the species present in islands would be more related to each other and therefore exhibit lower phylogenetic diversity. Finally, since part of the idiosyncrasy in communities assembly is due to the effect of biogeographic and evolutionary processes that have shaped the structure of the species pool (Ricklefs, 1987), it is expected that a reduction in the "pool of species”, which in this case would be the continental pool, would decrease the number of species in the archipelago (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963) and thus phylogenetic diversity (Fig 1). In turn, it is expected that latitude has a negative effect on the continental species pool (Fig 77 1), since several studies have shown as the latitude is an aggregate variable that explains many of the changes in species richness across different regions (Hillebrand, 2004). These changes may occur by regional / historical and climatic effects (Kalmar & Currie, 2006). Summarizing, a direct relationship between area and diversity suggests that ecological drift is acting, while an indirect effect through the spatial configuration and heterogeneity, suggests that dominant processes are selection and dispersion between islands. The relationship between diversity and distance to the mainland is also related to dispersal processes, which may occur by simple stochasticity and / or conditioned by dispersion capabilities associated with the life history characteristics of each species. The effects of continental pool may influence the type and number of species that co-occur locally. Because it is more likely that the patterns of the community can be understood as the result of interaction processes (Vellend, 2010), we set out to test the hypotheses raised with a structural equation model (Fig 1). Partitioning taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in alpha and beta components The partition of species diversity into components alpha, beta and gamma is conceptually useful for understanding the structure of diversity patterns. On a local scale, diversity and richness of species corresponds to α-diversity , the variation between the species composition from one locality to another represents the β-diversity, while regional diversity or γ-diversity can be derived from a additive partition (γ = α + β, eg Lande, 1996). Beta diversity provides a link that connects the measures through the local (alpha diversity) and regional scale (gamma diversity) (Legendre et al., 2005). Understanding the factors that determine each of these components and their interrelationships can help to understand the mechanisms that structure the diversity of mammals in island systems. In this sense, one can propose two models. First, gamma diversity determines alpha and beta components (Figure 2a). Second, regional diversity is the result of local diversity and spatial variation in species composition (Figure 2b). In both models, the heterogeneity and the spatial structure may directly or indirectly affect alpha diversity 78 and beta diversity, while the size, isolation, and the pool of species have only indirect effects. Considering that heterogeneity and spatial structure increases species richness at the regional level via increasing the number of different communities, these factors should have a greater effect on beta diversity, because increased connectivity in systems with a high heterogeneity of habitat can lead to the homogenization of local communities which results in a low beta diversity and therefore a low regional diversity (Quinn & Harrison, 1988; Harrison, 1997; Forbes & Chase, 2002; Nally & Fleishman, 2004). While these same factors can have an opposite effect on alpha diversity, because high connectivity associated with spatial structure can maintain local diversity by promoting the movement or dispersal of individuals between adjacent patches by spill-over or mass effects (Shmida & Wilson, 1985; Mouquet & Loreau, 2003). For the alpha and beta components of phylogenetic diversity, we predict a negative relationship with both factors due to the effect of competitive exclusion on small islands and / or processes of colonization and extinction determined by species traits phylogenetically conserved and a positive indirect effect determined by species richness. Understanding which factors determine beta diversity can help us understand what processes are involved in the structure of communities. In neutral theory (Hubbell, 2001) beta diversity is predicted to increases along a spatial (distance) gradient due to dispersal limitation. Because under this theory it is assumed that individuals are ecologically equivalent, the theory also predicts that beta diversity does not change along environmental gradients. Moreover, niche theory predicts that the observed patterns must be exactly the opposite, i.e. beta diversity changes along environmental gradients but not along spatial gradients (Chase & Myers, 2011). METHODS Data Diversity For this study we compiled presence-absence data through a literature review of 21 archipelagos (255 islands) around the world, including extant native non-flying terrestrial 79 mammals (Table S1). Phylogenetic diversity was assess by using a dated global mammal phylogeny containing 4510 species constructed with parsimony (Bininda-Emonds et al., 2007). We use a version with corrected node ages to prevent software errors. For the partition of diversity we used an additive model, regional richness corresponds to the total number of species found in the archipelago (γ) and can be divided into the average number of species within each island (α) and the average number species absent from an island (β; Veech et al., 2002). To calculate the regional phylogenetic diversity (γ-PD), we use two measures; Faith's PD and mean pair wise distance (MPD). Faith's PD is defined as the total branch length spanned by the tree including all species in a metacommunity (Faith, 1992). MPD down weights the influence of one or a few distantly related taxa on phylogenetic diversity by using the average distance among species pairs in an assemblage (Webb et al., 2002; Helmus et al., 2007). We did not use abundance weighting because we have no abundance data for the species in different archipelagoes. The α-PD was calculated as the average of the sum of the lengths of branches of the species present in each island, and finally the β-PD as the difference between γ-PD and α-PD. Size To determine the size of each archipelago, we use two measures, the number of islands and the total area, calculated as the sum of the area of all the islands. We use Behrmann equal-area projection and a Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shore line Data Base version 2.1. (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/gshhs.html) in ArcGis 10 software (Table S1). Spatial configuration To measure isolation we used the GSHHS database, to obtain the minimum distance to the mainland and the diameter of the archipelago, which allows determining the effect they can have the other islands in the processes of colonization (Keppel et al., 2009; Weigelt & Kreft, 2013). The diameter is a measure used in graph theory and is defined as the longest path between two islands, where the path length between these islands is itself the shortest possible path (Urban & Keitt, 2001). To build the networks for each archipelago, we use the minimum spanning tree (MST), which is the shortest length tree 80 that includes all islands. Following Urban and Keitt (2001), we compute the diameter of an MST based on geographical distance to determine the effect of the isolation and the diameter of an MST based both on the geographical distances and in the area of the islands to determine the effects of isolation and target effect. To calculate the MST based on distances, we used a dispersion probability matrix P, where the probability that two island were connected was:: where dij is the minimum Euclidean distance between the edges of the islands i and j, θ is the decay coefficient calculated as distance ( ( )⁄ . To determine the maximum dispersal ) we measure the distance between the islands and the farthest continental distribution of the species, for which we used the geographical range maps (Cardillo et al., 2008). For the MST based on the distances and area, we calculate the flow weighted by area ( ): ( where ) is the flow between the island i and j, given by: ́ Where is the area of island i, is the archipelago area and ́ is the normalized dispersal probability (Table S1). Heterogeneity We calculate the heterogeneity through two variables: 1. heterogeneity of sizes of the islands of each archipelago and 2. habitat heterogeneity. Both were measured as (citation?): ⁄ where N is the total number of islands or number of habitats and H is the Shannon index: ∑( where ) is the area of the island or habitat i the area of all islands or habitats. The number and area of habitats were calculated using the GlobCover 2009 (Global Land Cover Map). For this analysis we only took into account terrestrial habitats (Table S1). 81 Isolation We determine the isolation of the islands as the minimum distance to the mainland, considering only the islands that have at least two mammalian species Mainland Pool and Latitude To determine the mainland pool, following Cardillo et al (2008) we identified all species found within a buffer of radio 1,000 km around the archipelago. The list of species belonging to the pool was obtained overlaying geographic range polygons for all species (Cardillo et al., 2008) using ArcGIS 10. Additionally, we measured midpoint latitude to determine their effect (Table S1). Statistical Analysis Bivariate analysis To test the hypotheses related to the effect of heterogeneity and spatial configuration upon specie richness and phylogenetic diversity (PD), we performed simple regression analysis using species richness and Faith´s phylogenetic diversity (PD) as response variables, and area, habitat heterogeneity and spatial configuration, measured as distancebased diameter, as explanatory variables. Structural equation model To quantify the direct and indirect effects of heterogeneity and spatial configuration we carried out a structural equation model (SEM) using the partial least squares (PLS) approach (Sanchez, 2013), taking into account other factors that may affect these relationships, such as the size of the archipelago, the distance to the mainland and the size of continental pool upon species richness and phylogenetic diversity using logtransformed data (Fig 1). The same analysis was repeated but now using gamma diversity and its components, alpha (local diversity) and beta (changing composition) for both phylogenetic diversity and species richness. We have used this approach, because the covariance-based SEM (MC) requires strong distributional assumptions, while the PLS have minimum requirements on measurement scales, sample size and residual distributions (Monecke & Leisch, 2012). In 82 the SEM model using the PLS approach the explained variance of the endogenous latent variables is maximized by estimating partial model relationships in an iterative sequence of OLS regressions (Monecke & Leisch, 2012). One advantage of SEM is that one can use the latent variables, which are not directly measured, but whose effect can be inferred from a set of observed variables. Latent variables are also known as constructs, hypothetical variables, or theoretical concepts and factors (Sanchez, 2013). In our model, we describe archipelago size, spatial configuration and heterogeneity as latent variables measured through their consequences or effects reflected on their indicators (reflective variables). The total area and number of islands in the archipelago are considered indicators of the size of the archipelago. For spatial configuration we consider two measures, one based on distance and other flowbased. Finally, we measure heterogeneity through habitat heterogeneity and heterogeneity of sizes of the islands. This approach allows us to include hypothetical variables, summarizing a number of variables into many fewer factors and explain the association between two or more observable variables (Sanchez, 2013). We solved the model using the centroids weighting system, calculating the standardized coefficients values using the PLS Path Modeling package in R (http://cran.rproject.org/web/packages/ PLS Path Modeling). We evaluated the significance of each pathway through a bootstrap with 5000 randomizations. Additionally we calculated the R2 are the coefficients of determination of the endogenous latent variables. R2 indicates the amount of variance in the endogenous latent variable explained by its independent latent variables. To measure the overall quality of a model we used the GoF index that is a pseudo Goodness of fit measure that accounts for the model quality at both the measurement and the structural models. To determine the unidimensionality of latent variables we calculated the DillonGoldstein's rho. Unidimensionality implies that the reflective indicators must be in a geometrical space of one dimension and therefore are good indicators of latent variable. Unidimensionality is considered to hold when values of Dillon-Goldstein's rho are greater than 0.7 (Sanchez, 2013). In addition, with loadings and the cross-loadings we evaluate if all the indicators in each latent variable should be good indicators (greater than 0.7) and the extent to which a given construct differentiates from the others. Finally, we repeated 83 the analysis for each reflective variable in order to determine the contribution of each one. RESULTS Determinants of species richness and phylogenetic diversity The simple regression analysis shows that species richness and phylogenetic diversity are positively related to area (R2 = 0.78 and R2 = 0.68, respectively, P <0.001), heterogeneity (R2 = 0.64, R2 = 0.60 P <0.05) and spatial configuration (R2 = 0.72, R2 = 0.57, P <0.05), although in all cases the slope for species richness was higher than for the phylogenetic diversity (Fig 3). However, relationships are not so simple, as evidenced by the subsequent structured model equations. The manifest variables were highly and significantly correlated with the latent variables. The number of islands show a better correlation with the size of the archipelago than with area of the archipelago (r = 0.89 vs r = 0.85, Table S2). For the spatial configuration, the diameter based on distance and area was the best measure (r = 0.93 vs. r = 0.91, Table S2). Habitat heterogeneity was a slightly better measure than heterogeneity of areas (r = 0.89 vs r = 0.87, Table S2). While for the continental pool and phylogenetic diversity there was no difference between the measures (r = 0.94 and r = 0.98 respectively, Table S2). For all latent variables Dillon-Goldstein's rho was greater than 0.7 and the loadings was greater than 0.8, indicating that latent variables are unidimensional and all the indicators in each latent variable are good indicators . The path analysis conducted for the relationship between species richness, phylogenetic diversity indicated that the prediction power of the model is of 80% (GoF= 0.80), when you remove the direct effect of the size of the islands and the archipelago size and mainland distance relationship. Spatial configuration, heterogeneity, and species pool had a significant direct and positive effect on species richness, while the isolation had a negative effect (-0.24). With regards to the effect of spatial configuration on richness (0.48), the effect of flow-based diameter was 8.8%, greater than the effect of distance diameter . For heterogeneity-richness relationship (0.39), habitat heterogeneity explains 6.8% more than the difference in area of the islands. Archipelago species 84 richness and size of the continental pool were the only variables that had a significant effect on phylogenetic diversity: archipelagos with a smaller continental pool and greater species richness showed more phylogenetic diversity. Although the direct effects of spatial structure and heterogeneity were not significant, they negatively affected phylogenetic diversity (Fig 4). All direct ways account for 87% of the variance in species richness and 98% of the variance in phylogenetic diversity. The size of the archipelago had a strong effect on heterogeneity and spatial structure, resulting in a high indirect effect size upon both species richness and phylogenetic diversity, being slightly greater the islands effect than the area effect (8.8% greater for richness and 9.5% for PD). With regard to the total effect of the studied variables, as shown in Figure 5, archipelago size and spatial structure are the main determinants of species richness (total effect > = 0.5), followed by heterogeneity, pool size, latitude and isolation. Regarding phylogenetic diversity, we found that it is mostly driven by archipelago species richness and therefore is also affected the same variables that affect species richness (i.e., archipelago size, spatial structure and heterogeneity). The direct and indirect effects of isolation and pool size upon PD have similar magnitude but opposite in sign, resulting in a non-significant overall effect. Partitioning taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in alpha and beta components The first model (Figure 3), which considers that gamma determines alpha and beta components is able to predict how diversity is decomposed explaining 77% of the variance for species richness and 74% for PD while the second model, which considers that alpha and beta diversities determine gamma diversity, predicts only 74% of the variance for species richness and 67% for phylogenetic diversity. For species richness, beta diversity is affected directly and positively by regional species richness, through spatial structure and heterogeneity, although the latter does not have a significant effect, while alpha diversity, is positively affected by species richness and negatively by heterogeneity and spatial configuration (Fig 6a). In terms of total effects, the factors that contribute to variability in beta diversity are size, gamma diversity and spatial configuration (total effect> = 0.5, Fig 6a and Table 1), followed by pool size and 85 heterogeneity. Finally, isolation and latitude had negative but significant effects. Alpha diversity was positively affected by gamma diversity and pool size (total effect> = 0.5, Table 1) and negatively by isolation and latitude, but the size, heterogeneity and spatial configuration had no significant overall effect (Fig 6a). For phylogenetic diversity the best model is one that considers that gamma determines alpha and beta components and includes species richness, although most of the paths are not significant. Alpha diversity is significant and negatively affected by the heterogeneity and spatial configuration and positively by gamma phylogenetic diversity, while only beta diversity is affected by gamma phylogenetic diversity (Fig 6b). In terms of total effects, the size of the archipelago is the only variable that has an effect on gamma diversity and this in turn is the determining factor for the alpha and beta components. For species richness, the model can explain 85% of the variation in gamma diversity, 83% for alpha and 97% for beta (Fig 6b and Table 1). While for phylogenetic diversity, the model had lower explanatory power for beta (R2 = 0.47) but its explanatory power increases for the α-component of phylogenetic diversity and gamma diversity (R2 = 0.91 for both). DISCUSSION Our study represents the first global analysis of factors and processes that are responsible for the variation in patterns of mammal diversity across archipelagos. Our analysis took into account four factors: archipelago size, heterogeneity, spatial configuration, isolation and species pool, and evaluated their effects on species richness and phylogenetic diversity. This approach allows examining the patterns in the diversity and coexistence of species in a phylogenetic context (Losos, 1995; Losos et al., 2003; Cardillo et al., 2008). The phylogenetic diversity of archipelagoes is mainly determined by species richness, which indicates that the processes of community assembly within archipelagoes is mostly independent of phylogeny (e.g. random colonization and extinction) as has been shown to be the case for islands (Cardillo et al., 2008). Therefore, in terms of total effects, the factors studied propagate their effects on phylogenetic diversity through species richness. However, the phylogenetic signals may be weak or obscured; we find a 86 negative and significant component of phylogenetic diversity, which suggests that the assemblages exhibit phylogenetic clustering. This clustering can be associated with in situ speciation, as indicated by the presence of endemic species in the islands with larger total area and diameter (Philippines, Sunda Shelf, Japan, Sea of Cortez and the West Indies). This suggests that the processes of diversification in non-flying mammals depend on a size threshold and isolation, as with the species of Caribbean Anolis (Losos & Schluter, 2000). Similarly, this result may indicate that the rate of colonization is determined by phylogenetically conserved features. Darwin (1859) proposed that there should be a negative relationship between area and phylogenetic diversity due to the effects of competitive exclusion. Our results indicate a positive relationship between the area and the phylogenetic diversity (Fig. 3). However, removing the effect of species richness due to its positive relationship with area, there is a negative effect of -0.18, which supports Darwin's hypothesis. The spatial configuration, mainly the flow-based measure, is also one of the main determinants of archipelago species richness. This result plus the fact that β-component is also strongly affected by the spatial configuration, supporting the hypothesis that greater spatial structuring (larger diameter) generates a lower connectivity between islands, allowing the coexistence of different communities and greater regional species richness (Quinn & Harrison, 1988; Forbes & Chase, 2002; Economo & Keitt, 2008). Similarly, a larger diameter indicates that islands are more dispersed in space, making them more likely to be encountered by potential colonists (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967). Because area weighted flux diameter is better predictor of species richness than the distance- based diameter, the emergence of edges as ‘‘spokes’’ from larger patches reflects the area effect on dispersal rates, consistent with a ‘‘core–satellite’’ (mainland–island) model. Additionally, in situ speciation mentioned above, also contributes to the increase in species richness. Another determinant of species richness is the heterogeneity, as niche theory predicts an increase in the heterogeneity leads to an increase in species richness, because heterogeneous environments provide more opportunities for niche segregation and resource specialization than relatively uniform environments (MacArthur, 1972; Whittaker et al., 1973; Rosenzweig, 1995)., Greater heterogeneity, however, reduces the 87 amount of available area suitable for each species and, therefore, increases the probability of stochastic extinction (Kadmon & Allouche, 2007), thus in heterogeneous systems with low connectivity between islands, species can go locally extinct, especially in small islands, resulting in a lower average α-diversity. Since both spatial configuration and heterogeneity are strongly affected by the size of the archipelago, specifically by the number of islands, there may be an interaction between the positive effect of species pool, the spatial configuration and heterogeneity. A large pool of species, reduces the likelihood that the same species colonize the same island, whereby if there is a priority effect, that is, if the random order of arrival is important, it is more likely that each species can settle in the archipelago if it has several islands (Quinn & Harrison, 1988), especially if they have a high heterogeneity. Similarly, this type of archipelagos, may maintain more stable configurations if the dynamics of important species generates multiple stable equilibrium (Cole, 1983). As predicted by the theory of island biogeography, isolation from the mainland has a negative effect on species richness, because colonization rates decrease with increasing distance from the pool of species (MacArthur & Wilson, 1963, 1967), although from all the factors studied this is the one that explain the least of the observed patterns. Similarly, island biogeography theory predicts a positive relationship between area and species richness, given by lower rates of extinction (area per se hypothesis), but our analysis do not support this hypothesis, since the positive effect of area is an indirect effect which is due to its effect on the spatial configuration and heterogeneity, however, given its large overall effect size is the best predictor of species richness. Finally, our data indicate that there is an effect of latitude on diversity patterns; archipelagos located near the Equator have higher species richness than those in temperate areas, as has been reported in the continents (Hillebrand, 2004) and in islands due to the relationship between latitude and climate (Kalmar & Currie, 2006). However, our study was not designed to differentiate between climatic and historical factors. Most of the factors studied in this work, can affect species richness through four processes: selection, drift, dispersal and speciation. Given our results, we conclude that island mammal assemblages are determined primarily by processes of selection and dispersal between islands. The relationships found among the pool, heterogeneity and 88 spatial configuration with beta diversity, suggest that increased beta diversity is due to an interaction between stochastic dispersal processes and deterministic processes of establishment and extinction (principally in landbridge islands) mediated by local conditions ( selection processes). At the phylogenetic level, we did not find a direct effect of heterogeneity and the spatial configuration upon phylogenetic beta diversity. This points out to the importance of including species functional traits related to dispersal ability, establishment and habitat requirements, among others. Although a phylogeny is assumed to encapsulates many of the ecological niche of species (Wiens, 2004), it is known that there may be a large ecological differentiation between phylogenetically close species (Losos et al., 2003). Unfortunately, as yet this type of data are still quite scarce to make feasible its inclusion, a further investigation of this issue should be left for future studies. Finally, we believe that this study on the determinants of diversity patterns in naturally fragmented systems like archipelagoes can help to increase our knowledge of how to manage and conserve anthropogenically modified systems. Although it has been recognized that the configuration of habitats with respect to connectivity and network arrangement are important in systems composed of multiple patches (Chisholm et al., 2011), most work has focused on its effects at the level of a single species (Urban & Keitt, 2001; Hanski & Ovaskainen, 2003). In addition, spatial configuration frequently confounded with composition of habitat (e.g., amount of habitat; Ewers & Didham, 2006) and habitat loss in transformed systems (Fahrig, 2003). 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D) Relationship between phylogenetic diversity and species diversity. Figure 4. Results of the structural equation model for archipelago richness and phylogenetic diversity. The width of arrows is proportional to the magnitude of the path coefficients. Dashed lines represent negative relationships. The significant paths are indicated with an asterisk and not significant with ns. Figure 5. Total Effects: Direct + Indirect paths on species richness (Rich) and phylogenetic diversity (PD). Where, Lat is Latitude, Pool: Mainland pool, Isol: Distance to the mainland, Size: Archipelago size, Top: Spatial configuration and Het: Heterogeneity . Figure 6. Results of the structural equation model for the partition of diversity, for richness (a) and phylogenetic diversity (b). The width of arrows is proportional to the magnitude of the path coefficients. Dashed lines represent negative relationships. The significant paths are indicated with an asterisk and not significant with ns. 96 Table Legends Table 1. Total Effects: Direct + Indirect paths on alpha and beta components of species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Supplementary material Table S1. General characteristics of the studied archipelagos. Latitude, Pool measured in terms of richness (Pool-rich) and phylogenetic diversity (Pool-PD), Isolation (distance to the mainland in Km), Area (Km2), Number of islands (# islands), Diameter distancebased (Diameter1), Diameter flow weighted by area (Diameter2), Heterogeneity of islands area (Heter1), Heterogeneity of habitat (Heter2), Richness and Phylogenetic diversity (mean pairwise distance, MPD; and Faith´s PD, PD). Latitude except all variables are in logarithm 10. Table S2. Correlations between latent variables and reflective variables. Latitude, Pool measured in terms of richness (Pool-rich) and phylogenetic diversity (Pool-PD), Isolation (distance to the mainland in Km), Area (Km2), Number of islands (# islands), Diameter distance-based (Diameter1), Diameter flow weighted by area (Diameter2), Heterogeneity of islands area (Heter1), Heterogeneity of habitat (Heter2), Richness and Phylogenetic diversity (mean pairwise distance, MPD; and Faith´s PD, PD). Latitude except all variables are in logarithm 10. 97 Figure 1. 98 Figure 2 99 Figure 3 100 Figure 4 101 Figure 5 102 Figure 6 a) Latitude - 0.75* Mainland Pool -0.38* Heterogeneity -0.33* Alpha Diversity 0.2* Beta Diversity 0.76* Archipelago Size Species Richness 0.8* Spatial Configuration 0.17 Mainland distance b) - 0.88* Latitude Mainland Pool -0.48* 0.41* Heterogeneity Richness -0.32* 0.76* 1.28* Archipelago Size Alpha PD 0.8* Spatial Configuration - 0.26 Gamma PD Beta PD Mainland distance -0.4 -0.2 103 Table 1 Relationships Effects - Phylogenetic Diversity Effects - Species Richness from to total P direct indirect total P direct indirect Latitude Pool -0.88 ** -0.88 0.00 -0.75 ** -0.75 0.00 Latitude Gamma -0.19 ns 0.00 -0.20 -0.27 ** 0.00 -0.27 Latitude Alpha -0.27 ns 0.00 -0.27 -0.39 ** 0.00 -0.39 Latitude Beta -0.19 ns 0.00 -0.19 -0.19 ** 0.00 -0.19 Pool Gamma 0.22 ns 0.22 0.00 0.36 ** 0.36 0.00 Pool Alpha 0.31 ns 0.00 0.31 0.51 ** 0.00 0.51 Pool Beta 0.22 ns 0.00 0.22 0.25 ** 0.00 0.25 Mainland dist Gamma -0.16 ns -0.16 0.00 -0.28 ** -0.28 0.00 Mainland dist Alpha -0.23 ns 0.00 -0.23 -0.39 ** 0.00 -0.39 Mainland dist Beta -0.16 ns 0.00 -0.16 -0.19 ** 0.00 -0.19 Size Topology 0.81 ** 0.81 0.00 0.80 ** 0.80 0.00 Size Heterogeneity 0.75 ** 0.75 0.00 0.76 ** 0.76 0.00 Size Gamma 0.69 ** 0.10 0.59 0.64 ** 0.00 0.64 Size Alpha 0.36 ns 0.11 0.26 0.34 ns 0.00 0.34 Size Beta 0.33 ns 0.58 -0.25 0.73 ** 0.00 0.73 Spatial config Gamma 0.37 ns 0.37 0.00 0.45 ** 0.45 0.00 Spatial config Alpha 0.14 ns -0.38 0.52 0.25 ns -0.39 0.64 Spatial config Beta -0.35 ns -0.71 0.36 0.51 ** 0.20 0.31 Heterogeneity Gamma 0.38 ns 0.38 0.00 0.36 ** 0.36 0.00 Heterogeneity Alpha 0.00 ns -0.53 0.53 0.18 ns -0.33 0.51 Heterogeneity Beta -0.09 ns -0.46 0.37 0.43 ** 0.18 0.25 Gamma Alpha 1.39 ** 1.39 0.00 1.41 ** 1.41 0.00 Gamma Beta 0.98 ** 0.98 0.00 0.69 ** 0.69 0.00 104 Table S1 Archipelago Latitude Pool-rich Pool-PD Isolation Area # Islands Diameter1 Diameter2 Heter1 Heter2 Richness MPD PD Adriatic 44.09 1.97 3.54 -0.50 3.43 1.15 2.22 0.95 0.26 0.38 1.11 0.05 2.77 Alexander 52.91 1.92 3.39 -1.02 4.53 1.38 1.86 0.90 0.54 0.62 1.36 0.13 2.97 Bazaruto 23.57 1.96 3.73 0.86 2.13 0.48 1.09 0.30 0.41 0.52 1.08 0.03 2.86 Egadi 39.19 2.01 3.53 2.13 1.63 0.48 1.37 0.30 0.10 0.52 1.00 0.00 2.78 Eolie 39.72 2.02 3.54 1.82 2.09 0.85 1.89 0.70 0.21 0.42 0.78 -0.11 2.67 Phillipinas 12.72 2.78 3.78 2.72 5.46 1.61 2.79 1.45 0.84 0.60 2.04 0.31 3.35 Japan 36.42 2.28 3.53 1.65 5.56 1.08 2.66 0.95 0.75 0.71 1.74 0.24 3.25 Kuril 46.36 1.90 3.37 1.23 3.96 0.90 2.86 0.85 0.36 0.50 1.26 0.10 2.88 Lake Huron 45.83 1.68 3.40 0.21 2.53 1.32 0.90 0.30 0.95 0.71 0.95 -0.02 2.80 Maine 44.40 1.69 3.33 -1.12 2.73 1.36 2.19 0.90 0.79 0.81 1.52 0.18 3.19 Mar 30.00 2.24 3.65 -0.87 3.64 1.51 3.05 1.23 0.70 0.86 1.93 0.29 3.03 Napolitan 41.54 2.02 3.53 0.32 1.82 0.60 1.44 0.30 0.47 0.38 0.90 -0.04 2.71 Pelagie 37.11 2.02 3.53 2.19 1.39 0.48 1.60 0.30 0.42 0.35 0.60 -0.22 2.58 Ponziane 41.70 2.02 3.51 1.31 1.15 0.70 1.75 0.60 0.43 0.33 0.60 -0.22 2.48 Sardinian 41.68 2.02 3.52 2.25 2.23 1.04 2.47 0.78 0.47 0.58 1.08 0.03 2.88 Sunda Shelf 1.84 2.76 3.77 1.22 6.12 1.15 3.12 1.11 0.81 0.66 2.29 0.36 3.60 Texas 29.78 1.88 3.66 -1.22 2.88 0.78 2.21 0.70 0.08 0.49 1.40 0.15 3.14 Tremiti 42.75 2.02 3.52 1.20 0.66 0.60 1.42 0.48 0.27 0.06 0.70 -0.16 2.50 Tuscan 43.19 2.02 3.51 0.94 2.48 0.85 2.01 0.78 0.64 0.44 1.20 0.08 2.95 Virginia 38.60 1.34 3.38 -0.77 1.92 1.00 0.89 0.90 0.31 0.59 1.00 0.00 2.86 West indians 21.22 2.62 3.69 2.27 5.28 0.48 2.35 0.30 0.21 0.66 0.90 -0.04 2.52 105 Table S2 Latent Variable Reflective Variable Latitude Pool Isolation Size Topology Heterogeneity Richness PD 1.00 -0.86 -0.32 -0.32 -0.38 -0.25 -0.57 -0.50 Latitude Latitude -0.75 0.95 0.56 0.42 0.51 0.20 0.52 0.39 Pool-rich Pool -0.88 0.94 0.36 0.15 0.28 0.02 0.40 0.31 Pool-PD -0.32 0.49 1.00 -0.18 -0.05 -0.18 -0.16 -0.22 Isolation Dist. To Mainland -0.54 0.56 0.07 0.85 0.70 0.58 0.78 0.74 Area Size -0.05 0.01 -0.36 0.89 0.70 0.74 0.69 0.68 # Islands -0.42 0.55 0.13 0.67 0.91 0.38 0.72 0.64 Diameter1 Topology -0.28 0.25 -0.19 0.81 0.93 0.48 0.79 0.75 Diameter2 -0.19 0.13 -0.05 0.65 0.39 0.87 0.58 0.56 Heter1 Heterogeneity -0.26 0.09 -0.26 0.69 0.43 0.89 0.65 0.66 Heter2 -0.57 0.49 -0.16 0.84 0.82 0.70 1.00 0.98 Richness Richness -0.48 0.39 -0.24 0.84 0.78 0.70 0.98 0.98 MPD PD -0.51 0.34 -0.18 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.94 0.98 PD 106 CONCLUSIONES GENERALES En esta tesis se planteó el problema de entender los procesos determinantes de los patrones de diversidad alfa, beta y gamma de mamíferos terrestres no voladores en sistemas insulares. A nivel intra-archipiélago (capítulo 1), la diversidad α (diversidad local) y la diversidad beta debida al efecto del anidamiento (βnes), son el resultado de procesos de selección. Los resultados muestran, que el tamaño corporal de las especies y la capacidad de carga de las islas, medida ya sea como área o número de hábitats son los factores determinantes de estos dos componentes, indicando que las especies son susceptibles a extinción diferencial (los mamíferos de mayor tamaño son los más afectados) tanto por el área de la isla como por la pérdida de hábitats. Por otra parte, la distancia entre islas y el tamaño corporal tuvieron un efecto significativo en el componente de recambio espacial de la diversidad beta (βsim), lo cual sugiere que esta depende de procesos de dispersión, asociados tanto a deriva ecológica como a selección. A nivel inter-archipiélagos, bajo el modelo de colonización neutral (capítulo 2), los patrones de diversidad se vieron afectados por la tasa de migración, el tamaño y topología de los archipiélagos. Sin embargo, el modelo neutral solo logra reproducir los patrones en términos cualitativos más no cuantitativos, sobre-estimando la diversidad alfa y gamma y subestimando la diversidad beta. La diversidad regional escala positivamente con el tamaño de la metacomunidad, tal como sucede con las relaciones especies-área a nivel interprovincial (Rosenzweig 1995), aunque de manera más pronunciada, indicando que los procesos no-neutrales disminuyen la riqueza de especies presentes en una metacomunidad. La topología de los archipiélagos la cual refleja la conectividad de los sistemas y el grado de fragmentación per se (número de islas), afectan principalmente a la diversidad beta, incrementándola a medida que aumenta el aislamiento (e.g topología tipo cadena) y el número de islas. Al comparar las desviaciones de los datos con respecto al modelo nulo, observamos que el modelo se ajusta relativamente bien cuando la diversidad alfa es mayor que la diversidad beta y ambas son relativamente bajas. Esto puede deberse a que la influencia de los procesos estocásticos aumenta a medida que disminuye la diversidad alfa y aumenta el pool de especies (Chase & Myers, 2011). 107 Al considerar varios factores relevantes para la estructuración de los archipiélagos como: el tamaño, la heterogeneidad, la configuración espacial, el aislamiento y el pool de especies y evaluar sus efectos sobre la riqueza de especies y la diversidad filogenética (capitulo 3), encontramos que los procesos de formación de ensamblajes en los archipiélagos son principalmente independientes de la filogenia (e.g. colonización y extinción aleatoria) tal como ocurre a nivel de islas (Cardillo et al., 2008) y que los procesos de dispersión y selección son los principales determinantes de la riqueza de especies. Sin embargo, las señales filogenéticas pueden ser débiles o estar obscurecidas, ya que la configuración espacial de los archipiélagos tiene un efecto negativo, sobre el componente α de la diversidad filogenética, lo cual nos sugiere que a este nivel los ensambles presentan un agrupamiento filogenético. Este agrupamiento puede estar asociado a especiación in situ, tal como lo indica la presencia de especies endémicas en los archipiélagos de mayor tamaño y diámetro (Filipinas, Sunda Shelf, Japón, Mar de Cortez e Indias Occidentales). Esto sugiere, que los procesos de diversificación en mamíferos no voladores dependen de un umbral de tamaño y aislamiento, tal como sucede con las especies de Anolis en el Caribe (Losos & Schluter, 2000). De igual manera, este resultado puede deberse a que la tasa de colonización está determinada por rasgos filogenéticamente conservados. La riqueza de especies de los archipiélagos aumenta a medida que aumentan la heterogeneidad y la configuración espacial, tal como lo predicen algunos estudios teóricos en metacomunidades (Loreau & Mouquet, 1999; Mouquet & Loreau, 2003) y estudios de microcosmos (Forbes & Chase, 2002; Cottenie et al., 2003). Este incremento, se debe principalmente al efecto de estos factores, en interacción con el pool de especies sobre el componente β de la riqueza de especies, lo cual sugiere una interacción entre procesos de dispersión estocásticos y procesos de establecimiento (principalmente en islas oceánicas) o extinción (principalmente en islas landbridge) mediados por las condiciones locales (procesos de selección determinísticos). La ecología de comunidades y la biogeografía buscan entender los procesos que determinan los patrones en la naturaleza, pero generalmente a escalas espaciales diferentes y enfatizando diferentes procesos, aunque recientemente han convergido a una escala 108 regional (Ricklefs & Jenkins, 2011). Nuestro estudio muestra que esta nueva aproximación puede ayudar a entender mejor los procesos detrás de las relaciones entre diferentes factores y los componentes de la diversidad. A menor escala, es decir entre islas de un mismo archipiélago, los factores relacionados con los procesos de selección tienen un mayor efecto que los relacionados con dispersión, mientras que a mayor escala (entre archipiélagos), la dispersión cobra mayor relevancia y los patrones de diversidad pueden ser explicados por los efectos conjuntos de los factores relacionados con procesos de dispersión (configuración espacial) y selección (heterogeneidad). Teniendo en cuenta, que los procesos de selección son importantes a las dos escalas de estudio, consideramos que es importante incluir rasgos funcionales de las especies relacionados con su capacidad de dispersión, establecimiento y requerimientos de hábitat entre otros, ya que la aproximación utilizada en esta tesis, puede no ser la más apropiada, ya que a pesar de que se asume que la filogenia encapsula muchas de las dimensiones ecológicas del nicho de las especies (Wiens, 2004), se sabe que puede existir una gran diferenciación ecológica entre especies filogenéticamente cercanas (i.e, Losos et al., 2003; Forest et al., 2007). Desafortunadamente, a la fecha de realización de este trabajo los datos de este tipo aún son bastante escasos como para hacer un buen análisis, por lo que una investigación de este tema se debe dejar para futuros estudios. Aunque se ha reconocido que la configuración de los hábitats con respecto a la conectividad y el arreglo de red son importantes en estos sistemas compuestos por múltiples parches, la mayoría de los trabajos se han centrado en sus efectos a nivel de una sola especie (i.e, Hanski & Gilpin, 1991; Urban & Keitt, 2001; Wiersma & Urban, 2005), además de que frecuentemente se confunden con la composición de hábitat (i.e cantidad de hábitat) (Ewers & Didham, 2006) y con la perdida de hábitat en sistemas transformados (Fahrig, 2003b). En este sentido, entender el efecto de la configuración espacial en los patrones de diversidad de los archipiélagos fue posible por la utilización de herramientas de la teoría de grafos. La medida del diámetro de la red de islas, permitió medir de manera sencilla la conectividad, dada por la configuración espacial de las mismas, tal como sucede a nivel de metapoblaciones (Urban & Keitt, 2001). Finalmente, consideramos que este estudio sobre los determinantes de los patrones de diversidad en sistemas naturalmente fragmentados como los archipiélagos, puede ayudar 109 a incrementar nuestro conocimiento en manejo y conservación de sistemas modificados antrópicamente. Principalmente a través del uso de las herramientas que se utilizaron para evaluar empíricamente los postulados teóricos que normalmente se evalúan a nivel de micro o meso cosmos (Logue et al., 2011). El modelo de colonización neutral espacialmente explicito desarrollado en el capitulo dos, permite poner a prueba la neutralidad de los sistemas con un bajo número de parámetros. 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