June - GWRRA IL-Z2


June - GWRRA IL-Z2
Illinois District IL-Z2 Chicagoland Wings
Chapter Directors:
Tony & Sharon Sundt
[email protected]
Asst Chapter Directors:
Robert & Char Ullrich
[email protected]
Bob & Bobbie Siebert
[email protected]
Ron & Nancy Morrison
[email protected]
Steve Willuweit
Chapter Educator:
Ron Walldren
[email protected]
Danni Schwieger
[email protected]
Ride Coordinator:
John Meyers
[email protected]
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Don Schwieger
[email protected]
Butch & Mary Thielenhouse
[email protected]
Events Coordinator:
Doug Koglin
[email protected]
Special Evens Coordinator
Bill Bijou
[email protected]
Earl & Pat Hobbs
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor:
Melanie Ciesla
[email protected]
Visit us on the web at
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Volume 16 Issue 6
News from the CD
Chapter Directors Tony and Sharon Sundt
from the McDonalds
parking lot on the corHappy June, we are almost ner of Bloomingdale
halfway through 2013. Last Road and Lake Street in
month we celebrated Moth- Bloomingdale. The ride
can be anywhere beer’s Day .This month we
will celebrate Father’s day. tween 35-45 minutes to
Also, on June 4th GWRRA the dinner location. This temporary American reswill celebrate its 36th Anni- Click on the blue
taurant that specializes in
versary. With all the Gradwood-fired cuisine. Please
hyperlinks to conuations and Weddings and
a look at their menu
nect to other web- take
Anniversaries, June should
on line and sign up to join
sites that lead you
be called Party. We all
us for dinner. Here is a
should get through this busy to more inforlink for the menu.
month unscathed.
mation such as
Then on Friday June 21st
menus and other
We have a few things hapthe first of the Adventure
pening just to solidify a busy club events
Ride series will be headmonth starting with our
ing to Lacrosse WI. John
is a rain or shine ride;
Chapter gathering on the
has spent many months
9th followed by the Mystery you can come on 2 or 4 planning this ride and
Dinner Ride on Tuesday the wheels. We hope that
there will be quite a few
11th. As you will note in
you will join us.
riders going on this 3
John’s submission that the
day adventure.
Mystery Dinner Ride will be On Saturday June 15th
hosted by Al and Joan Nur- we have a Dinner Ride
We will close out the
czyk, and will leave at 6PM to J. Alexander’s a con(Continued on page 2)
In this issue
News from CD
Pg. 1
Mystery Ride
Pg. 8
Steak House Pics
Pg. 15
Ride Coordinator
Pg. 3
ABR Rides
Pg. 9
District Rally Reg.
Pg. 16
Chapter Educator
Pg. 4
Pg. 10
Region E Rally Reg.
Pg. 18
Pg. 5
Region, Dist. Info
Pg. 11
Mad Poker Run
Pg. 20
Birthdays /Notes
Pg. 7 Arkansas Ride
Pg. 12-13
Page 2
Meeting Location
GWRRA Chapter IL-Z2
Meets at the Denny’s restaurant at 17 W 660 22nd Street
in Oakbrook Terrace, IL on
the second Sunday of every
month. Breakfast at 8:00
AM,meeting at 9:00 AM. We
ride after the meeting!!
(weather permitting)
For additional updated information, go to our website at
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
there is some online information
available, I will have a hyperlink in
month on Saturday the 29th at a
the article. Also, you can be of
Pot Luck Dinner hosted by Butch assistance by providing website
and Mary’s house in Elmhurst. Be links so we can include it as we
sure to sign-up and note what
pass information to members on
dish you would like to bring to
chapter events.
pass around.
(Continued from page 1)
I have been pushing to be more
paperless for the chapter. We
have stopped mailing newsletters
and now we send them out via
email. Since we can do this we
also have the capability to attach
hyperlinks in the articles (those
underlined blue text thingies interspersed throughout my articles).
If you are reading the newsletter
on your computer monitor you
are able to click on any of the hyperlinks in the article and it will
bring you to a website where you
can find more information.
With all this technology I will be
able to send you to the IL District
Newsletter This all came about
after sending an email to a member that said that if this information had been out earlier may
be more people would have
signed up to join us for dinner at
the Golden Steer. Well, click
here and here to see what you
If we have a ride or an event and
Let’s have a great June, the
weather will be Chicago like, and
if you don’t like the weather, wait
10 minutes and it will change.
- Tony & Sharon Sundt
Chapter Director
Are you free on Wednesday
mornings? Come and join
our“Breakfast Club” it meets
every Wednesday at 9am at the
Sunmist Restaurant & Café
located at 501 E. Lake Street in
Addison. Weather permitting
we will schedule an ABR (after
breakfast ride.)
Volume 16 Issue 6
Page 3
Page 4
Chapter Educator, Ron Walldren & co-rider Missy
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Same goes for lawn-care trucks and trailers, though
not so much with the leaking and more with the
spewing -- leaves, branches and sometimes rakes
and lawnmower blades. Same goes for RV’s – you
don’t want to think about what they’re spewing. On
highways during very hot days, be especially watchful for the “rubber alligators” that have left their
tractor-trailer wheels, and those “tar snakes” can be
challenging when hot and wet.
Pay attention to smells. The smell of un-burnt diesel
might mean a slippery spill. Burning rubber is
sometimes a tractor-trailer messily losing a retread
at 70 mph up ahead. Burning brakes might mean
traffic ahead has just stomped on theirs. The smell
of pot means that the driver ahead (Cheech &
Chong) of you is or possibly may be stoned. The
Start Seeing Motorcycles NOT just for the smell of manure means that you might find a road
Month of May, but the entire year
apple right in the middle of a perfect line that turn
up ahead, especially in the Amish country sides or
With warmer weather, motorcycles are back on the cattle crossings.
roads. Be mindful of the additional risks they present. Because motorcycles are smaller than automo- The odds of a motorcycle falling over are directly
biles, they are harder to see and their speed is more proportional to the size of the audience and of the
difficult to judge. The majority of multi-vehicle mo- owner’s ego. The fact that your keys are still in
your pants pocket will only become apparent after
torcycle crashes are caused when drivers don’t see
you have put on your gloves. Nothing is harder to
the motorcyclist. Motorists are urged to be on the
start than a used motorcycle being shown to a prolookout!
spective buyer. You will never suffer a punctured
Think about the number of motorcycle riding expe- tire on the road until you leave the repair kit at home
and your cell phone. You will not feel the need to
rience we have in our Chapter. Some of the road
go to the restroom until after you have put on your
stories we tell almost border on the edge of unberain suit.
lievable. Yet much knowledge and learning has
been imparted from one rider to another over the
years. E.g. Road kill is slippery --- it does not mat- Motorcycling is always an adventure so get out
there and experience yours. Remember folks, be
ter if it’s fresh or old. Beware of wet inners and
careful out there, and if you can't ride it safely, park
guts. Rain rehydrates old road kill and makes it
it and walk! And as usual, drive safe, be safe, watch
slippery all over again. Recently cut grass/weeds
out for those crazy cagers and politicians, and avoid
on the road sides (usually right track) will also be
slippery as will sand and gravel at some rural inter- those nasty Illinois potholes....Ron Walldren,
Chapter Educator
sections and entrances to gas stations and stores.
Know thyself – listen when your body tells you it
needs food, water, if you feel yourself getting or
making stupid movements, including singing to
Try a little humor: "
Motorcycling is like a beauty
yourself. Avoid following garbage trucks, they leak contest. When you ignore all the marketing, what it
and spew.
really comes down to, is the best set of curves and
knowing how to handle them.
Volume 16 Issue 6
Goodbye? No, it’s the beginning!!
By: Melanie Ciesla
I guess I don’t really know how to begin
writing this article. I have been both an unofficial and eventually an official member of
this club ever since I can remember. I’ll be
31 at the end of this month and I know this
club has been in existence going on 17
Page 5
have known for many years now, and you
know who you are!
I know that it must seem strange that I am
writing this article, but I have something to
tell you. I am moving and relocating to
Knoxville, Tennessee, and yes, this is located
near where my parents, Jerry and Irene
Ciesla (you remember them right?!) now
reside. I went down to visit them and was
surprised at how ‘suburban’ the area felt
and was excited to drive on twisty roads!
(hint, you would love it down there) No it
wasn't just the roads that got me to love
the area. It is an absolutely beautiful location just at the edge of the Smoky Mountains about an hour away from the National
Park. But I’m sure Ken Nagle’s told you all
about how beautiful it is down there al-
years now and I am almost positive I have
been here for the majority of those 17
This club has given me the opportunity to
create many memories throughout those
years. I remember going to Wing Ding three
times: in Billings, Montana; Huntsville, AL;
Springfield, MO, and many other miscellaneous trips all over.! I was just a preteen/
teenager then and I have met so many different people throughout the years. Some
came and went, some I still remember very
fondly though we don’t see them much if at
all anymore. There are a select few that I
ready too. I am transferring within my company for the time being and will probably
continue to pursue my teaching career
there, where I may have a better chance of
(Continued on page 6)
Page 6
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
show you around, once I get a hang of the
finding a job. I plan on staying down there ropes myself!
for good, and slowing my life down some.
I have been membership coordinator for
I’m so sick of running around always feela brief time and for the majority of the
ing like I’m stressed out and in a hurry to
past five years I have been the newsletter
do everything. I look forward to enjoying
editor. And, obviously this will be the last
the milder weather (I hate winter too!),
newsletter that I will be editing for the
away from the politics and crazy traffic of
club. It has been a fun and interesting experience the past few years. It has also
forced me to keep up on my word processing skills which will be helpful in the
future I am sure. I was also forced to
learn to use new programs that I was never used to using so that has helped to
widen my knowledge also. So, the job is
now open,...any takers?
(Continued from page 5)
Thank you to Chapter Director Tony
Illinois. (really? 1 hour to go 8 miles??)
Sundt for helping me, especially lately
when I just couldn’t get things done on
So, with all that said, I am truly excited to
time. This past year has been a bumpy
embark on the next part of my life, but I
ride for me and you were a life saver
will miss you all. I want to say “Thank You”
when it came to the newsletter!
to everyone who’s always been there to
help me when I needed it and supported Lastly, I have never been a motorcyclist
me in my decisions and pursuits of life.
but I have always loved and been loved by
Many of you are very dear to me and you the people in this club. Many of you I look
are my friends and have been my mentors up to and respect so very much. I hope
throughout my life. I will never forget you, that this club continues to be as great and
I can’t! Z2 has been such a big part of my as open and caring as it has been to me
life for so many years.
these past ten plus years. Wish me the
best! I’ll miss you too!
Yes, of course you can come and visit! I
would love to meet up with you and
Volume 16 Issue 6
Page 7
Z2 Meeting Notes 05/12/13 – Submitted by Alyce Wegener
The meeting opened at 9:07 a.m.
Tony thanked Billy for a successful bike workshop last Saturday.
He also thanked Ron for a great 1st ever Mystery Dinner Ride. The next Mystery Dinner Ride will be this
Tuesday May 7th. The hosts are Harry and Rita and we will meet at the Maple Tree Restaurant at 6
Tony said there were 15 bikes on the ABR ride to Ottawa last Wednesday.
The ABR on May 15th is a lunch ride to Franks Diner in Kenosha.
On May 25th, there is a dinner ride to the Golden Steer Restaurant in
Forest Park.
Ron, our chapter educator, reminded everyone to start wearing their safety gear and to read his article in
the newsletter.
Doug reminded those going to Arkansas in September to make their reservations.
Bill talked about the ride to Hines Hospital on Sunday May 19th. He also read a letter from the American
Legion that asked for volunteers to help with a short parade on Armed Forces Day.
John M. said the people going to LaCrosse on June 21-22-23 will meet at 7:30 a.m. on June 21 at the
McDonalds 275 Northwest Hwy in Palatine.
Al Nurczyk was chosen to plan the June Mystery Dinner Ride.
John M. was the Progressive number winner.
The 50-50 1st place - Melanie C 2nd place - Butch T and 3rd place - Don Shore.
The meeting ended at 9:40 a.m. The ride after will be to Kankakee River State
Park in Wilmington.
Happy June Birthday!!!
Nick Schmitz 6/8
MaryAnn Anderson 6/15
Donna Walldren 6/25
Carl McGee 6/27
Bill Bijou 6/27
Russ Pritchard 6/27
Melanie Ciesla 6/29
If your birthday is this month and it is not listed here, please contact
Melanie Ciesla at
[email protected] and let us know!!!
Page 8
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Volume 16 Issue 6
Page 9
Page 10
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Des Plaines Hondawww.dshonda.com
Melanie Ciesla
Arlington Heights, IL
[email protected]
Host a party and earn some great free
products of YOUR choice!
FEH has just unveiled their unique NEW SoyPlus Coconut wax blend, which burns even
longer and more fragrant than before! Wicks
or without wicks, there is something for everyone at For Every Home.
Paul Ullrich
Residential, Rental, Commercial & Fundraising
Cell 847-347-5720
Why are you paying more for your Electricity?
Now you can Go GREEN & Save GREEN
Independent Viridian Associate #19598
All state leather
Himalaya motor bike wear
If interested please contact member JoAnn Hallerud at
[email protected] or newsletter editor Melanie Ciesla
at [email protected]
GL 1800s for our rental program. Call
Adam at The Zone Honda at
Zone Hondawww.motorcyclezone.net
Support our Sponsors!
Tell them: “I saw your message in the
Chicagoland Wings Newsletter!”
Volume 16 Issue 6
GWRRA National
Wing World Magazinewww.wingworldmag.com
Region E America’s Heartland Staff
Region Website
Region E Directors
Bruce & Barbara Beeman
[email protected]
Assistant Region Directors
Bob & Nicki Fowkes
Lance & Diane Brozek
Bob & Diane Phelps
Page 11
IL-District Officers
& Staff
District Website
Illinois District Directors
Mary Adams
[email protected]
Assistant District Directors
Steve & Diane Gottschalk -South
Jack & Hazel Burton - West
Earl & Pat Hobbs - Chicagoland
Tom & Pat Waller - East
District Educator/MAD
Dan & Linda Davis
Sponsorship Coordinator
Chet Stephens
Region E Educator
Jerry & Sue Allhands
District MFA Coordinators
Mike & Jan Buzick
Region E Medic First Aid
Mike & Jan Buzick
District Treasurers
Sue Allhands
Region E MED Coordinators
Dan & Lynn Rasmussen
District ME Coordinator
Leadership Training Division
Region E Tresurer
Steve and Sandy Slager
Robin Petitt & Fred Rennpferd
Region E Leadership Trainers
Bill & Nancy James
Region E Patch Shop
Wally & Jan Wallace
Region E Webmaster
Bruce Watkins
Region E Newsletter Editor
Sherry Watkins
Region E Vendor Coordinators
Mike & Jane Hultine
LTD Instructors
George & Ketra Wanamaker
Don & Cindy Janas
Dave & Sherre Leavans
Jim & Jean Stout
Ron & Cheryl Deckard
Mike & Jan Buzick
Steve & Sandy Schlager
Walter & Jean Potwora
Dan & Martha Ribbing
Kimberly Morgan
Ed Haggerty
Walter & Jean Potwora
Region E Public Relations Coordinators
Dist. COY Coordinators
Walter & Jean Potwora
Steven & Diane Gottschalk
Region E Couple of the Year 2012-2013
District Couple of the Year
Mitchell & Sue Bence
Jim & Helen Rusher
Region E Indie. of the Year 2012-2013
District Patch Coordinator
Rob Boots
Lori & Ron Heffelfinger
District Newsletter Editor
Mary Adams
District Webmaster
Tom & Beth Weltzer
Chapter Z2 Officers
& Staff
Chapter IL-Z2 website
Chapter Directors:
Tony & Sharon Sundt
[email protected]
Asst Chapter Directors:
Robert & Char Ullrich
[email protected]
Bob & Bobbie Siebert
[email protected]
Ron & Nancy Morrison
[email protected]
Steve Willuweit
Chapter Educator:
Ron Walldren
[email protected]
Danni Schwieger
[email protected]
Ride Coordinator:
John Meyers
[email protected]
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Don Schwieger
[email protected]
Butch & Mary Thielenhouse
[email protected]
Events Coordinator:
Doug Koglin
[email protected]
Special Evens Coordinator
Bill Bijou
[email protected]
Earl & Pat Hobbs
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor:
Melanie Doyle
[email protected]
IL-Z2 monitors CB Channel 2
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June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Volume 16 Issue 6
Page 13
Volume 16 Issue 6
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Page 15
Pictures from Brazilian Steak House Dinner Ride
June 2013 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Page 16
Volume 16 Issue 6
Volume 16 Issue 6
Page 17
be given to the hand and with the three highest totals
to be declared the winners. The winners will be announced at the 2014 Winter Warm-Up. Pictures are
required for the individual and chapter poker
As in the past, the MAD Poker Ride provides the
hand with you and/or your group at the Dealership. (Your bike does not have to be in the picture)
opportunity and excuse to mount up and ride. This
year the theme is Honda Dealers. The poker ride
Multiple pictures can be on one sheet.
ends on October 31, 2013. The poker hands will be There will be a special award presented to the Chapdrawn at the November Chapter Meeting and sent to ter that visits the most Honda Dealers. To qualify for
me by December 15, with all checks made payable this award the Visit Sheet must be submitted, also
to Illinois District Riders Ed from a chapter check- these visits must be in a chapter member’s poker
ing account. No cash please.
Five (5) Honda Dealers visited will be a poker hand.
Each hand will be $5.00. There will be awards given Be safe and have fun riding,
to the top three hands. After the December 15 cutoff Dan and Linda Sue Davis
date, each card in the deck will be given a number
Illinois District Educators/MAD
value drawn at random. The total of these points will [email protected]
Motorist Awareness Division
2013 Poker Ride
Action Cycle (Sam Speeds)
817 W Union Ave
Arlington Motorsports
1020 W Northwest Hwy
Arlington Heights
BBK Motorsport-Honda
222 Dundee Ave
Belleville Honda
2100 N Belt W
Bill Glodich Honda
209 W Main St
West Frankfort
Bob-Jo Cycle Co
50W112 Old State Rd
Maple Park
Charlies Cycle Supply
3521 State Route 78
Chicago Cycles
3450 W Touhy Ave
Chi-Town Honda Yamaha
19528 Burnham Ave
Cupi’s Motor Mall
845 Edgewater Dr
North Pekin
Des Plaines Honda
550 E Northwest Hwy
Des Plaines
DGY Motorsports
216 Ogden Ave
Downers Grove
Douglas & Frye
1902 Locust St
DuPage Honda Yamaha
27W215 North Ave
West Chicago
Eastland Motor Sports
110 E IL Route 64
Fox Valley Cycles
419 Hill Ave
Freeport Honda/Kawasaki
3086 Route 26 N
Fun Mart Cycle Center
1320 36th Ave
Garrels Honda
1101 E Howard St
Generation MX
10200 South Mandel St
Grayboy Motorsports
4426 N Prospect Rd
Peoria Heights
H & H Motorsports
1700 W Poplar St
Honda House of Elmhurst
641 IL 83
Honda Northwest
4911 Northwest Hwy
Crystal Lake
Honda of Rockford
1860 S Bell School Rd
Cherry Valley
Holzhauer’s Pro Motorsports
17933 Holzhauer Automall Dr
Leipold Motor Sales
1720 E Norris Dr
Lemond’s Honda
637 US Highway 45
Magnuson Motorcycle Supply & Repair
315 West State Street
Good Hope
Midwest Motor Sports
1 Fun Ln
Myers Cycle Sales
1002 W Pine
Niehaus Cycle
718 Old Route 66 North
Nielsen Enterprises
130 S Milwaukee Ave
Lake Villa
Otto Brothers Honda Suzuki
7837 W. Ogden Ave
Owen Motor Sports
11660 Old State Rd
Prairie Wings Cycle
1306 Lamson Dr
RTD Motorsports
2430 N Dirksen Pkwy
RTD Motorsports – Taylorville
710 Springfield Rd
Southern Illinois Motorsports
2145 Sweets Dr
Sparks and Sons Honda
5204 E 1050th Ave
Sport City of Jacksonville
1010 N. Main St.
Sportland Honda
2045 Ireland Grove Rd
Sportland Motorsports
1602 N Linc oln Ave
Ted’s Motorcycle World
4103 Humbert Rd
The Zone Honda Kawasaki
4520 W 63rd St
TNT Action Sports
5101 Oak St
Travco Motorsports
3983 N II Route 130
Watseka Suzuki Honda
196 N Jefferson Street
Weber Bros Honda
200 E Main St
Willy World Cycles
101 N Reed St
World of Powersports
2635 N 22nd St