PDF-File - Krueger Targets
PDF-File - Krueger Targets
ISSF Official Supplier of the International Shooting Sport Federation shooting sport targets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Schießscheiben 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Targets · Cibles· Blancos 19 6 6 - 2 0 16 www.krueger-scheiben.de Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 60 cm Target Face International catalogue & pricelist Official Supplier of the World Archery Federation 2016 DEUTSCHER SCHÜTZENBUND E.V. Official Supplier of the German shooting federation for paper targets uziert 50 m 0 red r: Entfernung P 15m0- Ringdurchmesse 25 BDM tand nabs Offizieller Lieferant der Muzzle Loaders Association tor Competi er e Offic Rang 0 P 150 e BDM ibe he Bei Sc Summ r l d. Treffe Anzah X 10 9 TNR. STAR MATCH 8 0 7 ET TARG 0 0 E STAG Fehler Gesamt PrinteOfficial FITA d by Krüg Targe Seria er - FITA t Face l Num Targe – 40 ber cm 40-10 t Licen se # /12 10 6 Official Supplier of the World Association PPC 1500 7 8 Schi eßsc heib Target Telefon s·Cibl es·Bla www.be 0 68 31/975- en 40 cmst-targets.com118 ncos Targ et Face 9 1 2 3 .-Nr.: 5458 4 6 5 2 , redu 1 9 14 9 Official Supplier National Rifle Association 1 2 3 4 5 18 15 P 1500 3 4 13 19 5 17 6 8 BINGO 6 11 7 2 8 6 10 3 BDM 4 20 1 12 r.: 9200 16 ziert 6 Best.-N , 1-tlg ., Best 5 7 © 5 4 6 3 9 2 12 9 1 Best.-N r.: 9480 BDMP PP1, 1-tlg. Best.-Nr.: 5453 © Schützen-Nr. Official Supplier USA Shooting Targets · Cibles · Blancos Krüger Druck +Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Marktstrasse 1 66763 Dillingen/Saar GERMANY Phone +49 68 31/975-118 Fax +49 68 31/975-115 E-Mail: [email protected] Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com GENERAL CONDITIONS / CONTACT PERSONS The prices stated here are calculated on basis of the actual valid costs. At an increase of these costs we have the right to increase the confirmed prices as well. All targets are of high quality and have outstanding shot display characteristics. For being able to handle your order to your satisfaction we ask to add to your orderform your faxnumber or your eMail-address. Please order the targets by telling the order-numbers stated herein and please pay attention to the packing units. Terms of delivery: Ex works, seaworthy packing material will be charged. Terms of payment: We accept payment in advance only for deliveries outside of Germany. After receiving our pro forma invoice the payment is possible by bank transfer or credit card transaction. n If you provide a printable data file (e.g. PDF) for the imprint, the imprint of club labels or advertisements are free of charge for the following minimum quantities: with size 10.0 x 10.0 cm from 25,000 pieces minimum, with size 12.0 x 12.0 cm from 24,000 pieces minimum, with size 13.5 x 13.5 cm from 15,000 pieces minimum, with size 17.0 x 17.0 cm from 24,000 pieces minimum, with size 20.0 x 20.0 cm from 18,000 pieces minimum, with size 26.0 x 26.0 cm from 12,000 pieces minimum, with size 34.0 x 34.0 cm from 4,000 pieces minimum, with size 55.0 x 53.0 cm from 2,000 pieces minimum, 5 bull’s eye stripe from 20,000 pieces minimum, 10 bull’s eye stripe from 20,000 pieces minimum. Further sizes on demand. For recomposition we will charge a lump-sum of net EUR 30.25 (EUR 36.00 incl. 19 % VAT) n Time of delivery up to 6 weeks for targets with imprints. n Dealer pricelist on request. n In addition to our standard products we offer to print targets according to your requirements. Please send us your pattern. n Delivery ex works. Samples of targets are available on demand. Prices are subject to change. Marktstrasse 1 66763 Dillingen/Saar GERMANY Phone +49 68 31/975-118 Fax +49 68 31/975-115 www.best-targets.com Joachim Seibold Sales Manager Sport Shooting Targets Margarete Maßmich Sales Office Cell: +49-172-6 79 75 71 E-Mail:[email protected] Phone:+49-68 31- 975118 E-Mail:[email protected] Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 PREFACE ISSF Official Supplier of the International Shooting Sport Federation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Schießscheiben Targets · Cibles· Blancos 19 6 6 - 2 0 16 www.krueger-scheiben.de Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 60 cm Target Face Dear shooter, Official Supplier of the World Archery Federation DEUTSCHER SCHÜTZENBUND E.V. Official Supplier of the German shooting federation for paper targets Offizieller Lieferant der Muzzle Loaders Association Official Supplier of the World Association PPC 1500 Official Supplier National Rifle Association Official Supplier USA Shooting 2016 is a special anniversary year for Krüger Paper Targets. 50 years ago, after many test prints the first Krüger paper targets went in production. Over the past 50 years, our high-quality and inexpensive Schießscheiben became more and more popular among athletes, clubs and associations. Today we can say that we are the leading manufacturer of shooting targets in ISSF quality worldwide; Kruger targets are known in more than 150 countries. In this new catalog we present you the current program for sport shooting. Krüger targets are made at our own printing plant in large quantities. We produce them with using a team of more than 120 highly qualified workers on high technology machines. Our targets have a very good reputation among sport shooters due to their excellent price-quality relationship. We keep on our motto “1 QUALITY = 1 PRICE” which means you will get always first quality for the lowest possible price. We guarantee a consistent high quality standard for our targets, with the best shot impact characteristics, which meets all of the requirements of sport shooting. We use special printing inks to achieve a deep black, non-reflecting aiming mark which is sharp-edged and accurate in all dimensions. The outstanding quality of the machine-smooth special board made from shortfibre raw materials, ensures that the shot holes do not have ragged edges. These characteristics support a quick scoring using all of the normally accepted target scoring machines. The newly manufactured targets are delivered in special shrink-wrapped packaging, which protects the targets against the effects of humidity. Continuously high standards of quality control ensure that the “Krüger-Quality”, which has been well-known for decades, continues to rate as the trademark of a world-renowned and competent manufacturer and supplier. The Krüger printing company is approved by the quality circle control ISO 12647. This confirms our own standards for high quality printing products. In 2015, we received renewed admission as “Official Supplier” for the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF), which certifies the high quality of our targets. We are official supplier for paper targets of the ISSF since 2001, without any break. Since 2006, we have been approved and certified by another World Sport Federation. The World Archery Federation (WA) – former F.I.T.A. – accepted us as “Official Licensed Manu facturer” of target faces for the sport of archery. Therefore, it appears that Krüger is the only producer worldwide, of targets for pistol and rifle shooting and target faces for archery, which meet the requirements of both World Federations. Since January 2009, Krüger is the “Official Supplier of the German Shooting Federation” (DSB) and has obtained the right to print the DSB logo on their paper targets. Furthermore, we are approved as an Official Supplier for the German Archery League (DSB) and other German shooting federations, e.g. “Bund Deutscher Sportschützen” (BDS) and Deutsche Schießsportunion (DSU). After the „National Rifle Association of America (NRA)” we are choosen as well from the the American Olympic Shooting Federation, „USA Shooting“, to become their licenced target manufacturer. 2016 another world association the M.L.A.I.C. (Muzzle Loaders Associations International Committee) appoint us for their licensed manufacturer for their targets and give us a sign of confidence for our targets “Made in Germany”! We wish you always “Good Luck” when shooting on Krüger targets! Andreas Krüger Chief Executive Officer Joachim Seibold Sales Manager Sport Shooting Targets Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 Günter Schmitt Logistic Sport Shooting Targets 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AIR RIFLE ISSF 4 5 6 7 8 9 Air rifle 10 m single targets Air rifle 10 m special targets Target for blind persons / Biathlon target 10 m Air rifle 10 m target-strips Air rifle 10 m target strip holder Air rifle 10 m training targets Technical information / Utilisation training targets RIFLE 10 11 12 13 14 15 page 4-9 page 10-15 Rifle 50 m smallbore targets / Target insert 20 x 20 cm Rifle 50 m target centres / fanfold targets / replace centres Rifle 50 m training targets / target sets / Endless bands (on roll) N E W Rifle 50 m special targets / Biathlon target 50 m Rifle 100 m targets Technical information / Utilisation training targets BIGBORE RIFLE page 16 16Bigbore rifle 300 m target / Technical information Service rifle 200 m target / musket RUNNING TARGET page 17-18 17 Running target 10 m 18 Running target 50 m / Technical information AIR PISTOL 19 20 21 22 page 19-22 Air pistol targets 10 m Air pistol target-strips / fanfold target / Pony-Club-target N E W Air pistol training targets 10 m Technical information / Utilisation training targets PISTOL page 23-24 23 Pistol targets 25/50 m 24 Fanfold target / Pistol training targets 25/50 m / Utilisation training targets RAPID FIRE PISTOL page 25-26 25Olympic rapid fire pistol target 25 m / Sighting target for olympic rapid fire pistol 25 m / Targets with shaded scoring rings and final ring / Rapid fire action pistol target 25 m 26 Rapid fire air pistol targets 10 m / Technical information CROSSBOW page 27 27 Crossbow targets 10 m / Crossbow targets 30 m / Field crossbow target faces SPECIAL TARGETS / POLICE TRAINING TARGETS page 28-30 28 WA 1500 PPC 29 NPA-targets / Bianchi cup / EPP 30 Police pistol targets / IPSC targets BENCHREST 31 Benchrest targets 50 m / Benchrest target 100 m / Technical information 2 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 page 31 TABLE OF CONTENTS MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring Systems 32 33 34 35 37 38 page 32-38 Mask targets for Electronic Scoring Systems (SPIETH + Polytronic + HÄRING) Universal paper roll for Electronic Scoring Systems (SPIETH + Polytronic + SIUS) Thermal paper roll (SPIETH + Polytronic + SIUS) / Backing Target for EST Mask targets for Electronic Scoring System SIUS Mask targets for DISAG “OpticScore” Mask targets for MEYTON Modell MF4R1 & MF5R1 Black Magic Mask targets for MEYTON Modell MF4R3 & MF5R3 Mask targets for MEYTON Modell MF6R3 Black Magic XL ARCHERY 39 40 41 42 43 page 39-43 WA Target faces WA triple faces WA Triangle target face 40 cm “LAS VEGAS” / WA Centres 80 cm / WA Field Archery target faces Blowgun target face / Centre spots for target faces / Archery Target Pins / Archery fun targets Archery fun targets TARGET PATCHES page 44 44 Target patches - chamois Target patches - black FUN-/ MOTIVE-TARGETS / TARGETS FOR HOBBY AND ENTERTAINMENT 45 46 49 51 52 53 page 45-53 Fun targets 10/25/50/100 m Fun targets 10 m Motive targets 25/50/100 m Game targets 10 m Targets for hobby and entertainment Starting numbers OFFICIAL CHECK TARGETS page 54 54 Official check targets Skid-Gauge FAX ORDER page 55 E X A M PL E fo r w ate r- re pe ll e nt targ e ts Order-no. 2000 SW page 10 Order-no. 3100 SW page 14, 23 Order-no. 3200 SW page 25 Order-no. 6165 W page 34 Order-no. 6305 GW page 35 Order-no. 6309 GW page 35 Order-no. 6505 GW page 36 Order-no. 6509 GW page 36 Order-no. 6112/58 GW page 38 Order-no. 6200/58 GW page 38 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 3 AIR RIFLE 10 m Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 1300 10 30.5 10 x 10 1000 1000 8.66 10.30 1300 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1000 1000 10.42 12.40 10 30.5 10 x 10 500 500 6.05 7.20 Target for air rifle ISSF consecutively numbered Sighting target for air rifle with black corner 1300 P Target for air rifle (No. 1300) 100 targets sealed in film, with suspension 1300 H 10 30.5 10 x 10 100 100 1.76 2.10 100 targets sealed in film 1300/100 10 30.5 10 x 10 100 100 1.26 1.50 1300 BL - - 10 x 10 500 500 3.11 3.70 10 pieces (1300 N) numbered targets + 2 sighters (1300 P) 1510 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1 set set 0.38 0.45 20 pieces (1300 N) numbered targets + 2 sighters (1300 P) 1520 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1 set set 0.55 0.65 30 pieces (1300 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (1300 P) 1530 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1 set set 0.84 1.00 40 pieces (1300 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (1300 P) 1540 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1 set set 1.09 1.30 60 pieces (1300 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (1300 P) 1560 N 10 30.5 10 x 10 1 set set 1.51 1.80 Target for air rifle (plain) not printed Set of air rifle targets ISSF (other quantities on demand) 4 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 AIR RIFLE 10 m Category/ Article Order no Distance m Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 30.5 12 x 12 1000 1000 20.00 23.80 10 30.5 12 x 12 1000 1000 20.00 23.80 1305 10 30.5 14 x 13.5 1000 1000 15.63 18.60 1305 N 10 30.5 14 x 13.5 1000 1000 20.25 24.10 12 rings, 12 point zone in white 1312 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 1000 1000 20.00 23.80 12 rings, 12 point zone in white, consecutively numbered 1312 N 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 1000 1000 21.34 25.40 1000 1000 52.77 62.80 500 500 30.76 36.60 Target for air rifle with 3 bull's eyes consecutively numbered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Target for air rifle with 4 bull's eyes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 consecutively numbered 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1303 N 1304 N 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Target for air rifle with 5 bull’s eyes consecutively numbered Target for air rifle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Air rifle target for blind persons – international version 1 2 3 consecutively numbered 4 5 1322 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 6 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 Best.-Nr.: 1322 1 Biathlon-Scheibe Luftgewehr 10 m Anschlag liegend/stehend 1 Start-Nr.: Name: Datum: Biathlon target for air rifle according the rules of the German Shooting Federation (DSB) standing position 35 mm and prone position 15 mm 1250 10 10.5 / 30.5 40 x 13 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 5 AIR RIFLE 10 m Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Sighting target-strip for air rifle with 4 targets 1004 P with black corner 10 30.5 23.5 x 5.2 500 500 8.74 10.40 1005 10 30.5 31 x 5.2 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 1005 N 10 30.5 31 x 5.2 1000 1000 21.01 25.00 Schützen-Nr. Target-strip for air rifle with 5 targets consecutively numbered Schützen-Nr. Target-strip for air rifle with 10 targets consecutively numbered 1010 10 30.5 57 x 5.2 1000 1000 30.67 36.50 1010 N 10 30.5 57 x 5.2 1000 1000 34.45 41.00 30.17 35.90 Schützen-Nr. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Punkt Meister Jugend 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 Alters Mannschaft 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Nr. T RM Target-strip for air rifle with 5 targets – for target scoring machine DISAG 2000 1105 N consecutively numbered 10 30.5 36 x 7 1000 1000 Schützen-Nr. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Punkt Meister Jugend 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 Alters Mannschaft 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nr. T RM Target-strip for air rifle with 10 targets – for target scoring machine DISAG 2000 consecutively numbered 6 1110 N 10 30.5 69 x 7 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 1000 1000 45.04 53.60 AIR RIFLE 10 m Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 - 12 x 10 400 400 14.37 17.10 10 - 12 x 10 400 400 14.79 17.60 10 - 17 x 17 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 10 - 17 x 17 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 10 - 17 x 17 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 10 - 17 x 17 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 Target-strip holder - simple type for stripes with 5.2 cm in width 1200 (White special card) for stripes with 7 cm in width 1201 (White special card) Target-strip holder - improved type for stripes with 5.2 cm in width 1202 (Original target card, white back side) for stripes with 7 cm in width 1203 (Original target card, white back side) Target-strip holder - improved type for stripes with 5.2 cm in width 1204 (White, water-repellent special card) for stripes with 7 cm in width 1205 (White, water-repellent special card) Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 7 AIR RIFLE 10 m Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 - 10 x 10 250 250 5.13 6.10 Air rifle skills training target large strip (5.5 x 90.0 mm) 1410 Best.-Nr.: 1410 Air rifle skills training target for DISAG ”OpticScore“ large strip (punched out 5.5 x 90.0 mm) plain 1410/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 - 10 x 10 250 250 5.13 6.10 (see figure on page 36) Air rifle skills training target small strip (6.0 x 30.5 mm) 1420 Best.-Nr.: 1420 Air rifle skills training target for DISAG ”OpticScore“ small strip (punched out 6.0 x 30.5 mm) plain 1420/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 - 10 x 10 250 250 5.13 6.10 (see figure on page 36) Air rifle skills training target small strip (9.0 x 30.5 mm) 1430 Best.-Nr.: 1430 Air rifle skills training target for DISAG ”OpticScore“ small strip (punched out 9.0 x 30.5 mm) plain 1430/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 30.5 10 x 10 250 250 5.13 6.10 10 - 10 x 10 250 250 4.29 5.10 250 7.90 9.40 (see figure on page 36) Air rifle skills training target Best.-Nr.: 1440 bull's eye with the rings 6 and 8 1440 Air rifle skills training target totally black 1445 Schützen-Nr. Air rifle skills training target with 10 aiming marks without scoring rings 1450 10 30.5 57 x 5.2 (to use with target strip holder on page 7) 8 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 250 Category/ Article Order no Best.-Nr.: 1410 Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Best.-Nr.: 1430 Best.-Nr.: 1420 Utilisation training targets air rifle 10 m / Technical information Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 x 10 1 set set Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Best.-Nr.: 1440 AIR RIFLE 10 m / Set of skills training targets for air rifle 1 set = 5 x 50 targets, No. 1410, 1420, 1430, 1440, 1445 TIPS FOR THE USE OF TRAINING TARGETS (AIR RIFLE) 1460 10 - Order-No. 1410 Dry training = Holding exercises: Used for checking and improving the outer and inner position (body control). The target on which a vertical stripe appears, can also be rotated 90° so that the stripe is horizontal. When holding on the target, the eyes should be closed for a second or two and then re-opened to check whether the stripe remains cleanly centred in the front sight. These exercises also serve to improve the shooter‘s physical condition. Live training = Shooting at the training target: The fall of shot must stay in the area of the black stripe. If this is not achieved, and shots wander out of the black zone, selfanalysis is required to establish whether the problem lies, for example, in faulty trigger control resulting in unwanted vertical or horizontal muzzle movements within the shot release sequence; or whether muscle tensions that the shooter was not aware of have been released at the moment of fire (control of the inner position). The width of the stripe is roughly equivalent to the 9 ring. TECHNICAL INFORMATION (AIR RIFLE) AIR RIFLE 10 m ring ø mm tolerance 10 0.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 9 5.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 8 10.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 7 15.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 6 20.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) BIATHLON TARGET FOR AIR RIFLE 10 m position prone Aiming mark ø mm 35 mm Hit area ø mm 15 mm standing 35 mm 11.51 13.70 Order-No. 1420 and 1430 These go beyond target type Nr. 1410 in that now, both sideways and vertical movement must be suppressed simultaneously. For less able shooters, it is recommended to begin with Nr. 1430. Order-No. 1440 The purpose of this target is to help shooters learn not to take notice of and add up their score while they are shooting. By doing this they learn to avoid self-induced losses of concentration. As electronic scoring systems become ever more prevalent, it is nowadays highly recommended to train exclusively with this type of target. Anyway, the scoring machine will afterwards determine the score with more certainty than the shooter can. Order-No. 1445 Through the use of this fully black air rifle target, the shooter learns to concentrate exclusively on the sight-picture. Order-No. 1450 In some shooting clubs, it is already customary to train as described under Nr. 1440 above, for this reason we have these strips in our product range. AIR RIFLE TARGET (12-rings) 10 m ring ø mm 12 9 mm 35 mm Tolerances of the diameter: ± 0.2 mm AIR RIFLE TARGET FOR THE BLIND 10 m 5 25.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) ring ø mm 4 30.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 1-9 each 6 mm 3 35.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 10 12 mm 2 40.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) total ø 120 mm 1 45.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) ring thickness: 0.1 to 0.2 mm Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 9 RIFLE 50 m SMALLBORE TARGETS Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 2000 50 112.4 34 x 34 250 250 20.08 23.90 2000 N 50 112.4 34 x 34 250 250 23.28 27.70 50 112.4 34 x 34 100 100 8.99 10.70 250 25.80 30.70 piece 0.59 0.70 Target for smallbore rifle ISSF 1 consecutively numbered 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 Sighting target for smallbore rifle 1 with black corner 2000 P Smallbore rifle background target for wire target changing systems ISSF with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 13.5 x 13.5 cm, consecutively numbered 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 2000 NS 50 112.4 34 x 34 250 3 2 1 Smallbore rifle background target for wire target changing systems with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 13.5 x 13.5 cm and 20 x 20 cm, water-repellant and tear proof 2000 SW 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 50 112.4 34 x 34 1 piece (see figure of example on page 3) 3 2 1 Smallbore rifle background target for wire target changing systems ISSF with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 20 x 20 cm 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 2010 S 50 112.4 34 x 34 250 250 25.80 30.70 2012 50 112.4 20 x 20 500 500 20.34 24.20 2012 N 50 112.4 20 x 20 500 500 23.53 28.00 112.4 20 x 20 250 250 12.86 15.30 1 3 2 1 Target insert for smallbore rifle 1 ISSF 2 3 consecutively numbered 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 10 1 Sighting target insert for smallbore rifle with black corner 2012 P 50 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 RIFLE 50 m SMALLBORE TARGETS Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 2030 50 112.4 13.5 x 13.5 1000 1000 14.87 17.70 2030 N 50 112.4 13.5 x 13.5 1000 1000 17.65 21.00 50 112.4 13.5 x 13.5 500 500 9.66 11.50 50 112.4 33.5 x 30.48 1 band band 31.85 37.90 50 112.4 33.5 x 30.48 1 band band 36.64 43.60 50 112.4 25 x 30.48 1 band band 28.91 34.40 50 112.4 25 x 30.48 1 band band 32.02 38.10 200 51 x 53.34 1 band band 58.66 69.80 6.1 x 6.1 1 roll roll 27.48 32.70 Centre for smallbore rifle target 3 ISSF training only consecutively numbered 3 Order no 3 Sighting target centre for smallbore rifle training only 3 with black corner 2030 P Smallbore rifle 50 m fanfold target ISSF 1 band = 250 targets, continuous zigzag-folded with perforations, size of one target: 33.5 cm wide, 30.48 cm high (12’’) 2060 consecutively numbered 2060 N Smallbore rifle 50 m fanfold target (small) 1 band = 250 targets, continuous zigzag-folded with perforations, size of one target: 25 cm wide, 30.48 cm high (12’’) 2070 consecutively numbered 2070 N Fanfold target for rifle 100 m / pistol 50 m 1 band = 100 targets, continuous zigzag-folded with perforations, size of one target: 51 cm wide, 53.34 cm high (21’’), consecutively numbered 2065 N 50/100 Replace centres for smallbore rifle 50 m targets 1 roll = 1000 pieces, self-adhesive, ring 7 to ring 10, of paper 2080 50 - Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 11 RIFLE 50 m SMALLBORE TARGETS / ENDLESS BANDS 10 m & 50 m Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 50 - 20 x 20 250 250 14.62 17.40 50 112.4 20 x 20 250 250 14.62 17.40 Smallbore rifle skills training target 2100 Best.-Nr.: 2100 Central stripe (45 x 190 mm) Smallbore rifle skills training target Best.-Nr.: 2110 bull’s eye whitout rings 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 ISSF Special note: Tips for use of the smallbore rifle skills training targets you‘ll find on page 15. Set of smallbore rifle targets 1 2 3 ISSF 2110 1 30 pieces (2012 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (2012 P) 2170 N 50 112.4 20 x 20 1 set set 3.78 4.50 40 pieces (2012 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (2012 P) 2180 N 50 112.4 20 x 20 1 set set 4.87 5.80 60 pieces (2012 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (2012 P) 2190 N 50 112.4 20 x 20 1 set set 7.06 8.40 for air rifle 1 roll = 4000 pieces 1304 R 10 30.5 16.7 x 15.24 1 roll roll 196.05 233.30 for air pistol 1 roll = 3000 pieces 3000 R 10 59.5 16.7 x 20.32 1 roll roll 196.05 233.30 for smallbore rifle 1 roll = 2000 pieces 2000 R 50 112.4 25.0 x 20.32 1 roll roll 196.05 233.30 (other quantities on demand) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 N E W Endless bands (on roll) minimum order quantity for rolls with imprint or special design: air rifle 10 m: 40 rolls air pistol 10 m: 20 rolls small-bore rifle 50 m: 20 rolls 12 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 RIFLE 50 m SPECIAL TARGETS Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e www.hora2000.de Biathlon paper target for rifle zeroing (System HoRa) with 5 bulls‘s eyes 2090 H 50 - 125 x 32 100 100 58.74 69.90 2200 50 100 34 x 34 250 250 26.13 31.10 400 55 x 53 125 125 55.88 66.50 (White special paper) 2200_Ordonnanz_50m_cs5.pdf 1 19.10.10 17:40 Target for service rifle Scheibe für Ordonnanzgewehr 50 m 1 100 m target reduced for 50 m distance 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Best.-Nr.: 2200 1 Target for match-lock rifle and musket Scheibe für Vorderladerschießen Luntenschlossgewehr und Muskete, Entf. 50 m Scheibe Nr.: for muzzle-loader, match-lock rifle and musket 2210 50 Fullsize target see page 16 (Art. 5520) Name des Schützen: Verein: Art des Schießens: Ort und Datum: Our range of target patches: Order no 5535 Order no 8719 transparent Order no 8615 brown Order no 8515 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 black chamois 13 RIFLE 100 m Category/ Article 1 x 0= x 1= x 2 2= x 3= x 4= x 3 ISSF 4 5= x 6= x 7= x 8= x 9= Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 3100 100 200 55 x 53 250 250 54.71 65.10 3100 N 100 200 55 x 53 250 250 59.41 70.70 3100 P 100 200 55 x 53 125 125 31.51 37.50 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm 3100 S 100 200 55 x 53 250 250 59.41 70.70 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm, consecutively numbered 3100 NS 100 200 55 x 53 250 250 62.52 74.40 3100 SW 100 200 55 x 53 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 3130 100 200 26 x 26 250 250 14.71 17.50 3130 N 100 200 26 x 26 250 250 16.89 20.10 100 200 26 x 26 250 250 17.73 21.10 3140 100 200 21 x 21 250 250 14.03 16.70 3140 N 100 200 21 x 21 250 250 15.71 18.70 100 200 21 x 21 250 250 15.71 18.70 Target for rifle 100 m x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 consecutively numbered 6 5 4 3 2 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no 1 Sighting target for rifle 100 m 6 with black corner 5 4 3 2 1 1 x 2 1= 2= 3= x 4= x 5= x 4 0= x x x 3 ISSF 6= x 7= x 8= x 9= x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 x 0= x 1= x 2 2= x 3= x 4= x 5= 3 x 6= x 8= 4 x 9= x 7= x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 Target for rifle 100 m Target for rifle 100 m with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm, water-repellent + tear proof (see figure of example on page 3) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Centre for rifle target 100 m 6 ISSF training only consecutively numbered 6 6 Sighting target centre for rifle 100 m with black corner training only 6 6 Centre for rifle target 100 m ISSF training only 3130 P consecutively numbered 6 Sighting target centre for rifle 100 m with black corner 3140 P training only 14 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 UTILISATION TRAINING TARGETS RIFLE 50 m / TECHNICAL INFORMATION TIPS FOR THE USE OF TRAINING TARGETS (SMALLBORE RIFLE) Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Order-No. 2100 Dry training = Holding exercises: Used for checking and improving the outer and inner position (body control). The target on which a vertical stripe appears, can also be rotated 90° so that the stripe is horizontal. When holding on the target, the eyes should be closed for a second or two and then re-opened to check whether the stripe remains cleanly centred in the front sight. These exercises also serve to improve the shooter‘s physical condition. Size in cm Packed in Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Price per Bestell-No. 2110 The purpose of this target is to help shooters learn not to take notice of and add up their score while they are shooting. By doing this they learn to avoid self-induced losses of concentration. Live Training = Shooting at the training target: The fall of shot must stay in the area of the black stripe. If this is not achieved, and shots wander out of the black zone, selfanalysis is required to establish whether the problem lies, for example, in faulty trigger control resulting in unwanted vertical or horizontal muzzle movements within the shot release sequence; or whether muscle tensions that the shooter was not aware of have been released at the moment of fire (control of the inner position). The width of the stripe is roughly equivalent to the 8 ring. TECHNICAL INFORMATION SMALLBORE RIFLE 50 m ring ø mm tolerance TARGET FOR SERVICE RIFLE 50 m Size: 34 x 34 cm 10 10.4 mm (± 0.1 mm) Rings: 10 rings 9 26.4 mm (± 0.2 mm) Total-ø: 250 mm 8 42.4 mm (± 0.2 mm) Center-ø: 100 mm 7 58.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) ø of ring 10: 6 74.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) ø inner ten: 12.5 mm 25 mm 5 90.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) Width of ring 1- 5: 12.5 mm 4 106.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) 3 122.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) 2 138.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) 1 154.4 mm (± 0.5 mm) TARGETS FOR: – RIFLE 100 m – MUZZLE LOADER – PISTOL 25 m - (Precision stage) – STANDARD PISTOL – PISTOL 50 m ring ø mm tolerance 10 50 mm (± 0.2 mm) 9 100 mm (± 0.4 mm) 8 150 mm (± 0.6 mm) 7 200 mm (± 1.0 mm) TARGET FOR MUSKET 50 m ring ø mm tolerance 10 80 mm (± 0.5 mm) 9 160 mm (± 1.0 mm) 8 240 mm (± 1.0 mm) 7 320 mm (± 3.0 mm) 6 400 mm (± 3.0 mm) 5 480 mm (± 3.0 mm) 6 250 mm (± 1.0 mm) 5 300 mm (± 1.0 mm) 4 350 mm (± 1.0 mm) BIATHLON PAPER TARGETS FOR RIFLE ZEROING 50 m 3 400 mm (± 1.0 mm) Position ø mm 2 450 mm (± 1.0 mm) Prone 45 mm 1 500 mm (± 1.0 mm) Standing 115 mm inner ten 25.0 mm (± 0.2 mm) ring thickness: 0.2 to 0.3 mm ring thickness: 0.2 to 0.5 mm Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 15 BIGBORE RIFLE 300 m / 200 m Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 300 600 104 x 102 1 piece piece 1.76 2.10 300 600 61 x 61 1 piece piece 1.18 1.40 125 125 64.03 76.20 1 piece piece 1.51 1.80 Target for bigbore rifle 300 m 2400 1 1 ISSF 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 Neue Scheibe am 17.7.2003 2 2 3 3 4 4 Centre for bigbore rifle 300 m target 4 4 Best.-Nr.: 2410 2410 3 3 2 2 Target for bigbore rifle 300 m, reduced for 100 m distance Scheibe für Gewehr 300 m reduziert für 100 m Geschossdurchmesser 7,62 mm 2420 194.92 55 x 53 Best.-Nr.: 2420 100 Service rifle target 200 m and muzzle-loader rifles (musket) Scheibe für Vorderladerschießen Luntenschlossgewehr und Muskete, Entf. 50 m Scheibe Nr.: Französische Militärscheibe 200 m 5520 Art des Schießens: Ort und Datum: 400 85 x 85 Best.-Nr.: 5520 Name des Schützen: Verein: 200 TECHNICAL INFORMATION RIFLE 300 m ring ø mm REDUCED FOR 100 m tolerance ring ø mm 10 100 mm (± 0.5 mm) 10 28.25 mm 9 200 mm (± 1.0 mm) 9 61.59 mm 8 300 mm (± 1.0 mm) 8 94.92 mm 7 400 mm (± 3.0 mm) 7 128.25 mm 6 500 mm (± 3.0 mm) 6 5 600 mm (± 3.0 mm) 4 700 mm 3 800 mm 2 1 inner ten SERVICE RIFLE TARGET 200 m AND MUZZLE-LOADER RIFLES (MUSKET) Disciplines: Muzzle-loader and black-powder disciplines ø of ring 10 80 mm Distance of the ring 40 mm Diameter of the bulls eye 400 mm 161.59 mm Diameter of the complete scoring area 800 mm 5 194.92 mm ring thickness (± 3.0 mm) 4 228.25 mm (± 3.0 mm) 3 261.59 mm 900 mm (± 3.0 mm) 2 294.92 mm 1000 mm (± 3.0 mm) 1 328.25 mm inner ten 11.59 mm 50 mm (± 0.5 mm) ring thickness: 0.5 to 1.0 mm 16 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 1 mm RUNNING TARGETS 10 m Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 50.5 26 x 15 500 500 29.33 34.90 10 50.5 26 x 15 250 250 15.71 18.70 10 50.5 26 x 15 500 500 29.24 34.80 Running target ISSF with two scoring zones on the two sides and a single aiming mark in the center, consecutively numbered 2500 N Sighter for running target with black corner, with two scoring zones on the two sides and a single aiming mark in the center 2500 P Running target with one scoring zone and two aiming marks, consecutively numbered 2510 N Practice target for simulating the aiming mark used by electronic scoring systems Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 17 RUNNING TARGETS 50 m / TECHNICAL INFORMATION Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Running target 50 m (wild boar) ISSF from right to left 2540 L 50 366 132 x 76 1 piece piece 2.27 2.70 from left to right 2540 R 50 366 132 x 76 1 piece piece 2.27 2.70 Repair centre for running target 50 m (wild boar) ISSF for target from right to left 2550 L 50 366 37.5 x 39 250 250 109.24 130.00 for target from left to right 2550 R 50 366 37.5 x 39 250 250 109.24 130.00 Half target for running target 50 m (wild boar) ISSF for target from right to left 2560 L 50 366 70 x 39 100 100 89.50 106.50 for target from left to right 2560 R 50 366 70 x 39 100 100 89.50 106.50 - - 1.9 x 1.9 1 roll roll 6.64 7.90 Target patch (transparent) 1 roll = 1,000 pieces, 19 x 19 mm, selfadhesive TECHNICAL INFORMATION 8719 RUNNING TARGET 10 m ring ø mm tolerance RUNNING TARGET 10 m ring ø mm tolerance 10 5.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) total ø : 15.5 mm 10 60 mm (± 0.2 mm) white rings: 10.5 mm and 5.5 mm 9 94 mm (± 0.4 mm) 8 128 mm (± 0.6 mm) 7 162 mm (± 0.8 mm) 6 196 mm (± 1.0 mm) 5 230 mm (± 1.0 mm) 4 264 mm (± 1.0 mm) 9 10.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 8 15.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 7 20.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) aiming point RUNNING TARGET 50 m central dot: 0.5 mm The centre of the 10 ring is 70 mm from the centre of the aiming mark measured on a horizontal line. 6 25.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 5 30.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 4 35.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 3 40.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 3 298 mm (± 1.0 mm) 2 45.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 2 332 mm (± 1.0 mm) 1 50.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 1 366 mm (± 1.0 mm) (± 0.1 mm) inner ten 30 mm (± 0.2 mm) inner ten 0.5 mm ring thickness: 0.1 to 0.2 mm ring thickness: 0.5 to 1.0 mm (± 0.1 mm) The centre of the 10 ring is 500 mm from the tip of the nose of the boar measured on a horizontal line. 18 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 AIR PISTOL 10 m Category/ Article 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 3000 10 59.5 17 x 17 1000 1000 25.88 30.80 3000 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1000 1000 28.91 34.40 10 59.5 17 x 17 500 500 15.71 18.70 Target for air pistol 1 2 ISSF Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no consecutively numbered 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sighting target for air pistol 6 with black corner 5 4 3000 P 3 2 1 Target for air pistol (No. 3000) 100 targets sealed in film, with suspension 3000 H 10 59.5 17 x 17 100 100 3.95 4.70 100 targets sealed in film 3000/100 10 59.5 17 x 17 100 100 3.45 4.10 - - 17 x 17 250 250 5.13 6.10 Target for air pistol (plain) not printed Background target for air pistol (for wire target changing systems) 1 2 ISSF 3 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 13.5 x 13.5 cm 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3000 BL 6 6 5 4 3 2 3000 S 10 59.5 17 x 17 250 250 11.09 13.20 3010 10 59.5 13.5 x 13.5 1000 1000 16.72 19.90 3010 N 10 59.5 13.5 x 13.5 1000 1000 19.66 23.40 10 pieces (3000 N) numbered targets + 2 sighters (3000 P) 3310 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1 set set 0.92 1.10 20 pieces (3000 N) numbered targets + 2 sighters (3000 P) 3320 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1 set set 1.51 1.80 30 pieces (3000 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (3000 P) 3330 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1 set set 2.18 2.60 40 pieces (3000 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (3000 P) 3340 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1 set set 2.94 3.50 60 pieces (3000 N) numbered targets + 4 sighters (3000 P) 3360 N 10 59.5 17 x 17 1 set set 4.12 4.90 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 Centre for air pistol target 3 4 ISSF 5 training only 6 consecutively numbered 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 training only Set of air pistol targets 1 2 3 ISSF 4 1 2 5 6 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 5 4 3 5 2 4 1 3 2 1 (other quantities on demand) Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 19 AIR PISTOL 10 m Category/ Article 7 Order no 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 Distance m 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Example of use: No. 3015 and No. 3020 7 Target-strip for air pistol with 5 bulls-eyes to be used with holder for air pistol target No. 3020 3 (with scoring rings 1 to 6) to take in target-strip for air pistol No. 3015 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 10 59.5 36 x 7 1000 1000 39.66 47.20 10 - 17 x 17 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 3017 10 59.5 19 x 20.4 1 band band 10.92 13.00 3002 10 - 17 x 24.6 500 500 25,33 30,15 Holder for air pistol target 1 2 1 3015 6 5 4 3 2 3020 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fanfold target for air pistol ISSF for remote controlled target systems of the former GDR, 1 band = 250 targets, continuous zigzag-folded, size of one target: 19 cm wide, 20.4 cm high (8’’) 3002_Pony-Scheibe_170x246_cs55.pdf 2 1 09.02.16 08:50 4 2 for Tetrathlon competitions 6 8 Pony-Club-target NEW 10 8 6 2 20 4 2 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 AIR PISTOL 10 m Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 Skills training target for air pistol central stripe (28 x 160 mm) 3030 Best.-Nr.: 3030 Skills training target for air pistol, for DISAG ”OpticScore“ central stripe (punched out 28 x 160 mm) plain (see figure on page 36) 3030/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 59.5 / 40 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 Skills training target for air pistol 3032 Best.-Nr.: 3032 also to be used for 5 shot air pistol, bull's eye without rings Skills training target for air pistol two-thirds stripe above (28 x 110 mm) 3034 Best.-Nr.: 3034 Skills training target for air pistol, for DISAG ”OpticScore“ two-thirds stripe above (punched out 28 x 110 mm) plain (see figure on page 36) 3034/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 Skills training target for air pistol cross-stripe below (156 x 20 mm) 3036 Best.-Nr.: 3036 Skills training target for air pistol, for DISAG ”OpticScore“ cross-stripe below (punched out 156 x 20 mm) plain (see figure on page 36) 3036/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 Skills training target for air pistol Triangle in the center (60 x 67 mm) 3038 Best.-Nr.: 3038 Skills training target for air pistol, for DISAG ”OpticScore“ Triangle in the center (punched out 60 x 67 mm) plain (see figure on page 36) 3038/20 10 - 20 x 20 100 100 12.18 14.50 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 10.00 11.90 Skills training target for air pistol totally black 3040 Special note: Tips for use of air pistole skills training targets you‘ll find on page 22. Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 21 UTILISATION TRAINING TARGETS AIR PISTOL 10m / TECHNICAL INFORMATION Order no Best.-Nr.: 3030 Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 1 set set Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Best.-Nr.: 3038 Category/ Article Best.-Nr.: 3036 Best.-Nr.: 3034 Best.-Nr.: 3032 Set of skills training targets for air pistol 1 set = 5 x 50 targets, No. 3030, 3032, 3034, 3036, 3038 TIPS FOR THE USE OF TRAINING TARGETS (AIR PISTOL) 3039 10 17 x 17 21.70 Order-No. 3036 Dry training = The width of the horizontal band is roughly the same as the holding area on a normal target. The training objective is that when the shooter assumes the basic position, the sights should be automatically holding within the band, that is to say in the holding area. With this exercise, the retraction of the eye‘s focus from the target to the sights is trained at the same time. Live training = Because the eye is concentrating on the sights, it is very easy to work out whether faults have crept into the trigger technique when using this target. The training goal is to shoot the smallest possible shot group. Order-No. 3032 The purpose of this target is to help shooters learn not to take notice of and add up their score while they are shooting. By doing this they learn to avoid self-induced losses of concentration. Order-No. 3038 Dry training = The triangle is based on the air pistol target. The bottom edge has about the width of the aiming mark (59.5 mm) and the distance from the base to the tip of the triangle is also 59.5 mm. The shooter can orientate the sights very easily on the bottom edge; canting or overtightness can easily be identified. Live training = The shots should be as close to the centre of the triangle as possible, within the area of the 9-ring. Because of the special geometrical form, the shooter can very easily work out whether the sights were steady in the holding area when the shot was released. This element of training is also used by experienced shooters during the competition season, to eliminate the errors that creep in over a period of frequent competitions. ring ø mm Order-No. 3040 Through the use of this fully black air pistol target, the shooter learns to concentrate exclusively on the sightpicture. Use our online-shop for your quick order: AIR PISTOL 10 m tolerance 10 11.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) 9 27.5 mm (± 0.2 mm) 8 43.5 mm (± 0.2 mm) 7 59.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 6 75.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 5 91.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 4 107.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 3 123.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 2 139.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 1 155.5 mm (± 0.5 mm) 5.0 mm (± 0.1 mm) inner ten ring thickness: 0.1 to 0.2 mm 22 18.24 Order-No. 3030 Dry training = Holding exercises: The sights are held in the black strip. In this case, the shooter should concentrate on focussing the sighting eye sharply on the sights only, and not on the target. Live training = Shooting at the training target: If the shots impact to the left or the right, it will be necessary to check how the grip is sitting in the hand. The objective is that the line of sight and the arm should form a single line together. The alignment of the basic shooting position is also dependent on this objective. The width of the stripe is roughly equivalent to the 9 ring. Order-No. 3034 Dry training = On this target, the bar is positioned so as to cover the area in which (on a normal target) the shooter would have the eye focused on the sights whilst evenly increasing pressure on the trigger, so that ideally the shot breaks automatically once the sights leave the stripe, that is to say, once the holding area has been reached. The bottom surface of the stripe is equivalent to the bottom of the aiming mark on a normal target. The goal is to release the shot exactly on leaving the bar, without halting the arm in order to squeeze the trigger. Live training = In this case the shot group should be 12 to 48 mm above the lower edge of the stripe and should lie horizontally at least within the width of the black, in order to always be equivalent to the 9-ring. TECHNICAL INFORMATION - Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 www.best-targets.com PISTOL 25/50 m Category/ Article 1 x 0= x 1= x 2 2= x 3= x 4= x 3 ISSF 4 5= x 6= x 7= x 8= x 9= Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 3100 25/50 200 55 x 53 250 250 54.71 65.10 3100 N 25/50 200 55 x 53 250 250 59.41 70.70 3100 P 25/50 200 55 x 53 125 125 31.51 37.50 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm 3100 S 25/50 200 55 x 53 250 250 59.41 70.70 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm, consecutively numbered 3100 NS 25/50 200 55 x 53 250 250 62.52 74.40 3100 SW 25/50 200 55 x 53 1 piece piece 1.01 1.20 3130 25/50 200 26 x 26 250 250 14.71 17.50 3130 N 25/50 200 26 x 26 250 250 16.89 20.10 200 26 x 26 250 250 17.73 21.10 Target for pistol 25/50 m x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 consecutively numbered 6 5 4 3 2 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no 1 Sighting target for pistol 25/50 m 6 with black corner 5 4 3 2 1 1 x x 2 1= 2= 3= 4= x 5= x 6= x 4 0= x x x 3 ISSF 8= 9= x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 x x 2 0= 1= x 2= x 3= x 4= x 5= 3 x 6= x 8= 4 x 9= x 7= x 10 = 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 Target for pistol 25/50 m 7= x x 1 Target for pistol 25/50 m with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm, water-repellent and tear proof (see figure of example on page 3) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Centre for pistol target 25/50 m 6 ISSF training only consecutively numbered 6 6 Sighting target centre for pistol 25/50 m with black corner 1 13.07.11 10:02 5 Special training target to simulate the visual of electronic scoring target systems 25/50 m 6 with shaded scoring rings 5 6 training only 25/50 6 training only 3130A_Pistole_cs5.pdf 3130 P 3130 A 25/50 200 26 x 26 250 250 17.31 20.60 3140 25/50 200 21 x 21 250 250 14.03 16.70 3140 N 25/50 200 21 x 21 250 250 15.71 18.70 200 21 x 21 250 250 15.71 18.70 6 6 Bestell-Nr. 3130 A 5 6 Centre for pistol target 25/50 m ISSF training only consecutively numbered 6 Sighting target centre for pistol 25/50 m with black corner 3140 P 25/50 training only Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 23 UTILISATION TRAINING TARGETS PISTOL 25/50 m / TECHNICAL INFORMATION Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 25/50 200 51 x 53.34 1 band band 58.66 69.80 - 26 x 26 100 100 7.31 8.70 - 26 x 26 100 100 7.31 8.70 Fanfold target for pistol 25/50 m ISSF 1 band = 100 targets, continuous zigzag-folded with perforations, size of one target: 51 cm wide, 53.34 cm high (21’’), consecutively numbered 2065 N Skills training target for pistol 25/50 m 3150 25/50 Best.-Nr.: 3150 cross-stripe (100 x 225 mm) above Skills training target for pistol 25/50 m 3155 25/50 Best.-Nr.: 3155 Triangle (200 x 223 mm) in the center TIPS FOR THE USE OF TRAINING TARGETS (PISTOL) 3101-100_Schlitz_cs5.pdf 1 12.09.13 Order-No. 3155 Dry training = The triangle is based on the air pistol target. The bottom edge has about the width of the aiming mark (59.5 mm) and the distance from the base to the tip of the triangle is also 59.5 mm. The shooter can orientate the sights very easily on the bottom edge; canting or overtightness can easily be identified. Live training = The shots should be as close to the centre of the triangle as possible, within the area of the 9-ring. Because of the special geometrical form, the shooter can very easily work out whether the sights were steady in the holding area when the shot was released. This element of training is also used by experienced shooters during the competition season, to eliminate the errors that creep in over a period of frequent competitions. 13:20 Training target for pistol 25/50 m 1 2 3 cardboard white (350 g) 4 5 6 1 Order-N0. 3150 Dry training = On this target, the bar is positioned so as to cover the area in which (on a normal target) the shooter would have the eye focused on the sights whilst evenly increasing pressure on the trigger, so that ideally the shot breaks automatically once the sights leave the stripe, that is to say, once the holding area has been reached. The bottom surface of the stripe is equivalent to the bottom of the aiming mark on a normal target. The goal is to release the shot exactly on leaving the bar, without halting the arm in order to squeeze the trigger. Live training = In this case the shot group should be 12 to 48 mm above the lower edge of the stripe and should lie horizontally at least within the width of the black, in order to always be equivalent to the 9-ring. 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 3101/100 25/50 200 53 x 53 100 100 20.17 24.00 100 100 20.17 24.00 1 6 5 4 3 Art.No.: 3101/100 2 1 3101-10_Schlitz_cs5.pdf 1 31.01.14 11:32 Training target for pistol 25/50 m with white center ring 1 2 3 cardboard white (350 g) 4 5 3101-10 25/50 200 53 x 53 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 2 1 24 Art.No.: 3101-10 3 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 OLYMPIC RAPID FIRE PISTOL 25 m Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Target for Olympic rapid fire pistol 25 m ISSF consecutively numbered 3200 25 500 55 x 53 250 250 64.20 76.40 3200 N 25 500 55 x 53 250 250 68.91 82.00 500 55 x 53 125 125 36.72 43.70 Sighting target for Olympic rapid fire pistol 25 m with black corner 3200 P 25 Approved by ISSF Target for Olympic rapid fire pistol 25 m ISSF Approved by ISSF with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm 3200 S 25 500 55 x 53 250 250 75.21 89.50 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 21 x 21 cm and 26 x 26 cm, water-repellent and tear proof 3200 SW 25 500 55 x 53 1 piece piece 1.05 1.25 (see figure of example on page 3) Centre for Olympic rapid fire pistol target 25 m 26 x 26 cm 3230 25 - 26 x 26 250 250 16.55 19.70 21 x 21 cm (without picture) 3240 25 - 21 x 21 250 250 15.63 18.60 30.84 36.70 training only 3200AFS_abgedunkelt_1c_cs5.pdf 1 28.02.13 07:58 Target for Olympic rapid fire pistol 25 m with ring 9.7 and 10.2 for sport pistol with shaded scoring rings and final ring 9.7 and 10.2 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 26 x 26 cm 3200 AFS 25 500 55 x 53 100 100 Best.-Nr.: 3200 AFS (Special training target to simulate the visual of electronic scoring target systems) 3230_AF_25m_Spiegel_cs5.pdf 1 28.02.13 07:34 Centre for Olympic rapid fire pistol target 25 m with ring 9.7 and 10.2 for sport pistol with shaded scoring rings and final ring 9.7 and 10.2 3230 AF 25 - 26 x 26 250 250 17.23 20.50 100 100 43.19 51.40 (Special training target to simulate the visual of electronic scoring target systems) Best.-Nr.: 3230 AF Target for rapid fire action pistol 25 m (former ISSF target) with oval rings 6-10 3201 25 - 47 x 78 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 25 RAPID FIRE AIR PISTOL 10 m Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Packed in Price per 21 x 21 250 250 15.97 19.00 17 x 17 500 500 18.15 21.60 17 x 17 500 500 18.99 22.60 17 x 17 500 500 18.99 22.60 Target for rapid fire (reduced target for 5-shot air pistol 10 m) Verkleinerte Schnellfeuer-/Duell-Scheibe für Luftpistole 10 m 3259 10 200 Best.-Nr.: 3259 true to scale reduced Olympic rapid fire target No. 3200 SCHNELLFEUER-LUPI RAPID AIR PISTOL 10 m Target for rapid fire air pistol 10 m (Finnish model) 5 6 3261 N consecutively numbered 7 10 154 8 9 9 8 7 Best.-Nr.: 3261 6 5 Pistolet vitesse 3/12 ECOLE DE TIR 5 6 Target for rapid fire air pistol 10 m (French model) 3050 N consecutively numbered 7 10 154 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 Best.-Nr.: 3050 6 5 Cible pistolet vitesse 10 mètres 5 6 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 Target for rapid fire air pistol 10 m (French model) total ø 154 mm consecutively numbered 7 9 8 7 6 3051 N 10 75 5 9 8 6 5 Best.-Nr.: 3051 7 TECHNICAL INFORMATION OLYMPIC RAPID FIRE PISTOL / PISTOL 25 m DUEL STAGE ring ø mm RAPID FIRE AIR PISTOL 10 m (Order-no. 3259) tolerance ring ø mm 10 100 mm (± 0.4 mm) 10 40 mm 9 180 mm (± 0.6 mm) 9 72 mm 8 260 mm (± 1.0 mm) 8 104 mm 7 340 mm (± 1.0 mm) 7 136 mm 6 420 mm (± 1.0 mm) 6 168 mm 5 500 mm (± 1.0 mm) 5 200 mm inner ten 50 mm (± 0.2 mm) inner ten 20 mm ring thickness: 0.5 to 1.0 mm White, horizontal aiming lines replace the ring values at the left and right side of the target center. Each of the lines is 125 mm long and 5 mm wide. TARGETS FOR: – RIFLE 100 m – MUZZLE LOADER – PISTOL 25 m - (Precision stage) – STANDARD PISTOL – PISTOL 50 m ring ø mm tolerance 10 50 mm (± 0.2 mm) 9 100 mm (± 0.4 mm) 8 150 mm (± 0.6 mm) 7 200 mm (± 1.0 mm) 6 250 mm (± 1.0 mm) 5 300 mm (± 1.0 mm) 4 350 mm (± 1.0 mm) 3 400 mm (± 1.0 mm) 2 450 mm (± 1.0 mm) 1 500 mm (± 1.0 mm) inner ten 25.0 mm (± 0.2 mm) ring thickness: 0.2 to 0.5 mm 26 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 CROSSBOW 10/30 m · FIELD CROSSBOW TARGET FACES Category/ Article Order no Distance m Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 30.5 10 x 10 1000 1000 18.15 21.60 30.5 10 x 10 500 500 11.01 13.10 90 20 x 20 500 500 24.45 29.10 90 20 x 20 500 500 29.33 34.90 International crossbow target 10 m (I.A.U.) consecutively numbered 3500 N 10 (white special card) International crossbow sighting target 10 m (I.A.U.) with black corner 3500 P 10 (white special card) International crossbow target 30 m (I.A.U.) x 0= x 1= x 2= x 3= x 4= x 5= x 6= x 7= consecutively numbered x 8= x 9= x10= 1 Sa. 2 3 3520 N 30 (white special card) 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 International crossbow sighting target 30 m (I.A.U.) 7 6 5 4 3 with black corner 2 1 3520 P 30 (white special card) Field crossbow target faces 60 cm (I.A.U.) Official FITA Target Face – 60 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 60-06/12 for outdoor 65 m / 50 m / Final 50 m, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8060 V - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 0.63 0.75 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8060 V/100 - - 63 x 63 bulk pack piece 50.42 60.00 27 x 27 100 100 23.70 28.20 - 53 x 51 100 100 44.71 53.20 - 41.9 x 43.2 100 100 39.33 46.80 Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 60 cm Target Face Field crossbow triangle target faces 25 cm (I.A.U.) ARBALÈTE FIELD 10 M (IR 400) 3530 VF 10/18 - N° Cde: 3530 VF for indoor 10/18 m special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres Field crossbow triangle target faces 25 cm (I.A.U.) 3545 VF 18 Nϒ Cde: 3545 VF for indoor 18 m special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres (IR 600) Field crossbow target faces 40 cm (I.A.U.) for outdoor 35 m special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 3535 VF 35 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 27 WA 1500 Category/ Article WA 1500 Range Officer Number of Hits X MATCH 10 SUM 9 TARGET 8 STAGE 7 0 0 MISS 0 Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Size in cm Packed in Price per - 60 x 115 1 piece piece 0.67 0.80 - 31 x 46 250 250 46.64 55.50 - 30 x 63 100 100 33.70 40.10 PPC Complete target WA 1500 (3/7/15/25/50 m) Competitor START-No. Order no 5452 3-50 RESULT (special tagboard for targets) 7 8 9 7 8 9 X 9 8 7 9 8 WA 1500, 1-tlg., Best.-Nr.: 5452 7 7 8 9 8 PPC Center WA 1500 (3/7/15/25/50 m) 9 (special tagboard for targets) 5451 X 9 3-50 8 9 Best.-Nr.: 5451 8 7 PPC Reduced complete target WA 1500 WA 1500 - Reduced Target Target 50 m reduced for 25 m Distance Competitor Range Officer Number of Hits START-No. X MATCH 10 SUM 9 TARGET 8 STAGE 7 0 0 MISS 0 5458 25 (special tagboard for targets) WA 1500, reduziert, 1-tlg., Best.-Nr.: 5458 RESULT Target 50 m reduced for 25 m distance Our range of target patches: Order no 8615 own br Order no 5535 Order no 8719 28 transparent Order no 8515 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 chamois black NPA-Targets / Bianchi Cup / EPP Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Size in cm Packed in Price per 45 x 77 100 100 45.71 54.40 22.5 x 38.5 250 250 17.73 21.10 30 x 46 250 250 57.56 68.50 100 100 45.71 54.40 250 250 17.73 21.10 Complete target “Police Pistol 1” (PP1) 10/15/25 m with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of center No. 5459 6 7 8 9 5453 S 10/15/25 - (special tagboard for targets) 9 Reduced model of target “Police Pistol 1” (PP1) 25 m 8 7 50% true to scale reduced target No. 5453 S 6 5456 25 - (special tagboard for targets) BDMP PP1, 1-tlg. Best.-Nr.: 5453 Center for target “Police Pistol 1” (PP1) 10/15/25 m 7 8 5459 10/15/25 - 9 (special tagboard for targets) 9 8 7 Name: Bahn: Complete target “Service Pistol” (NPA) 10/15/20/25 m Scheibe: with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of center No. 5450 2 3 5454 S 10-25 - 45 x 77.5 (special tagboard for targets) 4 4 3 Reduced model of target “Service Pistol” (NPA-B) 25 m 2 50% true to scale reduced target No. 5454 S 5457 25 - 22.5 x 38.5 (special tagboard for targets) BDMP Service-Pistole Best.-Nr.: 5454 Center for target “Service Pistol” (NPA) 10/15/20/25 m 2 3 4 5450 10-25 - 42.5 x 34 250 250 57.56 68.50 5481 - - 58.5 x 85 1 piece piece 0.80 0.95 - 45 x 76 1 piece piece 0.80 0.95 (special tagboard for targets) 4 3 2 BDMP Service-Pistole Best.-Nr.: 5450 Bianchi Cup target target with the hit areas 10, 8 and 5 (special tagboard for targets) Technical Information S. 31 5 4 x 5 = x 4 = x 3 = x 2 = x 0 = 4 5 EPP (European Precision Course) target 4 oval target with scoring zones 2 to 5 and 2 circle targets with scoring zones 4 and 5 2 3 5482 - (special tagboard for targets) 4 5 Technical Information S. 31 4 3 2 EPP Best.-Nr.: 5482 NAME: 4 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 29 POLICE PISTOL / IPSC Category/ Article 5171-100_Mannscheibe_cs5.pdf 1 13.02.14 Order no Distance m Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per - 51 x 71 100 100 21.26 25.30 - - 51 x 71 100 100 21.26 25.30 - - 46 x 76 50 50 27.98 33.30 - - 46 x 58 50 50 26.05 31.00 - - 30,5 x 38 50 50 17.39 20.70 - 35 - 1 roll roll 3.70 4.40 10:56 „Police Pistol“ silhouette target (white) 5171/100 - Best.-Nr.: 5171/100 (paper white) 5171N-100_Mannscheibe_Negativ_cs5.pdf 1 13.02.14 10:58 „Police Pistol“ silhouette target (black) 5171N/100 Best.-Nr.: 5171N/100 (paper white) IPSC-Universal-Target target with 3 octogonal hit areas 5/4/2 rings, hit area embossed, corrugated card board (brown) 5490 Minimum order size: packing unit with 50 pcs. IPSC-Target target with 3 octogonal hit areas 5/4/2 rings, hit area embossed, corrugated card board (brown), white back side 5530 Minimum order size: packing unit with 50 pcs. IPSC-Mini-Target „Classic target“ true-scale reduced 2/3 size with 3 octogonal hit areas 5/4/2 rings, hit area embossed, corrugated card board (brown), white back side 5531 Minimum order size: packing unit with 50 pcs. Target patch (brown) 1 roll = 500 target patches, no dispenser box, ø 35 mm, self-adhesive, for IPSC Universal, Mini and Classic Target 30 5535 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 MODELLKANONE 25/50 m BENCHREST Category/ Article 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 5135 F 50 48 42 x 29.7 100 100 16.64 19.80 5136 B 50 38.05 42 x 29.7 100 100 16.64 19.80 5137 B 100 63.1 20.2 x 40.4 100 100 16.64 19.80 Benchrest target .22 l.r. 22 Hunter PRENOM DOSSARD POSTE MOUCHE SCORE Benchrest target BR 50 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Score 6 Score 7 Score 8 Score 9 Score 10 Score Score 11 Score 12 Score 13 Score 14 Score 15 Score Score 16 Score 17 Score 18 Score 19 Score 20 Score 21 Score 22 Score 23 Score 24 Score 25 Score Best.-Nr.: 5136 B 10X Benchrest target 100 m S S Best.-Nr.: 5137 B Bench Relay Name Club Date Total Score NOM Best.-Nr.: 5135 F 22 HUNTER 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION (BENCHREST) BENCHREST TARGET .22 l.r. 50 m BENCHREST TARGET BR 50 50 m – 8 sighting targets (4 left side /4 right side) ring ø mm tolerance ring ø mm tolerance – 25 competition target centres 10 6.35 ± 0.1 mm 10 12.5 ± 0.2 mm – ø competition target centres: 48 mm 9 12.70 ± 0.1 mm 9 25.3 ± 0.2 mm – Distance from centre to centre 6 mm 8 19.05 ± 0.1 mm 8 37.8 ± 0.2 mm – ø inner ten: 1 mm 7 25.35 ± 0.1 mm 7 50.6 ± 0.2 mm 6 31.70 ± 0.1 mm 6 63.1 ± 0.2 mm 5 38.05 ± 0.1 mm inner ten 1.27 ± 0.1 mm BIANCHI CUP-TARGET EPP-TARGET UNIVERSAL TARGET size of X-ring (circle) ø 4“ / 10.16 cm Sizes of oval target: size of ring 10 (circle) ø 8“ / 20.32 cm 5 85 x 150 mm ø 12“ / 30.48 cm 4 180 x 300 mm 18“ / 45.72 cm x 30“ / 76.20 cm radius (r) = 9“ / 22.86 cm 3 270 x 445 mm 2 370 x 590 mm size of ring 8 (circle) size of ring 5 (rectangle with semi-circle – width x height) Sizes of circle target: TECHNICAL INFORMATION BENCHREST TARGET 100 m (S. 29 – S. 30) 5 45 mm 4 100 mm CLASSIC TARGET Size of the octogonal hit area A (width x height) 15 x 40.5 cm Size of the octogonal hit area A (width x height) 15 x 32.5 cm Size of the octogonal hit area C (width x height) 30 x 55.5 cm Size of the octogonal hit area C (width x height) 30 x 45.0 cm Size of the octogonal hit area D (width x height) 45 x 75.0 cm Size of the octogonal hit area D (width x height) 45 x 57.0 cm Width of the non scoring border around the entire target D Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 0.5 cm Width of the non scoring border around the entire target D 0.5 cm 31 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring Systems Category/ Article HÄRING Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 6010 10 30.5 22 x 19 100 100 9.92 11.80 6030 10 59.5 22 x 19 100 100 9.92 11.80 6040 10 70 22 x 19 100 100 10.42 12.40 Air rifle 10 m punched out ø 30.5 mm Air pistol 10 m punched out ø 59.5 mm Target for stabilisation punched out ø 70.0 mm UNIVERSAL PAPER ROLLS / BACKING TARGETS Universal paper roll for Electronic Scoring Systems specially coated paper, printed black on one side, Lenght: 40 m Width: approx. 90 mm 6600 - 1 roll roll 8.74 10.40 Bulk pack with 10 rolls 6600/10 - pack with 10 pcs. from 6 packs with 10 pcs. piece piece 81.18 70.25 96.60 83.60 Inner core: 12 mm with adapter (SIUS), 25 mm without adapter (POLYTRONIC/SPIETH). Orders from 250 pcs.: price on request! for Electronic Scoring Systems SPIETH + Polytronic + SIUS Thermal paper roll with white paper for result printer ø 45 mm x width 110 mm, pack with 5 rolls 6160/5 - - - 5 5 9.16 10.90 26 x 26 250 250 10.42 12.40 for Electronic Scoring Systems SPIETH + Polytronic + SIUS 6 6 6 6 6 6 32 6 6 6 6 training only training only training only Backing target – control target for electronic targets 6 6 training only 6 made of printing waste of tagboard 2626 - - sample only 6 6 6 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring System SIUS SIUS The articles for SIUS-devices are no SIUS original parts! Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 6100 10 30.5 22 x 17.4 100 100 13.03 15.50 10 30 22 x 17.4 100 100 10.42 12.40 6105 R 10 30 22 x 17.4 100 100 10.42 12.40 6110 10 30.5 22 x 17.4 100 100 9.92 11.80 6130 10 59.5 22 x 17.4 100 100 9.92 11.80 6140 50 112.4 22 x 17.4 100 100 10.42 12.40 10 / 50 - 22 x 18.2 100 100 10.42 12.40 Running target 10 m with 2 aiming points ø 15.5 mm each, punched out ø 30.5 mm Running target 10 m for juniors with 2 aiming points ø 30 mm each 6105 Running target 10 m for juniors scoring zone ø 80 mm with 2 aiming points ø 30 mm each Best.-Nr.: 6105/R 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Air rifle 10 m punched out ø 30.5 mm Air pistol 10 m punched out ø 59.5 mm Smallbore rifle 50 m punched out ø 112.4 mm Background target 10/50 m plain 6150 Note: all articles on this page are suitable for SIUS Laser-Score (LS-10), Hybrid Score (HS-10) and SIUS S-10 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 33 MASK TARGETS for DISAG „OpticScore“ Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 6135 10 30.5 20 x 20 100 100 9.92 11.80 6145 10 59.5 20 x 20 100 100 9.92 11.80 Air rifle 10 m punched out ø 30.5 mm Air pistol 10 m punched out ø 59.5 mm Aiming target changer (air rifle 10 m) 6146 10 30.5 - 100 100 13.95 16.60 punched out ø 112.4 mm 6165 50 112.4 34 x 34 100 100 26.30 31.30 water-repellent and tear proof 6165 W 50 112.4 34 x 34 100 100 36.47 43.40 - 26 x 26 100 100 12.52 14.90 punched out ø 30.5 mm Smallbore rifle 50 m (see figure of example on page 3) Smallbore rifle background target 50 m totally black, for punched targets 6302 50 Special note: punched out skills training targets for DISAG “OpticScore” you will find on pages 8 (air rifle) and 21 (air pistol) Order no: 34 1410/20 1420/20 1430/20 3030/20 3034/20 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 3036/20 3038/20 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring System MEYTON Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 6300 10 - 15.8 x 21 100 100 8.49 10.10 10 - 21 x 21 100 100 10.84 12.90 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 9.41 11.20 Background target 10 m for air rifle and air pistol for measurement frame MF4R1 t.-Nr.: Stand-Nr.: Stand-Nr.: Best.-Nr.: 6301 Durchgang: Durchgang: Background target 10/50 m for installations manufactured after 8/2008 6301 for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Air rifle 10 m printed bull`s eye ø 30.5 mm 6305 B 10 for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Air rifle 10 m NEW punched out ø 30.5 mm 6305 G 10 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 water-repellent and tear proof 6305 GW 10 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 16.64 19.80 with 9 mm fixation holes water-repellent and tear proof 6309 GW 10 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 16.64 19.80 for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Air rifle 10 m NEW punched out ø 30.5 mm 6305 GK 10 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 with 9 mm fixation holes 6309 GK 10 30.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 (White special card) for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 35 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring System MEYTON Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Air pistol 10 m printed bull`s eye ø 59.5 mm 6505 B 9.41 11.20 for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Air pistol 10 m NEW punched out ø 59.5 mm 6505 G 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 water-repellent and tear proof 6505 GW 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 16.64 19.80 with 9 mm fixation holes water-repellent and tear proof 6509 GW 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 16.64 19.80 for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Air pistol 10 m NEW punched out ø 59.5 mm 6505 GK 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 with 9 mm fixation holes 6509 GK 10 59.5 17.8 x 17.8 100 100 8.99 10.70 14.5 x 9 100 100 6.97 8.30 14.5 x 9 100 100 6.97 8.30 (White special card) for measurement frame MF4R1 and MF5R1 Black Magic Target for aiming target changer (Air rifle 10 m) punched out ø 30.5 mm 6404 G 10 30.5 for measurement frame MF5R1 Black Magic Target for aiming target changer (Air rifle 10 m) punched out ø 30.5 mm 6404 GK 10 30.5 (White special card) for measurement frame MF5R1 Black Magic 36 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring System MEYTON Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 50 112.4 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 Smallbore rifle 50 m punched out Ø 112.4 mm 6112 G for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 Target 25/50/100 m printed bull`s eye ø 200 mm 6200 B 25/50/100 200 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 with slanted mounting slots for the insertion of targets 26 x 26 cm 6200 BS 25/50/100 200 62 x 62 125 125 71.34 84.90 25/50/100 200 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 25 500 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 25 250 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 50 400 62 x 62 125 125 65.71 78.20 for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 Target 25/50/100 m punched out ø 200 mm 6200 G for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 Rapid fire pistol 25 m printed bull`s eye ø 500 mm 6500 B for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 Service pistol 25 m printed bull`s eye ø 250 mm 6250 B for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 Best.-Nr.: 6250 B 3 Musket 50 m printed bull`s eye ø 400 mm 6400 B for measurement frame MF4R3 und MF5R3 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 37 MASK TARGETS for Electronic Scoring System MEYTON Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 50 112.4 58 x 58 1 piece piece 1.18 1.40 25/50/100 200 58 x 58 100 100 50.08 59.60 200 58 x 58 1 piece piece 1.18 1.40 25 500 58 x 58 100 100 50.08 59.60 50 400 58 x 58 100 100 50.08 59.60 Smallbore rifle 50 m punched out ø 112.4 mm 6112/58 GW water-repellant and tear proof for measurement frame MF6R3 Black Magic XL Target 25/50/100 m printed bull’s eye ø 200 mm 6200/58 B for measurement frame MF6R3 Black Magic XL Target 25/50/100 m punched out ø 200 mm 6200/58 GW 25/50/100 water-repellant and tear proof for measurement frame MF6R3 Black Magic XL Rapid fire pistol 25 m printed bull’s eye ø 500 mm 6500/58 B for measurement frame MF6R3 Black Magic XL Musket 50 m printed bull’s eye ø 400 mm 6400/58 B for measurement frame MF6R3 Black Magic XL Smallbore rifle background target 25 / 50 m for electronic scoring systems 38 for punched targets 6302 25/50 - 26 x 26 100 100 12.52 14.90 for punched targets 6303 25/50 - 34 x 34 100 100 13.36 15.90 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 WA TARGET FACES FOR ARCHERY Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 1 piece Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e WA Target face 40 cm Official FITA Target Face – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40-10/12 Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8040 V - - 42.5 x 42.5 piece 0.29 0.35 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8040 V/100 - - 42.5 x 42.5 bulk pack piece 23.03 27.40 Offset paper for training 8040 T - - 42.5 x 42.5 piece 0.17 0.20 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8040 T/100 - - 42.5 x 42.5 bulk pack piece 13.78 16.40 Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8060 V - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 0.63 0.75 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8060 V/100 - - 63 x 63 bulk pack piece 50.42 60.00 Offset paper for training 8060 T - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 0.34 0.40 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8060 T/100 - - 63 x 63 bulk pack piece 29.33 34.90 Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8080 V - - 84 x 84 1 piece piece 1.05 1.25 Bulk pack with 50 pcs. 8080 V/50 - - 84 x 84 bulk pack piece 45.88 54.60 Offset paper for training 8080 T - - 84 x 84 1 piece piece 0.59 0.70 Bulk pack with 50 pcs. 8080 T/50 - - 84 x 84 bulk pack piece 25.71 30.60 Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8122 V - - 126 x 126 1 piece piece 2.44 2.90 Bulk pack with 50 pcs. 8122 V/50 - - 126 x 126 bulk pack piece 114.79 136.60 1 piece Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Target Face WA Target face 60 cm Official FITA Target Face – 60 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 60-06/12 Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 60 cm Target Face WA Target face 80 cm Official FITA Target Face – 80 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 80-06/12 Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 80 cm Target Face WA Target face 122 cm Official FITA Target Face – 122 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 122-06/ 12 10 9 Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 122 cm Target Face 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 V = strengthened (Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres) The low-priced alternative: T = training (150 g/sqm offset matt paper) Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 39 WA TARGET FACES FOR ARCHERY Category/ Article Official WA Vertical Triple Face – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40/3-04/12 Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e WA Triple face 40 cm (distance 18 m) multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8320 V 18 - 22 x 66 1 piece piece 0.25 0.30 Bulk pack with 200 pcs. 8320 V/200 bulk pack piece 44.03 52.40 18 - 22 x 66 multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, offset paper for training 8320 T 18 - 22 x 66 1 piece piece 0.17 0.20 Bulk pack with 200 pcs. 18 - 22 x 66 bulk pack piece 25.71 30.60 8320 T/200 WA Triple face 60 cm (distance 25 m) Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Vertical Triple Face Official world archery Vertical Triple Face - 40 cm - Compound Printed by Krüger WA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40/3-04/13 multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8360 V 25 - 32 x 96 1 piece piece 0.80 0.95 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8360 V/100 25 - 32 x 96 bulk pack piece 59.66 71.00 multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, offset paper for training 8360 T 25 - 32 x 96 1 piece piece 0.50 0.60 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 25 - 32 x 96 bulk pack piece 43.19 51.40 8360 T/100 WA Triple face 40 cm (distance 18 m) Compound multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, special paper, ring of ten 20 mm strengthened by nylon fibres 8320 CV 18 - 22 x 66 1 piece piece 0.29 0.35 Compound Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 18 - 22 x 66 bulk pack piece 22.86 27.20 Recurve multiple face set-up, ring 6-10, special paper, ring of ten 40 mm strengthened by nylon fibres 8320 RV 18 - 22 x 66 1 piece piece 0.29 0.35 Recurve Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 18 - 22 x 66 bulk pack piece 22.86 27.20 8320 CV/ 100 Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Vertical Triple Face Official world archery Vertical Triple Face - 40 cm - Recurve Printed by Krüger WA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40/3-04/13 WA Triple face 40 cm (distance 18 m) 8320 RV/ 100 Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles· Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Vertical Triple Face 40 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 WA TARGET FACES FOR ARCHERY / WA FIELD ARCHERY Category/ Article 2 Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e WA Triangle target face 40 cm ”LAS VEGAS“ Official FITA Triangle Triple Face – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40/tri-06/12 3 in triangle arranged multi target faces, ring 6-10, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8340 V - - 45 x 45 1 piece piece 0.34 0.40 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. - - 45 x 45 bulk pack piece 27.56 32.80 8340 V/100 Best.-Nr.: 8340 V 1 Order no Schießscheiben Targets· Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Triangle Triple Face Official FITA 80cm-center Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 80/C-11/12 WA Centres 80 cm (distance 30 m) ring 6-10, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8380 V - - 42 x 42 1 piece piece 0.46 0.55 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8380 V/100 - - 42 x 42 bulk pack piece 41.34 49.20 Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 80cm-center WA Centres 80 cm (distance 30/50 m) Official FITA 80cm-center (5-10) Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 8385 -11/12 9 8 7 6 5 8385 V - - 50 x 50 1 piece piece 0.50 0.60 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8385 V/100 - - 50 x 50 bulk pack piece 44.03 52.40 1 piece piece 0.29 0.35 piece 23.03 27.40 Best.-Nr.: 8385V 10 ring 5-10, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 80cm-center (5-10) WA Field archery target face 40 cm (distance 10-30 m) Official FITA Target Face Field – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 8140-10/04 Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8140 V - - 42.5 x 42.5 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8140 V/100 - - 42.5 x 42.5 bulk pack Best.-Nr.: 8140 V WA Field archery target face 60 cm (distance 15-45 m) Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com Target Face Field 40 cm Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8160 V - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 0.63 0.75 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. 8160 V/100 - - 63 x 63 bulk pack piece 50.50 60.10 Official FITA Target Face Field (Vertical) – 3x20 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 8120-10/04 WA Field archery target face 80 cm (distance 30-60 m) Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8180 V - - 84 x 84 1 piece piece 1.05 1.25 Bulk pack with 50 pcs. 8180 V/50 - - 84 x 84 bulk pack piece 45.88 54.60 WA Field archery triple target face 40 cm 8120 V - - 22 x 66 1 piece piece 0.25 0.30 Bulk pack with 200 pcs. 8120 V/200 - - 22 x 66 bulk pack piece 44.03 52.40 Best.-Nr.: 8120 W Special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com Target Face Field 3 x 20 cm Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 41 TARGET FACES FOR BLOWGUN / ARCHERY FUN TARGETS Category/ Article Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Target Face 3 N OWGU BL 5 Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Price per 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 3 3 5 7 5 3 3 5 7 5 3 3 5 7 5 3 3 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 Best.-Nr.: 8390 V Official FITA Target Face – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40-10/12 Blowgun target face multiple face set-up, ring 7-5-3, special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8390 V - - 100 x 21.6 Bulk pack with 100 pcs. - - 100 x 21.6 bulk pack 8 29.7 x 21 12 8390 V/100 piece 0.55 0.65 piece 41.85 49.80 10 10 2.18 2.60 29.7 x 21 10 10 2.18 2.60 1 piece Centre spots (self-adhesive) for target faces 8 cm for 40 cm target face, 60 centre spots on 10 paper sheets 8045 - Centre spots (self-adhesive) for target faces 12 cm for 60 cm target face, 20 centre spots on 10 paper sheets 8065 - Centre spots (self-adhesive) for target faces 16 cm for 80 cm target face, 10 centre spots on 10 paper sheets 8085 - 16 29.7 x 21 10 10 2.18 2.60 8234 - - - 4 pcs.pack piece 2,27 2,70 piece 49,58 59,00 Archery Target Pins 4 pcs.-pack 100 pcs.-pack 8230 - - - 100 pcs.pack 8000 V - - 42.5 x 42.5 1 piece piece 1.18 1.40 - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 Archery fun target Bingo 18 16 10 4 11 3 13 7 14 19 2 6 1 9 5 17 8 12 special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres Best.-Nr.: 8000 15 20 © BINGO Archery fun target Easter Bunny 11 14 13 special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 5 4 15 8005 V 2 1 6 10 9 8 7 12 © Best.-Nr.: 8005 3 42 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 ARCHERY FUN TARGETS Official FITA Target Face – 40 cm Printed by Krüger - FITA Target License # 10 Serial Number 40-10/12 Category/ Article Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Target Face special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 8 12 1 Packed in Price per - - 42.5 x 42.5 1 piece piece 1.18 1.40 - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 8014 V - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 8015 V - - 63 x 63 1 piece piece 2.10 2.50 - - 51 x 51 1 piece piece 1.51 1.80 8010 V 10 15 11 14 3 © 6 Size in cm 2 5 7 13 Bull’s eye in mm Best.-Nr.: 8010 9 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Archery fun target Pool POOLBILLARD 4 Order no Archery fun target Dartboard 8011 V special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres Archery fun target Christmas tree special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 9 6 2 8 3 7 8012 V 4 1 © Best.-Nr.: 8012 Tannenbaum 5 Archery fun target Birthday 3 8 1 14 12 special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 4 10 8013 V 13 5 7 6 15 9 2 © Best.-Nr.: 8013 11 Archery fun target Salad of targets © Best.-Nr.: 8014 special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 10 7 Archery fun target Clown 3 8 2 5 special paper, strengthened by nylon fibres 9 11 4 1 6 © Best.-Nr.: 8015 CLOWN 10 -40 40 -30 30 -20 -20 50 -60 60 -50 10 60 -20 20 -60 -80 70 98 -80 8020 V 98 100 -20 60 -70 20 10 -90 80 -90 80 -60 -20 30 -40 40 -30 10 99 special paper, printed black, strengthened by nylon fibres 96 98 70 95 98 Best.-Nr.: 8020 96 Archery fun target Chessboard Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 43 FUN TARGETS TARGET PATCHES Category/ Article Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Target patch - chamois (suitable for original target card) Order No. 8515/8519 1 dispenser box = 1,000 target patches, ø 15 mm, self-adhesive 8515 - 15 1 dispenser box Bulk pack with 10 boxes 8515/10 - 15 pack with 10 boxes piece 22.94 27.30 from 6 packs with 10 boxes piece 21.26 25.30 1 dispenser box = 1,000 target patches, ø 19 mm, self-adhesive 8519 - 19 1 dispenser box Bulk pack with 10 boxes 8519/10 - 19 dispenser box 2.94 3.50 dispenser box 4.29 5.10 pack with 10 boxes piece 34.45 41.00 from 6 packs with 10 boxes piece 29.41 35.00 dispenser box 2.94 3.50 Target patch - black Order No. 8615/8619 1 dispenser box = 1,000 target patches, ø 15 mm, self-adhesive 8615 - 15 1 dispenser box Bulk pack with 10 boxes 8615/10 - 15 pack with 10 boxes piece 22.94 27.30 from 6 packs with 10 boxes piece 21.26 25.30 1 dispenser box = 1,000 target patches, ø 19 mm, self-adhesive 8619 - 19 1 dispenser box Bulk pack with 10 boxes 8619/10 - 19 dispenser box 4.29 5.10 pack with 10 boxes piece 34.45 41.00 from 6 packs with 10 boxes piece 29.41 35.00 Target patch brown, order-no.: 5535 (ø 35 mm) see page 30 Target patch transparent, order-no.: 8719 (19 x 19 mm) see page 18 Bulk pack with 10 boxes Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com 44 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 FUN TARGETS 10/25/50/100 m Category/ Article 10 -40 40 -30 30 -20 -20 50 -60 60 -50 10 20 -60 60 -20 -20 60 -70 20 10 -90 80 -90 80 -60 -20 30 -40 40 -30 10 96 98 -80 70 98 98 100 -80 99 70 95 98 9000A_Glück_Schach_cs5.pdf 1 26.04.11 6 19 5 21 3 15 10 16 4 18 11 -10 9 20 2 14 12 13 1 23 7 17 8 24 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 3 5 9 -30 50 -60 -20 60 -70 20 10 -90 80 -90 80 -60 -20 30 -40 40 -30 10 60 10 - 10 x 10 1000 1000 17.73 21.10 9001 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 8.66 10.30 10 60 -20 for air rifle, printed black 9000 A 10 - 10 x 10 1000 1000 17.73 21.10 for air pistol, printed black 9002 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 8.66 10.30 10/50 - 13.5 x 13.5 1000 1000 24.29 28.90 25/50/100 - 26 x 26 100 100 9.08 10.80 9010 Fun target Chessboard 25/50/100 m printed black 9015 98 100 99 -50 -80 -80 9000 for air pistol, printed black 96 98 98 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e for air rifle, printed black printed black -20 20 70 Price per 70 95 98 Best.-Nr.: 9015 -60 30 -20 96 Packed in Fun target Lucky Numbers 10/50 m Glücksscheibe 3 5 40 Size in cm Fun target Chessboard 10 m 1 -40 Bull’s eye in mm 14:36 22 10 Distance m Fun target Chessboard 10 m Best.-Nr.: 9000 96 Order no Fun target Isenberger Dartboard 25/50/100 m printed black ATOM 9016 25/50/100 - 43 x 33 100 100 19.16 22.80 9020 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 Fun target Atom 10 m 12 5 2 8 printed black 13 1 11 15 16 17 6 3 9 Best.-Nr.: 9020 14 10 7 © 4 Fun target Basketball 10 m 6 8 9 13 15 4 printed black 5 2 9030 1 12 14 7 © BASKETBALL 11 Best.-Nr.: 9030 3 10 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 45 FUN TARGETS 10 m Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 9040 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 9050 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 9060 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 9070 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 10 - 14 x 13.5 250 250 7.06 8.40 10 - 17 x 17 250 250 8.66 10.30 Fun target Bottles Best.-Nr.: 9040 printed black © FLASCHEN 10 Fun target Football 9 3 7 printed black 2 5 15 1 12 4 14 13 11 6 Best.-Nr.: 9050 8 © FOOTBALL Fun target Dart DART © Best.-Nr.: 9060 printed black Fun target Tree printed black © BAUM Fun target Salad of targets -20 -5 for air rifle, printed black -10 9080 -10 © Best.-Nr.: 9080 -20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fun target Salad of targets for air pistol, printed black 6 9081 6 6 6 6 - 15 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -20 46 6 6 -15 © Best.-Nr.: 9081 6 6 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 FUN TARGETS 10 m Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 9200 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9210 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9220 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9230 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9240 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9250 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9260 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 Fun target Bingo 10 18 16 white special card 4 11 20 3 13 7 14 19 2 6 1 9 5 17 8 12 Best.-Nr.: 9200 15 © BINGO 4 15 Fun target Snowman 6 10 white special card 2 9 16 13 3 12 1 11 8 Best.-Nr.: 9210 14 5 7 © SCHNEEMANN 10 7 Fun target Clown 3 8 2 white special card 5 9 11 4 1 6 © Best.-Nr.: 9220 CLOWN 13 7 Fun target Birthday 9 12 10 14 6 white special card 8 11 4 Best.-Nr.: 9230 GEBURTSTAG 1 2 3 © 5 Fun target Solar system 6 7 13 3 4 white special card 2 10 15 12 9 11 5 Best.-Nr.: 9240 1 8 14 © SONNEN-SYSTEM Fun target Wind rose 4 10 white special card 14 5 7 16 2 6 13 17 9 1 15 11 12 Best.-Nr.: 9250 3 8 © WIND ROSE 9 7 Fun target Winter land 2 10 white special card 5 13 14 T ER W IN LAND 11 4 12 8 15 6 Best.-Nr.: 9260 3 © 1 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 47 FUN TARGETS 10 m Category/ Article 9 11 14 HA white special card 4 LLO Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 9270 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9280 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9290 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9300 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9310 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9330 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9340 10 - 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 Fun target Halloween 8 3 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no 2 WE 5 EN 7 15 13 Best.-Nr.: 9270 12 1 6 © 10 Fun target Christmas tree 5 8 white special card 1 7 3 10 4 9 2 6 © Best.-Nr.: 9280 TANNENBAUM Fun target Baseball 2 8 13 6 white special card 11 5 1 9 BASEBALL 14 15 4 Best.-Nr.: 9290 3 7 12 © 10 Fun target Pool POOLBILLARD white special card 8 4 12 2 5 1 7 13 10 15 11 14 3 © 6 Best.-Nr.: 9300 9 Fun target Bowling 10 2 5 7 4 9 8 Best.-Nr.: 9310 3 6 © BOWLING white special card 1 Fun target Easter Bunny 11 14 13 white special card 5 4 15 2 1 6 10 12 © 3 Best.-Nr.: 9330 9 8 7 7 10 15 2 6 white special card 5 3 9 Fun target Soccer 8 14 13 11 61 © 4 Best.-Nr.: 9340 12 48 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 FUN TARGETS / MOTIVE TARGETS 4 15 Distance m 10 7 6 10 Bull’s eye in mm 9 11 5 3 8 13 6 8 4 3 10 9 7 15 13 13 9 9 4 7 1 7 Best.-Nr.: 9280 © 10 13 6 8 10 15 11 3 14 BOWLING 10 3 6 9 8 7 12 3 10 15 2 6 5 3 2 1 3 7 12 6 8 14 9 15 2 5 12 5 4 15 Best.-Nr.: 9270 6 10 BASEBALL 14 6 TANNENBAUM 12 1 7 4 4 2 Best.-Nr.: 9300 EN 1 12 9 © WE 8 15 12 11 10 2 5 1 Best.-Nr.: 9290 LLO WIND ROSE 8 1 7 © 5 4 2 3 3 14 11 5 HA SONNEN-SYSTEM 11 4 15 8 POOLBILLARD 2 8 3 1 T ER W IN LAND 11 8 14 © SCHNEEMANN 11 5 1 12 1 5 9 4 GEBURTSTAG 2 6 13 17 9 © Best.-Nr.: 9200 © 7 6 CLOWN 8 14 Best.-Nr.: 9230 1 11 BINGO 14 14 © 12 3 12 5 © 12 Best.-Nr.: 9220 1 8 2 5 13 7 1 © 6 17 Best.-Nr.: 9210 2 5 7 5 16 15 2 10 14 2 10 1 © 19 9 9 10 11 3 6 14 4 7 13 4 8 6 13 11 61 4 © 20 14 Best.-Nr.: 9250 7 6 12 11 4 © 3 13 9 10 9 16 13 Best.-Nr.: 9330 11 © 4 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Price per Best.-Nr.: 9240 15 10 Packed in 8 5 18 13 7 3 2 2 9 16 Size in cm Best.-Nr.: 9260 Order no Best.-Nr.: 9340 Category/ Article © Best.-Nr.: 9310 Set of fun targets 10 m 1 set = 14 x 25 targets, white special card 9320 10 - 14 x 13.5 1 set set 36.64 43.60 1 set = 14 x 10 targets, white special card 9321 10 - 14 x 13.5 1 set set 18.24 21.70 9321 H 10 - 14 x 13.5 1 set set 21.18 25.20 Set of fun targets 10 m 1 set = 14 x 10 targets, sealed in film, with suspension Zeroing target for telescopic sights (for rifles) 100 m 25/50/100 m printed black, deer-heart in natural size 9400 100 - 26 x 26 250 250 18.24 21.70 printed black 9410 25/50 150 55 x 53 125 125 36.64 43.60 Single target unit 9410/1 25/50 150 55 x 53 1 1 0.50 0.60 printed black 9420 25/50 150 55 x 53 125 125 36.64 43.60 Single target unit 9420/1 25/50 150 55 x 53 1 1 0.50 0.60 Best.-Nr.: 9400 Original target card Datum: Moose-target 25/50 m 8 9 8 9 9 Original target card 8 9 Best.-Nr.: 9410 8 Buffalo-target 25/50 m 8 9 9 9 Original target card 8 9 8 Best.-Nr.: 9420 8 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 49 THE NEW SALES TARGET FOR YOUR SHOP… Targets · Cibles · Blancos Target for Air Rifle 10 m (No. 1300) 100 targets sealed in film, with suspension Art. No. 1300 H (price on page 4) Target for Air Pistol 10 m (No. 3000) 100 targets sealed in film, with suspension Art. No. 3000 H (price on page 19) Set of Fun Targets 10 m 140 targets sealed in film, with suspension Art. No. 9321 H (price on page 49) Set of Game Targets 10 m 100 targets sealed in film, with suspension Art. No. 9501 H (price on page 51) GAME TARGETS 10 m Category/ Article Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Order no Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 9450 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9460 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9470 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9480 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 9490 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 100 100 9.08 10.80 Roebuck-target white special card 12 9 © Best.-Nr.: 9450 9 Deer-target white special card 12 9 © Best.-Nr.: 9460 9 Chamois-target white special card 12 9 © Best.-Nr.: 9470 9 Fox-target white special card 12 9 © Best.-Nr.: 9480 9 Wild boar-target white special card 9 9 12 9 9 12 9 9 12 9 Best.-Nr.: 9490 9 Best.-Nr.: 9480 12 Best.-Nr.: 9470 9 9 Best.-Nr.: 9460 12 © 9 Best.-Nr.: 9450 Best.-Nr.: 9490 © © © 12 © 9 © Set of Game-targets 1 set = 5 x 50 targets, white special card 9500 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 1 set set 26.97 32.10 1 set = 5 x 20 targets, 9501 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 1 set set 12.52 14.90 1 set = 5 x 20 targets, sealed in film, with suspension 9501 H 10 28.5 14 x 13.5 1 set set 14.62 17.40 Set of Game-targets Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 51 TARGETS FOR HOBBY AND ENTERTAINMENT Category/ Article 1 2 Armbrust 3Hobby-Tell 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per 200/21 10 80 21 x 21 100 100 6.22 7.40 black 204/11 - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 black 204/12 - - 12 x 12 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 red 204/12 R - - 12 x 12 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 Target with apple bull‘s-eye Apfelschuss - Scheibe 10 m 1 Order no 3 2 1 Crossbow Hobby-“Wilhelm-Tell“, ø 20 mm, red/black printed 9 8 7 6 Best.-Nr.: 200/21 5 4 3 2 Datum: 1 Schütze: Unterschrift: 12 ring target 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 11 12 11 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Best.-Nr.: 204 /11 8 8 12 ring target with 3 bull's eyes 8 9 9 10 10 11 9 10 11 12 11 10 9 11 8 8 11 9 10 11 12 11 10 9 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 9 10 8 11 9 10 11 12 11 10 9 11 8 black 206/11 - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 red 206/11 R - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 black 206/12 - - 12 x 12 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 red 206/12 R - - 12 x 12 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 8 10 9 8 Best.-Nr.: 206/11 Heart target with 3 hearts red – small, full 208/11 R Heart target with 3 hearts red – small, outline 221/11 R Heart target with 5 hearts red – small, outline 52 222/11 R Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 TARGETS FOR HOBBY AND ENTERTAINMENT / STARTING NUMBERS Category/ Article Order no Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e Distance m Bull’s eye in mm Size in cm Packed in Price per - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 230/11 R - - 11 x 11 1000 1000 14.96 17.80 227/12 R - - 12 x 12 1000 1000 17.90 21.30 Heart target with 5 hearts red – big, outline Der Schuss darf die rote Einfassung nicht berühren verloren 223/11 R Heart target with 3 hearts red – big, outline gewonnen Bestell-Nr.: 230/11 R Modernes Sportschießen Star target Stern restlos ausschießen red Bestell-Nr.: 227/12R Team Bundesliga Krüger Druck+Verlag GmbH & Co KG Marktstrasse 1 · 66763 Dillingen/Saar Telefon +49(0)68 31/975-118 Telefax +49(0)68 31/975-161 www.1a-schiess-scheiben.de www.best-targets.com Example Bayerischer Sportschützenbund e.V. 3B Sheet for starting numbers for rifle/pistol competitions, special paper water-repellent and tear proof, printable with laser- or inkjet-printer, individual execution possible 40 - - 21 x 14.8 Prices on demand! for archery competitions, special paper water-repellent and tear proof, printable with laser- or inkjet-printer, individual execution possible 45 - - 21 x 14.8 Prices on demand! BM FITA 2009 www.krueger-scheiben.de Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 53 ENDLESS BANDS / OFFICIAL CHECK TARGETS / SHOT GAUGES Category/ Article Order no Distance m transparent films for the check of printed targets, envelope with all 6 check targets 30 5 Ring 4 Ring 3 Ring 2 Ring 1 Ring 30.5 mm ( ± 0.2 mm) 35.5 mm ( ± 0.3 mm) 40.5 mm ( ± 0.3 mm) 45.5 mm ( ± 0.3 mm) 50.5 mm ( ± 0.3 mm) Inner Ten is white: 0.5 mm (± 0.1 mm), gauged in the same way as rings 3 -10. Black from 5 to 10 rings: 30.5 mm ( ± 0.2 mm) Ring thickness: 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm Recommended size of target card: 260 mm x 150 mm (minimum 260 mm x 140 mm) The center of the 10 Ring must be 70 mm from the center of the aiming mark measured on a horizontal line. Scoring ring values 1 to 9 must be printed clearly in the appropriate scoring zones in diagonal lines at right angles to each other. The aiming mark is black with an outside diameter of 15.5 mm and must include white rings of the size of the 10 (5.5 mm) and 9 (10.5 mm) rings and a white central dot (0.5 mm). 1. Ring 10 der Schusslehre in etwa auf den Ring 10 der Scheibe legen. 2. Entsprechenden Kaliberring der Schusslehre über dem Treffer zentrieren. Price per Price Price incl. without 19 % VAT in e VAT in e - - - 1 set set 82.35 98.00 Targets Official Supplier of the International Shooting Sport Federation Marktstraße 1 · D-66763 Dillingen/Saar P.O. Box 1426 · D-66747 Dillingen/Saar Phone + 49 68 31 97 50 · Fax + 49 68 31 97 5161 Internet: http://www.best-targets.com · E-Mail: [email protected] Example Gebrauchsanleitung der Schusslehre Vorderlader System Kowar bei angeschossenen Ringen Packed in 1) Air rifle 10 m 2) Air pistol 10 m 3) Smallbore rifle 50 m 4) Running target 10 m 5) Pistol-precision 25/50 m 6) Rapid fire pistol 25 m The official measures in accordance with the ISSF Regulations for the above target are: 5.5 mm ( ± 0.1 mm) 10.5 mm ( ± 0.1 mm) 15.5 mm ( ± 0.1 mm) 20.5 mm ( ± 0.2 mm) 25.5 mm ( ± 0.2 mm) Size in cm Official check targets of the International Shooting Sport Federation Official check target of the International Shooting Sport Federation for 10 Meter Running Target 10 Ring 9 Ring 8 Ring 7 Ring 6 Ring Bull’s eye in mm Check target gauge for muzzle loader shooting 3. Abweichung des Ringsegmentes der Schusslehre zum Ring der Scheibe feststellen. Kaliberring 4. Der Ring ist getroffen, wenn keine Abweichung oder eine Abweichung in Richtung Scheibenmitte vorliegt. 5. Hilfe zum Feststellen von Doppelschüssen: Größe der Schusslöcher von sicheren Einzelschüssen mit dem dazugehörenden Kaliberring vergleichen. Bei Doppelschüssen sind die Schusslöcher in der Regel größer. Kaliber- und Langlochlehre • .58 .45 8 mm 18 mm 11,58 mm 8,00 mm 5,60 mm 11 mm 9,65 mm .32’’ 13 mm Discipline Luftgewehr / Luftpistole Zimmerstutzen Kleinkaliber .22 Gewehr Kaliber > .22 Pistole bis Kal. 9,65 mm Pistole Kal. 9,66 mm bis 11,58 mm Air Rifle / Air Pistol Small Bore .22 Big Bore Rifle Center Fire Pistol 9.65 mm Pistol cal. 9.66 to 11.58 mm Kaliber Toleranz 4.50 mm 4.65 mm 5.60 mm 8.00 mm 9.65 mm 11.58 mm + 0.05 mm + 0.05 mm + 0.05 mm + 0.05 mm + 0.05 mm + 0.05 mm Best.-Nr.: 36 4,65 mm Wettbewerb transparent plastic plate, system KOWAR 35 - - 30 x 6 1 piece piece 18.32 21.80 36 - - 12.5 x 8.4 1 piece piece 13.78 16.40 Skid-Gauge Calibre- and Skid-Gauge 4,50 mm 7 mm .52 transparent films, with the representation of all calibers with the acceptable tolerances according the ISSF rules Use our online-shop for your quick order: www.best-targets.com Our range of target patches: Order no 8615 own br Order no 5535 Order no 8719 54 transparent Order no 8515 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 chamois black Marktstrasse 1 · 66763 Dillingen/Saar GERMANY Phone + 49 - 68 31 - 975-118 Fax + 49 - 68 31 - 975-115 www.best-targets.com Margarete Maßmich Phone + 49 - 68 31 - 975-118 E-Mail: [email protected] FAX-ORDER: + 49 - 68 31 - 975 -115 Mrs. / Mr: Customer-No.: Club / Company: Delivery address: Invoice address: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Date / Signature: Herewith we order to the conditions mentioned below: Order-no. Quantity Product Price (Total) " Delivery terms: ex works, please ask for the conditions for shipment. Terms of payment: payment in advance by bank transfer or VISA or MASTERCARD transaction. 55 NOTES PRINTER WE ARE THE GmbH & Co. KG KG GmbH & Co. Internet: www.kdv.de E-Mail: [email protected] Telefax: 06861/7002-115 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Schießscheiben 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Targets · Cibles· Blancos 19 6 6 - 2 0 16 www.krueger-scheiben.de Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 60 cm Target Face Shooting Targets for shooting sport – Made in Germany www.best-targets.com 1 1 17.12.14 Nachdruck verboten 11:53 Für alle Gewehre Zielfernrohr rz 2006 Katalog Mä i x 3= x 4= x 5= 14 5 7 16 6 7 8 9 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 4 1 1 2 3 Nachdruck 4 16 9 18 15 8 Krü7 ger Gm6bH Druck & Co. +Verlag Markts 5 KG 667 4 traße 63 1 Tele 3 Dilling fon en/ Tele 2 +49 (0) Saar fax E-M 1 +49 (0) 68 31/ 975 ail: 68 -118 k.th ome-la 31/975 uer@k -161 dv.de 12 9 12 9 Deutsche Schießsport Stierweg 54, 56575 Union e.V. Weißenthurm Telefon: (0 26 37) 23 47 Telefax: (0 26 37) 26 16 Internet: www.d-s-u.de E-mail: [email protected] DS-b2 10 3 14 19 9 4 7 2 5 17 verboten 5 11 5 6 9 o. g. k. 3 WIND ROSE 5 6 9 7 8 1 1 12 2 3 4 5 9 6 6 5 9 4 3 2 1 6 2 5453 4 3 2 1 12 DS-b2 Nachdruck 9 verboten Scheibe Nr. Für alle Zielfernrohr Gewehre 100 mit m Treffer 9 1. Apr nd: 8 1 2 3 4 6 9 5453 BDMP 1-tlg. PP1, Best.-Nr.: 8 9 7 8 8 9 Schützen 9 8 -Nr. 7 6 5 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 4 9000 9470 Best.-Nr.: 9220 © Best.-Nr.: © 4 3 2 © 2410 Best.-Nr.: 5458 Best.-Nr.: 1-tlg., reduziert, 1500, 9200 4 BDMP Best.-Nr.: 3 2 1 3 2 Schießsch Targets·Cibles· Telefon www.best-targets.co 0 68 31/975-118 Blancos 40 rug er-U S-targ cm eiben Target m Face ger- ets.co m US-t arg ets.c om Edition 201 5-0 9480 Best.-Nr.: 1 1 WITH US every shot a hit! 09.0 1.15 15:5 8 Krüger targets · Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com · Edition: 1. April 2016 9200 Best.-Nr.: © 9 4 B-40 2010 12:06 w.k ru w.k 12 ww 9 27.02.14 ww verboten DS-b2 Nachdruck © 1 1 2 dd 3 1 :2 6.in 12 5 3 2 1 www.kru Premium N.R.A. ger-USTARG Quality License targets.c ETS - Made No. om in 7 German y _cs 15 6 usa 2. 6 6 kat_ .0 6 5 5 vd_ 11 5 4 4 _kd e 4 3 B-3 2010 # 10 .d 3 2 FITA Krüger Target Serial - FITA Number Face Target 40-10/12 – 40 Licensecm en ER L RIFL AIR E PISTASSO OL CIAT 1 TAR ION 2 GET 1 by by ib NAT 10 IONA MET www.krug TARGE PremiumN.R.A. er-US-targ TS QualityLicense ets.com - Made No. 7 in Germany PrintedOfficial Approved ISSF he TARGETS www.kruger-US-targets.com N.R.A. License No. 7 Premium Quality - Made in Germany AR-5/10 2010 os 10 nc x 09:4 xxxx 1 12 5502 · Best.-Nr.: www.krueger-scheiben.de Bla 10 09.0 150 20 6 8 s· 9 ger.com 9 2.16 11 7 2 17 BINGO le # # # # 8 A-7/5 2010 www.cibleskrue EIBE 5 7 e.V. Union Weißenthurm Schießsport 56575 23 47 16 54, Deutsche (0 26 37) 26 Stierweg (0 26 37) Telefon: www.d-s-u.de Telefax: [email protected] Internet: E-mail: MATCH RELAY TARGET STAGE en ligne : 11:53 6 6 ION 7 9 17.12.14 5 # 6 8 1 4 RELAY # TARGETS www.kruger-US-targets.co N.R.A. License m Premium No. 7 Quality Made in Germany 9 3 ONAL RIFL 50 FOOT E RAPIASSO CIAT D FIRE 9 TARGET 7 DSU-SCH 2 8 5 SS 5502_DSU_b2_cs5.pdf 7 1 NATI MATCH # 7 STAGE # SS 6 : c op r-s Sh ge e- ue lin .kr On ww w 6 w.k rug er-U Exce Pre S-t miu N.R.A. m Qu Licens argets com rpt fro .co ality e plet m - Ma No. 7 m de in ww e prog our de Ger w.kr ram liver many uger plea y pr og -US- se targ visit ram. ets. our com web page 4 Targets · Cibles 9 Face g ib · C erla 18 +V -1 15 v.de ets k r rg Druc Co. KG1 /Saa /975 75-1 @kd er & ße en 31 /9 en bH stra lling 0)68 68 31 heib Gm arkt 3 Di +49( 0) s-sc M 76 n +49( es 66 lefo x schi Te lefa l: Te Mai E- 5 3 2 1 rlag : com Shoptargets. ineOnl w.bestww 4 13 19 5 üg STAGE # Fournisseu r officiel pour USA Shooting 10 3 14 9 Kr 18 15 Ta RELAY # 7= 8= 9= = 1 8 LV; Disziplin: K2 LV; K 2; K 14 LV; K 14; K 24 LV; K 24; K 27 LV; K 27; K 36 1; K 36; LDG 2; KPEL; 1; LEL 2; LKS 2; LRI 1; LRG LRMoV 2; LRMoV2; 1; LHG LHMoV 2; LHMoVLF 4; 3; SHFR LF SHSA; ncos en 31/975-118 cm TARGET # NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION 10 METER AIR RIFLE TARGET MATCH # 2 7 10 40 ww UND 3 6 cm # 40 – License Face Target 40-10/12 Number Target - FITA 1 68 Telefon www.best-targets.com 0 Schießscheib Targets·Cibles·Bla Target Best.-Nr.: /2 l 2 k. · Bla E.V. Producteu r officiel des cibles de papier de la Fédération de Tir d’Allemagn e n en age eib ufl ch na n -S ge ibe n SF o e e IS A-B ch heib en en W B-S c eib ib l DS S-S ch che l BD U-S P-S l DS M l BD 04 l 20 20 FITA Krüger by Serial Official Printed 3 5 g. SF our 4 4 · Cib Boutique 1 les CHÜTZENB · Blancos Pour les autres Krüger Druck pays francophones, Tél +49 68 +Verlag GmbH & Co. merci de vous adresse Ta ck +Ve 31/975-118 Dru KG · Marktstr r directem ger Co. KG · Fax +49 Krü & 68 31/975- asse 1 · 66763 Dillingenent à l’imprimerie r bH se 1 115 · E-Mail: /Saar · ALLEMA Krüger : Gm tras en/Saa schiess-scheiben 8 GnE -11 Markts Dilling @kdv.de 975 5 63 s rget d 1 ndd -11 dv.de 667 MANY 68 31/ 975 @k +49 68 31/ GER ben ne -schei +49 Pho iess sch Fax ail: E-M s6.i a_cs55.ind g_c dvd_kat_fr t_en 4 1400486_k _ka 5 6 dvd 6_k DEUTSCHER S 5 6 029 150 Fournisseu r officiel pour national Rifle Associatio n ncos 5 Fournisseu r officiel de World Archery n SCHÜTZ of the ER ratio lier fede ts ial Suppting Offic shoo r targe an pape Germ for For NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATIO 75 FOOT SMALL BORE RIFLE N TARGET Schützen-Nr. DEUTSCH 12 . IS 1 E.V 20 8 17 6 2 3 9 Best.-Nr.: 7 12 BDMP1-tlg. 5453 PP1, 4 1 5 BINGO 9 8 6 3 3 e 17.7.200 6 4 9 6 2 19 14 7 13 3 15 4 10 18 16 6 ISSF Fournisseu r officiel 1 n.d am 4 1 7 2 ibe Scheibe 3 5 Sa. 9 2 1 5 2 o. Neue 2 8 CLOWN x x x 10 9 9 verboten 3 11 -60 10 8 3 10 9 4 20 80 -30 8 3 9 7 2 -20 -70 95 9 4 12 -20 10 60 98 70 -90 40 3 Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Target Face 5 9 30 -50 96 -80 100 98 80 -40 6 6 verboten DS-b2 -30 60 98 70 -80 99 30 11 Targets·Cibles·Blancos 9 5 6 6 Nachdruck 40 -60 96 98 60 -90 -20 Treffer x x x x x x x x 8 7 6 1 1 -40 50 -60 -20 9 100 mit m 7 6 2 dd 12 1 4 5 5 hr 5 9 .in 2 3 4 4 Für alle Zielfernro Gewehre 1 2 3 4 6 4 2 5 s6 3 4 5 3 8 3 4 _c 4 1 2 3 3 Nr. 2 7 4 6 eu 5 2 Schießscheiben 8 2 2 Scheibe 1 1 Nachdruck he _d 10 -20 6 7 1 5502 · Best.-Nr.: eiben.de www.1a-schiess-sch 9490 Best.-Nr.: © 3 at Face 20 1 11 20 1 12 16 Schießscheiben lier ial Supp Rifle Offic nal n Natio ciatio Asso 4 7 6 8 4 .02 Targets·Cibles·Blancos 6 1 10 13 2 17 BINGO 1 13 Telefon 0 68 31/9 75-118 www.best-targets.com 40 cm Target 9 5 2 1 s· _k vd kd 5_ X 6 t an fer Lie chen ion ller uts rt Un zie r De po Offi de ßs hie Sc 5 On ww line w.k -Sh rue op: ge r-s c 29 XXX 1 6 4 10 2 1 18 3 19 3 2 5 3 3 3 2 4 Nr. 3 5 Schützen- rget 2 3 4 2 Face – 40 cm Official FITA Target # 10 FITA Target License Printed by Krüger Serial Number 40-10/12 Gesamt 4 6 16 00 1 3 1 0 0 Fehler 7 15 1 2 0 7 6 8 :49 STAGE lier ial Suppting Offic Shoo USA 9 n ze üt og al ch at tk te m lis sa eis Ge Pr 5 1 & 5453 9 09 5 UND ENB 1-tlg. BDMP PP1, Best.-Nr.: .14 Scheib of the n lier ial Supp ciatio Offic d Asso Worl PPC 1500 rts 8 1 Treffer 8 po 7 6 5 4 6 4 5 3 2 14 s Official Printed by FITA Target Face Krüger – 40 cm FITA Serial Number Target License # 10 40-10/12 3 2 X 9 rS 1 Ta 2 3 Summe d. fü 7 Kr 1 Anzahl 10 k. 1 6 üg Gm er Cibl Mar bH Druc es 66 kts & Co k +V ·B Telef 763 traße . KG erlag lanc Telef on Dillin 1 os E-M ax +49( gen/ ail +49( 0)68 Saar : sc hie 0)68 31/9 ss 31 75 -sch /9 -1 eib 75-1 18 en 15 @kd v.d e 10:2 15 Officer Competitor Range TARGET 2 8 1 Extrait de gamme denotre cible 2014 MATCH 3 7 9 d STARTNR. 4 Schützen: Datum: Target Face nd 1500 des E cm 5.i m und Schießscheiben Targets·Cibles·Blancos Telefon www.best-targets.com 0 68 31/975-118 40 cs5 BDMP Name u_ ert ung 50 uzi Entfern ser: 0 red rchmes 150m - Ringdu MPand 25 BD enabst 5 5 4 CHEIB 8 e de 9 ril o. g. 6 at_ Bei 1 3 Ort e.V. Ap verboten 6 d.de Union d: 5 Face Target 40-10/12 – 40 Licensecm 2 _k 2015 2 6 Number 1 t an fer ting Lie oo ller A Sh Stan Nachdruck 4 FITA Krüger Serial Target - FITA www.schuetzenbun Bun und d der Milit Poli ärzeis chüt zen Weißenthurm 47 Schießsport 56575 23 16 54, 26 37) 26 37) Deutsche (0 26 Stierweg (0 www.d-s-u.de Telefon: [email protected] Telefax: Internet: E-mail: vd 3 by Schießens: # 10 en.d kd 2 PrintedOfficial des K36 Ld. K27; 2 2; 3 4 Disziplin: EPist. 1; 2; 3; K24; Schwarzp. 1; 2; 3 KPräz. - Gruppe 1; 2 SARev. - Gruppe Gruppe LDSpGew - Gruppe 1; 1; 2 LEL100 - Gruppe LRep100 - Gruppe LRepl100 Scheibengewehr LSL100 LF3 Klassisches Sta 1 Verein: Art Offiz ielle r Liefe der Sch Deutsch rant ießs port en Unio n t an er fer ch Lie uts en ller De ütz zie ndes sch Offi Bu ort s de Sp heib 7_ ISSSuppliernal ial natio Offic Inter Sport of the tingration Shoo Fede 3 DSU-S r-sc 40 F 4 5 Offiz des ieller Liefe Bun des rant Deu Spo tsch rtsc hütz er en ege 00 al ets tion & targ rna ort Inte logue g sp otin cata elist sho ic r p 5 6 Offi der ziel US ler Lie A Sho fera otin nt g w.kru 9 2 6 8 3 7 3 2 1 2 3 14 Responsable Weishar Martialcommercial pour la Tél./Fax (+33) · 237 rue Marillac France : Lefranc · F-57600 03 87 87 25 www.cibles-krue 63 ger.com · · Mobile (+33) 06 06 Oeting E-Mail: m.weish 66 04 67 ar@cibles-kruege r.com 8 9 8 7 4 10 m 7 4 9 6 5 Wettkampfscheibe Deutschen für Pistole Schützenbundes des ( 4 : ww 22.01.15 10:32 = 9 8 9 hop d 1 7 Entfernung EN ne-S 3.ind 6 1 BUND Offiz E.V. Deu ieller Aus tsch statt en für Pap Schütze er des iersc nbundes heib en 7 ch na für en ib orm r he -N eh e er Sc SF gew tol brer ib IS uft pi1s gean /Sliaa al n L ktustfrat ßeDillnink n/Saar oßk r de er L 6763lchei1426illoingele/975G-0r-161 fü e ch Mar D-6 K stfa sDt68 31 /9 Po 6747 in 0 68S31B- 75ibscehenibeenu.dts tzen D-6 P fo o : Tele fax S op eess- D Sh hhi hü Tele B ine- a-csc S und rtsc Onl w.1 ww B po S x 2 = x 3 = x 4 = x 5 = x 6 = x 8 = x 9 = x 10 Sa. 8 5 en h_cs undBund Pol der izei Mil sch itär ütz en SCHÜTZ 7 4 .V. b_ss HER 3 ib Onli d_av DEUTSC x 7 = 5 2 he 0378 Offiz iell von lizen der FITA ziert er von Bog Herstelle enau flage r n Ringe x 0 = x 1 = 1 2 3 4 1.15 5 4 6 1 22.0 6 l SB ogen be l BDS -Sch au n l DSU -Sch eibe flagen BD -Sch eibe n MP -S eibe n ch n eibe n 1 9 on g_de_arbeitsda tei.indd 1 5 des Offi6 ziel 5Bun ler Spo des Lie 4 rtsc Deu fera hüt tsc nt zen her 3 BDMP PP1, Best.-Nr.: 1-tlg. Offi ziel Schder ler ieß Deu Liefera spo tsc rt Unihen nt Offiz ISSF ielle r Liefe der Inte rnat rant Sho iona otin l Fede g Sport ratio n .de lier ery ial SuppArch Offic World n ratio of the Fede 56 7 9 8 7 6 Deutsche Stierweg Telefon: Schießsport 54, Telefax: Internet: (0 26 56575 Union (0 E-mail: 26 37) 23 Weißenthurm www.d-s-u.de 37) e.V. [email protected] 47 16 Schützen-Nr. 8 1 r aa 1 /S r ße gen aa -0 1 e tra n 6 S 75 6 d ts Dilli 14 2 en/ 1/9 75 -1.kdv. ark 3 ng 3 9 w M 676 fach illi 68 31/ w de 6 ost 7 D : 0 68 ://w dv. P 674 fon : 0 ttp @k 6 le fax t: h fo Te le e in Te tern il: In -Ma E 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 sc 0184_08_katalo 4 8 6 8 BINGO Nachdruck verboten best- eiben.de · www. 8 3 eß 8 2 20 en hi 11 12 7 1 6 13 li 1 a tOn w w. .be s w ww w 9 9 1 3 4 3 2 1 7 8 Online-Shop: www.1a-schie ss-sche www.best-targets.co iben.de targets.com m 15 1 5 Sc 6 13 17 9 2 9 12 9 4 1 BINGO verboten 4 10 3 20 6 17 Krüger Druck +Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Marktstraße 1 66763 Dillingen/Sa ar Telefon +49(0)68 31/975-118 Telefax +49(0)68 31/975-161 E-Mail: k.thome-lau [email protected] Präzision Präzision Nachdruck r. 2 11 7 2 5 DS-b5 DS-b5 Union e.V. Deutsche Schießsport 56575 Weißenthurm Stierweg 54, 37) 23 47 Telefon: (0 26 37) 26 16 Telefax: (0 26 Internet: www.d-s-u.de E-mail: [email protected] zen-N 13 19 9 g. k. Schüt 3 14 0 1 chiess-sch p: www.1a-s Online-Sho Face 0 4 DeuOffiziel CHER tsc ler SCHÜT für hen Aus ZENB Pap Sch sta UND iers ütz tter E.V. che enb des ibe und n es 3 verboten o. 10 für Sp ort sc G hü tze & esam Pr tk 20 eisli ata n l ste log l ISSF- 14 l WA-B Sch D ei DEUTS IBE t F an S fer onal ISller Lie ati Sportn zie Internting tio Offi der oo era Sh Fed Nachdruck SCHE 4401 1 1 3 Disziplin: K 2; K 14; K 2 K 24; K LV; 14 K 27; K 24 LV; K 36; K 27 LV; KPEL; K 36 LV; LKS LDG LV; LRG 1; LEL 1; LRMoV2; LRI 2; LRMoV 1; 2; LHG LHMoV2; 2; LHMoV 1; LF 2; 3; SHSA; LF 4; SHFR 9 11:53 Best.-Nr.: 2 2 6 4 6 5 4 3 2 17.12.14 N DSB 3 3 1 1 3000 4 4 2 5 1 18 15 eib 5502_DSU_b2_cs5.pdf DSU- Best.-Nr.: 5 3 8 1 9200 6 4 2 Best.-Nr.: 7 5 3 5502 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 Fehler Gesamt 6 2 7 8 4 2 16 Summe 8 STAGE 9 9 5 · Best.-Nr.: 7 6 5 4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 3 10 MATCH 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 9 8 7 6 9 9 9 5 6 7 8 9 9 2 STARTNR. TARGET 8 6 eiben.de Anzahl d. 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Treffer Treffer Für alle Gewehre mit Zielfernrohr 100 m Best.-Nr.: 7 8 5 65 • ISS • FIT F-Sch eib • DS A-Boge en • BD B-Sche nauflag en • DS S-Sche iben • BD U-Sche iben • DS MP-Sch iben eib SV-S cheib en en Entfernung 50 BDMP 1500 Scheibe Nr. 4 © 8 8 6 87 5458 7 8 1-tlg., Best.-Nr.: 6 1 7 25 m - Ringdurchmesser: reduziert, 5 4 2 6 & Preisliste BDMP 1500 reduziert Bei Scheibenabstand BDMP 1500, 3 3 5 5505 P 8 2 4 4 Hersteller Targets · Best.-Nr.: 7 1 5 3 Gesamtkatalog · Blancos • ISSF-Scheiben • FITA-Bogenaufl agen • BDS-Scheiben • DSU-Scheiben • BDMP-Scheiben • DSSV-Scheiben Offiziell von der FITA lizenzierter heib en Schießsc cos ·Cibles·Blan www.1a-schiess-scheiben.de 6 7 8 2 Schießscheiben Best.-Nr.: 9250 5 78 1 2008 ISSF Offizieller Lieferant © 4 34 56 A iben Sche n eibe -Schheiben sc ogen MP- Targets · Cibles Best.-Nr.: 4401 3 spor Offizieller Lieferant Offizieller Lieferant Offizieller Lieferant der FITA Offiziell vonHersteller lizenzierter Best.-Nr.: 9480 2 das ISSF © 1 für n eibe os sch lanc ieß es ·B Schets· Cibl 12 2006 Stand: 1. März sc ieß Sch S Olympiasie Shop ine- Onl g talo04/2 Kapril 20 en hieß e Sc tlich -s iess sch aw.1 ger Ralf Schumann : ww be chei eiben ● ISSF-Sch enscheiben ● FITA-Bog eiben ● BDS-Sch eiben ● DSU-Sch heiben ● BDMP-Sc ● DSSV-Scheiben en heib c s ß chie n. ben hei m s.co rget t-ta es w.b · ww de 9490 Best.-Nr.: © 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 0= Ringe Paper Target Production: 66763 Dillingen · Marktstr. 1 Telefon: 06831/975-118 66663 Merzig Handwerkstr. 8-10 Telefon: 06861/7002-0 66663 Merzig Handwerkstr. 8-10 Telefon: 06861/7002-59 Sheet Offset Printing in Merzig www.kdv.de VILLEROY&BOCH BESONDERES MATERIAL KERAMIK – EIN GANZ BESUCHEN SIE UNS GERNE DEUTSCHLAND Villeroy&Boch AG und Wellness Unternehmensbereich Bad Hauptverwaltung 66693 Mettlach Tel. +49 (0) 68 64 - 81- 0 Fax +49 (0) 68 64 - 81- 1484 Tel. +49 (0) 30 - 7 57 97 80 [email protected] Lenzburg Villeroy&Boch Infozentrum Marktmattenstraße 23 CH-5600 Lenzburg MEISTERHAND. beständig entsprechen den üblichen Toleranzen. Sortiments-, Modell- und Farbänderungen vorbehalten. ächen-Veredelung. über die innovative Oberfl Ihre Vorteile: retro 1 87 8 –1 9 15 r 20 Winte Reinigung • Einfachere und schnellere von Reinigungsmitteln • Reduzierter Einsatz • Geringerer Wasserverbrauch igung ein der Ver gsblatt rlandes Saa Mitteilun er des V der Jäg im DJ rband jagdve Landes WWW.VILLE ROY-BOCH.C .indd 6-9 _2015_297x210_Umschlag OM » ke i n 15 teufel ber s p e kt i ve 10.12.14 12:14 , ein ga ist ek nzer a elhaf bgeru t schw ndete e r. w e r ke r l p ro g r nn ma amm s we rd e n nich tudien n ts wil malt, erfol l, und wie ac g, dan ohne n geh h so v t’ s ja iele, m stil, w e h e r. i t g ro ill ich aber d ssem s a g as rin e n, das Albert Weis gen n ve r l a gerber in ach ngt bä einem Brief re n k r an Theodor aft Heus s, Paris 1906 Dieses Buch ist die erste Werk seit umfassend Jahrzehnte e Darstellung n. Es lädt markantes von Alber ein zur Wied ten Küns t Weisgerber tlerpersönl erentdecku des 20. Jahrh s ichkeiten ng einer underts. der Münc der hner Mode rne zu Begin n s ercorp rnbläs tal“ Jagdho s Prims ere „Mittl Freunden bei shilfe“ „Leben er und Jäg d in Han Hand dd 1 cs6.in 2015_ inter_ vdjs_bro_W 4233_ .« Albert W e is g er retro 1 87 8 –1 9 15 und gung Fachta zum Thema ion Exkurs dschaden Wil chau Zuchts ppe D Gru bei VD nd e.V. Saarla Saarlandmu seum, Mode .15 17:42 08.12 Quality is our Motto! ber spekti Saarlandmu seum, Moderne Galerie tmals rtet ers VJS sta einer mit chaft manns Jugend 15 in Germany · Farb- und Dimensionsabweichungen Ihr Berater ve 9302 5C D5 · 2014 Printed 1 87 8 –1 9 ER G Ä J R SAA s p e kt i Albert W e is g er G 2617 17935_Kuechenbroschuere KERAMIKSPÜLEN AUS Beständigkeit: hitze- und kälte- Herkömmliche Keramik Alle Spülen verfügen Persönlichkeit. Tel. +41 (0) 62 - 8 86 38 60 [email protected] retro reinigen kratzfest geruchsneutral 12099 Berlin ber geschmacks- und EIN STÜCK INFOZENTREN Berlin Villeroy&Boch Infozentrum Ordensmeisterstraße 13 Tel. +49 (0) 68 64 - 81 29 75 [email protected] Albert W e is g er Pflege: leicht zu Robustheit: stoß- und Hygiene: AUCH VOR ORT IN UNSEREN Mettlach Villeroy&Boch Infozentrum Alte Abtei, Saaruferstraße 66693 Mettlach rne Galer ie ve ISSF Official Supplier of the International Shooting Sport Federation Olympic Medal Winners, World and European Champions and a lot of other Sport Shooters of the whole world use for their competition and training KRÜGER TARGETS licensed of the World Associations. Ralf Schumann Official Supplier of the World Archery Federation Christian Reitz All-Time-Champion Olympic Champion 1992/1996/2004 Silver Medal 1998/2008 World Champion 1990/1998 13 x World Cup Final Winner 39 x World Cup Winner 7 x European Champion Bronze Medal Winner 2008 World Champion of Police World Champion Juniors World Cup Final Winner 2011 European Champion 2015 Gold European-Games 2015 9 x World Cup Winner 2 x European Champion (Juniors) Photo: Massimiliano Naldoni DEUTSCHER SCHÜTZENBUND E.V. Official Supplier of the German shooting federation for paper targets Munkhbayar Dorjsuren Monika Karsch Barbara Engleder Valerian Sauveplane Florian Kahllund Lisa Unruh Olympic Bronze Medal 1992/2008 World Champion 1998/2002 World Cup Final Winner 2008 8 x World Cup Winner World Cup Final Winner 2014 World Cup Winner 2014 Vice-European Champion 2014 World Champion of Military 2015 Offizieller Lieferant der Muzzle Loaders Association Official Supplier of the World Association PPC 1500 World Champion 2014 Vice-World Champion 2010 World Cup Winner 2005/2013 European Champion 2013/2015 Gold European-Games 2015 World Champion 2010 World Cup Winner 2005/2008/2012/2015 World Cup Final Winner 2011 Olympic Team 2004/2008/2012 European Champion Vice-World Champion Military 2015 Official Supplier National Rifle Association Krüger Druck +Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Marktstrasse 1 · 66763 Dillingen/Saar · GERMANY Phone +49 68 31/975-118 · Fax +49 68 31/975-115 E-Mail: [email protected] Online-Shop: www.best-targets.com World Champion Field Archery 2014 Bronze Medal WCH Field Archery 2007 2. Place Worldcup Medellin 2014 Team Worldcup Winner Medellin 2014 2. Place Team Worldcup Shanghai 2015 6. Place Worldcup Final 2014 Bronze European Championship 2007/2015 European Champion Team 2015 Winner of quota place Rio 2016 Edition: 1. April 2016 Official Supplier USA Shooting World Cup Winner 2014 4. Place World Cup Final 2014 European Champion 2014 Multiple German Champion
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