November 2011 - Cook Inlet Kennel Club
November 2011 - Cook Inlet Kennel Club
November, 2011 2011 Board Members President— Carolyn Tolson (745-2322) V-President—Cheri Hagen Treasurer—Kristine Asay Corresponding Secretary— Linda Cunningham Recording Secretary Gretchen Keim Directors Mike Chester Rene’e Clayton Judi Rideout Jon Zylstra Volume 3 Issue 11 The Cook Inlet Kennel Club GAZETTE MEET THE BREED 2011 Committee Chairs Judges Committee— Casey Hessinger Training Committee—Gretchen Keim Show Committee— Carolyn Tolson Hospitality Committee - THE CZECHOSLOVKIAN VLCAK History In the year 1955 a biological experiment took place in the CSSR of that time, namely, the crossing of a German Shepherd Dog with a Carpathian wolf. The experiment established that the progeny of the mating of male dog to female wolf as well as that of male wolf to female dog, could be reared. The vast majority of the products of these matings possessed the genetic requirements for continuation of breeding. In the year 1965, after the ending of the experiment, a plan for the breeding of this new breed was worked out. This was to combine the usable qualities of the wolf with the favorable qualities of the dog. In the year 1982, the Ceskoslovenský Vlciak, through the general committee of the breeders’ associations of the CSSR of that time, was recognized as a national breed (FCI). As a working dog… Originally bred for working border patrol (tracking and apprehension) in Czechoslovakia in the 1950's. Currently used in Europe and the United States for search and rescue, tracking, obedience, agility, drafting, herding, and working dog sport (Schutzhund). Bred for versatility and hardiness in harsh elements Bred from CSSR government crosses of the famed working lines Z Pohranicni Straze of German Shepherd Dogs, and the Carpathian Wolf More independent in nature than many other working breeds Excellent choice for tracking or trailing sport/ work, or as a companion for active owners who enjoy spending time doing outdoor activities such as biking, running, or hiking Appearance Overall: Czechoslovakian Vlcaks should resemble the Carpathian Wolf in appearance - lean, weatherproof, courageous in expression Size: Males over 25.5 inches and at least 57 pounds, females over 23.5 inches and at least 44 pounds Color:Yellow gray or silver gray (wolf gray) are preferred colors, dark grey is also acceptable Light, expressive mask, chest, belly and underside of legs, black tip on tail Black nails Face: Light, expressive mask with black lips and nose Small, erect triangular ears Eyes are yellow to amber, dark brown is penalized, all other colors are a disqualification Large white teeth with a full, scissor biteCont. on Page 3 Earthdog Committee Carolyn Tolson Agility Committee—Carolyn Tolson COME JOIN US AT OUR NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING! November 1st at 7:00 P.M. Inside this issue: General Meeting Minutes 2 Board Meeting Minutes 2 Meet the Breed 3 Upcoming Events 3 Advertising Rates 3 Calendar 4 Book Review 5 Meet the Member 5 Dues Renewal Form 6 Plaque Award Form 7 Page 2 General Membership Meeting October 4, 2011 Training Committee-Puppy class was changed to Monday nights to draw more interest. Will start 10/17/11 @ 7:00. Rally class is happening on Sundays. Agility will start 10/5/11 @ Sirius Ranch. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. Legislative Committee-No report Judi Rideout make a motion to accept the minutes as published, Cheri Hagen seconded. Motion passed. Judges-People to transport the judges is still needed, next meeting will be held after the November show. President’s Report-Premium out for November; received check from BaRay for $694.60 for the July shows. New Members Readings 1st Readings -Tanya Tresino Coffey -Robert & Victoria Preston Corresponding Secretary’s Report -Enstar Bill -Receipt for Raven Hall -Features for Wells Fargo card holders flyer Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Show-everything is set for November. Trailer will be taken over on 11/3/11, need some strong bodies to help move the mats. Set up for the show will be 11/4/11 @ 10:00 am. Jeanne Hale is doing hospitality and needs some volunteers for food. Ring stewards for all events are still needed. Board Meeting Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. Cheri Hagen made a motion to accept the Minutes as published. Christine Asay seconded. Motion passed. President’s Report-The ring stewarding class went well and had really good handouts. Corresponding Secretary’s Report -Well Fargo deposit correction -Wells Fargo Market Account statement -Wells Fargo Checking account statement -MEA bill -MTA Capital Credits -MTA Bill -Esquire Insurance packet -Photo album of group winners and HIT from August show -Revisions to November premium from BaRay Treasurer’s ReportCommittee Reports Show-The mats and trailer will be dropped off Thursday, 11/3/11 @ 10:00. Set up will be Friday, 11/4/11 @10:00. The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Alaska and the Rottweiler Club of Alaska have both vol- 2nd Readings -Victoria McConnell Welcome new members! 2012 Board Nominations President-Carolyn Tolson Vice President-Cheri Hagen Recording Secretary-Kathy Kochendorfer Treasurer-Christine Asay Corresponding Secretary-Linda Cunningham Board-Mike Chester, Jon Zylstra, Gretchen Keim, Judi Rideout his hotel refund. New Business Motion was made and approved to purchase a laser printer for the Agility trials. Will cost approx. $99 from Costco. Match-Will be held 11/20/11. Rally and Obedience will be held in the morning, conformation in the afternoon. Will again have a Thanksgiving theme. Ring stewarding class will be held 10/8/11 @ 6:30. Christmas party-will be held 12/11/11 @ 2:00. Kathy Kochendorfer will coordinate. Renee Clayton made a motion to adjourn. Cheri Hagen seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Keim Unfinished Business Lab Jewelry/ Trophies-Still hasn’t turned up. Please keep your eyes open for it. Christine Asay sent Jack Ireland a check for unteered for help with set up and take down. Training-Agility brought in $410. Splitting the profits with Sirius gave CIKC $205.00 The Puppy Class brought in $225. Rally class is going well. Would like to offer Agility run through on a more regular basis. There will be an Obedience and Rally run though on 10/29/11. Trainers are needed for winter classes after the first of the year. It was also discussed that since there is only one member currently serving on the Training Committee, those people interested in teaching or assisting with a class should bring it up to the Board for approval instead of going to the committee. Gretchen Keim is still a point of contact for training related topics and any questions. Legislative-No Report Judges-No Report Agility-Would like to offer fun runs once a month, schedule to follow. Future Agility Trial dates: November 11th, 12th, and 13th 2011; December 30th, 31st 2011 and January 1st 2012. Committee would like to hold more trials on May 4th, 5th, and 6th 2012. Unfinished Business Mats-Some are still available for purchase. $35.00 for the long ones, $25.00 for the medium ones. Lab Trophies-Judi Rideout made a motion to pay half of the $200 value. Jon Zylstra seconded. Motion passed. New Business Building Cleaning-Please make sure you vacuum or sweep up the building after you use it. Please check for tossed bait and hairballs. Cheri Hagen made a motion to adjourn, Jon Zylstra seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Keim Page 3 Volume 3 Issue 11 Meet the Breed: The Czechoslovakian Vlcak Movement: Dogs pace at slow speeds. They have a long, ground-covering, swift trot, and are tenacious canterers. Feet should remain close to ground, with neck carried forward and tail held straight down, or raised in a "sickle" shape (not curled) when excited Coat - Thick, differs in summer and winter when a thick undercoat is present. Heavy shedders, similar to a German Shepherd Dog. Temperament Extremely loyal to their family (including children, with proper supervision and socialization) Suspicious and aloof towards strangers Early socialization and training is very important Fearless and courageous Highly intelligent, versatile and curious with proper training Vlcaks can excel in many different types of activities. Obedient with quick reactions Highly energetic - need lots of daily exercise and stimulation to prevent destructive behavior. Can have a dominant and independent personality. May have prey drive towards small animals. Not recommended for first time owners. Health Hardy and healthy breed. Dogs should be checked for canine hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy and CERF (eye) tested prior to breeding; new owners should verify these results with their breeder before purchasing a puppy. Known cases of pituitary dwarfism exist; a genetic test exists, but not is not currently available in the United States. Rare and isolated cases of cardiac problems, seizure disorder, and EPI have been documented. DNA testing required by AKC prior to registering litters from imported parents. Breeders should be aware of the Wright's co-efficient of sire and dam prior to breeding, and breed for healthy genetic diversity. As a rare breed, it is very important that breeders limit the amount of line-breeding/inbreeding to preserve the health and genetic integrity of our breed. Vlcaks are a very energetic breed, and benefit from a high-quality dog food that will provide them with the calories they need. That said, the Vlcak is a lean breed, and should not carry much fat. In the US… There are approximately 50 Czechoslovakian Vlcaks residing in the United States, in 16 different states (2011). The first, unofficial gathering of Czechoslovakian Vlcaks and their owners took place amongst 7 owners and 6 Vlcaks in the summer of 2008, in Wintergreen, Virginia. The Czechoslovakian Vlcak has been recorded in the American Kennel Club (AKC) Foundation Stock Service (FSS) since 2001. Czechoslovakian Interested in Advertising in the Newsletter? We are now offering space for ads! Litter Ads, For Sale Ads, Business Ads, Seminar Ads Place them here for these incredible rates! Full Page Ad—1 mo. $20.00 2 or more mo. $10.00/mo. Half Page Ad—1 mo. $10.00 2 or more mo. $5.00/mo. Quarter Page Ad—1 mo. $5.00 2 mo. $7.00, 3 mo. $10.00, 6 mo. $20.00 Upcoming Events CIKC Conformation/Obedience/ Rally—November 5 & 6, Raven Hall, Palmer CIKC Agility— November 11, 12 & 13—Sirius Ranch, Wasilla CIKC Conformation/Obedience/ Rally Fun Match November 20—CIKC Building, Palmer CIKC Agility—December 30 & 31—Sirius Ranch, Wasilla AKKC/KKC—Conformation January 28 & 29, 2012—Egan Center, Anchorage DON’T FORGET OUR FUN MATCH NOVEMBER 20, 2011 SIGN UP FOR OBEDIENCE/ RALLY AT 8:30. JUDGING STARTS AT 9:00 CONFORMATION SIGNUP AT NOON. JUDGING STARTS AT 12:30. COOK INLET KENNEL CLUB, INC. PO Box 873432 Wasilla AK 99687 This is the official newsletter of Cook Inlet Kennel Club, Inc. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform and educate those interested in the sport of Purebred Dogs. Cook Inlet Kennel Club provides this information for educational purposes and assumes no liability for its use. Materials herein represent the opinion of the individual authors, and are not necessarily endorsed by the editor or Cook Inlet Kennel Club, Inc. Page 4 Monthly Schedule November 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 General Meeting Agility Class Sirius Ranch 7:00 p.m. Show n Go 7:00 p.m. Show Set Up 10:00 a.m. Obedience/Rally Trial—Raven Hall 8 9 10 11 12 Agility Trial Agility Class Sirius Ranch Show n Go 7:00 p.m. Agility Trial Sirius Ranch Sirius Ranch Conformation Class Rene’e Clayton 4—6 18 19 6 7 Confromation Show—Raven Hall Puppy Class 7:00 p.m. 13 Rally Class 14 15 Board Meet- 16 17 10:00 a.m. Conformation Class 11:30 Laura Brodigan Puppy Class 7:00 p.m. ing 7:00 p.m. Agility Class Sirius Ranch Show n Go 7:00 p.m. 20 21 22 23 24 Fun Match Puppy Class 7:00 p.m. Agility Class Sirius Ranch Thanksgiving No Show n Gos 27 28 29 Conformation Class Rene’e Clayton 4:00— 6:00 25 26 Conformation Class Rene’e Clayton 4:00— 6:00 30 Agility Class Sirius Ranch The Better Companion Have a great show shot or a fun picture of your dog? Send them to: At The Regine Dog Training Facility Doggie Daycare Open Play Times Specialized group classes Behavior Nose Work [email protected] Flyball Mushing/Skijor Agility Rally Clicker Give us a call at 357-2521 Or visit our website at 1400 Regine Ave., Wasilla Off mi. 4 Fairview Loop Ayla—Owned by Krissy Rupe and they could wind up in the club newsletter or the website! Page 5 Volume 3 Issue 10 MEET THE MEMBER Editor’s Note: This is a new column devoted to getting to know our members. Each month a member will be featured. Members will be chosen at random. Name: Sandy Lappi Breed(s) of dog currently owned: Portuguese Water Dogs Breed(s) of dog owned in the past: German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Bernese Mt Dogs Kennel Name (if you have one): Full Sail How long have you been in the sport of dogs? 30 yrs. How long have you been a member of CIKC? Over 10 Are you a member of any other club (breed or performance)? If so, which ones? PWDCA What accomplishments have you and your dogs done in the past? CD’s, CDX’s, Agility, PWDCA Water titles, Ch, BIS Ch, multi Grp placements, What are your goals for the future? Same What part of the sport (conformation, obedience, rally, agility, earth dog, field trials, lure coursing etc.) do you like the best and why? All , ?? What do you feel is the most important aspect of owning your breed(s)? like temp, type etc What health issues are in your breed(s)? hips, eyes, ibd, cancer, allergies, ple, addisons, many What information would you want someone interested in your breed(s) know about it? They are a working breed, energetic, can be guardy.. Needs lots of social exposure.. Grooming .. Can be brawlers. Any other comments you would like to provide for the newsletter? Not a dog for everyone, energetic but fun. Demanding of attention, clowns, need social exp. And obedience of some sort. Need a pack leader, treated fairly… not a fluff puff, can be brawlers! Czechoslovakian Vlcak BOOK REVIEW Editor’s Note: This is a new addition to our newsletter. If you have read a book and would like to submit a short review on it, please send to me at [email protected] and I will include it in an upcoming newletter. Review written by: Cheri Hagen My review this month is on the book Structure in Action, The Makings of a Durable Dog written by Pat Hastings with Wendy E. Wallace, DVM, cVA and Erin Ann Rouse. Vlcaks have been able to compete in AKC Companion Events since January 1, 2010. The Czechoslovakian Vlcak has been recognized by the UKC since 2006. The first UKC Championship Title awarded to a Czechoslovakian Vlcak was given in 2009. The first litter was bred in the United States in 2009. The book is written in clear, precise language that will help anyone, from novice to long time breeder/dog owner understand the various parts of the dog and how they all interconnect to create a healthy canine athlete. Correct structure as well as faults are discussed and the risks of these faults are clearly explained. The book uses pictures and diagrams to visually explain both the good and the bad. The book has an appendix which outlines the Necessary Structural Attributes needed for each type of activity that you may want to participate in with your dog. The appendix also indicates where the information regarding the correct structure can be found in the book. I have enjoyed this book and use it as a reference often when explaining structure to people newer to the dog world. I definitely would recommend adding this to your reference library. This book is available from Lexi Owned by Jeanette Gardiner COOK INLET KENNEL CLUB DUES STATEMENT This is the Official Billing for Membership Dues and Key Renewal Yearly Individual Membership $20.00 Yearly Family or Couple Membership $25.00 Yearly Junior Membership (under 18) $10.00 Building Key Fees Key Renewal New Key $100.00 per Year $100.00 per Year Plus $10.00 Key Deposit NOTE: Key Fees are optional. If you do not want to renew your key, please return it to the Treasurer or any Club Officer. Membership Dues & Key Fees are due ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 1. A MEMBERSHIP WILL BE CONSIDERED LAPSED AND AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED IF SUCH DUES REMAIN UNPAID AFTER JANUARY 31. Please complete the form below and include it with your payment. Persons joining the club at the December meeting shall be exempt from paying dues for the following year. Mail your payment to the Cook Inlet Kennel Club, PO Box 873432, Wasilla, AK, 99687, or submit to the treasurer personally at one of the next General Membership Meetings. Please indicate the amount paid and update your mailing address below. Name: ______________________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________ City _________________________ Zip ____________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________ TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP: Individual ______ $ _____________ Junior ______ $ _________ Family _______ $ _____________ Breed(s): __________________________________________________________ Breed Referral Yes ____ No _____ Key Number for Renewal _______ New Key (Please See Treasurer) Total Submitted: _______________ (For Club Use Only) Date Received: ________ Total Received: ___________ By: _____________ THE COOK INLET KENNEL CLUB Christmas Party Awards Application Deadline for submitting is Nov 28, 2011 Cook Inlet Kennel Club members are eligible to receive a plaque for AKC titles earned during 2011. The plaques are awarded at the Christimas Party each year. If you would like to participate this year, please provide the following information to Kathy Kochendorfer, 982-1503, PO Box 2484, Palmer, AK 99645 or [email protected]. Engraved plates for Non- AKC titles are available for $6.00 per plate. Please include payment (to CIKC) with application. Please attach a copy of the appropriate American Kennel Club Certificate with the application. Owner's Name ____________________________________________________________________ Dog's Call Name ___________________________________________________________________ Dog's Registered Name ____________________________________________________________ Award Won _____________________________________________________________________ **Please Indicate whether you need the plaque, or just the engraved plate to hang on the plaque. (Please Circle One) Thank You! PLAQUE ENGRAVED PLATE Awards not presented at the Christmas Party will be available at CIKC during the General Meetings. COOK INLET KENNEL CLUB ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY AND POTLUCK SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 2011 2:00 P.M. WE WILL HAVE A GIFT EXCHANGE – LIMIT $15.00 - $20.00. THINK DOGS. PARENTS OF YOUNGER CHILDREN (UNDER12), BRING A GIFT FOR YOUR CHILD TO OPEN. AWARD PLAQUES WILL BE PRESENTED. THE CLUB WILL PROVIDE TURKEY & HAM.CONTACT KATHY KOCHENDORFER FOR WHAT TO BRING TO POTLUCK – 982-1503 or [email protected]