Student Handbook


Student Handbook
Welcome to Totton College
How to use this handbook
We hope you enjoy your time at College and work
together with us to help you achieve your best.
You can use this document in a range of ways:
This handbook has all the information you need to get
you started at college; it tells you about the campus
and will help you become familiar with our culture.
Totton College is a friendly place where students
enjoy good relationships with one another and with staff, and we keep rules
and regulations to a minimum. But like all large organisations, we must
agree on some common ways of working and those are set out here where
we have outlined the Totton Standard.
We have also included information about our facilities and our services.
College is about more than just exam results, and we hope that you make
use of all the support and opportunities we offer to help you to be
successful and to prepare for life after your studies.
If you have any other queries or comments about what’s in this handbook,
please let us know.
Click on the ‘student handbook’ button at the
top of the page to be taken to links for all the
essential information you need.
You can search for a particular word
or phrase by pressing Ctrl-F and then
typing into the search box.
As you read through, you will see references to different areas
in blue text, you can click on these and will be taken directly to
the relevant page.
Where there are links to external websites or email addresses,
you can also click to open up the relevant program.
NOTE: If you are viewing this handbook on an iPad, you should
load it into iBooks to ensure the navigation menu works
From time to time, we will update this handbook with new
information. You can always find the latest version online at:
Derek Headrige
Campus Principal
Restaurant & Cafe
Contacts & Calendar
IT Facilities
Information Centre
Campus Map
Senior Management
Reach Your Potential
The Totton Standard
Campus Warden
Independent Study
Getting the Most Out
Your Future
Learning Assistants
Progress Monitoring
Sport & Fitness
Learning Support
Student Finance
English & Maths
Student Card
Equality & Diversity
Opus Salon
Interest Groups
eSafety Advice
Work Experience
Your Voice
Safeguarding Learners
Exam Access
Performing Arts
Student Union
Health & Wellbeing
Prevent Strategy
Your Email
Useful Contacts
Contact Details
Mon 5 Sept 2016
Induction Day (new students only)
Weds 7 Sept 2016
New parents Evening - 5:30pm -7:30pm
Weds 7 Sept 2016
Adult Open Evening - 5.30-7.30pm
Weds 19 Oct 2016
Open Evening - 5.30-7.30pm
Fri 21 Oct 2016
Inset Day
Mon 24 Oct - Fri 28 Oct 2016
Half-term break
Weds 23 Nov 2016
Open Evening - 5.30-7.30pm
Weds 14 Dec 2016
Parents’ Evening
Term Time:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 am - 9.30 pm
Fri 16 Dec 2016
Weds 4 Jan 2017
Last day of autumn term
First day of spring term
Non Term Time:
Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Tues 3 Jan 2017
Inset Day
Weds 8 Feb 2017
Open Evening - 5.30-7.30pm
Mon 20 - Fri 24 Feb 2017
Half-term break
Fri 7 April 2017
Last day of spring term
Mon 24 April 2017
First day of summer term
Tues 2 May 2017
Inset Day
Mon 29 May - Fri 2 June 2017
Fri 7 July 2017
Last day of term for students
Main Campus
College Switchboard: (023) 80 874 874
Address: Water Lane, Totton, Southampton SO40 3ZX
Opening Hours
Our Faculties
The Senior Management Team
Derek Headrige, Campus Principal
As Campus Principal, Derek is responsible for the
overall leadership of the college and takes specific
responsibility for our curriculum and quality.
The teaching teams at the college are divided into four faculties. You will be
allocated a ‘home faculty’ where the majority of your teaching will take place
and where you will see your progression coach.
Service Industries
Faculty Manager:
Extension: 701
Email: [email protected]
Jade Roots, Head of Faculty
Jade is responsible for developing the curriculum and
leading the faculties in the delivery of a programme of
learning that matches local demand and fits the needs
of the business.
Mary Howard
Creative Industries
Faculty Manager:
Kyle Maxwell
Extension: 640
Email: [email protected]
Kirsty Hayes, Learner Services Manager
Skills for Life
Kirsty is responsible for the estates and facilities at the
college, including administration, work experience,
careers, exams and business support teams.
Faculty Manager:
Carol Palmer
Extension: 818
Email: [email protected]
Learning & Support
The senior management team meet weekly to steer the development and
operations of the college.
Do feel free to say hello if you see us around the building - we are always
interested in getting to know our students.
Faculty Manager:
Hannah Avoth
Extension: 703
Email: [email protected]
The Totton Standard
We aim to create an environment in which all students can flourish and
fulfill their potential. For us to achieve this aim everyone needs to work
together. The Totton Standard sets out our commitments to you as a
student and what we expect of you in return.
We will expect you to sign a copy of this agreement when you enrol at
College and you will be regularly assessed to ensure that you are
meeting the standard.
We will
You will
1 Make every lesson enjoyable and challenging
1 Take an active part in every lesson
2 Set work which reflects our high expectations
2 Take responsibility for your own learning and stretch yourself to do
more than you think you can
3 Be prompt and well prepared
3 Attend all lessons promptly and be well prepared
4 Not cancel lessons without ensuring work is set
4 Explain unavoidable absence and ensure missed work is covered
5 Negotiate and monitor targets with you
5 Negotiate and monitor your own targets
6 Give you regular, timely feedback so that you know how to improve
6 Act on feedback
7 Foster employability skills of reliability, tenacity and teamwork
7 Practise employability skills
8 Set work which helps prepare you for exams and assessments
8 Complete punctually all work set
9 Treat you with respect and help to make College a safe place for
9 Treat others with respect and help to make College a safe place for
The Totton Standard
10 Celebrate your achievements with you
10 Take pride in your achievements
Helping you reach your potential
Progression Coaching
Academic Tutorial
In addition to your lessons, you will have 30
minutes of Academic Tutoring per week. During
this time you will have 1:1 sessions with your
teacher to review your progress in the subject.
You will set subject specific, skill-based targets
with each teacher. The aim is to ensure that you
achieve the very best that you can. Activities in
academic tutorial sessions might include:
Organisation, assignment structuring , research
skills, revision and exam techniques
Group sessions cover things relevant to all
students. 1:1 is just about you and your future.
Each half term you will have weekly groups sessions with your Progress Coach where 1:1 sessions will
take place. These will help you explore your options at the end of your courses (Higher Education,
training, Apprenticeships or Employment) and review your overall progress and plan individual
progression activities.
How to get the most out of College
Part time work
If you are a full-time student then we recommend that you do not work
more than 10 hours per week - there is clear evidence that your final grades
will be lower if you don’t leave sufficient time for homework and
independent study.
Alongside studying at college many students take on part-time work to earn
extra money to help pay for essentials and social activities. We understand
that, but make sure you get the balance right!
We provide a regular updates that include details on part-time vacancies
that may be of interest to you.
Independent Study
Most courses at the College demand a lot of independent work from you
outside lessons. That’s why you will have some free time as part of your
personal timetable. As a rough guide if you have 18 hours’ tuition per week,
we would expect about 10-15 hours’ independent study time. There are
plenty of places around the college where you can study: breakout spaces,
the LRC and resource areas.
Organising your time
We advise you to work out a study timetable early in your course so that you
can make sure you are spending enough time on your work, as well as
building in all the other activities you may want to do. Your academic tutors
can help you with this, so please ask if you want any advice.
English and Maths
The Government has placed increased importance on English and Maths as
the foundations for future success. This means that the College will be
focusing even more on these subjects in the future. This has two main
implications for you:
Firstly, in all your classes you should be asked to do work relating to that
subject which demonstrates your Maths and English skills. Your teachers
will mark your work and, alongside your subject specific content, they
will also be giving you pointers on how you can improve your English and
Maths skills.
Secondly, if you do not already have a GCSE Grade C or better in English
and Maths you need to continue to work towards that level of
qualification if you are under 19 years of age at the start of the year. This
might mean that you have to retake your GCSE or attend Functional
Skills classes to build your skills.
These classes are compulsory and you will not be able to stay at College
if you do not attend and participate fully.
If you have any concerns about the level of Maths or English class that you
have been enrolled on please contact your progress coach in the first
Sarah Maxwell (English)
Extension: 690
Email: [email protected]
Sam Myhill (GCSE Maths)
Extension: 732
Email: [email protected]
Jacqui Stewart FS Maths & English
Extension: 732
Email: [email protected]
Attendance and Absence: 16-19 students
If you are absent we expect you to telephone the College to explain why
straight away. Call (023) 80 874 874 and choose the student absence
option – leaving your name and reason for your absence.
If you are ill in College and cannot attend a lesson, you should report to the
staff at Reception who will inform your teachers and you will be able to rest
in the Medical Room or may be taken/sent home.
The Totton Standard sets out our expectations of you. Remember that
90% attendance is our minimum acceptable figure.
If you suspect a “reportable” disease (e.g. Meningitis) please inform the
College immediately.
Regular and punctual attendance at all College commitments ensures
you get the best chance of success on your course. Class registers are
kept by all staff who will always check with you why you were away.
You can check your own attendance information through iLearn, including
your overall percentage, punctuality and individual lesson marks. Parents
can see similar information on the parents’ portal ‘Insight’.
Unexplained absence may result in our contacting you or your parents
to find out where you are. Absence from pre-arranged appointments or
lessons for reasons other than illness must be negotiated with subject
teachers affected, in advance.
If you are absent for a significant proportion of time for any reason, we may
decide it is not appropriate to enter you for examinations.
Please do not book Doctor/Dentist appointments or driving lessons
during lesson time. We do not expect you to take holiday during term
time because of the amount of work you are likely to miss. If a family
holiday is unavoidable because it was booked before you enrolled at
College, you must request absence well in advance by writing to the
Principal. Students who receive a College bursary will not be paid for
absence for routine appointments nor for term-time holidays.
We will use our performance system with 16-19 students whose attendance
is not satisfactory.
90% attendance = 10% absence
Achieve 100% attendance to make sure
there are no gaps in your knowledge
Monitoring Your Progress
Progress Reviews
On all of your courses, you can expect regular feedback on how you are
As part of academic tutorial sessions, subject staff will be recording an
assessment of your progress which will identify your current ‘working-at
grade’ and any concerns they may have around your performance on the
You will work with your subject teachers to create challenging targets to
drive you to meet the highest standards you are capable of.
These reviews are very important to your success and provide a means of
ensuring that we’re helping you to work to the best of your ability.
You parents will be sent progress updates periodically.
Behaviour and Performance
As part of The Totton Standard, if you fail to show the required level of
commitment to your studies or your behaviour and attendance are
unsatisfactory, you will be placed into our performance system.
The subject flags are:
No concerns
Some concerns
Serious concerns
The Totton Standard alerts are:
Green (no concerns)
Red (final warning)
The aim of the system is to support you so that you can achieve the
very best you are capable of during your time at college.
If your individual subject teacher identifies either that they have ’some
concerns’ or ’serious concerns’ about your performance they will record
this on the system and work with you to create an action plan for you to
The action plan will include clear targets that will be reviewed with you,
normally every two weeks. If you meet these targets then your
‘concern flag’ will be removed.
If concerns are raised across a number of subjects, then you may be
placed at a Totton Standard alert level until your performance
If we fail to see improvements then ultimately you may be asked to
leave college.
At each stage of the disciplinary system, you will be asked to meet with
appropriate staff. This can include the Head of Faculty or Faculty Manager
and possibly a member of senior management. For 16-18 year old students
your parents will be invited to attend these meetings as needed.
Advice and Support
Kirsty Hayes
Learner Services Manager
Ext: 878
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Who do you see if...?
You have problems settling in
You can’t seem to cope with your work
You have personal problems
You need careers advice
You want to change your course
You are considering leaving College
[email protected]
The answer is your Progression Coach, one of your teachers, or a named
person from the sections in this handbook – you choose. They will all help if
they can.
An excellent place to start is by visiting the Information Centre, where our
advisors will be happy to help answer your question or find someone who
Information Centre
The Information Centre is the home of our service that aims to support you
throughout your time at college - whatever your question or issue, we will
do our very best to help.
The Information Centre is staffed throughout the week:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8.30am-5pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am – 9.30pm
Our experienced and friendly team can help you with:
You can find us in the entrance atrium at the front of the college.
Information Absence Reporting Guidance
Lockers Updating Your Address
General Questions Bursary Timetable
Queries Parking Permits Examination Entries
Volunteering Finance Counselling
Contacting Staff Welfare UCAS Support
First Aid Advice Transport Advice
Appointments Job Search General Questions
Work Experience Student Cards
Careers Advice
...and a whole lot more. If we don’t know the answer,
then we will find someone who does.
Keep us up-to-date
It is important that your personal and academic records are fully accurate, so
please ensure that you tell us about any changes promptly (for example, if
you change address or
telephone number).
Throughout your time at
college we will use text
messages to contact
Student Welfare
Personal Counselling
The Welfare team are available to offer help and advice to any students
wanting to talk.
We employ professional Counsellors who offer confidential counselling for
If you are having problems at College, at home, in your personal life or with
finance or housing, drugs, relationships, sexual health, support for young
parents or your health, we may be able to help or signpost you to other
agencies that can.
If you have worries or concerns about anything that’s happening in your life
you can arrange to meet in private for confidential help. During sessions,
which last up to 50 minutes each, the Counsellor will offer support and work
with you to find a way forward which is right for you. Some students have
only one or two sessions, whereas others may work with her over a longer
period of time.
See a Student Welfare Officer yourself, be referred by a teacher, or just drop
in to the Information Centre for a chat.
You can see a short video here, which explains more about our counselling
service and how it could help you.
We also offer a confidential sexual health clinic.
You can find out more from the leaflets available in the Information Centre
and the LRC. You can book an appointment through Reception.
Counselling is available several days per week for both daytime and evening
Corinne Ash-Hill
Extension: 664
Email: [email protected]
Steve Maidment
Extension: 888
Email: [email protected]
Contact information is available for a range of external support agencies
Anne Saturley
Extension: 649
Email: [email protected]
Learning Support
Learning Assistants
The learning support team provide additional help outside lessons to assist
you in your studies across the college.
We have Learning Assistants dedicated to helping you, in whatever you are
studying. They will work with you in lessons or during academic tutoring
and can sometimes support in small groups or one to one outside of the
Our friendly and approachable team can give you expert advice and tuition.
For example, we can help you if you
need help in exams – extra time, reader etc
think you might be dyslexic
need help with reading, writing, or numeracy skills
want to learn how to research effectively
need help with revision and exam techniques
want to become better at organisation and planning
… or other learning skills
You may be offered 1:1 help with a member of staff – free private tuition!
Rose McElhenny
Extension: 697
Email: [email protected]
The team can offer a wide range of support, including in assignment
writing, research skills, breaking down tasks, note-taking, revision tips and
much, much more.
Get in touch with Learning Support , or your class teacher, if you feel you
need help with your work in class.
You can find us in room 129. The door is always open so just come in and
talk to us.
Advice and Handbooks
Your Future
Careers, Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Training Advice
We live within a highly competitive employment and Higher Education
market. It is key that you are able to make informed decisions about your
future. We place the highest priority on providing quality careers advice to
all students throughout your time at College.
You can make use of the drop-in facility in the Information Centre at any
time to have a chat or to find out more about the support we can offer.
Your Progression Coach will talk to you about your goals and your progress
towards them - giving advice on how best to get there. Referring you to
careers information or the Careers Adviser in the college wherever
Rachel Brady
Extension: 755
Email: [email protected]
The College LRC has an extensive section on careers information, including a
wide range of books on job-specific careers, applying for jobs, making your
choices about university and a huge range of university prospectuses.
On iLearn you can find a careers advice section containing a range of Student
Handbooks, whatever your destination after College - from Gap Years to
Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Employment.
We also maintain information on our website at where
you can access information about full and part-time jobs, apprenticeships,
university taster events and open days, voluntary work, work experience and
gap years and a termly bulletin to remind you of the steps you need to
considering during each term of the academic year.
Students also have the benefit of the services of a Post-16 specialist Careers
Adviser who can offer you an interview at the College.
Your Future: Useful Links & Contacts
University and Higher Education Contacts
Employment and Training
UCAS are responsible for all University applications.
Visit them online at
Search and apply for apprenticeships via
For information about funding your university studies see Student
Finance England:
There is a regular Southampton-area job vacancy bulletin for young
people which is published at
Statistical information is available to help you compare
universities and courses from
The website gives detailed information on
where your degree could take you in the future
You will find that provides a handy ‘users
guide’ where you can search for courses, read reviews and useful
information for prospective students alongside university and
department ratings
School leaver programmes and sponsored degree programmes:
Work Experience/Shadowing
In addition to the placements offered in many of our vocational courses, we
have links to employers across all of our faculties. Full-time students are
expected to participate in a Work Experience or a Work Shadowing
Programme. This may help you choose a career or Degree progression
A Volunteers & Work Experience Fair will be held in February 2017 when
you will be able to talk to a range of local and national organisations about
various opportunities.
Please note that if you organise private work experience, you may not have
insurance cover if you do not inform us of your placement.
Rachel Harrison
Extension: 769
Email: [email protected]
Pippa Smith
Extension: 764
Email: [email protected]
Both employers and university admission tutors promote the fact that they
highly rate Volunteering on a CV or in a Personal Statement for UCAS.
There are lots of different organisations in need of willing, young people and
adults. Some are brief ‘awareness-raising’ activities and others may demand
more skills. You can volunteer for just 2-3 hours a week or give up some time
over a half-term or other College holiday. A Student Volunteering Week
runs each year when typically our volunteers have undertaken projects in
the local community, such as gardening and redecorating.
If you are interested in boosting your CV or UCAS Personal Statement with
volunteering, just drop into the Information Centre for a chat about getting
involved in your spare time or visit:
Rachel Harrison
Extension: 769
Email: [email protected]
Pippa Smith
Extension: 764
Email: [email protected]
Fancy a Career in the NHS
Southampton General Hospital are always keen to take on new volunteers.
You can spend a minimum of three hours per week building your confidence,
personal skills and also gain valuable experience. Please visit
Interest and Support Groups
LGBT+ Society
The college is pleased to welcome students of all faiths as well as those
without religious beliefs. We have a chaplain, the Reverend Sally Marchant,
from St Anne’s Church, Calmore, who drops into college on a regular basis to
talk to students and answer any questions you may have.
A social group for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, transsexual, undecided, questioning, queer or those who
identify as any other marginalised sexual or gender identity and their
Reverend Sally has links to a wide variety of faith groups and, alongside our
Student Welfare Officers, is always happy to put you in touch with local
representatives from any religion.
Sally Marchant
023 8048 8113
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Totton College cannot accept any responsibility for the support or advice you receive
from any of the services, apps or companies listed. Please use all services responsibly.
Useful Addresses and Contacts
Physical Wellbeing
Emotional Wellbeing
NHS helpline, including dental issues
No Limits
Phone: 023 8022 4224
Counselling and support in Southampton City Centre, Sholing and
Phone: 111 (Free from mobiles and landlines)
Available: 24 hours a day
Speak to a highly trained advisor, supported by healthcare professionals.
Phone: 08457 90 90 90
A confidential listening ear on any topic. Phone and email support.
Royal South Hants Hospital Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)
Britons Terrace, Southampton, SO14 OYG
Phone: 0333 999 7613
Open: 08:00-22:00
Skilled nurses can offer treatment, advice and information for a range of
minor injuries.
It’s Your Choice
Local youth advice & support team.
Phone: 023 8086 4231
Out of hours: 0800 515 819
Counselling and support in Totton, Holbury, Hythe and further afield.
Lymington New Forest Hospital Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)
Wellworthy Road, Lymington, SO41 8QD
Phone: 01590 663101
Help with a range of mental health problems on phone, 1-1 or in groups.
Open: 08:00-21:00
Staffed by experienced nurses who are able to treat your minor injury or
ailment. There are no doctors working within the MIU.
Phone: 023 8038 3920
or online
Totton College cannot accept any responsibility for the support or advice you receive
from any of the services, apps or companies listed. Please use all services responsibly.
Useful Addresses and Contacts
Smartphone Apps
Information on various aspects of mental health.
Breathe2Relax - help with slowing your breathing.
Various information, support, chat room, notice board on many topics.
SAM-app - Help and support with anxiety.
Information and signposting – mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Self help and support around the topic of self-harm.
7 Cups of Tea - Free, anonymous, and confidential chat
with trained volunteer listeners.
Practical, useful information, interactive tools, and videos.
If you have an accident on college premises, you should contact reception
and ask for a first aider. The team can also call an ambulance for more
serious injuries or you can make contact directly yourself.
If you have concerns about your own safety or that of another student, you
can always speak to any member of staff, a college safeguarding officer or
student welfare officer.
If you feel like your wellbeing or someone else’s is at immediate risk, then
you should dial 999 and ask for the appropriate service.
You can ask to speak to:
The Police / The Fire Brigade / The Ambulance Service / The Coastguard
Police (Non-emergency)
Phone: 101 (15p per call from all phones) Available: 24 hours a day
Use this number to report crime and other issues that do not require an
emergency response. If your concern relates to something that has
happened in college, we advise you contact our student welfare team in the
first instance.
Equality and Diversity
Safeguarding Learners
We would like you to feel welcome, safe and supported at Totton College
whatever your background and whatever courses you are studying.
At Totton College we hold as our highest priority the health, safety and
welfare of all our students. We have a collective duty of care to prevent the
abuse of young people and vulnerable learners.
There are a range of Equality and Diversity policies in place, designed to
protect you and others from bullying, harassment or discrimination and
everyone (including you) has a responsibility to help enforce them.
All our staff are trained in Child Protection procedures, and there are four
Safeguarding Officers with responsibility for Safeguarding.
Totton College is committed to providing you and everyone else with an
environment that is respectful, free from discrimination and where you have
the opportunity to achieve your full potential with a feeling of self-esteem
regardless of your age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, sexual
orientation, religion or belief, marital status, family responsibilities,
pregnancy or anything else that makes you different from other people.
A summary of what to do and how to get help is displayed in each classroom
and it’s important to remember that online bullying, harassment or
discrimination is treated the same as anything happening at college.
If you feel like you are being treated unfairly at Totton College, you can
speak to any member of staff confidentially or you can contact Steve
Maidment, Student Welfare Officer.
Steve Maidment
Extension: 888
Email: [email protected]
If you have any concerns about the safety of yourself or others, please
contact any member of staff who will help you to make contact with those
who can help, or contact one of the named people in this section.
If you’d like to have an informal chat
about any issue of safety affecting
yourself or any of your friends, feel free
to talk to either of our Student Welfare
Officers who will also be happy to help.
If you believe that you or someone else
is at immediate risk of harm, then you
should contact the police on 999.
Derek Headrige
Email: [email protected]
Kirsty Hayes
Email: [email protected]
Carol Palmer
Email: [email protected]
Jade Roots
Email: [email protected]
Kyle Maxwell
Email: [email protected]
Protect your own online reputation
There are a number of risks associated with using social media and
communicating in the online world. It is important for everyone to make
informed decisions about how much and what information to reveal online.
Take care over revealing personal information or contact details to
someone you meet online. It is an obvious point, but they may not be
who they claim to be!
If anyone acts in a bullying or harassing way towards you online, via chat
rooms, instant messaging, Facebook, twitter, text message etc, you can
come to us for advice and help in dealing with it. In turn, take care that
your own behaviour can’t be misinterpreted - sometimes it is easy to
forget that there is a real person on the other side of the keyboard &
screen when you are commenting anonymously in a chat-room or forum.
Make sure you protect yourself from identity theft by never revealing
passwords to other people and ensuring that you have passwords or a
PIN set on smartphones to protect your contact details (and those of your
Be vigilant against online blackmail ‘stings’. You may think you’ve got to
know someone online and via video chat, but still be cautious about your
behaviour. Remember that IM chats and video calls can be recorded;
there have been cases where money has been extorted by criminals by
threatening to release images that you might not want in public or seen
by your family.
Another important aspect to your online life is knowing what is appropriate
to publish online. Remember that employers now routinely conduct social
media searches on prospective employees - a photograph or video clip of
friends having wild times at a party, may well show you in a poor light when
seen out of context. Equally, a light-hearted comment that could be seen as
racist, sexist or homophobic is unacceptable and could well come back to
cause you difficulties years later if it turns up in an internet search.
You are legally responsible for the content you publish online and internet
companies can be asked by the police to reveal your identity. Remember
that you could be prosecuted for criminal behaviour for comments you post
on the internet.
It is wise to remember that once something is published online, it is very
difficult to remove it - even though you might delete the original, search
engines and internet caches may well keep copies for ever.
Social Media and Staff
We ask that our staff never ‘friend’ students using their personal Facebook
or similar social media accounts and they will refuse any request from you.
We do however, use social media for
educational use and staff have their
own official college accounts for this
Kirsty Hayes
Extension: 878
Email: [email protected]
Health, Safety & Wellbeing
We recognise our duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the
health and safety of staff, students, visitors and anyone else whilst they are
on College premises.
Our safety, health and wellbeing policies and procedures can be accessed on
iLearn under ‘Health and Safety’.
Accidents/First Aid
If you have, or are witness to, an accident on College premises you should
report this to the nearest member of staff. If no-one is nearby then you
should go straight to the Information Center. A First Aider will then be
contacted to help you, if required.
We have a medical room where you can receive treatment if necessary. The
College Nurse is available for non-urgent medical help and advice.
Fire Safety
If you suspect there is a fire or you see smoke/flames, then raise the alarm
immediately by hitting the nearest red breakglass point and follow the
emergency evacuation procedures.
If you hear the fire alarm sounding, please leave the building by the nearest,
safest exit. Please make sure you know your escape routes and where to
assemble by reading the notices about this in each classroom.
The fire alarm sirens are tested every Wednesday between 5.30pm and
6.00pm and will sound for about ten seconds – you do not need to do
anything. We practice the evacuation procedures in the Autumn Term.
Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
We aim to create a safe environment for staff and students. Smoking, drugs
and alcohol are all known to be unsafe in a work environment and we
therefore prohibit their use on College premises.
Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes) is not permitted in or near any
College buildings but there is a designated smoking area on each site. On
the Totton Campus this is situated through the wooden gate at the far end of
the Hair and Beauty / Media building. Smoking anywhere else in the college
grounds is forbidden.
(If you would like help to give up
smoking you can call the NHS Quitters
helpline on 023 80 515 221 – a local
stop smoking service).
Alcoholic drink is not to be brought on
to the premises. If you are found to
have been consuming alcohol during
the College day you will be sent home.
If you are found to be in possession of,
or under the influence of, alcohol or
illegal substances you will be
suspended and may be expelled.
Student Welfare Officers
Extension: 888
Email: [email protected]
Dawn Clifford - College Nurse
Extension: 793
Email: [email protected]
Jane Holt - Health & Safety Officer
Extension: 850
Email: [email protected]
PREVENT Strategy
The college is part of the
national ‘prevent’ strategy, designed to help
protect people against the threat of terrorism.
The College is a very safe environment and we ask that you work with us to
ensure it remains an open campus where we can trust one another.
To help us ensure that we keep our site safe, CCTV is used across the site.
Access to this system is strictly limited to authorised personnel only.
Recordings from the cameras will be used for the prevention of crime and
passed to the police on request. Recordings are routinely wiped after 30
days. If you have any questions, please contact the Information Centre in
the first instance.
All daytime students are issued with an identification Student Card which
you should carry at all times when in College.
Student Lockers
Lockers are available on a first-come-first-served basis at a cost of £5 per
year (plus £20 deposit refundable on return of padlock). Lockers are in
various locations based around the College. You can get an Application
Form from Reception.
We cannot accept responsibility for any valuables brought into College and
we do not advise you to bring them in. If you have to, they can be left at
Reception while you are in lessons.
All visitors to College should report to Reception and as a student we ask you
not to invite on to the Campus friends or relatives unless they are seeing a
member of staff or are at a formal College event. This helps to maintain the
safety and security of the College.
Student Card
About your card
All daytime students are issued with a Student Card which you should carry
at all times when in College. The card includes your photograph and
features a barcode and smartcard chip so that you can use it to access
various college services. You will sometimes be asked to show this card to
prove your identity.
Adding money to your smartcard
You can credit your card with money online via your Student Portal on iLearn
or via the Smartphone app. Your parents can also add money on your behalf
through the College website:
If you are eligible for free college meals, then college will automatically
credit your card weekly with funds you can spend.
Using your card for payment
Getting the app
Your student card is also a smartcard which you can use for payment in our
Restaurant and Cater Link Deli. It is a quick and convenient alternative to
carrying cash and will feature exclusive offers and promotions during the
Replacement Card
If you lose your Student Card, a replacement
can be obtained from the team in the
Information Centre at a cost of £5.
There is a smartphone app which you can download which gives an easy way
to add funds to your card and even allows payment via a QR code on display
at the till. Simply search for ‘My Smartphone Money’ in your app store.
Looking after our environment
We ask that you respect our facilities and all members of the college
community by putting your litter in the bins provided.
When using the Restaurant area please use the rubbish bins and do not
leave litter on the tables. It takes time and costs money for us to clear away
such litter and therefore has an inevitable impact on the price of food.
Crockery and cutlery from the Restaurant should be returned to the trolley
near the serving area - thank you for your help.
Please use the rubbish bins around the college for any litter you may have.
Performing Arts
With the chance to perform at all levels in Dance, Music and Drama, you are
bound to find exciting opportunities in Performing Arts at college. You can
look forward to many performances in our fantastic purpose-built theatre at
Hanger Farm and our dance & music studios.
You can join FuZe8 Dance Company and the Theatre Company making the
most of being in productions and dance performances.
In the last 12 months there have been over 20 performances of one sort or
another, from small plays to full-cast musicals.
For those looking to work in music we have a fantastic course. Students take
part in numerous performances both in and out of college all year long.
Watch out for refectory concerts to see the best local talent. Learn all about
recording technology, from microphone technique through to the latest
industry standard software in ProTools 11 and Logic Pro X. In 2014 the
recording studio was rebuilt and is an inspiring space, ready for you to
unleash your creativity.
We have been very successful with ‘Global Rock Challenge’ and the British
Red Cross competition, achieving awards for outstanding and innovative
choreography. In March 2015 the dancers had the opportunity to work with
Yorke Dance company and the founder of modern dance Robert Cohan, in his
90th Celebratory year of dance performing a curtain raiser at the Theatre
Royal, Winchester.
What will March 2017 bring?
We have successfully created links with local theatre companies such as Wet
Picnic and Sleeping Trees and also world-renowned companies such as
Frantic Assembly. This has led to a variety of interesting and innovative
workshops exploring the different elements of drama and
performance. In previous years we have created a piece of street theatre to
perform at the Winchester Hat Fair, Street theatre
festival. Our actors worked with a local actor over a
period of six weeks to develop a professional
performance piece.
Make the most of your talent
at Totton College!
Recreational Sport
We have excellent facilities and a well equipped gym on site with friendly
staff providing help whatever your requirements.
All Totton College students can access the Sports Hub during college hours
once you have completed an induction.
Look out for sporting opportunities throughout the year:
5-a-side Football
Touch Rugby
Table Tennis
Lisa Roberts
Extension: 676
Email: [email protected]
Restaurant and Refreshments
The college refectory offers a wide variety of delicious hot meals made
every day from fresh ingredients. Our latest menu is published weekly.
“We are proud to be your new catering supplier. Cater Link are keen to
focus on fresh food, excellent service and exceeding your expectations, we
will be promoting meal-deals, loyalty cards and promotions across our
On our daily menu…
Hot bistro meals  Fresh pizzas and pasta
Freshly made subs  A fresh seasonal salad bar
Seasonal fruit and yoghurt pots  Freshly made soup of the day
Homemade cakes & pastries  Fresh Grab & Go products
Make sure you don’t miss our regular ‘theme menu’ days which
bring you the best international flavours, new concepts and innovation
You can use your student
id card to pay in our
outlets and to access
exclusive offers!
Extension: 736
Email: [email protected]
Information Technology
IT is a vital tool to support your success at college. Every student and
member of staff is provided with their own network account, storage area
and email address. Access to the College Intranet is available from inside
and outside the College.
WIFI Network
The whole campus is covered by our Wi-Fi network (eduroam) which you are
welcome to access using your phone, tablet or laptop computer.
When asked for your username and password, simply provide your college
email address and your password to connect.
iLearn is the online hub that gives you access to a wide range of content to
support your studies. It is regularly updated with news and information and
it also provides you with access to your student ILP (Individual Learning
Plan), including information on attendance, Progress Reviews and much
You can access iLearn from outside college by visiting,
giving you convenient access to your emails and files stored on the college
Open Access PCs
As well as our specialist IT suites, all
classrooms have at least one PC for
you to use. You can also make use
of the many open access machines
around the building and in the
More information about connecting your device can be found on iLearn or
feel free to contact IT Support for help and advice.
If you wish to bring your own device (e.g. laptop etc) into a college power
socket you must first have it ‘PAT Tested’. This only takes a couple of
minutes – just drop in to the IT Support office during lunchtime on any
If you need any help or advice on the use of the IT facilities please contact IT
Support by phone, email or visit our office near main reception.
IT Support
Extension: 866
Telephone: (023) 80 874 866
Email: [email protected]
Learning Resource Centre
The Learning Resource Centre offers facilities for working in groups or silent
study. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can offer you individual
guidance on where to find information and also how to incorporate this into
your assignment or project.
What the LRC has to offer:
 24/7 access via the Library’s iLearn pages to our:
 Catalogue
 eBooks
 Databases
 Online Journals
Claire or Adele
Extension: 862
Email: [email protected]
 Large fiction section
 Careers books and university
Telephone: (023) 80 874 862
 Subject guides to help you find the resources you need
 Do you know how to write a bibliography? – the library has online
interactive help as well as information sheets
 Do you know how to do research online, in books and journals?
We can
help with guides and advice
 Guidance on copyright and plagiarism
 Subject Guides
 Referencing/Bibliography tools… and much more
It’s all waiting for you and we haven’t even mentioned PCs, printing,
photocopying, scanning facilities and lots more! So do come and join us...
 Shelves full of books, journals and magazines with articles for your
 Inter-library loan service – if we don’t have an item you need we may be
able to find it in another library for you
 Wide selection of DVDs for you to borrow free of charge
 Stationery shop for all your study needs (from USBs to pencils and
everything in between)
LRC Opening Times
Monday to Thursday
9.00-12.30pm - 1.30-4.00pm
Opus Hair & Beauty Salon
Our prestigious Opus hair and beauty salon provides a high quality training
environment where we combine practical skills development with delivering
industry standard qualifications.
All students at college can benefit
from treatments in hair or beauty
as well as a range of
complementary therapies
treatments such as massage and
reflexology at discounted prices at
selected times.
The facility offers the perfect
balance of education and
Professional standards are maintained throughout so that our clients can
experience services equal to those offered in high street salons.
Mary Howard
Extension: 701
Email: [email protected]
Student Finance
Vulnerable Bursaries
If you are under 19 and in Care, are a Care Leaver or on Income Support in
your own right, you will be eligible for a guaranteed bursary of £1,200
dependent on your attendance and behaviour. You must apply for this at
the start of your course on the relevant form which you can collect from
Discretionary Bursaries
If you or your parents/guardians receive any means-tested Benefits or
consider that they are on a low income, then you may apply for a
discretionary bursary for help with the costs of transport and essential books
or equipment for a course. Get the application form from the team in the
If you need help or advice about Bursaries please ask at Reception.
Free Meals
Free childcare is available to under-19s via the Care To Learn Scheme.
Please apply via:
Over 19s can apply to the College for assistance with childcare.
Students of any age not eligible for the assistance described above can apply
for a discretionary bursary or for a Professional Career & Development Loan.
Professional Career & Development Loan
This is a repayable loan for over 18s which can be used to cover the costs of
certain kinds of course. See:
If you have previously had free school meals or meet the criteria for the
student support fund, you may also be eligible for free meals whilst you are
in college. If you are entitled to free meals, then the funds will be credited
to your smartcard.
You can find out more from the Information Centre or can apply directly
online via
Bluestar bus
For bus travel this can be sourced via the public transport options offered by
Salisbury Reds and Bluestar Bus.
Contact details are as follows:-
Travel advisors are available:
Monday to Friday 0800-1830
General enquiries & lost property:
01202 338421
Salisbury reds
Contact us
The Key or mobile app enquiries:
01202 338 420
01202 678100
[email protected]
[email protected]
Salisbury Reds 6 New Canal Salisbury SP1 2AQ
* Our travel advisors are here to help and there to listen - if we are busy, just
leave your number and we will call you right back (0800-1830 Mon-Fri) Travel
Shop Opening times Monday - Friday 0830 - 1700, Saturdays 0900 – 1500
Train Travel
Southwest Trains
Tel: 0345 6000 650
Textphone: 0800 6920 650
Financial help towards your travel costs:
Please contact reception for an application form to apply for a
discretionary bursary, providing you meet the criteria you may qualify
for help towards the costs of getting to college.
About the Nursery
The College Happy Days Nursery is
Ofsted registered and provides a safe,
happy environment for your child.
We strongly believe that children learn through the enjoyment of play and
we actively promote their independence, including them in the decision
making process throughout the day.
The nursery is open Monday – Friday,
8.00am – 6.00pm.
The children of College students may be
eligible for subsidised or free places.
Places are limited and cannot be
guaranteed. We advise any parent who
wishes to use the Nursery to enquire
early. If your required hours are unavailable at Happy Days we can help
you locate other childcare facilities in your area.
Happy Days was inspected by Ofsted during July 2016 where Ofsted
stated that ‘Children are happy and settled in the nursery’.
They are encouraged to care for themselves as well as other children and
adults within the nursery. Every child is given the same opportunity to play,
learn and develop.
We also aim to offer the children new and exciting experiences that they
may not have elsewhere.
 To create a safe, caring and stimulating environment for all the children in our
 To actively promote the development of positive self image and self esteem
within each child.
 To provide positive images of ethnic groups, abilities, cultures and genders
through posters, books, toys, food and festivals.
 To provide an atmosphere that makes the child and parent comfortable within
the nursery, enabling a strong partnership to develop.
 To offer a variety of activities and opportunities that will enable the child to
progress and reach their full potential.
Terri Avery
Telephone: (023) 8086 6660
Email: [email protected]
In order to be entered for a public examination by the College, we will expect you to have regularly attended your
course and punctually submitted set work. The College pays the examination entry for the first attempt for all full-time
16-19 students who meet these criteria, but if you do not, we reserve the right to withdraw you from an exam. Exam
costs for students aged over 19 students are normally included in course fees, but re-sit fees are usually not.
Sarah Holmes
Extension: 860
Email: [email protected]
Examination Guidelines and Important Information
 Mobile phones should not be taken into the Examination room, all mobile
 Read through the JCQ guidelines for examinations provided with your
student agreement.
 It is your responsibility to know when your exams are and that you attend
all of them punctually. Make sure you have either collected your exam
timetable from the Information Centre or you have downloaded a copy
from iLearn.
 You should arrive 15 minutes prior to your exam start time in order to find
your desk. Unless otherwise notified, exams start promptly at 09:00 and
 Check the seating plan for exams scheduled in the Sports Hall, which are
normally displayed in the project room, to identify which row you are sitting
 If you are ill or unavoidably late on the day of the exam please contact the
Exams Office (023) 80 874 860 as soon as possible.
 You must display photo ID on your desk for every exam you sit. This can be
college ID card, Passport, Driving Licence or any other photo id card.
phones taken into an exam room may not be kept on your person and must be
switched off, otherwise you are at risk of disqualification.
 You must remove all hats and caps before entering the Examination room.
 You can take a drink of water into exams in a plain, see‐through bottle i.e. the
label needs to be removed. Other drinks are not allowed.
 Please make sure that you have the correct equipment for each of your exams
i.e. Black pen only, Calculators, Rulers etc. as appropriate for your exam subject.
You are not permitted to use correction fluid in examinations.
 When you see a ‘Silence - exam in process’ sign, it means that exams are taking
place in this area of the building. Please be as quiet as possible so as not to
distract your fellow students - next time it might be you taking an exam!
 Make sure you keep the college up-to-date with any changes in your home
address, otherwise you may not receive your examination certificates.
Examination boards do charge for replacements.
 With the advent of smart watches, all watches must be removed in
Examination Access Arrangements
Access Arrangements are additional measures that can be put in place
to enable students to have a fair opportunity to perform to the best of
their ability in examinations. For example, if you have dyslexia you may
be able to have additional time to complete your examination or
someone to help you read the paper.
Sarah Holmes
Extension: 860
Email: [email protected]
The aim of an access arrangement is to remove any barriers there are
for you around the process of completing an exam, not to help you
complete the exam itself.
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) requires us to assess and
provide evidence of need for any applications for examination access
This assessment will involve two parts:
Your teachers considering how you work in the class and deciding if
there may be a requirement for Access Arrangements
Even if you have had Access Arrangements in the past you may need
reassessment from our Learning Support team and you may find that you
are no longer eligible for arrangements you have previously had. This is
because you may have developed skills or strategies which mean that you
can cope better in class or exams since you were last assessed.
An assessment by a specialist teacher or other suitably qualified
We need to process applications for Examination Access Arrangements two
months before your first exam, so you must let your subject teacher know as
soon as possible if you feel you may require them. We cannot guarantee
processing of applications if you do not meet this deadline.
Your Voice
From time to time we will ask you what you think. We are always keen to
understand what helps you to learn more effectively.
There will be a number of short surveys throughout the year on different
aspects of college life and we appreciate your time spent completing them.
You will also be asked by each of your teachers what it is that you would like
them to do more of and anything that you feel they could do differently to
make your experience in the classroom even better.
You will occasionally notice other members of staff observing your teacher.
Usually they will also want to speak to you and look at your work. This
helps us to ensure the quality of your lessons.
There are other opportunities to make your voice heard:
Faculty Council - why not put yourself forward to be the class
representative and join in a Faculty discussion about Teaching and Learning
and your experience at Totton College.
Student Workshops - run from January and students from every part of the
college are invited to take part in debates, listen to speakers and generally
make themselves heard! It’s your chance to have your say!
Student Union - talk to any member of the union to get your views on
college life heard and discussed.
You can also interact with us via social media:
Follow us on Twitter
Find us on Facebook
Or contact any Head of Faculty or member of Senior Management to have
your views listened to.
Student Union
The Student Union is partially elected by
students each year and gives you an
effective voice in the day-to-day life of the
You can find the Student Union in their office by the Refectory throughout
the week, or you can attend Union Meetings to raise any issues. The Union
has a budget to help provide financial support for a range of activities,
including social and fund-raising events, and is affiliated to the NUS. Funds
raised include donations for Children in Need, Red Nose Day and the Student
Union chosen Charity of the Year.
Information about the Student Union and its events can be found on iLearn,
and on their notice board next to their room.
Join the Student Union
Ask for an application form at Reception or email for more information
about the various roles. [email protected]
Want to improve the student experience at Totton College?
Want to be able to add more experience and skills to your CV?
Office outside the Refectory
[email protected]
The Student Union is recruiting to nine roles to help us run the TCSU
President  Vice-President  Union Administrator  Finance Officer
Entertainments Officer  Media Officer  Welfare, Equality and Diversity Officer
 Student Ambassadors
Your Network and Email Account
You need two pieces of information to access computers, the college
network and your email account:
Your college network username is made up of your initials and student
number. So, for example, if your name is Simon Adams, your user account
might be: sa003JN
Your college email address is your account login so, in this case:
[email protected]
You will be given your student number when you enrol at college. It will
also be printed on your student ID card.
Your default password will be College123
IT Support
Extension: 866
Telephone: (023) 80 874 866
Email: [email protected]
You will be instructed to change your password at initial login to protect your
files and personal information.
You are responsible for all of the actions taken through your network and
email account, therefore you should never give your college password to
anyone, including college staff. You should change your password if you
think anyone has accidentally learnt it.
File Storage
Your network account has an associated file storage area to hold documents
and files during your time at college which will need to be monitored and
managed by yourself.
NOTE: College IT facilities are provided to support your studies and other
educational activities whilst at college. There are certain restrictions on
what you can do using the college network and equipment - so please use
sensibly. You will be asked to accept an ‘acceptable use policy’ the first time
you login to the network and if you do not comply with the policy your
internet access or network account may be suspended.
Understanding your timetable
You will be issued with your own personalised timetable when you join
college. This includes information on each of your lessons together with the
relevant teacher and room information.
Although some lessons will continue in the same format throughout the
year, some courses have different start or end dates and others may have
different staff or rooms depending on the topic and time of year.
Problems with your timetable
The college timetable is complex to ensure the best access to the wide
range of subjects on offer to everyone.
We do our best to minimize clashes, but sometimes some subject
combinations may not be possible. If you have any questions about your
timetable, contact your progression coach in the first instance or drop into
the Information Centre.
Changing courses
Outside of lesson time
During each week you will have free time within your timetable which you
are welcome to use as you see fit.
We recommend that you use some of this time to continue your studies in
the LRC or drop-in areas. Remember that if you are in timetabled lessons for
18 hours a week, you should also be undertaking a further 10-15 hours of
independent study.
We work hard with you during enrolment to make sure you are on the best
combination of courses to meet your future aims. However, if you are
unhappy with your course choices at any point please discuss them with
your progression coach, the relevant teacher or at the helpdesk based in the
Information Centre.
In some circumstances, during the early part of your studies, you will be
able to make changes to your courses, following discussions with the
relevant staff.