Worm Gear Winches
Worm Gear Winches
Hydraulic Worm Gear Selection Chart Table of Contents Table of contents and limited warranty excerpt…………………………………………………………….2 Hydraulic Worm Gear Selection Chart…………………………………………………………………...…3 H-7 Series winches and H-8 Series winches…………………………………………………………….4-5 H-200 Series winches …………………………………………………………….…………………....6-7 H-300 Series winches and HDG-350 Series winches…………………………………………………….8-9 H-400 Series winches and H-600 Series winches……………………………………………………..10-11 H-700 Series winches and H-800 Series winches……………………………………………………..12-13 H-930 Series winches and options for Hydraulic Worm Gear winches…………………………………..14-15 Performance Data Line Pull (LBS) KGS) Cable Cap. (Ft) (M) Line Speed (FPM) (MPM) Line Pull (LBS) KGS) 38:1 3000 1350 10 3.0 16 5.0 2600 1170 20 6.0 19 5.8 2200 900 35 10.0 15 38:1 3000 1350 15 4.0 16 5.0 2600 1170 40 12.0 19 5.8 2200 900 1000 15 38:1 4000 1810 15 4.0 17 5.1 3300 1490 30 9.0 20 6.0 50 15.0 24 7.2 1800 810 70 21.0 27 8.2 65 19.0 21 6.3 2000 900 95 28.0 24 7.2 1800 810 125 38.0 27 8.2 2900 1310 55 16.0 23 6.9 2500 1130 80 24.0 26 7.9 3/8 9 1500 15 60:1 8000 3620 25 8.0 15 4.0 12 3.8 6700 3030 60 18.0 30 9.0 15 4.5 5700 2580 95 30.0 55 16.0 17 5.3 5000 2260 140 43.0 75 22.0 20 6.0 3/8 9 1800 15 46:1 8000 3620 25 8.0 15 4.0 16 5.0 6700 3030 60 18.0 30 9.0 19 5.9 5700 2580 95 30.0 55 16.0 22 6.6 5000 2260 140 43.0 75 22.0 26 7.9 3/8 9 1700 15 30:1 8000 3620 25 8.0 15 4.0 32 9.7 6700 3030 60 18.0 30 9.0 38 11.5 5600 2520 95 30.0 55 16.0 45 13.7 5000 2260 140 43.0 75 22.0 51 15.5 3/8 9 2375 15 34:1 8000 3620 25 8.0 15 4.0 28 8.5 6700 3030 60 18.0 30 9.0 34 10.3 5700 2610 95 30.0 55 16.0 39 11.8 5000 2260 140 43.0 75 22.0 44 13.3 3/8 9 1750 15 60:1 9000 4070 25 8.0 15 4.0 12 3.8 7500 3390 60 18.0 30 9.0 15 4.5 6400 2890 95 30.0 55 16.0 17 5.3 5600 2530 140 43.0 75 22.0 20 6.0 3/8 9 2000 15 46:1 9000 4070 25 8.0 15 4.0 16 5.0 7500 3390 60 18.0 30 9.0 19 5.9 6400 2890 95 30.0 55 16.0 22 6.6 5600 2530 140 43.0 75 22.0 26 7.9 7/16 11 2000 15 30:1 10,000 4540 20 6.0 15 4.0 32 9.7 8100 3670 50 15.0 30 9.0 38 11.5 6900 3120 85 25.0 55 16.0 44 13.3 7/16 11 2800 HG-400 23 29:1 10,000 4540 25 7.0 30 10.0 8200 3710 55 16.0 40 12.0 6900 3120 90 27.0 53 16.0 6000 2710 130 39.0 53 16.0 HY-400 HGY-400 7/16 11 3000 A* 23 29:1 10,000 4540 20 6.0 33 10.5 8300 3760 45 13.0 40 12.3 7100 3210 70 21.0 47 14.5 6200 2800 105 31.0 54 16.0 A* H-600 25 7.6 9800 4430 55 16.0 40 12.0 65 19.0 31 9.4 8300 3750 90 27.0 65 19.0 110 33.0 37 11.2 7200 3260 130 39.0 95 28.0 165 50.0 42 12.7 6300 2850 180 54.0 135 39.0 225.0 68.0 48 14.5 1/4 6 750 15 * 4000 HX-7 1/4 6 750 * 8000 H-8B 5/16 8 8000 H-200 H-246 HY-246 HD-200 HDY-200 (3.6 CU IN MOTOR) 8000 HD-234 HDY-234 (3.6 CU IN MOTOR) 4. Select the proper winch model and determine the first layer rating required (all performance charts in this brochure are based on the first layer line pull ratings. All winches are rated based on first layer). 9000 EXAMPLE: Customer” A” has a load that requires a 10,000 lb. line pull and has selected 60 ft. of 9/16” cable as the optimum length covering most of his use. His design requires a low mount winch. 9000 H-300 HY-300 H-346 HY-346 HDG-350 10,000 A 10,000 A A* A* 10,000 12,000 A* 15,000 A* A* HDGY-350 H-400 HY-600 HX-600 A* 20,000 A* 2 2000 900 H-7 3. Where will the line load occur–on the first layer of cable on the drum barrel? The second? The third? Refer to the Line Pull and Cable Capacity Per Layer charts in Ramsey performance data on page 3 to determine the proper size winch to meet these line size, length and load requirements. Ramsey Winch warrants each new winch to be free from defects in workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase. The obligation under this warranty, statutory or otherwise, is limited to the replacement or repair at our factory of such part or parts as shall appear to us upon inspection to be defective in materials and workmanship. Complete warranty statement packed with each item. 21 6.3 3000 2. Determine the size (diameter) and length of cable required. Limited Warranty Excerpt Line Speed (FPM) (MPM) 30,000 H-700 HX-700 H-800 HY-800 H-930 Worm Gear Ratio Cable Line Cap. Speed (Ft) (FPM) (M) (MPM) 5th Layer Cable Cap. (Ft) (M) * HY-200 4th Layer Line Pull (LBS) KGS) Winch Model 8000 Winches are not to be used to lift, support or otherwise transport personnel. A minimum of five (5) wraps of cable around the drum is necessary to support the rated load. Cable clamp is not designed to hold the load. 3rd Layer Line Speed (FPM) (MPM) 1. Determine the line pull required. WARNING 2nd Layer Cable Cap. (Ft) (M) 8000 *For performance using wire sizes other than the recommended size, contact the factory. 1st Layer Line Pull (LBS) (KGS) Winch Rating (LBS) How to Select a Winch Referring to the charts in the performance data, he notes that 60 ft. of 9/16” cable will build up to three layers on a Model 700* and that the winch provides 10,500 lbs. maximum allowable line pull on the third layer. The first layer line pull rating of the Model H-700 (15,000 lbs.) is now used by customer “A” to determine the hydraulic pressure (P.S.I.) required to provide 10,000 lbs. pull on the 3rd layer as shown on the Model H-700 performance data in this manual. Line speeds shown on the charts in the brochure are also based on the first layer. (First layer line speeds are the slowest of any layer.) Recom- Minimum mended System Wire Pressure Rope for Maximum Rated Size System Pull (INCH) Flow (PSI) (MM) (GPM) Line Cable Line Pull Cap. Speed (LBS) (Ft) (FPM) KGS) (M) (MPM) 1/2 13 2750 25 40:1 12,000 5430 20 6.0 15 4.0 30 9.0 9/16 14 2750 30 35:1 15,000 6790 20 6.0 35 10.0 27 8.2 12,300 5570 50 15.0 75 22.0 33 10.0 10,500 4750 85 25.0 125 38.0 38 11.5 9100 4120 125 38.0 185 56.0 44 13.3 8100 3660 170 51.0 250 76.0 50 15.2 5/8 16 2200 30 40:1 20,000 9060 35 10.0 20 6.0 18 5.4 18 5.5 16,600 7520 75 22.0 45 13.0 22 6.6 21 6.3 14,200 6430 125 38.0 75 22.0 26 7.9 25 7.6 12,400 5610 180 54 110 33 29 8.8 28 8.5 11,000 4980 240 72.0 150 45.0 33 10.0 31 9.4 3/4 19 2500 35 41:1 30,000 13,590 25 7.0 13 3.9 24,500 11,090 65 19.0 17 5.3 20,700 9370 105 31.0 20 6.0 18,000 8150 155 47.0 24 7.2 * Last layer does not conform to SAE Standard J706. A-Standard rating listed. Higher SAE J706 ratings available–contact factory. ramsey.com 3 H-8 Series H-7 Series • Rated Line pull 3,000lbs • Rated Line pull 4,000lbs • Recommended cable 1/4” • Recommended cable 5/16” • Blocked Clutch • Meets SAE-J706 • Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • Made in the USA Specifications Applications 0 800 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 4.5 CUBIC INCH MOTOR @15 (GPM) 2,600 1,170 2,200 990 4 2,000 900 *H-7 DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 3 1/2” DRUM Ft. M. 10 3.0 20 6.0 35 10.0 50 15.0 70 21.0 10 *HX-7 DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 6 7/16” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 40 12.0 65 19.0 95 28.0 125 38.0 5 LINE SPEED Worm RPM FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) H-7/HX-7 MODELS 750 16 (5.0) 19 (5.8) 21 (6.3) 24 (7.2) 27 (8.2) 0 5 10 15 4,000 WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM F INCHES MM G INCHES MM H-7 12.00 304.8 1.75 44.5 8.96 227.6 4.94 125.5 3.50 88.9 2.41 61.2 5.54 140.7 18.00 457.2 3.25 82.6 11.90 302.3 7.88 200.2 6.44 163.5 3.88 98.6 8.50 215.9 HX-7 IC AT ST 1,000 4,000 lbs.………………. (1,810 kgs) Gear Reduction ……………………………… . 38:1 Weight (without cable) H-8B………………. .75 lbs. (34 kgs) 500 250 750 1,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 4.5 CUBIC INCH MOTOR @15 (GPM) 1 2 3 4** 20 RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER Lbs. Kgs. 4,000 1,810 3,300 1,490 2,900 1,310 2,500 1,130 15 *DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 6 3/8” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 30 9.0 55 16.0 80 24.0 LINE SPEED Worm RPM FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) H-8B MODELS 750 17 (5.1) 20 (6.0) 23 (6.9) 26 (7.9) 10 5 0 0 Overall Dimensions H7/Hx7 Models only 2,000 0 * These specifications are based on recommended cable of (6mm) 1/4” galvanized aircraft cable ** 5th Layer does not conform to SAE J706 FLOW (GPM) 3,000 Rated Line Pull LAYER OF CABLE H-8B Models only 1,800 810 15 0 Hydraulic Systems Performance 5** C 3,000 1,350 3 MI Lbs. Kgs. 2 NA 1 • Construction • Refuse • Forestry • Mining DY 1,000 600 H-7………………… 35 lbs. (16 kgs) HX-7……………….. 42 lbs. (19 kgs) LINE PULL (LBS) FIRST LAYER LINE SPEED (FPM) FIRST LAYER NA MI C IC AT ST DY LINE PULL. (LBS) FIRST LAYER 3,000 400 Weight (without cable) RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER 20 200 ……………………………… . 38:1 LAYER OF CABLE H7/Hx7 Models only 0 Gear Reduction • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum Hydraulic Systems Performance 2,000 3,000 lbs.………………. (1,350 kgs) • Construction • Refuse • Forestry • Mining • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum Rated Line Pull LINE SPEED (FPM) FIRST LAYER Applications Specifications 0 5 10 * These specifications are based on recommended 5/16” diameter EIPS cable. 15 ** 4th Layer does not conform to SAE J706 FLOW (GPM) Overall Dimensions H-8B Models only A WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM F INCHES MM G INCHES MM 8B/H8-B 21.00 533.4 2.00 50.8 13.59 345.1 8.78 223.0 6.37 161.8 4.77 121.2 11.02 279.9 D E See Note See Note F B C Note: Motor shown for H-7/HX-7 models only. 7/X-7 models have a .75 DIA keyed shaft. 4 Note: Motor shown for H-8B models only. G ramsey.com 5 H-200 Series • • Rated Line pull 8,000lbs Recommended cable 3/8” • • Meets SAE-J706 Made in the USA Specifications Rated Line Pull 8,000 lbs.………………. (3,620 kgs) Gear Reduction H-200………………….………60:1 H-246………………….………46:1 HD-200………………. .……… 30:1 HD-234………………. .……… 34:1 Weight Applications H-200/H-246/HD-200/HD-234………110 lbs. (50 kgs) H Y-200/HY-246/HDY-200/HDY-234…..105 lbs. (48 kgs) Hydraulic Systems Performance • Mining • Construction • Refuse H-200 H-200/HY-200 Models only WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM H-200 7.78 197.6 11.31 287.3 8.94 227.0 13.12 333.3 HY-200 5.28 134.1 6.31 160.3 11.44 290.5 Lever Style Clutch 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) Overall Dimensions LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) H-246 0 1,000 2,000 H-246 15 H-200 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 5 0 0 5 10 15 FLOW (GPM) 8.12 206.3 ** 4 6,700 3,030 5,700 2,610 5,000 2,290 LONG DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 25 8.0 60 18.0 95 30.0 140 43.0 SHORT “Y” DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 6 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 30 9.0 55 16.0 75 22.0 Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 H-200 HY-200 FPM MPM 750 12 3.8 15 4.5 17 5.3 20 6.0 H-246 HY-246 FPM MPM 750 16 5.0 19 5.9 22 6.6 26 7.9 HD-200 HDY-200 FPM MPM 750 32 7.6 38 9.1 45 10.6 51 12.1 HD-234 HDY-234 FPM MPM 750 28 8.5 34 10.3 39 11.8 44 13.3 ** ** 3 8,000 3,620 ** 10 2 Lbs. Kgs. LINE SPEED 20 1 RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER H-200/H-246/HD-200/HD-234/HY-200/HY-246/HDY-200/HDY-234 Models only LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum • Forestry LAYER OF CABLE * These specifications are based on recommended 3/8 ” diameter EIPS cable. ** Performance based on motor displacement of 3.6 CU IN with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. H-200 / H-246 Performance* 8,000 LB. duty rating 60:1 gear ratio (H-200) 46:1 gear ratio (H-246) 35 * Performance based on a motor displacement of 4.5 CU in with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. 3.6 CU IN 35 30 4.5 CU IN RAM-LOK® Clutch 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 25 3.6 CU IN LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 4.5 CU IN 20 15 10 5 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) HD-234 8,000 LB. duty rating 34:1 gear ratio (HD-234) DOW-LOK® Clutch 6 0 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 5 10 15 FLOW (GPM) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 0 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) 30 0 0 5 10 15 FLOW (GPM) HD-200 8,000 LB. duty rating 30:1 gear ratio (HD-200) LEGEND * Performance based on a motor displacement of 3.6 CU in with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. DYNAMIC * Performance based on a motor displacement of 3.6 and 4.5 CU in with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. STATIC ramsey.com 7 H-300 Series HDG-350 Series Rated Line pull 9,000lbs • Recommended cable 3/8” • Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA Rated Line pull 10,000lbs • Recommended cable 7/16” • • Specifications * Rated Line Pull 9,000 lbs.………………. (4,070 kgs) Gear Reduction H-300………………….………60:1 H-346………………….………46:1 Weight Applications H-300/H-346……………………… 110 lbs. (50 kgs) H Y-300/HY-346……………………..105 lbs. (48 kgs) Applications • Construction • Refuse LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) MIC 0 STA TIC DYNA LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 9,000 1,000 2,000 15 H-300 Performance* 9,000 LB. duty rating 60:1 gear ratio 10 5 0 3,000 0 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 5 10 15 4 RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER Lbs. Kgs. 9,000 4,070 7,500 3,390 6,400 2,890 5,600 2,530 *LONG DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 25 8.0 60 18.0 95 30.0 140 43.0 *SHORT “Y” DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 6 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 30 9.0 55 16.0 75 22.0 Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 12.6 3.8 15.1 4.5 17.5 5.3 20.0 6.0 16.5 5.0 19.7 5.9 22.0 6.6 26.0 7.9 LINE SPEED H-300 HY-300 FPM MPM 750 H-346 HY-346 FPM MPM 750 Hydraulic Systems Performance FLOW (GPM) * These specifications are based on recommended 3/8 inch (9mm) EIPS cable. 20 0 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) STA TIC AMIC 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 DYN LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 9,000 1,000 2,000 H-346 Performance* 9,000 LB. duty rating 46:1 gear ratio 15 10 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 5 0 1,000 2,000 5 10 15 FLOW (GPM) LEGEND LEGEND DYNAMIC DYNAMIC 10,000 lbs.………………. …(4,536 kgs) Gear Reduction HDG-350……………………………30:1 Weight (without cable) HDG-350………………110 lbs. (50 kgs) HDGY-350…………… 105 lbs. (48 kgs) Duty Cycle (ft.) (ft.)…………………………………183 LAYER OF CABLE 35 *RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER 30 25 1 2 3 Lbs. Kgs. 10,000 4,536 8,100 3,670 6,900 3,120 *CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 20 6.0 50 15.0 85 25.0 *SHORT “Y” DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 6 5/16” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 30 9.0 55 16.0 *LINE SPEED Worm RPM FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) FPM (MPM) HDG-350 HDGY-350 750 32 (9.7) 38 (11.5) 44 (13.3) 20 15 5 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 0 Rated Line Pull HDG-350 Models only 10 0 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) • Construction • Refuse • Forestry • Mining • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) 20 3 MIC H-300/HY-300 Models only 2 DYN A Hydraulic Systems Performance 1 STA TIC LAYER OF CABLE LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) • Forestry • Mining • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Specifications: Conforms to SAE J706 * These specifications are based on recommended wire rope of 7/16 inch dia. EIPS cable. 0 5 10 15 FLOW (GPM) HDG-350R Performance 10,000 LB. duty rating 30:1 gear ratio with 3.6 C.I.D. Motor STATIC STATIC * Performance based on a motor displacement of 3.6 CU in with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. * Performance based on a motor displacement of 4.5 CU in with 15 GPM maximum flow rate. Overall Dimensions Lever Style Clutch H-300/HY-300 Models only Overall Dimensions Lever Style Clutch HDG-350 Models only B WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM H-300 7.78 197.6 11.31 287.3 8.94 227.0 13.12 333.3 HDG-350 7.78 197.6 11.31 287.3 8.94 227.0 13.12 333.3 HY-300 5.28 134.1 6.31 160.3 11.44 290.5 8.12 206.3 HYDG-350 5.28 134.1 6.31 160.3 11.44 290.50 8.12 206.30 C A D RAM-LOK Clutch ® RAM-LOK Clutch ® Note: Motor shown for H-300/HY-300 models only. 8 ramsey.com 9 H-400 Series H-600 Series Rated Line pull 10,000lbs • Recommended cable 7/16” • Rated Line pull 12,000lbs • Recommended cable 1/2” Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • • Specifications Specifications Rated Line Pull 10,000 lbs.………………. (4,530 kgs) Gear Reduction 400/H-400………………… .…..29:1 Weight H-400/HY-400………………………150 lbs. (68 kgs) H G-400/HY-400……………………..160 lbs. (73 kgs) • Forestry • Mining LAYER OF CABLE RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER FOR H-400 Models only 1 2 3 4 Lbs. Kgs. 10,000 4,530 8,200 3,710 6,900 3,120 6,000 2,710 Lbs. Kgs. 10,000 4,530 8,300 3,760 7,100 3,210 6,200 ** 2,800 Ft. M. 25 7.0 55 16.0 90 27.0 130 39.0 Ft. M. 20 6.0 45 13.0 70 21.0 105 ** 31.0 • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) H-400, HY-400 Performance* 10,000 LB. duty rating 29:1 gear ratio • Forestry • Mining • Construction • Refuse LAYER OF CABLE 2 3 4 5 Lbs. Kgs. 12,000 5,430 9,800 4,430 8,300 3,750 7,200 2,850 6,300 2,850 Ft. M. 20 6.0 55 16.0 90 27.0 130 39.0 180 54.0 *SHORT “Y” DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 8 3/4” DRUM Ft. M. 15 4.0 40 12.0 65 19.0 95 28.0 135 39.0 Ft. M. 30 9.0 65 19.0 110 33.0 165 50.0 225 68.0 10 *LONG DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 14 11/16” DRUM 5 LINE SPEED Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 5 890 25 7.6 31 9.4 37 11.2 42 12.7 48 14.5 H-600 *STANDARD DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11 3/4” DRUM H-600 Models only H-400/HG-400 *SHORT “Y” DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 8 3/4” DRUM 15 HY-400/HGY-400 10 LINE SPEED 5 0 H-400/HG-400 0 5 10 25 20 15 HY-400 HGY-400 FLOW (GPM) LEGEND FPM MPM FPM MPM Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 840 33 10.0 40 12.0 47 14.0 53 16.0 34 10.5 840 40 12.3 47 14.5 54 ** 16.6 DYNAMIC * Performance based on a motor displacement of 6.2 CU in with 23 GPM maximum flow rate. 10 0 1,000 2,000 20 HY-600 15 HX-600 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 0 0 5 10 15 25 20 FLOW (GPM) H-600, HY-600,HX-600 Performance* 12,000 LB. duty rating 40:1 gear ratio * These specifications are based on recommended 7/16 inch (9mm) EIPS cable. Overall Dimensions Note: Motor shown for H-400/HY-400 models only. 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 STATIC H-600 HY-600 HX-600 FPM MPM * These specifications are based on recommended 1/2 inch (13mm) EIPS cable. ** 5th layer does not conform to SAE J706 LEGEND DYNAMIC * Performance based on a motor displacement of 6.2 CU in with 25 GPM maximum flow rate. ** 4th layer does not conform to SAE J706 H-400 Models only H-600 25 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) 20 ** 1 Hydraulic Systems Performance DY N AMIC STA TIC LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) DYN AM IC ST AT IC LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 3,000 H-600…..………………………… 185 lbs. (84 kgs) RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) *LONG DRUM CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11 5/8” DRUM 25 2,000 H-600………………… .………40:1 HX-600……………………………… 195 lbs. (80 kgs) HY-400/HGY-400 1,000 Gear Reduction HY-600…………………………… 180 lbs. (82 kgs) H-400/HG-400 RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER FOR 30 0 12,000 lbs.………………. (5,430 kgs) Applications • Construction • Refuse Hydraulic Systems Performance 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 Rated Line Pull Weight Applications • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM F INCHES MM H-400 8.44 214.4 11.63 295.4 3.63 92.2 8.75 222.3 7.87 199.9 HY-300 700 177.8 8.75 222.3 4.00 101.6 7.32 185.9 9.31 236.5 STATIC Overall Dimensions H-600 Models only WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM F INCHES MM G INCHES MM 15.75 400.1 H-600 8.44 214.4 11.75 298.5 10.31 262.0 8.75 222.3 14.44 366.7 40.00 1016.0 1.13 28.7 12.88 327.2 HY-600 7.00 177.8 8.75 222.3 9.72 246.9 7.31 185.7 11.56 293.7 36.00 914.4 1.06 26.9 HX-600 10.12 257.0 14.69 373.1 10.63 270.0 10.41 264.4 17.75 450.9 44.00 117.6 1.06 26.9 ramsey.com 11 H-700 Series Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA Rated Line pull 15,000lbs • Recommended cable 9/16” Rated Line Pull 15,000 lbs.………………(6,790 kgs) Gear Reduction All Models……………………...35:1 Weight H-700………………… .………...258 lb. ( 117 Kgs.) • Construction • Refuse LAYER OF CABLE 2 3 4 5 ** • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum RATED LINE PULL ALL MODELS Lbs Kgs 15,000 6,790 12,300 5,570 10,500 4,750 9,100 4,120 8,100 3,660 20,000 *CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 11” DRUM Ft. M. 20 6.0 50 15.0 85 25.0 125 38.0 170 51.0 16,000 Ft. M. 35 10.0 75 22.0 125 38.0 185 56.0 250 76.0 6,000 3,000 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) H-700 Performance 15,000 LB. duty rating 35:1 gear ratio HX-700 15 LINE SPEED 10 2 1 4 3 5 ** H-700 FPM MPM 27 8.2 713 (30GPM) 33 10.0 38 11.5 44 13.3 50 15.2 0 5 10 20 15 25 30 15 2,000 3,000 H-800…..…………………………….330 lbs. (150 kgs) 1 2 3 4 5 ** RATED LINE PULL PER LAYER Lbs. Kgs. 20,000 9,060 16,600 7,510 14,200 6,430 12,400 5,610 11,000 4,980 *CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 15” DRUM Ft. M. 35 10.0 75 22.0 125 38.0 180 54.0 240 72.0 *CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 9 3/8” DRUM Ft. M. 20 6.0 45 13.0 75 22.0 110 33.0 150 45.0 *LINE SPEED Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 460 18 5.4 22 6.6 26 7.9 29 8.8 33 10.0 460 18.4 5.5 21 6.3 25 7.6 28 8.5 31 9.4 HY-800 10 5 0 WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) 10 20 H-800 FPM MPM (30GPM) HY-800 FPM MPM (30GPM) 30 FLOW (GPM) ** Fifth layer does not conform to SAE J706. H-800, HY-800 Performance* 20,000 LB. duty rating 40:1 gear ratio LEGEND * Performance based on a motor displacement of 9.6 CU in with 30 GPM maximum flow rate. 1,000 H-800………………………………40:1 H-800 0 6,000 0 * These specifications are based on recommended cable of 9/16 inch (14mm) 6x19 EIPS cable. FLOW (GPM) DYNAMIC 5 ** * These specifications are based on recommended 5/8” (16mm) EIPS cable. ** 5th layer does not conform to SAE J706 LEGEND DYNAMIC STATIC * Performance based on a motor displacement of 14.9 CU in with 30 GPM maximum flow rate. Overall Dimensions Overall Dimensions H-700 Models only 12 10,000 8,000 5 0 Worm RPM 20 12,000 Gear Reduction LAYER OF CABLE 18,000 14,000 20,000 lbs.………………. …(9,060 kgs) HY-800………………………………..325 lbs. (148 kgs) IC H-700 *CABLE CAPACITY PER LAYER 16” DRUM 20 Rated Line Pull Weight H-800 Models only LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 9,000 LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) NA MI C ST AT IC 12,000 DY LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 25 • Construction • Refuse Hydraulic Systems Performance 30 15,000 • Forestry • Mining LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) H-700 Models only 1 Applications DYNAM Hydraulic Systems Performance • Specifications STATIC • Forestry • Mining Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • Specifications: Conforms to SAE J706 Applications • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum Rated Line pull 20,000lbs • Recommended cable 5/8” • • * H-800 Series H-800 Models only WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM H-700 8.68 220.4 11.00 279.4 15.38 390.6 44.00 1117.6 HX-700 11.8 284.0 16.00 406.4 20.38 517.6 49.00 1244.6 STATIC WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM F INCHES MM H-800 10.62 269.7 15.00 381.0 13.81 350.7 19.38 492.2 4.00 101.6 5.69 144.5 HY-800 7.75 196.8 9.44 239.8 13.68 347.4 13.63 346.2 4.00 101.6 5.50 139.7 ramsey.com 13 H-930 Series Rated Line pull 30,000lbs • Recommended cable 3/4” Meets SAE-J706 • Made in the USA • * • Construction • Refuse • Forestry • Mining • Towing & Recovery • Petroleum H-930 Models only LINE SPEED-FIRST LAYER (FPM) MI C ST AT IC NA DY LINE PULL-FIRST LAYER ( LB.) 20 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 1,000 2,000 Rated Line Pull 30,000 lbs.……………..(13,590 kgs) Gear Reduction All Models……………………...41:1 15 Model H400 Level Winder 2 3 4 Lbs Kgs 30,000 13,590 24,500 11,090 20,700 9,370 18,000 8,150 *CABLE CAPACITY ALL MODELS Ft. M. 25 7.0 65 19.0 105 31.0 155 47.0 LINE SPEED Worm RPM 1 2 3 4 13.0 3.9 17.6 5.3 20 6.0 24 7.2 FPM MPM 335 (35GPM) Spring applied cable tensioners (available as shown) Model H600 Cable Tensioner Model HX-700 Cable Tensioner * These specifications are based on recommended cable of 3/4 inch (19mm) 6x19 EIPS cable. 5 0 3,000 1 RATED LINE PULL ALL MODELS H-930 13 7/8” DRUM 10 Model H200/H300 Level Winder H-930………………… .………...515 lb. ( 238 Kgs.) LAYER OF CABLE Hydraulic Systems Performance Options For Ramsey Hydraulic Worm Gear Winches Specifications: Conforms to SAE J706 Weight Applications • 0 10 20 30 40 FLOW (GPM) WORKING PRESSURE (PSI) H-930 Performance 30,000 LB. duty rating 41:1 gear ratio LEGEND * Performance based on a motor displacement of 24 CU in with 35 GPM maximum flow rate. Overall Dimensions H-930 Models only WINCH MODEL A INCHES MM B INCHES MM C INCHES MM D INCHES MM E INCHES MM H-930 10.18 258.5 13.81 350.7 12.28 311.9 18.50 469.9 48 1219.20 Model H-800 Cable Tensioner D E 14 14 STATIC A B C DYNAMIC ramsey.com ramsey.com 15 15 P.O. Box 581510 • Tulsa, OK 74158-1510 U.S.A • Phone: (918) 438-2760 • Fax: (918) 438-6688 For more information visit: ramsey.com M–019 Printed in the U.S.A. PPI 7.5m 805
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