Fuel Components Price List
Fuel Components Price List
Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Notice Please note the following statements are excerpts from the FAA Advisory Circular 20-62C entitled “ELIGIBILITY, QUALITY, AND IDENTIFICATION OF APPROVED REPLACEMENT PARTS”: Background: An increasing amount of replacement parts (including standard parts), materials, appliances and instruments are offered for sales as being of aircraft quality and origin of these units are unknown. Users of such units are usually not aware of the potential hazards involved with replacement parts that are not eligible for use on certified aircraft. Frequently such units are deceptively advertised and presented as ”unused,” “like new,” or “remanufactured.” This implies that the quality of such units is equal to an original or appropriately repaired or overhauled. The performance rules for replacement of parts and materials used in the maintenance and alteration of U.S. certificated aircraft are specified in Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 43.13 and FAR 145.57. The responsibility for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft, which includes the replacement of parts, is the responsibility of the owner/operator as outlined in FAR 91.163, FAR 121.363, FAR 123.45, FAR 127.131 and FAR 135.143 (a). Identification of the Approved Parts: Approved serviceable replacement parts are identified as follows: 1. By an FAA Form 8130-3 (Formerly FAA Form 186), Airworthiness Approval Tag. An Airworthiness Approval Tag identifies a part or group of parts that have been approved by an authorized FAA representative. 2. By an FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO) number and identification mark that indicates the part or appliance has been manufactured under the requirements of FAR 37. 3. By an FAA/PMA symbol, together with the manufacturer’s name, trademark or symbol, part number, and the make and model of the type certificated product on which the part is eligible for installation, stamped on the part. An FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA/PMA) is issued under FAR 21.305. The make and model information may be on a tag attached to the part. 4. By shipping ticket, invoice, or other document which provides evidence that the part was produced by a manufacturer holding an FAA Approved Production Inspection System issued under FAR 21, Subpart F, or by a manufacturer holding an FAA Production Certificate issued under FAR 21, Subpart G. 5. By a certificate of airworthiness for export issued by a foreign government under the provisions of FAR 21, Subpart N. Know Your Supplier: It has come to our attention that many reproduced parts and components, particularly instruments which have been manufactured by persons other than the original manufacturer, are available for purchase and installation on U.S. certificated aircraft. Often, an original part is used as a sample to produce duplicates. The reproduced parts appear to be as good as the original part; however, there are many unknown factors to be considered that may not be readily apparent to the purchaser, i.e. heat treating, plating, inspections, tests, and calibrations. All too often the faulty part is not discovered until a malfunction or an accident occurs. Summary: In accordance with FAR’s, certification of materials, parts, and appliances for return to service, for use on aircraft, is the responsibility of the person or agency who signs the approval. The owner/operator, as denoted in paragraph 3 of this advisory circular, is responsible for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. To assure continued safety in aircraft operation, it is essential that great care be used when inspecting, testing and determining the acceptability of all parts and materials. Particular caution should be exercised when the identity of materials, parts, and appliances cannot be established or when their origin is in doubt. All Kelly Aerospace Power Systems products offered herein meet the requirement of FAA Advisory Circular 20-62C. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page I Kelly Aerospace Power Systems General Terms and Conditions General Terms and Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All prices are subject to change without notice. Invoice prices will be seller’s price in effect at time of shipment. All prices are F.O.B. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems plant point of shipment. All prices in this catalog are less sales and excise taxes. All quotations and/or contracts shall be subject to increase without notice by the amount of any sales, use or excise taxes levied against such transactions by any Federal, State, Municipal or other domestic or foreign government agency unless tax exemption certificate can be furnished which will meet the approval of such agency. All orders are payable in U.S. funds. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems is not responsible for any part left on the unit which is not part of the normal overhaul. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems reserves the right to return any unit that cannot be overhauled disassembled. Prices are subject to change without notice. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page II Fuel & Filtration Table of Contents Overhauled / Exchange Components: Carburetors: Precision Carburetors (Overhauled / Exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p1 Flow Dividers: Bendix / Precision - Flow Dividers (Overhauled / Exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p4 Fuel Pumps: Romec / Crane - Fuel Pumps (Overhauled / Exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p4 Fuel Servos: Bendix / Precision - Fuel Servos (Overhauled / Exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p6 Parts Section: Carburetors: Carburetor Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p9 Carburetor Quick Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p1 Fuel Pumps: Fuel Pump Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p14 Fuel Pump Quick Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p15 Fuel Servos: Fuel Servos Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p16 Fuel Servos Quick Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p18 TCM Fuel Injection: TCM Fuel Injection Nozzles and Jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p18 General Policy: Warranty Policy: Limited Warranty Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pV Limitations and Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pV Warranty Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pV Specific Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pVI Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page III Fuel & Filtration Table of Contents General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pVI Core Return and Return Goods Policy: Core Chargeback Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pVII Return Goods Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pVII Application Guide: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p1-p4 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page IV Overhauled / Exchange Components: October 10, 2010 Limited One (1) Year* Warranty on New & Rebuilt Components Read full warranty policy on page 73. Aircraft Carburetors - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 10-2827 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 66458] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-2848 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 40366] 1,120.00 600.00 10-2948 MA-3PA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 40796] 1,120.00 600.00 10-2971P MA-3SPA, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 18004] 1,120.00 600.00 10-2983 MA-3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 61383] 1,120.00 600.00 10-3007 MA-4-5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 14738] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3063-2 MA-4-5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 17980] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3103-1 MA-3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 61547] 1,120.00 600.00 10-3168 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 520120] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3237-1 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 530490] 1,120.00 600.00 10-3323 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 66869] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3346-1 MA-3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 62289] 1,522.00 600.00 10-3391-1 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 67713] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3565-1 MA-3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 62830] 1,522.00 600.00 10-3634 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 69540] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3649-1 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 535207] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3678-12 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 69250] 1,120.00 800.00 10-3678-32 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72394] 1,120.00 800.00 10-3729 MA-3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 68856] 1,120.00 600.00 10-3759 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 535207] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3856-1 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71546] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3856-12 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71685] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3859-1 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 538872] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-3878 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71098] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-3965-1 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3965-11 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-3965-12 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-4025 MA-4-5AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71139] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4025-11 MA-4-5AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71684] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4025-12 MA-4-5AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71684] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4057-1 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71654] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4115-2 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627143] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4164-1 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71710] 1,330.00 1,000.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 1 October 10, 2010 Aircraft Carburetors - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 10-4171 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 626789] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4191 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 626859] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4206 MA-6, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 19814] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4218-1 MA-6AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72407] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4233 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627365] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4240-1 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627366] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4252-2 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627367] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4329 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72386] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4404 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72740] 1,498.00 1,000.00 10-4404-1 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 74121] 1,498.00 1,000.00 10-4438-1 MA-6AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 73899] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4439-1 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 628945] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4457 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 629175] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4495 MA-4-5AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 73257] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4865 MA-5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 20671] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4893 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633027] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-4893-1 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 641139] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-4894-1 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633028] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4895-1 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633029] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4910 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77279] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4910-1 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16559] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4953 MA-3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77585] 1,120.00 600.00 10-4975 MA-6AA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77888] 1,242.00 800.00 10-4978-1 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77939] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5009 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 78728] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5009N MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: Modified 78728] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5034 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-10064] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-5042 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-10196] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-5043 MA-5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 20902] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5050 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-10619] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5054 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-10540] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-5062 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-11222] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5067 MA-3SPA, TCM 1,120.00 600.00 10-5082 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 637835] 1,498.00 600.00 10-5092 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-12097] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5126 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-13133] 1,120.00 600.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 2 October 10, 2010 Aircraft Carburetors - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 10-5128 MA-3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 640416] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5135 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-13659] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5142 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-14016] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5180 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-14689] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5189 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-13757] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5192 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 641860] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-5193 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15380] 1,330.00 1,000.00 10-5199 MA-3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15496] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5200 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15504] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5200-1 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15981] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5206 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15626] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5206-1 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16062] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5206-11 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16413] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5210 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15663] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5211 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15674] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5211-1 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15985] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5217 MA-4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15986] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5219 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15957] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5220 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16073] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5220-E MA-3PA, Lycoming 1,120.00 600.00 10-5221 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16066] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5224 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15958] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5227 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16206] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5230 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15959] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5235 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15960] 1,498.00 800.00 10-5238 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15961] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5243 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-15963] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5246 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16028] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5253 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16518] 1,498.00 800.00 10-5255 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16625] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5256 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16419] 1,878.00 800.00 10-5257 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16677] 1,120.00 600.00 10-5258 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16691] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5261 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16721] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5264 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16560] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5267 MA-3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-16907] 1,120.00 600.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 3 October 10, 2010 Aircraft Carburetors - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 10-5280-1 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-18999] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5282 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-18662] 1,242.00 800.00 10-5283 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-18663] 1,330.00 800.00 10-5284 MA-4-5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 646232] 1,242.00 1,000.00 10-5288 MA-4-5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-18788] 1,330.00 1,350.00 10-6001 HA-6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW-18987] 1,330.00 1,450.00 Bendix / Precision - Aircraft Flow Divider - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 2524218-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524219-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524220-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524221-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524222-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524223-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524224-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524225-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524226-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524227-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524232-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524240-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524248-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524265-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524302-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524327-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524342-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524397-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524416-2 Flow Divider 322.00 150.00 2524421-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524571-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524586-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2524610-2 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 2576564-1 Flow Divider 300.00 150.00 Romec / Crane - Aircraft Fuel Pumps - Overhauled/Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge RG15980 RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 4 October 10, 2010 Romec / Crane - Aircraft Fuel Pumps - Overhauled/Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge RG15980A RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980B RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980C RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980D RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980E RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980G RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980L RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980N RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980N1 RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980P RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980P1 RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980R RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980R1 RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980S RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG15980S1 RG15980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980 RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980A RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980A/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980B RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980D RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980D/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980E RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980E/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980F RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980J RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980J/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980J1 RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980K RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980K/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980P RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980P/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG17980S RG17980 1,785.00 400.00 RG17980U RG17980 1,150.00 400.00 RG17980U/M RG17980 2,500.00 400.00 RG9080F1 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 5 October 10, 2010 Romec / Crane - Aircraft Fuel Pumps - Overhauled/Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge RG9080F2 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080F2/M RG9080 1,995.00 400.00 RG9080G1 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080G2 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080H1 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080H2 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J1 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J2 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J3 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J4 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J4A RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J4A/M RG9080 1,995.00 400.00 RG9080J5 RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J6A RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J6A/M RG9080 1,995.00 400.00 RG9080J7A RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J7A/M RG9080 1,995.00 400.00 RG9080J8A RG9080 1,150.00 400.00 RG9080J8A/M RG9080 1,995.00 400.00 RG9570J RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570J1 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570K1 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570K1/M RG9570 2,205.00 750.00 RG9570K2 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570K3 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570K4 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570P RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 RG9570P/M RG9570 2,205.00 750.00 RG9570P1 RG9570 1,260.00 750.00 Bendix / Precision - Aircraft Fuel Servos - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 2524030-10 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524030-11 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524054-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524119-7 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524145-12 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 6 October 10, 2010 Bendix / Precision - Aircraft Fuel Servos - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 2524147-13 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524152-10 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524163-14 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524171-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524175-10 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524189-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524213-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524216-12 RSA-5AB1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524242-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524243-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524254-11 RSA-5AB1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524255-9 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524256-10 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524262-10 RSA-5AB1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524267-10 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524273-12 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524275-15 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524291-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524297-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524298-12 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524307-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524311-9 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524328-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524335-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524341-10 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524348-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524359-11 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524366-10 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524420-11 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524422-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524423-12 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524450-9 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524459-9 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524475-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524477-12 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524491-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 7 October 10, 2010 Bendix / Precision - Aircraft Fuel Servos - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 2524492-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524500-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524501-9 RSA-10DB2 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524534-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524550-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524556-9 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524575-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524582-8 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524590-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524592-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524593-9 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524601-10 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524623-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524634-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524640-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524649-11 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524673-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524682-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524688-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524693-11 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524708-9 RSA-10DB2 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524709-8 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524712-10 RSA-5AB1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524723-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524733-8 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524742-8 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524752-7 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524757-7 RSA-10AD1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524791-7 RSA-10ED2 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524811-5 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524840-3 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524846-3 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524855-4 RSA-10DB1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524857-3 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524880-4 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2524896-4 RSA-10DB2 2,200.00 1,000.00 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 8 October 10, 2010 Bendix / Precision - Aircraft Fuel Servos - Overhauled / Exchange Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 2524905-2 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524937-1 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524939-2 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524948-2 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2524979-1 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2529002-1 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2529006-1 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2529038-2 RSA-10ED1 2,200.00 1,000.00 2529050-1 RSA-5AD1 1,950.00 1,000.00 2576536-2 RSA-5AD1/WILL QUOTE AFTER INSPECTED FOR CORRECT VALVE 1,950.00 1,000.00 2576546-1 RSA-10ED1/WILL QUOTE AFTER INSPECTED FOR CORRECT VALVE 2,200.00 1,000.00 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF12-B56 Lever, Throttle (Serrated) 95.00 - CF12-B57 Lever, Throttle (Serrated) 81.00 - CF13-1519 Shaft Assy, Throttle 270.00 - CF13-1520 Shaft Assy, Throttle 204.00 - CF13-1521 Shaft Assy, Throttle 183.00 - CF13-1522 Shaft Assy, Throttle 252.00 - CF13-1523 Shaft Assy, Throttle 252.00 - CF13-1526 Shaft Assy, Throttle 322.00 - CF13-1531 Shaft Assy, Throttle 244.00 - CF13-1533 Shaft Assy, Throttle 301.00 - CF14-172 Valve, Throttle 33.50 - CF14-189 Valve, Throttle 35.00 - CF14-190 Valve, Throttle 30.00 - CF15-126 Screw, Idle 6.00 - CF15-223 Screw 3.80 - CF15-42 Screw, Idle 1.90 - CF15-483 Screw and Washer 1.90 - CF155-226 Lever 17.00 - CF155-307 Lever 35.00 - CF155-560 Lever Assy, Pump 130.00 - CF15-58 Screw 2.30 - CF15-85 Screw, Throttle Adjusting 3.44 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 9 October 10, 2010 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF15-A1 Screw 24.60 - CF15-A14 Screw 5.60 - CF15-A23 Screw, Throttle Valve 2.30 - CF15-A354 Screw, Throttle Adjusting 6.40 - CF15-B105 Screw 31.50 - CF15-B107 Screw 6.00 - CF15-B108 Screw 3.84 - CF15-B109 Screw 3.40 - CF15-B126 Screw, Bowl Cover 9.08 - CF15-B98 Screw, Throttle Body to Bowl 5.88 - CF16-222 Gasket, Nozzle 8.00 - CF16-224 Gasket, Float Valve Seat 3.16 - CF16-367 Gasket, Power Jet 0.56 - CF16-625 Gasket Kit 102.00 - CF16-646 Gasket Kit 105.00 - CF16-653 Gasket Kit 50.30 - CF16-676 Gasket Kit 47.70 - CF16-692 Gasket Kit 49.40 - CF16-696 Gasket Kit 47.70 - CF16-710 Gasket Kit 60.70 - CF16-713 Gasket Kit 38.90 - CF16-731 Gasket Kit 66.50 - CF16-735 Gasket Kit 44.74 - CF16-763 Gasket Kit 68.20 - CF16-764 Gasket Kit 16.90 - CF16-765 Gasket Kit 53.80 - CF16-766 Gasket Kit 56.90 - CF16-A107 Gasket, Power Jet 3.40 - CF16-A108 Gasket, Fuel Inlet Fitting 3.30 - CF16-A16 Gasket, Bowl Vent Strainer Housing 3.30 - CF16-A28 Gasket, Pump Discharge Check Valve 3.30 - CF16-A30 Gasket, Nozzle 4.70 - CF16-A31 Gasket, Throttle Body to Bowl 5.70 - CF16-A32 Gasket, Float valve seat 4.56 - CF16-A36 Gasket, Fuel Inlet Strainer 4.70 - CF16-A39 Gasket, Idle Adjusting Needle 3.30 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 10 October 10, 2010 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF16-A42 Gasket, Power Jet 3.30 - CF16-A48 Gasket, Fuel Inlet Strainer 5.80 - CF16-A56 Gasket, Air Metering Pin Plug 14.70 - CF16-B12 Gasket, Throttle Body to Bowl 3.80 - CF16-B302 Gasket, Fuel Cut Off Valve 3.80 - CF16-B303 Gasket, Fuel Cut Off Valve 3.80 - CF16-B322 Gasket, Drain Plug 2.70 - CF16-B324 Gasket, Cover to Bowl 17.00 - CF16-B44 Gasket, Pump Idler Screw 4.70 - CF16-B45 Gasket, Pump Discharge Check Valve 3.30 - CF16-B56 Gasket 16.90 - CF16-B57 Gasket, Pump Discharge Check Valve 5.14 - CF16-B58 Gasket, Main Nozzle 5.30 - CF16-B59 Gasket, Nozzle 2.30 - CF16-B75 Gasket, Throttle Body to Bowl 5.00 - CF16-B85 Gasket, Throttle Body to Bowl 5.00 - CF17-372 Rod, Pump Connecting 25.20 - CF17-383 Rod, Pump Connecting 25.20 - CF194-580 Pump Plunger Assembly 140.00 - CF194-581 Pump Plunger Assembly 175.00 - CF194-591 Pump Plunger Assembly 141.50 - CF194-593 Pump Plunger Assembly 126.00 - CF194-605 Pump Plunger Assembly 134.00 - CF194-625 Pump Plunger Assembly 136.00 - CF221-76 Housing, Pump Inlet 12.60 - CF229-566 Idle Tube Assy 114.00 - CF229-567 Idle Tube Assy 163.00 - CF229-569 Idle Tube Assy 154.10 - CF229-587 Idle Tube Assy 125.00 - CF229-603 Idle Tube Assy 177.00 - CF233-614 Float Valve Assy 123.00 - CF233-615 Float Valve Assy 104.00 - CF242-514 Mixture Control Valve 115.50 - CF242-525 Mixture Control Valve 115.50 - CF242-528 Mixture Control Valve 115.50 - CF24-262 Spring, Throttle Lever 2.40 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 11 October 10, 2010 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF24-487 Spring, Throttle 10.40 - CF24-A1 Spring, Idle Adjusting 2.30 - CF24-A10 Spring, Throttle 4.10 - CF24-A115 Spring, Pump Discharge 4.10 - CF24-A30 Spring, Air Metering Pin 4.10 - CF24-A33 Spring, Throttle 4.80 - CF24-A39 Spring, Throttle 4.50 - CF24-A56 Spring, Idle Adjusting 4.10 - CF24-B72 Spring, Throttle 13.60 - CF29-182 Clip, Float Valve 15.70 - CF29-194 Clip, Float Valve 7.40 - CF298-1 Seal - Lead 2.44 - CF30-764 Float Assy. - MA-4-5 128.00 - CF30-766 Float Assy. - MA-3A, -3PA, -3SPA, -4SPA 135.00 - CF30-768 Float Assy. - HA-6 140.00 - CF32-32 Shaft, Float Lever 24.00 - CF32-35 Shaft, Float Lever 21.20 - CF32-88 Shaft, Float Lever 12.10 - CF34-72 Valve, Pump Discharge 17.80 - CF34-91 Valve, Pump Discharge 14.40 - CF36-525 Valve Assembly - Pump Inlet Check 25.80 - CF36-540 Valve Assembly - Pump Discharge 125.00 - CF37-7 Ball - Lead 0.14 - CF43-564 Needle - Idle Adjusting 55.00 - CF43-648 Needle - Idle Adjusting 35.80 - CF44-220 O-Ring 6.84 - CF44-221 O-Ring 7.20 - CF44-222 O-Ring 9.60 - CF44-223 O-Ring 7.90 - CF44-224 O-Ring 6.80 - CF44-286 Packing, V-Block Pump Rod 40.00 - CF44-49 Packing, Pump Stem 16.10 - CF46-F10 Single Piece Venturi 109.20 - CF46-F12 Single Piece Venturi 115.00 - CF46-F9 Single Piece Venturi 94.50 - CF47-850 Nozzle Assy 165.00 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 12 October 10, 2010 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF47-851 Nozzle Assy 176.00 - CF47-852 Nozzle Assy 242.50 - CF55-255 Retainer 7.30 - CF55-270 Cup-Idle Adjusting Needle 2.96 - CF55-A139 Retainer 4.18 - CF55-A233 Retainer 4.00 - CF60-260 Bushing 16.40 - CF60-A160 Bushing, Throttle Shaft 24.00 - CF66-18 Lockwire - Mix Control Valve 2.44 - CF666-915 Float Kit 159.00 - CF666-916 Float Kit 185.00 - CF666-917 Float Kit 196.00 - CF666-942 Nozzle Kit 225.40 - CF666-946 Nozzle Kit 196.00 - CF778-1003 Throttle Shaft Kit 233.00 - CF778-1004 Throttle Shaft Kit 172.00 - CF778-1005 Throttle Shaft Kit 224.00 - CF778-1006 Throttle Shaft Kit 228.00 - CF778-1007 Throttle Shaft Kit 186.00 - CF778-1008 Throttle Shaft Kit 230.00 - CF78-121 Washer, Pump Strainer Housing Screw 2.40 - CF78-184 Washer 2.44 - CF78-356 Washer, Horse Shoe 2.44 - CF78-388 Washer, Pump Stem Packing Retainer 1.30 - CF78-A109 Washer, Mixture Control Lever Screw 3.60 - CF78-A110 Washer 3.60 - CF78-A111 Washer, Special Lock 3.40 - CF78-A122 Washer, Bowl Cover Screw 3.50 - CF78-A295 Washer, Ring Retainer 2.10 - CF78-A40 Washer 2.54 - CF78-A97 Washer, Lock Tab 3.40 - CF81-298 Nut, Lock 4.50 - CF81-311 Nut, Castle 3.98 - CF82-1 Pin - Cotter 1.18 - CF82-11 Pin - Cotter 1.30 - CF82-14 Pin - Cotter 1.30 - CF88-92 Guide - Pump 12.74 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 13 October 10, 2010 Carburetor Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF95-509 Screen Assy 92.20 - CF99-44 Plug, Pipe 9.50 - CF99-45 Plug 17.70 - CF99-8 Plug, Pipe 16.30 - Carburetor Quick Kit Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF286-00 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-3A Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 505.00 - CF286-01 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-3PA Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 725.34 - CF286-02 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-3SPA Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 725.34 - CF286-03 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-3SPA Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 762.84 - CF286-04 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4SPA Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 735.34 - CF286-05 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4-5 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 809.00 - CF286-06 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4-5 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 732.50 - CF286-07 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4-5 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 764.00 - CF286-08 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4-5 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 730.00 - CF286-09 Carburetor Quick Kit - MA-4-5 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 757.50 - CF286-10 Carburetor Quick Kit - HA-6 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 779.00 - CF286-11 Carburetor Quick Kit - HA-6 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 802.00 - CF286-12 Carburetor Quick Kit - HA-6 Series - See application guide for detail part numbers 558.00 - Fuel Pump Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge 559-A-2MP-27 Relief Valve 188.60 - CF800-515-5/16 Packing w/Retainer 8.60 - CF800-515-8 Packing w/Retainer 8.60 - CF99-34 Plug 3.40 - CFRA15981 Gasket 25.80 - CFRA17367 Spring 5.74 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 14 October 10, 2010 Fuel Pump Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CFRA17367-2 Spring 16.80 - CFRA17719 Spring 24.62 - CFRA3485-1 Plug 26.50 - CFRA4105 Washer 8.00 - CFRA5326 Diaphragm 77.00 - CFRA6861 Drive Seal 86.50 - CFRA7362 Spring 29.80 - CFRA7362-1 Spring 31.98 - CFRA7424 Spring 14.00 - CFRA7452 Lead Seal 9.70 - CFRA7653 Plate Seal 83.50 - CFRA7791 Rotor 996.00 - CFRA8297 Spring 14.50 - CFRA8987 Gasket 17.60 - CFRA9087 Plug 55.90 - CFRA9093 Spring 11.90 - CFRA9099 Information Plate - Rotation 22.50 - CFRB15985 Valve - Diaphragm Assembly 399.00 - CFRB7779-2 Coupling 1,269.00 - CFRB8935 Coupling 609.20 - CFRB9084 Bearing 68.50 - CFRB9085 Rotor 926.50 - CFRD7779-4 Coupling 453.00 - CFRD8935-3 Coupling 453.00 - CFRS16936-139 Pump - Blade 252.00 - M25988/1-114 Packing 7.60 - M83248/1-112 Packing 2.40 - M83248/1-216 Packing 4.60 - M83248/1-218 Packing 4.60 - MS16624-1062 Retaing Ring 2.60 - MS16625-1112 Retaing Ring 8.40 - MS21318-1 Drive Screw 1.63 - Fuel Pump Quick Kits Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CFK15980 Fuel Pump Quick Kit - All RG15980 Models 513.30 - CFK17980 Fuel Pump Quick Kit - All RG17980 Models 513.30 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 15 October 10, 2010 Fuel Pump Quick Kits Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CFK9080-0 Fuel Pump Quick Kit 235.70 - CFK9080-1 Fuel Pump Quick Kit 235.10 - CFK9570 Fuel Pump Quick Kit - All RG9570 Models 208.80 - Fuel Servos Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF177718 Washer, Spring 0.90 - CF199596 Washer 1.40 - CF2520625 Spring, Constant Head 1.40 - CF2520652 Spring, Constant Effort 20.40 - CF2522021 Pin 10.00 - CF2522022 Pin 9.20 - CF2523155 Spring, Helical Comp. 8.72 - CF2523247 Spring, Constant Effort 12.40 - CF2523387 Spring, Constant Head 2.38 - CF2523688 Spring, Constant Effort 5.20 - CF2525165 Spring, Idle Linkage 9.60 - CF2525494 Packing, Preformed 11.74 - CF2526388 Diaphragm 117.20 - CF2526413 Stop Assembly - Throttle 43.40 - CF2526429 Packing, Preformed 36.80 - CF2537608 Strainer Assy, Fuel Inlet 177.20 - CF2537610 Strainer Assy, Fuel Inlet 176.42 - CF2537779 Spring, Constant Head 10.38 - CF2537968 Spring, Constant Effort 4.60 - CF2538283 Seat Assy. 35.60 - CF2538295 Diaphragm 194.86 - CF2538298 Bushing 4.40 - CF2538330 Washer, Nonmetallic 0.80 - CF2538420 Diaphragm Assy 190.40 - CF2539115 Washer, Shim 2.20 - CF2539449 Nut, Self-Locking 27.50 - CF2539512 Spring, Constant Effort 6.80 - CF2539560 Spring, Helical Comp. 3.00 - CF2539561 Seal, Servo Stem 13.50 - CF2539738 Pin, Spring 0.70 - CF2539804 Holder, Spring 13.20 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 16 October 10, 2010 Fuel Servos Replacement Parts Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF2540537 Bellows Assembly 267.68 - CF2540538 Bellows Assembly 267.68 - CF2540542 Bushing 6.32 - CF2540576 Bushing - Mixture Control 63.72 - CF2540577 Seal - Mixture Control 17.50 - CF2541053 Lever Assy. - Mixture Control 239.18 - CF2541265 Valve, Mixture Control 172.40 - CF2541439 Spring, Constant Head 4.60 - CF2541562 Valve, Mixture Control 170.74 - CF2541563 Valve, Mixture Control 335.40 - CF2541564 Valve, Mixture Control 469.28 - CF2541801 Diaphragm Assy 318.22 - CF2541803 Diaphragm Assy 291.20 - CF365533 Gasket 0.80 - CF367726 Washer, Shim 2.10 - CF367757 Washer 1.20 - CF383493 Plug - Hex 63.68 - CF901200 Pin, Cotter 0.20 - CF901209K1 Pin, Cotter 0.40 - CF909290 Pin, Spring 1.20 - CF951391 Packing, Preformed 2.40 - CF951392 Packing, Preformed 2.40 - CF951394 Packing, Preformed 2.84 - CF951400 Packing, Preformed 6.20 - CF951401 Packing, Preformed 5.90 - CF951437 Packing, Preformed 15.00 - CF951787 Packing, Preformed 4.00 - CF951789 Packing, Preformed 2.68 - CF951790 Packing, Preformed 5.00 - CF953516-10 Packing, Preformed 2.40 - CF953516-8 Packing, Preformed 3.40 - CF953541-10 Packing, Preformed 0.80 - CF953541-8 Packing, Preformed 0.82 - CFP19821 Washer, Spring 2.60 - CFP22198 Washer 0.74 - CFP4235 Screw, Fill Head 10.64 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 17 October 10, 2010 Fuel Servos Quick Kits Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CFK-10AD1 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-10AD1 Models 975.40 - CFK-10DB2 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-10DB2 Models 957.60 - CFK-10ED1 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-10ED1 Models 981.60 - CFK-10ED2 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-10ED2 Models 981.60 - CFK-5AB1 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-5AB1 Models 1,032.00 - CFK-5AD1 Fuel Servo Quick Kit - All RSA-5AD1 Models 1,056.60 - TCM Fuel Injection Nozzles and Jets Part Number Description List Price Core Charge CF627335-D13A Nozzle Assemblies 121.00 - CF627335-D13B Nozzle Assemblies 121.00 - CF627335-D13C Nozzle Assemblies 121.00 - CF632147-10J Nozzle Assemblies 121.00 - CF632147-10K Nozzle Assemblies 121.00 - Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com 18 G e n e r a l P o l i c y Fuel & Filtration Warranty Policy Limited Warranty Policy: Kelly Aerospace Power Systems warrants that all new, rebuilt or overhauled products (or minor revision derivatives thereof), sold by Kelly Aerospace Power Systems, Montgomery Alabama, shall be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of: New and Rebuilt Components Overhauled Components One (1) year* Six (6) months* The warranty period begins (unless otherwise noted) from the date of installation into the aircraft if, and only if, the following conditions are met: 1. The unit and warranty claim, with all requested information properly supplied has been returned to any authorized Kelly Aerospace Power Systems distributor. International Customers may utilize a KAPS Authorized Service Center or a KAPS Distributor. Units must be returned within 30 days of the product failure date. Units must not be disassembled and in their “as removed” condition. 2. No substitute parts shall have been installed in the product without prior authorization of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems, Montgomery, Alabama. 3. The product shall not have been disassembled, repaired, or altered outside of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems approved facilities unless express prior authorization was granted in writing. 4. The product shall not have been subject to misuse, accident, or improper installation unless proof is submitted to the satisfaction of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems that such abuse was not a cause for the claimed defect. 5. The duration of this Limited Warranty shall be for the unused portion of the original warranty period. Any replacement unit or repair shall not establish a new warranty period. * Units will be activated automatically for a shelf stock warranty period and in all cases shall expire thirty-six (36) months from date of manufacture (see I.D. plate). Units held in distribution stock over thirty-six (36) months can be returned to the factory for complete testing, recertification, new warranty, and new packaging for a nominal charge. Limitations and Exclusions: 1. 2. The sole responsibility and liability of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems and your exclusive remedy under this claim arising out of, connected with, or resulting from, this sale or the performance or breach of any condition or warranty thereunder, or from the manufacture, delivery, or use of the product shall be the repair of, or replacement, or credit for this defective product at Kelly Aerospace Power Systems' option. IN NO EVENT, WHETHER AS A RESULT OF A BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, SHALL KELLY AEROSPACE POWER SYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PENAL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COSTS OF REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT(S), LOSS OF PROFIT, GOODWILL, OR REVENUES, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, DAMAGE TO ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS, FACILITIES, OR SERVICES, DOWN TIME, OR COSTS OR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES FOR SUCH DAMAGES OR EXPENSES. Warranty Registration: 1. 2. Warranty Registration is required on every new unit sold by Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Inc and sold through an authorized Kelly Aerospace Power Systems distributor. Warranty Registration must be completed by logging on to the internet via www.kellyaerospace.com and following the path to warranty registration. The installing agency must file the registration showing all information required therein. The Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page V Fuel & Filtration Warranty Policy 3. warranty registration must be accomplished within 10 days of the date of installation or this warranty is void. An owner copy of the warranty registration may be printed out once registration is completed and should be kept with the aircraft's log book and/or paperwork file carried in the aircraft. When requesting warranty consideration, the Warranty Registration copy should be returned with the unit to an authorized Kelly Aerospace Power Systems distributor along with information pertaining to the removal and installation dates and suspected difficulty. Specific Terms: 1. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies whether written, oral, implied, or statutory. Any and all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, course of dealing or usage of trade are hereby expressly disclaimed and excluded. The Warranty Registration must be completed within 10 days from the date of installation of the equipment or this warranty is void. 2. Acceptance of the product by you shall constitute your acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms, provisions, limitations, and exclusions set forth herein. Such terms, provisions, limitations, and exclusions shall not be modified, deleted, or supplemented except by an express written acknowledgment of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems. General: 1. 2. Any claims under this warranty should be made through a Kelly Aerospace Power Systems authorized distributor or service center. Any claim made, which cannot be reasonably duplicated, will not be considered applicable to warranty and shall be returned "as is". All claims shall be handled according to standard warranty procedures; see your authorized distributor for details. A list of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems distributors may be obtained from Kelly Aerospace Power Systems via Internet at www.kellyaerospace.com or by Tel: (334) 286-8551. All products returned by a distributor for warranty consideration are to be shipped to Kelly Aerospace Power Systems, 1404 E. South Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 36116 (USA) freight prepaid. If the warranty claim is accepted, the replacement parts, if shipped individually, will be shipped surface freight, prepaid. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page VI Fuel & Filtration Return Core and Goods Policy Core Chargeback Policy: Any unit being returned for core or warranty core credit shall be, as removed from the engine, complete and not disassembled. No core or warranty core credit will be allowed for automotive units. Units that are rusty or cannot be overhauled for any reason will be classified as scrap, having no value. Units which have been weld repaired, as well as units which have been disassembled and then reassembled with old parts, will also be classified as scrap, having no value. A percentage of the core value will be charged for all missing or damaged parts. At no time will the damaged or missing parts charge on any unit exceed the core value of that unit. 1. Cores will only be accepted for credit 12 months from date of invoice. 2. Cores returned in excess of cores invoiced will become the property of Kelly Aerospace Power Systems and will only be credited for up to 10% of core value. 3. Cores must be of like purchase or a direct superseded unit. Return Goods Policy: Kelly Aerospace Power Systems will accept returned goods with the following conditions: 1. The part must have been originally purchased from Kelly Aerospace Power Systems and must be a current production part. 2. Parts may be returned within 90 days after invoice without restocking charge as long as the product is in its original packaging. 3. Parts returned after 90 days are subject to a minimum of 20% restocking charge. No merchandise may be returned after one year. Description % of Core Charge Carburetor: Throttle Body Damaged Bowl Assembly Damaged Mixture Arm Damaged/Missing Nozzle Damaged/Missing 35% 35% 10% 10% Fuel Pumps: Housing - Pump Damaged Housing - Valve Damaged Cover - Valve Damaged/Missing Cover - Pump Damaged/Missing 60% 30% 35% 25% Fuel Servos: Main Servo Housing Damaged Automatic Mixture Control (AMC) Damaged Throttle Arm Damaged/Missing Mixture Arm Damaged/Missing 80% 60% 5% 5% TCM Fuel Systems: Throttle Body Fuel Pump Body Control Assembly Pressure Regulator Manifold Nozzles/Lines Damaged/Missing 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 20% 4. All returns must include: Date of purchase, Kelly Aerospace Power Systems invoice number, and the reason for return. Kelly Aerospace Power Systems • (334) 286-8551 • Fax (334) 286-1992 • http://www.kellyaerospace.com Page VII Fuel and Filtration Application Guide Part Number Description Quick Kit Number Note 10‐2827 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 66458] CF286‐07 1 10‐2848 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 40366] CF286‐02 2 10‐2948 MA‐3PA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 40796] CF286‐02 2 10‐2971‐P (Franklin) CF286‐02 2 10‐2983 MA‐3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 61383] CF286‐00 1 10‐3007 MA‐4‐5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 14738] CF286‐06 1 10‐3063‐2 MA‐4‐5, Franklin [Eng Mfg PartNo: 17980] CF286‐06 1 10‐3103‐1 MA‐3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 61547] CF286‐00 1 10‐3148‐1 (Franklin) CF286‐06 1 10‐3168 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 520120] CF286‐05 1 10‐3237 (TCM) CF286‐03 2 10‐3323 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 66869] CF286‐07 1 10‐3346‐1 MA‐3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 62289] CF286‐02 2 10‐3391‐1 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 67713] CF286‐06 1 10‐3479 (Franklin) CF286‐06 1 10‐3565‐1 MA‐3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 62830] CF286‐02 2 10‐3634 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 69540] CF286‐06 1 10‐3649‐1 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 535207] CF286‐05 1 10‐3678‐12 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 69250] CF286‐04 2 10‐3678‐32 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72394] CF286‐04 2 10‐3729 MA‐3SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 68856] CF286‐02 2 10‐3759 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 535207] CF286‐05 1 10‐3856 Superceded by 10‐3856‐1 CF286‐06 1 10‐3856‐1 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71546] CF286‐06 1 10‐3856‐11 Superceded by 10‐3856‐12 CF286‐06 1 10‐3856‐12 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71685] CF286‐06 1 10‐3859 Superceded by 10‐3859‐1 CF286‐05 1 10‐3859‐1 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 538872] CF286‐05 1 10‐3878 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71098] CF286‐08 1 10‐3965 Superceded by 10‐3965‐1 CF286‐05 1 10‐3965‐1 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] CF286‐05 1 10‐3965‐11 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] CF286‐05 1 Note: 1 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm. 2 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm and Pump Discharge Check‐Valve Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 1 of 4 Fuel and Filtration Application Guide Part Number Description Quick Kit Number Note 10‐3965‐12 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 539883] CF286‐05 1 10‐4057 (Lycoming) CF286‐09 1 10‐4057‐1 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71654] CF286‐09 1 10‐4115‐1 (TCM) CF286‐02 2 10‐4164 Superceded by 10‐4164‐1 CF286‐08 1 10‐4164‐1 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 71710] CF286‐07 1 10‐4171 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 626789] CF286‐05 1 10‐4191 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 626859] CF286‐05 1 10‐4233 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627365] CF286‐02 2 10‐4240 Superceded by 10‐4240‐1 CF286‐02 2 10‐4240‐1 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 627366] CF286‐02 2 10‐4252 Superceded by 10‐4252‐2 CF286‐02 2 10‐4404 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 72740] CF286‐09 1 10‐4404‐1 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 74121] CF286‐09 1 10‐4439 (TCM) CF286‐03 2 10‐4457 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 629175] CF286‐02 2 10‐4893 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633027] CF286‐05 1 10‐4893‐1 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 641139] CF286‐05 1 10‐4894 (TCM) CF286‐02 2 10‐4894‐1 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633028] CF286‐02 2 10‐4895 (TCM) CF286‐03 2 10‐4895‐1 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 633029] CF286‐03 2 10‐4910 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77279] CF286‐04 2 10‐4910‐1 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16559] CF286‐04 2 10‐4953 MA‐3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77585] CF286‐00 1 10‐4978‐1 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 77939] CF286‐01 2 10‐5009 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: 78728] CF286‐04 2 10‐5009N MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: Modified 78728] CF286‐04 2 10‐5034 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐10064] CF286‐07 1 10‐5042 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐10196] CF286‐09 1 10‐5045 (Lycoming) CF286‐10 1 10‐5045‐1 (Lycoming) CF286‐10 1 Note: 1 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm. 2 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm and Pump Discharge Check‐Valve Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Fuel and Filtration Application Guide Part Number Description Quick Kit Number Note 10‐5050 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐10619] CF286‐01 2 10‐5054 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐10540] CF286‐09 1 10‐5062 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐11222] CF286‐04 2 10‐5067 MA‐3SPA, TCM CF286‐02 2 10‐5069 (Franklin) CF286‐02 2 10‐5082 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 637835] CF286‐02 2 10‐5092 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐12097] CF286‐10 1 10‐5093 (Franklin) CF286‐00 1 10‐5126 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐13133] CF286‐01 2 10‐5128 MA‐3SPA, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 640416] CF286‐02 2 10‐5135 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐13659] CF286‐04 2 10‐5142 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐14016] CF286‐01 2 10‐5180 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐14689] CF286‐10 1 10‐5189 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐13757] CF286‐10 1 10‐5192 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 641860] CF286‐05 1 10‐5193 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15380] CF286‐08 1 10‐5199 MA‐3A, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15496] CF286‐00 1 10‐5206 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15626] CF286‐10 1 10‐5206‐1 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16062] CF286‐10 1 10‐5206‐11 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16413] CF286‐10 1 10‐5210 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15663] CF286‐10 1 10‐5217 MA‐4SPA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15986] CF286‐04 2 10‐5219 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15957] CF286‐11 1 10‐5220 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16073] CF286‐01 2 10‐5220‐E MA‐3PA, Lycoming CF286‐01 2 10‐5221 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16066] CF286‐12 1 10‐5224 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15958] CF286‐11 1 10‐5227 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16206] CF286‐12 1 10‐5230 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15959] CF286‐11 1 10‐5235 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐15960] CF286‐11 1 10‐5253 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16518] CF286‐11 1 10‐5255 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16625] CF286‐11 1 Note: 1 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm. 2 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm and Pump Discharge Check‐Valve Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Fuel and Filtration Application Guide Part Number Description Quick Kit Number Note 10‐5257 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16677] CF286‐01 2 10‐5267 MA‐3PA, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐16907] CF286‐01 2 10‐5282 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐18662] CF286‐11 1 10‐5283 HA‐6, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐18663] CF286‐11 1 10‐5284 MA‐4‐5, TCM [Eng Mfg PartNo: 646232] CF286‐05 1 10‐5288 MA‐4‐5, Lycoming [Eng Mfg PartNo: LW‐18788] CF286‐08 1 10‐6014 (Lycoming) CF286‐11 1 Note: 1 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm. 2 ‐ No longer includes Throttle Arm and Pump Discharge Check‐Valve Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 4 of 4
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