Chapter 2. The Flood Hazard
Chapter 2. The Flood Hazard
Chapter 2. The Flood Hazard This chapter reviews the flood hazard that faces Gretna. By definition, flooding is caused by more water than the drainage system can convey. Flooding is dependent on three factors: precipitation, conditions in the watershed (where the rain comes from), and conditions in the drainage system (where the water goes). The first four sections of this chapter discuss the physical nature of flooding: precipitation, the watershed, the drainage system, and where floods occur. Section 2.5 covers a special source of floodwaters that is not always dependent on local precipitation: levee failure. The rest of the chapter reviews the impact of flooding on people and property. 2.1. Precipitation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ju ly Au gu st Se pt em be Oc r to be No r ve m be De r ce m be r Ju ne M ay Ap ril 0 Ja nu ar Fe y br ua ry M ar ch Jefferson Parish receives an average of 60 inches of rain each year. The rain comes from tropical storms, thunderstorms, and storms caused by the interaction of warm moist air with colder air from the north. As seen in Table 2-1, precipitation occurs throughout the year, but is heavier in the spring and summer. Table 2-1 Monthly Distribution of Rainfall 8 National Weather Service . Tropical storms and hurricanes: The greatest amount of precipitation is caused by tropical storms and hurricanes. These are large-scale systems of severe thunderstorms that develop over tropical or subtropical waters and have a defined, organized circulation. The larger storms generally form over the eastern Atlantic Ocean and move westward. The hurricane season runs from May through November, with the peak activity in September. In June and October, storms are more likely to come from the Gulf, while in July − September, they generally form in the South Atlantic. The peak recorded wind speed in the city was 125 miles per hour during Hurricane Camille in 1969. Table 2-2 Saffir-Simpson Scale Tropical storms and hurricanes are categorized by their wind speed, as shown in Table 2-2. While best known for their winds, these storms can also bring flooding of coastal regions, heavy rains that cause inland flooding, thunderstorms, lightning, and tornadoes. The Flood Hazard Category Winds (mph) Depression TD < 39 Tropical Storm TS 39-73 Type Surge (ft) Hurricane 1 74-95 4-5 Hurricane 2 96-110 6-8 Hurricane 3 111-130 9-12 Hurricane 4 131-155 13-18 Hurricane 5 >155 >18 2–1 April 2007 Tropical storms and hurricanes get their energy from warm waters and lose strength as the system crosses land. However, because Gretna is so close to the Gulf, there is not enough land for the winds to dissipate. The City receives the full strength of a storm or hurricane when it makes landfall. History: The first recorded hurricane struck in 1711. The state has had an average of 3 or 4 each decade since detailed records have been kept (Table 2-3). Only four hurricanes have made landfall in Louisiana as major hurricanes of category 4 or 5 intensity: unnamed hurricanes in 1909 and 1915, Hurricane Audrey in 1957, and Hurricane Camille in 1969. Camille is the only category 5 hurricane to hit Louisiana since the 1850’s (Katrina was a Category 3 when it made landfall with winds of 110 miles per hour in the area). In the last six years, southeast Louisiana has received six storms and hurricanes. Here is a short history of these recent storms. Tropical Storm Allison: In June 2001, Tropical Storm Allison hit Texas. After it vented, it moved across Louisiana, causing more flooding than wind damage. Up to 30 inches of rain fell in some areas. Table 2-3 Louisiana Storm History Decade Hurricanes T.S.s Total 1850's 3 1 4 1860's 7 2 9 1870's 6 3 9 1880's 7 3 10 1890's 3 6 9 1900's 2 7 9 1910's 3 2 5 1920's 3 2 5 1930's 2 8 10 1940's 3 9 12 1950's 2 7 9 1960's 4 1 5 1970's 4 3 7 1980's 4 5 9 1990's 3 2 5 Totals 57 61 118 National Weather Service Tropical Storm Isidore: Isidore had been a hurricane over Mexico. It was a tropical storm by September 26, 2002. In a few hours it went from landfall at Grand Isle to central Mississippi and was downgraded to a tropical depression. While Isidore had more wind than rain, it caused a significant storm surge over a large area. At Lake Pontchartrain, storm surges of 4 to 5 feet above normal were measured. Tropical Storm Isidore Hurricane Lili: On the heels of Isidore, Lili hit St. Tammany Parish the State on October 2, 2002. It had been a category 4 storm, but dropped to a category 1 hurricane just before landfall. Lili caused 3 to 5 feet of storm surge tides across most of coastal southeast Louisiana. Up to 10 inches of rain fell. Heavy rainfall was not widespread, in part due to the rapid movement of the hurricane away from the area. Flash flooding occurred in only a couple of areas. Tropical Storm Bill: This storm moved into southeast Louisiana on June 30, 2003. It caused a storm surge of 3 to 5 feet above normal along Lake Pontchartrain. In 48 hours, it rained 6 to 10 inches. The Flood Hazard 2–2 April 2007 Hurricane Katrina: Although earlier estimated to be a Category 5 storm, Hurricane Katrina made landfall at Buras, Louisiana, on August 29, 2005, as a Category 3. Maximum winds were 110 miles per hour. Jefferson Parish’s levees held, but there was extensive flooding because of the rainfall (estimated at 7 – 14 inches in the area) and lack of pumping (the pump stations had been shut down when the operators were told to evacuate). Hurricane Rita: At one time a category 5 storm, Hurricane Rita weakened to a category 3 hurricane by the time she made landfall on September 23, 2005, just east of the Texas/ Louisiana border. In southeast Louisiana, the main affect from Hurricane Rita was storm surge flooding in coastal areas. Storm surges of 5 to 7 feet above normal overtopped or breached local drainage levees, including the Industrial Canal in New Orleans. There was concern about high water in the Harvey Canal and the potential for a levee failure there, which would have impacted Gretna. Rainfall ranged from 6 to 12 inches. Unnamed Storms: While named tropical storms and hurricanes are the best known causes of significant flooding, sometimes heavy rains from “regular” storms can cause a lot of damage. Table 2-4 shows that heavy rains of greater than 9 inches over 1 – 4 days occurred 8 times over a 20 year period. In fact, the most damaging storm before Katrina was an unnamed storm in May 1995. Over 9 inches of rain fell in 3 hours, an intensity that exceeded a 500-year storm for that time period, flooding some homes up to two feet deep. Before Katrina, it was the single most expensive flood event for the National Flood Insurance Program in Louisiana. Table 2-4. Historical “Unnamed” Rainstorms Date May 3,1978 April 12 – 13, 1980 April 24, 1982 April 6, 1983 April 1 – 2, 1988 Nov 7 – 8, 1989 May 8 – 9, 1995 Sept 10 – 13, 1998 Rainfall 10.50” 11.86” 12.92” 10.20” 9.74” 16.01” 12.70” 13.18” Jefferson Parish Mitigation Plan 2.2. The Watershed A “watershed” is an area of land that drains into a lake, stream or other body of water. The runoff from rain is collected by swales, storm drains, and ditches which send the water to the stream or other body of water. In Gretna’s case, the water is sent to canals which drain to pumps near the levees. The water is pumped over the levees where it eventually drains to the Gulf. Because it is nearly surrounded by drainage canals, the City of Gretna can be considered its own watershed − almost all the water that falls on Gretna either stays in the City or drains to the Heebe or Whitney Canals on the City’s borders. There are three main watershed conditions that affect local flooding: 1. The size of the watershed. Smaller watersheds will flood more quickly, Gretna is a small watershed. The Flood Hazard 2–3 April 2007 2. The ground surface. More water runs off pavements than off grass or natural ground cover (see graphic). Even in natural conditions, the soil in Gretna is not very permeable. 3. The slope of the land. More rain will run off the land and into the streams if the terrain is steep. Because much of Gretna is flat, water tends to pond where it falls and run off slowly. Therefore, given the soil conditions and the great extent of pavement and other impervious surfaces, much of the rain that falls on Stormwater runoff increases Gretna is not absorbed into the ground and as areas are urbanized must be handled by the drainage system. Association of State Floodplain Managers Because of the small watershed and flat slope, the water will collect quickly in low spots, but will not drain away quickly. This results in very localized flooding conditions, soon after and even during rainstorms. 2.3. The Drainage System Water flows downhill. The highest ground in Gretna is to the north, where the Mississippi River formed a “natural levee” over the centuries as it deposited sediment along the riverbank during floods. Under natural conditions, most of the rainfall that falls on Gretna would flow south. However, human development has disrupted the terrain with levees, streets, and other construction. For example, Map 2-2 (page 2-7) shows how the Westbank Expressway forms a barrier to surface flows going from north to south. Being so flat and surrounded by a levee, Gretna cannot rely on a natural drainage system to carry water away. Over the years, a man-made system has been constructed to collect stormwater, convey it to the canals, and pump it over the levee. This system was designed to carry the 10-year storm under good conditions. Floods will occur when Nature drops more than a 10-year storm. The 10-year “design storm” is nine inches of rain in 24 hours. As noted in Table 2-4, the City has received more than 9” of rain many times in recent years, although usually over longer periods than 24 hours. The drainage system will not be able to carry even the 10-year storm when: ─ The storm drains are obstructed or broken, especially when the ground under the pipes settles from subsidence. ─ The ditches are obstructed by trash jams or small bridge or culvert openings. If there is no room in the channels, even smaller storms will cause floods. The Flood Hazard 2–4 April 2007 ─ The pumps do not operate. This happened during Hurricane Katrina when the Parish ordered pump operators to evacuate for their own safety. In sum, the drainage system in Gretna is a man-made system that depends on constant maintenance to ensure that it can carry water away and pump it outside the levee. Even if it works to full capacity, it can only handle a 10-year storm. The City’s 1998 Floodplain Management Plan commented on this situation: The City of Gretna has experienced substantial flooding in recent history, with as many as eight (8) rain events producing flooding of buildings in a 17 -year period. During high intensity rainfall events, the subsurface drainage system becomes surcharged and runoff collects or ponds within the low-lying ground areas of the City before it can reach the pumps and be discharged into one of the outfall canals. Since the City must be pumped for drainage, conditions dictate that the 10-percent-probability or 10-year design storm event (defined for the area as 9 inches of rainfall in 24 hours) serve as the basis of storm water design. Any greater level of protection would be difficult to obtain. From a logistics standpoint, the flat ground and slight gradients makes it difficult to adequately bury large subsurface pipes or lay pipes on steep slopes. From an economic standpoint, costs of increased pumping capacity and deeper excavations, which must necessarily be braced due to poor soil conditions, are restrictive. (pages 8 – 9). Gretna’s drainage system consists of storm drains, roadside ditches (left) and larger channels that convey stormwater to the main collector canals, such as the Heebe Canal (right). The system will not be able to convey the 10-year storm where there are obstructions or blockages (left). 2.4. Flood Risk and Floodprone Areas Mitigation plans are based on the risk of future flooding, even to areas that have not flooded in recent memory. Studies extrapolate from historical records to determine the statistical potential that storms and floods of certain magnitude will recur. Such events are measured by their “recurrence interval,” i.e., a 10-year storm or a 50-year flood. These terms are often misconstrued. Commonly, people interpret the 50-year flood definition to mean “once every 50 years.” This is incorrect. Statistically speaking, a 50year flood has a 1/50 (2% or .02) chance of occurring in any given year. A 50-year flood could occur two times in the same year, two years in a row, or four times over the course of 50 years. It is possible to not have a 50-year flood over 100 years (see box, next page). The Flood Hazard 2–5 April 2007 Base flood: FEMA uses the “base” flood as the basis for its regulatory requirements and flood insurance rate setting. The base flood is the one percent chance flood, i.e., the flood that has a one percent (one out of 100 or .01) chance of occurring in any given year. Another term used is the “500-year flood.” This has a 0.2% or .002 chance of occurring in any given year. While the odds are more remote, it is the national standard used for protecting critical facilities, such as hospitals and fire stations. What are the Odds of a Flood? Chance of Flooding over a Period of Years Time Flood Size Period 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 1 year 10% 4% 2% 1% 10 years 65% 34% 18% 10% 20 years 88% 56% 33% 18% 30 years 96% 71% 45% 26% 50 years 99% 87% 64% 39% These numbers do not convey the true flood risk because they focus on the larger, less frequent, floods. If a house is low enough, it may be subject to the 10or 25-year flood. During the proverbial 30-year mortgage, it may have a 26% chance of being hit by the 100-year flood, but the odds are 96% (nearly guaranteed) that a 10-year flood will occur during the 30 year period. Compare those odds to the only 5% chance that the house will catch fire during the same 30-year mortgage. FIRM: The area affected by the base flood in Gretna has been mapped. The official floodplain study for insurance and regulatory purposes is FEMA’s Flood Insurance Study for Jefferson Parish and the official map is the Parish’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), dated March 23, 1995. Gretna is on panels 135, 145, and 155. A portion of the FIRM is shown in Map 2-1. The base or 100-year floodplain shown on the FIRM panels is the AE Zone shown in blue on Map 2-2. This is called the Special Flood Hazard Area on the FIRM and is designated as an “AE Zone.” Areas outside the AE Zones are called X Zones, i.e., the white areas on Map 2-2. The FIRM also shows the base flood elevations (BFE). In the AE Zones north of the Westbank Expressway, the BFE is 1.5 feet above sea level. South of the Expressway, the BFE in the AE Zones is -1.5 feet, or 1.5 feet below sea level. Map 2-1. Excerpt from the Gretna portion of the Jefferson Parish FIRM The Flood Hazard 2–6 April 2007 Map 2-2. City of Gretna AE Zones The Flood Hazard 2–7 April 2007 It should be noted that the FIRM is based on the conclusion that the Mississippi River levee will hold up to at least the river’s 500-year flood level (Flood Insurance Study, page 10). The Study also states The hydraulic analyses for this study were based on unobstructed flow. The flood elevations show on the maps are this considered valid only if hydraulic structures [i.e., ditches, canals, and pump stations] remain unobstructed, operate properly, and do not fail. (page 17) Other floods: It should be noted that the FIRM shows the relatively rare, but very possible, base flood. Based on the historical record, a tropical storm or hurricane should be expected somewhere within the state every 1.2 years (0.83 chance). A hurricane should make landfall every 2.8 years. Storms hit Gretna even more often and smaller floods that affect smaller areas are more likely to occur. An intense localized storm can cause flooding in one part of the City and an obstruction in a ditch can result in a flood from any rainfall. An even bigger potential hazard is levee failure, which would cover the whole city. Accordingly, the mapped floodplain or AE Zone should be viewed only for its regulatory and insurance implications, not as an exact designation of what areas will be flooded. The future: Another reason to not rely on the FIRM as a definitive statement of the flood hazard is that things are predicted to get worse. Whether it’s attributed to global warming or other factors, signs point to increased precipitation. The State Mitigation Plan states “Over the past century, there has been an apparent increase in large rainstorms and resultant flooding, particularly in the late winter and spring.” (p. I-33) Subsidence compounds the problem of increased rain. The land is sinking. Again, from the State Mitigation Plan, “Subsidence is already occurring throughout much of coastal Louisiana. An acre of land along the coast disappears every 24 minutes.” (p. I-48) 2.5. Levee Failure The previous sections discussed how and where “normal” or “historical” flooding occurs. Flooding can also be caused by levee failure. For the purposes of this Plan, levee failure includes overtopping, breach, or collapse of the levee that protects the City. Some of the causes of levee failure are: – – – – – Overtopping due to flood heights exceeding a levee’s design protection elevation Flooding from sources internal to the levee Erosion caused by embankment leaking or piping Erosion of the levee base caused by moving waters Improper operation and maintenance, including failure to inspect and repair seepage problems Failure of the Industrial Canal levee in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina FEMA The Flood Hazard 2–8 April 2007 Technically, overtopping is not a “failure,” it is simply a case of water going higher than the design protection level. However, the results are the same to the people and properties affected. Levees have been overtopped or breached during flood events and non-flood events in Louisiana. While the failure of the levees protecting New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina is the nation’s greatest example of the impact of a broken levee, the City of Gretna has had experiences with such a flood in the past (see photos). Lafayette Street, 1891 levee failure flood 635 Lafayette Street during the 1891 levee failure flood and today Gretna is protected by two levee systems. Along the Mississippi River, the Corps of Engineers has constructed and maintains levees that are rated to protect the area from the “standard project flood.” This is usually equated to a 250- to a 500-year flood. Map 2-3. Hurricane Protection Levees The rest of the area is protected by a hurricane protection system that runs along the Harvey and Algiers Canals. A recent survey of levee heights showed them to be lower than desired. Map 2-3 shows how high they are. Based on these elevations, the hurricane protection system would not be rated as having 100-year levees. West Jefferson Levee District website The Flood Hazard 2–9 April 2007 Even the higher and stronger Mississippi River levees are not safe from damage. In July 1985, a section of levee along the Mississippi River near Marrero failed in a non-floodrelated event. The “Celotex Failure” was named for the factory at the site. The failure was caused by scouring and erosion of sand along the river bank and created a hole 600 feet long. It took three months before repairs were completed. There is no guarantee that other sections of the levee system are free of similar trouble spots. Map 2-4 shows the location of the 1985 “Celotex Failure” and its proximity to Gretna. Map 2-4. Location of the Celotex Levee Failure A Case History of Embankment Failure, page 3 Levee failure can be a great hazard where the levee is large. People assume they will never be flooded, and no flood protection measures are taken for new construction. This hazardous situation is often the case where FEMA has mapped leveed areas as being outside the 100-year floodplain. Being outside the AE Zone, there are no Federal or State flood protection requirements for new construction. An interesting case involves Jackson, Mississippi, on the Pearl River. The US Army Corps of Engineers had constructed levees in the 1960s to protect the town from flooding. The levees were overtopped in the 1979 flood, with some 40% of the damage being inflicted on buildings constructed after the levee was built. Levee failure is a greater threat to Gretna than the flooding described in the previous sections. The AE Zone in Map 2-2 is based on rainfall flooding, so flood heights are nowhere near as high as a levee failure flood. Over half the City is outside this mapped Special Flood Hazard Area, where there is no flood insurance purchase requirement and no flood protection requirements for new construction. The Flood Hazard 2–10 April 2007 2.6. Threat to People Life safety: The hazard presented by floodwaters is dependent on how deep it is and how fast it moves. The speed of moving water, or velocity, is measured in feet per second. In Gretna, velocities outside of the ditches and canals are generally less than one foot per second. The relationship between depth and velocity is shown in the graph to the right. While high velocities don’t often occur in Gretna, it doesn’t take much depth to be Depth – Velocity danger levels for people dangerous. A car will float in less than 2 feet of moving water and can be swept downstream into deeper waters (see graphic). This is one reason floods kill more people trapped in vehicles than anywhere else. Victims of floods have often put themselves in perilous situations by ignoring warnings about travel or mistakenly thinking that a washed-out culvert is still there. Effects of shallow water on cars Flash Floods and Floods. The Awesome Power The Flood Hazard 2–11 April 2007 A levee failure flood should not come as a surprise. It will happen during high water when levee conditions would be monitored by the levee district. Therefore, the City should not have a high level of exposure to life threatening problems. The most important factor for protecting people is a timely warning. However, if people consider themselves safe from flooding and do not evacuate, then the results could be deadly. Electrocution is the number two cause of flood deaths, claiming lives in a flooded area that is carrying a live current created when electrical components short. People die of heart attacks, especially from exertion during a flood fight. Floods also can damage gas lines, floors and stairs, creating secondary hazards such as gas leaks and unsafe structures. Propane tanks can float, causing gas leaks and sending explosive “torpedoes” downstream (see photo). Fire can be a result of too much water: floods can break gas lines, extinguish pilot lights, and short circuit electrical wiring—causing conditions ripe for a fire. Fire equipment may not be able to reach a burning building during high water. During a flood, a propane tank floated into this building, exploded, and destroyed it Floodplain Management Desk Reference, p. 2-3 Health: Two general types of health hazards accompany floods. The first comes from the water itself. Floodwaters carry whatever was on the ground that the runoff picked up, including dirt, oil, animal waste, and lawn and industrial chemicals. Rain and floodwaters saturate the ground which leads to infiltration into sanitary sewer lines. When wastewater treatment plants are flooded, there is nowhere for the sewage to flow. Infiltration and lack of treatment lead to overloaded sewer lines which back up into low lying areas and some homes. Even though diluted by flood waters, raw sewage can be a breeding ground for bacteria, such as E. coli, and other disease causing agents. The second type of health problem comes after the water is gone. Stagnant pools become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and wet areas of a building that have not been cleaned breed mold and mildew. A building that is not thoroughly and properly cleaned becomes a health hazard, especially for small children and the elderly. These health problems can be aggravated when heating ducts in a forced-air system are not properly cleaned after inundation. When the furnace or air conditioner is turned on, the sediments left in the ducts are circulated throughout the building and breathed in by the occupants. If the water system loses pressure, a boil order may be issued to protect people and animals from contaminated water. The Flood Hazard 2–12 Post-flood silt, mold and mildew April 2007 Mental health: There is a long-term psychological impact of having been through a flood and seeing one’s home damaged and irreplaceable keepsakes destroyed. The cost and labor needed to repair a flood-damaged home puts a severe strain on people, especially the unprepared and uninsured. There is also a long-term problem for those who know that their homes can be flooded again. The resulting stress on floodplain residents takes its toll in the form of aggravated physical and mental health problems. 2.7. Property Damage The City of Gretna has 6,689 primary structures (buildings other than garages, sheds, etc.). Of these, 855 are in the FEMA mapped floodplain (AE Zones). Table 2-5 shows these numbers in more detail. Table 2-5. Primary Buildings Type Single Family Home Commercial Other Total In City 5,376 554 759 6,689 AE Zones 721 98 36 855 As with the threat to people, depth and velocity of flooding determine property damage. Flood velocity is important because the faster water moves, the more pressure it puts on a structure and the more it will erode channel banks and scour the earth around a building’s foundation. In a few situations, deep or fast moving waters will push a building off its foundation, but this is rare and Gretna has no areas where the depths and velocities are that high. The most common type of damage inflicted by a flood in Gretna is caused by soaking. When soaked, many materials change their composition or shape. Wet wood will swell and, if dried too quickly, will crack, split or warp. Plywood can come apart. Gypsum wallboard will fall apart if it is bumped before it dries out. The longer these materials are wet, the more moisture, sediment and pollutants they will absorb. Soaking can cause extensive damage to household goods. Wooden furniture may become so badly warped that it cannot be used. Other furnishings such as upholstery, carpeting, mattresses, and books usually are not worth drying out and restoring. Electrical appliances and gasoline engines will not work safely until they are professionally dried and cleaned. In short, while a building may look sound and unharmed after a flood, the waters can cause a lot of damage. As shown in the photo below, to properly clean a flooded building, the walls and floors should be stripped, cleaned, and allowed to dry before being recovered (see photo, next page). This can take weeks and is expensive. 2.8. Flood Insurance Data As of July 2006, there are 3,084 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance policies on properties in Gretna. This number overstates the amount of coverage because the records are kept based on the NFIP community number. Many policies in unincorporated Jefferson Parish have been incorrectly listed under the Gretna number because their mailing addresses have “Gretna” in them. The Flood Hazard 2–13 April 2007 Gretna resident throwing out soaked carpet after Katrina Since 1978, there have been over 4,200 flood insurance claims submitted for policies under the Gretna community number. Just over 1,000 were not paid, leaving 3,197 paid claims. Even though some number of these claims are for properties not in the City, the data can provide useful information for this Plan. The total and average claim payments for major flood events are shown in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 shows that the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were the worst in terms of number of claim payments and average dollar damage. They also show a pattern of claims from Spring and Fall storms. The maps on the next two pages show where the claims were located. Proper cleaning after a flood requires stripping Walls and floors and letting them dry thoroughly Table 2-6 Flood Insurance Claims Payment Data Date Number May 1978 1979 April 1980 1981 April 1982 July/August 1982 December 1982 April 1983 1983 – 1984 October 1985 April 1988 November 1989 May 1990 1991 – 1993 May 1994 May 1995 1996 May 1997 1997 – 1998 September 1998 2000 June 2001 (Allison) Sept 2002 (Isidore) October 2002 (Lili) 2003 – 2004 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 (Katrina) September 2005 (Rita) All Claims 353 9 683 8 113 5 30 358 2 17 124 264 94 20 22 213 2 10 5 116 2 38 21 6 8 11 3 658 2 3,197 Total Paid $1,928,679 $19,712 $5,962,176 $45,929 $431,581 $3,218 $56,661 $2,149,511 $2,511 $269,231 $538,737 $2,538,281 $488,776 $70,996 $29,063 $2,551,078 $9,911 $30,162 $13,839 $989,429 $9,910 $144,101 $100,861 $20,609 $32,413 $34,148 $18,426 $19,360,257 $70,306 $37,920,510 Average Claim $5,464 $2,190 $8,729 $5,741 $3,819 $644 $1,889 $6,004 $1,256 $15,837 $4,345 $9,615 $5,200 $3,550 $1,321 $11,977 $4,955 $3,016 $2,768 $8,530 $4,955 $3,792 $4,803 $3,435 $4,052 $3,104 $6,142 $29,423 $35,153 $11,861 FEMA-NFIP . The Flood Hazard 2–14 April 2007 Map 2-5. Historical Flood Insurance Claims This series of maps shows the locations of the properties for which flood insurance claims were paid for that event. While there are some concentrations of flood losses in the shaded AE Zones, all parts of the City have been subject to flooding, especially during the more severe storms, such as 1980, 1995, and 2005 (Katrina). FEMA-NFIP data May 3, 1978 April 6, 1983 April 13, 1980 The Flood Hazard 2–15 April 2007 Map 2-5. Historical Flood Insurance Claims November 7, 1989 May 8, 1995 September 11, 1998 August 29, 2005 (Katrina) The Flood Hazard 2–16 April 2007 The numbers in Table 2-6 show that between the May 1995 unnamed storm and Katrina, there was only one significant event, September 1998. This was Tropical Storm Frances which dropped up to 12 inches of rain in the New Orleans area. The lack of major damage since 1995 can be attributed to drainage improvements that have been constructed throughout Jefferson Parish. Another interesting fact from Table 2-6 is the amount of the claim payments. Over the years, claims have averaged $11,861. Only 168 claims (5%) were paid for $50,000 or more. When Katrina and Rita are not counted, the average claim has been for $7,288. There were only 17 claims paid for $50,000 or more − less than 1% of the 2,537 claims paid before Katrina. It must be kept in mind that claim payments do not include the standard $500 or $1,000 deductible. They are only for what is covered by a flood insurance policy and do not include vehicles, landscaping, items kept outdoors, and certain valuables or jewelry. Further, many people do not purchase the optional contents coverage, so many claim payments do not include the cost of damage to furniture, throw rugs, clothes, etc. Privacy of Flood Insurance Data The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a) restricts the release of certain types of data to the public. Flood insurance policy and claims data are included in the list of restricted information. FEMA can only release such data to state and local governments, and only if the data are used for floodplain management, mitigation, or research purposes. Therefore, this report does not identify the repetitive loss properties or include claims data for any individual property. After Katrina, FEMA reviewed flood insurance claim payments and identified 65 properties in Gretna that appeared to be damaged more than 50% of the building’s value based on the amount of claim payment and an estimate of the building’s value. FEMA and the City reviewed these sites more closely using FEMA’s Residential Substantial Damage Estimator software. This work concluded that 27 buildings were damaged more than 50% of their market value. Of the 27, 22 (81%) were damaged between 50% and 60%. It is not clear how much of the damage is also attributed to wind from Katrina. 2.9. Repetitive Losses A “repetitive loss” property is an NFIP-insured property where two or more claim payments of more than $1,000 have been paid within a 10-year period since 1978. To focus resources on those properties that represent the best opportunities for mitigation, two subcategories have been defined: the Target Group and Severe repetitive losses. Target Group properties are repetitive loss properties that have had four or more claims of more than $1,000 since 1978, or two or three claims that equal or exceed the building’s value. While the Target Group is no longer used in FEMA’s programs, FEMA had field checked these properties and collected a lot of data on them for analysis over the last few years. Unlike the data on other repetitive loss properties, the Target Group information has been confirmed on the ground. The Flood Hazard 2–17 April 2007 The Target Group term has been replaced by “Severe” repetitive loss properties. These are 1-4 family residences that have had four or more claims of more than $5,000 or at least two claims that cumulatively exceed the reported building’s value. This definition comes from the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004, which established new funding mechanisms to help mitigate flood damage for the worst case repetitive loss properties. There are 426 repetitive loss properties coded to the Gretna NFIP community number. As explained earlier, it is likely that some number of these are not in the City limits. Deleting zip codes other than 70053 leaves 404 repetitive loss properties in the City. These were plotted by the University of New Orleans repetitive loss project. The results are shown on Map 2-6. Table 2-7 has some statistics about these 404 properties, based on April 30, 2006, data from FEMA. Over half of the 404 properties have only submitted two or three claims. The average payment was $11,255. FEMA’s repetitive loss records show that of the 404 properties, two have been mitigated by being elevated. An additional 156 are reported to now be protected from repetitive flooding by one or more drainage improvement or stormwater management projects. Table 2-7. Repetitive Loss Data Number of Claims 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 Total Number of Properties Total Claim Payments Average Claim Payment 128 108 58 32 23 22 12 11 5 4* 1 404 $2,614,589 $3,246,179 $2,476,995 $1,915,833 $1,424,502 $1,819,641 $1,289,115 $1,389,066 $506,792 $872,552 $92,070 $17,647,334 $10,213 $10,019 $10,677 $11,974 $10,322 $11,816 $13,428 $14,031 $10,136 $19,831 * $6,138 $11,255 * One property with 11 claims skews these figures. It is not a single family home and it had very high contents claims. If it is not counted, the average claim for this group would be $15,600 Map 2-6 does not reflect these designations because a check of the NFIP Data addresses doesn’t reveal any differentiation by street address. For example, FEMA data show 25 sites on Hero between 21st and 33rd as “mitigated due to drainage improvements” and 46 on the same blocks as not mitigated. In a 2004 study by FEMA, Gretna was ranked in the top 20 communities of the country with the most Target Group properties. Seventy-eight (78) of the 404 properties are Target Group properties that are still insured. The insurance policies were transferred to the “Special Direct Facility” and managed directly by FEMA. This group does not include some of the worst cases, including the property with 15 claims (which is no longer insured, at least not under the same address). The 78 properties have submitted a total of 488 claims, or an average of 6.25 each. The total payments have been $6.2 million. Nineteen percent (19%) of the repetitive loss properties account for 35% of the total claim payments. The average claim for the Target Group was $12,688. The Flood Hazard 2–18 April 2007 Map 2-6. Repetitive Loss Properties The Flood Hazard 2–19 April 2007 Repetitive loss areas: FEMA planning guidance and credit under the Community Rating System calls for designating repetitive loss areas. “The repetitive loss areas must include the properties on the repetitive loss list obtained from FEMA and all adjacent properties with the same or similar flooding conditions.” (CRS Coordinator's Manual, page 500-7).A review of the addresses and Map 2-6 shows seven concentrations of problem sites. These are shown on Map 2-7. Map 2-7. Repetitive Loss Concentrations While there are some concentrations, there are still both regular and Target Group repetitive loss properties scattered throughout the City. Therefore, for the purposes of flood hazard mitigation and the CRS requirements, the entire City should be considered a repetitive loss area. This means that all properties in Gretna will get equal attention from the City and the CRS. 2.10. Critical Facilities When dealing with flooding, some properties are more important than others. “Critical facilities” are buildings and infrastructure whose exposure or damage can affect the well being of the community. For example, the impact of a flood on a hospital is greater than on a home or most businesses. Critical facilities are not strictly defined by any agency. Generally, they fall into two categories: – Buildings or locations vital to public safety and the disaster response and recovery effort, such as police and fire stations and telephone exchanges, and – Buildings or locations that, if damaged, would create secondary disasters. Examples of such buildings or locations are hazardous materials facilities and schools. This planning effort identified 41 critical facilities in six general categories. The distribution of these facilities is shown in Table 2-8. Their locations are plotted on Map 2-8. The Flood Hazard 2–20 April 2007 Map 2-8. Critical Facilities The Flood Hazard 2–21 April 2007 The six categories of critical facilities are: ─ Government buildings, i.e., City Hall and the Parish office building ─ EPA facilities (hazardous materials) ─ Schools (because they house an especially vulnerable segment of society and they served as shelters following a disaster) ─ Public safety (fire stations, police and Parish correctional facility) ─ Utilities, water works, sanitary sewer lift stations, etc. ─ Elderly housing Table 2-8. Critical Facilities Category Government EPA Facilities School Public Safety Utilities Elderly Housing Total Number in City 2 2 12 6 18 1 41 Number in AE Zone 7 3 14 24 Table 2-8 shows that most critical facilities are schools and utility facilities, like sanitary sewer lift stations. Table 2-8 and Map 2-8 show that most are not in the deeper areas of the mapped AE Zones. While all could be damaged by a levee break flood, the shallower stormwater and drainage problems will not do much damage to most sites. The exceptions are the seven schools, three fire stations, the wastewater treatment plant, and 13 sanitary sewer lift stations that are in the mapped AE Zones. They would especially benefit from special flood protection measures and/or flood emergency plans. Examples of Critical Facilities in Gretna Gretna Police Station Gretna Water Works Hazardous materials storage Gould Fire Station The Flood Hazard 2–22 April 2007 2.11. Summary The City of Gretna is subject to two flood hazards: ─ Flooding from rain and stormwater that overloads the drainage system, and ─ Flooding from the failure of one of the levees that surround the area. Much of the rain that falls on Gretna is not absorbed into the ground and must be handled by the drainage system. Because of the small watershed and flat slope, the water will collect quickly in low spots, but will not drain away quickly. The drainage system is a man-made system that depends on constant maintenance to ensure that it can carry water away and pump it outside the levee. Even if it works to full capacity, it can only handle a 10-year storm. If there are breaks or obstructions in the system or if the pumps don’t run, even smaller storms will create flooding conditions. The City’s situation means it faces localized flooding conditions, soon after and even during rainstorms. The AE Zone mapped on the Flood Insurance Rate Map is not an exact designation of what areas will be flooded. The entire City should be considered subject to the hazards of both levee break flooding and flooding from rain and stormwater. The latter has been the cause of the City’s designation by FEMA as one of the top repetitive flooding problems in the country. While damaging and causing safety and health problems, most floods in Gretna do not threaten lives, destroy buildings or cause substantial structural damage. Flooding from a levee failure is a different story − such a hazard can kill people and wipe out large areas of the City. All of the flood hazards cause health and mental health problems. Because the City has not experienced a levee failure in recent history, flooding to date has been primarily a problem of property damage. The City is one of the most repeatedly floodprone communities in the country with over 3,000 flood insurance claim payments and over 400 repetitive loss properties. Flooding also affects critical facilities and key City services and utilities. While most of the repetitive loss properties are concentrated in seven areas, no part of the City is free from repetitive shallow flooding caused by an overloaded drainage system and no part of the City is free from damage by a levee failure. 2.12. References ─ A Case History of Embankment Failure: Geological and Geotechnical Aspects of the Celotex Levee Failure, New Orleans, Louisiana, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Technical Report GL-99-11, 1999 ─ City of Gretna Floodplain Management Plan, Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc, 1998 ─ City of Gretna web site, ─ CRS Coordinator's Manual ─ Flood insurance claims records, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2006 The Flood Hazard 2–23 April 2007 ─ Flood Insurance Rate Map, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1995. ─ Floodplain Management Desk Reference, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 2004. ─ Interview with Jack Griffin, Director of Public Works ─ Interview with Jerry Spohrer, Executive Director, West Jefferson Levee District ─ Interview with Mike Chopin, City Engineer ─ Jefferson Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan, and Appendix C, City of Gretna, July 2005 ─ National Weather Service websites ─ NCDC: website of the National Climatic Data Center, ─ RSDE Community Report, FEMA, November 8, 2005 ─ State of Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Plan, Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, April 15, 2005 ─ The Public Health Consequences of Disasters, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1989. ─ Websites of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Jefferson Parish, City of Gretna, and West Jefferson Levee District The Flood Hazard 2–24 April 2007