american defenders of bat aan and corregidor
american defenders of bat aan and corregidor
. . AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR 1946 - 1955 ... r r • HOTEL BRADFORD - MAY 7, 1955 BOSTON, MASS. , . AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR, INC. Dedicated to those persons, both living and dead, who fought against overwhelming odds against the enemy at the outbIeak of World War II. , ~ I 'I OFFICERS Major General Edward P. King, Jr., Ret. I!0norary Commander Brigadier General Clifford Bluemel, Ret. Honorary Vice-Commander Joseph A. Vater Commander Albert Senna Harry Menozzi Tony Greco Senior Vice Commander TreaS1Wer Junior Vice Commandt1' Kenneth Stull Robert W. Levering Kenneth Curley Secretary Judge Advocate Adjutant Samuel M. Bloom, M.D. Rev. John E. Duffy Rev. Herman Baumann Louis Goldstein Samuel B. Moody Joseph A. Vater Surgeon Chaplains Legislative Committee Past Commanders Harold Spooners Major Albert D . Talbot J ames McEvoy Maj. Gen. Edawrd P. King, Jr., Retired Simme Pickman Albert Senna M·aurice Mazer Executive Board Simme Pickman Albert Senna Maurice Mazer Enos Gould Ro bert Levic NATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE Charles Bloskis Johnny Emmerick Nicholas Hionedes Robert Neil Adolphe Meyer 1955 Samuel B. Moody _____________________________________ N ationa~ Chairman Simme Pickman ______________ .___________________________________ Co-C hairman Hank W ila yto ______________________________________________________ --- C o-C hairman John Ray ______________________________________________________ -------------- Secretary Nick Metta ______________________________________________________---------- Treasurer Forrest Auld ____________________ ,________________________________ Programming Dominick Giantonio ______________________ ~ _____________________ Programming Enos Gould _________________________________________________Programming H arry Liskowsky ________________________ :____________________ Entertainment Editor of the Year Book M/ Sgt. Samuel B. Moody, USAF Book A dvisor Mark M. Wohlfeld, Lt. Col. , Res. I I . II Commander Joseph Vater On this, the tenth anniversary of the founding of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, Inc., I wish to thank the founders in having the foresight to form our organization. The perseverance, faith and good fellowship of our members ' through these years has molded together an organization of which we should all be proud. We have grown in both numbers and prestige. We have been instrumental in having legislation passed which has benefited not only our members but also the veterans in general. We are proud of our contact with our deceased buddies through their families, wives, and the Gold Star Mothers. The future of our organization is in the hands of each member. Do your part, cooperate with your officers, you will be the one to benefit through a better A.D.B.C. I wish to thank all the officers who have worked so hard the past two years to give the members the best results possible. Thanks, gentlemen. JOSEPH A. VATER Joseph A. Vater, whose home is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has been elected to this position. Joe was one of the organizers of the Pennsylvania Chapter and the first Commander of the Pennsylvania Chapter. H e is married and the father of three very fine children. He is working as an estimator for a painting concern and recently built his own home. A former member of the 803rd Aviation Engineers, he served on Bataan and Corregidor. H e was in Cabanatuan and Mukden, Manchuria. Joe's home is always open to any Bataan and Corregidor survivor. HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - . SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE On the next few pages you will find the events that havetakn place in the last ten years in the lives of the men and women who fought in the Defense of the Philippine Islands. I believe we have acquired many qualities through the years of hardship that we endured together during W orId War II-the meaning of Will power, tolerance, the ability to forgive, the understanding of God's will and His ways, knowing how to wait, knowing how to share, and knowing how to get along with our fellow man regardless of race, c'Olor, or creed. Therefore, for those who are gone, our wounded and incapacitated comrades, for the mothers, wives and dear ones who have suffered, this book is respectfully dedicated. SAM MOODY History of the Year 1946 In January 1946 a few of the Project·J men who were stationed at Lovell General Hospital, Fort Devens, Massachusetts, talked about fOrming an organization made up of the men and women who had been POW's together. This was over a few beers one day, over the Mess Hall tables the next, and in the hospital wards at night. After getting the basic idea, a meeting was called at the Base Theater for all ex-POW's to discuss the idea. From that day, with a meeting of about 80 ex-POW's, the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor was born. The following is an extract ,from the Lowell Sun, Lowell, Massachusetts, dated 28 January 1946. This story tells as near as we can find out the start of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor: " A few days ago in a Main Street law office of this old New England community, was born one of the most unusual and unquestionably the most exclusive organization to come out of the maelstrom of World War IiI, and with it came a first hand account of one of the epics of world history - the def ense of Bataan and Corregidor and the infamous "Death March on Bataan" as told by American soldiers who participated in and miraculously came through it all. The organization 'The American Defenders of Bataan and Corregfdor, Inc.' whose organizers were prompted by the loftiest of motives to band together the survivors of the immortal defense of continental America's outer-Pacific outposts, deemed it fitting that the town of Ayer, from where some of the finest fighting men of World War IT left to enter the ultimately victorious battle against the ruthless forces of the Axis powers, should be its legal birthplace. For through this town passed :threequarters of a million of New England's youth as raw recruits on their way for induction at Fort Devens. and here was heard the tread of marching feet of the "Fighting First", 26th Yankee, 32nd and 45th Infantry divisions. In this town also daily hurry hundreds of these same New England youths on their way home with the coveted discharges won after varying periods of . service in all theatres of war, and through here have passed the warweary, the wounded and the sick on their wav to the Lovell General Hospital at Fort Devens to continue the seemingly endless battle for the good health which it seems only yesterday they had enjoyed. Among this latter group are 200 New F'1gland survivors of the Bataan Death March from whom as they lay on painwracked beds at the Lovell General ( 3) Hospital, or walked around its spacious grounds as they gradually were gaining the strength stolen ·from them by their infamous captors - came the idea that matured into being in the law office of World War I, veteran and past commander of the Groton Post, American Legion, Ralph B. Bowmar. To him they entrusted the details of making certain their organization was legally incorporated and they were free to carry on for ,t hose 'who didn't come through, and that their dependents never would want.''' It was decided by the first officers that the first: cOillventlon would be held in Boston and everyone would bring their famllles and friends. On April 9, 1946 ~t the . iHotel Bradford, Boston, Massachusetts, one of the greatest conventions ever held by any group returning from World War tr was conducted. The State of Massachusetts made April the 9th ''Hataan Day" and .!!'av,~ all the kids a day off from school. The city put on one of the greatest parades ever seen past or present Major General Edward P. King Jr., our Honorary Commander, led the parade witnessed by 500,000 people. After the parade, in which over 750 exJp()W's marched, a dinner· dance was held at the Hotel Bradford with about 1300 gueSts attending. . Anyone who went will tell you it was great. People talk abOut '1t when they TENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICA N DEFENDERS OF B A T AAN A ND CORR EGIDOR gather around to swap war stories. A few of the members who gave us a helping hand when we first started were· Dom Giantonio, Larry Martel, Ed Martel, Hank Sanochi, Bill Sniezko, John Hatch, Jimmy McCarthy, Hank Wilayto, Stinky Stankistis, Sgt. Prince of the USMC and his wife, Harriet, Ray Morgan, Colonel Kostechi, George Picerillo, Harold Spooner, Sam Moody, Earl (Killer) Kane, Everett Roseen, Mike Tardivo. In 1946 we had the help of one civil· ian and most people who knew him will agree he was a wonderful guy. Although he wasn't in the service, Cy Stewart will always be remembered by the gang from 1946 as being a great person. If I have missed giving credit to any· one else who had helped make the 1946 convention a success, please for· give me as 10 years is a long time and I may have unconsciously overlooked some of the names. SAM MOODY 1946 Convention Chairman History of the Year 1947 As I pore through my files, memories keep crowding each other - forcing me back to those hectic days when the turbulent rush of events kept us hopping prior to the eventful day of April 9, 1947. I remember the "old faithful guard" that rallied round the first National office at 120 Boylston Street - Helen (Cassiani) Mester, who spent many an hour keeping all of us hopping, Frank Margiotto, Simme Kickman, Johnny Ray, Bob Doyle, Nick Metta, Ray Morgan, Jim McEvoy and a host of others _ all putting their shoulder to the task that almost got out of hand. Some of the old timers may remember that the second convention was originally planned for Washington, D. C. but, with the committee in Boston, Washington was too far away to do any kind of a fair job at all. At the same time the hotels were already spoken for the week of the 9th. Jim McEvoy, after a fiying trip to the Capital, decided that Boston w()uld be a better choice. So·o·o the members trooped back to the City of the Bean and the Cod and we had a rip·roaring meeting that kept people pro and con· ning for a many a day afterward. When I look back upon those days, I think the men elected to lead OUe organization gave added meaning to the theme of the convention - ·'Pres· tige." The following day the Boston Herald carried this account of the activities: "Five years from the day he surrendered Bataan to the Japanese, Maj..Gen. Edward P . King of Atlanta, Ga., was elected national commander of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregido'T vesterday afternoon by 300 delegates of the heroic gTOUP's second national conevntion in the City Club. After the organization's business was completeld, he reviewed mechanIzed cavalry troops on the Common as the Army paid tribute on Bataan Day. These are the men who started the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor on the 25th of January 1946 at the Lovell General Hospital at Fort Devens, Mass. Standing, left to right, Salvator Nocera lives in Connecticut. M / Sgt Johnny Hatch stationed at Mancheser, N.H. M / Sgt. Larry Martel now stationed in Japan. George Piccerillo, Newtonville, Mass. M / Sgt. William Sneizko, Andrews Air Force Base, Washington 25, D. C. M / Sgt. Edward Martel Lynn, Mass. Dominick Giantonio, Hartford, Conn. Sitting left to right M / Sgt. Samuel MoodY, the first secretary, Tarrytown, New York. Henry Sanocki, Pittsfield, Mass., Junior Vice Commander. 1st/ Sgt. Harold Spooner, New Bedford, Mass. Commander M / Sgt. Everett Roseen just back from four years in Scotland, now living in Hartford, Conn. Henry Wilayto, New England Commander, Belmont, Mass. . '-o,.!..~ . . .",;. ,;..:-0... • First group goes to Washington, D. C., to invited President to 1946 Convention. Outside capitol with Members of Congress prior to meeting. ( 4) lJOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - With Gen. King, now retired, in the reviewing stand were several of the r:c\"Ily·elected Bataan group national c-fTlcers, Lt. Col. Chester L. Johnson of Cambridge, his aide, and Lt.-Col. Don:> In. B. Harriott, commander of the I. rmy show on the Common. Other officers elected at the second national convention of Bataan fighters were Simme Pickman of Lynn, viceco_nmander; Robert Doyle of Boston treasurer; Chief Frank J . Magiotto of. Medford, secretary; Sgt Arthur Bressi of Kaiser, Pa., adjutant. In a stormy session members of the group voted to set up an organization 01 regional chapters, and to hold next year's convention in Albuquerque N. M. It indorsed a pending bill t~ set up a reparations commission to dem and damages from the Japanese government fOT the agonies suffered by the men and women of Bataan and Corregidor. At last night's banquet, Gen . King called for a strong military force to prevent any posibility of another war. . '~ call on you to alert your fellow cltlzens who are less informed than you,' Gen. King said. 'Our people and p~ess cry out for peace, believing that WIth the invention of wonderful new weapo~s we shall never have to fight defensIvely again: '~o ma~ who has been in a war will behev~ thIS for a minute_ The trained man IS the basis of national defense from the bow and arrow to the atom: Weapons change. Men change from freedom to slavery as they lose the courage and spirit to defend their . country.' Other speakers included Rep. John McCormack, James F. Reynolds, commander of the Massachusetts Veterans of Foreign Wars, and representatives o~ Gov. B:adford, Mayor Curley, the FIrst SerVIce Command and the First Naval District." HENRY J . WILAYTO 1947 Convention Chairman SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Newly elected Commander Major Talbot and members meet with Governor Tobin at State House, Boston, Mass., May 1947 History of the Year 1948 The Third Annual Convention was held at the Hotel Commodore New York City, on April 8 and 9, 1948.'Major Ray Morgan was the Convention Chairman . It was at this convention that after three years of trying to really get a National Organization started that we turned to more serious nature of business. Dues were raised from $1.00 to $3.00 a year in order to keep our organization going. The additional amO'Unt in dues was necessary to help put out the "Quan", answering corresoondence, and to keep the club going in general. It was voted at the convention to make the "Quan" a monthly newspaper. The follOwing officers were elected at the 1948 Convention: Simme Pickman. National Commander; Robert Doyle, Vice-Commander; Frank Margiotto, Secretary; George Piccirillo, Treasurer; James E . Brennan, Adjutant. Members of the New England Chapter take part in parade at Boston, Mass., in 1948 The main banquet was held in the main ball room of the Commodore Hotel on the 9th of April with over 500 ex-POWs and their families being present, One of the highlights of the Convention was when General King and about 20 other members were guests of the Ringling Brothers Circus at the Madison Square Garden. A really good time was had by all. ( 5) History of the Year 1949 The Fourth Annual Convention was held at the Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City, N. J. IAt the business meeting, the members called for enactment by Congress of bills sponsored by ,t he Truman Administration to give American servicemen $1 a day for each day spent in a prisoner of war camp. They also adopted resolutions supporting the Presi- TENTH ANNIVERSARY dent's civil rights program and urging the United States government to take all possible steps to strengthen the United Nations. Simme Pickman of Lynn, Mass. was r elected Commander. Other officers chosen included : Albert Senna of New Brunswick, N. J ., Vice Commander, Frank Margiotto of Medford, Mass., secr etary ; George Piccirillo of Newtonville, Mass., treasurer, Harold Brennan of Atlant ic City, N. J., Adjutant, Robber t Levering, Mount Vernon, Ohio, Judge Advocate, Perry O. Wilcox of Elmira, N . Y. and Herman Baumann of Pittsburgh, Chaplains. The speakers during the annual dinner included Generals King and Bleumel, Sen. Frank S. Farley and Congressman T . Millet Hand of New Jersey. This convention turned out to be one of our biggest conventions · - maybe because Atlantic City is a convention town or maybe in 1948 everyone just felt like having a get-together. Ex- _ POWs came from all over the country. One plane load came all the way from Oklahoma. The parties that were thrown that April weekend will long be the talk of the Ambassador Hotel Al Senna was Convention Chairman and he and his committee made the Atlantic City Convention one of the best reunions we have had. History of the Year 1950 The 1950 National Convention of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor was held at the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Penn. It was my pleasure to be appointed chairman of the Convention Committee. The following members formed the nucleus of my committee Joe iVeter, Moe Mazer, Bob Levis, Bob Adams, Stan Korczyk, Bob Neil, Joe Glessner, and Stan Patrick. Also the cooperation of the National officers was greatly aporeciated. I am quite proud to review some 01 the more interesting events of the 1950 convention as I still receive comments on the good time had by the members. Friday evening we introduced something new to entertain :the guests. Through the cooperation of Post 5 of the Americcm Legion in Pittsburgh we had free refreshments, food and entertainment. Sunday morning through the cooneration of the Pittsburgh Ford dealers the Gold Star Mothers, wives and g-uests were taken on a sightseeing tour of the city. As the guests were enjoving the tour, the members were electing Mr. Al Senna as National Commander and selected Philadelphia as thp. sit p of the 1951 convention. The banauet S aturdav evening was very well attended, approximatelv 525 members and guests were in attendancp.. Through the courtesy of Mr. O. D . Robinson all the ladies received a beautiful corsage and at each plate wa s a cocktail. After the dinner and after t he many guests were Introduced, we w ere favored by several fine talks. A feature of the evening- was a good "ribbing- skit'· bv Luke Barnett. Then came th'e fioor show - one that won't AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF B ATAAN A N D CORREGIDO R Members stationed at Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts, meet with Commanding General and National Commander Pickman, NCO Club, 1950. be forgotten by anyone present. About ten acts of the finest entertainment on the American Stage Al Morgan, The Deep Rhythm Boys, to mention a few. This show was directed by Marge Nelson, a Pittsburgh theatrical agent. Dancing followed after the show. It is quite obvious this program could not have been possible without the cooperation of many men outside our organization, a few of whom were Dr. Stevenson, Mayor [jawrence, Mr. O. D. Robinson, Oliver Kaufman, the Allegheny Council of Veteran Organizations and many other prominent Pittsburgers. REV. HERMAN C. BAUMAN Chairman 1950 Convention convention, he wrote to all his friends, urging them to attend. Others who helped to make the convention a success were: Edward Smack, James V. Kiernan, Robert Levis, Morton Feinberg, Eugene McCann, George E . Wills, Grant Thomas, Robert J. Russell, John Banach, Norman T. Scott, Joseph Goodman, M/ Sgt. John Krisopovitz, and Samuel Blank. Thanks was also given to Col. Charles A. McLaughlin , Re t., Coordinator of Committees, Robert W . Levering, Chairman 01' the Resolutions Committee, and to Rev. John McNicholas and Father Herman C. Baumann, the Convention Chaplains. History of the Year 1951 The 1952 Convention 'held in Columbus, Ohio in May 2, 3, and 4 was written off as a complete success considering the fine attendance of some 350 members and families and also the organization handled b y convention chairman Mike Dunn. The town knew we had arrived and treated us as we have been so gratefully accepted in past convention cities. The convention in general was orderly and enjoyed by all. An innovation that year was the Memorial ceremonies held in front of the Ohio State Legislature Bldg. on Saturday afternoon with several noted Ohio officials present honoring our past war dead. A significant number of Gold Star Mothers traveled many miles to be with us, many who have n ever missed a convention. Our banquet, held in the main ballroom of the Deshler-Wallick Hotel, was highlighted by a speech made by Honorable John J . Dempsey, congressman from New Mexico, in which he cited the great importance for all O'f us to continue in the national fight against communism. The convention began Friday, the day ending with a get-together dance and party at the main Columbus American L egion Post a s our hosts. The 1951 Convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel with approximately 600 persons in attendance. The Convention Committee was headed by J'a mes Cavanaugh. The guest speaker at the convention was Retired Marine Brigadier General James P . S. Devereux, who was Commanding Officer of the Wake Island Detachment. First Defense Battalion during the heroic but futile defense of Wake Island from December 8 to 23, 1941. His speech was broadcast over a national hook-up.· One of the toughest jobs of any convention is raising money. That year Louis Goldstein, who was Chairman of the Finance Committee, covered the assignment magnificently. Lew collected over $1400.00 alone and as a result of his efforts and those of James Cavanaugh, Louis Slattery, General Bluemen, Joseph Goodman, and Jimmy Kiernan, the price of the tickets was heM to a minimum. The success of any affair or organization deoends a lot upon an able secretary. This 10b was handled very well by Gilbert B . Soifer. In addition to answering all the mail concerning the ( 6) History of the Year 1952 H OTEL BRA DFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Saturday we h ad busines meetings and new officers were elected and impc r tan t resoluti ons were favored. The convention ended Sunday, May 4, with church services and final reuni ons until t he 1953 convention. History of the Year 1953 The Eig h th Annual Convention was held on May 1, 2, and 3, 1953 at the P a ntli n d Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Th e Convention Committee was made up of Edward E. Thomas, Walter E. Scott, J ack G. Versluis, Julius D. G:: n dzar, Walter E . Ston e, Harold J. Whitcomb. These six f ellows did a fine job of m a king the coiwention a success. It wasn 't the biggest convention ever h eld as far as attendance, but I still h ear s tories about t hings that went on th ere. In fact I h eard the hotel won't be ok an y more conventions unles s we brin g our own piano! On F r iday th e 1st of May the wives wer e g iven a tour of the furniture sh ow rO:J m s of Grand Rapids. On F riday evening "Tenko Time" was held at the DA V Pos t in Gr and R a pids. F or a s m all cover charge, the m embers ha d a real "Quan" party with da ncin g, refreshmen ts, a nd door prizes. One of th e high lig h ts was the community singing in w hich everyone participated. The g uest of honor was Rear Admiral Frederick Bell, U.S. Navy (retired), who gave a wonderful address to our members . The Mayor of Grand Rapids made Saturday 2 May 1953 "Bataan and Corregidor Day". The people of that city m ade all the m embers really feel at home. Anoth er h ighlight of the convention was th e overnigh t bus r ide by the men and th eir wives fro m Pittsburgh to Gr a nd R a pids. The fo llowing are fa cts never publish ed before. This is information that we felt would be of interest to members of this organiza tion who took part in the Philippine Campaign during 1941 and 1942. The following is a breakdown on uni ts that fo ught on Bataan and the a m oun t of personnel involved: 31st Inf ( American ) 27th Bomb Gp 19th Bomb Gp and all other Air Force Units (American) 200th and 515 Coast Artillery (American ) T wo Tank Batallions (American) Medical Corps, Quartermaster Corps, Finance, Ordnance (Amer ican ) Philippine Scouts 45th and 57th Regular Inf. 14 Eng Reg 26th Calvary 23rd, 24th, 86th and 88th Field Art Res 1,800 5,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 Ex-members of 91st Bomb Sqd. at 1954 Convention at Hotel Statler, New York 91st and 92nd Coast Artillery 2 Companies of 45th Inf at Baguio 2 Companies of 45th Inf at Zamboango U. S. Navy and Marines U. S. Civilians Philippine Civilians 12,000 1,500 Ther e were over 70,000 Philippine civilia ns on Bataan. This is the official breakdown on ~Jers onnel of Corregidor. United States Army : 60th CAC (American) 59th CAC (American) Finance Corps (American) Medical Corps (American) Harbor Defense (American) B.P.'s (American) 5,022 United States Navy 2,558 United States Marines 1,643 Philippine Scouts 1,298 Philippine Army 1,818 American Civilians 343 Chines and Philippine Laborers 2,082 GRAND TOTAL CAPTURED 14,704 In Cebu, Negros, Panay, Leyte, Mindinao, there were Americans captured who were mostly offieel's; some airmen from 48th Material Sqdn were captured on one of the southern islands. 1,200 Official Death Rate of Philippine Campaign at end of World War II 23,039 U. S. Armed Forces 23,039 Philippine Armed Forces 27,258 ( 7) 595 91,184 GRAND TOTAL 142,076 35,092 prisoners died of starvation and neglect. At the International War Crimes Trials in Japan, it was estimated between 1200 and 1500 died on the Bataan Death March. History of the Year 1954 Brig. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, special Philippine representative in the United States, was the principal speaker at the Ninth Annual Convention. He described the defense of Dienbienphu in Indo-China against Communist Viet Minh rebels as "the 1954 version of Bataan". He said that although Bataan fell to the Japanese, it was really a victory for the United States because "America still retained the loyalty of the native population" . This loyalty w as earned by "America's promise of independence" to the Philippines, he said. "But if Dienbienphu falls, it will be a tragic defeat for the free world." Following General Romulo's address, he unveiled the memorial plaque. The following Officers were elected at the business meeting: Joseph A. Vater, Commander, Albert Senna Sr., Vice Comander, Harry ilVIenozzi, Treas urer , Tony Greco, Jr., Vice·Commander, Kenneth Stull, Secretary, Kenneth TENTH ANNIVERSARY Curley, Adjutant, Robert W. Levering, Judge Advocate, Samuel M. Bloom, M.D., Surgeon, Rev. John E. Duffy and Rev. Herman Baumann, Chaplains. On Friday evening a real "wing ding" was 'held at the Arlington Hall in New York City. Everything was furnished by the Convention Committee, including refreshments, floor show, dancing and even door prizes. A bottle of San Miguel Beer was presented to each man present as a souvenir of the Convention. It was a read 'g ood convention and the 1954 committee deserved a real vote of thanks for a great job. The committee included IAl Senna, Tony Greco, Austin Patrizzo, and George Challie. ALSENNA 1954 Convention Chairman History of the Year 1955 It seems the older the organization gets the busier it becomes. The year 1955 was one of small headaches and wishful thinking by some, but your National organization headed by Joe Vater came through with a great convention held at the Hotel Bradford, Boston, Massachusetts on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of May 1955. M/Sgt. Samuel Moody USAF was the Convention Chairman assisted by Simme Pickman, Hank Wilayto, Johnny Ray, Nick Metta, Forrest Auld, and ,H arry Liskowski. The three day affair was attended by about 500 ex-POW's and their fam· ilies. During the past ten years, it seems we have grown up a little, because in the spring of 1955, the United States Air Force asked our organization to assist it with one of its National Projects. In February 1955, our organization appointed a National Ground Observer Corps Committee to assist the USAF. About 20 members volunteered to serve on the first committee, including your National Commander. At the National Convention in Boston, Major General Irving of the United States :Air Force gave the members a briefing on the Air Defense system of the United States. He caliled upon those members of our organization not on active duty to help sell the defense of our contry to their friends and neighbors. On Friday prior to the main banquet, a "Quan" party was held in the Governor Bradford Room of the Hotel Bradford. A floor show, dancing, free refreshments and door prizes were enjoyed by all. On Saturday evening 7th of May, the main banquet was a little more on the quiet side with the renewing of old friendships with members who just came in to attend the main reunion. AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR CLAIMS TO FAME DEPARTMENT During the past ten years a number of our men and women have gone on to make names for themselves . . , seme in other fields, some in other ways ... so we have 'listed their names and acomplishments for you. M/ Sgt. Willi·a m (Bill) Peterson - Oldest ex-serviceman who was a POW; now retired and writing stories, doing a -good job at it, too. Rear Adm. McCraken - Wrote "Battle. ship for a Day" - a great story. Lt. Col. Paul R. Wing - The "most retired" of all ex-POW's. Says he eats well, sleeps well, will drink, but won't work. Commander Joe Vater - Just finished building his own home in Pittsburgh and did a grand job of it. Robert Levering - Wrote the book "Horror Trek" - a wonderful story of POW life. Ray Morgan - His hometown won't let him do anything except be the Mayor. Frank Margiotto - Still the best danc. er of all the gang. . M/Sgt. M. T. Del Rosario _ The member with the most children (8). Can anyone beat him? Dominick Giantonio - The member with the most girls (4). Can anyone top that? Eugene E. Allison (ex Navy Pilot) _ Member with the biggest smile. I hope you fellows remember him from Bilibid., Clarence W. Bower - The member with the strangest experience. Went throughi Prison Camp with a loss of memory due to a head wound. Didn't get memory back til 1950. Is doing O.K. now. M/Sgt. Sam Moody - 1st/Sgt. of the organization that was selected best Air Force organization for 1954. Frank Erba - Member who has had the most college since our release. Attended both Harvard and Yale. Mark Wohlfield - The only Bataan and Corregidor veteran who escaped from prison camp, joined up with the forces coming back to get us and really 'helped to get some of us out. Thanks, Mark. Milton Leavitt - Now in the diplomatic service. May some day be Am. bassador to Japan. Ted Leitz (USN) _ One of the youngest lokin-g and healthiest ilooking of all ex-POW's. M/Sgt. Everett Roseen - One of the oldest 1st/Sgt's in the USAF (That's with the job, not the age. Right, Rosie?) r M/Sgt. Harold Spooner - The only member who can disappear quicker than you can say, "Yokohama, Japan!" M/ Sgt. Michael Tardivo - Still the fastest driver out of all the exPOW's. ( 8) Jose.{>h Horan - Still interested in politics. May some day be Governor of Mass. Larry (Yosh) Wozniak - Still the number one bachelor. Where are all the -girls?? Roscoe C. Word, USMC - On this, it should be the "Rise to Fame .Department" . Roscoe is now a Vice-President of a bank in Tennessee. William Mann _ Sucessful businessman; he owns his own glass store. Bob Reynolds - Wrote the book, "Of Rice and Men". Great stOTY, great guy. Barney Grill - Is a "Welcomed Traveler" in any town but Chicago. Am I right, Barney? Col. William C. Bradley - Wrote "The Hard Way Home". A good title for a great book. Alfred A. Weinstein - Wrote "Barbed Wire Surgeon". Is also the only fellew I've ever heard of who took on the Ku Klux Klan single-handed. A great person to know. Thomas Mason - Still shooting craps. Herman Weber - Our oldest civilian member. Herman is 70 and still going strong. Gabriel Paiva - The only ex-Navy man we have who is now working • for the ATmy. Shame on you! Jerry Lambo - Is a golf professional in Connecticut. Anyone want les· sons. James T. McKissick, Jr.-Member who has gone a long way in the dental profession. Is now President of Dental Society and Member of American Society of Oral Surgeons. Edward Jackfert - Now a special agent with the Internal Revenue Service. Jack Kellett - His wife just finished a book, "Wings as Eagles", based on POW life. Please read it. Helen (Cassiani) Nestor Alice Zwicker Mollie Peterson Katherine Acorn ---; These four ·nUTses have been voted as "the nurses we want to take care of us just in case We get sick again". Four very wonderful people. Lewis Goldstein - Still has the best sense of humor. Is a very successful businessman in Philadelph1a. Leonard Robinson - Minister of two churches. You're doing a great job, !Leonard. Keep up the good work. Dr. Elack Schultz - A great doctor and very wonderful guy. Voted by the men from Narumi Camp as the one most likely to succeed. He did, too. Albert Salbot (former Chaplain) Still doing a very wonderful job. Is now a Priest in Bridgeport, Conn. Hank Wilayto - Newly elected New England Commander of ADBC. !>0ing a great job in getting the New England Chapter going again. M/Sgt. William Sniezko - Father of four boys. Too old for baseball, trying to start a softball team. General Romulo - Most successful of all our members. HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Gold Star Mothers at New York Convention 1954 The first meeting to organize The Gold Star Mothers of Bataan and Corregidor was held in Boston on November 12, 1946. The founders were Mrs. Shelia Nickerson, of Dedham, who started the organization, Mrs. Julia Chisholm of Dedham, Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott of Somerville, Mrs. Ellen Redman of Quincy, Mrs. Marjorie Winthrop of Dedham, Mrs. Mary Prescott of Medford, Mrs. Mae Detert of Manhattan and Mrs. Mary Beard of Dorchester, all of Massachusetts. The following officers were appointed: Mrs. Shelia Nickerson, President; Mrs. Julia Chisholm, Vice President; Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, Treasurer and Mrs. Mary Prescott, Secretary. Our second President was Mrs. Julia Chisholm; our third Mrs. Adeline Baptista; our fourth Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott; and our fifth Mrs. Mary Prescott. II .... MEMORIAM I Listed below are the names, old organization, and place and date of death of the men who passed away since our return from prison camp in 1945. Our present officers are Mrs. Mary Prescott, President; Mrs. Elizabeth Clogston, Vice President; Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, Secretary; Mrs. Edith Sampson, Treasurer and Mrs. Adeline Baptista, Chaplain. The Mothers have sent cards and flowers to ill Mothers, and have had many hospital parties for ill veterans. They have given radios to hospitals and money for Korean orphans. In November of 1951 the Gold Star Mothers secured a National Charter. The following members signed: Mrs. Prescott, Mrs. Clogston, Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Sampson, Mrs. Keefe, Mrs. Redman, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Roulston. Each year the Governor of Massachusetts issues a Proclamation designating April 9th as Bataan Day. Exercises are held on Boston Common, with the Governor of Massachusetts and the Mayor of the City of Boston attending. The Philippine Counsul of New York and Bataan-Philippine Club of Boston have aided in the arrangements of the event. We have a membership of sixty. One Mother and six Fathers have died since our organization was founded. We hold our meetings at the Y.M.C.A. in Boston or sometimes at different homes, with a tea or luncheon. We have a Christmas party each year and a picnic In the summer. Some of the Mothers have attended every Convention since the Boston Convention in 1946. This event is a high light for the Gold Star Mothers, who look forward to meeting "Our Boys" and their families. The Gold Star Mothers extend their wishes for good health and prosperity, and their gratitude for all your courtesies to the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor. S/ Sgt Alfonso M. Lucero San Francisco, Calif. Cmdr Arno F. Kerske, USN Great Lakes, m. Capt. Eugene Dale, 91st Bomb Sqdn Pennsylvania 1946 Capt Bob Parks, Hq 5th AB Gp David E. Etter 'Santa Fe, N. M. 3-28-47 Major William Waters Midland, Texas Col. William Enos Dorchester, Mass. 9-30-46 HONOR ROLL Harry Baxter, 28th Bomb Sqdl Dr. Harry Brown Indiannapolis, Ind. 4-16·45 Sgt. Victor Peloquin, 27th Bomb Gp Lynn, Mass. 1946 Frederick D. Cone Bridgeport, Conn. Capt Bob Davis San Diego, Calif. Cpl Sam (Rube) Rubinovitz, Air Corps Philippines 1946 Emmerson G. Tokyo Cpl John Baker Prairie Grove, Ark. Sgt Max Davis, 31st In! San Antonio, Texas Foeh Tixer Albuquerque, N. M. Paul R. Miller Hagerstown, Md. 1946 501246 5-46 9·20-46 1946 10-1146 1948 Joseph Chosenyko Illinois Father Joseph L. Lucas W. Palm Beach, Fla. 2nd Lt. Custer Wake, 20th Pur Shaw Field ( 9) 2--18-50 S/Sgt Roy Brown, USMC Korea 8-17-50 M/Sgt Russell Harvey Walker Walter Reed Hospital Col. H. C. Fowler 8·1148 Sgt LawrenCe Whittemore Bedford, Mass. Capt Don Thompson F>t. Totten, N. Y. 1950 1948 2--1949 12-1949 1949 CoL William E. OIT St. Paul, Minn. 8-24-50 Lt. Col. Eugene Hicker 1951 Ernest Scott Grand Rapids, Web. 1-31-51 Major John Hamas, USMC Coronado, Calif. Major Wilson 'R . McNiel Ft Sam Houston, Tex. Ben Onich Seattle, Wash. Sgt Gordon H. Alton Korea 5-3-51 3-15-51 3-51 9·9·51 TENTH ANNIVERSARY George Medwick 12-19{)1 M/Sgt John R. Kosma Fairfield, N. Y. 9-12·51 Joe B. Scott, Hq 5th AB Gp 12-19-51 Sgt. Ray Young, Air Corps Ellsworth, Maine 9-20-51 Michael A. Trupiano, USMC Newport, Kentucky ~52 W . E . White, Hq 5th AB Sqd 12-3-53 Gen. "Skinny" Wainwright San Antonio, Texas 9-5-53 Major Lewis H. Rowland Bergstrom AFB, Texas 3-25-53 Edgar R. Beck Legion, Texas 114{)3 Mike Pel'lfett SharpSville, Pa. 12·5·53 Col. J ahn Ball Pennsylvania 2·28-53 Col. J. W. Worthington Brownsville, Tex. 7·53 Capt Karl Dryer Seattle, Wash. 1954- Col. Grattan H. McCafferty Auburndale, Fla. 11-28-54 Capt. H. M. "Bud" Walters, USMC. 1954 Col. Thomas Reed Wilson Phoenix, Ariz. M/ Sgt Charles Smith Philadelphia, Pa. 10-54 9-54 Commander Goodall, USN' Shelby Nolanvan, Radioman, USN Eminence, Ky 1-2-55 F. L. Richardson Vancouver, 'W ash. I· AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BAT AAN AND CORREGIDOR SEE YO·U ' IN 1956 1-19-55 War Crimes Trials The m en who went back to Tokyo, for the War Trials will t ell you about them, if you ask them. The City of Tokyo will never be the same again after the year and a half that the members of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor spent there as War Crimes witnesses. It was, with· out a doubt, the biggest, longest, and strangest affair ever held by a group of ex·POW's. The first ex·POW's started to arrive back in Tokyo the early part of Decem· ber 1946 and the last did not leave until late fall of 1948. Many of the ex·POW's lived in a home called the Ito House, about 5 miles out of Tokyo. The house had about 27 rooms with large and beauti· ful grounds surrounding the area. It was here the ex·POW's held the most talked about lawn and quan parties ever held in Japan. Don't think that this was just a wild vacation, because the ex·POW's worked - and worked hard. Hundreds of Japanese were brought to trial. The ex-POW's testified at their trials, and all who were guilty were punished, some severely. No ex·guards or Japanese officers who were guilty of any atrocities were allowed to go free until they had been brought t o trial. It is sincerely believed that the ex· POW's who went back to testify at the ' Trials did a great deal of good to bring about a Peace Treaty. It was said that in the short time the ex·POW's lived at the Ito House, more candy and chewing gum were passed out to Japan· ese children, the ex·POW's clothed more ragged children, played more base· ball, and stopped more Japanese from being beat up by young GI's who were too young to fight in WWII, than all the M.P.'s together. About 50 ex· POW's went back to Japan to help testify at the Trials dtirfng the early part of 1947, the Japanese at Yokiichi built a memorial to ' all the Americans who passed away there during the war. A number of ex· POW's went down for the ceremonies Col. Montgomery was Officer in Charge, with Major Short, Barney Grill, Dominick Prosperio, Sam Moody, Har· old Dinsmore, and Sgt. Coxey - just to name a few of the men who went to the ceremonies. A wreath of flowers was ,placed on the monument by Col. ( 10 ) Major accused Jap'a nese war criminals, on trial before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, enter War Ministry building, Tokyo, Japan, for opening session of their tria ls. Mont gomery and Sgt. Moody on behalf of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor. This was just one of the many events that the ex·POW's held in Japan. On 9 April 1947 one of the biggest military gatherings ever held in the Far East was a get·together of all ex·POW's at the American Club in Tokyo. The pro· ceeds of this affair were sent back to the Main Office of the ADBC to help buy the Gold Star Mothers' unifol' A few of the m embers who helped at the War Trials were: Col. Montgomery, Col. Flineau, Major Short, M/Sgt. Joe Pace, Capt. Forbes, Col Swartz, M/Sgt. Barney Grill, M/Sgt. Dom Prosperio, M /Sgt. Jim Laird, M / Sgt. Tyler, T/ Sgt. Jack Bell, Lt. Britton, Eugene Clerec, Donald Ingle, Baker Austin, Lt. Ted Leitz, T / Sgt. Ernie Wilkinson. Most of the men gave up a year or more of their lives to go back to Japan to bring to trial the Japanese who had committed crimes against Americans. They also gave up chances for promo· tions, readjustment of grades and good assignments as Project J men. The two week vacation in Florida was also passed up by most of these witnesses to help bring the War Trials to a speedy close. So if they only tell you about the good side, also remember the other side and what they gave up to do their share to bring to a close the chapter of history marked "Bataan and Corregi· dor". IIOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE T op left-The defenders of Batan and Corregidor gather at the American Club in T okyo, Japan , April 9, 1947, to observe the Ninth .\nniversary of that historic event. Top right-Cemetery at Yokihichi, J a pan, for Americ an POW's who died in this area during World War II ;-liddle left-Sign at POW cemetery at Yokihichi, J apan ~licldl e right-Ito House, Tokyo, Japan, where ex-POW's lived as war crimes witnesses Lower left-Capt. Alfred W. Fobes of Mt. View, Okla., a prisoner of war of the J apanese at Camp T anagawa, Osaka, from 1942 to 1945, was witness in the trial of the camp's former commandant, K osaku H azama . L ower right-View of ' Var Min istry Building courtroom showing prisoners' box. Prisoners stand as tribunal judges enter courtroom at I)JTFE, Tokyo, Japan. ( 11) TENTH ANNIVERSARY On the following pages you will find the names of the members Who were kind enough to fill out the "Yearbook Information Sheet" and mail it in. On most of the forms the message was about the same - "that all memo bers would like to hear from former friends and also that their homes are always open to ex"POW's who might be passing through". In the event that your message does not appear it is only because about 80 percent of the messages were the same. We do hope that this year you will make an effort to renew old friendships with your former buddIes and friends. ABRAMS, BERNARD 406 W. 46th, New York, N. Y. Single Former Outfit : Radioman, USN Former Rank: Chief, USN Prison Camp : Yokohama, Japan Present Occupation: Communications Civil Service Message: Best wishes to all who remember "Ab" who introduced Gene J enette to the boys in Yokohama. ADAMS, ROBERT W. 125 Elizabeth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. ALBANESE, CHAUNCEY PAUL 3977 El Camino, Santa Clara, Calif. 1I.iarried Former Outfit: 19th Bomb Gp Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp : O'Donnell, Cabantuan Harihata, Japan Present Occupation: Runs a food shop. Message: Wants to hear f'!'Om John Bigelow. .AU..IN, SHERDIE WILLIAM Box 85, Lancaster, N. H. Married and 1 child ,F ormer Rank: Cpl. Former Outfit: 698 AC Ord. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, O'Don· nell, Los Pinas, Formosa, and Japan Occupation: Farmi"ng Message : Saw Arch St even and Sam Johnson last year. ALDRED, .TORN B. :1.720 Cal'dinal Court, Louisville, Ky. Married and 3 children Former Outflt: 192 Tank Bn Former Rank: Sgt Prison Camn : Cabanatu'a n and Ha· nawa, Japan Present Occunation : Route salesman for Standard Oil Co. AGOSTINELLI, CHARLES L. 801 Pena. Avp... William s port, Pa. Married and 3 children Former Outflt : Draftsm an S03rd Former Rank : Cp!. Prison Camp : Cabanatuan and Hirahata Present Occunation: Road Construe· tion Draftsman Message : Best regards to all AULD, FORREST F. 260 Central Ave., Dedham, Mass. Married and 3 children AMERI CAN DEFENDERS OF B A T AAN A ND CORREGIDOR Former Outfit : 16th Bomb Sq Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Sales Manager ALLISON, EUGENE E. 22100 San Miguel St., Woodland Hills, Calif, Married and 3 children Former Outfit: USN Former Rank: Chief Avn. Pilot Prison Camp: Bilibid Present Occupation: Distributor for food supplement BARNA, JOSEPH L. 430 Livingston Rd., Dravosburg, Pr. Married Former Outfit 20th Purs. Sqd. Fonner Rank: Cp!. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Mukden Present Occupation: U. S . Steel in· spector Message: Like to hear from Jack Carson and Joy Hamilton BAUMGA:RTNER, ANDREW F. 37 Elmwood Ave., Carteret, N. Y. Married with 2 boys and 1 girl Former Outfit: 803 Engr Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Davoa Penal Colony Present Occupation: Part owner and salesman in hardware store BAUMGARDNER, E. G. 408 Aurelia Ave., Coral Gables, Fla. Married and 1 girl . Former Outfit: USN CommunIca· tions Sv Former Rank: iLt. Comdr Prison Camp: Davao Penal Colony Present Occupation: Public Relations (Regional Mgr. RCA) BELL,FRANCffiELDON 543·18t St. Woodland, Calif. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 515th CAC Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp : Cabanatuan, Fukuoka No. 17 Present Occupation: Deputy County Assessor Messalte : Hello to all former buddies of 2ooth .CAC, New Mexico BENISHAKE, ALEX 700 State St., Albany, N. Y. Married and 2 children Former Outfit : 60th CA Rank : Cpl Prison Camp: Cahanatuan, Tana· gawa, !kuno Present Occunation: Accounting BONSALL. CHARLES F. HQ Co., 7811 AV, APO 757, c/o P .M. N.Y.,N.Y. Married and 2 children F'OI'JT\er Outfit : 59th CAe Ra.n k: M/Sgt. Prison Camn : Cabanatuan and Ya· warn., Japan Present Occupation : StiU in service, overseas. BORNT,HAROLD RD No., Waterford, N. Y. ( 12 ) Married and 1 child Former Outfit: Patrol Wg 10, USN Rank: AMMIc USN Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Billbid Occupation: Painter BUCKNER, HOUSTON B. Jr. P. O. Box 338, Salisbury, N. C. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 28th Bomb Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Gabanatuan "ad Nt· goya, Japan Occupation: Works in V A Hospital BURT, CHARLIE L. Rte 2, Box 21, c/o W. C. Mitchell Sr. Wister, Okla Married and 1 chUd Former Outfit: 31st Inf. Rank : SFC Occupation: Still in service with MP's in 9th Inf. Div. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan BOCK, GEORGEW. 1306 High St., Williamsport, Pa. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: Chemical Warfare and 31st Inf. Forme r Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Niig· ita, Japan Present Occupation: Truck Driver BLOOM, SAMUEL M., M.D. 123 E. 83rd St., N . Y. 28, N. Y. Married and 2 children Former Outfit : Med. Corps, Harbor Defense Former Rank: Major Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Santo Thomas Present Occupation: Doctor BOCKSEL, ARNOLD A. 145·70 Fourth Ave. Whitestone, L . I ., N . Y. Married and 4 children FOTmer Outfit: USA Mine Planter Former Rank: CWO Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Mudken Present Occupation: Sales Engineer BURNETT, ROBERT B. 2 Conrad crt., Newport, R. 1. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: USN Former Rank TM·2, USN Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Osaka, Japan Present Occupation: Still in USN, 3% years to retIre. BOWER, CLARENCE W. 2254 Shrewsbury Rd., Columbus, Ohio Married and 4 children Former Outfit: 19th Bomb Sq Former Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and 0'· Donnel . Present, Occupation : High School Teacher Message : All old friends are always welcome BOZONE, BIDLY G. 119 Croon Dr. Savannah, Ga. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: Hq Sq, 27th Bomb Gp Former Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp Clark Field, P . I. Present Occupation: Maint. Super· visor, now stationed at Hunter A.F.B., Go. HOTEL BRA D F ORD , B OSTON, MASSACHUSE T T S - BAILEY, KENNETH W. 30430 S. Greenbriar, Birmingham, Mich. Married and 2 girls Former Outfit: 19th Bomb Gp, Med Det Former Rank : S/Sgt. Prison Camp : Malaybalay, Davao, Yokkaichi Present Occupation: Sales Message Best Wishes to all myoId friends BORNEMAN, JOHN K. (Chaplain) 722 Mp1s BId. 17 and Penn. Ave., N .W . Washmgton, D. C. Married Fonner Outfit: 60th CAt: For mer Rank: Colonel Prison Oamp : Cabanatuan Prese!1! Occupation: Retired, but recrUItmg Chaplains for the service. BETTS,EDWIIN Route 7, Box 465, Tacoma Wash Married and 3 children ' . Fonner Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Mink farmer Message: Doing O.K. ; all healthy but not too wealthy, but holding our own. All friends welcome. BRESSI, AR'I1HUR A. 350 Melrose St., Keiser, Pa. Married and 1 girl Fonner Outfit: 60th CAC Fonner Rank: Prison Oamp: Hirohata and Osaka, Japan Present Occupation : In CIC for Uncle Sam. Due home from overseas in May 1955. BITTNER, ROBERT D. Box 177, Gray, Pa. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 3rd Pursuit Sqd Former Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Camp : Mukden Present Occupation: Appliance Service Station Message: Have twin daughters 7 years old and son 4 years old. BLALOCK, JOSEPH G. Hq Sq 8th Anny, APO 310, San Fran· cisco, Calif. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 31st Inf. Fonner Rank: Capt. Prison Camp : Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation: Club Officer, 8th Army Message: On his way home again ~ROWN, FRANK L. Box 345, Poteau, Okla. Married and 1 child Fonner Outfit: 7th Mat, 19th Bomb Sqd. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid and Clark Field Present Occupation: Social worker for VA Message: Like to hear from old friends. BLUEMEL, CLIFFORD C. 5 Colonial Ridge, M.R. No.1, Yardley, Pa. Married and 2 children Fonner Outfit: 31st Div. Fonner Rank: Brig. General Prison Camp: O'Donnel, Tarlac, P .I., Shirakao, Fonnosa, Bepu, Japan, Mukden, Manchuria SATURD AY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Present Occupation : Retired from the Service. BORRUANO,ANGELO Rt 1, Box 90 A, Plaquemine, La. Married and 1 child • Former Outfit: Btry H, 59th CAC Former Rank : Cpl Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Japan Message: Getting over T.B. Would like to hear from old friends. BOYD, GEORGE H . 65 Bishop Lane, Groton, Conn. Married Former Outfit : 16th Bomb Sqd Former Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Oamp : Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Teacher BURNS: EDWARD AlLILEN Bowman, N. D . Married and 2 childen Former Outfit: Philippine Med. Dept Fonner Rank : S/Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell and C3!bana· tuan Present Occupation: Prospecting for Uranium Message: No big strikes as yet, fellows BRENNAN, HAROLD (Blackie) 206 Sewell Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Marrie~ Fonner Outfit: 28th Mat Sqd Fonner Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Oamp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, and Hoten Present Occupation : Construction Electrician BAUMANN, HERJMAN C. (Rev. Father) PastOT, St. Joseph's Church, Carnegie, Pa. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Davo Omori, Shinagaw~ Present Occupation : Pastor Message: Like to 'hear from buddies. BARGiER,RiAY 608 Hill Court, Alexandria, Va. Married and 2 children Fonner Outfit : 28th Bomb Sqd Fonner Rank : M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Davao Penal Colony Present Occupation: Still in AF BREHM, CHARLES B. 1033 Penna Ave., Clairton, Pa. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs Fonner Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Nigata, Japan Present Occupation: U. S. Steel Cor p . Message: All friends welcomed BRANDT, L. iH. 67th Recon Tech Sqdn, Box 12 APO 703, San Francisco, Calif. Fonner Rank: M/Sgt., Married Present Occupation: Air Force Message: Now stationed in Japan. Good deal this trip - no more burned rice! BENSlING, ELMER J . JR. 4708 Spen Lea Rd., Louisville 16, Ky. Married and 2 children Fonner Outfit: 192nd Tank Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Fu· kuoka, Japan Present Occupation: Cost Accounting BENNETT, JOHN R. 15154 Sycamore Ave., Bethpage, N. Y. Married ( 13 ) Fonner Outfit: 440th Ordnance Fonner Rank: Pvt. Prison Camp: Lasang and Davao Present Occupation : None Message Hello to all; plenty of room for visitors. GARRINGER, W!A.YNE Robbinsville, N. C. Married and 2 children Former Outfit : 27th Bomb Sqd Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp : O'Donnell, Cabanatuan Message: Regards to friends COOK JAMES F. 226 E. Harpen Ave., Lenoir, N. C. CHARTOFF, 'MAURICE Box 82A, FRD 1, Matawan, N. J. Single Fonner Outfit: Aircraft Warning Co. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Bilibid, Tayabas, Cajanatuan, and Fukuoka No.3 Present Occupation: Electronic Engineer CAN"IWELL, JAMES D. Fleischmann, N. Y. Married and 1 boy Fonner Outfit: 19th AB Sq, 20th ABG Fonner Riank: S/Sgt Prison Oamp Cabanatuan and No.3 Japan Present Occupation: Sales manager Venere Mill, selling furniture. CAMPBEIJIJ, ALEX H . 884 Covington Rd., Los Altos, Calif. Married Fonner Outfit Chief A.W. Sv. Fonner Rank: Colonel Prison Oamp: O'Donnell, Tarlac, Mukden Present Occupation: Retired Mesage Am well and happy and enjoying retired life. COOK, HARRY W. 616 Circuit Rd., Portsmouth, N. H. FOTlller Outfit : Co. I , 31st Inf. CUTRUPI, FRANK 1669 73rd St., Brooklyn 4, N. Y. Married and 1 child Fonner Outfit: 454th Ordnance Fonner Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Davao, Japan Present Occupation: Barber Message: Would like to hear from old friends. CHERNITSKY, JOHN 22 Baldwin Ave., So. Bound Brook, New Jersey Single Fonner Outfit: 1st Air Craft Warning Co. Fonner Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Working in chemical plant. Message: Would like to hear from old friends. OOENNEN, GEORGE A. 1157 Linden Rd., Prescott, Ariz. Married and 3 children Fonner Outfit: PrOy Hq, 1st Philippine Gorps Former Rank: Capt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Bilibid and Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Advertising Mgr. Prescott Courier TENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF B 4 T AAN A ND CORRE GIDOR CANFIELD, EDWARD C. fense plant P.O. Box 1307, Monterey, Callf. Message: Just keep a stiff upper lip Married and help our club. Former Outfit Dem! Hq Phil Det. DiGIACOMO, PASQUALE Fonner Rank: SFC 23 Kelly Dr., Loring AFB Prison Camp: Nicholas Field, Caban· Limestone, Me. . atuan, Clark Field, Hanawa, Japan Married and 2 boys (1 in AF) Present Occupation: Deputy SheritJ, Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs Monterey County Former Rank: T/Sgt. Message: Looking for Givens R. SePrison Camp : O'Donnell and Osaka vern and Louis Buffone. Best reJapan gards to friends. Present Occupation: Mess Sgt. in COOK, JAMES F. USAF 226 E. Harper Ave., Lendir, N.C. Message : Would like to hear from Single ex-POW's. Former Outfit 60th CAe Fonner Rank: S/Sgt DEL ROSARIO, M. T. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Nichols Hqtrs 110 K02 Govs. Island, N. Y. Field, Bllibid Married and 8 children Present Occupation: Merchant Former Outfit: 352 Sig Co. Message: Best greetings to all Fonner Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Escaped from Death CONOVER, EARL M. March Columbia, Ky. Marrieti and 1 child Present Occupation: Motion Picture Former Outfit: 17th Ord Cameraman Former Rank: Pfe Message: Like to hear from old Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, O'Donnell friends from 228 Sig Ops Present Occupation: Construction COOMBS, DONALD N . DiMEO, AlRTHUR T . Stonington, Maine 69 Laconia Rd., Cranston, R. I. Married and 3 children Married and 2 children Fonner Outfit: 803rd Eng Bn Former Outfit: 24th Purs. Sqd Fonner Rank: Cpl Fonner Rank: Slg t Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Billbid, Omine Machi Cabanatuan, Funatsu Present Occupation: Postal Present Occupation: Post Office Dept, CUNNINGHAM, RAY Message: Would like to hear from 10530 Lesure, Detroit TI, Mich. old friends Married and 1 child Fonner Outfit: Quartennaster, USN DISOWAY, WILBUR F. Fonner Rank: Chie1l 20 Mitchell Rd., Hampton, Va. Prison Camp: Bllibid, Cabanatuan, Single Davao, Yokichi Former Outfit: 28th Bomb Sqd Present Occupation: Sales Program 19th Gp Mgr. Plymouth Mtr. Co. Former Rank M/Sgt. : COX, .TAMES C. Prison Camp: Bilibid, Cabanatuan, Hq Sq Hq 15th AF, Robins AFB, Ga. Davao Single Present Occupation: Retired Fonner Outfit: 60th CAC Message: Would like to hear trom Former Rank: Pvt. all men of old 28th. Important. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and DOWN, RJALPH J. Mukden 915 Alcoma St., Sharon, Pa. Present Occupation: Now S/Sgt. in Married and 2 children the Air Force; making a career Former Outfit: 454th AVN Bomb of it. Fonner Rank: S/Sgt. CALLi, ROBERT P. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Upa Scott Ave., Pikeville, Ky. Present Occupation: Merchant; also Married with House of Representatives in Fonner Outfit: 28th Bomb Sqd Pennsylvania Fonner Rank: S/Sgt Prison Camp: Kawassaki, Japan DAVIS, WILLIAM E. 17 S . Groverland Ave., Medford, Ore. Present Occupation: Operates Ser· Married and 2 children vice Station. Former Outfit: 60th OAC DAWSON, STAN Former Outfit: Sgt. 428 N. Division, Powell, Wyo Prison Camp: Ca:banatuan and Nich· Single olas Field Fonner Outfit: 5th ABC Present Occupation: Bar Tender Former Rank: Cpl Message: Canalways be found at Prison Camp: Malaybalay, Davaro, Union Club, Medford, Oregon. Bllibid, Narumi, Japan Message: Takes part in local Vet DODDATO,ARTHURJOHN activities; all ex-POW's welcome 305 Middle Dr., Box 525, W. Jeffer· at all times. son, OhIo Married and 5 children DAILEY, FRANK H. Former Outfit: 31st Inf. 1804 S. Tallatin St., Marion, Ind Former Rank: T/Sgt. Married and 1 child Prison Camp : Cabanatuan, Port Fonner Outfit: 1st cook, Hq, Harbor Area, Bllibid Defense Present Occupation: Air Force Former Rank: Sgt. Message: Still in AF in Field Maint. Prison Camp: Section; will retire in 1956. Present Occupation : Works in de(14 ) DRAKE, JAMES F . P . O. Box 141, Batesville, Mass. Married and 3 children Former Outfit : 16th Bomb, Tlth Gp Former Rank : S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and No. 5 and 6 Japan P resent Occupat ion : Brick Mason Message: Would like to hear from anyone who was in Hannaii, Japan EVANS, DAVID M. Main St., Lonaconing, Md. Married and 2 children Former Outfit : S03rd Engrs. Former Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Present Occupation Engineer on Western Md. Railroad Message : Building new house that will be finiShed in Spring. Aill friends welcome. EDWARDS, GEORGE V. 2417 Walnut, Norfolk, Va. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: USN Former Rank: SKC Prison Camp: Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation : Storekeeper, USN ERBA,FRANK 175 Cypress St., Newton 59, Mass. Married and 2 children Former Outfit : 16th Bomb Sqd, 27th Bomb Gp Former Rank : T /Sgt. Prison Camp Clark Field, Nicholas Field, Kumamoto Present Job : Tutoring Civil Service employees Message : wants to hear from friends EBERT, WILLIAM LANDIS 128 E. Main St., Fleetwood, Pa. Married and 2 children Dept. Former Outfit: Air Warning, Phil Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Bilibid, Cabanatuan, Nigata Present Occupation : Display Designer DZIMBA, PEtER 22 Jefferson St., Yonkers, N. Y. Married and 1 dh1ld Former Ouffi.:t: ~AlF Rlank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Kukoko, Japan Occupation: Still in service; escort duty. EMERICK. JOHN M. 7474 McClive Ave., Pittsburgh 8, Pa. Married Former Outfit: MP, 19th Air Base Former Rank: Cpl. Prison camp: Hanawa Prf'sent Occupation : Metallurgy Research EVANICHARD,STANLEY Box 10, Loyal Hanna, Pa. Married and 2 children; Fonner Outfit: 803 Engrs Former Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Yodoyawa. Oyama Present Occupation : Working in Machine Shop. FlARMER. SAlULIE P . 945 Studer Ave., Columbus, Ohio (Married and 5 children Former Outfit: Nurse, MC Fonner Rank: Capt.· Prison Camp : Santa Thomas HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - FEINER, HAROLD 1581 Fulton lA ve., N. Y. 57, N. Y. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 17th Ordnance Former Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp : Cabanatuan, Fukuoka, Omuta Present Occupation: In Picture frame and art business Message : See you at the convention FREDERICK, LE ROY M. 146 Hawthorne Dr., Mt. Holley, N.J. Married and 3 children l<~ormer Outfit: 17th Pur Sqd Former Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Yodogawa, Japan Present Occupation: Still in service; recruiting for AF in N. J. GAGNON, JOSEPH A. 11 Roy St., Nashua, N. H. M.arr.ied and 4 children Former Outfit: LLght Maintenance Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Formosa Present OC<!upation : Welder; fabri· cator. Message : You are always welcome to come and see me when you are in town. G.ALOS,WlI..JLI.lAlM. E. 'Dwin Hill Farm, E. Kingston, N. H. Married and 3 girls Former Outfit: Corps of Engineers Rank: 1st Lt. Prison Camp : O'Donnel, Nichols, Bilibid, Caibanatuan Occupation: Pile Driver and carpenter Message Have 34 acre: farm, all d oors lead to kitchen. GRZYBOWSKI, BERNARD R. 4 Kent Ave. I,Iarried and 3 children Outfit: 31st Inf. Rank : Cpl. Present Occupation : Steel Worker Prison Camp : Omine Machi GMEINER, K. C'G") Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Former Outfit: USN Present Occupation: Still in Navy GAYDOS, ROBERT G. 5106 Maplecrest Ave., Parma 29, Ohio Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs Former Rank : S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, Kyushu, Japan Present OC<!upation: Selling Furniture GJLLET , BRUNETTA 1801 Crydendale Pl., N . W ., Washington, D. C. Married Former Rank: Major Prison Camp : Santa Thomas Present Occupation : Physical Therapist. GAGLIANO, NEIL Box 197, Hillsville, Pa. Married Former Outfit: S03rd Engrs. Former Rank : Cpl. Prison Camp : Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation: "Euclid Diver"; hauling limestone GOLDBR-UN. LOUIS M8.rrted and 2 children SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Former Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Camp No. 17, Kyushu Present Occupation: Shoe Salesman Message: Would like to hear from old friends GOLDSTEIN, LEWIS 8227 Marion Rd., Elkins Park, Pa. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 454th Ord Avn Former Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Bilibid. Nurami Present OC<!upation: Buying and ~ mg seafood (Segoto to you; better study your Japanese!) GEROI.:A, DARlO D. 117 E. 83rdSt., N. Y. City 28, N. Y. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 20th ABG Former Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Zeblan Field, and Japan Present Occupation: International Business Machine GOlJla), ENOS CLARKI 824 Harris Ave., Woonsocket, R.I. :Married Former Outfit: 59th Reg Fonner Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, ABhio, and Histacki, Japan HATCH, JOHN 131 Huntington Ave., Manchester, New Hampshire Married Former Outfit : 16th Bomb Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp. Davao, Yokiichi Present OC<!upation: NeOIC Recruitlng, Manchester, N. H. HAMBRICK. WILBURN H. Ward A·2, Vet Hosp., Je1Ierson Bks 23, Missouri Married and 1 boy Former Outfit: 31st Inf Former Rank : Pvt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan. Nichols Field and Narumi, Japan Presently Hospitalized Message : Sends thanks to Dick "RED" Hutchinson HILLMAN. JOHN A. Gen Del, Fort Knox, Ky Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 1st/Sgt. of B Bty 60th C.A. Former Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Osaka, Kobe, Tsuruga, Japan Present Occupation: Retired from serv; now in Civil Service Message : Be sure you get a good physical before retirin·g . HEUTON,WILBUR Glidden, Iowa Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs. Former Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Hoten Camp, Mukden Present OC<!upation: Farming-grain and livestock. HALLMAN, LEONARD (Porky) Guantanomo Bay. Cuba Former Outfit : Radioman, USN Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present OC<!upation : Navy HOCK. PETER 4546 Orchard Ave., San Diego, CaU1. (15 ) Married Former Outfit: Radioman, USN Former Rank: FHRELE Prison Camp: Port Area Present Occupation: Retired due to physical disability; going to school on G.!. Bill. Message: Would like to hear from the boys. HELHOWSKI, WALTER B. Box 142%, Rt 3, Perkasie, Pa. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 60th CAe Former Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Coremaker Message: Like to see old friends H.AMMEI;, THOMAS M.. 3601 Lolita Dr., Concord, callf. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 7th Mat Sqd FormerRank:TIS~ Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, H1rohata Present Occupation: Cost Clerk, Continental Can Co.. HITCHCOCK, WILUIAM T. RFD No.6, Chattanooga, Tenn. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 17th Bomb Sqd Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabana· tuan,Osaka Present OC<!upation: Letter Carrier HEWITr, WALTER J~ 440-5 Kearney, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Married and 4 children Former Outfit: 12tih Signal Co. Former Rank: Lt. CoL Married and 1 child HARLAN, HENRY C. Prison Camp: Mitcuch1ma and Kanose Route 3, Box 173, Truman, Ark. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 60th OAQ Former Rank: Pfc Prison Camp: Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation, Farming Message: Like to hear from friends INGALLS, ARTHUR L P.O. Box 791, Quincy, Callf. Single Former Outfit: Weather Observer in IA!F Former Rank: CpL Prison Camp: cabanatuan and Omuta Present Occupation: Dept of M1lr Vehicles Message: Getting along good. JENSEN, GORDON (Tom) 1601 Elm Ave., Modesto, Calif. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 20th Purs Sqd. Crew Chief FormerRank:TISgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan Port Area, Bilibid, Handwa. Japan Present OC<!upation: Field Representative for Tri·Valley Cannery JORDON, [1ARRy 2038 Cullom Ave., Chicago 18, m Present Occupation: Traveling Sales. man for a silversmith Message: Would like all ex-POW'8 to drop In. TENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGlDOR Message: Treasurer of the Penna. LAMBO, JERRJY P. 109 Wrote Birch Lane, Stamford, Chapter of ADBC Conn. LANKFORD, COY Married and 2 children 816 S. Washington St. Shelby, N. C. Former Outfit: 27th Bomb Gp Married and 1 child Former Rank: Sgt. Former Outfit: 31st Inf. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, CabanaRank: Cpl. tuan, Clark Field, and Hanawa Pris_o n Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupat·i on: Golf Pro Message: Regards to friends Message: Best regards to all LAPE, LEE ROY Bartlesville, Okla. MARCHESINI, BRUNO Married and 2 boys Qtr 1007-E Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Ala. FOTIIler Outfit: QMC; street car operator Oorregidor Married Former Rank: Pvt. Former Outfit: 27th Mart Sqd Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Yodogawa, Bunsho, Japan Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Present Occupation: Working in Mukden Foundry. Occupation: Photography in USAF =rf~~~er'c~~son, ~ Message: Have diary of Louis E. Message: Like to hear from Joe RuSontag, USMC, who died in Osaka back Former Outfit: Medical Dept. Former Rank: Sgt. LISKOWSKY, HARRY C. McQUEENEY, Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Fu16 Boston St., Malden 48, Mass. LAWRENCE MICHAEL kuokaNo.17 Married and 2 children 1 Sunset Trail, Den¥ille, N. J., Present Occupation: None Former Outfit: 2nd OB Sqd Married Message: Still kicking! Former Rank: T/Sgt. Former Outfit: 60th CAC Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Nicholas KANE, GEORGE W. JR. Rank: S/lSgt, Field, Bilibid Married Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, Present Occupation: Ass't. Migr. 1190 Van Buren St. SW, Atlanta, Ga. Towyo Dispatch "2 Sendai No.8" Super Market Former Outfit: 27th Bomb Sqd P,r esent Occupation: Lab Technician Mesage: Like to hear from someone Former Rank: Major Message: Would like to hear from in Shinagawa Hosp. KALLUS, EDWARD J. members 808 MP Co. and C Battery LARKIN, RALFH W. PO Box 337, Lufkin, Texas 60th OAe Box 25, RixfoTd, Pa. Single MOODY, SAMUEIJ B. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: Medical Corps 320 S, Broadway, Apt. t-11, TarryFormer Outfit: S03rd Engl"S. Former Rank: Colonel town, N. Y. Former Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: O'Donnel and CabanMarried and 2 chlldren Prison Camp Cabanatuan, and Muktuan Former Outil..t: 91st Bomb den Present Occupation Retired Rank: M/Sgt. Message: Been in VA Hospital, but KORMAN, ABRAHAM Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, O.K. now 8 Packard St., Bloomfield 12, Conn. Narumi LeCLAIR, JOHN H. Married and 1 boy and 1 girl Present Occupation: M/Sgt., USAF, 67 Flint St., Pawtaucket, R. I. Former Outfit: 17th Bomb Sqll MilKE, EDWAR:D Married and 3 children, Former Rank: Sgt. 2613 Queens Chapel Rd., N. E., WashFormer Outfit: 5th Intcp Sqd Prison camp: Cabanatuan and Davao ington 18, D. C. FOl"mer Rank: Sgt. Present Occupation: Electrician, Pratt Married and 3 children Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabana· Whitney FOTmer Rank: Cpl tuan, and Japan Message: See everyone at the conPresent Occupation: Works for Gov't Present Occupallion: Dental Technivention. Diplomatic Servrice cian KELLETl', JAOK D. LITCHKO, MICHAEL 2810 Pine Burr Rd., Tyler, Texas MAlHONEY, DAN J. 247 Westwood Ave., Staten Island :Married and 3 children Cambridge, Mass. 14,N. Y. Former Outfit: 48th Materdal Married and 2 children Married and 2 children Former Rank: Cpl. Present Occupation: Mess Sgt. at Former Outfit: 60th OAC Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Nicholas Bedford AFB, Bedford, Mass. Former Rank: Sgt. Field, and Oeyama Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, MOCK, HA-RRY Present Occupation: Fitting molder Port Area and Fumatsu 2323 Patton Rd., Roslyn, Pa. ,i n foundry. Present Occupation: Still in serviceMarried Message:' New .book out called USA Former Outfit: 91st Bomb Sqd "Wings and Eagles" Former Rank: Cpl. LYNDS, THOMAS R. KING, WELDON (Jack) RFD No.3, Bov 224, Warren, Pa. 1234 E. Grand Ave., Springfield 4, MANN, WILLIAM Married and 1 child Mo. 3100 Strathmore Ave., Norfolk, Va. Former Outfit: 60th Coast Art_ Former Outfit: Harbor Def. Married and 1 child Former Rank: Pfc Rank: S/Sgt. Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and NiPrison Camp: Cabanatuan and MukFormer Rank: CpI. gata, Japan den Prison Camp: Mitsushima, Japan PTesent Occupation: Car salesman Occupation: Expeditionary photoPresent Occupation: Message: Would like to hear fTom graphy. A number of my pictures Message: All friends welcome old friends have been in Life, Holiday, Sports lliustrated etc. UaFORET, MARSHALL J. McCRACKEN, ALAN R. 60 Cloverdale Rd., Newton High5619 McLean Dr., Bethesda 14, Md. KOOT, JOHN S. lands, Mass. Married and 3 children 1-3A Marhoefer Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Married Former Outfit: Commander US Married Former Outfit: USN, electrician Mindanao Former Outfit: Hq 24th Purs Gp Former Rank: CEIM Former Rank: Rear Admiral Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Umeeda, Bunsha, Oska Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Davao . Prison Camp: O'Donnell, OabanaPresent Occupation: College InstrucMessage: Now retired and spends tuan, Mukden tor at B. U.; hopes for Doctor's most time traveling; just returned Present Occupation: ArchitectlU."al Degree in 1956 from Egypt. examiner for FHA JOHNSON, EARL C. 834 W. H. St., Ontario, Calif. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: USN Former Rank: Lt. Prison Camp: Port Area, Hanawa Pl"esent Ocupation: Retired and now employment officer and claims examiner at employment office. JACKFERT, EDWAR!I) 201 Hillcrest Dr., Wellsburg, W. Va. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 28th Bomb Sqd Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Kawasaki, Japan Present Occupation: Now special agent Internal Revenue Service JENKINS, FREDERICK (16 ) HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE POW's. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan METTA, NICKOLAS Message: Still well and shooting Message: Retired July 31st, 1953; Lexington Rd., Billerica, Mass. crap; like to hear from friends. last assignment was PMS&T of Married and 2 chlldren ROT and University of WashingFormer Outfit: 2nd OBS Sqd MIHOK, J. A. ton. Former Rank: T/Sgt. 425 Mighfield Rd., Louisville 7, Ky. Prison Camp: Osaka and Yodogawa, Married and 1 child OHLER, CHARLES E. Japan Former Outfit: 17th Ord. Co. 3000 Clifton Park Terrace, Baltimore Present Occupation: Navy Yard Former Rank: S/Sg,t . 13, Maryland Photographer Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan Married and 2 children Message: Like to hear from old Lipa, Calauan, Batangas, and CanFormer Outfit: 21st Purs Sq buddies. delaria Former Rank: T/Sgt. Present Occupation: Advance manu· MENOZZI, HARRY P. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan Box 423 2nd Ave., Suterville, Pa. facture plannelj and Moji, Japan Mavried MINDER, JOSEPH G. Message: All friends welcome. Former Outfit: Cook, 803rd Engrs North Creek, N. Y. O'NEILL, ELEANOR E. Former Rank: Cpl Married and 2 children 3705 Alamedia De Las Pulgas, San Prison Camp: Yodogawa and Oeyama Former Outfit 803 Aviation A Co. Mateo, Calif. Present Occupation: Runs an Ice Former Rank: Cpl. Singl~ Cream Shop Prison Camp Cabanatuan Former Outfit: Army Nurse Corps Message: Free ice cream to all exPresent Occupation: Mail Carrier Former Rank: Capt. POW's who come in his store. McKISSICK, JAMES T. JR., DDS Prison Camp: Santo Tomas MASTERSON, NORMAN J. 501 N. Lee St., Odessa, Tex. Present Occupation: Retired Route 1, Brookland, Ark. Marrie<\ Message: Would like to hear the reMarried and 3 children Former Outfit: Dental Corps port on the money in banks in Former Outfit: 59th Coast Art. Former Rank: Major Manila. Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Bilibid and CabanaPrison Camp: Mukden PASQUALE, FRANK J. tuan Present Occupation: Farming - has 1978 W. Eight St., Broklyn, N. Y. Present Occupation: Ch.!ief of Oral 80 a'Cre farm. Married and 2 girls Surgery at Ecton County Hospital. Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs MOLDOVAN, CARL LOUIS MADDEN, J1AiMES E. Former Rank: Cpl. Sun Flower Rd., Bew Brighton, Pa. Hq Air University, Maxwell AFB, Prison Camp: Yodogawa, Osaka, Married and 2 child en Ala'bamaJ Japan Former Outfit: 91st Bomb Sq, 27th Married and 2 children Bomb Gp Former Outfit: Hq 24th Pursuit PATRICK, S'DANLEY Former Rank: Cpl 1815 Green Leaf st., Pittsburgh, 11, Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Japan Prison Camp: O'Donnell, CabanaPennsylvania Present Occupation: Architect tuan, Funatsu Married and 3 children Message: Like to hear from friends Present Occupation: Personnel OffiFormer Outfit: 59th CA cer in AF (Captain), Prison Camp: Cabanatuan MILLER, JESSE L. Present Occupation: Clerk in Postal Box 1956, Manila Philippine Islands MIKITA, THOMAS JR. Married and 1 child Service. A Co., 350 Inf. Reg., APO 541, c/o Former Outfit: 24th Purs. Sqd PM N. Y. City, N. Y. PETERSON, WlJLLIAM (Bill) Former Rank: Pvt. PO Box 863 Sta A, St. Petersburg, Fla. Single Prison Camp : O'Donnell, CabanaFormer Outfit: 31st Inf. Single tuan,Japan Former Rank: SFC Former Outfit: QMC Present Occupation: Missionary in Prison Camp: O'Donnell, CabanaFormer Rank: M/Sgt. Manila; runs Serviceman's Home Prison Camp: O'Donnel, Cabanataun tuan, Clark Field, Hanawa Present Occupation: USIA. MAl, JOHN M. and Bilibid Message : Still in service in Austria; Present Occupation: Retired and 926 York St., Covington, Ky Married and 4 'Children coming home in Sept. now writing stories. Former Outfit: 60th CA MclIJAUGHLIN, CHARLES A. PFEIFFER, EUGENE G. Former Rank: Cpl. 73 Orange St., Brooklyn 1, N. Y. 31 S. Village Dr., Somers Point, N.J. Prison Camp: Camp 3 and 22, Japan Married Married and 1 child Present Occupation: Truck Driver Former Outfit: HQ Co., Philippine FOTmer Outfit. 23rd Inf. Message: Like to hear from buddies. Former Rank: Lt. Col. Dept. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, Married and 1 child METRAS, TREFFLE E. Mindanao Rank: SrF C P.O. Box 33, Reseda, Calif. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, CabanaPresent Occupation: iRetired Married tuan, Davao Penal Colony, Yocichi For-mer Outfit: 803rd Engrs. NASH,OARL Present Occupation Machinist Former Rank: 1st Sgt. Harlem, Ga. Prison Camp: Camp Hoten, Mukden, Message: Best wishes for health and MaTried and 2 children peace for all my buddies. Manchuria Former Outfit: 27th Bomb Sqd Present Occupation: Civil Service, Former Rank: M/Sgt. PICOTTE, CARYL L. V.A. Hospital Prison Camp O'Donnell and Cabana1150 LaCresta Blvd., EI Cajon, Calif. Message: Good fortune to all tuan Married and 1 child Message: Just returned from NewFormer Outfit: Hq&Hq Phi Air Depot MARGIOTTO, FRlANK JOSEPH 393 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. foundland. Is still in service. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Single Present Occupation: Raising horses O'DAY, RAlY 'M. Former Outfit: Communication USN Message: All ex-POW's are welcome 1814 Blue Ridge Drive, Seattle 77, Former Rank: Chief Yeoman at any time. Washington Prison Camp: Bilibid and Cabanatuan Married and 5 children PAIVIA, GlABRIEL D. Present Occupation: Office Work Former Outfit: 21st Div. P. A. Senior 31 Inman St., Cambridge, Mass. Message: Regards to all shipmates Instructor Single and military friends. Rank: Colonel Former Outfit: Torpedoman US Prison Oamp: O'Donnel, Tarlac, KaMASON, THOMAS Canopus renko and Shirakawa (Taiwan) ; Irvine, Pa. Former Rank: TM, USN Chen Chiatun and Mukden, ManMarried and 2 children Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bllibid, churia Former Outfit: QMC NCOIC SubTanagawa, Osaka Present Occupation: Retired; Editor sistence Present Occupation: -e x-Navy man Chit Chat, newsletter for Jap working for Army (fire fighter) Former Rank: T/Sgt. (17 ) TENTH ANNIVERSARY PICKMAN, SIMME 48 Cedar St., Marblehead, Mass. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 17th Pur Sqd Former Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanataun, Hiroyatha Present Occupation: Salesman in New England. POTHIER,BERNARD M. 9 Merrow Lane, Stoneham, Mass. Mavried and 3 children Former Outfit: 24th Pur Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Bilibid, Kyushu Present Occupation: Printer PINKOVSKY, MICHAEL Westover AFB, Mass. Married Present Occupation: M/Sgt. USAF PREWETT, G. IV . (Buck) 6245 Pasteur Blvd., New Orleans, La. Married and 2 children FOTmer Rank: M/Sgt. Former Outfit: 27th Bomb Sqd Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Nicholas, Present Occupation: M/Sgt. USAF (Armament) Message: Only hope my friends are as happy with living as I am. POSTER, JOSEPH T. 109 Emerald Ave., Pennside, Reading, Pa. Marrte<iJ Former Outfit: B03rd Engrs. Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Camp Hoten Present Occupation: Industrial Engineer PHILLIPS, LAWRENCE H. 143 Wiman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Marned Former Outfit: 27th Mat Sqd Former Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Checker PATRIZO, AUSTIN M. 90 Belmont Ave., Jersey City 4, N. J. Single Former Outfit: Hq & Hq HD of MSB Former Rank: SFC Prison Camp: Osaka, Japan Present Occupation: BuRdffig Construction ROOTT, MEUVIN LELAND 131 Phoenix Ave., Modesto, Calli. Marned and 2 children Former Outfit: USS Canopus Former Rank: MM 2/c, USN Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bllibid Present Occupation: Capt. in Fire Dept. ROSE, JAMES I. JR. 40 Westview Lane, Glastonbury, Connecticut Married and 1 clrlldi Former Outfit: 48th Mat Former Rank: Pvt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Gapan, Cabanatuan, Clark Field Present Occupation: Claims Emminer for insurance company ROGATCH, JOHN 5440 Arlington 9ve., St. Lauds 20, Mo. AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BAT AAN AND CORREGIDOR Single! FormeT Outfit: 4th Marines Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Umeda, Osaka, Japan Present Occupation: Tending Bar RAY, JOHN! 47 Liberty Ave., W. Somerville, Mass. Married Former Outfit: 4th Marine Corps Former Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Clark Field, Hanaua Present Occupation: Gov't Inspector Message: Like to hear from the old 4th MaTines. REEL, CHARLES C. 324 Castle Dr., Ft. Bragg, N. C. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 60th CAC Rank: M/Sgt. Occupation: Still in service; Sgt. Major of 92 Eng. Bn. REES, WALTER ELWIN 3319 Middlesex Dr., Toledo, Ohio Married FormeT Outfit: HQ QMC Harbor Def. Former Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation: USA Ordnance Inspector Message: Anyone passing through Toledo stop in fOT a drink. ROSEMONT,EUGENE 1432 E.15th Ave., Maywood, m. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 12th QMC Former Rank: Major Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Zentsuji Present Occupation: Credit Dept., Timeway FUnMshers, Chicago ROBBINS, ROBERT C. 2632 S. Hampton Rd., Dallas, Texas Former Outfit: 15th Eng. Phil Scouts D.D. Former Rank: captain Prison Camp.: Cabantuan, Zentsupii, and Roko, Japan Present Occupation: Dentist Message: Thank the good Lord for taking care of us all since our return RAU, ROBERT C. Frankenmuth, Mich. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: S03rd Engrs. Former Rank: Pfc Prison Camp: Hotan, Manchuria Present OccupatiO'D: Electrician ROBINSON, LEONARD L. Box 715, North Bonneville, Wash. Married and 1 girl Former Outfit: 200th CAC Former Rank: Pfc Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan and Nriigata, Japan Present Occupation: Minister of two churches REUTER, PAULW. 1730 W. Wood St., Shamokin, Pa. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 15th BO'ffib Sqd (H) Former Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Bilibid, Hirohata ( 18) Present Occupation: Still in AF; stationed at Sedalia AFB, Mo. REYNOLDS, ARTHUR H. 948 Center Point Dd., N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowal Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 27th Mat Former Rank: M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Still O'D active duty USAF. REYNOLDS, ROBERT Gissen QM Depot, Glissen Germany Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 24th Pursuit Former Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan Japan Fresent Occupation: First Lt. .AF1 , Mesage: Author of "Rice and Men" RAFFERTY, PATRICK Hq 3rd AF Ruislip Middlesex U. K. Married and 4 children Former Outfit: 2nd Ob Sqd Former Rank: Lt. Col. Prison Camp: Davao and KOTea Present Occupation: Still in service; doing Staff work ROSSELL, CLYDE P. (Rosy) Married and 2 boys DR No.2, Box 108, PeTrYopolis, Pa. Former Outfit: 14th Bomb Sqd Rank: T/Sgt. Prison Camp: Kakasaka and Omora Occupation: Farmin'g and mill work. ROWLAND, JOHN E. 7040 Clevenland Ave., Westerville, Ohio Married and 1 son and 1 daughter Former Outfit: 192nd Tank Co. Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Hoten Manchuria Occupation: Chief Acctg Branch, Ft. Hayes, Columbus, Ohio RUSSELL, NELSON H. Post Ordnance Office, Ft. Dix, N. J. Rank: Lt. Col. RYNERSON, JOHN P. 1635 Kingston Rd., Kokomo, Ind. Married and 2 sons Former Outfit: 93rd Bomb Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Mukden, Manchuria Occupation: Research Engineer Message: Like to hear from old gang SMITH STANLEY W., iODS Sandwich, m. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: Dental officer USN Former Rank: Commander Prison Camp: Ca:banatuan, Bilibid, Osaka Present Occupation: Dentist SMITH, NEVIN N., 310 Erie St., Edinboro, Pa. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs, B Co. F ormer Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Fukuoka, Japan Preesnt Occupation: Rehabilitation Counsellor HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- SATURDA Y , MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE SCHULTZ, ELACK, M.D. Nichols Field Present Occupation: Wheatfarmer 21·35 34th Ave., Long Island City 6, and cattle breeder New York! Message: This gentleman was the Married BiHbid barber. Former Outfit : Dr. 91st Bomb Sqd Former Rank: Majol'l Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Nurumi, , STEPPER, VERMONT (Monte) 2660 Ladd, Salem, Oregon Japan Married and 1 boy Present Occupation: Dootol" Former Outfit: 809 MP Co., Corregi· Message: All ex-POW's welcome. dor STADTMILLER, FRED Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Osaka, Yodigawa, 519 McNaughton St., Rochester 8, Bumshaw New York. Present Occupation: Offdce Equip' Married and 2 boys ment Engineer Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs., Message: Greetings to old friends: Former Rank: Sgt. would like to hear from old bud· Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Fukoaka, dies. Japan Present Occupa,tion: Metal Grinder SHORT. BILLY B. in factory Route 5, Box 2326 Oreville, Calif. Message: Like to' hear from Charles Married Gibbons and Nevin Smith. Former Outfit: Mine P ,l anter, C.A. SMITH, JAMES H. Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Port Hq 51st Ord Gp, APO 28, N.Y., N.Y. Area, Kamioka, Japan Married and 3 children Present Occupation: Farmer Former Outfit: 194 TankBn Message : like to hear and see old Rank: M/Sgt. friends. Prison Camp: Ca,banatuan, Mukden Present Occupation: Still in Service Message: Now stationed in Ger· STANTON, FREDERIC D. many; back in December 1955. 8 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio Married and 2 children SNIEZKO, WILLIAM Rank: iMajor Present Occupation: Lawyer Hq AACS, Andrews AFB, Wash. 25, Message: Would like to hear about , D. C. or from Lt. Paul Geer, 7th Mat Married and 3 children Sqd) Former Outfit: 3rd Purs Sqdn Rank: M/Sgt. SIROIS, LOUIS S. Prison Camp: Port Area OMS Box 607, APO 731, Seattle, Present Occupation : M/ Sgt., USAF Wash. Message: Now lives in Washington; like to hear from o~d friends. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 24th Pursuit Sqd SCRAMM, ERIC Rank : WOJG 2270 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles 41, Prison Camp: Cabanatuan CaMf. Present Occupation: Base Supply Married and 1 child Office, USAG Former Outfit: Quartermaster Corps Message: Best regards to all. Rank: Captain Prison Camp: Cabana>tuan and Hiro· SOIFER, GILBERT hata, Japan 7345 Malvern Ave., Philadelphia 31, Present Occupation: Now stationed Pennsylvania in Salzburg, Aust.ria. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs. STEF ANGE, JOHN B. Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Kukkeoka, Japan 10617 Rosehice Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Message: Always glad to see and Married and 1 child hear from old friends. Former Outfit: USN, Boatswam Mate Rank: Coxswain, USN SCALA, RENATO R. Prison Camp: All over the Pacific 406 F.I.W., APO 198 N.Y. City, N. Y. Message: Best regards to men of Married and 3 children the Houston and 131st Field Art. Former Outfit Rank: M/Sgl SOKALSKY, JOHN Present Occupation: Secretary, NCO 132 Sycamore, Allentown, Pa. Club. . Married and 2 children Mesage: Like to hear from Stick Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs. Simmons, Oscar Wild, William Rank: Sgt. Yount, David Van Hook Prison 'Camp : Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation: Ass't Spectro- SALDlVA'R, JULIAN THEOIDORE graphic Analyst 9815 Limerick Dr., Dallas, Texas Married and 2 children SCHREPEL, MELVIN L. Former Outfit: 24th ~A, MC Rank: Lt. Col. Coats, Kansas Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Married and 3 children Occupation: Doctor, general practice Former Outfit 803rd Engrs. Message: Will retire from Reserve Rank: Sgt. after 20 yrs., in June 1955. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Bilibid, (19 ) SALVA, CALVIN V. Post Hq., Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y., Sta· ten Island 5, N. Y. Married and 6 children Former Outfit: 88th FA Rank: MJSgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Capas, Tar· lac Occupat'i on: Still in service Message: Best regards to all. SHUM;AN, ALBERT M. 939 Washing,t on St., Reading, Pa. Former Outfit: 19th Bomb Gp Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Han· awa Occupation: Real Estate and Insur· ance Message: Workin,g hard; doing a mtle fishing. STOUTENBURGH, MARSHAIL B. Del County, Delhi, N. Y. Married and 2 children Former Outfit: 19th AB Sqd Rank: S/Sgl Prison Camp: Bilirbid and Cabana· tuan Occupation: Probation Officer Message: Hopes all his friends are -w ell. STULL, KENNETH 172 Franklin Ave., Vandergrift, Pa. Married and 1 child Former Outfit : 803rd Engrs. Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan - Omori Present Occupation: Self·employed; furniture store. SUTTON, NATHAN D. 809 Elinor Place, Utica, N. Y. Married Former Outfit: 60th Rank: Cpl. Prison Camp: Oyeama, Japan Occupation: Inst.rument repair TEMPLE, JOHN W. 1402 Welaware Ave., Womissing, Pa. Former Outfit: 701st Ord. Rank: Major Prison Camp: Malaybalay, Davao, Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Metallurgist for ~teel company. Message: Would like to hear from friends TALBOT, ALBERT Dol The Assumption Rectory, Westport, Conn. Former Outfit: Chaplains Corps Rank: Major Prison Camp: Bilibid and Cabantuan Present Occupation: Assistant Pastor at Westport, Conn. Message : Like to hear from all old friends TONDRBAULT, ALPHONSE J. 49 Memorial Drive, Salem, Mass. Married Former Outfit: 60th CAC Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: 10·D Message: Retired from service, got married and taking life easy. TENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BAT AAN AND CORREGIDOR Rank: S/Sgt. Prison Camp: Bilibid, Clark Field, Fanatsu, Japan Present Occupation: Work at Studebaker-Packard Co. WEINSTEIN, ALFRED A., M.D. 663 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta Ga. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: Medical Corps Rank: Lt. Co1. . Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and OmorI Presp.nt Occupation: Surgeon Message: See Claim to Fame Dept. Tinko - Some Place in Japan - THOMPSON, KENNE'lH E. 2722 San Rd., Port Clinton, Ohio Married Former Outfit: Tank Commander, 192nd Tank Bn. Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Salesman Message : All friends invited to visit. VATER, JOSEPH A. 12 Warbler Dr., McKees Rocks, Pa. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 803rd Engrs Rank: Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Mukden, Manchuria Present Occupation: Estimator far paint concern. Message: Door always open to ex· POW's. WASILEWSKI, KOUNSTART J. 356 E. Noble St., Nanticoke, Pa. Married and 1 child; Former Outfit: 60th CAC Rank: Sgt. . Prison Camp : Mukden, Manchurla Present Occupation: Parts man for Pontiac dealer Message: Wishing all my friends the best of everything. WOODSIDE, MILTON H. Clinton, N. C. Married and 4 children Former Outfit: 20tJh Pur Sqd Rank : 2nd IJt. P r ison Camp: O'Donnel, Cabanatuan, Osaka, Japan Present Occupation: Hospital Ad· ministrator, Sampson County Hos· pital, WAHLFELD, MARK M. 142-34 59th, Flushing 55, L. I., N. Y. Married Former Outfit : 27th Bomb Rank: Lt. Col. Prison Camp: O'Donnell., Cabanatuan, Davao Present Occupation: Salesman for Remington Rand Message: Active in Reserve Work; Commander of Nat'l Guard Org. 1944 WHITTINGTON, OTTO W. Box 552, Bartlett, Texas Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 31st In!. Rank: cpt Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Fukuoka No.3 Message: All ex-POW'S are welcome; we serve no rice. WANS,A CK, JOHN JR. 1045 Haig St., Sharon, Pa. Married Former Outfit: 91st Bomb Sqd Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Clark Field, Maibara, Japan Present Occupation: Postal Clerk Message: Best wishes to all myoId friends. WEBER, HERMAN (One B) 2220 Highland Ave., R'Ochester 10, New York Single . Former Outfit: Seaman on Presldent Lines Rank: Civilian Prison Camp : Bilibid and Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Retired; living with relatives (oldest ex-POW 70 years) WEIDMlAN, H. D. (Skipper) Baraboo, Wis. Message: Gone back to the Islands to open a Copper mine. WING, PAUL R. Mathews, Va., P. O. Box 365 Married 43 years; 3 children, 5 grandchildren Former Outfit: Signal Corps Rank: Lt. Co1. (Ret.) Prison Camp: Cabanatuan Present Occupation: Has a little farm Message: Eats well, sleeps well, will drink; won't work WOZNIAK, LARIRY (Yosh) 5419 S. Sain Joseph St., S'o uth Bend, 14, Ind. Single Former Outfit: QMC (20 ) WIGHT, DONALD C. 2706 Elmore Dr., Springfield, Ohio Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 59th. CA Rank: Cp1. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan, Las Pinas Taiwan, Sendai Present Occupation: Mechanical engineer - Wright Patterson WUTTKE, WILLIAM C. 129 Barth Dr., Baldwin, N. Y. Former Outfit: S03rd Engn. Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Cabanatuan and Mukden Occupation: Sign Painter and building business WILAYTO, HENRY 11 Oxford Ave., Belmont, Mass. Married and 4 children Former Outfit: PhH Dept. QMC Rank: S / Sgt. Prison Camp: Bilibid, Cabanatuan, Port Area, Oska Message: Hank is the newly elected New England Commander WORD, ROSCOE C., JR 507 Market St., Knoxville 10, Tenn. Married and 1 child Former Outfit: 4th Marines Rank: T/Sgt. . . Prison Camp: Port Area; Biltbld, Present Occupation: Vice-Pres. Home Federal Savings and Loan Association. YORK, JAMES ilL 746 Dominick St., Rome, N. Y. Married and 3 daughters Former Outfit: S03rd Engrs. Rank: 1M/Sgt. Prison Camp: Bilibid and Cabanatuan Occupation: Still in AF; Chief of Intern'a l Information Div. ZIMMERMAN, LOUIS 148 Beach 93rd St., Rockaway Beach 93, N. Y. Married Former Outfit: 59th CA Rank: Cpl Prison Camp: Nagoya, Japan Present Occupation: Real estate salesman ZIPETO, CARMEL 51 W . Temple Ave., Stratford, N. J. Married and 3 children Former Outfit: 14th Bomb Sqd Rank: Sgt. Prison Camp: Davao and Yokiaichi, Japan Present Occupation: Works in V'A hospital Message: Would like to hear from Ned Higginson and friends. HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE TEN YEARS OF NEWS Jan. 26, 1946-First Meeting of American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor held in Base Theater at Fort Devens, Mass. 80 ex-POW's present. Jan. 29, 1946- Charter drawn up in Lawyers office at Ayer, Mass. Ten Charter Members present. F eb. 5, 1946-Jimmy O'Keefe's Restaurant gave dinner for ADBC, about 50 members were present at this meeting in Boston. After the dinner everyone went to the fights at Boston Garden and later to see Sally Keith - the famous tassel dance. A good time was had by all. Feb. 20, 1946-E. M. Leowe gave a Sunday luncheon for 60 members at Hotel Bradford. After lunch everyone was invited to his home. It was a big party and a grand time was had by all. March 30, 1946- Beatrice Kaye gave a party at Latin Quarter in Boston. 20 members were present. Lots of fun. March 10, 1946- 0rganization gave Sunday lunch at Hotel Bradford for General and Mrs. Wainwright. About 30 m embers and their wives were present. General and Mrs. Wainwright were very pleased with the progress of the organization. March 17, 1946- A number of men were guests of the City of New York at St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was a big day for those that went to New York. Men were guests on the Fred Allen Show. March 30, 1946- Ten members went 0 Washington, D. C. to increase the prestige of the organization. Met with members of Congress and the Senate plus spoke with General Eisenhower about convention. April 9, 1946- First convention held at Hotel Bradford, Boston, Mass. City gave a big parade to honor us. No school for the children and finish ed up with about 1300 people being present at the Reunion and banquet. April 20, 1946- Gold Star Mothers organization formed in Boston for all mothers whose sons died during Philippine Campaign. June, 1946- First picnic of the organization was held. Personnel from as far away as N. M. One of the most enjoyable times ever had by the club. July, 1946-First permanent headquarters set up at 120 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. August, 1946- First copy of the "Quan" put out. Sept. 22, 1946-Survivors of 192nd Tank Battalion presented a Tank used in the Defense of Bataan to the Village of Maywood, Ill. as a Memorial. April, 1947-Second National Convention at Boston City Club, Boston, Mass. Hank Wilayto, National Ch&irman. May, 1947- Far East Meeting held at American Club, Tokyo, Japan. About 500 people attended. April 8, 1948- Third National Convention, Hotel Commodore, New York City. Ray Morgan Chairman. 500 people attended. March 14, 1949- Simme Pickman hurt in automobile accident at Waldoboro, Maine. Suffered broken arm and leg, was laid up for months. April 23, 1949- Mrs. Nancy Belle Norton (The Angel of Bataan) given a testimonial dinner at the Briarcliff Lodge, Lynn, Mass. About 200 attended. Jan. 8, 1950·- Hotel Commodore, N . Y. The N ew York Chapter met. Samuel Bloom President for 1949 conducted the meeting; Mark Wohlfeld elected President for 1950. 39 members were present. Simme Pickman was guest speaker. Jan. 29, 1950-American Legion Home, Hartford, Conn. 30 m embers were present and plans were made to start a Conn. Chapter. Siegfried Schreiner elected President. F eb. 5, 1950- Bergenfield, N. J. Al Senna conducted meeting held at Benny Aquillina's home. A number of exPOW's were present. May 5, 1950- Convention held at William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Three wonderful days were spent in Pittsburgh by about 500 members who came from all over the country to enjoy this reunion. Oct. 29, 1950-Newark N . J . State meeting of N. J. Chapter. Mr. Myron Weiner of War Claims Commission guest speaker. Nov. 5, 1950-Meeting at Post 25 AmeriLegion Home, Harrisburg, Pa. Joe Vater State Commander, conducted the meeting. Dec., 1950- General Beebe retired after a very distinguished career. Dec., 1950-S / Sgt. Roy Brown passed away in Korea; M / Sgt. Russell Walker passed away in Washington, D. C. Two wonderful guys - "we salute you for a job well done". Jan. 31, 1951- Member Ernest Scott and his wife Edna were killed in an acci- Tinko - (21 ) dent on their way home to Michigan from a trip to California. April 6, 1951- Convention h eld at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philladelphia , Pa. o\'er 500 m embers were present. Lou Goldstein and James P . S. Devere ux, Brig. Gen. R et. wa5 guest speaker. Sept. 20, 1951-Cpl. Ray Young was killed in an accident in Ellswor th, Maine. He was a good friend, a good father and husband, and a very wonderful person. May 2, 1952- National Convention held at Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, Mike Dunn, Chairman. May, 1953- 8th National Convention, Pantlind Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ed. Thomas, Chairman. August, 1953- Bataan and Corregidor Commission Bill passed by Congress. Sept. 8, 1953- General Wainright buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Oct. 25, 1953-Radio program by American Broadcasting System about Sgt. Earler and flag he carried through POW camp. Dec .. 1953- 0ur organization's overseas hats became available this month. Price $4.00 each. May, 1954--General Carlos P. Romulo opened Ninth National Convention by unveiling plaque to honor those who served and died defending Bataan and Corregidor. Oct. 2, 1954--Wiliamsport, Pa. Pennsylvania Chapter had dinner and dance. About 50 people present. Jan. 15, 1955- New England Chapter reorganized at Hotel Bradford, Boston, Mass. Hank Wilayto elected New England Commander. Wives Auxiliary for New England Chapter was formed. 1955- 0ur organization was deeply grieved to hear of the death of our beloved Commander's wife, Mrs. Edward P. King, Jr., at Sea Island Ga. in the spring of this year. ' Some Place in Japan - 1944 TENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR N ames and Addresses Listed below you will find the names and address of as many ex-POW's and Gold Star Mothers as we could possibly compile. They are the last known mailing addresses of these person~. We h<;>pe it will be of some help to you In locatmg lost friends. A Earl C. Anderson, 1862 Central Street, Stoughton, Mass. Mrs. William J. Adams, Box 172, Housatonic, Mass. Miss Catherine M. Acorn, 1376 Commonwealth Ave., Alliston, Mass. Mr. Sherdie W. Allin, Box 85, Lancaster, N. H. Mr. S. Andreatola, 124 Prince St., Boston, Mass. Domingo H. Adversario, 7811 St. S. V. Ft. Myer, Va. Arthur Akullian, 284 Londonville Rd., Albany 4, N. Y. Frank S. Adamo, M.D., 826 S . Edison Ave., Tampa, Fla. Alvin J. Aubuchon, 909 S. Lynn St., Urbana, Ill. Col. Bernard L. Anderson, c / o Philippine Air Lines, M.RS. Bldg. Plaza Cervantes, Manila, P. r. TMC Norman A. Albertsen, U.S.S. Orion (A. S. 18) c/o FPO, Norfolk, Va. CWO Louis Albin, USAF, 221 Bucham St., San Antonio 4, T ex. Mrs. Ruby M. Armbrust, 4 Park Placc, Navy Park, Orange, Texas. LeRoy D. Atkinson, 1200 St., SGlt Luke City 3, Utah. Sherdie Allen, Box 85, Lancaster, N. H . Michael Anacki, West Suffield, Conn. M / Sgt. Philip Arslanian, 22 Ibis Ave., Mac Dill, AFB Tampa, Fla. Carl Lee Allen, 401 South St., Key West, Fla. Mrs. H erman Archer, Box <163, Princeton, N. J. Benny Aquilina, 88 Wcst Broad St., Bergenfield, N. J. Frederick C. Amos, 7415 Roe Ave., Prairie Village 15, Kan. Albert L. Allen, Jr., 1023 Woodland Rd., Mansfield, Ohio Garland M . Anderson, Jr. , 3125 St. Vincent Ave., St. Louis 4, Mo. Vincent M. Anderson, 198 Simpson St., Elkhart, Ind. Oscar A. Asal, 44 Stockton Dr., Middletown, R. I. Mrs. da C. Arrighi, 286 Valley St., Providence, R. I. Sherdie W. Allin, Box 35, L a ncastcr. N.H. George W. Antelope, 1606 South Central Oklahoma City, Okla. Wilber E. Ahart, Box 124, Fostoria, Iowa John Alfred, 1720 Cardinal Ct. , Louisville 16, Ky. Joc Anness, Route 4, Harradsburg, Ky. Joseph Andrews, P . O. Box 1481, Bridgeport, Conn. Vernon R Adams, Box 216 Weston Rd., Georgctown, Conn . John J. Armellino, 30-25 81st St., Jackson Heights, Queens, N. Y. Arthur Akullian, 116 Homestead Court, Albany, N. Y. Eugene E. Alison, 22100 San Miguel, Woodland Hills, Calif. Miss Mina A. Aasen, 860 Sutter St., San Francisco 9, Calif. Louis Arcuri, 624 Chautauqua St., Pittsburgh 14, Penn. Charles Agostinelli, 801 Pennsylvania Ave., Williamsport, Pa, J . B. Abramowicz, 3358 West Carson St., Pittsburgh 4, Pa, Robert W. Adams, 125 Elizabeth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa, Forrest F. Auld, 260 Central Ave., Dedham, Mass. Mrs. Ida Anthony, 21 Charles St., Boston 14, Mass. Mrs. Florence G. Andrews, 115 Prospect St., Gloucester, Mass. B George D. Benedum, Jr., 2458 Adrian St., Harrisburg, Pa, Church, New Bedford, Pa, Charles R Baron, RD. 3, Colesville, Bethlehem, Pa, Sgt. John Banach, 402 W. Courtland St., Philadelphia 40, Pa, Angie M. Bell, RFD 1, Scarboro, Me. 1st Lt. Emmanuel V. Buenafe, 9301st. TSU Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. William R Byars, Rt. 1, Box 96, Milton, N.D. Lellon Barnes, Box 522, Carrizozo, N. M. Earl W. Brown, 426 West Delevan Ave ., Buffalo, N. Y. Harold M. Bornt, RD., Warterford, N.Y. R L. Bolster, 7273 Little Neck Parkway, Glen Oaks, N. Y. Arnold A. Bocksel, 145-70 Fourth Ave., Whitestone, L.r., N.Y. Dr. Samuel M. Bloom, 123 East 83rd St., New York 28, N. Y. Sam Blank, c / o Levine, Old Liberty Rd. , Monticello, N . Y. Hyman Bernstein, 158-10 91st St., Howard Beach, Long Island, N. Y. John Bennett, 151 Sycamore Ave., Bethpage, N . Y. Alex Benishake, 700 State St., Albany, N. Y. Lt. Pauly A. Balanga, 524th Rep!. Co., APO 872, c / o P.M., N.Y., N.Y. R C. Busch, 1065 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, Fla. S / Sgt. Henry Brunet, 6202 Foster Ave., Tampa 9, Fla. Julian Brown, 1903 E. Main St., Lakeland, Fla. Blackie Brennan, 206 Sewell Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Andrew Baumgartner, 37 Elmwood Ave., Carteret, N. J. Cmdr. R R Barrett, Jr., 43 Elm St., Westfield, N. J. Nicholas Bosko, RFD 1, Mystic, Conn. Mrs. Sarah Blumenthal, 36 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Henry M. Broussard, Rt. 1, Box 26-G, Lafayette, La. Dr. Lamoyne C. Bleich, Cook town Rd., Rt. L, Rushton, La. Four ex-POW's on release fro'm Ward II of Bilibid Prison, Manila, P.I., in 1945 (22 ) IlOTEL BRADFORD . BOSTON . MASSACHUSETTS - SATURD AY. MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE This is a view of Bilibid Prison, Manila, P.I., taken shortly after surrender of Japanese forces in 1945 Mrs. Joseph Brazeau, 9 Broad St., Marlboro, Mass. Abraham Berman, 133 Boylston St .. Malden, Mass. Mrs. Harry Beard, 14 Linden St., Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Adeline Baptista, 50 Falcon St., East Boston, Mass. Arthur H . Buchanan, 962 Laurelwood, San Be rnardino, Calif. Alton B. Bryant, 1103 First Ave., Chula Vista, Calif. Mrs. Catherine Brunton, 461 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. David J . Brown, 5343 Conant St., Long Beach 8, Calif. Irvin Brosnan, Box 65, Trona, Calif. Dr. Wm. H. Braddock, 2644 Strand W r'fj, Mission Beach, San Diego, Calif. Clarence L. Bjork, 8621 Saipan Place, Santa Ana, Calif. Francis A . Bel, 543 First St. , Woodland, Calif. Cmdr. Frederick Baltzly, Sr., General Delivery, Solano B each, Calif. Harry J. Balconis, 600 Locust Rd., Sausalito, Calif. Charles B. Brehm, 1033 Pennsylvania Ave., Clairton, Pa. George W. Bradley, 536 Seven Oaks Dr .. Clifton Heights, Pa. Charles Bonsall, Third a nd Steel Ave., R. D . 2, Bristol, Pa. Sidney Bolden, 1306 High St., Wiliamsport, Pa. Paul Boback, 671 Fifth Ave., Ford City, Pa. Robert D . Bittner, c / o Bittner's Tire Service, Box 55, Jennerstown, Pa. Raymond J . Biggans, 3140 Friendship St., Philadelphia 24, Pa. Charles T . Bloskis, 473 Norton St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Birdsong, 657 Woodbine St., Jackson ville, Fla. Earl B. Baumgardner, RCA Communications Inc., 327 N. E . First Ave., Miami 32, Fla. Mrs. L. A. Babcock, 859 Sunset Road, W est P ulm Beach, Fla. T / Sgt. Joseph Biszaha, Box 10204-3415, Hq Sq Trng, Lowry AFB, Colo. Clarence W . Bower, ?254 Shrewsbury Rd., Cf'lumbus 21. Ohio John C. Bassett, 186 Midland PI. , Logan, Ohio Jason Brown, Albany, Mo. Arthur Biedenstein, 3937-A Shaw Blvd., St. Louis 10, Mo. Milton Baker, 4315 Monroe St., Kansas City, Mo. Albert Boyle, 3230 Marcia St., B utte. Montaml Hugh E . Branch, P . O. 283, Cut B a nk , Montana James E. Brown, Hillcrest Hospital, Vincennes, Ind. James E . Brennan, 16 Monroe St., Pawtucket, R. I. George H. Boyd, 71 Hazel St., Pawtucket, R. I. Ed. Brougher, 3850 Wienca Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. T / Sgt. Billie G. Bozone, 119 Croom Dr., Hunter AFB, Savannah, Ga. Col. Roy L. Bodine, Jr., 3124 Bransford Rd., Augusta, Ga . TMC Robert B. Burnett, 2 Conrad Ct., Newport, R. I. Archie F. Buder, 11 Morton St., Nashua, N. H . Mrs. Edward B. Bennett, 18 Beech St., Bristol, N. H. J am es P . Bashleben, 5944 North Ozark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lt. Kenneth Bayley, 240 Gray Plaza, Daly L ewis Acres, Scott AFB, Ill. Thomas M. Bandy, c / o Brureman and Harshorn, 22 W est Hubbard, Chicago 10, Ill. Charles R. Barnes, 2244 Briggs, Keego Harbor, Mich. Kenneth W. Bailey, 30430 South Greenbriar St. , Birmingham, Mich. Elmer J. Bensing, 4708 Spen Lea Rd. , Louisville 16, Ky. Louis B. Barry, Lincoln Apt., No. 43 (G) Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Belva Briece, 4314 N. Blackwelder St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. L eRoy Barber, USS Joseph Kennedy Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. K enneth Boggs, Ft. Ethan Allen, Vt. Theodore T. Bronk, M. D ., D ept. of Lab., V. A. Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Jack B ell, Ft. Monmouth, N. J . M / Sgt. Casimir T. Bobulski, 24 Owens Dr., Loring AFB, Limestone Me. Carl W. Biggs, 1222 RusselI'St., Chattanooga 5, Tenn . Frank M. Brown, Jr., Star Route, Chatham, N. Y. Charles Bonsall, Box 91, R. D . 2, Bristol, Pa. R ay Barger, 608 Hil Court, Fairfax Co., Alexandria, Va. Lt. Comdr. Arthur G. Beale, 1508 W. Lancaster St., Arlington, Va. Mrs. Julia Bandy, 406 W . Lindsey, Breckenridge, T ex. Edgar R. Beck, Box 262, Boerne. T ex. Col. Roscoe Bonham Route 2 Box 79 , , Killeen, T ex . ' Theodore C. Bigger, 509 N . Jefferson A ve., Cookeville. Tenn. M / Sgt. Edsel D . Bartle, P. O. Box 45, Parker, S . Dakota J . L. Boudolf, Rt. 4, Box 559, 1 Stone Dr., West Oak Forest, Charleston S C M / Sgt. Warren C. Baggett, Hq. Co.: lith Tra!1 s port, Compo B, APO 217. N. Y. CharlIe S . Bailey Route 2 Box 26 r'ol_ quitt, G a . ' ", ~ Kenneth ' ~. Boggs, U.S.A. Retg. Sta. MontpelIer, Vt. ' (23 ) Robert Bowen, 533 Ezra St., Putnam, Conn. Louis Brodeur, 68 S. Main St., Putnam, Conn. Guy Boynton, 21 HeIer St. , Bangor, Me. C James D . Cantwell, Fleischmanns, N. Y. Ray Cunningham, 15030 Lesure St., D etroit 24, Mich. Daniel W. Crowley, 4 Daniel Blvd., Bloomfield, Conn. George B. Ciboch, 121 W est State St., Nor th Judson, Ind . Sgt. James C. Cox, Hq. Sq. Hq., Air Force Robins AFB, Box 154, Ga. Ernest E. Clem ents, P . O. Box 307, Wrens, Ga. Kermit Cook, 1601 East Brashear Dr., Louisvile 10, K entucky Donald N . Coombs, Stonington. Me. Nathan H . Cleaves, RFD Bataan Lodge, Raymond, Me. Harry V. Carrarini, 3141 W est 114th PI., Chicago 43, Ill. George A. Coennen, 1155 Linden Rd. , Prescott, Ariz. Elmer Cooper, 34B Webb Ave., Mathis Manor, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Mrs. Ethel Collette, 37 No. Holden St., North Adams, Mass. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Clogston, 876 Plymouth St., East Bridgewater, Mass. Mrs. Julia Chisholm, 55 Hillsdale Rd., Dedham, Mass. Antonio C. Ca sanova, 11 Durham St., Somerville, Mass. Mrs. Ernest Carle, 85 Morgan St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Louis G. Cusano, 4224 S. W. T enth St., Miami 34, Fla. William F. Cowley, Clerks Box, Post Office, Orlando, Fla. L ewis R. Colquitt, 1317 St., M&C Sqd., PBAFB, West P alm Beach, Fla. Joseph Carbonaro, P. O. Box 1075, Eaucallie, Fla. Mrs. Ressa J enkins Curry, 275 25th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. George L. Curtis, Rt. 2, Box S13, Oroville. Calif. Frederick W. Crocker, 239 Lobos, Pacific Grove, Calif. Clarence E. Crance, 10002 I &: G Sqcln., Norton AFB, San Bernardino, Calif. .Tames H . Cowan, 235 Irene St., Roseville, Calif. James Cooper, 1186 East San A ntonio St., San Jose, Calif. Col. Alex H. Campbell, 884 Covington Rd., Los Altos, Calif. French O. Crisp, Box 52, Bryson City, N. C. Frank Cutrupi, 76 Ave. U, Brooklyn 23. N . Y. T / Sgt. Richard J. Cowen, 199 Madison St., W a terville, N. Y. Mrs. Mary M. Corwin, 31-11 Crescent St., Long Island City 6, N . Y. TENTH ANNIVERSARY Mrs. J. Cooke (G.S .M.) 61-16 48 Ave., Woodside 77, N. Y. J er emiah Collins, Hq. & Servo Co., '7651, APO 541, c/ o PM, New York, N. Y . Albert 1. Cimini, 205 Hawley St., Binghamton, N. Y. George Chaille, 215 East 25th St.,-New York 10, N . Y. Fred E. Carson, 146-11-227 St., Laurelton, L. 1., N. Y. Manco A. Caputo, Box 56, Gansevoort, N. Y. P eter Cappellano, Jr., 178 Somerville Ave., Tonawanda, N. Y. Ma r vin D . Cahill, 831 N . 57 Ave., W est, Duluth, Minn. John Chernitsky, 22 Baldwin Ave. , So. Bound Brook, N . J . Maurice Chartoff, Box 82A, R. R. I , Matawan Freehold Rd., Matawan, N . J . Mrs. Alice M. Cuss, 31 Park Ave., Hampton, N. H . Godfrey Carter, c / o Mrs. B ernice Wheeler, 10 St. John St., Concord, N. H. K enneth Curley, 221 Evaline St., Pittsburgh 35, Pa. P at Craner, Emmets St., Phoenixville, Pa. Edward C. Coyle, R. D. No. 4, c / o John King, W est Chester, Pa. Rod Clutter, R. D . Saxonburg Blvd., Pittsburgh 15, Pa. N. R. Christ, 426 Center Ave., Hyde Park, Reading, Pa. James K. Cavanaugh, 5566 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. David L . Capps, Rt. 2, Ardmore, Okla. Col. James W. Callahan, Jr., 2476 Nixon St., Eugene , Oregon Ross Cosmo, 2273 Ferris Rd., Zonelli, Columbus, Ohio Edward Chovan, 1122 Erie St., South Massillon, Ohio Samuel Carr, 108 Court St., Chardon, Ohio William D . Cameron, P. O. Box 214, Columbus 16, Ohio Earl M. Conover, Columbia, Ky. Robert P. Call, Scott Ave., Pikeville, Ky. James F. Cook, 226 East Harper Ave., Lenoir, N. C. Mrs. Mary J . Coffield, 104 West AlbermarIe St., Edenton, N . C. Wayne Carringer, Box 205, Robbinsville, N. C. Joseph Caccin, 15 Leach St., Salem, Mass. Angelo Chavos, 19 Pleasant St., Concord, N . H. E . J. Coderre, 68 Spruce St., New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Deborah Colvin, Hatfield, Mass. Mr. Ralph L. Cullinan, ROTC Inst., Un. of Mass. John J . Calkins, Ft. Miles, Delaware Emmett J. Cody, 2690 East 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lt. Col. Lester J. Chase, 2421 Menakin Dr., Apt. 202, Alexandria, Va. H. W. Cook, 616 Circuit Rd., Portsmouth, N . H . Edward Chovan, 1331 Johnson Ave., S . E., Massillon, Ohio Alfred D. Collins, Jr., 459 Orange St., S. E. , Apt. 4, Washington 20, D . C. Joseph Crea, 736 Upsal St., N . E., Washington 20, D . C. Lawrence H . Courtney, 806 Beloit Ave., Janesville, Wis. Lt. Col. Lester J. Chase, Md. Hall, Ft. Myer, Va. Major B eatrice E. Chambers, M. R. M. F. S . S., Fort Sam Houston, Tex. Lacy L. Castell, Moskeim, Tenn. AMERI CAN DEFENDERS OF B A T A A N AND CORREGLDOR Earl J. Carl, Box 132, Yankton, S. Dak. Manuel A . Cruz, Box 101, Laredo, Tex. James D . Corrigan, 1637 Drollinger Rd., Wichita, Kansas Louis Cusan, 241 Davenport Ave., New Haven, Conn. M / Sgt. Robert Courts, Jonesboro, La. Eugene Clerce, Healy St., Midland, Mich. Joseph Coe, Palato, Ala, Albert Caron, 336 Brown St., West Brook, Maine D Arthur T. DiMeo, 69 Laconia Rd., Cranston, R. 1. Anthony Dattorro, 349 Manton Ave., Providence, R. I. Richard Damm, 351 19th Pl., Clinton, Iowa Mrs. Josephine Davis, 2647 Regent St., Berkeley 4, Calif. Mrs. J . Dziobcynski, 205 Tramer St., Chester, Pa. Andrew T. Durmis, 242 Wilmerding Rd., Turtle Creek , Pa. Ralph J . Down, 915 Alcoma St., Sharon, Pa. Frank J. Rice, RFD 1, Perkiomenville, Pa. Mrs. Evelyn Derringer, 808 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh 9, Pa. William J. Duncan, Brandon, Mass. James F. Drake, P . O. Box 141, Batesville, Miss. Victor Dengd egi, 16 Clinton St., South River, N. J. Mrs. Geraldine Dounewald, 7317 Elm St., Maplewood, Mo. Wilfred Delisle, 154 South Maple St., Manchester, N . H. M/Sgt. Macario T. Delrosario, Qtrs., 110 K2, Governors Island, N. Y. 4, N . Y. 1st Lt. Paul DeBord, Co. D-1st Bn., 350 Inf., APO 541, c / o P .M., N. Y., N . Y. Capt. Jay B. Davis, 0-972290, Acc., D. S. Army Trust, AG Postal Section, APO 209, c / o P . M ., N . Y., N . Y. Peter Dzimba, 22 J efferson St., Yonkers, N. Y. Frank J . DiPasquale, 1978 W . Eighth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Donato DeNobile, 6702 19th Ave., Brooklyn 4, N. Y. Mr. Raymond Day, Public Works Office, U. S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Robert Doyle, 7 Seaborn St., Dorchest er , Mass. M / Sgt. Louis Dube, Langley AFB, Va. Capt. Jay B. Davis, Hq. USAF, AG Sec. APO 168, N . Y., N. Y. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Davis, 4869 Colorado Ave., Washington, D . C. Senator Paul H. Douglas, Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. Austin G. Durgin, c/ o U . S . Customs, Lac Fronciere, P.Q., Canada Eugene L . Davidson, Box 65, Alpine, Oregon Chas. W. Dowdy, 715 Bainbridge Blvd., S. Norfolk 6, Va. William Duplisea, Jr., 63 Thornton Park, Winthrop 52, Mass. Mrs. C. Frank Doolan, 312 Main St .. Athol, Mass. Mrs. Robert F. Dixon, 20 Linden St., South Boston 27, Mass. Mrs. Mae Detert, 121 Babson St., Mattapan, Mass. M / Sgt. John M. Dempsey, Hdqtrs. Sec., 4707th DW, Otis AFB, Falmouth, Mass. Mrs. George J. Dempsey, 63 Eagle St., North Adams, Mass. Michael C. Dec, P. O. Box 136, Johnson (24 ) Hill Rd., Chester, Mass. Chester G. Deller, Box 92, Fawn Grove, Pa. James E. D elhamer, 55 No. Newberry St., York, Pa. M / Sgt. Edward J. Davis, U . S. Army & USAF R ect. Sta., 2021st ASU (Det 7) 19 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Elmer K. Darone, 1621 Robin Rd., Lebanon, Pa. Fred Dunn, Jr., 2882 Maryland Ave., Columbus, Ohio John E. Duffy, 18 Park Ave., New London, Ohio Raymond A . Densmore, R. D. I , Painesville, Ohio Arthur J. Doddato, 801st Motor Vehicle Squd., TSAC, LAFB, Columbus 17, Ohio William W. Duncan, 35 Orchard St. , Rocky Hill, Conn. Thomas J . Degraff, 48 Spring St., Port'l and, Conn. Robert Deyber, Butler St., Cos Cob, Conn. Joseph E. Du Pont, Jr., P . O. Box 181, Plaquemine, La. Rudolph P. David, Youngsville, L.a . S~anley B . Durgin, RD 2, South Pans, Me. T / Sgt. Pasquale S. DiGiacomo, 23 Kelly Dr., Loring, AFB, Limeston~, Me. Mrs. Alice Z. Dameron, Brownville, Me. Brig. Gen. Charles C. Drake, 7045 Wilson lane, Bethesda 14, ~d. William Edmond DavIs, 17 S . Groveland Ave., Medford, Ore. Frank H . Dailey, 1804 S. Tallatin St. , Marian, Ind. . Q. Pershing Devore, 742 West Nmth St. , Wray, Colo. George E. Dravo, 1106 North Seventh ,Ave., Maywood, Ill. Stand Dawson, 428 North Division, Powell, Wyo. Kenneth W. Day, 8627 NE 24th St., Bellevue, Wash. Hayne W. Dominick, Jr., P. O. Box 65, Narrows, Va. Wilbur F. Disosway, 20 Mitchell Rd. , Hampton, Va. . Dayton L. Drachenberg, 15 S. Irvmg St., Arlington, Va. Thomas J. DeGaff, Glastonbury, Conn. Austin Durqin, Forest City, Maine E Rufina A. Estes, 209 North Oak St. , Carlsbad, N . M. Frank Erba, 175 Cypress St., Newton Center 59, Mass. Mrs. A. Elliott, 43 Franklin St., Somerville, M a s s . . . David M . Evans, Mam St. , Lonaconmg, Md. Frank C. Ellsworth, 3905 Linden Ave., Long Beach 7, Calif. Major K. C. Emerson, 42nd A. I . B. APO 42 c/o PM, N . Y., N . Y. Dorothea D. Engel, Hamilton, Mo. Eugene H . Evers, 617 Clarence St., Dyersville, Iowa Wilbur 1. Exum, 1154 W. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. J. L. Earna, 530 Livingston Dr., Livingston Manor, Dravosburg, Pa. John M. Emerick, 7474 McClure Ave., Pittsburgh 18, Pa. William Landis Ebert, 128 East Main St., Fleetwood, Pa. Wm. Landis Ebert, Bank Bldg., Apt 8, Fleetwood, Pa. James H . Edwards, 3017 Ridgeview Dr., S. Charleston, W. Va. Mrs. Mattie Earhart, 1010 N . Rose St., Breckenridge, Tex. HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS -SA TURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY- FIVE F Dale Frantz, 410 Bellflower, N. W. Canton 8, Ohio ' Mrs. Sallie Farmer, 945 Stander Ave., Columbus 6, Ohio Glenn L. Finnigan, Box 280, Furnace St., Mineral Ridge, Ohio Sol Fromer, 2953 W . 24th St., Brooklyn 24, N . Y. Nicholas P. Fratangelo, 100 Geneva Ave., Lyons, N . Y. Edmund Forsythe, 105 North Ferry St., Schenectady, N. Y. 1st Lt. Leslie A. Ford, 7551st Per Pros Sqdn., APO 199 c / o P . M., N. Y., N . Y. Harold Feiner, 1581 Fulton Ave., New York 57, N . Y. B. P. Farrens, Tusag Jammat 8666 AAU APO 206 c / o P .M., New York, N. Y. Nick Fryziuk, 5619 South Moody Ave., Chicago 38, Ill. Domenic Ferrari, 5243 Lodewyck, Detroit 24, Mich. Mrs. William Freeman, 238 Union St., Athol, Mass. Mrs. George Fleming, 684 Country Way, North Scituate, Mass. Mr. W. D. Fitzgibson, 1452 Center St., Boston (Roslindale 31,) Mass. Walter H. Farrell, Valley View Road, Weston, Mass. , Ervan E. Fandry, 9112 Margaret St., Downey, Calif. Leroy M. Frederick, RFD No.1, Luserne County, Sugarloaf, Penna. Joseph W . Filko, RFD No. 1, William Penn Highway, Bethlehem, Penna. Morton Feinberg, 1 Top Hil Lane, Levittown, Pa. Joseph G. Fox, Cranberry Road, RFD 2, Farmingdale, N . J. David L. Ferratti, Jr., 513 Whittier Ave., Dunellen, N. J. John Freeman, 2214 Randall St., Charlotte, N. C. Benjamin Farina, 49 Drake St., Waterbury, Conn. Gordon T. Fish, 2410 N . E. 13 St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Etalo E. Folio, 423 E . Harvey, Cly, Minn. Norman F. Frey, Somerset, Calif. Frank Franceschi, 1231 Depot St., Woodland, Calif. Comdr. Doughlas Fisher, Box 3715, Carmel, Calif. Clara Fensch, 1375 % Kilton Ave., Los Angeles 24, Calif. Joe Felix, RFD, Box 1496, Oxnard, Calif. Frederick W. Feilzer, 3503 North Pershing Ave., Stockton, Calif. Mrs. Chester K. Fast, 2208 Columbus Ave., Arlington, Mass. Andrew O. Ferguson, 2% Washington St., Middlebury, Vermont Mr. Donald Flood, Naval Recruiting Station, Boston, Mass. Malc~lm Foster, 252 Main St., Calais, Mame Hon. James G. Fulton, House Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. Eugene J. Franklin, 1317 Seventh Ave., W., Ashland, Wis. Major Lester I. Fox, 94 Ingalls Rd., Ft. Monroe, Va. Mrs. Christine Law Ferguson, c/o Law Ranch, Box 484, Bolton, Tex. Bernard A. Fields, 3031 La Rue Court Louisville 17, Ky. ' Andrew Ferguson, IiI So. Main St .. Middlebury, Vt. Walter Felecther, Brownsville, Tenn. Malc~lm Foster, 110 North St., Calais, Mame G Bernard Grzybowski, 4 K ent St., Blasdell 19, N. Y. Thomas Griffin, 16 W. 84th St., New York, N. Y. T / Sgt. R. C. Gregory, 923rd A C & W Sqdn, APO 677 c / o PM, N . Y., N. Y. Anthony J. Greco, III, 57 131 St., South Ozone Park 20, N . Y. L eo J. Grabowski, Box 188 Hoffman Rd., Medina, N. Y. Louis Goldbrum, 471 East 45th St., Brooklyn 4, N . Y. Dr. Murray Glusman, 50 East 72nd St., New York 21, N . Y. Dario Gerola, 117 East 83rd St., New York, N. Y. Mrs. Clyde E . Gould, East Livermore, Maine Mrs. Roy W. Goddard, 189 Bush St., Fall River, Mass. Mrs. Olive Gearin, 24 West St., Lowell Mass. Joseph Gonzales, Box 2, Santa Fe, New Mexico Bernard Grill, 3345th Md Gp, 3345 Teck Training Wg, Chanute AFB, Ill. Capt. Henry W. Goodall, 9th Naval District (Hdqrs) Great Lakes, Ill. Mrs. Ruth Goetz, 1040 Indiana Ave., Benton Harbor, Mich. Lt. Paul L. Grubbs, 916 Prospect Ave. , Toledo 6, Ohio Walter Grant, P. O. Box 389, Criderville, Ohio Dr. Julien M. Goodman, 169 % W. Washington St., Nelsonville, Ohio T. W. Gease, 1797 Piedmont Rd., Columbus 11, Ohio Robert G. Gaydos, 5106 Maplecrest Ave., Parma 29, Ohio Enos Clark Gould, 824 Harris Ave., Woonsocket, R. 1. Wilfred A. Gagnon, 104 Owen Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. O. T. Gullickson, 840 South School St. Lodi, Calif. ' Mrs. Evelyn Greenfield, 3266 Edith St., Los Angeles 64, Calif. Raleigh G. Gadfrey, 972 Ruth Drive Concord, Calif. ' Cornelius C. Gallegos, 426 East Hem;lock, Oxnard, Calif. R~y Y. Gentry, 1403 Georgia St., WichIta, Kan. Mrs. Carlotta S. Godinho, 32 Roseclair St., Dorchester, Mass. Nei~ Gagliano, Box 197, Hillsville, Pa. DWIght E. Gard, 1308 MS E . 36th Ave., Portland 15, Oregon Lewis Goldstein, 11 Dock St., Philadelphia 6, Pa. JOphn A. Goldovich, 320 Hill St., Jessup, . a. Joseph M. Glessner, 1532 James St Turtle Creek, Pa. ., Raymond Geir, Richman Rd. Wexford Pa. " Mrs. Katherine M. Grace, 306 W. Ninth Street, Chester, Pa. Joseph Goodman, 1425 North 76th St Philadelphia 31, Pa. ., Raleigh Greenberg, 27 Mills Lane Bloomfleld, Conn. ' D. F. Giantonio, 117 Forbes St., East Hartford, Conn. George W. Garside, Benning Ave., Salem Depot, N . H. William E. Galos, Twin Hill Farm East Kingston, N. H. ' Joseph R. Gagnon, 11 Roy St., Nashua, N . H. Gerald Addney Greeman, Route 4 Boise Idaho ' , (25 ) Dr. Lloyd H. Goad, P. O . Box 187, Golden, Colo. George F. Gallion, 1213 North E. St., Lake Worth, Fla. Mr. Augustin Gagnon, Apt. 2, Qtrs. X USN Training Station, Newport, R. I . Bronislaw Galdenowicz, Hq. Ft. Banks, Mass. Mr. Robert Gibbons, 29 Walnut Ave., R evere, Mass. Mr. William Gregg, 11 Vundale Ave., Bradford, Mass. Maj. E. M. Garen, A.N.C., M.F .S.S ., 8-0-27, No 7 Box 19 BAMC, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Mr. Whitney Gillilland, Chairman War Claims Commission, Washington, D . C. Maj. Brunetta K. Gillet, 1801 Clyderdale PI., N . W ., Washington 9, D. C., Apt. 714 J. C. Grant, 5010th Compo W .O., APO 937 c / o P.M., Seattle, Wash. M / Sgt. Adas A. Greer, 28 AAA Bn., Ft. Lawton, Seattle, Wash. Capt. Eleanor Garen, Wm. Beaumont Army Hospital, Box 181, El Paso, T ex. M / Sgt. Earl C. Graham, Box 173 Doyleston, Ohio ' Roger Gagne, 27 Bridge S t ., Augusta, Maine H William F. Hundley, Box 902, Radford, Virginia P. N . Hock, 4546 Orchard Ave., San Diego, Calif. Henry Harlan, Route 3, Box 173, Trumann, Ark. Robert Honshul, Route 1, Williamsport, Kentucky Joseph J . Hrupcko, 620 Laurel Ave., Port Clinton, Ohio Raymond F. Hoffman, RFD 1, D elaware, .ohio John E. Hobbs, 3713 Central Ave. Shadyside, Ohio ' S / Sgt. Durward Hoxwor th, 38 % E . Van Buren St., Battle Creek. Mich. William A. Houser, 812 S. Madison St., Himsdale, Ill. Lt. Col. A. L . Hankin, Hq. USAFE, APO 633, c / o P.M., N. Y., N. Y. Robert J. Howe, 1 Lincoln Ave . Batavia 'N. Y. " Hans Hornbostald, 1918 Wilson Ave., Bellmore, N. Y. David Hochman, M. D., 626 East 20th St. , New York, N . Y. Donald J . Henderson. 170-04 65th Ave Flushing 65, L. 1., N . Y. ., Edwin J. Hausman, 51 Nichols Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Theresa Hughes, 24 Alden St., Plymouth, Mass. Mrs. Madeline Hagan, 3 Austin St., Boston 15, Mass. H . L. Hutchins, 5300 East Sixth St., Long Beach, Calif. Lester E . Hoard, 7227 Lochalene Ave., Rivera, Calif. Buel C. Hinton, P . O. Box 5 Armona Calif. " Porter T . Hightower, 24 Knoll T errace San Rafael, Calif. ' Lawrence M. Hall, 8602nd AAU Field Station , Two Rock Ranch Sta.: Petaluma, Calif. Melvin H. Hamlin, 1201 Menor St., Winfield, Kan. Hobert H. Hoover, Box 87, Route 1, Rea, Mo. Wilburn H . Ham~rick, Ward A-2 North, Veterans HospItal, Jefferson Barracks 23, Mo. Mrs. Ralph E. Ham, Box 216, Verona, Mo. TENTH ANNIVERSARY Lowell W. Hill, 912 N . Del., Roswell, N. M . Ed Hern, P ecos, N. M. E. C. Hatton, D.D.S., 126 N . Monroe St., Albuquerque, N . M . Everett A. Horrell, 885 North Ashe St. , Southern Pines, N . C. Col. David L. Hardee, 109 E. Lane St., R'lleigh, N. C. T. Col. George M. Hohl, Box 231, Sands Springs, Okla. Lawrence E . Howell, 2012 East Copper St .. Tucson, Ariz. Ralph W. Hubbard, 606 N . E . 17th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. John A. Hillman, Gen. D el., Fort Knox, Ky. W. L. Harris, 4441 D enver Ave., Klamoth, Ore. Sam Hamilton, 1231 N . Burk, Kokomo, Ind. Harold J. Hart, Route 3, Greencastle, Pa. Clyde E. Harlacher, Route I, East Berlin, Pa. Sgt. John Hando, 1552 Ridge Ave., Sharpes ville, Pa. Cs:pt. Richard E. Hawes, Thomson, Ga. WIlbur Heuton, Route 2, Glidden Iowa Leslie E . Hartman, Box 283, Albia Iowa Nick Hionedes, 361 Poe Drive, 'Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Walter B. Helhowski, Box 142%, R. D. No. 3, Perkasie, Pa. Vinson Hatchen, 215 Harrison Ave., Greensburg, Pa. M / Sgt. J esse J . Huck, 17th Tac : Rec Sq. P-J, Shaw Field, S . C. R. F . Hoffsetz, 1241 Stanley Ave .. Louisville 15, Kentucky Forrest G. Hogg, Planning Board Office USN Shipyard, Boston, Mass. ' James Hartman, 137 Wainwright PlaCE:. Stratford, Conn. Herman Hausman, 369 Centre St., Dorchester, Mass. W. R. Hightower, NCGD., N ew Cumberland, Pa. Thomas A. Hackett, 1797 Galloway Ave., MemphIS, Tenn. Wilburn H. Hambrick, V. A. Center, Brentwood Hospital W. Los Angeles 25, Calif. " T. M. Hammel, 3601 Lolita Dr Concord Calif. '" Pete;r Hocks, 4546 Orchard Ave., San DIego, Calif. George W . Hirsch, 792-D. N. Kalaheo Ave., Lanikai, Hawaii Robert E. Hughes, 3550 Concord Ave Madison, W. ., Lt. Col. Harry J . Harding, 5605 Shoaledge St. , Austin, T exas AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF" BAT AAN AND CORREGIDOR Edward M. Johnson, 760 Laurel St., Cloquet, Minn. Frederick P. Jenkins, 5658 East Linden St., Tucson, Ar:z. Major General Albert M. Jones, 2146 Ninth Ave., San Francisco 16, Calif. Raymond T. Johnson, 4522 Olsipo Ave ., Lakewood, Calif. Geneva Jenkins, 1922 Montrose St., Los Angeles 26, Calif. Mrs. John C. Jenks, 908 N. W. 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Larry Jordan, 2038 Cullom St., Chicago Ill. Charles C. J ensen, 8122 South Troy St., Chicago 29, Ill. Fred J. Jalmisch, 325 Park Ave., River Forest, Ill. Robert P. Joscelyn, RFD No. I, Box 305, Tilton, N. H. Mrs. Florence Johnson, Sandown, N. H . William Joy, 865 Broadway, Somerville, Mass. C. W. Jackson, 720 Eleventh St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Edward Jackfert, Box 383, W ellsburg, W. Va. M / Sgt. Horace E. Jones, Hdq. Sq. Box 35, TT Group, 3320th TT Wing, Amarillo AFB, Amarillo, Tex. Wilbur Jackson, 6 Lake St., Groton, Conn. K Milton Kudlac, 36 Hyatt St., Binghamton, N. Y. Felix Kozakevitch, 99 Jewel St., Brooklyn 22, N. Y. Col. Knapp, Hq. 7th Army Trans. Sec. Stuttgarde, APO 16 c / o PM, N. Y. Dr. Bert S. Klein, 111 West Fifth St., Jamestown, N. Y. Max A. Kieschner, 90 Pinehurst St., New York. N. Y. Rollin King, 87 Monticello PI., Buffalo 14, N. Y. Erwin J . Kilburn, 425% Main St., Lake Placid, N . Y. Michael K. Kitsock, 147 West Ogden St., Girardville, Pa. Max C. Kissel, RFD 3, Perkasie, Pa. Vernice Kauffman, 147 Long View Dr., Irwin, Pa. Raymond Kuhn, 520 Brinker Ave., Latrobe, Pa. Mike Kruczek, 403 Meadow Ave., Charleroi, Pa. John S . Koot, Bldg. I, Ent. 3-A, Cloverleaf Village, Pittsburgh 36, Pa. Paul J. Kocher, RFD 2, Halifax, Pa. W eldon King, 1234 East Grand Ave., Springfield 4, Mo. James D. Kell, 4120 Standard Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. William A. Klusendorf, 307 S. Prairie St., Fairmont, Minn. Arnold H. King, P. O. Box 577, Florence, Ariz. Mrs. Esther· Keefe, 94 Havre St., East Boston, Mass. T / Sgt. Jos. J . Korczyk, 2353 Per Pros Sqd., Parks AFB, Calif. H arold Kingen, 2334 W est H arding, Stockton, Calif. Abraham Korman, 8 Packard St., Bloomfield, Hartford 12, Conn. Thomas Kolatsky, 73 Greenwood St.. "'/atertown , Conn. J. L. Kennedy, 618 North Montana St.. Bozeman, Mont. Gen. Edward P . King, Jr. , Sea Island, Ga. George W. Kane, 1190 Van Buren St., S. W. , Atlanta, Ga. Edward Charles Keith, 521 Hovey St., Gary, Ind. A. G. Karel, P. O. Box 113, Delray Beach, Fla. M / Sgt. John D. Kuder, 7142 S . Emerald Ave., Chicago 21, Ill. Earl K earney, RR1, Lee County, Beattyville, Kentucky Everett L . K eyes, Box 252, York Beach, Maine Arthur S. Komori, 3216 Lake Ave., Baltimore 13, Md. John Koleczak, 4102 East 123rd St. , Cleveland, Ohio W alter A. Kulinski, 96 Grove Ave., Verona, N . J. Stnnley J. Krolikoski, 203 Bailey Ave., Maple Shade, N . J. Stanley P . Korszyk, ' 51 Paulus Blvd. , New Brunswick, N . J., Apt. I-A Joseph Knopping, 280 Grand Ave., Palisades Park, N. J. Robert W. Knight, 613 Elm T errace, Riverton, N. J. Frank Kazershi, 665 E . 8th St., South Boston. Mass. Harold Kneeland, 35 Newton Ct., Cambridge, Mass. Col. Walter Kostecki, 839 E. 5th St .. S ., Boston, Mass. M / Sgt. William Kowall, Marine Bks., U. S. Naval Base, Boston, Mass. Phillip Krebs, 123 Brook St., Quincy, Mass. M / Sgt. James D . Kell, Qtrs. 1811-G. Ft. Lewis, Wash. Peter J . Kirhgesner, 3014 W. Pierce St., Apt. 108, Milwaukee 15, Wis. r::ap~. Harold R. Kipps, c/o Gertie Frye, RIO, W. Va. I Mrs. Howard Irish, Coopersville, Mich. Col. A. Ives, Harvey Cedar, N . J. Arthur L. Ingalls, Box 791, Quincy, Cal. E . K. Inman, Editor of the Stars :.lI1d Stripes, Washington, D. C. J Col. Calvin G. Jackson . G96 N . Cherry St. , Kenton, Ohio Charles F. James, 1025 N . Mesa 3t., Carlsbad, N. M. M. E. Jenkins, P. O. Box 462, Somervile, N. J. Jacob J. Johler, 283 Wrexham Court N., Tonawanda, N. Y. Earl C. Johnson, 834 West H. St. Ontario, Calif. ' Gordon T. J ensen, 1601 Elm Ave., Modesto, Calif. Marshall Johnston, Cromwell, Iowa Leo P . Juro, 3216 Claremont Road Jacksonville, Fla. ' First meeting of members at Post Theatre, Fort Devens, Mass., in January 1946 ( 26 ) HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Raymond Kidd, Double Gates, Bluefield, Va. Edward J . Kallus, P . O. Box 337, Lufkin, T exas Jack D. K ellett, 2810 Pine Burr Rd., Tyler, T exas John Kosma, 576 Center St., .southport Conn. L Thomas J. Lloyd, 307 East Chase Ave., Worthington, Ohio Robert L evering, Taugher Bldg., 9 East High St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio Mrs. Anna Langland, 3939 North Fordham Place, Cincinnati 13, Ohio Oscar L. Look, RFD 1, South Addison, Mai ne Richard N. Lukins, 864 33rd St., S. W. , Grand Rapids, Mich. Harold R. Lehmann, 79 B edlow Ave., Newport, R. I. John H. LeClair, 67 Flint St., Paw tucket, R. I. James W. Lloyd, B ryson City, N . C. Sgt. Harold Langenha hn, 81st Eng. Bn., Fort Bragg, N . C. .. Cecil H. Little, Route 1, Box 28 Columbia, Miss. ' John S. L emanski, 180 lh Fourth St., J ersey City, N. J. Mike Litsckco, 247 W estwood A ve., S taten Island, N. Y. Donato L eon e, 550 Manhattan St., Schenectady, N. Y. Mrs. Elizabeth L ennartson RFD 2 .M ayville, N. Y. . ' , Milton L eavitt, American Consul General, APO 108, c / o PM, N. Y., N . Y. Lt. A. W. Lazcano, U. S . Naval Supply D epot, Scotia, N. Y. Ralph Larkin, Box 21, Ceres, N . Y. Franklin LaCosta, 5 Greenwood Terrace, Athol, Mass. George LaFontaine, 19 Olive St., Holyoke, Mass. Leonard Larson, 31 Gar dner St., Allston, ,Mass. J. B . Lawler, 8 Arlington Place, Framingham, Mass. Cecil Lebrun, Apt. 417, Dow AF Base, Bangor, Maine Reginald L eighton, 148 M ain St., Bangor, Maine John Lilley, 229 Adams St., Fairhaven, Mass. Joseph L etourneau, 112 Water St., Lawrence, Mass. Irving Lundquist, 11 Young Rath Oak Hill, Newton Centre, Mass. S / Sgt. Pete P. Loss, 3822-8th St., S . E., Washington 20, D. C. L eonard O . Larsen, Constructora Becht el, S. A., Apartado 155, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, South America U. W. L embeck, MMC, USN, 502 C. Y. Ave., Casper; Wyoming James D ennis Landrum, 1007 Gr anite Ave., Richmond 26, Va. Martin Luther, Clinton St., Salem D epot, N. H. Robert L . H eaureux, 98 Mechanic St. , Danielson, Conn. Robert Lewis, 2 Stoney Brook, Cape Elizabeth, Maine Walker Leighton, 112 Eastern Ave., Augusta, Maine Marshall J. LaForet, 60 Cloverdale Rd., Newton Highlands, Mass. Franklin J. LaCoste, 5 Greenwood T err., Athol, Mass. win. :r. LaFitt, 117 Hatcher Hall, L.S.U. Bat on Rouge, La. Robert L. Long, 1727 Oklahoma Drive, Altus, Okla. Wayne C. Liles, 2124 Gladstone Terr., Oklahoma City, Okla. Ray Lee Lape, P. O. Box 1484, Bartlesville, Okla. William H. Lambert, Royal Angus Farms, Royal, Ark. J erry P . Lambo, 109 White Birch Lane, Stamford, Conn. William Albert Lowry, 2100 Mesquite St., Las Vegas, Nev. M / Sgt. Adlard Langlois, Brookline St., Box 315, Groveton, N. H. Thomas R. Lynds, R. D. No.3, Box 224, Warren, Pa. Felix D. Lucero, Fairview Erie Co., Fairview, Pa. Mrs. Cora D. Lucas, 150 W . 3rd St. , Oil City, Pa. Earl E . Loughner, Pitcairn, Pa. Morris Littman, 7108 Rutland St., Philadelphia, Pa. Robert E. Levis, 2817 Ford Ave., R. D. 2, Turtle Creek, Pa. . Walter C. Lamm, 937 Green St., Allentown, Pa. Edith C. Lloyd, 12749 South Kalnor Ave., Norwalk, Calif. Thomas M. Litch, 120 Farnum St. San Francisco 12, Calif. ' Mrs. Charles B. L einback, 3150 Lawton St. , San Francisco, Calif. Eleanor O. Lee, P . O. Box 803 Los Gatos, Calif. ' John P. Latham, 305 B , Inchon Drive D eLug Hsg., Oceanside, Calif. ' Harry C. Liskowsky, 16 Boston St., Malden 48, Mass. Winston E. Lawson, 121 Pleasant St. , Orange, Mass. T / Sgt. Shenvood H . LaRock, FMCR-1D, 1 Gendreau Court, Gilbertsville, Miss. Erik H. F. Lundblad, P. O. Box 803, Sarasota, Fla. Joseph M. Lower, 435 Bach Rd., W. Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. W . H . Lawrence, 320 Dyer Ave W . Palm Beach, Fla. ., W . O. Lacewell, 1700 N. E. Lambridge St., Tampa, Fla. M J e~se . L. Miller, Box 1956, Manila, PhilIppme Islands. Francis H. Minault, 46 Boston Post Rd., Waterford, ·Conn. Alfred C. McGrew, 3510 Shelley Way . Arlington, Calif. ' John M. Mai, 929 York St., Covington, Kentucky John J. Moyer, 406 Apt. 1, Kalaimoku St., Honolulu, T. H. Alma B. Mills, 1144 Vermont St., Rock Springs, Wyo. D. A . Macy, Gen. Delivery, Moses Lake, Wash. M / Sgt. Gerald M. Moffett, 22118 Edmonds Way, Edmonds, Wash. Mrs. Ruth Moritz, Rt. 2, Sedro Woolley, Wash. Michael L. McMullen, Mt. Jackson, Va. William H. Mann, 3100 Strathmore Ave., Norfolk, Va. Norman R. Matthews, 611 North Main St., Suffolk, Va. Dr. W. H. McGarry, Manti, Utah James E. Mines, 1307 Ahrens St., Houston, T exas John A. McCary, 127-135 W. LaChapelle St., San Antonio, Texas Treffle, E. Metras, Box 33, R eseda, Calif. John Bruce Miller, 241 N. 8th, Eunice, La. Rondello .J. McCaffrey, 1 Elm St., No. Walpole, N. H. Thomas McKnight, Plummer St., Epp.i ng, N. H. Ebin Morrill, 614 Main St., Laconia, N.H. John Martino, 638 Congress Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Lt. Gustav Joseph Muenich, 1100 South Norfolk St., San Mateo, Calif. Lt. Comdr. Roy Morrisette, 12691 Edith St., Garden Grove, Calif. Col. James G. Monihan, 520 Los Alamos Dd., Santa Rosa, Calif. Walter A. Miller, 227 Alabana Ave., Huntington Beach, Calif. Col. Grattan McCafferty, 1710 Ariana Blvd., Auburndale, Fla. Lt. Roy W. McCottei, USM Sur. AS Dev. Det., Key West, Fla. Theodore R. Mullikin, 7623 Wabash Kansas City, Mo. ' Adolpha M. Meyer, 5323 Lindenwood, St. Louis 9, Mo. Miss Mary Mengis, 5124 Maple Ave., St. Louis 13, Mo. Major Raymond Morgan, 487 Broad St., 'Weymouth, Mass. John J. Moore, 2 Pearl St., Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Rosanna Miller , 69 State St., Northhampton, Mass. Nicholas Metta, Lexington Rd., Billerica, Mass. Frank Joseph Margiotto, 393 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Stanislaus Malor, 34 Rantoul St. , B everly, Mass. Cody A. Miller, Sunset, La. Group at Post Theatre, Fort Devens, Mass., January 1946 (27 ) TENTH ANNIVERSARY Christmas Day 1944 Paul J . McMillian, Jamesville, Minn. Ben Magdon, 404 Cadar Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn. Francis H. Minault, 25 P earl St., N ew London, Conn. Ronelle J. McCaffrey, Pine Hill Drive, Granby, Conn. J. A. Mihok, Windy Hils, 425 High Field Road, Louisville 7, Ky. . Wilbur M. Marrs, 906 Keaugh Drive, Murphysboro, Ill. M / Sgt. Bruno Marchesini, Qtrs. 1007 E . Barksdale Ave., Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala. Max McClain, 920 S. Elizabeth St. Kokomo, Ind. Mrs. Rose E . Meier, RR No.4, Hiawatha, Kansas Joseph B. Matheng, 834 Audrey Ave., Eldorado, Kan. Col. J . R. Manees, Box 1211, Sarasota, Fla. N. J. Masterson, Rt. 1, Brookland, Ark. Harry N. Martin, 2504 Blackwood Rd., Little Rock, Ark. Merle M. Musselman, MD., University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha 5, Nebraska H. L. Milligan, W eisner, Nebr. Ray McCreanor, 725 Central Parkway, S. E., Warren, Ohio Wayne Murray, 72 Seminary Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio Nicholas Moga, 462 Fenton Ave., N. E., Canton, Ohio John D. Minier, 716-B St., Erie Gardens, Port Clinton, Ohio Orion R. Miller, 109 Via EI Chico, Redondo Beach, Calif. Alfred C. McGrew, 233 68th St., Riverside, Calif. Gordon E. Maloney, P. O. Box 621, Beverly Hills, Calif, Mrs. D. W . MacNair, P. O. Box 698, Saratoga, Calif. Brig. Gen. Maxon S. Lough, 1595 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Joseph McElroy, 1824 South 65th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albert E . Moss, Jr., Jefferson St., Linesville, Pa. Carl Moldovan, RFD 2, Sunflower, New Brighton, Pa. AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR Some Place in Japan Harry Mock, Lot 84, Winding Road, Sherwood, Hatburg, Pa. Mrs. Arthur Morris, 20 Riverside Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Robert P. Morgan, 543 St. Lawrence Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Louis Molaro, 2254 Croton a Ave., Bronx 57, N. Y. M/ Sgt. Sam Moody, 320 So. Broadway, Apt. T-ll , Tarrytown, N. Y. Benjamin Minota, 117 Freeman St., Brooklyn 22, N. Y. Joseph G. Minder, North Creek, N. Y. Mrs. A. G. Milks, Cattaraugus, N. Y., Route 1 Sgt. Thomas Mikita, Jr., Co. A 350 Inf. Regt., APO 541, c / o PM, N. Y., N. Y. Col. Lloyd E . Mielenz, APO 58, c/o P .M. New York, N. Y. John Matulewicz, 5 Fucini Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. Michael Maslak, 40 Jay St., Johnson City, N . Y. Anthony D. Marangiello, 4 Vine St., Glen Cove, N . Y. Joseph Mann, 378 Conklin Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Sgt. Felicisimo Mallorca, Hq. Btry., 52nd AAA Brigade, Ft. Wadsworth, Staten Island, N. Y. Walter E . Martinat, P. O. Box 4, Valdese, N. C. Allen G. McConnell, Box 1, Lakeland, Ga. Pete Mekulsia, 34 Third St., Heilwood, Pa. M. A. Mazer, 6344 Alderson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Mason, Warren County, Irvine, Pa. Dr. Martinez, St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. M / Sgt. Luther H. MacKanzie, 248 Oak St., Holyoke, Mass. Mr. J. Morin, 18 Truman Highway, Hydepark, Mass. Mr. Robert H . Morse, 77 Union Ave., Old Orchard, Maine. Mr. Vito S. Marashio, 117 R edlands Ave., West Roxbury, Mass. Mr. Alab Markham, 6 Dian St., Granby, Mass. (28 ) Mr. William A. Migneault, Hq. Det., Ft. Danks, Mass. Mr . .John J . Moore, 173 Winthrop S t., ['. )xbury, Mass. 1'.1r. James F . Moran, 62 South Main St., \ l iHord, Mass. . 1'.1 ajor Warren Minton, 5th Inf. Dlv., Ft. Jackson, S. C. !:t . sco "Matz, 604 N. Wyoming St., H azleton, Penn. Simon Marchonis, 50 Lowell St., Lawrence, Mass. Edward Martel, M/ Sgt. , 87 Mall St., Lynn, Mass. Lt. James McEvoy, U.S.N. , 495 Summer St., Navy Bld., DPO Boston, Mass. Clarence Melanson, 22 Webowet Rd., Arlington, Mass. T . E. Metras, Box 144, Springfield, Mass. Albert E. Mc Garvey, 11 Seminole Ave., Waltham, Mass. Daniel Mahoney, 18 Storey St., Cambridge, Mass. Wiliam Mahoney, 33 Chestnut St., Peabody, Mass. M/ Sgt. David McCurdy, Enid A.F.B., Enid, Okla. Ed Morey, 77 Union Ave., Old Orchard, Maine. Carter R. McLennan, Cuba - New York Mrs. Jacob W. Miller, 326 Market St., S. Williamsport 32, Pa. August W. Mignatti, 381 Sylvania Ave., Glenside, Pa. Harry Menozzi, Box 423, Sutersville, Pa. Col. Stephen M. Mellnik, 18th AA Gp., South Park, Boughton, Pa. Louis B. Marchetti, 924 Second Ave., Altoona, Pa. Edward Maguire, 150 Poplar St., Kingston, Pa. James J. Malouff, 1521 Mineral Spring Rd., Reading, Pa. Walter Macarovich, 4136 Third St., Tarentum, Pa. Mrs. Joseph A. Mulcahy, 14 Dansforth Ave., Jersey City 5, N. Y. M / Sgt. Vivien E. Moore, 139 Patterson Ave., Red Bank, N. J. Lt. Col. William A. Marrocco, 445 Park Ave., Paterson, N. J. 2nd Lt. James E. Madden, 216 Grand Ave., Leonia, N. J. Lawrence M . McQueeney, 1 Sunset Trail, Indian Lake, Denville, N. J . Charles A. McLaughlin, 31 S. Village Dr., Somers Point, N. J. Mrs. Mary McGinnis, 171 Duncan Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Robert M. Murdoch, Route 4, Box 75, Battle Creek, Mich. J. D. Merritt, 8959 Lilley Rd., Plymouth, Mich. Harold D. Martelle, Jr., 28444 Hazelwood St., Inkster, Mich. Daniel F . Mac Intosh, 26474 Morley Dr., Inkster, Mich. Leo Mazerole, c/ o Flower, West Pembroke, Me. M / Sgt. Laurent L. Martel, 19 Grove St., Rockland, Maine. Col. Clinton S. Maupin, Qtrs. 1266, 21th Loop Sandia Base, Albuquerque, N. M. D . R. McDaniel, 347 Hillside, Sante Fe, N.M. M / Sgt. Victor L. Mapes, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. Robert J. McDonald, 5100 Decatur St., Edmonston, Md. Rear Adm. Alan R. McCracken, 5619 McLean Dr., Bethesda 14, Md. Keith T . Myers, Endenlin, N. D. F . Walter Middleton, Box 773, Sylva, N.C. HOTEL BRADFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- SATURDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE Christmas Day 1944 N Floyd Niday, Rt. 6, Springfield, Ohio Albert P. Naymick, Route 1, Silica Rd., Mineral Ridge, Ohio Harry Nytra, 2818 Mary Street, S. S., Pittsburgh, Penna. Robert M. Neil, 424 Green St., Belle Vernon, Pa. Richard L. Neault, Box 424, Greenfield, Mass. William H. Noel, 1514 Lafayette St., St. Louis, Mo. Donald L. Neuman, 860 Pontiac St., Salina, Kansas Joseph B. Nespojobn, 1643 Noble Ave. , Bridgeport 10, Conn. Leonard D . Naylor, 310 East Hanna St., Greencastle, Ind. Nancy Belle Norton, 1655 S. E . Spokane St., Portland Oregon William A. Nolan, 11954 Lakepointe Ave,. Detroit 24, Mich. Melvin Nesteby, S-4 Det Hdqs., 81st. Ord. , APO 227, New York, N. Y. Carl Nash, P. O. 83, Harlem, Ga. LCDR Edward R. Nell, (MC), USN Station Infirmary, USMCAS, Cherry Point, N. C. Robert Noyes, 681 First Ave., Berlin, N.H. Joseph Nihok, 88 London Terrace, Stratford, Conn. Wayne Nelson, Apt. 5, Casco Terrace, Falmouth Foreside, Maine M/Sgt. Chester Nicholson, 430 San Pedro Dr., S. E., Albuquerque, N. M. Capt. David Nash, Office of CNO (OP921B) , Washington 25, D. C. Ethel M. Thor Nelson, Rt. 7, Box 533, Tacoma, Wash. M /Sgt. Chester L. Nicolson, Box 1069, Randolph Field, Tex. o Mr. Emmet O'Neal, Suite 1021, Tower 'B ldg., Washington 5, D. C. M/ Sgt. Benny Osecky, 1254 ATS, Wash. National Airport, Washington, D. C. Clifford M. Omtvedt, 213 E. Grand St., Eau Claire, Wis. Col. Ray M. O'Day, 1814 Blue Ridge Dr., Seattle 77, Wash. Albert Omeara, 121 Lincoln, Gardiner, Maine Some Place in Japan James O 'Rorke, Red Feather Lakes, Colo. Charles E. Ohler, 3000 Clifton Park Terrace, Baltimore 13, Md. Bob Ostrom, North Hartland, Middleport, New York Eris Olsen, 100 Atlantic Ave., Oceanside, New York Theodore J. Oslager, 11 Baker Street, Patchogue, New York Mrs. Clara Ordun, 212 Halcomb St., Laporte, Ind. William Onufry, 26 High Street, Topsfield, Mass. James V. O'Sullivan, 123 D Bates St., Fort Devens, Mass. Capt. Eleanor E . O'Neill, 3705 Alameda De Las Pulgas, San Mateo, Calif. M / Sgt. Patrick D. O'Brien, Hg. Sq., Sec., Western Air Defense Force, Hamilton AFB, San Francisco Salvatore Nocena, 110 Tremont St., New Britain, Conn. P Peter Pirnat, R. D. 1, Thompson, Ohio Mrs. A. J. Penick, RRH 1, Hebron, Ohio Mario Pozzani, 307 North Ninth St., Apollo, Pa. J . T . Poster, 109 Emerald Ave., Pennside, Reading, Pa. Michael Perfeit, 697 Seventh Street, Sharpsville, Pa. Bernard J. Pecynski, Box 166, Morris Run, Pa. Stanley Patrick, 1815 Greenleaf, Pittsburgh, Pa. Maj. Gen. George M. Parker, 430 S. W. Iron Mountain Blvd., Portland, Ore. M / Sgt. Harry H. Perton, 3307 Maywood, Independence, Mo. M / Sgt. William Peterson, P. O. Box 863, Sta. A, St. Petersburgh, Fla. M / Sgt. Granville V. Prewett, 6245 Pasteur Blvd., New Orleans, La. Ernest L. Powers, Rt. 4, Box 191, Russellville, Arkansas Felix N. Porter, 3233 N. Harvey Parkway, Okiahoma City 3, Okla. John P erona, 926 Oakdale Ave., Chicago 14, Ill. Robert E. Peterson, 2251 South 24th Ave., Broadview, Ill. (29 ) Henry W. Pe:mtek, R. R. 1, Moweaqua, Ill. Desire S. Peltier, 52 Bradford St., ;j.Jringneld, Mass. Joseph Pert·y, Central Hospital, Office Naval Torp. Sta., N ewport, R. I. Lt. H. Parmenter, USN Com. Office, ·195 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Joe P earce, 14 D ennis St., New Britain, Conn. Chester Porter, 124 Greenfield Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Ernest PO,ulin, 79 Cross St., Southbridge, Mass. Daniel Phelan, 821 Maple Ave., Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Floyd Prescott, 32 Second St., Medford, Mass. Simme Pickman, 48 Cedar St., Marble. head, Mass. George F. Pickering, 350 Umon St., So. Weymouth, Mass. George PiccirUlo, 212 N ewtonville, Newtonville, Mass. Hartman J. Peterson, 35 Sheffield Rd., Roslindale 31, Mass. Mrs. G. M. P earson, 49 Worthington St., Roxbury, Mass. . Mrs. Edith M. Parker, 10 Shirley Ave., Kingston, Mass. Gabriel Dias Paiva, 31 Inman St., Cambridge 39, Mass. Charles H. Primm, 2126 S. Hemlock St., Tucson, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pfeifer, 317 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck, N. J . Vito Pepitone, 385 South Ave., Bridgeton, N. J . Howard J. Peck, 426 Mickle St., Camden 3, N.J. Austin M. Patrizio, 90 Belmont Ave., Jersey City 4, N. J. Mr. C. C. Pyle, 6205 Dorothy Dr., San Diego 15, Calif. Mrs. Louise Anschicks Prud'Homme, 2175 - 46th Ave, San Francisco 16, Calif. Laurence R. Pierce, S.W.U. PAC KAS, San Diego, Calif. Caryl L. Picotte, 1150 La Cresta Blvd., lE I Cajon, Calif. Art Penrose, 126 Vial Waziers, Newport Beach, Calif. George W . Paden, P. O. Box 2029, Sta. V, Los Angeles, Calif. Harmon Okay Parker, P. O. Box 124, Columbus, Ga. John Pietropolo, Box 5, New Hamburg, N. Y. Carl Piccorreta, 147 Bedford St., Rochester 9, N. Y. Eugene G. Pfeiffer, 73 Orange Street, Brooklyn 1, N . Y. Shannon L. Petersen, EMC, U. S. S. Leary, DDR-879, E. Div., c / o FPO, N.Y.,N.Y. Domenick A. Pellegrino, 86th T. H., ATS (M), APO 57, N. Y. Thomas Edward Pasqual, 397 Columbus Ave., Tuckahoe, N. Y. M / Sgt. David O. Patterson, West Camp, N.Y. T. F . Provost, R. D. 1, Navarre, Ohio Carl Piccorreta, 43 Suellen Dr., Rochester 9, N. Y. Lawrence R. Pierce, U . S . Hancock, c/o F.P.O., San Francisco, Calif. Lawrence H. Phillips, 143 Winian Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Pearl Carter Pace, War Claims Commission, Washington, D. C. Mrs. W . Phillips, 2307 N. W. Calvert, Washington 8, D. C. Charles Eldon Prigmore, J.O.C., Alaskan Command, A.P.O. 942, c/o P. M., Seattle, Wash. TENTH ANNIVERSARY A. W. Pamenter, 1114 Mahor Rd., Falls Church 2, Va. S / Sgt. Anthony Petrose, 121 Peyton Pl., San Antonio. Texas Winthrop Pinkham, 62 Portland Ave., Dover, N . H. Joe Place, M / Sgt., Army Reserve Hq., Wilmington, Delaware James Pidluski, 633 Blackrock Turnpike, Hartford, Conn. William Parker, 181 Bolton St., Portland, Maine Q Col. M. H. Quesenberry, 10969 Brundagc Way, San Jose, Calif. R Frank Rosc, Corner Clinton & Williams St., Delaware City, Delaware Paul W. Reuter, 1730 Wood St., Shamokin, Pa. George S. Reisher, Jr., R. R. 4, Chambersburg, Pa. O. D. Robinson, Benedum Trees Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gustave Rosenfelt, 2511 Emerald St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clyde Patterson Rossell, R. D. 2, Box 108, Perryopolis, Pa. Robert J. Russell, Central Avenue 80 W., Paoli, Pa. AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR Mrs. Nancy Russo, 632 E. Bald Eagle St., Lock Haven, Pa. John Frank Rogath, 5440 Arlington Ave., St. Louis 20, Mo. Elmer M. Roberts, 1142 Howell St. , St. Louis, Mo. Joseph W. Roszkowski, Post Signal, Fort Dix, New Jersey William Rawlings, 105 Williams Place, Totowa Borough, Paterson, N. J. Saul Rubenstein, 21-15 35th Ave., Long Island City 6, N. Y. Marvel Ross, Long Branch Rd., Liverpool, N. Y. M / Sgt. E. C. Roseen, 1631st Air Base Sq., ATLD, MATS, A. P. O. c / o P. M., N. Y., N. Y. Nat Romanzo, 188 Delaware Ave., Albany, N. Y. M / Sgt. Marcel Remy, 4515 43rd Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Everett J. Rea, 1947 Valley Dr., Syracuse 7, N. Y. Adolph Raynis, 109-44 Lefferts Blvd., S. Ozone Park 20, N. Y. Noel M. Ravneberg, L., 1 Bank St., New York 14, N. Y. Mrs. Pearl B. Rush, Rush Street, Henniker, N. H. Major Rosen, 18 Addison St. , Glouces- CO'I. Guy H. Stubbs, C.A.C., fO'rmer POW, frO'm Peach BO'ttom, Pa., takes the O'ath frO'm Capt. D. S. Van Meter, Marshal O'f the cO'urt, frO'm RatO'n, N. M., during the Philippines' phase O'f the IMTFE trials O'f the 27 accused Japanese war criminals, at the War Ministry Bldg., TokyO', Jap'a n. CO'I. Stubbs, presently a patient at the Walter Reed HO'spital in 'WashingtO'n, D. C., was captured while serving with HQ's Luzl)n FO'rces O'n Bataan, April 9, 1942, and was liberated at TO'yama, Japan, Sept. 6, 1945. ter, Mass. John L. Roberts, U. S. A. F. George W. Romecho, R. F. D. 2, Storrs, Conn. Donovan Ricks, 49 Hartford St., Natick, Mass. M / Sgt. Earl Richwine, Billmyer, Penn. Paul V. Rouse, 1120 McConnell Ave., Erie, Pa. B. C. Ringo, Rt. 1, Box 209, Mulino, 01·C. Maj. Kenneth Ranson, P. O. Box 327, Northern Ave., Glenn Dale, Md. Marshall Roe, R. F. D. 2, W. Frank(ort, Ill. Nicholas T. Rohs, Hilltown, Pa. Robert C. Robbins, D. D. S., Clearview Shopping Center, 2632 S. Hampt.on Rd., Dallas 8 General Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine Embassy, Washington, D. C. Heinz L. Rhee, c/ o American Consul, Randolph A. F. B., Texas Daniel H. Roberts, Wrangcll Institute, Wrangell, Alaska John M. Redl, Room 209, P. O. Bldg., La Crosse, Wis. Dr. F. L. Richardson, 800 W. 41st St., Vancouver, Wash. Leonard L. Robinson, Box 715, N. Bonneville, Wash. Lt. CO'I. Franklin M. Flinniau, 6924 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, Calif., a witness in the trial O'f ex-1st Lt. KuniO' Miyatake, a POW camp dO'ctor, cups his hands to indicate the size O'f a light which prisO'ners were fO'rced to stare into by the defendant. Miyatake was knO'wn to' POW's as "The Mad DO'ctO'r" fO'r his sadistic treatments. He is being tried befO're an Eighth Army Military CommissiO'n in YO'kO'hama. (30 ) HOTEL BRA DFORD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - SATU RDAY, MAY SEVENTH, NTNETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY- FIVE Mr. Donald F. Ingle, survivor of the famous Japanese "Death March", from Laura, Ill., testifies during the Philippine phase of the War Crimes Trials, for the 27 accused Japanese war criminals, in the War Ministry Bldg., Tok~ Japan. Mr. Ingle was imprisoned from April 8, 1942, until Sept. 21, 1945, after his capture and seven day forced march. S/ Sgt. Samuel B. Moody, survivor of the famous Japanese "Dea·th March"; from Lynn, Mass., testifies in the witness box of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, during the Philippine phase of the War Crimes Trials for the 27 accused Japanese war criminals, in the War Ministry Bldg., Tokyo, Japan. Sgt. Moody, presently attached to 1st Army Recruiting, Boston, Mass., was a POW from April 9, 1942, until Sept. 2, 1946. Col. Fred H. Richardson, Qtrs. 10, N. E. Guarolajara, J olisco, Mexico Dr. E. P. Reed, 1200 Bowie St., Amarillo, Texas Lt. Col P. H. Rafferty, U.S.A.F., RA.F. Exchange Program, Box 30, U.S.N. 100, F.P.O., N . Y. Melvin L. Routt, 131 Phoenix Avenue, Modesto, Calif. Maj. J. Reppah, 33 Oak Ave., Shelton, Conn. Joseph Rizzo, 620 Broad St., Meriden, Conn. Lt. Patrick Ryan, U.S.N. - Comm. Facility, Navy NU, 961 Fleet Post, San Francisco, Calif. John A. Ryan, Egan Ryan Company, Columbus, Ohio G. Raden, Mission Manor, 909 Calle Romana, Tucson, Ariz. Walter E. Rees, 3319 Middlesex Drive, Apt. A, Toledo, Ohio M / Sgt. Charles C. Reel, 324 Castle Drive, Fort Bragg, N. C. Capt. Richard Riegler, 2279 Dresden Ave., Columbus 11, Ohio Edward F. Rorke, c / o Shell Oil Co., 1845 Sherman St., D enver, Colo. Albert Roth, 262 So. Chase, Columbus 4, Ohio Frederick Rabin, 5764 East Second St., Long Beach 3, Calif. John E . Rowland, 7040 Cleveland Ave., Westerville, Ohio Arthur H. Reynolds, 948 Center Point Rd., N. E ., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Howard J. Ruby, 808 East 155th St., Cleveland, Ohio John P. Rynerson, 1635 Kingston Rd., Kokomo, Ind. Richard Reynolds, Jr., 621 Atlantic Ave., Peoria 4, Ill. Victor Corey Reynolds, Jr., 621 Atlantic A ve. , Peoria 4, Ill. Eugene Rosemont, 1432 South 15th Ave., Maywood, TIL Charles Ryswick, 6800 S. W. l06th St. , Miami 43, Fla. David, 79 Thomaston St., Hartford, Conn. James 1. Rose, Jr., 40 Westview Lane, Glastonbury, Conn. Paul Roessler, 2423 Griffen St., Hyattsville, Md. Major Kenneth E. Ranson, 5805 67th Ave. , East Riverdale, Md. Mrs. Rutherford R Ronlston, 880 South St., Roslindale, Boston, Mass. Sgt. Albert Richstein, 170 Truman Ave., Newton Center, Mass. Mrs. Ellen A. Redman, 6 Clive St., North Quincy 71, Mass. John F. Ray, 47 Liberty Ave., West Somerville, Mass. W / 0 Walter C. Ryan, 8872 Mansfield, Detroit, Mich. Raymond E. Rau, Frankenmuth, Mich. Thomas Reardon, Box 18 Sub Sta., New London, Conn. Philip Rohde, 122 Bedford Ave., Hamden, Conn. S Sgt. R W. Schuster, Sherman Court, Evansville, Wis. Harold J . Shrode, 9130 W. Mt. Vernon Ave., Wauwatosa 13, Wis. Louis S. Sirois, WJG, O.M.S., Box 607, A.P.O. 731, Seattle, Wash. Bernard Saunders, 325 Washington St., Bedford, Va. Ernest A. Stotler, 219 S. Kent St., Winchester, Va. M / Sgt. John Seres, c / o 316 Patchen Rd., S. Burlington, Vt. Charles Sisk, 4982 Lynbar, Memphis, Tenn. Herman J . Silk, Glad Valley, S. D . R F. Sternberg, 234 N. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. George Smoth, 241 Halabird Ave., Winsted, Conn. Joseph Siciliano, Box 411. Togus, Maine Don Smith, Maine St., Mattawankeag, Maine T / Sgt. Joseph J . Stanko, 3520 Maint. ( 31 ) Sqdn., Wichita Mun. Airport, Wichita, Kan. William Preston, Six, 314 S. Dodge, Wichita, Kan. Alva E . Smith, 22 Valley Rd., Somerdale, N.J. Samuel Sidney Schulman, Box 8037, Clinton Hill Station, Newark, N. J . Albert Senna, 850 Hamilton St., New Brunswick, N. J. Joseph Semler, 202 Second St., Trenton, N.J. Gerald G. Slump, 8302 N. 28th Dr., Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Clara M. Sauer, 2101 East Second St., Tucson, Ariz. M/Sgt. Lee D. Stephens, Hq. Sq. Sec., First Air Force, Mitchell A.F.B., N. Y. Fred Stadtmiller, 419 McNaughton St., Rochester 6, N. Y. Stephen Somoggi, 165 Wilson St., Beacon, N. Y. S.F.C. James K. Smith, Hq. & Hq. Co., 50th Ord., A.P.O. 46, c / o P .M., N. Y., N.Y. Pete V. Signorelli, Box 402, Corning, N.Y. Peter Schur, 26 Mulberry' St., Yonkers, N.Y. Dr. Elack Schultz, 21-25 34th Ave., Long Island City 6, N. Y. 1st Lt. Eric Schramm, 01850063, 544th Q.M. Co., A.P.O. 541, c / o' P .M., N. Y. , N.Y. Wiliam R Schaub, 63-123 Fitchett St. , Rego Park 74, N. Y. M / Sgt. Calvin V. Salva, Post Hq. Qrs. T39A, Ft. Wadsworth, Staten Island, N.Y. Charles George Sadler, Club Menes Section, A.P.O. 403, c / o P.M., N. Y., N.Y. George Seaman, 2815 Arlington Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Norman K. Scott, 258 E. Sheldon St., Philadelphia 20, Pa. Oliver M. Schultz, R D . 2, Montoursvill, Pa. TENTH ANNIVERSARY A MERICA N DEFENDERS OF B A T AAN A ND C ORREGTDOR John Sokalsky, 132 Sycamore S t., Allentown, Pa. Oscar A. Smith , Jr., 3513 Centerfi eld Rd., Harl'isburg, Pa. N evin N. Smith, 310 Erie St. Edinboro Pa. " Albert M. Shuman, 939 Washington St. , R eading, Pa. T / Sg t. N orman L. Sher r, 238 N. 16th St., Allentown, Pa. • K e nne th J . Stull, 172 Franklin Ave., Vandergrift, Pa. Benjamin F . Stevens, R D . 1 Phoenixville 38, Pa. ' M / Sgt. Bert E. Strecener, Box 1 Brookfield, Ohio ' John B. Stefanek, 10617 Rose Hill Ave. , Cleveland 4, Ohio Major Frede ric D. Stanton, 8 Eas t Long St. , Columbus 15, Ohio Clarence Statts, 764 E. 345 S t .. \ '/ ilioughby, Ohio Alvin Silver , 26 T errace Dr. , Yo ungs town, Ohio John L. Short, Port Clinton, Ohio J ohn Sandor, 341 S . B ell e 'vis ta \ ve Youngstown 9, Ohio . .. Joseph ~mul ewic z, 62 Pauldin g St. , :::;un FrancIsco, Calif. Lt. W . H . Sparks, Nav. S upply D 0po t Mechanicsburg, Pa. ' Benjamin F. Stakes, 523 Stratrord TId Avondale Esta t es , Ga. ., Joe Schoebert, 110 Wilcox St. , B l'istol, Conn. J. Saxton, 150 Brookside A ve. , Brockton, Mass. Henry Sanocki, 56 John St., Pittsfield Mass. ' Cesidio Schiappucce 365 Purchase St Milford, Mass. ' ., Summer Smith, 70 Main St., L vnfield Mass. , Mrs. Edith Sampson, 146 Prince ton S t. , East Boston, Mass. Martin Seliga, 25 First St., L eominster , Mass. Paul Shaughnessy, 85 Arlington St., Brighton, Mass. Edward Sheehan, 699 Middlesex St.. Lowell, Mass. Joe Simoneau, 25 Dutton St., Lowell MUL ' Lexley Simpson, 542 Cambridge St Allston, Mass. ., .Tohn H. Sullivan, U.S .A.F . WillialT' Sneizko, Hq. AACS, Andrews A.F B ., 'Yashington 25, D . C. G. ,\. SWIsher, 64 S . Russell St S ':/eymouth, Mass. ., . B'.rnard Stradley, U. S. Naval Hospital Chelsea, Mass. ' John Seres, U.S.A.F. R ecruiting 'Office, H.oc;lester , N . Y. Fra?k Shannon, 118 S. 16th St., CamphIll, Penna. Julian T . Saldivan, M.D., 9815 Limerick Dr. , Dallas, Texas Dr. ~tanley W . Smith, Arnold PI., SandWIch, Ill. Gilbert B . Seifer 7345 Malvern Ave ~hiladelphia 39,' Pa. ., MaJor James E. Shime, 733 East Juniper St., Fallbrook, Calif. W. A. Selby, A.E. C. , NAMO TRA DET NR 1045, MCAS, El Toro Santa An~' Calif. " Paul R Sandoval, 1152 E. 59th St Los Angeles, Calif. ., Alma E. Salm, 2675 Las Aromas Oakland 11. Calif. ' Walter E. Stone, 13000 Archer Ave Lamont, Ill. ., Sta~ley W. Smith, Arnold Rd., SandWIch, Ill. War Crimes witnesses at ITO House, Tokyo, Japan, 1946 and 1947 Paul L . Sarno, 1119 Bonnie B rae, River Forest, Ill. Joseph M. Siciliano, 7401 Elevent h Ave., St. P et e r sburg 2, Fla. Roland E. S t ickney, 14 K enderm a S t ., Manchester, N . H . Mrs. M. Shatto, 35 Daniels St., Por t smouth, N . H . M / Sgt. William N. Sterwart, 2338 Waterman Ave., San B ernardino, Calif. Alvin E. Stewart, Route I, Box 174, Tiptf'n, Calif. John A. Son, 8804 Horner St. , Los Angeles 35, Calif. Dr. Stephe n C. Sit~er, Vet erans Home, Napa County, Calif. B en C. Steel , Box 833, Hardin, Mont. Verlus V. Solomon, 14115 Bramel!. Detroit 23, Mich. Michael Slish, 20549 Schoenher r Rd., D etroit, Mich. H. Harry Shaw , Vestaburg, Mich . Walter E. Scott, 1313 Hillcrest, N . W ., Grand Rapids, Mich. Wiliam J . Sheehan, Jr., 8817 Ca ndeloria Rd., N . E., Albuquerque, N . M. Donald Smith , Souris, N. D. F. E. Sae fke , .fr., Box 1261, Bismarck, N . D. Roman Szarwinski, 100 Middlebolo Rd., W. Wareham, Mass. Cmqr. Jo~ eph H. Sawyer , Ferry St., Marshfield, Mass. John J . Stanton, 150 Brookside Ave ., Brockton, Mass. Mrs. Edith Sampson, 146 Princeton St., East Boston, Mass. Walter Stefanski, Box F-141, R F . D., Roland St., Valley Falls, R 1. Marvin She arwood, Goodman Mo. Sigfreid A. Schreiner, 39 B~rbara Dr., Norwalk, Conn. Vermont §tepper, 2660 Ladd, Salem, Oregon .. Bill Short, Rt. 5, Box 2326, Oroville, Calif . ( 32 ) Melvin L . Schrepel, Coats, K a nsas Ben C. Steele , 4511 S . Four Mile Run D r. , Apt. 1, Arlington, Va. Lt. W. H . Spar ks, Subsistance Div. S. E ., Bureau of Supply & Accts., Navy D ept., W a shington 25, D . C. M / Sgt. R enato R Scala, 406th Fd. Sv. Sq., RA.F . Base, Bamsgate, K ent, England Roland Stickney , 8 Wiliam St., Lancast er , N . H . Robert Shurm, Route 3, Erwin, Pa. George Sparks, Forest, Miss. T John W . Temple, 1402 D elaware Ave., W yomissing, P enn. John R Tassey, 305 Fifth Ave., Brownsville, Pa. . An t hony E. Timalonis, 27 Mack Street, Plains, Pa. Elmer Thomas, RF.D. I, Transfe r , Pa . Joseph W . Tuscher, 6775 S. W ., 53rd S t., South Miami 43, Fla. Cmdr . Mar ion W . Taylor, Gen. D el. , Punt a Gorda, Fla. Hiram W . Tarkington , 569 Seabrook Par kway, So. Jacksonville 11, Fla. Ewing Tefft, 88 Dorr. Ave., Riverside, R1. Rhea F. Tow, 816 West 13th St. Silver City, N . M. ' K enneth Thompson, Box 188 Port Clinton, Ohio ' Michael Xavier Traino, 36 Canary St., Rochester 13, N. Y. Rugus D. Teague, S equoyah Voc. School Tahlequak, Okla. ' Mrs. Maude C. Talley, Box 381 Tulsa Ohla. ' , R ev. Albert D. Talbot, Church Of the Assumption, 115 Riverdale Ave., W estport, Conn. Lt. Mabry A. Terry, 511 - 11th St. N Virginia, Minn. ' ., Sam Trifilo, 2842 Whitewood Ann Arbor, Mich. ' llOTEL BRADFORD , BOSTON , MASSACHUSETTS - Soine A. Torma, 403 Cooper, Hancock, Mich. Edward E . Thomas, 10 Garland St., S. E., Grand Rapids 8, Mich. Harlow E. Tainter, Box 537, Wisner, Nebr. Col. T. T. T eague, Box 162, Ambas.:;ador Station, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Dale F. Toney, Box 49, Symerton, Ill. }{osindo Tritilli, 2135 N . Lockwood Ave. , Chicago 39, Ill. Wm. H. Thomas, 2304 St. Paul St., Indianpolis, Ind. Harry P. Tripp, Dartmouth st, Ipswich, Mass. Alphonse J. Tondreault, 46 Memorial Dr., Salem, Mass. William L. ToWing, Main Street, West Towsand, Mass. Mrs. Harriet Taylor, 39 Garrison R d., Chelmsford, Mass. George Tonechio, R.F.D . 2, Storrs, Conn. John E. 'l'omascwski, 67 East St. , E:u';L Hartford CRT Thompson, 4 Wilbur Ave., Newport, R 1. Mike Tardivo, 440 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. Robert Tighe, 115 Bowdcn St. , Dorchester, Mass. rvlitchell J . Telendo, 38 Avelen Rd., W est Hartford, Conn. Joe Thibeault, 834 Moody St., Lowell, Mass. John W. Tokary, 25 Milton St., Indian Orchard, Mass. Phillip Toland, 83 Woodland St., Fitchburg, Mass. John Torres, 8 Magoni Terrace, Plymouth, Mass. George Trudell, 405 Eagle St., North Adams, Mass. Mr. Ewing Tefft, 3 First St., Pawtucket, R I. E. Thurston, Box 310, Mt. McGregor, N.Y. Rev. Albert D. Talbot, St. Ann's Church, 481 Bl'ewster St., Bridgeport 5, Conn. Col. Thomas M. Tarplay, Chief VMD, 900 N. Lombardy St., Richmond, Va. A. Topping, 1223 Holly St., S . Norfolk, Va. Michael H . Tussing, Jr., N ew Mal'k et, Va. Mrs. Vivian O. Trevor, Dietal'y Dcpt., V. A. Hospital, McKinney, T exas Franklin D. Torp., Rt. 3, Box 22 South Haven, Mich. ' U M/ Sgt. Ed. J. Urbaschak, 202 Ave. B, East, Barksdale AFB, Shreveport 1Mi. ' Anton Urban, 6610 Stinson Blvd., N . E., Minneapolis, Minn. Richard H. Urling, Box 122, Indian· ola. Nebraska Mai. Madelaine Ullom, ANC, 320 Gen. Hospital, APO, 170, c/o P. M., N. Y., N. Y. Michael M. Ushakoff, 2816 W. 63rd St., Seattle 7, Wash. Jake Ubnjelski, Raymond RFD 6 Norwich, Conn. ' Ralph Ware, 114 State St., Kittery, Me. V Joseph A. Vater, 12 Warbler Drive, McKees Rocks, Penna. M/ Sgt. Fred S. Vinton, 703 Bryant Ave., Jackson, Mich. Jack G. Versluis, 149 Wallinwood, N . E., Grand Riapids, Mich. Jorge T. Viray, 1205 A54 U.S. Dispensary, Ft. Wadsworth, Staten Island, N . Y. SATURDAY, MAY SEVEN TH, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY- FIVE After several days as paying guests at the Kyoto Hotel, well-known to prewar tourists, these POWs return to their camps preparatory to their evacuation to the Philippines and then home. Most J a panese camp commandants opened the doors and removed the gu ards when the surrender was announced. Left to right, in this photo, Jre (front row): Pfc. Rueben L. Bunyard, England, Ark. ; Corp. F. M. Brewer, Rough Rock, Ariz.; S 2j c James C. Muldron , RF .D . 2, Florence, S.C. ; Pfc:. Thomas S. Jones, 200 Market St., H elen a, Ark.; Torpedoma n 1j c Robert Burnett, RF.D. 2, Charlotte, Mich .; Sgt. Frank H. Pecarich, 411 West Molong, Gallup, New Mexico. and Pfc. William D. Hill, Color ado, Texas; (back row): Pfc. George Titus, International Falls, Minn.. Asst. Cook Don K. Manning, Hooper, Utah; Sgt.. Lester V. Defoe, Box 891, Sea ttle, Wash.; Corp. L. R Scoggin, 1401 No. Blaine St., Altus, Okla .; Pfc. John B . Harrison, Arco, Ga. ; Corp. George Smathers, Hartford, Wash. ; and the only British soldier in the group, Pvt. Bert Fortescue of London . The America ns all were taken captive on B ataan or Corregidor. (Photo for American Red Cross.) Gcorge Verber. 5179 Oakmont Road, Cleveland 24, Ohio Mrs . Lena Valyou, Boston Road, Bill· erica, Mass. Mrs. H. Van Gelder, 41 Franklin St., Woburn, Mass. William Van Almen, M / Sgt., U. S. A. David L . Vandal, 1927 14th St., Che· halis, Wash. Buford C . Vaughan, R. D. 3, Box 2, Wythville, Va., c / o T . W . H edge Dcnald C. Wright, 2706 Elmore Dr., Springfield, Ohio M. H. Woodside, c/ o Sampson County Memorial Hospital, Clinton, N. C. Mrs. Nannie P . Williams, 1205 Wat· anga St., Raleigh, N. C. William C. Wutke. 129 Barth Drive, Baldwin, L. I., N. Y. Mark M. Wohlfeld, 142·34 59th Ave., Flushing 55, L . 1., N. Y. Carlton M. Wilder, 1603 ATW 1603 Supply, APO 231, c/ o P . M., N . Y., N. Y. Earl T. Whitbeck, 10 McCulloch Ave., Ravena, N. Y. Col. E . R. Wennitzning, 14th Field Hospital, APO 34, N. Y., N. Y. Herman Weber, c/ o John Fenyvessy, 2220 Highland Ave., Rochester 10, N. Y. Thomas E. Watson, 6 Newton Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Charles Warren. 2645 Homecrest Ave., Brooklyn 35, N. Y. William Wheeler, 104 Powder House Rlvd.., Somerville, Mass. Richard Wildon, 568 Brethan St., Fairview, Mass. W Daniel N . Weitzner, 6 Fletcher St., Whitinsville, Mass. Mrs. Sadie Weiner, 24 Hamilton St., Everett, Mass. Mrs. William J . Ward, Hartford Ave., North Uxbridge, Mass. Arthur Wolf, 72 Dalton Rd., Milford, Conn. Ben F . Williams, Jr., Box 122, Omega, N . M. Mrs. Leslie E. Warren, Box 835, Ar· tesia, N. M. Henry J. Wallace, 102 Daggett Ave., Pawtucket, R. 1. Rev. John A. Wilson, 411 East Second St., Dayton 2, Ohio ( 33 ) TENTH ANNIVERSARY Charles Wychunas, 276 Field St., Brockton, Mass. Theodore Wysocki, 72 Beverly Road, West Hartford, Conn. Arthur Wolf, 50 Court St., W ., Haven Conn. K enneth Whittaker, 11 Jackson Rd., S om erville, Mass. Fred W ec, N . Maple St., Hazardville, Cc'nn. Ed w ard C. Witner, Jr., Rt. 6, L a n caster , Pa . J( rmnstart J . Wasilewski, 365 E. Noble St .. Nanticoke, Pa. Ect w in W . Warfield, 328 North Lumber S t., Allentown, Pa. John W a nsa ck, Jr., 1045 Haig St., Sharon, Pa. W ;lIi am E . Walter, 43 Valleyview Dr., RFD 2. Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. F r Fl ncls L . Wagenbla st, 409 State St., ')l-Ji l1 ;ngton, Pa. l\'Tr -; . Charles F . W eiss, 411-34 Street, B ~ aver Falls, Ba. D w ight O. Woodall, 901 Pontiac, Salina, Kansas Frank T. Wilson, 1083 Tyler St., Salinas, Oalif. TE'd R. Williams, 609 S. Helena, Anaheim, Calif. Col. Albert T . Wilson, 608 Georgina Ave .. Santa Monica, Calif. Harold Whitcomb, RFD 2, Box 1183, Sarasota, Fla. R a "TYlond Edward Wall, 2211 Bayview Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Woodrow W . Walden, 6129 Nebraska Ave., Tampa, Fla. Mrs. M. E. Wright, Bartley, Nebr. Col. Everett C. Williams, c/o The Security Bank and Trust Co., P. O. Box 136, Lawton, Okla. Jack Williams, 5 Charlotte Ave., Trenton, N . J. Mrs Nina Coton Wilson, 717 E. Palmaire St., Phoenix, Arizona Robert L. Wilson, Armstrong, Truman E. Walker, 2459 West St., River Grove, TIl. Leon L . Wolff, 321 Ordnance Company, 3rd Ordnance Battalion, Ft. Knox, Kentucky Perry O . Wilcox, 3033 Dumas St., San Diego, Calif. Col. Loren A . Wetherby, 1408 Shamwood St. , W est Covina, Calif. Charles E . Willerup, Mt. Home A.F.B., 580th Supply Sqd., 580th ARC Wing, Mt. Home, Idaho Dr. Alfred A. W einstein, 663 W est Peachtree St. N. E., Atlanta , Ga. Larry W . Wozniak, 5419 St., .Joseph St., South B end, Ind. Robert G. Winston, 9605 Midland Ave .. Overland 14, Mo. Miss Anne B. Wurts, Sholan Farms, L eominster , Mass. Hank Wilayto, 11 Oxford Ave., B elmont, Mass. Charles Warren, United States Soldiers Home, Washington 25, D . C . Maurice Wilson, 416 N . Main St., Harrodsburg, Ky. Sgt. Mondell White, 2nd Gen . Hosp., MP Det., A.P.O . 180, c / o P .M. , N . Y. , 1'4'. Y. Helen Walls, 123 S. Adams Ave., Berlin, Wis. m. AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDO R General Romolu unveils tablet honoring Gold Star Mothers at New York Convention, 1954. Sgt. Flen L. Wohlfred, P. O . Box 23, P epin, Wis. Paul R. Wing, Mathews, Va. Otto W. Whittington, P. O. Box 552, Bar tlet, T ex. Charle ton J. Wimer, 7534 Military Parkway, Dallas 17, T ex. Roscoe C. Word, Jr., 507 Market St., Knoxville 10, T enn. Carl Wahlquist, 203 Scott St., B ennington, Vt. William White, 240 N . Church St., Rutland, Vt. Norman Whitehead, 10 Center St. , Concord, N. H . Ralph Ware, U . S . Navel Hosp., Portsmouth, N . H . Wesley H. W ells, Bradford, N . H. Fred W ell, Cedar St., Hazardville, Conn. y Mrs. Ray E. Young, R.F.D. 1, Ellsworth, Me. M / Sgt. James H. York, Box 2020, Hq. SEC RADC, Griffiss, A.F .B., Rome, N . Y. William M . Yount, AQ. SQND. S ect. , (34 ) A. P . O . 207, c / o P.M., N . Y., N . Y. James M. Young , Box 112, Colstrip, Montana John W . Yancik, Jr., Douglassville, Pottstown, Pa. George L . Yakopcic, 1013 Milton Rd., Pittsburgh 34, N. Y. , L eonard E. Yohn, The Windsor House, P . O . Box 36, Chur cht own, Pa. Z Francis F. Zettner , Route 6, Sta dium Rd. Toledo, Ohio M / Sgt. Edward Ziarko, 3412 T ech. Sqd., Box 593, Kessler A.F.B. , Miss. Joseph Zito, Hq. AAA Group, A.P.O. 633, c / o P.M., N. Y., N. Y. Louis Zimmerman, 148 B each 93rd St., Rockway Beach 93, N ew York John S. Zale, 287 Hillside Ave., Blasd ell Ranch, Buffalo 19, New York Carmel Zipeto, 51 Temple Ave., Stratford, N . J . • Minnie S . Zitown, 2248 Orchard St., Chicago, TIL Lt. J . G. B . G. Zorzanello, U.S .N., Rev. Sta ., 485 Summer St., Boston, Mass.