reporter - the University Offices
reporter - the University Offices
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REPORTER S p e c i a l N o 2 T h u r s d ay 4 O c t o b e r 2012 V ol cxliii FELLOW S OF T HE CO L L E G E S 1 October 2012 C ONT E NT S Christ’s3 Churchill4 Clare6 Clare Hall 7 Corpus Christi 9 Darwin10 Downing11 Emmanuel12 Fitzwilliam14 Girton15 Gonville and Caius 17 Homerton18 Hughes Hall 19 Jesus20 King’s21 Lucy Cavendish 23 Magdalene24 Murray Edwards 25 Newnham26 Pembroke27 Peterhouse29 PUBLISHED BY AU T HORI T Y Queens’30 Robinson31 St Catharine’s 32 St Edmund’s 33 St John’s 35 Selwyn36 Sidney Sussex 37 Trinity39 Trinity Hall 40 Wolfson42 2 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S [Special No. 2 Note The list has been published as early as possible in the Michaelmas Term for general convenience. There may therefore be a few changes that occurred in late September which are not included here. Colleges are arranged in alphabetical order. Names are arranged in order of seniority as determined by each College, and that order in most cases depends on the date of either the first or most recent election. When a Fellow has had more than one period of tenure, a date in square brackets refers always to a first election and in parentheses to a second or subsequent election. When a date in square brackets and a date in parentheses appear together after a name, these are true dates of election and the date before the name is a notional one which confers seniority. The various entries reflect in certain respects different usages of the Colleges which have compiled them specifically for this publication. Errors of fact should be sent direct to the Senior Tutor of the College concerned. Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 3 CHRIST’S COLLEGE Master Kelly Francis Patrick phd frs Fellows 1971 1975 1962 1950 1961 1962 1963 1964 Jones David Rayner Hunkin ma phd ceng president Kornberg Sir Hans Leo scd frs emeritus fellow Munro Alan James ma phd emeritus fellow Yale David Eryl Corbet ma llb fba hon qc Rathmell John Christopher Abbott ma phd Courtney Cecil Patrick phd littd Landshoff Peter Vincent ma phd Maunder Charles Richard Francis ma phd emeritus 1965 1966 1969 1972 1974 1975 1976 Axton Richard Patrick ma phd emeritus fellow Llewellyn Robert Terence phd emeritus fellow Diamond Robert ma phd emeritus fellow Campbell Archibald MacRobert ma phd Johnson Martin Hume ma phd frcog fmedsci Wilson John Stuart ma phd scd Navaratnam Visvanathan phd emeritus fellow Rayner Peter John Wynn ma phd emeritus fellow Ingham Geoffrey Keith phd Cliff Andrew David ma phd fba Barker Douglas Cameron ma phd emeritus fellow Ferguson Douglas Robertson ma md emeritus fellow Lachmann Sir Peter Julius scd frcp frcpath frs fmedsci [1962] Peterson Arthur William Aeneas ma phd Sedley David Neil ma phd fba Bowkett Kelvin Malcolm ma phd [1966] Reynolds David James ma phd fba Rees William Gareth ma phd Leslie Ian Malcolm phd Abell Christopher ma phd fmedsci Bayly Susan Banks (Lady Bayly) ma phd Gay Nicholas John Anderson phd Batley John Richard ma dphil Fitzgerald William John msc phd Stanley Margaret Anne obe bsc phd Klenerman David ma phd frs Winter Alan Thomas ma phd [1975] Hunt Robert Edward ma phd Alexander Gavin Robert ma phd McNaughton Peter Anthony bsc ma dphil [1983] Fiore Marcelo Pablo phd Payne Geoffrey Stephen ma Norman David Bruce Percival Arthur bsc ma phd Gillard Jonathan Harvey bsc ma md fellow 1978 1983 1985 1986 1987 1990 1991 1994 1996 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 Edwardson John Michael ma phd Tavaré Simon msc phd frs 2006 Vout Caroline ma phd fsa Read Sophie Camilla Natalie ma phd 2007 Shvets Julia msc phd 2008Overend Mauro msc phd a&ce ceng mice mstructe Punskaya Elena phd Secord James Andrew ma phd Goyal Sanjeev ma mba phd Murdoch Steven bsc phd Stirling Paula llb Twilley Catherine ma Thomas David ma mb bchir phd Martin Robert Simon mchem phd Wong Joyce bsc phd 2009 Trippett David ma phd Browne Helena ma phd Thaventhiran Helen ma phd 2010Bell Duncan Stuart Alan mphil phd Monie Thomas Peter ma phd Cunningham John Patrick phd Nyord Rune ma drphil (copenhagen) Varuhas Jason Nicholas Euripide llm phd Ciulli Alessio phd Steele Sarah phd Evan Gerard Ian phd frs 2011 Ball David John ma Amin Ash phd fba Thompson Stephen John phd Holstein Julian ba Edwards James dphil Fruehwirth Jane phd Clark Rosemary Corrie phd [2007] Isaac Joel Timothy phd Vella Gregory Isabelle mphil phd Willey Hannah mphil Roberts Edward William phd Radcliffe Sarah phd 2012Franklin Sarah Brooks phd Longdon Ben John bsc phd Wade James Palmer ma phd Birch Jonathan George mphil Fitzgibbons Jonathan Raymond dphil Fischer Andrea Mary phd Honorary Fellows 1978 1979 1982 1984 1985 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1995 Hirsch Sir Peter Bernhard ma phd frs [1960] Caro Sir Anthony Alfred om cbe ma hon littd Huxley Hugh Esmor ma phd scd mbe frs [1954] Supple Barry Emanuel cbe phd fba [1981] Nicholson Sir Robin ma phd frs [1961] Lyons Sir John phd littd fba [1961] Tate Jeffrey Philip cbe ma mb bchir Bailyn Bernard [1986] Zeeman Sir Erik Christopher ma phd frs Braithwaite Sir Rodric Quentin gcmg Williams Sir Dillwyn ma mb bchir Ricks Sir Christopher Bruce blitt ma fba [1975] Schama Simon Michael cbe ma [1966] 1996 Irvine Rt Hon Alexander Andrew Mackay (Lord Irvine of Lairg) ba llb McKendrick Neil ma frhists [1958] 1997 Clarke John ma phd scd frs [1972] 1998 Yeo Adrian Ning Hong ma phd [1970] 2003 King Phillip cbe ma hon littd ra Saumarez Smith Charles Robert cbe ma phd fsa Serota Sir Nicholas Andrew ma Williams Most Rev and Rt Hon Rowan Douglas ma dphil dd pc fba 2004 Redmond Mary ma bcl llm phd [1980] Evans Sir Martin John ma phd dsc fmedsci frs Turnbull Rt Hon Andrew (Lord Turnbull) kcb cvo ma 4 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S 2005 Peters Sir David Keith ma frs pmedsci [1987] Cannadine Sir David Nicholas dphil littd fba [1977] Colley Linda Jane (Lady Cannadine) cbe dphil fba [1979] Luce Rt Hon Richard Napier (Lord Luce) kg gcvo pc dl ma [Special No. 2 2009 Skinner Quentin Robert Duthie ma fba [1962] Hamied Yusuf Khwaja ma phd [2004] Smith James Cuthbert ma phd frs fmedsci [2001] Moore-Bick Rt Hon Sir Martin James ma pc Yeo George Yong-Boon ma 2010 Pelham Sir Hugh Reginald Brentall phd frs [1978] Fellow Commoners 1994 Ballard Richard Graham John ma [1983] 1998 Martin Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike ma phd littd fsa [1966] White Shelby 2002 Smith Ian William Murison ma phd frs [1963] 2008Halsted Michael Peter ma phd 2009 Norris Elizabeth Anne ma [2002] 2010 Steen William Maxwell ma phd ceng Perlman Michael ma Bye-Fellows 1999 2002 2005 2009 Webster David ma dphil Matthams Thomas James ma phd Rowland David Edwin ma phd Jones Susan bsc phd [2002] 2011Gonzalez Michael Angelo bmedsci bmbs phd [2008] Mostofi Abteen phd 2012Clarke Richard William phd Housden Michael Philip phd Walton Christina Lady Margaret Beaufort Fellows 2001 Campbell Simon cbe phd dsc frsc frs Campbell Jill 2004 Whittaker Guy Robert ma mba Hawkins Cecil ma llb 2005 Harrison Alfred ma Lynch Michael Richard obe phd 2008Clapp Graham Stephen ma 2010Blyth Stephen James ma phd 2012 Smith Alan Edward phd frs Cann Terry James CHURCHILL COLLEGE Master Wallace Sir David James cbe frs freng Fellows 1990 1996 1960 [1960] 1961 1962 1963 1964 [1964] 1966 1967 [1968] 1968 1969 1970 [1972] 1972 1973 Broers Rt Hon Lord Alec Nigel ba phd scd frs freng Boyd Sir John Dixon Ikle kcmg Livesley Robert Kenneth ma Kelly Anthony scd frs freng phd cbe dl (1985) Hahn Frank Horace ma phd fba Howie Archibald phd cbe frs Hewish Antony ma phd scd frs Steiner Francis George phd fba Campbell Richard Colin ma phd Brunton John Hubert phd Dixon William Graham ma phd Schofield Andrew Noel ma phd frs freng (1974) Newbery David Michael Garrood ma phd scd fba cbe Craig Edward John ma phd fba Westwood Brian Arthur ma phd Whittle Peter ma phd frs Tristram Andrew Garth ma phd obe Palmer Andrew Clennell ma phd frs freng (1990) Thompson John Griggs ma frs Squire Leonard Charles ma scd Hoskin Michael Anthony phd Abrahams Raphael Garvin ma phd Cribb Timothy John Llanwarne ma George Hywel ma cmg obe Finch Alison Mary ma phd (2003) Findlay Alan Leonard Ross ma phd vetmb Gough Douglas Owen ma phd frs Echenique Marcial ma darch obe Warren Stuart George ma phd Ryall Ronald Walter ma phd 1976 1977 1979 1980 1982 1983 1984 [1984] 1985 [1987] 1987 [1987] 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Fraser Colin ma phd Gaskell Philip Hedley ma phd Barnett Correlli ma dsc cbe Wood Hugh Bradshaw ma Milne William Ireland ma freng King Frank Haydon ma phd Edwards Sir Robert Geoffrey ma (hon) scd cbe frs Goldie Mark Adrian ma phd Bolton Malcolm David ma phd freng Ashburner Michael ma phd scd frs Mascie-Taylor Christopher Guy Nicholas ma phd scd Siddle Kenneth ma phd Hurst Henry Robert ma Dawes William Nicholas ma phd Green David Alan ma phd (1990) Allen Michael John ma obe Gregory Sir Michael John ma cbe Norris James Ritchie dphil Amaratunga Gehan Anil Joseph phd freng (1998) Knowles Kevin Maxwell ma phd Walters David Eurof ma phd King Dame Julia Elizabeth ma phd cbe freng dbe (2002) Webber Andrew John phd Chatterjee Vengalil Krishna Kumar ma Laughlin Simon Barry ma phd frs Jennison Brenda Margaret ma mbe Crisp Adrian James ma mb bchir md frcp Brendon Piers ma phd frsl Kramer Matthew Henry phd lld King Anny Nina ma Special No. 2] 1995 Soga Kenichi phd 1996 O’Kane Cahir Joseph ma phd Robertson John ma phd Boksenberg Alexander ma phd frs cbe [1996] Barbrook Adrian Charles ma phd 1998 Kinsella John ma phd Yuan Boping phd 1999 Brook Jennifer Mary ma mba Kraft Markus ma phd Sirringhaus Henning phd frs Grimmett Geoffrey Richard scd ma dphil 2000 Demarrais Elizabeth phd Van Houten Pieter ma phd Tout Christopher Adam ma phd Mathur Neil David ma phd 2001 Gopal Priyamvada ma phd Webb Alex phd Harris Peter llm phd 2002 Kendall Mary ma Packwood Allen George mphil frhists Thornton Dame Janet phd cbe frs dbe 2003 Bracewell Robert Henry ma phd Miller Mark Andrew ma phd Hicks Christopher Martin ma phd Fawcett John ma phd 2004 Schultz Wolfram phd frs Kingston Ian Barry phd Thomas Maureen Frances ma Ozanne Susan phd Englund Harri Mikael ma phd Richer John S. ma phd 2005Caulfield Colm mast phd Reid Alice msc phd Ducati Caterina phd rsrf 2006Pedersen Roger Arnold Lugo ab phd Wassell Ian James phd Ludlam Jonathan James ma phd Taylor Andrew William ma phd Maurice Sharon Diane Sunikka-Blank Minna Marjaana phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 5 Boss Sally Ruth phd Hines Melissa ma phd Liang Dongfang phd Ralph Daniel phd Kennicutt Robert msi ma phd 2007 Singh Sumeetpal Sidhu phd Goldstein Raymond phd Wickramasekera Neshan phd Mceniery Carmel Mary phd Spiegelhalter David John phd obe frs Partington Richard ma Cavalcanti Tiago ma phd 2008 Russell Paul phd Phipps Barry James ma mst mphil Knight Nigel Vincent msc 2009 Frayling Sir Christopher ma phd Stevens Martin phd Leader-Williams Nigel phd scd 2010Lillehammer Hallvard mphil phd Wingfield Emily msc dphil Linterman Michelle Angela phd 2011Monson Rita phd Denault Leigh Taliaferro phd Rowland Hannah Miriam phd Ron David md Davies William Hugh dphil Salager Elodie phd Smith Nicola Patricia frcs md ma mb bchir Cutler Nicholas ma phd 2012 Lu Chaoyang phd Varilly Patrick Stephen phd Rubinov Mikail mb bs bmedsc phd Luzzatto-Fegiz Paolo phd Durbin Richard Michael phd Biberauer Theresa ma mphil phd Secrett Gillian Davies Thomas Honerkamp-Smith Aurelia msc phd Jardine-Wright Lisa Jayne ma msci phd cphys minstp Honorary Fellows 1983 Soames Lady (Mary) dbe 2007 Gurdon Sir John Bertrand dphil dsc frs Ndebele Njabulu ma lld(hon) 2008Gilbert Sir Martin cbe dlitt 2009 Tsien Roger phd 2010Green Michael Boris ma phd frs Holmes Richard ma fba frsl obe Nurse Sir Paul Maxime prs phd 2012Arrow Kenneth Robinson Carol Vivien frs (2000) Soyinka Wole Vargas Llosa Jorge Mario Pedro phd Overseas Fellows 2012 Charmantier Anne msc phd Evans Jeffrey Clinton ms phd Garnier Emmanuel phd Inoue Akihisa deng Schmid Peter phd Schroeder Julian ms phd Benefactor Fellow Cowan Michael John Julian ma Teaching By-Fellows 2001 2004 2006 2008 Gagne Christophe mphil Tasker Angela mb bchir mrcp Benton Phillips Alexander msci ma Bianchi Alfredo Sebastian ma Hendrick Alan phd Ali Jason Mohamed mb bchir Church Luke 2009 Abdi Ehsan mphil phd 2010 Skrebowski Luke mres ma phd 2011Hubbard Katharine Elizabeth phd Akroyd Jethro William James ma meng Stott Katherine Mary phd 2012Hunter Morag phd 6 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S [Special No. 2 By-Fellows 2006 Halson Paula frsa 2008 Andersen Thomas Thune mba Stuttard Sir John ma dlitt 2009Parker Geoffrey Thomas masc phd 2010Bittleston Simon phd Surtees Shelley Jane Breese 2011Eriksson Maria Elenor msc Farmelo Graham 2012Archibald John phd Derosas Renzo ma Dutton David Martin Ghidini Massimo phd Siepel Adam ms phd Wulf Meike ma phd Young William Robert ma phd 2013Collaer Marcia ma ms phd Dockter Warren ma phd Rouquette Sebastien phd Saenz-Frances San Baldomero Emilio phd Thomson Murray msc phd CLARE COLLEGE Master Badger Anthony John ma phd Fellows 1954 1955 1958 1960 1961 1962 1964 1965 1966 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1979 1980 1981 1982 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 West Richard Gilbert ma phd scd frs Smiley Timothy John ma phd fba Wright Gordon Herbert ma md Heine Volker phd frs Bown Michael George ma phd Turpin Colin Conyngham ma llb Riley Kenneth Franklin ma phd Tapp Roger Leonard ma phd Knewstubb Peter Francis ma phd Weiss Nigel Oscar ma phd scd frs Mitchinson Malcolm James ma md Blackburn Robert Martin ma phd Schofield Roger Snowden ma phd fba [1962] Newton John Millard ma [1961] Sinclair Alison Seaton ma phd Lynden-Bell Donald ma phd frs [1960] Gooder Richard Dennis ma phd Holmes Andrew Bruce ma scd frs Foster William Andrew ma phd Freeman Elizabeth Mary ma llb Moore Terence Hugh ma phd Snodgrass Anthony McElrea ma phd fba Woodhouse James ma phd Brown Timothy Charles ma Leadlay Peter Francis ma phd Franklin Simon Colin ma phd Parker Graham Frederick ma phd Cartledge Paul Anthony phd Johnson Aylmer Lupton ma Ford Philip John ma phd O’Hanlon Rosalind ma phd Lucas Alan ma phd Howarth David Ross ma Hartley David Fielding ma phd Thomason Andrew Gordon ma phd Scott Dominic John ma phd Woodcock Nigel Howard ma phd Paulson Lawrence Charles ma phd Travis Adrian Robert Leigh ma phd Brown Gillian ma littd cbe Goodman Jonathan Michael ma phd Lapidge Michael littd Edwards Paul Anthony Wright ma phd Grant Malcolm John ma llm lld cbe Phillips Richard Thomas ma phd Hepple Sir Bob Alexander ma lld qc fba obe [1968] 1994 Thompson Helen Elizabeth phd 1995 Andrews Neil Howard ma bcl Robinson David Duncan [1974] Clarke Catherine Jane ma phd 1996 Greenham Neil ma phd 1997 Harris Rachael Marian ma phd Harris William Anthony phd 1998 Lahr Marta Mirazon phd [1992] Fara Patricia phd Sprik Michiel msc phd Hedley Douglas ma phd 1999 Philpott Anna ma phd Follini Tamara ma phd Pullan Wendy Ann phd Duff Celia Helen ma bm bch 2000 Bristowe Paul David bsc phd Jahn Hubertus phd Lewens Timothy Mark ma mphil phd Holdstock Nicola Betty ma vetmb phd Frolova-Walker Marina phd Glen Robert bsc phd Tyler Lorraine Komisarjevsky phd Clayton Nicola Susan ma phd frs fsb fsps Ogilvie Gordon Ian ma phd 2001 Weeks Melvyn John phd Greeves Rev Roger Derrick ma Dyball Richard Eric Jakens vetmb phd scd Ostriker Jeremiah phd Hearn Donald Peter ma 2002 Griffiths Howard phd Gibson John Stanley ma phd vetmb Manica Andrea ma phd 2003 Dunajski Maciej msc dphil Van Veen Hendrick Willem bsc msc dphil Weiss Charles ma phd Guy John Alexander ma phd Foyster Elizabeth Ann ba msc phd Wilkinson Toby Alexander Howard ma phd 2004 Jones Philip ba bm bch phd mrcp frcr Tasioulas Jaqueline ma dphil phd 2005 Byrne William Joseph bsc phd Lazar Sian ba ma phd Sanson Helena Louise ma laurea phd Toxvaerd Flavio bsc msc phd Jolly Stephen William Cosmas ba ma ma fcipr Petty Michael John Special No. 2] 2006 Swensen David Frederick ba bsc ma mphil phd Sterckx Roel ba ma mphil phd dphil Edmonds Fiona Louise ba mst dphil phd Thompson Dorothy Joan ma phd fba Lestas Ioannis Charalambou ba meng phd Semple Robert Kenneth mb bchir phd mrcp Cacho Rodrigo Gabriel ba ba phd Preston Andrew Malcolm ba msc phd 2007Gates Henry Louis Jr ba ma phd Friend Andrew David phd bsc 2008Balmford Andrew Paul ba phd frs Fletcher Paul Charles mb bs mrcpsych phd Glaurdic Josip ba ma mphil phd Russell Colin Andrew bsc phd Seach Gregory Norman ba bdiv Stillman Anne Malone ma mphil phd 2009Allmendinger Philip Michael bsc phd Crilly Nathan beng phd Dalby Stephen Mark msc phd Faulkner Philip Bernard ba mphil phd Hodell David Arnold ba phd Hughes Kirsty Elizabeth llb llm phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 7 Huppert Julian Leon ba msci phd Naismith Rory George Robert ba mphil ma phd Potts Timothy Faulkner ba dphil Prabhu Jaideep btech phd 2010McDougall Kirsty Elizabeth ba bsc mphil phd Carter Andrew mbiochem phd Brown André Erasmus bsc phd Quillen William Norbet bsc phd Ross Graham Alexander Charles ma Robertson John Charles ma mphil Watson Ruth Isabella ba dphil 2011Roberts Charlotte Olivia ba mphil Cavert William McCrea ba ma Melnyk Charles William bsc phd 2012Wyburd Jocelyn Margaret ba ma Malaree Francisca ba ma Corsetti Giancarlo ma phd Leyser Ottoline ba phd Ferguson Andrew James ba phd Smith Martin ma de Gispert Ramis Adria msc phd Honorary Fellows 1967 1976 1980 1987 1989 1990 1992 1994 Watson James Dewey scd kbe frs Stoker Sir Michael George Parke ma cbe frcp frs frse Attenborough Sir David Frederick ma om ch cvo cbe frs Santer Rt Rev Mark ma Bodmer Sir Walter Fred ma phd frs frcpath Norrington Sir Roger Arthur Carver cbe Barrington Sir Nicholas John kcmg cvo Catherwood Sir Henry Frederick Ross ma fca Dowson Sir Philip Manning ma cbe ppra riba fcsd Boyd Sir John Dixon Iklé ma kcmg Williams The Most Rev and Rt Hon Rowan Douglas ma dphil dd pc fba 1997 Wiles Sir Andrew John ma phd frs 1998 Wilson of Dinton Lord ma gcb Cardoso His Excellency Fernando Henrique lld 2001Rutter John Milford ma dmus cbe hon fgcm 2002Hunt Sir Richard Timothy ma phd frs 2004 Kirwan Frances Clare ma dphil frs 2006Ackroyd Peter ba ma cbe frsl hon dlitt Parris Matthew Francis ba ma Spence Jonathan Dermot ba ma ma phd cmg 2012Walport Sir Mark Jeremy phd frcp frcpath fmedsci frs Cannadine Sir David Nicholas dphil littd frhists fba fsa frsl Alcock Susan Ellen ma phd fsa Faull Very Rev Vivienne Frances ma Elizabeth De Clare Fellows 2008 Lerner Randolph David Gillespie Alan Raymond ma phd cbe Riley Ian ma meng 2010Forbes Colin Lachlan bsc phd CLARE HALL President Harris Sir Martin cbe phd Fellows [1982] 1986 1987 1990 1991 1992 1995 1996 1999 2001 2002 Stewart Murray James ma (1988) Collini Stefan Anthony ma phd fba Hope Christopher William phd Lipner Julius Joseph ma Luff Rosemary phd (1988) Rhodes Daniela phd Smith Charles bsc phd (1993) Sahakian Barbara ba phd Spillantini Maria Grazia bsc phd Carlyon Robert ma phd Barrow John dphil Blake Andrew phd feng Tate Trudi phd Pines Jonathon phd Bourne Stephen ma Farnan Ian phd Short Charles Allen ma Street Tony phd Graf Hans-Friedrich phd 2005 Fokas Athanassios phd md 2006 Anderson Robert Geoffrey William dphil frse 2007 Parker John Stewart ma dphil 2008 Passmore Lori Anne phd 2009 Markowich Peter dr techn Rowe Elizabeth phd 2010Gardiner Moira ma mcibs Chang Hasok phd 2012Amel-Zadeh Amir phd Black Iain phd Muller-Johnson Katrin phd Nairne Andrew ma Neal David fmedsci Kar-Narayan Sohini phd 8 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S [Special No. 2 Research Fellows 2008 2009 2010 2011 Arnold James phd Ulturgasheva Olga phd Bergstralh Daniel phd Grove Jonathan phd Blanc Frédéric phd Feng Wai Yi phd Gieles Mark phd High Holly phd Polin Marco phd Rampling Jennifer Archibald Alexander Bond Peter dphil Carvalho Susana phd Cotobal Martin Cristina phd Pasquetti Silvia Sallée Jean-Baptiste phd 2012 Karanasios Lefteris phd Mawdsley Stephen phd Petrovskaia Natalia phd Regan John phd Skoulidis Ferdinandos phd Strobino Riccardo phd Walker Brian phd Wilton-Godberfforde Emilia phd Zingesser Eliza phd Honorary Fellows 1992 2000 2002 Eden Richard John ma phd obe [1964] Bollinger Lee phd Low Donald Anthony dphil phd littd faha fassa Stoker Sir Michael George Parke ma md cbe frs Beer Dame Gillian littd dbe fba Peters Professor Sir Keith frs 2003 Gardner David phd 2008 Salje Ekhard Karl Hermann phd frs 2010 Green Michael ma phd [1993] Emeritus Fellows 1982 [1980] [1968] [1966] [1987] 1999 2001 Black Michael Hugh ma (1995) Stoker Sir Michael George Parke ma md cbe frs (1987) Loewe Michael Arthur Nathan ma (1990) Glauert Audrey Marion ma scd (1993) Low Donald Anthony dphil phd littd faha fassa (1994) Echlin Patrick ma Cass Sir Geoffrey Arthur ma Lash Nicholas Langrishe Alleyne phd dd Dronke Ernest Peter Michael ma fba Beer Dame Gillian littd dbe fba 2003 Ashby Michael Farries ma phd frs Brading David phd littd fba Hawthorn Geoffrey Patrick ma Longair Malcolm Sim bsc ma phd [1988] Garnsey Elizabeth Winifred phd (2010) 2011Womack Joanna ma 2012Wells Roberta ma phd Visiting Fellows 2012Aldamiz-Echevarria Covadonga phd Canelas de Castro Paulo phd Caston Ruth phd Desimone Antonio phd Donald Betsy phd During Simon phd Ekstrom Anders phd Fairbrother William phd Garrard Graeme dphil Garreton Manuel phd Glave Thomas phd Ghosal Sandip phd Hale Elizabeth phd Hata Gohei phd Hayes Richard phd Jacob Wilson phd Jokela Markus phd Macauley Robert md Mathewes Charles phd Monteyne David phd Nakai Daisuke phd Nakata Yoshifumi phd Neville Cynthia phd Nye Eric phd Park Chan Goo phd Pogosian Levon phd Reeves Keir phd Rennie Kriston phd Rogers Colin phd Schulz Jennifer sjd Shields Geoffrey jd Strong Rowan phd Suge Ikki phd Sugimura Noel dphil Wakabayashi Shigenori phd Weinstein Helen phd Zhang Yang phd Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 9 CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE Master Laing Stuart ma Fellows 1950 Roach John Peter Charles ma phd life fellow 1961 Tanner Michael Keith ma phd life fellow 1962 Dewhirst David William ma phd life fellow 1967 Andrew Christopher Maurice ma phd life fellow Eggleton Peter Philip phd life fellow 1968 Davies Paul Brett ma phd life fellow 1969 Dingle John Thomas phd scd life fellow 1972 Mackay Craig Douglas ma phd life fellow 1976 Wilkins Nigel Edward ma phd ltcl life fellow Hatcher Melvyn John ma littd life fellow 1978 Horbury Rev William ma phd fba life fellow 1979 Strachan Hew Francis Anthony ma phd life fellow 1980 Ratcliffe Frederick William ma phd cbe jp life fellow 1981 Mellars Paul Anthony ma phd scd fba life fellow Hazleman Brian Leslie ma life fellow 1982 Dawson Diane Annette life fellow Brookes Christopher John Bewick ma phd 1983 McMahon Richard Anthony ma phd Howe Christopher Jonathan ma phd fls scd Davis Ruth Frances phd bmus lram ltcl 1984 Smith Alison Gail bsc phd Hewett Paul Charles ma phd 1985 Simmonds Nigel Edward ma llm phd Pellegrino Sergio ma phd freng life fellow 1986 Warner Mark ma phd frs 1988 Zutshi Patrick Nigel Rajendranath ma phd fsa 1989 Carolin Peter Burns ma cbe ariba life fellow 1992 Kalnins Mara Isolde ma phd life fellow 1993 Haslam Jonathan George mlitt phd fba 1994 Kelly Christopher Mark ma phd Greaves David James ma phd Godsill Simon John ma phd 1995 Wilson Emma Fiona ma phd Robinson Hugh Parke Custis ma phd 1996 Harvey Andrew Charles ba msc fba 1997Hansen Jean-Pierre phd frs life fellow 1999 Kattuman Paul Antony ma phd 2000 Sneath David Andrews bsc phd Williams Anna Ngaire ma mphil phd Ibbetson David ma phd fba De Hamel Christopher dphil fsa phd 2001 Warren James Ian ma mphil phd Foster Juliet Louise ma msc phd Seffen Keith Alexander ma phd Winter Elizabeth Jane ma 2004 Taylor Melanie ma dphil 2006 Colclough Christopher Louis ba phd Sutherland Michael bsc msc phd Cain Sarah Tamsin mphil Kushner Barak ba phd Cicuta Pietro laurea (milan) phd 2007 Buxton James Andrew Denis ma dipth Frasca-Spada Marina laurea (rome) phd Kapila Shruti ba ma phd 2008 Beattie Paul bsc phd McGrew William bsc phd dphil frse faas Ainger-Brown Susan ma fcma mcmi Rackham Oliver ma phd obe fba life fellow Warren Paul ma 2009Bearcroft Philip ma mb bchir frcp frcr Weisl-Shaw Andreea phd mphil ba 2010Heffer Jonathan James Harvey ba phd research fellow Carr John Peter bsc phd Spary Emma Chartreuse ba ma phd Spencer Andrew ba mphil phd research fellow 2011Hirst Judy ba dphil phd Land Thomas phd research fellow Amaral Paulo bsc msc phd research fellow Rao Akshay bsc msc phd research fellow 2012Betts Jocelyn ba dphil phd research fellow Riley James ba ma phd Morgan Jonathan ba phd Honorary Fellows 1988 Nourse The Rt Hon Lord Justice Sir Martin (Charles) ma pc Corea Gamani Siddhartha Edirimanesuriya ma dphil 1989 Marshall Sir Peter (Harold Reginald) ma kcmg Sutherland of Houndwood Lord (Stewart Ross) fba frse kt 1994 1996 1999 2000 2001 Stuart-Smith The Rt Hon Sir Murray ma llm pc Armstrong Sir Richard Eric ma cbe Blakemore Colin Brian ma scd fmedsci frs Hampel Sir Ronald Claus ma Farman Joseph ma cbe Wrigley Sir Tony ma phd littd fba Ramsbotham General Lord (David) ma gcb cbe 2002 Taylor John ma phd 2003 Henderson Richard ma phd frs 2004Wilson Sir Alan fba frs 2005 Khan Shaharyar Singh Shri K. Natwar 2006 Burnell-Nugent Sir James kcb cbe 2007 Etherton The Hon Sir Terence qc fci Ahmed Haroon scd freng 2009Omand David gcb Sikora Karol phd mb bchir 2010Elder Sir Mark cbe 2011Roberts Sir Hugh gcvo fsa 2012Wilson Dame Jacqueline obe Guild Fellows 2004 Westreich Neil 2005 Gwinnell Michael 2009 Donnelley Shawn 2010 Wright Richard 2011 Young Laura 10 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 DARWIN COLLEGE Master Fowler Christine Mary Rutherford phd Fellows 1975 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1990 1992 1993 1995 1997 1998 2000 2001 Jardine Nicholas ma phd Fabian Andrew Christopher ma frs Schaffer Simon ma phd Bhadeshia Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Hansraj phd frs Howe Leopold Eftimios Anagnostis ma Grounds Adrian Thomas Pitts Andrew Mawdesley phd Wheeler Kathleen Michelle phd Mackay David John Cameron ma phd Cone Margaret phd Jones Matthew Russell Nagai Kiyoshi frs Penz François-André phd Brayne Carol Elspeth Goodeve Ferguson-Smith Anne Carla Clack Jennifer Alice ma scd Bishop Christopher Michael frse Krude Torsten phd Swenson-Wright John Harold Brindle Peter John mphil Blackwell Alan Frank phd Jones Martin Kenneth phd vice-master Shuckburgh Emily Fleur phd 2003 Itzhaki Laura Susan phd Robertson Paul Andrew phd 2005Cullen Christopher 2006 de Rond Mark Edmondus Jan dphil Akam Michael Edwin dphil frs 2007 Szűcs Dénes ma phd Dawid Philip ma scd 2008 Narlikar Amrita Rasmussen Carl Edward 2009 Cook Nicholas phd fba Sherman Lawrence phd 2010 Kalberer Markus 2011 Sandbrook Christopher Robson Eleanor dphil Cowburn Russell phd frs Miley Jeffrey 2012 Heeney Jonathan scd Baker Sara Löwe Jan Mata Tiago Antoniou Panayiotis Research Fellows 2009Gardner Toby Liu Xinyi phd Plagnol Anke Launaro Alessandro Jew Daniel phd 2010 Lightfoot Emma phd Clark Jenny phd Ashworth Philip phd Feller David phd Kurebayashi Hidekazu phd 2011 de Souza Vanessa phd Fedor Julie phd Friedemann Sven 2012 Huchard Elise Sahakyan Aleksandr Tarlow Danny Blagden Danny Viejo-Rose Dacia phd Bowers Katherine phd Bhowmik Ayan Van der Wal Guenever Mills Victoria Honorary Fellows 1973 1978 1982 1985 1992 1998 2000 Bradfield John Richard Grenfell ma phd cbe Johnson Christopher Michael Paley ma phd Chandler Godfrey John Burgen Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent ma frs Floud Jean Esther ma cbe Lloyd Sir Geoffrey phd fba Atiyah Sir Michael ma phd om frs Edington Jeffrey William bsc phd dsc Sen Amartya Kumar ma phd fba ch frse Sheppard Michael ma dphil 2001 Hoare Charles Antony Richard dsc frs 2002 Salje Ekhard Karl Hermann phd frs 2004 Rayne Rt Hon Robert Perham Richard Nelson scd frs Rees Lord (Martin John) phd om prs 2005Cazenove Bernard 2007 Thomas Dame Jean ma scd dbe frs fmedsci 2008 Jones Robert Hughes phd 2010 Keynes Stephen obe Emeritus Fellows 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Yoffe Abraham David scd McNair Philip Murray Jourdan phd (1990) dphil Bendall Derek Stanley ma scd Goodwin Reginald Frederick William ma phd mrcvs West Donald James md littd Newton Bruce Anthony scd frcpath James Ronald George phd White Chester ma phd mbe td bm Gömöri George Thomas ma blitt 1973 Ries Paul ma phd Whitehead Roger George ma cbe phd fibiol Leedham-Green Elisabeth Somerville ma phd 1974 Friend Peter Furneaux ma phd 1976 Hawkes Dean Ullathorne ma phd 1981 Henderson Richard phd frs 1982 Laskey Ronald Alfred phd frs 1983Branson Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn ma phd Bourriau Janine Delysia ma Special No. 2] 1986 King Richard Ashton ma cbe fbim 1988 Sissons Sir John Gerald Patrick ma 1990Chaudhri Mohammad Munawar phd 1991 Patterson Karalyn Eve fmedsci 1993Cooper John Robert FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 11 1999Cox Richard Anthony scd 2001Brown William Arthur ma cbe Stevens Peta Margaret ma 2002 Huppert Felicia Adina phd 2003McConnell Ian ma phd Visiting Fellow 2012 Upper Elizabeth (Munby) DOWNING COLLEGE Master Everitt Barry John ma scd frs fmedsci Fellows 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997 2000 2001 2003 2004 Duffett-Smith Peter James ma phd Evans Peter David ma scd Stibbs Richard James ma Millett Paul Christopher ma phd Adams William Mark ma phd Clyne Trevor William ma phd Phillips Catherine Lynette ma phd Virgo Graham John ma bcl McCombie John Stuart Landreth ma phd Wales David John ma scd Robbins Trevor William ma phd frs Bray Sarah Jane ba mphil phd Withington Stafford beng phd Haniff Christopher Allim ma phd Coleman Nicholas bsc mb chb phd Ledgeway Adam Noel ma phd James Ian Richard ma phd Lintott Susan Elizabeth ma phd Barber Zoe Helen ma phd Demoulini Sophia ba msc phd Roberts Ian ma phd littd fba Bravo Michael Trevor mphil phd Pratt David Robert ma phd Feldman David John ma bcl fba Xu Liping bsc phd Barker Paul Derek bsc dphil Williams Guy Barnett ba phd Tomalin Marcus ma mphil phd Stock Jay Theodore ba msc phd 2005Mora-Sitja Natalia bsc ma msc dphil 2006O’Neill William bsc msc phd Goymour Amy Catherine ma bcl Pesci Adriana Irma ms phd 2007 Milton Amy Louise ba phd Steger Brigitte ma phd 2008 Trevor Jonathan ba ma phd McNamara Kenneth bsc phd 2009 Taplin Richard Keith bsc mbe Li Jie bs ms ms phd Mukherji Subha mphil phd 2010Eyeons Keith James ma phd Harle Robert Keith ma phd Correia Marta Morgado phd Burton Timothy James ma mb bchir phd Berni Jimena ms phd research fellow Alcock Jamie Thomas ba phd 2011Linden Paul bsc msc phd frs Hinarejos Alicia ba mphil ba mjur mphil dphil Bennett Gabrielle ba Webster Joseph ma msc phd 2012Housden Michael Philip msci ma phd research fellow Yunus Kamran phd Honorary Fellows 1969 1970 1980 1985 1987 1995 1996 1997 1999 Brindley Giles Skey md frs Smith Sir Francis Graham ma phd frs Rees David scd frs Burgen Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent md frs Bowness Sir Alan ma cbe Baker Dame Janet Abbott musd (hon) lld(hon) ch dbe Howard Alan Norman ma phd fric Mathias Peter ma littd cbe fba Nunn Sir Trevor Robert ba cbe Bradman Godfrey Michael Blakemore Colin Brian dsc frs Carrington Alan ma phd frs Kemp Martin John ma fba 2000 Bowring Richard John littd Ingram David Stanley scd obe frse Blake Quentin Saxby ma littd (hon) rdi fcsd cbe Collins Rt Hon Lawrence (Lord Collins of Mapesbury) lld fba James Rt Hon Phyllis Dorothy (Baroness James of Holland Park) obe frsl 2001 King Sir David Anthony scd frs 2003 Wright Rt Revd Nicholas Thomas dphil dd 2004Pendry Sir John ma phd frs 2008Ahsan Aitzaz ma Vickers Sir William Brian phd littd fba Emeritus Fellows 1991 1997 1999 2001 2004 Grove Alfred Thomas ma Blackadder David Andrew bsc ma dphil Topping Ian Bonar ma Richards Robert John ma phd Harpum Charles ma llb Hopkins John Alan ma llb Mays Martin Joshua ma phd 2008Moore Barry Charles ma msc 2009Rubery Philip Huson ma scd 2010Ellington Charles Porter ma phd frs 2010Barrand Margery Ann bsc phd 2011 Smith Richard Michael ma phd fba 12 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Associate Fellows 1985 Jeffs Julian ma qc Tudor-John William ma 2003 Pulman George Frederick ma qc Tait John Neville ma Wilkins Fellows 1999 2003 Bradman Godfrey Michael Darley Julian Robin ma feng Frischmann Richard Alexander ba Heilmann Flemming ma Howard Alan Norman ma phd Maitland Robinson Joanna Verjee Rumi ma 2007Williams Richard Anthony ma Owens Janet Cecilia Josephine mb bs Cadbury George Timothy Ellwood ma Howard Jon ma 2009Bartram Christopher John ma frics 2011Willetts Maria ma Battcock Humphrey mba ma Fellow Commoners 1987 Rawle Timothy ma 1998 Hicks John Geoffrey ma Vinnell Martin ma bsc phd 2003 Thomson Peter ma 2009Chambers David ba msc msc phd 2010Hunt Barrie med ma cmath fima Bye-Fellows 2005 Sabir Ian ma mb bchir phd mrcp 2006 Allington Nigel ma Pearson Jill ba vetmb mrcvs 2007 Wakelam Michael bsc phd Shafer William phd 2008Berengarten Richard ma Biberauer Theresa ba mphil phd 2009 Jones Victoria Jane ma mb mchir mrcs Kitson Peter ma phd Maunder Kerry ma phd Taylor Gareth ba phd 2010Morris Alexandra ba msc phd 2011 Sterling Jane mb bchir ma phd frcp 2012Brown James Robert ma phd Liddell Kathleen Mary bsc ba mbioeth dphil Bucklow Ian phd Chari Aswin phd EMMANUEL COLLEGE Master Reynolds Dame Fiona dbe ma mphil Fellows 1974 Barnes Richard James ma phd mb bchir 1973 Ffowcs Williams John Eirwyn ma scd bsc (soton) phd (soton) hon dsc (soton) freng life fellow 2002Lord Wilson of Dinton gcb ma llm life fellow 1958 Gray Ronald Douglas ma phd life fellow 1960 Reddaway John Lewis ma ceng life fellow Thrush Brian Arthur ma scd frs life fellow 1964 Stone Anthony John ma phd cchem life fellow 1966 Cupitt The Revd Don ma hon dlitt (brist) life fellow 1968 Sleath John Francis Adams ma phd life fellow 1970 Baker Alan Reginald Harold ma phd (lond) dlit (lond) life fellow 1967 Harvey John Robert ma littd life fellow 1968 Watson Stephen Roger ma phd life fellow 1973 Webber Bryan Ronald ma (oxon & cantab) phd (calif) frs life fellow O’Donald Peter ma scd life fellow 1974 Livesey David Anthony ma phd bsc(eng) (lond) acgi life fellow Pringle James Edward ma phd 1978 Windeatt Barry Alexander ma littd 1979 Burke Ulick Peter ma (oxon & cantab) hon phd (copenhagen & lund) fba frhists life fellow 1981 Martin Bruce Richard ma phd (brist) life fellow Rankin Susan Kathleen ma phd mmus (lond) fba 1982 Leeper Finian James ma phd 1984 Boldy Steven Rowland ma phd 1986 Coates John Henry phd bsc (anu) dhon hon causa (ens paris) frs life fellow 1984 Richards Keith Sheldon ma phd 1985 Young Stephen John ma phd 1988 Burgoyne Christopher John ma phd (lond) mice fistructe 1992 Spivey Nigel Jonathan ma phd 1989 Grant John William ma md (aberdeen) chb (aberdeen) frcpath 1990 Gross Michael John ma phd Peake Nigel ma phd 1993 Sayers Michael Dennis ma dphil (sussex) Henderson Robert Michael ma bsc (lond) phd (lond) 2007 Oakley Stephen Phelps ma phd fba 2000 Bendall Alison Sarah phd ma (oxon & sheff) fsa mclip 1994 Caddick The Revd Jeremy Lloyd ma (cantab oxon & lond) 1999 Gales Mark John Francis ma phd 1995 Pickstock Catherine Jane Crozier ma phd Dodgson Neil Anthony scd bsc (massey) ceng fiet 1997 Tolhurst David John ma phd van Houts Elisabeth Maria Cornelia ma littd phd (groningen) frhists Aldred Jonathan Simon ma phd 1998 Udrea Florin phd msc (warwick) 1999 Knapp Leslie Ann ma (calif) phd (calif) 2000 Hibberd Julian Michael bsc (wales) phd (wales) Klein Lawrence Eliot ba (rochester) ma (johns hopkins) phd (johns hopkins) Howell Philip Mark Rust ma phd Winskel Glynn ma scd msc (oxon) phd (edin) Thomson Mark Andrew ba (oxon) dphil (oxon) Special No. 2] 2002 2004 2005 2009 2006 2007 2008 White Nicholas James ma phd Russell Corinna ma phd Macfarlane Robert ma phd mphil (oxon) Rae Catherine ba (oxon) dphil (oxon) Crawford Carolin Susan ma phd Bently Lionel Alexander Fiennes ba Lawrence Jon ma phd Ruprecht Lucia phd ba (aix-en-provence) ma (tübingen & aix-en-provence) Broadhurst Richard William ma (oxon) dphil (oxon) Maclennan John ma phd Jiggins Francis Michael ma phd Odudu Okeoghene ma (cantab & keele) dphil (oxon) King Lawrence Peter ba (michigan) ma phd (ucla) Thornton Rosy Ellen ma phd Barrie Patrick John ma phd Curtis Devon Elizabeth Anne ba (mcgill) ma (mcgill) phd (lond) Nicholls Jonathan William phd ba (brist) Whitton Christopher Lyall ma phd frco Kabla Alexandre Joseph phd ma (ens lyon) Simons Jonathan Sam phd bsc (aberdeen) Dokchitser Vladimir ma phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 13 2010 Ashton Anthony ma phd Jauregui Beatrice ba (penn) ma (chicago) phd (chicago) Cheng Jun bsc (sjtu) msc (sjtu) phd (belfast) 2011Agarwal Anurag btech (bombay) phd (penn state) Watson Penelope Jayne ma vetmd phd Maxwell David ba (manch) dphil (oxon) Smith Geoffrey ma (cantab & oxon) bsc (leeds) phd (nimr) frs Srisuma Sorawoot bsc (lse) mres (lse) phd (lse) Rocha Leon ma phd Price Amanda ma phd Sousi Perla ma phd bsc (patras) Roy Daniel Murphy bsc (mit) meng (mit) 2012 Jeffrey Alexander Sam ma (durham & edin) phd (durham) Moretti Laura ma (venice) phd (venice) Havelková Barbara mgr (prague) judr (prague) lam (saarland) mst (oxon) Razzall Lucy Mary Frances ba Ring Annie Grace ma ba (leeds) Popa Daniel phd ls (rome) Bye Fellows 2003 2004 2005 2007 2009 Sansom Robert Daniel ma phd (carnegie mellon) Lang Jack Arnold ma Lebus Simon ma (oxon) de Lisle Richard ma imc Veseley Dalibor ma (prague) phd (prague) Matravers Derek Cameron phd ba (lond) Wilkes James Oscroft ma phd (michigan) Lomas David John ma mb bchir 2010Rowley Stephen Edward phd msc (brist) 2011Cowley Stephen John ma phd Nakhimovsky Isaac mphil phd (harvard) 2012Clarke John Aitken mb (glasgow) chb md (glasgow) dsc (glasgow) fls Latham Richard Thomas ma musb Marshall John Stuart ma phd Richardson Sylvia phd (nottingham) ddé tat (paris sud-orsay) Honorary Fellows 1979 1985 1990 1991 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Bok Derek Curtis ba (stanford) lld (harvard) Holt Sir James Clarke ma dphil (oxon) hon dlitt fba Frayn Michael ba hon littd Hill Sir Geoffrey William ma (oxon & cantab) hon littd hon dlitt (bristol leeds oxon & warwick) frsl Fielding Sir Leslie kcmg ma hon lld frsa frgs Rudenstine Neil Leon ba (princeton) ma (oxon) phd (harvard) Beckwith Peter Michael obe ma hon lld Taylor Sir John Michael obe ma phd frs freng Hoyt The Honourable William Lloyd oc qc ma Summers Professor Lawrence bsc (mit) phd (harvard) The Right Hon the Lord Northfield of Telford ma Meggitt John Edward ma phd Floud Sir Roderick Castle ma dphil (oxon) hon dlitt (city) fba acss fcgi Crossick Geoffrey Joel ma phd frhists Burland John Boscawen cbe phd msc & dsc (witwatersrand) hon dsc (nott & warwick) hon deng (heriot-watt & glasgow) frs freng fice fistructe fcgi 2007 Carnley The Most Revd Dr Peter Frederick phd ba (melbourne) hon dlitt (newcastle queensland & western australia) Rhys Jones Griffith ma fwcmd frsa hon dlitt (apu cardiff essex glamorgan & uea) Kelly Francis Patrick phd bsc (durham) frs Ginsburg Jane Carol ma (chicago) jd (harvard) doctor of laws (paris II) 2008 Drewry David John phd bsc (lond) hon dsc (robert gordon hull lincoln & anglia ruskin) frgs ccmi Faulks Sebastian Charles cbe ma hon dlitt (uel) frsl Faust Drew Gilpin ba (bryn mawr) ma (upenn) phd (upenn) Lowen David Travers ma Parry Eldryd Hugh Owen obe ma md frcp fwacp hon frcs hon dsc (kumasi) 2011 Davies Thomas Gerald Reames cbe ma dcl (loughborough) hon dlitt (loughborough) hon duniv (glamorgan) Lowden John Hopkins ma phd (lond) Rubin Peter Charles ma mb bchir (oxon) dm (oxon) 2012Fane Andrew William Mildmay ma Benefactor Fellows 2006 Meggitt John Edward ma phd Meggitt Dorothy 2009 Laing Mary Isobel mb bs (lond) lrcp mrcs 14 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Benefactor Bye-Fellows 2006 Beckwith Peter Michael obe ma hon lld Sansom Robert Daniel ma phd (carnegie mellon) 2008 Finlay Robert Derek ma 2009 Brittain David John ma Brittain Teresa Elaine ba (open) bsc (colorado) msc (colorado) 2010Ho Tzu Leung md (chicago) facs Ho Stella Beech David ma Beech Judith Margaret dip (central school of speech & drama) Finlay Una Mcdonald Donna Brigitte Mcdonald Kevin Mead Edward Scott mphil ba (harvard) jb (penn) 2011Cutts Georgina Sarah Cutts Philip Nicholas 2012Marriott John Francis Ballantyne ba Derek Brewer Visiting Fellows 2013 Halsey Katherine Elizabeth ma phd Wu Tim bsc jd FITZWILLIAM COLLEGE Master Lethbridge Robert David ma phd Fellows [1978] 1963 1965 Slater Nigel Kenneth Harry ma phd (2000) – president Hudson Harry James ma phd – life fellow Coles John Morton ma scd fba – life fellow Thompson David Michael ma phd bd frhists – life fellow [1966] 1966 1968 1969 Whittington Geoffrey ma phd scd (1988) – life fellow Smith Kenneth Charles Arthur ma phd – life fellow Joysey Kenneth Alan ma phd scd – life fellow Walker Geoffrey James ma phd – life fellow Prandy Kenneth ma phd – life fellow Pearl His Honour Judge (David Stephen) ma llm phd – life fellow 1970 Porter Goff Robin Francis Denman ma phd – life fellow 1971 [1972] 1973 1975 1979 1983 1984 1985 1989 1990 1991 [1993] 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 Cleaver John Richard Adrian ma phd Fray Derek John ma phd (1996) – life fellow Pooley Guy Gibson ma phd – life fellow Landy Barry ma – life fellow Bowyer David Edward ma phd frsm – life fellow Marseglia Elisabeth Ann ma phd – life fellow Davies Graham Ivor ma phd dd fba – life fellow Allison William bsc ma phd Clark Alan ma phd Bottoms Sir Anthony Edward ma phd (hon)lld fba – life fellow Scott David Martin ma phd Potter Michael David ma dphil Hooley Richard John Alexander ma Padfield Nicola Margaret ma des Cole David James ma phd (2000) Cardwell David Anthony bsc ma phd freng Horrox Rosemary Elizabeth ma phd frhists Leigh John Duncan ma phd Brindle Kevin Michael ba dphil Platts Kenneth Walter ma phd Keown Dominic ba phd Holly Michael John Sean ma phd Vira Bhaskar ba ma mphil phd Langley Robin Stewart bsc msc ma phd 2000 Möller Iris ba mphil phd Haining Robert Pattrick ba msc ma phd Mastorakos Epaminondas beng ms phd 2001 Coomes David Anthony ma phd Millett Martin John ba ma dphil phd fba fsa Camina Rachel Deborah ba phd Kovalev Alexei Gennadievich ma msc dphil phd 2002 Abayasekara Dilkush Robert Ephrem bsc ma phd Elliott James Arthur ma phd Wheatley Andrew Edward Henry bsc phd 2003 Saeb-Parsy Kourosh bchir mb ma phd mrcs Alcántara José Ignacio bsc ma phd Glover David Moore ba phd frs 2004 Arends Mark Johan bsc mb chb ma phd frcpath 2005 Owen Sara Susan ba mphil phd Tavernor Angela Susan bvetmed phd mrcvs Rentfrow Peter Jason ba phd 2006 Nally David Patrick ba phd 2007Chirico Paul Anthony ma phd Gathercole Simon James ma phd Wingate Matthew Bowen bsc phd 2008 Young Mary Margaret Campbell ma mphil Chau Adam Yuet ba phd 2009Powell Robert Andrew ma Cullen Jonathan Michael ba mphil phd – research fellow 2010 Knights Francis bmus mlitt 2011 Aitken James ma phd Canuto Holly Corianda msc dphil Watson Anna Maria msc Bettinson Helen ma phd zu Ermgassen Philine Susanne Ermgard ba phd – research fellow Jardine Andrew Peter msc phd 2012Dunne Niamh ma Hunt Ailsa Gaynor ba mphil – isaac newton research fellow Webb Peter Maxwell ba msc phd Boddy Kasia Jane ma phd Honorary Fellows 1969 Lee Kuan Yew Harry ma ch gcmg 1987 Coles John Morton ma scd fba – life fellow 1988 His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain (hon)lld Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain (hon)lld Holt Sir James Clarke ma dphil (hon)dlitt fba – life fellow Special No. 2] 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2005 Garcia-Moliner Federico dsc Nott Rt Rev Peter John ma Haggett Peter ma phd scd fba cbe Dawe Roger James ma cb obe Burton Humphrey McGuire ma cbe Stapleton Nigel John ma Li The Hon Mr Justice (Kwok Nang, Andrew) ma llm cbe Cuthbert Alan William ma scd (hon)dsc (hon)lld frs Johnson Brian Frederick Gilbert ma phd (hon)dsc frs frse – life fellow FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 15 2006 Nazir-Ali Rt Rev Michael mlitt thd (hon)dlitt (hon)dd Starkey David Robert ma phd fsa frhists cbe Stiglitz Joseph Eugene ma phd (hon)lld 2009Deaton Angus Stewart ma phd Pratt Christopher Lucan ma 2011Byron Sir Dennis ma llb Ouseley The Hon Mr Justice (Duncan) ma llm 2012 Kitchin The Rt Hon Lord Justice (David) ma 1869 Fellow Benefactors 2011 Selman Peter Douglas ma 2012Olisa Kenneth Aphunezi ma Bye-Fellows 2000 Beer The Ven John ma 2002 Mcauley Derek Robert ma phd 2003 Pyper Nicholas Charles ma phd Buckley Andrew bsc phd 2007Robb John Ernest ma phd 2008 Sawiak Stephen ba msc 2010 Moules Richard James ba llm 2011 Katz-Summercorn Annalise ma Chalmers Hero Amaryllis ba dphil Pugh Nicholas bsc phd Albertzart Maike mphil phd Harle Robert ma msc phd Tankebe Justice ba mphil phd Tam Xuan ma phd 2012 Pesaran Evaleila ba msc phd Ross Alan Sioltaich ba mst dphil GIRTON COLLEGE Mistress Smith Susan Jane ma dphil fba Fellows 1952 Harker Janet Elspeth ma scd life fellow 1958 McKie Christine Hilary ma phd life fellow Macrobbie Enid Anne Campbell ma phd scd frs life fellow 1964 1965 1966 1967 Jolowicz Poppy ma llb life fellow Thompson Dorothy Joan ma phd fba life fellow Marrian Elizabeth Mary ma md life fellow McKendrick Melveena Christine ma phd littd fba life fellow 1968 Lane Perham Nancy Jane msc phd dphil scd obe life fellow 1971 Oates Joan Louise phd fba life fellow Jondorf Gillian ma phd life fellow Wood Betty Christina ma phd life fellow 1972 Mann Gillian Lesley ma phd fba life fellow 1974 Williams Ruth Margaret ma phd life fellow 1975Riley Julia Margaret ma phd 1976 Strathern Dame Ann Marilyn ma phd fba dbe life fellow 1977 Marks John ma md life fellow Wilkinson Samuel Frank ma phd life fellow Randall Roland Ernest msc ma phd life fellow Brand Martin Dene ma phd life fellow 1978 Davies John Edward ma phd Dumville David Norman ma phd life fellow Fowden Abigail Lesley ma phd scd professorial fellow 1980 Dusinberre Juliet Anne Stainer ma phd life fellow Sherwood Thomas ma mb life fellow Evans Richard John ma phd life fellow 1983 Reid Alastair James ma phd 1984 Kay Helen Sheppard Sarah ma dphil littd fba life fellow Warnock Baroness (Helen Mary) ma dbe life fellow Hodson Howard Peter ma phd freng life fellow 1985 Sparks Peter Colin James ma life fellow 1986 Palmer Stephanie Margaret sjd llm 1987 Gandy Frances ma 1988 Ford Christopher John Bristow ma phd 1989 Hopkins Charity Ann ma llb obe life fellow Simpson William James ba mphil phd life fellow Fernihough Anne ma phd Roberts Angela Charlotte phd professorial fellow Shercliff Hugh Richard ma phd 1990 Ennis Martin William ma phd Hendry John Lovat ma phd 1991 Runde Jochen Heiko mphil phd professorial fellow Barden Dennis ma phd life fellow Jefferies Andrew Ronald ma vetmb 1992 Campbell Juliet Jeanne d’Auvergne ma cmg life fellow 1993 Abrahams Peter Herbert mbbs life fellow 1994 Lowther Deborah ma Lawson Clive ma phd 1995 Himsworth Richard Lawrence ma md life fellow 1996 Slater Julian David bvms phd 1997 Savill Anthony Mark ma phd Wikström Per-Olof Helge ba phd fba professorial fellow Madabhushi Santa-Phani Gopal phd Albors-Llorens Albertina llm phd Gray Patricia ba phd 1998 Wright Neil ma phd 1999 Warren Ruth Mary Leigh ma md life fellow Fulton Alexandra Mary bsc phd 2000 Hackett Maureen Jane ma Barnes Crispin Henry William bsc phd 2001 Durkan Colm ba phd Briscoe Edward John ba mphil phd professorial fellow Pugh Emma bsc phd Bennett Kathleen Mary Veronica bsc phd 16 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 2002 Allen Harriet Dorothy ma msc phd 2003 Fitzgerald Shaun David ma phd Robertson Stephen Edward ma msc phd Davis Stuart ba phd Griffin Benjamin John ma phd Cooke Fiona Justine ma bm bch msc phd 2004 Lawther Ross Ian ma phd Lee Karen Lesley ma Garrigan Mattar Sinéad Maria ba dphil 2005 Scott Stuart Ashley ma phd 2007 Tofaris Stelios ma phd 2008 Janik Liliana mphil phd Mohaddes Kamiar bsc mphil phd 2009Cunniffe Nik ma msc mphil phd Hughes Katherine bsc bvsc Holberton Edward William ba mphil phd Van Noorden Helen Anne ba mphil phd 2010Acerini Carlo bsc ma mbchb dch md Kennedy Katherine May ba ma phd research fellow Musselman Kevin Philip Duncan bsceng msc phd research fellow 2011Williams Peter ba msc phd Wrenn Mary ba bsc ma phd research fellow Damlé Amaleena ba mphil phd research fellow Sithamparanathan Sabesan beng mphil phd research fellow Donovan Amy Rosamund ba mphil msc phd research fellow Liu Alexander George mesc dphil research fellow 2012Wade Elizabeth ba Defoe Jeffrey James basc masc phd senior research fellow Latter Henrik Nils ba bsc ba msc phd Paskins Jacob ba msc dphil research fellow Cheke Lucy Gaia ba research fellow Honorary Fellows 1970 1983 1988 Burbidge Margaret bsc phd frs Lyon Mary Frances ma phd scd frs Desai Anita Platt of Whittle Baroness (Beryl Catherine) ma (hon) 1996 1997 2000 Higgins Dame Rosalyn ma llb jsd (hon)lld dbe fba Bowtell Dame Ann (Elizabeth) ba dcb McDuff Margaret Dusa phd frs Hollis of Heigham Baroness (Patricia Lesley) ma James of Holland Park Baroness (Phyllis Dorothy) lld freng cbe Askonas Brigitte Alice phd frs Mackay of Clashfern Baron (James Peter Hymers) ba (hon)lld kt pc Teichova Alice Elisabeth phd 1991 Llewellyn-Smith Elizabeth ma cbe 1993 Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark (hon)lld Turner-Warwick Dame Margaret md phd dbe Ogilvie Dame Bridget phd scd dbe ac 1994 Beer Dame Gillian Patricia Kempster blitt ma dlitt dbe Conner The Right Rev David ma kcvo North Douglass phd 1995 Arden Lady Justice ma llm dbe pc Perry Baroness (Pauline) ma (hon)dlitt (hon)lld dphil pc dl obe jp 2001 Runciman of Doxford Viscountess (Ruth) ba dbe Symons of Vernham Dean Baroness (Elizabeth Conway) ma pc 2004 English Lady (Judith Frances) ma mb bchir Lomax Janis Rachel ma msc 2007Bent Margaret Hilda ma musb phd fba 2009 Forgan Dame Elizabeth Anne Lucy ba dbe 2011Ashcroft Frances Mary phd scd frs Donald Dame Athene Margaret ba ma phd frs dbe Gloster Dame Elizabeth ba dbe Barbara Bodichon Foundation Fellows 2004Alderson Sally Margaret ma Llewellyn Margaret ma obe Wilson Constance Anne ma Wootten Veronica ma mbe 2007Branthwaite Margaret Annie ba md 2009Whaley Ruth Maria Sarah ma phd 2011Martin Sir Laurence Woodward ma ma phd dcl(hon) dl Holt Sarah Caroline ma Grassie Colin ma Bye-Fellows 1994 Hadley Christopher Kenneth ma msc 1999 Willis Geoffrey Jonathan bsc 2000Ahmed Arif Mohiuddin ma phd Drinkwater Judith Ann ma 2003 Guite Rev Ayodeji Malcolm ma phd 2004 Brett Caroline Jane Adelaide ma phd 2005 Lawson John ba phd 2006 Braddock Louise Elaine ma md phd Ward Carol Patricia ma phd 2008 Williams Samantha Katherine ba msc phd Fawcett Sarah Louise ba bm bch 2009 Cohn Simon ba phd 2010Faultless Margaret ma King Elizabeth Jane ba 2011Hunter Morag Ann ba phd Radke Heidi drvetmed Weisblatt Emma Jane Louise ba phd Brockington Samuel Fraser bsc phd Mulroy Nicholas ba 2012 Shellard-von Weikersthal Sophia Marie Imrgard bsc phd Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 17 GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE Master Fersht Sir Alan Roy ma phd frs Fellows 1969 Liang Wei Yao bsc phd (President) 1950 Prichard Michael John ma llb 1958Mckendrick Neil ma 1959 Sealy Leonard Sedgwick ba phd Wood Michael Donald ma phd ceng 1961 Fitzsimons James Thomas ma phd md scd frs 1962 Prynne Jeremy Halvard ma Kirby Anthony John ma phd frs 1963 Duncan-Jones Richard Phare ma phd fba fsa 1964 Casey John Peter ma phd Maddrell Simon Hugh Piper ma phd scd frs 1965 Timms Edward Francis ma phd fba obe Robson John Gair ma scd frs Hawking Stephen William ba phd (hon)scd ch cbe frs Altham James Edward John ma phd 1967 Gatrell Valentine Arthur Charles ma phd Le Page Richard William Falla ma phd 1969 Ellar David John ma phd scd Holloway Robin Greville ma phd musd 1970 Brooke Christopher Nugent Lawrence ma littd cbe fba [1949] (1977) Edwards Anthony William Fairbank scd littd 1971 Bayley Peter James ma phd 1972 Edwards Sir Samuel Frederick ma phd (hon)scd frs Butcher Robert James ma phd 1973 Carpenter Roger Hugh Stephen ma phd scd 1974 Abulafia David Samuel Harvard ma phd littd fba 1975 Ingram Derek George Woodward ma ceng 1976 Secher David Stanley ma phd [1974] (1980) Herbert Joseph ma phd mb cb Tanner Edmund Vincent John ma phd 1978 Jefferson David Adamson ma phd Pedley Timothy John ma phd scd [1973] (1996) 1982 Smith Anthony Terry Hanmer ma phd lld [1973] (1990) 1983 Robinson Peter ma phd 1986 Saxl Jan ma phd 1987 Whaley Joachim ma phd Ford John Davidson ma llm phd 1989 Wright Dominic Simon ma phd Webber Geoffrey Andrew ma dphil frco Rogerson Philippa Jane ma phd Brown Morris Jonathan ma md frcp 1990 Smith Malcolm Clive ma mphil phd frco 1991 Summers David Keith ma dphil Khaw Kay Tee ma msc mb bch frcp cbe Binski Paul ma phd fba [1983] (1995) 1992 Harper Elizabeth Mary ma phd 1993 Holburn David Michael ma phd Bunyan Anita ba phd Brett Annabel Sarah ma phd [1992] (1996) 1995 Vinnicombe Glen ba phd Baddeley Michelle Catherine ba bec mphil phd O’Shaughnessy Kevin Michael ma dphil bm bch Evans Jonathan Mark ma phd Oliver Alexander Duncan ma phd [1993] (2004) 1996 Patel Ketan Jayakrishna ma phd mrcp Mollon John Dixon ma dphil dsc frs Giussani Dino Antonio bsc phd 1997 Calaresu Melissa Tay ma phd Holt Christine Elizabeth bsc phd frs 1998 Gordon Robert Samuel Clive ma phd Todd John Andrew bsc phd frs 1999 Sale Julian Edward ma phd mb bchir Smith Richard John ma phd fba 2000 Ellis John ma phd Allwood Julian Mark ma phd mba Quevedo Fernando bsc phd 2001 Gibbens Richard John ma phd Lyon Patricia Anne ma phd Mandler Peter ma phd Miller Robert John meng dphil 2002 Trotter Wilfred David ma phd fba 2003 Smith Ivan ba dphil 2004 Scott-Warren Jason Edward ba phd Sivasundaram Sujit Pradin ba mphil phd [2002] (2010) 2005 Fraser James Alastair ma phd bm bch Hammond Carolyn John-Baptist ma dphil Mott Helen Ruth ba dphil 2006Hum Sir Christopher kcmg ma Scherpe Jens Martin phd mjur Bowman Deborah Louise ba ma phd Bell Andrew Graham ba dphil Scurr Ruth Ginette ma phd 2007Brambley Edward James ba phd Routh Alexander Francis ma phd Houghton-Walker Sarah ba phd Riches David John bsc phd mb lrcp 2008Davies Paul Stewart ba ma Bosten Jenny Marie ma phd Zeitler Jochen Axel phd Hunter Emma ba phd 2009Bateman Victoria Naomi ba msc dphil Gallagher Ferdia Aidan ba bm bch Stammers Thomas Edward ma phd Jermy Gerald Alan obe Henderson Ian Robert ma phd Keyser Ulrich Felix phd 2010Lopez-Franco Ignacio Leonel phd Motadel David ba phd mphil Howe Sarah Louise ba mphil 2011Fox James ba phd Conduit Gareth John ba phd Sarkies Peter ba phd Priest Robert Daniel ba phd Rindler Filip ba phd Parkes Henry Richard Maclay ba 2012 Truschke Audrey Angeline ba phd Ciccarelli Chiara ba Ben-Yehoyada Naor Haim ba phd Lin Kun-Chin ba phd 18 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Honorary Fellows 1974 Hewish Anthony ma phd honscd frs 1982 Cavalli-Sforza Luigi Luca ma (hon)scd 1993 Sacks of Aldgate Lord (Jonathan Henry) ma phd (hon)dd kt 1996 Broers of Cambridge Lord (Alec Nigel) ba phd scd frs freng 1997 1998 Cave Terence Christopher ma phd fba Clarke Rt Hon Kenneth Harry ma llb pc qc Skinner Quentin Robert Duthie ma fba Zeeman Sir Erik Christopher ma phd frs Berridge Sir Michael John bsc phd frs Conway John Horton ma phd frs Kennedy Rt Hon Sir Paul Joseph Morrow ma llm pc Potter Rt Hon Sir Mark Howard ma pc Tugendhat of Widdington Lord (Christopher Samuel) ma kt 1999 Barenblatt Grigory Isaakovic msc scd phd ma Pasinetti Luigi Lodovico ma phd Stein Peter Gonville ma fba 2001 Hide Raymond bsc phd scd frs cbe Lehman Hon John dsm ba phd Morris of Aberavon Lord (John) llm pc kg qc Simon of Highbury Lord (David) ma insead cbe Stiglitz Joseph ba phd frs Zellick Graham John ma phd 2008 Beale Simon Russell ba cbe Cuthbert Alan William bsc phd scd phd (hon)lld frs Hitchin Nigel James ba dphil frs 2009 Tsien Roger Yonchien bsc phd Werner Wendelin phd [gc steward visiting fellow 2011–12] 2011Evans Sir Richard John ba ma dphil fba frhists frsl Turner of Ecchinswell Baron Jonathan Adair ba ma Emeritus Fellows 2000 Porteous John ma obe 2001Paykel Eugene Stern md frcp 2002 Bligh Thomas Percival msc phd 2006Phillipson David Walter ma phd littd fba fsa Burrow Colin John ma phd 2007Hedley Barry Davis ma mba 2009Herd Ian Robert ma Gonville Fellow Benefactors 2003 Myers Sir Arthur Douglas ba cbe knzm 2004Cavonius Rita Catherine Euerle ba 2007 Haines John James Henry ma 2009 Haines Ann Winfield Sterling Bailey Christopher James Cecil ba ma fca Bailey Shirley Rose Bye-Fellows 1996 Titmus Graham bsc phd 2010Latimer John Alexander mb bs md 2011Chua Liana Cheng Lian ba phd Ellefson Michelle phd HOMERTON COLLEGE Principal Pretty Katharine Bridget cbe ma phd fsa Fellows 2001 Gray John Michael ma med pgce dphil fba Warner Peter Marston ba phd Watts Stephen ma 2002 Barton Penelope Jane ma phd Clifford David John Harold ba ma phd Hopkins John Eric bmus mmus ma dphil Thwaites Elizabeth Anne bsc pgce Warrington Molly ma phd Whitley David Andrew ba mphil pgce Younger Michael Robert ba ma(ed) 2003 Moore Robert bsc ma phd Pascual Unai ba msc dphil Styles Morag Chrystine Campbell bsc pgce 2005 Stephenson Philip bsc ma pgce Wilson Elaine Geraldine bsc med pgce frsc 2006 Hickman Richard Douglas ma phd Joy Louise ba mphil pgce phd Williams Richard Lynn llb llm phd 2007 Doddington Christine Doris May bed ma Foster William Henry ba ma phd dphil Longbottom Deborah bsc phd Rokison Abigail ba ma phd Wadsley Simon ma phd 2008 McLellan Rosalind ma pgce mphil phd Hacking Theophilus bsc msc phd Tonneau Olivier ma dea dphil Zyglidopoulos Stelios msc mba phd 2009 Nikolajeva Maria ma phd 2010 Neves André Tiago Rebelo Marques de Albuquerque meng phd O’Donnell Peter John bsc msc casm dphil Lingwood Rebecca ma phd 2011Graumann Thomas dr theol dr habil Gregory Simon David bsc mbbs frcgp mmeded Murphy Annabel Christine mchem phd Roman Bogdan bsc msc phd 2012Boyle Katherine Victoria msc phd Cavalcanti Juliana Guimaraes ba ma phd Fikfak Veronika mphil dphil Griffin Deborah bsc Hatzimichali Myrto ba mst dphil Mugford Ruth Isobel mphys phd Oyen Michelle Lynn msc phd Trocmé-Latter Daniel mmus phd Urcelay Gonzalo Pablo ma phd Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 19 Junior Research Fellows 2009Bangert Axel ma phd Keene Melanie ma mphil phd 2010 Koops Kathelijne msc phd Sarisky Darren ba ma phd 2011Attwater James ba phd Huang Yan Yan meng phd Wilson Alice Rose mphil phd 2012Blakeway Amy Louise ba mphil phd Brierley Richard Thomas msc Crossan Gerry bsc phd Waszek Lauren Esme ma msc Senior Research Fellows 2011Black David Ian ma bmus phd Watson Peggy ma dphil Hilton Mary ba msc 2012Cunningham Peter ba pgce ma phd Honorary Fellows 2007 Cotton Ann Lesley obe hon lld 2009Maxwell Davies Peter cbe hon dmus 2010Duffy Carol-Ann cbe 2011Waller Ralph ma bd mth phd Emeritus Fellows 2010 Beck John ma ma(ed) Jones Barry Lee ba l-ès-l Morrison Ian Herbert bsc msc med phd Murrell John mbe ma med Raby Peter Humfrey ma phd Tomkins Stephen Portal ma 2011Bridges David ma phd 2012Bryan Richard Gale ma Bye-Fellows 2009 2010 Dillon Robert George ba msc phd Dean Christopher Neville ba ma dphil Elliott Paul ba phd Kenyon Julia ma mphil phd Kipouros Timoleon dipeng phd 2011Bonnet Fabienne ma mphil Griffin Mary ma phd Horrell Georgina Ann ba ma phd Maude Patricia Mary ba Urquhart Isobel ma med 2012Duignan Elizabeth Mary med mphil phd Haywood Joanna msc phd HUGHES HALL President Squire Sarah ma Fellows 1979 1983 1985 1990 1994 Wakeford Richard Ellis ma milt Ruthven Kenneth Borthwick Howard ma phd pgce diped Lambert Jean Frances ma ala phd Lemons Anthony David ma Affara Nabeel Ahmed ma bsc phd Blamire Mark Giffard ma phd finstphys deputy vice- 1997 1999 2002 2003 (1998) 2004 2005 Barker John Holly llb llm phd Palmer Christopher Ralf ma ms phd Siklos Paul William Leopold ma bsc mb bs frcp Weller Marc ma mald phd Franklin Michael John ma phd fsa frhists mbcs citp Sargent Carole Anne phd dphil Taylor Neil Ernest ma bsc fraes Charnley William Francis llb ma Melville Sara Elizabeth bsc phd Devereux Bernard James ma phd vice-president Phippen Charles Mark bsc Zimmern Ronald Leslie ma mb bchir frcp ffphm Hodge Ian David bsc phd Nuttall William James phd bsc president 2006 Britton Peter ma Mercer Neil Mckay bsc phd pro-vice-president Buckley Mary ba msc phd (2005) Singal Nidhi ba ma mphil phd 2008Marteau Theresa phd msc bsc Freeling Anthony Nigel Stanley ma mphil phd Powell Jonathan ma phd frsc Taylor Roger 2009Gronn Peter Christian ba ma diped bed phd Taylor Jonathan Burwood bsc mba dip mus Johnston Philip ba bd mth phd White Jessica ba mb bchir mrcp phd mrcp 2010Parlikad Ajith Kumar btec ms phd Burton Margaret Hilary ma bm bch fffhm 2011 Kaufman James Frederick phd bs Turin Mark phd Barrett Michael ba msc mba phd Rawlings John Barrington ma fcib (2006)Durrell John Hay arcs msci phd minstp 2012Gehring Markus Wilhelm llm dr jur ma (2007) Toner Jeremy ba phd 20 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Research Fellows 2009Bonaccorso Francesco laurea ma phd 2011 Kumar Chetan bsc mphil phd Lockhart Alastair Stephen ba msc ma phd Piccirillo Sara Grazia Maria bsc msc phd Stefflova Klara msc phd 2012Bayer Bernhard Christian bakk techn mphil phd Long Grainne Helen ba msc (bis) phd Seth-Smith Helena Margaret Brabazon ma phd Dowdall Rachel ma phd Honorary Fellows 1974 Wileman Margaret Annie ma 1989 Wolfson of Sunningdale Lord 1993 English Sir Terence Alexander Hawthorne ma bsc mb bs frcs 1994 1996 1998 Hawkins Thomas Desmond ma mphil mr bs frcp frcr Wildenthal Claud Kern md phd Ohtake Masatsugu ma Dingle John Thomas ma phd Hauser Hermann Maria phd frs 2003 Ogden Sir Peter James ma bsc phd 2004 Mansfield Sir Peter frs Laine Dame Cleo musd 2008Wallach Evan ba jd llb 2011Brown Nigel ma obe Tsui Lap-Chee ba phd frs frsc oc Phillips of Worth Matravers The Rt Hon The Lord ma kg pc Martin Gerald (Ged) Warren ma phd Emeritus and Life Fellows 1971 Story Elizabeth Patricia ma 1972 Turner Kenneth Odell ma 1974 Mitchell Peter ma Turner Rosemary Ann ma phd 1976 Raffan John Gordon Alexander ma bsc 1982 Bradley Howard William ma Helmore Roy Lionel ma cbe 1984 Mcveigh Keith Joseph Alexander ma ala 1985 Howe Jeremy Frederic ma 1987 Hughes Jones Nevin Campbell dm phd frs 1990 Pinnock Sally Margaret ma Johnston William Bancroft ma 1991 Day Nicholas Edward ma phd frs 1993 Crossland William Alden bsc 1995 Matthewson Murray Hugh ma mb chb 1996Rodgers Anthony Keene ma bsc arics 1999Dickinson Anthony ma bsc dphil frs Godwin Raymond John ma mb bchir frcp frcr milt 2001Moseley Charles William Reuben Dutton ma phd fsa fea frsa frgs JESUS COLLEGE Master White Ian Hugh ma phd freng Fellows 2002 Skaer Helen Le Breton ma phd president 1957 Johnson Kenneth Langstreth ma phd freng frs emeritus fellow 1962 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1974 1976 1978 1979 1981 Adkins Clement John ma phd finstp emeritus fellow Whitehead Denis Sword ma phd emeritus fellow Hudson John Arthur ma phd emeritus fellow Roseblade James Edward ba phd emeritus fellow Waring Michael John ma phd scd emeritus fellow Wilson John Cameron ma phd emeritus fellow Saslaw William Charles ma phd emeritus fellow Glazebrook Peter Rowland ma emeritus fellow Killen John Tyrrell ma phd fba emeritus fellow Heath Stephen Charles ma phd littd emeritus fellow Garnsey Peter David Arthur phd fba emeritus fellow Hladky Stephen Baldwin ma phd emeritus fellow Hanke David Ernest phd Evans Stanley ma phd emeritus fellow Minden Michael Robert ma phd Ray Nicholas John ma ariba Thompson John Brookshire ma phd Nolan Peter Hugh ma phd cbe Harcourt Geoffrey Colin phd littd ao fassa acss emeritus fellow Fieldhouse David Kenneth littd fba emeritus fellow 1982 Howlett Jana Rachel (Dorrell) ma phd 1983 Paterson Ian phd frs Stronge William James phd emeritus fellow 1984 Bowers Roger Davies ma phd emeritus fellow 1986 Renfrew of Kaimsthorn Lord (Andrew Colin) ma phd scd (hon)dlit fba emeritus fellow 1987 Sørensen Marie-Louise Stig phd Freeman Raymond scd frs emeritus fellow 1988 Parks Geoffrey Thomas ma phd Soskice Janet Martin phd Oldham Mika Patricia Carol ma phd 1989 Alexander Paul ba phd Mengham Roderick ma phd 1990 Compston David Alastair Standish phd frcp 1992 Arnot Madeleine Mary ma phd frsa acss Jenkins Timothy David ma mlitt phd Crawford James Richard dphil sc fba Cipolla Roberto ma phd freng 1993 Ponder Sir Bruce Anthony John mb bchir ma phd frcp frs emeritus fellow 1994 Fennell Shailaja (Sivasubramanian) ma phd Wilson David Ian ma phd Bowen Anthony John ma emeritus fellow 1996 Mitchell Juliet Constance Wyatt ma fba emeritus fellow 1997 1998 Ajioka James Warren phd Redfern Simon Anthony Turner ma phd Bacon Jean Margaret phd emeritus fellow Clackson James Peter Timothy ma phd Laven Mary Rachel ma phd Aidt Toke Skovsgaard phd Special No. 2] 1999 Barton Stephen James ma emeritus fellow Siklos Stephen Theodore Chesmer ma phd Wilkinson Timothy David phd Mottier Véronique ma phd 2001 Krishnan Pramila ma phd Mair Robert James ma phd (hon)dsc freng frs cbe Green Fiona Mary phd 2002 Dowdeswell Julian Andrew phd O’Brien Michael ma phd fba Berloff Natalia phd 2004 Clarke Stuart Matthew ma phd 2005 Gill Miranda Frances dphil Federle Walter phd 2006Walton Benjamin Toby ma phd Scherman Oren Alexander ma phd Flemming Rebecca Elizabeth ma phd Chambers Clare Elizabeth phd 2007Dennis Richard James Parfitt ma Baumberg Jeremy John ma dphil frs Wells Garth Nathan phd Kelly Duncan John ma phd 2008Burlinson Christopher Mark phd Post Brechtje Maria Bowine ma phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 21 2009 Brand Andrea Hilary phd fmedsci frs Edwards Michael James phd Moore Henrietta Louise phd fba frsa acss Lilley Kathryn Susan phd Mascolo Cecilia msc phd 2010Caramello Olivia research fellow Lombardo Michael Vincent ba research fellow 2011 Williams Mark Turner ma frco arco James Samuel Charles ma research fellow Tucker Andrew Robert phd Butcher Luke Matthew ba research fellow Schönlieb Carola-Bibiane phd Hughes John Mark David phd Rutter Noel Antony phd Morieux Renaud phd Künzl-Snodgrass Annemarie Willmoth Frances Helen phd 2012Reich Rebecca phd Waibel Michael msc llm Purdon James ba research fellow Stark Findlay phd Pratt Christopher Lucan McRitchie ma Schnall Simone phd Honorary Fellows 1961 1978 1987 1988 1989 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997 2000 Wilkinson Sir Denys Haigh ma phd scd (hon)lld frs Anderson Philip Warren ma frs Mathias Peter ma dlitt fba cbe Brittan Sir Samuel ma (hon)dlitt Laing of Dunphail Lord (Hector) frse Hogwood Christopher Jarvis Haley ma (hon)musd cbe Norman Jessye (hon)musd Cuthbert Alan William ma phd scd frs Gubbay The Hon (Anthony Roy) ma llm (hon)lld Renwick of Clifton Lord (Robin William) ma (hon)lld (hon)dlitt frsa kcmg Stewartby of Portmoak The Rt Hon Lord (Bernard Harold Ian Halley) pc ma littd fba frse Rees of Ludlow Lord (Martin John) ma phd om prs Horne Sir Alistair Allan ma littd cbe Tuck Richard Francis ma phd fba Dawson Dame Sandra June Noble ma (hon)dsc dbe 2001 2002 2004 Hare Sir David ma (hon)littd frsl Gormley Antony Mark David ma (hon)littd obe Silverman Reverend Professor Bernard ma phd scd frs Watson of Richmond Lord (Alan John) ma frts cbe Renfrew of Kaimsthorn Lord (Andrew Colin) ma phd scd (hon)dlit fba emeritus fellow 2006 Jardine Lisa ma phd cbe Hurford Peter John ma musb frco obe 2007 Chatterjee Somnath ma Toulson The Rt Hon Sir Roger Grenfell pc ma llb Perahia Murray frcm 2008 Wrightson Keith Edwin ma phd frhists fba 2009Maskin Eric Stark phd Jackson The Rt Hon Sir Rupert pc ma llb Eagleton Terence Francis ma phd fba 2011O’Donnell James Anthony ma kcsg frco frscm fgcm frcm St Radegund Fellows 2007 Hudleston James 2010 Kwok Raymond Ping-Leun ma Fellow Commoners 1996 Cornwell John ma 2000 Rider Barry Alexander Kenneth llb ma phd [2001] Saxena Siddharth Shanker phd (2006) 2007 Williamson Peter James phd KING’S COLLEGE Provost Harrison Thomas Ross ma phd Fellows 1948 1959 [1963] 1965 [1965] 1966 Hibbert Arthur Boyd ma Brenner Sydney ch phd frs fmedsci Payne David Joseph ma phd Bateson Sir Paul Patrick Gordon Berg ma phd scd frs McKenzie Dan Peter ma phd frs (1977) Rowthorn Robert Eric ma (1991) Dunn John Montfort ma fba 1969 1970 [1970] 1972 Moody John Kenneth Montague ma phd Giddens Lord Anthony ma phd Prendergast Christopher Alan Joseph ma phd fba Huppert Herbert Eric ma scd frs Macfarlane Alan Donald James phd fba (1981) Lambert Richard Michael ma dphil Adkins Tessara Strang phd 22 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 1973 Loke Yung Wai ma mb bchir md scd frcog [1974] Barber John Douglass ma phd (1980) 1974 Bullock Nicholas Oliver Alan ma phd Hugh-Jones Stephen Philip ma phd Stewart John Malcolm ma phd 1975 Stedman Jones Gareth ma Fenlon Iain Alexander ma phd Kelly Aileen Mary ma dphil 1976 Henderson John Graham Wilmot ma phd Hyland John Martin Elliott ma phd White Thomas Otis ma phd 1977 Trevithick James Anthony ma Young John Bernard ma phd Ryan Paul ma phd 1978 Humphrey Dame Caroline ma phd fba [1978] Hont Istvan ma (1989) 1980 Wallach Eric Robert ma phd Efstathiou George Petros ba phd frs Swales Erika Marta 1982 Goldhill Simon David ma phd Massing Jean Michel ma docteur ès lettres fsa Cleobury Stephen John ma musb (hon)musd cbe [1982] Osborne Robin Grimsey ma phd fba [2001] 1983 Carne Thomas Keith ma phd 1985 Sabourian Hamid phd Keverne Eric Barrington ma scd frs fmedsci Jones Peter Murray 1986 Davis Anne Christine phd Fawcett James William phd frcp fmedsci 1987 Lummis Sarah Catherine Ruth phd De Bolla Peter Leslie ma phd Foley Robert Andrew ma phd scd fba 1988 Sonenscher Michael phd Good David Arthur phd Gilligan Christopher Aidan ma dphil scd 1989 Laidlaw James Alexander ma phd 1990 Musallam Basim Fuad ma phd 1991 Cooke Anne fmedsci 1992 Bate Christopher Michael phd frs [1992] Moggridge Geoffrey Dilwyn phd (1996) 1994 Middleton Campbell Ross phd Surani Azim phd frs fmedsci cbe 1995 Flack Timothy John ma phd Zeeman Nicolette ma phd 1996 Omitowoju Rosanna Sarah ma phd 1997 Moffett Ashley ma mb bchir md 2000 Burgwinkle William phd [2001]Mody Perveez ma phd (2009) Uhlig Stefan Hoesel phd Weinberg Darin phd Marston Nicholas ma phd 2003 Mayhew Jonas Judith dbe Vaughan Megan ba phd fba Griffin Julian ma phd Munday David John ma phd finstp 2005Hillman David Asaf ma phd 2006Hall Cesare Alan phd Etkind Alexander phd Teufel Simone phd 2007 Suleiman Yasir ma phd frse cbe Vaux Bert ma phd O’Bryen Rory Robert ma mphil phd Griffiths Gillian phd 2008 Browne Jude phd 2009 McAuley Mairéad mphil phd Hasan Tawfique meng phd Weiss-Sussex Godela phd Berestycki Nathanaël phd Srinivasan Sharath bcom llb mphil Ahnert Sebastian Edmund ma mmath phd Murchison Elizabeth phd 2010 Bressor Julie Lekili Yanki phd Allen Lori phd Higazi Adam dphil Bonvin Camille phd Piliavsky Anastasia dphil Colucci Francesco md phd Crisp Sarah ma mb bchir phd Morris Jeremy Nigel dphil Józsa Richard dphil Sebastian Suchitra phd 2011 Alexandrova Anna msc phd Faraglia Elisa phd Bender Andreas phd Hernandez Felipe phd Merrill Richard msc phd Finlayson Lorna ba mphil Atkins Nicholas phd Erdil Aytek phd Pridham Jonathan phd Gripaios Ben phd 2012Mouhot Clement phd Cavalla Nick phd Fischer Felix phd Isaac Philip Ranganathan Surabhi phd Wilson Flora Godazgar Hadi Godazgar Madi Nanopoulos Eva phd Giannitsarou Chryssi phd Breitenbach Angela phd Causton Richard Bozic Mirjana phd Phalan Ben phd Ainslie Mark phd Randal-Williams Oscar phd Honorary Fellows 1973 1975 1979 1983 1984 1989 1991 1993 1996 2000 Hobsbawm Eric John Ernest ma phd fba Rao Calyampudi Radhakrishna phd frs scd Willcocks Sir David Valentine ma musb cbe mc Sanger Frederick ba phd (hon)scd ch cbe frs Habgood Most Rev John Stapylton ma phd (hon)dd pc Cadbury Sir George Adrian Hayhurst ma Lloyd Sir Geoffrey Ernest Richard ma phd fba Elam Caroline ma Ascherson Charles Neal ma Butler Marilyn dphil fba Jardine Lisa phd Hauser Hermann Maria phd 2001 Goodison Sir Nicholas ma phd 2003 Phillips of Worth Matravers The Right Honourable Lord ba Weir Judith ma 2004 King Sir Mervyn Allister ma fba Sainsbury Lord (David John Sainsbury) mba (hon)dsc (hon)feng (hon)lld 2005Ellis Jonathan Richard phd frs 2007 Rahman Atta-Ur phd 2008 Rees of Ludlow Lord 2010 Waldmann Herman phd Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 23 Fellow Benefactors 1999 Sperling John phd 2010Boyle Robin Fellow Commoners 1997 2001 Dawson Oliver Nainby ma Doggart Anthony Hamilton ma Wilson Geoffrey Hazlitt ma Bulmer Nigel Sebastian David ma Johnson Hugh ma Wilkinson Jeffrey ma 2005Choo Meileen 2007Pal Prabir 2008 Stanley Nicholas 2010Pigott Mark ma obe Trapnell Hazel Emeritus Fellows 2001 Barter Ian Stuart ma 2005Hook Kenneth Anthony ma Mackintosh Nicholas John phd frs 2010 Harris Christopher 2012 Sharpston Eleanor LUCY CAVENDISH COLLEGE President Todd Janet Margaret ma phd Fellows 1999 1980 1987 1992 1995 1996 1997 2000 2003 2004 2005 Jones Ruth Margaret ma mb chb vice-president Tiley Jillinda Millicent ma Abulafia Anna Brechta Sapir ma phd (1990) Cameron Ruth ma phd (1993) Spivack Orsola Rath ma phd (1999) Wright Laura ma dphil Houghton Margaret Christine ma Vinnicombe Alison Annette ba ma Jackson Susan ma phd (2000) Ellington Stephanie Katherine Lindsay bsc ma phd Gull Sarah Elizabeth mbbs Greatorex Jane Suzette phd Brindley Susan ma ma Scolnicov Anat llm llb phd Koenig Jennifer bsc phd 2006 Brearley Jackie ma vetmb phd dipecua mrca mrcvs 2007 Bahn Sabine md phd mrcphysch Maddison Isobel Judith ba ma phd Howe Christine J. ba phd acss 2009 Taylor Helen Louise ma mbbs mrcp frcr Walter Fiona mb bchir msc md dch frcgp Covshoff Sarah phd (2012) 2010Davies Jane Elizabeth bsc msc mba dba Hendriks Henriette Petronella Josepha Maria phd Thompson Lesley Margaret ma aca 2011 Sier Caroline ba Cindrova-Davies Tereza bsc phd Gall Astrid phd mrcvs Preedy Chloe phd 2012 Gibson Jenny Louise bsc mres phd Research Fellows 2011Bergin Tiffany Pamela phd Denton Alice Elizabeth phd Jacquot Stephanie Mireille phd Orlando Emanuela phd 2012Husmann Anke phd Nugent Eileen Mary bsc mphil dphil Roche Helen Barbara Elizabeth ba mphil phd Honorary Fellows 1971 Burbidge Eleanor Margaret frs 1980 Trumpington of Sandwich Baroness (Jean Alys) pc kcvo dcvo 1984 1989 1994 1996 1998 1999 2001 Grantchester Lady (Betty) ma Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark lld Warburton Dame Anne Marion ma dcvo cmg Harris Dame (Pauline) dbe Hanratty Judith llb llm Tizard Dame Catherine Anne ba gcmg gcvo dbe Perry of Southwark Baroness (Pauline) ma (hon)ded (hon)dlitt (hon)lld (hon)duniv frsa cimgt 2003 Richard Dame Alison ma phd lld dbe Black Dame Carol Mary md frcp fmedsci cbe dbe Dench Dame Judith Olivia (Judi) (hon)dlitt duniv obe dbe ch Tomalin Claire ma frsl phd littd 2006 Ford Anna ba (hon)lld frgd Owers Dame Anne Elizabeth ba duniv cbe dbe Rimington Dame Stella dcb me (hon)llb 2007 Cohen of Pimlico Baroness (Janet Neel) ma (hon)dlitt Glassman Cynthia Aaron ba ma phd 2008 Sutherland Dame Veronica Evelyn ma (hon)lld dbe cmg 2010 Kennedy of the Shaws Baroness (Helena) (hon)lld qc frsa 2012 James of Holland Park Baroness (Phyllis) (hon)dlitt dlit du obe frsa frsl Toksvig Sandra Birgitte (Sandi) ma (hon)phd 24 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Emeritus Fellows 1967 1968 1973 1974 1976 1979 Hartree Anne Stockwell ma phd Squire Nathalie ma Tucker Elizabeth Mary bsc ma phd dsc Thoday Doris Joan ma phd Morgan Clare Barnes ma phd Lyons Ursula ma Mackintosh Ellen ma 1980 1983 1984 1989 1993 1993 Collier Jane bsc ma phd Rawlings Susan Elizabeth ma Renfrew Jane Margaret ma phd fsa McNeur Lorna Anne ma mphil Esch Edith ma phd Traub Lindsey Margaret ma phd Fellow Commoners 1997 2000 2001 2003 Pearce Barbara phd frs Sarhadi Raj Dhooleka phd Purkiss Brenda ma Corbalis Judy ba ma Muthesius Anna Maria ba phd fsa 2005 James Mary Elizabeth ma bed phd 2007Hewitt Joanna Hoti Amineh Ahmed bsc phd 2010Hannah Sophie 2011 Williamson Lorna McLeod bsc mb chb Lucy Lyttelton Fellow-Benefactor 2008 Traub Lindsey Margaret ma phd MAGDALENE COLLEGE Master Robinson (David) Duncan ma fsa dl cbe Fellows 1983 Carpenter Michael Allan scd president 1968 Boyle Nicholas littd fba 1979 Duffy Eamon dd fba fsa 1984 Chase Howard Allaker scd freng Rushton Neil md 1986 Patterson John Robert ma phd 1987 Hughes Mary Elizabeth Jane ma phd 1989 Spencer Thomas ma phd 1990 Burchell Brendan Joseph ma phd Martin Stuart ma phd 1992 Patel Kanak ma msc phd 1993 Harper Timothy Norman ma phd 1995 Babinsky Holger ma phd 1996 Jones Neil Gareth ma llm phd Clutton-Brock Timothy Hugh scd frs Dupree Paul ma phd 1998 Stoddart Simon Kenneth Fladgate ma phd 2000 O’Keefe Roger Michael ba llm phd Hughes Martin mb bchir phd Coombs Timothy Arthur ma phd 2001 Azérad Hugues François ma phd 2003 Hadida Allègre Laurence ma phd 2004 Watkins Carl Stuart ma mphil phd Cooper (Elizabeth) Helen littd fba Du Bois-Pedain Antje Louise mjur (oxon) dr jur (berlin) 2005 Mentchen Silke Charlotte ma 2007Morris Steven John ba 2008Burnstein Rowan Margaret mb bs phd Pearce Gareth Peter bvsc ma phd 2009Brassett Cecilia ma mchir Hobday Philip Peter ba (oxon) ma 2010Waithe Marcus John ma phd Lloyd Corinne Denise ba ma Roebuck Richard Lee ba meng phd Bennison Amira Katherine ba am phd 2011 Skinner Luke Cameron bsc mphil phd 2012 So Emily Kwok mei meng ceng mice phd Stuckler David mph phd Thom Alexander James William msci ma phd Research Fellows 2009Atkins Gareth William ba mphil phd Vial Charles mmaths 2010Rothschild Emma cmg ma Coull John David ba ma meng phd Bartok-Partay Albert phd Steele Philippa Mary phd 2011Chang Lily ba dphil Büell Alexander Kai msc Lye Claire Michelle ma phd Spottiswoode Claire Noëlle bsc phd Mahajan Sumeet msc phd 2012Hetherington Michael ba mphil Namur Olivier ba phd Fitzpatrick David phd Wang Fei-Hsien ba ma phd Honorary Fellows 1977 1984 1987 1988 Ezra The Lord (Derek) ma mbe Hrh The Duke of Gloucester ma kg gcvo Boardman Sir John ma fba fsa (hon)ra Barrington-Ward The Rt Rev Simon ma kcmg Staughton The Rt Hon Sir Christopher Stephen Thomas Jonathan Thayer ma pc 1992 1996 1997 1998 Hopwood Sir David Alan ma phd dsc frs Vincent Arthur William Bourne ma Gascoigne Arthur Bamber ma Vendler Helen Hennessy ab phd (hon)littd Lumley Henry Robert Lane ma Special No. 2] 1999 Heaney Seamus Justin ba (hon)dlitt fba mria Simpson John Cody Fidler ma cbe 2000 Mandela Nelson ba (hon)om (hon)lld (hon)dcl 2001 Jay Sir Antony (Rupert) ma cvo frsa Corness Sir Colin (Ross) ma Jolly Sir Arthur Richard ma phd kcmg 2002Gurdon Sir John (Bertrand) phd (hon)dsc frs (hon)scd 2005Murphy Denis John Harvey ma Clary David Charles phd scd frsc FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 25 Tooley Sir John ma Malloch Brown Lord Mark George ma kcmg Cripps Robert Winston Humphrey 2009 Judge The Rt Hon Lord Igor pc ma Greenwood H.E. Judge Sir Christopher cmg qc ma llb Morritt The Rt Hon Sir Andrew pc cuo ma Vignoles Roger Hutton ba bmus arcm (hon)ram (hon)frcm Wong The Hon Yan-Lung sc ma jp Emeritus and Life Fellows 1960 1962 1964 1968 1971 1978 Grubb Peter John scd Hyam Ronald littd Dwight John Bartow ma msc Reynolds Peter Ernest scd Field John Edwin phd frs obe Kolbert Colin Francis ma phd Spence Robin John Summerford ma phd (1976) Luckett Richard ma phd 1982 Billinge Mark Dixon ma phd 1985 Lewins Jeffery David ma phd dsc 1990 Oulton Sir (Antony) Derek Maxwell ma phd gcb qc Cornish William Rodolph lld fba qc 2001 Thompson Andrew Robert ma mphil mbe Halper Stefan ba phd 2008Cockerill Thomas Anthony John ma mphil phd Bye-Fellows 2012Gillie Marjorie ba Harris Sara ba mphil Wan Yixin ba ma Fellow Commoners 1989 1990 1991 1993 1997 Keall Thomas Gerald Michael ma Skelton Robert Lumley ma Rawley Alan David ma qc Brown Andrew Missak Cleverley ma phd Fitzsimons Aude Irene Jeanne 2002Hellyer Jones Jonathan James ma frco 2010 Fried Bradley ba ma Disley Elizabeth ba mphil phd 2011Raymont Nicholas bsc Rands Michael Russell Wheldon bsc dphil phd MURRAY EDWARDS COLLEGE President Barnes Jennifer Chase ba mmus phd frsa Acting President Lynden-Bell Ruth Marion ma phd scd frs Fellows 1979 Huang Christopher Li-Hur ma phd md scd professorial fellow 1981 Hiley Charles Robin ma phd 1983 Saxton William Owen ma phd 1984 Guthrie John David phd 1988 Strietman Elzelina Gretha Cornelia ma 1992 Filippucci Paola mphil phd Horrell Sara Helen phd 1994 Sinnatamby Ruchira ma mb bchir 1995 Henson Frances Margaret Daphne ma phd vetmb 1998 Lyne Raphael Thomas Richard ma phd 1999 Drayson Elizabeth Anne ma phd 2001 Scrase David Ellison ma Bennett Wendy Margaret Ayres ma phd professorial fellow 2002 Forster Peter ma phd Welch Martin phd Steane Mary Ann mphil riba 2004 Turenne Sophie ma phd Dawson James Richard phd 2005 Jolley Caroline Judith ma mbbs 2006Mellor Leo Gwilym ma phd Bateman Hilarie ma phd Cavaleri Nicola Constance mphil Callery Elizabeth Mary ma phd Hothi Sandeep Singh ma mb bchir Spear Michelle msc 2007Usher-Smith Juliet Alexandra ma phd mb bchir Christoffersen Poul phd Piotrowski Alexander Matthew phd Aniket Kumar phd Coakley Sarah Anne ma thm phd professorial fellow Hadeler Oliver phd Pivnenko Mikhail phd Pesaran Evaleila msc 2008Davis Gregory John phd Carr Joanne Michelle ma phd 2009 Jarvis David Anthony ma phd Mundy Nicholas ma vetmb phd Bithell Erica Grace ma phd Peters Martha Kate maa phd 2010Morris Paola mba fcca Preest Kirsten Jane dipilm mclip Crawford Joseph Mandla Unterhalter mst dphil Irving Jessica Claire Elizabeth ma msci phd Weiss Daniel phd Neale Victoria Ruth ma phd 26 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 2011 Dunkel Jörn dr rer nat Wort Oliver ma phd Simmons Rebecca msc phd Love Catherine Nixie ma Davey Emanuela Maria Ester phd Polonsky Rachel Anne ma dphil Roddie Charles Shen Ming phd 2012Lee Charlotte Louise mphil Honorary Fellows 1973 1991 1996 1997 2000 2002 Askonas Brigitte Alice phd frs Musgrave Thea musd cbe Johnson Christopher Michael Paley ma phd Bell Burnell Dame Susan Jocelyn phd (hon)scd frs dbe Rawson Dame Jessica Mary littd fba dbe Bacon Jennifer Helen ma (hon)dsc cb Fukuda Haruko ma (hon)dsc obe Shirley Dame (Vera) Stephanie dbe 2003 Hambling Maggi cbe King Julia Elizabeth ma freng dbe 2007 Thomas Jean Olwen ma scd dbe frs fmedsci 2008Lonsdale Anne Mary ma cbe MacGregor Joanna Clare ftcl framhon frsa dbe 2010Rothwell Nancy Jane dbe Stocking Barbara Mary dbe Emeritus Fellows 1983 Levack George Macleod ma obe 1992 Moore Janet ma phd 1995 Lynden-Bell Ruth Marion ma phd scd frs Pearl Valerie Louise phd Pretty Katherine Bridget ma phd Womack Joanna Mary ma 1997 Steiner Zara Shakow ma phd fba Teichman Jenny Margaret ma Ryan Kiernan James Patrick ma phd 1999Goody Esther Newcomb phd scd 2005Hardie Philip Russell ma mphil phd Wilson Penelope Burke ma dphil 2006Hinde Joan Gladys Stevenson ma scd phd Lloyd Rosemary Helen ma phd littd Rubery Jill Christine ma phd 2007 Venkitaraman Ashok Ramakrishnan ma mb bs phd 2009 Ardavan Houshang phd Harris Harriet Euphemia ma phd 2010Bulkin Bernard Joseph phd Wright Nicholas Rodney Molyneux ma 2012Glen Heather Joan ma phd Bye Fellows Turner Angelina phd Turner Julia Mary phd Martin Claire Adriana ma mb bchir Matthews Gareth David Kingsley Steel Alexander ba dip legal studies Valenti Chloe Celeste phd Coo Lyndsay mphil phd NEWNHAM COLLEGE Principal Black Dame Carol frcp fmedsci dbe Fellows 1980 Barlow Claire Yvonne ma phd 1981 Hills Catherine Mary (Hurst) ma phd 1981 Owens Susan Elizabeth ma phd fba obe professorial fellow (2003) 1984 Beard Winifred Mary (Cormack) ma phd professorial fellow (2003) 1990 Mander Jenny Susan (Simon) ma phd 1991 Seville Catherine Ann (Kass) ma bmus llm phd viceprincipal Morton Anne Jennifer bsc phd ma professorial fellow (2009) Hodder Deborah Karen (Williams) ma 1994 MacDougall Margaret Jane (Frost) ma mb bchir md med frcor [1994] Fleet Katherine Harriet ba phd (1999) 1995 Blacklaws Barbara Ann bsc phd Jaszczolt Katarzyna Malgorzata (Berthon) ma mphil dphil professorial fellow (2010) Pitts Susan Margaret ma msc phd 1996 Taub Liba Chaia ma phd professorial fellow (2010) Padman Rachael beng phd 1997 Mcmahon Augusta ma phd 1998 Watts Sheila ba phd [1999] Hazlehurst Frances Anne ma (2002) 1999 2000 Navaro-Yashin Yael phd Watson Elizabeth E. bsc phd Skelly Barbara Justine (Franklin) ma vetmb phd Watson Christine Jannette bsc phd professorial fellow (2010) Quinn Judy Elizabeth ba phd Apter Terri ma phd Hughes Claire Hélène ma phd professorial fellow 2001 Burn Lucilla Mary ma dphil Saksida Lisa msc phd 2002 Hirsch Pamela Blakemore ma phd 2003 Ramos Gabriela ma phd 2004 Reiche Sönje Kerrin msc phd 2006Golombok Susan Esther bsc msc phd professorial fellow Mawdsley Emma Elizabeth ma phd 2008 Coffman D’Maris ma phd research fellow Hubbard Penny ma 2009Bao Helen ma phd 2010Harries Susie mlitt associate fellow Lucy Samantha J. phd Taylor Joanne dphil msc research fellow Gadelha Catarina mres phd Lindon Catherine phd Lorber Barbara ma phd Special No. 2] 2011Owen Susan ma associate fellow Gaudenzi Bianca mphil phd research fellow Haines Susan msc phd research fellow Vriend Nathalie msc phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 27 2012Reed Allyson ma phd associate fellow Klintberg Lina msci phd Pomeroy Emma ma Martelli Francesca mst dphil Honorary Fellows 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 Deane Phyllis Mary ma fba Floud Jean Esther ma cbe Reynolds Joyce Maire ma fba Stewart Lady (Mary) ma Weston Dame Margaret fiee fma dbe Williams Rt Hon Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain ma pc Easterling Patricia ma (hon)dphil (hon)dlit fba Young Rose md cbe Zeitlin Froma phd Norman Jessye mmus (hon)musd Milner Brenda ma phd scd (hon)lld Anstee Dame Margaret Joan ma dcmg Eliot Esme Valerie (hon)dlitt Mallalieu Baroness ma llm qc Birand-ToĞrol Beğlan ma phd Browne Sheila Jeanne ma cb Boothroyd Baroness Betty (hon)lld pc 1995 Gilmore Rosalind Edith Jean ma cb 1996 Campbell Anne ma Thompson Emma ma 1998 Dorsey Rhoda ma phd 1999 Byatt Duffy Antonia Susan ma (hon)littd dbe Frey Sylvia R. ma phd 2001 Hogan Brigid phd frs 2003 Anderson Jan Mary msc phd frs Brown Penelope Jane ma phd Tomalin Claire ma 2007O’Neill Baroness Onora ma phd fba fmedsci cbe (hon)frs 2008Frith Uta fmedsci fba frs dbe Hayman Baroness Helene Valerie ma pc gbe Reynolds Fiona ma mphil dbe 2010 Richard Alison ma phd dbe Emeritus Fellows 1990 1991 1995 1996 Phillips Ann ma Newton Alison Anne ma phd Adrian The Lady (Lucy) ma phd Wells Joyce ma Kirillova Irina ma mbe 1999 Gooder Jean ma 2001 Corbet Sarah A. ma phd 2004 Mullinger Ann Margaret ma phd 2005Altham Patricia ma phd 2007 Sutherland Gillian ma phd Bye-Fellows 2004Firth Helen dm frcp dch 2006O’Connell Tamsin Christina dphil 2008Connell Sophia Margaret phd 2010Mordey Delphine mst phd Cockcroft Claire phd 2011Charles Ruth ma phd Hakenbeck Susanne mphil phd 2012Drews Anna phd Newbould Mary mphil phd Trapp Kimberley llb bcl llm phd PEMBROKE COLLEGE Master Dearlove Sir Richard Billing ma kcmg obe Fellows 1956 1958 1961 1964 1979 1982 1984 1985 1990 1992 1994 1995 Lyons Malcolm Cameron littd Grimstone Albert Victor ma phd Johnson Leslie Peter ma Hickson James Christopher Durham ma phd Davies Nicholas Barry ma dphil (oxon) frs Dougherty John Peter ma phd [1961] Maciejowski Jan Marian ma phd [1977] president Fleck Norman Andrew ma phd frs Payne Michael Christopher ma phd frs Melville Charles Peter ma phd Allan Trevor Robert Seaward ma bcl (oxon) Bodenhorn Barbara Ann mphil phd Parry Jonathan Philip ma phd Wormald Mark Roderick ma phd Robertson Donald ma msc phd (lse) Gelsthorpe Loraine Ruth Renata mphil phd Meissner Torsten ma (bonn) dphil (oxon) phd Franklin Robin James Milroy phd Young Christopher John ma phd Cardoso Silvana Silva Santos phd 1996 1997 [2000] 1998 Huot Sylvia ma ba (california) phd (princeton) McBride Nicholas John ba (oxon) Cooper Nigel Robert ma dphil (oxon) Smith Kenneth George Campbell ma bmedsci mb bs phd (melbourne) Tunnacliffe Alan Garth ma phd (london) Kassell Lauren Tamar ba (haverford) msc dphil (oxon) 1999 Deshpande Vikram Sudhir mphil phd btech (bombay) mphil phd 2001 Tambakis Demosthenes Nicholas ma phd (princeton) Datta Nilanjana ma bsc msc (jadavpur) phd (eth zurich) Bell John Stephen ma bphil (gregorian university rome) dphil (oxon) Bussey Timothy John bsc (victoria bc) phd Ferrari Andrea Carlo laurea (politechnico di milano) phd 2002 Blakesley Rosalind Polly ma phd 2003 Tucker Alexander William ma vetmb phd 2004 Deuss Arwen Fedora ma msc (utrecht) phd 28 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 2005Learmount Simon ma (university of east anglia) mba phd Dawson Alan Michael ma phd Gonçalves Jorge Manuel Mendes Silva msc phd (massachusetts institute of technology) Barrett Samuel James mphil phd 2006 Shadrin Alexei msc phd (moscow) Gardom James Theodore Douglas ba (oxon) phd (king’s college london) Ettenhuber Katrin Christina ma mphil phd Miska Eric Alexander ba (dublin) phd 2007 Blencowe Christopher John ba (reading) ma (king’s college london) Mellor Matthew Robert ma O’Rahilly Stephen md mb bch bao (ireland) Csanyi Gábor ma phd (massachusetts institute of technology) Clatworthy Menna Ruth bsc (wales) phd Venkitaraman Ashok Ramakrishnan ma phd (london) mb & bs (vellore india) 2008 Huggins David John mchem (oxon) dphil (oxon) 2009 Lizieri Colin Martyn ba (oxon) phd (lse) Houen Alex ba (sydney) mphil (sydney) phd Gagné Renaud ma (montreal) mphil (montreal) phd (harvard) Gorji Mina ba mphil (oxon) phd (oxon) Burt Caroline ba mphil phd Pooley Siân Katharine ba mphil phd Nouwen Sarah Maria Heiltjen llb (utrecht) llm (utrecht) mphil 2010 Norris Jacob ba (university college london) ma (university college london) 2011 Koziol Krzysztof Kazimierz msc (silesian univ of technology poland) phd Bellis Joanna Ruth ba phd French Sky Trillium ba msc (hons) Matthiesen Moritz Toby ba (berne) phd (soas) Johnson Randall Scott ba/bs (washington) phd (harvard) Loch Christoph mba (tennessee) phd (stanford) Grey Clare Philomena ba (oxon) dphil (oxon) Abreu Maria ba (lse) mphil (tinbergen institute) phd (free univ amsterdam) Fellows-elect 2012Young Anna Mollie meng (2008) Nahum-Claudel Chloe ba (2005) John Stephen David mphil (2001) phd (2007) Galloway Warren Robert Joseph Daniel ma (2007) phd (2008) Grunwald Henning ma (1998) phd (2003) Honorary Fellows 1983 1989 1992 1993 1998 Atiyah Sir Michael Francis ma phd (hon)scd om frs Dolby Ray Milton obe phd (hon)scd Kingman Sir John Frank Charles scd frs Prior of Brampton The Rt Hon Lord (James) pc ma De Waal Sir Constant Hendrick (Henry) llb ma kcb qc Donaldson Simon Kirwan ma frs Hogwood Christopher Jarvis Haley ma (hon)musd cbe Crowden James Gee Pascoe ma cvo Chilcot Sir John Anthony ma gcb Schiemann The Rt Hon Lord Justice Konrad Hermann Theodor pc ma llb Ward The Rt Hon Lord Justice Alan Hylton pc ma llb 1999 Johnson Emma Louise ma mbe 2000 Sulston Sir John Edward phd frs (hon)scd 2002 Janeway William Hall phd 2004Bett Sir Michael ma cbe Ferguson Roger Walton phd Hum Sir Christopher Owen kcmg ma Richards His Excellency Professor George Maxwell phd Richmond Sir Mark Henry scd frs Smith of Finsbury The Rt Hon Lord (Christopher Robert) pc ma phd 2005Buckingham Amyand David scd cbe frs Nickell Stephen John ba fba 2007 Biddle Martin ba fba Ringrose Peter Stuart ma phd Bew of Donegore Lord (Paul Anthony Elliott) ma phd Greenblatt Stephen Jay ma Brading David Anthony ba (hon)dlitt fba Bloxham Jeremy ma phd 2010 Elias Hon Sir Patrick llb (exeter) ma phd James Clive Vivian Leopold ma 2011Collinson Patrick Emeritus Fellows 1988 1990 1996 1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 Pratt Charles William McElroy ma Nutbourne Anthony William ma Parry Richard Hawley Grey scd Gilbraith Colin ma mvo Buckingham Amyand David scd cbe frs Wilcockson Colin George ma Powell Michael James David scd frs Fleming Ian scd frs Waldram John Ryder ma phd Hopkins Antony Gerald fba Erskine-Hill Howard Henry littd fba 2004 Tomkys Sir Roger ma kcmg Mears Robert Joseph Lickorish William Bernard Raymond scd 2005Thirunavukkarasu Sathiamalar ma 2006 Watchorn Brian ma Raingold Howard Peter ma Baskey Nicholas Stanislaus ma 2007 Jackson Richard James ma phd Reeve Michael David ma fba 2008 Kuczynski Michael George ma Stobbs Susan Helen ma Britter Rex Edward ma 2012Edwards Geoffrey Richard ma ba (wales) phd (london) William Pitt Fellows 2001 2003 2009 Newsum Jeremy Henry Moore Furr Barrington John Albert Singer Thomas Parmee Richard John ba 2010 2012 Put Joseph Rake Sir Michael Chiu Richard Booker Robert Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 29 Bye-Fellows 2001 Ringrose Jayne Sinclair ma 2008Passolt Daniela 2009 Coombs Rebecca Lucy Enticknap Andrew Kotter Mark Reinhard Norbert mphil phd 2010 Fawcett William ma phd 2011Ben-Artzi Jonathan bsc (hebrew univ jerusalem) phd (brown ri) Rietzler Katharina ma phd (ucl) 2012Lebow Richard Ned ma (yale) phd (new york) Fellow Commoners 2004 Gibson George Simon Cecil 2005Chadwick John Andrew Hulme ma Sykes Keith Gordon ma Dillard Randall Wayne llm 2006Bachop Norman McLeod ma 2007 Wilkinson Anthony Harwick 2009 Adams Christopher Bertlin Turner ma Stancliffe John Charles Grayson ma Overstall John Kevin ma PETERHOUSE Master Dixon Adrian Kendal md frcr frcp frcs fmedsci Fellows 1974 Munday Roderick John Corbett ma phd [1976] Pattenden Philip ma phd (1982) [1983] Solomou Solomos Nicolaou phd (1985) 1989 Parker Michael Andrew ma phd Woodland Philip Charles ma mphil 1990 Deakin Simon Francis ma phd fba [1991] Jackson Sophie Elizabeth ba phd (1994) 1993 Simms Brendan Peter ma phd Jones Mari Catrin ba mphil phd [1993] Carleton Paget James Nicholas Benedict ma phd (1995) 1994 Lever Andrew Michael Lindsay ma md fmedsci 1995 Wallace Jennifer Madge Braidwood ma phd 1998Mandelbrote Scott Howard ma 2000White Alexander John ma phd Midgley Paul Anthony bsc msc phd 2001 Ross Russell Robert Ian ma mb bchir md frcp frcpch 2002 Baker Clare Victoria Hartnell ma phd 2003 Grigson Richard Simon Geoffrey ma 2005 Symons Digby Duncan ma dphil ceng mimeche cdipaf 2006Ryan Magnus Jerome ma phd Tilmouth Christopher Dominic James ma mphil phd 2007Hampton Stephen William Peter ma dipmin mst dphil 2008Zsák Andras ma phd Lester Christopher Gorham ma phd Stirling William James ma phd cphys finstp frs cbe 2009Crane Timothy Martin ma phd 2010Becker Felicitas Maria ba ma phd Kirshner Jodie Adams ab ms jd 2011Murk Jansen Saskia Monique ma phd Moriarty Michael ba phd fba 2012Connor Steven ma dphil ilthe Research Fellows 2009Frost James Alexander ma phd 2010 Voorhees Rebecca Maria bsc msc Zair Nicholas Andrew Shipley ba mphil dphil 2011Brandvik Tobias meng ma phd White Claire Emma ma 2012French Jennifer Clair ba mphil Warnke Lutz Peter bsc dphil Bye-Fellows 1992 Adamson John Sonley Anthony ba phd (1987) [1991] Plumb Richard Gordon Samuel ma phd miet ceng (2001) 1995 St Johnston Robert Daniel ma phd frs 2008Hofmann Stephan phd 2009Watts Colin mb bs frcs (ed) phd frcs Essex David William ba phd 2010Ritz Robert Andrew ma mphil dphil 2011Dickens Timothy Keith bsc phd frsc Honorary Fellows 1981Lloyd of Berwick Lord (Sir Anthony John Leslie Lloyd) pc dl ma 1982Beach General Sir (William Gerald) Hugh gbe kcb mc ma (1986)Mack Smith Denis cbe ma fba [1962] 1989Roth Klaus Friedrich msc ba phd frs frse 1993 Klug Sir Aaron om phd scd lld(hon) frs [1979]Wrigley Sir Tony (Edward Anthony) ma phd fba (1996) 1997Gunn Chit Chan cm obc mb bchir ma 2001Eyre Sir Richard Charles Hastings cbe ba Fenn Sir Nicholas Maxted gcmg ma Meyer Sir Christopher John Rome kcmg ma Wright Sir David gcmg lvo ma 2002 Thomas Sir John Meurig scd frs freng(hon) frse(hon) 2003 Sweetnam Sir Rodney (David) kcvo cbe mb bchir ma frcs 2006Hacking Professor Ian MacDougall cc frsc fba ma phd Stern of Brentford Professor Lord (Nicholas) ma fba Butler-Sloss Rt Hon Baroness (Ann Elizabeth Oldfield) gbe pc 2008Wilson Rt Hon Lord (David Clive) kt gcmg ma phd frse 2010Malcolm Noel Robert ma phd fba Morgan Rt Hon Sir Charles Declan pc ma 2011Budd Malcolm John ma fba 2012Brendel Alfred kbe (hon) 30 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Emeritus Fellows 1989 1991 1992 1993 1997 1998 Davis John Allen ma md frcp Norman Edward Robert ma dd Kenney Edward John ma fba Heyman Jacques ma phd freng fsa Beer John Bernard ma littd fba Somerset David Henry Fitzroy ma Ferguson-Smith Malcolm Andrew mb bchir ma frcp (glas) frs frse 1999 Greenwood James Anthony ma phd 2000 Cumpsty Nicholas Alexander ma phd freng 2002 Calladine Christopher Ruben scd freng frs 2003 Croft Hallard Thomas ma phd 2004 Skaer Richard John ma phd Lovatt Roger Walford ma phd 2005 Turner Denys Alan ma dphil 2006 Turner David Michael ma phd 2008Watkin David John ma phd littd friba(hon) fsa 2009Crowther Richard Anthony ma phd frs QUEENS’ COLLEGE President Eatwell Lord (John Leonard) ma phd Fellows 1960 1965 1966 1967 1968 Spearing Anthony Colin ma life fellow Singh Ajit ma life fellow Callingham Brian Albert ma life fellow Diggle James ma phd littd fba life fellow Tiley John ma cbe fba life fellow Carroll John Edward ma phd scd freng life fellow Stein Peter Gonville ma llb qc fba life fellow Hebblethwaite Rev Canon Brian Leslie ma dd life 1970 1972 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1982 Green John Timothy ma phd life fellow Coaker Thomas Henry ma phd life fellow Phillips William Andrew ma phd life fellow Walker Robin Douglas Howard ma phd Cosh Andrew Duncan ba phd Bradshaw Rev Brendan Ignatius ma phd life fellow Weber Richard Robert ma phd Hayhurst Allan Nuttall ma phd life fellow Spufford Peter ma phd littd fba life fellow Jackson James Anthony ma phd frs Pountain Christopher John ma phd life fellow Fentiman Richard Griffith ma Oxburgh Lord (Ernest Ronald) ma kbe hon freng frs 1983 1984 1985 1988 1989 Holmes Rev Jonathan Michael ma vetmb phd Haynes Peter Howard ma phd Cebon David phd freng Field Hugh John ma scd Hall Elizabeth Anne Howlett ma phd Prager Richard William ma phd Polkinghorne Rev Canon John Charlton scd kbe frs 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Bridge Stuart Nigel ma life fellow Jones Roderic Lewis phd vice-president Lasenby Anthony Norden ma Priestley Keith Ferrin phd Pitelis Christos Nicolas phd Kahrs Eivind Georg phd Gee Andrew Howard ma phd Ward David Robert ma phd Scott Jacqueline Lillian phd Watts Rev Fraser Norman ma phd Bollom Lee Anthony Allison John William Francis ma phd Glover Beverley Jane phd Milgate Murray Jack ma phd Rex Richard Andrew William ma phd Challinor Anthony David ba phd bye-fellow Patterson Ian ma phd Bryant Clare Elizabeth phd fellow life fellow life fellow 2000 Crowley Martin Paul Vernon dphil (oxon) Muldrew James Craig phd Campbell James William Patrick ma phd Jones Howard Richard Neil ma phd Dixon Martin John phd 2001 Menon David Krishna md bs phd 2002 Thompson Andrew Clague ma phd Gog Julia Rose ma phd 2003 Seshia Ashwin Akunkumar ms phd Terentjev Eugene Michael ma phd Treece Graham Michael phd bye-fellow 2004 Henderson Diana Mary llb phd nptd psascot Sitaridou Ioanna phd (manchester) 2005Zurcher Andrew Elder phd 2006Rossi Anna Maria bsc phd Spence Jonathan ma (oxon) Russell James ma phd Smith Christopher mb chb phd bye-fellow Gamble Andrew Michael ma phd fba 2007 Arthurs Owen John mb bchir phd bye-fellow Stone Howard ma bye-fellow Maguire Janet Julie phd bye-fellow McShane Graham John meng phd Edmonds Marie ma phd Fraser Gillian Margaret bsc phd 2008 Nickl Richard msc phd (vienna) Tiley Laurence Stephen bsc (manchester) phd (reading) Butlin Tore Simon ba meng bye-fellow 2009 Kelly James William mphil ma (warwick) dphil (oxon) 2010Price Stephen John bsc mbbs phd bye-fellow Biron Laura Rebecca ba phd research fellow Martins Ana Margarida ma phd (coimbra) bye-fellow Cordeaux Yolande bsc phd (kent) bye-fellow Rice Andrew Colin ba phd 2011Goedecke Julia ba phd Wollston Silas John ma mphil phd bye-fellow Robinson Joshua Mark ma mphil research fellow Moyroud Edwige msc (ens de lyon) phd (cea grenoble) research fellow Butterfield David James ma mphil phd Paterson Anna ma phd bye-fellow Tait Meg ba mphil phd bye-fellow Boz Corinne ma (ankara) phd (sheffield) bye-fellow 2012Gallo Edoardo ba (harvard) mphil phd (oxon) Clements Rebekah Elizabeth llb (anu) ma (tokyo) phd research fellow Bowman Richard William ba research fellow Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 31 Honorary Fellows 1974 1976 1984 1985 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 Tomlinson Alfred Charles ma cbe Haszeldine Robert Neville ma phd scd frs Brown Sir Stephen ma gbe Halstead Sir Ronald ma cbe Mathias Peter ma littd cbe fba Banham Sir John Michael Middlecott ma dl Walker Sir David Alan ma Sepúlveda Amor Bernardo llb Wills Nicholas Kenneth Spencer ma fca fcim fct frsa Santer Rt Rev Mark ma Oxburgh Lord (Ernest Ronald) ma kbe hon freng frs Harris Sir Martin Best ma cbe 1996 Macpherson Ewen Cameron Stewart ma Polkinghorne Rev Canon John Charlton scd kbe frs 1998 Foale Colin Michael ma phd cbe 2001 Gill Mandhar Singh ma phd dlitt dsc Dearlove Sir Richard Billing ma kcmg obe Shirai Yoshiyasu phd 2005 Swift Graham Colin ma Fry Stephen John ma 2008 Thomas Lord (Hugh Swynnerton) ma Greengrass Paul ma Al-Khasawneh Awn Shawkat llb ma 2009Cullinan Edward Horder ba cbe Fellow Commoners 1985 1993 1995 1996 Dowson Jonathan Hudson ma mb bchir md Evans David Wainwright ma Watson Peter Gordon ma mb bchir Cormack George Carl ma mb chb Welch Theodore Phillips Towle Philip Anthony ma 1999 Thorne Kareen Jennifer Innes ma phd 2006 Benton Peter Nicholas ma phd Pomfret Andrew David ma Foulkes Richard Ralston ma 2008 Stamatakis Emmanuel beng msc phd (dundee) 2012Allwood Ralph mbe Fellow Emeritus 2011Glass Andrew Martin William ma phd ROBINSON COLLEGE Warden Yates Anthony David ma frsa Fellows 1979 1980 1981 1983 [1984] 1984 1985 1986 1987 1989 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 Williams John Austin ma phd freng McKie David Stewart ma phd Jones Geraint Alwyn Clayton ma Guild Elizabeth Marion ma phd Donald Dame Athene Margaret dbe ma phd frs Forsyth Christopher Forbes llb phd Collings Nicholas phd freng (1996) McCabe Brian John ma Needs Richard James phd Kornicki Peter Francis ma dphil fba Thom Deborah ma Mycroft Alan ma scd Duer Melinda Jane ma phd Ritchie David Alastair ma Rudy Ian Allan ma phd Love Rosalind Claire ma phd Jarvis Simon Peter ba phd Trudgill Stephen Thomas ma Nolan William Peter phd McDonald Maryon Elizabeth ma dphil Smith Julie Elizabeth ma dphil Cornick David George bd phd Dawar Anuj ma Thurlow Jeremy Robert ba mphil Warner Christopher David ma Kaminski Clemens Friedrich ma dphil Latham Christine Elizabeth ma mr cvs Page Joanna Elizabeth mphil phd Cornish Helen Elizabeth ma Beresford Alastair Richard ma phd Sharp Richard William ma phd Swaminathan Nedunchezhian ma 2006Hutchinson Peter John Ashton phd Reason Ross George ma msc Markaki Athina Emmanuel phd Salvat Christophe ma [2007] Prince Ruth Jane bsc (2010) 2007 Silva Elizabete Manuela Alves ma Sharkey Andrew Mark ma Tiffert Joan Teresa ma Smith Sandra Irene ba ma 2008 Lieu Judith Margaret ba ma phd Elshafie Mohammed Zein Elabidin Babiker mphil phd [2008] Restif Olivier ma (2011) Shin Michael Dong ma [2008]Woodman David Anthony ma mphil (2012) Chan Nicolette Mei Mei phd (2012) 2009 Finnin Rory Emmett ma Hayes Mark Gerard ma Jin Ying barch phd Reavley Martin John ba ma Oliver Rachel Angharad meng dphil 2010 Austin Paul Clifford phd Crump Colin Michael Schofield Paul Nicholas ma dphil 2011Chalut Kevin James 2012 Strauss Kendra msc dphil Chin Alex ba ma phd Griffiths Paul ba dphil Pearsall Sarah Marjorie Savage ma Sloan Brian Damian ba llm phd 32 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Research Fellow 2010 Bauer Ulrike Honorary Fellows 1988 1989 1992 Allen Sir Geoffrey frs freng frsc finst Cortazzi Sir Hugh gcmg Li Sir David Kwok Po ma (hon)lld Rhodes Frank Harold Trevor Laws The Rt Hon Lord Justice (John Grant McKenzie) 1996 Cha Louis (hon)phd obe (hon)dlitt mphil 2006 Burnyeat Myles Fredric ma cbe 2007 Kay The Rt Hon Lord Justice (Maurice Ralph) 2010Morris Warwick 2011 Conolly Leonard William Life Fellows 1998 2001 Hooker Morna Dorothy (Stacey) ma dd [1977] Brooks Peter Newman ma phd [1982] Lewis Lord (Jack) ma scd frs [1977] Myers John Raymond ma [1991] 2007 Berrios German Elias ma frcp (hon) [1978] 2010 Stewart Mary Edna ma phd [1977] 2011Gray John Clinton ma [1977] Kirkpatrick Robin ma phd [1978] Emeritus Fellows 1985 Teich Mikulas ma [1977] 1995 Taylor John Clayton ma phd frs [1980] Grieve Smith John ma [1982] 2001 Brown Lawrence Michael ma scd frs [1977] 2005 Weiss Judith Elizabeth ma phd [1977] Drummond Ian Thomas phd [1978] 2006 Brett Martin ma phd [1978] 2007 Allen William Richard phd cbe scd desm fbs frcvs [1996] Sergeant John Francis Hilton ma dipl arch riba [1982] 2011 Mackley Malcolm Robert ma freng [1986] Milloy Peter Dennis Grattan ma [2001] ST CATHARINE’S COLLEGE Master Thomas Dame Jean Olwen ma scd dbe frs fmedsci Fellows [1974] [1977] [1980] 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 [1990] 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 [1996] [1997] [1997] [1997] 1997 1998 1999 [2000] 2000 Martin Ronald Leonard ma phd fba (1975) Hartle Paul Nigel ma phd (1979) Little John Albert ma phd (1983) Tyler Peter msc ma phd Wardy Robert Bezalel Baruch ma phd Pyle John Adrian scd frs Palmer Patrick Reginald ma phd Ferran Eilís Veronica ma phd van de Ven Hans phd Oliver Philip ma phd Willis Ian Craig phd Clark Christopher Munro ma phd fba (1992) Kantaris Elia Geoffrey ma phd Pickard John Douglas ma mb mchir Kitson Michael Francis Melikan Rose Anne phd Sutcliffe Michael Patrick Forbes ma phd Xuereb John Henry ma md Davenport Anthony Peter ma phd Dell Katharine Julia ma dphil Gonda Caroline Jane ma phd Berend Nora phd (2000) Aldridge David Christopher ba phd (2003) Wothers Peter David ma phd (1999) Dance Richard William phd (2001) Dalton Kevin John mb bs phd Elliott Mark Christopher phd Borzym Irena ba Brundin Abigail Sarah ma phd (2003) Iyer Sriya mphil phd 2001 Mason Matthew ma phd 2002 Taraskin Sergei phd 2003 Bainbridge David Robert James ma phd Wydra Harold phd [2004] Gair Jonathan Reavley ma phd (2007) 2005 Summers Simon ma 2006Coles Harry James dsc Lees-Jeffries Hester Mary Monica phd Wickham Edward phd Carr Gillian phd 2007 Delap Lucy phd Griffin Miranda phd Harrison Richard phd Moore Rev Anthony Michael ba phd Dalley Jeffrey Wayne phd Morris Stephen Matthew phd Loveluck Deborah Grace 2008 Scales Ivan phd Sutherland William James phd [2009] Neufeld Jerome Anthony phd (2011) 2009 Turner Peter Grimes phd Leon Gabriel ba dphil 2010Althorpe Stuart phd Onatski Alexei phd Dejong Matthew phd Santos Fatima phd 2011Marciniak Stefan John phd 2012Hurley Michael phd Kandil Hazem phd Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 33 Research Fellows 2008Yankova-Dimova Gergana phd 2009 Bartok-Partay Livia phd 2010Egeler Matthias dphil 2011Chepelianskii Alexei phd Staresina Bernhard phd 2012 Van Dijck Gert phd King Edward phd Honorary Fellows 1964 1973 1977 1982 1983 1988 1989 1992 1992 1993 1996 1998 1999 Lord George de Forest Hall Sir Peter Reginald Frederick ma (hon)lld cbe Erikson Kai Theodor phd Briggs of Lewes Rt Hon Lord (Asa Briggs) ma fba Hirsch Sir Peter Bernhard ma phd frs Laws Richard Maitland ma phd cbe frs McKellen Sir Ian ba cbe Swinnerton-Dyer Sir Peter ma frs kbe former master Hall Sir Peter Geoffrey ma phd Davies Sir Graeme John ma phd former fellow Wright James Robertson Graeme ma former fellow English Sir Terence ma kbe former master Supple Barry Emanuel phd fba cbe former master Soon Cham Tao be bsc phd Peckham Sir Michael ma md Warner Francis Robert Le Plastrier ma dlitt 2001 2002 2006 Bate Andrew Jonathan phd fba Paxman Jeremy Dickson ma Battersby Sir Alan ma scd frs former fellow Smethurst Richard Good ma Ingram David Stanley ma phd scd frse obe vmh former master 2007Pattie Sir Geoffrey ma Gardner Sir Richard phd frs 2008Higham Charles Franklin Wandesforde phd scd fba Jones Parry Sir Emyr phd 2009 Penny Nicholas ma phd fba 2010 Bedelian Haro ma phd obe feng 2011Barnes Peter John dm dsc frcp fmedsci frs 2012Baker Sir John Hamilton ma lld qc fba former fellow Blix Arnoldus phd Fairhead Rona llb mba cbe Harris Joanne ma Emeritus Fellows 1987 1996 1997 2000 2002 2004 Beardon Alan Frank ma phd Chisholm Michael Donald Inglis ma phd Shakeshaft John Roland ma phd Keeble David Etherton ma phd Raithby Paul Robert ma phd scd Message Michael Anthony ma mb bchir phd Thorne Christopher Julian Ralph ma phd Handy Nicholas Charles ma phd scd frs Bridgwater John ma phd scd 2006 Thompson John Alexander ma phd Pyle David Mark ma phd 2009Broom Donald Maurice ma phd scd 2010Elderfield Henry ma phd scd 2011Bennett Robert John ma phd fba Barnes Richard Stephen Kent ma phd 2012 Bayly Sir Christopher Alan ma phd littd fba Gordon Robert Patterson ma phd Fellow Commoners 1986 Cavaliero Glen Tilburn ma phd 1989 Mullett Rev John St Hilary ma 1992 Stratford Roger ma 1996 Bibby John Benjamin Boizot Peter James ma mbe 2003 Heller Michael Aron ma Heller Morven Livingstone 2004 Mcgrath Harvey ma 2005 Haynes Nicholas Frank ma Chapman Roy ma 2008Beringer Guy Gibson ma Searle Hugh Douglas ma 2009 Bate Herbert William ma Bowring Philip ma Richer Gwen Owen ma Richer Mark ma 2010Horam John ma 2011Adams Timothy ma ST EDMUND’S COLLEGE Master Luzio John Paul ma phd fmedsci Fellows 1990 1973 1987 1988 1992 1993 1998 1999 Herrtage Michael Edward bvsc ma dvsc vice-master Mitton Simon Anthony ma phd Mason Helen Elizabeth bsc ma phd White Robert Stephen ma phd frs Robson Michael ba phd frhists Gardner Phillip William ma dphil Mcrobie Frank Allan bsc msc Dunstan Petà ma phd Jennings Richard Charles bsc dphil Brett Katharina ma phd Chilvers Edwin Roy bmedsc bmbs phd fmedsci 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Gaston John Stanley Hill ma bm phd Chatterjee Robin Abhijit phd Bunbury Judith Mewyn-Richardson phd Guthrie Peter msc lld obe Langley-Hobbs Sorrel bvetmed ma dsas Yin Eden ma bsc phd Kaminski Ann bsc phd Butler Sean ma llm phd Wood Diana Frances md Harter Andrew Charles ma phd 34 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 2005 Head Peter ba ma phd Jenkins Stephen John bsc phd 2006 Gannon Anna ba cpgs phd Field Mark Christian ma ma dphil Jongkind Dirk ma mphil phd 2007 Kessler Edward ba mts mba phd mbe Steiner Ullrich dr rer nat Swann Mandy bed mphil phd 2008Constantino-Casas Fernando bsc phd 2009Lin Pei-Yin ba ma mphil phd 2010Loughlin John ba phd phd frsa frhists Reid Evan bsc mbchb phd 2011Anthony Richard ma phd aca Morrison Nicola ba phd Freeman Tabitha Rose ma phd Colli Alan dl phd Ansari Shazhad mphil phd 2012Brunnegger Sandra ma mphil dphil Dölken Lars md Research Fellows 2010Boyle Elizabeth ma mphil phd Meri Josef ba ma dphil 2011Cole Matthew meng phd Li Yi bsc phd 2012 Schlager Maximilan Alexander msc phd Sundaram Ravi Shankar msc phd Honorary Fellows 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 Tickell Sir Crispin Charles Cervantes gcmg kcvo Laws Richard Maitland ma phd scd cbe frs Boothroyd Rt Hon Baroness Betty om Smith Most Revd Peter llb jcd Burke Derek Clissold phd cbe dl Hanson Sir John kcmg cbe Ogilvie Dame Bridget scd dbe Alberts Bruce phd Cohen Janet Baroness of Pimlico ma Russell Rt Rev Anthony dphil His Grace the Duke of Norfolk Edward William Fitzalan-Howard Evans Sir Martin ma phd scd frs fmedsci scd Hrh The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh hon lld 2003 Polkinghorne Revd John phd scd kbe frs 2004 Broers Lord Alec Nigel ba phd scd frs freng Sen Amartya Kumar ma phd ch fba He Cardinal Pell George ma dphil Heap Sir Robert Brian scd cbe frs 2006Bundy Colin dphil 2007Alumnia Joaquín 2008Rapley Christopher Graham ma msc phd cbe 2010Watson Sir David ma phd 2012McAleese Mary Patricia llb bcl ma ma kg kt pc om gbe frs Life Fellow 2007 Cook Rev Geoffrey Malcolm Weston bsc msc phd Emeritus Fellows 1993 1972 1998 2001 2002 Elsmore Bruce ma phd Palmer Anthony Claude ma phd scd McHugh Rev Francis ma phd Tudor John ma Hoskin Michael ma phd 2006 Jackson Peter Giles Grenville bvm&s dvm&s ma O’Keeffe Bernadette Mary ma phd 2008Bridges David ma phd 2012Alexander Denis ma phd O’Flynn Bernadette Mary ma Hills Richard Edwin ba phd Bye-Fellows 2001 Christie Philip ma phd 2006Al-Lamki Rafia bsc mphil phd 2009 Liht José ba ma phd Dobson Catherine Alexandra ba bcl Snalune Katie Louise bsc ma vetmb mrcvs Bunce Robin ba mphil phd Snoswell David beng phd 2011Holder Rev Rodney Dennis ma dphil 2012Brent Rev Allen ma ma phd dd Fellow Commoners 1993 Richardson Caroline Mary 1996 Russ Very Rev Canon Timothy ma 2007Brown Barry ma dip arch riba 2011Pratt Christopher Lucan McRitchie ma acis Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 35 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE Master Dobson Christopher Martin bsc ma dphil scd (hon)frs dsc fmedsci Fellows 2002 Dormor Duncan James ba ma msc [President] 1955 James Edward Donald ma phd 1958 Hinde Robert Aubrey bsc ma scd dphil (hon)dsc cbe (hon)fba frs [1951] 1960 Prince Reginald Hesketh ma phd bsc scd Goody Sir John Rankine ma blitt phd scd (hon)lld fba 1961 Watson George Grimes ma 1963 Charles James Anthony bsc arsm ma scd freng Garling David John Haldane ma phd scd 1964 Perham Richard Nelson ma phd scd frs fmedsci Reid George Alan ma phd 1966 Boyde Patrick ma phd fba Leake John Anthony ma phd Linehan Peter Anthony ma phd fba 1967 Macfarlane Alan James msc ma phd McMullen David Lawrence ma phd fba Matthews Edward Keith bpharm ma phd 1968 Jobling Raymond George ma 1969 Macintosh Rev Andrew Alexander ma dd Staunton James bsc ma phd frs 1970 Johnson Christopher Michael Paley ma phd Clarke Malcolm Alistair ma phd llb Smith Alan Gilbert ma phd Emerton Rev John Adney ma dd (hon)dd fba 1971 Green Reginald Arthur phd Iliffe John ma phd littd 1972 Schofield Malcolm ma phd fba Lewis Gilbert Aguilar bm bch ma phd Griffin Roger Francis ba phd scd [1962] 1973 Bayliss-Smith Timothy Peter ma phd 1974 Gull Stephen Frank ma phd Hughes Howard Profit bsc ma phd scd 1975 Goddard Peter ma phd scd frs cbe Johnstone Peter Tennant ma phd scd Hutchings Ian Michael ma phd freng Beadle Hilton Richard Leslie ma dphil littd fsa 1976 Hutchison John Bower msc phd scd [1967] Milsom Stroud Francis Charles ma (hon)lld qc fba Wight Derek George Douglas mb bchir ma frcpath 1977 Friend Sir Richard Henry ma phd frs freng Glasscock Robin Edgar ma phd 1978 Tombs Robert Paul ma phd 1979 McConnel Richard Ernest be me dphil phd 1980 Midgley David Robin dphil phd Matthews Peter Hugoe ma littd fba 1981 Richards Martin ba phd 1982 Kerrigan John Francis ma Burton Graham James ma dsc md fmedsci 1983 Horrocks Geoffrey Charles ma phd (hon)phd 1985 Dasgupta Sir Partha Sarathi ba phd (hon)phd fba frs 1986 Welland Sir Mark (Edward) ma phd frs freng Matthews Hugh Richard ma phd Heal Barbara Jane ma phd fba Hynes Thomas Paul ma mmath phd McCave Ian Nicholas ma phd scd 1987 Metaxas Andrew Creon bsc ma phd fiet Robinson Richard Henry ma obe Conway Morris Simon bsc ma phd frs [1975] Laue Ernest Douglas ma phd 1988 Edgley Stephen Alan bsc ma phd 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Evans Robert Andrew msc ma Colwell Susan Margaret ma mmath phd Watson Helen Elizabeth ba phd McDermott Joseph Peter ma phd Lane Christel Olga ma phd Robinson Christopher John ma dmus cvo cbe Suhov Yurii Mikhailovich ma phd Szreter Simon Richard Stanislaw ma phd Howard Deborah Janet ma phd fba frse fsa fsa(scot) (hon)frias Lisboa Maria Manuel Gabão bsc ma phd Rublack Ulinka Christiane ma phd Simons Benjamin David ma phd Plaisted Grant Katrina Carol bsc phd Ní Mhaonaigh Máire ma phd McFarlane Duncan Campbell beng phd Gray Christine Diana ma phd Winter Ian Michael bsc dphil Manton Nicholas Stephen ma phd frs Arnold Neil Stuart ma phd Castelvecchi Stefano ma phd Kinmonth Ann-Louise ma md msc fmedsci cbe iom (usa) Lees Janet Marillyn beng msc phd Wyllie Andrew David Hamilton dsc mb chb phd frcpath dsc frs frse fmedsci fresedin mrcp Reif Stefan Clive ma phd littd 1999 Fox David Murray ba llb phd Stuart David Michael Addis ba ma msc phd Nicholls Andrew Mark ma phd fsa Dörrzapf Matthias ma mast phd Best Victoria Jane Louise ma phd Antonello Pierpaolo ma phd Miracle Preston Thor ma phd fsa 2000 Woods Andrew William ba phd ma [1988] Harris John William Robert ma Best Serena Michelle bsc ma phd Geraats Petra Maria ma phd Wood Paul Thomas bsc ma phd 2002 Gowers Emily Joanna ma phd 2003 Goswami Usha Claire ma dphil [1990] Samworth Richard John ma phd mmath 2004 Barker Graeme William Walter ma phd fsa fba Williams David Leonard vetmb ma phd frcvs Tomaselli Sylvana ba ma ma 2005Ewbank Christopher Francis ma mba Galy Albert Jean Bernard ma phd 2006 Salmon Frank Edwin ma phd fsa Warnes Christopher Graham ba ma phd Jiggins Christopher David ba ma phd 2007 Teal Stephen William ba ma frsa Nethsingha Andrew Mark ma Larsson Tomas Henrik ba ma phd Mullins Robert David beng msc phd 2008 Lomas David Arthur bmedsci bm bs phd scd frcp fmedsci Knowles Tuomas Pertti Jonathan phd Waring Emma J. L. ba llm ma phd Robinson Jason Joseph William Alexander meng phd 2009Evans Georgina Louise ba mphil phd Atatüre Mete bsc phd Johnston Henri Louis Alistair bsc phd 36 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 Reddy Akhilesh Basi ba ma mb bchir phd mrcp [2004] Truman Andrew William msci phd Harmer James Kneller ba mphil phd Ghahramani Zoubin bseng ba phd 2010Rink John Scott ab mmus phd Kucherenko Olga bsc mphil phd Button Timothy Edward Charles ba mphil phd Thomson Blaise Roger Marie bsc mphil phd Goodhand Martin Neil ba meng phd 2011Reisner Erwin phd Baum Andrew Ellis bsc mphil phd frics asip Thomas Oliver ba mst dphil Drescher Knut mphys phd Toland John bsc msc dsc dphil frs frse Paulsen Ole bm/md phd Roberts Natalie mesc 2012Palacios Isabel phd Franze Kristian phd Lamacraft Austen ba mmath phd Abbott Ruth ba mphil phd Watson Robert Nicholas Maxwell bs phd Chabal Emile ba mphil Slight John ba mphil Forrester Katrina Max ba mphil Paszkowski Uta phd Honorary Fellows 1964 Chadwick Revd William Owen ma dd (hon)littd om kbe fba 1982 1985 1987 1988 1989 1992 1995 1997 Miller Sir Jonathan (Wolfe) ma (hon)littd mb bchir cbe Singh His Excellency Dr Manmohan ma (hon)lld Templeman Rt Hon Lord Sydney William ma mbe Wass Sir Douglas (William Gretton) ma gcb Wilson Sir David (Mackenzie) ma littd fba fsa Cartledge Sir Bryan (George) ma kcmg Griffiths Rt Hon Lord William Hugh ma mc qc Jacobi Sir Derek (George) ma cbe Penrose Sir Roger phd om frs Horlock Sir John (Harold) ma phd scd frs feng Cox Sir David (Roxbee) ma frs Mustill Rt Hon Lord Michael John ma lld fba Goldstone Mr Justice (Richard Joseph) llb Hope Rt Hon Lord (James Arthur) David ma frse Lankester Sir Timothy (Patrick) ma kcb Browne Rt Hon Lord (Edmund) John (Phillip) ma frs 1998 1999 2000 King Professor Sir Mervyn (Allister) ma (hon)lld fba gbe Brearley (John) Michael ma obe Iacobucci Hon Mr Justice Frank llm Jacovides Andrew Jacovou ma llm Scholar Sir Michael (Charles) ma phd kcb Carnley Most Revd Peter Frederick ba phd freng 2001 2002 2004 2005 Moody-Stuart Sir Mark ma phd kcmg Burt Dan Martin ma Corfield Charles Nicholas ba Harvey Jonathan Dean ma musd Maskin Eric Stark ma phd fba Renfrew Lord (Andrew) Colin ma phd scd fba fsa Aikens Rt Hon Lord Justice (Sir Richard (John Pearson)) ma qc Ball Sir John Macleod ba frs frse Beatson Hon Sir Jack ma lld qc fba 2006 Pocock John Greville Agard ma phd 2007 Hopwood Sir David (Alan) ma phd frs Kazaura Fulgence ma Palin Sir Roger (Hewlett) ma kcb obe Pountney David Willoughby ma cbe 2008Crisp Rt Hon Lord (Edmund) Nigel (Ramsay) ma kcb Keenlyside Simon John ma cbe 2009Goody Richard Mead ma phd scd Sykes Rt Revd Stephen Whitefield ma dd 2010Cha Louis phd obe Hennessy Lord (Peter John) ba phd fba Sanger Frederick ba phd om ch cbe frs 2011Hamilton Andrew David phd frs Harvey David William ba phd SELWYN COLLEGE Master Bowring Richard John littd Fellows 1977 Tilby Michael John ma phd vice-master 1956 Chadwick The Revd William Owen dd (hon)littd om kbe fba 1957 Harrison Sir David scd (hon)duniv (keele) (hon)dsc (exeter) (hon)duniv (york) cbe freng 1947 Brock William Ranulf ma phd fba 1970 Spencer John Rason qc lld (hon)ddroit (poitiers) 1971 Hillier Anthony Preston ma phd 1975 Coutts Kenneth Johnston ma Harding Robert Douglas ma mmath phd Morrill John Stephen ma (oxon) dphil (oxon) phd (hon)dlitt (uea) (hon)duniv (surrey) fba (hon)mria Young John Michael ma phd 1976 Jones Andrew Vernon ma phd Newland David Edward ma scd scd (mit) (hon)deng (sheffield) freng Sanders Jeremy Keith Morris bsc (london) scd frs 1977 Chothia Jean Kathleen ba (dunelm) phd 1978 Wallace Kenneth Michael ma (hon)deng (brunel) freng Hesketh Thomas Robert ma 1979 1982 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Ray John David ma fba Holton David William ma (oxon) dphil (oxon) phd Panic Milivoje ma phd Keeler James Henry phd Matheson James Michael Raistrick ma Whitaker Robert Henry ma md mchir frcs Sewell Michael Joseph ma phd Smith David Lawrence ma phd Chivers David John scd Humphreys Sir Colin John bsc (london) ma (oxon) phd (hon)dsc (leicester) cbe freng frs 1991 Ford David Frank ba mod (dubl) ma phd stm (yale) (hon)dd (birmingham) 1994 Chester Andrew Norman ma phd Clegg William John phd Fox Peter Kendrew ba (london) ma (sheffield) ma ma (dublin) akc O’Sullivan Janet Anne ma phd 1995 Cant Robert Stewart ma Special No. 2] 1998 Butterfield Nicholas James ma bsc (alberta) phd (harvard) [1992] 1999 Taussig Michael John ma phd 2000 Button Jack Oliver ma Connell Philip James phd Woodford Charlotte Anne ma (oxon) mst (oxon) dphil (oxon) phd Beauregard Daniel Aaron phd Nikiforakis Nikolaos ma Willis David William Edward ma (oxon) mphil (oxon) dphil (oxon) phd Aitken Michael Richard Fraser ma phd 2001 Thompson Rupert John Ernest ma phd Baert Patrick Jacques Nicole dphil (oxon) phd [1992] 2002 Downer Nicholas James Anthony ma Laurie Haruko Uryu mlitt 2003 Meer Sarah ma phd [1995] Chu Daping bsc (nanjing) ma msc (nanjing) phd (warwick) 2004 Grainge Keith James Bruno ma phd Dennis John Stephen ma meng phd 2006 Sage Stewart Onan ma phd scd alcm Moultrie James beng (loughborough) ma (de montfort) mba (loughborough) phd 2007Benson John Russell md Rana Amer Ahmed ma Bulag Uradyn Erden mphil phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 37 2008 Shilson-Thomas The Revd Canon Hugh David ma (oxon) ma (london) ma 2009MacKenzie Catherine Patricia ma (oxon) med (sydney) phd (anu) ma 2010 MacDonald Sarah Elizabeth Arwen ma frco Grabenhorst Fabian dipl-psych (bielefeld) dphil (oxon) Bolton Rosemary Clare ma msci phd 2011Harmer Sarah Boyd Poindexter ba (swarthmore) Ravinthiran Vidyan ba (oxon) mphil dphil (oxon) McComish James Alexander Gordon ba (melbourne) llb (melbourne) Briggs Christopher Daniel ba (oxon) mphil phd Kolios Georgios bsc (athens) msc (essex) phd (essex) Wallace Björn Fredrik Norman ba (stockholm) msc (stockholm school of economics) mphil phd (stockholm school of economics) 2012 Jarvis Gavin Edward ma vetmb phd mrcvs Elliott Paul ma phd Eves Stuart Michael bsc (nottingham) ma vetmb pgdip (southampton) mrcvs O’Donnell Diarmuid Rodney mbbs (st thomas’) ma phd (imperial) mrcp frcpch Baxendine James William ba (oxon) mphil dphil (oxon) Ye Yu bsc (london) phd Lander Johnson Bonnie Claire ba (sydney) ma (melbourne) Honorary Fellows 1986 Hardy The Rt Revd Robert Maynard ma (hon)dd (hull) (hon)dlitt (lincoln) cbe Lumsden Sir David James ma musb phd 1989 Macfarlane Sir Alistair George James scd cbe frs freng 1990 Johnson Christopher Michael Paley ma phd 1992 Li David Kwok Po ma (hon)lld kbe 1994 Johnson Gordon ma phd 1997 Chown John Francis ma Williams Sir Peter Michael ma phd cbe frs 1998 Harries of Pentregarth The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord (Richard Douglas) ma (hon)dd (london) fkc frsl 2000 2002 2005 Clark Ian ma phd (anu) fba flsw Wall Sir John Stephen ba gcmg Dobson Christopher David ma phd McMahon April Mary Scott ma (edin) phd (edin) ma fba frse flsw Sentamu The Most Revd and Rt Hon John llb (makerere) ma phd (hon)dd frsa pc 2007 Simmons Ruth ma (harvard) phd (harvard) 2009 Nutton Vivian ma phd fba (hon)frcp ml 2012Harris Robert Dennis ba Laurie James Hugh Calum obe Wall General Sir Peter Anthony ma kcb cbe adc gen Bye Fellows 2001 Carreres Angeles 2004 Watts Richard Robert ma phd 2009Beard Jonathan Daniel ba (uea) 2011 Upton Paul David bsc (king’s college london) phd (imperial college) Graham Roselle Louise ba phd pgce Devlin Eoin Lorcan ba (university college dublin) mlitt (trinity college dublin) mphil phd Filimonova Elena ma phd (moscow state university) SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE Master Wallace-Hadrill Andrew ma dphil obe fba Fellows 1955 1962 1965 1966 1968 1972 1973 Beales Derek Edward Dawson phd littd fba Scott Paul Frederick phd Blanning Timothy Charles William phd littd fba Green Donald Snowden ma Parish Christopher ma frcs ffphm fsa Woods Roderick dphil Collier Peter John ma phd Hughes Alan ma 1976 1979 1980 1982 1984 1985 Glover Keith ma phd frs freng Dowling Ann Patricia phd scd frs freng dbe Jones William ma phd Nisbet Hugh Barry ma phd littd Horgan Ronald Raymond ma phd McHugh Paul Gerard ma phd Greer Alan Lindsay ma phd Page Christopher Howard ma dphil 38 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 1990 Cox Timothy Martin ma md frcp fmedsci 1992 Jackson Antony Philip phd 1993 Longley John Peter phd 1994 Castor Helen Ruth ma phd Pollitt Michael Gerald dphil 1995 Dashwood Arthur Alan ma cbe qc Blundell Sir Thomas Leon dphil frs fmedsci 1997 Al-Tabbaa Abir mphil phd Walker Sir John Ernest dphil (hon)dsc frs fmedsci 1998 Mayall James Bardsley Lawson ma fba Dawson Dame Sandra June Noble ma (hon)dsc dbe 1999 Flewitt Andrew John phd Doran Christopher John Leslie phd Beber Massimo Maria mphil 2001 Franklin Natasha ma 2002 Stargardt Janice ma dlet Penty Richard ma phd freng (acting master) Ssorin-Chaikov Nikolai phd 2003 Seymour Jillaine Karen llb dphil Hall Frances Clare bm bch frcp dphil 2004 Hill Christopher John ma dphil fba Eilstrup-Sangiovanni Mette ba ma phd 2005 Kilner Rebecca phd Wilmer Clive ma Roberts Colin bvsc phd frcvs Flynn Paul mb bchir ma phd mrcp mrcpi 2006 Gilby Emma mphil phd Busch Robert bsc phd 2007 McKitterick Rosamond Deborah ba ma phd littd (acting vice master) Billups Brian James msc phd Fulda Bernhard phd Skinner David dphil mmus Dickers Kirsten Joanne phd Ross Julius phd 2008Allen Nick ma Eiser Erika phd Ramage Michael march Lamb Michael phd mphil Biagini Eugenio phd 2009Doupé David ma phd Beckingham David phd White Paul phd 2010 Craigwood Joanna mphil phd Harvey Thomas msc phd Wood Philip mphil dphil Wilson-Lee Edward ma phd Noriega-Sanchez Maria ma phd Abraham Bill ba 2011Uhlig Anna mphil phd Hautier Lionel Jean Marcel msc phd Groisman Berry msc phd 2012Olamaie Malak msc msci Simpson Thomas Westgarth mphil phd Brice Paul Earl Philip bsc bth Chatterji Monojit ma phd Sliwa Paulina Anna mphysphil phd Honorary Fellows 1968 Briggs Lord (Asa) ma (hon)littd (hon)dsc fba 1977 Owen Rt Hon Lord (David Anthony Llewellyn) ma mb bchir pc ch 1981 1991 1994 1995 1996 Lewis Lord (Jack) scd (hon)scd frs Stoker Sir Michael George Parke ma md cbe frs frse Beckett Sir Terence Norman kbe dl (hon)dsc Garland The Hon Sir Patrick Neville ma llm Stevens of Ludgate Lord (David Robert) ma Shaw Charles Thurstan ma phd (hon)dsc cbe fba fsa Roberts David Gwilym Morris ma cbe freng Jenkins Ramon Barton ma md Li Arthur Kwok Cheung ma md bchir frcs frcs(e) fracs facs (hon)fpcs 1999 Tutu Archbishop Desmond Mpilo mth (hon)dd 2000 Madden John Philip ma 2003 Young Barbara (Baroness Young of Old Scone) ma Badger Anthony John ma phd 2004Maini Sir Ravinder ba mb bchir frcp frcp(e) fmedsci 2005Brown Alison ma sm phd Gage Rt Hon Sir William ma pc Riddell Rt Hon Peter ma pc 2007 Bilimoria of Chelsea Lord cbe dl ma Drewienkiewcz Major General Karol John cb cmg ma 2008Waldmann Herman ma mb bchir phd (hon)scd frs 2012Osborn John ma Trindade Antônio Augusto Cançado llb llm phd Fellow Commoners 1993 1999 2000 2001 2003 Lang Stewart Reid phd Barrett Priscilla ba Davies Graham John phd Schulze Hagen drphil Fox Joseph ba Chisnall Richard ma phd Gledhill Kyoko 2004 Purshouse Michael ma phd 2006 Purchase David ma 2008Dawson Henry ma 2009 Reid George phd Humphreys Richard ma 2011Wallace-Hadrill Josephine Claire ma Pyatt Christopher Charles ma mice fiht Bye-Fellows 2011 Bučar Dejan-Krešimir phd Gurnell Mark mbbs frcp phd Rogers Nicholas John ma mlitt fsa Spencer Jane Patricia ma phd Willox Keith ba Special No. 2] FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 39 TRINITY COLLEGE Master Winter Sir Gregory Paul ma phd cbe frs [1976] Fellows 1986 1947 1954 1957 2012 1949 1953 1957 1958 1960 1961 1963 1964 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 McKitterick David John ma littd fba vice-master Bradfield Sir John Richard Grenfell ma phd (hon)lld cbe Atiyah Sir Michael Francis ma phd (hon)scd om frs Sen Amartya Kumar ch ma phd (hon)littd fba Rees Rt Hon Lord (Martin John) ma phd om frs Cassels John William Scott phd frs Lauterpacht Sir Elihu ma llm qc cbe Davidson John Frank ma phd scd frs freng [1949] Glauert Richard Holroyd ma phd [1951] Easterling Henry John ma McLachlan Andrew David ma phd scd frs Glynn Ian Michael ma mb bchir phd md frs [1955] Jones Gareth Hywel ma lld qc fba Seal Anil ma phd Dawe Roger David ma phd littd Hamer Neil Kenneth ma phd Cowley Martin Duncan ba phd Lonsdale John Michael ma phd Baker Alan ma phd frs Ferrari Ronald Leslie ma scd Hunt Rt Hon Lord (Julian Charles Roland) cb ma phd frs Mitchell Brian Redman phd Morley Christopher Thomas ba phd Marlow Richard Kenneth ma musb phd Josephson Brian David ma phd frs [1962] Longuet-Higgins Michael Selwyn ma phd frs [1951] Bollobás Béla ma phd scd frs Neild Robert Ralph ma [1956] Runciman Viscount (Walter Garrison) ma cbe fba [1959] Osborn Hugh ma Hinch Edward John ma phd frs Chinner Graham Alan phd [1958] Berridge Sir Michael John phd frs Barlow Horace Basil ma mb bchir scd frs [1950] Allott Philip James ma lld fba Kennedy Douglas Peter ma Hilton Andrew John Boyd ma phd fba Crawford Andrew Charles ma phd frs Proctor Michael Richard Edward ma phd scd frs Poole Adrian Douglas Bruce ma phd Weeds Alan Geoffrey ma phd scd Keynes Simon Douglas ma phd littd fba Rallison John Martin ma phd Lonzarich Gilbert George ma frs Elliott Stephen Richard ma phd Windle Alan Hardwick phd frs Marenbon John Alexander ma phd littd fba Pesaran Mohammad Hashem ma phd fba McDonald Ian Ranald ma scd Moffatt Henry Keith ba phd scd frs [1961] Norman Arthur Charles ma phd [1972] Griffiths Eric ma phd Nedderman Ronald Midgley meng ma phd Wilson Pelham Mark Hedley ma phd scd Postgate John Nicholas ma fba [1970] Pepper Sir Michael ma scd frs freng Kingsbury Nicholas Geoffrey ma phd Denyer Nicholas Charles ma Hopkinson Neil ma phd Lowe Christopher Robin Handley Eric Walter ma cbe fba 1985 Neuberger Michael Samuel ma frs [1977] Chinca Mark Gianni ma phd 1986 Barton Anne phd fba Perry Malcolm John ma phd scd Satchell Stephen Ellwood ma 1987 Carrell Robin Wayne ma phd scd frs Unwin Peter Nigel Tripp phd frs 1989 Paulin Roger Cole ma littd [1974] Migliorato Piero 1990 Hunt Hugh Edmund Murray phd Wingfield Paul ma phd Shepherd-Barron Nicholas Ian ba frs 1991 Khmelnitskii David Ephraim 1992 Fairbrother Jeremy Richard Frederick phd Morris Mark Robert 1993 Ley Steven Victor ma scd cbe frs Simm Alexander Paul mphil cbe Gray Kevin John ma phd lld fba [1981] Worster Michael Grae ma phd [1983] Keynes Roger John ma mb bchir md 1994 Balasubramanian Shankar ma phd frs Khalfa Jean phd Gibson Valerie ma 1995 Mirrlees Sir James Alexander ma phd fba [1963] Gowers Sir William Timothy ba phd frs [1989] Baron-Cohen Simon fba 1996 Barnard Catherine Sarah ma phd Serjeantson Richard William phd 1997 Hughes Colin scd Lister John Ronald ma phd [1987] Kusukawa Sachiko phd Webber Mary Teresa Josephine 1998 Gatti John Rupert James phd Widdis Emma Kathrine ma phd Daruvala Susan Framji Segre Erica Monica Simona Low Hamish Wallace 1999 Gladden Lynn Faith phd obe frs freng Miles Joanna Katherine llm 2000 Sarris Peter Andrew Vincent phd Alavi Ali ba phd [1990] Leader Imre Bennett ma phd Holness Marian Barbara ma phd Mahon Alyce Abigail Heloise 2001 Blackburn Simon Walter ma phd fba Lasenby Joan ma phd Fearon Douglas Thomas frs Hunter Richard Lawrence ma phd Toner Anne Cecilia ma phd Paternain Gabriel Pedro 2002 Gibbons Gary William ma phd frs Fisher Thomas Anthony ba phd Fitzgerald Rebecca Clare ma mb bchir md Holden Sean Barry phd 2003 Merrett Louise Ann ma Rangwala Glen ma phd 2005Driscoll Judith Louise phd Teichmann Sarah Amalia ma phd [1999] Wolpert Daniel Mark ba frs Tehranchi Michael Rummine ma 40 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 2006Banner Rev Michael Charles phd Green Ben Joseph ma phd frs [2001] Landman Rory Buchanan ma Butterfield Jeremy Nicholas ma phd fba Hardie Philip Russell ma phd fba Layton Stephen David ma Juniper Matthew Pudan meng ma Pullen Roderick Allen Leighton Angela fba Thomas Nicholas Jeremy fba 2007 Chatterji Joya ma phd [1989] Grosche Friedrich Malte ma phd [1994] Livesey Frederick John mb bchir phd Reall Harvey Stephen ma phd Hadzibabic Zoran ba msci Spring David Robert Chin Jason William Cheetham Anthony Kevin phd frs Frenkel Daniel formemrs 2008Washbrook David Anthony ma phd [1971] Ramakrishnan Sir Venkatraman frs Haigh Stuart Kenneth meng ma phd 2009 Baulcombe Sir David Charles frs Tong David Mark Sá Filipa Goncalves Ganesalingam Mohan ma mphil phd Ritter Alexander Friedrich ma phd Green Felicity Mariko ma mphil phd Croxall Andrew Francis msci ma phd Coo Lyndsay Mei-Ling ma mphil phd Dimofte Tudor Dan Rauwald Urs ma phd Trimble Gail Christiana 2010 Walsham Alexandra Marie phd fba Moshenska Joseph Eliezer Salkie ba Booth George Henry phd Gibbs Timothy Matthew ma phd Kreuzaler Peter Anton ma phd Levitin Dmitri ma phd McConnell Fiona Rozanne ma Newton James John Michael ma Samotij Wojciech Szilágyi Krisztina 2011 Rudge John Frederick ma phd [2006] Meyerowitz Elliott Martin Brakefield Paul Martin frs Price Huw phd fba Kwon Heonik mphil phd Worthington Sarah Elizabeth phd qc fba Dyson Matthew ma phd Lieven Dominic Christophe Bogdan ma Petrie Cameron Andrew Köhl Michael Sharp Robin Elisabeth Linton Oliver Bruce fba 2012 Corbett George Patrick ma mphil phd Hodgkinson James Thomas phd Maxwell Patrick Henry Boies Adam Meyer Brisset-Foucault Florence Varju Peter Pal Nguyen Duy Phuoc Navon Nir Mordechai Litvine Alexis David Hardy Nicholas John Sivewright Honorary Fellows 1977 Hrh The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh (hon)lld kg kt pc om gbe frs 1981 1983 1988 1989 Swinnerton-Dyer Sir Henry Peter Francis bt ma kbe frs Klug Sir Aaron phd scd (hon)lld om frs Hrh The Prince of Wales ma kg kt gcb pc frs Dyson Freeman John ba frs Mackay of Clashfern Rt Hon Lord (James Peter Hymers) ba (hon)lld pc 1991 Elliott Sir John Huxtable ma phd fba Gilbert Walter phd 1999 Broers of Cambridge Rt Hon Lord (Alec Nigel) ba phd scd (hon)lld frs freng Strathern Dame Ann Marilyn ma phd dbe fba 2000 Goldstone Jeffrey ma phd frs Hacking Ian MacDougall ma phd fba 2003 Gormley Antony Mark David ma (hon)littd obe 2004 Friend Sir Richard Henry ma phd frs freng 2005 Diamond Jared Mason phd Schwebel Stephen Myron 2006 Walker of Gestingthorpe Rt Hon Lord (Robert) ba pc MacCormac Sir Richard Cornelius ba cbe 2007Lachmann Sir Peter Julius scd frs 2009 Goddard Peter ma phd scd cbe frs Owada Hisashi llb 2010Dasgupta Sir Partha ba phd frs fba 2011 Malcolm Noel Robert ma phd fba Wiles Sir Andrew ma phd frs TRINITY HALL Master Daunton Martin James ma phd littd dlit(hon)ucl dlitt(hon)nottm dlitt(hon)kent frhists fba Fellows 1971 Körner Thomas William ma msc phd scd professorial 1997 Montgomery James Edward ma phd professorial fellow 1986 1988 1994 1995 Hutchinson Peter ma phd littd Padfield Christopher John ma phd Guest Simon David ma phd Hobson Michael Paul ma phd professorial fellow Clarkson Peter John ma phd professorial fellow vice-master fellow Hollfelder Florian diplchem mphil phd 1998 Cheffins Brian Robert ba ma llb llm professorial fellow Moore Simon William meng phd 1999 Kumar Ramachandran Vasant btech phd hon deng malaysia Bampos Nick bsc phd Special No. 2] 2000 2001 2002 Bradley John Richard ma dm frcp Haywood Louise Margaret ma phd Jackson Janet Clare Louise ma mphil phd Schramm Jan-Melissa ma lld phd Pullan Graham ma meng phd Kelly Michael Joseph ma phd scd freng frs professorial fellow Wilkinson Ian Boden ma dm frcp Ristuccia Cristiano Andrea ma dphil wyng trust fellow 2003 Pollard John ma phd frhists 2004 Richardson Kylie ba ma phd Jarrett Jerome Peter ma meng phd Runciman David Walter ma phd Tokieda Tadashi ba phd ffolkes Davis Paul ma 2005 Kunji Edmund Richard Stephan mphil phd O’Reilly William mst dphil frhists McNeill Isabelle mphil phd philomathia fellow Poulton Jocelyn fellow-commoner 2006Prauscello Lucia ma phd Hennegan Alison ma 2007 Partner Jane Charlotte ma pgdip phd fellow-commoner Ruehl Martin ma phd Bartels Lorand Alexander ba llb phd Crowther Damian Christopher ma phd bm bch mrcp 2008 Murray Andrew James mbiochem dphil Möller Gunnar ma phd fellow-commoner Sharp Glen bsc dip proj man mba fellow-commoner Arthur Andrew ma fellow-commoner FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 41 Asher Robert James ba phd Clark Luke ba dphil fellow-commoner Reeves Nicholas ma phd fellow-commoner 2009Cooper Elena llb llm phd orton research fellow Feroz Farhan bs phd fellow-commoner Leonard Stephen ba dphil research fellow Fraser Alastair ma msc dphil philomathia fellow MacBride Fraser ma phd Yoshida Teruyoshi ma phd phd körner fellow Trowsdale John msc phd professorial fellow 2010Biggins John Simeon ma msci phd walter grant scott research fellow Kneebone Emily Sarah ma mphil phd schulman research fellow Turchyn Alexandra ab phd Plant Rev Stephen John ba phd dean and runcie fellow Clarke Jane ba msc phd professorial fellow 2011 van Zwieten Kristin b laws bcl mphil john collier law fellow Kirkley Laura Anne ma mphil phd research fellow Gadêlha Hermes Augusto Buarque bsc msci dphil wyng trust research fellow Constant Christopher Robert ma llm mch mb bch bao frcs fellow-commoner Haigh Diane Margaret ma diparch riba fellowcommoner Marr Alexander ba mst dphil 2012Ringe Emilie ba/ms phd gott research fellow Jones Ewan James ba mphil phd thole research fellow Watterson Stephen ba dphil Honorary Fellows 1959 Chadwick Rev (William) Owen ma dd littd(hon) om kbe fba 1980 Oxburgh of Liverpool Lord (Ernest Ronald) ma phd kbe frs 1984 Hawking Stephen William phd scd(hon) ch cbe dsc(hon) frs 1986 Nicholls of Birkenhead Rt Hon Lord (Donald James) ma llb pc 1989 Polkinghorne Rev John Charlton ma phd scd kbe frs 1991 Jameson Guy Anthony ma phd frs Ward Rev (John Stephen) Keith blitt ma phd dd fba 1992 Miller Kenneth Alan ma phd cbe freng Howe of Aberavon Lord (Richard Edward Geoffrey) ch pc 1994 1997 1999 Macdonald Hon Donald (Stovel) ba llm pc cc Maxwell Hamish ma lld(hon) Millett of Marylebone Lord (Peter Julian) ma pc qc Tully Sir William Mark ma obe kbe Thomas Sir Derek (Morison David) ma kcmg Drury Very Rev John (Henry) ma Orchard-Lisle Paul David ma cbe 2000 2001 2004 Ross Russell Graham ma mba Calne Sir Roy (Yorke) ma ms frcs frs Goehr Alexander ma musd(hon) Langbein John Harris ma ma(hon) llb phd Lyons Sir John ma phd littd fba Thomas Rt Hon Lord Justice (Roger John Laugharne) ma pc qc 2005Clarke Peter Frederick phd littd frhist fba Hytner Sir Nicholas ma 2008Hooper Rt Hon Lord Justice (Anthony) ma llb 2009Hoskins Sir Brian ma phd cbe frs Rimer Rt Hon Lord Justice (Colin) ma llb de Waal Edmund ma frsa obe Holland Peter David ma phd 2010 Aiyar Mani Shankar ma Bell Sir David Charles Maurice ma 2011 Hopper Andrew phd frs freng fiet cbe Sever Peter mb bchir ma mrcp phd frcp fesc frcp(ireland)hon 2012 Scott Walter Grant bsc phd Emeritus Fellows 1978 1987 1999 2000 2001 2002 Marples David Leonard ma Grundy Howell France bsc ma md bchir Gerloch Malcolm bsc ma phd dsc Steinberg Jonathan ma phd Collier John Greenwood ma llb Raban Sandra Gilham ma phd 2003 Thomas David Arthur llb ma lld 2004Howes Graham Anthony Kingston ma 2005Denton John Douglas ma phd freng frs Rubenstein David mb bs ma md 2008 Fleming David William ma llb 42 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 WOLFSON COLLEGE President Evans Sir Richard John ma dphil dlitt frhists frsl flsw fba Fellows 1981 Lovatt Marie Beatrice ba akc phd 1982 Dupree Marguerite ba ma ma dphil phd frhists 1983 Moore Brian Cecil Joseph ma phd fmedsci frs Whitehead Joan Margaret ba ma phd 1987 Henderson John Sebastian ba ma phd frhists 1989 McCallum Duncan Peter Finlay ma 1990 Day Ivor John bsc msc phd fimeche fasme freng 1992 Naughton John Joseph be ma frsa Weissberg Peter Leslie ma md frcp fmedsci 1993 Goodyer Ian Michael mb bs dch md ma frcpsych fmedsci 1994 Cross Ian Ralph McKenzie lram arcm bsc phd Khan Geoffrey Allan phd fba Peabody Norbert am phd 1995 Davis Jennifer Sandra ba msc ma phd 1997 Stelmashenko Nadia Anatolyevna phd 1998 Maskell Duncan John ma phd fmedsci Steemers Koen Alexander bsc barch mphil phd riba Ridgman Thomas William ma ceng fiet Church Sally Kathryn ba ma phd Sewell Peter Michael ma msc phd Hand Steven Michael bsc msc phd Sinclair John Henry ma phd 1999 Bujdoso Raymond phd Bienias Michael Robert ma Jones Charles Arthur ba ma phd Bowring Susan ma Allen Graham Peter ma ma 2000 Jarvis Anne ma ma D’eath Peter David phd Salmond George Peacock Copland bsc ma phd scd dsc (hon) frsa fsb frse Clark John David Alastair mb chb ma md frcp Pearce Karen Anne msc Firth John David dm frcp Frost David Charles bed ma ma phd frsa 2001 Copestake Ann Alicia ma dphil Kuhn Markus Günther msc phd Bradley John Andrew mb chb phd frcs fmedsci 2002 Kettley Nigel Charles ba mphil phd Alcántara Lynette Marie ba bmused amusa ma Reid Andrew Michael ma mba Zhang Jin ba ma mphil phd D’andrea Thomas De Sales ma phd Grant Thomas Dale ba jd phd Dauncey Margaret Joy bsc phd scd fsb Kent Adrian Patrick Antony ma phd Oosthuizen Susan Marian ba ma pgce phd fsa 2003 Wareham Nicholas John mb bs msc phd frcp ffphm Crowcroft Jonathan Andrew ma msc phd freng fiet fbcs fieee facm Murphy Gillian phd fmedsci Jones Peter Brian md phd frcp frcpsych fmedsci 2004 Koronakis Vassilis ma phd 2005MacVinish Lesley Jane phd Ingham Jonathan David ma phd Li Zhi-Yong bsc ma phd Town Christopher Phillip ma phd Skott Maria Christina phd 2006Baguley David Mark bsc msc mba phd Vogiatzis George phd Greenbank Kevin Mark phd Webb Warwick Jeremy Stephen ma mrcp drcog mrcgp Fenner Richard Andrew bsc phd ceng mice fciwem Pattinson Simon mba dipm mcim 2007Lawrence Christopher Simon Miles ma msc arcm Barrowclough David Alan ma phd Benton Alice Margaret ba ma Vergiani Vincenzo phd Wicker Linda Susan bs phd 2008 Dougan Gordon bsc ma phd fmedsci frs Draviam-Sastry Viji Mythily msc phd Stephenson Karen Anne ma pgce Coakley James Farwell ba ma phd Brenton Sir Anthony Russell mphil ma kcmg O’Sullivan Michael Joseph ma mphil cmg Garagnani Massimiliano laurea phd phd Newcombe Virginia Felicity Jane bsc mphil mb bs phd mrcp Hrebeniak Michael ba phd Wood James Lionel Norman bsc bvetmed msc phd ma mrcvs dipecvph dlshtm Nejentsev Sergey md phd Oliver Stephen George bsc phd fmedsci faaas 2009Wills Mark Ralph bsc phd McLarty Jane Deanne ba ma mphil phd Hale Meredith McNeill ba ma mphil phd Dekkers Joanna bsc phd Jones Anna Holt ma (oxon) ma mphil Yeo Giles See How ba phd Auyeung Bonnie ba phd Kostylo Joanna Maria ma mphil phd Moya Xavier bsc msc phd Justin Timothy Andrew mb bs dm frcs Williams Alun Edward bvms phd dipecvp fhea mrcvs 2010Guettler Conrad bsc phd ma Madhavapeddy Anil Venkata Sesha beng phd Saez-Rodriguez Julio licenciatura phd Meggitt Justin James ba mts phd Nathan Pradeep Jonathan bsc phd mraci cchem fcp Borysiewicz Sir Leszek Krzysztof bsc mb bch phd frs frcp frcpath fmedsci [1989] (2002) Fair Alistair James ba ma phd Heiss Dominik dipl phys dr rer nat Munoz Caffarel Maria bsc msc phd Narbonne Patrick bsc phd Schwarz Roland Felix dipl inf dr rer nat Ttofi Maria ba ba mphil phd Woodford Oliver Jerome ma meng dphil 2011Ballester Aristin Pedro licenciatura msc phd Baur Stefan Klaus vordiplom ms phd Blacker Uilleam Colin MacKenzie ma ma phd Bulling Andreas dipl inf dr sc eth de Sancho SÁnchez David bsc bsc msc dip phd Kobzar Svitlana Anatoliivna ba mphil phd Leitch Harry Gordon ma phd Meiser-Stedman Richard Alexander bsc phd dclinpsy Special No. 2] Wyatt Amy Ruth bbiotech phd Zhang Jiaxiang beng msc phd Hoath Stephen Daniel ma dphil Bagnoli Anna bsc phd Vestergaard Martin David msc phd Goodwin Philip Alan msci phd Kim Chan Woo bs phd Kim Wansu bsc phd 2012 St Clair Michelle Christina ba msc phd Evans Stephen bsc phd Phillips Peter Andrew Jestyn ma Plant Brendan becon llb grad dip (leg prac) msc Chavali Sreenivas bsc msc phd FELLO W S O F TH E C O LLEG ES 43 Dai Qing meng phd Elsässer Simon diplom phd Kjaergaard Magnus bsc msc phd Lai Meng-Chuan md phd Levinsen Jesper Fredenslund bsc msc phd Quadrianto Novi ms phd Schwarz Jeremiah William ba mphil Vermeulen Louis msc phd md Zhu Tongtong beng mres phd Butt Haider bs phd Miyamoto Kei ba ma phd Narayan Vijay bsc ms phd Honorary Fellows 1977 Chadwick The Revd William Owen littd (hon) om kbe fba 1986 1987 1990 1992 Lee Seng Tee dlitt (hon) fba (hon) Sparrow Sir John Benson Sir Christopher dl frics Kornberg Sir Hans ma dsc scd phd frs fibiol Bevan Hugh llb llm lld (hon) lld (hon) jp Nicholson The Revd Ernest Wilson bd dd ma phd dd (oxon) fba [1966] 1994 Hesse Mary Brenda ma msc phd scd (hon) fba [1965] 1995 Zines Leslie llb llm littd (hon) ao fassa Hardie Boys Sir Michael ba llb gnzm gcmg qso pc 1997 Te Kanawa Dame Kiri dmus (hon) dmus (hon oxon) onz dbe obe Scotland of Asthal The Rt Hon The Baroness (Patricia Janet) llb pc qc 2000 Cory Suzanne phd ac faa frs Stevens of Kirkwhelpington Lord (John Arthur) qpm dl Brown William Arthur ba cbe [1985] 2001 Russell The Rt Revd Anthony John ba dphil frags 2002 Borysiewicz Sir Leszek Krzysztof bsc mb bch phd frs frcp frcpath fmedsci [1989] Von Hirsch Andrew lld ab lld 2003 Richard Dame Alison ma phd lld (hon) dbe dl Jackson Gen Sir Michael David gcb cbe dso dl Soulsby of Swaffham Prior Baron (Ernest Jackson Lawson) mrcvs dvsm phd ma fmedsci hon fibiol hon frcpath [1978] 2005 Crystal David ba phd dsc (hon) dlitt (hon) duniv obe frcslt frsa fba flsw 2006 Gorman Neil bvsc phd dvms (hon) dvsc (hon) mrcvs frcvs frsa dl [1978] Grant David phd cbe freng fiet [2000] Shanmugaratnam Tharman mphil mpa 2008 Kiefel Susan Mary The Hon Justice llm qc ac McGregor Judy Helen phd Mirrer Louise Beth phd 2009Gates William Henry Sr Rausing Eva Kirsten Elisabet duniv (hon) Wang Gungwu ba ma phd cbe faha Collins of Mapesbury The Rt Hon The Lord (Lawrence Antony) lld fba pc [1975] 2010 Johnson Gordon ma phd [1993] 2011Wolfson de Botton The Hon Mrs Janet cbe Song Judge Sang-Hyun llb llm dip legal st jsd fba Emeritus Fellows 1965 1967 1968 1969 1971 1975 Algate Frederick Maurice ma Hesse Mary Brenda ma msc phd scd (hon) fba Franks David ma phd Allchin Bridget ma phd fsa Jennings Arthur Ramsden ma phd Nicholls Richard Vaughan ma Kirkman William Patrick ma mbe Kinnier Wilson James Vincent ma Wilson Donald Victor ma msc phd frsc Hirst Paul Heywood ma cert educn diped ma Akester Arthur Roger ma vetmb mrcvs arps Collins of Mapesbury The Rt Hon The Lord (Lawrence Antony) lld fba pc 1976 Treip Cecil Stanley ma md phd 1977 Briggs David ma phd Edwards Owen Morris ma md frcp 1978 Tribe Henry Timothy ma dic phd Soulsby of Swaffham Prior Baron (Ernest Jackson Lawson) mrcvs dvsm phd ma fmedsci hon fibiol hon frcpath 1980 1981 McGregor Ronald Stuart ma phd Miller Eric Lewis ba dipagsci ma phd Cathie John ba ma mlitt phd Johnson Edward John ma 1982Minson Anthony Charles phd fmedsci Bragg Stephen Lawrence ma sm deng (hon) dtech (hon) freng fimeche fraes Sharman John Michael ma mbe Hanka Rudolf ma msc phd frss frsm feng 1983 Hughes John bsc ma phd dmed dsc fbps frs Wilkinson Ian Michael Stewart ma md Connan Roger Michael ma phd Tulasiewicz Witold Florian ba ma Garlick James Patton ma phd Switsur Vincent Roy ma phd fsa Blakemore William Frederick bvsc ma phd scd frcvs (hon) 1984 Snaith Revd John Graham ma bd Bostock David Eric vetmb ma phd mrcvs Lloyd Sheelagh Scarff phd de Lange Nicholas Robert Michael ma phd dd fba 1986 Gill Colin Grenville ma Clode David Malcolm ma phd 1987 Dowdy Mac ma Warner Malcolm ma phd 1988 Large Stephen Stoker ma phd Redhead Michael Logan Gonne bsc phd fba Hargreaves David Harold acss ma phd 44 FE L L OW S O F T H E C O L L E G E S[ S p e c i a l N o . 2 1989 Tait Alexander Dickson ma phd Rees John Kempton Harold mb bch ma 1990Beaumont Peter William Robert bsc ma dphil dsc Brackenbury John Henry bsc phd frps fbipp asis Karpas Abraham dr med vet ma scd Kemp Barry John ma fba cbe Seagrave John Roy ma phd West Janet ma phd 1991Burrows Malcolm phd scd frs Richardson Michael Elliot ma 1992 Hyndman Patricia diped llb llm lld ma 1993 Shepherd Margaret Elliott ma phd Wilson Anthony Keith ma Johnson Gordon ma phd 1994Emerton Norma Elizabeth ma phd MacDonald Donald William Buchanan ma phd 1995Lee Ernest Stewart masc ma phd fbcs fiet Smith Sidney Tyrell bsc ma phd 1996Cox Brian Donald bsc ma phd Davies Thomas Whitney ma md ffph Flowerdew John Richard bsc ma dphil 1997 Lord Evelyn Ann ma phd Mead Timothy John phd 1999Mynott Roger Jeremy ma phd Hall David John ba ma ma fsa 2000Marslen-Wilson William David phd fba Pollard Andrew John med phd 2001Bobrow Martin dsc cbe frcp frcpath fmedsci frs Herbert Andrew James bsc phd obe fbcs freng [1980] 2003Chothia Cyrus Homi ma msc phd frs 2004Arestis Philip ba msc ma phd Alexander Robin John ma med phd littd fba Taylor Richard Kenneth Stanley ma phd 2007Greeves Margaret ma ma frsa Notices for publication in the Reporter should be sent to the Editor, Cambridge University Reporter, Registrary’s Office, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN 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