Camp Brochure 2015- website - Messiah Moravian Preschool
Camp Brochure 2015- website - Messiah Moravian Preschool
July 6-9 A Camping We Will Go Camping is always s’more fun with friends! Let’s explore the great outdoors, sing songs around the campfire, turn our backpacks into adventure sacks, and sleep under the stars! July 13-16 “Make Way For Ducklings” Can you quack like a duck? Hop like a frog? Crawl like a turtle? Meet us down by the preschool pond as we Make Way For Ducklings, learn about pond life, and get wet with water play! July 20-23 Little Bit of Leo Lionni Inch by Inch, and day by day, we'll spend this week having fun, the Leo Lionni way! Meet Frederick, Alexander, Cornelius, Tillie, and more... and find out why the chameleon wants A Color of His Own! CampFunshineis a summer enrichment themebased camp at Messiah Moravian Preschool led by the teachers and staff. Times: Times: Monday—Thursday 9:30 am—12:30 pm Our camp includes: • Storytime, art, music and outdoor play • A snack provided by camp • Lunch—children bring a bag lunch each day (We are a peanut and tree-nut sensitive preschool.) Cost: Cost: $90 a week $95 a week—registering after June 12 Ages: Ages: 2 years (as of 8/31/15) - pre-kindergarten 1401 N. Peace Haven Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104 (336)765-5652 Camp Funshine 2 0 1 5 R e g i s t r a t i o n Child’s Name Nickname Age as of August 31, 2015 Birthdate Parent’s Name Email address Address City Home Phone Zip Cell Phone Other Information: List Allergies and information that would be important for us to know about your child. Child’s Preschool Friends Attending Camp Funshine Emergency Names and Numbers: Name Phone # Name Phone # Sessions: $90 per session ($95 after June 12) July 6-9 A Camping We Will Go July 13-16 “Make Way for Ducklings” July 20-23 Little Bit of Leo Lionni TOTAL : $ $ $ $ Make check payable to Messiah Moravian Preschool. Send registration form and camp fee to: Messiah Moravian Preschool 1401 N. Peace Haven Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104 •Upon receipt of your registration and check, we will email you confirmation. •Cancellation - for a full refund you must cancel by June 12. •For more information: 765-5652 or [email protected].
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