newsletter: july/august 2015
newsletter: july/august 2015
ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER: JULY/AUGUST 2015 President's Message: Welcome Summer! As we've said all year, "It is what it is" and that pretty well sums up this crazy weather we've had up here in Sullivan County NY for the past several years. So far our summer has been a mixture of t w o w a r m / hot days followed by three cool wet days. We aren't in a drought anymore. We've had six weekends in a row of rain and unfortunately, May 31 s t , our car show was one of t h e m . A week before the show the weather guys were saying it looked like a nice weekend, but the closer we got t o show day, the worse it looked. With a weather forecast of rain for the day and the skies looking as if it would rain any minute, our show attendance was lower than hoped. We had 67 cars on the field and we were all grateful for every one of t h e m that came out. While going over the winner's list I noticed most cars were from our local area. In the Middletown area it was raining all day. Luckily our weather held out until 2:30 before the rain came. We had about 250 spectators, not counting kids and a wonderful turnout of club members. There was a sea of purple shirts. On behalf of the club I thank you all: those who helped at the show, set up on the day before, donated door prizes, made a beautiful basket and supported our show. Everywhere you looked you saw relaxed happy participants enjoying the day and that's what it is all about. We had several surprises to deal with in using the upper field behind the pavilion at the Rock Hill Fire House, but we did the best we could under the circumstances. The weather pretty much predicted where we would park the cars and we had to wait until Saturday morning to make that decision. Two weeks before our show the Fire Department put an irrigation system in the soccer field in front of their ball field, making that area no longer useable to park on, ever.(note it has rained ever since that projects been in place!) So, considering the weather and the new field location, our show was a success. If we had our usual number of cars, over 100, we would have had trouble parking them all. We were also lucky t o get a warning f r o m the Fire Dept. that a storm was headed our way in about 15 minutes and we were able to get most of the cars off the field and give out trophies by 2:30. Special Thanks to Tire Discount of Monticello for their sponsoring of our trophies and dash plaques this year and the past 19 years that we have been at the Rock Hill F.D/s Frog's Pad. Now that the show is over we can focus on having some fun with our own cars: tours, other people's shows and getting together just to relax. Keep Cruisin, Pres. Vicky •i / ' / l/uh'Zh 2, CATSKILL REGION AACA SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS FOR 2015 Two $350 scholarships were given out at the Sullivan County BOCES Award night on June 18th, 2015, by Pres. Vicky. The winners of the scholarships, students from the automotive tech classes, are picked by the BOCES staff. The staff knows who is going on to higher education and tries to make sure everyone gets something, sharing the scholarship pot. Trevor Cedeira and Alec Wood, both are from Monticello HS and are each going on to The University of Northeastern Ohio. Trevor is studying Auto Mechanics and Alec is studying Auto Mechanics and then going on to Diesel school. We wish both boys well. They were very thankful for our scholarship, which will be sent directly to the school by our treasurer. The money for this scholarship is raised by our car show. I attended the ceremony and found this year's students and parents to be the best audience I've seen in a number of years. Everyone was polite, attentive, and professional. BOCES has some awesome programs. Their New Vision Health Program gives the students hands on experiences in the health field as well as book knowledge. It's a very intensive course with 32 students honored in the health field, 12 being New Vision students. These students spoke of their goals of becoming doctors and nurses. April White, daughter of Andy White of Cochecton, was also at the program. A third year college student at the University of Scranton and former BOCES New Vision student, studying to become a doctor, was the present coach for the New Vision Health Skills USA Team. The team took first place in the NY state competition. They were leaving for Tennessee the last week of June to compete nationwide. April will not be able to go along as she has classes over the summer. (Andy White is restoring Pat and Alan's 1931 Buick this season) JUNE 8 t h MEETING WITH SPEAKER JOHN CONWAY WELL ATTENDED: It is always a pleasure to have Sull Co. historian John Conway come to a meeting and share his knowledge of history with us. This time he shared photos and stories of Cars and Car Dealers of Sullivan County, Part 1. John grew up in the Monticello area and his father had a garage on Broadway. Remember the 3 outside car lifts, or the gas pumps on the sidewalks of Broadway? In Liberty, right up the street from Charlie Barbuti's Furniture Store is an art deco garage front. And just think of all the garages and car dealers there were in the 40's and 50's in Liberty and MonticelloM And they all made a living, with a lot of hard work. Do you remember how the car dealers kept their new models a big secret until the unveiling at their gala celebration and party. Many new cars were sold in that first week. Of course, in the 50's there were new and exciting designs coming out each year, bigger fins, new color combinations, new styles; the cars were distinguishable by their body features. Those were the years my friend!! Does anyone recognize this young salesperson??? (@1969??) SUUJVWN COUNT? PLV.OCP.AT VA-Av.scdcrrocramriiine.corn CONTRIBUTED PHOTO This pelican's image was captured by Karen Jones during her travels. Jones'photographs in spotlight STARLIGHT, PA — The Big D Arts and Crafts League will feature the photography work of member Karen Jones for the month of July in the gallery at the Inn at Starlight Lake. Karen is a lifetime resident of Sullivan County. She was the family photographer as a young person, but in later years discovered the great world around her for picture taking. Karen has received some lessons from Robert Rodriquez jr., professional landscape photographer. The exhibit also includes oils, watercolors and photography by League members. The Inn is located on Starlight Lake Road, Starlight, Pa. For more information, contact the Inn at 800-248-2519 or visit Ford-Lincoln-Mercury 9 CAR SHOW REPORTS: Big Indian Show, June 28th, Poor weather, hard rain, made attendance very low at the Big Indian Show. A member reported there were under 20 cars attending. Equinunk Car Show, June 18th, was very well attended with almost 200 cars. This donation car show in a field in Pennsylvania has become very popular. It is a great place to meet old friends and relax amongst beautiful cars. There were many club members present. The Famous 50's Hot Rod Weekend at the Hudson Valley Resort (formerly the Granit Hotel), June 18-21, was well attended with over 200 cars and about 5oo spectators. If the Granit closes they will need to find a new location. This show has great entertainment and you get a lot for your $$$$, Cars to see, people to meet, 6 shows, music to dance to, complementary finger foods, burn outs and even flame throwers. Unlike the weather in Equinunk Pa, it started to rain at 1:00 in the afternoon in Kerhonkson, but the music continued inside. Several club members attended and had a good time. July 4th Liberty Show moved to Sunday July 5th. It was a sunny pleasant day, unlike the 4th. The report was Liberty had about 80 cars on the side of the liberty school. The parade started the show. Several cars had over heating problems because the parade was pretty slow. This is always a problem with people walking in the parade. Maybe there should be a "Car Section" of the parade to keep the cars together and help keep cars cooler by moving just a bit faster. It was good to see Len and Jo Anne Scullion at a couple of our breakfasts this summer. They are in their home near Jeffersonville for a while. Maybe we will see Milton Lindsay's former Model A out with Len and Jo Anne this summer. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Don't forget, many of you gave Jeff Segal a commitment of attending the Bagel Festival on Aug 16th, Sunday, on Broadway, Monticello. I will be sending him a list of cars and drivers for his paperwork. I will take names at the July meeting £ because he has asked for them early. Please call me Vicky (932-8923) to register for this show. He would like us there by 8:45 am to be put in place. He needs some idea of how much space to give the cars, so please register. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Saturday Aug 15th is our club picnic. $5 for each club family,$5 per adult guest. It's always been a great day. See you all at Hanoffee Park at 12:00. With your covered dish and comfortable chairs. @@@@@@@@@@<®@^ Saturday July 25 th free car show at Hector's Inn, White Lake/ Bethel, 2-6. Music by the Pony Tails Food and Beverage available $$$. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Aug. 1 s t County Firemen's Parade in Liberty, Fireworks at night. Aug. 2 nd Sunday Callicoon Center FD Breakfast 7am. Aug. 2nd Sunday Callicoon Center Car Show 10-3 Aug 2 nd Sunday 2-6pm Cranker's Museum Open House Car Cruise ln.( between Bethany Pa and Mt Pleasant Pa, outside of Honesdale.) • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••II1 THINKING of YOU: Sending good healthy wishes. Linda and Joe Hare, Maggie Banks, Larry and Vivian Cooper, Mary Wagner and all our club members that are under the weather. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Trivia: 1. What's the only car to appear simultaneously on the covers of Time and Newsweek? 2. What car was the first to place the horn button in the center of the steering wheel? Trivia Answers: .. 1. The only car to appear on covers of Time and Newsweek simultaneously is the MUSTANG. 2. The 1915 Scripps-Booth Model C was the first car with the horn button in the center of the steering wheel. The car also was the 1 s t with electric door latches. SCRIPPS SPECIFICATIONS: BOOTH R $775 H 110-inch whcclbase, three passenger car. w MECKAKISM Four-cylinder motor, three-speed gcarsct, shaft drive:, bevel gear rear axle. in a motor car is not figured by j pounds weight, gross dimensions, j or dollar-cost units. EQUIPMENT Absolutely complete from electric selfttarting and lighting system to electric door locks. FINISH Finest powtWe, both as regards upholstery, instruments, dash equipment and body finish, DETAILS Body—Streamline, Torpedo stem, higlieat grade blue-black finish, domed fer.dcrs. Upholstery, finest quality long-grain buffed leather: Cowl dash instruments; sight feed oiler, lighting and dimming stcitches, starting stranglcr, starting and ignition switch, flush type speedometer, generator indicator, shravd light and foot apace light. WHEELS Five Houk, triple-laced detachable ivirc, 30z3& inches, toide hubs. E AXLE Bear, full-floating, annular bearings throughout. Bevel drive. Ball bearing universal joint/; on tho Kardan shaft. All gears and shafts 3*^% nickel steel. JBrive shaft tubular. o ROADSTER, X JP_ E N S I ! in running a car is not figured in money alone. EXTREME VALUE combines the maximum worth of luxury with a minimum of. discomforts ; the extreme oi comfortefficiency engineering with the minimum of motoring troubles. The Basis of Comfort Value is light weight with highest grade construction, best expressed in SCRIPPS BOOTH l u x u r i o u s light cars, as shown by the following specification outline: SCRIPPS-BOOTH CO. DETROIT SPECIFIC A TIONS: MOTOR Sterling, valv»in-hc3'l type, high speed, geanet in unit, p\tt\\p fctd oiling Kith tight feed or. dash, z% bore, • stroke, foitr.cylir.d'.r, Itmtr coohd.'*'Develops 18 harm p-rsi r. Fittid with Zenith carbureter and Atwat'.r-lZrnl uuiorr.iitic- bpark advance, connrctid with starter generator .v.wftm. STALTIXG ijxjiit single unit electric, connected by silent chaiti, operated by lacking da.'-h switch. SPRINGS Front, stmitlliplic with ov<r-alun<7 fram>\ Hear, floating cantiicvti: EQUIPMENT Silk uwhair top ldth fide curtains; rain vision, jilatc glass windshield, electric door lock, Klaxct horn, full tool equipment, jack. Luggage spaa' at the Hat large enough for inn iiiU-coSii a'<\d tOQti. Sparc. Houl: whtd, ftrt and tube on all cam, FEATURES Elnzct button in cnittr of uttering wheel canjwt be operated whin ignition switch ii off, eliminating r.'.ii-ci'llancons horn blowing while the car is s-tanding. No projecting handles or slots in the doors. Electric door locki arc operated by p'rcJiinfi a small push button. The electrically operated push-button doors on this 1914 Scripps-Booth were way ahead of their time. The Scripps-Booth is one of hundreds of now extinct cars once made in Detroit, The list would include such forgotten makes as the Demot, Abbott-Detroit Chalmers, Ross, Harroun, Flanders, Read, Monarch, Jewett, E.M.F., Northern, and many others. Luxurious Light Cars SCRAPS SCRrPTS BOOTH ROBBSVCB. 17JS BOOTH BRING A DISH TO PASS You might want to bring a chair ^x •> CLUB WILL PROVIDE MEAT, SODA and WATER $5.00 Club Member Family Unit $5.00 per person for non members RSVP by 08/10/15 Vicky 845-932-8923 DIRECTIONS: GO PASS SHOPRITE IN LIBERTY ON ROUTE 52 TO THE TRAFFICE LIGHT AND MAKE A LEFT TURN ON SUNSET DRIVE (AKA INFIRMARY ROAD). STAY ON THIS ROAD UNTIL YOU SEE THE PARK ON THE RIGHT. PULL INTO THE PARK. WE WILL BE ON THE LEFT. THIS IS THE SAME ROAD YOU USE TO GET TO THE SULLIVAN COUNTY ADULT CARE CENTER. Please return this form and money to: Vicky Krauss, 6152 State Route 52, Cochecton,NY 12726 By August 10th, 2015. NAME PHONE # NO. OF MEMBERS ATTENDING $5.00 NO. OF GUESTS ATTENDING @$5.00 WHAT YOU ARE BRINGING: DESSERT SALAD APPETIZER MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO CATSKILL REGION AACA COMIN3G EVENTS JULY - SEPTEMBER 2015 Cruise-Ins: Panda Parlor every Thursday Night 6:00-? Port Jervis 1sl Tuesday of the month July 06 Membership Mtg. Liberty Pizza Hut Dinner 5:30 Mtg. 6:30 July 10 Coffee, Klotchs cvtTecUyKe&t. JefferyywitQles July 11 Lake Huntington Car Show July 12 Wayne-Pike Show Hamlin, PA July 24 Coffee^ Klotchs July 25 Cruise In at Hector's Inn Bethel 10:00 Lake Huntington at Teds'y Rett. JeflkriorwiUes £'. 00 PtYl 10:00 Vtao^ W "V?^ \ ^ l A o l \ = s Aug. 01 Sullivan County Firemen's Parade Liberty 01-03 McCungie Car Show Weekend McCungie PA Aug. 02 Callicoon Center Car Show Callicoon Center Open House Cranker's Musuem 2:00-5:00 Aug. 03 Membership Mtg. Liberty Pizza Hut Dinner 5:30 Mtg. 6:30 Aug. 08 Andes Car Show Aug. 14 Coffees Klotchs atT&cUyKett. Jeffenom/CUes 10:00 Aug. 15 Annual Club Picnic at Hanofee Park Liberty Aug. 16 National Bagel Festival Monticello 8:00-4:00 Aug. 28 Coffees Klotchs atTeds'yflett. Sept. 07 Membership Mtg. Liberty Pizza Hut Dinner 5:30 Mtg. 6:30 Sept. 11 Coffees Klotchs at TecUyRett. JeffenonsVisUes 10:00 Sept. 25 Coffees Klotchs atTed?yRe#t. JeffenovwiUes 10:00 JefferyovwCttes 10:00 BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE July 03 10 14 16 17 28 29 Larry & Vivian Cooper Gary & Marion Wood Walt & Laura Goodson Karen Jones Bill Beach Kathleen Stephenson Tiffany Pitula A A A B B B B Aug. 10 11 13 16 17 19 20 27 Joanne Brockner Joanne Scullion Bob Schaefer Lou & Jackie Kiefer Carl & Jeanne Smith Charlie & Terri Barbuti Linda Immoor Nancy Tyler Vivian Cooper Jack Brockner Bob & Arlene Hillriegel B B B A A A B B B B A 30 31 7 52 nd st AACA Spring M e e t Winners List, May 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 Class 1- Pre 1945, no entries Class 2-1946-1951: 1st Placejammy & Ron Sondermeyer, 1947 Dodge Class 3-1952-1959: 1 s t place Bob Foster 1953 Pontiac Class 4-1960-1969: 1 s t Richard O'Hara 1969 Chevrolet 2 nd Michael Walton 1963 Ford Fairlane 3rd Randall Scott 1967 Chrysler Newport Class 5-1970-1979: 1 s t Frank Stapleton 1970 442 Olds 2 nd Brian Frank 1972 442 Olds 3rd Danny Gough 1974 Mercury Cougar 3rd Bill Rieber 1972 Chevy Class 6-1980-1990: 1 s t Joe Brooks 1987 Chevy 2 nd Gary Smith 1985 Olds Cutlass Class 7-Corvette 1953-1967 1 st Robert Green 1963 Corvette Class 8- Corvette 1968-1990: 1 st Ronald Lewis 1981 Corvette 2 nd Nicholas Deanni 1980 Corvette Class 9- T-Birds No winners Class 10- Camaro/ Firebird thru 1990, 1 s t Chet Smith 1984 Camaro 2 na Jessica Epifania 1967 Firebird 3rd Thomas Matthews 1984 Camaro Class 11- Mustang thru 1990:1st Stephen Herschel, 1966 Mustang 2nd Ray Hummel 1965 Mustang Class 12- Future Classics 1990 to Present: 1 st Jeff Warner, 2009 Mustang Bullet 2 nd Harry Sewell, 2010 Camaro 3rd Ray Reynolds 2006 Mustang J? Class 13- Foreign Cars thru 1990: 1 s t Robert Magnatico 1957 VW Beetle 2 nd Ron Colden 1957 VW Beetle 3rd Steve Grossman 1968 Volvo Class 14- PickupsA/ans thru 1990:1st Arleen Krasnoff 1965 Chevy P/U 2nd Bob & Shannon Decker 1976 P/U 3rd Max Leibowitz 1952 Ford Class 15-Commercial Trucks/ Fire Trucks thru 1990 1 * Bob Van Etten, 1940 Chevy Tanker Truck Class 16-Street Rods thru 1948: 1 st George Peter 1932 Ford 2 nd Ken Decker 1932 Dodge Class 17- Street Cruisers 1949-1990:1 st Anthony Russo 1956 Chevy 2 nd George Giacalone 1964 ford 3rd George Wood 1955 Chevy Del Class 18-Tractors: 1 s t Douglas Irwin 1940 Farmall Class 19-Modified Trucks Thru 1990:1 st Bill Sclafani 1968 Chevy C10 P/U 2 nd Gary Krol 1984 GMC 3rd Shawn King 1954 Chevy Class 20- Motorcycle thru present: 1 s t John Larson 2008 Harley Trike Class 21-Rat Rods: 1 s l Jeff Gough 1935 Ford Rat Rod Class 22-Special Interest: 1 s t Donna Hatt 1932 Ford 2 nd Al DeGraw 1965 Rambler Best Custom/Rod: Banion Felder 1957 Chevy Best of Show: Glenn Sokoloff, 1968 Mustang Gt Bullet r*y [. - : ' ; . . « « * * ' : J o I) 1 V.--i'ftV.'- fej^J w^j^M •0 r "v. o • •' mmok — /" • 1 •: r pi '. 3 0 A & I -; . 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