Calendar of Events Well Done Pipi! Cineworld Live Screenings


Calendar of Events Well Done Pipi! Cineworld Live Screenings
Date: Friday 6th November
[email protected]
Cineworld Live Screenings
The Drama Department would like to advertise trips for Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 to watch live screenings of productions in the next two
Thursday 19 November – Of Mice and Men
Tuesday 8th December – Jane Eyre
The price is £15.50 per student – Speak to Mrs Stannard for more details.
Children In Need Mufti Day
On Friday 13th November, the Academy will be supporting Children in Need by holding a ‘Childhood Hero’ themed mufti day. All
students need to do to take part is make a suggested donation of £1.00, or whatever you can afford.
Please note that although it is a mufti day clothing does need to be appropriate for college. We look forward to seeing all of your ideas!
Well Done Pipi!
We are extremely proud of one of our students, Pipi-Lotta Kulla, who bravely decided over the
half term to shave her head for charity.
She is donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust to make wigs and is raising money for them
If you would like to donate, the academy and Pipi would be extremely grateful. Donations can
be made by following the link below where there are also more photographs and a video of
Pipi having her head shaved.
We have some incredibly caring students at our college and we are so privileged to be working
with them.
Please take your time to look at Pipi’s just giving page
Foodbank Success
Many thanks to all involved
with our Harvest Assembly and
collecting food for us to donate
to the Foodbank.
We are very grateful for all of
your donations and are
especially thankful to Ryan
Simm who donated a whole box
of food!
Exam Stress Group
We will now be holding exam stress groups open to all Key Stage 4
They will be held during Lunch and Tutor Time so will not disturb
any lessons. If any students would like to attend please see the Key
Stage 4 Team for a referral letter which
will need to be taken home for
parental consent. If you have any
questions or would like more
information please contact the Key
Stage 4 Mentors.
Calendar of Events
Friday 13th November– Superhero Mufti Day for Children in Need
Tuesday 1st December– Sixth Form Open Evening 6-8pm
Tuesday 8th December —Year 10 Subject Evening
Monday 14th December —Key Stage 4 and 5 Celebration Evening
Academy Clubs
Academy Announcements
Combined Cadet Force 5pm-7pm (12+ Years)
Maths Homework Club 3pm-4pm
Oasis Homework Club 3pm-3.45pm
Art Homework Club 3pm-4pm
Singing Group 3pm-3.30pm
GCSE Spanish Support 2.45pm-4pm
Wednesday Science Club 3pm-4pm
Oasis Homework Club 3pm-3.45pm
Art Homework Club 3pm-4pm
Ukulele Club 3pm-3.45pm
CCN Media Club 3pm-4pm
Oasis Homework Club 3pm-3.45pm
Art Homework Club 3pm-4pm
Business & Childcare Support Session 3pm-4pm
French Revision Session 3pm-4pm
Band Practise 3pm-3.30pm
Earl Mountbatten Christmas Fayre
Student Absence
If your child is unwell and unable to attend college please call the
absence line on 203101 each day of their absence before
8.30am. The Local Authority have advised that we also need
parents to send in a written reason for their child’s absence upon
their return to College. Thank you for your support with this.
Coat Hangers
Mrs Wiltshire has asked if you have any spare coat hangers at
home please could you get students to bring them in as she will
be using them for a crafty revision idea!
Food Technology
In Food Technology lessons when students are cooking, there
is an expectation that students bring in all of their ingredients for
that lesson. The recipe will be put on Show My Homework
along with a PDF of the method. If there is a problem please
contact Miss Bracegirdle.
Library Books
Could we please ask that you search at home, for any lurking
library books. We have a number of books which should be on
the library shelves, but which have disappeared, as well as a large
number of overdue books. As you can imagine, this is very
frustrating for children waiting to read them. If these could be
brought back as soon as possible that would be great.
Girls Football Dates
Wednesday 11th November—U19 girls' away v Medina College.
Oasis Lunchtime Lego Club
Oasis would like to start a lunchtime Lego club but we only have a
very small amount of Lego. If any one has any Lego they would
like to donate then we'd be really grateful if you could please
send it in to reception. Many thanks from the Oasis team.
Christmas Disco
There will be a Christmas Disco for Year 7 and 8 students on
Wednesday 16th December from 7pm – 9pm. Tickets are £2 each
and will be available to purchase after Half Term at break times in
the Britannia Learning Village (blue area).
Please note that places are limited.
English Enrichment Programme
The English Department are delighted to roll out their new Enrichment Programme for any students who would like a taste of Literary
Theory and or Linguistics. This will stretch and challenge those students who enjoy English and have aspirations to study it beyond GCSE
Level. All are welcome! The following sessions will run from 3-4pm:
18th November—Ms Callinan in EN14—Psychoanalytical Approaches to Texts
25th November—Mr Sawbridge in EN02—Semiotics for Beginners
16th December—Mrs Doughty in EN13—Reader Response Theory
Christmas Card Competition
Ormiston Academies Trust invites you to enter its annual Christmas Card competition!
The winning design will feature on OAT’s official Christmas card, so your design could be seen across the nation. Your name, Academy
and age will be on the back of the card. The winner will also receive a £50 iTunes voucher, £100 donated to your favourite charity and
copies of the cards. The deadline for entries is Friday 13th November so please get them to Reception by Wednesday 11th November
and we can post them off to be judged. Good luck!
School Play Rehearsals
Mrs Stannard has requested that every Tuesday after school EVERY cast member of Troy is present to do full cast rehearsals. They will
be notified then who will be needed on Wednesdays. Please can everyone be reading through their scripts and begin learning some
lines too.
Film Club
Our next showing will be the new Jurassic World on Wednesday 11 th November in the Media Room from 3pm. Please bring some
change for refreshments and we look forward to seeing you there!
The Field of Remembrance Service– Carisbrooke Castle
On Thursday 5 November Army and RAF Cadets from Cowes Enterprise College attended a Field of Remembrance service held at
Carisbrooke Castle in the Princess Beatrice Garden. The event was held by the Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Major General
Martin White. The service commemorates all uniformed personnel who lost their lives in service of their country.
A cadet representative laid a cross in the
garden on behalf of Cowes Enterprise
College and the CCF.
The Field of Remembrance is a place
where residents can pay their respect and
plant a cross for those who lost their lives
serving our country. It is located within
the Princess Beatrice Garden, a tranquil
walled garden behind the castles chapel.
Residents can visit on Saturday 7th &
Sunday 8th November during the castle’s
normal weekend opening hours.
Ski and Snowboarding Trip 2016
Following a very successful Ski and Snowboarding trip this year to Austria, we are running another trip to Erhwald, Austria during Easter
2016. Students will be participating in 6 days of either skiing or snowboarding lessons for 6 hours a day. At the end of this course they
are examined and receive a British Alpine Skiing or Snowboarding award. Many students use this practical assessment towards their
GCSE or AS/A2 Physical Education exams. During the evenings, students will be engaged in various activities such as quiz and games
nights, swimming, music night, bowling and an awards and cabaret night.
Numbers are limited and there are currently 4 places left.
If you are interested in your child coming along please contact Mrs Hughes by telephone on 203103 or by email to
[email protected].
Smoking Policy
Please see information below regarding our policy on smoking for your information:
Smoking is illegal on the academy site and the academy would be failing in its care for students who smoke and those who do not, if it
did not do all in its power to prevent students from smoking.
Academy rules apply to students not only at the academy, but also while they are on the way to and from home.
Academy staff will treat all of the following as smoking:
Being seen smoking
Standing in a group of people where one or more others are smoking
Having cigarettes or tobacco in their bags or clothing
Smelling strongly of smoke after a break or lunch period.
Students who are judged to have been involved in smoking will be dealt with as follows:
1st time:
Parents will be contacted and asked to ensure that an appointment is made with the health service to discuss giving up smoking. If necessary, it will be expected that students and their parents will discuss any treatment such as nicotine patches that might be needed.
Students will be required to do a one-hour detention after school.
2nd time:
Parents will be required to come to the academy before the student is allowed back into lessons or normal break and lunch times. A
contract will be agreed between student, parents and the academy. Two one-hour detentions will be required.
3rd time:
As above plus, because this becomes a serious, persistent breaking of academy rules, one-day of external exclusion.
4th time:
As above, plus five-days of external exclusion.
5th time:
Students and parents will be required to attend a governing body discipline panel who will consider permanent exclusion.
Cigarettes, tobacco, lighters etc. will be confiscated and not returned. E-cigarettes are treated as smoking.
Cowes enterprise college
Christmas market
Come and join in with the festivities With
Plenty to buy and lots of family fun
Santa’S grotto
Christmas crafts
Christmas choir
Friday 11 December
4pm – 7pm
Cowes enterprise college,
Crossfield Avenue,
Cowes, po318hb
Cowes enterprise college
Christmas decoration
We are delighted to announce that this year we are having a CEC homemade Christmas
decoration competition. All students in all years are invited to take part and all
decorations will be displayed on the Christmas tree that we will have in Reception.
So students are asked to get the creativity flowing and enter into the spirit of Christmas
and make something exciting.
Decorations can be made in any media, but must be a suitable size to hang on the tree.
There will be a prize and crew points for the best decoration in each year, and one for
the overall favourite. This year we would like to sell the decoration that have been
made at the Christmas Market on Friday11th December.
If your son or daughter would like to take part they simply need to collect an entry
form from Reception. All entries must be handed in by 12 noon on Friday 27th
November ready for judging and decorating the tree.