StudentS at competition
StudentS at competition
Chapter 12 Students at competition For additional chapters or for more information visit Version 3-2013 Chapter 12: Students at Competition Table of Contents Expectations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 At The Competition Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Drive Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Pit Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Scouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Judges Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Chairman’s Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Media Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Rsa (Rush Special Assignment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Cheer Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 After Competition Hours Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Selection Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Rushies Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Pluses And Deltas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Team Building And Team Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 266 Chapter 12: Students at Competition What to do with your students at a competition NOTES Team RUSH plays together, and has fun together. In order to do that, we have “play time” and “responsible activity time” … play time is always organized, so that different students play with each other. Since our students get along REALLY well, the basics are already covered. We have some basics in “structure”, these are expectations that they are sure of. Expectations • No phones (specifically texting) - only for team time • Mentor to student fun • Media of everything • Picture of actual schedule • No guys in girls rooms, etc • No boys and girls sitting together on the bus • Bus rides (far away competitions) -- Disney movies -- Inspirations movies -- Video games • Car rides (closer competitions) -- Fun drivers - parents -- Video games/music -- 2 way radios -- Car Paint -- Games between cars! At the Competition Schedule The captains help the mentors come up with the student schedule. This takes quite a bit of time to compile, but we need to be sure the students are assigned to responsibilities throughout the day. This will help them know what they should be doing, ensures each of the tasks of the team are being completed, and allows the team to be successful. The front of the students schedule is a proposed schedule and the back will have a “challenge” to the students for the day that is connected to the inspirational videos/themes/quotes for the weekend. 267 FINISH STRONG How will you choose to respond to the challenge before you? The choice is yours! Always choose to Finish Strong! Belief - “to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe” Anatole France Attitude - “How you respond to the challenge in the 2nd half will determine what you become after the game…whether you are a winner or loser.” Lou Holtz Purpose - Nothing changes unless something moves. Chapter 12: Students at Competition The following positions are filled on the schedule: • Drive team (3 students - 2 drivers and human player) • Programmer (1 student to cover any up loads for the robot) • Pit crew (2-3 students to check the robot in and check it out for competition) • Scouting team (7-8 students) • Judges crew (2-3 students outside the pits to answer questions) • Chairman’s team (3-4 students if presenting at that tournament) • Media team (2-3 students - 1 on video of all matches, 1-2 on photos of fun) • RSA: RUSH Special Assignment (the rest - they will have FUN activities, cheering and meet other teams) • Cheer team (1-2 getting the stands crazy or wearing the mascot) Drive team These students really cannot be on any “timed” schedule, for their schedule is the match schedule. They need to be on top of their game and ready for whenever they are up. General rule for RUSH is that they need to report to the pit 30 minutes prior to the organized time for the next match. Responsibilities for these students usually include scouting matches, analyzing the scouting data, the robots and coming up with a plan for competition. After a match, they deliver the robot to the pit and let the Pit crew know how it went. The pit crew takes notes and then the robot is turned over to them (more on this later in this chapter). The drive team then watches the previous match, analyses what went well, what didn’t, and then they move onto the next match for scouting. Drive Team in a Nutshell: • Be prepared 30 minutes prior to competition • Drive for team - role models • After match - deliver robot, give pit crew details - leave pit! • Watch previous match and analyze what they see • Discuss improvements • Go to the next round and get prepared with scouting data to play Programmer This student specifically is in charge of ALL programming changes, updates, calibrations, etc. It is their responsibility to be in the pits for the entire weekend. The programmer must fix any programming changes with enough time to TEST the changes. The pit crew MUST go through an entire check, prior to going on the field, and it must be done AFTER programming changes. Programmer in a Nutshell: • Document all changes to programs • Upload whatever is needed - 15 minutes prior to the match • Test prior to going on field 268 NOTES Chapter 12: Students at Competition NOTES Pit Crew These students have a HUGE responsibility. Just like a race car pit crew, these students take the robot when it arrives in the pit, and this starts with a discussion with the drivers, then an “After match pit check”. This is a quick check to test all systems to see if something came off the field wrong. After the check list, they prioritize what needs to be fixed, and address the changes with time allowances. After they are done, the programmer may upload code, then the Pit Crew will go back over the robot one more time with the “Pre-match check list”. This assures the drivers that they have fresh batteries, everything has been set and ready. It should be that the drivers just need to put the robot on the field, turn it on and go! Another responsibility for the Pit Crew is to be knowledgeable for the judges, so if anyone comes into the pit, they can clearly articulate the components of the robot. On Team RUSH, the Pit Crew is one of the highest positions on the team. 2013 Te Pit Crew in a Nutshell: ch Chec Pre-Mat am RUSH klist Co ecklist Robot Ch n: mpetitio Cart: Stuff on Zip Ties and Short ❑ Long bot: Cutters lor ❑ Side mper co bu ct r ❑ Corre ❑ Tethe gaged servo en r Gun 2013 Te ❑ Latch ❑ Powe am RUSH ct gear Post-M ❑ Corre d Robot Ch engage atch Ch dis O ecklist ❑ PT ecklist ts: en Ro m _ bo m Compe Co battery ______ t diagnostic tition: __ ______ __ ❑ New __ __ __ s: __ �__ Ru_n hig ge:____ ________ __________ h/low/PT ❑ Volta Te lescopin __ O _ ed in g arm: ________ ____________� Test encoders et plugg � Smoo __ ❑ Ethern � __n_ th exten g arm exten sion/dep ________ __________Ru ming Lo � Hard sion & de loy __ ❑ Program �_ sto Test soft ploy ________ ____________ � Deplo ps stops __ _ � y latch __ __ Sh __oo � Poten ______ tiometer ________ __ter_ wheels s tight (bo � Arm __c cyclin Dis Drivers: ________ ____�__ seated __ lts) g __ co rrectly __ � Chain ol Board ___ � Kic tight ❑ Contr ________ __________ ker es __ _ � Block tor Badg pper s tight ________ ________�__Fli__ ❑ Opera � Hook __ s � Arm _____ se __ rot as ati __ Gl on lat __ y __ ____ ch � Chec ❑ Safet k for da ______ _ � Test __it__ mage etition: ________ ____ ____lim Shoote sw_ itches ❑ Comp __ r: ________ ____________ � Shoo ter __ � Tread wheels tight ________ Chassis: in place _ � Tread � Supp ______ __ __ orts tight ______ � Servo Member: � Snap rings s tight _ Pit � Trans e: _______ � Chec ______ k for da mission Tim ______ mage motor in:____ ____ � __ Transmi � Polyc Date: __ Pit Capta ssions tur s tight arb _____ � Chain n __ sm __ � oothly __ Wheel/s tight ______ hooter tre __ � #: Bu NO mp ading TES: ers secu Match re � Chec k for da mage � Belly pan • Get robot from drive team • Run the “After Match pit check” • Diagnose and fix robot within time allowances • Work with programmer to upload code • Test all systems again “Pre-match check list” • Put fresh battery on • Record all notes • Clean up Pit • Clearly articulate robotics systems to anyone who is interested For Ro Pit Capta in:____ ______ ______ _ Match #: ______ ______ ______ _ Scouting Pit Memb er:____ ______ ______ _ Date: __ ______ Time: __ _____ There are three types of scouting - Pit (Pre) Scouting, Match and Best Practices Scouting. ALL students scout at some time on this team. If the students are drivers, they are intensively scouting our partners and opponents. All other students are responsible for getting pre-scouting information and pictures. They are assigned to robots, so we don’t have any teams fall through the cracks. • Pit scouting (or pre scouting) - The students travel around the pits in groups of 2-3 students. They go around to all teams in the pits to scout them before matches begin (we do this during practice match time) -- take photos of all teams -- gather data - (we have a printed pre scouting form) some questions for this year include: Do they score? If so where 1, 2, 3 pointers Do they climb the pyramid? If so, how fast? Do they have an auton - if so, what does it do? What kind of drivetrain do you have? Are they fast? If so - compare to RUSH Are you a powerful robot or a fast robot? 2013 Te Post-Ma tch Ch ecklist Robot dia gnostic s: � Run high/low/P TO � Test encode rs � Run arm ext ension & deploy � Test soft sto ps � Shoote r wheel s � Disc cycling � Kicker � Flipper � Arm latch � Test limit swi tches Chassis : � Tread � Snap ring � Transm s ission mo � Transm tors tigh t issions turn sm � Chain oothly tigh � Bumper t s secure � Check for dam age � Belly pan Pit Capta in:______ Match #: 269 ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ _ am RUSH Robot Ch Competi tion: Telesco ping arm � Sm : ecklist ooth ext ension/de � Hard ploy sto � Deplo ps y latch � Potent iometers � Arm tight (bo seated lts) correctly � Chain tight � Blocks tight � Hook rotation � Check for dam age Shooter : � Shoote r � Tread wheels tight in � Suppor place ts � Servos tight tight � Check for dam � Polyca age rb � Wheel /shooter trea NOTES: Pit Memb ding er:______ ______ _____ __ Tim e: ______ _ Date: ___ ___ Chapter 12: Students at Competition • Match scouting - The students specifically spend time in the stands. We usually assign them to 1.5 to 2 hour intervals. They scout one color/number (for instance RED 1). They keep track of points scored in auton, teleoperated and end game. They input this data into an electronic device (we are using iPad Minis this year). This data gets transferred to one computer and printouts are created for the coach/ drive team. This data is used to decide the top 24 teams for Team RUSH in case we are in position for alliance selection. -- Have 1 student assigned to each team on the field -- Keep track of points scored in auton/teleoperated period/end game, penalties, Human Player points, wins/losses -- input into computer program -- provide data to coach/drive team -- use data to decide top 24 teams for alliance selection • Best Practice scouting - The students interview students from other teams to learn about their best practices. Some topics include: -- Community involvement/events -- Robot design strategy -- Game strategy -- Fund-raising -- Pit development (layout, tools, etc) • Scout Captain - 1-2 students who are responsible to the drive team to make sure all the data gets transferred onto a computer and the information gets to the drive team. They are usually on the Selection Team as well (discussed later). Scouting in a Nutshell: • Students ALL scout pre-scouting and cover their teams • Drive team scouts partners and competitors • Scout team is assigned to 1-2 hour sessions • Scouting team MUST be alert to gather the data • All data gets compiled into one • Assures drive team the data (accurate data) Judges Team These students are outside the pit ready to answer ANY questions. They are prepared to talk about team or robot. They are also responsible for any publications for the team - in creation and distribution. Judges Team in a Nutshell: • Create documents to be distributed • Create boards displays • Be prepared to welcome anyone in our pit • Be prepared to answer ANY question on team or robot 270 NOTES Chapter 12: Students at Competition NOTES Chairman’s Team This position is the most prestigious position on Team RUSH. These students are the cover of a very big book … they are the front line for the judges to present on the rest of us. Chairman’s Team in a Nutshell: • Prepare to present • Present to the judges on behalf of the team Media Team The students are responsible for all of our photo/video of the robot and the team. One student is responsible for all of our matches on video. After they show the video to the drive team, they are to upload it to the internet. The other students are on photos - they are to record the “story of the team” through the camera. Specifically, the fun. Media in a Nutshell: • Videotape the matches • Get the video online (uploaded to Youtube and put on our website) • Photo of all robots (they back up the scouting team) • Photographers - need to capture the essence of the tournament • Social Media Connectivity - may make it into their own sub-team are trying it out for Duluth. -- Texting reminders ( -- Pinterest -- Twitter -- Facebook RSA (RUSH Special Assignment) At some point in the schedule, a student will be assigned to RSA. This is a “break” from the rigor of the tournament. This can be the highlight of the students experiences - depending on the activity. Often, we try to get our students to work with other teams! Let us know if you will be at a competition we will compete in and we can work together! Unlike the other activities and team builders so far, this assignment is meant to be FUN! So, the Nutshell here is to go out and have some fun at the competition! JSA Spe cial A Fin d boatk your T fa e ask a pict vorite u te th Tak em w re of so am an h e m d ta Tak a Pictu y they eone ke a fr e why a pict re of a decided om you picture of Tak they ure of ll grou to use r gro som chos up n someo p ea n eon membe it drive pict ext e in ure e it to a e in you a nd T ak you rs sign robo ask of som r gro ea in t wit r grou eo th pi n p up n g som em T ak ctu ha re w why e in you pneu with th eo ea ext it pi to a ne's sh ei th ma r ha T ak ctu tics r roswer re w look ey ch group irt e vi os and it ve d -a n e it eo of h Get ext -l drive 2 to a a 19 you someon ike from . robo ro 97 r en Fin e wea bot t an anot pe tire d with 2 d ask her team ring a Get a McD nny mor team ona them a cape doin e th with pictu lds a 2 g n si re or the xw Tak a 2) pr of you Subw wor h ee m ea et l team pict endin r entire ay na 2 G pkin ure et a ) of a g to fig team w not Tak picture 2 her ht each ith 6 ea fi robo pict with Jim T ak t th other rst pare ure 2 my ea at u with nts Scavenger Hunt: pict wea ses Get (n a u ri 2 th re k ot video ng id e ve with from aU x fo Get of y a kid from a ofM a te 2 r th an our nF am hat eir g Am fr enti LL Get beg eric ripp 2 te re g om a V a inn an er (o rou ex te am ing two Tak clipped ther p da 3 am dolla Hunt ea nci Official tha e-n pict toScavenger Rules r bi T ak ng t ou ail ure ll fr on r ea om wit the pi T ak 3 one fiel e a cture w h a Na of y d pi tion ber Time: 1 Hour our 3 doesn cture ith thre al pare T ak ’t be of you e peop Woddie nts 3 ea in w r enti le from Flow pict gyou Cretime allotted • In the are ith to complete re g as a ers 3 ure ate not 2 a wa rou of y h many challenges p y ou rd w er Tea oulist posted bellow. wea r ow on the 3 ch y inn ring team n ch r entire er (n our Takchallenge spir weari eer 3 gro points. • Each pawill ot M ea n andvarying it w ren be worth up w pict rs. H are g big ts h sta get ith 4 u h of a u gh 6 ot it send of butt withrethe • The ateam w mostow to sh atrtthe not air points es) her u cc start on fr ith som her ake 4 team es s team the competition will be the om eonwinner. thei fu Tak a wave m e 2 who’ asco 4 e in th 5 diffe famou r “than ll y in s nu ts d a• mYouviare the e st to split renup, yousmust g” mof allowed atch eonot 4 stan and t tea Haveremain begas aongroup e of the s (E time ms ds you entire Lov the en ins r gro nd to E e Fir ti re 4 nd) must stmay • You te a multitask.upEach “ a NOT memTask m fo d “W 4 be includenthe entire groups’ rs a e love rm a participation. nnou 4 Vol huma nci unte(points) • There is no Partial Credit n ng ers” train the sin team for g the of the • Points rewarded are at the discretion s on 5 en ti ing a the supervisor re ti song fiel 5 with d be me fore unle th 5 • You are not allowed to leave the arena ss sp e word s ecif ied “We 5 other wis e 20 Possible Activities: ssig nm ent RSA RUSH Special Assignment • Engineering Activities within our team -- Cardboard flip-flops -- Duct-tape boats (or flying devices) • Activities with other teams -- C-channel with the marble across the field -- Call home to mom, teach others a cheer • Treasure Hunt • T-Shirt trading with other teams Task Find three paperclips and put them on your team-mates shoe Take a picture of your group in front of a clock at exactly __:27 Request one of the following songs: “The Macarena”, “Thriller”, “Particle Man” or “Sweet Caroline” Start the Team RUSH “Train Cheer” in the stands Record a video of all group members doing “The Egyptian” dance around the stadium Create your own Funny Robot Comic (At least 2 verses) and present to your team at a meeting 271 Points 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapter 12: Students at Competition Cheer Team These students are primarily the heart of motivation for the team. Their responsibilities are to get the team fired up. Whether it is from cheering, or wearing the team Mascot, these students have a tough job if the team is not on their game. The team knows they need to support this person! Other activities could be making buttons, writing thank you notes to judges, or other great “connectors” with others at the tournament. After Competition Hours Schedule Once the team leaves the competition for the day, they usually go back to the hotel. We have worked with our parents to have meals ready for us when we arrive. After dinner, there is a lot to do. The following are items that need to be done in the evening: • Selection Team • Team building and team time • RUSHies selection • Pluses and deltas for the day yyInspirational moments Selection Team These students usually include scouting kids and drive team (and whomever else wants to participate). They will go over EVERY team from the competition, look at the picture and go over all scouting data on that team. It is their responsibility to let the team know who we need data on for the following day. They are to determine the top 24 teams that would be good “partners” for Team RUSH in case we are in a position of selection for eliminations. Selection Team in a Nutshell: • Gather all data • Gather all photos of all robots • Determine top 24 teams that would be good “partners” for Team RUSH RUSHies Selection The rest of the team (not on selection) will usually do the RUSHies. RUSHies (Respect, Unity, Spirit and Heart) awards are given to teams who Team RUSH wants to recognize. The students are asked to nominate teams with information on the team as to why they deserve that award. After the team decides, the RUSHies team will take the write-up and print off the forms for the awards. These awards are also assembled for the teams the next day. Pit layout is also determined as to seeing where the list of awardees are in the pits. The next day, the team will go around the pits and chant their number and present the team the award. 272 NOTES Chapter 12: Students at Competition NOTES Selection Team in a Nutshell: • Nominate the teams • Determine which team will be awarded • Create the form for the award • Assemble the RUSH award • Determine the path of delivery the next day Pluses and Deltas This an opportunity to highlight what went right for the day and what needs to change (delta). Rules: you cannot speak negatively towards individuals on the chart and there is no rebuttal. This allows for safe discussion. We usually take a large white tablet of paper and sharpies and go around the room. Each student is called on to give us their pluses or deltas. After you go around the room, you then take the deltas and see how you can change them into pluses. Who can help/fix/improve to make it so there are no deltas in your control. This allows for continuous improvement at the tournament and is a great motivator when there are more pluses than deltas. If it is the other way, then there is great room to plan and grow! Pluses and Deltas in a Nutshell: • Gather the pluses (good things) and deltas (things that need to be changed) from the team • Take the deltas and determine how they can become pluses for the next day R U S H O Team building and team time Since the team is “one team”, we try to stay “busy” when the selection team is working. Therefore, this is a great time to play. Some ideas include Minute-2-Win It activities, cheer practice (each table has to make up a new cheer - very funny), team jeopardy or RUSHO (RUSH version of BINGO). All of these games are made up and are used while we are waiting for the rest of our team to finish their responsibilities. Team Time in a Nutshell: • Minute-2-Win It activities • Cheer creation and practice • RUSHO • Team Jeopardy • Pool time - only if ALL team is available At the end of each night, the students will journal their thoughts for the day, and the head coach will show an inspirational video. Words for them to think about and get fired up for the next day. This is also done the next morning, when a new schedule comes out and a new challenge for the day is upon us. 273 Co dy H Pa m B Ry an H Co ur tn H Jo sh K M ic ha el R ey Ki rste n Z Za ch ar y E FR EE Sh an no n M Jo sh F Za ch P Dian a M Je nn ife r R M rs . H Am an da M Mel ch io r V Sh el by H An drew L Clue 1: IKristbro my an ijake kle n playin D M itc he ll P Ca rter Z Jo e L Steven C g football. Presto n R Clue 2: snakes , 2 cats and 4 I have 1 bother Chapter 12: Students at Competition Ideas for Inspirational Videos • Keep moving forward • Michael Jordan book • • 212 Degrees • Finish Strong • Lessons of the Geese • Death Crawl • Rock Solid Leadership What have YOU done today s of the geese ... to demon strate the lesson How did you: Stay in formation NOTES that has demons trated Identif y a team membe r ... the lessons of the geese What did they do: Trust one anothe r Take turns doing the hard tasks From The Geese Lessons flying in their familiar "V" heading south for the winter, has Next fall when you see geese they fly that way. Science ely intereste d in knowing why formatio n, you might be an uplift for the bird immediat flaps its wings, it creates gains over 70% more flying learned that, as each bird formatio n, the flock together behind it. By flying in a "V" own. its on y can get range than if each bird flew and a sense of communit direction common a share of one Like the geese, people who are traveling on the trust and easier, because they where they are going quicker e of another. feels the drag and resistanc e of out of formatio n, it suddenly Wheneve r one goose falls formatio n to take advantag quickly try to get back into goose, we will stay in a as sense trying to go it alone. It will much as birds in front. If we have the lifting power of the are going. we way same the are headed over formatio n with those who and another goose takes wing, the in back tired, it rotates When the lead goose gets jobs! to take turns doing hard flock passes the point position. It pays doubt heard whenever a ing constant ly, as you've no up their speed. An encourag The geese from behind honk e those up front to keep encourag to this do They overhead . formatio n, word goes a long way. shot and falls out of the sick or is wounded by a gun able to either is it until stay Finally, when a goose gets They it. to stay with it and protect n to catch t wo geese follow it down or with another formatio launch out on their own fly again, or dies. They then we will stand by each other. have the sense of a goose, up with the group. If we Honk for encou ragem ent Respect and protect each other Schedule Backs On the back of each schedule is the match schedule (if available when printing), and the theme for the day. The Theme could be a focus question or personal challenge for that student. Some ideas include: • FISH - how did you fulfill the principles of FISH today • Goals - what is your goal today for yourself, and for the team? How are you going to fulfil your goal? At what time will your goal be fulfilled? Did you accomplish your goal. • LEADERSHIP • Team RUSH FIRST assistance What di d you do to Have Fun? What at titude di have toda d you y? What to show did you do you wer Who’s e there? and How Meet 3 did you people an Make The d fi ir Day? Tell them nd out if they had any about ou problem Name r Toolk s this ye it for S ar uccess 1. Team State • Ambassadors? • Ask if they need any volunteers Others: 2. • Read the Lorax 3. -- Tradition • Senior Speeches -- Every Friday night at the last competition of the year • Off-Season Competition -- Have seniors run the team/make schedule -- Great avenue to introduce new students into the team 274 NOTES Chapter 12: Students at Competition 275 WHAT HAS CHANGED? This toolkit is a living document. Team RUSH makes every effort to add in new information and updates as they occur. • You will be able to see which sections have been revised by looking in the bottom right hand corner below. • Also, new in this version and going forward – we will add the month/year of the change to the bottom of each page when it changes. We need your input to continue to improve this document – please give us your feedback by simply e-mailing Kyle Hughes: [email protected] Respect, Unity, Spirit and Heart Lived and documented by Team RUSH with the helping hands of K&K Studios Ch 1 - Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 2 - Getting Down to Business . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 3 - Financials & FUNdraising . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 4 - Regatta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 5 - Sponsorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 6 - Community Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 7 - Build Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 8 - Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 9 - Parent Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Ch 10 - Rookie Resources - Michigan . . . 3-2013 Ch 11 - How to Build Team . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2013 Back Cover – Toolkit Ch 12 - Students at Competition . . . . . . . 3-2013 Sup 1 - Rookie Resources - Regional . . . 3-2013