JACKSON, GEORGE A. Nutrients and production of giant kelp
JACKSON, GEORGE A. Nutrients and production of giant kelp
LIMNOLOGY November AND 1977 Volume 22 Number OCEANOGRAPHY 6 Nutrients and production of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, off southern California1 George A. Jackson W. M. Keck Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 91125 Abstract Concentrations of nutrients in the vicinity of the giant kelp ( Macrocystis pyrifera ) off San Diego, California, varied seasonally. Surface nitrate concentrations were low for most of the year (usually <l PM ), higher during winter. Nitrate concentrations below 4.5-m depth usually exceeded 1 PM and were highest during spring upwelling, lowest during summer. Nutrients in the kelp bed were not depleted by the kelp nor enhanced by sediment regeneration, implying relatively fast exchange between water in the bed and outside waters. Nutrient concentrations varied at different longshore locations. The condition most limiting to M. pyrifera was probably the low concentration of dissolved nutrients, especially nitrogenous substances, near the sea surface. Translocation of nitrogenous compounds by the kelp plant from depths where concentrations are higher could compensate for this limitation. The summer die-off of the surface canopy may be caused by the inability of plants to translocate nutrients due to low availability of nutrients in the deeper water. The maximum change in dissolved oxygen measured was 0.43 mol O2 mm2between 0900 and 1130 PST; extrapolated to 1 day this yields a production of 1.0 mol O2 mm2 d-’ (9.5 g C rn-’ d-l). algal protein content were found off Florida when nutrients were highest. North (pers. comm. ) found C : N ratios for giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, of 40 : 1 at the end of summer and of 17: 1 in mid-December; this change in carbon content of kelp corresponds to changes in aquatic nutrient concentration. Nutrient supply may be important to the large stands of M. pyrifera off California. McFarland and Prescott (1959) estimated the gross production of a kelp bed near Los Angeles to be about 1 mol O2 m-2 d-l, a rate equivalent to 12 g C m-2 d-l for an assumed C : O2 molar ratio of 1. Towle and Pearse (1973) calculated the production of Macrocystis off Monterey to be 7 g C m-2 d-l, with more than 98% of it in the canopy in the upper 3 m of the 9-m water column. ’ This work was supported in part by a training The combination of large size and potengrant from the U.S. PHS, NIEHS (TI-ES-00004). NOVEMBER 1977, V. 22( 6) LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY 979 The availability of nutrients is one of the primary factors regulating plant growth in aquatic systems. Nutrient cycling has been studied intensively in relation to planktonic production, but although the seaweeds are among the most productive of the marine algae, little has been done to determine the importance of nutrients to macroalgal production. Topinka and Robbins (1976) found that the growth rate and nitrogen content of FUCW spiralis increased when it was cultured at high nutrient concentrations. Oriental farmers increase their yields of seaweeds by fertilizing them with ammonia or urea ( Shang 1976; Tamura 1970). Dawes et al. (1974a,b) noted that the highest numbers of algal species and highest 980 Jackson . -44 \ I \ 0 I 2 3 KILOMETERS -----I I 117“ 18’ \ -32”s 4 DEPTH CURVE: IN FEET 16’ 30 I 7, Fig. 1. Map _-of San - _ Diego area. Dotted area is Point Loma kelp bed. Naval Electronics Laboratory (NEL) tower is just north of entrance to Mission Bay. tially high productivity of kelp stands could result in a nutrient supply inadequate to The kelp sustain maximum production. bed off Point Loma (San Diego) is one of the largest in California (about 8 x 1 km: Fig. 1) and has been extensively studied ( North 1971b). If the production rate is 7 g C m-2 d-l, the C : N is 20 : 1 (Jackson 1975 ) , nitrogen uptake is in the top 3 m ( as Towle and Pearse for photosynthesis: 1973), and longshore water moves through the bed at 10 cm s-l (Gaul and Stewart 1960) with no vertical movement, water leaving the bed after 21 h should have lost about 7 ,uM dissolved nitrogen. Nutrient concentrations commonly increase with increasing depth and decreasing temperature. Nitrate concentration reaches 1 PM off San Diego at depths between 10 and 50 m during spring and summer ( Strickland 1970; McCarthy and Kamykowski 1972; Kamykowski 1974). This suggests that in the shallow waters of the Point Loma kelp bed (mostly <15 m) nutrient concentrations do become too low to support potential growth. Certain processes could, however, modify nearshore nutrient cycling. Nutrient regeneration in sand bottoms inshore from a kelp bed could increase the nutrient concentrations. Hartwig (1974) found that ammonia was the only important form of nitrogen released in the sediments off La Jolla, at an average of 870 pm01 m-2 d-l. The compounds regenerated had a C : N ratio of 34 : 1, high relative to phytoplankton ratios but close to that of M. pyrifera. Nutrients may come to Point Loma from sewage discharged by the city of San Diego. Dilution of sewage with seawater creates a water mass 3 km from shore enriched by 7.5 PM ammonia and 0.7 PM phosphorus (SCCWRP 1975). This water mass would be further diluted before reaching the kelp bed. Movement caused by internal waves can affect kelp by moving nutrients vertically (Armstrong and La Fond 1966) or by changing nearshore circulation. Semidiurnal and diurnal internal waves also control onshore-offshore water motion, with water on either side of the thermocline moving in opposite directions on and offshore (Cairns 1967, 1968; Cairns and La Fond 1966; Winant and Olson 1976). Longshore currents are uniform through the water column, correlated with winds. I have’ studied the relationship between nutrients and production in the bed of giant kelp off Point Loma, including dctermination of nutrient distribution in the nearshore, examination of relationships among Nutrients in the nearshore 981 Takahashi et al. (1970) and carbonate alkalinity calculated by the method of Strickland and Parsons ( 1968). On 8 August 1974 carbonate alkalinity was 2.22 meq liter-l (SD 0.03). Alkalinity showed no pattern in the bed. Distributions of nutrients were studied with sampling stations on a transect perpcndicular to shore. It usually took 2-3 h to complete a transect of four or five stations through the kelp bed; during a conMethods tinuous 24-h sampling period, transects Bearings for sampling station positions took 30 min when no water samples were were obtained by sighting angles between collected and 1 h when they were. Tranprominent onshore landmarks with a sex- sect data are displayed i.n the form of contant. Station positions were then plotted tour plots. The contour traces were deteron a 1 : 24,000 topographical map. mined by interpolating between points of Temperature, dissolved oxygen ( DO), known value along the sides of polygons and pH as a function of the depth were defined by the points. measured in situ with a Martek Mark II Relationships in the data were studied water quality analyzer. The temperatureby multiple regression analysis with either compensated oxygen electrode was stan- one or two independent variables. All varidardized in the laboratory before a sam- ables were transformed before the compupling run with air-saturated seawater at a tation of regressions to give a mean of zero temperature of between 10” and 20°C. It and variance of 1. The assumed relationstayed within 0.1 ppm of the standard (1 ship was: x = a+ bx + cy, where x was ppm = 6.031 mM 0,) throughout a run. the dependent variable, x and y the indeThe temperature-compensated pH elec- penden t variables. The method estimates trodes were calibrated in the laboratory the regression coefficients, b and c, that with Beckman standard pH 4 and pH 7 minimize the variance of the difference bebuffers of low ionic strength. The hydrotween the predicted and actual x. gen ion activity measured in the field was Point Loma is the peninsula forming the used to calculate the total inorganic carbon western boundary of the entrance to San (CT) in solution for a constant alkalinity Diego Harbor ( Fig. 1). The bottom on the of 2.22 mcq liter-l by using the appropriate offshore side is a rocky shelf extending out equations and stability constants given by 2 km to a depth of 20 m before dropping Stumm and Morgan (1970) [pKI = 6.11off rather sharply. Interspersed on the O.O06(T-5), pKa = 9:34-O.Oll(T-5)]. shelf are rocks rising up to 10 m off the Water samples for nutrient analysis were collected by a diver within 1 m of the bottom and patches of sand. There are probe, stored in polyethylene bottles and more sand and rock outcrops inshore. The kelp bed extends from 1.5 km south frozen with Dry Ice for storage. Nitrate plus nitrite, phosphate, and silicate were to 7 km north of the tip of Point Loma. measured according to Strickland and Par- North of Point Loma is Mission Bay, the sons (1968). A mmonia was measured by NEL ,tower, and La Jolla. The density of the method of Solorzano ( 1969). EN was plants is about 0.3 plants per square meter calculated by summing the concentrations (P. Dayton pers. comm. ) . There was a of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite, heavy surface canopy throughout my study. Samples collected for alkalinity measureMacrocystis is one of the largest of the ments were kept cool, not frozen, Total al- seaweeds. A mature plant will have 40 or kalinity was measured by the method of more fronds in various states of growth dissolved nutrients, oxygen and inorganic carbon, and estimation of production on 1 day. I thank W. J. North, J. J. M,organ, I-1. Lowenstam, D. Checkley, T. Sibley, L. Quetin, and R. R. Quetin for their help during this work. I also thank J. Teal and B. Nicotri for critically reading the manuscript. 982 Jackson DISTANCE TO SHORE(km) 0 I.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 DISTANCE TO SHORE (km) 1.0 2 4 36 ’ F 48 a 0.24, 0.21 + IO 12 14 0 2 g4 F6 El cl 8 IO 12 14 I // 0.8’ -1 Fig. 2. Water properties through kelp bed 1.8 km north of Point Loma tip at 1400 PST, 27 May 1975. Kelp bed extended from 1.1 km to 1.8 km offshore. Locations sampled shown by +. A12.9”-17.1”C; B-dissolved oxygen distribution, 0.16-0.40 mM; C-phosTemperature distribution, phate distribution, 0.21-0.88 ,uM; D-nitrate distribution, 0.3-4.8 PM. attached to the rootlike holdfast. A frond is similar to a vine, can be as long as 25 m and have as many as 300 blades attached along the stipe. Bundles of stipes rise from their holdfasts to the surface, spreading out to form a canopy. Beds often reach wet weight densities of 6 kg m-2; as much as half of this can be in the canopy (Towle and Pearse 1973; McFarland and Prescott 1959). Results TypicaZ patterns-1 sampled the kelp bed from 1972 to 1975 on 13 occasions at different times of the year. Figure 2 shows isopleths of various properties for a slice through the kelp bed on 27 May 1975. The transect ran perpendicular to shore 2 km north of the tip of Point Loma. The outermost station was at Nutrients in the nearshore 983 the outer edge of the kelp bed, the inner DISTANCETO SHORE(km) station inside the bed near the inner edge. ‘7 I;’ 1; : Ii5 : yI I.3 1.2 This was a typical sample taken near local * + -c=noon when photosynthetic rates should + + +Ihave been maximal. The temperature map (Fig. 2A) shows stratification without the typical pattern: a sharp thermocline. The depth of an isotherm varied by as much as 5 m at the different stations as a result of short-period internal waves moving through the kelp bed (Lee 1961; Quast 1968). The dissolved oxygen contours ( Fig. 2B) are similar to the temperature contours: oxygen concentrations decreased with in-I+ + creasing depth. In addition, the highest 1. 14’ L oxygen concentrations were near the surdistribution, 0.14Fig. 3. Dissolved oxygen face in the midst of the kelp bed. Phosphate contours (Fig. 2C) for the 0.25 mM, at 0500 PST, 28 May 1975. Stations same as in Fig. 2. diurnal sampling show significant gradients in concentration even in the relatively shallow bottom depths of the kelp bed, <15 m twecn changes of nutrient patterns caused deep. The phosphate concentration at the by open ocean phytoplankton and nearsurface was <0.3 PM, but 0.8 PM at the shore benthic plants. bottom. Despite the strong gradient, the Nutrients showed the same vertical disamounts of phosphate at the surface were tribution several kilometers to sea that they still significant. Phosphate was also always did in the outer edge of the kelp bed. This present at about these concentrations in my is the common pattern for the local waters other samplings. ( e.g. Strickland 1970). The dominant form of inorganic nitrogen There did not seem to be marked effects in the bed was nitrate. Nitrate concentraby the kelp bed on the measured parametions for the diurnal sampling also showed ters except for dissolved oxygen concentraa strong vertical gradient ( Fig. ZD), <0.5 tions. It was therefore of interest to see PM at the surface and >4.5 PM at the bot- whether the large kelp biomass would cause tom. Nitrate concentrations were very low the oxygen content of the water to fall sigat the surface, relatively lower than phos- nificantly during the night. Comparison of phate. Surface nitrate concentrations be- oxygen concentrations in the bed with low 0.1 ,L~M were common during the 4 those outside to determine the extent of years of this study. oxygen depletion by kelp respiration for Ammonia also displayed vertical concen- 28 May 1975 shows no appreciable deprestration gradients; concentrations were sion of oxygen levels ( Fig. 3). never as high as those of nitrate, rarely surSeasonal nutrient patterns-Nutrient passing 1 PM. Ammonia was sometimes a stratification in the kelp bed varied seasonsignificant fraction of the nitrogen in the ally. The annual cycle is shown by comparing the median- value of the nutrient upper meters of the kelp bed when nitrate concentrations went to zero. samples taken bctwecn 0- and 4.5-m depth Silicate showed concentration gradients to the median value of the samples taken similar to those of phosphate, nitrate, and between 4.5 and 9 m for all of the days ammonia. Since silicate should not be taken sampled (Fig. 4). The temperature at the surface and beup to any significant degree by M. pyrifera, it is a convenient tracer to distinguish be- low shows the same pattern that Cairns and 984 Jackson DISTANCE NORTH OF PT. LOMA (km) 0’ 2 0.6r ’ ’ ’ e:\ m ’ ’ n ’ ’ n ’ I ’ I \ $;kLM, JFMAMJJASONDJ MONTH Fig. 4. Annual cycle of nutrient conccntrations. Solid IincsL-median concentrations of samples gathered between surface and 4.5-m depth; dashed lines-median concentrations of samples gathered between 4.5 and 9-m depth. Fig. 5. Water properties along 20-m bottom contour between Point Loma and Point La Jolla durjng an upwelling event, 6 May 1975. A-Temperature distribution, 10.4”-15.8”C; B-nitrate and nitrite distribution, 0.4-16.5 ,uM. Nelson ( 1970) found at the NEL tower: there is stratification between March and November. The amount of stratification varied with the season but this is not clear from Fig. 4. Surface concentrations of nitrate were low for most of .the year. Median conccntrations in the upper 4.5 m of the water column were <1 PM from April to November, except for an upwelling event on 6 May 1975. In winter, the surface nitrate concentrations did rise. Below 4.5 m they were higher, although for much of the year the concentrations in the deeper water were <2 PM. The major exceptions were that in March, April, and May-the upwelling months (Jones 1971; Bakun 1973)-nitrate concentrations were low at the surface and high below. That is, during the time of maximum kelp growth, nitrate concentrations were low at the surface where most of presumably occurs. the photosynthesis The high concentrations ‘of this important nutrient lay below 4.5 m. The other nutrients also showed higher concentrations in the lower parts of the kelp bed. Ammonia, however, never achieved the high concentrations displayed by nitrate. The highest median concentration of ammonia measured was 0.8 PM on a day when the median nitrate concentration was 10 PM. The lack of anomalously high ammonia concentrations suggests that the San Diego sewer outfall was not an important source of nutrients. The median concentration of phosphate never dropped below 0.2 PM. During the upwelling months phosphate concentration did rise in the deeper parts of the bed. Thus there was a seasonal distributional pattern common to all the nutrients. Concentrations were always higher in nonwinter months at depths >4.5 m, although the difference between surface and deeper wa- Nutrients in the nearshore DISTANCE TO SHORE (km) I I I I I I I I AT OCEAN BEACH PIER ,039 4km TO SEA: 0 13 , I \ I b OCEAN EEACk PIER:0.09,0.07 I 46 :+ I I I t I I I ‘$0 --I----- -- -I-I l 1,I I Ihrn--’ I ‘1, \ 7 \ 06l+ - ‘1 \ o,36 0.25 “‘“2 + + \ \ \ \ Fig. 6. Nitrate concentrations of surface _- sam-plcs. A-Collected 20 April 1972; B-collected 23 May 1972. Dashed line perpendicular to coast -sewer outfall; dashed lines parallel to shoreedges of kelp bed. ters was not always great. The sharpest vertical changes occurred during the period which has historically been the time of greatest kelp growth and of strongest upwelling. During much of the rest of the differences between year, concentration the surface and the deeper waters were small. The nutrient that seemed to be in shortest supply was nitrogen. During winter the vertical gradients were small and the surface concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus higher than in summer. Longshore patterns--I ran a transect parallel to shore, along the 20-m bottom contour, on 6 May 1975 to determine whether differences in nutrient distribution occurred along the coast. , The temperature contours (Fig. 5A) showed no stratification of the water at the tip of Point Loma, where the water was cold from the surface to the bottom. Stratification appeared between 3.5 and 4.5 km north of the tip. The water was markedly stratified, with a vertical temperature gradi- Fig. 7. Water properties through kelp bed on transect 0.6 km north of Point Loma tip, 9 July 1972. Kelp bed extended 1.1-1.9 km from shore. A-Nitrate, PM; B-ammonia, PM; C-tcmperatrue, “C. ent as large as 1 “C m-l, 12 km north of the tip. Nutrient distribution was affected by this upwelling. Surface nitrate concentrations were high at the tip of Point Loma ( Fig. 5B ) while at the same time there were low surface and high bottom concentrations of nitrate around La Jolla. On 23 May 1972 surface nutrient concentrations were also higher to the south then to the north of Point Loma. Surface nitrate concentrations within 3 km of the tip were almost all between 0.6 and 0.2 PM (Fig. 61))) while at all northern stations (5 km from shore, in the kelp bed 5 km north of the tip of Point Loma, and at the Ocean Beach Pier) they were <O.l ,uM. Although these were not great differences on an absolute scale, the nitrate concentrations to the south were frequently more than five times as great as those farther up the coast. Data from 20 April 1972 indicated that nutrients near the tip of Point Loma are not always higher (Fig. 6A). On that date 986 Jackson Table 1. Oxygen-ammonia and oxygen-nitrate relationships, both uncorrected and corrected for phytoplankton-induced relationships ( Eq. 1) . The regression coefficient, p, is presented with standard error of estimate. Regression coefficients are in units of micromole per millimole. AO, : ANIL and AO, : ANOB ratios arc in units of mole per mole. 9 JuL Sample number 16 Apr 21 May 8 Aug 20 Sep 14 Nov 37 May 1972 1972 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 31 29 15 16 31 28 32 22 112 -0.10 -0.7 1.4 1492 -0.63 -4.1 1.4 244 -0.72 -4.8 1.2 208 0.84 3.6 0.4 -278 -0.80 -3.4 0.5 299 -0.66 -2.2 0.5 459 -0.38 -1.3 0.7 781 -0.73 -3.4 0.3 294 0.89 -2.0 0.6 508 0.80 -3.4 0.5 295 0.66 -2.1 0.5 488 0.38 -1.3 0.8 752 0.75 -3.2 0.3 316 -0.87 -60 -0.49 -11 -0.01 -0.1 -0.47 -22 17 89 -9.65 -13 3 78 0.91 -37 0.98 -4 1 256 0.92 -7 2 151 NH4(pM) fn 02(mM) r -0.41 -1.5 T SE 0.6 -A02:ANH 685 4 NH4(pM) --fn O,(mM), Si(vM) 21 Nov 24 Feb ; SE -A02:ANH4 N03(uM) fn_ 02(mM) r -ii SE -A02:AN03 N03()1M) fn 02(mM), -0.65 -3 6 36 0.07 9 26 -0.72 -78 20 13 -0.93 -58 6 17 6 45 Si(uPf> $ SE 27 -A02:AN03 there were no significant longshore differences between the kelp bed areas sampled along the Point Loma peninsula. Onshore variations--rThe highest surface nitrate concentrations on 20 April 1972, 1.46 and 1.0 PM, were from samples taken near to shore ( Fig. 6A). The ammonia concentrations at those two high-nitrate stations were <O.l PM. Thus the high values were not caused by regeneration from the sediments but were possibly the result of wave induced mixing or shallow water transport. Further relevant data (some shown in Fig. 7) come from samples taken on 9 July 1972, when the transect extended from 0.2 to 2.8 km offshore. The shallowest station was in water about 6 m deep, in an area of intense wave surge. The nutrient concentrations at this station, at the surface and at the bottom, were: nitrate, 4.2 and 4.3 PM; ammonia, 0.4 and 0.4 PM; and phosphate, 0.48 and 0.42 PM. This contrasted sharulv with the other stations, which had 0.94 -9 1.6 112 20 40 ~~py$g J FMAM J J ASONDJ MONTH Fig. 8. Annual cycle of nutrient uptake ratios. Ratios are regression coefficients for dissolved species; error bars are standard error of estimates. Nutrients 40’ I 0123456 I I I I I 0123456 MEDIAN N CPM) MEDIAN N tpM) Fig. 9. Nitrogen uptake 12 m; B-O-4.5 m. ratios as a function of median a maximum concentration of nitrate at the surface of 0.13 PM. There were, however, high nitrate concentrations away from shore below 10 m, with the maximum measured being 9.5 ,u~cM. Chnnges in nutrient and oxygen concentrutions-The extent of nutrient uptake during kelp photosynthesis and growth should be mirrored in the ratios between the oxygen and nutrient concentrations of the nurturing seawater. Ratios between dissolved nutrients and oxygen in kelp bed waters are determined not only by kelp growth but also by previous phytoplankton growth. The extent to which phytoplankton influence the oxygen-nutrient relationship can be determined by using silicate as a tracer of phytoplankton nutrient uptake, The relationship assumed was [nutrient] 987 in the nearshore = a + p[O,] (+y[Si]). (1) Coefficients (a, & r), their standard errors, and correlations were determined by a multiple linear regression program. Regressions that included silicate as a variable were considered to be corrected for phyto- inorganic nitrogen concentration. A-4.5- plankton effects. The A(nutrient) : AO2 ratio is p, and AO2 : A( nutrient) is its inverse. The importance of different inorganic forms of nitrogen in supplying growth 240 220 200 zs s 0” 180 160 140 -6 - +A /” I vfOA’ ‘2010 II 12 I I I I 13 14 15 16 17 T (“Cl Fig. 10. Relationship between dissolved oxygen and temperature, transect 1, 21 May 1974. Line fit by least-squares is [O,( mM)] = -0.085 + O.O194T( “C), T = 0.95. Sampling times and station distances for transect 1: station 1 (+ )0730 PST, 1.7 km; station 2 (C))--U830 PST, 1.5 km; station 3 (A )-0900 PST, 1.2 km. 988 Jachon AO,(tLM) -100 -60 - 20 n /’ 20 60 o MEDIAN ZN&M) 2 4 6 8 IO I2 / 8 -ST5 IO ST 7 12 Fig. 11. Depth dependence on 21 May 1974. A. Oxygen changes on transect 2, calculated as difference between mcasurcd oxygen concentration and concentration predicted for that temperature. Sampling times and station distances for transect 2: station 4 (+ )-lo55 PST, 1.92 km; station 5 ( x )-1110 PST, 1.56 k m; station 6 (O)-1125 PST, 1.32 km; station 7 (El)-1210 PST, 0.72 km; station 8 ( n )-12X PST, 0.5 km. B. Median ZN concentration as a function of depth. needs of the kelp bed can be determined by comparing changes in the nitrogenous constituents as a function of the changes in oxygen concentration. The -AO2 : ANI14 ratios, corrected for phytoplankton effects, had a median of 488 (n = 5; range, 295752) ( Table 1). Uncorrected, the median ratio was 299 (n = 9; range -278-1,492). The changes in nitrate concentration were much greater, with the corrected -AO2 : ANOa ratio having a median of 132 (n = 4; range, 27-256), and the uncorrected ratio having a median of 36 (n = 7; range 1389). I conclude that more nitrate was taken up than ammonia and therefore that nitrate was more important than ammonia as a nitrogen source to the kelp. The corrected ratios, having had the lower 8 : 1 C : N phytoplankton ratios factored out, are higher than the uncorrected ratios, but the patterns are similar. The seasonal variation of AZN: AO2 resembles that of the previously discussed median nitrogen concentration ( Fig. 8). AEN: AO2 values are most negative during early spring. The correlation of AXN : AO2 is highest for the median concentration of total inorganic nitrogen between 4.5 and Nutrients 989 in the nearshore 10.5 m below the surface (n = 9, r = -0.83). The correlation is lowest for the median nitrogen concentration at depths between the surface and 4.5 m (Fig. 9: n. = 9, r = -0.51) , Correlation was intermediate for the median nitrogen concentration in the water from the surface to 10.5-m depth (n =9, r=-0.65). ProcZuc-tion-I measured oxygen concentrations in the kelp bed at two different times on 21 May 1974. I could not calculate kelp production by subtracting midday oxygen concentrations from those of the early morning because the vertical temperature distribution changed in the 2-3 h between sampling runs. It was thus not reasonable to assume that all water motion was simple and horizontal. Dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature were highly correlated for the early morning samples (Fig. 10). I assumed that deviations from this linear relationship for water sampled at midday (Fig. 11) were caused by kelp production. The greatest oxygen change was 0.43 mol O2 m-2 in the middle of the kelp bed (sta. 6) at 1125 PST. This station, 0.6 km from the offshore and onshore kelp bed edges, would have been least affected by water movement. Measurements taken between 0730 and 0930 PST showed little evidence of photosynthesis. The oxygen change was the result of an average production rate of at least 0.17 mol 02 m-2 h-l. If this rate were maintained, and if all production were between 0900 and the time when the sun dropped to the same sky angle ( 1500), then production would have been 1.02 mol 02 m-2 d-l. This is equivalent to 9.5 g C m-2 d-l for a -AO2 : AC ratio of 1.30 (Fig. 12). Kelp respiration can be estimated from Sargent and Lantrip’s ( 1952) rate of 1 ml 02 g-l wet wt d-l. If the Point Loma kelp density (wet wt) was 6 kg m-2, the respiration was 0.27 mol O2 m-2 d-l. Discussion Production measurements are never easy. Oceanic measurements have been made mainly by measuring carbon fixation in wa- 0.3 0.2 0. I 2.1 2.2 2.3 C,(mM) Fig. 12. Dissolved function of inorganic mation in Table 2. ) oxygen carbon. concentrations (Regression as a infor- ter samples containing phytoplankton. The range of light, nutrient, temperature, and water motion conditions that different parts of a single kelp plant respond to makes simulation of natural conditions almost impossible. Towle and Pearse (1973) calculated gross kelp photosynthesis by measuring carbon fixation of blades isolated in bags. However, bags stop the flow of water over blade surfaces and should cause a decrease in photosynthesis. McFarland and Prescott (1959) calculated gross and net production after measuring diurnal oxygen concentrations and surface currents in a kelp bed. They measured currents at the surface and at i-m depth every 3 h but assumed that water flowed parallel to shore. They found oxygen changes that did not fit their model and had to ascribe them to water intruding into the kelp bed. In the absence of accurate measurements of current throughout the water column, their production-values must remain suspect. 990 Jackson I found the greatest oxygen changes not at the surface but between 3- and 6-m depth. One would expect to find the maximum photosynthesis at the surface: McFarland and Prescott found 35-50% of the blade arca at the surface; To& and Pearse found 71% of the blade mass and 99% of the photosynthesis there. In addition, light intensities are highest at the surface. However, McFarland and Prescott also observed that the highest oxygen changes were 3 m below the surface. Loss of oxygen to the atmosphere from supersaturated waters near the surface could account for the relatively low dissolved oxygen concentrations there. If the atmosphere were an important sink of oxygen, surface waters would be deficient in oxygen for a given concentration of inorganic carbon ( C, ) . A plot of dissolved oxygen versus dissolved inorganic carbon would show a region of constant oxygen concentration at low CT, caused by escape of oxygen without an input of carbon. There was no such relationship on 21 May 1974 (Fig. 12) nor on any other day that I examined (Jackson 1975). Thus, a significant amount of oxygen was not going to the atmosphere from the kelp bed. Oxygen changes could be greater at 3 m if photosynthesis predominated at the surface and if the water at 3 m had been at the surface longer than the warm water layer that forced it down. This explanation would not account for the high oxygen increases also present at 61m at both stations 6 and 7 (Fig. 11). Most photosynthesis would occur below the surface, despite low light levels and photosynthetic area, if low nutrient supply inhibits photosynthesis. On 21 May 1974, nitrate concentrations were again low at the surface and higher at 3- and 6-m depth. This suggests that photosynthetic rates are indeed related to nutrient concentrations. Oxygen : nutrient ratios provide further information about nutrient effects on growth, Redfield et al. ( 1963) related the amount of oxygen produced by marine algae to the amount of inorganic carbon and nitrogen that they take out of solution and incorporate in tissue: AO2 = -AC, - 2AN03. (2) This implies that (AC, : ANO,) = -(AO, : AN03) - 2. (3) Because the oxygen and carbon ratios can bc related, changes in dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations can be compared with the known carbon : nitrogen values of M. p yriferu. Nutrient : ‘oxygen ratios show that kelp plants take up relatively more nitrogen at times of higher nitrate concentration (Figs. 8, 9). AO2 : ACT ratios of about -1 should be another indicator of low nitrate uptake. This relationship holds moderately well for the available data (Table 2). We infer that plants have their highest internal nitrogen concentrations during those times when ambient nutrient concentrations are highest. During times of low ambient nutrient content plant nitrogen concentrations, drops, possibly slowing the growth rate. Thus far I have assumed that the primary source of nitrogen for kelp is nitrate. Are the organic forms, the most important of Table 2. Comparison of oxygen and inorganic Regression coefficients carbon regression ratios. are in units of millimole per millimole. AO1 : AN and AC : AZN are in units of mole per mole. For [nutrient] = p + XCh. carbon, equation fit was: 3 Jul '72 o,(M fn cpm r _x SE 24Feb 16Apr 21?Iay 8 Aug '74 '74 ' 74 '74 -0.94 -0.93 -0.95 -0.90 -0.90 -0.98 -1.36 -1.02 -1.30 -1.64 0.07 9.14 0.08 0.11 0.15 CN(pM) -fn 02(mM) : -0.67 -29 -0.74 -82 -0.93 -63 -0.87 -64 -0.58 -15 SE 6 21 7 7 4 -35 -12 -16 -16 -69 33 10 14 14 67 -A02:ACN-2 A02:ACN CN(pM) fn C,(mFl> r 0.63 0.74 0.91 0.93 0.62 30 126 68 104 25 T SE 7 30 8 7 7 34 8 14 10 36 AC:ACN Nutrients in the nearshore which seems to be urea, important to the growth of kelp? The evidence suggests that urea, at least, is not. McCarthy ( 197.1) found that the concentration of urea in seawater was usually <1 PM. This is the magnitude of the concentration of ammonia in the kelp at Point Loma. It is doubtful that urea serves as an unknown, highly significant source of nitrogen for Macrocystis at Point Lomn because ammonia, which is taken up prcfcrentially to urea by algae, was not an appreciable nitrogen source for the kelp and was not totally depleted in the surface. It should not be surprising that the photosynthetic production by M. pyrifera is strongly influenced by the nutrient conccntration of the surrounding water. Fluctuations in growth patterns of the alga could be explained by spatial and temporal variation in distribution of nutrients. North (1971a) has often observed that surface parts of kelp fronds deteriorate during summer months, The parts of the kelp bed below the thermocline usually remain healthy. Since many of the very productive brown algae are found in areas of cold water, the conclusion has often been made that temperature determined the growth of these seaweeds (e.g. North 1971a). However, when Clendenning ( 1971) examined the effect of temperature on rates of photosynthesis and respiration of M. pyrifera, he found that the plants had a favorable photosynthesis to respiration ratio for temperatures at which tissue damage was observed in the field. He concluded that the temperature-linked die-off of the surface canopy was not due to an adverse change in the photosynthesis : respiration ratio among surface blades. Die-off association with high temperatures suggests a cause-andeffect relation. The die-off could also result, in part at least, from low nitrogen concentrations in the water above the thermocline and possible temperature-nutrient interactions. A compilation of my data shows that high temperature and low nutrient concentrations are indeed related (Fig. 13). Evidence that the die-off is caused by high temperatures is at present insufficient, Fig. 13. Relationship bctwecn temperatme total inorganic nitrogen, Point Loma kelp 1972-1975. 991 and bed, If canopy die-off is caused by low concentrations of nitrogen in the surface water during summer, the question remains of what allows the canopy to grow during the other months. It is only during summer that the concentrations in the deeper parts of the kelp bed decrease. The probable explanation involves translocation of nitrogen from deeper parts of the plant bathed in higher nitrate water. Parker ( 1963, 1965, 1966, 1971; Parker and Huber 1965) has examined the physiological basis for transport in M. pyrifera. Translocation occurs in a tissue very similar to the phloem of land plants. Organic matter is translocated along the stipe toward the growing tip and toward the base from photosynthetic tissues in the middle of a frond. The predominant transport is toward the growing tip at the apex at rates as great as 80 cm h-l. This is equivalent to a volume flow rate of 1 ml h-l (Jackson 1975). Parker ( 1966) analyzed the translocated fluid and found that the dominant carbon compounds were mannitol and free amino acids (Table 3). The total concentration of carbon in the fluid was 2.07 molar, of nitrogen 0.23. Ammonia forms a negligible frac- 992 Jackson Table 3. Content of translocated kelp fluid. For protein and undetermined amino acid fractions, molecular weight assumed to be 125/( amino acid residue), nitrogen content assumed l/residue, and carbon content assumed 4/residue. Concn. Molecular (s/d Total solids D-mannitol protein lipid total aminc acids L-alanine asPartic acid glutamic acid citrolline other 148.9 36.0 19:1 ?:6 No. N/ No. C/ wt. molecule molecule (mM) (mM) 1% $125 0 SL1 6 Q4 4: 1254 184 1 1 3 4 a9 9.83 2.63 1.45 0.43 4.7 131 147 175 %125 : Ql z SL4 Total 110 20 10 383 227 C:N (molar) C:N (weight) tion of the nitrogen (Jackson 1975). The flux of nutrients in the phloem could be 2 mmol C 11-l and 0.2 mmol N h-l, equivalent to 24 mg C h-l and 2.8 mg N h-l. The C : N ratio of this fluid is 9 : 1 on a molar basis. Analyses of kelp show that the tissue has a C : N ratio varying between 12 : 1 and 50 : 1 ( North pers. comm. ) . Thus, the translocated fluid has a greater relative concentration of nitrogen than the whole plant. When surface blades cannot take suffi- IO Concn. + 1 I I 1 O,(mM) Fig. 14. Total N vs. dissolved oxygen, 9 July 1972. At low inorganic nitrogen concentrations, there was oxygen evolution without corresponding O-surface samples. nitrogen uptake. = 2068/227 = 7.81 N Concn. C 330 80 1”: 152 2068 = 9.11 cient nitrogen from solution, they could be using nitrogen translocated from below. The relationship between oxygen and total nitrogenous substances shows that tissues in the low nutrient surface waters do not always absorb nitrogen in amounts corresponding to their oxygen production (Fig. 14). On 9 July 1972, the decrease in total inorganic nitrogen corresponding to the 0.15 mM increase in dissolved oxygen would have been 3 PM for a plant producing tissue with a C : N ratio of 50 : 1. The highest surface concentration around the bed that could have been drawn on was 0.5 PM. The implication is that the surface tissues depend on translocated nitrogen for their growth. Because the C : N ratio of the translocated fluid is 9 : 1 and the C : N ratio of summer surface blades is about 45 : 1, at least a fifth of the carbon for growth at the surface would have to come from tissue in deeper water. If fluid is translocated to the surface, where tissue is being produced at a rate of 24 mg C h-l, then one frond could be photosynthesizing at a rate of 120 mg C h-l. At a stipe density of 4 m-2 and for an 8-h day, the production associated with translocated nitrogen would be 4 g C m-2, This is quite close to the 2.5 g C m-2 Nutrients in the nearshore d-l measured in the surface 3 m at a ime when the canopy seemed nutrient limited. Presumably the lower parts of the plant cannot translocate enough nitrogen to the surface and the canopy dies back when either the nitrogen concentration or the light intensity becomes too low. This dieback would then permit more light to penetrate and thus increase the photosynthetic rate of the lower parts of the kelp. Perhaps there are also other algae that are adapted to grow at times when the canopy dieback allows more light to reach the bottom, where they reside in seawater with higher nutrient concentration than the surface. When canopies inhibit photosynthesis in deeper tissues, harvesting the canopy might increase kelp growth in the understory. A plant with stored nitrogen should have tissue with a relatively low C : N ratio. Such a plant would be able to fix carbon without an outside nitrogen supply. When the internal nitrogen supply becomes deplcted, the plant can no longer grow. The seasonality of C : N values in Macrocystis, varying from 17 : 1 in winter to 40 : 1 at the end of summer, suggests some storage of nitrogen. Whenever the plant acquires carbon and nitrogen from solution in a ratio greater than 40 : 1, it depletes its internal nitrogen reservoir. When the C : N value of the plant reaches 40 : 1, presumably there is no reservoir left and tissue carbohydrate capacity is saturated; further growth by surface tissue must be supplied by nitrogen from translocation. Under even lower nutrient conditions, carbon might also be fixed and released back into seawater as organic compounds; this possibility should be investigated. Conclusions The distribution of nutrients in the nearshore is similar to that in deeper oceanic areas. The thermocline may be shallower in the nearshore but there are still large vertical gradients in nutrient concentrations. The nearshore exchanges water with the oceanic zone faster than the kelp can 993 significantly decrease, or sediments increase, nutrient concentrations. Thus the nearshore nutrient regime is closely linked with the oceanic. Along the coast there are differences in nutrient regimes involving localized upwelling effects, greatest near projecting points of land (e.g. Armstrong et al. 1967). The importance of effects related to upwelling in the nearshore implies that large-scale wind patterns are influential here. The close nearshore (depth <5 m) also seems to be different from the general nearshore. My data are not extensive enough to define the extent of such mechanisms as wave mixing or longshore transport in determining the higher nutrient concentrations in shallow water. There are remarkably few changes in the various water propertics measured in the kelp bed, The strong exception is the daytime oxygen concentration in the upper waters. The surface nitrogen concentrations are not reduced by amounts that a simple analysis predicts. However if nitrogen uptake is spread throughout the water column and is not directly related to photosynthesis, then changes in nutrient concentration can bc expected to be smaller at the surf ace. This would be necessary if the plants at the Point Loma kelp bed, with low concentration of nitrate, and ammonia at the surface, are producing at the rates reported for the Monterey Bay stand. Nutrient patterns do indicate that the nearshore is divided into areas with diffcrent nutrient regimes. Phytoplankton growth studies have shown great differences in the ability of different species to utilize nutrients at low and high concentrations, and these different nutrient responses have been used to explain algal assemblages in nut.ricnt-rich upwelling areas and in &gotrophic central oceanic gyres (Eppley et al. 1969). Similar differences among seaweeds could influence their ability to compete and hence their distribution, For seaweeds, however, the rate of nutrient supply is determined not only by nutrient concentration, as it is for phytoplank- 994 Jackson but also by water motion (Mu& and References Riley 1953). This results from the fact that AIWSTRONG, I?. A., AND E. C. LAFONIA 1966. around a plant there is a boundary layer of Chemical nutrient concentrations and their water through which substances must difrelationship to internal waves and turbidity off southern California. Limnol. Oceanogr. fuse to reach the plant from solution. 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