Meet the Counselors - City of Mentor, Ohio


Meet the Counselors - City of Mentor, Ohio
Meet the Counselors
Civic Center Day Camp & Operation Outrageous Fun
Joel Davis
Head Counselor—Explorers
Joe Hritz—Counselor
Courtney Delp
Hi, my name is Joseph Hritz and this will be my third year
My name is Courtney Delp and I am a class of
with the Civic Center Day Camp as a staff member. I am
I have been a teacher for 7.5
2013 Mentor High Graduate. I am currently going
really looking forward to having a great time this summer
years at Mentor Christian
to be a Junior at Bluffton University in Ohio,
and I can’t wait to meet everyone. I currently go to school
School. I attended Mentor Day
where I am a Resident Advisor in my dorm and
at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania and I will be a
Camp as a camper and then
also study early childhood education. Hobbies
Senior in the Fall. At Slippery Rock I am a Physical and
became a volunteer counselor,
that I enjoy are reading, spending time with famiHealth Education major, so I love being active and having
counselor, and now am a head
ly and friends and having cook outs on the weekcounselor. I enjoy being outside, fun outside. One of my favorite summer activities is to play ends. I also love movies and have recently started
playing games, and swimming. on my baseball team with my friends. I have played baseball
for twelve years and I played all four years in high school for learning how to knit. I am a very fun, caring, and
I'm looking forward to Day
out going person. I can't wait for camp to start! I
Mentor High. I also like to swim, play basketball, fish, be
Camp because the kids are so
am really looking forward to getting to know all
with my friends and to water-ski. I can’t wait to make this
much fun and there are no
Brittany Lubbe
Head Counselor—Ventures
Brittany is very excited to be back at camp!
She has been working at Mentor Day Camp
since 2006. Ventures is her favorite camp to
work with and she cannot wait to meet all
of the new campers this summer! This past
school year, Brittany taught kindergarten in
North Carolina. She is moving back to the
Cleveland area to teach 4th grade next year!
Michelle Hren—Head Counselor—
Operation Outrageous Fun
My name is Michelle Hren and this will be my
4th summer at Civic Center Day camp. this
summer I am looking forward to starting my
first year as OOF head counselor. In May, I
graduated with a bachelors degree in Health
and Physical education from Slippery Rock
University of Pennsylvania. When I'm not at
camp I love playing volleyball, reading, and
doing anything that's active and outside.
Nicole Wallack
Head Counselor—Superstars
Hello! My name is Nicole Wallack and this is my
fifth year at day camp! I am the head counselor for
the superstar group. I graduated from Bowing
Green State University with my degree in middle
childhood education. I have been teaching in the
Mentor School District for two years and this past
year I was at Ridge Middle School teaching seventh grade science. My hobbies include running,
shopping, and attending country concerts with my
friends. I am looking forward to a fun summer
filled with swimming, games, field trips, and great
Colleen O’Malley
I am going into my sophomore year at The Ohio
State University. I am a Speech and Hearing Sciences major, and I hope to work as a speech-language
pathologist in a pediatric hospital. I have been
counting down the days until camp starts! I am so
excited to run around playing games with the kids,
share more laughs with the campers, and make
this summer a great one with them!
Raechel Baucco
Hello! My name is Raechel Baucco and I am
a city of Mentor resident. I am 19 years old
and a junior at Bowling Green State University. I am majoring in Inclusive Early Childhood Education. This is my second summer
as an official camp counselor at the Civic
Center Day Camp, where I volunteered as a
junior counselor a couple summers while I
was in high school. Other than working at
the day camp, I am a reading tutor for elementary school students at Bowling Green
city schools while I am away at school. In my
free time I love to spend time with my
friends and family, ride my bike, bake, do
some crafting, and babysit. I am so excited
for this summer at the Civic Center Day
Camp because I cannot wait to meet all of
the campers and watch them have the summer of their lives. That is my favorite part of
this camp because there is never a dull moment where there are always memories to
be made for the campers, as well as us
Valerie Arko
Danielle Carrasquillo
My name is Danielle Carrasquillo. I graduated from
Kent State University with my Bachelor’s degree in
Early Childhood Education. I am a substitute teacher for Mentor Schools. I enjoy reading, playing
games, running, swimming, playing sports, traveling, cooking, and spending time with family and
friends. I love camp because we are always having
fun and learning new things! I am looking forward
to meeting new campers and having a fun-filled
summer at camp!
Eric Goldstein
Hello Families! I am so excited for another sum- Eric is a Mentor High School graduate.
He is currently attending The Ohio
mer at Day Camp! My name is Valerie Arko. I am
State University and is studying
going to be a senior at the University of Dayton
healthcare. Eric was a camper at
studying Early Childhood Education and Early
Mentor Civic Center Day Camp for 6
Intervention. It is my hope to become a presummers, he volunteered as a junior
school teacher in just one year! In my free time,
counselor for 2 summers and is excited
I enjoy crafting and running. I am excited for
for his first year as a full counselor.
some fun in the sun with your kiddos this summer, it is such a pleasure being with each and
every child!
Erica Slanoc
My name is Erica Slanoc
and I am a Senior at Ohio
University. I enjoy mostly
any outdoor activity and
art such as drawing,
painting, and photography. I am looking forward to meeting all this
year's campers and
getting to know them
throughout the summer
with all the games and
activities. As a new camp
counselor I am excited to
be returning to a place
where I myself was a
camper for a few years as
a kid and to see what it is
like now and to be part of
this experience once
Rachel Martin
I have been a Civic Center Day Camp counselor for the past 5 years. While I’m not at camp I
am either at school in Fayetteville, NC at Methodist University or on the softball field, as I’m
a college softball player as well. I love spending my summer at Day Camp every summer, as
paintball and swimming are super fun! I enjoy country music, Cleveland Indians baseball,
baking and cooking yummy treats and movies. See you this summer!
Bethany Fleming
My name is Bethany Fleming and this is my second summer with Day Camp. I am a Spanish
education major at The University of Southern Indiana. I love to play piano and sing. I love
Day Camp because I get to play games and explore with all of the campers I am so excited to
have a blast this summer!
Anthony Kibby
Jonathan McLean
My name is Anthony Kibby and I am going
to be entering my junior year at Ohio University this fall where I am studying accounting. I enjoy spending my summer
playing basketball, kayaking, and relaxing at
the beach. I am a former lifeguard at the
Willoughby Pools and cannot wait to be
working outside again and work on my tan.
I am most looking forward to camp for all of
the different trips we get to take and the
memories that I will make in my rookie year
of camp counseling.
My name is Jonathan McLean, and I just graduated in May from Bob Jones University in
Greenville, SC with a bachelor’s degree in music
education. Next fall I will be returning to Bob
Jones to pursue a master’s degree. I love playing and watching any sport (but especially soccer), and I love listening to and playing music. I
love teaching, but I am also looking forward to
being outside all summer with the campers to
enjoy being away from school and having fun
with them!
Nicole Matteo
Hi my name is Nicole and I just graduated
from Mentor High School and will be going
to The Ohio State University this fall to
study Education. In my free time I enjoy
dancing, riding my bike, and going to the
beach with my friends. I’m looking forward
to getting to know all of our campers and
being a part of summer camp.
Jacqueline Vanek
My name is Jacqueline Vanek and this is
my first year of camp so I am supper excited! I just graduated NDCL and I will be
attending The University of Dayton in the
fall. I like to hang out with my friends and
family in my free time. I can’t wait to
meet you and your kids!