ACORD Standards Implementation Guide Template Life
ACORD Standards Implementation Guide Template Life
ACORD LIFE, ANNUITY & HEALTH STANDARDS NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION FOR LIFE (NBfL) IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 JANUARY 2010 References: ACORD Life Specification, Version 2.21 IMPORTANT NOTE: This document contains or relates to ACORD Standard Life, Annuity & Health. You are not authorized to use the ACORD Standard contained in this document unless you have accepted the terms and conditions of the Standards License accessible at To gain such authorization, please go to that site and, if you agree with the terms and conditions of the Standards License, enter whatever information is called for, if any, and click on "Accept". New York Two Blue Hill Plaza rd 3 Floor PO Box 1529 Pearl River, NY 10965-8529 U.S.A. London London Underwriting Centre Suite 1 / 3 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane London EC3R 7DD United Kingdom © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE .............................................................................................................. 1 1.4 XML STANDARD ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.5 HIGHLIGHTS OF AN INDUSTRY STANDARD BUSINESS MESSAGE ........................................................ 2 1.6 ACORD STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................... 3 1.6.1 ACORD Standards Overview .................................................................................................. 3 1.6.2 Resources Available – Getting Help ....................................................................................... 3 1.6.3 Purpose of Implementation Guides ......................................................................................... 3 1.6.4 Implementation Reporting – Tell us about it! ........................................................................... 4 1.6.5 Certification.............................................................................................................................. 4 2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED BENEFITS ................................................................... 5 2.1 OBJECTIVES AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 5 2.2 BUSINESS PROCESS(ES) SUPPORTED ............................................................................................. 5 2.3 VALUE PROPOSITION...................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION W ORKFLOW DIAGRAM......................................................................... 7 2.6 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 9 2.7 PRODUCT DIFFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 9 3 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................... 10 3.1 NEW BUSINESS PROCESSING DIFFERENCES FOR OTHER LINES OF BUSINESS ................................. 10 3.1.1 Life vs. Annuities ................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 HOLDINGS ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2.1 General Guidelines for Holdings ........................................................................................... 10 3.2.2 Holding for the Proposed Policy ............................................................................................ 10 3.2.3 Holdings for Existing insurance (not being replaced) ............................................................ 11 3.2.4 Holdings for Replaced, Exchanged, or Converted Policies / Existing Policies ..................... 11 3.2.5 Holdings for pending or planned insurance (alternate or additional) .................................... 12 3.3 PARTIES ...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3.1 General Party Modeling Guidelines ...................................................................................... 12 3.3.2 Party for Primary Proposed Insured ...................................................................................... 12 3.3.3 Identification of the Carrier for the Proposed Policy .............................................................. 12 3.3.4 All Other Parties .................................................................................................................... 13 3.4 FINANCIALACTIVITY AND ARRANGEMENT ....................................................................................... 13 3.5 CLARIFICATION FOR STATES/ADDRESSES/COUNTRIES ................................................................... 13 4 LIFE ELECTRONIC APPLICATION SUBMISSION HIERARCHY ................................................... 15 5 DETAILED ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONS & TYPE CODES DEFINITIONS ....................................... 17 5.1 IDENTIFYING OBJECTS USING IDS, CODES AND KEYS ..................................................................... 17 5.2 <ADDRESS> OBJECT.................................................................................................................... 19 5.3 <APPLICATIONINFO> OBJECT ....................................................................................................... 22 5.4 <ARRANGEMENT> OBJECT ........................................................................................................... 30 5.5 <ATTACHMENT> OBJECT FOR TEXT............................................................................................... 37 5.6 <ATTACHMENT> OBJECT FOR IMAGES ........................................................................................... 39 5.7 <ATTACHMENT> OBJECT FOR FILE ................................................................................................ 43 5.8 <AUTHORIZATION> OBJECT FOR CHANGING INVESTMENT INSTRUCTIONS ........................................ 47 5.9 <BANKING> OBJECT .................................................................................................................... 49 5.10 <BANKRUPTCY> OBJECT .............................................................................................................. 54 5.11 <COVERAGE> OBJECT (BASE COVERAGE) .................................................................................... 56 © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 5.12 <COVERAGE> OBJECT (RIDER COVERAGE)................................................................................... 60 5.13 <COVOPTION> OBJECT................................................................................................................ 65 5.14 <EMAILADDRESS> OBJECT .......................................................................................................... 69 5.15 <EMPLOYMENT> OBJECT ............................................................................................................. 70 5.16 <FINANCIALACTIVITY> OBJECT FOR INITIAL PAYMENT..................................................................... 71 5.17 <FINANCIALACTIVITY> OBJECT FOR 1035 EXCHANGE.................................................................... 73 5.18 <FORMINSTANCE> OBJECT .......................................................................................................... 75 5.19 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR PROPOSED POLICY ................................................................................. 77 5.20 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR EXISTING INSURANCE ............................................................................. 80 5.21 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR EXISTING INSURANCE THAT IS BEING REPLACED ....................................... 84 5.22 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR EXISTING INSURANCE THAT IS BEING EXCHANGED .................................... 89 5.23 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR BANK..................................................................................................... 94 5.24 <HOLDING> OBJECT FOR LOAN .................................................................................................... 95 5.25 <INVESTMENT> OBJECT ............................................................................................................... 98 5.26 <LIFE> OBJECT ........................................................................................................................... 99 5.27 <LIFEPARTICIPANT> OBJECT ...................................................................................................... 101 5.28 <LIFEUSA> OBJECT FOR EXISTING POLICY ................................................................................. 112 5.29 <LIFEUSA> OBJECT FOR THE PROPOSED POLICY ........................................................................ 113 5.30 <MEDICALCONDITION> OBJECT .................................................................................................. 115 5.31 <MEDICALEXAM> OBJECT .......................................................................................................... 119 5.32 <MEDICALPREVENTION> OBJECT ............................................................................................... 122 5.33 <MEDICALTREATMENT> OBJECT ................................................................................................ 125 5.34 <ORGANIZATIONFINANCIALDATA> OBJECT FOR BUSINESS INSURANCE......................................... 128 5.35 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR PROPOSED INSURED(S) ........................................................................... 130 5.36 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR BENEFICIARY (PERSON) .......................................................................... 142 5.37 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR BENEFICIARY (ORGANIZATION) ................................................................ 145 5.38 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR NATURAL PERSON OWNER WHO IS NOT THE INSURED ................................. 148 5.39 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR ORGANIZATION OWNER ............................................................................ 152 5.40 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR OTHER BUSINESS INSURANCE OWNERS ..................................................... 156 5.41 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR AGENCY .................................................................................................. 159 5.42 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR PRODUCER ............................................................................................. 162 5.43 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR CARRIER ................................................................................................. 165 5.44 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR CREDITOR ON THE COLLATERAL LOAN ....................................................... 166 5.45 <PARTY> OBJECT FOR ACCOUNT OWNER .................................................................................... 168 5.46 <PARTY> FOR EMPLOYER .......................................................................................................... 170 5.47 <PARTY> PAYOR FOR PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ...................................................................... 173 5.48 <PAYMENT> OBJECT.................................................................................................................. 176 5.49 <PHONE> OBJECT ..................................................................................................................... 179 5.50 <POLICY> OBJECT FOR PROPOSED POLICY ................................................................................ 181 5.51 <PRESCRIPTIONDRUG> OBJECT ................................................................................................. 187 5.52 <RELATION> OBJECT FOR CONTRACT LEVEL (HOLDING TO HOLDING FOR REPLACEMENTS/EXCHANGES) ................................................................................................................. 190 5.53 <RELATION> OBJECT FOR CONTRACT LEVEL (HOLDING TO PARTY)............................................... 191 5.54 <RELATION> OBJECT FOR CONTRACT LEVEL (PARTY TO PARTY) .................................................. 194 5.55 <REQUIREMENTINFO> OBJECT ................................................................................................... 196 5.56 <RISK> OBJECT ......................................................................................................................... 199 5.57 <SIGNATUREINFO> OBJECT ....................................................................................................... 215 5.58 <SOURCEINFO> OBJECT ............................................................................................................ 218 5.59 <SUBACCOUNT> OBJECT ........................................................................................................... 219 5.60 <SUBSTANDARDRATING> OBJECT .............................................................................................. 221 5.61 <W EIGHTHISTORY> OBJECT ...................................................................................................... 225 6 TRANSMITTING/SENDING A NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION FOR LIFE INSURANCE ............ 227 6.1 <USERAUTHREQUEST> OBJECT................................................................................................. 228 6.2 <TXLIFEREQUEST> OBJECT ...................................................................................................... 229 © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 6.3 6.4 6.5 <TXLIFERESPONSE> OBJECT FOR SUCCESS-IGO RESPONSE ..................................................... 232 <TXLIFERESPONSE> OBJECT FOR FAILURE-NIGO RESPONSE .................................................... 235 <TXLIFERESPONSE> OBJECT FOR PENDING RESPONSE (PERFORMING CHECKS)......................... 238 7 NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION STANDARD USAGES ................................................................ 241 7.1 NBFL SAMPLE SCENARIO 1: BASIC TERM INSURANCE SUBMISSION .............................................. 241 7.2 NBFL SAMPLE SCENARIO 2: BASIC VARIABLE UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE SUBMISSION ............... 249 8 INDEX ............................................................................................................................................... 257 9 REVISION HISTORY/CHANGE SUMMARY ................................................................................... 258 9.1 REVISION DETAILS FROM VERSION 1.0 TO VERSION 2.0 ................................................................ 259 9.1.1 Updated from 2.17 to 2.21 & Other Misc Updates .............................................................. 259 9.1.2 FinancialActivity & Arrangements........................................................................................ 259 9.1.3 Added Variable Life Requirements...................................................................................... 259 9.1.4 Added Replacement & Exchange Requirements ................................................................ 259 9.1.5 Updated TXLife Request & Added TXLife Response Requirements .................................. 260 9.1.6 Added Part A & B Requirements ......................................................................................... 260 9.1.7 Add Business Insurance Requirements .............................................................................. 260 APPENDIX A – HOW TO MODEL ROLES .................................................................................................. 1 CONTRACT LEVEL ROLE .............................................................................................................................. 2 COMPONENT LEVEL ROLE ........................................................................................................................... 3 OVERRIDE LEVEL ROLE ............................................................................................................................... 4 COMPARISON OF THE THREE LEVELS OF ROLES ........................................................................................... 5 APPENDIX B – SAMPLE XML FOR BENEFICIARY ROLES ..................................................................... 6 CONTRACT LEVEL: ...................................................................................................................................... 6 COMPONENT LEVEL: ................................................................................................................................. 10 OVERRIDE LEVEL: ..................................................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX C – NEW BUSINESS POLICY STATUS TRANSITIONS ....................................................... 16 APPENDIX D – REQUIRMEMENT STATUS TRANSITIONS ................................................................... 18 © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preface This Guide has been prepared by ACORD and its members to provide you with a roadmap for implementing the New Business Submission transaction for Life Insurance (TransType = 103). This guide identifies the problem, the reason for solving it, the risks and benefits involved, and the resolution method utilized. 1.2 Intended Audience This Guide is intended for business, operations and technology people. It explains why these business messages were developed, when they should be used, the value of using them, as well as how to do it. We have left most of the technical “how” to the end. Your input is always welcome. Please send all feedback to the ACORD Standards Department ( 1.3 Purpose of THIS Guide The purpose of this Implementation Guide is to provide the user with a consistent interpretation for implementation of an industry-recognized solution for the need to submit new business for Life Insurance via electronic data transfer. This guide is not intended to address in-force policy administration. 1.4 XML Standard Why XML? XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is not a technology, programming language, database or magic tool. It is a markup language used to describe and organize data. XML is a very flexible, effective method for describing information (data) in such a way that the XML document or file provides: Definition – a common vocabulary to identify things/information/data Structure – a common way of organizing information (a grammar, so that we all structure information the same way) Precision – a common method or set of rules for structuring the data that enables automated processing of information being sent between trading partners. XML is not based on any one vendor but transcends and is used by them all. XML is represented as normal, simple text using human readable symbols, which makes XML, structured information easy to read and debug, transportable across any machine, operating system or programming language. Another misconception about Standards, and XML, is that it is somehow the best or optimum way of solving a specific business problem. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 1 Actually, by design it is NOT the optimum solution for any singular problem, since the intent is to provide a means for many trading/business partners to share information regardless of systems or other technology. As a result the ACORD Standards are more a base level common agreement within the industry of how we are all consistently going to describe insurance contract and related properties. This common definition is likely, even intended, to be remapped and repurposed within each trading partner‟s own organization for their own purposes, However, between organizations ACORD Standards provides a uniform, consistent way of sharing data. 1.5 Highlights of an Industry Standard Business Message It‟s an XML specification (with all the benefits of XML), Based on the ACORD Standards With implementation guidelines that define precisely what the specific fields of information should be (i.e. XML Elements) With well-defined organization or structure Providing Industry defined usage examples Using common code list definitions with agreed upon meanings Developed by industry business and technology experts So now instead of this: We have this: XML One-To-One Sharing, All Different One-To-Many Sharing, All Same © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 2 1.6 ACORD Standards 1.6.1 ACORD Standards Overview It is important to understand that this guide is based on the ACORD Life Standards – XMLife, XTbML and TXLife to be specific. The official ACORD Life Standard is the current version of the published XML Schema, Life Data Model and associated supporting technical specifications. Any inconsistencies or discrepancies between this Guide and these Standards Specification documents must be resolved using the core Standards. Every effort will be made to keep this guide current and compliant with the core/base Standard. 1.6.2 Resources Available – Getting Help In addition to this Guide, ACORD provides many additional resources to aid implementation including: ACORD Web site and File Areas where archives of Specification development and Working Group determinations are available Technical support from ACORD Implementation Service Team via telephone or email Training Services from ACORD staff And never underestimate the networking opportunities provided to attendees at ACORD meetings where you can ask peers how they have handled various implementation issues. In addition, each ACORD Standards Program provides many specific resources including: * Life Standard Schema (XMLife, TXLife, XTbML, Base) * Life Data Model and Browser – Complete Life Standard Data Model and Dictionary * XMLife Specification Guide –Life Standard Guidelines, Rules and Principals * TXLife Specification Guide – Transaction/Business Messages Guidelines And much, much more... All can be found on the ACORD web site at * Please Note - Only the Life Standard Schemas are in the public domain, available for anyone‟s use. All other tools and resources, like these Guides, are for the benefit of ACORD members only. 1.6.3 Purpose of Implementation Guides Implementation Guidelines published under the ACORD Standards Program are not to be regarded as Industry Standards. They contain information regarding practices and suggestions (as of their publication date) of Standards users regarding a particular subject. Implementation Guidelines are published in order to provide practical assistance to Standards users based upon the experience of earlier users. It is intended that no conflict exist between information contained in any ACORD Standards and Implementation Guidelines. In the event of any such conflict, the applicable Standard wording will prevail. ACORD Standard Implementation Guidelines are designed to help developers of systems using ACORD Standards familiarize themselves with the Standards process and how Standards are being used in actual systems. The Guidelines represent the consensus of ACORD„s standards participants on how the ACORD Standards are meant to be used. They originate in response to specific questions or issues that surface in the process of developing or implementing Standards. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 3 1.6.4 Implementation Reporting – Tell us about it! Standards aren‟t truly relevant until they are used. To help drive the use of Standards, and to let those organization who have adopted Standards know who else has too, ACORD publishes a regularly updated schedule of all the organizations using Standards and which Business Messages/Transactions they support. This report can be found on the ACORD web site – As you develop and implement your messages, please report them to ACORD. The website includes an Implementation Survey to indicate the ACORD Standard (Life, P&C, Reinsurance) and messages which you have in development, pilot or production. 1.6.5 Certification Beyond reporting who has implemented Standards, which is by definition a self-reporting exercise, ACORD offers a Certification Process for all its messages. This provides members with the added acknowledgement of their use of Standards and furthermore notifies other potential clients/trading partners of their ability to support well-formed, compliant ACORD messages. Having all trading partners certify their messages makes implementation much easier, faster and allows a third, neutral party (ACORD) to provide reconciliation of implementation ambiguities (and resolve these in future versions of the Standards). To get certified, or to get more information, visit the ACORD web site, Members Area for more details – or feel free to contact an ACORD for assistance ( © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 4 2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED BENEFITS 2.1 Objectives and Problem Description The objective of this guide is the establishment of a standard message set content for the New Business Submission process. Although, as stated in section 1.4, one of the purposes of the ACORD Standards is to provide a uniform, consistent way of sharing data between organizations, the standard itself is open to interpretation and flexibility. The intent of this guide is to provide a standard interpretation of the model for the exchange of new business submission information to enable the exchange of messages in a consistent manner. All trading partners that adhere to the standard interpretation set out here should be able to depend on information presented in a consistent manner and not have the burden of building systems to receive messages that are specific to certain senders or receivers. One of the fallacies of the use of the ACORD standard without the direction of an implementation guide is that if you create an ACORD message that validates against the ACORD schema, you should be able to exchange messages with any other company using that same message. Though the ACORD message does set out standard vocabulary and structures, the interpretation of the standard can vary. For example, some implementations use the Relation Object where other implementations use an ID/IDREF structure to represent a relationship. The purpose of this guide is to limit the individual interpretation and specifically detail what vocabulary and structures should be used in the new business submission process. The exchange of new business submission messages has been at the forefront of implementations. It is usually the first implementation that ACORD members attempt – as it represents the very purpose of using a standard – to be able to exchange information with several trading partners using the same format – and avoid the need for proprietary messages. Cost savings should be apparent immediately. Rather than creating multiples messages and negotiating with multiple companies on the content of a new business message, companies should be able to follow the standard set out by ACORD and exchange the information needed by all in a consistent manner. Unfortunately that goal was not realized without a guide. Each company that created a new business submission message did so by going down a different path. Companies were forced to create specific ACORD messages for each trading partner thus negating the value of using a standard. The purpose of this guide is to enable companies to realize the benefits of using a standard. This guide sets out the best practices for the use of the ACORD standard in the new business submission process. It contains the details needed at the message level and the explanation of terms. It provides expansion of the definitions of terms established by the standard and how that term is used for new business submission. 2.2 Business Process(es) Supported This guide addresses the application submission to carrier from agent/agency or third party aggregators and does not address a separate policy number request. Implementers should refer to the 106 New Business Policy Number Request transaction for details. This guide does not address underwriting processes, except for underwriting requirements that may be included in the new business application. These would be considered for the internal carrier underwriting workflows or for info sharing during new business and underwriting process between the carrier and external trading partners. The content of the 103 new business submission described in this guide is not based on any standard or proprietary new business form. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 5 Please note: The future scope would be to include the ACORD standard new business forms as an input to the new business process supported by this guide. 2.3 Value Proposition Adopting the techniques and message formats presented in this Guide provides the following benefits: Defining a consistent automated method for new business submission reduces numerous errors and ambiguities within applications submitted through manually intensive process. This will provide great cost savings to companies while providing a consistent method for exchanging information with trading partners. Other benefits include improved cycle time, improved efficiencies at carrier service centers, and provides for improved auditing capabilities. 2.4 Scope The ACORD Life Standards are wonderfully broad in scope. Its breadth provides the industry, and all participants within it, a consistent „view‟ of their products, processes and partners. The scope of the ACORD model is all-inclusive of three broad complimentary spectrums. Product – The ACORD Life Standards provide a data model and business messages intended to support all human mortality or morbidity risk based products. This expansive definition would include: Traditional Life Products (Term, Whole Life, Universal Life, Adjustable Life, etc.), Annuities, Long-Term Care, Disability Income and other products which have a significant pricing component based on the risk of a person or persons dying or becoming disabled. Partner/Party Role – The ACORD Life Standards encompass all participants in the insurance value chain including the customer (Insured, Beneficiary, Payer, etc.), Agent, Distributor/Agency, Carrier, Reinsurer, Retrocessionaire, Third-Party Providers (MIB, Labs, ParaMeds, etc.), Software/Solutions Providers and even to an increasing degree Regulators & other reporting/monitoring authorities. Note that we refer to “role” here since we also recognize that in any given scenario a given entity may play one (or more) different roles. What you are doing (role) is more important than who you are. Process – The purpose of the ACORD unified insurance data model is to provide a consistent “view” and definition of the data relating to insurance products and parties. But this view may have different meaning depending on the context, or business process, which you are describing. The ACORD TXLife Transaction Specification, leverages the details in the Life Data Model to define which elements should be provided for any given business process. TXLife provides the basic message structure. This Implementation Guide goes one step further and defines with as specific detail as possible exactly what content is required, desirable or optional for any given scenario for a given business process (e.g. new business submission for Annuities between Agent/Distributor and Carrier). Scope of this Implementation Guide / Business Message The New Business for Life message (NBfL), TransType 103, is designed to provide a producer, agent, agency, or any third party provider with the ability to electronically submit the contents of an application to the carrier. This message is assumed to be a complete message, with all data elements necessary to create a new business case at the carrier. It is understood, even expected, that additional requirements may be generated as a result of this message. The NBfL message may be used by the writing agent, general agent and/or others within the agent appointment hierarchy (as appropriate), the carrier, and any vendors (i.e. paramed service or lab service). Other users may include intermediaries appropriate for the specific distribution channel or marketing/sales organization. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 6 This version of the Guide is limited to: Formal and new applications that are directed to the carrier United States only Excludes conversions Includes replacements and 1035 Exchanges specific to the 103 transaction Includes insurance purchased for business purposes Includes the Part B/2 Medical Questions and laboratory results Excludes questions from supplemental questionnaires (e.g. Hazardous Sports, Aviation, etc.) 2.5 New Business Submission Workflow Diagram Starts: When a consumer express an interest in a life insurance purchase to an agent. Ends: Upon receipt of the new business application at the insurance carrier. A receipt notification (TXLife response) may or may not be sent back to the submitting party. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 7 Excludes: Policy changes (e.g. 6-month exchange, Free looks) Internal Carrier workflow BGA to Agent workflow BGA/Agent to Consumer workflow Pending Case Status Delivery requirements Consumer Agent Agency or Third Party Aggregator Insurance Company © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 8 2.6 Regional Differences Regional differences may occur in the processing of New Business transactions. ACORD encourages and supports variations that are based upon jurisdictional rules and conventions. ACORD standards will occasionally vary based on commonly accepted regional differences. In these instances, the ACORD Life STANDARD will provide guidance on the use of terms, Objects, Properties, Attributes and Code Lists that may be used specifically by a jurisdiction. The New Business Submission transaction described in this Implementation Guide is based upon currently accepted business rules for jurisdictions within the United States. Future versions of this Implementation Guide may include business rules and conventions of other jurisdictions. 2.7 Product Differences This guide provides implementation best practices for new business submission messages for all life insurance products including term, universal life, variable universal life and whole life. To the extent possible, products are represented in the same way. However, product-specific information may be represented when necessary and is clearly noted in the guide. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 9 3 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR IMPLEMENTATION The New Business for Life (NBfL) transaction was developed to be an XML standard for transmitting electronic application information between Distributors and Insurance Carriers along with their other trading Partners. The following section is intended to provide some general guidelines in implementing the ACORD XML standard for New Business Submission and to support validation of new applications. The list is not meant to be exhaustive. On the contrary, it is expected that the list will grow as the standard gets implemented across the industry over time. Suggestions for inclusion should be sent to ACORD to give to the Policy Lifecycle Working Group. This version of the guide does not represent all possible business cases or product types. See Section 3.4 for detail about the Scope of the transaction addressed in this Guide. However, some of these Guiding Principles may extend beyond the scope of the current Guide. For additional detail about any of the Objects addressed in the Guiding Principles, refer to Section 5 titled Detailed Elements Descriptions and Type Code Definitions. 3.1 New Business Processing Differences for other Lines of Business 3.1.1 Life vs. Annuities This section will be further developed in the next version of this guide. In the mean time, please reference the LAH NBfA Implementation Guide V4.2 for specific details concerning annuity new business processing. 3.2 Holdings 3.2.1 General Guidelines for Holdings A new business submission message may contain multiple Holding objects. In addition to the proposed policy, other Holding objects may be needed to represent: Existing insurance policies that also cover the insured Policies that are to be replaced, exchanged or converted by the proposed policy Other pending policies Bank Account used to pay premium Other assets or liabilities There is no requirement for the sequence in which Holding objects appear. The Holding object that represents the proposed Policy can appear anywhere in the message. 3.2.2 Holding for the Proposed Policy Basic rules for defining Holdings in the message are: © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 10 There will be one and only one Holding for the proposed Policy in a TXLifeRequest. To identify this Holding, there are 2 constructs that MUST be included in the new business submission message. 1. The attribute PrimaryObjectID MUST be present in the XML message. A PrimaryObjectID is a pointer (IDREF attribute) to the primary Holding in the 103 message (in this case the Holding representing the proposed Policy). By following the “@PrimaryObjectID” IDREF the TXLife receiver has a predictable place to begin interpretation of the message 2. The DataRep attribute MUST appear on all Holdings that do not represent the proposed Policy. DataRep attribute set to Read-Only indicates that this Holding is being included for informational purposes only. The example below illustrates the use of PrimaryObjectID and DataRep constructs. The second Holding represents a policy that is being replaced. <TXLifeRequest PrimaryObjectID="Holding1"> <OLifE> <!-- Policy that is being applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="3">Proposed - Pending - Not yet inforce</HoldingStatus> </Holding> <!-- Policy that is being replaced--> <Holding id="Holding3" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> </Holding> 3.2.3 Holdings for Existing insurance (not being replaced) For existing insurance, that is not being replaced, converted or exchanged, there is no relation set up between the existing and applied for policies. To represent existing policies, create a Holding object for the existing insurance, create a Relation object relating the proposed insured to this Holding as however, you shall define relationships between Insureds, Owners and Beneficiaries, as appropriate. 3.2.4 Holdings for Replaced, Exchanged, or Converted Policies / Existing Policies Replacement is defined as all transfers of value between contracts except for Sec. 1035 exchanges. To represent replacement policies, create additional Holding objects for each policy that is to be replaced. Create Relation objects to relate each replacement Holding object to the same Party that represents the proposed insured with a RelationRoleCode of „32‟ (insured) . An additional Relation object is needed to define the relationship between the two Holdings with a RelationRoleCode of ReplacedBy (64). The originating object is the Holding for the policy applied for. For exchanges (exchanges are defined as tax qualified transfers between contracts, such as Sec. 1035), internal or external, follow the same logic for Replacements, with a RelationRoleCode (67), Exchanged. For conversions, follow the same logic as Replacements, with a RelationRoleCode, ConvertedTo (167). © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 11 3.2.5 Holdings for pending or planned insurance (alternate or additional) If may be necessary to represent other insurance that is pending at the time of submission. Most applications request information about pending insurance. The information is mapped as follows: When there is any pending or planned insurance on the primary insured, an additional Holding may be created for information only. To represent the additional “applied for” insurance, create a Holding object with a HoldingStatus of tc = 3, Proposed, and a PolicyStatus of tc = 8, Pending. The PrimaryObjectId and DataRep is needed to distinguish additional “applied for” policies from the policy that is being applied for in this message. On the primary proposed Holding, ApplicationInfo.AlternateInd and ApplicationInfo.AdditionalInd are used when more than one application is submitted to the same carrier at the same time and are intended to be underwritten together. If either of these indicators are set to „true‟, this indicates that there is another, separate application(s) that must be considered when reviewing this one. If a pending application has been submitted to a different carrier or the same carrier at an earlier time, the Risk.HHFamilyInsurance object is used to capture some information about that pending application. 3.3 Parties 3.3.1 General Party Modeling Guidelines For modeling Parties in the New Business transaction, follow these general guidelines: Party represents the current state of the person or organization. Must have a Person or Organization Object FullName – May be left blank if you have the parsed names. Provide if you don‟t have the parsed names or it‟s an Organization name. 3.3.2 Party for Primary Proposed Insured Every new business transaction for life insurance will identify a primary proposed insured. For life insurance, a primary proposed insured is always an individual person represented by a Party. Therefore, the Party must include the Person Object. To relate the primary proposed insured to the entire Holding, use a Relation Object with a RelationRoleCode type code of 32 (Insured). 3.3.3 Identification of the Carrier for the Proposed Policy Every new business transaction will identify a carrier for the proposed policy. There is more than one way to represent the carrier on the proposed Policy, to be mutually agreed trading partners during implementation. If using a unique identifier for the CarrierCode, then only Holding.Policy.CarrierCode is required. In the United States, the best practice is to use the NAIC code for the CarrierCode. The carrier is alternately represented with a Party Object that has specific carrier information modeled in its child Carrier Object. This Carrier Party is referenced using the Policy.CarrierPartyID attribute. Note that this attribute alone is sufficient to represent the relationship between the Holding and the Carrier. The RelationRoleCode of carrier (tc=87) cannot be used in this situation because it represents a party-to-party relationship rather than a party-to-holding relationship. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 12 3.3.4 All Other Parties For modeling other parties and roles on the new business message, see Section 4.16 of the ACORD Help File. These instructions will give you direction on how to use the LifeParticipant vs. the Relation Object when modeling roles such as beneficiaries, owners and agents. 3.4 FinancialActivity and Arrangement Initial Premium The FinancialActivity object is used to capture the source(s) and amount(s) of funding for any initial payment amount (CWA, lump sum payment, 1035). Additionally, an initial premium (tc=19) Arrangement Object would be used to define how initial payments are allocated for a variable product. Inforce Premium The Arrangement object is used for ongoing premium. This guide previously recommended the use of FinancialActivity to specify ongoing premium. However the guide was updated to recommend that the best practice for modeling ongoing premium is to use the Arrangement object. Due to the reversal of that decision, ACORD will continue to certify implementations that use FinancialActivity for ongoing premium but recommends that the Arrangement object be used as a best practice. Please refer to the Arrangement object for modeling details. 3.5 Clarification for States/Addresses/Countries There are a number of different approaches used to represent geographical location. Some may be interchangeable and some are not. Care should be taken to use the appropriate property. Situations which require a specific value for the geographic location must use a property that is based on either one of the following: 1. OLI_LU_NATION This table provides an extensive list of countries. It includes values for both old and new country names, and for nations that no longer exist. This is the table that must be used when the information need is to represent a country. 2. OLI_LU_STATE This table provides a list of the geographical sub-divisions of a number of nations; however, all nations are not represented. Those included are Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, the various countries that comprise the United Kingdom, and the United States. This table should only be used when the information need is to represent a geographical sub-division, not a country. Do not use the sublist table and the state table to indicate a country. Geographical locations within the United Kingdom need to be handled differently. • Most members are not considered sovereign nations and therefore do not appear in OLI_LU_NATION. • Those that are listed are Ireland (TC=353), Isle of Man (TC=1035), and Jersey (TC=1034). • For all others, the appropriate choice would be the United Kingdom (TC=44). • For any geographical sub-division of members of the United Kingdom, OLI_LU_STATE should be used, even though in doing so you may lose the intermediate designation for places like Scotland, Wales, etc. While the sublist will include reference to them, the TC values will reflect one of their respective geographical sub-divisions, such as shire or city. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 13 The following documents which properties use which of these tables. The two tables are not mutually exclusive: an XML message may require the use of both a nation and its corresponding sub-divisions to represent a specific geographical location. OLI_LU_NATION AddressCountryTC ApplicationCountry ApptCountry BirthCountry Citizenship ConvictionCountry DeathCountry DriversLicenseCountry IssueNation Nation PhoneCountryTC ResidenceNationAtIssue SignatureCountry TaxNation TravelCountry ViolationCountry OLI_LU_STATE AddressStateTC ApplicationJurisdiction ApptState ApplicationSignedState BirthJurisdictionTC ConvictionJurisdictionTC DeathJurisdictionTC DriversLicenseState Jurisdiction Jurisdiction ResidenceJurisdictionAtIssue SignatureState TaxJurisdiction ViolationJurisdiction ResidenceState MuniStateofIssuance There are also situations that simply require a free-form character string to represent geographical location. Among the properties used for this purpose are AddressCountry and AddressState. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 14 4 LIFE ELECTRONIC APPLICATION SUBMISSION HIERARCHY The general structure and hierarchy of the Life Electronic Application Submission object elements is as follows: <OLifE> <SourceInfo> !__Holding for Proposed Policy <Holding> <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <CovOption> <LifeParticipant> <SubstandardRating> <AssocParticipantObjectInfo> <LifeUSA> <ApplicationInfo> <SignatureInfo> <IdentityVerification> <Identification> <VerifierParticipant> <RequirementInfo> <StatusEvent> <Attachment> FinancialActivity> <Payment> <Attachment> <Investment> <SubAccount> <Intent> <Arrangement> <ArrSource> <ArrDestination> <Attachment> <Authorization> !__Holding for Bank Account <Holding> <Banking> <PriorName> !__Holding for existing, replaced, or exchanged policy <Holding> <Policy> <Life> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 15 <LifeUSA> <Annuity> <DisabilityHealth> <Party> <Person> <Height2> <Weight2> <Organization> <OrganizationFinancialData> <Address> <Phone> <Carrier> <Producer> <CarrierAppointment> <EMailAddress> <Risk> <CriminalConviction> <SubstanceUsage> <MedicalCondition> <MedicalTreatment> <MedicalPrevention> <MedicalExam> <PrescriptionDrug> <LifeStyleActivity> <ForeignTravel> <Violation> <FamilyIllness> <HHFamilyInsurance> <Bankruptcy> <WeightHistory> <Employment> <Relation> <FormInstance> <FormResponse> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 16 5 DETAILED ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONS & TYPE CODES DEFINITIONS 5.1 Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys As you look at the various objects within the ACORD Life Model you will notice a need to be able to uniquely identify objects, in the context of a message like New Business Submission. There are very three specific ways of identifying each individual object within the ACORD Life Model and each has its own specific use. These three are Object ID‟s, Keys SysKeys and codes. IDs – On every repeating object in the model there is always a special attribute called „ID.‟ The purpose of this attribute is to uniquely identify Objects within the context of the message. These Object attributes are created at the source of the transaction and provide a mechanism within XML to associate one object with another. The only purpose for this reference is to link Objects just within the context of this single message. These links or associations do NOT persist (or remain) beyond the life of the message. An example is the „ID‟ on the Party object and the associated reference to it from a Policy using the „CarrierPartyID‟ attribute. In this example the „CarrierPartyID‟ on Policy is a pointer or reference to the “Party” that represents the Insurance Carrier to whom the submission is being sent. The important point to remember is that this link does NOT persist and it is therefore the responsibility of the receiver to make whatever association they need to and to create their own internal, private links between these objects however they store the information in their system. Since IDs must be unique throughout the transaction, the common convention is to generate an ID based upon the Object name combined with a sequential counter. For example, Party_7 or Holding_2. For further information please refer to section 4.3 (How to handle Object IDs) of the ACORD Help File. Codes – On repeating objects that need to have a more permanent reference to them we use „Code‟ fields, typically CarrierCode and TrackingID (A code field is not always named with the term “code” in the name). The combination of CarrierCode + TrackingID does persist across transactions. Since these codes are assumed to be unique we can use them to associate objects with one another on a more permanent basis. Keys/SysKeys – A third method of identifying objects is through the use of special properties we call “Keys”. All repeating objects have these properties available to them. They have no meaning within the context of the message itself, nor are they ever used to create references between objects. They also have no meaning to the receiver of the object. What they are for are handy tags that the sender of the message can use to uniquely identify the object. One common use is where the Key field on an object may be a database key that the sender used to store this object in their database. It has no inherent meaning to the receiver, and would not be used by them. The receiver may store and pass back the Key when communicating about this object to the original sender. Similarly, for anyone who needs or wants to, the SysKey properties allow them to store their private key values for future reference. There is only one Key, but as many SysKeys as necessary; functionally they do the same thing. SysKey is used when multiple Key values apply to an object. SysKey specifies a secondary reference. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 17 Note that in all three examples we refer to repeating objects. There are a few objects in the model which do not repeat. These by definition can only exist once, and because of that they do not need their own special identifiers. They inherit the identifiers (id‟s, Codes, Keys) from their parent object. So to refer to a child non-repeating object you reference its parent. For example, New Business submissions may involve several partners. A General Agent may send the information to a data aggregator, who in turn forwards the message to a carrier. Each of the partners may have a unique code to identify the application. The TrackingID can be used to uniquely identify the application for only one of the partners. The HoldingSysKey can be used to carry the unique identifier for the others. The VendorCode attribute allows the identification of owner of that unique id. The ability to provide the unique identifier for each partner is helpful when testing or with problem production cases. <Holding id="Holding1"> <HoldingSysKey VendorCode="0101">12345678</HoldingSysKey> <HoldingSysKey VendorCode="0121">22345678</HoldingSysKey> <Policy> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>123-28-4448720</TrackingID> </ApplicationInfo> </Policy> </Holding> Please note that the required tags listed throughout the Detailed Element Description refer to a formal New Business Submission. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 18 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.2 <Address> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Address The Address object includes addresses pertaining to the Party or Group. The collection of addresses represents the various addresses a party or group may have. For new business transactions, addresses are applicable for the insured, owner, payor and the employer parties. <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="1">Residence</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>1328 East Turkey View Drive</Line1> <City>Ogden</City> <AddressStateTC tc="52">UT</AddressStateTC> <Zip>84041</Zip> </Address> <Address id> ID Optional <AddressTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Address Type' TypeCode Required OLI LU ADTYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of address Type Code Translation 1 = Residence 2 = Business 3 = Vacation 11 = Temporary 12 = Previous 15 = Individual Work Location 17 = Mailing 19 = Overnight Mail Address 20 = Policy Mailing Address 26 = Billing Mailing <AttentionLine> String Optional <Line1> <Line2> <Line3> <Line4> <Line5> <City> String String String String String String Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Used to contain an attention of additional address line. First line of the address. Second line of the address. Third line of the address. Fourth line of the address. Fifth line of the address. City of the address. The city may be derived from the zip code. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 19 XML Element Name Type Usage <CityCode> String Optional <AddressStateTC> LookUp Table String= 'State' TypeCode Conditional OLI LU STATE Sublist =„United <AddressCountryTC> String Conditional TypeCode Optional OLI LU NATION <PrefAddr> <YearsAtAddress> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Real Required if the zip code is not provided. A numeric representation or alphanumeric abbreviation of the city in question. This code is assigned by the governing jurisdiction of which the city is a member. For example, in the US, CityCode would be assigned by the State. State/Province of residence for the party. The state may be derived from the zip code. Required if the zip code is not provided. States‟ <Zip> Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. US zip codes should have at least 5 digits. When zip + 4 is available the total number of digits should be 9. For example, the code 92660-6397 should be sent as 922606937. Zeroes should never be sent for the “+4” portion of the zip code. Required if any of the primary address information that can be used to derive a zip code is missing (Line1, City and AddressStateTC) is missing. Country of residence for the party. Type Code Translation 1 = United States of America Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Preferred address indicator. Only one preferred address per role should be specified. Type Code Translation 0 = FALSE meaning address information currently being provided is NOT preferred 1 = TRUE meaning address information currently being provided IS preferred Number of years lived or living at this © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 20 XML Element Name <CountyName> <CountyCode> Type String String Usage Optional Optional Description address County A numeric representation or alphanumeric abbreviation of the county in question. This code is assigned by the governing jurisdiction of which the county is a member. For example, in the US, CountyCode would be assigned by the State. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 21 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.3 <ApplicationInfo> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/ApplicationInfo The Application Info object provides information pertaining to the submission process. <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>ABCC0000002036</TrackingID> <ApplicationType tc="1">New Application</ApplicationType> <ApplicationJurisdiction tc="5">Arkansas</ApplicationJurisdiction> <ApplicationCountry tc="1">United States</ApplicationCountry> <SignedDate>2008-04-14</SignedDate> <CWAAmt>200</CWAAmt> <ClientMaterialsInd tc="1">True</ClientMaterialsInd> <HIVConsentAuthInd tc="1">True</HIVConsentAuthInd> <ReplacementInd tc="0">False</ReplacementInd> <SalesMaterialInd tc="1">True</SalesMaterialInd> <AgentRelatedInd tc="0">False</AgentRelatedInd> <IdentityVerification VerifiedPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <Identification> <IdentificationNum>F12345</IdentificationNum> <IdentityVerificationType tc="1">Driver's License</IdentityVerificationType> <IdentificationExpDate>2010-02-02</IdentificationExpDate> <Jurisdiction tc="5">AR</Jurisdiction> <IssuingAgency>AR</IssuingAgency> </Identification> <VerifierParticipant VerifierPartyID="Agent_Party_1"> <VerifierRoleCode tc="3">Agent</VerifierRoleCode> </VerifierParticipant> </IdentityVerification> </ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID> String Required <TrackingIDVendorCode String Optional <HOAppFormNumber> <ApplicationType> String TypeCode Optional Required OLI LU APPTYPE Unique ID of application used for tracking purposes of a holding until a policy number is assigned. Created by application initiator. If available, the policy number could be used for the tracking ID. An ACORD assigned unique vendor code that represents the creator of the TrackingID, which could be a vendor or a carrier. Number assigned to the application form Type Code Translation 1 = New 8 = For Quote Purposes Only Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 22 XML Element Name <ApplicationJurisdiction> LookUp Table String= 'State' Type TypeCode Usage Required OLI LU STATE Sublist = United States <ApplicationCounty> <FormalAppInd> <SignedDate> String Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Date Optional Required Conditional Description This establishes the legal jurisdiction of the application which is usually where the application was signed. If application was signed in a different state other than the jurisdiction refer to the ApplicationSignedState property. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. County where Application was taken. Many companies require as Florida insurance law applies at the county level. Defines if this application is a formal or not. On ApplicationInfo, if multiple applicants, then use the date the 'primary' applicant or annuitant (the "primary person") signed the application for SignedDate here and then record remaining additional signature dates in ApplicationInfo.SignatureInfo.Signature Date. If additional information is needed about the primary person's signature such as the city where the application was signed, then use the SignatureInfo object to capture the additional details. The ApplicationInfo.SignedDate and the SignatureInfo.SignatureDate must both be valued with the same date when the SignatureRoleCode corresponds to the role represented by ApplicationInfo.SignedDate. Required if FormalAppInd is TRUE If SignatureInfo.SignatureDate is present then ApplicationInfo.SignedDate is required if it pertains to the primary applicant/insured. <SubmissionType> LookUp Table String= 'App Submission Type' TypeCode OLI LU APPSUBMITT Optional Indicates how the form was sent in or where it can be obtained. On application info, this relates to how © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 23 XML Element Name Type Usage YPE Description forms were submitted to the carrier. Refer to the help file. <AgentCWADate> <RequestedPolDate> Date Date Optional Optional <CWAAmt> Currency Optional <TotalCWAAmt> Currency Optional <CaseOrgCode> String Optional <PrefLanguage> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CLIE NTLANGUAGE S <ClientMaterialsInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <ConsumerInfoInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <DisclosureInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Date agent received initial payment. Requested Policy Effective Date. This date is different than the “issue date” and is specifically requested by the proposed insured. Refer to the help file for more detail. Amount of payment that accompanied application. Total payment received while application is pending Internal organization code used to identify case location. Can be used to route the transaction. On ApplicationInfo, this is the language of the application itself when it was printed or displayed. It is generally used in situations where the carrier offers an application in multiple languages and the applicant is allowed to choose the one they prefer to use. One may generally expect this to be the same as Client.PrefLanguage; but this is not always the case. For example, a client may have a preferred language of French, but use English on an application for a Policy that was offered through their company. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. A Boolean that indicates whether or not the Consumer Privacy Notice and other materials, such as the life insurance buyer's guide have been given to the potential insured. A Boolean that indicates whether the Consumer Information Statement has been filed with the selling Broker/Dealer for this Activity. A Boolean that indicates the Carrier's prospectus and/or disclosure was used in the sale. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 24 XML Element Name Type Usage <HIVConsentAuthInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <HIVTestedInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <ReplacementInd> <SalesMaterialInd> <SuitabiltyPerformedInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Optional Optional Description A Boolean that indicates whether or not the proposed insured was given a copy of the HIV Informed Consent Authorization. Indicates if person has been tested for HIV This is the agent‟s response to a replacement question, usually from the agent‟s report. The client‟s response to a comparable question is reflected under Risk. The value in this tag should not be relied upon to determine if there is replacement data in this message stream. A Boolean that indicates whether or not the Carrier's approved sales materials were used for the sale. Indicator of whether suitability questions have been asked and answered. Use SuitabilityInd to specify the results of the suitability review. <SuitabilityInd> <FundingDisclosureInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <ProducerReplacementDisclosureI Boolean nd> 0 = False 1 = True Optional The characteristics of the application, (for example face amount) have been deemed suitable for the applicant(s). On ApplicationInfo, a value of TRUE for this property indicates that the coverage has been deemed suitable for the applicant. Use SuitabiltyPerformedInd to specify that the suitability questions have been asked and answered. Indicates that a policy being applied for will be financed by existing insurance. On ApplicationInfo the AGENT is indicating the Client is using funds from an existing contract. On Risk, the CLIENT is indicating replacement funding. Producer verifies Replacement Disclosure Made. Indicator that the Producer has discussed the advantages / disadvantages of Replacement with the applicant. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 25 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <ProducerReplacementAppropriat Boolean enessInd> 0 = False 1 = True <AgentRelatedInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <IllustrationConfirmationNum> String Optional Used to insure that the illustration was run and can be confirmed. The purpose of "Illustration Confirmation Number" is to correlation a sales illustration report with the New Business Application. <IllustrationProvidedInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional TRUE indicates the producer attests that an illustration was provided to the applicant. <BackDateType> TypeCode Optional Optional OLI LU BACKDATE <QuotedPremiumAmt> Currency Optional <HOAppFormType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU ATTACHMENT Indicator that the Producer has determined whether replacement financing is appropriate for the applicant Indicator if the agent/producer is related to the insured. If the specific relationship between parties is gathered/known, it should be expressed via the Relation object. Use IllustrationConfirmationNum to provide the illustration confirmation number. When used on ApplicationInfo, IllustrationProvidedInd reflects whether the agent attests to providing an illustration. This property is a request from the applicant for the carrier to back date the policy effective date by calculating the policy effective date using their procedures & rules (and likely date of birth, etc.); the carrier has not necessarily agreed to do so. This property is mutually exclusive to RequestedPolDate. Used when carriers allow clients to backdate their policy effective date if the application is dated within 6 months (generally) of that date. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. If the quoted premium amount provided to applicant is different than the actual premium amount (and known) then specify actual premium amount in PaymentAmt and specify the quoted premium in QuotedPremiumAmt Refers to the type of application/form that the data represents. The most frequently used for a 103 new business © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 26 XML Element Name Type Usage TYPE Description transaction are expected to be: Type Code Translation 252 = Preliminary Application (Short) 253 =Carrier-Specific Application (Full application packet) <ApplicationCountyTC> TypeCode Optional OLI LU COUNTY <CreditCardOffered> <CashOnDeliveryInd> <ApplicationSignedState> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True TypeCode Optional Optional Optional OLI LU STATE <SignatureInfo> Object Optional SignatureInfo SignatureInfo SignatureInfo Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Required in Florida. The county of the state in which the application was signed. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Document whether credit card was offered as an option for the payment of premium. Indicates whether or not the payment for the policy is Cash On Delivery. Cash on delivery means the applicant expects to pay the entire initial premium when the policy is delivered. Use of this indicator has several implications: 1. No partial CWA premium payments will be made prior to delivery 2. When the CashOnDeliveryInd is True, CWAAmt must be zero or not present in the message. Physical location (state) where the application was signed. ApplicationSignedState is only used when the application is signed in a different state other than the legal jurisdiction. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Needed if information on more than one signature is needed or if more information is needed on the primary signature, such as location © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 27 XML Element Name <IdentityVerification> Type Usage Object Optional @VerifiedPartyID IDREF Optional <Identification> Object Optional <IdentificationNum> String Optional <IdentifyVerificationT TypeCode OLI LU ype> Required IDVERIFICATI ON <IdentificationExpDat Date e> Optional <Jurisdiction> Optional TypeCode OLI LU STATE Description Please reference the SignatureInfo Object Section. <SignatureInfo> Object This object is used to document that a person's identity has been verified. It includes the information relating to the type of identification used in the verification, audit information relating to the verification (date, verifying party, etc.). It does NOT imply that the information on the identification has been verified. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This object describes a particular form of identification presented by an individual. Contain the actual number or string from the identification presented as part of an identity verification. Type code property that indicates the type of identification presented for verification of a person's identity. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Specifies the expiration date of a form of identification as it appears on that artifact. Use the state property when the form of identification relates to a state (e.g. driver's license). Sublist = United States <Nation> TypeCode Optional OLI LU NATION <IssuingAgency> String Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Use the nation property when the form of identification relates to a nation (e.g. passport, birth certificate). Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. This is the agency within the specified Nation or Jurisdiction that issued the identification that is being used for verification. E.g.. DMV. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 28 XML Element Name <VerifierParticipant> Type Usage Object Optional @VerifierPartyID IDREF Required <VerifierRoleCode> TypeCode Required OLI LU VERIFIERROL E Description This object describes the party or parties who verified the identity of a person. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type Code Translation 1 = Paramedical Examiner 2 = MD Examiner 3 = Agent 4 = Identity Verification Vendor Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 29 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.4 <Arrangement> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Arrangement Arrangement Object contains information about a planned financial activity that can be applied to either investments or collection of premiums. The most common Arrangement for life insurance applications will be for Subsequent (inforce) Premiums (tc=39). For cash value products other common Arrangements are: Asset Rebalancing (tc=3), Asset Allocation (tc=21), Systematic Withdrawal (tc=38) and Dollar Cost Averaging (tc=2). The FinancialActivity object is used to capture the source(s) and amount(s) of funding for any initial payment amount (CWA, lump sum payment, 1035). Additionally, an Initial Premium (tc=19) Arrangement Object would be used to define how initial payments are allocated for a variable product. For more information please refer to: FinancialActivity and Arrangement Subsequent Premium, AKA Inforce Premium Example: <Arrangement id="A9f95740c-94c1-491e-b7b3-e7f9a06fce20"> <ArrMode tc="4">Monthly</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="39">Subsequent premium, AKA inforce premium</ArrType> <DayOfMonth>15</DayOfMonth> <ModalAmt>750.00</ModalAmt> <PaymentForm tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentForm> <PaymentMethod tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentMethod> <ArrSource BankingInfoID="Bank_Holding_1"/> </Arrangement> Initial Premium Example: <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Initial_Allocation"> <ProductCode>IA</ProductCode> <ArrType tc="19">Initial Premium</ArrType> <PlanName>Initial Premium</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percentage</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_IA_Destination" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_3"> <TransferPct>100</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> Standing Allocation Example: <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Standing_Allocations"> <ProductCode>SA</ProductCode> <ArrMode tc="4">Monthly</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="37">Standing Allocations</ArrType> <ModalAmt>250.00</ModalAmt> <PaymentMethod tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentMethod> <PlanName>Monthly Premium</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percent</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrSource id="Arrangement_SA_Source" BankingInfoID="Bank_Holding_1"/> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_SA_Destination_1" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_1"> <TransferPct>50</TransferPct> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 30 XML Element Name Type Usage Description </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_SA_Destination_2" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_2"> <TransferPct>50</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> Asset Rebalancing Example: <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebalancing"> <ProductCode>AR</ProductCode> <ArrMode tc="1">Annually</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="3">Asset Rebalancing</ArrType> <ArrSubType tc="17">Standard Asset Rebalancing</ArrSubType> <StartDate>2009-01-01</StartDate> <DayOfMonth>20</DayOfMonth> <PlanName>Rebalancing Program</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percentage</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_1" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_1"> <TransferPct>33</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_2" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_2"> <TransferPct>33</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_3" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_3"> <TransferPct>34</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> Dollar Cost Averaging Example: < Arrangement id="Arrangement_Dollar_Cost_Averaging"> <ProductCode>DCA</ProductCode> <ArrMode tc="4">Monthly</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="2">Dollar Cost Averaging</ArrType> <StartDate>2009-02-01</StartDate> <DayOfMonth>15</DayOfMonth> <EndDate>2020-12-31</EndDate> <NumOfModalOccurrences>60</NumOfModalOccurrences> <ModalAmt>500</ModalAmt> <SourceTransferAmtType tc="2">Amounts</SourceTransferAmtType> <DestTransferAmtType tc="2">Amounts</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrSource SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_4"> <TransferAmt>200</TransferAmt> </ArrSource> <ArrSource SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_3"> <TransferAmt>300</TransferAmt> </ArrSource> <ArrDestination SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_1"> <TransferAmt>125</TransferAmt> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_2"> <TransferAmt>75</TransferAmt> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_6"> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 31 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <TransferAmt>101</TransferAmt> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_5"> <TransferAmt>199</TransferAmt> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> Integer <Arrangement id> Optional See the description at the beginning of <ProductCode> String Optional <ArrMode> TypeCode Conditional OLI_LU_PAYM ODE this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Identifies the ArrangementProduct from the carrier. This is the carrier identifier for a particular version of arrangement rules for this product. This denotes the frequency of future financial transactions associated with the arrangement. Required when the ArrType='39'. <ArrType> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_ARRT YPE Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Defines the type of investment options selected. Type Code Translation 2 = Dollar Cost Averaging 3 = Asset Rebalancing 19 = Initial Premium Note: This is used for the allocation of initial premium 21 = Asset Allocation 37 = Standing Allocations 38 = Systematic Withdrawal 39 = Subsequent Premium, AKA Inforce Premium 52 = Charge Deduction If fund and fund percentage for Initial and Standing Allocations are the same, pass both. <StartDate> <DayOfMonth> Date Integer Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. StartDate is inclusive Stated day of month for processing this arrangement. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 32 XML Element Name Type Usage <NumOfModalOccurrences> Integer Optional <ModalAmt> Currency Conditional Description Number of occurrences of this arrangement. The amount that applies to each modal occurrence. When the Arrangement object is used for Subsequent (inforce) Premiums (tc=39), ModalAmt represents the current modal premium for inforce payment amount. It may also be known as billed premium amount. ModalAmt is to be used in place of Policy.PaymentAmt to represent inforce premium. <PaymentMethod> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_PAYM ETHOD <PlanName> <SourceTransAmtType> <DesTransAmtType> String Required when the ArrType='39'. Payment Method PaymentMethod under Arrangement can only be used when the start date is in the future. Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Full name of plan. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for this policy/coverage/option. OLI_LU_TRNS FRAMTTYPE If the PPfL is used on a life policy, the source of the value for PlanName should be the ArrangementOptProduct.Name. Source transfer amount type To be used when the source transfer amount type is implicit. Type Code Translation 1 = Units 2 = Amounts 3 = Percentage TypeCode Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The combination of transfer amount sources and destinations allowed for this arrangement. Type Code Translation TypeCode OLI_LU_TRNS FRAMTTYPE Optional Optional © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 33 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Units 2 = Amounts 3 = Percentage <FeatureName> <ArrSource> String Object Optional Optional @id ID Optional @SubAcctID IDREF Optional @PaymentPartyID IDREF Optional @BankingInfoID IDREF Optional <TransferAmt> Currency Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Feature Name If the PPfL is used on a life policy, the source of the value for FeatureName should be the ArrangementProduct.Name. Within an Arrangement, this aggregate contains the collection of subaccounts which are the SOURCE of monies funding this arrangement. Use the @SubAcctID to reference the actual details of the SubAccount, this aggregate simply contains the details of the contract funding arrangement. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys When on Arrangement, SubAccount ID refers to the SubAcct that the money is coming from. Payment Party ID The ID of the payor party Pointer/Foreign Key to a Holding containing a Banking Object with the Banking Information. Provides details of the bank or financial institution account that is the source of the funds for this Arrangement. Amount of transfer, when TransferAmtType is 'amount'. This is the portion of the Arrangement.ModalAmt that will be drawn from this particular source. If Arrangement.SourceTransAmtType is © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 34 XML Element Name <TransferUnits> <TransferPct> <ArrDestination> Type Real Percent Object Usage Conditional Conditional Optional @id ID Optional @SubAcctID IDREF Optional @BankingInfoID IDREF Optional <TransferAmt> Currency Conditional Description (Amounts) tc=2, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. Number of units to be transferred, when TransferAmtType is units. If Arrangement.SourceTransAmtType is (Units) tc=1, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. Percentage to be transferred, when TransferAmtType is percentage. If Arrangement.SourceTransAmtType is (Percentage) tc=3, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. Within an Arrangement, this aggregate contains the collection of destinations which are the DESTINATION of monies funding this arrangement. Depending on Arrangement one or more ArrDestination's may be specified. This is where you would indicate the initial payment and standing allocations. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys When on Holding this is the SubAccount ID that the money is going to. Pointer/Foreign Key to a Holding containing a Banking Object with the Banking Information. Provides details of the bank or financial institution account that is the destination for the funds for this Arrangement. Amount of transfer, when TransferAmtType is 'amount'. This is the portion of the Arrangement.ModalAmt that will be transferred to this particular destination. <TransferUnits> Real Conditional If Arrangement.DestTransferAmtType is (Amounts) tc=2, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. Number of units to be transferred, when © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 35 XML Element Name Type Usage Description TransferAmtType is units. <TransferPct> Percent Conditional If Arrangement.DestTransferAmtType is (Units) tc=1, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. Percentage to be transferred, when TransferAmtType is percentage. If Arrangement.DestTransferAmtType is (Percentage) tc=3, this field is required. Otherwise this propery is out of scope. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 36 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.5 <Attachment> Object for text The Attachment Object can be used for three purposes, as indicated in the AttachmentBasicType property: To include a free-form comment To include an image To include a file Each purpose is documented separately in this guide to distinguish between the specific properties needed for each distinct purpose. The Attachment Object, when used to include free-form comments, can be used on any object on the 103 for which the Attachment object is available. For comments on the application as a whole, attach to the proposed Holding Object. For comments that are directly associated with an Object, such as comments on a RequirementInfo or Bankruptcy, attach to the appropriate RequirementInfo or Bankruptcy Object. This contains a collection of attachments. Each attachment could contain any of the attachment Types defined. Specifically, it will contain comments New Business uses: free-form comments <Attachment> <AttachmentBasicType tc="1">text</AttachmentBasicType> <AttachmentData>free form comment</AttachmentData> <AttachmentType tc="12">Underwriting Note</AttachmentType> <AttachmentLocation tc="1">Inline</AttachmentLocation> </Attachment> <Attachment id> Integer Optional <AttachmentKey> String Optional <DateCreated> Date Optional <AttachmentBasicType TypeCode Required OLI_LU_BASI CATTACHMEN TTYPE Every object within the ACORD model, which can have more than one occurrence, has a unique "id" attribute. It uniquely identifies each occurrence/instance of the object for processing. It has no meaning or context outside the date file or stream. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Date on which the object was created. Used for comments, notes, etc. This describes the basic type of attachment. If it is other than text, you must look at AttachmentType and MimeType to correctly use the data. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 37 XML Element Name Type Usage <AttachmentSource> String Optional <Description> String Optional <AttachmentData> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_VARI ANT <AttachmentType> TypeCode TypeCode OLI_LU_ATTA CHLOCATION Type Code Translation 1 = Text Can be used by the client application to indicate the application that inputted the attachment. Description of the object. Description/Comment. The data in the attachment. For text attachment types, the text goes here. Required OLI_LU_ATTA CHMENTTYPE <AttachmentLocation> Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Type of attachment. Type Code Translation 2 = Comment 3 = Letter 4 = E-Mail 12 = Underwriting Note 14 = General Note 15 = Exception Note 249 = Internal Comment 250 = Instructions/Reminders 325 = Examiner Note 326 = Teleinterview Note Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Indicates how an attachment is stored, such as inline or URL Reference. Type Code Translation 1 = Inline © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 38 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.6 <Attachment> Object for images While Attachment Objects can be included on many Objects in the ACORD model, it is recommended that Attachments for images be limited to two Objects in the New Business for Life transaction – Holding and RequirementInfo. For example, a file containing the application form would be attached to the proposed Holding or a file containing an MIB Authorization would be attached to the RequirementInfo. <Attachment> <AttachmentBasicType tc="2">Image </AttachmentBasicType> <Description>APS</Description> <AttachmentData></AttachmentData> <AttachmentType tc="163">Attending Physician Statement</AttachmentType> <ImageType tc=”3”>TIFF</ImageType> <AttachmentLocation tc=”2”>URL Reference</AttachmentLocation> <Sequence>1</Sequence> </Attachment> <Attachment id> Integer Optional <AttachmentKey> String Optional <DateCreated> <AttachmentBasicType> Date TypeCode Optional Required OLI_LU_BASI CATTACHMEN TTYPE <AttachmentSource> String Optional <Description> String Optional <AttachmentData> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_VARI ANT See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Date on which the object was created. This describes the basic type of attachment. If it is other than text, you must look at AttachmentType and MimeType to correctly use the data. Type Code Translation 2 = Image Can be used by the client application to indicate the application that inputted the attachment. Description of the object. Description/Comment. On Attachment, the value of AttachmentData depends upon the value of AttachmentLocation. Please see the ACORD Help File for additional information. For images, URL Reference (tc=2) is the most likely AttachmentData type. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 39 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Inline 2 = URL Reference 3 = Multi-Part Mime Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. <AttachmentType> TypeCode OLI_LU_BASI CATTACHMEN TTYPE Optional Required Usage Note: Need to have AttachmentData because AttachmentReference (associated with tc=4) is not common practice. Please see the ACORD Help Guide if you think AttachmentReference may apply for your scenario. Type of attachment. Type Code Translation 1 = Document 3 = Letter 5 = Form 6 = Pre-Candidate Illustration 10 = Original Application 13 = Wet signature image 98 = Conditional Receipt 100 = Limited Insurance Agreement 103 = Paramed Exam 104 = Signed Tele-Med 108 = Disclosure 109 = Transmittal 110 = Correspondence from GA 111 = Correspondence from agent 120 = PAC Authorization 121 = PAC Authorization/Voided Check 122 = Premium Check – Initial Premium (COD) 123 = EFT Form 130-146 = various underwriting questionnaires 147 = Trust Agreement 148 = Income Statement 149 = Financial Report – personal 150 = Financial Report – business 161 = Supplementary Application – Child 163 = Attending Physician Statement 239 = Authorization 241 = Independent Medical Examiner © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 40 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Report 251 = Publicly Disclosable Information 252 = Preliminary Application 253 = Carrier-specific Application <MimeTypeTC> Type Code Optional OLI LU MIMETYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Describes the format of the Imaged file despite the contents (forms, letters, notes, etc.) Type Code Translation 3 = image/jpeg 4 = image/gif 5 = image/G3fax 11 = image/tiff 17 = image/PDF <TransferEncodingTypeTC> Type Code Optional OLI LU ENCODETYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of Encoding. For example, tc=4 is Base64. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. <ImageType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_IMAG EFORMAT Describes the format of the Imaged file despite the contents (forms, letters, notes, etc.) Allows the user to see what type of Image format the attachment was sent as so they know what open it up as. Type Code Translation 1 = JPEG 2 = GIF 3 = TIFF 4 = PDF <AttachmentLocation> TypeCode OLI_LU_ATTA CHLOCATION Required Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Indicates if the attachment is stored as inline or as a URL reference. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 41 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Inline data 2 = URL Reference 3 = Multi-Part MIME 4 = Attachment IDREF <FileName> String Optional <Sequence> Integer Optional <OrginatingSourceType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU ORIGSOURCE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This is name of the file included in the attachment aggregate. This element is used for ordering and sorting purposes. This is an integer field. Sequencing should start with "1". Nodes within the same object should not duplicate a Sequence, and should be consecutive. Nature of scanned paper document (such as original versus a copy). Type Code Translation 1 = Original <CreationTime> Time Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. On Attachment, this is the time the Attachment was created. One usage of CreationTime is to capture the time the Attachment may have been scanned for storage in an imaging database. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 42 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.7 <Attachment> Object for file While Attachment Objects can be included on many Objects in the ACORD model, it is recommended that Attachments for file be limited to two Objects in the New Business for Life transaction – Holding and RequirementInfo. For example, a file containing the application form would be attached to the proposed Holding or a file containing an MIB Authorization would be attached to the RequirementInfo. New Business uses: free-form comments as a file, document files <Attachment> <AttachmentBasicType tc="3">File</AttachmentBasicType> <Description>APS</Description> <AttachmentData tc=‟2‟></AttachmentData> <AttachmentType tc="163">Attending Physician Statement</AttachmentType> <AttachmentLocation tc=”2”>URL Reference</AttachmentLocation> <Sequence>1</Sequence> </Attachment> <Attachment id> Integer Optional <AttachmentKey> String Optional <DateCreated> <AttachmentBasicType> Date TypeCode Optional Required OLI_LU_BASI CATTACHMEN TTYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Date on which the object was created. This describes the basic type of attachment. If it is other than text, you must look at AttachmentType and MimeType to correctly use the data. Type Code Translation 3 = File <AttachmentSource> String Optional <Description> String Optional <AttachmentData> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_VARI ANT Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Can be used by the client application to indicate the application that inputted the attachment. Description of the object. Description/Comment. On Attachment, the value of AttachmentData depends upon the value of AttachmentLocation. Please see the ACORD Help File for additional information. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 43 XML Element Name Type Usage Description For files, Multi-Part Mime (tc=3) is the most likely AttachmentData type. Type Code Translation 1 = Inline 2 = URL Reference 3 = Multi-Part Mime Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. <AttachmentType> TypeCode OLI_LU_BASI CATTACHMEN TTYPE Optional Required Usage Note: Need to have AttachmentData because AttachmentReference (associated with tc=4) is not common practice. Please see the ACORD Help Guide if you think AttachmentReference may apply for your scenario. Type of attachment. Type Code Translation 1 = Document 3 = Letter 5 = Form 6 = Pre-Candidate Illustration 10 = Original Application 13 = Wet signature image 98 = Conditional Receipt 100 = Limited Insurance Agreement 103 = Paramed Exam 104 = Signed Tele-Med 108 = Disclosure 109 = Transmittal 110 = Correspondence from GA 111 = Correspondence from agent 120 = PAC Authorization 121 = PAC Authorization/Voided Check 122 = Premium Check – Initial Premium (COD) 123 = EFT Form 130-146 = various underwriting questionnaires 147 = Trust Agreement 148 = Income Statement 149 = Financial Report – personal 150 = Financial Report – business © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 44 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 161 = Supplementary Application – Child 163 = Attending Physician Statement 239 = Authorization 241 = Independent Medical Examiner Report 251 = Publicly Disclosable Information 252 = Preliminary Application 253 = Carrier-specific Application <MimeTypeTC> Type Code Conditional OLI LU MIMETYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Describes the format of the file despite the contents (forms, letters, notes, etc.) Type Code Translation 2= text/richtext 6 = video/mpeg 7 = audio/basic 8 = application/postscript 10 = application/ODA 12 = multipart/mixed Required if AttachmentData is typecode 3 (multi-part mime). <TransferEncodingTypeTC> Type Code Optional OLI LU ENCODETYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of Encoding. For example, tc=4 is Base64. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. <AttachmentLocation> TypeCode OLI_LU_ATTA CHLOCATION Required Indicates if the attachment is stored as inline or as a URL reference. Type Code Translation 1 = Inline data 2 = URL Reference 3 = Multi-Part MIME 4 = Attachment IDREF Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 45 XML Element Name Type Usage <FileName> String Optional <Sequence> Integer Optional Description current spec. for additional codes. This is name of the file included in the attachment aggregate. This element is used for ordering and sorting purposes. This is an integer field. Sequencing should start with "1". Nodes within the same object should not duplicate a Sequence, and should be consecutive. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 46 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.8 <Authorization> Object for changing investment instructions TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Authorization New business submission provides ability to pass instructions regarding authorization privileges granted by the policy owner. For example, authorizes agent to perform telephone fund transfers, address changes or could authorize annuitant to provide DCA instructions. <Authorization> <BusinessMethodCC> <BusinessMethod tc = “4”>phone</BusinessMethod> </BusinessMethodCC> <AuthorizationTransaction> <AuthorizationMappingCodeInd tc=”0”>Financial</AuthorizationMappingCodeInd> <AdministrativeTransaction tc=”102”>Fund Transfer</AdministrativeTransaction> </AuthorizationTransaction> </Authorization> <AuthorizationID> ID Optional <AuthorizationKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y <AuthorizationSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <BusinessMethodCC> <BusinessMethodCC> Object TypeCode Required Required OLI_LU_APPS UBITTYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys A collection of BusinessMethod List/collection of ways transactions may be initiated within the contract. Type Code Translation 1 = Mail 3 = Fax 4 = Phone 10 = Voice Response Unit 12 = Internet/Electronic 13 = All methods permitted by the Company <AuthorizationTransaction> Object Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This object describes Financial and Non-Financial transactions that may be performed by authorized entities. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 47 XML Element Name Type Usage <AuthorizationMappingCodeI Boolean nd> 0 = False 1 = True Required <AdministrativeTransaction> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_TRAN S_TYPE_COD E Description Identifies the transaction as being Financial or Non-Financial. True indicates Administrative transaction. False indicates the activity is a Financial Activity Transactions that may be performed by authorized entities. Type Code Translation 102 = Fund Transfer 105 = Withdrawals 181 = Address Change 212 = Values Inquiry Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 48 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.9 <Banking> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Banking This object contains the banking information associated with a Holding. This is primarily used to capture detailed information for purposes such as paying premium. <Holding id="Holding6" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="7">Banking</HoldingTypeCode> <Banking id="Banking_2" AppliesToPartyID="Party_1"> <CreditDebitType tc=”1”>Credit</CreditDebitType> <BankAcctType tc="3">Credit Card</BankAcctType> <CreditCardType tc="2">Visa</CreditCardType> <CreditCardExpDate>2009-09-01 </CreditCardExpDate> <AccountNumber>4820999883</AccountNumber> <AcctHolderName>Marion K Jones</AcctHolderName> <BankName>Wells Fargo</BankName> <PriorName> <NameType tc="6">As appears on card</NameType> <FullName>Marion K Smith</FullName> </PriorName> </Banking> </Holding> <Banking id> ID Required <FinancialInstitutionPartyID> IDREF Optional @AppliesToPartyID IDREF Optional <Banking Key> PERSISTKE Optional Y Default: PERSIST_SES SION <BankingSysKey> SYSKEY Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Reference ID to party object of Financial Institution. Party associated to the information On Banking this attributes refers to the Holder of the account. The primary holder of the account (the one who actually applied for the account) is considered to be fully liable for all charges on the account, including those made by any authorized users. This is needed to support credit card billing in order to obtain the accountholder's billing address. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 49 XML Element Name <CreditDebitType> Type TypeCode Usage Conditional OLI LU ACCTDBCRTY PE Description Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Indicates if associated object is a Credit or Debit type of object. Type Code Translation 1 = Credit 2 =Debit Required if BankAccountType represents credit or debit. <BankAcctType> LookUp Table String= 'Bank Account Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_BANK ACCTTYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. In the case that the PaymentMethod is 'electronic funds transfer,' this is the type of account associated with the bank account. Type Code Translation 1 = Savings 2 = Checking 3 = Credit Card 4 = Debit Card <CreditCardType> LookUp Table String= 'Credit Card Type' TypeCodeO Conditional LI_LU_CREDC ARDTYPE This is required when a Credit Card is used to pay some form of premium, Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <CreditCardExpDate> Date Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of credit card. Type Code Translation 1= Discover 2 = Visa 3 = Master Card 4 = American Express 5 = Diner's Club 6 = Bank Card Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Credit Card expiration date. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 50 XML Element Name <AccountNumber> <RoutingNumber> Type String String Usage Conditional Conditional Description This is required when a credit card is used to pay some form of premium. The account number for the bank account or credit card. This is required when either a credit card or bank account is used to pay some form of premium. The routing number for the bank account, in the case of PaymentMethod, please use the type codes below: PaymentMethod Type Code Translation 2 = Checking 7 = Electronic Funds Transfer 26 = Preauthorized Check This is required when a bank account is used to pay some form of premium. <AcctHolderName> String Optional <BankName> String Optional <BankBranchName> String Optional <CardVerificationNum> String Optional <PriorName> Object Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. On Banking, when the AcctHolderName is the same as the Name As It Appears on Card, then the name should be specified in both AcctHolderName and PriorName on Banking. Name of parent bank associated with this account. The name of the branch of the bank where the account is established. Also known as “CVC” which represents the last three numbers on the back of a credit card. A number printed on the credit or debit card used for security reasons. It provides additional confirmation that the person providing the card is in actual possession of the card. Hence, it is commonly required for phone or electronic transactions. This number is typically three to four positions. Any other name of the party Originally, this object was time-bound © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 51 XML Element Name Type Usage Description and reflected only prior names for the associated Party. It has since evolved, and is now being used to capture any alternative name for the Party, such as a Legal Name, etc. A collection that represents all the prior names used by a party, such as maiden names, aliases, previous business names, etc. <PriorNameId> ID Optional <PriorNameKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y Default: PERSIST_SES SION <PriorNameSysKey> SysKey Optional <NameType> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_NAME TYPE On Banking, when used for credit card, it represents the Name as it appears on the card. Note that the PriorName.FullName property should contain the name exactly as it appears on the credit card without any formatting. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The type of prior name (e.g., maiden, previous, alias). Type Code Translation 6 = As it appears on card <FullName> String Optional <FirstName> String Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Full Name When PriorName is used on Banking, FullName should contain the name exactly as it appears on the credit card without any additional formatting. First name of the person © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 52 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <MiddleName> String Optional Middle name of the person <LastName> String Optional Last name of the person <Suffix> String Optional Suffix for the person. For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 53 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.10 <Bankruptcy> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/Bankruptcy Information about the bankruptcy experience of a party. There could be multiple bankruptcy objects on a given case. <Bankruptcy id=”Bankruptcy1_1”> <Applicability tc=”1”>Applies</Applicability> <BankruptcyReason>Medical Bills</BankruptcyReason> <BankruptcyStatus tc=”2”>Discharged</BankruptcyStatus> <BankruptcyStatusDate>2000-06-15</BankruptcyStatusDate> <ChapterFiled tc=”7”>Chapter 7</ChapterFiled> <FilingDate>1999-10-15</FilingDate> </Bankruptcy> <Bankruptcy id> ID Optional <BankruptcyKey> String Optional <Applicability> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_APPLI CABILITY See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. Since the parent aggregate is Bankruptcy, this indicates if a bankruptcy event is applicable. If this parent is present it is a suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 54 XML Element Name Type Usage Description However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <BankruptcyReason> String Optional <BankruptcyStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_BANK RUPTCYSTAT US Background information regarding what caused the need to file for bankruptcy. Identifies where in the bankruptcy process a particular filing is at. Type Code Translation 1 = Petition Filed 2 = Bankruptcy Filing Discharged 3 = Bankruptcy Filing Dismissed <BankruptcyStatusDate> Date Optional <ChapterFiled> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ BANKRUPTCY CHAPTER Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date on which current BankruptcyStatus was attained. Bankruptcy Chapter that was filed. Type Code Translation 7 = Chapter 7 9 = Chapter 9 11 = Chapter 11 12 = Chapter 12 13 = Chapter 13 15 = Chapter 15 <FilingDate> Date Optional <Attachment> Object Optional Repeating Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This represents the date on which the bankruptcy was filed. Used to provide a way to model generic, unparseable details such as Comments. <Attachment> Object for text <Attachment> Object for images <Attachment> Object for file © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 55 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.11 <Coverage> Object (Base Coverage) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE//Holding/Policy/Life/Coverage Every New Business for Life transaction will include at least one Coverage Object for the base coverage. Coverage defines or limits the provisions and obligations under a life insurance policy <Coverage id="Coverage1_1"> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <DurationDesign >15</DurationDesign> <CovOption>… </CovOption> <CovOption>… </CovOption> <LifeParticipant id="LP_1" PartyID="Party1_1"> </LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipant id="LP_2" PartyID="Party2_1"> </LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipant id="LP_3" PartyID="Party8_1"> </LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipant id="LP_4"> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <CoverageID> ID <CoverageKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y <CoverageSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <PlanName> String Optional <ShortName> String Optional Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of plan. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for the base Coverage. If the PlanName is identical to the PlanName for the parent Policy, it does not need to be specified here. If the PlanName is different from the PlanName for the parent Policy, then provide the PlanName for clarification. The base coverage will usually be identified by the IndicatorCode. Abbreviated or short name © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 56 XML Element Name <MarketingName> Type String Usage Optional <ProductCode> String Optional <ProductVersionCode> String Optional <CovNumber> String Optional <LifeCovTypeCode> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_COVT YPE Description The marketing name given by the carrier for this item. On Coverage, MarketingName indicates the version marketing name associated with a product. MarketingName is the carriers marketing name associated with the ProductVersionCode. If the ProductCode is identical to the ProductCode for the parent Policy, it does not need to be specified here. If the ProductCode is different from the ProductCode for the parent Policy, then provide the ProductCode for clarification. The base coverage will usually be identified by the IndicatorCode. ProductVersionCode defines the version of a product, particularly when a company uses the same ProductCode across versions. Business users require the ability to vary product information without creating a new product codes. The varied information can include, but is not limited to, product information such as fees related to expenses, surrender charges or premium loads. Version also enables members to define versions of bundled products. This enhanced functionality allows the user to fulfill their requirements for multiple versions of an insurance product without creating multiple product codes. This applies when products are versioned, but the same ProductCode is used across versions. Note that PolicyProduct would repeat for each version. Internal System Coverage Number This element is to support systems where coverages are stored in different systems or as other policies each with unique numbers Type of coverage. Type codes with a sublist referring to life insurance © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 57 XML Element Name Type Usage Description products may apply. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <IndicatorCode> TypeCode Refer to the ACORD Help file for the complete list of type codes. Required OLI_LU_COVI NDCODE Default: Type Code Translation 1 = Base OLI_UNKNOW N <DurationDesign> <LivesType> Integer Default: 0 TypeCode Optional Optional OLI_LU_LIVES TYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Duration for renewable, level and decreasing terms and duration of limited pay and graded premium whole life represented in years as integer; if coverage is for life or not applicable, integer will = 0. This directly relates to 'Term' coverage types and limited pay and limited premium related coverage types. In such cases, this is the number of years the coverage is for. e.g. for a 20-year term life coverage, the duration design would be valued as 20. Type code indicating whether the coverage is Single, Joint, or Multi-life. Type Code Translation 1 = Single Life 10 = Joint Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <TIAInEffectInd> Coverage classification - e.g. base, rider, etc. This field identifies the coverage as Basic endorsement. Optional <TIAInEffectDate> <TIAAmount> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Date Currency <CurrentAmt> Currency Do Not Include <LevelPremiumPeriod> Integer Optional Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Indicates that a temporary insurance indicator is in effect. Temporary Insurance Effective Date Temporary Insurance Agreement amount Recommendation is to use Life.FaceAmt Period of time that the premium will remain level. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 58 XML Element Name <LevelPremiumPeriodUnits> Type TypeCode Usage Optional OLI LU MEASUNITS Description If the LevelPremiumPeriod is specified, denote the time units of measure. Type Code Translation 68 = Years <CovOption> Object Optional <LifeParticipant> Object Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Please reference the CovOption Object section. <CovOption> Object Please reference the LifeParticipant Object Section. <LifeParticipant> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 59 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.12 <Coverage> Object (Rider Coverage) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/Coverage The Coverage Object also provides the rider information for the New Business transaction. The IndicatorCode denotes what the Coverage Object is for a base coverage or rider. The Coverage Object for rider is optional as the proposed policy may not include any riders. <Coverage> <PlanName>Children's Benefit Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>CR01</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="116">Child Term Rider</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LivesType tc="11">Multi-Life - Undefined</LivesType> <CurrentAmt>20000</CurrentAmt> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_Party_1">… </LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Coverage_CBR_2_Insured_Party_1">… </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <PlanName> String Optional <ShortName> String Optional <MarketingName> String Optional <ProductCode> String Optional <ProductVersionCode> String Optional Full name of plan. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for this policy/coverage/option. Abbreviated or short name. When at policy level, in O/JLife, Readonly from PolicyProduct.ShortName. The marketing name given by the carrier for this item. This is a carrier assigned code used to uniquely identify the object that contains this property. Because the code is assigned by a carrier, it needs to be used in conjunction with a CarrierCode to create a unique reference. There are exceptions to this rule however. That is, there are instances where the ProductCode is actually used as a foreign key to another object/product. Those cases are noted in their usage notes. ProductVersionCode defines the version of a product, particularly when a company uses the same ProductCode across versions. Business users require the ability to vary product information without creating a © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 60 XML Element Name Type Usage Description new product codes. The varied information can include, but is not limited to, product information such as fees related to expenses, surrender charges or premium loads. Version also enables members to define versions of bundled products. This enhanced functionality allows the user to fulfill their requirements for multiple versions of an insurance product without creating multiple product codes. This applies when products are versioned, but the same ProductCode is used across versions. <Purpose> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_HOLD PURPOSE Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <LifeCovTypeCode> TypeCode Required Note that PolicyProduct would repeat for each version. Code showing purpose / goal of client for which this was sold. Indicate here if the purpose for this Coverage differs from the Holding Intent. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Type of coverage. OLI_LU_COVT YPE Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <IndicatorCode> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_COVI NDCODE This field identifies the coverage as Basic endorsement. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <DurationDesign> Integer Default: 0 Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Coverage classification - e.g. base, rider, etc. Type Code Translation 2 = Rider 4 = Integrated Rider Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Duration for renewable, level and decreasing terms and duration of limited pay and graded premium whole life represented in years as integer; if coverage is for life or not applicable, © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 61 XML Element Name Type Usage Description integer will = 0. <PremFreezeDate> Date Optional <BeneDesignationWording> String Optional <CurrentAmt> Currency Conditional <CurrentNumberOfUnits> Real Conditional This directly relates to 'Term' coverage types and limited pay and limited premium related coverage types. In such cases, this is the number of years the coverage is for. e.g. for a 20-year term life coverage, the duration design would be valued as 20. The date in which the premium freezes. This is applicable when coverage is for income protection. It is a date in which premium freezes and in OLifE model it applies only when the payment structure is "stepped". In the case that the participant is a beneficiary, this is the exact wording of how the beneficiary was designated. Amount of coverage -- the face amount of the rider/benefit, without options. Either CurrentAmt or CurrentNumberOfUnits must be present if there is a coverage amount associated with this Coverage. If no coverage amount is associated with this Coverage, neither property is used. For example: Waiver of Premium. Do not include InitCovAmt on a new business transaction because both the initial coverage amount and the current coverage amount are identical at that point in time. Current Number Of Units of this coverage Either CurrentAmt or CurrentNumberOfUnits must be present if there is a coverage amount associated with this Coverage. If no coverage amount is associated with this Coverage, neither property is used. For example: Waiver of Premium. Do not include InitialNumberOfUnits on a new business transaction because both the initial coverage units and the © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 62 XML Element Name <ValuePerUnit> Type Currency Usage Conditional Description current coverage units are identical at that point in time. The value per unit of the Face units on the basic coverage on the policy. For coverages that are defined as units, the total value can be calculated if ValuePerUnit is present. <ModalPremAmt> Currency Optional <BenefitPeriod> Date Optional <BenefitMode> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_PAYM ODE <MonthlyBenefitAmt> Currency Optional <MonthlyBenefitEffDate> Date Optional <BenefitPeriodAcc> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_BENE PERIOD Current amount of payment Current modal premium/ payment amount. May also be known as billed premium amount. Represents the amount that the carrier expects to be paid. The benefit period that an option is guaranteed for, using Benefit Period lookup table. For instance, a benefit period could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Payout mode - same for accident and sickness. For instance, a benefit mode could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. The maximum amount of benefits that can be accelerated in a given month. Long Term Care claim payments in a given month cannot exceed this amount. The figure is 'As Of' the Monthly Benefit Effective Date. The date for which the Monthly Benefit Amt was effective. Benefit Period for accident The benefit period that an option is guaranteed for, using Benefit Period lookup table. For instance, this could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. <BenefitPeriodSick> TypeCode OLI_LU_BENE PERIOD Optional Benefit Period for sickness The benefit period that an option is © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 63 XML Element Name Type Usage Description guaranteed for, using Benefit Period lookup table. For instance, this could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. <ElimPeriodAcc> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ELIM PERIOD Period of time after accident claim onset date before benefits are paid. For instance, this could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <ElimPeriodSick> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ELIM PERIOD OLI_UNKNOW N <BenefitAmtSick> Currency Default: 0 Currency Default: 0 Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Elimination Period for sickness Period of time after sickness claim onset date, before benefits are paid. For instance, this could apply to a disability rider on a life product. Default: <BenefitAmtAcc> Elimination Period for accident Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Benefit Amount Accident - $$ amount Optional Benefit amount paid for disabilities due to accidents Benefit Amount Sickness - $$ amount. <CovOption> Object Optional <LifeParticipant> Object Conditional Benefit amount paid for disabilities due to sickness Please reference the CovOption Object section. <CovOption> Object This object represents the different participants that are associated with a particular coverage Required for riders where it‟s necessary to relate a party directly to the coverage. For example, the child rider insured needs to be related to a child rider with a LifeParticipantRole code with typecode of 3, Insured Child. <LifeParticipant> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 64 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.13 <CovOption> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/Coverage/CovOption CovOption is used to describe all „components‟ of a policy that define or limit the provisions and obligations of a superior/parent Coverage (Life) or Rider (Annuity or Disability Health). A CovOption further describes or modifies its parent. <CovOption> <PlanName>Accidental Death Benefit</PlanName> <ProductCode>ADR01</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="2">ADB</LifeCovOptTypeCode> <OptionAmt>50000</OptionAmt> </CovOption> <CovOptionlD> ID Optional <CovOptionKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y Default: See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys PERSIST_SES SION <CoverageSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <ShortName> String Optional <MarketingName> String Optional <PlanName> String Optional <ProductCode> String Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Abbreviated or short name When at policy level, in O/JLife, Readonly from PolicyProduct.ShortName. The marketing name given by the carrier for this item. Full name of plan. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for this policy/coverage/option. This is a carrier assigned code used to uniquely identify the object that contains this property. Because the code is assigned by a carrier, it needs to be used in conjunction with a CarrierCode to create a unique reference. There are exceptions to this rule however. That is, there are instances where the ProductCode is actually used as a foreign key to another object/product. Those cases are noted in their usage © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 65 XML Element Name <ProductVersionCode> Type String Usage Optional Description notes. ProductVersionCode defines the version of a product, particularly when a company uses the same ProductCode across versions. Business users require the ability to vary product information without creating a new product codes. The varied information can include, but is not limited to, product information such as fees related to expenses, surrender charges or premium loads. Version also enables members to define versions of bundled products. This enhanced functionality allows the user to fulfill their requirements for multiple versions of an insurance product without creating multiple product codes. This applies when products are versioned, but the same ProductCode is used across versions. <LifeCovOptTypeCode> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_OPTT YPE Benefits selected on an insurance policy, such as accelerated benefit, death benefit, etc. Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <OptionAmt> <OptionNumberOfUnits> Currency Default:0 Real Note that PolicyProduct would repeat for each version. Benefit Type Conditional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Face amount of benefit. Conditional Either OptionAmt or OptionNumberOfUnits must be present if there is a coverage amount associated with this CovOption, neither property is used. For example: Waiver of Premium. Number Of Units for this Option Either OptionAmt or OptionNumberOfUnits must be present if there is a coverage amount associated with this CovOption. If no coverage amount is associated with this CovOption, neither property is used. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 66 XML Element Name Type Usage <ValuePerUnit> Currency Conditional <OccupRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_OCC UPRATING Description For example: Waiver of Premium. The value per unit of the Face units on the coverage option on the policy For coverages that are defined as units, the total value can be calculated if ValuePerUnit is present. Rating Sub Type (Occupational Rating Code) This table contains sub types for rating types such as Occupational or Aviation. The rating information on CovOption is used to override any individual ratings on the coverage participants for that particular CovOption. The individuals are NOT rated again. Rather, it's indicating what ratings apply, if any, to the CovOption itself. On CovOption, OccupRating essentially serves as a sub type for the PermRatingType property. <TempRatingType> TypeCode OLI_LU_RATI NGTYPE Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Temporary Rating Type The rating information on CovOption is used to override any individual ratings on the coverage participants for that particular CovOption. The individuals are NOT rated again. Rather, it's indicating what ratings apply, if any, to the CovOption itself. Use the OccupRating property to further clarify TempRatingType. For example, if TempRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 67 XML Element Name <PermRatingType> Type TypeCode OLI_LU_RATI NGTYPE Usage Optional Description Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Permanent Rating Type The rating information on CovOption is used to override any individual ratings on the coverage participants for that particular CovOption. The individuals are NOT rated again. Rather, it's indicating what ratings apply, if any, to the CovOption itself. Use the OccupRating property to further clarify PermRatingType. For example, if PermRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 68 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.14 <EMailAddress> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/EMailAddress The EMail Address object provides a collection point for details on Party email addresses. <EMailAddress> <EMailType tc="1"/> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> </EMailAddress> <EMailAddress id> ID Optional <EMailType> LookUp Table String= 'Email Type' TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_EMAI LTYPE Type Code Translation 1 = Business 2 = Personal 5 = Primary Email Address 6 = Secondary or Alternate Email Address <AddrLine> String Required <PrefEMailAddr> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <SolicitationInd> See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of e-mail address. Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. String representing complete, usable email address. This is correctly defined as the 'SMTP' address. Preferred e-mail address indicator. True indicates that this party wants (consents) to be solicited by this contact point. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 69 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.15 <Employment> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Employment On a new business transaction, the current employment information on the proposed insured is often included. Can also be used when the policy purchased is a business insurance policy. <Employment EmployerPartyID="Employer_Party_1"> <Occupation>Store Manager</Occupation> <EmployerName>K-Mart</EmployerName> <YearsAtEmployment>12</YearsAtEmployment> <EmploymentDuties>Management</EmploymentDuties> </Employment> <EmploymentID> ID Optional @EmployerPartyID IDREF Optional <Occupation> String Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys References the Party of the employer associated with the employment details. Occupation for the person. Can include values such as 'Doctor,' 'Lawyer,' etc. <EmployerName> <YearsAtEmployment> <EmploymentDuties> String Real String Optional This is taken into consideration for most underwriting. Some carriers ask for occupation on their application. Name of Employer Optional If the only information you have is the employer name then use this property. If you have more information than the full name (such as the address), then put the name of the Employer in the FullName of the employer Party Object. Number of years at employment Optional Measures how long a party has been with this employer in terms of years as reported on the application. Duties associated with employment A list of the various duties the applicant performs in the course of their employment. Used to help the underwriter assess the risk(s) inherent in the job. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 70 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.16 <FinancialActivity> Object for initial payment TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/FinancialActivity The FinancialActivity represents the information for payment of the initial premium. The initial payment may not fully satisfy the minimum requirement to put the policy inforce (initial premium). Most commonly, there will be just one initial payment which would be represented by a single FinancialActivity with a single Payment. If you are trying to represent a different scenario, please see the Payment Object definition on FinancialActivity in the ACORD Help File. Each FinancialActivity business event will trigger one set of accounting activities. Additionally, this means that if a financial activity is reversed, then all accounting activities (and associated payments) must be reversed at the same time. <FinancialActivity> <FinActivityType tc="7">Initial Payment</FinActivityType> <FinActivityDate>2008-01-23</FinActivityDate> <Payment BankHoldingID="Holding6"> <PaymentForm tc="7">EFT</PaymentForm> <PaymentAmt>100</PaymentAmt> <SourceOfFundsTC tc="11">income</SourceOfFundsTC> </Payment> </FinancialActivity> <FinancialActivity id> ID Optional @DataRep Attribute Optional <FinancialActivityKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y <FinancialActivitySysKey> SYSKEY Optional <FinActivityType> LookUp Table String= 'Financial Activity Type' TypeCode Required <Description> String OLI_LU_FINA CTTYPE Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The type of financial activity. Type Code Translation 7 = Initial Payment Used to store human readable text that names, references or describes the object that hosts the property. In some cases this information may actually print or be displayed on a statement or form. In others, it is nothing more than an internal description © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 71 XML Element Name Type Usage <FinActivityDate> Date Optional <TransConfirmNum> String Optional <Payment> Object Required Description Date financial activity was conducted e.g. trade date, date payment was made. For checks, include the check date. Business Transaction Confirmation Number A unique confirmation identifier associated with a business transaction. Provides the assigned confirmation ID to a financial activity. On FinancialActivity, this is commonly provided when an electronic payment is received by a company. It provides the customer with a unique identifier associated with the transaction. The Payment object is required for an initial payment, and may be a collection, but ordinarily would not be unless several checks are involved in a financial activity. Most commonly, there will be just one initial payment which would be represented by a single FinancialActivity with a single Payment. Since carriers typically process initial payments separately and do not reverse them as a group, multiple checks for the initial payment are not included in a single FinancialActivity. <Payment> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 72 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.17 <FinancialActivity> Object for 1035 Exchange TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/FinancialActivity This FinancialActivity represents the information present on the Proposed Holding for an anticipated 1035 exchange. It is anticipated that the actual funds/payments will be transacted at a time subsequent to the submission of the New Business Transaction. There maybe one or more FinancialActivity objects present indicating the exchange of multiple existing policies for this single new one. <FinancialActivity> <FinActivityType tc="210">1035 Exchange</FinActivityType> <FinActivityGrossAmt>250000</FinActivityGrossAmt> <Payment BankHoldingID="Holding2"> <PaymentForm tc="13">Funds to Follow</PaymentForm> </Payment> </FinancialActivity> <FinancialActivity id> ID @DataRep Data Optional Representati on Type <FinancialActivityKey> Optional Default: Partial PERSISTKE Optional Y <FinancialActivitySysKey> SYSKEY Optional <FinActivityType> LookUp Table String= 'Financial Activity Type' TypeCode Required <Description> String Optional <FinActivityGrossAmt> Currency Optional OLI_LU_FINA CTTYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The type of financial activity. Type Code Translation 210 = 1035 Exchange Text describing this 1035 Financial Transaction. The anticipated gross amount for this financial activity. Note that this represents the amount available from the policy represented by © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 73 <Payment> <PaymentForm> Object Required TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PAYM ENTFORM the Holding that is parent to this FinancialActivity. If there is only this single source, this gross amount will represent the total being used to fund the exchange. However, if there are multiple sources involved, this amount will not represent the total that is being used to fund the exchange. Since the transaction that will make the actual payment will likely not occur until later in the process, the sole purpose of the Payment Object in this scenario is to indicate that the funds will follow. <Payment> Object Form of Payment Type Code Translation 13= Funds to Follow Note: In the case of a 1035 Exchange, on the 103 used to submit the proposed application, this is the only Type Code that would be valid. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 74 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.18 <FormInstance> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/FormInstance Top level object representing an instance of a form Used to denote or capture answers to questions on a form. The FormInstance provides for capturing information that cannot otherwise be captured as data with the ACORD model. Use of FormInstance does not preclude attaching an image of the form. <FormInstance RelatedObjectID="Holding1" id="FI_001"> <FormName>Pru Short Form</FormName> <ProviderFormNumber>ORD 113034</ProviderFormNumber> <FormVersion>4/2005</FormVersion> <FormResponse> <QuestionNumber>Existions Ins b</QuestionNumber> <ResponseCode>1</ResponseCode> </FormResponse> <FormResponse> <QuestionNumber>Additional Coverage Indicator</QuestionNumber> <ResponseCode>1</ResponseCode> </FormResponse> <FormResponse> <QuestionNumber>Additional Coverage Policy Number</QuestionNumber> <ResponseText>polnum123</ResponseText> </FormResponse> </FormInstance> @id ID Required @RelatedObjectID IDREF Optional <FormName> String Conditional <PrimaryFormInd> <ProviderFormNumber> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True String Optional Conditional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Indicates the relationship of this form to any object in the model. Name of form. Required if neither FormInstanceCategory nor ProviderFormNumber are provided. TRUE if this is a primary form, FALSE if it is attached to or inserted into another form. Form number assigned by provider. Represents the filed form number that appears at the bottom of the form. Required if neither FormInstanceCategory nor FormName are provided. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 75 XML Element Name <FormVersion> <FormInstanceCategory> <FormResponse> <QuestionNumber> <QuestionText> <ResponseCode> <ResponseData> <ResponseText> <SectionIdentifier> <Attachment> Type String String Usage Optional Conditional Description Form version assigned by provider. Indicates the version of the underlying form used in the FormInstance. The Carrier defined category of the document Object Required String Conditional Required when neither FormName nor ProviderFormNumber are provided. Details about individual questions and their associated responses. Identifier of the question on the form. Conditional Required when QuestionText is not provided. Exact wording of the question Conditional Required when QuestionNumber is not provided. Response to a multi-choice question. String Integer String String String Object Conditional Conditional Optional Optional Required if neither ResponseData nor ResponseText is provided. A response taken from a structured set of codes. The values of the codes may be expressed as any alphanumeric string. Required if neither ResponseCode or ResponseText is provided. Response to a fill-in-the-blank or essay question. Required if neither ResponseData or ResponseCode is provided. Identifier of the section on the form. Attachment of the form <Attachment> Object for images © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 76 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.19 <Holding> Object for proposed policy TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding The Holding object is a top-level object that contains basic information about any purchased or about to be purchased financial product such as an insurance policy or a mutual fund. The type of holding will indicate which secondary-level objects pertain. For the new business transaction, one and only one Holding will represent the proposed policy. <Holding id="Holding1"> <HoldingSysKey Persist="Permanent" VendorCode="0181">12345</HoldingSysKey> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="3">Pending</HoldingStatus> <CurrencyTypeCode tc=”840”>US Dollar</CurrencyTypeCode> <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm> <RestrictionCode tc=”1”>None</RestrictionCode> <Policy … </Policy> <Attachment>,,, </Attachment> <Intent> <ExpenseNeedTypeCode tc="18">Mortgage</ExpenseNeedTypeCode> </Intent> <Intent> <ExpenseNeedTypeCode tc="10">Estate Planning</ExpenseNeedTypeCode> </Intent> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required <HoldingSysKey> SYSKEY Optional Repeating See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The general intention of SYSKEY is that it is used to store and exchange internal, database keys. As such, the format is unrestricted. Use the (ACORD) VendorCode attribute to identify the associated vendor. <AccountDesignation> TypeCode OLI_LU_ACCT DES Optional Refer to additional information in section 7.1. Account Designation Choice Collection This aggregate defines the available valid Account Designations for the parent object. Identifies how the contract is registered and the owner classification/designations for this policy. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 77 XML Element Name Type Usage Description This also provides entity recognition for the owner. Type Code Translation 1 = Nominee name 2 = Intermediary 3 = Owner 4 = Self Directed 5 = Custodial 7 = Trust 8 = Joint 9 = Estate <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE Type Code Translation 2 = Policy Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <HoldingStatus> LookUp Table String= 'Holding Status' TypeCode <Purpose> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD STAT Optional OLI_LU_HOLD PURPOSE Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <CurrencyTypeCode> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CURR ENCYTYPE Default: Server.BaseCu rrencyType <HoldingForm> TypeCode OLI LU HOLDINGFOR M Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Since this is a proposed policy holding, only one HoldingTypeCode applies. Required Holding Status. Type Code Translation 3 = Proposed - Pending - Not yet in force Applicant‟s purpose for purchasing insurance. Due to the possibility of the need to capture more than one purpose, the preferred location for the policy purpose is in the IntentExpenseNeedTypeCode (below). Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. It is assumed that all currency fields for this object (including subobjects) are of the same currency type. Optional if US dollars, else specify Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Form of the holding Type Code Translation 1 = Individual © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 78 XML Element Name <RestrictionCode> Type TypeCode Usage Optional OLI_LU_REST RICT <Policy> Object Required <Attachment> Object Optional Repeating <Intent> Object Optional Repeating <BusInterestID> IDREF Optional <NeedName> String Conditional <IntentCategory> TypeCode Optional OLI LU INTENTCATE GORY Description Tells whether the holding has some restriction Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Required object to represent the details of the proposed policy. <Policy> Object for Proposed Policy Attachment that is directly related to the proposed Holding. For example, an image of the application may be attached. <Attachment> Object for text <Attachment> Object for images <Attachment> Object for file It is preferred that Intent, rather than Purpose, be used at the Holding level. The object can support single or multiple purposes because it repeats. If a coverage is being purchased for a different reason than the Holding Intent, Purpose should be used on the Coverage. Identifies the business whose interests are protected by the pending Holding. Used to point to the Party.Organization object. Name of the expense Need Required if ExpenseNeedTypeCode is not provided On Intent, this property provides a category for the intent purpose as expressed in ExpenseNeedTypeCode. Type Code Translation 3 = Business 4 = Personal <ExpenseNeedTypeCo TypeCode Conditional OLI LU NEED de> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of Expense Need Required if name is not provided. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 79 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.20 <Holding> Object for existing insurance TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding In general, the Holding object is a top-level object that contains basic information about any purchased or about to be purchased financial product such as an insurance policy or a mutual fund. In this case, the Holding will represent an existing or other pending policy for an applicant. The Holding object for exisiting insurance must be related to the proposed insured via a Holding to Party Relation object. Note: only one Relation object is needed to denote exisiting insurance. To denote Replaced or Exchanged insurance, an additional Holding to Holding Relation is needed. For replaced and exchanged policies see the Holding for existing insurance – replaced. If there is existing insurance, but no policy detail is available, the Holding is omitted. However, the related indicator at Risk.ExistingInsuranceInd will still be set to “Yes.” If the applicant has applied for life insurance within the past 90 days or has reinstated another policy, repeat additional Holding objects to cover each instance with a status of pending. <Holding id="Holding2" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingForm tc="2">Group</HoldingForm> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Party7_1" id="Policy2_1"> <PolNumber>met123</PolNumber> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <IssueDate>2000-01-01</IssueDate> <Life> <FaceAmt>100000</FaceAmt> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Required <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of Holding Type Code Translation 2 = Policy Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <HoldingStatus> LookUp Table String= 'Holding Status' TypeCode OLI_LU_HOLD STAT Optional Holding Status For existing insurance this would always © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 80 XML Element Name Type Usage Description be set to Active. Type Code Translation 1 = Active 2 = Inactive (terminated, lapsed or expired) 3 = Proposed (Pending) <HoldingForm> TypeCode Optional OLI LU HOLDINGFOR M Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Form of holding Designates the basic form (legal) of the policy. A group policy would be in a group master contract, an individual policy is on an insurance form filed with the jurisdiction. Some carriers may exclude group insurance during the underwriting process and therefore would require the HoldingForm on their application. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Individual 2 = Group <Policy> @CarrierPartyID Object Required IDREF Required Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The details of the existing insurance policy are included in Policy. This is a reference to the Party Aggregate of the Carrier of this item. <PolNumber> String Optional If any information is known about the carrier of the existing insurance, a carrier Party should be created and referenced by the CarrierPartyID. Policy Number <LineOfBusiness> TypeCode Optional Line of business of the insurance OLI LU LINEBUS Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Life © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 81 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 2 = Annuity 3 = Disability Insurance <ProductType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLPROD <PolicyStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLSTAT <IssueDate> Date <ExchangeReasonCod TypeCode OLI e> <Life> Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Status of the existing or pending policy. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Active 12 = Proposed Optional Optional EXCHGREAS ON <ExchangeReason> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of the existing or proposed insurance policy. Object Optional Object Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date at which an insurance policy was issued. Most application forms to refer to this as the year issued. Since only the year is typically collected, determination of month and day is based on carrier rules. A formal resolution is in progress. On Policy, use the ExchangeReasonCode property when only a single exchange reason is needed. If multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed, use ExchangeReason aggregate instead. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Exchange Reason Code Collection On Policy, use ExchangeReason when multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed. If only a single exchange reason is needed, use the ExchangeReasonCode property on Policy instead. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 82 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <Life> Object <FaceAmt> Currency Required Face Amount on the base coverage. <NetSurrValueAmt> Currency Optional <CashValueAmt> Currency Optional <DeathBenefitAmt> Currency Optional Cash Surrender value (NET) available to the client if they were to surrender their contract. This is the net of surrender charges, loans, cash value adjustments and termination dividend amount. For existing Holdings, this is the cash value (account value) before surrender charges. Total death benefit. <SurrenderChargeAmt Currency > Optional <NetDeathBenefitAmt> Currency <Annuity> <DeathBenefitAmt> <DisabilityHealth> <IncomeAmtCov> Optional Object Conditional Currency Required Object Conditional Currency Required The SurrenderChargeAmt is the difference between the accumulation value and the surrender value, *assuming that there are no loans on the policy. In other words, it is the surrender charge that would be assessed if the policy were completely surrendered on the AsOfDate of the Holding. This is the total death benefit (net of loans) that would be paid upon the primary insured‟s death. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. When on policy, it represents the death benefit for the primary insured on the base coverage. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. The amount of income covered by the existing policy. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 83 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.21 <Holding> Object for existing insurance that is being replaced TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding In general, the Holding object is a top-level object that contains basic information about any purchased or about to be purchased financial product such as an insurance policy or a mutual fund. In this case, the Holding will represent an existing policy that will be replaced by this proposed policy. The Holding object for replaced insurance must be related to the proposed insured via a Holding to Party Relation object. In addition, a second Holding to Holding Relation Object is needed to denote the replacement. Note: only one Relation object is needed to denote exisiting insurance. For existing insurance that is not being replaced see the Holding for existing insurance. In addition one or ApplicatonInfo.ReplacementInd and/or Risk.ReplacementInd may be set to TRUE. If there is existing insurance, but no policy detail is available, the Holding is omitted. However, the related replacement indicator may still be set to “Yes.” <Holding id="Holding2" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Party7"> <PolNumber>met123</PolNumber> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <PolicyStatus tc=”1”>Active</PolicyStatus> <IssueDate>2000-08-03</IssueDate> <Life> <FaceAmt>100000</FaceAmt> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Required <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of Holding Type Code Translation 2 = Policy Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <HoldingStatus> LookUp Table String= 'Holding Status' TypeCode OLI_LU_HOLD STAT Optional Holding Status For existing insurance this would always © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 84 XML Element Name Type Usage Description be set to Active. Type Code Translation 1 = Active 2 = Inactive (terminated, lapsed or expired) <HoldingForm> TypeCode Optional OLI LU HOLDINGFOR M Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Form of holding Designates the basic form (legal) of the policy. A group policy would be in a group master contract, an individual policy is on an insurance form filed with the jurisdiction. Some carriers may exclude group insurance during the underwriting process and therefore would require the HoldingForm on their application. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Individual 2 = Group Object Required @CarrierPartyID IDREF Optional <PolNumber> String Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The details of the existing insurance policy are included in Policy. <Policy> Object for Proposed Policy This is a reference to the Party Aggregate of the Carrier of this item. If any information is known about the carrier of the existing insurance, a carrier Party should be created and referenced by the CarrierPartyID. Policy Number <LineOfBusiness> TypeCode Optional Line of business of the insurance <Policy> OLI LU LINEBUS Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Life 2 = Annuity © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 85 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 3 = Disability Insurance <ProductType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLPROD <PolicyStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLSTAT <ReplacementType> TypeCode Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of the existing or proposed insurance policy. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Status of the existing or pending policy. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Active Optional OLI_LU_REPL ACETYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. ReplacementType denotes the kind of replacement when the applied for policy is replacing an existing contract. When used on the old or replaced/exchanged policy it reflects the ReplacementType for that specific contract. This usage is applicable in the context of the current transaction. It is not intended to reflect any historical replacement information for the replaced/exchanged policy. Type Code Translation 2 = Internal (Same Company Group) 3 = External 9 = Internal (Same Company) 10 = Intra-statutory <PolicyValue> Currency Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Only used for existing insurance. This is the total gross value of the contract before any fees or charges are applied. Any outstanding loan balances have not been subtracted from this © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 86 XML Element Name Type Usage Description value. <IssueDate> Date <ExchangeReasonCod TypeCode OLI e> Optional Optional EXCHGREAS ON <ExchangeReason> Object Optional Object Conditional <FaceAmt> Currency Required <NetSurrValueAmt> Currency Optional <CashValueAmt> Currency Optional <DeathBenefitAmt> Currency Optional <Life> For a Life Policy, use also the NetSurrValueAmt, CashValueAmt, DeathBenefitAmt, SurrenderChargeAmt, NetDeathBenefitAmt to fully specify and clarify the values available under the policy. Date at which an insurance policy was issued. Most application forms to refer to this as the year issued. Since only the year is typically collected, it is customary to use a default month and day of January 1st. On Policy, use the ExchangeReasonCode property when only a single exchange reason is needed. If multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed, use ExchangeReason aggregate instead. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Exchange Reason Code Collection On Policy, use ExchangeReason when multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed. If only a single exchange reason is needed, use the ExchangeReasonCode property on Policy instead. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. <Life> Object Face Amount on the base coverage. Cash Surrender value (NET) available to the client if they were to surrender their contract. This is the net of surrender charges, loans, cash value adjustments and termination dividend amount. For existing Holdings, this is the cash value (account value) before surrender charges. Total death benefit © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 87 XML Element Name Type Usage <SurrenderChargeAmt Currency > Optional <NetDeathBenefitAmt> Currency Optional <Annuity> <DeathBenefitAmt> <DisabilityHealth> <IncomeAmtCov> Object Conditional Currency Required Object Conditional Currency Required Description The SurrenderChargeAmt is the difference between the accumulation value and the surrender value, *assuming that there are no loans on the policy. In other words, it is the surrender charge that would be assessed if the policy were completely surrendered on the AsOfDate of the Holding. This is the total death benefit (net of loans) that would be paid upon the primary insured‟s death. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. When on policy, it represents the death benefit for the primary insured on the base coverage. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. The amount of income covered by the existing policy. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 88 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.22 <Holding> Object for existing insurance that is being exchanged TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding In general, the Holding object is a top-level object that contains basic information about any purchased or about to be purchased financial product such as an insurance policy or a mutual fund. In this case, the Holding will represent an existing or other pending policy that will be exchanged in what is considered a 1035 exchange. The Holding object for existing insurance that is being exchanged must be related to the proposed insured via a Holding to Party Relation object. To denote Replaced or Exchanged insurance, an additional Holding to Holding Relation is needed. Note: only one Relation object is needed to denote existing insurance policies that are not being replaced or exchanged. For existing insurance - see the Holding for existing insurance If there is existing insurance, but no policy detail is available, the Holding is omitted. However, the related indicator at Risk.ExistingInsuranceInd will still be set to “Yes.” <Holding id="Holding3" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Party7"> <PolNumber>met456</PolNumber> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <PolicyStatus tc=”1”>Active</PolicyStatus> <IssueDate>2000-08-03</IssueDate> <Life> <FaceAmt>100000</FaceAmt> <LifeUSA> <MECInd tc=”1”>TRUE</MECInd> </LifeUSA> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Required <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE Default: See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys ReadOnly Type of Holding Type Code Translation 2 = Policy © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 89 XML Element Name Type Usage Description OLI_UNKNOW N <HoldingStatus> LookUp Table String= 'Holding Status' TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_HOLD STAT Holding Status For existing insurance this would always be set to Active. Type Code Translation 1 = Active 2 = Inactive (terminated, lapsed or expired) <HoldingForm> TypeCode Optional OLI LU HOLDINGFOR M Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Form of holding Designates the basic form (legal) of the policy. A group policy would be in a group master contract, an individual policy is on an insurance form filed with the jurisdiction. Some carriers may exclude group insurance during the underwriting process and therefore would require the HoldingForm on their application. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Individual 2 = Group <Policy> @CarrierPartyID <PolNumber> Object Required IDREF Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The details of the existing insurance policy are included in Policy. <Policy> Object for Proposed Policy This is a reference to the Party Optional Aggregate of the Carrier of this item. If any information is known about the carrier of the existing insurance, a carrier Party should be created and referenced by the CarrierPartyID. Policy Number String © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 90 XML Element Name <LineOfBusiness> Type TypeCode Usage Optional OLI LU LINEBUS <ProductType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLPROD <ReplacedPolicyPhysic TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_POLI alStatus> CYREPLPYST AT <PolicyStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI LU POLSTAT <ReplacementType> TypeCode OLI_LU_REPL ACETYPE Description Line of business of the insurance Type Code Translation 1 = Life Type of the existing or proposed insurance policy. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. This indicates who/where the actual policy contract is, or whether its lost/stolen. May be used to indicate when a replacement policy is lost/stolen, or given to an agent/distributor to send to carrier for exchange/replacement. Status of the existing or pending policy. Type Code Translation 1 = Active Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. ReplacementType denotes the kind of replacement when the applied for policy is replacing an existing contract. When used on the old or replaced/exchanged policy it reflects the ReplacementType for that specific contract. This usage is applicable in the context of the current transaction. It is not intended to reflect any historical replacement information for the replaced/exchanged policy. Type Code Translation 2 = Internal (Same Company Group) 3 = External 9 = Internal (Same Company) 10 = Intra-statutory Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 91 XML Element Name <PolicyValue> Type Currency Usage Optional Description Only used for existing insurance. This is the total gross value of the contract before any fees or charges are applied. Any outstanding loan balances have not been subtracted from this value. <IssueDate> Date <ExchangeReasonCod TypeCode OLI e> Optional Optional EXCHGREAS ON <ExchangeReason> Object Optional Object Conditional <FaceAmt> Currency Required <NetSurrValueAmt> Currency Optional <Life> For a Life Policy, use also the NetSurrValueAmt, CashValueAmt, DeathBenefitAmt, SurrenderChargeAmt, NetDeathBenefitAmt to fully specify and clarify the values available under the policy. Date at which an insurance policy was issued. Most application forms to refer to this as the year issued. Since only the year is typically collected, it is customary to use a default month and day of January 1st. On Policy, use the ExchangeReasonCode property when only a single exchange reason is needed. If multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed, use ExchangeReason aggregate instead. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Exchange Reason Code Collection On Policy, use ExchangeReason when multiple reasons for the exchange must be expressed. If only a single exchange reason is needed, use the ExchangeReasonCode property on Policy instead. You must have one of the three objects: Life, Annuity or DisabilityHealth. <Life> Object Face Amount on the base coverage. Cash Surrender value (NET) available to the client if they were to surrender their contract. This is the net of surrender charges, loans, cash value adjustments and termination dividend © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 92 XML Element Name Type Usage Description amount. <CashValueAmt> Currency Optional <DeathBenefitAmt> Currency Optional <SurrenderChargeAmt Currency > Optional <NetDeathBenefitAmt> Currency Optional <LifeUSA> Optional Object For existing Holdings, this is the cash value (account value) before surrender charges. Total death benefit The SurrenderChargeAmt is the difference between the accumulation value and the surrender value, *assuming that there are no loans on the policy. In other words, it is the surrender charge that would be assessed if the policy were completely surrendered on the AsOfDate of the Holding. This is the total death benefit (net of loans) that would be paid upon the primary insured‟s death. <LifeUSA> Object for existing policy © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 93 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.23 <Holding> Object for bank TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding This Holding object represents a bank or other financial institution associated with premium payments that are represented in FinancialActivity.Payment Objects. Each bank Holding includes a Banking Object that contains details about the account including the routing number, account number, etc. <Holding id="Holding6" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="7">Banking</HoldingTypeCode> <Banking id="Banking_2"> <BankAcctType tc="2">checking</BankAcctType> <AccountNumber>456</AccountNumber> <RoutingNum>789</RoutingNum> <BankName>Wells Fargo</BankName> </Banking> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Required <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE Type Code Translation 7 = Banking Default: OLI_UNKNOW N <HoldingStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_HOL DSTAT <Banking> Object See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of Holding...Asset, Liability, Policy, etc. Required Holding Status Type Code Translation 1 = Active Account details of the bank Holding <Banking> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 94 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.24 <Holding> Object for Loan TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding This Holding object represents information on the loan that is purchased as collateral for business insurance. Each loan Holding includes a Loan Object that contains details about the loan. <Holding id="Holding46" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="10">Business Loan</HoldingTypeCode> <Loan FinancialInstitutionPartyID="Party_LoanCreditor1"> <LoanType tc=”0”>Unknown </LoanType> <LoanStatus tc=”3”>Taken </LoanStatus> <LoanStatusReason>Reason why the loan was not committed would go here</LoanStatusReason> <LoanReason tc=”2147483647”>Other</LoanReason> <LoanReasonDesc>Startup cash for business</LoanReasonDesc> <LoanAmt>125000.00</LoanAmt> <CommitmentDate>2007-01-06</CommitmentDate> <RepaymentScheduleDesc>Qrtrly payments due Apr,July,Oct,Jan on the 25 day </RepaymentScheduleDesc> </Loan> </Holding> <Holding id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Required <HoldingTypeCode> LookUpTable String= 'Holding Type' TypeCode Required <Loan> FinancialInstitutionPartyID <LoanType> OLI_LU_HOLD TYPE Object Attribute Required Conditionally Required TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_LNTY PE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of Holding...Asset, Liability, Policy, etc. Type Code Translation 10=Business Loan Used to hold information about a loan. Pointer to the Banking object. Required if the information on the bank account providing the loan is available References the bank providing the loan Loan Type As a best practice the type should always be included when available on an entity. In this case, the loan is a business loan as noted in the HoldingTypeCode. The specific types of business loans have not yet been © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 95 XML Element Name Type Usage Description identified. A value of unknown is acceptable until the specific type of business loans are added to the LoanType table Type Code Translation 0=Unknown <LoanStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_LOAN STAT Type Code Translation 2=Requested 3=Taken <LoanStatusReason> String <LoanReason> Type Code Optional Optional OLI_LU_LOAN REASON <LoanReasonDesc> String Optional String String <LoanPaymentMethod> Type Code Optional Optional Optional OLI_LU_PAYM ETHOD Type Code Optional OLI_LU_PAYM ODE <CommitmentDate> Date Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see the Help File for additional codes. Reason for loan status – for example, the reason why the loan was not committed by the time of this application Loan reason or purpose Type Code Translation 2147483647=Other <LoanAmt> <LoanPaymentAmt> <LoanPaymentMode> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see the Help File for additional codes. Status of Loan Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see the Help File for additional codes. Loan Reason Description On Loan, may be used when the LoanReason property is set to "Other". Loan Amount The amount of each modal loan repayment Payment Method for this loan Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Payment Mode for this loan. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Commitment Date © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 96 XML Element Name Type <RepaymentScheduleDesc> String Usage Optional Description Repayment Arrangement Description Use this tag to identify loan repayment arrangements presented as a string, rather than the discreet data items: LoanPaymentAmt, LoanPaymentMethod, LoanPaymentMode, and other pertinent information. This is not intended to be an alternative method of supplying the arrangement details. If the specific properties are known, they should be used. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 97 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.25 <Investment> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Investment If a holding is an investment, this object pertains. If a holding is an insurance policy that has investment options, such as a variable life insurance product, this object contains the investment information associated with that policy as well. The purpose of the Investment object for Life Variable products is to get to the SubAccount. No properties were identified as needed for the 103 new business transaction. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 98 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.26 <Life> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life This is required for life applications. <Life> <FaceAmt>500000</FaceAmt> <Coverage id="Coverage1_1"> </Coverage> <Coverage> </Coverage> </Life> <LifeKey> PERSIST Optional KEY <LifeSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <NonFortProv> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_NO NFORTPRO V See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The various ways in which a policyowner may apply the cash value of a life insurance policy if the policy lapses. Type Code Translation 2 = Extended Term Note: To take extended term insurance instead of the cash surrender value. 3= Reduced Paid Up Note: To take reduced paid up insurance instead of the cash surrender value. 4 = Automatic Policy Loan (APL) 5 = APL then Extended Term 6 = APL then Reduce Paid Up 9 = Cash Surrender Note: To forfeit the policy for its cash surrender value. <QualPlanType> TypeCode Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Tax status of the policy or plan OLI_LU_QU © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 99 XML Element Name Type ALPLAN Usage Description Qualification plan type for this life policy. Life products can be sold as Tax Qualified products. Type Code Translation 1 = Non-Qualified 2 = 401 (k) 34 = Defined Contribution 35 = Defined Benefit 50 = Keogh/HR10 69 = 412 (i) Plan <FaceAmt> <Coverage> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Currency Required When on Life, this represents the Default: 0 Base Policy Face Amount. Recommendation is to use this FaceAmount property to indicate base face amount rather than any Coverage Amount property on the base Coverage object. Object One Required, Optional Please see the Coverage Object Repeating Section, at least one instance is required for the base coverage. <Coverage> Object (Base Coverage) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 100 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.27 <LifeParticipant> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/Coverage/LifeParticipant This object represents the different participants that are associated with a particular coverage. It contains properties that are unique to the issuance of life insurance. A party ID is utilized to obtain the party information for the particular coverage. A collection of participant objects is utilized to represent all the participants in a particular coverage. Relationships between Holdings, Coverages and Parties can be modeled with the LifeParticipant or a Relation. For further information, please refer to Section 4.16 of the ACORD Help File. For ratings on a Coverage, you should be using the equivalent properties of the LifeParticipant object (which is used to associate the Coverage with the insured Party). For example, if you had a simple Whole Life policy with a Table B rating, you would have a single Coverage with a Coverage.IndicatorCode of "1" (Base) and LifeCovTypeCode of "1" (WL Ordinary); and under that, a LifeParticipant with a LifeParticipantRoleCode of "1" (Primary Insured) and a PermTableRatingAlphaCode of "B" (indicating Table B). Due to the constraints of the Data Model, the first instance of a rating (either permanent or temporary) are included in LifeParticipant. Subsequent ratings of either type would go on SubstandardRating. <LifeParticipant id="LP_1" PartyID="Party1_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="1">Primary Insured</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <IssueAge>45</IssueAge> <OccupRating tc="3">Construction</OccupRating> <PermFlatExtraAmt>10</PermFlatExtraAmt> <TobaccoPremiumBasis tc="1">non smoker</TobaccoPremiumBasis> <PermTableRating tc="6">175%</PermTableRating> <UnderwritingClass tc="1">Standard</UnderwritingClass> <UnderwritingSubClass tc="2">Better</UnderwritingSubClass> <PermRatingType tc="4">Occupation</PermRatingType> <ClassName>Standard Better</ClassName> <PermTableRatingAlphaCode>5</PermTableRatingAlphaCode> <SubstandardRating id="SSR_001">… </SubstandardRating> </LifeParticipant> @id ID Optional PartyID IDREF Required <LifeParticipantKey> PERSIST Optional KEY See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 101 XML Element Name Type Usage <LifeParticipantSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <LifeParticipantRoleCode> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PA RTICROLE Default: Description See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Role of the participant with respect to this coverage. If this is the base coverage, then this is the role with respect to the entire policy. The most common roles to find in LifeParticipant are the insured and beneficiary. Owners, payors, and agents could be modeled here if they differ from the contract level, but it would be far less common. OLI_UNKNO WN Type Code Translation 1 = Primary Insured 2 = Other Insured 3 = Insured Child 4 = Insured Dependent 5 = Insured Spouse 7 = Beneficiary – Primary 9 = Beneficiary – Contingent <ParticipationPct> Percent Optional <IssueAge> Integer <OccupRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_OC CUPRATING Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The percentage of participation the Participant has in the overall relation which it participates. For example, the percentage of ownership. Note that the participation percentage for beneficiaries and agents is typically modeled in a Relation Object at the contract level in InterestPercent. Age of participant when coverage was issued Rating Sub Type (Occupational Rating Code). This table contains sub types for rating types such as Occupational or Aviation. On LifeParticipant, OccupRating essentially serves as a sub type for © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 102 XML Element Name Type Usage Description the PermRatingType property. For example civilian and military could be sub types of an aviation rating. <PermFlatExtraAmt> Currency Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Permanent flat extra amount Default: 0 <SmokerStat> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_SM OKERSTAT Default: OLI_UNKNO WN On substandard risks, this amount is an additional charge to the insured for the life of the policy. Because the insured represents a higher risk to the company, the flat extra is charged to compensate for that risk. Indicates the client's tobacco usage status at the time of policy purchase. Party.Person.SmokerStat (and TobaccoType and TobaccoFree) represent the person's current tobacco habits. This is not to be used to determine the premium for the policy but rather simply to reflect the actual smoker status of the individual. Type Code Translation 1 = Never Used Tobacco 2 = Prior Tobacco User 3 = Current Tobacco User <TobaccoPremiumBasis> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_TO BPREMBASI S Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Tobacco usage factor that was used to determine the premium. TobaccoPremiumBasis is one of three components used to represent a carrier‟s unique rate class. The other two properties are UnderwritingClass and UnderwritingSubClass. The carrier‟s full name of the class can be designated in ClassName. Type Code Translation 1 = Non-Smoker 2 = Smoker 3 = Non-Tobacco User 4 = Tobacco User © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 103 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5 = Blended <RatingReason> String Optional <PermTableRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGS Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This element contains the reason that the coverage/option was rated by the underwriter. The reason can also be used for field underwritten cases. Permanent table rating for benefit A table of valuation of risk of an individual or organization. This is the permanent rating according to this table for this individual or organization. This type code is only used to denote the percentage mark-up of the premium. The PermTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table rating such as “A”, or “AA”. Due to the constraints of the Data Model, the first instance of a permanent rating are included here. Subsequent ratings of either type would go on SubstandardRating. <TempTableRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGS Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Temporary table rating for benefit. A table of valuation of risk of an individual or organization. This is a temporary rating according to this table for this individual or organization. This type code is only used to denote the percentage mark-up of the premium. The TempTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table rating such as “A”, or “AA”. Due to the constraints of the Data Model, the first instance of a temporary rating are included here. Subsequent ratings of either type would go on SubstandardRating. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 104 XML Element Name <UnderwritingClass> Type Usage TypeCode Conditional OLI_LU_UN WRITECLAS S Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Underwriting Class Underwriting Class is one of three components used to represent a carrier‟s unique rate class. The other two properties are TobaccoPremium Basis and UnderwritingSubClass. The carrier‟s full name of the class can be designated in ClassName. Required for Insured types of LifeParticipants and when ClassName is not provided Type Code Translation 1 = Standard Risk 2 = Preferred Risk 3 = Rated/Substandard Risk 4 = Aerobic (Super Preferred) 6 = Standard Plus (represents level between standard and preferred) 19 = Preferred Plus (between Preferred and Aerobic) <UnderwritingSubClass> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_UN WRITESUB CLASS Default: OLI_Unknow n Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Underwriting SubClass – used to further classify the underwriting class UnderwritingSubClass is one of three components used to represent a carrier‟s unique rate class. The other two properties are TobaccoPremium Basis and UnderwritingClass. The carrier‟s full name of the class can be designated in ClassName. Type Code Translation 1 = Best 2 = Better 3 = Worse 4 = Worst Note: This is a partial list from the © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 105 XML Element Name <BeneficiaryDesignation> Type Usage TypeCode Conditional OLI_LU_BE NEDESIGNA TION Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Description current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Note that the BeneficiaryDesignation is typically modeled in a Relation Object at the contract level in BeneficiaryDesignation. BeneficiaryDesignation is used to identify whether this beneficiary is specifically "named" or if a beneficiary will be identified as a class or group of beneficiaries without specifically naming the individual(s) or organizations. For example, a named beneficiary may be "Joe Smith" versus an unnamed beneficiary of "All natural children of insured." If a beneficiary is named, information about that person or organization is represented in Party. Unnamed beneficiaries are not further qualified other than BeneficiaryDesignation; unnamed beneficiaries are modeled using Relation RoleCode = Beneficiary and Relation.BeneficiaryDesignation but does not reference a Party. In the case that the beneficiary designation is 'Named' (tc=1), PartyID (if on Participant or LifeParticipant) or RelatedObjectId (if on Relation) and BeneficiaryRoleCode is used to describe whoever the beneficiary is. All other values in this lookup are applicable only when the beneficiary is unnamed. In the case that the beneficiary designation is 'Named', PartyID and BeneficiaryRoleCode is used to describe whoever the beneficiary is. All other values in this lookup are applicable only when the beneficiary is unnamed. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 106 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Named 2 = Estate 11 = Children of Marriage 12 = Children Born of Marriage 13 = Children of Insured 29 = All natural children of the insured Required when the LifeParticipant type represents a beneficiary. <ClassName> String <PermTableRatingAlphaCode> String Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Carrier's nomenclature (or marketing name') for this underwriting class. The underwriting class is typically identified with a combination of UnderwritingClass, TobaccoPremium Basis and UnderwritingSubClass. However, the carrier‟s full name of the class can be designated in ClassName and must be present if the combination of identifying properties is not used. The value associated with a percentage for a Permanent Rating Table. The PermTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table rating such as “A”, or “AA”. The related PermTableRating code is used to denote the percentage mark-up of the premium. <TempTableRatingCode> String Optional Note that despite the name of the tag, the code associated with a table may be a numeric value. For example, occupation tables may be numbered with values 1 through 8 rather than A through Z. The value associated with a percentage for a Temp Rating Table. The TempTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 107 XML Element Name <Occupation> <TempRatingType> Type String Usage Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGTYPE Description rating such as “A”, or “AA”. The related TempTableRating code is used to denote the percentage markup of the premium. Occupation for the person Can include values such as 'Doctor,' 'Lawyer,' etc. This is taken into consideration for most underwriting. Some carriers ask for occupation on their application. Temporary Rating Type Temporary means the rating will be on the policy for a specified period of time. The reasons for rating a policy which could include occupation risk, aviation risk, or an impairment. On LifeParticipant, use the OccupRating property to further clarify TempRatingType. For example, if TempRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation <EmploymentClass> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_EM PLOYMENT CLASS Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The occupational rating for the policy, coverage or rider to which this object is attached. Defines the rating applied to a disability coverage. The rating affects the calculation of the premium for the policy, coverage, or rider. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 108 XML Element Name <PermRatingType> Type Usage TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGTYPE Description Permanent Rating Type A permanent rating is never removed. The reasons for rating a policy which could include occupation risk, aviation risk, or an impairment. On LifeParticipant, use the OccupRating property to further clarify PermRatingType. For example, if PermRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation <LivesWithPrimaryInsInd> <SubstandardRating> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Object Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Lives with the primary insured TRUE = Lives with primary insured. FALSE = Lives elsewhere. The purpose of this object is to contain tables 2 through x that are needed to handle substandard cases. The first rating, table, etc should be stored on the respective parent Life Participant or Participant object. The first permanent rating type and the first temporary rating type are denoted here in PermanentRatingType and TemporaryRatingType, respectively. If there are additional rating types, they are designated here. <AssocParticipantObjectInfo> Object Optional <SubstandardRating> Object Other objects associated to this LifeParticipant object This is used to identify other objects that relate to the context of this © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 109 XML Element Name Type Usage Description LifeParticipant.. Examples include: Identify succeeding beneficiaries for a specific primary beneficiary Identify the specific primary beneficiary for a specific succeeding beneficiary. <BeneficiaryIncomeOptionInfo> Object Conditional Repeating Other examples may apply. Contains information about the beneficiary income option. On LifeParticipant, BeneficiaryIncomeOptionInfo only applies if the LifeParticipantRoleCode is a type of beneficiary (e.g. Beneficiary, Beneficiary - Contingent, etc). <BeneficiaryPaymentType TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_BE > NEPAYMEN TTYPE <PaymentAmt> <PaymentMode> Currency Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_PA YMODE Required if the object is present. As a best practice, it is necessary to know which option the other information in this object is referring to. A list of different payment types used for beneficiary payments. Type Code Translation 1 = Initial 2 = Final 3 = Periodic Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Current amount of payment On BeneficiaryIncomeOptionInfo, this is the payment made to the Beneficiary as defined by the BeneficiaryPaymentType. The frequency of a payment. Typically annual, monthly, weekly, etc. On BeneficiaryIncomeOptionInfo, this is the mode of the PaymentAmt. If BeneficiaryPaymentType is Initial or Final then PaymentMode MUST be 'Single.' Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 110 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Annually 2 = Semi-Annually 3 = Quarterly 4 = Monthly 9 = Single Payment <Duration> Integer Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Duration in years based on current point in time. On BeneficiaryIncomeOptionInfo, Duration only applies if BeneficiaryPaymentType is "Periodic." © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 111 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.28 <LifeUSA> Object for existing policy TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/LifeUSA If the policy is issued within the USA, this object contains the properties that are unique to that marketplace. <LifeUSA> <MECInd tc=”1”>TRUE</MECInd> </LifeUSA> <MECInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <Loan1035> Currency Optional The TAMRA Act of 1988 (see TAMRA_AMT) created a new class of life insurance called a Modified Endowment Contract or MEC. A contract becomes an MEC when it exceeds a "7- Pay Test" established by the Federal government. Once a policy becomes an MEC, loans and withdrawals are taxed as income first and premium second. Also a 10% penalty applies to loans and withdrawals taken before age 59 and a 1/2. However, the policy cash value still accumulates tax-free and the death benefit still goes to the beneficiary tax free like a regular life insurance policy. Set this value to TRUE if some determination has been made that this policy is a MEC The portion of LifeUSA.Amount1035 that is 'impaired'; i.e., borrowed by the policy owner. If the source of the 1035 exchange policy is 'external' (not the same Carrier), then this value will typically be 0.0, because the external Carrier will require that the loan be repaid at the time the policy is exchanged (and Amount 1035 will be appropriately reduced). In the case of an exchange within the same Carrier, it may be permitted that the loan be transferred to the newly issued policy. Definition: Loan1035 is the amount of the old policy's loan, if any. (Usually only applicable if Internal1035 is TRUE.) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 112 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.29 <LifeUSA> Object for the proposed policy TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/LifeUSA If the policy is issued within the USA, this object contains the properties that are unique to that marketplace. <LifeUSA> <DefLifeInsMethod id="1"> </LifeUSA> <DefLifeInsMethod> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_LIF ETEST Cash Value or Guideline Annual Premiums - definition of life insurance test. Type Code Translation 1 = Guideline Premium Test 2 = Cash Value Test <MECInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The TAMRA Act of 1988 (see TAMRA_AMT) created a new class of life insurance called a Modified Endowment Contract or MEC. A contract becomes an MEC when it exceeds a "7- Pay Test" established by the Federal government. Once a policy becomes an MEC, loans and withdrawals are taxed as income first and premium second. Also a 10% penalty applies to loans and withdrawals taken before age 59 and a 1/2. However, the policy cash value still accumulates tax-free and the death benefit still goes to the beneficiary tax free like a regular life insurance policy. <Amount1035> Currency Conditional Set this value to TRUE if some determination has been made that this policy will be a MEC The 1035 exchange amount of the policy or policies being exchanged upon issue of this 'proposed' or 'pending' policy. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 113 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Amount1035 is the surrender value of old policy, or policies, that are being used to fund the 1035 exchange. Required when there is one or more 1035 exchanges and the amount is known. For new business transactions, this value is typically estimated. <MEC1035> <Loan1035> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Currency Optional This property is only valued on the proposed policy. TRUE if any of the policies to be exchanged for this policy is a MEC, FALSE otherwise. 'MEC' means 'Modified Endowment Contract, as defined by TAMRA (Technical Adjustments and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988). By law, if an exchanged policy is a MEC, then the 'proposed' or 'pending' policy will also be issued as a MEC. This field applies to both pending and inforce policies. This property is only valued on the proposed policy The portion of LifeUSA.Amount1035 that is 'impaired'; i.e., borrowed by the policy owner. If the source of the 1035 exchange policy is 'external' (not the same Carrier), then this value will typically be 0.0, because the external Carrier will require that the loan be repaid at the time the policy is exchanged (and Amount 1035 will be appropriately reduced). In the case of an exchange within the same Carrier, it may be permitted that the loan be transferred to the newly issued policy. Definition: Loan1035 is the amount of the old policy's loan, if any. (Usually only applicable if Internal1035 is TRUE.) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 114 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.30 <MedicalCondition> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/MedicalCondition When used on the 103 New Business Transaction, information about a party's existing or prior medical conditions as admitted to by the Proposed Insured during the application completion process and paramedical/physician exam <MedicalCondition id=”MedicalCondition_1” <Applicability tc =”1”>Applies</Applicability> <ConditionType tc=”578”>Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidemias</ConditionType> <ConditionOnsetDate>2000-06-01</ConditionOnsetDate> <ConditionStatus tc=”2”>Under Doctor‟s Care</ConditionStatus> <DateLastSeen>2009-09-15</DateLastSeen> <MedicalTreatment> <TreatmentType tc=”5”>Medication</TreatmentType> <TreatmentStartDate>2000-06-15</TreatmentStartDate> <TreatmentFrequencyMode tc=”1”>Per day</TreatmentFrequencyMode> <TreatmentAmt>1</TreatmentAmt> <Medication>Simvastatin</Medication> </MedicalTreatment> </MedicalCondition> <MedicalCondition id=”MedicalCondition_2”> <Applicability tc=”2”>Does Not Apply</Applicability> <ConditionType tc=”3009”>Diabetes</ConditionType> </MedicalCondition> @id ID Conditional <MedicalConditionKey> String Optional <MedicalConditionSysKey> String Optional <Applicability> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_AP PLICABILIT Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Required if MedicalCondition is referenced from another object See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 115 XML Element Name Type Usage Description suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <DateLastUpdated> Date Optional <ConditionType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ME DCOND <ConditionDescription> <ConditionOnsetDate> <ConditionStatus> String Optional Date Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CO NDSTATUS Date that risk information was last updated. Diagnosis Medical condition of client. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Description of the condition. Date the condition started. Status of condition Type Code Translation 1 = Recovered 2 = Under Doctor‟s Care 3 = Pending 4 = Ongoing 5 = Completed <DateLastSeen> Date Optional <RecurrencesInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date last seen for treatment of this condition or for medical prevention. Have you had any recurrences of this condition? TRUE, if you have, FALSE © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 116 XML Element Name Type Usage <TimeOffWork> 1 = True Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Integer Optional <NumberEpisodesLastYear> Integer Optional <NumberEpisodesTotal> Integer Optional <LastEpisodeDate> <RecoveryDate> Date Date Optional Optional <ExamineeDesc> String Optional <WeightChange> Real Optional <DisabilityInd> <TreatmentStartDate> Date <NumberEpisodesAverageYear> Integer Optional Optional <ConditionLocation> String Optional <ConditionStage> String Optional <Cause> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CO NDCAUSE Description if not. Did you receive disability benefits as a result of this injury? Yes/No Time off work associated with this condition, expressed in days. The number of episodes of this condition last year. Useful for conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, etc. The total number of episodes of this condition. Useful for conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, etc. Date of last episode of this condition. Date of recovery of illness. If ConditionType is TC=1551 (Now Pregnant), RecoveryDate represents the Expected Delivery Date. Comments of the party for whom treatment is being provided. Weight change resulting from this condition. Loss/Gain indicated by +/-. Weight in kilograms. Date first treatment started. Average number of episodes of this condition per year. Useful for conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, etc. Location on the body where the condition exists. Useful for conditions that involve a tumor, mass, lump, etc. The current stage of the condition. Useful for conditions such as cancer. Cause of Condition Type Code Translation 1 = Situational 2 = Caffeine Induced 3 = Death of Family Member 4 = Divorce 5 = Stress 6 = Exercise 7 = Mitral Value Prolapse/MVP 8 = Job 9 = Job Loss 10 = Kidney Stones 11 = Anxiety © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 117 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 12 = Pregnancy <Severity> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_SE VERITY Type Code Translation 1 = Mild 2 = Severe 3 = Moderate <FirstDiagnosisDate> Date Optional <MedicalConditionDuration> <DurationDescription> Integer String Optional Optional <DurationUnitMeasure> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ MEASUNITS <MedicalTreatment> <CardiacMurmur> Object Object Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Measurement of Severity Optional Repeating Optional Repeating Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date when condition was first diagnosed. Length of time condition persisted A length of time specified in a freeform format. Unit of measurement used to define the duration of time. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. This collection will contain information about a person's medical treatments, but the presence in and by itself does not denote which medical condition the treatment applies to. This collection will contain information about a person's medical treatments as they pertain to a defined medical condition. 7.21 <MedicalTreatment> Object Describes the heart murmurs that a proposed insured may have. A person can have several types of heart murmurs. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 118 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.31 <MedicalExam> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/MedicalExam Medical Exam is used to capture findings from the pre-insurance examination done by either a paramedical examiner or a physician. It is primarily used for the physical measurements. It can also be used to capture which of the (other) required tests or observations may not have been satisfied during the examination and any comments of the examiner. Use should be limited to representing information from the pre-insurance examination. <MedicalExam id=”MedicalExam_1” ExaminerPartyID=”Party_10”> <CommentsIncompleteInd tc=”0”>False</CommentsIncompleteInd> <ExaminerComments>Urine specimen not collected</ExaminerComments> <Height2> <MeasureUnits tc=”2”>US Standard System</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>66</MeasureValue> <HeightMeasuredInd tc=”1”>True</HeightMeasuredInd> </Height2> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc=”2”>US Standard System</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>150</MeasureValue> <WeightMeasuredInd tc=”1”>True</WeightMeasuredInd> </Weight2 > </MedicalExam> @id ID Conditional @ExaminerPartyID IDREF Optional @ExaminerCompanyID IDREF Optional @InterpreterPartyID IDREF Optional @RequirementInfoID IDREF Optional <MedicalExamKey> String Optional <MedicalExamSysKey> String Optional <CommentsIncompleteInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Reference to party, which is the examiner. This is the PartyID of the company the examiner is employed by. Reference to party that is the interpreter. Associates the parent object to a particular RequirementInfo object. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys A value of True indicates that not all requirements associated with this exam were satisfied. If requirements were not completed, © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 119 XML Element Name <ExaminerComments> <Height2> <MeasureUnits> Type Usage String Object Optional Optional Repeating TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ME ASUREUNIT S Description ExaminerComments should indicate the reason. Use Attachment to capture the actual comments. General comments from the examiner. The height of the person as measured or stated. Measure Units Type Code Translation 1 = Metric System Definition: Lengths are measured in centimeters, weights are measured in Kilograms 2 = US System Standard Definition: Lengths are measured in inches, weights are measured in pounds 3 = Alternate US Format Definition: Lengths are measured in in feet with decimal being inches Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being ounces <MeasureValue> <HeightMeasuredInd> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits> Real Optional Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Object Optional Repeating TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ME ASUREUNIT S 4 = Another US Method Definition: Lengths are measured in feet with decimal being decimal fraction of feet. Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being decimal fraction of pound Test Value Measured Was the MeasureValue obtained by the Examiner actually measuring the height of the Proposed Insured? The weight of the person as measured or stated. Measure Units Type Code Translation 1 = Metric System Definition: Lengths are measured in centimeters, weights are measured in Kilograms 2 = US System Standard © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 120 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Definition: Lengths are measured in inches, weights are measured in pounds 3 = Alternate US Format Definition: Lengths are measured in in feet with decimal being inches Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being ounces <MeasureValue> <HeightMeasuredInd> <Attachment> Real Optional Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Object Optional 4 = Another US Method Definition: Lengths are measured in feet with decimal being decimal fraction of feet. Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being decimal fraction of pound Test Value Measured Was MeasureValue obtained by an actual weighing of the Proposed Insured by the Examiner? Use to capture the actual comments if the CommentsIncompleteInd is set to True © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 121 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.32 <MedicalPrevention> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/MedicalPrevention Information about medical tests performed on a Party for the purpose of prevention, diagnosis, or to capture additional detail about a medical condition. Notes: This would be used to account for tests or diagnostic measures that result in normal findings. It can also denote that a basic test resulted in a found (other than normal) condition. The details about the condition would be noted in the MedicalConditions collection. <MedicalPrevention id=”MedicalPrevention_1” MedConditionID=”MedicalCondition_1”> < TestType tc=”9”>Cholesterol Test</TestType> <TestDate>2000-06-01</TestDate> <Results tc=”1”>True</Results> <ConditionDescription>High Lipids</ConditionDescription> <VisitReason tc=”2”>Routine visit</VisitReason> <DateLastSeen>2009-09-15</DateLastSeen> </MedicalPrevention> @id ID Conditional @LastTestFacility IDREF Optional @LastTestPhysician IDREF Optional @MedConditionID IDREF Optional <MedicalPreventionKey> String Optional <MedicalPreventionSysKey> String Optional <TestType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_TE STTYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Required if MedicalPrevention is referenced from another object PartyID of the last test facility that performed this test. PartyID of last physician responsible for this test. If a condition is found, this is the Reference to the actual condition. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of test performed Type Code Translation 1 = Mammogram 2 = X-Ray 3 = Electrocardiogram 4 = Routine examination © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 122 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5 = Annual/Bi-Annual Pap Smear 6 = Pregancy Test 7 = Multiple Biochemical Analysis 8 = Prostate Test 9 = Cholesterol Test 10 = Liver Function Test 11 = HIV Screening 12 = Hemoccult 13 = Barium Enema 14 = Cat Scan 15 = Colonoscopy 16 = CBC (Complete Blood Count) 17 = Diagnostic Test 18 = DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) 19 = Doppler 20 = Flexible Sigmaoidoscopy 21 = Hemoglobin A1C 22 = Labwork/Blood 23 = Lower GI (Gastrointestinal) 24 = MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 25 = PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) 26 = Pulmonary Function Test 27 = Treadmill EKG/Stress test 28 = Ultra Sound 30 = Upper GI (Gastrointestinal) <TestDate> <Results> <ConditionDescription> <VisitReason> Date Optional Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True String Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ DRVISITRE ASON Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date the test occurred. Results were positive - TRUE (indicating a condition was found) or negative - FALSE. Description of the condition. Reason for doctor visit Type Code Translation 1 = Accident 2 = Routine visit 3 = Consultation 4 = Sickness 5 = Prevention 6 = Sports Exam 7 = Department of Transportation Exam 8 = Employment Exam © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 123 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 9 = FAA Exam 10 = Insurance Exam 11 = Marital Exam 12 = OB/GYN Exam 13 = Diagnostic Exam 14 = School Physical 15 = Eye Exam 16 = Pregnancy Exam 17 = Annual Physical Exam 18 = Infertility Workup 19 = Chiropractic Exam <TestDuration> Integer Optional <DurationUnitMeasure> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ MEASUNITS <DateLastSeen> Date Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The duration of time for the test in unit measurements. Define the type of unit measurement using the DurationUnitMeasure property. Units of measure. The Description field of this table should contain the printed symbol or abbreviation as it would appear when displayed or printed. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Date last seen for treatment of this condition or for medical prevention. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 124 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.33 <MedicalTreatment> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/MedicalCondition/MedicalTreatment This collection will contain information about a person's medical treatments, but the presence in and by itself does not denote which medical condition the treatment applies to. However, when MedicalTreatment is subordinate to MedicalCondition, the treatment is for the condition defined in the parent object. <MedicalTreatment id=”MedicalTreatment_1” TreatmentPhysicianPartyID=”Party_10”> <TreatmentType tc=”5”>Medication</TreatmentType> <TreatmentStartDate>2000-06-15</TreatmentStartDate> <TreatmentFrequencyMode tc=”1”>Per day</TreatmentFrequencyMode> <TreatmentAmt>1</TreatmentAmt> <Medication>Simvastatin</Medication> </MedicalTreatment> @id ID Conditional @TreatmentPhysicianPartyID @TreatmentFacilityPartyID <MedicalConditionKey> IDREF IDREF String Optional Optional Optional <MedicalConditionSysKey> String Optional <TreatmentType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_TR EATMENTT YPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Required if MedicalTreatment is referenced by another object Party ID of primary treating Physician Party ID of primary treatment location See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of treatment received or being received. Type Code Translation 1 = Test 2 = Surgery 3 = Examination 4 = Advice (Recommendation) 5 = Medication 6 = Rehabilitation 7 = Hospitalization 8 = Chemotherapy 9 = Radiation 10 = Convalescence (bed rest) 11 = Chiropractic 12 = Myotherapy © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 125 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 13 = Physiotherapy 14 = Podiatry 15 = Psychiatric 17 = CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) 18 = N-CPAP 20 = Insulin – Pump 21 = Insulin – Injections 22 = Oral Medications 23 = Diet 24 = Immunosuppressants Therapy <TreatmentStartDate> <DateLastSeen> Date Date <TreatmentCompletionInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True TypeCode Optional <TreatmentFrequencyMode> Optional Optional OLI_LU_PA RTFREQ Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date first treatment started. Date last seen for treatment of this condition or for medical prevention. Indicates if treatment is completed. Yes if completed, no if not. Frequency mode TreatmentAmt is based on. Type Code Translation 1 = Per day 2 = Per week 3 = Per month 4 = Per year 5 = Single 6 = Random <TreatmentAmt> Integer Optional <Medication> String Optional <ComplicationsInd> <PatientID> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True String Optional <ExamineeDesc> String Optional <TreatmentDesc> String Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Amount of treatment, based on frequency mode. Medication associated with Treatment, if any. Any complications? TRUE if there were complications, FALSE if no. Number used by medical provider to ID patient. Comments of the party for whom treatment is being provided. To capture the detailed findings of the © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 126 XML Element Name Type Usage <TreatmentDuration> Integer Optional <TreatmentReason> String Optional Description examiner/treatment provider. The duration of time for the treatment in unit measurements. Reason for which treatment was provided. When the TreatmentType is 'Advice (tc=4)', then TreatmentReason should contain the advice, but it can also be used to describe the treatment reason for other TreatmentTypes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 127 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.34 <OrganizationFinancialData> Object for Business Insurance TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Organization/OrganizationFinancialData If the proposed owner is an organization, for example a corporation or a trust, a Party object with an Organization aggregate is required along with this object to include the financial information about the organization. The OrganizationFinancialData object should be repeated if there is a need to represent more than one year‟s financial data. If the TaxYrEndDate is not known then only one occurrence of the OrganizationFinancialData object is needed and the previous year‟s properties should be used. <OrganizationFinancialData> <CurrentAssetsAmt>250000.0</CurrentAssetsAmt> <CurrentLiabilitiesAmt>50000.0</CurrentLiabilitiesAmt> <NumEmployees>50</NumEmployees> <PrevYrEndGrossSalesAmt>205000.0</PrevYrEndGrossSalesAmt> <EstMarketValueAmt>3000000.0</EstMarketValueAmt> <YrEndNetProfitAmt>200000.0</YrEndNetProfitAmt> <YrEndNetWorthAmt>8000000.0</YrEndNetWorthAmt> </OrganizationFinancialData> <OrganizationFinancialData id> ID Optional <TaxYrEndDate> Date Optional <CurrentAssetsAmt> Currency Optional <FixedAssetsAmt> Currency Optional <CurrentLiabilitiesAmt> Currency Optional <LongTermLiabilitiesAmt> Currency Optional <TotalCapitalAmt> Currency Optional <NumEmployees> Integer Optional <NumBoardMembers> Integer Optional <PrevYrEndGrossSalesAmt> Currency Optional <PrevYrNetIncomeAmt> Currency Optional <PrevYrTaxableEarningsAmt> Currency Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The organization‟s tax year end date Total current assets of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total amount of fixed assets of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total current liabilities of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total long term liabilities of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total capital of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total number of people the organization employees as of the TaxYrEndDate Total number of board members of the organization as of the TaxYrEndDate Total amount of gross sales at the last year end. Total amount of net income for the previous year. Total amount of taxable earnings for the previous year. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 128 XML Element Name <AvailFinancialInd> <EstMarketValueAmt> <YrEndNetProfitAmt> <YrEndNetWorthAmt> <InfoSourceTC> Type Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Currency Currency Currency TypeCode OLI_LU_INFO SRC Usage Description Optional Indicates whether the financial statements are available or not. Optional Optional Optional Optional Estimated market value amount Year end net profit amount Year end net worth amount Indicates the source of the financial information. Type Code Translation 1 = Proposed Insured 2 = Account Reps Estimate/Producer‟s Estimate Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 129 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.35 <Party> Object for Proposed Insured(s) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party Each NBfL transaction will have at least one proposed insured Party Object. The Party represents the basic information that applies to the proposed insured(s). <Party id="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>111222333</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">SSN</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="1">Alabama</ResidenceState> <ResidenceCountry tc="1">USA</ResidenceCountry> <EstNetWorth>500000</EstNetWorth> <Person> <FirstName>Elmer</FirstName> <MiddleName>T</MiddleName> <LastName>Simpson</LastName> <Occupation>Belly dancer</Occupation> <MarStat tc="1">Married</MarStat> <Gender tc="1">Male</Gender> <BirthDate>1974-03-24</BirthDate> <Citizenship tc="20">Egypt</Citizenship> <EstSalary>35000</EstSalary> <TobaccoFree>2004-02-02</TobaccoFree> <SmokerStat tc="2">Prior Tobacco User</SmokerStat> <Height2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">inches</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>67</MeasureValue> </Height2> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">pounds</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>225</MeasureValue> </Weight2> <DriversLicenseNum>VA7932981</DriversLicenseNum> <NoDriversLicenseInd tc="1">false</NoDriversLicenseInd> <DriversLicenseState tc="55">VA</DriversLicenseState> <DriversLicenseCountry tc="1">United States</DriversLicenseCountry> <BirthCountry tc="1">US</BirthCountry> <BirthJurisdictionTC tc="55">Virginia</BirthJurisdictionTC> <DriversLicenseExpDate>2009-02-01</DriversLicenseExpDate> </Person> <Address>.. </Address> <Phone>.. </Phone> <EMailAddress>.. </EMailAddress> <Risk>.. </Risk> <Employment EmployerPartyID="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1">…l © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 130 XML Element Name Type Usage Description </Employment> </Party> @id ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y Type Code Translation 1 = Person <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Conditional <GovtID> <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' String TypeCode OLI LU GOVTIDTC See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of party existing in the collection. Conditional Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of the object or party. On Party, when Party.Type='Person', FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. Required when the parsed elements of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. String that represents the government ID. For example, a social security number or tax identification number. The government ID is required for the primary proposed insured. It may not be available for child rider insureds. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 131 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Type Code Translation 1 = Social Security Number US 9 = Tax ID for US non-resident alien 18 = Green Card US Required whenever GovtID is provided. <ResidenceState> LookUp Table String= 'State' TypeCode <ResidenceCountry> TypeCode Required OLI LU STATE Required OLI LU NATION <ResidenceCounty> String Optional <EstNetWorth> Currency Optional <EstTotLiabilitiesAmt> Currency Optional <PrefComm> TypeCode Optional OLI LU PREFCOMM <BestTimeToCallFrom> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. State of residence for the party. Time Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Residence or Domicile Country For individuals/persons the Country of residence... Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Residence or Domicile County For individuals/persons the County of residence. For organizations this is the domicile county. Estimated net-worth as of date record was created. Estimated total liabilities as of date record was created. Preferred means of communication Type Code Translation 1 = Phone 2 = Fax 3 = Email 4 = Regular Mail 5 = Don‟t contact Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Preference to be called at or after this specific time. E.g. if best time to call is between 9am and 5pm, this would represent 9am. For schema purposes, 9am Eastern should appear in the format 09:00:00-05:00. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 132 XML Element Name Type Usage <BestTimeToCallTo> Time Optional <ResidenceCountyTC> TypeCode Optional OLI LU COUNTY Description Indicates the preference to be called before this time. E.g. if best time to call is between 9am and 5pm, this would represent 5pm. For schema purposes, 5pm Eastern should appear in the format 17:00:00-05:00. County of residence The county of the state in which the party resides. May be used if the system provides a drop down list @id Object ID Required Optional <PersonKey> String Optional <PersonSysKey> String Optional <FirstName> <MiddleName> <LastName> <NickName> String String String String Required Optional Required Optional <Initials> String Optional <Prefix> String Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Details about the proposed insured See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person Middle name of the person Last name of the person A nickname (or preferred name) that a party uses instead of the given name(s). Initials of the person This includes the initial(s) of the surname and should include no punctuation or formatting. This is needed to reflect names where initials cannot be easily derived and would be manually entered. Prefix for the person Optional Can include values such as 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.', etc.. Suffix for the person. <Person> <Suffix> String © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 133 XML Element Name Type Usage Description For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Title> <Occupation> <MarStat> String String TypeCode Optional For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Person's professional title Optional Can include values such as 'President', etc. This can be used to store the job title for a person. It may also be used to store the title used when addressing a letter. Occupation for the person Optional Can include values such as 'Doctor,' 'Lawyer,' etc. For underwriting purposes, the occupation is represented on LifeParticipant.Occupation. Marital Status of the Person OLI LU MARSTAT Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Married 2 = Single 3 = Divorced 4 = Widowed Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. <Gender> TypeCode Optional OLI LU GENDER <BirthDate> <Age> <Citizenship> Date Integer TypeCode Gender of the person Type Code Translation 1 = Male 2 = Female Required Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date of birth for the person Age of the person Citizenship of person OLI LU © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 134 XML Element Name Type Usage NATION <OccupClass> TypeCode Optional OLI LU OCCUPCLASS <EstSalary> Currency Optional <EstGrossAnnualOtherI Currency ncome> Optional <TobaccoType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU TOBACCOTYP E <TobaccoFree> <SmokerStat> Date TypeCode OLI LU SMOKERSTAT Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. General class of occupation of the person for use rate look ups and underwriting. For underwriting purposes, the occupation class is represented on LifeParticipant.OccupClass. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Estimated annual salary of participant In the U.S., this is defined as earning subject to FICA including salary, tips, bonuses, self-employment income, other employment income, and net earned business income. All income is before qualified retirement plan contributions (401K, etc.). Estimated non-salary (in the U.S. this is non-W2) income. Defined as all income from sources not included in salary field, including interest, dividends, pension income, alimony, and other non-FICA income. Indicates the type(s) of tobacco used by the client. Note that it is recommended to include the tobacco types on Risk.SubstanceUsage which is repeating. Optional Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. The date since the client has ceased all tobacco use. Note that it is recommended to the use the Risk.SubstanceUsage.SubstanceEnd Date rather than TobaccoFree here on Person. Indicates the client's history of tobacco use. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 135 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Note that it is recommended to include the SmokerStat on LifeParticipant for this proposed insured instead. <SmokingFrequencyMo TypeCode OLI LU de> Optional PARTFREQ Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Mode of frequency of smoking for the person. E.g. Per day, per week, per month, etc. Note that it is recommended to include the smoking frequency on SubstanceUsage.SubstanceMode instead. <SmokingFrequencyNu Integer mber> <Height2> Object <MeasureUnits> TypeCode OLI LU MEASUREUNI TS Optional Optional Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Number of times person smokes, based on mode. (Number of units e.g. # of cigarettes, cigars) Note that it is recommended to include the smoking frequency on SubstanceUsage.SubstanceAmt instead. This is the stated height of the applicant Meausre Units Type Code Translation 1 = Metric System Definition: Lengths are measured in centimeters, weights are measured in Kilograms 2 = US System Standard Definition: Lengths are measured in inches, weights are measured in pounds 3 = Alternate US Format Definition: Lengths are measured in in feet with decimal being inches Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being ounces 4 = Another US Method © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 136 XML Element Name Type <MeasureValue> Real < Boolean HeightMeasuredI 0 = False nd> 1 = True Usage Required Optional <WeightHistory> Object Optional <Weight2> Object Optional < MeasureUnits> TypeCode Optional OLI LU MEASUREUNI TS Definition: Lengths are measured in feet with decimal being decimal fraction of feet. Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being decimal fraction of pound Height in the units of measure reported in MeasureUnits. For example, “62” for 62 inches. The ACORD standard only provides for one measurement value; therefore measurement for feet/inches should be stated in inches for transmission, and, if necessary translated back into feet and inches by the recipient. Boolean to indicate if the height was determined by measuring the proposed insured or not. Indicate false if the height was self-reported. Weight at a prior point in time. Requests for this information will vary by carrier. Weight gain/loss can be derived by comparing different Weight History over time, or to the current weight expressed under Person or MedicalExam. <WeightHistory> Object This is the stated height of the applicant Measure units Type Code Translation 2 = US System Standard < MeasureValue> Real Required < Boolean WeightMeasuredI 0 = False nd> 1 = True Optional <DriversLicenseNum> Optional Description Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Height in the units of measure reported in MeasureUnits. For example, “62” for 62 inches. Boolean to indicate if the height was determined by measuring the proposed insured or not. Indicate false if the weight was self-reported. String representing the driver's license number of the person. Use of this property does not imply that the © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 137 XML Element Name Type Usage Description individual's identity has been verified. <NoDriversLicenseInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional When true, this property indicates that a person does not have a driver's license. It should only be set to true if it is known explicitly that the Person does not have a driver's license. Its intended use is to determine that a Motor Vehicle Report is not required. No assumptions should be made regarding driver's license information left blank on a form. <NoDriversLicenseRea String son> <DriversLicenseState> TypeCode Optional Conditional OLI LU STATE Note that this indicator should NOT be set to true if the person has a driver's license that is suspended or revoked. Text description of the reason a person does not have a drivers license On Person, NoDriversLicenseReason is used when NoDriversLicenseInd is set to "True". State in which the driver's license was issued. Required when DriversLicenseNum is provided. <DriversLicenseCountr TypeCode OLI LU y> Optional NATION <DriversLicenseStatus TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_DLST > ATUS <BirthCountry> TypeCode Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Country in which the driver's license was issued. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. The current status of a drivers license Type Code Translation 1 = Active 2 = Suspended 3 = Revoked 4 = Expired Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Country of birthplace OLI LU © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 138 XML Element Name Type Usage NATION <BirthJurisdiction> String Description Required if the person was born outside the US, unless the question is prohibited by state regulations. Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. State/province of birthplace Modeled like Address.State This may be more than two characters, plus formatting, to accommodate all countries. For U.S. states, this should be the official twoletter upper case abbreviation. <BirthJurisdictionTC> TypeCode Conditional The preference is to use BirthJurisdictionTC for US birth places. The jurisdiction of birth OLI LU STATE Required when BirthCountry = 1 for United States. <GovImmigrationNo> String Conditional <ImmigrationStatus> TypeCode Conditional OLI LU IMMSTAT Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. If person is not a citizen of the country for which he/she is applying for insurance, this would be the ID number used by the government for identification purposes. In the US, this is the alien registration receipt card number (green card) for permanent residents, and their Visa number for temporary residents. Conditional, if they are not a US Citizen (Citizenship) then this field is required. Indicates the immigration/citizenship status of the person with respect to the nation indicated in the Party.ResidenceCountry property. Conditional, if they are not a US Citizen (Citizenship) then this field is required. Type Code Translation 1 = Permanent Resident © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 139 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 2 = Visitor 3 = Student 4 = Employee 5 = Refugee/Claimant 6 = Application for landing immigration 7 = Landed immigrant 8 = The party is a citizen (by either birth or naturalization) of the nation indicated by the Party.ResidenceCountry <ImmigrationEntryDate Date > Optional <VisaExpDate> Date <GuestLengthOfStayYe Integer ars> Optional Optional <GuestLengthOfStayM Integer onths> Optional <GuestLengthOfStayD Integer ays> Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The date on which the applicant first entered the country in which they now reside. Used in conjunction with ImmigrationStatus Date the Person's visa expires Length of stay in guest country, expressed in years On Person, length of stay can be expressed variously as days, weeks, months, or combinations such as years & months, years & days, months & days. Use this property in conjunction with GuestLengthOfStayMonths and GuestLengthOfStayDays, as appropriate. Length of stay in guest country, expressed in months On Person, length of stay can be expressed variously as days, weeks, months, or combinations such as years & months, years & days, months & days. Use this property in conjunction with GuestLengthOfStayYears and GuestLengthOfStayDays, as appropriate. Length of stay in guest country, expressed in days On Person, length of stay can be expressed variously as days, weeks, months, or combinations such as years & months, years & days, months © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 140 XML Element Name Type Usage <Address> Object Required <Phone> Object Required <EmailAddress> Object Optional <Risk> Object Optional <Employment> Object Optional Description & days. Use this property in conjunction with GuestLengthOfStayYears and GuestLengthOfStayMonths, as appropriate. An address pertaining to the proposed insured. <Address> Object Phone information for the proposed insured. <Phone> Object Email address information for the proposed insured. <EMailAddress> Object Risk information for the proposed insured. <Risk> Object Employment for the proposed insured. <Employment> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 141 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.36 <Party> Object for Beneficiary (Person) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party The Party object represents entities involved with this New Business transaction. It includes data and aggregates that provide more detailed information about the Party. For example, the Person Object contains more detailed information about an individual person. At least one beneficiary Party, either a Person or Organization, must be represented in a New Business transaction. Please reference appendix C “Sample XML for Beneficiary Roles” on how to relate the beneficiary to the Holding. <Party id="Party2_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>987456321</GovtID> <GovtIDTypeCode tc="1">SSN</GovtIDTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>James</FirstName> <MiddleName>P</MiddleName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> <Suffix>III</Suffix> <BirthDate>1980-02-09</BirthDate> <Age>25</Age> </Person> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Conditional OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of party existing in the collection. Type Code Translation 1 = Person See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of the beneficiary. On Party, when Party.Type='Person', © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 142 XML Element Name Type Usage Description FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. If the data entry system does not segregate elements of the name, it may not be possible to format the FullName in this manner. <GovtID> String Optional <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' TypeCode Conditional OLI LU GOVTIDTC Required when the parsed elements of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. String that represents the government ID, for example, a social security number or tax identification number. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. Type Code Translation 1 = Social Security Number US 9 = Tax ID for US non-resident alien 18 = Green Card US Required if the GovtID is provided. @id Object ID Required Optional <FirstName> <MiddleName> String String Required Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Details about the beneficiary. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person Middle name of the person Required Optional This field is not necessarily just a middle initial. If only a middle initial is used by a program, that program should be careful to put back the entire middle name, unless it is changed. Last name of the person Prefix for the person Optional Can include values such as 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.', etc.. Suffix for the person <Person> <LastName> <Prefix> <Suffix> String String String © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 143 XML Element Name Type Usage Description For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Title> <BirthDate> <Age> String Optional <Address> Date Integer Object Optional Optional Optional <Phone> Object Optional <EmailAddress> Object Optional For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Person's professional title Can include values such as 'President', etc. This can be used to store the job title for a person. It may also be used to store the title used when addressing a letter. Date of birth for the person Age of the person An address pertaining to the beneficiary <Address> Object Phone information for the beneficiary <Phone> Object Email address information for the proposed insured <EMailAddress> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 144 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.37 <Party> Object for Beneficiary (Organization) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party The Party object represents entities involved with this New Business transaction. It includes data and aggregates that provide more detailed information about the Party. For example, the Organization Object contains more detailed information about an organization. At least one beneficiary Party, either a Person or Organization, must be represented in a New Business transaction. Please reference appendix C “Sample XML for Beneficiary Roles” on how to relate the beneficiary to the Holding. <Party id="Party11_1a"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of organization</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="16">Trust</OrgForm> <TrustType tc="111">Family Trust</TrustType> <IrrevokableInd tc="1">True</IrrevokableInd > <EstabDate>2001-02-01</EstabDate> </Organization> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> <Organization> @id String Object ID Required Required Optional OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of party existing in the collection. Type Code Translation 2 = Organization See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Name of the organization A Type of Party See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 145 XML Element Name <OrgForm> Type TypeCode Usage Required OLI LU ORGFORM Description Organization Form Common law provides for nonpersons to have a legal existence and have various legally enforceable rights, such as owning property, etc. This field defines the various nonperson legal entities that are legally recognized. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Sole Proprietorship 2 = Partnership 11 = Charitable Organization 12 = Non-Profit Organization 16 = Trust 23 = Corporation, General 24 = Estate 26 = Religious Organization For some beneficiaries, the OrgForm may not be identifiable. In this case use a type code of 0 – Unknown. Some examples include creditors and educational institutions. More information, if known, can be represented with a Relation Object or the NatureCategory of the Organization. <TrustType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU TRUSTTYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Defines the formal legal structure of a trust. When OrgForm=Trust this further describes the type of trust. <IrrevokableInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. If this organization beneficiary is a trust, indicates whether it is irrevocable or not. To indicate whether the beneficiary is designated as irrevocable for this policy, see Relation.IrrevokableInd or LifeParticipant.IrrevokableInd. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 146 XML Element Name <NatureCategory> Type TypeCode Usage Optional OLI__LU_NAT URECAT Description The Nature Category is used to define the fundamental and distinct classes to which an organization belongs. For example, a type code of 32 represents an educational institution. <EstabDate> String Conditional <Address> Object Optional <Phone> Object Optional <EmailAddress> Object Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Date the organization was established. Required if OrgForm=Trust and IrrevokableInd is true. An address pertaining to the beneficiary <Address> Object Phone information for the beneficiary <Phone> Object Email address information for the proposed insured <EMailAddress> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 147 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.38 <Party> Object for natural person owner who is not the insured TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party If the owner of the proposed insurance in the 103 New Business transaction is a natural person Height2 owner (an individual) other than the insured, a separate party object is required. <Party id="Party3_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">US SSN</GovtIDTC> <EstNetWorth>1000000</EstNetWorth> <Person> <FirstName>James</FirstName> <MiddleName>P</MiddleName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> <Suffix>sr</Suffix> <BirthDate>1930-12-01</BirthDate> <Citizenship tc="1">USA</Citizenship> <EstSalary>1200000</EstSalary> <ImmigrationStatus tc="8">citizen</ImmigrationStatus> </Person> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="1">Residence</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>12 State St</Line1> <City>Ogden</City> <AddressStateTC tc="52">UT</AddressStateTC> <Zip>84041</Zip> </Address> <Risk> <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns>10000000</TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> </Risk> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The natural owner is a person rather than an organization. Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional Type Code Translation 1 = Person See the description at the beginning of © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 148 XML Element Name Type Usage <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Optional <GovtID> String Required <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' TypeCode Required OLI LU GOVTIDTC Description this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of the object or party. On Party, when Party.Type='Person', FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. Required when the parsed elements of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. String that represents the government ID. For example, a social security number or tax identification number. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. Type Code Translation 1 = Social Security Number US 9 = Tax ID for US non-resident alien 18 = Green Card US <EstNetWorth> Currency Optional <Person> @id Object ID Required Optional <FirstName> <MiddleName> <LastName> <Prefix> String String String String Required Optional Required Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Estimated net-worth as of date record was created Details about the proposed insured See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person Middle name of the person Last name of the person Prefix for the person Optional Can include values such as 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.', etc.. Suffix for the person <Suffix> String For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 149 XML Element Name Type Usage Description M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Title> <Gender> String TypeCode Optional For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Person's professional title Optional Can include values such as 'President', etc. This can be used to store the job title for a person. It may also be used to store the title used when addressing a letter. Gender of the person OLI LU GENDER <BirthDate> <DOBEstimated> <Age> <Citizenship> Date Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Integer TypeCode Type Code Translation 1 = Male 2 = Female Optional Optional Optional Optional OLI LU NATION <EstSalary> Currency <EstGrossAnnualOtherI Currency ncome> <ImmigrationStatus> TypeCode Optional Optional Optional OLI LU IMMSTAT Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date of birth for the person Indicates whether the date of birth for the person is estimated. Age of the person Citizenship of person Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Estimated annual salary of the person Estimated non-salary (in the U.S. this is non-W2) income. Indicates the immigration/citizenship status of the person with respect to the nation indicated in the Party.ResidenceCountry property. Recommended if the owner is not a US Citizen (Citizenship). <Address> Object Required Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. An address pertaining to the proposed insured © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 150 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <Phone> Object Optional <EmailAddress> Object Optional <Risk> Object Optional <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> Currency Optional <Address> Object Phone information for the proposed insured <Phone> Object Email address information for the proposed insured <EMailAddress> Object Risk information for the natural owner who is not the insured. <Risk> Object Total Inforce and Applied Insurance Optional An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force and applied for pending approval for the individual. Total Inforce Insurance <TotalInforceIns> Currency An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force for the individual. <TotalAppliedForIns> Currency Optional To be used if the individual amount of in force Insurance is known. If the individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for insurance are unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. Total Insurance Amount Applied An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is applied for and pending approval for the individual. To be used if the individual amount of Insurance that has been applied for and not yet approved is known. If individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for are unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 151 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.39 <Party> Object for organization owner TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party If the proposed owner is an organization, like a corporation or a trust, a Party object with an Organization aggregate is required. Can also be used when the Organization represents the business in a business insurance policy. <Party id="Party11_1a"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of organization</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="16">Trust</OrgForm> <TrustType tc="111">Family Trust</TrustType> <IrrevokableInd tc="1">True</IrrevokableInd > <EstabDate>2001-02-01</EstabDate> </Organization> </Party> <Party id> ID Required <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> <GovtID> String String Required Optional <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' TypeCode Conditional OLI LU GOVTIDTC See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This party is an organization owner. Type Code Translation 2 = Organization See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Name of the organization String that represents the government ID. In the USA, this is the Social Security Number for a person or TIN for an organization. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. Type Code Translation 2 = Taxpayer Identification Number 8 = US Employer Identification Number © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 152 XML Element Name <Organization> @id <OrgForm> Type Usage Object ID Required Optional TypeCode Required OLI LU ORGFORM Description Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. A Type of Party See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Organization Form Common law provides for nonpersons to have a legal existence and have various legally enforceable rights, such as owning property, etc. This field defines the various nonperson legal entities that are legally recognized. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Sole Proprietorship 2 = Partnership 11 = Charitable Organization 12 = Non-Profit Organization 16 = Trust 23 = Corporation, General 24 = Estate 26 = Religious Organization <TrustType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU TRUSTTYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Defines the formal legal structure of a trust. When OrgForm is a trust (tc=16) this further describes the type of trust. <IrrevokableInd> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. If this organization beneficiary is a trust (OrgForm tc=16), indicates whether it is irrevocable or not. To indicate whether the beneficiary is designated as irrevocable for this policy, see Relation.IrrevokableInd or LifeParticipant.IrrevokableInd. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 153 XML Element Name <NatureCategory> Type TypeCode Usage Optional OLI LU NATURECAT Description The Nature Category is used to define the fundamental and distinct classes to which an organization belongs. For example, a type code of 32 represents an educational institution. <EstabDate> String Conditional <OrganizationFinan Object cialData> Conditional <BusinessInsPurpo Object seInfo> Optional <BuyInsPurpose TypeCode Optional OLI LU NEED Type> <Address> <BuySellAgreem Boolean entInd> 0 = False 1 = True <MultiPartyCover Boolean edInd> 0 = False 1 = True Optional <MultiPartyCover String edDesc> Optional <KeyManDesc> String Optional Object Optional Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Date the organization was established. Required if OrgForm=Trust and IrrevokableInd is true. Finanical information about the organization. Required for Business Insurance. Refer to the object link below for details. <OrganizationFinancialData> Object for Business Insurance Used to specify information about a business as it pertains to business insurance. This is how a business would indicate the types of business insurance it is allowed to buy. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Indicates that there is a Written Buy Sell agreement in place. Used where BusInsPurposeType=BuySell. Used to indicate that multiple parties are covered by business insurance and that all have comparable amounts of coverage. If MultiPartyCoveredInd is set to true, this property may be used to document the details of the other parties covered. Description of why a person is key to the organization. Details of the special skills/ knowledge/ ability needed by the organization. An address pertaining to the organization owner. <Address> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 154 XML Element Name Type Usage <Phone> Object Optional <EmailAddress> Object Optional Description Phone information for the organization owner. <Phone> Object Email address information for the organization owner. <EMailAddress> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 155 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.40 <Party> Object for other business insurance owners TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party For business insurance, this Party Object represents the information requested for the other owners of the business, if any. Percent of ownership is found in the relation object. <Party id="Party22_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Charles</FirstName> <MiddleName>B</MiddleName> <LastName>Officer</LastName> <Age>50</Age> </Person> <Risk> <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns>10000</TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> </Risk> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The natural owner is a person rather than an organization. Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <Person> @id Object ID Required Optional <FirstName> String Required Type Code Translation 1 = Person See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Details about the proposed insured See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 156 XML Element Name Type Usage <MiddleName> <LastName> <Prefix> String String String Optional Required Optional <Suffix> String Optional Description Middle name of the person Last name of the person Prefix for the person Can include values such as 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.', etc.. Suffix for the person. For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Title> String Optional For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Person's professional title <Risk> Integer Object Optional Optional <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> Currency Optional Can include values such as 'President', etc. This can be used to store the job title for a person. It may also be used to store the title used when addressing a letter. Age of the person Risk information for the natural owner who is not the insured. <Risk> Object Total Inforce and Applied Insurance Optional An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force and applied for pending approval for the individual. Total Inforce Insurance Optional An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force for the individual. To be used if the individual amount of in force Insurance is known. If the individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for insurance are unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. Total Insurance Amount Applied <Age> <TotalInforceIns> <TotalAppliedForIns> Currency Currency An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is applied for © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 157 XML Element Name Type Usage Description and pending approval for the individual. To be used if the individual amount of Insurance that has been applied for and not yet approved is known. If individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for are unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 158 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.41 <Party> Object for agency TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party A party object represents the agency for the proposed insurance. The agency‟s appointment information for the carrier of the proposed insurance is included. <Party id=”Party4_1”> <PartyTypeCode tc‟”2”>Organization</PartyTypeCode> <PartyKey>AGCYKEY</PartyKey> <PartySyskey>AGCYSYSKEY</PartySysKey> <FullName>Agency name</FullName> <GovID>123456789</GovtID> <GovIDTC tc=”2”>Taxpayer Identification Number</GovtIDTC> <Organization id>=”Org4_1”> <ResidenceState tc=”1”>Alabama</ResidenceState> <OrganizationKey>ORGAGCY</OrganizationKey> <OrganizationSysKey>ORGSYSAGCY</OrganizationSysKey> <AbbrNam>Agency Nam Incorporated</AbbrName> <OrgCode>AGCY</OrgCode> </Organization> <Producer> <NIPRNumber>34995433</NIPRNumber> <CarrierAppointment> <CompanyProducerID>ABC123</CompanyProducerID> <CarrierCode>INSCO</CarrierCode> </CarrierAppointment> </Producer> </Party> <Party id> ID Required <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The agency is an organization (corporation, etc.). Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional Type Code Translation 2 = Organization See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 159 XML Element Name Type Usage <FullName> <GovtID> String String Optional Optional <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' TypeCode Conditional OLI LU GOVTIDTC Description Full name of the agency. String that represents the government ID. In the USA, this is typically the Social Security Number for a person or TIN for an organization. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. Type Code Translation 2 = Taxpayer Identification Number 8 = US Employer Identification Number <ResidenceState> LookUp Table String= 'State' TypeCode <Organization> Object Required @id ID Optional <OrganizationKey> String Optional <OrganizationSysKey> String Optional <AbbrName> <OrgCode> String String Optional Optional Object Optional String Optional <Producer> <NIPRNumber> Optional Required if the GovtID is provided. Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. State of residence for the party. OLI LU STATE Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. An organization object is necessary for an agency See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Abbreviated name of the Organization. Defined as a short code assigned by the organization to internally identify the organizational unit. For example, this is where the office code would go. An agent, agency, broker, broker dealer or distributor This captures the additional information you have on a commission earning party The agency‟s National Insurance Producer Registry Number (or other © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 160 XML Element Name <CarrierAppointment> Type Usage Object Optional <CompanyProducerID> String Optional <CarrierCode> Optional String Description authorizing authorities id number). The information for each appointment for a producer. Defines the agency‟s appointment information with this carrier for this new business transaction. The company producer ID represents the agency‟s appointment number with the carrier for the proposed holding. This code uniquely represents the insurance carrier for which this carrier appointment applies. The NAIC code is recommended as the CarrierCode. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 161 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.42 <Party> Object for Producer TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party A party object represents the agent(s) for the proposed insurance. The agent‟s appointment information for the carrier of the proposed insurance is included. <Party id="Party5_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Robert</FirstName> <LastName>Bush</LastName> </Person> <Producer> <Certification>CLU</Certification> <CarrierAppointment> <CompanyProducerID>ABC123</CompanyProducerID> </CarrierAppointment> </Producer> </Party> <Party id> ID Required <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The agent is a person rather than an organization. Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Conditional Type Code Translation 1 = Person See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of the agent On Party, when Party.Type='Person', FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. If the data entry system does not segregate elements of the name, it may not be possible to format © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 162 XML Element Name Type Usage Description the FullName in this manner. <GovtID> String Optional <GovtIDTC> LookUp Table String= 'Government ID Type Code' TypeCode Conditional OLI LU GOVTIDTC Required when the parsed elements of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. String that represents the government ID. For example, a social security number or tax identification number. Type code describing the contents of GovtID. Type Code Translation 1 = Social Security Number US 9 = Tax ID for US non-resident alien 18 = Green Card US Required if the GovtID is provided. <Person> @id Object ID Required Optional <FirstName> String Conditional <MiddleName> <LastName> <Prefix> String String String Optional Conditional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Details about the agent See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person. May not be required when the transaction relies on the Producer.CarrierAppointment.Compan yProducerID. If parsed name is available use this, if not use FullName. Middle name of the person Last name of the person. May not be required when the transaction relies on the Producer.CarrierAppointment.Compan yProducerID. If parsed name is available use this, if not use FullName. Prefix for the person Can include values such as 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.', etc.. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 163 XML Element Name <Suffix> Type String Usage Optional Description Suffix for the person For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Title> <Producer> String Object Optional Optional <Certification> String Optional <NIPRNumber> String Optional Object Optional <CompanyProducerID> String Optional <CarrierCode> Optional <CarrierAppointment> String For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Person's professional title Can include values such as 'President', etc. This can be used to store the job title for a person. It may also be used to store the title used when addressing a letter. An agent, agency, broker, broker dealer or distributor This captures the additional information you have on a commission earning party Insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) for this producer. Multiple designations are separated by commas. The Producers National Insurance Producer Registry Number (or other authorizing authorities id number). The information for each appointment for a producer. Defines the agent‟s appointment information with this carrier for this new business transaction. The company producer ID represents the agent‟s appointment number with the carrier for the proposed holding. This code uniquely represents the insurance carrier for which this carrier appointment applies. The NAIC code is recommended as the CarrierCode. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 164 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.43 <Party> Object for carrier TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party A Party Object representing an insurance carrier. Carrier parties on a new business transaction include the carrier for the proposed and/or existing insurance. The Party Object for carrier is optional. See section 3.3.3 Identification of the Carrier for the Proposed Policy. <Party id="Party6_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Prudential Insurance Co</FullName> <Organization> </Organization> <Carrier> <CarrierCode>97195</CarrierCode> </Carrier> </Party> <Party id> ID Required <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required <FullName> <Organization> String Object Required Required <Carrier> Object String Optional Required <CarrierCode> OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The carrier is an organization. Type Code Translation 2 = Organization Full name of the carrier. Though no properties of the Organization are utilized, the aggregate is required by the schema. Detail about the insurance carrier Uniquely represents the manufacturer of the financial product, such as an insurance company or fund manager. The NAICCode is recommended. If all you need is CarrierCode you can use the CarrierCode tag that is required in Policy, if you need additional information then create a Carrier Party object. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 165 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.44 <Party> Object for creditor on the collateral loan TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party Used to represent the information needed for the creditor on the collateral loan for business insurance. <Party id="Party_Creditor1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Bank of America</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="0">Unknown</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <Party id> ID Required <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Conditionally Required <Person> Object <FirstName> <MiddleName> <LastName> <Organization> @id String String String Object ID See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This party is an organization owner. Conditionally Required Conditionally Required Optional Conditionally Required Required Optional Type Code Translation 2 = Organization See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Name of the organization Required if the creditor is an organization. Required if the creditor is a person First name of the person Required if the creditor is a person. Middle name of the person Last name of the person Required if the creditor is a person. A Type of Party See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 166 XML Element Name <OrgForm> Type TypeCode OLI LU ORGFORM Usage Required Description Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Organization Form Common law provides for nonpersons to have a legal existence and have various legally enforceable rights, such as owning property, etc. This field defines the various nonperson legal entities that are legally recognized. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Sole Proprietorship 2 = Partnership 23 = Corporation, General Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 167 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.45 <Party> Object for account owner TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party A party object on a new a business transaction represents the account owner of the bank account associated with a Banking Object for funding the initial or inforce premiums. This particular party object is optional on a new business transaction. If the only information that is needed is the account holders full name, use the tag AcctHolderName on Banking. If any other information on the account holder is needed, including the parsed name, then a Party object must be created which can be referenced from Banking @AppliesToPartyID. <Party id="Party16_1"> <!--bank account owner can also be an organization - corporation or trust--> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Mary</FirstName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> <Suffix>I</Suffix> </Person> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PART Y See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The account owner may be a person or an organization. Type of party existing in the collection. <PartyKey> String Optional <PartySysKey> String Optional <FullName> String Optional Type Code Translation 1 = Person 2 = Organization See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Full name of the object or party. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 168 XML Element Name Type Usage Description On Party, when Party.Type='Person', FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. If the data entry system does not segregate elements of the name, it may not be possible to format the FullName in this manner. <Person> Object Conditional @id ID Optional <FirstName> <MiddleName> <LastName> <Suffix> String String String String Required Optional Required Optional Required when the parsed elements of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. A type of party. Required if the account owner is an person rather than an organization. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person Middle name of the person Last name of the person Suffix for the person. For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Organization> Object Conditional <Address> Object Optional For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Required if the account owner is an organization rather than an individual person. Maybe utilized for credit card address. <Address> Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 169 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.46 <Party> for Employer TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party This optional Party represents the employer of the proposed insured party. The Employer Object is related to the proposed insured Party with the EmployerPartyID on the Employment Object. <Party id="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>ABC Corporation</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="23">Corporation</OrgForm> </Organization> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>2350 Corporate Park Drive</Line1> <City>Herndon</City> <AddressStateTC tc="55">Virginia</AddressStateTC> <Zip>22101</Zip> </Address> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required <FullName> <Organization> String Object Optional Required TypeCode Required <OrgForm> OLI_LU_PART Y OLI LU ORGFORM See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of party existing in the collection. Type Code Translation 2 = Organization Full name of the employer. An organization object is necessary for a party with PartyTypeCode of 2. Organization Form Common law provides for nonpersons to have a legal existence and have various legally enforceable rights, such as owning property, etc. This field defines the various nonperson legal entities that are legally recognized. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 170 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Sole Proprietorship 2 = Partnership 11 = Charitable Organization 12 = Non-Profit Organization 16 = Trust 23 = Corporation, General 24 = Estate 26 = Religious Organization <Address> <AddressTypeCode> Object Optional TypeCode Required OLI LU ADTYPE <Line1> String Required <Line2> String Optional <City> String Conditional <AddressStateTC> TypeCode Required OLI LU STATE <Zip> <AddressCountryTC> String Required TypeCode Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. An address pertaining to the party or group. <Address> Object Address of the employer Type Code Translation 2 =Business 27 = Headquarters First line of the address Should not include city, state, or zip code. Second line of the address Should not include city, state, or zip code. City of the address In some cases where a zip code database is utilized, conditionally required only if the Zip is not provided. Provides a numeric integer value for the address state. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Zip code, postal code, etc. (country dependent) This may include formatting characters to accommodate all countries. U.S. zip codes should be 5 digits, zip + 4 should be 9 digits, and not include the separating hyphen (i.e.111112222). Country of residence for the party. OLI LU NATION © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 171 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Type Code Translation 1 = United States of America © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 172 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.47 <Party> Payor for Person or Organization TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party The payor on a new business transaction is the individual or corporation that is expected to pay the ongoing premiums. The Payor Party will exist only when the payor is not the same as an existing Party such as the proposed insured or owner. The Payor is related to the proposed Holding with a Relation Object and a RelationRoleCode of 31 (payer). <Party id="Payor_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Mary</FirstName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> <Suffix>I</Suffix> </Person> <Organization/> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>2350 Corporate Park Drive</Line1> <City>Herndon</City> <AddressStateTC tc="55">Virginia</AddressStateTC> <Zip>22101</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">US</AddressCountryTC> </Address> </Party> <Party id> ID Required @DataRep Attribute Optional <PartyTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Party Type' TypeCode Required <FullName> String OLI_LU_PART Y Conditional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of party existing in the collection. Type Code Translation 1 = Person 2 = Organization Full name of the organization or person. On Party, when Party.Type='Person', FullName is formatted '%L, %F %M, %S' where %L is LastName, %F is FirstName, %M is MiddleName and %S is Suffix. Required when the parsed elements © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 173 XML Element Name Type Usage Description @id Object ID Conditional Optional <FirstName> String Conditional of the name (Person.FirstName, Person.LastName) are not available. Required if the payor is an individual See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys First name of the person Optional Conditional If parsed name is available use this, if not use FullName. Middle name of the person Last name of the person Optional If parsed name is available use this, if not use FullName. Suffix for the person. <Person> <MiddleName> <LastName> <Suffix> String String String For all persons, all suffixes (Jr., Sr., M.D., J.D., etc.) should be stored, in a comma delimited format, in this property. <Organization> Object Conditional <Address> Object Optional TypeCode Required <AddressTypeCode> OLI LU ADTYPE <Line1> String For an insurance producer, put insurance specific designations (FLMI, CLU, ChFC, CFP, etc.) in the Party.Producer.Certification property. Required if the payor is an organization An address pertaining to the payor Party. <Address> Object Type of address Please see the ACORD Help file for a complete list of type codes. Required First line of the address Should not include city, state, or zip code. <Line2> <City> <AddressStateTC> String String TypeCode OLI LU STATE Optional Required Required Second line of the address Should not include city, state, or zip code. City of the address Provides a numeric integer value for the address state Please see the ACORD Help File for a © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 174 XML Element Name <Zip> Type String Usage Required Description complete list of type codes. Zip code, postal code, etc. (country dependent) This may include formatting characters to accommodate all countries. U.S. zip codes should be 5 digits, zip + 4 should be 9 digits, and not include the separating hyphen (i.e.111112222). © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 175 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.48 <Payment> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/FinancialActivity/Payment The Payment object is required for an initial payment, and may be a collection, but ordinarily would not be unless several checks are involved in a financial activity. Most commonly, there will be just one initial payment which would be represented by a single FinancialActivity with a single Payment. Since carriers typically process initial payments separately and do not reverse them as a group, multiple checks for the initial payment are not included in a single FinancialActivity. <Payment BankHoldingID="Holding6"> <PaymentForm tc="7">EFT</PaymentForm> <PaymentAmt>100</PaymentAmt> <SourceOfFundsTC tc="11">income</SourceOfFundsTC> </Payment> <Payment id> ID Optional @BankHoldingID IDREF Optional <PaymentKey> PERSISTKE Optional Y <PaymentSysKey> SYSKEY Optional <PaymentForm> TypeCode Conditional OLI_LU_PAYM ENTFORM See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Pointer/Foreign Key to a Holding containing a Banking Object with the Banking Information. For credit card payments and electronic funds transfer, the bank holding will include the account information. Some carriers request the account information in a separate transaction for security purposes. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Physical form of payment Type Code Translation 2 = Credit Card 5 = Certified Check 6 = Personal Check 7 = Electronic Funds Transfer 10 = Corporate Check © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 176 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 13 = Funds to Follow (1035 Exchange) 25 = Debit Card/Check Card 26 = Payment is made from another Policy Required on the initial payment when FinancialActivity.FinActivityType = 7. PaymentForm is optional on on-going premium. <CheckNo> String Optional <CheckDescription> String Optional <PaymentAmt> Currency Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Individual check number, not including the routing number or account number. Anything the payer wrote on the check. For initial premium it‟s the current amount of payment. For a 1035 Exchange, payment amount reflects the expected cash value to be exchanged. <SourceOfFundsTC> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_SOUR CEOF FUNDS <SourceOfFundsDetails> String Optional <PaymentMethod> TypeCode Conditional OLI LU PAYMETHOD Required for all initial payments except Cash On Delivery policies. Indicates where the funds originated for this Payment; indicates if from a death benefit or 1035 exchange. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. SourceOfFundsDetails is a string field that provides additional information about the Payment. The business process by which payment is made which influences how the payment is billed. To express it in the reverse, there are internal business rules around each allowable Payment Method that usually define the acceptable or expected Payment Forms. For example, a Payment Method of "Credit Card Billing" indicates that a © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 177 XML Element Name Type Usage Description credit card is billed for the payment. In this example, one would expect PaymentForm and PaymentMethod to both indicate "Credit Card" and seem redundant. However, if PaymentMethod were "List Bill" the PaymentForm could be any number of suitable forms of payment as defined by internal business logic. PaymentMethod is optional for the initial payment. Type Code Translation 1 = No Billing 2 = Regular Billing 6 = Payroll Deduction 7 = Electronic Funds Transfer 8 = Government Allotment 9 = Credit Card Billing 26 = Pre-authorized Check <CheckDate> Date Optional <Attachment> Object Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This does not necessarily reflect the date the check was written. For example, it could be post dated. This contains a collection of attachments. Each attachment could contain any of the AttachmentTypes defined. <Attachment> Object for text <Attachment> Object for images <Attachment> Object for file © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 178 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.49 <Phone> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Phone The Phone object provides the telephone information associated with a Party on the New business application. <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="1">Home</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>555</AreaCode> <DialNumber>1234567</DialNumber> <PrefPhone tc="1"/> <BestTimeToCallFrom>15:00:00</BestTimeToCallFrom> <BestTimeToCallTo>17:00:00Z</BestTimeToCallTo> </Phone> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Work</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>555</AreaCode> <PrefPhone tc="0"/> <DialNumber>1234568</DialNumber> <Ext>1205</Ext> </Phone> <Phone id> ID Optional <PhoneKey> String Optional <PhoneSysKey> String Optional <PhoneTypeCode> LookUp Table String= 'Phone Type' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PHON ETYPE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Type of phone Type Code Translation 1 = Home 2 = Business 3 = Vacation 4 = Business Fax 6 = Marine 7 = Corporate Office 9 = Regional Office 11 = Temporary 12 = Mobile 13 = Pager (beeper) 14 = Modem/data line © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 179 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 15 = Home Fax 16 = "General" voice number unspecified as to location 26 = Primary Phone 27 = Secondary or Alternate Phone <AreaCode> <DialNumber> <Ext> String String String Required Required Optional <PrefPhone> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <BestTimeToCallFrom> <BestTimeToCallTo> <BestDayToCall> Time Time Object Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Area code Phone number Extension of the phone number (if any). Preferred phone indicator FALSE = meaning phone information currently being provided is NOT preferred Optional Optional Optional TRUE = meaning phone information currently being provided IS preferred This is optional for the primary insured and not needed for the other roles. Preference to be called at or after this specific time. E.g. if best time to call is between 9am and 5pm, this would represent 9am. For schema purposes, 9am Eastern should appear in the format 09:00:00-05:00. This is optional for the primary insured and not needed for the other roles. Indicates the preference to be called before this time. E.g. if best time to call is between 9am and 5pm, this would represent 5pm. For schema purposes, 5pm Eastern should appear in the format 17:00:00-05:00. This is optional for the primary insured and not needed for the other roles. Client's preferred day of week to be called, collected during apply process © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 180 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.50 <Policy> Object for Proposed Policy TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy The Policy object contains all the policy properties that are generic across insurance policy types. The recommendation for ongoing premium is to model the mode, method, and amount in an Arrangement object rather than in the associated properties and objects of Policy. Account information for credit cards and electronic funds transfers will be modeled in a Banking object related to the Arrangement via ArrSource or ArrDestination, rather than in a Banking object related to Policy or directly in the properties of Policy. <Policy CarrierPartyID="Party6_1" id="Policy1_1"> <PolNumber>AB12345678</PolNumber> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <ProductType tc="2">Term</ProductType> <CarrierCode>12345</CarrierCode> <PlanName>SuperTerm 15Yr Level Term</PlanName> <ShortName>ST 15</ShortName> <PolicyStatus tc="12">Proposed</PolicyStatus> <IssueNation tc=”1”>U.S.</IssueNation> <Jurisdiction tc=”1”>Alabama</Jurisdiction> <PaymentDraftDay>15</PaymentDraftDay> <Life>… </Life> <ApplicationInfo>… </ApplicationInfo> <RequirementInfo>… </RequirementInfo> <RequirementInfo AppliesToPartyID="Party1_1">… </RequirementInfo> <Arrangement>… </Arrangement> <FinancialActivity>… </FinancialActivity> </Policy> <Policy id> ID Optional <@CarrierPartyID> ID Conditional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This is a reference to the Party Aggregate of the Carrier of this item. When Policy - Company issuing the Product. The party that is the carrier for this policy. Required when specific carrier information modeled in a Carrier Object is needed. Note: This is the only accepted method to relate a policy to a carrier. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 181 XML Element Name Type Usage <PolNumber> String <LineOfBusiness> LookUp Table String= 'Line of Business' TypeCode Required <ProductType> LookUp Table String= 'Policy Product Type' TypeCode Required <ProductCode> String <ProductVersionCode> Optional OLI_LU_LIN EBUS OLI_LU_PO LPROD String Conditional Optional Description A Relation Object is not used. Policy number: This is generally assigned by the Carrier except in the case of field issued contracts. Line of business of the insurance Type Code Translation 1 = Life Product type Type Code Translation 2 = Term 3 = Universal Life 4 = Variable Universal Life 5 = Indexed Universal Life Insurance Carriers‟ internal code for the product. Required if PlanName is not provided ProductVersionCode defines the version of a product, particularly when a company uses the same ProductCode across versions. Business users require the ability to vary product information without creating a new product codes. The varied information can include, but is not limited to, product information such as fees related to expenses, surrender charges or premium loads. Version also enables members to define versions of bundled products. This enhanced functionality allows the user to fulfill their requirements for multiple versions of an insurance product without creating multiple product codes. <CarrierCode> String Required <PlanName> String Conditional This applies when products are versioned, but the same ProductCode is used across versions. This is the code used to represent the carrier for this policy. Recommended Usage: Carriers‟ NAIC Number. Full name of plan. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for this policy/coverage/option. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 182 XML Element Name Type Usage <ShortName> <MarketingName> String String Optional Optional <PolicyStatus> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_PO LSTAT Description Required if ProductCode is not provided Abbreviated or short name On Policy, MarketingName indicates the version marketing name associated with a product. MarketingName is the carriers marketing name associated with the ProductVersionCode. Type code for the status of the contract Type Code Translation 12 = Proposed <IssueNation> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_NA TION For a detailed description of PolicyStatus and StatusReasons, refer to Appendix C - New Business Policy Status Transitions. Nation policy was issued in and where it will be delivered. Type Code Translation 1 = USA <Jurisdiction> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ST ATE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Jurisdiction of a Policy - Since this is a new application, the ApplicationJurisdiction on ApplicationInfo and the residence state of the primary proposed insured are expected to represent the same state as the Policy Jurisdiction. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. <BillNumber> <ReplacementType> String Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RE PLACETYP E The unique billing reference number to a block of business. Used in List Bill, Government Allotment, and for family groups where payments are grouped together. ReplacementType denotes the kind of replacement when the applied for policy is replacing an existing contract. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 183 XML Element Name Type Usage Description The proposed policy ReplacementType reflects in aggregate the ReplacementType(s) of all existing contracts that are being replaced. Type Code Translation 2 = Internal (Same Company Group) 3 = External 4 = Internal & External 9 = Internal (Same Company) 11 = Both internal and intra-statutory <CommissionOptionSelected> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CO MMOPTION Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. For additional codes and directions for usage, please see the current spec. The code for showing which commission compensation plan the original writing agents choose to be compensated by. Type Code Translation 1 = Full First Year Commission rate with no Persistency or Expense Allowance payments from this policy. 2 = Reduced First Year Commission rate plus the policy counting for Persistency payment 3 = Reduced First Year Commission rate plus the policy is included in the Expense Allowance plan. 4 = Reduced First Year Commission rate with no Persistency or Expense allowance payments included. 5 = Heaped (Levelized) Commission Option 6 = Full first year commission (no trails) 7 = Trails Only (High Trail) 8 = Level (cash flow and trails) 9 = No Commissions (i.e. wrap) 10 = Reduced front end commission with trails Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 184 XML Element Name Type Usage Description current spec. for additional codes. <AnnualPaymentAmt> <SpecialHandling> Currency Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_SP ECIALHAND LING <JuvenilePolicyInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <ReplacedPolicyPhysicalStatus> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_PO LICYREPLP HYSTAT Annualized payment/premium amount AnnualPaymentAmt on Policy does include all coverages. Indicates the type of special handling required for this policy. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Policy which is issued on the life of a child. The policy may be owned by the child or, in most cases, by an adult. If the policy is owned by a child no rights could be exercised while he/she is a minor without the appropriate guardianship papers/court order. The RestrictionCode must be used in conjunction with the JuvenilePolicyInd and it should be set to '3' for 'This Contract is on a Juvenile and is restricted‟. If the policy is owned by an adult, it is not considered restricted as the adult can make changes to the policy. The physical status or state of a contract when it is a replacement This indicates who/where the actual policy contract is, or whether it‟s lost/stolen. May be used to indicate when a replacement policy is lost/stolen, or given to an agent/distributor to send to carrier for exchange/replacement. Type Code Translation 5 = Lost, Stolen or otherwise Destroyed 6 = Attached 7 = Policy Included with Physical Application Package <Life> Object Required Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Please reference the Life Object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 185 XML Element Name Type Usage <ApplicationInfo> Object Required <RequirementInfo> Object Optional Repeating <Arrangement> Object Required Repeating <FinancialActivity> Object Required Repeating Description section. <Life> Object Please reference the ApplicationInfo Object section. <ApplicationInfo> Object Please reference the Requirement Info Object section. <RequirementInfo> Object Please reference the Arrangement Object section. <Arrangement> Object At least one Arrangement is required to represent ongoing premium. Please reference the FinancialActivity Object section. <FinancialActivity> Object for initial payment FinancialActivity instances may be included to represent initial payments. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 186 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.51 <PrescriptionDrug> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/PrescriptionDrug When used on the 103 New Business Transaction, PrescriptionDrug is used to capture the personal drug information admitted to by the proposed insured during the application completion process. <PrescriptionDrug id=”PrescriptionDrug_1”> <Applicability tc=”1”>Applies</Applicability> <PrescriptionDrugType tc=”0”>Unknown</PrescriptionDrugType <PrescriptionLabel>Simvastatin</PrescriptionLabel <PrescriptionDosageUnit tc=”1”>Milligrams</PrescriptionDosageUnit> <PrescriptionDosageStrength>20</PrescriptionDosageStrength> <DrugSource tc=”1”>Prescription</DrugSource> </PrescriptionDrug> <PrescriptionDrug id> ID Optional <PrescriptionDrugKey> String Optional <PrescriptionDrugSysKey> String Optional <Applicability> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_APPLI CABILITY See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 187 XML Element Name Type Usage Description asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <PrescriptionDrugType> TypeCode Required OLI_LU_DRU GTYPE Type of code used to identify the pharmaceutical. Type Code Translation 1 = Universal Product Code 2 = Health Related Item 3 = National Drug Code 4 = Universal Product Number 5 =Department of Defense 6 = Drug Use Review 7 = Drug Use Professional Pharmacy Service 8 = National Pharmaceutical Product Interface Code 9 = Drug Identification Number Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. <PrescriptionLabel> <PrescriptionDosageUnit> String TypeCode Required Optional OLI_LU_PRES CDOSUNIT In the most likely scenario, when drug information is being captured to complete the application, this information will not be known. Name of the pharmaceutical Indicates the units to measure the strength of the pharmaceutical (e.g. milligrams) Type Code Translation 1 = Milligrams <PrescriptionDosageStrength> <PrescriptionDosageForm> Integer TypeCode OLI_LU_PRES CDOSEFORM Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Prescription dosage strength Indicates the form in which the pharmaceutical is dispensed (e.g. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 188 XML Element Name Type Usage Description tablet) <DrugSource> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_DRU GSOURCE <PrescriptionFill> Object Type Code Translation 1 = Tablet How was the drug obtained Type Code Translation 1 = Prescription 2 = Over the Counter 3 = Self-Medicated 4 = Illegally Optional Repeating Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. A prescription fill object © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 189 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.52 <Relation> Object for contract level (Holding to Holding for Replacements/Exchanges) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Relation The Relation Object defines a relationship between two top-level objects. In a new business transaction, common Relation Objects describe the relationships between the Holding and another Holding. Each Relation describes an originating Object and a related Object. The two objects are each defined by an ID reference and its associated top-level Object type. A RelationRoleCode defines how the related Object is related to the Originating Object. For example, the Replaced By relation role code (tc=64) is used when “the Related Object is being replaced by the contract being applied for.” <Relation id="Relation_1" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" <RelatedObjectID="Holding_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="4">Holding</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="64">ReplacedBy</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Holding_2" OriginatingObjectID="Holding2" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="4">Holding</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="68">ExchangedFor</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id> ID Required <OriginatingObjectID> IDREF Required <RelatedObjectID> IDREF Required <OriginatingObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required <RelatedObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required <RelationRoleCode> LookUp Table String= 'RelationRoleCode' OLI LU OBJECTTYP E OLI LU OBJECTTYP E TypeCode Required OLI LU REL See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Unique identifier of originating toplevel object. Unique identifier of related top-level object. Type of top-level object of originator. Type Code Translation 4 = Holding The type of object you are relating the Originating Object to. Type Code Translation 4 = Holding Role Code of Relationship. This type code represents the answer to the following question “What is the relationship of the Related Object to the Originating Object?” Type Code Translation 64 = Replaced By 68 = Exchanged For © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 190 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.53 <Relation> Object for contract level (Holding to Party) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Relation The Relation Object defines a relationship between two top-level objects. In a new business transaction, common Relation Objects describe the relationships between the Holdings and Parties (proposed insured to proposed holding, owner to proposed holding, etc.) Each Relation describes an originating Object and a related Object. The two objects are each defined by an ID reference and its associated top-level Object type (Party, Holding, etc.). A RelationRoleCode defines how the related Object is related to the Originating Object. For example, the owner relation role code (tc=8) is used when “the related owner Party is the owner of the originating Holding.” Note the inclusion of BeneficiaryDesignation on this Relation Object. This Relation Object is where additional beneficiary information would be included, such as BeneficaryShareMethod, which is an exception to the rule that the LifeParticipant Object holds role specific information. See the 2 appendices, How to Model Roles and Sample XML for Beneficiaries, for further information. Appendix A – How to Model roles APPENDIX B – Sample XML for beneficiary roles <Relation id="Primary_Insured_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" <RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="32">Primary Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party2_1" OriginatingObjectID="Holding1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>70</InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> <Relation id> ID Required <OriginatingObjectID> IDREF Required <RelatedObjectID> IDREF Required <OriginatingObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required <RelatedObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required OLI LU OBJECTTYP E OLI LU OBJECTTYP E See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Unique identifier of originating toplevel object. Unique identifier of related top-level object. Type of top-level object of originator. Type Code Translation 4 = Holding The type of object you are relating the Originating Object to. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 191 XML Element Name <RelationRoleCode> LookUp Table String= 'RelationRoleCode' Type Usage TypeCode Required OLI LU REL Description 6 = Party Role Code of Relationship. This type code represents the answer to the following question “What is the relationship of the Related Object to the Originating Object?” Type Code Translation 8 = Owner 31 = Payor 32 = Insured 33 = Coverage Insured 34 = Beneficiary 36 = Contingent Beneficiary 37 = Primary Writing Agent 48 = General Agent 52 = Additional Writing Agent 189 = Joint Insured <InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation> Percent Conditional TypeCode Conditional OLI LU BENEDESIG NATION Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Percent of interest related object has in contract - Use this for beneficiary Distribution and commission splits Required for beneficiary and agent relationships. BeneficiaryDesignation is used to identify whether this beneficiary is specifically "named" or if a beneficiary will be identified as a class or group of beneficiaries without specifically naming the individual(s) or organizations. For example, a named beneficiary may be "Joe Smith" versus an unnamed beneficiary of "All natural children of insured." If a beneficiary is named, information about that person or organization is represented in Party. Unnamed beneficiaries are not further qualified other than BeneficiaryDesignation; unnamed beneficiaries are modeled using Relation RoleCode = Beneficiary and © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 192 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Relation.BeneficiaryDesignation but does not reference a Party. In the case that the beneficiary designation is 'Named' (tc=1), PartyID (if on Participant or LifeParticipant) or RelatedObjectId (if on Relation) and BeneficiaryRoleCode is used to describe whoever the beneficiary is. All other values in this lookup are applicable only when the beneficiary is unnamed. In the case that the beneficiary designation is 'Named', PartyID and BeneficiaryRoleCode is used to describe whoever the beneficiary is. All other values in this lookup are applicable only when the beneficiary is unnamed. Required when the RelationRoleCode represents a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary. Type Code Translation: 1 = Named 2 = Estate 13 = Children of Insured Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 193 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.54 <Relation> Object for contract level (Party to Party) TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Relation The Relation Object defines a relationship between two top-level objects. In a new business transaction, common Relation Objects describe the relationships between parties (owner to proposed insured, proposed insured to beneficiary, etc.). Each Relation describes an originating Object and a related Object. The two objects are each defined by an ID reference and its associated top-level Object type (Party, Holding, etc.). A RelationRoleCode defines how the related Object is related to the Originating Object. For example, the owner relation role code (tc=8) is used when “the related owner Party is the owner of the originating Holding.” In business insurance relates the other officers to the organization. <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party2_1" OriginatingObjectID="Party1_1" id="Relation3_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="2">Child</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="5">Son</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id> ID Required <OriginatingObjectID> IDREF Required <RelatedObjectID> IDREF Conditional <OriginatingObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required <RelatedObjectType> LookUp Table String= 'Object Type' TypeCode Required <RelationRoleCode> LookUp Table String= 'RelationRoleCode' OLI LU OBJECTTYP E OLI LU OBJECTTYP E TypeCode Required OLI LU REL See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Unique identifier of originating toplevel object. Unique identifier of related top-level object. Required for all party to party relationships except when it represents the relationship of an unnamed beneficiary. Type of top-level object of originator. Type Code Translation 6 = Party The type of object you are relating the Originating Object to. Type Code Translation 6 = Party Role Code of Relationship. What is the "relationship" of the Originating Object to the Related Object. Type Code Translation 1 = Spouse 2 = Child © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 194 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 3 = Parent 4 = Sibling 210 = Designated/Responsible Officer/Director (for business insurance) <RelationDescription> LookUp Table String= 'Relation Description' TypeCode Optional OLI LU RELDESC Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Description code used to further define the role of the relationship. Used when gender specific information is needed. Type Code Translation 1 = Husband 2 = Wife 3 = Father 4 = Mother 5 = Son 6 = Daughter 7 = Brother 8 = Sister <InterestPercent> Percent Conditional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes Percent of interest related object has in contract - Use this for beneficiary Distribution and commission splits For business insurance, used to define the percentage of ownership for the primary proposed insured. <Duration> Integer Optional Required for beneficiary and agent relationships. Duration in years based on current point in time. When used on Relation, it provides an interval of time or duration that the relationship is effective for. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 195 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.55 <RequirementInfo> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/RequirementInfo This object is used during the new business process for a policy and contains any requirements including underwriting and home office fulfillment requirements for issuing a policy. The most notable example used today on a NBfL transaction is the status of the MIB Authorization. <RequirementInfo AppliesToPartyID="Party1_1"> <ReqCode tc="23">MIB Authorization</ReqCode> <ReqStatus tc="11">Completed</ReqStatus> <StatusEvent> <StatusEventCode tc="114">Signatures Received</StatusEventCode> </StatusEvent> </RequirementInfo> <Requirement id> ID Conditional <AppliesToPartyID> IDREF Required <ReqCode> LookUp Table String= 'Requirement Code' TypeCode Required OLI_LU_RE QCODE Refer to the ACORD Help File for the complete list of type codes. Default: OLI_UNKNO WN <FormVersion> <ReqStatus> Lookup Table String= 'Requirement Status' String Optional TypeCode Required OLI_LU_RE QSTAT Default: See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Required when there is a FormInstance associated with the RequirementInfo. This is the Party ID of the party for whom this requirement is (e.g. the primary insured). Code specifying the policy issue requirement. On RequirementInfo, this is the version of the form associated with the FormNo (also on RequirementInfo). This is typically assigned by the creator of the form and preprinted on the form. This is similar to FormVersion on FormInstance. Note: On some applications, the version is part of the form number. This field would only be used if it is separate. Status of this underwriting requirement. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 196 XML Element Name Type Usage OLI_UNKNO WN <ResponsiblePartyType> LookUp Table String= 'Responsible Party Type' TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RE SPARTY Default: OLI_UNKNO WN Description 1 = Pending 2 = Submitted 3 = Waived 4 = Outstanding 5 = Approved 6 = Declined 7 = Received 8 = Cancelled 11 = Completed Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. This indicates who is responsible for following up and ensuring that this item gets fulfilled. If the requirement is not already ordered, this is the party type of the party responsible for ordering the requirement. Type Code Translation 1 = Agent 3 = Field Office 5 = Home Office <LanguageInterpreterNeeded> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <InterpretedLanguage> TypeCode Optional OLI LU CLIENTLAN GUAGES Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. On RequirementInfo, this property is used to indicate that the parent requirement (for example, a teleinterview) requires a language interpreter. The language that must be translated TO (when known) is specified in InterpretedLanguage. On RequirementInfo, this property is used when LanguageInterpreterNeeded is set to true. The "translated from" language is assumed to be the language in which the application is produced or printed. This is specified in ApplicationInfo.PrefLanguage. If ApplicationInfo.PrefLanguage is not provided, the "translated from" language is defaulted to English. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 197 XML Element Name <StatusEvent> Type Object Usage Optional <StatusEventCode> TypeCode Optional OLI LU STATEVENT CODE <Attachment> Object Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Requirement Event Collection Object This object is used during a specific process depending on the parent. Identifies the action or event Type Code Translation 114 = To indicate signatures on authorization form were completed. Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Attachment that is directly related to this requirement. For example, an image of the EFT authorization may be attached. <Attachment> Object for text <Attachment> Object for images <Attachment> Object for file © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 198 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.56 <Risk> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk This contains the information that is captured on an application to help an insurance company determine risk associated with insuring an applicant. <Risk> <ExistingInsuranceInd tc="1">true</ExistingInsuranceInd> <RejectionInd tc="1">true</RejectionInd> <RejectionReason>Declined for health insurance in 2002 due to exposure to bedrock dust</RejectionReason> <BankruptcyInd tc="1">True</BankruptcyInd> <RecentHospitalizationInd tc="0">False</RecentHospitalizationInd> <SeriousIllnessInd tc="0">False</SeriousIllnessInd> <TobaccoInd tc="1">true</TobaccoInd> <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns>500000</TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> <CriminalConviction> <CrimeDescription>Misdemeanor</CrimeDescription> </CriminalConviction> <SubstanceUsage> <TobaccoType tc="1">Cigarettes</TobaccoType> <SubstanceEndDate>2006-01-01</SubstanceEndDate> </SubstanceUsage> <SubstanceUsage> <TobaccoType tc="8"/> </SubstanceUsage> <LifeStyleActivity> <LifeStyleActivityType tc="29">Foreign Travel</LifeStyleActivityType> <ActivityFrequencyMode tc="4">Per year</ActivityFrequencyMode> <ActivityFrequency>1</ActivityFrequency> <ActivityDuration>3</ActivityDuration> <DurationUnitMeasure tc="69">Weeks</DurationUnitMeasure> <ForeignTravel> <PleasureTravelInd tc="1">True</PleasureTravelInd> <TravelCountry tc="86">China</TravelCountry> <DateLastTrip>2008-06-20</DateLastTrip> </ForeignTravel> </LifeStyleActivity> <Violation> <ViolationType tc="32">Unspecified Moving Violation</ViolationType> <ViolationDescription>License suspended 6 months for speeding - 2nd offense</ViolationDescription> </Violation> <HHFamilyInsurance PartyID="Party_12"> <RoleCodeDesc tc="3">Father</RoleCodeDesc> <AmtOfIns>200000</AmtOfIns> <AppPendingInd tc="1">True</AppPendingInd> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life Insurance</LineOfBusiness> <RoleCode tc="3">Parent</RoleCode> </HHFamilyInsurance> <HHFamilyInsurance PartyID="Party_13"> <RoleCodeDesc tc="7">Brother</RoleCodeDesc> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 199 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <AmtOfIns>200000</AmtOfIns> <AppPendingInd tc="0">False</AppPendingInd> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life Insurance</LineOfBusiness> <RoleCode tc="4">Sibling</RoleCode> </HHFamilyInsurance> <SubstanceUsage/> </Risk> <Risk id> ID Optional @LastPhysicianVisitID IDREF Optional <AutoViolationPoints> Integer <AutoViolationPointsAsOfDate> Date <AutoLicenseSuspension> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True <AutoLicenseReinstatementDate Date > Optional Optional Optional Optional <KnownFamilyHistoryInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <ExistingInsuranceInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <ReplacementInd> See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The risk information associated with insuring a party. The LastPhysicianVisitID will reference an object also under the same Risk aggregate. This will be either MedicalCondition, MedicalTreatment, MedicalPrevention, MedicalExam or SubstanceUsage. Number of points received. Date reflecting points information. Has this person's auto license ever been suspended or revoked? TRUE if it has been suspended or revoked. In the event the license was suspended or revoked, this will be the date that it was most recently reinstated. If person‟s license is currently suspended, this date should not be valued. Is family history known? For instance, this would be used to indicate if a person was adopted and did not know his family history. TRUE if family history is known, FALSE if not. This is used to communicate the applicant‟s response to the Existing Insurance Question. This is used to communicate the applicant‟s response to a Replacement Question. Indicates whether policy is replacing existing insurance. The value in this tag should not be relied upon to determine if there is replacement data in this message stream. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 200 XML Element Name <RejectionInd> Type Usage <RejectionCompanyName> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True String Optional <RejectionLineOfBusiness> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_LIN EBUS Description For the agent‟s response, see ApplicationInfo. Has this person ever been rejected for life or health insurance before? TRUE if rejected, FALSE if not. If person has been rejected for insurance, this is the (most recent) company that rejected him/her. The Line Of Business of the insurance that was most recently rejected. Type Code Translation 1 = Life 2 = Annuity 3 = Disability Insurance 4 = Health Insurance 5 = Long Term Care 7 = Critical Illness 8 = Property and Casualty 9 = Medicare Supplement <RejectionReason> String Optional <DateLastRejected> Date Optional <BankruptcyInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <RecentHospitalizationInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <SeriousIllnessInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The reason for the rejection, if person was rejected (most recently) for insurance. Most recent date person was rejected for insurance. True indicates Party has filed for bankruptcy or had liens or judgments filed against them. False indicates that the Party has neither filed for bankruptcy nor had liens or judgments filed against them. TRUE indicates the person reported a recent hospitalization. Time period and exact wording vary by carrier. Commonly used to qualify for temporary life insurance. TRUE indicates the person reported a serious illness. Specific illness, time period and exact wording vary by carrier definitions. Commonly used to qualify for © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 201 XML Element Name Type Usage Description temporary life insurance. <TobaccoInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <FundingDisclosureInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <TotalInforceAndAppliedIns> Currency Optional <AnyOtherImpairmentsInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <ChildExpectedInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <CriminalConviction> <Applicability> Object Optional Repeating TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_AP PLICABILIT Y Prior or Current tobacco user True indicates that the party ever used or is currently using tobacco or any other product that contained nicotine. SubstanceUse Object contains more details about tobacco usage. TobaccoInd is used in combination with SubstanceEndDate to determine previous tobacco usage. On Risk, TRUE signifies that the CLIENT has indicated, in response to a question, that funding is coming all or in part from a replacement. FALSE signifies no such disclosure was made by the CLIENT. Total Inforce and Applied Insurance An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force and applied for pending approval for the individual. Indicates if there is any other impairment(s) or medical conditions other than those specifically listed in the Risk object. A Dependent Child is Expected As governed by carrier rule, when true, the party is expecting a child that may be considered eligible for additional coverage. For example, this indicator may be true if the insured were pregnant or the insured's wife were pregnant. This is used for an as yet unnamed child on a child rider, not necessarily to be used in calculating the mortality of a pregnant proposed insured. Information about a party's criminal conviction record. Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 202 XML Element Name Type Usage Description suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <CrimeType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CRI METYPE <CrimeDescription> <ConvictionDate> <ConvictionCountry> String Optional Date Optional TypeCode Optional Type of crime committed. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Detailed description of the crime. Date crime conviction occurred Country of conviction OLI_LU_NA TION <ConvictionJurisdiction TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ST > ATE <ProbationInd> <ProbationEndDate> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Date Optional <ChargeCategory> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CH ARGECATE GORY State/province of conviction Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Is person currently on probation? TRUE if on probation, FALSE if not. If person is on probation; this is the date probation is expected to end. Categories of criminal or other violation charges. Type Code Translation 1 = Felony 2 = Misdemeanor Note: This is a partial list from the © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 203 XML Element Name Type Usage <ProceedingOutcome> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ PROCEEDI NGOUTCO ME <CriminalSentenceDes String c> <SubstanceUsage> Object <Applicability> current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Will indicate what the court findings are with respect to the charge(s) Type Code Translation 1 = Guilty 2 = Not Guilty 3 = Dismissed 4 = Pending Optional Optional Repeating TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_AP PLICABILIT Y Description Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Criminal sentence applied by the court. Information about a party's usage of substances. Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 204 XML Element Name Type Usage Description modeled using this code value. <SubstanceType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU SUBSTANC ETYPE <TobaccoType> TypeCode Optional OLI LU TOBACCOT YPE <SubstanceDesc> String Optional <SubstanceStartDate> Date <SubstanceEndDate> Date <SubstanceLastUseDat Date e> Optional Optional Optional <SubstanceDuration> Optional Integer <DurationUnitMeasure> TypeCode Conditional OLI_LU_ME ASUNITS Type of substance taken and in use On SubstanceUsage, either SubstanceType or TobaccoType should be used but not both in the same instance. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Indicates the type(s) of tobacco used by the client. On SubstanceUsage, either SubstanceType or TobaccoType should be used but not both in the same instance. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. On SubstanceUsage, this would be the actual drug or alcohol type used when SubstanceType is specified. This property can be used to specify details when TobaccoType is used and set to Other. Date use started Date use ended Date client reports as the last date the substance was used. On SubstanceUsage, this is distinct from SubstanceEndDate. MUST NOT be valued. This property only reflects the date that the client reported last using the substance, it DOES NOT IMPLY that usage has ceased. If the client has positively indicated substance usage has ceased, then use SubstanceEndDate instead. The duration of time that the substance was used in unit measurements. If SubstanceDuration is used, DurationUnitMeasure should be present. Unit of measurement used to define the duration of time. Required if SubstanceDuration is used © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 205 XML Element Name Type Usage <MedicalCondition> Object Optional Repeating <MedicalTreatment> Object Optional Repeating <PrescriptionDrug> Object <LifeStyleActivity> Object Optional Repeating Optional Repeating <Applicability> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_AP PLICABILIT Y Description Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Information about a party's medical conditions. 7.21 <MedicalCondition> Object This collection will contain information about a person's medical treatments, but the presence in and by itself does not denote which medical condition the treatment applies to. This collection will contain information about a person's medical treatments as they pertain to a defined medical condition. 7.21 <MedicalTreatment> Object A prescription drug object <PrescriptionDrug> Object Information about a party's lifestyle activities. This section captures details surrounding the activities a party engages in that may be considered risky by insurance companies. Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 206 XML Element Name Type Usage Description the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <LifeStyleActivityType> TypeCode Required OLI LU LIFEACTIVI TYTYPE Type Code Translation 1 = Aviation 2 = Military 29 = Foreign Travel <ActivityDesc> <ActivityFrequency> String Integer Optional Optional <ActivityCountTotal> Integer Optional <ActivityCountLastYear> Integer <ActivityCountNextYear> Integer Type of the activity engaged in Optional Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Activity description Frequency activity engaged in, based on period. The total number of times the activity has been engaged in. For AviationExp, this would be the total solo flight hours. For UnderwaterDivingExp, this would be the total number of dives. The number of times the activity was engaged in during the last 12 months. For AviationExp, the number of solo flight hours in the last 12 months. For UnderwaterDivingExp, the number of dives in the last 12 months. The number of times the activity is expected to be engaged in during the next 12 months. For AviationExp, the expected number of solo flying hours. For UnderwaterDivingExp, the number of dives anticipated in the next 12 months. <ActivityDuration> Integer Optional Length of activity expressed in appropriate unit Used in conjunction with © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 207 XML Element Name Type Usage <DurationUnitMeasure> TypeCode Optional OLI LU MEASUNITS <ForeignTravel> Object Optional <BusinessTravelInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <PleasureTravelInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <TravelCountry> TypeCode Optional OLI LU NATION <TravelLocation> String Optional <DateLastTrip> Date Optional Object Optional Repeating <Violation> <Applicability> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_AP PLICABILIT Y Description DurationUnitMeasure to denote the specific length of an activity Unit measurement defining duration Unit of measurement used to define the duration of time. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Information about a party's foreign travel experience. Do I travel internationally for business? TRUE if I do, FALSE if not. Do I travel internationally for business? TRUE if I do, FALSE if not. Country you plan to visit most or have visited most. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Freeform field that lets you enter city and/or state where a person plans to travel to most or has traveled most. Date of last trip (Due to the lack of any other date property in this object, this element is often used to represent the date of future travel as well.) On Risk, the Violation object captures information about motor vehicle and boating moving violations. Alternatively, to capture information related to violations for life style activities such as aviation use the LifeStyleViolation object. Indicates state of applicability of the parent aggregate. For example, if the parent aggregate is MedicalCondition, this indicates if a Medical Condition is known to apply or not apply to a Party. If this parent is present it is a suggested best practice that this property be included. This property documents the response to the specific yes/no questions. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 208 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Type Code Translation 0 = Unknown 1 = Applies 2 = Does not apply 3 = Stated as Not Known Definition: May or may not apply. This status is slightly different than "Unknown." If a question was asked and not answered - or if a question was never asked, then the Applicability Response is "Unknown." Use OLI_UNKNOWN (NOT this code) in this case. However, if a question was asked, and the response provided is "Unknown" (or some equivalent), then the answer is known and modeled using this code value. <ViolationType> TypeCode Conditional OLI LU VIOLATION TYPE <ViolationDescription> String Type of violation Required if the ViolationDescription is not provided Conditional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Type of violation Required if ViolationType is not provided <ViolationDate> Date Optional <ViolationJurisdiction> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ST ATE <ChargeCategory> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_CH ARGECATE GORY Please see the ACORD Help file for a list of type codes. Date violation occurred State/province where violation was committed. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Categories of criminal or other violation charges. Type Code Translation 1 = Felony 2 = Misdemeanor Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 209 XML Element Name Type Usage <ProceedingOutcome> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ PROCEEDI NGOUTCO ME <CriminalSentenceDes String c> <FamilyIllness> Object Will indicate what the court findings are with respect to the charge(s) Type Code Translation 1 = Guilty 2 = Not Guilty 3 = Dismissed 4 = Pending Optional Optional Repeating <FullName> String <DateOfOnset> <Diagnosis> Date Optional TypeCode Optional Optional OLI LU MEDCOND <AgeAtDeath> Integer Optional <AgeIfLiving> Integer Optional <DiagnosisDesc> String Optional <RelationRoleCode> TypeCode Optional OLI LU REL Description Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Criminal sentence applied by the court. Information about a party's family illness history. This captures a full name for a party in whatever is the agreed upon format and/or in which it has been captured. On some applications, questions are asked about the health of specific members of the applicant's family. In this situation, on FamilyIllness, FullName may be used to either include the name of the sibling, if known, or capture a proprietary temporary identifier for that person. For example, a sibling might be identified as Sibling 1, Brother 1, Sister 1. Date of onset of illness (month/year). Diagnosis of family member Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Family member‟s age at death, if died from this illness. If family member is still living, what is their age? Description of diagnosis/impairment as described by interviewee. On FamilyIllness, this element describes the relation between the Family member and the insured for the family illness information. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 210 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Husband 2 = Wife 3 = Mother 4 = Father 7 = Brother 8 = Sister <MilitaryExp> <MilitaryStatus> Object Optional Repeating TypeCode Optional OLI LU MILITARYS TAT Type Code Translation 1 = Active Duty 2 = Inactive 3 = Retired 4 = Active Reserve 5 = Inactive Reserve 6 = R.O.T.C. (Reserve OfficersTraining Corps) <MilitaryOrganizationTy TypeCode Optional OLI LU pe> MILITARYO RGTYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Type of Military organization Type Code Translation 1 = Army 2 = Navy 3 = Marines 4 = Air Force 5 = Coast Guard 6 = National Guard <TransferAlertInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <TransferDetails> String Optional Object Optional Repeating <HHFamilyInsurance> Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Information about a party's Military experience. Current Military status Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Indicates whether the proposed insured has been alerted to a transfer or is leaving the country within the next year. Information about a pending military transfer to another location. Used when the TransferAlertInd is activated. Information about the insurance © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 211 XML Element Name Type Usage @PartyID IDREF Optional <RoleCodeDesc> TypeCode Optional OLI LU RELDESC Description applied for by family members in your household. See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Role code describing family members relationship to the proposed insured. Role code describing family member‟s relationship to the proposed insured. Can be used alone or in conjunction with RoleCode to describe the role of the related Party. RoleCodeDescription provides a more detailed level of description than RoleCode. Household familial relationships only, including self Type Code Translation 1 = Husband 2 = Wife 3 = Mother 4 = Father 7 = Brother 8 = Sister 91 = Self <AmtOfIns> <AppPendingInd> <LineOfBusiness> Currency Optional Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True TypeCode Optional OLI LU LINEBUS <ReplacementInd> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <RoleCode> TypeCode Optional OLI LU REL Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Amount of insurance received. Does this family member have an application pending? TRUE if so, FALSE if not. Line of business of the insurance. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. On HHFamilyInsurance, this is a place to store the answer to a question on the application about replacement insurance for other members of the household. Role code describing family member's relationship to the proposed insured at © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 212 XML Element Name Type Usage Description a general classification (e.g. Spouse, Sibling). Use RoleCodeDesc for specific relationships (e.g. brother, mother). Household familial relationships only, including self Type Code Translation 1 = Spouse 3 = Parent 4 = Sibling 168 = Self <FinancialExperience> <InvestmentType> Object Optional Repeating TypeCode Required OLI LU INVESTPRO D <YearsOfInvestmentEx Integer perience> <Bankruptcy> Object Required <WeightHistory> Optional Repeating <TotalInforceIns> Object Optional Repeating Currency Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Answers to suitability questions regarding investment experience. Type of Investment product in which Party has experience. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Years of Investment experience in this investment type. Information about the bankruptcy experience of a party. <Bankruptcy> Object Weight at a prior point in time. Requests for this information will vary by carrier. Weight gain/loss can be derived by comparing different Weight History over time, or to the current weight expressed under Person or MedicalExam. 7.38 <WeightHistory> Object Total Inforce Insurance An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is in force for the individual. To be used if the individual amount of in force Insurance is known. If the individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for insurance are © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 213 XML Element Name <TotalAppliedForIns> Type Usage Currency Optional <TotalPendingReinstatementIns Currency Optional > Description unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. Total Insurance Amount Applied An amount indicating the total dollar amount of insurance that is applied for and pending approval for the individual. To be used if the individual amount of Insurance that has been applied for and not yet approved is known. If individual amounts of insurance in force and applied for are unknown, then continue to use TotalInforceAndAppliedIns. Total Amount of Insurance Pending Reinstatement To be used to represent the total face amount of Insurance that is pending reinstatement. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 214 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.57 <SignatureInfo> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/ApplicationInfo/SignatureInfo This Optional Object is used in OLifE to provide details about a signature. It is recommended as a best practice that a SignatureInfo object be included to provide details for each signature. <SignatureInfo id="APPLICANT_1_SIG" SignaturePartyID="APPLICANT_1_PARTY"> <SignatureRoleCode tc="1">Primary Insured</SignatureRoleCode> <SignatureDate>2009-11-11</SignatureDate> <SignatureTime>09:30:10-06:00</SignatureTime> <SignatureCity>Ft. Lauderdale</SignatureCity> <SignatureState tc="12">Florida</SignatureState> <SignatureZip>33323</SignatureZip> <SubmissionType tc="4">Phone</SubmissionType> <SignaturePurpose tc="7">Application Signature</SignaturePurpose> </SignatureInfo> <SignatureInfo id> ID Optional <@SignaturePartyID> ID Optional <SignatureCode> <SignatureRoleCode> String Optional TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_PAR TICROLE See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys Party ID of the Party object for the signer. Identifier for signature on the form Role code describing signer‟s relationship to the form. Type Code Translation 1 = Primary Insured 2 = Other Insured 3 = Insured Child 4 = Insured Dependent 5 = Insured Spouse 7 = Beneficiary – Primary 9 = Beneficiary – Contingent 15 = Primary Agent 18 = Owner 50 = Joint Owner <SignatureDate> Date Required <SignatureTime> Time Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date of signature On SignatureInfo, documents the date on which the signature party performed the signature. Time of signature On SignatureInfo, documents the time © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 215 XML Element Name Type Usage <SignatureCity> String Optional <SigantureState> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_STA TE <SignatureZip> <SignatureCountry> String Optional TypeCode Optional Description at which the signature party performed the signature. City where signed State where signed Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Signature zip code Country where signed OLI_LU_NATI ON <SubmissionType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_APP SUBMITTYPE Submission type or source On SignatureInfo, this defines how signature was obtained. Indicates how the item was sent, submitted, or where it can be obtained. Type Code Translation 1 = Mail 2 = Electronic 3 = Fax 4 = Phone 5 = Document can be recovered from data present 6 = Document is on file 7 = Document is associated with but not part of the OLifE data stream 8 = Document is attached in an Attachment object. 10 = Voice Response Unit 11 = In response to the receipt of this electronic app, the carrier will provide the applicant with a paper app to be completed at a later time. 12 = Internet <SignaturePurpose> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_SIG NATURETYP E Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Categorizes the type of signature Type Code Translation 1 = Lost Policy Declaration 2 = Applicant Replacement Verbal Notice Disclosure 3 = Producer Application Signature © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 216 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 4 = Producer Replacement Certification 5 = Medical Exam Attestation Signature 7 = Application Signature 8 = Blanket Authorization <SignatureText> String Optional <SignatureOK> Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True <ElectronicAuthenticationType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ELE CAUTH <Attachment> Object Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. The text representation for the signature (typically person's name). The signature on the form is present and verified. Electronic Authentication Type Type Code Translation 1 = Click Wrap 2 = Password Optional Repeating Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Note that when this is used as a part of SignatureInfo, it is singular. <Attachment> Object for text <Attachment> Object for images <Attachment> Object for file © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 217 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.58 <SourceInfo> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/SourceInfo This Optional Object is used in OLifE to identify the most recent source of the data. <SourceInfo> <CreationDate>2004-08-03</CreationDate> <CreationTime>15:06:35</CreationTime> <SourceInfoName>The Technology Group</SourceInfoName> </SourceInfo> <CreationDate> <CreationTime> <SourceInfoName> Date Time String Optional Optional Optional <SourceInfoDescription> String Optional <SourceInfoComment> String Optional Creation date Creation time The name of the source of the file. This could reflect the company or product name. Additional information specifically regarding the source of the file. A comment supplied by the source of the file © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 218 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.59 <SubAccount> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Investment/SubAccount A SubAccount is an individual account associated with an investment. The SubAccount Object represents all investments that were chosen for this new business application. The investment SubAccount object contains information about the individual accounts associated with an investment. Each investment should have one or more SubAccount objects associated with it. A collection of SubAccount objects is utilized to represent all the SubAccounts an investment may have. If an investment is a single account and does not contain multiple accounts, you should still have one Subaccount object populated to reflect those details about the account. The Entity Recognition is CarrierCode and ProductCode. <Investment> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_1"> <ProductCode>ABC Fund Manager</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>1233456</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>Fidelity</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>ABC Fund</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_2"> <ProductCode>DEF</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>1233456</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>Fidelity</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>DEF Fund</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_3"> <ProductCode>GHI</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>7654321</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>John Hancock</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>GHI Fund</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_4"> <ProductCode>FIX</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>7654321</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>John Hancock</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>Fixed Account</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_5"> <ProductCode>STP</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>7654321</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>John Hancock</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>STP Fund</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_1_SubAccount_6"> <ProductCode>XYZ</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>098765</CarrierCode> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 219 XML Element Name Type Usage Description <CarrierName>Transamerica</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>XYZ Account</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> </Investment> @id ID Optional <ProductCode> String Required <CarrierCode> String Required <CarrierName> String Optional <ProductFullName> String Optional <CusipNum> String Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys On SubAccount, this is the carrier assigned code used to identify the SubAccount, which is the InvestProduct or fund. When CarrierCode is used on SubAccount, it should contain either the code of the firm managing the fund or the insurance company that‟s representing it. On SubAccount, CarrierName is the name of the Investment (Fund) Manager. It also references the name on the Prospectus and refers to the organization which manages the fund. Full name of SubAccount. This is the complete, official, and/or legal name used for this investment product. Provide if the fund has a CUSIP. CusipNum is the 'Underlying Fund Identifier which identifies the Fund CUSIP of the underlying mutual for externally managed funds. CUSIP NUMBER [is a] number identifying all stocks and registered bonds, using the COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM SECURITIES IDENTIFICATON PROCEDURES (CUSIP)...The CUSIP system makes it easier to settle and clear trades. Foreign securities use a similar identification system called the CUSIP International Numbering Systems (CINS). © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 220 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.60 <SubstandardRating> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Holding/Policy/Life/Coverage/LifeParticipant/SubStandardRating The purpose of this object is to contain tables 2 through x that are needed to handle substandard cases. The first rating, table, etc should be stored on the respective parent LifeParticipant object. The first permanent rating type and the first temporary rating type are denoted here in PermanentRatingType and TemporaryRatingType, respectively. Although it is possible to represent both a Permanent Rating and a Temporary Rating in one instance of SubstandardRating, it is a best practice to only include one rating per SubstandardRating instance <SubstandardRating id="SSR_002"> <PermFlatExtraAmt>10</PermFlatExtraAmt> <PermRatingType tc="2">Aviation></PermRatingType> </SubstandardRating> <SubstandardRating id="SSR_003"> <TempFlatExtraAmt>10</TempFlatExtraAmt> <TempFlatExtraDuration>5</TempFlatExtraDuration> <TempRatingType tc="3">Temp Extra</TempRatingType> </SubstandardRating> <SubstandardRatingID> ID Optional <RatingReason> String Optional <PermTableRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGS See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This element contains the reason that the coverage option was rated by the underwriter. The reason can also be used for field underwritten cases. A table of valuation of risk of an individual or organization. This is the permanent rating according to this table for this individual or organization. This type code is only used to denote the percentage mark-up of the premium. The PermTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table rating such as “A”, or “AA” <TempTableRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGS Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. A table of valuation of risk of an individual or organization. This is a temporary rating according to this table for this individual or organization. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 221 XML Element Name Type Usage Description This type code is only used to denote the percentage mark-up of the premium. The TempTableRatingAlphaCode will designate the text name for the table rating such as “A”, or “AA”. <PermFlatExtraAmt> Currency Optional <PermTableRatingAlphaCode> String Optional Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. On substandard risks, this amount is an additional charge to the insured for the life of the policy. Because the insured represents a higher risk to the company, the flat extra is charged to compensate for that risk. The value associated with a percentage for a Permanent Rating Table. Used in conjunction with PermTableRating, which holds the percentage. <TempTableRatingCode> String <TempRatingType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGTYPE Optional Note that despite the name of the tag, the code associated with a table may be a numeric value. For example, occupation tables may be numbered with values 1 through 8 rather than A through Z. The value associated with a percentage for a Temp Rating Table. Used in conjunction with TempTableRating which holds the percentage. Temporary Rating Type The reasons for rating a policy which could include occupation risk, aviation risk, or an impairment. On SubstandardRating, use the OccupRating property to further clarify TempRatingType. For example, if TempRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 222 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation <PermRatingType> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_RA TINGTYPE Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Permanent Rating Type The reasons for rating a policy which could include occupation risk, aviation risk, or an impairment. On SubstandardRating, use the OccupRating property to further clarify PermRatingType. For example, if PermRatingType = Aviation, the type of Aviation rating is specified in OccupRating. Type Code Translation 1 = Impairment 2 = Aviation 3 = Temporary Extra 4 = Occupation 5 = Avocation <Occupation> String <OccupRating> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_OC CUPRATING Optional Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Occupation for the person that impacts the substandard rating. Can include values such as 'Pilot,' 'Construction,' etc. Rating Sub Type (Occupational Rating Code) This table contains sub types for rating types such as Occupational or Aviation. On SubstandardRating, OccupRating essentially serves as a sub type for the PermRatingType property. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 223 © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 224 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 5.61 <WeightHistory> Object TXLife/TXLifeRequest/OLifE/Party/Risk/WeightHistory Weight at a prior point in time. Requests for this information will vary by carrier. Weight gain/loss can be derived by comparing different WeightHistory Objects over time, or to the current weight expressed under Person or MedicalExam. <WeightHistory> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc=”2“>US System Standard</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>120</MeasureValue> <WeightMeasuredInd tc=”1”>True</WeightMeasuredInd> </Weight2> <HistoryDuration>1</HistoryDuration> <HistoryDurationQualifier tc=”68”>Years</HistoryDurationQualifier> </WeightHistory> <WeightHistory id> ID Optional <Weight2> Object Optional <MeasureUnits> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ME ASUREUNIT S See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys The weight of the person as measured or stated. Meausre Units Type Code Translation 1 = Metric System Definition: Lengths are measured in centimeters, weights are measured in Kilograms 2 = US System Standard Definition: Lengths are measured in inches, weights are measured in pounds 3 = Alternate US Format Definition: Lengths are measured in in feet with decimal being inches Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being ounces 4 = Another US Method Definition: Lengths are measured in feet with decimal being decimal fraction of feet. Weights are measured in pounds with decimal being decimal fraction of pound © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 225 XML Element Name <MeasureValue> <WeightMeasuredInd> Type Usage <HistoryDuration> Real Optional Boolean Optional 0 = False 1 = True Integer Optional <HistoryDurationQualifier> TypeCode Optional OLI_LU_ME ASUNITS Description Test Value Indicates the value was measured. 1/TRUE = Measured 0/FALSE = Stated On WeightHistory, HistoryDuration, in combination with HistoryDurationQualifier, is used to indicate "how far back" the weight is being reported. For example, if WeightHistory is reporting the Party's weight "one year ago;" then HistoryDuration would be set to "1" and HistoryDurationQualifier would be set to "Years" (68). On WeightHistory, HistoryDuration, in combination with HistoryDurationQualifier, is used to indicate "how far back" the weight is being reported. For example, if WeightHistory is reporting the Party's weight "one year ago;" then HistoryDuration would be set to "1" and HistoryDurationQualifier would be set to "Years" (68). Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 226 6 TRANSMITTING/SENDING A NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION FOR LIFE INSURANCE The ACORD XMLife model is based on a Request/Response methodology. Each message is considered to be an atomic business operation representing a logical unit of work to be performed. The request is submitted, the work is performed, and the appropriate response is sent back to the requestor. Generally this request and response are handled synchronously with the response indicating the work is completed. But the model may also be used asynchronously where the request is accepted and acknowledged but the work is performed off-line. In some cases the work will be performed without an electronic response message being sent after completion. Completion can be indicated in other fashions such as an email message, a phone call, or by the original requestor submitting an inquiry. The New Business Submission for Life is most frequently implemented in an asynchronous fashion. The requestor uses a one-way communication, which is often simpler to implement. A full request message contains two basic parts: a content section and an envelope section. The content is what has been discussed thus far, all the details beginning at the <OLifE> level object element on down, including <Holding>, <Policy>, and so forth. First focus on the content -- the details of your profile. Once you have that down, simply “wrap” those details with the information that follows. The TXLife “wrapper” provides information about the sender, the recipient, when the message was created and so forth. It does NOT include details about the Electronic Application Submission- that is in the content section beginning with the <OLifE> object. Following are all the expected fields that you should value and include in a well-formed and valid ACORD TXLife message. There are many different types of ACORD transactions. The one that is of interest in this context is the New Business Submission Transaction, transaction type 103. The basic construct of a full TXLife Transmittal is: <TXLife> <UserAuthRequest> <TXLifeRequest> <OLifE> [all the Electronic Application Submission details] Following are descriptions of each element. TX Life Wrapper <UserAuthRequest> Object <TXLifeRequest> Object Descriptions This object contains the information related to the user This object contains the information related to the message/transaction itself © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 227 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 6.1 <UserAuthRequest> Object This object defines the transaction/message information about the user and the system that is sending the message. <UserAuthRequest> <UserLoginName>ABCAGENCY</UserLoginName> <VendorApp> <VendorName VendorCode="5">Vendor</VendorName> <AppName>AppEnter</AppName> </VendorApp> </UserAuthRequest> <UserLoginName> String Optional <UserPswd> <CryptType> <Pswd> Object String String Optional Optional Conditional User Login name into receiving system, if applicable. User Password Aggregate Encryption type User Password, if applicable. Conditional Optional Optional Required Optional Required if CryptPswd not provided Required if Pswd not provided Date that User makes request. Details about the vendor Name of the vendor Name of the application <CryptPswd> <UserDate> <VendorApp> <VendorName> <AppName> String Date Object String String © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 228 Choreography of New Business Submission Request and Response Message Upon submission of a New Business Submission Request to a carrier, several responses, or combination of responses are possible: 1. If the carrier needs additional time to determine if a New Business Submission request meets its In Good Order (IGO) requirements, but wants to acknowledge immediately that it did receive the request, the carrier may respond immediately with a TXLifeResponse containing a ResultCode of „3‟ (Received Pending) See the object definition for Object for Pending Response (Performing Checks). The carrier can then, at a later time, follow with a subsequent TXLifeResponse that informs the sender whether or not the New Business Submission met their IGO requirements. See objects for Object for Success-IGO Response or Object for Failure-NIGO Response 2. If the carrier can respond immediately on the success or failure of the New Business Submission, the Pending TXLifeResponse step can be skipped and the carrier can respond with either the response described in the Object for Success-IGO Response or the Object for Failure-NIGO Response 3. Note: Though customary, it is not required to send a Policy Number in a successful response (Object for Success-IGO Response). Some carriers assign the Policy Number before submission and some may have a process where it is assigned at a later time. XML Element Name Type Usage Description 6.2 <TXLifeRequest> Object This object defines the information about this particular message/transaction. It provides a container for a TXLife message request's details. Its complement is TXLifeResponse <TXLifeRequest PrimaryObjectID="Holding1"> <TransRefGUID> 20040803030635</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103">New Submission</TransType> <TransExeDate>2004-08-03</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>15:06:35</TransExeTime> <TransMode tc="2"> Original</TransMode> <PendingResponseOK tc="1">Yes</NoResponseOK> <TestIndicator tc="0">No</TestIndicator> </TXLifeRequest> @id ID Optional <@PrimaryObjectID IDREF Required <TransRefGUID> String Required <TransType> Typecode Required OLI LU TRANS TYPE CODES See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This identifier tells you where to start when parsing a new business transaction. It must represent the id of the proposed Holding that is the target of this new business submission. Uniquely identifies this transaction. Use a 32-bit GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). Transaction type uniquely indicates that this is an ACORD New Business Submission transaction to the receiving system. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 229 XML Element Name <TransExeDate> <TransExeTime> <TransMode> Type Date Time TypeCode Usage Optional Optional Optional TRANS MODE CODES <PendingResponseO K> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Description Type Code Translation 103 = New Business Submission for a Policy Note: This is a partial list from the current ACORD spec. Please see current spec. for additional codes. Date and time when this transaction was created. Use full Schema DateTime format: For example, to indicate 1:20 pm on May the 31st, 1999 for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), one would write: 1999-05-31T13:20:0005:00. Time when this transaction was created. Indicates the mode this transaction type is being processed as. Applies to transactions that initiate a business process that takes time to complete, (e.g. NB submission). Type Code Translation 2 = Original request. Sent by sender. Support Pending Response Indicator True Indicates that it is ok to send a pending Response. False indicates that it is not acceptable to pend the transaction. If it cannot immediately be processed, a failure Response should be sent. <NoResponseOk> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <TestIndicator> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <OLifE> Object Required Note: SupportMultipleResponseInd is not needed in this business case as the transaction is still only between 2 parties and the delay in response is due to an IGO check Indicates if a response is desired or necessary. True indicates that a response is not needed to the message. This is particularly useful for the Transmittal request messages. Default is False, you must provide a response. This is sometimes referred to as the "fire and forget flag". True indicates that this is a test file. A test file should not be processed against live data. It is used to identify transactions that are in a test mode. This is the OLifE Server object or "Root" element. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 230 XML Element Name Type Usage Description Provides a known fixed starting location for the Life Data Model which must always be present in all ACORD messages. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 231 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 6.3 <TXLifeResponse> Object for Success-IGO Response This object defines the information about the response to the TXLife Request. It indicates to the receiver of the response that the request for a new business submission was successfully received. Some carriers use this opportunity to let the sender know that the request passed their In Good Order (IGO) processing rules. They can take advantage of this opportunity to return the assigned policy number. <TXLifeResponse> <TransRefGUID>181007A007-9991022</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103">New Business Submission</TransType> <TransExeDate>2007-03-26</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>11:40:37</TransExeTime> <TransMode tc="2">Original</TransMode> <PendingResponseOK tc="1">YES</PendingResponseOK> <NoResponseOK tc="1">YES</NoResponseOK> <TestIndicator tc="1">YES</TestIndicator> <TransResult> <ResultCode tc="2"> Success with info</ResultCode> <ResultInfo> <ResultInfoCode tc="3028">Policy Number Assigned</ResultInfoCode> </ResultInfo> </TransResult> <OLifE> <Holding id="holding_id"> <Policy> <PolNumber>L1234567</PolNumber> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>9991022</TrackingID> </ApplicationInfo> </Policy> </Holding> </OLifE> </TXLifeResponse> @id ID Optional <@PrimaryObjectID IDREF Required <TransRefGUID> String Required <TransType> Typecode Required OLI LU TRANS TYPE CODES <TransExeDate> Date Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This identifier tells you where to start when parsing a new business transaction. It should represent the ID for the proposed Holding Object. Uniquely identifies this transaction. Use a 32-bit GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). Transaction type uniquely indicates that this is an ACORD New Business Submission transaction to the receiving system. Type Code Translation 103 = New Business Submission for a Policy Date and time when this transaction was © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 232 XML Element Name Type Usage Description created. <TransExeTime> <TransMode> Time TypeCode Optional Optional TRANS MODE CODES Use full Schema DateTime format: For example, to indicate 1:20 pm on May the 31st, 1999 for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), one would write: 1999-05-31T13:20:0005:00. Time when this transaction was created. To be determined. Not used for initial implementation. Type Code Translation 2 = Original request. Sent by sender. <PendingResponseO K> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Support Pending Response Indicator True Indicates that it is ok to send a pending Response. False indicates that it is not acceptable to pend the transaction. If it cannot immediately be processed, a failure Response should be sent. <NoResponseOk> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <TestIndicator> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional <TransResult> <ResultCode> Object Required TypeCode Required RESULT CODES <ResultInfo> Object Optional Indicates if a response is desired or necessary. True indicates that a response is not needed to the message. This is particularly useful for the Transmittal request messages. Default is False, you must provide a response. This is sometimes referred to as the "fire and forget flag". Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. True indicates that this is a test file. A test file should not be processed against live data. It is used to identify transactions that are in a test mode. Transaction Result Details This aggregate provides the details in a TXLife Response regarding a transactions result. A result code returned by the receiving system. Type Code Translation 1 = Success 2 = Success with information Result Details/Information © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 233 XML Element Name <ResultInfo Code> Type TypeCode Usage Optional Result Info Codes <OLifE> Object Required <Holding> Object <Policy> Object Conditionally Required Conditionally Required Conditionally Required <PolNumber> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID> String Object Optional String Optional Description Under TransResult, absence or presence of ResultInfo is determined by the type code value in the ResultCode property. See ResultCode values for an indication of when ResultInfo should appear in the response. A result code returned by the receiving system. Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. This is the OLifE Server object or "Root" element. Required if ResultInfoCode tc="3028"(Policy Number Assigned) Required if ResultInfoCode tc="3028"(Policy Number Assigned) Required if ResultInfoCode tc="3028"(Policy Number Assigned) Assigned Policy Number This is the Case/Tracking Number used to identify the application to reference the Holding until a policy number is assigned. Once a policy number is assigned, the reference to the Holding should be identified using the policy number. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 234 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 6.4 <TXLifeResponse> Object for Failure-NIGO Response This object defines the information about the response to the TXLife Request. It indicates to the receiver of the response that the request for a new business submission failed. Some carriers use this opportunity to let the sender know that the request failed their „In Good Order‟ (IGO) processing rules. They can return the reason for the failure. <TXLifeResponse> <TransRefGUID>A007-90-9647096</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103">New Business Submission</TransType> <TransExeDate>2007-04-16</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>21:13:18</TransExeTime> <TransMode tc="2">Original</TransMode> <PendingResponseOK tc="1">YES</PendingResponseOK> <NoResponseOK tc="1">YES</NoResponseOK> <TestIndicator tc="1">YES</TestIndicator> <TransResult> <ResultCode tc="5">Failure</ResultCode> <ResultInfo> <ResultInfoCode tc="200">General Data Error</ResultInfoCode> <ResultInfoDesc>Error description</ResultInfoDesc> </ResultInfo> </TransResult> </TXLifeResponse> </TXLife> @id ID Optional <@PrimaryObjectID IDREF Required <TransRefGUID> String Required <TransType> Typecode Required OLI LU TRANS TYPE CODES <TransExeDate> Date Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This identifier tells you where to start when parsing a new business transaction. It should represent the ID for the proposed Holding Object. Uniquely identifies this transaction. Use a 32-bit GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). Transaction type uniquely indicates that this is an ACORD New Business Submission transaction to the receiving system. Type Code Translation 103 = New Business Submission for a Policy Date and time when this transaction was created. Use full Schema DateTime format: For example, to indicate 1:20 pm on May the 31st, 1999 for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 235 XML Element Name <TransExeTime> <TransMode> Type Time TypeCode Usage Optional Optional TRANS MODE CODES <PendingResponseO K> <NoResponseOk> <TestIndicator> <TransResult> <ResultCode> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Optional Optional Type Code Translation 2 = Original request. Sent by sender Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Support Pending Response Indicator True Indicates that it is ok to send a pending Response. False indicates that it is not acceptable to pend the transaction. If it cannot immediately be processed, a failure Response should be sent. Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Indicates if a response is desired or necessary. True indicates that a response is not needed to the message. This is particularly useful for the Transmittal request messages. Default is False, you must provide a response. This is sometimes referred to as the "fire and forget flag". Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Object Required TypeCode Required True indicates that this is a test file. A test file should not be processed against live data. It is used to identify transactions that are in a test mode. Transaction Result Details This aggregate provides the details in a TXLife Response regarding a transactions result. A result code returned by the receiving system. Optional Type Code Translation 5 = Failure Result Details/Information RESULT CODES <ResultInfo> Description (UTC), one would write: 1999-05-31T13:20:0005:00. Time when this transaction was created. To be determined. Not used for initial implementation. Object Under TransResult, absence or presence of ResultInfo is determined by the type code value in the ResultCode property. See ResultCode values for an indication of when ResultInfo should appear in the response. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 236 XML Element Name <ResultInfo Code> <ResultInfo Desc> <OLifE> Type TypeCode Usage Optional Result Info Codes Description A result code returned by the receiving system. String Optional Object Required Please see the ACORD Help File for a complete list of type codes. Explanatory text associated with the cause of the result. It should be as specific as possible. This is used to help a human reader identify the problem in the request and thus should provide as much guidance as reasonable. This is the OLifE Server object or "Root" element. Provides a known fixed starting location for the Life Data Model which must always be present in all ACORD messages. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 237 XML Element Name Type Usage Description 6.5 <TXLifeResponse> Object for Pending Response (Performing Checks) This object defines the information about the response to the TXLife Request. This response it usually used when there is a delay in processing the In Good Order (IGO) processing rules and the carriers want to return an immediate response. This message is used for the immediate response. It will be followed by an IGO –Success Response or an NIGO – Failure response within a reasonable timeframe. <TXLifeResponse> <TransRefGUID>12346578900987654321</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103">New Business Submission</TransType> <TransExeDate>2007-03-26</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>11:40:37</TransExeTime> <TransMode tc="2">Original</TransMode> <PendingResponseOK tc="1">Yes</PendingResponseOK> <NoResponseOK tc="1">YES</NoResponseOK> <TestIndicator tc="1">YES</TestIndicator> <TransResult> <ResultCode tc="3">Received Pending</ResultCode> </TransResult> <OLifE> <Holding id="holding_id"> <Policy> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>9991022</TrackingID> </ApplicationInfo> </Policy> </Holding> </OLifE> </TXLifeResponse> @id ID Optional <@PrimaryObjectID IDREF Required <TransRefGUID> String Required <TransType> Typecode Required OLI LU TRANS TYPE CODES <TransExeDate> Date Optional See the description at the beginning of this chapter for usage & meaning Identifying Objects using IDs, Codes and Keys This identifier tells you where to start when parsing a new business transaction. It should represent the ID for the proposed Holding Object. Uniquely identifies this transaction. Use a 32-bit GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). Transaction type uniquely indicates that this is an ACORD New Business Submission transaction to the receiving system. Type Code Translation 103 = New Business Submission for a Policy Date and time when this transaction was created. Use full Schema DateTime format: © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 238 XML Element Name <TransExeTime> <TransMode> Type Time TypeCode Usage Optional Optional TRANS MODE CODES <PendingResponseO K> <NoResponseOk> <TestIndicator> <TransResult> <ResultCode> Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Boolean 0 = False 1 = True Optional Optional Optional Object Required TypeCode Required RESULT CODES <OLifE> Object Required Description For example, to indicate 1:20 pm on May the 31st, 1999 for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), one would write: 1999-05-31T13:20:0005:00. Time when this transaction was created. To be determined. Not used for initial implementation. Type Code Translation 2 = Original request. Sent by sender. Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Support Pending Response Indicator True Indicates that it is ok to send a pending Response. False indicates that it is not acceptable to pend the transaction. If it cannot immediately be processed, a failure Response should be sent. Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. Indicates if a response is desired or necessary. True indicates that a response is not needed to the message. This is particularly useful for the Transmittal request messages. Default is False, you must provide a response. This is sometimes referred to as the "fire and forget flag". Not required, but it is a best practice to echo back the request information. True indicates that this is a test file. A test file should not be processed against live data. It is used to identify transactions that are in a test mode. Transaction Result Details This aggregate provides the details in a TXLife Response regarding a transactions result. A result code returned by the receiving system. Type Code Translation 3 = Received Pending (transaction in queue) This is the OLifE Server object or "Root" element. Provides a known fixed starting location for the Life Data Model which must always be present © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 239 XML Element Name Type Usage Description in all ACORD messages. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 240 7 NEW BUSINESS SUBMISSION STANDARD USAGES Basic Contract Scenarios The section provides basic scenarios of usage of the Electronic Application Submission standard for life insurance contracts. The only example represented is for term insurance. Additional scenarios will be represented as they are defined. Users are encouraged to enhance this section, by offering examples that represent best practices from industry participants to the Policy Lifecycle Working Group. 7.1 NBfL Sample Scenario 1: Basic Term Insurance Submission The following XML data stream represents a complete New Business Transaction for a term life insurance policy. This scenario reflects all of the required data elements, additional elements may optionally be provided. Please note that this sample does not cover all scenarios presented throughout this implementation guide. Please refer to the individual sections/Objects for sample XML modeling. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TXLife Version="2.20" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" C:\ACORD\Standards\ACORDX~1.21\TXLife2.21.00.xsd"> <UserAuthRequest> <VendorApp> <VendorName VendorCode="86">EbixExchange</VendorName> </VendorApp> </UserAuthRequest> <TXLifeRequest PrimaryObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1"> <TransRefGUID>9e59098a45f549e8943128918da9de62</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103"/> <TransExeDate>2008-04-15</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>12:15:54-04:00</TransExeTime> <NoResponseOK tc="1">True</NoResponseOK> <OLifE> <SourceInfo> <CreationDate>2008-04-15</CreationDate> <CreationTime>12:15:54-04:00</CreationTime> <SourceInfoName>XYZ Vendor</SourceInfoName> </SourceInfo> <Holding id="Proposed_Holding_1"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="1">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="3">Proposed</HoldingStatus> <HoldingForm tc="1"/> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Carrier_Party_1"> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <ProductType tc="2">Term</ProductType> <ProductCode>ABC_TERM</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>12345</CarrierCode> <PlanName>ABC First American Term Life</PlanName> <ShortName>1st American Term</ShortName> <PolicyStatus tc="12">Proposed</PolicyStatus> <Life> <FaceAmt>500000</FaceAmt> <Coverage> <PlanName>ABC First American Term</PlanName> <ProductCode>BASE</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="6">Term Level Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LivesType tc="1">Single life</LivesType> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 241 <CovOption> <PlanName>Accidental Death Benefit Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>ADR01</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="2">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovOptTypeCode> <OptionAmt>40000</OptionAmt> </CovOption> <CovOption> <PlanName>No lapse Guarantee Option</PlanName> <ProductCode>NLP</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="9">No Lapse Guarantee Option</LifeCovOptTypeCode> </CovOption> <CovOption> <PlanName>Disability Waiver of Premium Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>WPR02</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="17">Waiver of Premium</LifeCovOptTypeCode> </CovOption> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="1">Primary Insured</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <TobaccoPremiumBasis tc="1">non-Smoker</TobaccoPremiumBasis> <UnderwritingClass tc="1">Standard</UnderwritingClass> <UnderwritingSubClass tc="2">Better</UnderwritingSubClass> <PermTableRatingAlphaCode>1</PermTableRatingAlphaCode> <PermRatingType tc="4">Occupation</PermRatingType> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <PlanName>Child Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>CR1</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="116">Child Term Rider</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <CurrentAmt>15000</CurrentAmt> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_Party_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="3">Insured Child</LifeParticipantRoleCode> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <PlanName>Terminal Illness Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>TI1</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="2147483647">Other</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> </Coverage> </Life> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>ABCC0000002036</TrackingID> <ApplicationType tc="1">New Application</ApplicationType> <ApplicationJurisdiction tc="5">Arkansas</ApplicationJurisdiction> <ApplicationCountry tc="1">United States</ApplicationCountry> <FormalAppInd tc="1">true</FormalAppInd> <SignedDate>2008-04-14</SignedDate> <CWAAmt>200</CWAAmt> <ClientMaterialsInd tc="1">True</ClientMaterialsInd> <HIVConsentAuthInd tc="1">True</HIVConsentAuthInd> <ReplacementInd tc="0">False</ReplacementInd> <SalesMaterialInd tc="1">True</SalesMaterialInd> <AgentRelatedInd tc="0">False</AgentRelatedInd> <IdentityVerification VerifiedPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <Identification> <IdentificationNum>F12345</IdentificationNum> <IdentityVerificationType tc="1">Driver's License</IdentityVerificationType> <IdentificationExpDate>2010-02-02</IdentificationExpDate> <Jurisdiction tc="5">AR</Jurisdiction> <IssuingAgency>AR</IssuingAgency> </Identification> <VerifierParticipant VerifierPartyID="Agent_Party_1"> <VerifierRoleCode tc="3">Agent</VerifierRoleCode> </VerifierParticipant> </IdentityVerification> </ApplicationInfo> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 242 <RequirementInfo AppliesToPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <ReqCode tc="23">MIB Authorization</ReqCode> <ReqStatus tc="11">Completed</ReqStatus> <StatusEvent> <StatusEventCode tc="114">Signatures Received</StatusEventCode> </StatusEvent> </RequirementInfo> <RequirementInfo AppliesToPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <ReqCode tc="11">APS</ReqCode> <ReqStatus tc="4">Outstanding</ReqStatus> <ResponsiblePartyType tc="5">Home Office</ResponsiblePartyType> </RequirementInfo> <FinancialActivity> <FinActivityType tc="7">Initial Payment</FinActivityType> <Payment BankHoldingID="Bank_Holding_1"> <PaymentForm tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentForm> <PaymentAmt>200.00</PaymentAmt> <PaymentMethod tc="7">Electronic funds transfer</PaymentMethod> </Payment> </FinancialActivity> </Policy> <Attachment> <AttachmentBasicType tc="2">Image</AttachmentBasicType> <Description>Application</Description> <AttachmentData></AttachmentData> <AttachmentType tc="10">Original Application</AttachmentType> <ImageType tc="3">TIFF</ImageType> <AttachmentLocation tc="2">URL Reference</AttachmentLocation> <Sequence>1</Sequence> </Attachment> <Intent> <ExpenseNeedTypeCode tc="18">Mortgage</ExpenseNeedTypeCode> </Intent> <Intent> <ExpenseNeedTypeCode tc="10">Estate Planning</ExpenseNeedTypeCode> </Intent> <Arrangement id="A9f95740c-94c1-491e-b7b3-e7f9a06fce20"> <ArrMode tc="4">Monthly</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="39">Subsequent premium, AKA inforce premium</ArrType> <DayOfMonth>15</DayOfMonth> <ModalAmt>750.00</ModalAmt> <PaymentForm tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentForm> <PaymentMethod tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentMethod> <ArrSource BankingInfoID="Bank_Holding_1"/> </Arrangement> </Holding> <Holding id="Existing_Holding_1" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="1">Active Inforce</HoldingStatus> <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Existing_Holding_1_Carrier_Party"> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life Insurance</LineOfBusiness> <EffDate>2000-01-01</EffDate> <Life> <FaceAmt>300000</FaceAmt> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> <Holding id="Bank_Holding_1" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="7">Banking</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="1">Active Inforce</HoldingStatus> <Banking FinancialInstitutionPartyID="EFT_Bank_Party_1"> <BankAcctType tc="2">Checking</BankAcctType> <AccountNumber>789789789</AccountNumber> <RoutingNum>123271978</RoutingNum> <AcctHolderName>Slate Rock and Gravel</AcctHolderName> <BankName>Washington Mutual Bank, Federal Savings Bank</BankName> </Banking> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 243 </Holding> <Party id="Payor_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</FullName> <GovtID>456456456</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="2">Tax Identification Number</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="5">Arkansas</ResidenceState> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="23">Corporation</OrgForm> <EstabDate>1904-01-01</EstabDate> </Organization> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>555 Slate Ave.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>77201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Business</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9879876</DialNumber> </Phone> </Party> <Party id="Agent_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>George</FirstName> <LastName>Adams</LastName> </Person> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Business</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9871234</DialNumber> </Phone> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="19">Fax</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9871235</DialNumber> </Phone> <Producer> <CarrierAppointment> <CompanyProducerID>007</CompanyProducerID> </CarrierAppointment> </Producer> <EMailAddress> <EMailType tc="1"/> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> </EMailAddress> </Party> <Party id="Agent_Party_2"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Sam</FirstName> <LastName>Adams</LastName> </Person> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Business</PhoneTypeCode> </Phone> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="19">Fax</PhoneTypeCode> </Phone> <Producer> <CarrierAppointment> <CompanyProducerID>008</CompanyProducerID> </CarrierAppointment> </Producer> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 244 <EMailAddress> <EMailType tc="1"/> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> </EMailAddress> </Party> <Party id="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="5">Arkansas</ResidenceState> <ResidenceCountry tc="1">USA</ResidenceCountry> <EstNetWorth>4000000</EstNetWorth> <Person> <FirstName>Fred</FirstName> <MiddleName/> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> <MarStat tc="1">Married</MarStat> <Gender tc="1">Male</Gender> <BirthDate>1973-02-02</BirthDate> <Citizenship tc="1">United States</Citizenship> <EstSalary>75000</EstSalary> <SmokerStat tc="2">prior tobacco user</SmokerStat> <Height2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">inches</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>74</MeasureValue> </Height2> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">pounds</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>250.00</MeasureValue> </Weight2> <DriversLicenseNum>F12345</DriversLicenseNum> <NoDriversLicenseInd tc="0">false</NoDriversLicenseInd> <DriversLicenseState tc="5">Arkansas</DriversLicenseState> <DriversLicenseCountry tc="1">United States</DriversLicenseCountry> <BirthCountry tc="1">United States</BirthCountry> <BirthJurisdictionTC tc="5">Arkansas</BirthJurisdictionTC> <DriversLicenseExpDate>2010-02-02</DriversLicenseExpDate> </Person> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="1">Residence</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>343 Bedrock Ct.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> <YearsAtAddress>4.00</YearsAtAddress> </Address> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="1">Home</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>222</AreaCode> <DialNumber>3334444</DialNumber> </Phone> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2147483647">Other</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>456</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9874566</DialNumber> </Phone> <EMailAddress> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> </EMailAddress> <Risk> <ExistingInsuranceInd tc="1">true</ExistingInsuranceInd> <RejectionInd tc="0">false</RejectionInd> <RejectionReason/> <ActivelyAtWorkInd tc="1">True</ActivelyAtWorkInd> <RecentHospitalizationInd tc="0">False</RecentHospitalizationInd> <SeriousIllnessInd tc="0">False</SeriousIllnessInd> <TobaccoInd tc="1">true</TobaccoInd> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 245 <CriminalConviction> <CrimeDescription>Minor in Possession when 20 years old</CrimeDescription> </CriminalConviction> <SubstanceUsage> <SubstanceType tc="8">Alcohol</SubstanceType> </SubstanceUsage> <SubstanceUsage> <TobaccoType tc="2">Cigars</TobaccoType> </SubstanceUsage> <LifeStyleActivity> <LifeStyleActivityType tc="29">Foreign Travel</LifeStyleActivityType> <ActivityFrequencyMode tc="4">Per year</ActivityFrequencyMode> <ActivityFrequency>1</ActivityFrequency> <ActivityDuration>3</ActivityDuration> <DurationUnitMeasure tc="69">Weeks</DurationUnitMeasure> <ForeignTravel> <PleasureTravelInd tc="1">True</PleasureTravelInd> <TravelCountry tc="86">China</TravelCountry> <DateLastTrip>2008-06-20</DateLastTrip> </ForeignTravel> </LifeStyleActivity> </Risk> <Employment EmployerPartyID="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1"> <Occupation>crane operator</Occupation> <EmployerName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</EmployerName> <YearsAtEmployment>17</YearsAtEmployment> <EmploymentDuties>heavy construction</EmploymentDuties> </Employment> </Party> <Party id="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</FullName> <Organization/> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>987 Slate Ave.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> </Party> <Party id="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="5">Arkansas</ResidenceState> <ResidenceCountry tc="1">USA</ResidenceCountry> <Person> <FirstName>Pebbles</FirstName> <MiddleName/> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> <Gender tc="2">Female</Gender> <BirthDate>2005-04-04</BirthDate> <Height2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">inches</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>42</MeasureValue> </Height2> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">pounds</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>30.00</MeasureValue> </Weight2> </Person> <Risk> <ExistingInsuranceInd tc="0">false</ExistingInsuranceInd> <RejectionInd tc="0">false</RejectionInd> </Risk> </Party> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 246 <Party id="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>789654123</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <Person> <FirstName>Wilma</FirstName> <MiddleName/> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> </Person> </Party> <Party id="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_2"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</FullName> <GovtID>234234234</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="2">Tax Identification Number</GovtIDTC> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="23">Corporation, General</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <Party id="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <Person> <FirstName>Pebbles</FirstName> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> </Person> </Party> <Party id="Carrier_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>ABC Life Assurance Co.</FullName> <Organization> <OrgCode>ABCL</OrgCode> </Organization> <Carrier> <CarrierCode>ABCL</CarrierCode> <NAICCode>12345</NAICCode> <NAICGroupCode>678</NAICGroupCode> </Carrier> </Party> <Party id="Existing_Holding_1_Carrier_Party"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Bedrock Life Insurance Company</FullName> <Organization/> </Party> <Party id="EFT_Bank_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Washington Mutual Bank, Federal Savings Bank</FullName> <Organization/> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>987 Main St.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> </Party> <Relation id="Primary_Insured_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="32">Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 247 <RelationRoleCode tc="33">Coverage Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>55.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_2_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_2"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>45.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Contingent_Beneficiary_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="36">Contingent beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Agent_to_Policy_1" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Agent_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="37">PrimaryWritingAgent</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>50.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Agent_to_Policy_2" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Agent_Party_2"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="52">AdditionalWritingAgent</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>50.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Owner_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="8">Owner</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_CBR_1_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="2">Child</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="6">Daughter</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="1">Spouse</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="2">Wife</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_2_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_2"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="7">Employer</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Contingent_Beneficiary_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="2">Child</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="6">Daughter</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id="Existing_Holding_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Existing_Holding_1" © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 248 RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="32">Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Payor_to_Policy_1" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Payor_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="31">Payor</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> </OLifE> </TXLifeRequest> </TXLife> 7.2 NBfL Sample Scenario 2: Basic Variable Universal Life Insurance Submission The following XML data stream represents a complete New Business Transaction for a variable universal life insurance policy. This scenario reflects all of the required data elements, additional elements may optionally be provided. Please note that this sample does not cover all scenarios presented throughout this implementation guide. Please refer to the individual sections/Objects for sample XML modeling. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TXLife Version="2.20" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" C:\ACORD\Standards\ACORDX~1.21\TXLife2.21.00.xsd"> <UserAuthRequest> <VendorApp> <VendorName VendorCode="86">EbixExchange</VendorName> </VendorApp> </UserAuthRequest> <TXLifeRequest PrimaryObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1"> <TransRefGUID>9e59098a45f456ea1da8918da9de62</TransRefGUID> <TransType tc="103"/> <TransExeDate>2008-04-01</TransExeDate> <TransExeTime>12:15:54-04:00</TransExeTime> <NoResponseOK tc="1">True</NoResponseOK> <OLifE> <SourceInfo> <CreationDate>2008-04-01</CreationDate> <CreationTime>12:15:54-04:00</CreationTime> <SourceInfoName>ABC Vendor</SourceInfoName> </SourceInfo> <Holding id="Proposed_Holding_1"> <HoldingSysKey Persist="Permanent" VendorCode="0132">12345</HoldingSysKey> <HoldingTypeCode tc="1">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm> <Policy CarrierPartyID="Carrier_Party_1" BankHoldingID="Bank_Holding_1"> <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness> <ProductType tc="4">Variable Universal Life</ProductType> <ProductCode>VUL-001</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>12345</CarrierCode> <PlanName>American Variable Life</PlanName> <ShortName>American VUL</ShortName> <PolicyStatus tc="12">Proposed</PolicyStatus> <Life> <FaceAmt>500000</FaceAmt> <Coverage> <PlanName>American Universal Life</PlanName> <ProductCode>VUL_BASE</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="11">Variable Universal Life</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LivesType tc="1">Single life</LivesType> <CovOption> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 249 <PlanName>Accidental Death Benefit Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>ADR01</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="2">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovOptTypeCode> <OptionAmt>40000</OptionAmt> </CovOption> <CovOption> <PlanName>No lapse Guarantee Option</PlanName> <ProductCode>NLP</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="9">No Lapse Guarantee Option</LifeCovOptTypeCode> </CovOption> <CovOption> <PlanName>Disability Waiver of Premium Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>WPR02</ProductCode> <LifeCovOptTypeCode tc="17">Waiver of Premium</LifeCovOptTypeCode> </CovOption> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="1">Primary Insured</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <IssueAge>46</IssueAge> <TobaccoPremiumBasis tc="2">Smoker</TobaccoPremiumBasis> <UnderwritingClass tc="1">Standard</UnderwritingClass> <UnderwritingSubClass tc="2">Better</UnderwritingSubClass> <PermTableRatingAlphaCode>1</PermTableRatingAlphaCode> <PermRatingType tc="4">Occupation</PermRatingType> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <PlanName>Terminal Illness Rider</PlanName> <ProductCode>TI1</ProductCode> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="2147483647">Other</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> </Coverage> </Life> <ApplicationInfo> <TrackingID>ABCC0000002036</TrackingID> <ApplicationType tc="1">New Application</ApplicationType> <ApplicationJurisdiction tc="5">Arkansas</ApplicationJurisdiction> <ApplicationCountry tc="1">United States</ApplicationCountry> <FormalAppInd tc="1">true</FormalAppInd> <SignedDate>2008-04-14</SignedDate> <CWAAmt>200</CWAAmt> <ClientMaterialsInd tc="1">True</ClientMaterialsInd> <HIVConsentAuthInd tc="1">True</HIVConsentAuthInd> <ReplacementInd tc="0">False</ReplacementInd> <SalesMaterialInd tc="1">True</SalesMaterialInd> <AgentRelatedInd tc="0">False</AgentRelatedInd> <IdentityVerification VerifiedPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <Identification> <IdentificationNum>F12345</IdentificationNum> <IdentityVerificationType tc="1">Driver's License</IdentityVerificationType> <IdentificationExpDate>2010-02-02</IdentificationExpDate> <Jurisdiction tc="5">AR</Jurisdiction> <IssuingAgency>AR</IssuingAgency> </Identification> <VerifierParticipant VerifierPartyID="Agent_Party_1"> <VerifierRoleCode tc="3">Agent</VerifierRoleCode> </VerifierParticipant> </IdentityVerification> </ApplicationInfo> <RequirementInfo AppliesToPartyID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <ReqCode tc="23">MIB Authorization</ReqCode> <ReqStatus tc="11">Completed</ReqStatus> <StatusEvent> <StatusEventCode tc="114">Signatures Received</StatusEventCode> </StatusEvent> </RequirementInfo> <FinancialActivity> <FinActivityType tc="7">Cash with Application</FinActivityType> <FinActivityDate>2008-04-14</FinActivityDate> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 250 <Payment BankHoldingID="Bank_Holding_1"> <PaymentForm tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentForm> <PaymentAmt>200.00</PaymentAmt> <SourceOfFundsTC tc="11">Income</SourceOfFundsTC> </Payment> </FinancialActivity> </Policy> <Investment> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_1"> <ProductCode>Growth Fund</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>45678</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>Fidelity</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>Fidelity Growth Fund</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_2"> <CarrierCode>45678</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>Fidelity</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>Ford Motor Co Common Stock</ProductFullName> <CusipNum>345370860</CusipNum> </SubAccount> <SubAccount id="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_3"> <ProductCode>GHI</ProductCode> <CarrierCode>7654321</CarrierCode> <CarrierName>John Hancock</CarrierName> <ProductFullName>Fixed Account</ProductFullName> </SubAccount> </Investment> <Attachment> <AttachmentBasicType tc="2">Image</AttachmentBasicType> <Description>Application</Description> <AttachmentData></AttachmentData> <AttachmentType tc="10">Original Application</AttachmentType> <ImageType tc="3">TIFF</ImageType> <AttachmentLocation tc="2">URL Reference</AttachmentLocation> <Sequence>1</Sequence> </Attachment> <Intent> <ExpenseNeedTypeCode tc="46">Employee Benefit</ExpenseNeedTypeCode> </Intent> <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Initial_Allocation"> <ProductCode>IA</ProductCode> <ArrType tc="19">Initial Premium</ArrType> <PlanName>Initial Premium</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percentage</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_IA_Destination" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_3"> <TransferPct>100</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Standing_Allocations"> <ProductCode>SA</ProductCode> <ArrMode tc="4">Monthly</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="37">Standing Allocations</ArrType> <ModalAmt>250.00</ModalAmt> <PaymentMethod tc="7">Electronic Funds Transfer</PaymentMethod> <PlanName>Monthly Premium</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percent</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrSource id="Arrangement_SA_Source" BankingInfoID="Bank_Holding_1"/> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_SA_Destination_1" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_1"> <TransferPct>50</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_SA_Destination_2" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_2"> <TransferPct>50</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> <Arrangement id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebalancing"> <ProductCode>AR</ProductCode> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 251 <ArrMode tc="1">Annually</ArrMode> <ArrType tc="3">Asset Rebalancing</ArrType> <ArrSubType tc="17">Standard Asset Rebalancing</ArrSubType> <StartDate>2009-01-01</StartDate> <DayOfMonth>20</DayOfMonth> <PlanName>Rebalancing Program</PlanName> <DestTransferAmtType tc="3">Percentage</DestTransferAmtType> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_1" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_1"> <TransferPct>33</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_2" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_2"> <TransferPct>33</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> <ArrDestination id="Arrangement_Asset_Rebal_Dest_3" SubAcctID="Proposed_Holding_SubAccount_3"> <TransferPct>34</TransferPct> </ArrDestination> </Arrangement> </Holding> <Holding id="Bank_Holding_1" DataRep="ReadOnly"> <HoldingTypeCode tc="7">Banking</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="1">Active Inforce</HoldingStatus> <Banking FinancialInstitutionPartyID="EFT_Bank_Party_1"> <BankAcctType tc="2">Checking</BankAcctType> <AccountNumber>789789789</AccountNumber> <RoutingNum>123271978</RoutingNum> <AcctHolderName>Slate Rock and Gravel</AcctHolderName> <BankName>Washington Mutual Bank, Federal Savings Bank</BankName> </Banking> </Holding> <Party id="Payor_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</FullName> <GovtID>456456456</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="2">Tax Identification Number</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="5">Arkansas</ResidenceState> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="23">Corporation</OrgForm> <EstabDate>1904-01-01</EstabDate> </Organization> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>555 Slate Ave.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>77201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Business</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9879876</DialNumber> </Phone> </Party> <Party id="Agent_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>George</FirstName> <LastName>Adams</LastName> </Person> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2">Business</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9871234</DialNumber> </Phone> <Phone> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 252 <PhoneTypeCode tc="19">Fax</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>654</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9871235</DialNumber> </Phone> <Producer> <CarrierAppointment> <CompanyProducerID>007</CompanyProducerID> </CarrierAppointment> </Producer> <EMailAddress> <EMailType tc="1"/> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> </EMailAddress> </Party> <Party id="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <ResidenceState tc="5">Arkansas</ResidenceState> <ResidenceCountry tc="1">USA</ResidenceCountry> <EstNetWorth>4000000</EstNetWorth> <Person> <FirstName>Fred</FirstName> <MiddleName/> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> <MarStat tc="1">Married</MarStat> <Gender tc="1">Male</Gender> <BirthDate>1973-02-02</BirthDate> <Citizenship tc="1">United States</Citizenship> <EstSalary>75000</EstSalary> <SmokerStat tc="2">prior tobacco user</SmokerStat> <Height2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">inches</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>74</MeasureValue> </Height2> <Weight2> <MeasureUnits tc="2">pounds</MeasureUnits> <MeasureValue>250.00</MeasureValue> </Weight2> <DriversLicenseNum>F12345</DriversLicenseNum> <NoDriversLicenseInd tc="0">false</NoDriversLicenseInd> <DriversLicenseState tc="5">Arkansas</DriversLicenseState> <DriversLicenseCountry tc="1">United States</DriversLicenseCountry> <BirthCountry tc="1">United States</BirthCountry> <BirthJurisdictionTC tc="5">Arkansas</BirthJurisdictionTC> <DriversLicenseExpDate>2010-02-02</DriversLicenseExpDate> </Person> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="1">Residence</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>343 Bedrock Ct.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> <YearsAtAddress>4.00</YearsAtAddress> </Address> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="1">Home</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>222</AreaCode> <DialNumber>3334444</DialNumber> </Phone> <Phone> <PhoneTypeCode tc="2147483647">Other</PhoneTypeCode> <AreaCode>456</AreaCode> <DialNumber>9874566</DialNumber> </Phone> <EMailAddress> <AddrLine>[email protected]</AddrLine> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 253 </EMailAddress> <Risk> <ExistingInsuranceInd tc="1">true</ExistingInsuranceInd> <RejectionInd tc="0">false</RejectionInd> <RejectionReason/> <ActivelyAtWorkInd tc="1">True</ActivelyAtWorkInd> <RecentHospitalizationInd tc="0">False</RecentHospitalizationInd> <SeriousIllnessInd tc="0">False</SeriousIllnessInd> <TobaccoInd tc="1">true</TobaccoInd> <CriminalConviction> <CrimeDescription>Minor in Possession when 20 years old</CrimeDescription> </CriminalConviction> <SubstanceUsage> <SubstanceType tc="8">Alcohol</SubstanceType> </SubstanceUsage> <SubstanceUsage> <TobaccoType tc="2">Cigars</TobaccoType> </SubstanceUsage> <LifeStyleActivity> <LifeStyleActivityType tc="29">Foreign Travel</LifeStyleActivityType> <ActivityFrequencyMode tc="4">Per year</ActivityFrequencyMode> <ActivityFrequency>1</ActivityFrequency> <ActivityDuration>3</ActivityDuration> <DurationUnitMeasure tc="69">Weeks</DurationUnitMeasure> <ForeignTravel> <PleasureTravelInd tc="1">True</PleasureTravelInd> <TravelCountry tc="86">China</TravelCountry> <DateLastTrip>2008-06-20</DateLastTrip> </ForeignTravel> </LifeStyleActivity> </Risk> <Employment EmployerPartyID="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1"> <Occupation>crane operator</Occupation> <EmployerName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</EmployerName> <YearsAtEmployment>17</YearsAtEmployment> <EmploymentDuties>heavy construction</EmploymentDuties> </Employment> </Party> <Party id="Primary_Insured_Employer_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Slate Rock and Gravel Company</FullName> <Organization/> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>987 Slate Ave.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> </Party> <Party id="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>789654123</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <Person> <FirstName>Wilma</FirstName> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> </Person> </Party> <Party id="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <GovtID>123456789</GovtID> <GovtIDTC tc="1">Social Security Number</GovtIDTC> <Person> <FirstName>Pebbles</FirstName> <MiddleName/> <LastName>Flintstone</LastName> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 254 </Person> </Party> <Party id="Carrier_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>ABC Life Assurance Co.</FullName> <Organization> <OrgCode>ABCL</OrgCode> </Organization> <Carrier> <CarrierCode>ABCL</CarrierCode> <NAICCode>12345</NAICCode> <NAICGroupCode>678</NAICGroupCode> </Carrier> </Party> <Party id="EFT_Bank_Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Washington Mutual Bank, Federal Savings Bank</FullName> <Organization/> <Address> <AddressTypeCode tc="2">Business</AddressTypeCode> <Line1>987 Main St.</Line1> <City>Bedrock</City> <AddressStateTC tc="5">Arkansas</AddressStateTC> <Zip>72201</Zip> <AddressCountryTC tc="1">United States</AddressCountryTC> </Address> </Party> <Relation id="Primary_Insured_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="32">Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Contingent_Beneficiary_1_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="36">Contingent beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Agent_to_Policy_1" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Agent_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="37">PrimaryWritingAgent</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100.00</InterestPercent> </Relation> <Relation id="Owner_to_Policy" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="8">Owner</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <Relation id="Primary_Beneficiary_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Primary_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="1">Spouse</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="2">Wife</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id="Contingent_Beneficiary_1_to_Primary_Insured_Party_1" © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 255 OriginatingObjectID="Primary_Insured_Party_1" RelatedObjectID="Coverage_Base_Contingent_Beneficiary_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="2">Child</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="6">Daughter</RelationDescription> </Relation> <Relation id="Payor_to_Policy_1" OriginatingObjectID="Proposed_Holding_1" RelatedObjectID="Payor_Party_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="31">Payor</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> </OLifE> </TXLifeRequest> </TXLife> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 256 8 INDEX AccountHolderName ............. 50 AccountNumber..................... 50 Address .................................. 19 AddressCountryTC ........ 20, 170 AddressStateTC ..................... 20 AddressTypeCode ................. 19 AddrLine................................ 68 ApplicationCollectionDate .... 24 ApplicationCounty................. 23 ApplicationJurisdiction .......... 22 ApplicationSignatureType ..... 24 AppliesToPartyID ................ 195 AppOwnerSignatureOK ........ 24 AreaCode ............. 179, 186, 187 AttachmentData ... 37, 38, 42, 54 AttachmentID .32, 36, 38, 42, 53 AttachmentKey ... 32, 36, 38, 42, 53 AttachmentLocation .. 37, 40, 44 AttachmentType .. 37, 39, 43, 54 AttentionLine ......................... 19 BankAccountType ................. 49 Banking.................................. 48 CarrierCode ....... 46, 55, 64, 181 City ........................................ 19 CommissionOptionSelected 183 CompletionDate ..................... 75 CreditCardExpDate ............... 49 CreditCardType ..................... 49 CryptPswd ........................... 227 CryptType ............................ 227 Description ................ 37, 38, 42 DialNumber ......................... 179 EmailAddress ........................ 68 EMailType ............................. 68 ExistingInsuranceInd ........... 199 Ext ....................................... 179 FinActivityDate ..................... 71 FinActivityType .............. 70, 72 Financial .......................... 70, 72 FinancialInstitutionPartyID ... 48 FormName ............................. 74 FormVersion .......................... 75 FullName .... 130, 141, 144, 148, 151, 159, 161, 164, 165, 167, 169, 172 GovtID 127, 130, 142, 148, 151, 159, 162 GovtIDTC ... 130, 142, 148, 151, 159, 162 Holding .... 76, 79, 83, 88, 93, 94 HoldingStatus....... 77, 79, 83, 89 HoldingTypeCode77, 79, 83, 88, 93, 94 HomeOfficePurchaseInd ........ 24 IDReferenceNo ... 132, 142, 144, 148, 152, 155, 159, 162, 165, 168, 173 InterestPercent ............. 191, 194 IssueType ............................. 182 LineOfBusiness .................... 181 MimeType .................. 40, 44, 54 NoResponseOk ... 229, 232, 235, 238 OriginatingObjectID ... 189, 190, 193 OriginatingObjectType 189, 190, 193 Party .... 127, 141, 144, 147, 151, 155, 158, 161, 164, 165, 167, 169, 172 Payment ............................... 175 Phone ........................... 178, 186 PhoneTypeCode ... 178, 186, 187 PolNumber ........................... 181 PrefAddr................................. 20 PrefEMailAddr ....................... 68 PrefPhone ............................. 179 PrimaryFormInd ..................... 74 ProductCode......................... 181 ProductType ......................... 181 ProviderFormNumber ............ 74 Pswd ..................................... 227 QuestionNumber .................... 75 RelatedObjectID ... 189, 190, 193 RelatedObjectType ...... 189, 190, 193 Relation ........ 189, 190, 193, 224 RelationDescription .............. 194 RelationRoleCode 189, 191, 193 ReplacementInd .............. 24, 199 ReqCode ............................... 195 ReqStatus.............................. 195 Requirement ......................... 195 ResidenceState ............. 131, 159 ResponseCode ........................ 75 ResponseText ......................... 75 ResponsiblePartyType .......... 196 Risk ...................................... 199 RoutingNumber ...................... 50 Signature .............................. 217 SignatureCode98, 101, 214, 217, 219 SignatureRoleCode. 98, 215, 217 SignedDate ............................. 23 SolicitationInd ........................ 68 SubmissionType ..................... 23 SubmitDate ............................. 75 SuitabilityPerformedInd ......... 24 TrackingID ............................. 22 TransExeDate ...... 229, 231, 234, 237 TransExeTime ..... 229, 232, 235, 238 TransferEncodingTypeString 40, 44 TransMode ... 229, 232, 235, 238 TransRefGUID .... 228, 231, 234, 237 TransType .... 228, 231, 234, 237 TXLifeRequest ..................... 226 UserAuthRequest ................. 226 UserDate ............................... 227 UserLoginName ................... 227 Zip .......................................... 20 © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 257 9 REVISION HISTORY/CHANGE SUMMARY Version Date Description of Change 2.0 January 2010 Update to version 2.21 and added variable, replacement, TXLife response, risk information for part A and B, and business insurance requirements. Also includes updates to how ongoing premiums are mapped. Please see below for a detailed listing of changes: 1.0 Sept. 2008 1.0 – Proposed Final May 2008 Official release. Published to the ACORD Web site and No content changes. Documentation and formatting changes only. Proposed Final release for review / approval. Reformatting and overall documentation updates. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 258 9.1 Revision Details from version 1.0 to version 2.0 9.1.1 Updated from 2.17 to 2.21 & Other Misc Updates A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. Multiple updates based on approved MR‟s Updated Authorization Object: <Authorization> Object for changing investment instructions Added AccountDesignation to Holding Object for Proposed Policy: <Holding> Object for proposed policy Updated Holding Object for existing insurance Object description and updated the description for IssueDate: <Holding> Object for existing insurance Updated Party Object for Proposed Insured: <Party> Object for Proposed Insured(s) Updated Payment Object: <Payment> Object Updated PhoneTypeCode on Phone Object: <Phone> Object Updated RelationRoleCode and InterestPercent values on Relation: <Relation> Object for contract level (Holding to Party) Updated RequirementInfo Object: <RequirementInfo> Object Multiple updates to Risk Object: <Risk> Object Added SignatureInfo Object: <SignatureInfo> Object Updated: APPENDIX C – New Business Policy Status Transitions Updated: Life electronic application submission hierarchy Added APPENDIX D – Requirmement Status Transitions 9.1.2 FinancialActivity & Arrangements A. B. C. Deleted FinancialActivity Object for ongoing premiums Added Arrangement Object and details: <Arrangement> Object Updated section 3.3 FinancialActivity and Arrangement 9.1.3 Added Variable Life Requirements A. B. Added Investment Object (without properties): <Investment> Object Updated ProductType values, object description and added PolicyValue on Policy Object: <Policy> Object for Proposed Policy C. Added SubAccount Object and details:<SubAccount> Object D. Added VL Sample XML: NBfL Sample Scenario 2: Basic Variable Universal Life Insurance Submission 9.1.4 Added Replacement & Exchange Requirements A. B. C. D. E. Added FinancialActivity Object for 1035 Exchange: <FinancialActivity> Object for 1035 Exchange Added Holding Object for Existing Insurance That Is Being Replaced <Holding> Object for existing insurance that is being replaced Added Holding Object for Existing Insurance That Is Being Exchanged <Holding> Object for existing insurance that is being exchanged Updated Life Object to include, NetSurrValueAmt, CashValueAmt, DeathBenefitAmt, SurrenderChargeAmt & NetDeathBenefitAmt as well as other misc updates: <Life> Object Added LifeUSA Object for existing policy: © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 259 F. G. H. <LifeUSA> Object for existing policy Added LifeUSA Object for proposed policy: <LifeUSA> Object for the proposed policy Updated Payment.PaymentForm to include tc=13 Funds to Follow for 1035 Exchanges, and tc=26 Payment is made from another policy: <Payment> Object Added Relation Object for contract level (Holding to Holding): <Relation> Object for contract level (Holding to Holding for Replacements/Exchanges) 9.1.5 Updated TXLife Request & Added TXLife Response Requirements A. B. C. D. Updated TXLife Request Object: <TXLifeRequest> Object Added TXLife Response Object for Success: <TXLifeResponse> Object for Success-IGO Response Added TXLife Response Object for Failure: <TXLifeResponse> Object for Failure-NIGO Response Added TXLife Response Object for Pending: <TXLifeResponse> Object for Pending Response (Performing Checks) 9.1.6 Added Part A & B Requirements A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Added Applicability property to various places within the guide Added MedicalCondition Object: <MedicalCondition> Object Added MedicalExam Object: <MedicalExam> Object Added MedicalPrevention Object: <MedicalPrevention> Object Added MedicalTreatment Object: <MedicalTreatment> Object Added PrescriptionDrug Object: <PrescriptionDrug> Object Added WeightHistory Object: <WeightHistory> Object 9.1.7 Add Business Insurance Requirements A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Updated Employment Object description: <Employment> Object Added Holding for Loan Object: <Holding> Object for Loan Added OrganizationFinancialData Object: <OrganizationFinancialData> Object for Business Insurance Added Party Object for other business insurance owners: <Party> Object for other business insurance owners Updated Party Object for organizational owner: <Party> Object for organization owner Added Party Object for creditor on collateral loan: <Party> Object for creditor on the collateral loan Added additional RelationRoleCode value on Relation Object: <Relation> Object for contract level (Party to Party) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 260 APPENDIX A – HOW TO MODEL ROLES Contract Level Component Level Override Level Role applies to entire contract. Role must be specified for each component. Role is inherited by every component unless specified. Must Have Relation Object May Have Relation Object May Have Relation Object May Have Life Participant Object Must Have Life Participant Object on Every Coverage Must Have Life Participant Object on Any Override Coverage © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 1 Contract Level Role Holding Relation RelRoleCode= 32 Party (Insured) If Insured is the Owner Relation RelRoleCode = 8 Relation RelRoleCode=34 Includes additional information about the beneficiary relationship If Insured is not the Owner Party (Owner) Party (Bene) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 2 Component Level Role Relation RelRoleCode=32 Holding Party (Insured) Coverage (Base) LifeParticipant Coverage Child Rider LifeParticipant Party Child Coverage ADB LifeParticipant © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 3 Override Level Role Holding Relation RelRoleCode=32,189 Party (Insured -Husband) Coverage (Base) Party (Insured - Wife LifeParticipant LifeParticipant Coverage ADB Coverage Waiver of Premium LifeParticipant © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 4 Comparison of the Three Levels of Roles Component Level Contract Level Holding Relation RelRoleCode= 32 Party (Insured) Relation RelRoleCode =8 Party (Owner) Relation RelRoleCode =34 Relation RelRoleCode= 32 Holding Override Level Party (Insured) Relation RelRoleCode= 32 Holding Coverage (Base) Coverage (Base) LifeParticipant LifeParticipant Party (Bene) LifeParticipant Coverage Child Rider Party Child Coverage ADB LifeParticipant Coverage Waiver of Premium Coverage ADB LifeParticipant © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 LifeParticipant 5 Party (Insured Joint) Party (Insured Joint APPENDIX B – SAMPLE XML FOR BENEFICIARY ROLES Contract Level: In most cases, there will be 2 Relations: - a Holding to Party Relation that denotes who the beneficiary is - a Party to Party Relation that denotes the relation of the beneficiary to the insured 1. The beneficiary is a named person <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding_1" > <HoldingTypeCode tc="2">Policy</HoldingTypeCode> <HoldingStatus tc="3">Pending</HoldingStatus> </Holding> <!--Insured--> <Party id="Party_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Mary</FirstName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> </Person> </Party> <!--Beneficiary--> <Party id="Party_2"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>James</FirstName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> </Person> </Party> <!-- Relates originating object to insured--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party_1" OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation1_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="6">Primary Insured</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <!-- Relates originating object to primary beneficiary--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party_2" OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 6 <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100</InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> If the only properties needed are InterestPercent and BeneficiaryDesignation for a beneficiary, place them on Relation. If additional properties are needed, they also go on Relation. (This is different than any of the other policy roles. See Help File 4.16 for additional information.). <!--Shows relationship of primary beneficiary and insured if bene is a person and gender is specific, if relationship is non gender specific-such as cousin, use RelationRoleCode without a RelationDescription-> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party_2" OriginatingObjectID="Party_1" id="Relation3_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="2">Child</RelationRoleCode> <RelationDescription tc="5">Son</RelationDescription> 2. The beneficiary is unnamed This situation is denoted by a one way Relation as no Party object can be created for an unnamed nd person. There is no 2 Relation to describe the relation to the insured <Relation OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100</InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="13">Children of Insured</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> 3. The beneficiary is an organization There may only be one Relation to denote the beneficiary. There may not be a Relation from the bene to the insured to describe the relationship of the organization to the insured. (See example 5 for exception) The Party object OrgForm describes the type of organization. <!-- If Bene is a sole proprietor, partner, corporation --> <Party id="Party_11"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of organization</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="1">Sole Proprietorship</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <!-- Relates originating object to primary beneficiary--> <Relation RelatedObjectID=" Party_11 " OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100</InterestPercent> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 7 <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> 4. The beneficiary is a trust The trust may have a trustee. The trustee is never the beneficiary. There will be one Relation to denote the bene. There will not be a Relation from the insured to the trust to describe the relation of the trust to the insured. The can be a Party to Party Relation for the Relation of the Trustee to the Trust. <!-- If bene is a trust --> <Party id="Party_12"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of trust</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="16">Trust</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <!-- If bene is a trust – and you have trustee information--> <Party id="Party_13"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Joe</FirstName> <LastName>Black</LastName> </Person> </Party> <!-- Relates Applied-for-policy to primary beneficiary--> <Relation RelatedObjectID=" Party_12" OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100</InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> <!--If bene is a trust - Shows relationship of trust and trustee--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party_13" OriginatingObjectID ="Party_12" id="Relation15a_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="69">Trustee</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> 5. The beneficiary is a creditor and the creditor is an organization Where the organizations listed above ( in example 3) do not have a Relation from the insured to the bene, when the organization is a creditor, there is a relation from the insured to the bene. There is no OrgForm for this organization since creditor is not an OrgForm. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 8 <!-- If Bene is a creditor --> <Party id="Party_14"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Creditor name</FullName> <Organization></Organization> <OrgForm tc=”0”>Unknown</OrgForm> </Party> <!-- Relates Applied-for-policy to primary beneficiary--> <Relation RelatedObjectID=" Party_14" OriginatingObjectID="Holding_1" id="Relation2_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="4">Holding</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="34">Primary Beneficiary</RelationRoleCode> <InterestPercent>100</InterestPercent> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </Relation> <!--Shows relationship of primary beneficiary and insured if bene is creditor--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party_14" OriginatingObjectID="Party_1" id="Relation3_1c"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="109">Creditor</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 9 Component Level: There is no need for Relation objects, both the designation of the beneficiary class and the relation to the insured can be described in the LifeParticipant object. The beneficiary must explicitly denoted for each coverage (base and all riders) where appropriate as nothing can be assumed about who the beneficiary is. 1. The beneficiaries are named persons <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1" > <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Party2_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> <BeneficiaryRoleCode tc="2">Child</BeneficiaryRoleCode> <BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc tc="5">Son</BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="23">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Party2_2"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> <BeneficiaryRoleCode tc="2">Child</BeneficiaryRoleCode> <BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc tc="5">Son</BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="116">Child Term</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID="Party2_1"> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> <BeneficiaryRoleCode tc="2">Child</BeneficiaryRoleCode> <BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc tc="5">Son</BeneficiaryRoleCodeDesc> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 10 <!--Beneficiary for policy--> <Party id="Party2_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>James</FirstName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> </Person> </Party> <!--Beneficiary for rider--> <Party id="Party2_2"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> <Person> <FirstName>Phil</FirstName> <LastName>Jones</LastName> </Person> </Party> 2. The beneficiaries are unnamed Both the beneficiary for the contract and the beneficiary for the rider are unnamed. <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1" > <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> < LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="13">Children of insured</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="23">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="2">Estate</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> </Life. </Policy> </Holding> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 11 3. The beneficiaries are organizations There may not be a BeneficiaryRoleCode to describe the relationship of the organization to the insured. (See example 5 for exception) The Party object OrgForm describes the type of organization. <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1" > <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1a "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="23">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1b "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> </Life> </Policy> </Holding> <!-- If Bene for the contract is a sole proprietor, partner, corporation --> <Party id="Party11_1a"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of organization</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="1">Sole Proprietorship</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <!-- If Bene for the rider is a sole proprietor, partner, corporation --> <Party id="Party11_1b"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of organization</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="1">Sole Proprietorship</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 12 4. The beneficiaries are trusts The trusts may have a trustees. A trustee is never the beneficiary. LifeParticipant will denote the bene class . A Party to Party Relation is used to denote the Relation of the Trustee to the Trust. <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1" > <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1c "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="23">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1d "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> </Life. </Policy> </Holding> <!-- If bene for the contract is a trust --> <Party id="Party11_1c"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of trust</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="16">Trust</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <!-- If bene for the rider is a trust --> <Party id="Party11_1d"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>name of trust</FullName> <Organization> <OrgForm tc="16">Trust</OrgForm> </Organization> </Party> <!-- If bene is a trust – and you have trustee information--> <Party id="Party12_1"> <PartyTypeCode tc="1">Person</PartyTypeCode> © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 13 <Person> <FirstName>Joe</FirstName> <LastName>Black</LastName> </Person> </Party> <!--If bene for the contract is a trust - Shows relationship of trust and trustee--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party12_1" OriginatingObjectID ="Party11_1c" id="Relation15a_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="69">Trustee</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> <!--If bene for the rider is a trust - Shows relationship of trust and trustee--> <Relation RelatedObjectID="Party12_1" OriginatingObjectID ="Party11_1d" id="Relation15b_1"> <OriginatingObjectType tc="6">Party</OriginatingObjectType> <RelatedObjectType tc="6">Party</RelatedObjectType> <RelationRoleCode tc="69">Trustee</RelationRoleCode> </Relation> 5. The beneficiaries are creditors and the creditors are organizations Where the organizations listed above ( in example 3) may not have a BeneficiaryRoleCode, this organization does have a relation from the insured to the bene that is represented by the BeneficiaryRoleCode but does not have an OrgFrom. <!--Policy applied for--> <Holding id="Holding1" > <Policy> <Life> <Coverage> <IndicatorCode tc="1">Base</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1e "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> <BeneficiaryRoleCode tc="109">Creditor</BeneficiaryRoleCode> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> <Coverage> <LifeCovTypeCode tc="23">Accidental Death Benefit</LifeCovTypeCode> <IndicatorCode tc="2">Rider</IndicatorCode> <LifeParticipant PartyID=" Party11_1f "> <LifeParticipantRoleCode tc="7">PrimaryBeneficiary</LifeParticipantRoleCode> <ParticipationPct>100</ParticipationPct> <BeneficiaryDesignation tc="1">Named</BeneficiaryDesignation> <BeneficiaryRoleCode tc="109">Creditor</BeneficiaryRoleCode> </LifeParticipant> </Coverage> </Life. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 14 </Policy> </Holding> <!-- If Bene for the contract is a creditor --> <Party id="Party11_1e"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Creditor name</FullName> <Organization></Organization> <OrgForm tc=”0”>Unknown</OrgForm> </Party> <!-- If Bene for the rider is a creditor --> <Party id="Party11_1f"> <PartyTypeCode tc="2">Organization</PartyTypeCode> <FullName>Creditor name</FullName> <Organization></Organization> <OrgForm tc=”0”>Unknown</OrgForm> </Party> Override Level: There is no need for Relation object, both the designation of the beneficiary class and the relation to the insured can be described in the LifeParticipant object. The sample XML is the same for Component Level beneficiary role except that the beneficiary does not need to be denoted for every coverage – just the base coverage and if there are any overrides. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 15 APPENDIX C – NEW BUSINESS POLICY STATUS TRANSITIONS POLICY STATUS TRANSITIONS – FORMAL APPLICATION (Applies to new business, but not to reissues, reinstatements or conversions) Status is a milestone in the fulfillment process A G E N T / V E N D O R LEGEND 1. Green shaded Statuses represent normal (positive) flow 2. Text imbedded on flow lines represents Status Reasons for why application is moving to next Status 3. Items in black are existing TC values, in red are proposed values. 4. Numbers in parentheses are existing Type Codes 5. Italicized blue text is additional information 6. Square loop connectors show Status Reasons that are keeping application from moving to next Status PROPOSED (12) Unapproved licensing or appointment (40), Producer not approved to sell (39) Wrong company PENDING TRANSMISSION (22) APPLIED FOR (21) Request accepted by carrier REQUEST REFUSED (109) A Missing information/requirements, Pre underwriting review not complete Application accepted for processing Missing information/ Requirements not provided PENDING (8) INCOMPLETE (23) Application complete and IGO Missing information/requirements, Underwriting review , Unapproved licensing / appointment(40), Appeal(38), Changes Requested Missing information/requirements Unapproved licensing or appointment (40) SUBMITTED TO UW (954) INCOMPLETE (23) Lack of suitablity, Medical history, Life style, Financial reasons, Not eligible DECLINE (27) (Final Status) DEFERRED (29) C A B CANCELLED (39) (Applicant) (Final Status) APPROVED TENTATIVE OFFER (58) PRODUCER WITHDREW (60) (Final Status) R R Effective date not reached, Issue pending I E ◄ R HO WITHDREW (59) (Final Status) APPROVED (24) ◄ Issued as applied for Delivery Requirements Pending(46) ISSUE WITH REQUIREMENTS (44) ISSUED WITH CHANGES (43) (Non-material) Policy Addition/ Change in Progress (33) Material changes requested ISSUED (25) A Delivery Requirements not Satisfied, Not Paid COUNTER OFFER (26) (Material changes) Delivery Requirements Satisfied(47) ACTIVE (1) (Final Status) B NOT PLACED (51) Placed, In-Force Applicant declined offer(35) Applicant declined offer (35) NOT TAKEN (7) © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 16 Policy Status Transitions – Formal Application (Applies to new business, but not to reissues, reinstatements or conversions) Status is a milestone in the fulfillment process Process for adding new values to the PolicyStatus and StatusReason lookup tables: 1. Review latest version of PolicyStatus and StatusReason lookup tables. 2. If the status that is to be added is not represented in the lookup table a. Create a definition for the status or reason that is to be added to the lookup table b. Compare the new definition to existing status and reason definitions - the new status may already exist but may be named differently than expected c. Check both PolicyStatus and StatusReason tables - many requests to add new statuses are really StatusReasons. A StatusReason is the explanation as to why the status has not moved to the next expected status. d. If the new status definition does not align with any existing status or reason definition, then determine the placement of the new status or reason in the Policy Status diagram e. If the new status or reason can be placed on the diagram without duplicating an existing status, create an MR to update the lookup table and the Policy Status diagramNote: The Policy Status diagram should be incorporated into both the Pending Case Status Guide and the New Business Submission guide. © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 17 APPENDIX D – REQUIRMEMENT STATUS TRANSITIONS Please refer the 3.3 Underwriting Requirements Status and Status Events section of the ACORD Underwriting Requirements Implementation Guide for further details. Start ReqStatus Transitions ReqStatuses typically assigned by Requester Systems Outstanding (4) Submit (192) Submitted (2) Acknowledge (182) Acknowledged (19) Error (12) Error (186) Error (186) Provider Accepts Order (75) Resume (191) Pending (1) Warn (193) Cancelled (8) Cancel (184) Complete (185) Completed with Warnings (13) ReqStatuses typically assigned by Fulfilling Systems Completed (11) Resume (191) Publish (188) Publish (188) Published (20) Resume (nn): When a requirement is in ReqStatus Unable to Evaluate (10), it may remain in that state while corrective action occurs, or transition to Pending via Resume (nn) Receive (189) Received (7) Evaluation Failed (190) Unable to Evaluate (10) Evaluate (187) Evaluated (21) ReqStatuses typically assigned by Status/Results Receiver Systems End Author: Version: Created: Updated: © 2008-2010 ACORD CORPORATION – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACORD LAH STANDARDS NBFL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE VERSION 2.0 – JANUARY 2010 jbielak 1.3 06/06/2004 11/06/2004 18