November 2015 Walnut Leaves - Walnut Creek United Methodist
November 2015 Walnut Leaves - Walnut Creek United Methodist
Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 1 WalnutLeaves A publica on of Walnut Creek United Methodist Church Issue: November 2015 CHURCH CONFERENCE Sunday, November 22 Come worship with the churches of our Diablo Valley Circuit and celebrate our ministries at our annual Charge Conference, Sunday, November 22 at 4pm at Con‐ cord United Methodist Church (1645 West Street). Church members are encouraged to attend this meeting to vote on our church leadership, pastor’s compensation, membership reports, and look together to the future. Participating churches in this annual meeting are Concord UMC, Lafayette UMC, Walnut Avenue UMC, Contra Costa UMC, Orinda UMC, and us. Our preacher at the opening worship will be our new District Superintendent Rev. Staci Current! Wor‐ ship and Conference will be followed by a salad potluck. Please bring a salad of your choice to share. Rev. Staci Current Commitment Sunday Potluck Sunday, November 8 at 11am In celebration of God’s present and future work in our church, we will have a potluck meal following wor‐ ship. We hope to announce the pledge total during the event. The Men’s Breakfast Crew will be making an egg bake and we are asking indi‐ viduals to bring fresh cut fruit, light breakfast foods or juices. See you there! Bring your commitment card to worship, stay afterwards for a churchchurch-wide fellowship potluck! Sunday, November 8 Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 2 Eileen’s Epistle Rev. Eileen Lindsay Senior Pastor - Pastoreileen - 925-934-4208 x202 November is a time to remember and a time to give thanks. All Saints Day is November 1. We remember those who have gone before us in the faith. We pray, call out their names, ring a hand bell and light a candle on the communion table for each of the members of our congregation who have died since All Saints Sunday last year. We will not forget them. Their light shines on in our lives. This year we will remember Barbara Anderson, Claire Binker, Doris Campbell, Virginia Constable, Thomas Coull, Jean Olson, Vera Davenport, Frank Patty, and Jim Sullivan. You are all invited to bring a photo‐ graph of a loved one who has passed away. You can place them on the communion rail as a symbol that they are present with us in Holy Communion. We are part of a Forever Family with them. Then November moves toward Thanksgiving. We will celebrate, Sunday, November 22 as Thanksgiving Sunday. That afternoon, at 4:00p.m. we will have our annual church conference with the other churches of our circuit at Concord United Methodist Church (1645 West St, Concord, CA 94521). Our new District Superintendent, the Rev. Staci Current, will be preaching. A salad potluck follows so bring a salad of your choice. We have a lot to be thankful for in the Diablo Valley. I’m reminded of when we took our family to Plimouth Plantation, a historical reenactment site, in Massachu‐ setts when the children were young. You learn quite a few interesting tidbits about the three day harvest festi‐ val celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe. Food supplies that traveled across the Atlantic on the Mayflower were nearly or fully depleted by November 1621. Half of the 102 Pilgrims had died of starva‐ tion, disease, and exposure. Of the 54 survivors, only about 30 were over the age of 16 years old. The colony had run out of butter, sugar and wheat flour. Moreover, settlers hadn’t yet constructed an oven for baking. So there was no pastry to make pumpkin pies. Actually, many foods we consider traditional to Thanks‐ giving were not found in New England. Potatoes and sweet potatoes had not yet been introduced to North America. What is as American as apple pie? Not apples. They came to the continent later. All that we can know from primary sources, is that they ate wildfowl, venison and corn. Native nuts, fruits and vegetables may have appeared on the table but nobody wrote home about them. Cranberry sauce could not be made without sug‐ ar. To wash it all down the English and Wampanoag probably drank water. It is unlikely that they could have brewed enough beer for the gathering of 150 people. It sounds pretty sparse, like an unintentional “paleo” diet to me, but the impulse to share hospitality with oth‐ ers and give thanks for abundance transcends the menu. Let colonist Edward Winslow’s final comment about the First Thanksgiving be shared by us on the nation’s holiday: “And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.” Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 3 Childrens’s Ministries Corrie Binker Director of Children’s Ministries - 925-324-7344 “In November... Remember...” ALL the Saints who’ve gone before us, All the Blessings we’ve received, All the Good sent down unto us, Joy for those who have believed. We are blessed to have so many lovely children in Sunday School these days! And for November, we will be studying UNIT 3, called-- Blessings and Birthrights: Nov.1--Jacob and Esau Nov.8--The Birthright Nov.15--The Blessing Nov.22--Jacob’s Ladder Nov.29--Elizabeth & Zechariah We will culminate our donations to UNICEF, so bring in those boxes! A total for our giving will be announced later. Many thanks for your faithfulness to the World’s needy. We will also begin ADVENT on November 29th. That Sunday and the next three, as well, will help us prepare for the Coming of the King--the Birth of Jesus! This month we will create a MURAL on our upper patio with well-known chalk muralist, Mark Lewis Wagner! Mark has a studio in Alameda called “Hearts and Bones.” He is excited to work with our kids, saying he loves to teach children to “draw on the Earth.” Bus Stop A er School Program American Sign Language came to Bus Stop! The children learned several songs, fun words, and the Finger Alphabet from Samantha Walker, the founder of the Singing Sign Children’s Choir in San Ramon. For a quick giggle, here’s a story from Bus Stop this month. …. In our Science Corner we have five little Lodgepole Pine cones--each one a different color by age. The colors range from reddish-brown to silvery gray. I asked the kids if they knew which cone was the oldest to which the youngest. Most of them guessed the wrong way, saying the reddish-brown one was the oldest, because it was the biggest [a kid's view of the world]. When I told them that, no, the gray one was the oldest, as seen by the loss of color down through the five cones. One little 1st grader piped up and said, "Oh, kinda like your gray hair, Mrs. Corrie!" Hmm…a teacher just has to learn to run with it :). Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 4 United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) Michelle Brown Youth Director - [email protected] - 925-366-8171 Happy Fall Y’all! We have been getting back into the swing of things after my absence and I would like to say thank you to our amazing church family for the love and prayers during my illness. It is good to be back among my people!! With the stewardship campaign up and running we have talked about ways we can be of service as a youth group and as individuals. Stewardship is about taking care of, nurturing and managing something entrusted to our care. As youth we don’t always have access to financial or monetary means, but there are many things we can do to be good stewards. Just showing up each week supports our youth group. We’ve also come up with ways to support our families at home. Each of us came up with an action we could do for one week to show our commitment to being good stewards at home. We will continue to visit this “idea” during the month of November. With Thanksgiving approaching our focus will be on gratitude. We will continue to define our goals as a youth family and the reasons we come to church/youth group. As usual we have had some great insights and ideas. Other than the unlimited access to electronics suggestion (which was said with a smirk) we are meeting the goals of the group as a loving, supportive family of who come together to share common religious beliefs. These kids really do make me proud and I love their honesty and sense of fairness. Later this month we will do a “Privilege Walk” which will enhance our sense of gratitude. As SpongeBob says “Have an Attitude of Gratitude”! 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS Monday, November 30th, 5:00-6:15pm Winter Nights Shelter (homework help for children) Wednesday, December 2nd 5:00-6:15 Winter Nights Shelter (homework help for children) Saturday, December 5th, 3:00-5:00pm Winter Nights Shelter Help with ADVENTure activity December TBA Holiday in the Park, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom The weekend of service (February 12-14) starts on Friday evening and is finished Sunday afternoon. Youth work for local nonprofit organizations on various ongoing projects. The fee is $110/youth and includes all meals, lodging, tools, building materials and a super cool t-shirt. The summer program this year for combined ages (junior and senior high) is offered in Stockton, San Diego and Chiloquin, OR so the youth almost unanimously voted for Oregon. It is a full week in 2016 (July 31 - August 6) and I loved having all of us together last year. We traveled to Chiloquin two years ago with the junior high group and it was beautiful. The fees for the summer program are $50.00 deposit, due ASAP, second payment of $200.00 due March 1st and the final payment is covered by our fundraising efforts including the hugely successful Trivia Night! Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 5 Tapestry November Nocturnes Vocal and Handbell Ensemble presents November 13, 2015—7 pm Sanctuary *Open to Public—Free Admission MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2:00 PM, RAINE ROOM The Book selection for November is “FIND THE GOOD: Unexpected Life Lessons From A Small-Town Obituary Writer” by Heather Lende. As she was digging deep into the lives of community members, Heather Lende, the obitu‐ ary writer for her tiny hometown newspaper in Haines, Alaska, began to notice something. When Lende start‐ ed intentionally seeking what was positive and true in people and situa‐ tions in her own life—whether it was finding common ground with her op‐ ponents on the school board or ac‐ cepting that her unmarried daughter’s pregnancy might be a blessing—she felt happier and life seemed more meaningful, too. Come join us. Ques‐ tions? Need transportation? Call Bar‐ bara Vinson, 925 934‐ 2194. Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 6 SHARE Food Pantry is in need of specific items for clients of the food pantry. They have asked especially for: Ways to serve the community! ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Extended Family News Our growing relationship with the residents of Arbodela low income housing is going great! The folks there are ecstatic about the magazines, notes, and 2016 calendars that we provid‐ ed. Keep them coming! There is a box to place items on the table next to the church office. Call Pat Evans 925 685 0119 with questions. $10 Gift Cards to Safeway Low‐salt Canned Foods Low‐sugar Canned Foods ⇒ Cereal ⇒ Rice ⇒ Beans ⇒ Peanut Butter ⇒ Jelly ⇒ Oatmeal Donations can be brought on Sunday mornings and placed in the SHARE food basket. Thank you for your support! Winter Night's Shelter Update Our church is gearing up for Win‐ ter Night's Shelter in early No‐ vember, and we feel fortunate to have so many church mem‐ bers who have volunteered to help out in many ways. Thanks to everyone who has signed up. We at‐ tended the Homeless Summit at our church on October 5, and listened to the update about on how Winter Night's Shelter is doing. I was im‐ pressed to learn that there are about 55 churches in our local area sup‐ porting this cause. They were appreciative of a number of suitcases that our church do‐ nated this week, which will be immediately put to use. Thank you Church! Winter Night's has an ongoing need for the wish list items (see call‐out box ). We are working with their Program Manager, Bill Shaw, and we are happy to gather together any of these items from our church and deliver them to Winter Nights. Or Winter Night's can take 501 (c) 3 tax-deductible donations directly online at • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Winter Nights Wish List Automobiles Gas cards BART and bus cards Packing and Duct tape Industrial dispenser for packing tape Sleeping Bags Umbrella Strollers (single and double) Pillows Zippered Pillow Protectors Twin-size Plastic Mattress Covers (nonzippered) Twin-size Fitted Sheets Target or Wal-Mart gift cards Movie gift certificates Sanitary Wipes Wardrobe Boxes (24X21X48 inches) Coleman Sundome 6-person tent (10x10) Coleman Cimmaron 8-person modified dome tent (14x8) Flash Lights with batteries Disinfectant wipes Booster seats for all ages Infant Car Seats Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 7 Join us on Sunday, November 15th as we raise funds to purchase 100 malaria nets for Imagine No Malaria. We will have many hand crafted Fair Trade items from a variety of countries, in addition to some coffees and chocolates. Decorations for your home for Christmas, or gifts for the special folks in your lives. Table will open at 10:30, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to see everything available. See Jerry or Joan Wrenn for additional in‐ formation. Sunday, November 15, during fellowship time, Social Seasonal Singers in Sanctuary Choir It’s not too late but you will have to act quickly! The Sanctuary Choir is inviting those of you who want to sing with us but cannot do the “every week thing” to join us now through Christmas. The music we are preparing is exciting and we think you just might en‐ joy being with us. And if it is too late to fit the choir into your life this season think about it for next season or perhaps for the Lenten season. See you at our concert on Satur‐ day, December 19 at 7:30pm. A/V Technical Arts Volunteers Needed Our A/V team is looking for a few good souls that are passionate about telling the Gospel with Sound and Video. You will be serving God in a fun and exciting team mentor atmosphere where training is provided and no experience is necessary. Anyone aged 16+ is encouraged to be a Jesus Roadie with us! Passions and skills that are especially helpful for serv‐ ing in these roles are technology, audio/visual, video production, and worship. We are willing to train! Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 8 Treasurer’s Report by Marlene Ward Treasurer - [email protected] What is our financial picture as of the end of the September? See the figures below: Our total giving $ 329,769.91 (represents 71.0% of our anticipated total giving for the year) Our total disbursements for utilities, mission ministry, et $ 321,511.94 (represents 70.7% of our anticipated disbursements for the year) $ 8,257.97 Our bills are all paid to date. Our Tithe to the conference, however, is one month behind. I hope to catch up this month. All committees have been very frugal in their spending during the last two months as our income has been down. This has made it possible for us to keep our heads above board! Hopefully, our giving figures will rise as we continue to move into the fall .... Advent and Christmas. Our fall pledge campaign, Live Free, has begun and you will be hearing from various members each Sunday about their faith journeys and their commitment of their prayers, presence, gifts and service. We all, when we became members of this church, took this pledge, so we all need to reexamine how we are doing in keeping this pledge. Not just our financial giving, but what are we actually doing ..... actively doing as disciples of Christ. This is our church, our communi‐ ty of faith and as such we each are a vital part of the workings of this church. Maybe there is a new path for you to follow here at Walnut Creek UMC. Do some exploring. God Bless each one of us as we seek to be the true disci‐ ples that God wants us to be. Grace & Peace, Marlene Ward, Treasurer The United Methodist Women (UMW) held their annual celebra&on with the theme "Legacy: Women Plan&ng Seeds for Christ" based on Luke 8:15. — with Schuyler Rhodes, Staci Current, Jo Ann Lawson, Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr., Marlene Ward, Debra Brady and David Samelson. (The bishop and all four district superintendents as well as the conf. UMW's outgoing president and me (Marlene), the incoming president!) Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 9 To our Church Family – November 1 John Buffo November 1 Linda Kimsey November 2 Mari Parino November 2 Jeremy Ward November 3 Yuriko Oda November 3 John Teget November 6 Janet Nielsen November 9 Paul Simons November 11 Charles Garrett November 11 Rich Klotz November 13 Eileen Lindsay November 14 Beverly Kurk November 19 Chris Waldrep November 20 Kathleen Novak November 24 Thomas Goya November 24 Anna Riehl November 25 Rosemary Herrick November 25 Dale Nicoll November 25 Marv Quay November 26 Forrest Lindsay‐McGinn November 27 Marlene Ward November 27 Hilrey Watson November 28 Claire Mann November 29 Leisa Christensen November 29 Kimberly Everett November 30 Sharon Davis Thank you so much for your abundance of cards, phone calls, and constant expressions of caring on Sunday morning to us fol‐ lowing Jack’s diagnosis on July 24th of Stage 4 Lung Cancer. How can anyone possibly go through this without such a church family? You have been with us each step of the way, including over 10 weeks in a Clinical Study at UCSF and now with a different drug, Tarceva, through Kaiser. Unfortunately Jack’s cancer has continued to spread, but we are encouraged with the new drug that a stability may be reached soon. Jack is still playing tuba a bit, and trying to keep up with daily tasks as he is able. We appreciate your support and your concern, and feel greatly uplifted knowing you are all in our corner. We have a newfound awareness of what is really im‐ portant, and what doesn’t matter a whit ‐‐‐ and welcome each new day as a blessing, as we continue to fight this illness. Susan and Jack (John) Clark We LOVE our work and are blessed to be of service to this congrega‐ tion. We also love the Sabbath and time off. Here is a reminder of what days we take as our Sabbath rest. Dear Friends, I am so blessed to have such loving friends to remember me after my long time away. I do appreciate your cards and prayers and concerns. Thank you and with love, Daisy Ray We are here to share your blessings and concerns. If you have any prayer requests, please send to our prayer team via Molly Vinson ([email protected] or 925‐395‐ 3200) or Pastor Eileen (pastoreileen@ wal‐ Pastor Eileen ‐ Friday Carol ‐ Monday & Friday Corrie ‐ Friday & Saturday Michelle ‐ Monday & Friday Lalena ‐ Saturday & Sunday Natsuko ‐ Monday & Tuesday Tessique ‐ Wednesday ‐Saturday Please be sure to respect these days even if a staff member is wor‐ shipping or participating in mission/ fellowship opportunities on a Sab‐ bath day. Thank you! Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 10 Thursday, December 24—7pm & 9pm Saturday, December 5th 3pm—5pm Social Hall Sanctuary Choir Christmas Concert Saturday, December 19 at 7:30pm Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 11 Sixth Annual All-Church SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2016 IN THE SOCIAL HALL 5:30 P.M. DINNER (FREE WILL DONATION)/ 6:30 P.M. “THE CHALLENGE” BEGINS Who has played James Bond more often than any others in the movies? Who was the first James Bond on television or in the movies? And what James Bond story was the very first presented on television or in the movies? If you know any of these answers, great - but even if you might have only heard of James Bond, you are probably ready for the Sixth Annual All-Church Trivia Challenge. Relatively or completely useless information like this is called "trivia," by those who attach some importance to remembering it. And there are lots of people who remember a lot of it, whether they know it or not. You've got a chance to show your church family how much of that useless information you've stored up over the years. And, if you don't remember stuff like that, you'll still want to be part of a team and be surprised at the kind of things that people on your team will know. The fun, the learning, the food and the fellowship all happen on Saturday, January 30, 2016, in the Social Hall, beginning with a free will offering dinner at 5:30 p.m. And the rules? 8 on a team, $5 donation per team member, each team brings a name, a prize basket and pledges. Pledges and donations should be solicited in support of the teams. This year, we'll have kind of an on-going friendly competition in the Social Hall each Sunday after the worship service, beginning in December. So, what are you waiting for? Get the registration materials in the Social Hall after the worship service, beginning in December, and get your teams, names, pledges and baskets together. Remember, there is only room in the Social Hall for fifteen teams, and it seems to "sell out" every year. The first fifteen committees, fellowship groups, ministries or work areas that sign up get in. Will “Who Dun it?” be crowned "storage units of the most useless information” again? Or will you and your team finally achieve your rightful place of honor on the plaque on the Social Hall wall? This is gonna be great. See Steve Dentone or Dennis Pedersen for more information. BTW - Roger Moore has played James Bond most frequently, but Barry Nelson was the first, in 1954, in “Casino Royale” on television. Walnut Leaves | Issue November, 2015 12 Church Staff Eileen Lindsay Senior Pastor, x202/ cell: 925-817-0725 Carol Morris Lalena Shea Director of Music Ministry, 925-788-5519 Office Manager, x201 Corrie Binker Director of Handbell Ministries [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries, 925-324-7344 Tessique Houston Join us for Worship Sundays at 9:30am! Natsuko Murayama Michelle Brown Organist Youth Director, 925-366-8171 Church Office: 925-934-4208 - offi[email protected] 1543 Sunnyvale Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Articles and photos for the December Walnut Leaves are due by November 16. Walnut Creek United Methodist Church 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94597 We’re on the WEB!
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