The POWER to fulfill our PROMISE


The POWER to fulfill our PROMISE
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to fulfill our PROMISE
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
2 0 1 4 – 1 5
IMPOSSIBLE is a word
I do not know.
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Mother Alexia Hoell, Alverno Founder and President (1887 - 1907)
Just as an Alverno education transforms students’ lives, the Promise &
Power campaign transformed the Alverno College campus through the
largest expansion and renovation in Alverno’s history.
When we launched the Promise & Power campaign, some thought it would
be impossible to raise $30 million to renovate our campus. More than
1,000 donors helped us surpass our goal, giving $33 million.
Our wish was to create a campus that would fully serve the needs of our
student body. We did so by building a new high-tech classroom building;
remodeling two existing buildings; creating a new Commons area with
spaces for dining, meeting and relaxing; and establishing a student
services Main Street to make services more accessible.
These new facilities are making so much possible, including increased
enrollment numbers and student participation rates in campus activities.
Our nursing facilities are now state-of-the art and we have beautiful new
art and dance classrooms and studios. Throughout campus, women are
studying, gathering, collaborating and enjoying campus life.
At the heart of the Promise & Power capital campaign
was the planning committee that assessed the college’s
needs and addressed them with a thoughtful and
comprehensive plan. Instrumental to this effort were
Trustees Gary Grunau (far left) and Roy Reiman (center
right) who set the initial plans in motion, Sister Marlene
Neises H ’99 (center left), Alverno project lead and Scott
Ramlow (far right) of Uihlein Wilson Architects who
served as lead architect on the project.
This is what Promise & Power was all about: fulfilling our promise to future
students by giving them the spaces they will need to transform their lives
and turn the impossible into the possible.
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From the President
“Impossible is a word I do not know.”
Attributed to Alverno foundress Mother
Alexia, these words truly represent the
spirit of our founders and the heart and
determination of every Alverno woman.
Many years ago, a comprehensive review
of our campus revealed a number of
deficiencies in its ability to support
our rigorous approach to teaching. A
curriculum that demands collaborative
projects and stresses teamwork lacked
spaces for meeting and discussion. Our
increasingly “wired” students, accustomed
to being connected to the world around
them, found limited access to technology.
I’ll forever remember a student recalling
her need to study in her car because we
lacked the capacity to provide that space
on campus. It was clear that our students
deserved better and we simply had to do
more to remain relevant in a competitive
higher education landscape.
We embarked on a lofty yet necessary goal
to engage the greater Alverno community
in a bold fundraising campaign to bring
Alverno’s facilities to the same level of
excellence as our academics. Over four
years, the Promise & Power campaign
would see support from students, faculty,
staff, alums, trustees and the community
at large. Contributions both large and
small helped support the most significant
enhancement to campus in our 128year history. Together we successfully
completed a campaign that raised $33
million. Every single dollar invested
was tied to a direct student benefit and
construction was completed without a
single penny of student tuition.
In the pages ahead, you’ll see the how
our collective efforts have transformed
our campus, energized our teaching and
created the home away from home our
students deserve. Finally, our facilities
reflect the innovation and creativity of
our teaching. While the buildings are
breathtaking and the energy on the
campus is electric, the power behind this
transformation isn’t technology, state-ofthe-art labs and simulation centers or even
the casual spaces throughout campus for
students to interact. What will stay with
me forever is the collective effort of the
greater Alverno community to get behind
a common cause, overpromise and over
deliver to accomplish a goal that many at
the onset would have labeled impossible.
As impressive as these spaces are, it is the
faces behind the spaces that are the power
behind our promise. As Mother Alexia so
succinctly stated, the power of Alverno
is the people who are connected in their
love of her, their commitment to sustain
and grow her and their belief in Alverno’s
power to transform every student who
walks through our doors.
President, Alverno College
President Mary J. Meehan and Don Layden,
Chair of Alverno College’s Board of Trustees and
Promise & Power campaign Co-Chair.
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On the cover:
Jodi Eastberg (on right), Associate
Professor of History and Co-Director of
the Center for Academic Excellence,
meets with students in Alexia Hall.
Pitman Theatre
Alexia Hall
JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing
Athletic & Fitness Center
Alphonsa Hall
Alexia Hall
Founders Hall
Student Services Main Street - Bella Way
La Verna Commons
Purcell Learning Commons
Table of
6 OUR MISSION in Action
8 Transforming nursing education
12 Connecting in the third space
16 The power of a liberal arts education
20 Educating the next generation of educators
24 Changing the face of tomorrow’s boardrooms today
Corona Hall
Sister Joel Read Center
Bucyrus Conference Center
67 Statement of Financial Position
69 Statement of Financial Activity
70 Board of Trustees
72Academic Deans & Administrators
73 Alumnae Council
74 DONOR Honor Roll
52 School of Arts & Sciences
54 School of Business
56 School of Education
58 JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing
60 Campus & Community Notables
62Awards & Recognition
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Our Mission in Action
It’s amazing what a promise can do for an individual. Though
their stories are unique, Alverno students share a common
dream: to gain the power to shape their own lives and
improve the lives of others. In the same way, the
promises and support of the Alverno community
have created an impact that will be felt far into
the future. From each individual promise
blooms endless opportunities to see potential
harnessed and developed, dreams realized
and high expectations carried forward to lift
the next generation of leaders.
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Transforming nursing education
“Oh, look at this! I’ve got to look
at this!” Vivien De Back ’54
exclaims with delight as she
spots the newborn simulator in
Alverno’s new Clinical Simulation
Center, giving the tiny, swaddled
mannequin a loving pat.
De Back, the former director of
Alverno’s JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing, recently toured the new spaces on
campus along with a few other distinguished nursing alumnae — including Cathy
Rick ’71, the former chief nursing officer for the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs,
and Pamela Maxson-Cooper ’84, the former chief nursing officer for Froedtert
Hospital — while on campus to discuss the nursing curriculum and how Alverno can
best prepare the next generation of nursing leaders.
Before the Promise & Power
campaign, nursing students worked
in spaces that hadn’t changed much
since the late 1950s.
Although Alverno has always been well-known for training nationally-recognized
nurses, there’s no doubt that the new facilities in Alexia Hall have given the
program a huge boost. “When I cut the ribbon, I was tearful,” says Peg
Rauschenberger ’85, interim dean. “The gifts that we received from our donors for
our students were beyond measure.”
Before the Promise & Power campaign, nursing students worked in spaces that
hadn’t changed much since the late 1950s. But, over the years, the School of
Nursing tripled in size to its current enrollment of nearly 1,000 students. It was
time for the facilities to catch up, and the new Clinical Education Center — which
includes the Clinical Learning Center and Clinical Simulation Center — has brought
Alverno’s nursing program to a whole new level.
“The new nursing center is great. I am a bit jealous that I am not a semester behind
because I could have used it more,” says Nursing senior Candace Hill. “The
new spaces allow for more people to practice in a better environment, and the
equipment is also more up-to-date. Nursing is a technology-based field, and I think
it is vital for nursing students to practice with newer, hospital-like equipment.”
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Clinical Learning Center
Students enter the Clinical Learning Center into
a space that looks like a typical medical office
waiting room. Straight ahead is a simulated studio
apartment — complete with a kitchen and bathroom
— where students can practice their home health
care skills, which is important because less than
50 percent of nurses work in a hospital setting,
Rauschenberger notes. “Students come in
thinking they’re going to deliver babies in
the hospital or work in an ICU. They start
to see how they can impact people’s lives
in many, many settings,” she says.
The apartment-like setting of the home health care
suite allows students to practice everything from
identifying potential safety hazards to assisting
a patient in the bathroom, while cameras record
practice activities for self- and peer-assessment.
Clarissa Lawrence ’12, who recently returned to
Alverno to work on her master’s degree in the
Family Nurse Practitioner program, is particularly
impressed with the home health care suite. “Nursing
isn’t all about hospitals and nursing home facilities,”
says Lawrence, who works as an RN case manager
for the Milwaukee County Department of Family
Care Program. “Home health and community
nursing are really expanding, and it’s a totally
different environment when you’re in someone’s
home instead of a controlled environment like a
hospital. You have to do a lot of improvising.”
Around the corner from the home health care suite,
a sliding glass door leads to a room with seven
hospital beds. “This is a very versatile space,”
Rauschenberger says. “This space allows for getting
creative.” Mounted hooks on the wall can hold IVs,
nasogastric tubes and urinary catheters so students
can practice handling them, and students can come
in at any time to refresh a particular skill before
heading to their clinicals.
Students use a computer station to scan bar
codes for medications and add details to a mock
electronic medical records system. Next to the
hospital beds, they find overhead lifts, oxygen,
otoscopes and other supplies. “All the safety
procedures, all the technology you’re going to find
in a hospital or clinical setting, we have simulated
here,” Rauschenberger says. “The purpose is to get
students comfortable so they’re not thrown by the
environment, the equipment or the patient response
once they get out into their clinicals.”
Graduate students in the nurse practitioner program
frequently use the five new clinical exam rooms,
where they can practice on each other and on
standardized patients. Swiveling cameras also help
record for assessment purposes.
Clinical Simulation Center
Until January, the JoAnn McGrath School of
Nursing had only one simulation room with a
single high-fidelity mannequin, and the room was
always booked. Now students can get more time
in a hospital-like space, in four suites that provide
a taste of obstetrics, pediatric, medical and
surgical settings.
“I love the realism of the simulation center,”
says Annette Ries, an assistant professor
and the center’s coordinator. “Students are
able to visually feel, touch, see and learn in
a realistic setting.”
It isn’t what you teach, it’s
what you LEARN. It isn’t
what’s in your head, it’s
where you can FIND IT.”
Vivien De Back ’54
Former Director of Alverno’s
Nursing program, was part of the
team that first developed Alverno’s
abilities-based curriculum.
The center’s six high-fidelity mannequins “are like human
androids. They do everything a human being can do
physiologically,” she says.
All of the simulators are wireless for easy mobility and can be
programmed to act out dozens of scenarios, including code
situations. The
mannequins even
show signs of
anaphylactic shock
if a student gives
the wrong medicine
by mistake — an
important reminder
to students about the
need to triple-check
“This is a life or
death career, and
here we can let
students make mistakes in a safe environment where
they can learn from it,” Rauschenberger says. “We all know
that we sometimes learn more from the mistakes we make.”
With makeup, the center’s staff can make the mannequins appear
elderly “so they can learn from birth to old-age, death and
everything in between,” Ries says.
Faculty and the center’s technicians can watch from behind a oneway mirror in the control room and use voice-changing technology
to respond to nursing students’ actions. The center also partners
with students from diverse backgrounds so that the mannequins
can speak other languages, and nursing students sometimes work
with students from the Spanish/English health care interpretation
program to get that experience.
The Simulation Center is also adaptable, with sliding walls
separating the simulation suites from debriefing rooms that also
double as classrooms. “It’s basically like opening up the wall of
an entire class and bringing them to the bedside of the patient,”
Ries says. “First you’re reading about congestive heart failure, and
then you’re at the bedside of a patient who has congestive heart
failure. It brings the textbook to life.”
From the debriefing rooms, students can watch and offer
feedback to classmates working in the simulation suite just a
few feet away or observe the activity on a closed-circuit TV
from behind the wall. “The recorded feedback is invaluable,”
Rauschenberger says.
“The most important part of learning is reflecting on what you’re
learning, not just the experience itself,” Rauschenberger says.
“So this allows them to step back, watch themselves, and then
make judgments about their own performance and those of
their peers.”
Nursing faculty are looking at collaborating with local hospitals
and health care agencies to offer their nurses additional training,
and Ries hopes to eventually offer the center as a resource
to health care students from other
There’s no doubt that the center
has already had a major impact on
Alverno’s nursing students. Students
sometimes get so into the scenarios
that they occasionally forget they’re just
mannequins. Ries remembers a student
who actually started crying during the
birthing scenario in the OB suite.
“She was the one who was catching the
baby. It’s very, very realistic and lifelike,
and when the baby came out and
started to cry, the student sniffled back
tears,” Ries recalls. “That was pretty
powerful and moving for me.”
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Connecting in the “third space”
Dailen Harris, a junior majoring in Music Therapy, makes a daily
stop at the Inferno Café — her new favorite place to study and
caffeinate. “The renovations have really changed the ambiance
here,” she says. “The Commons used to be a place where you’d
go and then get out. Now it’s a place where you want to stay. It
draws you in; it makes you want to come back and relax.”
And the new spaces offer more than just relaxation. “It’s really
helped me become more focused because there are a lot of places
where I can meet with my groupmates or just by myself when I
really need to buckle down,” Harris says.
Beyond home, beyond work, students need a place to connect and
build community — what’s known as the “third space.” Sociologist
Ray Oldenburg first coined the term in his book “The Great Good
Place,” and Alverno strived to incorporate the third space concept
when designing the recent campus improvements.
During the 2014–2015 school year, the new
student group meeting rooms in Founders
Hall had more than 400 reservations.
From distinct spaces within the new La Verna
Commons — which was named by students — to
cozy, impromptu meeting spots with soft furniture
scattered throughout campus, there are now many
more places where students can hang out and feel
at home.
“The new spaces and new furniture have led to a culture change,”
says Wendy Powers, associate vice president for Student Affairs
and dean of students. “It’s a totally different vibe. It’s warm; it’s
welcoming. It has given students other places to be and find that
sense of belonging.”
New student programming spaces are in high demand, says
Brooke Wegner, director of Student Activities and Leadership.
During the 2014 – 2015 school year, the student group meeting
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It’s a totally different vibe. It’s
warm; it’s WELCOMING. It
has given students other places
to be and find that SENSE
Wendy Powers
Associate Vice President for
Student Affairs
rooms in Founders Hall had more than 400
reservations, the Commons stage hosted more
than 130 events and the Loft hosted nearly 30
events (in addition to the Loft’s constant use as
a student lounge and dining area). Charitable
collection drives have also increased thanks to the
new Peck Philanthropy Stations in Founders and
Christopher Halls.
“The additional ‘third space’ supports students’
physical, emotional and spiritual growth,” Powers
says. Students can connect with the on-
campus nurse and counseling services
in the expanded Wellness Center, feed
their baby in the privacy of the new
Mother and Infant Room, or stop to pray
between classes in the new Student
Reflection Room.
And no longer do student leaders need to sprawl
out on the floor or meet off-campus to plan
student organizations’ activities. Cecilia Marrero,
a senior majoring in Elementary/Middle School
Education, frequently used the new Student
Activities Office while she served as president of
the Alverno Student WEA (Wisconsin Education
Association) chapter last school year. “That gave
me a physical space to do the work I needed to do
as a leader, and I think it benefited me as a leader
to learn how to use that space with other people,”
says Marrero, who also took advantage of new
meeting spaces in La Verna Commons to hold
WEA events, including a Family Comedy Night.
Faculty are excited to see the changes, too.
“There is a new energy on campus,” says Jodi
Eastberg, chair and associate professor of History.
“What’s happening in those spaces are great
conversations and connections with faculty and
staff that are really enhancing the quality of the
conversation. The active, vibrant collaborations
that are happening within our classrooms are now
spilling out in the common areas on the campus
and activating the education even more.”
I love the new La Verna
Commons and Commons
lobby. Not only is it simply
BEAUTIFUL, but the
openness of the spaces makes
campus so INVITING.
The fact that our main stage
events (sponsored by the
Student Activities Board) are
now held in the Commons
also gives commuters and
their loved ones EASIER
ACCESS to become
more involved on Alverno’s
Aqueela McHatten
Psychology major
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The power of a liberal arts education
Imagine making art in the dark — or at least, in the florescent glow
of a cramped, windowless room located in an underground tunnel.
That was the reality for the Art Department before the Promise
& Power campaign breathed new light and life into Alverno’s art
facilities. Instead of being scattered in various locations, the new
art spaces are now clustered together, with windows that bring in
sunshine and wide hallways to showcase student work.
Now with the light that comes in and
spaces, it’s EMPOWERING. Now
you’re in a space that is filled with light,
Kathryn Gilbert
Associate Dean of Arts
Kathryn Gilbert, Associate Dean of Arts and Associate Professor of
Dance and Theater, works with a student in the new dance studio.
“Knowing that this is a liberal arts college, giving women a chance
to work with their creativity is so important,” says Kathryn Gilbert,
associate dean of Arts and associate professor of Dance and
Theater. “But before students were in dark little corners and closetlike rooms. If you already came in with some preconceived notion
that ‘I can’t do this,’ the space didn’t build your confidence. Now
with the light that comes in and the professionalism of the spaces,
it’s empowering. Now you’re in a space that is filled with light,
possibility, opportunity.”
The improved spaces are dynamic, diverse and illustrate the
breadth of a liberal arts education. Spaces include classrooms
for art education, drawing, painting, metals, sculpture, print and
fibers, art education/art therapy, a new dance studio, the William
Randall Memorial Music practice room and the Art and Cultures
Gallery. In addition, the Library has been significantly enhanced
with new meeting spaces, technology and learning resources while
retaining its original aesthetic. The new Daniel M. Soref Science &
Mathematics Resource Center is helping prepare students for life
and success after Alverno. Separate resource centers for science
and math previously located in different areas of campus have been
replaced with a single, vibrant space located conveniently near the
Library and Learning Commons. This interdisciplinary environment
will help students prepare for the type of collaboration they can
expect to see in professional settings. In addition, new high-tech
classrooms throughout campus keep today’s students connected to
the world around them.
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One of the challenges is that
most of these students are
going to be doing JOBS
John C. Savagian
Associate Dean of
Humanities and
Professor of History
“The math and science faculty have
been trying for years to build a sense
of community among our math and
science majors,” says Angela Frey,
associate dean of Natural Sciences,
Math and Technology and associate
professor of Biology. “Bringing these
two spaces together allows us to
build on this community of learners
so the students can help each other.
It really models for the younger
students how biology and chemistry
rely on math, and it models for the
math students how they can use
math to solve problems and analyze
scientific phenomena.”
The new collaborative spaces are
one of the most powerful benefits
of the Promise & Power campaign,
says John C. Savagian, associate
dean of Humanities and a professor
of History.
“One of the challenges is that
most of these students are going
to be doing jobs that aren’t even
created yet,” Savagian says. “We’ve
created a flexible curriculum, and
our students have always been
pretty nimble when they get into
the workplace. Now we’re creating
spaces for them to practice that
collaborative work on campus.”
Today’s graduates need to be
tech-savvy, and Savagian loves the
resources available in new rooms like
the Burke Foundation Instructional
Leadership Classroom in Alexia
Hall. While teaching a course on
indigenous people, Savagian used
the room’s multiple touch screens so
students could practice their research
skills and collaborate in small groups.
“Alverno gives faculty every possible
thing so we can make the classroom
as engaging as possible,” Savagian
says. “Of course, we’ve been
teaching this way 40-some
years now. The technology
has finally caught up to us.”
Jodi Eastberg, chair and associate
professor of History, is always looking
for ways to incorporate technology
into her teaching, and the renovated
spaces have made that even easier.
This spring, Eastberg invited
Patrick Jones, the author of “The
Selma of the North: Civil Rights
Insurgency in Milwaukee,” to chat
with her students via a Google
Hangouts video call on the large
screen in the library’s new east
wing. She opened up the event to
the entire Alverno community, and
approximately 50 people attended
in person while others watched the
live stream on YouTube. Eastberg
then shared the video via social
media, prompting a colleague at
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
to use the video in her class.
“One of the things that really excites me
about using technology is being able to
connect directly with experts and then
use the learning that’s happening in my
classroom and share it with others all over
the world,” says Eastberg, who has used
social media and Google Hangouts in
several of her classes.
Students are also benefiting from
the hands-on experience with new
technological tools. “Just encouraging
that sense of being resilient in the face
of technology is important because
technology is constantly changing,”
Eastberg notes.
Mary Stryck ’86, rehab services
coordinator Milwaukee County,
Behavioral Health Division, and a
longtime adjunct instructor in Alverno’s
Music Therapy program, is impressed
with the recent changes to campus.
“I remember how things were in the
’80s; I remember the physical spaces
were adequate, but they were already
outdated then. And yet Alverno still had
successful students despite an older
environment,” she says. “But when you
add the whole new level of support with
the new physical environment, I think
that will only enhance opportunities for
students. The design was really
put together with flexibility
in mind, and that’s another
hallmark of Alverno.”
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Educating the next generation of educators
Alverno’s Education students and faculty are practically
giddy when discussing the new Burke Foundation
Instructional Leadership Classroom in Alexia Hall. Four
large, rolling, video-enabled smart boards and rolling
tables and chairs that encourage flexibility, creativity
and collaboration — skills that will come in handy once
students are leading their own classrooms.
The new Burke Foundation Instructional
Leadership Classroom in Alexia Hall has four
large, rolling, video-enabled smart boards
and rolling tables and chairs that encourage
COLLABORATION — skills that will
come in handy once students are leading
their own classrooms.
“With all the technology and the great big open space
and the bright colors, it’s just a delight to learn in that
classroom,” says Kerry Seiberlich, a senior majoring in
Elementary/Middle School Education.
Desiree Pointer-Mace, an associate professor and associate
dean of Alverno’s School of Education, has used the room’s
technology for everything from small-group work time to
connecting to educators in other countries for video chats.
“I love what I’ve been able to do and try out in the
Instructional Leadership Classroom,” she says. “This is
preparing our students well for innovation when they get in
their own classrooms. And because of our Abilities-
based setting, we’re also teaching these more
generalized skills, such as social interaction in a
new domain or problem-solving with a new tool.
We need to use those tools to model and engage our future
teachers and future principals in the kinds of experiences
that they are likely to encounter in daily life.”
Cecilia Marrero, a senior majoring in Elementary/Middle
School Education, finds the space inspiring. “Not all
classrooms are going to have this technology that we’re
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our students well for
they get in their own
Desiree Pointer-Mace
Associate Professor and
Associate Dean of Alverno’s
School of Education
getting to use at college, but what it’s
teaching me is that I need to be innovative
with the technology and resources that I
have,” she says. “It’s got me thinking, ‘How
am I going be innovative in my classroom?’”
Current and future educators are
also benefiting from other campus
improvements. Students can practice their
instructional skills — or enhance their
own understanding of a concept — in the
Daniel M. Soref Science and Mathematics
Resource Center. They can browse the
newly expanded Teaching Materials
Classroom, where they can check out
everything from puppets to textbooks or
use a video screen and tables for meetings
and events. They can also capitalize on
the many new collaborative spaces, from
meeting rooms in La Verna Commons to
soft seating in hallways.
“Because we emphasize collaboration so
much in our coursework and because
collaboration is such an important tool for
teachers and school leaders to have, when
we can provide a space that looks good,
that’s comfortable, that gives students the
chance to get together and mull over what
they’re learning, it makes a difference,” says
Patricia Luebke, interim dean of the School
of Education.
That’s important, says Patricia J. Hoben ’04,
founder and head of school for Carmen
High School of Science and Technology, a
Milwaukee school that modeled its abilitiesbased approach after Alverno.
“Facilities have a huge impact on
the learning environment. How you
put people together for shared
learning and shared thinking
matters,” she says. “It’s really important
for the next generation to sustain the
legacy of abilities-based learning. Faculty
come and go and students come and go,
and in order to sustain that vision you have
to build a facility that’s built around the
Abilities. I thought it was really forwardthinking for Alverno’s leadership to
recognize that.”
Thanks to Alverno’s deep community
ties, the new campus spaces serve
educators from across Milwaukee and
beyond. The Leadership Advancing
Character and Culture in Schools
program, a training program for
Milwaukee Public Schools principals,
the Burke Instructional Leaders Program
(which is a partnership with Schools
That Can Milwaukee), the local Teach
for America Licensure Program and the
Urban Education Fellows Program are
among the education groups that meet
on campus. The renovated Bucyrus
Conference Center also hosts visitors
from around the globe who come
to study Alverno’s groundbreaking
teaching methods.
The concept of being
LEARNERS through
projects, through the
readings, through how
we connect … I think
Alverno is doing a really
good job with that.”
Elhadji Ndaw ’00, ’05
Assistant Principal at Ronald Reagan
High School in Milwaukee
We’re not just educating
the child; WE’RE
Chris Her-Xiong ’02
Executive Director/Principal of the
Hmong American Peace Academy in
Milwaukee and winner of Alverno’s
2014 Outstanding Alumna Award
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Changing the face of tomorrow’s boardrooms today
“Research shows that having more women
and more diversity on corporate leadership
boards makes organizations financially
stronger,” said Susan Schmitt, senior vice
president, Human Resources at Rockwell
Automation and a member of Alverno’s
School of Business advisory council.
All of these changes, whether cosmetic
or curriculum-focused, have the same end
She’s right of course. The value of diversity
of thought has been proven time and time
again. A recent report about the topic —
Women in Business: the value of diversity
conducted by the global accounting firm,
Grant Thornton — concluded that across
the three markets studied (U.S., U.K. and
India), “the profit foregone (or opportunity
cost) by the companies with male-only
boards is a staggering $655 billion. In the
U.K. and U.S. the impact of moving to
mixed boards could boost GDP by
around 3%.”
The study also indicates that corporate
America is a very long way from gender
parity at the top, reporting that only 35
of U.S. S&P 500 companies have at least
one female executive on their board. “Our
research into the proportion of senior
business roles held by women has revealed
precious little movement over the past
decade,” noted one of the report’s authors.
Schmitt’s perspective on this issue as
well as what skills graduates will need
for success in the workforce is invaluable
to Alverno’s School of Business, which
is why Dean Eileen Sherman, PhD made
expanding the School’s advisory council —
comprised of local business leaders, faculty,
administrative staff and students — one of
her top priorities over the last year. (The
council went from eight members a year
ago to 40 today.)
“It’s important for us to stay close to
organizations in southeastern Wisconsin
and what they’re looking for so that
there are never big gaps in the skills and
knowledge our students need for the
workforce,” Sherman says. “We need to
stay current and adapt to changes in the
Today’s business leaders
supporting the business
leaders of tomorrow
While the gap in leadership and gender
parity is clear, prominent leaders from
the business community recognize that
Alverno and its students are uniquely
positioned to address it. As organizations
seek diverse, female leaders, Alverno is
Table of Contentsà
proud to be one of the most diverse college
populations in Wisconsin. Because of its
abilities-based curriculum, Alverno graduates
are equipped with the critical skills employers
are seeking which gives them an advantage
in a competitive marketplace. It’s one of the
many reasons the business community has
rallied behind the Promise & Power campaign
and the goal of providing spaces that support
this powerful approach to learning. Paul
Purcell, Chairman and CEO of Baird has seen
these skills first-hand in the Alverno graduates
he’s hired. “By developing core competencies
from communication to citizenship, Alverno
College prepares students to be successful
in all aspects of their lives. This approach
of setting high expectations and nurturing
the whole person aligns extremely well with
Baird’s culture — we recognize that our
people are our greatest asset.” In addition
to Purcell, business leaders like Gary Grunau,
Ellen Gardner ‘69, Judith Drinka ‘61,
Kal Lawler ’82 and others have directly
supported spaces used by Alverno’s School of
Business students.
One of the many ways that Alverno has
always prepared its students for life beyond
college is in settings that mirror the realworld. Rather than large lecture halls where
students take a passive role in their learning,
Alverno classrooms provide an intimate,
environment that requires every student
to play an active role in their interaction
with faculty and their fellow students just
as they’ll be expected to in a professional
environment. New smart classrooms, made
possible by the campaign, allow students
to work around the table to solve problems
and share information. Now students are
And in that process, they’ll be collaborating with local organizations,
community leaders, corporations and most importantly the residents of
that neighborhood. The focus of this effort is very much on collaborative
impact. This is about real people in a real community with real issues.
More and more, we’re looking for these types of projects and experiences
for our business students. Then they can work toward having a deliberate
and important social impact within a community.”
Tackling challenges
The MBA’s Immersion Experience this past April was with the Bartolotta Restaurant executive team at Joey Gerards
in Greendale, Wis.
using integrated technologies, smart boards
with internet access and dynamic video content
to present their recommendations. In addition,
a new Graduate Studies Conference Room
supported by Jovita Carranza H ’11 and
Graduate Studies small group rooms given by
Kathleen Lawler and Cathy and Neil Borman
provide students with dedicated spaces to meet
and collaborate.
Another way that Alverno is preparing
students to succeed in modern business
environments is by continuously looking
for ways to tie every aspect of our business
curriculum to applications.
“All of our business classes are very focused on
the real world,” says Rita Fadness, an Alverno
College student ambassador who will graduate
this December with a bachelor’s in Marketing
Management. “We’re given real-world
experiences and problems as a student; we’re
always applying our knowledge in practical ways
which makes me feel very prepared for entering
the business world.”
A great example of this approach in
action is the MBA program’s capstone
Immersion Experience. Introduced
by Dean Sherman last year, it brings
together every aspect of what students
learn through their MBA program, from
business modeling and sales to finance
and ethics.
“Our next capstone experience has our
students serving as consultants working
directly with the residents of the Amani
neighborhood on Milwaukee’s north
side, a ‘food desert,’” Sherman explains
about the upcoming project being done
in partnership with Northwestern Mutual
Foundation, noting that several of the
students involved are from or live in the
Amani neighborhood.
“They will need to build the case for
change by getting to root causes of
this chronic issue and then helping to
create a sustainable model for bringing
full-service, healthy options to the area.
The reality is that women in business still face a myriad of challenges —
pay inequity, a “fear factor” surrounding quantitative skills and work-life
balance demands, to name a few. That’s why, in addition to keeping the
curriculum in line with employer expectations and integrating real-world
experiences, the School of Business has also prioritized addressing
these issues.
These women are
helping to CREATE a
more vibrant Milwaukee
and IMPROVE the
world for others.”
Mary Beth Berkes ’75
Co-Founding Partner of Linden
Capital Partners, LLC, and
Former Alverno Board Chair
A great example of how the School of Business has recently tailored
programming to the needs of working women includes revamping the
Weekend College and associate to bachelor’s in Business programs, now
known as the Adult Evening & Online (AEO) and Degree Completion
programs, respectively.
“We heard loud and clear that flexibility is very valuable to students
and the School researched how to structure these new programs to
meet needs like this while maintaining our abilities-based model,” says
Dan Matre, associate professor of Alverno’s MBA program. “We also
reconfigured the MBA program to reduce the total time to complete it,
and a record number of students signed up for it.”
Additionally, the School worked with area executives from Rockwell,
Johnson Controls and other Milwaukee-based global companies to
develop a brand-new Business Analytics minor.
“I think it’s so important that Alverno recognized the need to build and
grow women’s skills in quantitative analysis,” says Mary Beth Berkes ’75,
co-founding partner of Linden Capital Partners, LLC, executive at BristolMyers Squibb and former Alverno board chair. “The new quantitative
minor is a gem. Who better than Alverno to make sure women are
competent in both behavioral and quantitative sciences? Society steers
women toward the behavioral spectrum, but women in leadership need
both. Combined, they are critical assets for great leadership. We’re here
to stop the message society has been imposing from continuing.”
From a co-curricular perspective, Wendy Powers, PhD, associate vice
president for Student Affairs and dean of students, pointed out how the
new spaces on campus have enhanced the evolving curriculum. “Because
we have a variety of spaces now, both in the classroom and outside of it,
I see students coming out of the classroom and going to another space
to continue their conversations or going to an event more often than they
did in the past.”
All of these changes, whether cosmetic or curriculum-focused, have the
same end goal: to nurture outstanding women leaders.
“Alverno is a huge asset to our community. It’s an economic engine not
just here, but globally as well,” said Berkes. “These women are helping to
create a more vibrant world for others.”
Table of Contentsà
The faces behind the spaces
The Promise & Power capital campaign culminated this past year with many building and planning
projects coming to fruition. The excitement continues as students, faculty and staff begin a
new academic year with access to the latest technology, dynamic new spaces to work
collaboratively and cozy spots to socialize. It is with heartfelt gratitude that we
highlight some of the spaces that will support the growth of Alverno and
our students thanks to the generous support of so many.
Table of Contentsà
JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing
OB/NICU/PEDs Simulation Suite
This suite was given by Abigail and
Dr. David Nash. Abigail is a longstanding
Alverno trustee, and David is a wellrespected OB/GYN practicing in Milwaukee.
The nursing program, which began
in 1930, has long been Alverno’s
largest program. With nearly 1,000
nursing undergraduate students
each year and growing Master
of Science in Nursing and Family
Nurse Practitioner programs,
Alverno is one of the state’s
principal nurse educators and a
national resource for preparing
nursing leaders.
Simulation Equipment in
OB/Ped Room
A gift from the Enroth family provided
the Paul/ina simulator and equipment
in the OB/Ped room. The Enroths
are committed to supporting nursing
education across the country, and named
the simulator after St. Paul.
A gift from JoAnn McGrath ’57
enabled Alverno to create a stateof-the-art training facility for its
nursing students, thereby ensuring
there would be generations of
Alverno nurses to care for the
health and well-being of people
throughout our community and
our world.
JoAnn is a trustee and co-founder
of Highland Street Foundation,
which supports nonprofit
organizations in the areas of
education, housing, mentoring,
health care, environment and
the arts. Her gift to Alverno was
the largest alum gift ever made,
and her generosity inspired other
nursing alumnae to give record
support to the Promise & Power
campaign. Gifts from nursing
alums comprised more than 70
percent of total alum giving to the
ß Christopher
Hall à
Clinical Learning Center
Part of the Clinical Education Center, the CLC
provides space for students to work alone and
in groups to practice basic nursing skills. It was
given by Mary Beth ’75 and Jim Berkes.
Mary Beth was a nursing student at Alverno. She
is a co-founding partner and retired managing
director of Linden Capital Partners, a health care
and life science private-equity firm in Chicago.
She is the past chair of Alverno’s Board of
Trustees and a Vanguard Society member.
ICU/Trauma Suite
The ICU/trauma suite was given in memory of Dr. Carol M.
Meils ’75, an Alverno nursing student who became a nationallyrenowned cardiologist. Carol retired as the Program Director
in the Heart Failure Clinic at Wheaton Fransciscan Healthcare.
She was Wisconsin’s first recipient of the American Heart
Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, the first female
Fellow in Interventional Cardiology at Johns Hopkins University
and the first female chief resident at Boston City Hospital. She
served on Alverno’s Board of Trustees for many years.
Alexia Hall - First Floor
Table of Contentsà
Clinical Exam Rooms
Health Care
Clinical Exam Room A
Aurora Health Care provided support for this exam room as part
of its commitment to Alverno’s programs that educate mental health
care professionals.
The Ramirez family gave this suite in memory of Samuel and
Edrie Page. Edrie was a practicing nurse. Her granddaughter Abby
Andrietsch is an Alverno trustee, and Abby named her daughter
Page in honor of Edrie. The home health care suite provides a
space for students to practice in a real-life home setting.
Clinical Exam Room B
This exam room was given by Karen Doppke ’64 and Philip Judy.
Karen was the only physics major when she was a student at Alverno.
Currently she works as a physicist at Massachusetts General Hospital
in addition to teaching at Harvard Medical School.
Borman Study Lounge
Clinical Exam Room C
Vivien De Back ‘54
This exam room was given in memory of Anne and Sylvester Kurek.
Clinical Exam Room D
Given by Patricia Race Hoefler ’63 and Gerald Hoefler, Patricia
is the founder and president of MEDS Publishing, the first company
to create study materials for nursing licensure exams. She is also a
leading nurse educator, having taught at Georgetown University, and
a nationally-recognized expert in Test Question Logic.
The study lounge was made
possible by Cathy ’62 and
Neil Borman. Cathy chose to
name a study lounge because
she remembered the need for
study spaces from her own time
at Alverno. She was a chemistry
major and one of the few women
majoring in science at the time.
Clinical Exam Room E
This exam room was named in honor of Vivien De Back ‘54 for
her extraordinary service to Alverno nursing. She was Dean of the
Alverno College School of Nursing for many years. She also directed
the U.S. National Commission on Nursing and was the editor of the
International Nursing Review.
Simulation Suite
The simulation room was
given by the John and Linda
Mellowes Family and Charter
Manufacturing Company.
The suite is adaptable to critical,
general or pediatric care.
Computer Lab
Located in Christopher Hall, room
302, this lab was given in honor of
Molly Bates Dickinson ‘08
by Kristin Bergstrom and
Lloyd Dickinson.
Table of Contentsà
Burke Foundation
Instructional Leadership
The Burke Foundation
provided funding for this
SMART classroom in conjunction
with a gift to start the Burke
Instructional Leadership Fellows
Program at Alverno to train the
next generation of school leaders
for high-quality urban schools.
ß Christopher
Hall à
Smart Classrooms
This SMART classroom was given by
Judith A. ’61 and Martin Drinka. Judith
served on the Board of Trustees for many years,
and is currently a trustee emerita. She was one
of the first female lawyers in Milwaukee and
leads her own practice.
This SMART classroom was given by Ellen Gardner
’69 and Michael Hansen. Ellen is the founding
member of Alverno’s Vanguard Society, a trustee
emerita and a scholarship supporter. She co-chaired
the Promise & Power campaign. Ellen was one of
the first female CEOs in Wisconsin and retired as
President of Ameritech-Wisconsin, now AT&T.
This SMART classroom was given by Gary
Grunau. Gary chaired the Building and
Grounds Committee, which led the strategic
planning and execution of the building plans.
Jovita Carranza and
Joel Roque Graduate
Studies Conference Room
Jovita Carranza H ’11 began
Paul & Patricia Purcell Learning Commons
Paul and Patricia Purcell made their gift to create the learning commons, which encompasses six SMART classrooms
and other learning spaces. The gifts given in this area of Alexia Hall honor efforts to advance women in business and as
leaders. Paul co-chaired the Promise & Power campaign and has been on the Board of Trustees since 2001. He is the
Chairman & CEO of Robert W. Baird & Co. and has dedicated his volunteer life to increasing access to quality education.
her undergraduate work at
Alverno but transferred to
another college because of a
career move. She was named
an honorary Alverno alumna in 2011. Jovita is a member of the
Vanguard Society, a trustee and the chair of the School of Business
Advisory Council. She became the highest ranking woman
and Latina at UPS and was the first Latino to serve as deputy
administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Alexia Hall Study Room
Kathleen (Kal) A. Lawler ’82 provided funding
for the study room on the second floor of Alexia
Hall. She was an Alverno trustee and scholarship
supporter. Kal was the first female Vice President
of Harley-Davidson and the first woman ever to
address the Yale Management School.
Alexia Hall - Second Floor
Table of Contentsà
Metals and Sculpture Classroom
This new classroom was made possible through a gift from Ruth DeYoung Kohler H ’12. Ruth
is the director of the John Michael Kohler Art Center, which houses one of the preeminent art
collections in the country. The room includes work by artist Casey Patrick O’Connor, whose work
is also on display at the Kohler Art Center.
Bill Randall Memorial Music Practice Room
William (Bill) and Wendy
Randall provided the gift for the
practice room, and it was named
in Bill’s memory upon his passing
in 2014. Bill served Alverno as a
trustee and then trustee emeritus
for nearly 40 years. He was
dedicated to the College and to
advancing the arts throughout
Drawing and Painting
Marc and Sandra McSweeney Atrium
The atrium was given by friends of Marc McSweeney in honor of his dedication to
Alverno. Marc served on the Board of Trustees for many years, and is a past chair
and a trustee emeritus. The Promise & Power campaign was launched under his
leadership. Marc is a retired partner at Foley & Lardner and is renowned for his
good work and commitment to diversity efforts.
The Edstrom family
gave this classroom as a
gift in memory of Sylvia S.
Edstrom ’91. After building
a successful business
with her husband, Sylvia
enrolled in Alverno at the
age of 55, and her passion
for painting was ignited.
Her painting hangs outside
the classroom.
ß Christopher
Alexia Hall - Ground Floor
Table of Contentsà
Heritage Plaza
Heritage Plaza was made possible
through an anonymous gift in honor of
the legacy of the School Sisters of
St. Francis class of 1954 and includes
the names of School Sisters who
worked or taught full-time at Alverno.
Pictured left to right are the School Sisters of Saint Francis who reside at the “White House”
on Alverno’s campus — Sister Mary Diez ‘67, Sister Kathleen O’Brien ’67, Sister Marlene
Neises H ‘99, Sister Joyce Fey ‘70, Sister Elizabeth Heese ’61 and Sister Judeen Schulte ‘71.
The Loft
The Loft was given by Peter & Joan Bruce
as a space for students to gather and relax.
Peter was an Alverno trustee for more than
20 years and is now a trustee emeritus.
Hudson’s Servery
Hudson’s was made possible through a gift from Robert
& Katherine H ’14 Hudson. Kathy is an honorary Alverno
alumna, a longstanding member of the Board of Trustees and
a member of the Vanguard Society. She was the first female
President and CEO of a major public company in Wisconsin.
To Sister Joel
Read Center
Joseph J. and Rose ’62
Purpero Spang provided
Mary Ann and Charles
LaBahn provided support for
funding for a student dining
room in memory of Rose’s
parents, Charles and Rosalie
Purpero. Rose is a longtime
supporter of student
scholarships at Alverno and
a Vanguard Society member.
She has been recognized for
her leadership in Milwaukee.
this dining room. Mary Ann
was an Alverno trustee for
more than 20 years and is now
a trustee emerita, and she
continues to actively support
student scholarships. She
was one of the first female
executives in Milwaukee.
Marsha Sehler currently
serves on the Board of
Trustees and her family
provided support for this
dining room. Paintings by
Schomer Lichtner hang
in the room in honor of
Marsha’s friendship with the
artist and the donations of
art she has made possible
for Alverno.
Founders Hall - Commons Area
Table of Contentsà
Inferno Café
Food Services Inc., which gave support for the Inferno
Café, has provided dining services to Alverno College
students, faculty, staff and guests since 2007. The Inferno
Café name was chosen through a student competition.
Student Reflection Room
Alverno students come from many different
faith backgrounds, and all are celebrated and
respected on campus. Jean Maier, an Alverno
trustee, and Edward Inderrieden gave the
reflection room to provide students of all faiths
with a space to enjoy silence and peace.
Peck Foundation
Philanthropy Stations
The Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD provided
support for the student philanthropy stations
outside La Verna Commons and in Christopher
Hall. The Pecks are dedicated to inspiring others
to give back to the city of Milwaukee. They
have supported Alverno College through their
foundation since 1993.
Mother and Infant Room
Support from Edith ’78 and Robert DuPuy
allowed for the creation of the mother’s room. A
mom herself when she was a nursing student at
Alverno, Edith wanted to provide a private space
for Alverno women to care for their children.
Pictured left to right: Michael Paris – Food Service Director, Stanley Tom – K-12 Manager, Michelle Semrau – Catering Director,
Eric Weber – District Manager, John Stewart – President, Lynn Sonnenberg – CEO, Kay Martinez – Retail Manager
Table of Contentsà
Founders Hall first floor
Academic Advising Office
The Academic Advising Office was given by J. Scott and
Genevieve C. Harkness in honor of Ralph Harkness, a
longtime Alverno board member who believed in making
college affordable and accessible to all. A generous donation
of office furniture by PK Ware has helped create a functional
and professional environment for departments such as
Advising as they meet with students.
Student Services Main Street known as “Bella Way”
In Loving Memory of Flip: The Student Services Main Street, known as “Bella
Way,” was given by Filippa DiBella Weber or “Flip” as she was affectionately
called by friends. Flip was one of the first women to serve as a Director at HarleyDavidson, and during her tenure of 42 years, she worked in a variety of corporate
and manufacturing human resources roles, including labor management
relations, where she was instrumental in helping the executive team lead and
transform the business for growth. After retiring, Flip continued her passion for
mentoring business people, especially women. Upon graduating from Alverno
in 1992, Flip became one of its staunchest advocates, particularly when it came
to supporting students. She was an active member of the Alumnae Association
Board for many years. She left an amazing and lasting legacy for students with
the creation of “Bella Way,” which helped Alverno establish a student service
main street on campus. This integrates and connects student resources into one
central location with ease of access for students. In addition to the named spaces
on these pages, Bella Way includes Admissions, Business Office, Registrar’s
Office, Student Affairs and the Career & Professional Development Center.
A.O. Smith International and Intercultural Office
The International and Intercultural Office was given by A.O. Smith. Founded in
Milwaukee in 1874, A.O. Smith is now a global leader in water technology, serving
customers in more than 60 countries. The naming of this office recognizes their
global presence.
Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office was given by the
Will Ross Memorial Foundation. The
Foundation was a longtime supporter of
scholarships at Alverno. As the Foundation
closed, it made this final gift to assist
Alverno in perpetuity.
Main Street - “Bella Way”
Table of Contentsà
Servant Leadership
Meeting Suite
Student Activities and Leadership Office
The Student Activities and Leadership Office was given by the
Robert W. Baird & Co. Foundation. Baird is dedicated to advancing
leadership opportunities for women and minorities for the
betterment of Milwaukee and the world.
The Suzanne and Richard Pieper
Family Foundation provided a gift for
the Servant Leadership Meeting Suite.
Richard is actively involved in Greenleaf
Center for Servant Leadership and is
known throughout Wisconsin and the
country as a leader in this philosophy.
These new meeting rooms provide an
area to plan and implement initiatives
that drive the College forward.
Table of Contentsà
Pitman Theatre & Artist Dressing Rooms
Library à
Thanks to the generous support of the Jan H ’11 and Vince Martin, who were
honorary co-chairs of the Promise & Power campaign, the Pitman Theatre
underwent a complete renovation of the theatre, lobby and artists dressing rooms
and included new carpeting, painting and upholstery, new bathrooms, lighting
equipment and box office. Jan has been a trustee for more than 30 years and
holds an honorary doctorate from Alverno.
Office of the President
The Office of the President was
given by Kathleen Seidel in honor
of Dr. Mary J. Meehan’s innovative
and inspiring leadership at Alverno,
within the community and as a leader
in higher education. The Alverno
president’s suite was expanded to
include a meeting room for private
gatherings of donors, community
leaders and board members.
Study rooms outside the
Library and Learning Commons
A grant from the Greater Milwaukee
Foundation Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz
Fund and the Walter and Olive Stiemke Fund
provided support for the student study lounges
on the second floor of Founders Hall.
Advancement Office
The Advancement Office, which
houses Alumnae Relations, was given
by Mari-Anne ‘91 and Donald
Hechmann. Mari-Anne co-chaired
the Promise & Power Alumnae
Working Committee and is the former
president of the Alumnae Association
Board, an Alverno trustee and a
member of the Vanguard Society.
She wanted her gift to remind alums
that they are the heart of Alverno
and to inspire them to support the
College. Thanks to her hard work and
leadership on the campaign, Alverno
alumnae gave more than $8.7 million,
a record contribution from alumnae.
photo to come.
Daniel M. Soref Science and Mathmatics Learning
Resource Center
Daniel M. Soref was the son of Rose and Samuel Soref, members of
one of the founding families of Master Lock Company. The Daniel M.
Soref Charitable Trust was established upon his death in 2001. The
trust’s support of this learning resource center reflects its dedication
to education and science and extends Daniel’s legacy to future
generations of students at Alverno.
Founders Hall - Second Floor
Table of Contentsà
Wellness Center
Bucyrus Conference Center
Bucyrus Foundry and Manufacturing Company has been making special-purpose
excavating machines since 1880, leveraging its innovation and leadership at home and
abroad. Just as its excavation equipment carved the physical landscape, the company
helped shape Milwaukee. The conference center provides space for diverse groups from
across the region to gather, to learn and to share ideas that will define the future.
Tim Sullivan, former CEO of Bucyrus and head of the Bucyrus Foundation.
The Wellness Center, encompassing the Health and
Counseling offices, Athletics offices and Fitness Center,
was made possible through the generosity of Suzanne
M. Felan ’62. The center enabled Alverno to enlarge its
Athletics office to accommodate its growing program.
Suzanne was an inaugural member of the Vanguard Society
and is a longtime supporter of scholarships at Alverno,
including one for education students. She has been
honored in the teaching profession for developing reading
and special education programs. She is a staunch supporter
of women in athletics in Wisconsin and beyond.
Table of Contentsà
Reflections & Highlights
The word reflection comes from
Middle English and is defined as a
thought occurring in consideration or
meditation. This year, we have been
provided many opportunities to
reflect on and marvel at the change
and growth that has happened. It is
during these moments that we see
the hard work and dedication by
this community to our students as
they bridge their dreams with the
realization of their full potential.
Table of Contentsà
Alverno launches new Communication major
School of
This fall, Alverno launched a new
Communication major. This innovative
program combines traditional
communication theory and instruction with
hands-on digital labs. The curriculum allows
students to practice their communication
skills in a variety of media, including video,
audio, photography and social media.
Students will also receive intensive career
counseling and guidance, and will create
and curate digital portfolios of their work.
Casey commits to excellence
This program will build on a solid
foundation of communication strategy
while giving students an opportunity
to use the latest digital tools and
emerging technologies. Given the rapid
pace of change and the intersection
of communication and technology, the
tools they use in college won’t likely
be the ones they use throughout their
careers. To prepare them for career
success, Communication students will
learn how and when to identify, assess
and integrate new technologies.
Kevin Casey arrived at Alverno in 1987, and with a PhD in History from Northern
Illinois University and has twice served as chair of the History department
and once as associate dean of Humanities. On July 1, he began his
newest role as Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. Looking
ahead, Casey emphasizes teaching excellence while providing
students with a broad liberal arts education. In fall 2015, Alverno
launched a new interdisciplinary Liberal Studies major as part
of the new Adult Evening and Online program. Casey says,
“Alverno’s liberal arts education is a sustainable education
that prepares students for a series of careers and integrates
knowledge and critical abilities from multiple-disciplinary
perspectives. Our graduates are prepared to meet their
professional demands as engaged global citizens.”
Gracious persistence
Alverno College offered the Year of
Gracious Persistence, inspired by the life
and social justice activities of local civil
rights activist Vel Phillips. Celia Jackson,
executive director of the International and
Intercultural Center, and Dr. Jodi Eastberg,
chair of the department of History, led a
campus-wide committee to engage the
local community during a yearlong program
of events. A Brown Bag Lunch Series
offered discussions on social justice issues,
local housing topics and race relations
during which community member activists
and experts spoke about civil rights and
community involvement in Milwaukee.
The Year of Gracious Persistence
concluded with a screening of Vel
Phillips: Dream Big Dreams, the
one-hour documentary on Phillips’
story. The event, in collaboration
with Wisconsin Public Television
and the Wisconsin Humanities
Council, was attended by more
than 400 community members and
alumnae and culminated in a talkback with Phillips, Robert Trondson
(WPT producer) and Margaret
(Peggy) Rozga ‘67.
Table of Contentsà
The Commons Project
School of BUSINESS
Raising brand awareness
Alverno students participated in The Commons Project, an unparalleled
level of collaboration, which created networking opportunities while
reshaping the economic landscape of southeast Wisconsin.
Eighteen Alverno students participated in
the inaugural year of The Commons Project
with 19 other students from southeastern
Wisconsin-area colleges and universities.
The competition is an optional, non-credit
10-week accelerated business program
focused on academic and corporate
innovation challenges. The program offered
students the opportunity to interact and
work with local entrepreneurs and high-level
business leaders. Of the six winning team
pitches, Alverno students delivered three.
Participants were confident in knowing how
to research and go after the answers in
their challenges, and were recognized for
their strong communication skills. Overall,
students who participated in The Commons
Project came away with the experiences
and connections helpful to become the next
generation of entrepreneurs and corporate
innovators. The School of Business will
look at ways to increase involvement and
build awareness for the leadership skills
its students demonstrate in The Commons
Project’s second year.
Sometimes considered a secret building block to obtaining a business degree,
Dean Eileen Sherman is working to raise the profile for Alverno’s School of
Business. Sherman, who begins her second year, is targeting connections to
build extended community partnerships, raise the profile in the business
community and strengthen partnerships with local business leaders. In just
one year, the School of Business advisory council numbers significantly
increased from eight to 40, with members representing senior leadership
positions in southeastern Wisconsin seated alongside faculty, administrative
and student representatives. The council provides a deep pool of talent
engaged and ready to counsel the business program on its growth, as well
as talk about it to peers, organizations and associations. Sherman sees
the awareness of the program improving through the council and by
presenting undergraduate business student interns and graduates
into the community who excel in communication, problem-solving
and teamwork.
Business redefined
The School of Business has experienced
tremendous changes in the past year,
including adding Business Analytics as a
minor and completing an MBA capstone
project with Bartolotta Restaurants.
Business analytics are used in every
industry: health care, advertising and
marketing, education, sports and recreation,
manufacturing, business and more. Alverno
graduates will be poised with a transferrable
and highly sought-after education within
this field. Students in the Business Analytics
minor will have opportunities to interact with
business executives from companies such as
Rockwell, GE, Northwestern Mutual, Kohl’s
WE Energies and Johnson Controls. Because
representatives from these companies
come to campus, students will strengthen
their strategic thinking and develop tactical
hands-on methodology skills that will be
used in the workforce.
The MBA capstone project culminated in an
intensive, all-day Immersion Experience with
Joe Bartolotta, the Bartolotta Restaurants
executive team and 22 MBA students
from Alverno. This experience brought
together what students learned throughout
their MBA program including: business
planning, modeling, sales, marketing, ethics,
finance, strategic planning, supply chain,
change leadership and management and
more. The class delivered a final report of
their recommendations to the Bartolotta
team at the end of the term. Alverno and
the Bartolotta Restaurants team hope to
continue this collaboration in the future.
Table of Contentsà
Supporting children
The School of Education supports the
teachers and leaders who support children.
Alverno has strong partnerships with two
organizations dedicated to helping promote
educators and leaders in their work with
schools and students - Schools That Can
Milwaukee (STCM) and Teach for America
(TFA). Both organizations share common
constituencies, including demographics,
needs and high turnover. STCM aims
to increase the number of high-quality
schools available to students and families in
Milwaukee. TFA is a national teacher corps
Luebke promotes educators
On July 1, Patricia (Pat) Luebke began as interim dean of the School
of Education. Adjunct faculty since 2011 and director of the Special
of recent college graduates who commit
two years to teach, and most are serving in
hard-to-staff schools with limited resources.
To help teachers and leaders, Alverno
initiated an innovative pilot with Susan Lubar
Solvang, president and founder of Growing
Minds, around mindfulness training for TFA
participants that helps develop decisionmaking skills while learning how mindfulness
changes processes. Alverno understands it
is not just the candidates and teachers who
need support and development in order to
help students, but the entire organization.
Education program, Luebke served in school administration positions
in the Wauwatosa School District for nearly 30 years, with most of her
time as the director of student services. She holds a PhD in Urban
Education with an emphasis on Administrative Leadership from UW–
Milwaukee. Luebke understands despite dropping enrollment and
budget challenges, schools need well-prepared teachers. “My work
will focus on continuing to move the department forward and
promote how well-prepared our students are as they enter the
education profession, whether as an initially licensed teacher or
an emerging leader in educational administration.”
Charter school standards
Desiree Pointer-Mace, associate professor
of Education, is a mayoral appointee on
the Charter School Review Committee
for the City of Milwaukee. The committee
serves as the review and monitoring
arm of Milwaukee’s Common Council to
implement state legislation authorizing the
operation of charter schools and to make
recommendations for the granting of charter
school status. The group of seven has
always included one Alverno representative,
and Pointer-Mace, the only professor of
Education on the committee, was confirmed
in 2014. She is currently serving a multiyear term. In her role, she works to bring
an authentic approach to education and
assessment for new and existing charter
schools. Pointer-Mace keeps Alverno’s high
quality of education at the forefront of her
involvement and adds value to the effort to
improve the quality of local education.
Table of Contentsà
Meeting mental health needs
JoAnn McGrath
School of NURSING
The demand for nurse practitioners
continues to rise and in Wisconsin
psychiatrists and Psychiatric Mental
Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP)
are greatly needed. PMHNPs assist
in meeting the needs of the one in
four individuals who have some type
of mental health problem - many of
which go undiagnosed or untreated.
After Alverno assessed this dire need,
the college offered the first and only
Nursing curriculum
The JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing is undergoing a revamp of its
undergraduate curriculum. Continuing changes in health care and technology
advancements, along with requirements by accrediting bodies, demand
curriculums remain relevant and current. Groundwork is underway to assess the
mission, philosophy and vision statement of the school. The project will begin
with a clean curriculum slate in order to develop new program outcomes, define
courses and scaffold the nursing curriculum, while still retaining the Alverno
nurse advantage with the 8 Abilities and self-assessments. Faculty and staff will
tap into the expertise, experience and knowledge of Alverno’s 12-member
undergraduate Nursing advisory council, made up of health care leaders from
across the community, where in a one-day workshop they will provide input
and guidance. In addition, Vanguard Society nursing alums will help define
crucial leadership skills, a better understanding of health care functions
and an aggregate impact of nursing on health. The updated curriculum
will begin a phased rollout in fall 2016.
Space to learn
The Clinical Education Center,
located in the new Alexia Hall,
provides Alverno student nurses with
an advanced learning environment.
The space provides the equipment
and resources needed to learn clinical
nursing therapeutic interventions
including IV insertion, medication
administration and the experience of
near life-like situations. The Clinical
Education Center houses five clinical
rooms, four hi-fidelity simulators
(obstetrics/peds, ICU trauma, med/
surg) and one studio apartment. The
spaces offer student nurses a safe
place to learn skills, practice critical
thinking and validate their progress.
There are debriefing rooms/
classrooms where faculty, assessors
and students observe, assess
and discuss. Students learn from
observing their own performance as
well as those of their peers. Margaret
(Peg) Rauschenberger ‘85, interim
dean of the JoAnn McGrath School
of Nursing, says, “The new learning
areas truly increase student selfconfidence when entering the real
clinical settings.”
program for an MSN as a mental
health nurse practitioner in the state
of Wisconsin. The first class of PMNHP
students began coursework in fall
2013 and graduated from Alverno in
December 2014. While three years ago
there were only 19 PMNHPs in the state
of Wisconsin, Alverno should more than
double the number by May 2017 with the
upcoming graduates helping to meet the
needs of the community and the state.
Table of Contentsà
Campus & Community
Milwaukee Mayor
gives State of the City
address at Alverno
Wisconsin Joint
Committee on Finance
held in Pitman Theatre
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett gave his
State of the City address at Alverno
College in March 2015 in which he
commended Alverno as a model partner
in the community. He spoke about “…
pushing city government to do more – to
innovate and improve. More importantly,
I insist on partnerships. We achieve
so much more when we collaborate
and cooperate.” Building connections,
fostering collaboration, and instilling
effective citizenship are the Alverno way.
In addition to Alverno being recognized
within the Mayor’s address, Alverno
student Kadijiha Jones, a Communication
major, was asked to introduce the mayor.
Alverno College was one of four
educational institutions around the state
that served as a site for the Wisconsin
Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance
public hearings on the Governor’s
2015–17 budget. The event opened at
10:00 a.m., and was extended until 8:45
p.m. due to the number of people who
hadn’t been heard by the Committee.
The Joint Committee on Finance heard
from residents about everything from
education to long-term care to the new
Milwaukee sports arena for the Bucks. It
is the Committee’s responsibility to serve
as the principal legislative committee
that reviews all state appropriations and
Alverno student Kadijiha Jones introduces Mayor Tom Barrett.
“Status Of Girls In Wisconsin” Report featured on 4th Street Forum
Faculty and students visit places of the Holocaust
Alverno offered a four-credit travel course to the places of the Holocaust in the spring 2015 semester. The class culminated in a
trip to Lithuania, Poland and the Czech Republic. A significant portion of the class focused on the geographical relationships of cities to
concentration camps, and the mechanics and strategies of mass genocide. The class also studied the history of Eastern European Jewry and the
vestiges that are left today. At the end of the semester, students immersed themselves in the places of the Holocaust including Treblinka, Belzec and
Auschwitz, as well as Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania; Warsaw, Lublin and Krakow, Poland; and Prague, Czech Republic. The travel course was led by Dr. Amy H.
Shapiro, professor of Philosophy, and Sue DaBaco, assistant director of Office Services and an Alverno MBA graduate.
The latest “Status of Girls in Wisconsin”
report from the Alverno College Research
Center for Women and Girls reveals a
number of persistent, troubling patterns
for Wisconsin girls, especially in the areas
of stress, depression and suicide; bullying;
TV, online and social media engagement;
and weight and exercise. Yet, the 2014
report did note some improvement in areas
including sexual activity, teen birth rates
and smoking.
Former Executive Director of the RCWG
Rhonda M. Ware talked about the results
during a live, on-campus taping of 4th
Street Forum in February. She and the other
panelists agreed that showing girls what it is
to be a strong woman could go a long way
in improving the climate for girls.
The “Status of Girls in Wisconsin” report
provides information, without extensive
interpretation, to serve as a catalyst for
young women and girls and the agencies
that serve them to voice their perspectives
on the issues and challenges they face
and works to develop the solutions,
programming and resources needed to
address these issues.
Table of Contentsà
Awards & Recognition
Alverno recognized for strong commitment to teaching
for the fifth consecutive year
For five straight years, Alverno has been ranked in the top four Midwest schools for its “strong commitment
to teaching” in U.S. News & World Report. This marks the fourteenth consecutive year that Alverno has been
recognized, having been listed 31 times in U.S. News & World Report since 1983. “We are honored that we are
ranked highest in the state for educating undergrads,” said Mary J. Meehan, PhD, president of Alverno College.
“And now, our new facilities will provide our students with an environment that matches the quality of our
teaching. People come from all over the world to study the innovative and creative way we teach our students,
and that truly is the heart of our mission.”
Girls’ Advanced Academy of Science and Mathematics
program receives grant
Alverno College earned a College Ready continuation grant from Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty
Corporation, thanks to the impressive success of the Girls’ Advanced Academy of Science and Mathematics
program last year. A $92,876 grant helped the Girls’ Advanced Academy enhance its efforts and serve more
students as they prepare to pass college-level courses. During the 2014–2015 academic year, the Girls’
Advanced Academy continued to motivate and prepare low-income, first-generation, minority girls for success
in college in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Girls’ Advanced Academy will continue
to improve academic performance by tracking – and increasing – ACT scores and specifically ACT Science
Reasoning scores. The program brings 75 high school girls from 20 Milwaukee schools to Alverno every Friday
night to study science and math with Alverno faculty. The pilot program showed increases in ACT science
reasoning scores, interest in attending college and studying science. Impressed by the pilot program results, the
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has provided a two-year grant to help support this program.
Quinlan Brame earns Scott M. Cutlip Award
Vice President for Advancement Julie Quinlan Brame was presented the Scott M. Cutlip Award from the
Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. This award honors individuals
who strengthened their community through innovation, inspiring engagement and spreading goodwill. The
National Philanthropy Day celebrates and honors the donors, volunteers and professional staff that improve our
society and advance our economy.
Alverno wins gold
Alverno College and Marquette University were given Gold Awards by The Wellness Council of America
(WELCOA) for their outstanding commitment to workplace wellness. WELCOA, which tracks seven
benchmarks of wellness success, has more than 5,000 corporate members across the country. This is the
second Gold Award for both Alverno College and Marquette University. Both institutions joined WELCOA in
2009. Well City Milwaukee is a collaboration of organizations who dedicated to creating a healthy and vibrant
Milwaukee workforce. Due to the efforts of more than 40 area businesses and organizations, Milwaukee has
earned its second Well City USA designation, the first city in the country to receive this prestigious distinction
twice. Sponsored locally by the Wellness Council of Wisconsin, Well City USA challenges local businesses and
community leaders to work together and engage entire communities in improving the health and wellbeing
of their workforces and families.
NACC Sportsmanship Award honor earned second
year in a row
As voted on by Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference head coaches and approved by the Directors of
Athletics Standing Committee, Alverno College was honored with the Women’s Sportsmanship Award for
the 2014–15 academic year. The Inferno have won the award four times, and this marks a time it has won in
successive fashion, similarly having done so the first two years of the league (‘06-07 and ‘07-08) and in the
former Lake Michigan Conference’s (‘04-05 and ‘05-06). Additionally the NACC All-Sportsmanship Team was
announced for the academic year which included seven student-athletes: Charmaine Clark (tennis), Courtney
Cornella-Carlson (cross country), Erin Dulek (softball), Julie Gallegos (basketball), Neysel Powell (soccer),
Ashleigh Sagat (golf) and Cali Trepp (volleyball). The All-Sportsmanship Team is selected by the head coaches
and chosen based on the principles of sportsmanship as promoted by the NACC and NCAA.
Meehan earns TEMPO Milwaukee Mentor Award
TEMPO Milwaukee’s goal is to create a society where women hold an equal place in leadership, policy
and decision making. Each year TEMPO Milwaukee recognizes individuals and organizations that practice
mentoring and have made a commitment to helping others achieve their personal and professional potential.
Upon selection of this recognition, each nominee selects a college that will receive a scholarship for a woman
in her junior or senior year. Alverno President Mary J. Meehan along with Baird, which is headed by Paul
Purcell who serves on Alverno’s Board of Trustees, were recognized and honored for this award in February.
Table of Contentsà
Our Strengths
Success starts with strong leadership and Alverno is proud
to have a diverse and highly talented Board of Trustees,
representing all facets of private, public and nonprofit
business enterprises. The College also benefits from the
Alverno Alumnae Council, diligently working to preserve
connections between Alverno and our 16,000 alumnae.
These two distinct— but essential — leadership groups
work with Alverno faculty and staff, playing a critical role
in the College’s financial stability, volunteer support and
community presence.
Table of Contentsà
of Financial
As of June 30, 2015
The completed Promise & Power
construction project is reflected in an
increase in land, buildings and equipment.
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts and interest receivable, net
Prepayments and other assets
Contributions receivable, net
Student loans receivable, net
Land, buildings and equipment, net
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Deferred income and deposits
Asset retirement obligation
Annuities payable
Long-term borrowings
Advances from U.S. Government for student loans
Close-up of the green roof on top of La Verna Commons. The green
roof and bioswale capture up to 26,210 gallons of water that would
otherwise flood into the Kinnickinnic River basin after a storm.
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted 21,555,790
Table of Contentsà
of Financial
As of June 30, 2015
Tuition and fees
(net of scholarships of $12,847,349)
Auxiliary enterprises
Contribution revenue
Investment income
Government grants
Other income
For 9 consecutive years, Alverno operated
with a surplus. This fiscal year, the Board of
Trustees approved an operating deficit to
allow for investment of past surplus dollars to
fund a commitment to the nearly $13 million
of institutional scholarships and financial aid
needed by our students.
Student services
Academic support
Institutional support
Auxiliary enterprises
Operating Revenues in Excess of
Operating Expenses
Contribution revenue
Investment returns, net of amounts designated
for current operations
Change in value of split interest agreements
Other nonoperating items, net
Table of Contentsà
Board of Trustees
Through June 30, 2015
Susan Dragisic
Retired President, United Way of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.
Mary Beth Berkes ’75, Chair
Co-Founder of Linden Capital Partners
Judith A. Drinka ‘61
Attorney, Drinka Law Offices
Howard J. Jacob, PhD, Vice Chair
Director, Human & Molecular Genetics Center, Warren P. Knowles
Chair of Genetics, Medical College of Wisconsin
Jacquelyn Fredrick
President and CEO, BloodCenter of Wisconsin
S. Regina Pacis Meservey, SSSF, Secretary ‘62
Coordinator of Sponsorship Services, School Sisters of St. Francis
Ronald L. Blake, Treasurer
Retired CEO and President, Rewards Network Inc.
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ’05
S. Toni Anne Gradisnik, SSSF, ‘75
Stewardship Associate, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Gary P. Grunau
Grucon Group LLC
Mari-Anne Hechmann ‘91
Community Volunteer
Katherine M. Hudson
Retired Chairman of the Board, Brady Corp.
Abby Andrietsch
Executive Director, Schools That Can Milwaukee, Inc.
S. Barbara A. Kraemer, SSSF, ‘65
Faculty – School of Public Service, DePaul University
Charles R. Bartels
Retired Director, Global Social Responsibility & Knowledge
Sharing, Manpower, Inc.
Kathleen Lawler ‘82
Retired Vice President Communications, Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Elaine Burke
Community Volunteer
Jovita Carranza
President, JCR Group
Tina Chang
Chief Executive Officer, SysLogic, Inc.
Ricardo Diaz
Executive Director, United Community Center
Cecelia I. Gore ‘92, ‘08
Executive Director, Brewers Community Foundation
Donald W. Layden, Jr.
Partner, Quarles & Brady; Operating Partner, Baird Capital
Sister Andrea Lee, IHM
President, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN
Allen L. Leverett
President, Wisconsin Energy
Stephen R. Lundeen
Attorney, Wille, Gregory & Lundeen
Jean M. Maier
Retired Executive Vice President, Enterprise Operations &
Technology, Northwestern Mutual
Janet D. Martin H ‘11
Community Volunteer
Maurice J. McSweeney
Retired Partner, Foley & Lardner
Peter W. Bruce
‘of counsel’ Davis and Kuelthau,
Attorneys at Law
Kim Metcalf-Kupres
Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer,
Johnson Controls
Abigail J. Nash
Retired Vice President, Journal Sentinel Inc.
Kristine Obrecht
Partner, Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Paul E. Purcell
President & CEO, Robert W. Baird & Co.
Ajita Rajendra
President and Chief Executive Officer,
A.O. Smith Corporation
Roy Reiman
Hexagon Investments, Reiman Family
Foundation, Inc.
Ellen M. Gardner ‘69
Retired President, Ameritech WI
Mary Ann LaBahn
Retired Vice President Bank One Trust
Frederick A. Muth, Jr.
Chairman Emeritus, Whyte, Hirschboeck,
Dudek S.C.
Guy A. Osborn
Retired Chairman, Universal Foods Corporation
Thomas L. Spero
Retired Office Managing Partner
Anne H. Vogel
Art Historian
S. Mary C. Schneider, SSSF, PsyD ‘69
Independent Practice, Center for
Grief Recovery
Marsha Sehler
Director of Business Development, Uihlein
Wilson Architects
S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, SSSF ‘64
Curator SSSF Art, St. Joseph Center
Barbara J. Wyatt Sibley ‘82
Community Volunteer
Table of Contentsà
Academic Deans &
Through June 30, 2015
Angela Frey, PhD & Julie Ullman, PhD,
School of Arts and Sciences
Mary J. Meehan H ’05, PhD
Nancy Athanasiou ’90, PhD, Dean
School of Education
Peg Rauschenberger ‘85, MSN,
Interim Dean
School of Nursing
Jeana Abromeit, PhD, Interim Dean
Graduate Studies
Kathleen O’Brien, SSSF, ’67, PhD
Senior Vice President for
Academic Affairs
James K. Oppermann, MBA
Senior Vice President for Finance and
Management Services
Kathy Lake, PhD
Vice President for Student Success
Kate Lundeen, MPP
Vice President for Enrollment Services
Julie Quinlan Brame, MM
Vice President for College
Advancement and Marketing
Through June 30, 2015
Eileen Sherman, MBA, PhD, Dean
School of Business
Alumnae Council
Adventure & Travel
Servant Leadership
Southern California
Joyce M. Rewolinski ‘95
Kelly L. Troyer ‘04
Auriel R. Ackerman ‘10, ‘12
Jeri L. Vatne ‘09
Class of 1962
Women of Color
Rose E. Purpero Spang ‘62
Tammy Belton-Davis ‘93
Vasana Her ‘12
Celia A. Jackson
Kellie J. Sigh ‘10
Amanda C. Berg ‘94
Catherine Berg ‘64
Catherine D. Dowdell ‘91
Laurie L. Gallick ‘91
Judith A. Hurley ‘88, ‘00
Katherine E. Lemke ‘08
Kay C. Wolferstetter ‘10
Bethany K. Zebell ‘12, ‘14
Sara Furrer ‘11
Jeanne P. Goestenkors ‘68
Carol Levin ‘71
Marlene Otto ‘57
Linda Umbdenstock, PhD ‘68
Young Alum Club
Jessica M. Gamez ‘11
Yuliana Garcia Jasso ‘13
Jazmin Y. Gonzalez ‘12
Meagan A. Grosskreutz ‘11
Maria C. Hernandez ‘11
Bridget M. Hirthe ‘12
Elsa M. Janusiak ‘13
Xiomara Ortiz Mauras ‘14
Arika E. Ostrowski ‘13
Katie M. Renteria ‘13
Vanessa Vasquez ‘12
Tia D. Vernon ‘08
Sofina Ziu ‘12
Natassha R. Chambliss ‘10, ‘13
Michelle R. Gambon ‘94
Denean P. Johnson ‘94
Class of 1965
Kathryn J. Hausman ‘65
Patricia Hribar ‘65
Rose Mary Walecki ‘65
Elizabeth J. Kern ‘02
Kelly L. Troyer ‘04
Kim M. Casey ‘01, ‘10
Kimberlee M. Schardin ‘00 ,‘12
School of Nursing
Dr. Vivien De Back ‘54
Jennifer H. Hruz ‘12
Clarissa M. Lawrence ‘12
JoAnn Lomax ‘74
Patricia D. Padjen-McNulty ‘73
Margaret A. Rauschenberger ‘85
Danielle M. Brazee ‘04
Melissa D. Clark ‘02, ‘11
Elise J. Kramer ‘95
Joyce M. Rewolinski ‘95
Peggy A. Simon ‘85
Elizabeth M. Swinny ‘85
Jenifer L. Wheeler ‘90
Northwestern Mutual
Bonnie J. Beenken ‘93, ‘06
Jazmin Y. Gonzalez ‘12
Judith A. Hurley ‘88, ‘00
Diana L. Moro Goane ‘84, ‘13
Rockwell Automation
Nadia C. Rizk ‘07
Pamela R. Wright ‘13
Wells Fargo
Dawn D. Tryba ‘11
Table of Contentsà
The pulse of any organization includes those who provide generous
support. The success of the $30 million Promise & Power capital
campaign shines throughout this report in photos, diagrams and
stories all impacting the lives of students. On behalf of students,
faculty and staff, we thank all of our donors for their commitment,
generosity and vision. This listing reflects contributions received
between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Table of Contentsà
$10,000 - $24,999
The St. Francis Society was created to
recognize those donors who have a
total lifetime giving to Alverno College
of $1 million or more.
Brookbank Foundation
Bucyrus Foundation, Inc.
The Alfred Harcourt Foundation
Joyce Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
$100,000 & ABOVE
Alfred F. Case
Janice Ereth & John T. Gilligan
Felix Feyerer
Robert & Katherine H ‘14 Hudson
Jan H ‘11 & Vince Martin
JoAnn Resch McGrath ‘57
Richard Sr. & Suzanne Pieper
Paul & Patricia Purcell
Roy & Bobbi H ‘06 Reiman
Kathleen Seidel
Patricia M. Wilde ‘61 & Bill Wilde
Mary Ann & Charles P. LaBahn
Martin Family Foundation
JoAnn Resch McGrath ‘57
John & Tashia H ‘07 Morgridge
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Paul & Patricia Purcell
Reiman Charitable Foundation
School Sisters of St. Francis
U.S. Province
Schumann Foundation
Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges
and Universities
$25,000 - $99,000
Anonymous (3)
Jim & Mary Beth ‘75 Berkes
Elaine Burke
Jovita Carranza H ‘11 & Joel W. Roque
Sylvia S. ‘91 † & William E. Edstrom Sr.
Suzanne M. Felan ‘62
Mary Ann & Charles P. LaBahn
Donald Jr. & Mary Jo Layden
Linda & John A. Mellowes
Joyce & Bruce Myers
Bernard J. † & Micki Peck
Jodi Peck & Les Weil
Karen Peck-Katz & Alan Katz
Rebecca J. ‘04 & Seth Wahlberg
Filippa C. DiBella Weber ‘92 †
Anonymous (1)
Joseph & Abby Andrietsch
Kristin Bergstrom & Lloyd Dickinson
Peter W. & Joan Bruce
Margaret “Maggie” Cary ‘60
Gay Derderian-Kazarian ‘80
& Kaiser Kazarian
Ruth DeYoung Kohler H ‘12
Carol Zinner Dolphin ‘62
Karen P. Doppke ‘64 & Philip F. Judy
Susan & John Dragisic
William Jr. & Mari Edstrom
Michael & Sheila Falbo
Glen & Claire Hackmann
Paul W. & Pat Jones
Grace ‘81 & Thor Larsen
Nancy L. & Arthur J. Laskin
Marc & Sandra McSweeney
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ‘05
Abigail & David Nash
Kristine & Tom Obrecht
Guy A. & Louise Osborn
Agustin Jr. & Rebecca Ramirez
Kim M. ‘83 & Edward Roh
Robert O. Schlytter Jr. †
Mary Ann Schwartz ‘62
Marsha Sehler
Barbara A. Stein
Tom & Lynne VanHimbergen
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Jean ‘81 & Terry Bartels
Mary M. ‘86 & Ken Braband
Ismael Cardenas
Catherine D. ‘91 & Richard Dowdell
Donna ‘68 & Thomas Gaffney
Ellen M. Gardner ‘69
Arthur Gebhardt
Amanda L. Gentine ‘13 &
Jacinto Garrido-Gentine
Georgiann M. ‘64 & William E. Gielow
Kathleen (Casey) ‘66 & Michael Gigl
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Mari-Anne ‘91 & Donald Hechmann
Barbara A. Kluka ‘66
Jennifer Kopps-Wagner ‘93
Kathleen Lawler ‘82
Allen & Laura Leverett
Steve & Sally Lundeen
Kim Metcalf-Kupres & Steve Kupres
George & Julie Mosher
Ajita & Dushianthi Rajendra
Eileen C. Sherman
Barbara A. Krauska Slania ‘57
Rose E. Purpero Spang ‘62 &
Joseph J. Spang
Clara Theine ‘65
Judith R. & Sheridan Thompson
David V. Jr. & Julia Uihlein
Theresa Virgona ‘63
Anne H. Vogel
Arthur & Mary Ann Wigchers
William B. Yersin
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Stephanie A. Arend ‘85
Ronald L. & Merilee M. Blake
Barbara Brick Havel ‘66
Judith A. ‘61 & Martin G. Drinka
Mary T. ‘56 & J. Thomas Esser
Jacquelyn & Arlyn Fredrick
Cecelia Gore ‘92 ‘08
William & Andrea ‘01 Greuel
Gary P. & Joanne Grunau
Melita L. Harkness †
Judy & David Hecker
Katie Heil
Patricia ‘65 & Lee Hribar
Robert P. & Mary Jacobson
Debra J. Jupka ‘75
Mary & Ted Kellner
Gerri Lietz-Staffileno ‘80
Janet Radosevich Matthews ‘61
Jim & Kathleen McKeown
Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Leone Flasch ‘57 Michel
Frank Miller ‘10 & Mary Ellen Powers
Theresa ‘76 & Robert Muselman
James K. & Mary Sue Oppermann
Joanne Blasier Pfeffer ‘88
John R. & Maggie Quinn
Eugenia A. Schuller ‘52
Eileen Jacubinas Slagis ‘58
Mary K. Stull, RN, PhD ‘79
Peter & Helen Vandenberg
Teresa Emerson VanderBent
Joan M. Wilde ‘59
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Linda & Bill Abraham
Sylvia J. Ansay, PhD ‘61 & Richard Ansay
Janine Arseneau
Jody M. Balzer ‘86
Janis M. Bartelt ‘81
Sharon Baxter
Marilyn ‘98 & Dave Beaumier
Barbara ‘63 & Anthony Behof
Judith ‘72 & Thomas Beniak
S. Louise K. Bernier ‘65
Ira W. Black
Barbara ‘76 & James Blanton
Joseph C. Branch
Patricia ‘68 & Tom Brewer
Robert & Kathleen ‘95 Brumder
Katherine M. Bundalo-Thomson
Rosanne M. ‘91 & Edward Butkowski
Elizabeth R. Dusold Carwile ‘61
Gloria Case
Neil P. & Shelley H. Casey
Kathleen Cassafer †
Mary Lardner Chait ‘83
Tina Chang
Susan L. Chobanian, MD ‘72
Danita Cole Medved ‘80 & Paul S. Medved
Janet T. Corona ‘84
Dr. Vivien De Back ‘54
Mary E. Devitt ‘82 ‘02
Ricardo & Margaret Diaz
S. Austin Doherty ‘54 †
Alexander P. Durtka Jr. & Sharon R.
Landergott Durtka
William E. Eastham
S. Joyce A. Fey ‘70
Dixie ‘65 & Kirt Fiegel
Anita C. Fischer ‘67
Noël Fortier ‘11
David J. Frank
Mary M. Frieseke ‘93 ‘10
Joanne ‘66 & Joseph Gelsthorpe
S. Barbara J. Goertz ‘05
Jeanne P. Goestenkors ‘68 & A.N. Langhout
Chris & Amy M. ‘94 Goller
Bonnie J. ‘66 & John Gould
S. Toni A. Gradisnik ‘75
Barbara Tennant Gray
Beverly & Martin J. Greenberg
Lois Gresholdt ‘91
Carolyn ‘63 & William R. Guerra
Susan Hahn ‘68
Jon & Ann Hammes
Tim & Diane (Schenk) ‘63 Hanley
John Himmelspach
Sheila Sullivan Holbrook ‘64 &
James J. Holbrook Jr.
Toni J. Holland ‘14
Daniel E. & Susan Horton
Bernadine Peksa Huber ‘75
William H. Hughes
Judith A. Hurley ‘88 ‘00
Celia A. Jackson
Dr. Howard & Lisa Jacob
Douglas M. & Deanna Jansson
Stanley & Phyllis Jaspan
Sarajane & Robert Kennedy
Judith A. Keyes
Kathleen M. Kies
Pam & Bob Klein
Florence Brenner Kortsch ‘47
S. Sharon J. Kubes ‘64
Justin R. LaManna
Norma M. Skrzypchak Lang ‘61
S. Andrea Lee
Kaye W. ‘11 ‘14 & James Leszczynski
Phoebe R. & John D. Lewis
Dr. Marjory Bong-Ray Liu ‘59
Arlene G. & Robert A. Logan
Patricia A. Luebke
Katherine A. Lundeen
Mary-Ann Lupa ‘64 & John W. Lowell
Karen A. ‘87 & Mark Maertins
Judith A. Mallo ‘91
Mary Sulgit Mallon ‘64 & J. Robert Mallon
Janet M. Pfister Matuszak ‘60
Jere McGaffey
Maryrita McIntyre Crisanti ‘62
Jean A. McKey ‘96
Eric Meils
Sarah C. Miller ‘93
Patricia Mitchell ‘65
Beth Monhollen ‘97
Diana L. Moro Goane ‘84 ‘13 & Ken Goane
Anita Meyer Muehleck ‘60
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Maureen Mulroy
Judy ‘75 & Jim Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Muth Jr.
Karen ‘65 & Robert G. Nehls
S. Marlene M. Neises H ‘99
Mary Jenson Neumann ‘68
Barbara K. Nevers
Sirri A. ‘67 & Edouard Nomo-Ongolo
Joyce E. Noonan
S. Kathleen A. O’Brien ‘67
Monica O’Brien
JerriLee O’Malley ‘95
Lorraine O’Malley ‘91 ‘03 & George Banda
Mary ‘70 & William Orlowski
Marilyn ‘81 & William Ottum
Sandra Panuce ‘57
Ann P. Patterson-Barton ‘77
Barbara & Edmund Piehler
Lisa R. & James R. Pieper
Patrick & Diane Pokrovac
Rebecca L. Porter
Noelle E. ‘04 & Joel Przybilla
Teresa Pink Przybylski ‘56
Julie Quinlan Brame & Jason Brame ‘12
Austin & Heather Ramirez
Barbara N. Ramusack ‘60
Wendy Randall
Joan ‘52 & John J. Reardon
Patricia M. Zefran Reddy ‘64
Carol J. Reiners ‘11
Mary Ann & Greg Renz
Helen J. Raszkiewicz Rewolinski ‘84
Joyce M. Rewolinski ‘95
Mary Roestel ‘67
Grace & Glen Rossman
James & Suzanne Sass
Joan ‘65 & Ryan Sattler
Kim D. Schaffer ‘81
Linda F. & Michael Scheible
Karen & Jim Schlater Family
Stacy M. Schoen ‘05 ‘09
Joy K. Schreiber ‘76
S. Judeen Schulte ‘71
Cecilie ‘61 & Ray D. Schwartz
Mary Scott
Nancy Scripko ‘61 & Myron Kilmer
Nancy C. ‘78 & Gary Seabrook
James Seder
Enid Shapiro
Marilyn Shrude ‘69 & John Sampen
Dona E. Clipp Smith ‘74
Gina M. Spang ‘08
Susan ‘87 & Gary Stabelfeldt
Mary Ellen & Scott P. Stanek
John & JoEllen Stollenwerk
Mary C. Stryck ‘86
Mara & Craig Swan
Robert F. & Beth Taylor
Mary ‘64 & Robert L. Taylor
Ned Timarac
Kiyoko Toyama ‘81
Linda Umbdenstock ‘68 & Fred W. Dunn
Barbara Vander Leest ‘61
Judith ‘65 & Kristians Veinbergs
Gloria Bechtold Venski ‘89
Karen Vernal
Virginia M. Wagner ‘69
Jean ‘65 & Thomas A. Walsh
Judith ‘65 & Donald A. Weber
Gordon E. Weiss
Sharon S. Wilcox
Carole J. ‘92 ‘08 & Monte Witkowski
Helen Wronski ‘71
Barbara J. Wyatt Sibley ‘82 &
Rev. Louis Sibley III
Barbara Wysocki ‘65
Sarah & Steve Zimmerman
Jean Zmolek ‘62
$500 - $999
Anonymous (1)
Robert & Christine Arend
Charles & Teresa Hall Bartels
Lori A. Becker ‘93
Natalie Beckwith
Martha & William Berger
S. Dorothy Bock ‘50
Enid A. Bootzin Berkovits ‘78
Ruth A. Boulet ‘94
Patricia S. Bowne
Danielle M. Brazee ‘04
Karen M. ‘67 & William Brown
Nancy ‘73 & Jerry Buhl
Barbara ‘62 & Allan Cairns
Kevin M. Casey & Carole E. Barrowman
Stephanie A. Chedid
Virginia ‘67 & Thomas Cusack
Patricia Devine-Reed ‘64
Linda S. ‘86 & Patrick J. Devitt
Jack L. Dierks ‘07 & Catherine Tully
S. Mary E. Diez ‘67
Anita M. Eikens
Amal F. El-Sheikh
Zohreh Emami
Cynthia A. ‘08 & David Flynn
Mark Foote
Cynthia ‘68 & Matthew Frami
Barbara Fuldner
Nancy ‘65 & Thomas Gazzana
Marilyn Gliesmann ‘85 & Otto H. Nelson
Katrina J. ‘05 & Tom Goetz
Margaret (Pfeffer) Goggins Filo ‘65
Joyce P. ‘97 & Jeff Gohr
Sandra E. Graham
Jean I. Hamann ‘68
Bernadette ‘73 & Lyle Hamilton
Rosalie B. Hartmann ‘70
Kathryn J. ‘65 & Thomas Hausman
Susan Hawkins
Jim & Heidi Hilby
S. Elaine Hirschenberger ‘65
Patricia J. Hoben & Charles G. Carter
Joy M. Holbrook ‘89
Mary R. Ingram ‘77
Joan M. Jacobsen ‘87
Catherine Jacobson
Patricia J. Jensen ‘71
James & Angelina Zammuto ‘64 Jodie
Mary Claire Jones ‘88
Barbara F. ‘65 & John L. Keller
Peg T. Kelly
Caroline Ryczek Kobb ‘56
Jean Conlin Kolo ‘56
Gloria Harter Konkel ‘83
Kevin Langreck
Beth E. ‘94 & Phillip Larson-Debruzzi
Shirley Coenen Lee ‘67 & Gary R. Lee
Carol ‘71 & Paul A. Levin
Mary L. Loeffel ‘04
Christine Przybyla Long ‘53
Iris J. Bland Lowery ‘95 ‘10
Shirley Lemke Lueder ‘52
Catherine Madden
Lola M. Peters Martin ‘99
Leilani J. Mason ‘98
Allison J. Mautz ‘01
Pamela A. Maxson-Cooper ‘84 &
John Cooper III
Sherry & Pat McBride
Maureen McGinnity
Robert & Maria Meehan
Mary Meier Freytag ‘92 ‘98 & Michael Freytag
Janet Flood Melancon ‘59
Marcia Mentkowski
Joan B. Meredith ‘86
S. Regina Pacis Meservey ‘62
Jill Moore
Hollie A. ‘83 & Armin Nankin
Winifred ‘58 & Arthur B. Nathan
Helen Andrews Northrup Barlow ‘80
M. Diane Nunnelee ‘69
Constance A. ‘94 & Willard Ott
Catherine ‘03 & Byron Padgett
Patricia D. Padjen-McNulty ‘73
Paula Penebaker
Shirley Perreira
Christine A. Pitrof ‘89 & Robert Schinschke
Angela Pittman Taylor
Judith ‘67 & James Plute
Mary K. Polczynski ‘61
Sam Purpero
Rita R. McGraw Purpora ‘70
Sharon Quintenz Van Pelt ‘65
Adonica D. Randall
Peg ‘85 & Bill Rauschenberger
Kathryn ‘69 & Humberto R. Ravelo
Clare A. Reardon ‘08
Gail & William Rewolinski
Don & Dee ‘94 Richards
Dolores ‘70 & Charles E. Rickman
Diann K. ‘78 & Richard E. Root
Patricia A. Ryan ‘73
M. Fran Fosbinder Rybarik ‘68
Barbara ‘58 & Richard Sarenac
John C. Savagian & Diane Grace
Mary ‘52 & Leonard Scharmach
Sandra J. ‘06 & Mark A. Schmitt
Sarah & Jim Schneider
Mary Schuldenberg
Rae E. Sena ‘10
Susan K. ‘74 & Philip Seto
Joan Shafer
Amy H. Shapiro
Robert Shapiro
Johnell J. Sharp
Sandra G. Siira ‘97
Nancy & Greg Smith
Anne Y. & Frederick Stratton Jr.
Susan ‘83 & David Strmic
Tamikia G. Taylor ‘10 ‘14
Joan ‘72 & Stephen Thiel
Kathryn D. Tisch
Sharon Trimborn ‘66
Judith E. Carlson Tripler ‘06
Anne R. Bau Tunnell ‘65
Trina E. Urick ‘14
Rebecca A. Shafer Valentine ‘95
Karen ‘72 & Randolph Videkovich
Mary ‘63 & Thomas P. Wagner
Rose Mary ‘65 & Frederick Walecki
Joyce A. Rosa Walsh ‘68
Judith Burkhalter Weiand ‘64
Barbara Wesener ‘70
Betty J. Bischof White ‘82
Judy Engel Williamson ‘89
Margaret A. ‘90 & Warren Wittkopp
Karen M. Zima ‘87
$250 - $499
Anonymous (1)
Richard & Joan Abdoo
James Altstadt
Thecla L. Stifter Ambrose ‘52
Jeanne M. ‘67 & Michael Antosiewicz
Jennifer J. Arbogash ‘95
Dorothy L. Barnes-Miller ‘05 & LeeRoy Miller
Kathleen ‘63 & James Bartl
Jeanne Bauer ‘61
Catherine A. ‘64 & Heinz Berg
Bonita Biba ‘65
Robert E. Birney
Christine M. Lach Boetticher ‘71
William & Jane Boline
Nancy A. Bornstein
Stephanie R. Bruce
John & Carol ‘63 Brunner
Sophia Bruskiewitz
Elizabeth L. Wilhelm Burke ‘87 ‘00
Dina T. Buszkiewicz ‘98
Richard P. Butler
Debra S. Butz
Sandi Callaghan ‘81
My-Linh Callies ‘10
Sharon L. Karn Carlson ‘80
Kim Marie Noyes Casey ‘01 ‘10
Denise L. ‘73 & Patrick Castelaz
Debra A. Chomicka
Melissa D. Garrett Clark ‘02 ‘11
Connie ‘65 & James Coffey
Mary Jean Collins ‘63
Margaret B. Crosby
Manuel Cruz
John Dawson
Mildred C. ‘53 & Richard R. Dehlinger
Diana ‘90 & James R. Dempster
Jill Desmond & Patrick Ford
Karen & Neil Desmond
Shirley A. (Molock) Dieterman ‘58
Sandy ‘81 & James S. Dolister
Gwen Blavat Drapela ‘67
Bradley E. Duckworth ‘14
Leroy Duckworth
Jo Ann Mitchell Durrett ‘88
Penny L. Engebose ‘08
Carol A. ‘02 & Angel Fontanez
Graciela ‘97 & Victor Franco
Maribeth A. Franecki-Swatloske ‘12
Mari-Ellen ‘89 & John Fry
Jane E. ‘83 ‘09 & Jerome G. Gapinski
Janice K. Gifford ‘82
Mary ‘66 & John W. Giorgio
Steve Glynn
Marie G. Chovan Golanowski ‘07
Kathleen A. Gray & Ron Hofer
Barbara B. Groshek
Erica ‘00 & Jay Gumieny
Eileen M. Hanley ‘03
Susan ‘69 & John Hanna
Jean E. ‘90 ‘08 & Mark Hansen
Terry Hartle & Susan Quantius
Sallyanne M. Hassert ‘69
Christine L. ‘98 & John Hedstrom
Karen ‘65 & Leon Helmbrecht
Dawn J. Helsing Wolters
Frances Henkel ‘65
Beverly L. Roecker Hoege ‘83
Peggy House ‘63
Donna & James J. Howard, III
Marilyn Jeffries Hrbek ‘67
Kathleen M. Rittmann Hyde ‘92
Kristen J. Ingalls ‘95
Thomas Jansen
Nancy C. Jelen
Linda M. Johnson-Dynek ‘91 ‘99 & Jess Dynek
Lois P. Kailhofer
Helen Andorfer Kastenholz ‘48
Margaret M. Schaefer Kazmierczak ‘66
S. Barbara Kraemer ‘65
Ann Kramer-Haag ‘81 & Terrence Haag
Tammy S. ‘96 & Mark Kuechler
Marie ‘54 & David Kuemmel
Judith ‘75 & Dennis Kuhn
Mary Ann ‘60 & Michael Kupper
Karen ‘63 & Earl P. Lackey
Anne Ladky & Karen Fishman
Joan ‘71 & Edwin Laird
Kathy Lake
Patricia ‘59 & William F. Lau
Betty ‘68 & Jay Lauck
Mary & Jeffrey Lawler
Virginia S. Lee
Susan ‘05 & Daniel Leister
Dena Lieberman
Loretta J. ‘62 & John J. Lieske III
Carla ‘56 & Neil Littlefield
Lois M. Lee Longmire ‘79
Cecile Strzyzewski Loreck ‘59
Rita ‘69 & John F. Lovett
Debra ‘76 & James Luetzow
Wayne Lunde
Bessie L. ‘83 & Joseph L. Lynch
Sharon & Joe Malenda
Connie Retka Manke ‘75 & Michael Manke
Marilyn A. ‘65 & Richard Marks
Donald Massa
Marlene A. McClure ‘93
Carol A. Sudman McLain ‘95 ‘11
Marilyn ‘56 & Thomas Melchior
Gaylen Mendini
Kathleen ‘68 & William Ment
S. Jo Ann Miller ‘60
Barbara ‘67 & Craig L. Minbiole
Julie A. ‘95 & Scott E. Moore
Aura M. Mora-Gheller ‘87 & Vincent Gheller
Lou Ann Morey ‘82
Kim M. ‘89 & James F. Muench
Shawna L. Muren ‘13
Bernice C. Brunner Murphy ‘91
MaryKay ‘71 & Gary Nelson
Rosemary DDS, PhD ‘66 & Francis Neuhaus
Kristine M. ‘96 ‘12 & David Niehus
Diana Marie ‘65 & Frederick T. O’Rourke
Sherry Ortiz ‘02
L. M. Overend
Joseph Pabst
Elaine E. ‘79 & Frank Pagliaro
Barbara ‘79 & David Patterson
B. Denise Patton ‘82 ‘04
John Pauly
Judy L. ‘66 & Terry Peppard
Marilyn Petersen
Mary Pettinger ‘62
Howard Phipps
Eloise R. Pierce ‘95 & Robert Schmidt
S. Marie Elizabeth Pink ‘51
Patricia Wimmer Pire ‘65
Sherry L. Kopecky Plevak ‘94
Kathleen Schlicht Quarles ‘65
Rosemary ‘65 & Richard Rankin
David C. Ravel
Kathleen Brzenk Reikowski ‘65
Debra C. Reiser ‘91
Sara ‘69 & David Rendall
Kellyann M. Reuter
Lois ‘68 & Robert Richter
Elizabeth & John Roffers
Lucy Rosenberg
Janice ‘80 & Kenneth C. Schaetz
Joanne L. Schilz ‘85
Robert B. Schlytter
Audrey Schmitt ‘60
Kristin E. Schneider ‘87
S. Mary Catherine Schneider ‘69
Sarellen McGirr Schuh ‘60
Thomas R. Schuler
Kathleen M. Schwan Minik &
Stephen J. Minik
Penny M. Behl Schwanz ‘03 ‘11
Stephen R. Sharkey
Gloria Skwier ‘64 & Jerome Richards
Dorothy Ritzow Slivicki ‘86
Mary Anne ‘67 & Anthony G. Spartos
Dianne J. ‘99 & Jerome Spector
S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, PhD ‘64
Mary V. Sustar ‘92 & Patrick Ninneman
Veronica A. ‘64 & John F. Sustar
Elizabeth M. ‘85 & Stephen Swinny
Sebastian C. & Jacqueline Thachenkary
Kathleen A. ‘87 & William F. Thiemann
Patricia D. ‘68 & Clarence A. Topp
Norine ‘61 & Jerome W. Trewyn
Jane A. Scheurer Trondson ‘68
Nawatsie R. ‘06 & LC Tyars Jr.
Marlene ‘05 & Jack Udovich
Karen L. Valley ‘83
Karen ‘66 & Thomas Van Etten
Nancy Maricle Vaseloff ‘61
Christine Wagner
Juliana M. Wagner ‘77 & David L. Maloney
Susan ‘68 & Frank J. Wagner
Christel E. Elser Walter ‘00
Joan M. Westdorp ‘80
Helen Hickman White ‘02
Paul Whittaker
Kathleen A. Williams
Jean ‘64 & James Wilson
Mary C. Collingwood Winter ‘88
Susan T. Rozga Witkowski ‘66
Mary Jo Obenauf Wolf ‘61
Evonne ‘82 & Mark Zalewski
Mary R. ‘72 & Steven Zoller
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
$100 - $249
Anonymous (5)
Shirley S. & Seymour Abrahamson
Jeana M. Abromeit & Andrew Stone
Tonya Adair ‘03
Mary Ruth ‘58 & John Alberti
Colleen P. Lavin Alex ‘14
Shelley J. Skowronski Andersen ‘10
Janet ‘85 & Robert Anderson
Nancy ‘92 & Gordon Anderson
Darlene Andert ‘83
Fred & Beth Angeli
Dana L. ‘92 & Dale Armour
Patricia A. Arms ‘98
S. Margaret Ann Arnold ‘51
Lisa Arrigoni
Marlene ‘56 & Donald Atkielski
Karen J. ‘65 & John Ausec
Elizabeth A. ‘66 & John Bacik
Dawn C. Balistreri
Kathleen ‘85 & Jeremiah Balser
Jane E. & David Baranowski
Nancy Barkoviak ‘81
Colleen M. Barnett
Mary T. Bartness
Gervaise Bastian ‘65
Mary K. ‘62 & Clair Baum
Lee Mary Becker Slater ‘59 & John G. Slater
Jacqueline Beckwith ‘60
Jean C. Bell-Calvin ‘79 & Roger Calvin
Donna M. Potts Bembenek ‘11
Diane ‘81 & James Benesch
Jean M. Berens ‘91 & Scot P. Dragan
Kay Emerson Beres ‘62
Judith A. Berger ‘98
Steven Berryman & Lisa Preston
Caroline M. & Ray A. Besasie
Sue Ann ‘79 & Frank Bevsek
Shirley ‘59 & Jack Bible
James Bierman
LuAnn ‘01 & Phil Bird
Marie Kay Bjelde ‘81 & Thomas Linneman
Sally J. Bjorkman ‘83 †
Karen R. Blaha
Mary Ester Becker Blakley ‘72
Tina ‘67 & Frank Blas
Wanda M. & William C. Blossy
Catherine Bock-Weiss ‘53 & Raymond Weiss
Carla J. ‘61 & Cyrus Bodaghi
Brenda J. ‘92 & Norbert Bohmann
Diane Kiel Booze ‘60
Julie A. McBride Borgealt ‘15
Edward F. Borgias
Marie T. Bosetti ‘93 & Thomas Ehlen
Christine ‘60 & Robert M. Bowen
Debora K. ‘78 & Winslow Boyle-Borkowski
Margaret A. ‘95 & Harvey Braatz
Carol J. Branton-Sams ‘87 & Richard Sams
Donna M. Miller Braunreiter ‘04 ‘11
S. Kathlyn A. Brenner ‘60
Diane L. Brookins ‘07
Patricia Ann ‘88 & Bruce Brouillette
Karen J. ‘88 & Robert B. Brown
Valerie J. Reuschlein Brown ‘60
Jessica L. Brumm-Larson
Sandra A. ‘81 & Kerry Brunner
Frank Bryant
Beverly I. Staats Bucher ‘60
Darcy L. Mason Buelow ‘03
Margaret Bull ‘73
Patricia A. Burke ‘65
Terry A. Hollencamp Burki ‘99
Henry & Barbara Burko
Michele L. Burnie
Diana ‘78 & James Burns
Deanna S. Edwards Burton ‘97
Susan J. Butkowski
Janice ‘68 & James Bykowski
Erma Echols Cannon ‘66
Amy ‘89 & Albert Cardarelli
Roseanne ‘69 & Robert Carlson
Barbara ‘63 & James Caro
Veronica M. Carrillo ‘03 ‘10
Elizabeth Caspary ‘63
Josette Cassiere ‘70 & Robert W. Gillespie Jr.
Ann E. ‘95 & Lawrence Castiglione
Ingrid A. Fisher Chamberlain
Natassha R. Jordan Chambliss ‘10 ‘13
Mark J. Chandler
Diane M. ‘93 & Tracy Charno
Camille A. Check ‘72
Mary A. Cherweznik ‘94
Mary ‘73 & Michael Chmielewski
Catherine G. Chvosta ‘89
Mary Cieslak-Duchek ‘79 & Robert Duchek
Diane J. Ciotti
Cleone Asma Clark ‘62
Nancy A. Pierson Clark ‘90
Nikki Y. Clark
Diane Russell Clarke ‘56
Jane E. Kaminski Clements ‘86
Ellen E. Codd ‘66 & Vincent J. Aloyo
Neiland Cohen
Marygrace F. Coll ‘90
Judith F. Collier Thompson ‘91 &
Ken Thompson
Jane M. ‘84 & Vincent J. Collison
Dorothy D. ‘86 & Arthur Conrad
Christine E. Conroy ‘98
Claudia ‘64 & William J. Considine
Marlene ‘67 & John M. Conway
Amy ‘92 & Stephen Corbisier
Susane I. Frazer Cowans ‘96 & Larry Cowans
Antoinette ‘67 & Robert Cray
Lianna M. Babcock Croft ‘03
Ann L. Crump ‘81
Susan Crysdale Kist ‘79
Marjorie ‘88 & Rudy J. Cudzinovic
Joyce M. Scholz Cupertino ‘62
Kathleen Walsh Curran ‘66
Peggy ‘69 & John Cwikla
Eileen A. Palkowski Czernisz ‘87
Rosa Marie ‘74 & Michael Dalsing
Noreen ‘70 & Daniel D. D’Angelo
Joan Gehant Davies ‘69
Judith ‘88 & H. P. Davis
Shirley M. ‘71 & James Davis
Stefanie Davis ‘07
Carol ‘71 & Michael Debbout
Mary C. Deicher
Toni-Marie ‘08 & Skylur Denman
Jackielee M. Derks ‘13
Joanne C. ‘89 & Nicholas F. Desien
S. Bernardin Deutsch ‘53
Susan A. Roseneck Dickau ‘92
Deirdre ‘73 & David P. Dixon
Georgine ‘67 & Henry Dluzak
Patricia Doering ‘59
Kathleen ‘77 & Donald Domagalski
Kathleen ‘68 & Ray J. Dombrowski
Vincent & Mary Donnelly
Debra M. Dosemagen ‘80
Helen Dostal ‘56
Virginia Dotson-Koch
Marion Downey ‘90
Suzanne ‘82 & Michael J. Doyle
Eileen M. Draper ‘53
Judith A. ‘61 & Martin G. Drinka
Virginia A. Duiven ‘13
Dale & Lucy Dulek
Jill M. Duszynski ‘90 & Paul Kanitz
Carolyn K. ‘90 & Lawrence Dwyer
Jodi R. Eastberg
Barbara ‘71 & Howard L. Edwards
Mara Eisch ‘82
Joan Wick Eliyas ‘63
Lucille H. ‘97 & Larry Ellenberger
Joanne Engel ‘76 & Kenneth Valdes
Donna H. Engelmann
Marie C. Espina ‘69
Nancy K. Etten
Carole C. ‘60 & Richard L. Evans
Diane B. Souders Evans ‘00
Barbara Evason
Beatrice ‘68 & John Fargnoli
Marylouise K. Tomasicyk Felhofer ‘74
Barbara J. Ferket ‘65
Dorothy Gammelgaard Fiorino ‘63
Darlene Florek Ebeling ‘71
Rosalie ‘63 & Reinhard Follmann
Patricia Frank ‘69 & Thomas Kihslinger
Thomas Fraser
Nancy A. Freitag ‘74
Dorothy H. Tremel French ‘49
Tamra L. ‘09 & Jason Fricke
Deanna L. ‘02 & Jeffrey Frings
Nicolette A. Fuller ‘93
Patricia ‘86 & Fred Galante
Diane ‘65 & William Galles
Trinidad ‘66 & Salvador R. Garcia
Ann K. ‘70 & Robert Garrison
Carol Kozisek Gearheart ‘66
Patricia R. & Paul Geenen
Mary Ann ‘69 & Philip Geib
Catherine A. Rivard Gennrich ‘73
Karen Gerek
Jean D. Gerstberger ‘92
Eileen ‘69 & Richard T. Gibbs
Rosemary A. Schneider Giesfeldt ‘61
Michelle L. Gilgannon ‘92
Bernadette ‘68 & James Gitter
Karen ‘65 & Gerald E. Glogowski
Lisa Goglio-Zarczynski ‘04
Marilyn ‘67 & Joel Gorun
Gloria ‘89 & Donald Grabarczyk
Kathleen Graff ‘73
Dolores Grantz ‘57
Betty Knobbe Grayson ‘63
Patricia Greco ‘71
Lisa M. Green ‘93 & Randal W. Brown
Dorothy A. Schweitzer Greene ‘52
Richard Greene
S. Carolita Greiner ‘48
Dawn M. Groshek ‘93
Jean A. Groshek
Judith ‘66 & Herbert Grospitz
Nicole M. Gross ‘10
Carol A. Grossmeyer ‘91
Lauralee F. Guilbault
Nadine T. ‘82 & David Guirl
Barbara Jean Haag-Heitman ‘77 &
Timothy Heitman
Janice L. Hagberg ‘90
Marlene H. ‘81 & John H. Haigh
Mary E. ‘64 & Michael R. Hajny
Deborah ‘75 & Donald Hannes
Carol J. Hardwick ‘68
Jeanne & Howard Haroldson
Darleen T. ‘52 & Jerome Hatch
Lisa M. Jesse Haulotte ‘94 ‘99
Donald Hausch & Joanne Thomson
Colleen Hayes ‘88 & William Satterlee
Jean A. ‘60 & Thomas Head
Gloria ‘66 & Robert Heck
Marilyn ‘65 & William L. Hegge
Jane C. ‘65 & Robert H. Heinrich
Doris & Edward Heiser
Robert Helbach
Helen ‘59 & John Helbing
Maureen Hellwig ‘68
James R. Henderson
Diane ‘55 & John Hendrickson
Laurel Ebert Henschel ‘80
S. Leanne Herda ‘49
Debra M. Herman ‘96
Maria C. Hernandez ‘11
Melanie ‘63 & Jerome Heuer
Eleanor Radke Hibner Kanis ‘65
Erin A. Hilgart ‘97
Christine Hill
Jeanne Olson Hillebrand ‘58
Barbara ‘82 & Allan Hoeft
Mary Ann Hollmier ‘65
Glenda (Moschetz) Holm ‘69
Karen E. Leichtle Hondlik
Maryjoyce Hotelling ‘74
Edith L. Hudson ‘10
Pat Hutchings
Kathleen ‘67 & David Hutchison
Barbara & Emory Ireland
Amal Eid Jaber ‘01
Marcia March Jackson ‘61
Jean Sherman Jaeger ‘69
Lynette M. Jarreau ‘92
Nancy Ann Javore ‘67
Cynthia J. Jensen ‘83 & Joseph Clarke
Geraldine Groh Jessmon ‘89
Jennifer J. Johanson
Susan C. Chapman Johnson ‘74
Judy & Gary Jorgensen
Dennis Joy
Julie A. ‘99 & Matthew Jutrzonka
Mary & Charles Kamps
Doris Catalano Kamys ‘58
Sandra ‘71 & Michael Kandziora
Alissa A. Karl ‘15
Roseanne ‘63 & Kenneth A. Karolik
Mary El ‘60 & Robert Kastelic, MD
Lynnea S. Katz-Petted ‘03 & Paul Petted
Jon A. Kaupla ‘98
Katharine A. Kavaliauskas ‘92
Judith A. ‘68 & William J. Keating
Shirley ‘65 & Lawrence Kebbekus
Mary Ann ‘80 & Royce E. Kennedy
Mary Pat Kerrigan ‘58
Bruce & Laurie Kestelman
Margaret & Timothy Kezman
Donna L. & Jeffrey Kierzek
Mary R. Kihslinger ‘64
Marietah M. Kilundo ‘11
Patricia ‘59 & Raymond L. Kimberley
Phyllis King
Frances M. Bott Kis ‘11
Carol Kison, PhD, RN ‘82
Heather Kitchin & Rocklan Wruck
Mary J. Kitten
Philip J. & Therese M. Klaas
Dianne J. Klebenow
Donald & Gabriella ‘83 Klein
M. Patricia ‘83 & John H. Klever
Sharon ‘65 & Roger Klonecki
Cecilia ‘71 & Richard D. Kloster
Nancy E. Knopp ‘73 & Kenneth Schultz
Ann M. Koenig ‘75
Wendy S. Lutz Koepp ‘02
Kathy ‘70 & John Koetters
Daniel D. Konecny ‘12
Catherine L. ‘65 & Raymond Kopka
Sarah A. Kordsmeier ‘12
Marina Castillo Korducki
Kathie C. Hanley Koski ‘90
Kathleen Kouzmanoff ‘68 & Robert Wallace
Barbara ‘60 & Wayne E. Kowalski
Joan ‘65 & Claude Kowalski
David A. Kress ‘10
Cynthia L. Kreuzer
Richard & Cathy ‘62 Labinski
Sheri L. Boehles LaDow ‘02
Gail Lamberty ‘92
Janet S. ‘99 & William Lange
Margaret K. Mahas Lange ‘01
Susan L. ‘85 & Kenneth Laplante
Marilyn T. ‘58 & Robert J. Lapota
Yvonne Larme ‘73 & Harvey A. Kurtz
Dara L. Larson
Greg Larson
Karen L. ‘91 & John Larson
Carol J. Gilbert Laskowski ‘89
Ann M. Lau Clark ‘86 & Joseph Clark
Sharon E. ‘67 & Thomas Laupp
Barbara ‘56 & Michael J. Lauta
Margaret ‘88 & Harry Lawless
Lois L. Klas Lawton ‘67
Sandra Lebsack ‘82
Sharon R. Glenn Lee ‘79
Jo Ann ‘70 & Dennis Leeder
Robin S. Leenhouts
Marjorie ‘66 & Anthony Leger
Jennifer L. Sharafinski Lehman ‘04
Jennifer K. Nelson Lemieux ‘96
Katherine E. Lemke ‘08
Lois Leynse ‘78
Sandra E. Zetting Liederbach ‘00
Geraldine E. ‘72 & Gary Lindenlaub
Sally A. Lindner ‘08
Camille ‘68 & Michael Liscinsky
Sheila A. ‘68 & Thomas Litsch
Jonathan D. Little
Helen ‘57 & Anthony Lobue
Diane J. Loftus ‘56 & Keith Parker
Andrea M. ‘90 & Matthew W. Loss
Pamela Lucas
William H. Luedke
Barbara ‘69 & Charles Lund
Mary ‘55 & Russell Lund
Melissa A. Lutz ‘05
Mary H. ‘87 & Thomas P. Luzinski
Monica L. ‘01 & Thomas Lynch
David L. & Helen Jean MacGregor
Anne & Lawrence Maciariello
Joanne S. Mack
Joan ‘59 & William Malatestinic
Mary ‘71 & Rodney Malinowski
Jerilynn ‘64 & Edward J. Malone
Angela M. ‘63 & Thomas Maloy
Marie Jay L. Maningo-Salinas ‘94 & Jerry Salinas
Pamela ‘65 & Girard Manke
Robert Marak
Heidi L. ‘01 & Richard Marcus
Margaret ‘69 & Richard Marek
Margaret Roney Marik ‘65
Ivanka ‘66 & Stanley Markun
Josephine ‘56 & David J. Mason
Jessica L. May
Phyllis C. May ‘97 & Greg Maurice
Bernadette ‘78 & Duane Mayer
Patricia ‘66 & John McCabe
Anne ‘68 & James McCallum
Marlene ‘66 & Wayne McCarter
Janice Zeck McCarthy ‘58
S. Maureen McCarthy ‘68
Kai M. McClinton ‘95
Elizabeth A. ‘91 & Tim McDougall
William H. McEachern
Corinne A. Hlavka McFadden ‘98
Megan McGee
Nancy ‘70 & Norman McLure
Kathleen ‘69 & Michael L. McPherson
Clarice ‘69 & Darcy Medicine Stone
Mary G. ‘65 & Richard Meier
Carole Martinelli Meisel ‘98
Mary-Margaret ‘70 & Yves J. Melanson
Janet K. Melloch ‘92
Karen ‘67 & James Mellonig
Suzanne M. Mente
Karen M. ‘91 & Kenneth Merckx
Janet R. Merkel ‘66
Jeanean D. Merkel ‘80
Susan Messmer ‘65
Carol A. Mester ‘65
Mary Alice Weber Metzler ‘58
Lavetta Meyer Torke ‘82 & Thomas S. Torke
Emily Dreifus Meyer ‘74
Roberta Meyer ‘61
Stacey P. Meyer ‘97
Maria A. Migdal ‘87 & James Grunow
Laura C. Katcha Mikula ‘02
Jennifer G. Mikulay
Phyllis Brickl Miletto ‘60
Janet R. ‘76 & Richard Miller
Patricia A. ‘75 ‘04 & Dennis Miller
Patricia D. Price Miller ‘00
Chris E. ‘91 & Daniel Miota
Margaret ‘66 & Joseph H. Miotke
Jeanette Mitchell ‘82
Joann M. Moede ‘96
Diane Mohrfeld ‘65
S. Mary Claire Mohrfeld ‘65
Kathleen M. Moosavi
Mary ‘68 & John Morch
Kathleen ‘84 & Jerome R. Mudrock
Jeanette Oehler Mueller ‘55
Mary J. Mueller ‘11
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Lucille ‘06 & Mark E. Mull
M. Kathleen Murphy ‘86
Virginia C. Weber Murphy ‘57
Clara Myhill ‘84
Nina Nash-Robertson ‘69 & John F. Robertson
Rita A. Nawrocki-Chabin & Nicholas Chabin
Tom & Linda Neubauer
Donna Kenney Neudauer ‘69
M. Elaine ‘60 & Walter Nicgorski
Karen M. ‘93 & Gary Niessing
Melinda M. Nowak ‘10
Susan ‘66 & Lynn Nowak
Irma Schmidt Nueske ‘97
Sydney ‘80 & Arnold Nye
William O’Brien
Maureen ‘69 & Robert O’Donnell
Caroline ‘79 & Richard H. Ognenoff
Janet Kapelle Olsen ‘76
Sharon ‘68 & Douglas Olson
Linda M. ‘98 ‘08 & Dale Olszewski
Georgiana Orthaus ‘70
Janet E. ‘92 & Dennis O’Shea
Catherine A. ‘83 & Joseph Osicek Ellyin
Marlene ‘57 & Rodney J. Otto
Kathryn Stiec Owen ‘67
Leslie ‘81 & Paul Pace
Matthew D. & Rosemarie Pankow
Ralph & Carolyn Patitucci
Joanna Patterson
Susan Pavlik ‘87
Joanne ‘65 & Gregory Pawlowski
Carrie A. ‘97 & Troy Payne
S. Francitta Pazhukkathara, OSF ‘03
Flo A. ‘69 & James Pearson
Raquel Perez ‘67
Betty A. Balberg Perri ‘85
Marlene E. ‘58 & James Petersen
Gloria I. Peterson ‘83
Linda S. ‘85 & Jeff Peterson
Mary ‘86 & Daniel Petrie
Daniela Petrovic ‘08
Mary Jo ‘61 & Jack H. Phillips
Maureen A. Melchior Phillips ‘93
Amy M. Pietsch ‘97
Deborah ‘75 & Glenn Pinkowski
Margaret T. & Robert Pledl
Denise & Lewis Poberezny
Janice ‘65 & Ronald Pogodzinski
Joanne A. Pospichal ‘91
Susan J. Poulsen ‘80 & James Fitzgerald
Wendy A. Powers
Tamia S. Starr Priestaf ‘04
Gail & David Prohaska
William R. & Karen Puchner
Deborah ‘80 & William Quandt
Roslyn T. ‘84 & David A. Radke
Cary ‘69 & Dennis Raesner
Helene & Norman Raidl
Mary A. Ramsay-Drow ‘94 & Mark Drow
Mary E. Olsen Rankovich ‘95
Patricia Reband ‘66
Diane J. ‘62 & David L. Reed
Mary Reese
Susan Rehak ‘59
Eleanor T. ‘88 & Harry Rehberg
Monica ‘71 & James Rettig
Carol A. ‘68 & Dennis Richards
Cathy J. ‘71 & Kenneth Rick
Bernadette Brown Rieman ‘66
Annette M. Ries
Margaret Riester
Joanne Neustifter Roberts ‘69
Lorelei ‘65 & Gary D. Robinson
Regina L. ‘93 ‘01 & Brandon Robinson
Julienne M. Rock ‘82
Carolyn ‘58 & David J. Rogers
Robert & Lou Ann Rogowski
Sue ‘59 & Donald Rokop
Lou Ann ‘64 & Robert Roloff
Barbara Beth Pace Rosenmerkel ‘62
James L. & Diane E. Roth
Mary S. Rowe
Margaret Rozga ‘67
Jane ‘65 & Alan Ruesch
Jean Rumschlag ‘60
Susan R. Garvin Russell ‘04
Alta L. ‘98 & Michael Ryan
Carol J. Sabel
Sheryl J. Samuelson ‘73 & David W. Tomlin
Mary Ann ‘64 & W. E. Sanders
Roberta ‘88 & Larry K. Sanders
Dawn M. Sankey-Caruss ‘84 & Mike Caruss
Antoinette Sansone ‘84
Catherine A. Savaglio ‘93
LaRee A. Savlan
Kaitlin M. Schaeren ‘13
Bernadette Cinquegrani Schembari ‘62
Mary C. ‘68 & William A. Scheuer
Stephanie K. Schlueter ‘01
Linda M. ‘83 & Steve Schneider
Ruth ‘63 & Bill Schommer
Lisa M. ‘94 & Michael Schreiber
Barbara ‘66 & Gary Schroeder
Laurie A. Gray Schroeder ‘93
Diane Schultz ‘87
Patricia ‘66 & William Schulz
Faye Schwelitz ‘53 & Darrell Fleischman
Judith A. ‘63 & Donald Schwister
Loretta ‘78 & David Scroggs
Leslie A. Seib ‘92 ‘05
Carlos A. Sena ‘09
Virginia ‘85 & Michael Seno
Lois I. Severson ‘65
Margaret T. ‘61 & Patrick Sheehan
Carol ‘65 & William Sheppard
Heather T. Siegel ‘03
Amy M. Siegesmund ‘96
Mary Ann ‘62 & James Sikorski
Margaret Kluka Simmons ‘68
Peggy A. ‘85 & John K. Simon
Donna M. ‘66 & Terry Sincere
Margaret M. ‘62 & Walter Siodlarz
Joan Siordia
Kimberly R. Skerven
Kelly Skindzelewski ‘81
Ann R. Skorupski ‘12
Nicole C. Skowronski
Lori L. Slattery ‘92
Mary Ann Reitz Slattery ‘58
Elizabeth L. Slawniak ‘03
Sheryl S. Slocum
Carol Ann Engh Slove ‘58
Lorraine Smith ‘54
Nancy K. ‘90 & Andrew Smith
Maxine Soshnik ‘68
Kelly A. Gladulich Soto ‘10
Jeanne L. ‘68 & Richard Specht
Karen Y. Spindler
Nancy K. Spindler ‘10
Geraldine ‘66 & William Spitznagle
Tracy A. Staedter ‘95
Brenda L. Stallbaum
Toni L. Munsch Stangohr ‘98
Mary E. Staten ‘81 ‘98
Rachel M. ‘99 & Paul Steele
Jayne Steffens ‘68 & Gerald M. Cross
Leah A. ‘11 & Scott Steger
Rosemary Steimle ‘60
Mary ‘64 & Jerry Stephens
Sandra J. Stetter ‘85
Rosemary A. Stetzer
Tamara C. ‘96 & James Strause
Danielle D. Christiansen Strom ‘04
Heidi E. ‘90 & Chris Stutzki
Colette M. Miller Suminski ‘66
Lori A. ‘06 ‘12 & Jerry Szarzynski
Bernadine ‘54 & Edward J. Szopinski
Patricia M. Gruber Takamine ‘89
Denisha Tate
Marie Tayler
Susan A. Gebhardt Taylor ‘57
Phyllis M. Teets ‘86
Carol Keup Theisen ‘78
Susan ‘70 & Francis Thicke
Colleen Thomas ‘60
Katherine Hintgen Thome ‘63
Lisa A. Thomka ‘92 & Jack Landrum
Kathleen ‘66 & M. D. Thompson
Carol A. ‘66 & Edward Thornton
Katherine D. Thornton-Wells ‘90 & Eddie Wells
Karen ‘81 & Richard Timian
Margaret Underberg Tousignant ‘65
Catherine ‘78 & Rodger Trader
S. Thuy V. Tran ‘13
Denise M. Traub
Jean Tretow-Schmitz ‘78 & John J. Schmitz
Mary J. ‘02 & Gene Trofimoff
S. Leona C. Truchan ‘53
Melannie S. Trudeau ‘92
Peggy C. Turner ‘74 & James Brunke
Julie Ullman
Marianne ‘56 & Robert G. Ullrich
Caroline Meier Urban ‘62
Jeannette ‘68 & Robin Van Dorn
Linda M. ‘01 & Jeff Van Treeck
Nancy Verville ‘53
Linda M. ‘97 & Gerald Verwey
Anna L. ‘01 & Angel Villarreal
Rita Vincent ‘55
Dorothy ‘75 & James Vittone
Rochelle A. Clore Wacker ‘97
Joyce M. Christian Wadlington ‘93
S. Mary Jane C. Wagner ‘64
S. Roseann Wagner ‘56
Maureen Wahl
Nancy ‘69 & Paul Wallace
Patricia ‘81 & Jon Walters
Rita ‘69 & Thomas P. Walters
Karin L. ‘94 & Masood Wasiullah
Claire Dufresne Weber ‘84
Beverly R. & Richard Weeden
Steven Weisman
Regina F. Alberti Weiss ‘59 †
Kathryn Wellenstein ‘79
Colleen L. Welti ‘06
James J. Wend
Nancy T. Maurice Wentland ‘60
S. Peter Julian Werner ‘61
Patrice L. Wessel Elacqua ‘75 &
James J. Elacqua
Ann Kiekhaefer White ‘80
Sarah A. ‘97 & Christopher White
Joanne ‘69 & John J. Wiechers
Patricia Shackton Wiechowski ‘65
Lillian M. Wiegel ‘67
Luanne Wielichowski
Laura A. Wiesmueller ‘99
Barbara ‘89 & Kenneth Wilk
Gail ‘85 & Kline M. Wilkins
Elaine Polaske Williams ‘51
Joan B. ‘56 & Charles Williams
Madonna & John B. Williams
Rose M. ‘87 & Octave G. Williams
Sally J. Williams ‘94
Carol M. ‘66 & C. P. Wilson
Mary ‘67 & Ronald Wilson
Carol L. ‘82 & Keith Winegarden
Jane Semancik Wingle ‘65
Barry Wirth
Rita M. ‘75 & Thaddeus Wisniewski
Suzanne Parr Wodek ‘71
Kay C. Wolferstetter ‘10
Carol M. Wollner ‘71
Cathryn E. ‘83 & Terrence Woods
Benita Hodapp Woody ‘52
Anne Wujcik ‘65
Kathleen M. ‘65 & Gregg J. Yach
Mary Ann Nowicki Yakel ‘65
Patricia Katzer Zainer ‘60
Donna Mae ‘60 & Kenneth Zandt
Kealalani Todd Zane ‘69
Elizabeth A. Zelazek ‘66
Charlotte Zenzick
Karen Zielinski ‘66
Nicole Zielski ‘07 ‘10
Bernadine Jablonski Ziemba ‘68
Lynn ‘67 & Charles J. Zimmerman
Jane M. Morrow Ziol ‘90
Mary L. Zuege
$1 - $99
Anonymous (7)
S. Marian C. Abing ‘60
Mike Abrams
Kathleen ‘07 & Eusebio Acevedo
Mary Ellen ‘75 & Robert Acker
Jamella D. Polk Acosta ‘14
Adekola L. Williams Adedapo ‘10
Carol B. ‘59 & Jerome Aderholdt
Aimee P. Agpoon ‘15
Roberta A. ‘68 & Semsettin Akalin
Jacquelyn & Thomas Alberti
Julie A. ‘87 & Michael Albrecht
Sheila A. Murray Aldrich ‘76
Kathryn A. Allen ‘13
Terry L. ‘86 & Michael Altpeter
Judith Wampach Amberg ‘67
Karen A. ‘95 & Darol Ambrosh
Karen A. ‘82 & Rosalbino Ammendola
Amy B. Anderson ‘98 ‘13
James N. Anderson
Kerry L. Grimord Anderson ‘12
Patricia ‘64 & Daniel Andrae
A. Virginia Brennan Andrews ‘92
Margaret ‘55 & Leo Andritsos
Anita ‘68 & Leon Andrzejewski
Stacy L. Traczyk Anguiano ‘15
David Anzia
Sara N. Arends Haggith ‘08 & Brian Haggith
Nancy L. ‘90 & Thal Athanasiou
Audra A. ‘98 & Jon Baade
Kathleen Zager Badura ‘67
Kimberly R. Trudo Bahr ‘02
Gloria Balderas
Anne ‘65 & Jonathan Bales
Patricia L. ‘98 & Michael Ball
Claire Bancroft
Carol Ann G. ‘57 & Donald Banker
Patricia ‘59 & Eugene Barnes
Jessica L. Johnson Barnett ‘15
Cassandra M. Barrera ‘15
Michelle A. Bartelson ‘04
Anita & Jeff Bartlett
Patricia ‘63 & Paul Basbagill
LaToya S. Bates ‘02 ‘08
Martha A. ‘97 & John Bates
Ronald Bates
Regina Batog
Martha J. Batson ‘94
Morgan M. Baughman ‘15
Kaitlin M. Baxter ‘13
Linda M. ‘01 ‘07 & Keith Bay
Wendi Bazar-Besasie
Sandra ‘67 & Robert Beahm
Teela S. ‘13 & Brian Beans
Marilyn Adrian Becher ‘80
Bonnie J. ‘93 ‘06 & Jody D. Beenken
Kristina Allen Bell ‘07
Teresa Bell
Mary K. Alderton Belmore ‘14
Adelina C. Benavides ‘13
Betty J. ‘65 & Leon Benjegerdes
Ella L. Jarvis Benson ‘03
Marsha S. Herriges Berenson ‘09
Amanda C. Berg ‘94
Keith Berg
Terry V. Berg ‘07
Jillian T. Flood Berman ‘08
Emily R. Berres ‘75 & Richard L’Amie
Carl A. Besasie
Barbara ‘79 & Paul D. Bessette
Susan ‘79 & Sherman Beswick
Carole Engel Betanski ‘62
Iris M. ‘82 & Gregory Betlej
Marilyn M. Lynch Beug ‘86
Nancy B. Blair Bialek ‘03
Patricia ‘62 & Joseph F. Biebl
Anna Bierer
Kristin A. Bigley ‘13
Ann Marie Bachhuber Bill ‘64
John & Teri Bill
Kelly G. ‘05 & Chris Birmingham
Tom G. Bitters
Donna Suerth Blackaller ‘88
Philip Blank
Katie L. Blazei ‘14
Nicole A. Blemberg
Bruce & Melissa Block
Alyssa A. ‘15 & Alex J. Blom
Barbara Broenen Boehm ‘63 †
Maryann ‘58 & Thomas G. Bohn
Ann L. ‘61 & Craig Bolanos
S. Joan Cecile Bonvouloir ‘63
Mavis Borkowski
Christine A. ‘86 & Robert Bornfleth
Heather A. Nuzzo Bort ‘11
Susan Lynn Wendorf Bosman ‘82
Meoeacish J. Bouldin ‘08
Julie A. Kobylczak Boulware ‘92 ‘11
Nancy R. ‘97 & James Bowen
S. Mary Alice Boyd ‘66
Patricia L. Boyle ‘76
Angel F. Bradshaw ‘04
Sarah A. Casper Brady ‘04
Mary Beth Mersberger Braun ‘68
Wendy J. ‘92 & Mark Breimon
Terry A. Brellenthin-Gefvert ‘88 & Eric S. Gefvert
Rebecca Briglevic ‘13
S. Georgia Brost ‘53
Arlene & Kenneth Brown
Eileen Brown ‘69
Emily A. Ross Brown ‘72
Victoria Brown ‘67
Tricia A. Fabecich Brunmeier ‘15
S. Mary Therese Brunner ‘64
Adele C. ‘92 & Barry Brunow
Kiley J. Bryant ‘07
Valerie J. Brzezinska ‘90
Debra ‘76 & Gregory Bublitz
Sylvia L. ‘05 & Mike Buckman
Danielle L. Buetow ‘15
Ruth ‘64 & George Burdey
Cathy A. Williams Buresch ‘95
John Buresh
Kathleen M. ‘99 & John Burlingham
Patricia K. ‘60 & Henry F. Burmeister
Mary Anne ‘90 & Terry Burns
Tiffany J. Burns ‘14
Samantha R. Burss ‘15
Joan Buschman
Adele S. Schmitt Buss ‘58
Kathleen ‘87 & Thomas J. Buyarski
Raymond Byrne
Yesica S. Camacho Vazquez ‘14
Jami L. Graham Camburn ‘07
Mark Cameli
Jean ‘78 & Augustine Campana
Carleen Spicer Campbell ‘61
Kristen M. Campbell ‘14
Catherine E. Carey
Lisa G. ‘94 & Ryan Carlson
Matt Carlson
Monica ‘64 & Al Caron
Roger Carp
Adam Carr
Janet L. & Richard Carr
Angela O. Carrington ‘14
Mary Carroll ‘63
Mary I. ‘93 & Glenn Carson
Jackie Q. Hodges Carter ‘11
Patricia E. Carter-Diers ‘94
Dean Casper
Angela M. Castillo-Raclaw ‘99 ‘04 &
Sebastian Raclaw
Janice A. ‘91 & Dennis Cera
Cynthia Kasprzak Chada ‘69
Peri Chapar ‘80
Leeanne P. Reynaldo Chappelle ‘07
Sharon E. Charles
Barbara A. ‘64 & James L. Cheney
Kathleen A. Chilson
Amy L. Christen
Susan E. Griffith Chychinski ‘09
Mary Lou ‘68 & Ralph J. Cichon
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Lora I. Cirillo ‘99
Teresa M. Clapper ‘99 & Richard W. Schroeder
Cathleen A. Clark ‘83
Carol A. ‘93 & Robert Clinkenbeard
Ruth F. Goncales Coakley ‘66
Jiquinna A. Brown Cohen ‘12
Carol E. Verwilst Coker ‘71
Silke Cole
Kathy A. Coleman ‘83 & Leslie Nicols
Marian E. Colette ‘69 & Dal Macon
Patricia Colla ‘98
Mary Ellen ‘64 & John Collins
Ruth ‘58 & John Collins
Joan ‘64 & William J. Connelly
Matt Cool
Elizabeth A. Coppola ‘12
Judith A. ‘60 & Andrew Cordell
Jonathan Corso
Kim Cosier
Jan Cosmos ‘63
Amanda M. Cottrell ‘12
David P. Coyle
Connie Craig
Lori P. Creed ‘04 ‘15
Candace ‘68 & James Crossley
Colleen E. Crotteau-Martinez ‘12
Ivelisse Cruz ‘11
Jane A. Ambrosius Cullen ‘13
Sherry A. ‘79 & Mark R. Cummisford
S. Frances Cunningham, OSF ‘65
Irene A. Cunningham ‘76
Susan E. Cutsforth ‘87
Eunice U. Dagi ‘15
Mary C. ‘07 & Christopher Dahl
Barkha S. Limbu Daily ‘11
Nellie P. ‘94 & Miles Dake
Kathleen M. Danes
Eloise N. ‘86 & Emanuel O. Daniels
Margaret ‘71 & Eric Darling
Kaye ‘66 & James Daun
Diana David ‘73 & Todd Smith
Carol L. ‘99 & Larry Davis
Susan ‘62 & William H. Davis
Mary E. Allen Dawson ‘94
M. Beth De Garcia ‘85 & Manuel Garcia
Mitzi Dearborn PhD
Renee M. DeBock ‘03
Bernice ‘89 & David J. Deboer
Denise S. ‘75 & Rick Decock
Barbara J. Kallio Decorah ‘97
Marcelline ‘48 & Howard W. Degener
Chelsea J. Barrett Del Rio ‘15
Mary ‘53 & Gilbert Delamora
Jessica R. Delatorre
Ann S. Anderson Demorest ‘85
Michelle A. Demos ‘14
S. Patricia M. Derfus ‘57
Merlene S. ‘84 & Darryl Dezur
Theresa A. Kelly D’Haeze ‘04
Cara M. Di Monte
Anne-Louise E. Class Dietrich ‘11
Mary E. ‘63 & Donald J. Dietz
Terese Dineen
Melissa A. Lindstrom Dixon ‘02
Donna M. ‘59 & Wayne Dolata
Justine M. Dolsen ‘08
Mary Lou ‘54 & Joseph Domek
Kimberly M. ‘04 & Matthew Domzil
Anne Donahue
Christine M. ‘04 & Joe Donalies
Maria C. Gawrysiak Donohoo ‘68
Marion E. Dow-Vass ‘11
Cynthia A. ‘83 & Mark R. Draeger
Mary ‘59 & Henry Drechsler
Karen S. ‘98 & Paul Drescher
Trudy ‘59 & Dennis Droese
Dina E. Rivera Duarte ‘13
Joanne D. Dudzik
Margaret S. ‘68 & James Duea
Diane Gonzales Duffey ‘68
Cynthia H. ‘71 & Michael Dugan
Erin B. Dulek ‘15
Theresa ‘64 & David E. Duncan
Carol M. & Jim Dunham
S. Luanne Durst ‘59
Nora (Domask) Earnhardt ‘65 & Keith Earnhardt
Kimberly A. ‘08 & Larry Easley
Elizabeth H. Eaton ‘08
Jacqueline M. Eberle ‘94
Betty ‘61 & Mark E. Ebsen
Cindy L. Reed Eddy ‘95 & Thomas R. Eddy
S. Bette Edl ‘62
Sharon L. ‘06 & Larry Edmonson
Julie M. Effertz ‘08
Eve D. Eiseman
S. Marjorie Ann J. Eisenmenger ‘58
Chris Eisold
Cheryl Jablonski Ellis ‘90
Carole A. ‘61 & Byron Elsner
Kathryn ‘70 & Robert J. Emler
Holly Emmer
S. Theresa Engel ‘67
Michelle M. Engl
Theresa M. Enk ‘09
Sharon R. ‘68 & Paul Escallier
Maria D. Estrada ‘15
Christina M. Ceccarelli Evans ‘03
Doris & Charles Evans
Lauren M. Evenson ‘12
Rosalie M. Evenson ‘77
Arleen ‘74 & Loren Faeth
Rita Fagan
Janet ‘71 & Terrence Falk
Stephanie J. ‘15 & Tim Falksen
Elaine ‘65 & Felix Fantin
Inshirah Jaber Farhoud ‘93
Yolanda Butts Farmer ‘98 ‘02
Rebecca Surrem Farrell ‘89
Karmelita ‘79 & Nebojsa Fazlovic
Arlene Feiner ‘59
Pamela J. Feldkamp
Mary ‘63 & Richard V. Fellenz
Laurie ‘89 & John Fels
Mary Winkowski Ferguson ‘64
Mary Ann ‘62 & James Ferolo
Loralai S. ‘05 & Dick Feyrer
Donna D. ‘58 & Roger D. Field
Debra A. ‘91 & Johnnie Fields Jr.
Leslie Fillingham
Nancy A. Filsinger ‘00
Corinne ‘64 & William Finn
Janet L. Fitch ‘95
Kathleen ‘67 & Brian Flaherty
Marina C. Flores Cavins ‘09
Patty Flowers
Claudia J. Koleske Flynn ‘92
Nicole A. Folley ‘99
Barbara & Merlyn Folz
Marcia L. ‘71 & Robert S. Forbes
Brandon J. Ford ‘15
Pauline A. Forrest ‘90
Deanna M. Grande Forsythe ‘15
Ruth ‘72 & Gregory Fosnaugh
Laura J. Francart ‘13
LaToya A. Franks ‘09
Marilyn ‘66 & Drexel Frasure
Susan K. ‘98 & Donald Fredrich
Metrodora M. Evagelatos Fredricks ‘98 ‘12
Judith A. ‘78 & Robert Free
Marsha French
Cecilia V. ‘56 & Nicholas Freund
Jordan C. Frisch ‘15
Bonnie M. ‘93 & Carl Fuggiasco
S. Deborah A. Fumagalli ‘06
S. Maria Eugenia Funez
Sara ‘11 & Craig Furrer
Cynthia ‘76 & Paul Fusek
Judith ‘64 & Bjorn H. Gade
William J. Gaertner
S. Lucinda Gajkowski
Neddi L. Gale ‘97 ‘10
Laurie L. Gallick ‘91
Jessica M. Gamez ‘11
Yuliana Garcia Jasso ‘13
Ashley G. Garcia ‘15
Elizabeth C. Garcia
Mercedes T. Garcia ‘15
Holly J. Hostvedt Gardenier ‘89
Amber L. Gardiner ‘94
Amanda N. Gardner ‘13
Suzann C. Gardner
Elaine C. ‘63 & Richard F. Garvey
Amanda L. Gaspardo ‘15
Sharron ‘59 & Jule Gehrig
Barbara ‘63 & Francis Geisen
David Gennrich
Donna Seipel Gettys ‘79
Rose C. Giannini ‘88
Elizabeth M. Giencke
Jill A. Giencke ‘81 & Neal J. Radke
Angela Gierach
Frances A. ‘62 & James A. Gigl
Beverly Skibba Gilardi ‘54
Miko Bell Gill ‘10
Tracy C. ‘13 & Joseph Gingrass
Aimee M. Gironimi ‘04 ‘07
Carrie L. ‘83 & Gary Glover
Sandra L. ‘99 & Rod Gnerlich
Mary & Marty Golden
Linda L. ‘83 & Ervin J. Golembiewski
Julie D. Guenther Golwitzer ‘97
Sherry L. Golwitzer
Monica T. Gomez Isaac ‘01
Rosa Gomez
Michelle M. Gonzales ‘04
Socorro Gonzales ‘99
Jazmin Y. ‘12 & Angel Gonzalez
Lindsay O. Gonzalez ‘11
Alicia Goral ‘81
Barbara ‘80 & Curtis J. Gorecki
Linda Gorens-Levey
Diane & Mike Gorman
Janette L. Marmes Gosdeck ‘90
Lorna J. ‘81 & Scott F. Grade
Gloria Gragnani ‘67
Katrina L. Crochrell Graham ‘04
Bonita F. Grahn ‘82
Sarah P. ‘11 & Michael Grandinetti
Regina E. Grantz
Cassidy Gravelle
Lois C. ‘84 & John Graydon
Lynn Greb
Sharon M. ‘95 ‘06 & Tyler Green
Judith A. Gregor ‘68
Patricia Gretz ‘58
Kelly A. Griffith ‘11
Mary F. ‘68 & Giles Grimes
Nancy J. ‘78 & Ted Grintjes
Barbara Gromacki
Judith ‘73 & Guy R. Gromala
Meagan A. Grosskreutz ‘11
John Grunau
Margaret ‘81 & Thomas Grutzmacher
Maria E. Guardiola ‘10 ‘13
Deanna Guenther ‘65
Maria M. Guerrero ‘09
David Guinn
Sharla L. Guinn
Ruth V. Gutowski ‘88
Anna ‘63 & Patrick Guy
Margo E. ‘60 & John E. Guy
Alice R. & Eddie M. Guzman
Jeanne M. ‘91 & Donald Gwinn
Bertha M. Werth Haas ‘64
Jill Haas
Nicole Haase
S. Laureen Haben ‘49
Trina J. ‘96 & Vaughn Haberland
Gail J. ‘90 & Thomas Haberman
John Hacker
Emily L. Haggith ‘00
Kathryn ‘74 & Gaylord Hahn
Milton D. & Lee Hakel
Shannon M. Haley ‘13
Donna M. ‘79 & Joseph Halpin Jr.
Rebecca M. Hamel ‘02
Francette Hamilton ‘58
Xiaojie Han
Diana ‘75 & Ronald Hankes
Kathryn A. ‘69 & Richard T. Hansen
Mary Hanson
Mary Ann H. Halvey Hanson ‘72
S. Marietta Hanus ‘53
Patricia ‘87 & Alexander Hardy
Patricia ‘70 & George Harpole
Maricha M. ‘09 ‘15 & Cory Harris
Karen A. ‘95 & Mario Hartlaub
Michael Hartmann
Patricia A. ‘93 & William F. Hartmann Jr.
Alice Romanak Hatzenbeller ‘88
Rosanne Haug
S. Joelyn M. Hayes ‘60
Judith A. ‘82 & Howard Hayes
S. Janet C. Heder ‘54
Jayne A. Cunningham Heffron ‘01
S. Dorothy Hegemann ‘54
Jason Heiman
Mary Lou Heine ‘67
Kathryn F. Heino ‘11
Lisa M. ‘85 & Richard Heisler
Gloria J. ‘93 & Ralph Helgren
Shirley A. Smith Helinski ‘80
Alice ‘69 & Bernard Hellgeth
Stacey A. Hartmann Henderson ‘14
James Henry
Vasana Her ‘12
Carissa M. Nauszelski Herhuth ‘13
Cinthia J. Hernandez ‘14
Micah J. Hernandez ‘15
Mary ‘69 & Theodore Hertel
Kae’leen E. Hickman ‘15
Curonda M.‘12 & Marques Hill
Christy Hill-Inman ‘82
Bonnie Marvin Hine ‘87
Holly Beth Hinnrichs-Dahms ‘71
Sharon ‘67 & Marvin R. Hipp
Bridget M. Hirthe ‘12
Ruth L. Fox Hoefer ‘94
S. Ruth Hoerig ‘64
Kathryn E. ‘91 & Charles Hoffman
S. Patricia Hoffman ‘64
Jean M. Hierseman Hoffmann ‘11
Mary Kay ‘71 & Willard Hoffmann
Margaret M. ‘82 & George Hofmann
Nancy A. ‘64 & James E. Holderread
Elizabeth M. Holl ‘09
Jennifer L. Holladay ‘05
Amber L. Holland ‘14
Margaret A. ‘82 & Michael C. Holland
Richard Hopf
Gail L. ‘92 & Dennis Hora
Cynthia ‘93 & Sean Horner
Barbara A. ‘99 ‘14 & John Hourigan
Michael Howden
Tarra L. ‘98 & Vinnie Hrabrich
Jennifer H. ‘12 & Doug Hruz
Wiltrud A. Sigl Hubbard ‘83
Catherine J. ‘87 & Thomas Huber
Kathryn Hug ‘70
Mary Ellen ‘63 & Terence Hughes
Nathaniel Hughes
Mary Ruth ‘67 & Robert E. Hunn
Cynthia E. ‘70 & Mark A. Hunt
Kristopher Hunt
Cecilia M. Hunter ‘14
Justine M. ‘88 ‘99 & Phil Hutchins
Linda ‘88 & Roy Hyden
Nicole M. Fornelli Ibarra ‘14
John Idzikowski
Helen M. Jacek ‘50
Cindy F. ‘91 & Kevin Jackson
Nicole L. Jackson ‘03
Mary Jo ‘72 & Lawrence Jacobi
Linda M. Jacobi-Miller ‘13 & Douglas W. Miller
Barbara E. Dietz Jacobs ‘95
Jeanne ‘64 & Robert B. Jacques
Justine L. Janicki ‘10
Brenda L. Janke ‘86
Eleanor Janonis ‘76 †
Marlene F. ‘56 & Theodore Jansen
Bernice Jansen-Verhoeven ‘90 &
Charlie Verhoeven
Jennifer C. Jarvey ‘15
Natalie D. Jaskie
Julie ‘77 & John M. Jaworowicz
Beth A. Whitstone Jay ‘88
Mary ‘64 & Edward Jazdzewski
Mike Jelinski
Theresa Jordan Jemison ‘01
Bernadine Jendrzejczak ‘88
Heidi L. Jeter
Angellica N. Jimenez ‘15
Wendy J. ‘84 & Frank M. Johanek
Ian J. Johanson
Brian Johnsen
Karen A. Johnson ‘97
Sarah J. ‘11 & Joseph Johnson
Stephanie M. Johnson ‘14
Clare ‘75 & John Jorgensen
Melanie L. Jorgenson ‘12
Nancy ‘63 & Donald L. Juday
Diana M. ‘72 & Edward John Jurista
Barbara Kaainoa
Melinda M. Kallenberger
Ginny Kannenberg
Vladimir Kapul
Nancy ‘61 & Donald H. Karnowski
Jenna Kashou
Colleen Shaw Kasper ‘92
Eugene Jr. & Nancy Kasprzak
Mary Ellen Kastern
Patricia ‘82 & Raymond M. Kastner
Connie M. Eckl Dalton Kaufmann ‘72
Kimberly A. Kavanaugh ‘14
Karla Kazianka ‘88
Nicole M. Kazin ‘12
Carol ‘81 & David Keberlein
Jacqueline McPherson Keene ‘74
James & Loretta M. Kegel
Carol ‘64 & Thomas A. Keller
Susan Keller
Jane ‘80 & Howell Kemp
Mary T. ‘69 & William Kennedy
Kathleen Kennison ‘86
Amy L. ‘14 & Robert Kerznar
Mary Anne Keul ‘67
Susan J. Miller Kiiskila ‘67
Mercedes S. King ‘11
Lakesha N. Kinlow ‘11
Elizabeth A. ‘71 & Robert A. Kirsling
Diane E. Klajbor
Joyce ‘61 & Martin Kleiber
Kathleen & Paul Klement
Mary Sue ‘81 & Roland Klotz
Vicky L. Kocinski
Susan Koebel ‘73
Dana G. ‘96 & David Kohlmeyer
Margaret ‘65 & Gary Kohnke
Kari Koldeway
Carrie M. Kollatz ‘12
William W. Koller
Catherine A. Kolton ‘09
Kathleen O’Malley Koneazny ‘67
Alicia B. Kontowski ‘12
Ruth ‘59 & Raymond M. Korducki
S. Clare Korte ‘54
Susan C. ‘92 & Don Kosiboski
Mary A. ‘77 & John Kosinski
Cheri ‘86 & Thomas W. Kosler
Lizabeth Kantor Kossowski ‘84
Nancy A. ‘04 & Michael Kost
Andrea M. Kozek ‘97
Terry & Scott Kraemer
Laura M. Krafczyk ‘10
Penelope A. Hunt Krafczyk ‘68
Joan M. ‘54 & Frank Kraft
Edna Kraschinsky ‘52
Alyssa A. Krause ‘14
Joy Ann Roth Krautkramer ‘67
Scott Kravetz
Frank J. & Marina Krejci
Sylvia J. Blomgren Kreutzmann ‘87
Kimberly R. Kriegel
Helen ‘71 & Thomas Kroening
Beverly J. Wentland Krutz ‘62
Judith A. Struzik Krysiak ‘00
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Lynn E. Kuhlman ‘10
Cheryl M. ‘85 & William Kuhn
Katy E. Kujala-Korpela ‘08 & Peter Schwartz
Anna Kurth
S. Margaret Kwiatkowski ‘67
Caroline ‘70 & Dennis Kysely
Jean B. Flasch La Dew ‘62
Barbara A. ‘97 & Ronald Laabs
Eva ‘68 & Ronald J. Laatz
Annmarie L. LaBonte ‘13
Rosemary Lake ‘63 & Don Siefkes
Jaya Lakshminarayanan
Kathren Lamb ‘95 ‘12 & Bill Chappie
Jodie ‘96 & Thomas Lane
Dawn M. ‘87 & David Langdon
Jessica M. Langoehr ‘15
Joan A. Holzem Lanser ‘53
Lori A. Korpela Larch ‘14
Shirley A. ‘86 & David H. Larson
Kathleen A. Lauer ‘75
Steve Lautz
Scott M. Lawrence
Rita M. Laws ‘80
KC M. Layco ‘14
S. Margaret J. Le Claire ‘49
S. Noel Le Claire ‘51
Diane ‘80 & Joseph Leair
Jasmin Cisneros Ledesma ‘14
Barbara Legenza-Buholzer ‘81 &
William J. Buholzer
S. Ellinda Leichtfeld ‘54
Angela M. Leist ‘11
Arlene ‘63 & Robert Leitinger
Carol M. ‘92 & Thomas Lemmermann
James H. Lentz
Barbara ‘63 & Thomas E. Leonard
Sheryl M. Levitsch ‘01
Michaela Lewellyn Humpal
Chantia A. ‘14 & Anthony Lewis
Cynthia J. Ingram Lidbury ‘96
Marcia Liebau Schultz ‘78
Clare A. ‘63 & Lawrence Liebe
Becky L. Henneman Lijewski ‘00
Elizabeth ‘98 & Scott Lingen
Therese R. Stassi Linsky ‘61 & George Linsky
Carol A. ‘02 & Mark Loomis
Debra I. ‘94 & Michael L. Loomis
Diane L. ‘05 & Michael E. Loos
Maria Lopez Vento ‘13 & Ryan Vento
Elizabeth J. Lord ‘09
Jeanne M. ‘88 & Stephen Lowry
Marion L. Lucas ‘81
Amanda R. Luciano ‘13
Will Lucus
Jeannette ‘64 & Edward Luczko
Bridget M. Bednar Lueck ‘95
Sarah M. Lukas ‘08
Marijo E. ‘97 & David Luna
Gary Lundberg
Linda M. ‘95 & Richard Lundin
Denise M. ‘14 & Claude Luppi
Rose M. ‘59 & Donald Lusk
Mark J. Lutzke
Janice Nicholson Lynch ‘57
Mary Chris ‘86 & Thomas Lynch
Jennifer Yost Lyons ‘10
Sara C. Mabrey ‘15
Sheila E. Dempsey Mack ‘63
Karen & Edward Maher
Peggi A. Dixon Maher ‘64
Kathleen R. ‘06 & David Mahsem
S. Regina Marie Maibusch ‘50
Nancy ‘80 & Ervin Makal
Kimberly L. Malak ‘10
Barbara S. ‘85 & Richard Malecki
Pat & Terry Malmberg
Jeanine E. ‘90 & Edward C. Maly
Cathleen E. Manley-Frix ‘98
Alissa R. Manning ‘15
Betty ‘53 & Isidro Maranan
Nada ‘75 & Michael M. Marcetich
Kimberly A. Marek ‘15
Renee M. ‘86 & Timothy M. Marek
Dolores M. Drutowski Mark ‘56
Christine ‘69 & Tracy Martin
Lisa R. McLean Martin ‘96
Natalie L. Martin ‘15
Patricia R. Russell Martin ‘94
Kristopher Martinez
Sarah R. Brundage Martinez ‘14
Nicole E. Martin-Schallhorn ‘10
Nancy A. Mascari ‘90
Cory A. Masiak
Linda M. Kempski Masih ‘91
Dorothy Mason
Anne M. ‘90 & Michael Mass
Natalie & Matthew Masse
Kathleen A. Mateicka ‘80
Daniel A. Matre
Janet E. ‘63 & William Mattas
Thelma ‘69 & Glen Matthew
Carolyn M. Stahl Mattox ‘10
Danielle D. Mattson ‘11
Mary D. Bohlken Maxted ‘03
Mary C. ‘62 & George E. May
Rita ‘59 & Gerald May
Kathleen Jungbluth Mayer ‘60
Mary ‘70 & Joseph Mayerl
Sonya G. Mays ‘93
Laura McBain
Kathleen McCarty ‘67
Marilyn McCluskey ‘63
Bridgette C. McCormick ‘12
Magdalena ‘85 & Dan L. McElroy
Erick McGinley
S. Geraldine McGovern ‘53
Julie Hart McHale ‘54
Patricia A. Sekey McKay ‘63
Nicole G. McKinley ‘97 ‘05
Ellen McKinnon ‘71
Eleanor ‘69 & John McLaughlin
Melissa J. McMahon ‘13
Mary M. ‘80 ‘13 & J. D. McMullen
Vivian C. McNealey-Mays ‘93 & David Mays
Dolores G. Heimann Meck ‘58
Margaret Schmidt Mehner ‘59
John Mei
Robert Meldman
Citlali E. Mendieta-Ramos ‘10
Lucy J. ‘95 & Michael Mercado
Joan ‘68 & Robert J. Merner
Elisabeth A. Metzger ‘12
Paige J. Meurer ‘15
Charlotte M. Meyer ‘62
S. Madeline C. Meyer ‘50
Richard Meyerring
S. Agnes L. Meysenburg ‘47
Lisa V. Michel-Weis ‘13
Barbara Tokarz Panek Mierzwinski ‘64
Kathleen Miezio
Terri Mikyska
Ann ‘63 & Richard L. Millenbah
Ann M. Miller
Dale Miller
David Miller
Jane U. Leonard Miller
Kelly J. ‘06 & David Miller
Kimberly C. Miller ‘97
Vera Millerd-Smith ‘86 & Norm Smith
Diane M. & Frank Mirocha
Kathy L. Mitchell ‘99 & Douglas Hohenfeldt
Autum L. Mitschke ‘14
Elizabeth R. ‘03 ‘10 & Mark Mlekush
Angela M. Moe ‘10
Barbara Moehrlin ‘64
Karen R. Loiacano Molenda ‘81
Pilar G. Moller ‘97
April D. Monhollen Thomas ‘10
Miriam Montavon ‘60
Monicka E. Montijo ‘15
Brenda K. ‘82 & Paul Moore
Celestine L. Moore ‘13
Rosanne M. Castle Moore ‘95
Peggy Moore-Binns ‘94 & Michael Binns
Michael A. ‘14 & Christina J. Mooren
Marjorie J. ‘83 & John Morgan
Patricia ‘62 & James W. Morrison
Laurette M. ‘00 & David Morrissey
Arlene R. Smith Moyle ‘81
Laura R. Mueller ‘09
Judith ‘75 & Douglas Muente
Rosa A. Munoz-Alva ‘12
Dorothy Laufenberg Murphy ‘78
Sally ‘84 & Patrick Murphy
Joan Murphy-Horvath ‘54
Aida T. Musa ‘11
Susan Mengel Myers ‘60
Maria C. Myles ‘13
Margaret A. Naab ‘14
Constance Nagel ‘82
Bernice Schendel Nailen ‘78 †
Judith ‘64 & Robert Narowski
Monica J. ‘70 & Richard Natynski
Susana Nava Navarrete ‘15
Jessica L. ‘13 & David Nedbal
Mary Ellen ‘76 & Paul Nedd
Karen ‘61 & Ronald E. Neitzel
Janice ‘71 & Alan J. Neubauer
Jodi L. Ferch Neuwirth ‘09
Veronica E. ‘93 & Allen Neuwirth
Jean ‘75 & Harold W. Newton
Darlene Nicgorski ‘66
Virginia ‘68 & Stanley Nichols
Natalie A. & Ryan T. Nickolas
Luciann Niebler-Spare ‘54 & William Spare
Brittany C. Nikolic
Helga & Aleks Nikolic
Gayla M. ‘83 & Rick Ninmann
Ronni Nivala
Joan A. Nordholz ‘62
Mercedes S. Norman ‘14
Jane Ann ‘84 & John Normann
Besty Norris ‘83
Amy J. Turzai Norton ‘03
Diana Norton ‘82
Cheryl A. Rozewicz Nowak ‘95
Elaine Krier Nulph ‘56
Patricia Valle Nunez ‘08
Joanne ‘73 & William O’Dell
Kristine M. O’Donnell ‘95
Marty ‘71 & Tom Oelmann
Elizabeth K. O’Hara ‘15
Leilani Oliveira
Annette ‘59 & Peter Olson
James & Sharon Olson
Kristyne M. Chapman Olson ‘66
Tracy R. Badura Olson ‘13
Julie O’Malley
Jamie G. O’Neil
Mary Ann ‘60 & Jerry P. O’Neil
Jasmine N. Oparah ‘14
Lindsay M. Orlando ‘08
Xiomara Ortiz Mauras ‘14
Carol Ann M. ‘92 & Raymond Osinski
Joyce & Patrick Ostrowski
Jeannette S. Weber O’Toole ‘14
Janet ‘67 & Robert Palicka
Carolyn ‘69 & Steven Panoske
Susan Duncan Park ‘04
Heather J. Parkinson
Delores G. ‘97 & Melvin L. Parr Sr.
Rosemary Patterson ‘64
Roxanne M. ‘01 & Michael Patterson
Mary P. McKillip Pautz ‘67
Diane L. Lundell Pautzke ‘88
Michelle D. Pederson
Maryanna Pelkowski ‘66
Sharon Pelon ‘70
Bonita L. Jendrzejek Pendzick ‘68
Lisa ‘69 & Eugene A. Pepp
Diana M. Perez ‘11
Danijela Perisic ‘08
Nikotris J. Perkins ‘03
Mary McGinnis Person ‘84
Gail L. Pestotnik ‘93
Gail ‘80 & Timothy J. Peter
Maureen Peters
Tracie J. Peters ‘14
Bonnie L. ‘83 & Joel D. Peterson
Leslie E. Peterson ‘10
Michele A. Hall Peterson ‘14
Terese A. Draeving Peterson ‘89
Mardelle K. Guenther Pettit ‘69
Mary Pat & Dennis Pfeil
Susan L. Phipps ‘06
Chad Piechocki
Mary K. ‘02 ‘05 & Donald Pierce
Karen L. ‘06 ‘12 & Jason Pilarski
Joanne ‘80 & Frank Pinelli
Paula A. Roach Pintar ‘12
Rita W. ‘62 & Eldred W. Pitt
Karen A. ‘96 & Victor Plantinga
Mark Plumb
Alquise E. Poe ‘11
Joseph Pogodzinski
Anna Poh ‘80
Judith Pokorni ‘66
Joan M. ‘74 & Edward J. Poletti
Kathleen Moesch Popp ‘04
Joanne ‘57 & Douglas Porch
Claudia ‘66 & George Porter
Sandra ‘68 & Dennis J. Posey
Margaret M. Pospichal ‘91
Carole J. Poth ‘82
Barbara Jean Potthast ‘70
Wendy Poulsen
Ann ‘71 & Robert Prellwitz
Henry & Mary Ann Price
Laurel Saskowski Pritzlaff ‘62
Angela M. Puls ‘95
Sara L. Puls ‘98
Kelly M. Quandt ‘95 & Paul E. Boeshaar
Shirley F. ‘81 & Charles E. Queen
Tammy M. ‘97 & Terry Queen Jr.
Linda R. ‘61 & Robert Quinlan
Cheryl L. Wells Quinn ‘01
Kathleen ‘88 & Jeff Radakovich
Cynthia M. Ramirez ‘07 & Lydell Powell
Isela Ramirez ‘12
Mary L. ‘73 & James A. Randall
Theresa Conroy Raniere ‘58
Amy J. ‘95 & Matthew Rasper
Marilyn J. ‘96 & Joseph J. Ratke
Tammy Raue
Ilya M. Chionis Ray ‘14
Mark Raymond
Jean C. Walczak Rebello ‘63
Katherine M. Redman-Glick ‘92 ‘05
Helen A. ‘71 & Wayne Reed
Nanette ‘67 & Delbert A. Reed
Tamsyn C. Reed ‘14
Laura A. Harbrecht Reese ‘93
Kiarra M. Whittington Reid ‘06
Emily L. Reinke ‘13
Rosalie L. O’Hearn Reinke ‘07
Geraldine ‘59 & William Remmes
Karen C. ‘80 & Dann G. Reske
Mirella Reyes ‘15
Hayley J. Rezel ‘10
Rodney & Lisa Rhodes
S. Julia A. Rice ‘54
Emily T. Richards ‘14
Rachael Richardson-Wortzel ‘07
Rebecca A. Bialek Rick ‘04
Patricia ‘52 & John G. Rickert
Kelly B. Rickman
S. Carol Rigali
Paul Rink
Ada C. ‘88 & Luis F. Rivera
Auria A. Rivera-Garrett ‘11 & Willis Garrett Jr.
Judith A. ‘69 & Raymond Roberts
Pamela K. Roberts ‘94
Merle D. Rockwell ‘80 & Edward Modell
Kathryn ‘69 & Larry Roedl
Caroline V. ‘56 & Kenneth A. Roell
Miranda S. Schultz Rogan ‘13
Glen P. & Susan O. Rogers
Mary Rogney ‘80
Peter A. & Therese Roller
Nancy ‘81 & Patrick J. Ronan
Maia Rose ‘65 & Kenneth Kidder
Rose Mary ‘81 & Raymond Rosemeyer
Megan N. Rossi ‘15
Theresa M. Land Roznik ‘78
Carolyn Ruck ‘82
Della ‘78 & Richard Rudolf
Rosa Tontinella Ruehl ‘54
Krista M. Russell ‘11
Shirley Strickert Russell ‘56
Susan ‘69 & Paul Russell
Michelle & Vas Russis
Diandra Russo ‘14
Lourdes & Peter Ruta
Thomas Rutkowski
Marlene ‘80 & Rhody C. Rutta
Rebecca A. Ryan ‘97
Pamela J. Jones Rynes ‘95
Veronica A. ‘91 & Clarence Sabec
Ashleigh T. Sagat ‘14
Denise J. & Joseph G. Sagat
Leisha Sage ‘04
Julie C. Salentine
Alexandra S. Salisbury ‘08
Jeffery & Cynthia Salisbury
Jeanna T. Salzer ‘10
Caroline ‘79 & David Sanders
Ann F. Walters Sandstrom ‘04
Jane ‘69 & Richard Sanford
Kathleen & Michael Sansone
Mary Kaufmann Sargent ‘68
Marion ‘56 & Donald J. Sartorelli
Philip T. & Cherry Saunders
Mary C. ‘82 & Gregory Sbaraglia
Lorna L. Schaefer ‘15
S. Celestine Schall ‘48
Cathleen E. Lirette Schanz ‘94
Karen Scharrer-Erickson ‘68
Marcella P. ‘73 & Michael P. Scheafbauer
Lena S. Scheibengraber ‘13
Janet ‘95 & Bruce Scheidt
Christine M. ‘94 & Glenn Schellinger
Linda Lannen Schiltz ‘70
Janice ‘65 & Allan L. Schmidt
Joann ‘64 & Walter G. Schmidt
Tracy L. Burling Schmidt ‘14
Ashley A. ‘13 & Dale Schneider
Jane V. ‘72 & Thomas Schneider
Kathryn A. ‘91 & Thomas P. Schneider
Andrea K. Schneiker ‘09 ‘14
Kathleen M. ‘66 & Richard C. Schneller
Rosemarie Scholz
Amalia Schoone
Kathleen A. Hinkley Schroeder ‘07
Steve Schuknecht
Elizabeth Schuldt ‘81 & Michael Yost
Kathy & Russ Schultz
Steve Schultz
Christine M. Dubis Schulz ‘95
Elizabeth ‘72 & Allan Schumacher
Amelia K. Schuyler ‘15
Lisa & Patrick Schwanke
Barbara ‘65 & Howard Schwartz
Angela M. Schweisberger ‘04
Sandra Campbell Scott ‘89
Elizabeth M. Novak Seaver ‘67
Irene ‘74 & Robert Senn
Rhonda L. Sharpe ‘13
Mary Shea
Virginia ‘69 & John Shebesta
Dawn M. Jablonowski Shepherd ‘09 ‘15
Colette M. ‘68 & Mitchell B. Sherman
Shirley ‘82 & Joseph M. Shircel
Bianca R. Shorter ‘14
Sara A. Shutkin & Zev Woskoff
Linsey Sieger
Donna Siegmund
Kathleen M. & James Sielaff
Emily J. ‘09 & Joseph Sielen
Kellie J. ‘10 & Darryl Sigh
Maayan Silver
Marcy H. Silverstein ‘12
Donna ‘64 & Daniel Simmert
Kathleen ‘68 & Arnie Simonse
Katherine C. ‘59 & James Sindelar
Eileen P. ‘75 & Mark M. Sipek
Charlann G. Sirovatka ‘69
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Charlotte K. Skenandore ‘14
Fred Skibba
Mary Skibba
Mary N. Skladanek ‘96 ‘00
Dolores A. Skowronek
Nancy ‘72 & James R. Skwarek
Madeline ‘76 & Robert Slamka
Sara Slowinski
Joanne E. Smiley ‘96
Dirk Smith
JoAnn S. ‘91 & Paul Smith
Nancy ‘68 & Donald E. Smith
Lynne Smith-Flood ‘69
Sally Smits
Barbara A. ‘65 & Peter K. Smorynski
Shirley Zuzga Snitko ‘63
Georgia Sobolewski
Almuth Soffee ‘97 & Edwin Foot
Yaneth ‘05 & J. Felix Solano
Morgan V. Somers ‘15
Denise & Steve Sonberg
Lynn Sonnenberg
Bonnie P. ‘89 & John Sorenson
Catharine M. ‘96 & Tim Spath
Ronald Spear
Michael Spredemann
Dawn Springer
Mary Ellen ‘84 & Earl Sprung
Kaylee M. Stake ‘09
Melissa L. Staley ‘09
Wendellyn L. Stallings ‘14
Patricia ‘81 & Richard Stanford
Ann T. Stawski ‘93
S. Iola Stecher ‘42
Carol ‘63 & Roland Steegmuller
Rebecca L. Cook Steffanus ‘00
Mary Anne ‘58 & Jerome J. Steffel
S. Betty M. Steffensmeier ‘71
Sally R. Steinbach ‘95
S. Agnes Marie Steiner ‘66
Judy A. ‘64 & Robert Steinike
Christopher Stephens
Kali K. Stevens ‘13
John & Lynn Stewart
John Stewart Jr.
S. Mary Anna Stickelmaier ‘45
Sheila ‘64 & Francis Stiglbauer
Kathleen M. Sabrowski Stockburger ‘96
Tracy A. ‘95 & Jim Stockwell
Gerri Stodola
Mary ‘62 & Robert Stoller
Katherine I. Miota Stolzman ‘05
Joan ‘53 & Joseph Strahan
Susan Stratman ‘64
Sharon E. ‘72 & Tom F. Strbjak
Jessica Strehlow
Susan M. Strey
Carl Strohmaier
Sandra ‘63 & Ralph J. Stroud
Lisa A. Styop ‘93
Dolores ‘68 & Eugene Suding
Cassandra L. Sukowaty ‘04
Dewan M. Sullivan ‘03
S. Marcian Swanson ‘64
Vera ‘61 & Robert Switalski
La Toya Sykes
Pegge ‘15 & Dave Sytkowski
Gwenda M. Wolf Szczygielski ‘95
Peggy Szymanski ‘65
Beverly M. Fedder Tageson ‘62
L. Kelly Talley
Kendall M. Tapp ‘10
Marian G. ‘97 & Paul Tate
Kathleen ‘60 & Lev P. Taugher
Nancy J. Tawney ‘69
Jennifer Taylor McBride
Marquita A. Taylor ‘09
Sharon L. ‘94 & Leo Taylor
Yvonne ‘90 & David Teddy
Barbara S. Goldstein Tenin ‘13
Geralde ‘94 & Clausel Theard
Shirley K. Kames Thee ‘57
Lynette S. ‘81 & John Thiele
Sarah Thoele-Noe ‘82 & Richard B. Noe
Keri L. Pierzchala Thompson ‘99
Monica M. Thompson-Mitcham ‘05 &
Airel L. Mitcham
Janet L. Erickson Tibbetts ‘76
Karen Tidwall
Mary ‘77 & Carl Tighe
Jacquelyn ‘65 & Lawrence Titus
Marie ‘58 & Burke Tollstrup
Gail M. ‘95 & Victor Tomasello
Nancy A. Blameuser Towle ‘12
Claudia R. ‘83 & Mark S. Trampe
Linda J. ‘08 & Jonathan Trewyn
Tammy L. ‘92 & Phillip Trewyn
Kelly L. Troyer ‘04
Marilyn Twombly ‘68
Gretchen P. Ullenberg ‘08
S. Nancy A. Ulrich ‘67
Jodi L. Uszler ‘14
Carolyn ‘68 & John Valent
Margaret Valentine
Rose A. Yerger Van Laanen ‘95
Kallyn N. Vandenack ‘09
Ann Patzman VanEerden ‘12
Valerie ‘77 & David Vanni
George Varish
Mona ‘67 & Daniel C. Vasholz
Cristina L. ‘90 & Danny Vasquez
Maria V. Vasquez ‘12
Rosalie J. ‘60 & Kenneth Vass
Jeri L. Vatne ‘09
Francesca A. Veglia-Dansky & Steven Dansky
Cara E. ‘97 & Matthew Verber
Tia D. Orr Vernon ‘08
Dolores E. ‘65 & James R. Vesely
Mary I. ‘67 & Wilfred Vidal
Dennis Vilkoski
Antoinette P. Vitrano ‘97
Aubrey S. Pawlowski Vogel ‘02 ‘05
Sue A. Volkman ‘13
Lynda ‘76 & Ronald Voll
Richard & Nancy Vollbrecht
Jagoda Vudragovic ‘14
Pachia Vue ‘14
Lajwanti Waghray
Bonni M. ‘91 & Robert Wagner
Cynthia A. Comp Wagner ‘04
Deborah L. ‘97 & Richard Wagner
Diana M. Wagner ‘88
Diane M. Wagner ‘65
Janet & Hugh Wakefield
Kathleen Wakefield
Christine Laskowski Walczak ‘69
Joan ‘68 & Franklyn Waldvogel
Christine ‘59 & John Walicki
Mary Lou ‘62 & Norman B. Walker
Judith ‘69 & Ward Wallingford
Sarah E. ‘01 & Eric Walloch
Margaret ‘79 & Joel Walsh
Dalyn Ward
Teresa M. Ward ‘13
Rhonda M. & Christopher E. Ware
S. Elaine Julia Weber ‘61
Eric Weber
Erica J. Kowalski Weber ‘12
Jacqueline Webster ‘10
Chelsie M. Wedan ‘15
Carriette ‘76 & Clifford Weddle
Martha A. Fiscus Wegenke ‘12
Brooke P. Wegner ‘99 ‘03
Jessica C. Wegner ‘95 ‘05
Susan F. & Kenneth M. Weimer
Helene Weinberger
Laura A. Smyczek Wensink ‘90
Karen & Gerald Wenzler
Katherine T. Werther-Kapsy ‘98 & Robert Kapsy
Barbara ‘57 & Harold R. Wesley
Patricia ‘68 & Mark Westen
Jeanne Westerlund
Diane L. Westphal Witthuhn ‘81 &
Gary Witthuhn
Patricia A. ‘74 & Eugene F. Weyers
Jenifer L. Wheeler ‘90
Erin J. Johnson Whitehead ‘14
Elizabeth M. Widder ‘12
Marie & Jeffrey N. Widder
Nancy E. Wieland ‘82
Christine M. Wieseler ‘08
Helen ‘66 & Charles Wilder
Theresa ‘53 & Frank Willenborg
Jessica E. Williams ‘09
Marcia Tank Williams ‘78
Mary ‘68 & Gary Williams
Stacie Williams
RaNay Wilmore
Stephanie M. Wilmore ‘13
Terry Wilmore
Jennifer A. Wilson ‘97
Mariesia M. Clark Wilson ‘15
Susan Wilson
Patricia A. Turkovich Wiseman ‘73
Dina M. Wolf ‘10
Eileen M. ‘54 & Charles D. Wolf
Michelle S. Wolfe
Joan E. Wolfgang ‘02 ‘11
Ann ‘78 & Kurt Wolfram
Max & Susan Wollering
Christine T. Hegerty Woloszyk ‘13
Dorita ‘76 & Leonard Woloszyk
Maureen H. ‘67 & Patrick Wood
Pamela R. Euell Wright ‘13
Jo Ann ‘88 & Raymond S. Wutkowski
Kia S. Xiong ‘15
Chee Yang ‘14
Laurie J. Yanny
S. Mary Yanny ‘55
Ann E. Yezzi
Sharon ‘82 & John C. Yockey
Kellie M. Yust ‘15
Anne Zak
Mary ‘62 & Dennis Zapp
Tom Zarek
Paul & Laura Zatz
Rebecca L. Zeman ‘09
Melissa A. Zettel ‘15
Ann Marie Komberec Zientek ‘74
S. Elizabeth F. Zilla ‘61
S. Irene Zimmerman ‘58
Mari Claire Heifetz Zimmerman ‘87
Karen ‘75 & Lynnford Zinkel
Sofina Ziu ‘12
Karen M. ‘73 & Walter M. Zoller
Karla E. Zuehlke ‘98
The Alverno Silver Circle Society was established to recognize those persons who have given to Alverno College
for 10 or more consecutive years. Their continuous giving indicates their strong commitment to the college and
its students.
Shirley S. & Seymour Abrahamson
Jeana M. Abromeit
Mary Ruth ‘58 & John Alberti
Judith Wampach Amberg ‘67
Thecla L. Stifter Ambrose ‘52
Janet ‘85 & Robert Anderson
Nancy ‘92 & Gordon Anderson
Darlene Andert ‘83
Patricia ‘64 & Daniel Andrae
Anita ‘68 & Leon Andrzejewski
Sylvia J. Ansay, PhD ’61 & Richard Ansay
Stephanie A. Arend ‘85
Dana L. ‘92 & Dale Armour
Marlene ‘56 & Donald Atkielski
Elizabeth A. ‘66 & John Bacik
Anne ‘65 & Jonathan Bales
Dawn C. Balistreri
Jane E. & David Baranowski
Charles & Elizabeth Hayek ‘67 Barnhill
Jean ‘81 & Terry Bartels
Kathleen ‘63 & James Bartl
Mary T. Bartness
Patricia ‘63 & Paul Basbagill
Jeanne Bauer ‘61
Mary K. ‘62 & Clair Baum
Sandra ‘67 & Robert Beahm
Jacqueline Beckwith ‘60
Judith ‘72 & Thomas Beniak
Betty J. ‘65 & Leon Benjegerdes
Catherine A. ‘64 & Heinz Berg
Judith A. Berger ‘98
Jim & Mary Beth ‘75 Berkes
S. Louise K. Bernier ‘65
Ray & Caroline Besasie
Bonita Biba ‘65
Patricia ‘62 & Joseph F. Biebl
LuAnn ‘01 & Phil Bird
Robert E. Birney
Donna Suerth Blackaller ‘88
Ronald L. & Merilee M. Blake
S. Dorothy Bock ‘50
Christine M. Lach Boetticher ‘71
Maryann ‘58 & Thomas G. Bohn
Dorice Maryanowski Bonder ‘68
Catherine B. ‘62 & Cornelius Borman
Christine A. ‘86 & Robert Bornfleth
Nancy A. Bornstein
Patricia S. Bowne
Mary M. ‘86 & Ken Braband
Donna M. Miller Braunreiter ‘04 ‘11
Patricia ‘68 & Tom Brewer
Barbara Brick Havel ‘66
Karen J. ‘88 & Robert B. Brown
Valerie J. Reuschlein Brown ‘60
Victoria Brown ‘67
Peter W. & Joan Bruce
Sandra A. ‘81 & Kerry Brunner
Rita L. Schoenecker Bruns ‘63
Beverly I. Staats Bucher ‘60
Katherine M. Bundalo-Thomson
Ruth ‘64 & George Burdey
Elaine Burke
Elizabeth L. Wilhelm Burke ‘87 ‘00
Henry & Barbara Burko
Kathleen M. ‘99 & John Burlingham
Diana ‘78 & James Burns
Adele S. Schmitt Buss ‘58
Rosanne M. ‘91 & Edward Butkowski
Richard P. Butler
Debra S. Butz
Janice ‘68 & James Bykowski
Eleanor Byrnes
Barbara ‘62 & Allan Cairns
Carleen Spicer Campbell ‘61
Lisa G. ‘94 & Ryan Carlson
Roseanne ‘69 & Robert Carlson
Monica ‘64 & Al Caron
Margaret “Maggie” Cary ‘60
Kevin M. Casey & Carole E. Barrowman
Josette Cassiere ‘70 & Robert W.
Gillespie, Jr.
Ann E. ‘95 & Lawrence Castiglione
Janice A. ‘91 & Dennis Cera
Mary A. Cherweznik ‘94
Mary ‘73 & Michael Chmielewski
Debra A. Chomicka
Mary Lou ‘68 & Ralph J. Cichon
Cathleen A. Clark ‘83
Diane Russell Clarke ‘56
Ruth F. Goncales Coakley ‘66
Danita Cole Medved ‘80 & Paul S. Medved
Marian E. Colette ‘69 & Dal Macon
Judith F. Collier-Thompson ‘91 &
Ken Thompson
Mary Jean Collins ‘63
Ruth ‘58 & John Collins
Joan ‘64 & William J. Connelly
Janet T. Corona ‘84
Lianna M. Babcock Croft ‘03
Candace ‘68 & James Crossley
Susan Crysdale Kist ‘79
S. Frances Cunningham, OSF ‘65
Irene A. Cunningham ‘76
Joyce M. Scholz Cupertino ‘62
Kathleen Walsh Curran ‘66
Peggy ‘69 & John Cwikla
Rosa Marie ‘74 & Michael Dalsing
Kathleen M. Danes
Noreen ‘70 & Daniel D. D’Angelo
Kaye ‘66 & James Daun
Diana David ‘73 & Todd Smith
Joan Gehant Davies ‘69
Shirley M. ‘71 & James Davis
Dr. Vivien De Back ‘54
Carol ‘71 & Michael Debbout
Bernice ‘89 & David J. Deboer
Denise S. ‘75 & Rick Decock
Mildred C. ‘53 & Richard R. Dehlinger
Ann S. Anderson Demorest ‘85
Diana ‘90 & James R. Dempster
Gay Derderian-Kazarian ‘80 &
Kaiser Kazarian
Joanne C. ‘89 & Nicholas F. Desien
S. Bernardin Deutsch ‘53
Linda S. ‘86 & Patrick J. Devitt
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Mary E. Devitt ‘82 ‘02
Ruth DeYoung Kohler H ‘12
Maurita A. Weinandt Diehl ‘59
Shirley A. (Molock) Dieterman ‘58
S. Mary E. Diez ‘67
Georgine ‘67 & Henry Dluzak
Carol Zinner Dolphin ‘62
Maria C. Gawrysiak Donohoo ‘68
Karen P. Doppke ‘64 & Philip F. Judy
Catherine D. ‘91 & Richard Dowdell
Mary ‘59 & Henry Drechsler
Trudy ‘59 & Dennis Droese
Margaret S. ‘68 & James Duea
Edith ‘78 & Robert DuPuy
Jodi R. Eastberg
Sylvia S. ‘91 † & William Edstrom Sr.
Anita M. Eikens
Lucille H. ‘97 & Larry Ellenberger
Carole A. ‘61 & Byron Elsner
Zohreh Emami
Janice Ereth & John T. Gilligan
Sharon R. ‘68 & Paul Escallier
Marie C. Espina ‘69
Carole C. ‘60 & Richard L. Evans
Rosalie M. Evenson ‘77
Beatrice ‘68 & John Fargnoli
Arlene M. Feiner ‘59
Suzanne M. Felan ‘62
Barbara J. Ferket ‘65
Mary Ann ‘62 & James Ferolo
S. Joyce A. Fey ‘70
Felix Feyerer
Dixie ‘65 & Kirt Fiegel
Corinne ‘64 & William Finn
Dorothy Gammelgaard Fiorino ‘63
Anita C. Fischer ‘67
Darlene Florek Ebeling ‘71
Rosalie ‘63 & Reinhard Follmann
Pauline A. Forrest ‘90
Cynthia ‘68 & Matthew Frami
Marilyn ‘66 & Drexel Frasure
Mary M. Frieseke ‘93 ‘10
Donna ‘68 & Thomas Gaffney
Diane ‘65 & William Galles
Ellen M. Gardner ‘69
Suzann C. Gardner
Nancy ‘65 & Thomas Gazzana
Carol Kozisek Gearheart ‘66
Patricia R. & Paul Geenen
Sharron ‘59 & Jule Gehrig
Joanne ‘66 & Joseph Gelsthorpe
Catherine A. Rivard Gennrich ‘73
Jean D. Gerstberger ‘92
Jill A. Giencke ‘81 & Neal J. Radke
Frances A. ‘62 & James A. Gigl
Kathleen (Casey) ‘66 & Michael Gigl
Mary ‘66 & John W. Giorgio
Bernadette ‘68 & James Gitter
Marilyn Gliesmann ‘85 & Otto H. Nelson
Carrie L. ‘83 & Gary Glover
Jeanne P. Goestenkors ‘68 & A. N. Langhout
Margaret (Pfeffer) Goggins Filo ‘65
Joyce P. ‘97 & Jeff Gohr
Mary & Marty Golden
Sherry L. Golwitzer
Alicia Goral ‘81
Cecelia Gore ‘92 ‘08
Barbara ‘80 & Curtis J. Gorecki
Janette L. Marmes Gosdeck ‘90
Bonnie J. ‘66 & John Gould
Lorna J. ‘81 & Scott F. Grade
S. Toni A. Gradisnik ‘75
Gloria Gragnani ‘67
Sandra E. Graham
Bonita F. Grahn ‘82
Dolores Grantz ‘57
Regina E. Grantz
Patricia Greco ‘71
Dorothy A. Schweitzer Greene ‘52
Judith A. Gregor ‘68
Lois Gresholdt ‘91
Mary F. ‘68 & Giles Grimes
Barbara B. Groshek
Jean A. Groshek
Gary P. & Joanne Grunau
Lauralee F. Guilbault
Nadine T. ‘82 & David Guirl
Ruth V. Gutowski ‘88
Margo E. ‘60 & John E. Guy
Alice R. & Eddie M. Guzman
Jeanne M. ‘91 & Donald Gwinn
Bertha M. Werth Haas ‘64
Kathryn ‘74 & Gaylord Hahn
Marlene H. ‘81 & John H. Haigh
Donna M. ‘79 & Joseph Halpin Jr.
Jean I. Hamann ‘68
Tim & Diane (Schenk) ‘63 Hanley
Jean E. ‘90 ‘08 & Mark Hansen
Patricia A. ‘93 & William F. Hartmann Jr.
Rosalie B. Hartmann ‘70
Jean A. ‘60 & Thomas Head
Mari-Anne ‘91 & Donald Hechmann
Gloria ‘66 & Robert Heck
S. Dorothy Hegemann ‘54
Marilyn ‘65 & William L. Hegge
Shirley A. Smith Helinski ‘80
Karen ‘65 & Leon Helmbrecht
Frances Henkel ‘65
Debra M. Herman ‘96
Eleanor Radke Hibner Kanis ‘65
Jeanne Olson Hillebrand ‘58
Bonnie Marvin Hine ‘87
S. Elaine Hirschenberger ‘65
Barbara ‘82 & Allan Hoeft
Beverly L. Roecker Hoege ‘83
Maryjoyce Hotelling ‘74
Peggy House ‘63
Patricia ‘65 & Lee Hribar
Wiltrud A. Sigl Hubbard ‘83
Robert & Katherine H ‘14 Hudson
Mary Ruth ‘67 & Robert E. Hunn
Judith A. Hurley ‘88 ‘00
Mary R. Ingram ‘77
Helen M. Jacek ‘50
Cindy F. ‘91 & Kevin Jackson
Marcia M. March Jackson ‘61
Joan M. Jacobsen ‘87
Robert P. & Mary Jacobson
Nancy Ann Javore ‘67
Nancy C. Jelen
Cynthia J. Jensen ‘83 &
Joseph Clarke
Patricia J. Jensen ‘71
James & Angelina Zammuto ‘64
Mary Claire Jones ‘88
Margaret M. Schaefer
Kazmierczak ‘66
Judith A. ‘68 & William J. Keating
Carol ‘64 & Thomas A. Keller
Peg T. Kelly
Jane ‘80 & Howell Kemp
Sarajane & Robert Kennedy
Mary Pat Kerrigan ‘58
Donna L. & Jeffrey Kierzek
Kathleen M. Kies
Susan J. Miller Kiiskila ‘67
Patricia ‘59 & Raymond L. Kimberley
Mary J. Kitten
Philip J. & Therese M. Klaas
Diane E. Klajbor
Joyce ‘61 & Martin Kleiber
Donald & Gabriella ‘83 Klein
M. Patricia ‘83 & John H. Klever
Barbara A. Kluka ‘66
Susan Koebel ‘73
Mary Ann ‘65 & Richard
Gloria Harter Konkel ‘83
Ruth ‘59 & Raymond M. Korducki
Kathie C. Hanley Koski ‘90
Barbara ‘60 & Wayne E. Kowalski
Joan M. ‘54 & Frank Kraft
Edna Kraschinsky ‘52
Sylvia J. Blomgren Kreutzmann ‘87
Cynthia L. Kreuzer
Beverly J. Wentland Krutz ‘62
Judith A. Struzik Krysiak ‘00
S. Sharon J. Kubes ‘64
Marie ‘54 & David Kuemmel
Judith ‘75 & Dennis Kuhn
Mary Ann ‘60 & Michael Kupper
Catherine Kurek Ovshinsky ‘67 &
Harvey Ovshinsky
Caroline ‘70 & Dennis Kysely
Jean B. Flasch La Dew ‘62
Mary E. Geracie La Fosse ‘70
Mary Ann & Charles P. LaBahn
Richard & Cathy ‘62 Labinski
Karen ‘63 & Earl P. Lackey
Kathy Lake
Rosemary Lake ‘63 & Don Siefkes
Norma M. Skrzypchak Lang ‘61
Janet S. ‘99 & William Lange
Grace ‘81 & Thor Larsen
Dara L. Larson
Nancy L. & Arthur J. Laskin
Patricia ‘59 & William F. Lau
Betty ‘68 & Jay Lauck
Barbara ‘56 & Michael J. Lauta
Kathleen Lawler ‘82
Rita M. Laws ‘80
Donald Jr. & Mary Jo Layden
Diane ‘80 & Joseph Leair
Shirley Coenen Lee ‘67 &
Gary R. Lee
Jo Ann ‘70 & Dennis Leeder
Robin S. Leenhouts
Marjorie ‘66 & Anthony Leger
Susan ‘05 & Daniel Leister
Jennifer K. Nelson Lemieux ‘96
James H. Lentz
Graceabelle Casey LeVander ‘54
Carol ‘71 & Paul A. Levin
Phoebe R. & John D. Lewis
Marcia Liebau Schultz ‘78
Dena Lieberman
Gerri Lietz-Staffileno ‘80
Camille ‘68 & Michael Liscinsky
Jonathan D. Little
Helen ‘57 & Anthony Lobue
Arlene G. & Robert A. Logan
Debra I. ‘94 & Michael L. Loomis
Diane L. ‘05 & Michael E. Loos
Cecile Strzyzewski Loreck ‘59
Andrea M. ‘90 & Matthew W. Loss
William H. Luedke
Debra ‘76 & James Luetzow
Barbara ‘69 & Charles Lund
Steve & Sally Lundeen
Mary-Ann Lupa ‘64 & John W. Lowell
Bessie L. ‘83 & Joseph L. Lynch
David L. & Helen Jean MacGregor
Nancy ‘80 & Ervin Makal
Joan ‘59 & William Malatestinic
Mary ‘71 & Rodney Malinowski
Judith A. Mallo ‘91
Mary Sulgit Mallon ‘64 & J. Robert Mallon
Jerilynn ‘64 & Edward J. Malone
Lynn R. ‘75 & Terrence Maloney
Jeanine E. ‘90 & Edward C. Maly
Connie Retka Manke ‘75 & Michael Manke
Betty ‘53 & Isidro Maranan
Heidi L. ‘01 & Richard Marcus
Margaret ‘69 & Richard Marek
Marilyn A. ‘65 & Richard Marks
Christine ‘69 & Tracy Martin
Jan H ‘11 & Vince Martin
Nancy A. Mascari ‘90
Cory A. Masiak
Linda M. Kempski Masih ‘91
Kathleen A. Mateicka ‘80
Thelma ‘69 & Glen Matthew
Janet Radosevich Matthews ‘61
Janet M. Pfister Matuszak ‘60
Patricia ‘66 & John McCabe
Anne ‘68 & James McCallum
Marlene A. McClure ‘93
Elizabeth A. ‘91 & Tim McDougall
Cheryl ‘69 & Robert McGrath
JoAnn Resch McGrath ‘57
Julie Hart McHale ‘54
Maryrita McIntyre Crisanti ‘62
Jean A. McKey ‘96
Marc & Sandra McSweeney
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ‘05
Janet Flood Melancon ‘59
Marilyn ‘56 & Thomas Melchior
Janet K. Melloch ‘92
Karen ‘67 & James Mellonig
Kathleen ‘68 & William Ment
Suzanne M. Mente
Marcia Mentkowski
Karen M. ‘91 & Kenneth Merckx
Joan B. Meredith ‘86
Jeanean D. Merkel ‘80
Joan ‘68 & Robert J. Merner
S. Regina Pacis Meservey ‘62
Mary Alice Weber Metzler ‘58
Emily Dreifus Meyer ‘74
Roberta Meyer ‘61
S. Agnes L. Meysenburg ‘47
Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Leone Flasch ‘57 Michel
Maria A. Migdal ‘87 & James Grunow
Frank Miller ‘10 & Mary Ellen Powers
Janet R. ‘76 & Richard Miller
Patricia A. ‘75 ‘04 & Dennis Miller
Beth Monhollen ‘97
Miriam Montavon ‘60
Brenda K. ‘82 & Paul Moore
Jill Moore
Julie A. ‘95 & Scott E. Moore
Rosanne M. Castle Moore ‘95
Lou Ann Morey ‘82
Patricia ‘62 & James W. Morrison
Joanne ‘65 & Thomas Motier
Arlene R. Smith Moyle ‘81
Kathleen ‘84 & Jerome R. Mudrock
Anita Meyer Muehleck ‘60
Judith ‘75 & Douglas Muente
Sylvia Murn ‘72 & James Garnes
Dorothy Laufenberg Murphy ‘78
M. Kathleen Murphy ‘86
Theresa ‘76 & Robert Muselman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Muth Jr.
Susan Mengel Myers ‘60
Abigail & David Nash
Karen ‘65 & Robert G. Nehls
S. Marlene M. Neises H ‘99
MaryKay ‘71 & Gary Nelson
Donna Kenney Neudauer ‘69
Rosemary DDS, PhD ’66 &
Francis Neuhaus, PhD
Veronica E. ‘93 & Allen Neuwirth
Barbara K. Nevers
Virginia ‘68 & Stanley Nichols
Luciann Niebler-Spare ‘54 & William Spare
Karen M. ‘93 & Gary Niessing
Joyce E. Noonan
Jane Ann ‘84 & John Normann
Helen Andrews Northrup Barlow ‘80
Diana Norton ‘82
Susan ‘66 & Lynn Nowak
Irma Schmidt Nueske ‘97
Elaine Krier Nulph ‘56
S. Kathleen A. O’Brien ‘67
Joanne ‘73 & William O’Dell
Marty ‘71 & Tom Oelmann
Caroline ‘79 & Richard H. Ognenoff
Sharon ‘68 & Douglas Olson
James K. & Mary Sue Oppermann
Mary ‘70 & William Orlowski
Diana Marie ‘65 & Frederick T. O’Rourke
Georgiana Orthaus ‘70
Guy A. & Louise Osborn
Carol Ann M. ‘92 & Raymond Osinski
Marilyn ‘81 & William Ottum
Kathryn Stiec Owen ‘67
Catherine ‘03 & Byron Padgett
Janet ‘67 & Robert Palicka
Carolyn ‘69 & Steven Panoske
Joanna Patterson
Ann P. Patterson-Barton ‘77
Flo A. ‘69 & James Pearson
Bernard J. & Micki Peck
Maryanna Pelkowski ‘66
Mary McGinnis Person ‘84
Marlene E. ‘58 & James Petersen
Bonnie L. ‘83 & Joel D. Peterson
Linda S. ‘85 & Jeff Peterson
Terese A. Draeving Peterson ‘89
Mary Pettinger ‘62
Joanne Blasier Pfeffer ‘88
Maureen A. Melchior Phillips ‘93
Barbara & Edmund Piehler
Eloise R. Pierce ‘95 & Robert Schmidt
Bruce E. & Mary Ellen Pindyck
S. Marie Elizabeth Pink ‘51
Deborah ‘75 & Glenn Pinkowski
Patricia Wimmer Pire ‘65
Christine A. Pitrof ‘89 & Robert Schinschke
Rita W. ‘62 & Eldred W. Pitt
Judith ‘67 & James Plute
Anna Poh ‘80
Mary K. Polczynski ‘61
Claudia ‘66 & George Porter
Sandra ‘68 & Dennis J. Posey
Margaret M. Pospichal ‘91
Laurel Saskowski Pritzlaff ‘62
Gail & David Prohaska
Teresa Pink Przybylski ‘56
Paul & Patricia Purcell
Sam Purpero
Rita R. McGraw Purpora ‘70
Deborah ‘80 & William Quandt
Kathleen Schlicht Quarles ‘65
John R. & Maggie Quinn
Mary A. Ramsay-Drow ‘94 & Mark Drow
Barbara N. Ramusack ‘60
Adonica D. Randall
Wendy Randall
Peg ‘85 & Bill Rauschenberger
Kathryn ‘69 & Humberto R. Ravelo
Patricia M. Zefran Reddy ‘64
Nanette ‘67 & Delbert A. Reed
Kathleen Brzenk Reikowski ‘65
Roy & Bobbi H ‘06 Reiman
Sara ‘69 & David Rendall
Carol A. ‘68 & Dennis Richards
Lois ‘68 & Robert Richter
Merle D. Rockwell ‘80 & Edward Modell
Caroline V. ‘56 & Kenneth A. Roell
Mary Roestel ‘67
Carolyn ‘58 & David J. Rogers
Mary Rogney ‘80
Kim M. ‘83 & Edward Roh
Sue ‘59 & Donald Rokop
Carolyn ‘63 & Patrick Rollins
Lou Ann ‘64 & Robert Roloff
Nancy ‘81 & Patrick J. Ronan
Diann K. ‘78 & Richard E. Root
Barbara Beth Pace Rosenmerkel ‘62
Table of Contentsà
James L. & Diane E. Roth
Mary S. Rowe
Della ‘78 & Richard Rudolf
Shirley Strickert Russell ‘56
Patricia A. Ryan ‘73
Rebecca L. Ryan
M. Fran Fosbinder Rybarik ‘68
Sheryl J. Samuelson ‘73 & David W. Tomlin
Caroline ‘79 & David Sanders
Jane ‘69 & Richard Sanford
Barbara ‘58 & Richard Sarenac
Janice ‘80 & Kenneth C. Schaetz
Kim D. Schaffer ‘81
S. Celestine Schall ‘48
Mary ‘52 & Leonard Scharmach
Linda F. & Michael Scheible
Christine M. ‘94 & Glenn Schellinger
Bernadette Cinquegrani Schembari ‘62
Mary C. ‘68 & William A. Scheuer
Janice ‘65 & Allan L. Schmidt
Elizabeth Schmidt-Kuhr ‘60 & John Kuhr Jr.
Laurie A. Gray Schroeder ‘93
Sarellen McGirr Schuh ‘60
Thomas R. Schuler
Eugenia A. Schuller ‘52
S. Judeen Schulte ‘71
Diane Schultz ‘87
Elizabeth ‘72 & Allan Schumacher
Kathleen M. Schwan Minik & Stephen J. Minik
Mary Ann Schwartz ‘62
Mary Scott
Loretta ‘78 & David Scroggs
Nancy C. ‘78 & Gary Seabrook
Marsha Sehler
Amy H. Shapiro
Stephen R. Sharkey
Margaret T. ‘61 & Patrick Sheehan
Carol ‘65 & William Sheppard
Shirley ‘82 & Joseph M. Shircel
Marilyn Shrude ‘69 & John Sampen
Sara A. Shutkin
Margaret M. ‘62 & Walter Siodlarz
Gloria Skwier ‘64 & Jerome Richards
Eileen Jacubinas Slagis ‘58
Madeline ‘76 & Robert Slamka
Mary Ann Reitz Slattery ‘58
Sheryl S. Slocum
Carol Ann Engh Slove ‘58
Joanne E. Smiley ‘96
Dona E. Clipp Smith ‘74
Janet L. ‘74 & John J. Smith
Nancy ‘68 & Donald E. Smith
Lynne Smith-Flood ‘69
Barbara A. ‘65 & Peter K. Smorynski
Maxine Soshnik ‘68
Rose ‘62 & Joseph Spang
Mary Anne ‘67 & Anthony G. Spartos
Dianne J. ‘99 & Jerome Spector
Susan ‘87 & Gary Stabelfeldt
Carol ‘63 & Roland Steegmuller
Jayne Steffens ‘68 & Gerald M. Cross
Rosemary Steimle ‘60
Mary ‘64 & Jerry Stephens
Sandra J. Stetter ‘85
S. Mary Anna Stickelmaier ‘45
S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, PhD ‘64
Sheila ‘64 & Francis Stiglbauer
Tamara C. ‘96 & James Strause
Kris A. ‘73 ‘08 & George Strnad
Mary C. Stryck ‘86
Colette M. Miller Suminski ‘66
Veronica A. ‘64 & John F. Sustar
Vera ‘61 & Robert Switalski
Bernadine ‘54 & Edward J. Szopinski
L. Kelly Talley
Kathleen ‘60 & Lev P. Taugher
Robert & Beth Taylor
Sharon L. ‘94 & Leo Taylor
Clara Theine ‘65
Carol Keup Theisen ‘78
Kathleen A. ‘87 & William F. Thiemann
Katherine Hintgen Thome ‘63
Kathleen ‘66 & M. D. Thompson
Carol A. ‘66 & Edward Thornton
Katherine D. Thornton-Wells ‘90 & Eddie Wells
Kathryn D. Tisch
Jacquelyn ‘65 & Lawrence Titus
Patricia D. ‘68 & Clarence A. Topp
Margaret Underberg Tousignant ‘65
Kiyoko Toyama ‘81
Claudia R. ‘83 & Mark S. Trampe
Jean Tretow-Schmitz ‘78 & John J. Schmitz
Norine ‘61 & Jerome W. Trewyn
Sharon Trimborn ‘66
S. Leona C. Truchan ‘53
Marilyn Twombly ‘68
Marianne ‘56 & Robert G. Ullrich
Caroline Meier Urban ‘62
Carolyn ‘68 & John Valent
Karen L. Valley ‘83
Jeannette ‘68 & Robin Van Dorn
Karen ‘66 & Thomas Van Etten
Rose A. Yerger Van Laanen ‘95
Mona ‘67 & Daniel C. Vasholz
Cristina L. ‘90 & Danny Vasquez
Judith ‘65 & Kristians Veinbergs
Gloria Bechtold Venski ‘89
Nancy Verville ‘53
Mary I. ‘67 & Wilfred Vidal
Karen ‘72 & Randolph Videkovich
Theresa Virgona ‘63
Dorothy ‘75 & James Vittone
Anne H. Vogel
Lynda ‘76 & Ronald Voll
Joyce M. Christian Wadlington ‘93
Cynthia A. Comp Wagner ‘04
Mary ‘63 & Thomas P. Wagner
Rose Mary ‘65 & Frederick Walecki
Mary Lou ‘62 & Norman B. Walker
Joyce A. Rosa Walsh ‘68
Christel E. Elser Walter ‘00
Joan Walter-Schumacher
S. Elaine Julia Weber ‘61
Filippa C. DiBella Weber ‘92 †
Beverly R. & Richard Weeden
Judith Burkhalter Weiand ‘64
Susan F. & Kenneth M. Weimer
Kathryn Wellenstein ‘79
James J. Wend
Marguerite Wendell ‘55
Nancy T. Maurice Wentland ‘60
Barbara Wesener ‘70
Patricia A. ‘74 & Eugene F. Weyers
Ann Kiekhaefer White ‘80
Luanne Wielichowski
Laura A. Wiesmueller ‘99
Arthur & Mary Ann Wigchers
Joan M. Wilde ‘59
Patricia M. Wilde ‘61 & Bill Wilde
Helen ‘66 & Charles Wilder
Theresa ‘53 & Frank Willenborg
Joan B. ‘56 & Charles Williams
Mary ‘68 & Gary Williams
Judy Engel Williamson ‘89
Mary ‘67 & Ronald Wilson
Rita M. ‘75 & Thaddeus Wisniewski
Carole J. ‘92 ‘08 & Monte Witkowski
Susan T. Rozga Witkowski ‘66
Mary Jo Obenauf Wolf ‘61
Carol M. Wollner ‘71
Dorita ‘76 & Leonard Woloszyk
Cathryn E. ‘83 & Terrence Woods
Barbara J. Wyatt Sibley ‘82 &
Rev. Louis Sibley III
Barbara Wysocki ‘65
S. Mary Yanny ‘55
Ann E. Yezzi
Donna Mae ‘60 & Kenneth Zandt
Kealalani Todd Zane ‘69
Mary ‘62 & Dennis Zapp
Elizabeth A. Zelazek ‘66
Bernadine Jablonski Ziemba ‘68
S. Elizabeth F. Zilla ‘61
Karen M. Zima ‘87
Lynn ‘67 & Charles J. Zimmerman
Karen ‘75 & Lynnford Zinkel
Jean Zmolek ‘62
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year
indicates an honorary status.
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
The Alverno Heritage Society was established to recognize those persons who have designated Alverno College for charitable support through a bequest, charitable
annuity, charitable remainder trust, life insurance policy or a personal residence. Through their thoughtfulness, these individuals will make a lasting impact on future
generations of Alverno students.
Anonymous (23)
Malana Alton ‘69
Sylvia J. Ansay, PhD ’61
Stephanie A. Arend ‘85
Edward A. Bachhuber †
Kathleen Balser ‘85
Carol Ann G. ‘57 & Donald
Sheryl Bartczak ‘98
Jeanne Bauer ‘61
D. Jane Billings
Ronald L. & Merilee M. Blake
Barbara Blanton ‘76
Cornelius & Catherine ‘62
Mary Braband ‘86
Erin E. Brady ‘00 ‘08
Patricia Dix Brewer ‘68
Barbara Brick Havel ‘66
Peter W. Bruce
Patricia K. Burmeister ‘60
Sandi Callaghan ‘81
Monica Caron ‘64
Karen A. Case
Charlene Chapman
Madden ‘64
Camille A. Check ‘72
Catherine B. Cleary †
Mary Ellen Collins ‘64
Mary Jean Collins ‘63
Carol A. Crafton ‘84
Selma Crivello †
Irene A. Cunningham ‘76
Christine ‘65 & Dennis †
Judith A. Dettmann
Ann M. Devine ‘85
Faith E. Devine ‘66
Carol Zinner Dolphin ‘62
Catherine D. ‘91 & Richard
Jane Ann Drill ‘56
Judith A. Drinka ‘61
William E. Eastham
Joanne Engel ‘76
Janice Ereth & John T.
Carole C. Evans ‘60
Arlene M. Feiner ‘59
Suzanne M. Felan ‘62
Darlene Florek Ebeling ‘71
Mary Diane Fox ‘65
Donna ‘68 & Thomas Gaffney
Julie Puhek Gale ‘86
Ellen M. Gardner ‘69
Patricia R. & Paul Geenen
Therese A. Geiger ‘66
Georgiann M. ‘64 &
William E. Gielow
Sheila M. Gissibl ‘98
Jeanne P. Goestenkors ‘68
Cecelia Gore ‘92 ‘08
Bonnie J. Gould ‘66
Carol M. Graham ‘58 †
James A. Graham †
Barbara Tennant Gray
Dorothy A. Greene ‘52
Ruth Grossi ‘61
Gary Grunau
Carolyn Guerra ‘63
Ruth Ann Gundrum ‘61
Jean I. Hamann ‘68
Tim & Diane (Schenk) ‘63
Joan J. & L.B. Hardy
Ralph N. Harkness †
Rosalie B. Hartmann ‘70
Genevieve Haugen ‘61
Mari-Anne Hechmann ‘91
Aimee I. Horton †
Rose Hubli ‘60
Karen M. Jensen ‘99
James & Angelina
Zammuto ‘64 Jodie
Emma M. Johnson ‘81
Iloilo M. Jones ‘78
Debra J. Jupka ‘75
Patricia S. Kardas ‘81
Roseanne Karolik ‘63
Audrey Kaske ‘90
Kathleen Kaufelt ‘74
Marla Kennedy ‘56
Frances M. Kieltyka †
Kathleen M. Kies
Harriet Kilkelly ‘53 †
Barbara A. Kluka ‘66
Caroline Kobb ‘56
Carol A. Kolberg ‘60
Kathie C. Koski ‘90
Karen Kotecki ‘80
Darlene T. Kuehl ‘60
Mary Ann Kupper ‘60
Catherine Kurek-Ovshinsky ‘67
& Harvey Ovshinsky
Cathy ‘62 & Richard Labinski
Norma Lang ‘61
Virginia S. Lee
Dr. Marjory Bong-Ray Liu ‘59
Helen ‘57 & Anthony Lobue
Mary Ann Lorentz ‘60
Louise Lux-Sions †
Janice Lyon ‘67
Sheila Mack ‘63
Karen A. Maertins ‘87
Jean M. Maier & Edward
Caroline S. Mark †
Jean Matusinec ‘96
Marlene A. McClure ‘93
Karin B. McCullum ‘97
Rita T. McDonald, PhD ‘62
Phyllis McGrath ‘56
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ‘05
Carol M. Meils ‘75 †
Lavetta Meyer Torke ‘82
Lorene R. Miller ‘87 †
Rhoda R. Miller
Jean Minal ‘58
Jeanette Mitchell ‘82
Miriam Montavon ‘60
Mary K. Mulligan ‘63
Sylvia Murn ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A.
Muth Jr.
Margaret Myota ‘75
Elaine Nicgorski ‘60
Josephine Nimmer †
M. Diane Nunnelee ‘69
Shemagne L. O’Keefe
Mullins ‘99
Elizabeth M. O’Leary ‘54 †
Lorraine O’Malley ‘91 ‘03 &
George Banda
Rose O’Rourke ‘56 †
Caroline Ognenoff ‘79
Kristyne M. Olson ‘66
Mary Orlowski ‘70
Philip W. Orth †
Guy & Louise Osborn
Zoe A. Palomas
Shirley Panosian ‘78
Barbara A. Parr ‘90
Raymond Parr †
Ann P. Patterson-Barton ‘77
Mary P. Pautz ‘67
Bonita L. Pechman ‘68
Lynda Peters ‘87
Bonnie L. Peterson ‘83
Judith A. Podoll ‘83
Constance Polley ‘65
Susan J. Poulsen ‘80
Rita R. Purpora ‘70
Barbara N. Ramusack ‘60
Celeste R. Raspanti ‘50
Julia E. Read †
Carol J. Reiners ‘11
Sara Rendall ‘69
Mary Resnick ‘59
Margaret Riester
Mary Roestel ‘67
Kim M. Roh ‘83
Jeanne Roller ‘61
Marion Romens ‘64
Carolyn Ruck ‘82
M. Fran Rybarik ‘68
Elizabeth Schmidt-Kuhr ‘60
Audrey Schmitt ‘60
Joy K. Schreiber ‘76
Mary Ann Schwartz ‘62
Stephanie Schwarz ‘78
Nancy Scripko ‘61
Karen Sewall ‘67 †
Joan Sheets
Patricia M. Siberz ‘79
Dee A. Sitzberger ‘60
Virginia B. Smith †
Maxine Soshnik ‘68
Rose E. Purpero Spang ‘62
Dianne J. Spector ‘99
Jayne Steffens ‘68
Rosemary Steimle ‘60
Betty S. Stiles ‘82
Lori Stonebraker ‘50
Tamara C. Strause ‘96
Colette M. Suminski ‘66
Ann Bonita Swirth ‘60
Mary Taylor ‘64
Phyllis M. Teets ‘86
Kathleen A. ‘87 &
William F. Thiemann
Colleen Thomas ‘60
Stuart † & Ann Tisdale
Barbara A. Treick ‘64
Kathleen M. Vandenack ‘78
Sharon Vinette-Bower ‘64
Theresa Virgona ‘63
Nancy VonRohr ‘66
Mary Wagner ‘63
Paula B. Washow ‘01
Marie Waters ‘70
Sherry L. Watson ‘95
Filippa C. DiBella Weber ‘92 †
Marguerite Wendell ‘55
Barbara Wesener ‘70 &
Lee Toms †
Patricia Westen ‘68
Margaret Weston ‘77
Patricia A. Weyers ‘74
Joan M. Wilde ‘59
Patricia M. Wilde ‘61
Jane Wingle ‘65
Margaret A. Wittkopp ‘90
Mary Jo Wolf ‘61
Katherine Wooster ‘54 †
Mary A. Yersin †
Our Alverno education is, and has been for
FUTURES...and the futures of our families,
communities and our country.
— Mari-Anne Hechmann ‘91, Alumnae Giving Chair
for Promise & Power campaign and Alverno Trustee
Anonymous (3)
A.O. Smith Foundation
AGIS Insurance Center, Inc.
J. F. Ahern Co.
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Association of University Women
American Family Insurance
Arts Midwest
Astor Street Foundation
Aurora Health Care
Ayco Charitable FoundationLaura & Allen Leverett Charitable Fund
Bader Philanthropies, Inc.
Battomi Oil & Beverage Company, LLC
Beer Capitol Distributing Co., Inc.
Ronald Lee & Merilee Marie
Blake Foundation
BMO Harris Bank
The Boerke Company, Inc.
Borman Family Foundation
Brewers Community Foundation
Broadmoor Pines Homeowners Association
Brookbank Foundation
The Bucyrus Foundation of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
The Burke Foundation
Cara Foundation
Catholic Financial Life
Cedar Street Charitable FoundationPaul & Pat Jones Fund
Charter Manufacturing Co. Foundation, Inc.
Children’s Health Market
Children’s Hospital
Colectivo Coffee
Comerica Charitable TrustHudson Family Fund
CPL Industries, Inc.
Dampeer & Canady LLC
Design Build Fire Protection of Wisconsin, Inc.
Filippa DiBella Foundation
Direct Supply
Dollar Bills
Eagle Enterprises Ltd
Fidelity Charitable Gift FundHorton Family Fund
Kurtz/Larme Family Fund
Frank & Elaine Pagliaro Charitable
Rogers Family Charitable Fund
Kim & Ed Roh Charitable Fund
Greg & Nancy Smith Family Charitable
Madonna & Jay Williams Family Fund
J. H. Findorff & Son, Inc.
Food Services, Inc.
The Fox Company, Inc.
David J. Frank Landscape Contracting, Inc.
Fund for Lake Michigan
Galaxy Foundation
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin South East
Gradisnik Family Trust
Great Lakes Higher Education
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
James S. Berkes & Mary Beth Pieprzyca
Berkes Fund
Cecilia A. Borenitsch Fund
Walter Jay & Clara Charlotte Damm Fund
Carol M. & James A. Graham Fund
Alice C. Helland Fund
Robert F. & Jean E. Holtz Fund
Edward Inderrieden & Jean Maier Fund
Journal Communications/Ione Quinby Griggs Journalism Scholarship Fund
Judith A. Keyes Family Fund
John & Melita Lane Family Fund
Meehan Family Fund
Dorothy Mundschau Fund
Joseph R. Pabst Fund
Hamilton A. & Emily H. Pinkalla Fund
Austin & Heather Ramirez Foundation
David C. Scott Sr. Scholarship Fund D
Walter & Olive Stiemke Fund
Georgiana & Robert Taylor Fund
Tempo Scholarship Fund
VanHimbergen Family Fund
Nancy Crowley Vojtik Scholarship Fund in
Honor of Sister Celestine Schall
Wigchers Family Fund
James O. Wright Fund
Grucon Group LLC
Hamparian Family Foundation
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Heil Family Foundation
Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation
Higher One
Hospira Inc.
HUSCO International, Inc.
Jewish Community FoundationAbigail & David Nash Philanthropic Fund
Lucy & Jack Rosenberg Donor Advised Fund
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Johnson Financial Group
Kelben Foundation, Inc.
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Lalumiere League
Langer Roofing & Sheet Metal
Phoebe R. & John D. Lewis Foundation
Liberty Glass Co., Inc.
Marcus Corporation Foundation
Marshall & Ilsley Foundation, Inc
Martin Family Foundation
Math Matters, LLC
Faye McBeath Foundation
mGive Foundation
Milwaukee Arts Board
Milwaukee Public Schools
Milwaukee Valve Company
George & Julie Mosher Family Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
National Performance Network
National Science Foundation
Native Dogg
New England Foundation for the Arts
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Odd Duck
Parasol Tahoe Community FoundationCarolyn Guerra Fund
Park Bank
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Pepsi Beverages Company
Pieper Electric, Inc./Ideal Mechanical
Suzanne & Richard Pieper Family
Prime Buchholz
Purcell Charitable Foundation
Rath Foundation
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren
Rockwell Automation
Rogers Memorial Hospital
ROS Foundation
Will Ross Memorial Foundation
Salon Thor
Schmidt Custom Floors
School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province
Schwab Charitable FundKirt & Dixie Fiegel Family Charitable Fund
Guy & Louise Osborn Fund
The Seabury Foundation
Sentry Insurance Foundation
SM Legacy, Inc.
Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust
Thirsty Boy, LLC
TLX Technologies
Transfer Pizzeria & Cafe
Triangle Voiture
UBS Donor Advised FundRobert & Theresa Muselman Charitable
Jim & Suzanne Sass Foundation
David & Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation
Uihlein Wilson Architects
United Way of Greater Milwaukee &
Waukesha County
UPS Foundation
VanGuard CharitableWilliam & Mari Edstrom Giving Account
Veritas Financial Services LLC
Vernal Management Consultants, LLC
Wauwatosa Savings & Loan Foundation
Windermere Estates Condo Corp.
Wisconsin Arts Board
Wisconsin Association of Independent
Colleges & Universities
Wisconsin Women’s Council
Women’s Fund of Greater
Milwaukee/Her Scholarship
Youth Frontiers
The Zoller Family Giving Fund of the National Christian Foundation of Greater Chicago
Zonta Foundation
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Nearly 1,000 donors, including more than 800 alumnae, contributed to the Promise & Power capital campaign. Since its start, the campaign has set numerous
giving records for the College. Perhaps none more impressive than the record-breaking amount donated by alumnae. JoAnn McGrath ’57 helped launch the
campaign with a $5 million contribution, making it the largest ever by an alumna. Since then, alum giving has surpassed $8.3 million, shattering past records.
To every donor, please know the result of your generosity will be felt by generations of students who learn and grow at Alverno.
The Promise & Power campaign was led by Don Layden,
Partner, Quarles & Brady LLC; Paul Purcell, Chairman &
CEO of Robert W. Baird; and Ellen Gardner, ’69, retired
President, Ameritech-Wisconsin.
Anonymous Friends
JoAnn Resch McGrath ’57
Filippa C. DiBella Weber ’92 †
Patricia M. Wilde ’61 & Bill Wilde
Martin Family Foundation
The Bucyrus Foundation
Elaine Burke
Robert & Katherine H ’14 Hudson
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Paul & Patricia Purcell
Jovita Carranza H ’11 & Joel W. Roque
Judith A. ’61 & Martin G. Drinka
Donald Jr. & Mary Jo Layden
John & Linda Mellowes Family and
Charter Manufacturing Company
A.O. Smith Foundation
Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust
Anonymous Friends
The Ramirez Family:
Joseph & Abby Andrietsch, Agustin Jr. &
Rebecca Ramirez,
Austin & Heather Ramirez,
HUSCO International, Inc.
Mary Beth ’75 & Jim Berkes
Peter W. & Joan Bruce
Food Services, Inc. and
John & Lynn Stewart
Ellen M. Gardner ’69
J. Scott & Genevieve C. Harkness
Mary Ann & Charles P. LaBahn
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ’05
Suzanne & Richard Pieper Family Foundation
Kathleen Seidel
Ronald L. & Merilee M. Blake
Cathy ’62 & Neil Borman
The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation
The Brico Fund, Inc.
The Burke Foundation
Ruth DeYoung Kohler H ’12
Edith ’78 & Robert DuPuy
Suzanne M. Felan ’62
Greater Milwaukee Foundation,
Enroth Family Fund
Robert F. & Jean E. Holtz Fund
Walter & Olive Stiemke Fund
Gary P. & Joanne Grunau
Marc & Sandra McSweeney
Carol M. Meils ’75
Abigail & David Nash
Marsha Sehler
TOSA Foundation
Anonymous Friends
Kristin Bergstrom & Lloyd Dickinson
Brewers Community Foundation
Karen P. Doppke ’64 & Philip F. Judy
Susan & John Dragisic
Sylvia S. ’91 & William E. Edstrom Sr.
Harold Hartshorne Jr.
Mari-Anne ’91 & Donald Hechmann
Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation
Paul W. & Pat Jones
Kathleen Lawler ’82
Jean M. Maier
Marcus Corporation Foundation
M&I Foundation
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Mary Ann Schwartz ’62
Rose E. Purpero Spang ’62 & Joseph J. Spang
School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province
Steigleder Charitable Trust
Rebecca J. ’04 & Seth Wahlberg
Aurora Health Care
Badger Meter Foundation
Margaret “Maggie” Cary ’60
Tina Chang
Carol Zinner Dolphin ’62
Catherine D. ’91 & Richard Dowdell
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc.
E. Kelly & Jeff Fitzsimmons
Fund for Lake Michigan
Patricia ’63 & Gerald Hoefler
Hospira, Inc.
Allen & Laura Leverett
Marcia Mentkowski
Kristine & Tom Obrecht
Catherine Kurek Ovshinsky ’67 &
Harvey Ovshinsky
Will Ross Memorial Foundation
Rebecca L. Ryan
Anne H. Vogel
Barbara J. Wyatt Sibley ’82 & Louis E. Sibley III
Charles & Elizabeth Hayek ’67 Barnhill
Charles & Teresa Hall Bartels
Jean ’81 & Terry Bartels
S. Louise K. Bernier ’65
Mary M. ’86 & Ken Braband
that you continue to support Alverno and our students;
the recognition of your work and your life’s commitment to
make quality education accessible and available to all,
—Excerpt from dedication speech of the Paul & Patricia Purcell Learning
Commons in recognition of Paul Purcell’s support of Alverno
Patricia Dix Brewer ’68 & Tom Brewer
Gay Derderian-Kazarian ’80 & Kaiser Kazarian
Ricardo & Margaret Diaz
Michael & Sheila Falbo
Kathleen (Casey) ’66 & Michael Gigl
Cecelia Gore ’92 ‘08
Glen & Claire Hackmann
Hamparian Family Foundation
Barbara & Anthony Kesman
Barbara A. Kluka ’66
Jennifer Kopps-Wagner ’93
Steve & Sally Lundeen
Maryrita McIntyre Crisanti ’62
Judy ’75 & Jim Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Muth Jr.
William L. Randall
Barbara A. Stein
Mary K. Stull ’79, RN, PhD
Stephen J. & Barbara Sweeny
Stephanie A. Arend ’85
Judith ’72 & Thomas Beniak
Curt S. Culver
Dr. Vivien De Back ’54
Jacquelyn & Arlyn Fredrick
Joanne ’66 & Joseph Gelsthorpe
Barbara Tennant Gray
Judith Hansen
Patricia ’65 & Lee Hribar
Judith A. Hurley ’88 ‘00
Howard & Lisa Jacob
James & Angelina ’64 Zammuto Jodie
Caroline Ryczek Kobb ’56
Faye McBeath Foundation,
in memory of William Randall
George & Julie Mosher
Theresa ’76 & Robert Muselman
Kim M. ’83 & Edward Roh
Eileen C. Sherman
Judith R. & Sheridan Thompson
Linda Umbdenstock ’68 & Fred W. Dunn
Tom & Lynne VanHimbergen
Linda & Bill Abraham
Sylvia J. Ansay ’61, PhD & Richard Ansay
Dorothy L. Barnes-Miller ’05 & LeeRoy Miller
Janis M. Bartelt ’81
Joseph C. Branch
Robert & Kathleen ’95 Brumder
Elizabeth L. Wilhelm Burke ’87 ‘00
Sandi Callaghan ’81
The Cara Foundation, Inc.
Barbara ’63 & James Caro
Kim Marie Noyes Casey ’01 ‘10
Melissa D. Garrett Clark ’02 ‘11
Judith ’82 & Francis Croak
Karen & Neil Desmond
Jill Desmond & Patrick Ford
Linda S. ’86 & Patrick J. Devitt
Anita M. Eikens
Penny L. Engebose ’08
Anita C. Fischer ’67
Noël Fortier ’11
David J. Frank
Miko Bell Gill ’10
Steve Glynn
S. Barbara J. Goertz ’83 ‘05
S. Toni A. Gradisnik ’75
Gradisnik Family Trust
Thomas & Angela Green
William & Andrea ’01 Greuel
Erica ’00 & Jay Gumieny
Jean I. Hamann ’68
Tim & Diane (Schenk) ’63 Hanley
Melita L. Harkness
Patricia A. ’93 & William Hartmann
Rosalie B. Hartmann ’70
Judy & David Hecker
Daniel E. & Susan Horton
Joan M. Jacobsen ’87
Stanley & Phyllis Jaspan
Debra J. Jupka ’75
Sarajane & Robert Kennedy
Kathleen M. Kies
Florence Brenner Kortsch ’47
Norma M. Skrzypchak Lang ’61
Kaye W. ’11 ‘14 & James Leszczynski
Gerri Lietz-Staffileno ’80
Dr. Marjory Bong-Ray Liu ’59
Arlene G. & Robert A. Logan
Patricia A. Luebke
Shirley Lemke Lueder ’52
Katherine A. Lundeen
John F. Magee
Mary Sulgit Mallon ’64 & J. Robert Mallon
Jere McGaffey
Jim & Kathleen McKeown
Frank Miller ’10 & Mary Ellen Powers
Jeanette Mitchell ’82
Beth Monhollen ’97 & Daniel Seung Pugliese
Patricia A. Baron Monigold ’11
Diana L. Moro Goane ’84 ‘13 & Ken Goane
Rosemary ’66, DDS, PhD &
Francis Neuhaus, PhD
L. M. Overend
Paula Penebaker
Bruce E. & Mary Ellen Pindyck
Ildy & Skip Poliner
Prime Buchholz
Noelle E. ’04 & Joel Przybilla
Julie Quinlan Brame & Jason Brame ’12
Adonica D. Randall
Mary Ann & Greg Renz
Helen J. Raszkiewicz Rewolinski ’84
Don & Dee ’94 Richards
Cathy J. ’71 & Kenneth Rick
James & Suzanne Sass
Kim D. Schaffer ’81
Karen & Jim Schlater Family
Sarah & Jim Schneider
Joy K. Schreiber ’76
Cecilie ’61 & Ray D. Schwartz
Marilyn Shrude ’69 & John Sampen
Dona E. Clipp Smith ’74
Gina M. Spang ’08
Mary E. Staten ’81 ‘98
Patricia Stathas ’99
Tamikia G. Taylor ’10 ‘14
Clara Theine ’65
Kiyoko Toyama ’81
Norine ’61 & Jerome W. Trewyn
Patti Varga
Marguerite Wendell ’55
Barbara Wesener ’70
Sharon S. Wilcox
Joan M. Wilde ’59
Barbara Wysocki ’65
William B. Yersin
Carol B. ’59 & Jerome Aderholdt
Mary Ruth ’58 & John Alberti
Sheila A. Murray Aldrich ’76
Kathryn A. Allen ’13
Judith Wampach Amberg ’67
Karen A. ’95 ‘06 ‘11 & Darol Ambrosh
Karen A. ’82 & Rosalbino Ammendola
Shelley J. Skowronski Andersen ’10
Janet ’85 & Robert Anderson
A. Virginia Brennan Andrews ’92
Fred & Beth Angeli
Jeanne M. ’67 & Michael Antosiewicz
Carol ’67 & Greg Apuli
Robert & Christine Arend
Patricia A. Arms ’98
S. Margaret Ann Arnold ’51
Lisa Arrigoni
Karla Ashenhurst ’14
Kathleen Zager Badura ’67
Lori A. ’91 ‘99 & Victor Baez
Kathleen A. & Bradford Bailey
Elizabeth A. Peterson Baker ’14
Margaret ’74 & Thomas A. Balke
Nancy Barkoviak ’73 ‘81
Michelle A. Bartelson ’04
Donna K. Barth ’63
Diane Bashell Haubner ’73
Linda M. ’01 ‘07 & Keith Bay
Marilyn Adrian Becher ’80
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Lori A. Becker ’93
Lee Mary Becker Slater ’59 & John G. Slater
Jean C. Bell-Calvin ’79 & Roger Calvin
Judith L. Snyder Belmontes ’89
Betty J. ’65 & Leon Benjegerdes
Ella L. Jarvis Benson ’03
Jean M. Berens ’91 & Scot P. Dragan
Catherine A. ’64 & Heinz Berg
Barbara ’79 & Paul D. Bessette
Sue Ann ’79 & Frank Bevsek
Shirley ’59 & Jack Bible
Patricia ’62 & Joseph F. Biebl
James Bierman
Ann Marie Bachhuber Bill ’64
LuAnn ’01 & Phil Bird
Marie Kay Bjelde ’81 & Thomas Linneman
Tina ’67 & Frank Blas
Kendra S. Bloodsaw ’11
S. Dorothy Bock ’50
Carla J. ’61 & Cyrus Bodaghi
Christine M. Lach Boetticher ’71
Maryann ’58 & Thomas G. Bohn
S. Joan Cecile Bonvouloir ’63
Enid A. Bootzin Berkovits ’78
Heather A. Nuzzo Bort ’11
Marie T. Bosetti ’93 & Thomas Ehlen
Susan Lynn Wendorf Bosman ’82
Meoeacish J. Bouldin ’08
Debora K. Boyle-Borkowski ’78 &
Winslow Borkowski
Margaret A. ’95 & Harvey Braatz
Carol J. Branton-Sams ’87 & Richard Sams
Danielle M. Brazee ’04
Ann C. Bronk ’10
Breonna A. Brown ’13
Karen J. ’88 & Robert B. Brown
Valerie J. Reuschlein Brown ’60
Sharon Brumer ’91
Jessica L. Brumm-Larson
John & Carol ’63 Brunner
Adele C. ’92 & Barry Brunow
Beverly I. Staats Bucher ’60
Margaret Bull ’73
Terry A. Hollencamp Burki ’99
Ann Lynette Burton ’67
Joan Buschman
Adele S. Schmitt Buss ’58
Rosanne M. ’91 & Edward Butkowski
Debra S. Butz
Charlotte ’68 & Jay E. Cable
Jami L. Graham Camburn ’07
Erma Echols Cannon ’66
Roseanne ’69 & Robert Carlson
Ann E. ’95 & Lawrence Castiglione
Angela M. Castillo-Raclaw ’99 ‘04 &
Sebastian Raclaw
Cynthia Kasprzak Chada ’69
Ingrid A. Fisher Chamberlain
Natassha R. Jordan Chambliss ’10 ‘13
Diane M. ’93 & Tracy Charno
Camille A. Check ’72
Mary ’73 & Michael Chmielewski
Susan L. Chobanian ’72, MD
Mary Lou ’68 & Ralph J. Cichon
Teresa M. Clapper ’99 & Richard W. Schroeder
Cathleen A. Clark ’83
Jane E. Kaminski Clements ’86
Ruth F. Goncales Coakley ’66
Connie ’65 & James Coffey
Marygrace F. Coll ’90
Mary Ellen ’64 & John Collins
Dorothy D. ’86 & Arthur Conrad
Maureen H. Conrad ’10
Christine E. Conroy ’98
Joyce ’69 & Rex Coon
Elizabeth A. Coppola ’12
Jan Cosmos ’63
Susane I. Frazer Cowans ’96 & Larry Cowans
David P. Coyle
Mary F. Crivello-Witt ’95 ‘12 & Brian G. Witt
Marjorie ’88 & Rudy J. Cudzinovic
Irene A. Cunningham ’76
Joyce M. Scholz Cupertino ’62
Eileen A. Palkowski Czernisz ’87
Mary C. ’07 & Christopher Dahl
Nellie P. ’94 & Miles Dake
Rosa Marie ’74 & Michael Dalsing
Alison M. Damato ’08
Dorothy Danforth ’70
Eloise N. ’86 & Emanuel O. Daniels
Kaye ’66 & James Daun
Joan Gehant Davies ’69
Carol L. ’99 & Larry Davis
John Dawson
Dorothy K. Dean
Bernice ’89 & David J. Deboer
Marcelline ’48 & Howard W. Degener
Mildred C. ’53 & Richard R. Dehlinger
Alice L. Bradley Demlow ’00
S. Patricia M. Derfus ’57
Jackielee M. Derks ’13
S. Bernardin Deutsch ’53
Theresa A. Kelly D’Haeze ’04
Susan A. Roseneck Dickau ’92
Shirley A. (Molock) Dieterman ’58
S. Mary E. Diez ’67
Georgine ’67 & Henry Dluzak
Patricia Doering ’59
Kathleen ’68 & Ray J. Dombrowski
Mary Lou ’54 & Joseph Domek
Vincent & Mary Donnelly
Barbara B. Janusz Dopke ’02
Helen Dostal ’56
Kristine A. Loppnow Downer ’01
Gwen Blavat Drapela ’67
Karen S. ’98 & Paul Drescher
Trudy ’59 & Dennis Droese
Dina E. Rivera Duarte ’13
Bradley E. Duckworth ’14
Virginia A. Duiven ’13
Jill M. Duszynski ’90 & Paul Kanitz
Patricia A. Dwight
Jacqueline M. Eberle ’94
S. Bette Edl ’62
Bonnie J. ’99 ‘04 & Cary Edwards
Mara Eisch ’82
Lucille H. ’97 & Larry Ellenberger
Amal F. El-Sheikh
Carole A. ’61 & Byron Elsner
Zohreh Emami
Melissa L. Enderle ’93
Joanne Engel ’76 & Kenneth Valdes
Michelle M. Engl
Sharon R. ’68 & Paul Escallier
Robin M. Esch Gower ’11
Marie C. Espina ’69
Doris & Charles Evans
Tracy C. Everett ’96
Janet ’71 & Terrence Falk
Rebecca Surrem Farrell ’89
Linda Fausel ’02
Arlene M. Feiner ’59
Laurie ’89 & John Fels
S. Joyce A. Fey ’70
Debra A. ’91 & Johnnie Fields Jr.
Corinne ’64 & William Finn
Janet L. Fitch ’95
Jillian T. Flood Berman ’08
Nicole A. Folley ’99
Rosalie ’63 & Reinhard Follmann
Carol A. ’02 & Angel Fontanez
Pauline A. Forrest ’90
Valeria N. ’71 & Stanley C. Foster
Trenette R. Tyars Fowler ’96
Cynthia ’68 & Matthew Frami
Maribeth A. Franecki-Swatloske ’12
Susan K. ’98 & Donald Fredrich
Tamra L. ’09 & Jason Fricke
Mary M. Frieseke ’93 ‘10
Deanna L. ’02 & Jeffrey Frings
Sandra ’89 & Roy Frisque
Mari-Ellen ’89 & John Fry
Bonnie M. ’93 & Carl Fuggiasco
Nicolette A. Fuller ’93
S. Maria Eugenia Funez
Kathy ’79 & Michael Fuss
William J. Gaertner
S. Lucinda Gajkowski
Diane ’65 & William Galles
Jessica M. Gamez ’11
Karen Jo Ganey ’82
Suzann C. Gardner
Erica A. Garver ’10
Elaine C. ’63 & Richard F. Garvey
Carol Kozisek Gearheart ’66
Patricia R. & Paul Geenen
Amanda J. Gehrig ’11
Sharron ’59 & Jule Gehrig
David Gennrich
Lynn M. Mortenson Gettrust ’10
Rose C. Giannini ’88
Elizabeth M. Giencke
Bernadette ’68 & James Gitter
Katherine M. Redman-Glick ’92 ‘05
Katrina J. ’05 & Tom Goetz
Linda L. ’83 & Ervin J. Golembiewski
Julie D. Guenther Golwitzer ’97
Monica T. Gomez Isaac ’01
Lindsay O. Gonzalez ’11
Gloria Gragnani ’67
Patricia ’85 & William Graham
Sandra E. Graham
Betty Knobbe Grayson ’63
Judith A. Gregor ’68
Lois Gresholdt ’91
Kelly A. Griffith ’11
Judith ’73 & Guy R. Gromala
Barbara B. Groshek
Judith ’66 & Herbert Grospitz
Nicole M. Gross ’10
Gretchen Grotenrath ’97
Lauralee F. Guilbault
Darlene R. Habanek
S. Laureen Haben ’49
Marlene H. ’81 & John H. Haigh
Samantha A. Bork Hall ’07
Francette Hamilton ’58
Xiaojie Han
Eileen M. Hanley ’03
S. Nancy Hansen ’55 ‘75
S. Marietta Hanus ’53
Katie R. Hardin ’02
Carol J. Hardwick ’68
Patricia ’87 & Alexander Hardy
Barbara A. Cottingham Hart ’89
Karen A. ’95 & Mario Hartlaub
Jean A. ’60 & Thomas Head
Gloria ’66 & Robert Heck
S. Elizabeth Ann Heese ’61
Margaret M. Hegeman ’02 ‘12
Mary Hegeman
S. Dorothy Hegemann ’54
Kathryn F. Heino ’11
Alice ’69 & Bernard Hellgeth
Maureen Hellwig ’68
S. Leanne Herda ’49
Maria C. Hernandez ’11
Mary ’69 & Theodore Hertel
Rosemary K. Hetrick ’12
Jim & Heidi Hilby
Curonda M. ’12 & Marques Hill
Jeanne Olson Hillebrand ’58
Christy Hill-Inman ’82
Michelle L. ’02 & George Hinton
S. Elaine Hirschenberger ’65
Beverly L. Roecker Hoege ’83
Mary Kay ’71 & Willard Hoffmann
Joy M. Holbrook ’89
Sheila Sullivan Holbrook ’64 &
James J. Holbrook Jr.
Margaret A. ’82 & Michael C. Holland
Glenda (Moschetz) Holm ’69
Judith ’78 & Randall R. Holterman
Karen E. Leichtle Hondlik
Maryjoyce Hotelling ’74
Peggy House ’63
Kathleen Jo Boyum Hudziak ’71
Kathryn Hug ’70
Kathleen ’67 & David Hutchison
Carolyn V. Ilion
Mary R. Ingram ’77
Barbara & Emory Ireland
Amal Eid Jaber ’01
Celia A. Jackson
Cindy F. ’91 & Kevin Jackson
Cynthia A. ’93 ‘00 & Jeffrey Jackson
Jeanne ’64 & Robert B. Jacques
Jeanette C. Davis Janasik ’84
Natalie D. Jaskie
Julie ’77 & John M. Jaworowicz
Barbara Balistreri Jeske ’82
Jennifer J. Johanson
Dawn ’84 & Mark Johnson
Martha J. Johnson
Mary Claire Jones ’88
Barbara J. Judd ’75
The continued engagement of young alums like
Noelle E. Przybilla ‘04 and Melissa Clark ‘02, ‘11
will be key to Alverno’s future success.
Julie A. ’99 & Matthew Jutrzonka
Patricia A. ’66 & Richard Kadlec
Ginny Kannenberg
Alissa A. Karl
Mary El ’60 & Robert Kastelic, MD
Carol ’91 & Robert Kaufmann
Nicole M. Kazin ’12
Shirley ’65 & Lawrence Kebbekus
Raymond & Susan Kehm
Barbara F. ’65 & John L. Keller
Kathleen Kennison ’86
Joan & Frederick Kessler
Bruce & Laurie Kestelman
Patricia ’59 & Raymond L. Kimberley
Lakesha N. Kinlow ’11
Carol Kison ’82, PhD, RN
Heather Kitchin & Rocklan Wruck
Donald & Gabriella ’83 Klein
M. Patricia ’83 & John H. Klever
Amanda ’01 & Brian Klumb
Erin M. Koch ’13
Susan Koebel ’73
Ann M. Koenig ’75
Wendy S. Lutz Koepp ’02
Kathy ’70 & John Koetters
Carrie M. Kollatz ’12
Jean Conlin Kolo ’56
Kathleen O’Malley Koneazny ’67
Gloria Harter Konkel ’83
Sarah A. Kordsmeier ’12
S. Clare Korte ’54
Kathie C. ’90 & Lee W. Koski
S. Barbara Kraemer ’65
Ann Kramer-Haag ’81 & Terrence Haag
Edna Kraschinsky ’52
Helen ’71 & Thomas Kroening
Judith A. Struzik Krysiak ’00
Marlene L. Kukla ’88 ‘06
Richard & Cathy ’62 Labinski
Annmarie L. LaBonte ’13
Karen ’63 & Earl P. Lackey
Kathy Lake
Justin R. LaManna
Kathren Lamb ’95 ‘12 & Bill Chappie
Gail Lamberty ’92
Jodie ’96 & Thomas Lane
Dawn M. ’87 & David Langdon
Margaret K. Mahas Lange ’01
Kevin Langreck
Peggy Lannan ’65
Joan A. Holzem Lanser ’53
Susan L. ’85 & Kenneth Laplante
Yvonne Larme ’73 & Harvey A. Kurtz
Barbara ’56 & Michael J. Lauta
Lois L. Klas Lawton ’67
Sandra Lebsack ’82
Sharon R. Glenn Lee ’79
Shirley Coenen Lee ’67 & Gary R. Lee
Susan ’05 & Daniel Leister
Sandra A. Maciejewski Lenartz ’13
Kay & Peter Lettenberger
Graceabelle Casey LeVander ’54
Yvonne-Marie A. Lewandowski ’03 ‘09
Elizabeth ’98 & Scott Lingen
Therese R. Stassi Linsky ’61 & George Linsky
Helen ’57 & Anthony Lobue
Mary L. Loeffel ’04
Christine Przybyla Long ’53
Lois M. Lee Longmire ’79
Carol A. ’02 & Mark Loomis
Debra I. ’94 & Michael L. Loomis
Cecile Strzyzewski Loreck ’59
Pamela Lucas
Amanda R. Luciano ’13
Debra ’76 & James Luetzow
Sarah M. Lukas ’08
Mary ’55 & Russell Lund
Mark J. Lutzke
Mary H. ’87 & Thomas P. Luzinski
Joanne S. Mack
Karen & Edward Maher
S. Regina Marie Maibusch ’50
Sharon Malenda
Angela M. ’63 & Thomas Maloy
Connie Retka Manke ’75 & Michael Manke
Tonya Mantilla ’04
Sharon ’59 & James Mantsch
Marilyn A. ’65 & Richard Marks
Jodi Z. Marose
Math Matters, LLC
Pamela A. Maxson-Cooper ’84 &
John Cooper III
Jessica L. May
Patricia ’66 & John McCabe
Marlene ’66 & Wayne McCarter
Janice Zeck McCarthy ’58
S. Maureen McCarthy ’68
Mary Ann Schuster McCormack ’50
Magdalena ’85 & Dan L. McElroy
Julie Hart McHale ’54
Patricia A. Sekey McKay ’63
Ellen McKinnon ’71
Melissa J. McMahon ’13
Virginia Mecikalski ’56
Mary Meier Freytag ’92 ‘98 & Michael Freytag
Carole Martinelli Meisel ’98
Janet Flood Melancon ’59
Janet K. Melloch ’92
Karen ’67 & James Mellonig
Karen M. ’91 & Kenneth Merckx
S. Regina Pacis Meservey ’62
Louise Meske ’82
Carol A. Mester ’65
Mary Alice Weber Metzler ’58
S. Madeline C. Meyer ’50
Roberta Meyer ’61
Lavetta Meyer Torke ’82 & Thomas S. Torke
Lora A. Meyers ’11
Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Leone Flasch ’57 Michel
Mary M. Middendorf ’70
Barbara Tokarz Panek Mierzwinski ’64
Maria A. Migdal ’87 & James Grunow
Ann M. Miller
Jane U. Leonard Miller
Kelly J. ’06 & David Miller
Kimberly C. Miller ’97
Patricia D. Price Miller ’00
Sue Miller
Nicole M. Mills ’11
Barbara ’67 & Craig L. Minbiole
Kathleen M. & Stephen J. Minik
Debra P. Mitchelson
Autum L. Mitschke ’14
Diane M. ’96 & Paul Moede
Table of Contentsà
† Deceased
The letter ’H’ preceding the alum year indicates an honorary status.
Barbara Moehrlin ’64
Karen R. Loiacano Molenda ’81
Kathryn E. Monahan ’07
Celestine L. Moore ’13
Kathleen M. Moosavi
Aura M. Mora-Gheller ’87 & Vincent Gheller
Lou Ann Morey ’82
Gail D. Morgan ’99
Mary H. Mroczenski ’94
Kathleen ’84 & Jerome R. Mudrock
Jeanette Oehler Mueller ’55
Mary J. Mueller ’11
Patricia Michalski Mueller ’55
Kim M. ’89 & James F. Muench
Bernice C. Brunner Murphy ’91
Joan Murphy-Horvath ’54
Kathryn A. Murray
Jane G. Nacker ’81
Constance Nagel ’82
Donna Namath
Alyssa M. Narloch ’11
Monica J. ’70 & Richard Natynski
Rita A. Nawrocki-Chabin & Nicholas Chabin
Karen ’65 & Robert G. Nehls
S. Marlene M. Neises H ’99
Jodi L. Ferch Neuwirth ’09
Barbara K. Nevers
Ann Newcomer
Virginia ’68 & Stanley Nichols
Kristine M. ’96 ‘12 & David Niehus
Joyce E. Noonan
Joan A. Nordholz ’62
Marilyn Weiss Nowak ’54
S. Kathleen A. O’Brien ’67
Joanne ’73 & William O’Dell
Kristine M. O’Donnell ’95
Kaylynn F. ’98 & Robert Oldenburg
Janet Kapelle Olsen ’76
JerriLee O’Malley ’95
Helen Riedl Onderak ’54
Diana Marie ’65 & Frederick T. O’Rourke
Sherry Ortiz ’02
Janet E. ’92 & Dennis O’Shea
Carol Ann M. ’92 & Raymond Osinski
Susan Oster
Heather J. Page ’02
Shirley Viel Panosian ’78
Delores G. ’97 & Melvin L. Parr Sr.
Barbara ’79 & David Patterson
Joanna Patterson
John Pauly
Amy L. ’04 & David Pawlak
Carrie A. ’97 & Troy Payne
Sister Francitta Pazhukkathara ’03, OSF
Rosemary B. ’90 & Allen Pearson
Maryanna Pelkowski ’66
Raquel Perez ’67
Shirley Perreira & Renee Witon ’79
Mary McGinnis Person ’84
Gloria I. Peterson ’83
L. Robert Peterson
Linda S. ’85 & Jeff Peterson
Mary Pettinger ’62
Barbara & Edmund Piehler
Mary K. ’02 ‘05 & Donald Pierce
Jacqueline P. Barnes Pinager ’98
S. Marie Elizabeth Pink ’51
Deborah ’75 & Glenn Pinkowski
Patricia Wimmer Pire ’65
Heidelore J. ’01 & Jack Planey
Judith ’67 & James Plute
Lewis & Denise Poberezny
Joan M. ’74 & Edward J. Poletti
Natalie J. ’03 & Paul Polinske
Joanne ’57 & Douglas Porch
Claudia ’66 & George Porter
Tammy S. Potter ’07
S. Barbara Jean Potthast ’70
Susan J. Poulsen ’80 & James Fitzgerald
Frank & Jane M. Klaas Pranke ’67
Maurine Prawdzik ’82
Gail & David Prohaska
Susan F. Pustejovsky
Sharon Quintenz Van Pelt ’65
Mary A. Ramsay-Drow ’94 &
Mark Drow
Barbara N. Ramusack ’60
Rosemary ’65 & Richard Rankin
Mary E. Olsen Rankovich ’95
Peg ’85 & Bill Rauschenberger
David C. Ravel
Clare A. Reardon ’08
Jean C. Walczak Rebello ’63
Patricia M. Zefran Reddy ’64
Diane J. ’62 & David L. Reed
Susan Rehak ’59
Eleanor T. ’88 & Harry Rehberg
Kiarra M. Whittington Reid ’06
Carol J. Reiners ’11
Geraldine ’59 & William Remmes
Karen C. ’80 & Dann G. Reske
Kellyann M. Reuter
S. Julia A. Rice ’54
Gloria Skwier ’64 & Jerome Richards
Kelly A. ’00 & Corey Richards
Lois ’68 & Robert Richter
Rebecca A. Bialek Rick ’04
Dolores ’70 & Charles E. Rickman
“Women have much to give but often don’t recognize
POTENTIAL, and this world needs all of their gifts.”
— Jean Maier, Alverno Trustee
Margaret Riester
Lola M. Peters Martin ’99
Joanne Neustifter Roberts ’69
Glen P. Rogers
Robert & Lou Ann Rogowski
Maia Rose ’65 & Kenneth Kidder
Rose Mary ’81 & Raymond Rosemeyer
Barbara Beth Pace Rosenmerkel ’62
Elizabeth J. Ross ’68 & Francisco Aguilar
Mary S. Rowe
Patricia ’68 & Kenneth J. Rozek
Joanne A. Gompf Ruggieri ’76
Barbara A. ’95 & Thomas W. Sager
Julie C. Salentine
Tiffany M. Sanchez ’13
Jane ’69 & Richard Sanford
Dawn M. Sankey-Caruss ’84 & Mike Caruss
Barbara ’58 & Richard Sarenac
John C. Savagian & Diane Grace
Catherine A. Savaglio ’93
Nancy T. Sawyer
Mary C. ’82 & Gregory Sbaraglia
Janice ’80 & Kenneth C. Schaetz
Sr. Celestine Schall, SSSF ’48
Lena S. Scheibengraber ’13
Christine M. ’94 & Glenn Schellinger
Stephanie K. Schlueter ’01
S. MaryAnn Schmidt ’67
Audrey Schmitt ’60
Ashley A. ’13 & Dale Schneider
Kathryn A. ’91 & Thomas P. Schneider
S. Mary Catherine Schneider ’69
Todd & Marie Schoeppach
Ruth ’63 & Bill Schommer
Barbara ’66 & Gary Schroeder
Kathleen A. Schroeder ’07
Thomas R. Schuler
S. Judeen Schulte ’71
Patricia Hoss Schulz ’66
Penny M. Behl Schwanz ’03 ‘11
Judith A. ’63 & Donald Schwister
Laura Aaron Sear
Elizabeth M. Novak Seaver ’67
Mark Sekula
Rae Ellen Sena ’10, MEd, MAE/MDI
Sandra Sevilla-Garcia ’05 & Noe Garcia
Amy W. Shambarger ’14
Stephen R. Sharkey
Carol ’65 & William Sheppard
Shirley ’82 & Joseph M. Shircel
Marcy H. Silver
Donna M. ’66 & Terry Sincere
Margaret M. ’62 & Walter Siodlarz
Charlann G. Sirovatka ’69
Madonna Marsden Sivwright ’94
Mary N. Skladanek ’96 ‘00
Dolores A. Skowronek
Nicole C. Skowronski
Mary Ann Reitz Slattery ’58
Nancy ’68 & Donald E. Smith
Sally Smits
Susan E. ’92 & Anthony Smyczek
Shirley Petrowiak Sobocinski ’61
Diana L. ’99 & Brad Solomon
Morgan V. Somers
Bonnie P. ’89 & John Sorenson
Cathy Herrmann Spath ’96 & Tim Spath
Nancy K. Spindler ’10
Ann T. Stawski ’93
Rachel M. ’99 & Paul Steele
Jayne Steffens ’68 & Gerald M. Cross
Cindy M. Stegman ’07
Rosemary Steimle ’60
Mary ’64 & Jerry Stephens
Rosemary A. Stetzer
Kathleen A. ’67 & Charles S. Stewart
S. Mary Anna Stickelmaier ’45
S. Barbaralie Stiefermann ’64, PhD
Emily S. Storm ’08
Kris A. ’73 ‘08 & George Strnad
Mary C. Stryck ’86
Betty M. Suarez ’12
Cassandra L. Sukowaty ’04
Rebecca S. Surges ’09 ‘12
Mary V. Sustar ’92 & Patrick Ninneman
Veronica A. ’64 & John F. Sustar
S. Marcian Swanson ’64
Vera ’61 & Robert Switalski
Pegge ‘15 & Dave Sytkowski
Bernadine ’54 & Edward J. Szopinski
Maricruz Talavera-Pettis ’99 &
Andres Pettis
Sherri L. ’94 & Leo Taylor
Sebastian C. & Jacqueline Thachenkary
Carol Keup Theisen ’78
Lisa A. Thomka ’92 & Jack Landrum
Kathleen ’66 & M.D. Thompson
Louise Simmons Thompson ’01
Patricia A. ’76 & Michael Thompson
Janet L. Erickson Tibbetts ’76
TLX Technologies
Diane F. Tourangeau
Catherine ’78 & Rodger Trader
S. Thuy V. Tran ’13
Tammy ’92 & Phillip Trewyn
S. Leona C. Truchan ’53
Anne R. Tunnell ’65
Peggy C. Turner ’74 & James Brunke
Nawatsie R. ’06 & LC Tyars Jr.
Marianne ’56 & Robert G. Ullrich
S. Nancy A. Ulrich ’67
Caroline Meier Urban ’62
Teresa A. Valent
Karen L. Valley ’83
Jeannette ’68 & Robin Van Dorn
Katie L. VanBommel
Nancy Jo Vaseloff ’61
Adriana ’13 & Luis A. Vazquez Jr.
Ilona ’66 & Gilberto E. Vega
Susan ’93 & Randy Veres
Nancy Verville ’53
Linda M. ’97 & Gerald Verwey
Rita Vincent ’55
Theresa Virgona ’63
Dorothy ’75 & James Vittone
Rochelle A. Clore Wacker ’97
Juliana M. Wagner ’77 &
David L. Maloney
S. Mary Jane C. Wagner ’64
S. Roseann Wagner ’56
Christine Laskowski Walczak ’69
Joan ’68 & Franklyn Waldvogel
Rose Mary ’65 & Frederick Walecki
Mary Lou ’62 & Norman B. Walker
Nancy ’69 & Paul Wallace
Jean ’65 & Thomas A. Walsh
Joyce A. Rosa Walsh ’68
Margaret ’79 & Joel Walsh
Mary Jo ’91 & James M. Walsh
Rita Tyson ’69 & Thomas P. Walters
Kristin J. Garstecki Ward ’11
Michelle A. ’96 & Breck Ward
Teresa M. Ward ’13
Rhonda M. & Christopher E. Ware
Britney C. Watson ’12
Claire Dufresne Weber ’84
S. Elaine Julia Weber ’61
Erica J. Kowalski Weber ’12
Carriette ’76 & Clifford Weddle
Brooke P. Wegner ’99 ‘03
Judith Burkhalter Weiand ’64
Diana M. ’69 & Thomas Weisenburger
Regina F. ’59 † & Gordon E. Weiss
Barbara ’57 & Harold R. Wesley
Patricia A. ’74 & Eugene F. Weyers
Jenifer L. Wheeler ’90
Erin J. Johnson Whitehead ’14
Elizabeth M. Widder ’12
Marie & Jeffrey N. Widder
Margaret ’51 & George Wilcox
Jessica E. Williams ’09
Kathleen A. Williams ’96 &
Ruth A. Boulet ’94
Linda F. ’83 & Bryan K. Williams
Mary ’68 & Gary Williams
Sally J. Williams ’94
Diane ’80 & Robin Wilson
Mary ’67 & Ronald Wilson
Carol L. ’82 & Keith Winegarden
Patricia A. Turkovich Wiseman ’73
Suzanne Parr Wodek ’71
Eileen M. ’54 & Charles D. Wolf
Mary Jo Obenauf Wolf ’61
Michelle S. Wolfe
Kay C. Wolferstetter ’10
Pamela R. Euell Wright ’13
Jo Ann ’88 & Raymond S. Wutkowski
Ann E. Yezzi
Christian Young
Kellie M. Yust
Patricia Katzer Zainer ’60
Donna Mae ’60 & Kenneth Zandt
Kealalani Todd Zane ’69
Elizabeth A. Zelazek ’66
Rebecca L. Zeman ’09
Bernadine Jablonski Ziemba ’68
Lynn ’67 & Charles J. Zimmerman
Mari Claire Heifetz Zimmerman ’87
Jane M. Morrow Ziol ’90
Karen M. ’73 & Walter M. Zoller
Karla E. Zuehlke ’98
David J. Frank Landscape
Event Co-Chairs
Judith A. Drinka ’61
Gary P. Grunau
Roy Reiman
Donors and Volunteers
Mike Abrams
James Altstadt
David Anzia
Bartolotta Restaurants
Ronald Bates
Beer Capitol Distributing, Inc.
Jim & Mary Beth ‘75 Berkes
John & Teri Bill
Tom G. Bitters
Bruce Block
BMO Harris Bank
Mike Boelter
Linda Bowe
Brewers Community Foundation
Peter W. & Joan Bruce
Francis Brzezinski
John Buresh
Richard Butler
Dean Casper
Matt Cool
CPL Industries, Inc.
Design Build Fire Protection of
Wisconsin, Inc.
Judith A. Drinka ‘61
William E. Eastham
Chris Eisold
J. H. Findorff & Son Inc.
Food Services, Inc.
Mark Foote
Contracting, Inc.
S. Deborah A. Fumagalli ‘06
Frank Gimbel
S. Toni A. Gradisnik ‘75
Marc Grasswick
Mark Griepentrog
Gary P. Grunau
John Grunau
Todd Hajewski
Mari-Anne ‘91 & Donald
Jason Heiman
James Henry
John Himmelspach
Mark Honadel
Richard Hopf
Robert & Katherine H ’14 Hudson
Mike Jelinski
Jewish Community Foundation
- Abigail & David Nash
Philanthropic Fund
Angelina Jodie ‘64
Brian Johnsen
James Kegel
Kegel’s Inn
Tim Kezman
S. Barbara Kraemer ‘65
Mary Ann & Charles P. LaBahn
Kathleen Lawler ‘82
Will Lucus
Wayne Lunde
Steve Lundeen
Jan H ‘11 and Vince Martin
Donald Massa
Daniel A. Matre
Marc McSweeney
Mary J. Meehan, PhD H ‘05
Gale Mendini
S. Regina Pacis Meservey ‘62
Don Michalek
Dale Miller
David Miller
Frederick A. Muth Jr.
Abigail Nash
S. Marlene Neises H ‘99
S. Kathleen A. O’Brien ‘67
Julie O’Malley
Park Bank
Ralph Patitucci
Purcell Charitable Foundation
Paul Purcell
Sam Purpero
Roy Reiman
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren
S. Carol Rigali
Kim Schaffer
Schmidt Custom Floors
S. Judeen Schulte ‘71
Marsha Sehler
Lynn Sonnenberg
Rose E. Purpero Spang ‘62
John & Lynn Stewart
John Stewart Jr.
S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, PhD ‘64
Carl Strohmaier
Terry Tabbert
Ned Timarac
Uihlein Wilson Architects
Trina E. Urick ‘14
Dennis Vilkoski
Eric Weber
Dan Weiss
Tom Zarek
Abbott Laboratories Fund
American Transmission Company
A.O. Smith Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
Big Heart Pet Brands
The Boeing Company
The Bucyrus Foundation of the
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Dun & Bradstreet
FM Global
GE Foundation
Harley-Davidson Foundation
IBM Corporation
IFF Foundation, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
J P Morgan Chase Foundation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
McGraw-Hill Companies
Microsoft Corporation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Oracle Corporation
PPG Industries Foundation
Prudential Foundation
Rockwell Automation
SC Johnson
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Verizon Foundation
We Energies Foundation
Wells Fargo
West Bend Mutual Insurance
Table of Contentsà
Alverno Alumnae Association
Established by the Alverno Alumnae Association in 1982 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Kathryn M. Bydalek Memorial
Established by Kathryn Bydalek in 1989 to provide scholarship
assistance to students training to become teachers, nurses, or
therapists who will work with troubled or deprived youth.
Class of ’62
Established by Class of ’62 alumnae in 2012 to provide
scholarship support for students demonstrating academic
success and financial need.
Patrick & Anna Cudahy Fund
Established by the Patrick & Anna Cudahy Fund in 1986 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Alverno Classes of ’60 & ’61
Established by various donors in 1998 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Robert F. Byrnes
Established by Eleanor Byrnes in 1998 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Faith Devine
Established by Faith Devine ’66 in 2000 to provide scholarship
support for students who are low-income single mothers.
Alverno College Fund
Established by the Alvin & Marion Birnschein Foundation and
was originally called the Birnschein Nursing Scholarship. In
1993 it was transferred to the general college endowment fund
for scholarship purposes.
Alfred & Hilda Case
Established by Alfred Case in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Class of ’65
Established by Class of ’65 alumnae in 2015 to provide
scholarship support for students demonstrating academic
success and financial need.
Alverno National Council
Established by the President’s Council in 1986 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
ANR Pipeline
Established by ANR Pipeline in 1998 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Evelyn D. Arend
Established in 2010 to provide scholarship assistance to needy
students who have demonstrated their commitment to lifelong
learning by their persistence over time in pursuing
their education.
Barlow (Rita, Edward and Helen) Nursing
Established by Edward Barlow in 1986 to provide
scholarship assistance to nursing students who demonstrate
academic promise.
Beihoff Music
Established by Beihoff Music in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for music students demonstrating financial need.
Bonnie B. Cleary Memorial
Established by Catherine Cleary, Trustee, in 1989 to provide
scholarship assistance for nursing students.
The mission for Alverno College includes RESPECT FOR AND
DEVOTION TO all—students, faculty, staff, donors and folks in the
community. Together, we learn and share. In the broader world
Alverno has become a model for its commitment to LIFELONG
SELF-ASSESSMENT and for speaking out for values.
— Jan H ’11 and Vince Martin, Honorary Co-Chairs of Promise & Power campaign
Charlotte & James Casey
Established by Michael and Kathleen ’66 Gigl in 1996 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Catherine Conroy Memorial H’11
Established by Catherine Conroy in 1992 to provide scholarship
support for non-traditional students who are continuing to work
while attending school.
Beatrice Biesik
Established by Beatrice Biesik ’66 in 2000 to provide
scholarship support for students demonstrating financial need.
Childcare Support Fund
Established anonymously in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students using Alverno College childcare services
and demonstrate financial need.
Barbara Mathews Blanton
Established by Barbara Mathews Blanton ’76 in 1999 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Carolynn Traudt Christian Nursing
Established by Patricia Wilde ’61 in 2009 to provide scholarship
support for students who demonstrate academic promise.
Cornerstone Foundation of Northeastern Wisconsin
Established by Fort Howard Paper Company in 1985 to assist a
full-time freshman who demonstrates financial need and resides
in Brown, Outagamie, Kewaunee, Door, Manitowoc, Calumet,
Oconto, or Shawano County.
Mary Bethune
Established by Patricia Wilde ’61 in 2001 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Suzanne Kozak Coverdale
Established by David Coverdale in 1999 to provide scholarship
assistance to students with children.
L. William Dewey Jr. Memorial
Established by Briggs & Stratton in 1989 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Filippa DiBella
Established by Filippa DiBella Weber ’92 in 1997 to provide
scholarship support for students demonstrating financial need.
Sister Mary Diez Education
Established in 2014 by friends and students of Sister Mary
Diez to commemorate her extraordinary leadership of
Alverno’s School of Education, her dedication to constant
improvement of teacher education programs nationally and
globally, and her passion for developing teachers who serve
their students with great care, competence and courage.
Sister Austin Doherty
Established in 2014 by friends and students to
commemorate her extraordinary leadership in the
development of Alverno’s curriculum, and her deep belief in
seizing every teachable moment to help each student reach
her full potential.
Carol Zinner Dolphin Arts/Communication Education
Established by Carol Zinner Dolphin ’62 in 2004 to provide
scholarship assistance to students in Education (area of
Communication or Fine Arts). In addition to education
preparation classes, the student must be majoring in English,
Professional Communication, Creative Arts, Theatre Arts or
Dance and Movement Studies.
Sister JoAnn Euper Memorial
Established in 1998 to provide scholarship assistance for
students demonstrating financial need.
Suzanne M. Felan
Established by Suzanne M. Felan ’62 in 2007 in memory of
Howard L. Felan and Margaret E. Felan to provide scholarship
support for students with majors in elementary or high school
education who demonstrate academic promise.
Thom R. Feroah Excellence in Visual Communication
Established by Dr. Thom R. Feroah in 2007 to support partial
tuition scholarships to students who demonstrate outstanding
technical and aesthetic abilities in black and white and/or
digital photography.
Helene Fuld Health Trust Endowed Scholarship Fund for
Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Established by the Helene Fuld Health Trust in 2003 to provide
scholarship assistance for nursing students enrolled in Alverno’s
baccalaureate nursing program.
Donna & Thomas Gaffney
Established by Donna Gaffney ’68 in 1996 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Raymond Galvin Memorial
Established in 1986 to provide scholarship assistance for
students demonstrating financial need.
Ellen M. Gardner & Michael Hansen
Established by Ellen Gardner ’69 in 1995 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Georgiann and William Gielow
Established by William and Georgiann ’64 Gielow in 2011
to provide scholarship assistance for a junior or senior level
nursing, music and/or education student with financial need.
Agnese Dunne Memorial
Established by Agnese Dunne in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Graduation Class Gifts
Established by various donors in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Sister Elizabeth Engel Memorial
Established by various memorial gifts in 2001 to provide
scholarship assistance for education students demonstrating
financial need.
Sister Bernarda Handrup Memorial
Established by various memorial gifts in 1995 to provide
scholarship assistance for physical science students
demonstrating financial need.
Frank & Mary Ermenc Memorial
Established by Mary Ermenc in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for fine arts students.
Barbara Frost Harkness
Established by Ralph Harkness in 2006. Barbara Frost Harkness
was a fourth generation Californian who held a special
regard and interest in the welfare of Hispanic people. The
intent of this endowed scholarship is to honor her memory
by encouraging more young women of Hispanic ethnicity
to attend and complete a baccalaureate degree at Alverno
College. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of
Hispanic college graduates in Milwaukee with the hope that
these graduates will serve as a role model and inspiration to
other young Hispanic women.
Ralph & Melita Harkness
Established by J. Scott Harkness and Thomas J. Harkness in
2010 on behalf of the families of Ralph and Melita Harkness
to provide scholarship assistance for first-generation students
demonstrating financial need.
William Randolph Hearst
Established by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation in
1992 to provide scholarship assistance for disadvantaged nontraditional students.
Elizabeth N. Holcombe
Established by Louise Lux-Sions in 1994 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Roland & Bernadine Huber
Established by Bernadine Huber ’75 in 2000 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating financial
Larry K. Hyde
Established by Kathleen Hyde ’92 in 2002 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating financial
Sister Theophane Hytrek Memorial
Established in 1992 to provide scholarship assistance for music
students demonstrating financial need.
Knights of Columbus - Father Zeyen Memorial
Established by the Bishop Henni General Assembly Fourth
Degree Knights of Columbus in 1952 to perpetuate the
memory of Father Zeyen and to provide a music scholarship.
Kohler Foundation
Established by the Kohler Foundation in 1984 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Table of Contentsà
Mary Ann & Charles LaBahn
Established by Mary Ann and Charles LaBahn in 1999 to
provide scholarship support to assist Serbian immigrants in
completing their higher education.
Sister Laura Lampe Memorial Fine Arts
Established in 1992 to provide scholarship assistance for music
and fine arts students demonstrating financial need.
Grace & Thor Larsen
Established by Grace Larsen ’81 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Richard and Eleanor Mathews
Established by Barbara Mathews Blanton ’76 to provide
scholarship support for nursing students.
Philip & Mariette Orth
Established by Philip Orth in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Marjorie J. Maurice
Established by Margaret Cary ’60 in 2010 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
The Osborn Family
Established by Guy and Louise Osborn in 2004 to provide
scholarship support to students majoring in business who
demonstrate academic promise.
Sister Elizabeth McCourt Memorial
Established under the direction of Sister Bernardin Deutsch ’53
in 1986 to provide scholarship assistance for math students
demonstrating financial need.
Eugene & Joyce Lawler
Established by Kathleen Lawler ’82 in 1982 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Mary J. Meehan
Established by the Alverno College Board of Trustees in 2009
to provide scholarship support for students who demonstrate
academic promise.
Layton Foundation
Established by the trustees of the Layton Foundation in 1985 to
provide scholarship assistance for art students demonstrating
financial need.
Mary Lee Meehan
Established by Mary J. Meehan H ’05 in 2008 to provide
scholarship support for students who demonstrate
academic promise.
Sister Georgine Loacker
Established by friends of Sister Georgine Loacker ’47 in 2013
to continue her legacy of dedication to the determined women
seeking to earn an Alverno degree, by providing scholarship
assistance for future Alverno College students.
Carol M. Meils, MD
Established by the estate of Carol Meils ’75 in 2013 to provide
scholarship support for women who demonstrate drive and
ability to be successful in science.
George & Loretta Lux Memorial
Established by Louise Lux-Sions in 1993 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Jeanne Lux
Established by Louise Lux-Sions in 2000 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Louise Lux-Sions & Harry Sions
Established by Louise Lux-Sions in 1995 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Margie Fund
Established by Margaret Wittkopp ’90 in 2000 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Caroline S. Mark
Established by Caroline S. Mark in 1985 to provide scholarship
support for students demonstrating financial need.
Jan Martin
Established in 2011 in honor of Jan Martin H ’11 to
provide scholarship support for a student demonstrating
financial need.
Miller Brewing Company
Established by Phillip Morris in 1996 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Jeanette Mitchell
Established by Jeanette Mitchell ’82 in 1999 to support
scholarships for African-American students.
James L. Monaghan Family
Established by the trustees of the Monaghan Charitable Trust in
1986 to provide scholarship assistance to an entering full-time
freshman student in business and management who resides
in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, Waukesha, Walworth,
Kenosha or Racine County.
Frederick A. & Mary Ellen Muth, Jr. Family
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Muth, Jr. in 1986
to memorialize, now and in the future, the deceased
members of their family. The scholarship provides support for
women attending Alverno’s weekday college program who
demonstrate financial need.
Elizabeth M. O’Leary
Established in 2010 to provide scholarship assistance to a
student majoring in art who demonstrates financial need.
Parent’s Gift
Established by Sister Mary Catherine Hauke ’75 in 2004
to provide scholarship support for the undergraduate
education of women attending Alverno who are interested
in pursuing a career in teaching or nursing and who
demonstrate academic promise.
Thomas & Ella Patterson
Established by Ann Patterson-Barton ’77 in 2000 to
provide scholarship support for students who demonstrate
financial need.
Milton & Lillian Peck Foundation – Peck Scholar Program
Established by Bernard J. Peck and fellow officers of the Milton
& Lillian Peck Foundation to annually support four full tuition
scholarships. The Peck Scholar Program seeks to recognize
and reward students at Alverno who demonstrate outstanding
leadership skills, effective citizenship, academic excellence and
community participation. The Peck Scholar Program serves as
a memorial to Milton and Lillian Peck who dedicated their lives
and support to the Milwaukee community in appreciation for
the support the community had provided them.
Robert G. Pitman Memorial
Established by Gerald Pitman in 1981 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Charles & Rosalie Purpero Memorial
Established by Rose Spang ’62 in 1986 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Ramusack Family
Established in 2006 to provide scholarship assistance for
students demonstrating financial need.
Sister Joel Read Scholars
Established by various donors in 2002 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Quesada Roque Family Emerging Business Leaders
Established by Jovita Carranza H ’11 and Joel W. Roque in 2013
to provide scholarship assistance to full-time school of business
students who exhibit exemplary academic achievement, team
work, community service, and/or creative leadership and are
committed to advancing the interests of women in business.
Monica Samudio Memorial
Established by Keno and Mary Samudio in 1996 to honor the
memory of their beloved daughter. This scholarship provides
assistance for music therapy students.
Lawrence & Christina Schall Memorial
Established by Sister Celestine Schall ’48 in 1981 to provide
scholarship assistance for a young woman from a large family
who needs financial assistance but, because of the family’s
income and assets, does not qualify for state or federal
financial aid.
Sister Augustine Scheele Memorial
Established by the Board of Trustees at Alverno in 1982 to
provide scholarship assistance for religious non-traditional
students demonstrating financial need.
School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province &
Sisters from Developing Countries
Established by the School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province in
1991 to provide scholarship assistance for foreign students who
are Sisters.
School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province Faculty & Staff
Established by the School Sisters of St. Francis in 1985 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province Minority &
Established by the School Sisters of St. Francis - U.S. Province
in 1987 to provide scholarship assistance for minority nursing
students demonstrating financial need.
Virginia Schuldenberg Pathways
Established by Virginia Schuldenberg in 1998 to provide
scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Laverne and Bernard Schulte Family Legacy Nursing
Established by the Schulte Family in 2010 to provide
scholarship assistance to a nursing major returning to school
after some life experiences who wants to earn a baccalaureate
or advanced nursing degree.
Florence & John Schumann Foundation
Established by the Schumann Foundation and Caroline Mark
in 1986 to provide scholarship assistance for minority students
attending weekend college who demonstrate financial need.
Elmer & Evelyn Searing Memorial
Established by Mary Ann Searing ’71 in 2005 to provide
scholarship support to an incoming freshman who demonstrates
financial need and outstanding academic achievement and who
is enrolled in a full-time degree-track program.
Tricia J. Seidler Memorial
Established by Andrew Seidler in 2011 to provide scholarship
assistance for a master’s student in the Family Nurse Practitioner
program demonstrating financial need.
Karen & David Sewall Nursing
Established by Karen Sewall ’67 in 2000 to provide scholarship
assistance for married nursing students demonstrating
financial need.
Amy Shapiro
Established by Karen Jensen ’99 to provide scholarship
assistance for a weekend student.
Patricia M. Swadish Siberz Nursing
Established by Patricia M. Swadish Siberz ’79 in 2006 to provide
a partial tuition scholarship to an academically qualified Alverno
junior nursing student who demonstrates financial need.
Lois J. Steffen Memorial
Established by Richard V. Steffen in 1985 in memory of his wife,
Lois J. Steffen.
Sister Seraphim Stoecker Memorial
Established in 1986 to provide scholarship assistance for
students demonstrating financial need.
Milton Thomas Teets
Established by Phyllis Teets ’86 in 1999 to provide scholarship
support for nursing students.
Judith Thompson
Established by Judith Thompson in 1989 to provide scholarship
assistance for one nursing student and one education student.
Sister Leona Truchan Science Education
Established by Bonnie Kotvis and other donors in 2001 to
provide scholarship assistance to students majoring in a
physical, biological, environmental or broadfield science with a
secondary education emphasis or to any student in elementary
education with a science support.
Established by various donors in 1996 to provide scholarship
assistance for students demonstrating financial need.
Julia and David Uihlein
Established by the David and Julia Uihlein Charitable
Foundation in 2012 to provide a full tuition scholarship to
a student who is academically qualified and demonstrates
financial need. Preference is given to students who graduate
from a high school in the Milwaukee Public School system.
Jean Vollrath
Established by Jean Vollrath in 1996 to provide scholarship
support for students demonstrating financial need.
Kathryn Thunander Whittaker Memorial
Established by Paul Whittaker in 1999 to provide scholarship
assistance for education students demonstrating financial need.
Women of Color
Established by the Alverno Alumnae Association in 1999 to
provide scholarship assistance for students of color.
James O. Wright/Badger Meter Foundation
Established by Badger Meter and James Wright in 1991 to
provide scholarship assistance for students demonstrating
financial need.
Mary A. Yersin
Established by William B. Yersin in 2007 to support a full tuition
scholarship for an incoming freshman who is academically
qualified and demonstrates financial need.
Youth Foundation of Milwaukee Board of Realtors, Inc.
Established by the Youth Foundation of Milwaukee Board of
Realtors in 1986 to provide scholarship assistance for students
demonstrating financial need.
Clement J. Zablocki Memorial
Established in 1984 to provide scholarship assistance for
students demonstrating financial need.
Bold indicates newly established endowed scholarship between
July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.
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