VOLCANOLOGICAL MAP OF THE 1961 – 2009 ERUPTION OF VOLCAN DE PACAYA, GUATEMALA By RUBEN OTONIEL MATIAS GOMEZ A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY 2009 Copyright © Rubén Otoniel Matías Gómez 2009 This thesis, “Volcanolgical map of the 1961 – 2009 eruption of Volcán de Pacaya, Guatemala”, is hereby approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences . Thesis Advisor: _______________________ William I. Rose Department Chair: _______________________ John S. Gierke Date: __________________________ Acknowledgements An endless list of people and organizations has collaborated to make this volcanological research effort possible. It would be impossible to mention all and everyone who in one way or another collaborated in this project, but in the following lines I want to express my gratitude to those people without which it would have been impossible to present all the information that is contained in this work. The order in which I mention them does not imply priority. The US National Science Foundation funded my studies and stay at the Michigan Tech University, through grant OISE 0530109. I wish to express my admiration and gratitude to Alfredo Mackenney for his notable book “Erupción del Volcán de Pacaya 1961 a 1985”, a piece of work without which it would have been impossible to create this volcanological map of Pacaya. In honor to the truth, only conspicuous scientists like Dr. A. Mackenney are able to leave a legacy of such importance, through tenacious persistence and detailed observations. I express my gratitude also to Luis Mejicanos and Pastor Adalberto Alfaro, fellows at the Observatorio Vulcanológico de Pacaya (OVPAC), who in extremely limited conditions conduct their observations and evaluations of the volcanic activity. I hope that this expression of gratitude to Luis and Pastor will be considered a humble tribute to their capacities and experiences, of which I’m a witness, when their accurate analysis has been determinant preceding the onset of many eruptions at Pacaya. Our discussions during the last phase of my fieldwork lead me to identify and date various lava flow units. To Rüdiger P. Escobar Wolf, my fellow countryman, who by his pedagogic vocation, thematic control, and lots of patience, directed me throughout the whole work, applying the GIS software (ArcMap ®), and consecutively in the analysis of the study and elaboration of the volcanological map of Pacaya. To Stephanie Tubman, for her selfless and opportune collaboration in the design of the flow chart (Figure 2) and the digitalization of towns, roads, radio and TV repeater towers, etc., that is included in this map of Pacaya. To my teacher and academic guide Bill Rose, who had the vision to make this map possible. His encouragement and patience towards me were determinant to undertake this version of the Pacaya volcanological map. To Jose Luis Palma and Chris Wojick, for their review and corrections in the developing of this thesis, which is materialized in the volcanological map of Pacaya volcano 1961 – 2009. To Josh Richardson, who in the first part of the mapping phase in 2009 helped with petrographic descriptions and GPS geopositioning of the lavas at Pacaya. Tom Vogel of Michigan State University, who kindly provided the geochemical analysis for the rock samples. To Albert Eggers, who lead me to undertake the first surveys of the volcano’s deposits and measure the gravity and elevation changes at Pacaya. To Mike Carr, who at the end of the 70’s exchanged letters with Bill Rose, Al Eggers and Alfredo Mackenney, to do the mapping of the volcano. I was finally the one who took his proposal and here is the volcanological map of Pacaya, as a recognition of his proposal from those times. To Shigeru Kitamura, with whom I mapped the tephra stratigraphy of the so called El Patrocinio group. Many times we got stuck with the car on trails from which we only could succeed to get free with the help of the local peasants. Our regular diet eating avocados and tomato, with “pirujo” (a white bread type in Guatemala) in the field was agreed and very healthy. To Mike Conway and Jimmy Diehl, with whom I share fond memories of the working days to develop the paleomagnetic study of Pacaya, which by the way, wasn’t without surprise due to the criminality in the volcano during those times. To Jim Vallance “the mole”, which uncovered long tracts of undergrowth with hits from his shovel, caused some of the impressive features of the debris avalanche deposit of the “Old Pacaya” to crop out. This allowed me to learn hidden secrets associated with the movement of large volcanic avalanches. To Bob Andres and Rodolfo Morales, with whom I endlessly pursued the gaseous plumes during many weeks, and allowed us to develop the summary of sulfur dioxide emissions for Pacaya, Fuego and Santiaguito. To Andy Lockhart, Jeff Marso, John Ewert, and Randy White from the USGS VCAT, who have undertaken many projects to implement volcanic monitoring in Guatemala through INSIVUMEH. Long workdays at Pacaya, Fuego and Santiaguito have founded our friendship. To Sam Bonis, a “Giant of the geology in Guatemala”, for his invaluable words of encouragement during these long and endless years of economic hardship in the development of volcanological studies in Guatemala, and for making the almost impossible translation to English of the technician in mineral resources academic pensum from the CUNOR – USAC. To the “Dirección” and “Sub-Dirección”, the personnel of the Geophysics Department and the volcanological observatories, all from INSIVUMEH, for their friendship and support throughout the decades of work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 11 1. INTRODUCTION 12 1.1. Background 12 1.2. Objectives 14 1.2.1 General Objective: 14 1.2.2 Specific objectives: 14 2. GEOLOGY OF THE PACAYA VOLCANIC COMPLEX 16 3. METHODOLOGY 19 3.1. Data gathering 19 3.2. Aerial and satellite images 19 3.3. Descriptive information 22 3.4. Creation of the geological map and calculation of length and area of the units 23 3.5. Geochemistry and petrography of rock samples 26 4. RESULTS 27 4.1. Geological map of Pacaya 1961-2009 27 4.2. Spatio-temporal variation of lava flows 28 4.3. Pyroclastic deposits 29 4.4. Vent distribution 32 4.5. Geochemistry of lavas 33 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 36 5.1. A 3D map of Pacaya activity 36 5.2. Volume of the deposits 37 5.3. Volcanic hazards 38 7. REFERENCES 40 Appendices 42 List of Figures Figure 1. Panoramic view of Pacaya volcano. 15 Figure 2. Location map. 17 Figure 3. Process diagram. 21 Figure 4. Length vs. time of lava flows. 28 Figure 5. Cumulative lava flow volume. 29 Figure 6. Isopach maps for three explosive events. 30 Figure 7. Elevation of vent vs. lava flow volume. 32 Figure 8. SiO2 content of lavas through time. 33 Figure 9. MgO content of lavas through time. 34 Figure 10. SiO2 and CaO correlations for lavas. 34 Figure 11. SiO2 and Zr correlations for lavas. 35 Figure 12. Cumulative tephra volume. 38 List of Tables Table 1. Non orthorectified aerial photographs. 20 Table 2. Aerial orthorectified photographs. 20 Table 3. Landsat satellite images. 22 Table 4. Tephra volumes produced by larger explosive eruptions 30 List of Appendices Appendix 1: Table A1. Lava flow parameters derived from the shapefile polygons and recorded times. Appendix 2: Table A2. Eruptive vent locations and times of activity. Appendix 3: Table A3. Geochemistry of volcanic products. Appendix 4: Volcanological Maps of Volcán de Pacaya 1961-2009, Guatemala. Abstract A database of geologic units emplaced during the eruptions of the Volcán de Pacaya, Guatemala, from 1961 to 2009 has been compiled in a geographic information system (GIS). The mapping of the units is based on integrating information from aerial photographs, satellite images and detailed field observations. Together it documents a 47 year strombolian eruption episode. The information has been compiled in a series of maps that include a total of 248 lava flow units, 6 pyroclastic flow units, 2 scoria fall units, 2 undifferentiated pyroclastic units (proximal and distal), 1 aeolian sediments unit, and one alluvium unit. A total of 337 eruptive vents associated with the mapped unit were also identified and mapped. Mean thicknesses were estimated for all lava flow units, and the initial and final emplacement dates were also included. The geologic units were digitized as polygons and the eruptive vents as points, storing them in ESRI ® shapefile format. From the dimensions of the lava flow units volumes were calculated for all the units. The volume of tephra dispersed by 3 explosive events during this period was also calculated. Geochemical data of 69 samples of lava don’t show any systematic variation. A map of the geologic units of Volcán de Pacaya emplaced between 1961 and 2009 and exposed at the surface is presented, with decadal stages plotted separately. 11 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Pacaya volcano, located 30 km south of the capital city of Guatemala, has shown continual strombolian activity since the start of its last eruptive cycle in 1961. Since 2004, and after 3 years of quiescence, the activity at Pacaya has been characterized by mild explosive activity concentrated at the summit crater and lava flows extruding on the north-west and south-west flanks of the active cone (Figure 1). Pacaya is surrounded by several communities, including the communities of El Caracol, El Rodeo, El Patrocinio, San Francisco de Sales, San José Calderas, with a total population of ca. 9000, living at less than 5 km from the active cone. The volcano and surroundings were declared a national park in 1963 (“Parque Nacional del Volcán de Pacaya”, http://volcandepacaya.com, 2010). Its activity has been a source of income for the local population through the development of tourism, attracting visitors from the entire world. The Amatitlán geothermal field was developed nearby and was planned for an initial 20 MW capacity, with the possibility to expand it up to 50 MW in the future (ORMAT, 2010). The proximity to populated centers and energy infrastructure to an erupting volcano raises concerns over the risks related to the volcanic activity. This is illustrated by the recurrent evacuations of the population from towns near to the volcano during recent eruptions (10 evacuations since 1987). Until 2006, the main concern for the population living in the surroundings of the volcano has been the fall of ash and ballistic bombs and minor concerns of lava flow during more explosive eruptions. Lava flows and pyroclastic currents have been restricted to flanks of the active cone and their runout limited by topographic barriers associated with an old collapse scarp (Figure 1). Thus, 12 within the national park the volcanic activity of Pacaya influences the development of tourism and the life of people visiting the area. Since 2006, however, the accumulation of lava next to the scarp wall on the north side of the active cone has finally overcome this topographic barrier (Figure 1). Consequently, new lava flows descending on the north flank of Pacaya could reach vegetated areas within the park that have not been affected before, and they are now a concern because perhaps they could advance far enough to threaten the population living near the limits of the park. Geologic maps are a fundamental source of information necessary to assess the hazard posed by the volcanic activity, as well as to develop thematic works on the evolution of the volcano, its morphology, petrology, rheology, etc. This work focuses on the elaboration of detailed maps of the lava flow units, pyroclastic deposits, and active vents associated with the activity of Pacaya volcano between 1961 and 2009. 13 1.2. Objectives 1.2.1 General Objective: To map and quantify the dimensions, eruption rates vent locations, and geochemical variation of the units emplaced during eruptive activity of Pacaya volcano between 1961 and 2009, and infer from this the general trends of eruptive activity during this period of time. 1.2.2 Specific objectives: a) Build a GIS database of polygons and points, corresponding to the emplaced units and their vents, during the 1961 to 2009 activity period at Pacaya. b) Quantify the area, maximum length, estimated thickness, volumes and effusion rate for the erupted units. c) To analyze the geochemistry of recent (2000 - 2009) volcanic products and compare them with previously published geochemical data corresponding to products erupted previously during the current eruptive episode (since 1961). 14 Lava flows in 2006 flowed over the scarp Figure 1. This panorama photo, put together from several individual pictures taken from Cerro Chino (to the north-west of the main cone), shows the distribution of several lava flow fields. The photographs were taken on 7 January 2009. 15 2. GEOLOGY OF THE PACAYA VOLCANIC COMPLEX The Pacaya volcanic complex is part of the Central America volcanic arc (Figure 2), which is associated with subduction of the Cocos plate under the Caribbean plate (Mann et al., 2007). This volcanic complex is located on the southern rim of the Amatitlán Caldera, which is intersected on the north by the faults of the Guatemala City graben, on the northeast by the Jalpatagua fault and on the southwest by the Palín fault (Eggers, 1971; Wunderman and Rose, 1984). The Pacaya volcanic complex includes the Pacaya composite cone, Cerro Grande and Cerro Chiquito, and the Cerro Chino scoria cone (Eggers, 1971). These eruptive centers have been active during the Quaternary and have produced olivine-bearing basaltic lavas, pyroxene andesites, dacites and rhyodacites, and associated pyroclastic products (Eggers, 1971; Bardintzeff and Deniel, 1992). Eggers (1971) has characterized the eruptive history of the Pacaya volcanic complex in three phases. Phase I is a period of andesitic volcanism marked by the growth of small stratovolcanoes. Phase II produces several voluminous rhyodacite and andesite dome forming eruptions. During Phase III a cone is built and basaltic lava flows are produced; during this Phase the south-west slope up to the summit collapses leaving an arcuate scarp. Later the composite Pacaya cone and the Cerro Chino scoria cone are built near and on the north-west rim of the scarp, respectively. This phase includes the current cycle of activity that began in 1961. 16 N Figure 2. Location map of Volcán de Pacaya. The other volcanoes of the Central American volcanic arc are shown as black triangles. Based on the paleomagnetic analysis of lavas, Conway et al. (1992) showed that the volcanism at Pacaya has been strongly episodic, with eruptive intervals lasting 100 to more than 300 years, and quiescent periods lasting typically between 300 and 500 years. Kitamura y Matías (1995) recognized three groups of tephras that postdate tephra deposits from Caldera de Ayarza (Peterson and Rose, 1985), which implies an age of less than 23,000 years. These tephra deposits represent the last stage of Phase III described by Eggers (1971). Kitamura y Matías (1995) inferred that the last eruptive episode of Phase III started between 700 and 3000 years B.P., after a repose time of 1000 to 2000 years. Vallance et al. (1995) asserted an age of between 400 and 2000 years B.P. for the collapse of the “Old Pacaya”, based on the thickness of the soil developed on the debris avalanche deposit, and the lack of any account of such an event in the historical record which started in c.a. 1524. Extensive basaltic lava flows and tephra layers were deposited during the historic period; this 17 activity built the cone of Cerro Chino from approximately 1565 to 1775, and the modern cone of Pacaya (Eggers, 1971). The structure of the composite cone of the modern Pacaya volcano, built inside the collapse amphitheatre of “Old Pacaya”, is a sequence of lava flows, scoria and tephra layers, and pyroclastic flow deposits. The structure is formed by two overlapping cones, the first cone started to build after the collapse of the “Old Pacaya” until 1775 (Eggers, 1971). The second cone, known as the Mackenney cone, remains active and started to building in 1965 on the west flank of the first cone. Although several tectonic faults have fractured the volcanic complex, the eruptive activity since 1961 has been restricted to the interior of the collapse amphitheatre of the “Old Pacaya”. The geochemical composition and petrography of the products is relatively monotonous, being predominantly porphyritic, with plagioclase and olivine as the main phenocrysts (Bandintzeff and Deniel, 1992; Conway, 1995). 18 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. Data gathering Several sources of information were utilized to identify and delineate the extension of lava flows and pyroclastic deposits: aerial photographs, Landsat satellite images, high resolution orthophotographs, unpublished descriptions of the volcanic activity by Alfredo Mackenney, unpublished field reports and volcanic activity bulletins from the Guatemalan Geological Survey (INSIVUMEH), and activity reports from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (GVP-SNMN). In addition, a field survey was undertaken in January-February 2009 in order to complete the map with the recent lava flow units emplaced between 2005 and 2009. Eruptive vents were also identified and included in the map. The final map required the integration of all these data, as it is shown in Figure 3. All the geological units were digitized as polygons and the eruptive vents as points, both in ESRI ® shapefile. 3.2. Aerial and satellite images Aerial photographs (Table 1) were scanned at a 600 dpi resolution, on a 256 gray scale. Orthorectified and georeferenced photographs from 2005 – 2006 were taken as a cartographic base; common points were identified on both the scanned aerial photographs and the orthophotos in the cartographic base, and used for georeferencing. To do accurate georeferencing several different adjustment methods were used, trying to find the one that would best suited to each case (e. g. polynomial fitting from first to third order, spline fitting, etc.), using the georeferencing fitting toolbox in ArcMap ®. High resolution (0.5 and 2 m pixel size) orthophotographs acquired in 2000, and 2005 to 2006 were used to digitize polygons corresponding to several units (Table 2). More than 700 Landsat satellite images (Landsat 1-3 MSS, Landsat 4-5 MSS, Landsat 4-5 TM, 19 Landsat 7SLC_On, Landsat SLC_Off, Landsat 5-7 Combined-Sensor Type and Landsat 7) were inspected but only 16 were selected between 1986 and 2001 as useful source of information to recognize, identify and date some of the mapped units (Table 3). Table 1. Non orthorectified aerial photographs that were georeferenced: (mm/dd/yyyy) SNA NIMA / Guatemala Aprox Scale 1:40,000 R115, L-3 Lago de Amatitlán 1:25,000 07/09/1982 001 – 003 R-102, L10A Guatemala City 1:30,000 01/16/1981 1–5 R160A Pacaya Volcano 1:10,000 01/14/1963 2, 5, 9 R161 R666ZA, L114e W, WWS, M7 Pacaya Eruption 1:7,000 04/12/1961 1:30,000 1962 1:30,000 01/28/1954 Numbers Line Project / Location 427– 429 L-018 111– 114 110, 111 620, 621 AMS Date 01/22/2000 Table 2. Aerial orthorectified and georeferenced photographs: Type Source Nov 2005 – Apr 2006 Resolution (pixel size) 0.5 meters Color IGN 2052-II-19 Nov 2005 – Apr 2006 0.5 meters Color IGN 2052-II-23 Nov 2005 – Apr 2006 0.5 meters Color IGN 2052-II-24 Nov 2005 – Apr 2006 0.5 meters Color IGN 2052-II-18 January 2000 2 meters B/W IGN / JICA 2052-II-19 January 2000 2 meters B/W IGN / JICA 2052-II-23 January 2000 2 meters B/W IGN / JICA 2052-II-24 January 2000 2 meters B/W IGN / JICA ID Date 2052-II-18 20 Figure 3. Process diagram of the methodology used to generate the polygons for the different geological units. An equivalent diagram applies to the process of generation of the points corresponding to eruptive vents. 21 Table 3. Landsat satellite images (Lat 14.5 N, Long 90.8 W): ID Type LT50200501986072XXX07 TM Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 04/14/1986 LT40200501988310XXX12 TM 11/05/1988 LT40200501989019XXX02 TM 01/19/1990 LT40200501992129XXX02 TM 05/08/1992 LT50200501992297AAA02 TM 10/23/1992 LT50200501993035AAA02 TM 02/12/1993 LT50200501993347AAA03 TM 12/13,1993 LT50200501994094XXX02 TM 04/04/1994 LT50200501994302XXX02 TM 10/29/1994 LT50200501995081AAA02 TM 03/22/1995 LT50200501996052AAA03 TM 02/21/1996 LT50200501996084XXX02 TM 03/24/1996 LT50200502001145AAA02 TM 01/25/2001 LE502005012000023EDC00 ETM+ 01/23/2000 3.3. Descriptive information Field notes and daily reports from the Pacaya Volcanological Observatory (OVPAC), and daily volcanological bulletins from the Volcanology Unit of the Guatemalan National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH), collected since 1987, were used to recognize, identify, delineate and date 93 polygons of lava flow and pyroclastic flow units. Field surveys were done in January and February of 2009, using hand-held GPS (GARMIN model GPS72) to delineate 8 lava flow units and one pyroclastic flow unit deposited between 2005 and 2009. Foot surveys were performed along the boundaries of all these units. Only GPS locations showing an error of less than 5 meters were used for this purpose. 22 The information published by the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (Venzke, 2009) was used to confirm dates of eruptions and to delineate 10 lava flow units. Unpublished field notes and technical reports compiled since 1987 by the author as part of his employment for the Vulcanology Section at INSIVUMEH were used to recognize, identify, delineate and date several polygons of diverse units. 3.4. Creation of the geological map and calculation of length and area of the units All the digital images were georeferenced to the Guatemala Transverse Mercator (GTM) coordinate system, which is the coordinate system in which the original orthophotos were referenced. This system uses a WGS84 datum, false easting: 500,000 m, false northing: 0 m, central meridian: -90.5º, scale factor: 0.9998, and origin latitude: 0 m. Each unit was digitized as a polygon and stored as an independent shapefile with a unique ID. The planimetric length of the flows was measured individually for each flow using the distance measuring tool in ArcMap ®; these lengths were then recorded in the attribute table of the shapefile and in an Excel ® data table. For all digitized units the start and end dates of the eruption are also compiled, as well as an estimate of the mean thickness of each unit (see below). The planimetric areas of the polygons that represent each of the lava flow units was calculated using the “surveyor’s area formula” (Braden, 1986), which was coded in Matlab ® to automatize the process. The surface areas were calculated using the slope values of a raster dataset derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) of the region. The area of each polygon was divided in pixels, corresponding to the pixels in the slope raster dataset. The planimetric areas 23 from each pixel in each polygon was projected on a plane surface with a slope given by the slope of the pixel in the corresponding slope raster dataset, i.e. dividing the planimetric area of the pixel by the cosine of the slope angle. The calculation was done on a pixel by pixel basis for each polygon, which was codified in a Matlab ® program to automatize the process. A set of elevation contours in digital format generated by Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) in Guatemala and Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Japan, was also used. This elevation contour dataset has an elevation interval of 10 m, and was generated by photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs acquired in 2000. In this work, the contours were used to interpolate a DEM with a horizontal resolution (pixel size) of 5 m. Accessory electronic GIS files for the final map were also derived from this DEM, specifically the hillshade and contours layers. For the descriptive sources that didn’t provide a direct “mappable” dataset, an interpretation of the data, based on experience and judgment was used for the polygons. Most of the polygons between 1965 and 1971 were built from the drawings and descriptions by A. Mackenney (W. Rose personal communication, 2009), who describes the location of the vents on the flanks, the base, or the summit crater area. The same source gives the direction of flows with respect to the vent, and further interpretation of the length of the flows is done based on the drawings. From 1971 to 1982, the datasets include the scanned aerial photographs, but also some more descriptive sources like the unpublished work by Mackenney, and the reports of the Global Volcanism Program. The trajectory and length of the flow were estimated based on the description of the most distant point reached with respect to the base of the volcano. Although the width of the flows 24 is given on many occasions, flow thicknesses were given by the descriptive sources only in a few instances. Descriptive information was also used to build polygons for units emplaced from 1986 onwards, mainly using information provided by the Observatorio Vulcanológico de Pacaya (OVPAC), with ancillary data from the Global Volcanism Program. In these cases the lengths were estimated “by eye” in the field, checking when possible with aerial orthophotography and scanned / georeferenced aerial photography. The thicknesses were also estimated based on judgment and experience with similar measured flows, considering that flows on steeper slopes near the summit area tend to be much thinner than flows on the flatter terrains on the base of the cone and beyond. The volumes were calculated by multiplying the surface areas by the estimated thicknesses of each unit. The eruption rates were calculated by dividing the calculated volumes by the time that took each unit to be emplaced. Lava flow thicknesses were estimated for each unit based on the author’s experience with lava flows thicknesses in the field, and should be considered a “best guess” estimated mean value for each unit. Thickness between 1.5 and 2 meters was chosen for flows in high slopes (> 20º), thicknesses between 2 – 2.5 meters were chosen for intermediate slopes (10º to 20º) and thicknesses greater than 2.5 were chosen for lower slopes (< 10º). The technique for identifing and locating eruptive vents was based on criteria similar to those used to identify and delineate the polygons corresponding to geologic units. Each eruptive vent was digitized as a point, and all the points were stored in a single shapefile. A total of 337 eruptive vents were indentified and located. There are more vents than lava polygons because eruptive vents may migrate as the lava is emplaced. 25 Tephra volumes for three explosive events were calculated by two methods: an incremental method, which sums the product of thickness of an isopach with the area enclosed, and the power law adjustment method, which potentially estimates additional volumes between and beyond isopachs. The isopach maps, published in GVP- SNMN, were created by the author of this thesis while he worked for INSIVUMEH. 3.5. Geochemistry and petrography of rock samples Additionally, 30 rock samples were collected during the 2009 field campaign, which correspond to units emplaced between 2000 and 2009. Chemical analysis for major and trace elements were done for 14 of these samples, using X Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Couple Plasma- Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) at the geochemistry laboratory in Michigan State University (see table A3 on the appendix A3). These new chemical analyses were combined with previous whole rock geochemical analyses from a variety of published sources to allow a comparison of rocks erupted throughout the 1962-2009 period. 26 4. RESULTS 4.1. Geological map of Pacaya 1961-2009 A total of 248 lava flow units were identified and digitized, as well as 6 pyroclastic flow units, 2 scoria units, 2 undifferentiated pyroclastic units (proximal and distal), 1 aeolian sediment unit and 1 alluvium unit. Additionally, 337 eruptive vents associated with mapped units, emplaced between 1961 and 2009, were identified and digitized (see table A2 in appendix A2). Table A2 in appendix A2 shows the locations and activity dates for the eruptive vents. A volcanological map of units exposed on the surface in 2009 is presented in Appendix A4, along with versions of the same map compiled at approximate decadal intervals from 1970 to 2000. The 2009 map includes 34 lava flow units, of Aa and Pahoehoe type, all porphrytic basalt. Of these, 26 were emplaced before the September 18, 1998 eruption, and are covered by a layer of ash fall and fine grained aeolian deposits, up to 30 cm thick, whereas the lava flows emplaced between 2004 and 2009 are not covered by tephra. Most of the 248 lava flows that occurred in the 1961-2009 eruption are now covered by younger units. The 2009 map also includes geologic units that are not lava flows. Three pyroclastic flow units, emplaced in 1993, 1995 and 2009 were included. The pyroclastic flows deposits from 1993 and 1995 are partially exposed at their distal facies. The map includes one aeolian deposit generated by reworking of the ash fall and other pyroclastic deposits. There is one alluvium unit mapped in the channel of El Chupadero River, tributary to the Metapa River. 27 4.2. Spatio-temporal variation of lava flows Table A1 in appendix A1 and Figures 4 through 7 shows the results obtained from calculating planimetric lengths, planimetric and surface areas, volumes and eruption rates corresponding to the lava flow units. The lava flows have lengths that range from 30 m to 5.5 km, areas between 80 and 1 x 106 m3, volumes between 200 and 1 x 107 m3, and estimated mean thicknesses between minimum 0.5 m and maximum 7 m. The lava flows are diverse, ranging from Aa to Pahoehoe. The total cumulative volume of lava flows is 8 x 107 m3 (Figure 5). The lava flows at Pacaya are all similar in their form and geometry. The lengths of the Pacaya lava flows are usually less than 4 km, except in 1961, and the tendency is that the maximum length is decreasing with time (see Figure 4). The shorter length of the flows from 2006 onwards may result because flow extension was restricted by the topographic depression that existed then to the north of the Mackenney cone and south of the scarp. The flows of these dates are thicker for the same reason (they locally reach a thickness of ~ 30 m). Figure 4. Lengths and time of emplacement of the lava flows. 28 The cumulative volume of the lava flows with time is plotted in Figure 5. This graph shows jumps or discontinuities associated with the emplacement of large volume flows or flow fields during larger eruptions. Figure 5.Cumulative volume of lava flows and date of emplacement. 4.3. Pyroclastic deposits The pyroclastic flow deposit from 2009 was of the “block and ash flow” type, and was covered by a 2-5 cm layer of very fine ash, possibly associated with an ash cloud surge. Two agglutinated scoria units associated with the eruptions of January 16, and February 29, 2000, were also mapped; these units border the flanks of the Mackenney and Pacaya cones. Two of the mapped units were classified as “undifferentiated”, and divided into proximal and distal facies. These undifferentiated units are associated with the explosive eruption of February 29, 2000, and include hot avalanche, pyroclastic flow and tephra/bomb fall deposits. 29 Tephra volumes of three explosive eruptive events were also calculated (see table 4). These events dispersed tephra over hundreds of square kilometers and to distances of tens of kilometers. Table 4. Tephra volumes produced by larger explosive eruptions. July 27 to 31, 1991 Volume by the incremental method (m3) 1.0 x 107 Volume by the power law fitting method (m3) 7.6 x 107 November 11, 1996 6 x 106 1.8 x 106 May 20, 1997 3 x 106 1.6 x 106 Eruption date A Figure 6. Isopach maps associated to the events of July 27 to 31, 1991 (A), November 11, 1996 (B), and May 20, 1998 (C). The values of the isopachs (in yellow) are given in millimeters. The names of other volcanoes and populated centers (in pink), as well as the lakes (in blue) are also given. 30 B C Figure 6 (cont.). Isopach maps associated to the events of July 27 to 31, 1991 (A), November 11, 1996 (B), and May 20, 1998 (C). The values of the isopachs (in yellow) are given in millimeters. The names of other volcanoes and populated centers (in pink), as well as the lakes (in blue) are also given. 31 4.4. Vent distribution The location of the majority of the eruptive vents is within a few hundred meters of the summit and only a few are distributed on the flanks of the volcano (less than 5 wt% are at elevations below 2200 masl (meter above sea level), but these lower elevation vents include the ones that have produced many of the most voluminous flows, as can be seen in Figure 7. Figure 7.Volume of the lava flows and elevation of the eruptive vent. 32 4.5. Geochemistry of lavas The Pacaya lavas are high alumina basalts. The rocks are geochemically monotonous, with SiO2 contents between 50 and 52.5 % weight, and MgO contents between 3 and 5 % weight (see Figures 8 and 9). The lavas usually host plagioclase, olivine and opaque phenocrysts (Bardinzeff and Deniel, 1992). The composition has remained relatively similar during the present eruptive period, since 1961, and this composition is also similar to previous lavas from this volcano (Eggers, 1971). There is a slight variation of CaO in this group of lavas (see Figure 10), which suggests a phenocryst enrichment and depletion. This could also explain some subtle variations in trace elements (see Figure 11). Figure 8. SiO2 wt % content of the lavas through time. The colors of the symbols correspond to the time intervals over which they were erupted. Precision for these XRF analyses are similar to the size of the points, while accuracy is less than 1 wt % of the amount determined (see http://geology.msu.edu/xrf_lab.html) 33 Figure 9. MgO wt % in rock content of the lavas through time. The colors of the symbols correspond to the time intervals over which they were erupted. Figure 10. SiO2 vs. CaO wt % correlation diagrams. 34 Figure 11. SiO2 vs. Zr ppm correlation diagrams. 35 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1. A 3D map of Pacaya activity Mapping of geological units emplaced between 1961 and 2009 was undertaken to reconstruct the history and quantifying of eruptive events and products generated by the eruptive activity of the Volcán de Pacaya. Aerial photographs (orthorectified and non orthorectified), Landsat satellite images, field notes, sketches, maps, reports and bulletins generated and gathered systematically and occasionally by various people and institutions during this period of activity were data sources for the work. The information was processed and integrated in a geographic information system (GIS), which facilitated quantitative geometric and morphological parameters of the emplaced units, as well as their location, in a context of temporal evolution. The mapping of units emplaced due to the activity of the Volcán de Pacaya between 1961 and 2009, includes 248 units and 337 associated eruptive vents. The eruptive styles of the activity that resulted in the emplacement of these units, ranges from purely effusive to moderately explosive strombolian. The predominant type of mapped units is basaltic lava flows (248 mapped units), which vary in their typology from Aa to Pahoehoe; this reflects the predominantly effusive activity style of this volcano, although the volume of tephra fall during the same period is similar in overall magnitude. The low level strombolian “open vent” activity of Pacaya can evidently be maintained over prolonged periods of time, due in part to the physical and chemical characteristics of the magmas. The magmas have similar composition since 1961, i. e. high alumina basalts. In addition to the units produced by the effusive activity, units associated with explosive strombolian activity were also mapped, including 6 pyroclastic flow units, 2 scoria-spatter units, and 2 undifferentiated units. Non volcanic processes 36 have resulted in deposits during this period of time, in particular one aeolian sediments unit and one alluvial unit. 5.2. Volume of the deposits Based on two DEM’s generated from aerial photographs taken in 1954 and 2001, Durst (2008) estimated a volume change of 0.21 ± 0.05 km3 of material deposited on the Pacaya volcano edifice, resulting from eruptive activity from 1961 to 2001. This value is almost three times the value of the cumulative volume (0.078 km3) calculated from the lava flows measured in this work (Figure5). Multiple factors could explain this difference. First, although it is believed that the majority of the units emplaced since 1961 were mapped, it is possible that a significant number of these units were missed by observers and remain unmapped. Second, there is some uncertainty in the extension of the units, and more importantly, in their estimated thickness. The cumulative volume presented here presented does not include some pyroclastic products derived from the lava flows, as well as the scoria and ash volume that could have accumulated during the strombolian activity, on the cone and other areas of the edifice considered by Durst (2008). Although the error estimation by Durst (2008) is much smaller than the difference between her results and the results presented here, the possibility that her estimates don’t reflect the real change in volume should also be considered. Although we have isopach maps compiled for only three explosive events (see table 4), we can use these events to have an idea of the volumes of material that has been dispersed as tephra since 1961. The volumes of the events given in table 4 vary over an order of magnitude, from 106 to 107 m3. There are 87 significant tephra dispersion events reported during this period at Pacaya; if we assume an erupted volume of 106 m3 for each observed day of ash fall activity (including many which had several days of activity), we obtain the graph of cumulative ash fall volume shown in Figure 12. This estimation is very crude and 37 the associated error could be very large, but it shows that the difference in estimated volumes between this work and that of Durst (2008) may be in large part due to unmapped tephra deposits. Figure 12. Estimated cumulative volume of tephra since 1961. A potential interpretation of why the flows produced from eruptive vents located at lower elevations on the flanks of the volcano can reach larger volumes and lengths would be the existence of a very shallow feeding magma chamber, located within the Mackenney cone, which can leak more completely from lower vents, fed by gravity. 5.3. Volcanic hazards Considering the issue of volcanic hazards, some generalizations of the activity can be relevant. It can be observed that during the eruptive cycle from 1961 to 2009, the eruptions were restricted to the collapse amphitheatre from the Old Pacaya; this suggests that such a pattern may continue in the future. With the 38 exception of a few short flows in 1775 (Eggers, 1971), it wasn’t until 2006 that the first lava flows were able to cross the rim of the collapse structure from the Old Pacaya, moving northwards on the plain known as “La Meseta”. If this effusive tendency continues for the long term towards the north – northwest flanks, the lavas could eventually threaten the communities of San Francisco de Sales, San José Calderas and El Cedro, and San Vicente Pacaya. With respect to the populated centers to the south and southwest, if a flow like the one that was emplace in 1961, known as “from the Cachajinas”, would be issued from the base of the southwest – south flanks, it could reach the towns of El Patrocinio, El Rodeo, and the El Caracol. In view of the numerous lavas that have been measured in this study, it is important to consider the potential hazards of lava flows for communities such as El Patrocinio, El Caracol, and San Francisco de Sales, and San José Calderas. It is clear that for lavas to reach these places, lava flows will have to extend much farther than they have previously done. This condition could possibly occur if vigorous eruptions were to occur from vents low on the volcano, but are not highly likely. The possibility of the generation of pyroclastic flows and similar processes (e. g. incandescence avalanches) associated with explosive activity from the volcano, especially during the most violent strombolian eruptions, could also be hazardous for the people who are located closest to the eruptive vent. It is also important to be aware of the possibility of cone collapse of Pacaya. The current Mackenney cone and the remnants of modern Pacaya may be fed by a high level magma chamber. The possibility of collapse, enhanced by the presence of such a shallow magma body must be considered in future hazard research. 39 7. 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Unit Hb61 Hb61a Hb61b Hb61c Hb61d Hb65 Hb65a Hb65b Hb66 Hb66a Hb66b Hb67 Hb67a Hb67b Hb67c Hb67d Hb67e Hb67f Hb67g Hb68 Hb68a Hb68b Hb68c Hb68d Hb69 Hb69a Hb69b Hb70 Hb70a Hb70b Hb70c Hb70d Hb70e Hb70f Hb70g Hb71 Hb72 Hb72a Hb72b Hb72c Hb72d Hb72e Hb74 Hb74a Hb74b Hb74c Hb75 Hb80 Hb80a Hb80b Hb81 Hb82 Hb83 Length Thickness Date begin Date final Duration (m) (m) (yyyymmdd) (yyyymmdd) (days) 5510 270 132 276 115 20 20 1205 1140 1335 1410 580 75 60 65 1950 2375 1280 1306 1440 1024 980 1500 1165 1060 425 1425 906 826 500 502 330 375 790 1530 690 350 3300 40 159 84 2277 1397 1560 3100 985 3620 810 158 107 690 1875 87 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 2.5 3 3.5 3 3 3 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.7 3 3 3 3 2.5 3.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 4 2.5 2.5 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 4 4.5 3.5 3 3.5 2 2 2.7 5 2.5 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19650808 19651212 19651210 19660109 19660426 19660521 19670105 19670226 19670226 19670226 19670409 19670702 19670902 19671130 19680101 19680103 19680211 19681020 19681124 19690607 19691014 19691124 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19701212 19711114 19720102 19720202 19720306 19721006 19721006 19721022 19740120 19740209 19740224 19741110 19750718 19801005 19801102 19801102 19811009 19820214 19830904 19610530 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19650808 19651212 19651212 19660110 19660427 19660522 19670108 19670227 19670226 19670226 19670409 19671114 19691231 19711114 19680303 19680103 19680222 19681027 19681124 19690607 19691021 19700206 19700915 19700915 19700915 19700915 19700915 19700915 19700915 19710509 19711117 19720202 19720227 19720306 19721015 19721015 19730708 19750630 19740714 19740707 19750628 19750910 19810610 19801102 19801102 19811020 19830206 19830904 81 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1 1 1 3 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 135 120 1445 62 0.5 11 7 0.5 0.5 7 74 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 148 3 31 25 0.5 9 9 259 526 155 133 230 54 248 0.5 0.5 11 357 0.5 Eruption rate -1 (ms ) 2.3.E+06 6.79E+06 9.70E-01 7.4.E+03 2.21E+04 5.11E-01 2.5.E+03 7.36E+03 1.70E-01 7.2.E+03 2.15E+04 4.97E-01 3.3.E+03 9.81E+03 2.27E-01 2.5.E+02 6.27E+02 1.45E-02 2.2.E+02 5.61E+02 1.30E-02 4.7.E+04 1.42E+05 8.24E-01 5.6.E+04 1.96E+05 2.27E+00 5.9.E+04 1.78E+05 2.06E+00 4.7.E+04 1.41E+05 1.63E+00 6.6.E+02 1.98E+03 7.63E-03 7.4.E+02 1.56E+03 1.81E-02 6.3.E+02 1.32E+03 3.05E-02 6.4.E+02 1.34E+03 3.11E-02 1.4.E+05 3.72E+05 8.62E+00 4.0.E+05 9.90E+05 8.49E-02 5.7.E+04 2.00E+05 1.93E-02 1.6.E+05 5.64E+05 4.51E-03 5.0.E+04 1.73E+05 3.24E-02 3.6.E+04 9.64E+04 2.23E+00 4.7.E+04 1.40E+05 1.47E-01 8.0.E+04 2.41E+05 3.98E-01 1.1.E+05 3.37E+05 7.80E+00 4.7.E+04 1.41E+05 3.26E+00 1.3.E+04 3.14E+04 5.18E-02 4.2.E+04 1.48E+05 2.31E-02 1.8.E+04 4.84E+04 6.22E-02 1.5.E+04 4.01E+04 5.16E-02 6.4.E+03 1.73E+04 2.23E-02 4.9.E+03 1.32E+04 1.70E-02 3.4.E+03 9.09E+03 1.17E-02 5.1.E+03 1.39E+04 1.79E-02 1.9.E+04 5.02E+04 6.46E-02 8.0.E+05 3.20E+06 2.51E-01 2.2.E+04 5.45E+04 2.10E-01 9.5.E+03 2.38E+04 8.87E-03 6.6.E+05 1.98E+06 9.18E-01 3.1.E+02 7.79E+02 1.80E-02 1.0.E+03 2.52E+03 3.25E-03 2.6.E+02 6.43E+02 8.26E-04 9.1.E+05 4.57E+06 2.04E-01 3.5.E+05 1.77E+06 3.90E-02 3.5.E+05 1.39E+06 1.04E-01 2.4.E+06 1.06E+07 9.21E-01 2.0.E+05 6.92E+05 3.48E-02 1.4.E+06 4.08E+06 8.75E-01 1.9.E+05 6.82E+05 3.18E-02 4.9.E+03 9.78E+03 2.26E-01 1.4.E+03 2.70E+03 6.25E-02 5.1.E+04 1.37E+05 1.45E-01 1.5.E+06 7.52E+06 2.44E-01 1.0.E+03 2.55E+03 5.90E-02 Area 2 (m ) Volume 3 (m ) Cumulative volume 3 (m ) 6.79E+06 6.81E+06 6.81E+06 6.84E+06 6.85E+06 6.85E+06 6.85E+06 6.99E+06 7.19E+06 7.36E+06 7.50E+06 7.51E+06 7.51E+06 7.51E+06 7.51E+06 7.88E+06 8.87E+06 9.07E+06 9.64E+06 9.81E+06 9.91E+06 1.00E+07 1.03E+07 1.06E+07 1.08E+07 1.08E+07 1.09E+07 1.10E+07 1.10E+07 1.10E+07 1.11E+07 1.11E+07 1.11E+07 1.11E+07 1.43E+07 1.44E+07 1.44E+07 1.64E+07 1.64E+07 1.64E+07 1.64E+07 2.10E+07 2.27E+07 2.41E+07 3.47E+07 3.54E+07 3.95E+07 4.02E+07 4.02E+07 4.02E+07 4.03E+07 4.79E+07 4.79E+07 43 Continuation of table A1… Unit Hb83a Hb83b Hb83c Hb83d Hb83e Hb83f Hb83g Hb83h Hb83i Hb83j Hb83k Hb83l Hb83m Hb84 Hb84a Hb84b Hb84c Hb84d Hb84e Hb84f Hb85 Hb85a Hb85b Hb85c Hb85d Hb85e Hb85f Hb85g Hb85h Hb85i Hb86 Hb86a Hb86b Hb86c Hb86d Hb86e Hb86f Hb87 Hb87a Hb87b Hb87c Hb87d Hb87e Hb87f Hb87g Hb87h Hb87i Hb87j Hb87k Hb87l Hb87m Hb87n Hb87o Hb87p Hb88 Hb88a Hb88b Hb88c hb88d Length Thickness Date begin Date final Duration (m) (m) (yyyymmdd) (yyyymmdd) (days) 472 30 590 388 275 545 800 224 257 283 165 192 203 700 470 519 584 536 820 72 110 75 86 60 37 1275 33 106 688 870 260 197 265 795 428 320 415 920 1437 545 2490 469 216 782 786 2145 810 387 70 1190 500 680 170 52 97 105 220 68 276 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 5 6.5 2.2 2 2 2 2 2.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.5 3 3 2.5 3.5 3 2 2.2 2.2 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 19830911 19830911 19830915 19830922 19830922 19831120 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19840303 19840311 19840311 19840323 19840509 19840525 19841219 19850119 19850119 19851019 19850119 19850210 19850224 19850303 19850314 19850630 19850728 19860116 19860116 19860116 19860202 19860302 19860309 19861116 19870121 19870125 19870504 19870505 19870518 19870518 19870605 19870605 19870614 19870726 19870806 19870815 19870821 19870827 19870902 19871201 19871213 19880102 19880107 19880128 19880130 19880201 19830924 19830924 19830922 19830930 19830930 19831120 19840226 19840226 19840226 19840226 19840226 19840226 19840226 19840311 19840324 19840324 19840429 19840516 19850206 19841223 19850126 19850126 19850126 19850126 19850210 19850323 19850310 19850314 19850710 19850806 19860119 19860119 19850119 19860205 19860307 19860309 19861123 19870121 19870125 19870610 19870531 19870525 19870525 19870610 19870610 19870617 19870809 19870812 19870815 19871130 19870902 19871105 19880102 19871230 19880106 19880127 19880229 19880130 19880221 13 13 7 8 8 0.5 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 8 13 13 37 7 257 4 7 7 7 7 0.5 27 7 0.5 10 9 3 3 3 3 5 0.5 7 0.5 0.5 37 26 7 7 5 5 3 14 6 0.5 101 6 64 32 17 4 20 32 0.5 0.5 Eruption rate -1 (ms ) 4.5.E+04 1.56E+05 1.39E-01 2.7.E+02 6.70E+02 5.97E-04 3.8.E+04 9.62E+04 1.59E-01 1.6.E+04 3.52E+04 5.10E-02 9.8.E+03 2.16E+04 3.13E-02 3.1.E+04 7.72E+04 1.79E+00 3.2.E+04 9.66E+04 1.33E-02 1.3.E+03 1.28E+03 1.76E-04 1.4.E+03 1.36E+03 1.87E-04 1.5.E+03 1.53E+03 2.11E-04 8.2.E+02 8.19E+02 1.13E-04 1.1.E+03 1.07E+03 1.48E-04 1.3.E+03 1.29E+03 1.77E-04 3.3.E+04 3.26E+04 4.72E-02 9.3.E+03 2.33E+04 2.07E-02 7.3.E+03 1.82E+04 1.62E-02 1.3.E+04 3.36E+04 1.05E-02 1.7.E+04 5.17E+04 8.54E-02 2.9.E+05 1.46E+06 6.58E-02 1.8.E+03 1.16E+04 3.36E-02 4.7.E+03 1.03E+04 1.70E-02 2.3.E+03 4.51E+03 7.45E-03 1.1.E+03 2.17E+03 3.59E-03 1.2.E+03 2.47E+03 4.09E-03 8.0.E+01 1.61E+02 3.72E-03 5.9.E+04 1.49E+05 6.37E-02 3.7.E+02 1.11E+03 1.83E-03 7.5.E+02 2.26E+03 5.24E-02 3.3.E+04 8.29E+04 9.59E-02 3.2.E+04 7.98E+04 1.03E-01 9.6.E+03 1.91E+04 7.38E-02 7.3.E+03 1.46E+04 5.61E-02 8.1.E+03 1.62E+04 6.25E-02 2.8.E+04 6.97E+04 2.69E-01 1.4.E+04 3.04E+04 7.04E-02 1.1.E+04 2.25E+04 5.20E-01 1.0.E+04 2.51E+04 4.14E-02 2.6.E+04 7.68E+04 1.78E+00 5.2.E+04 1.55E+05 3.60E+00 8.8.E+03 2.20E+04 6.89E-03 9.0.E+04 3.15E+05 1.40E-01 1.3.E+04 3.98E+04 6.58E-02 1.1.E+04 2.15E+04 3.56E-02 1.6.E+04 3.42E+04 7.92E-02 1.4.E+04 3.05E+04 7.05E-02 7.6.E+04 2.27E+05 8.75E-01 1.8.E+04 4.44E+04 3.67E-02 1.0.E+04 2.61E+04 5.03E-02 1.5.E+03 3.78E+03 8.75E-02 3.8.E+04 1.13E+05 1.30E-02 1.5.E+04 3.67E+04 7.08E-02 2.0.E+04 5.08E+04 9.19E-03 6.5.E+03 1.62E+04 5.87E-03 9.6.E+02 1.92E+03 1.30E-03 2.3.E+03 5.63E+03 1.63E-02 2.4.E+03 6.02E+03 3.48E-03 1.0.E+04 2.58E+04 9.33E-03 1.5.E+03 3.75E+03 8.67E-02 7.9.E+03 1.98E+04 4.59E-01 Area 2 (m ) Volume 3 (m ) Cumulative volume 3 (m ) 4.80E+07 4.80E+07 4.81E+07 4.81E+07 4.82E+07 4.82E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.83E+07 4.84E+07 4.84E+07 4.84E+07 4.85E+07 4.85E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 5.01E+07 5.01E+07 5.01E+07 5.02E+07 5.03E+07 5.03E+07 5.03E+07 5.04E+07 5.04E+07 5.05E+07 5.05E+07 5.05E+07 5.06E+07 5.07E+07 5.08E+07 5.11E+07 5.11E+07 5.11E+07 5.12E+07 5.12E+07 5.14E+07 5.15E+07 5.15E+07 5.15E+07 5.16E+07 5.17E+07 5.17E+07 5.17E+07 5.17E+07 5.17E+07 5.17E+07 5.18E+07 5.18E+07 5.18E+07 44 Continuation of table A1… Unit Hb88e Hb88f Hb88g Hb88h Hb88i Hb88j Hb88k Hb88l Hb88m Hb88n Hb88o Hb88p Hb88q Hb88r Hb88s Hb88t Hb88u Hb88v Hb88w Hb88x Hb88y Hb88z Hb88aa Hb88ab Hb88ac Hb88ad Hb88ae Hb88af Hb88ag Hb88ah Hb88ai Hb88aj Hb88ak Hb88al Hb88am Hb88an Hb88ao Hb88ap Hb88aq Hb88ar Hb88as Hb88at Hb88au Hb88av Hb88aw Hb88ax Hb88ay Hb88az Hb88ba Hb88bb Hb88bc Hb88bd Hb88be Hb88bf Hb88bg Hb88bh Hb88bi Hb88bj Hb88bk Length Thickness Date begin Date final Duration (m) (m) (yyyymmdd) (yyyymmdd) (days) 103 997 70 32 35 33 49 154 215 79 78 94 88 74 80 97 70 92 70 60 108 55 46 145 85 107 94 154 167 166 175 145 148 250 181 144 126 221 200 116 205 168 198 191 165 164 183 166 162 148 285 148 102 50 95 84 30 312 202 2.5 3 2 2.5 2.5 2 2 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.1 2 2 2.1 3 2.5 19880223 19880301 19880302 19880311 19880315 19880316 19880319 19880526 19880527 19880527 19880607 19880607 19880608 19880608 19880608 19880610 19880610 19880611 19880611 19880612 19880614 19880617 19880618 19880619 19880620 19880623 19880623 19880624 19880626 19880626 19880627 19880627 19880627 19880628 19880628 19880629 19880701 19880702 19880703 19880723 19880901 19881001 19881005 19881005 19881007 19881009 19881011 19881012 19881103 19881105 19881106 19881108 19881111 19881112 19881114 19881115 19881116 19881118 19881118 19880227 19880322 19880302 19880313 19880318 19880316 19880320 19880529 19880529 19880607 19880609 19880609 19880809 19880609 19880609 19880610 19880610 19880611 19880611 19880613 19880616 19880617 19880618 19880622 19880620 19880623 19880623 19880625 19880627 19880627 19880628 19880627 19880628 19880628 19880628 19880630 19880701 19880702 19880707 19880723 19880918 19881004 19881005 19881006 19881008 19881010 19881012 19881014 19881103 19881105 19881112 19881110 19881113 19881113 19881114 19881115 19881117 19881130 19881130 4 21 0.5 2 3 0.5 1 64 2 11 2 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 0.5 0.5 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 4 0.5 17 3 0.5 1 1 1 1 2 0.5 0.5 6 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 1 12 12 Area 2 (m ) Volume 3 (m ) 2.7.E+03 6.73E+03 2.9.E+04 8.80E+04 1.4.E+03 2.80E+03 4.7.E+02 1.18E+03 3.9.E+02 9.82E+02 4.1.E+02 8.28E+02 6.0.E+02 1.20E+03 1.8.E+03 4.45E+03 2.9.E+03 6.28E+03 1.0.E+03 2.53E+03 2.0.E+03 4.92E+03 1.3.E+03 3.14E+03 2.9.E+03 6.12E+03 1.2.E+03 2.61E+03 1.2.E+03 2.48E+03 2.6.E+03 5.40E+03 1.1.E+03 2.37E+03 1.4.E+03 2.91E+03 1.2.E+03 2.60E+03 7.5.E+02 1.58E+03 1.5.E+03 3.86E+03 7.7.E+02 1.61E+03 9.7.E+02 2.04E+03 3.8.E+03 9.60E+03 1.7.E+03 3.61E+03 2.6.E+03 5.54E+03 2.4.E+03 4.96E+03 5.7.E+03 1.20E+04 9.6.E+03 2.02E+04 5.2.E+03 1.10E+04 1.1.E+04 2.23E+04 4.0.E+03 8.38E+03 5.2.E+03 1.10E+04 7.4.E+03 1.55E+04 6.1.E+03 1.29E+04 4.8.E+03 1.00E+04 6.7.E+03 1.40E+04 6.6.E+03 1.39E+04 6.2.E+03 1.31E+04 3.7.E+03 7.69E+03 8.6.E+02 2.32E+03 3.7.E+03 7.87E+03 5.5.E+03 1.16E+04 6.4.E+03 1.35E+04 3.6.E+03 7.49E+03 4.6.E+03 9.63E+03 3.8.E+03 7.97E+03 2.6.E+03 5.44E+03 4.0.E+03 8.36E+03 5.3.E+03 1.12E+04 5.7.E+03 1.55E+04 2.7.E+03 6.79E+03 3.4.E+03 8.56E+03 5.5.E+02 1.16E+03 1.7.E+03 3.39E+03 3.3.E+03 6.57E+03 2.2.E+02 4.69E+02 3.8.E+03 1.13E+04 4.3.E+03 1.07E+04 Eruption rate -1 (ms ) 1.95E-02 4.85E-02 6.49E-02 6.83E-03 3.79E-03 1.92E-02 1.39E-02 8.05E-04 3.64E-02 2.66E-03 2.85E-02 1.82E-02 7.09E-02 3.02E-02 2.87E-02 1.25E-01 5.48E-02 6.74E-02 6.01E-02 1.82E-02 2.23E-02 3.73E-02 4.72E-02 3.71E-02 8.35E-02 1.28E-01 1.15E-01 1.39E-01 2.33E-01 1.27E-01 2.58E-01 9.70E-02 1.27E-01 3.58E-01 2.98E-01 1.16E-01 3.25E-01 3.23E-01 3.78E-02 1.78E-01 1.58E-03 3.04E-02 2.69E-01 1.56E-01 8.67E-02 1.11E-01 9.22E-02 3.15E-02 1.94E-01 2.58E-01 2.99E-02 3.93E-02 4.96E-02 1.35E-02 7.86E-02 1.52E-01 5.42E-03 1.09E-02 1.03E-02 Cumulative volume 3 (m ) 5.18E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.19E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.20E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.21E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.22E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 45 Continuation of table A1… Unit Hb88bl Hb88bm Hb88bn Hb88bo Hb88bp Hb88bq Hb88br Hb88bs Hb88bt Hb89 Hb89a Hb90 Hb90a Hb90b Hb90c Hb90d Hb90e Hb91 Hb91a Hb91b Hb91c Hb91d Hb91e Hb91f Hb91g Hb91h Hb91i Hb91j Hb92 Hb92a Hb92b Hb92c Hb92d Hb92e Hb92f Hb93 Hb93a Hb93b Hb93c Hb94 Hb94a Hb94b Hb94c Hb94d Hb95 Hb95a Hb96 Hb96a Hb96b Hb97 Hb98 Hb98a Hb98b Hb98c Hb98d Hb98e Hb98f Hb98g Hb98h Length Thickness Date begin Date final Duration (m) (m) (yyyymmdd) (yyyymmdd) (days) 100 138 84 161 52 95 54 61 104 3220 1420 522 158 140 203 332 1050 456 300 150 248 60 121 526 53 880 1680 1783 354 185 682 777 264 1530 308 1705 1032 719 1019 1238 424 862 930 906 691 450 1677 2074 713 524 2460 715 732 580 292 523 1390 2220 461 2.5 2.5 2 3 2 2.1 2 2.5 2.5 4 3 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.5 3 2.5 2.5 2 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 3.5 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.2 2 2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.1 2 3.5 3.1 3.5 2.5 2 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.1 3.5 3 2.5 19881118 19881201 19881206 19881208 19881220 19881221 19881224 19881226 19881229 19890307 19890307 19900402 19900714 19900714 19900820 19900915 19901103 19910104 19910104 19910104 19910104 19910206 19910511 19910611 19910614 19910727 19911027 19911110 19920501 19920501 19920506 19920822 19920822 19920906 19920906 19930110 19930111 19920921 19931108 19940205 19940316 19941012 19941012 19941012 19950614 19950621 19961010 19961111 19961113 19970730 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980918 19980918 19980918 19881130 19881205 19881207 19881219 19881220 19881223 19881225 19881228 19881231 19890311 19890311 19900402 19900714 19900714 19900820 19900915 19910410 19910115 19910115 19910115 19910115 19910210 19910515 19910616 19910615 19910731 19920108 19911118 19920507 19920507 19920507 19920823 19920823 19920915 19920915 19930111 19930112 19930921 19931115 19940212 19940316 19941017 19941017 19941017 19950614 19950908 19961012 19961112 19961115 19970804 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980919 19980919 19980919 12 4 1 11 0.5 2 1 2 2 4 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 158 11 11 11 11 4 4 5 1 4 73 8 6 6 1 1 1 9 9 0.5 1 0.5 7 7 0.5 5 5 5 0.5 79 2 1 2 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 Eruption rate -1 (ms ) 8.3.E+02 2.08E+03 2.01E-03 4.4.E+03 1.09E+04 3.15E-02 8.3.E+02 1.66E+03 1.92E-02 1.7.E+03 5.11E+03 5.37E-03 7.9.E+02 1.57E+03 3.64E-02 1.1.E+03 2.28E+03 1.32E-02 8.1.E+02 1.63E+03 1.88E-02 7.4.E+02 1.85E+03 1.07E-02 7.8.E+02 1.94E+03 1.12E-02 3.6.E+05 1.45E+06 4.20E+00 1.3.E+05 3.77E+05 1.09E+00 8.9.E+03 2.23E+04 5.17E-01 1.1.E+03 2.32E+03 5.37E-02 9.9.E+02 2.07E+03 4.79E-02 2.2.E+03 5.43E+03 1.26E-01 3.5.E+03 8.77E+03 2.03E-01 2.6.E+04 7.95E+04 5.82E-03 8.9.E+03 2.22E+04 2.34E-02 2.4.E+03 5.97E+03 6.28E-03 7.5.E+02 1.51E+03 1.59E-03 1.7.E+03 3.49E+03 3.68E-03 5.9.E+02 1.48E+03 4.29E-03 8.0.E+02 2.00E+03 5.80E-03 4.9.E+03 1.23E+04 2.85E-02 8.3.E+02 1.67E+03 1.93E-02 1.9.E+04 4.63E+04 1.34E-01 2.1.E+05 7.49E+05 1.19E-01 3.6.E+04 9.63E+04 1.39E-01 3.5.E+03 7.69E+03 1.48E-02 2.2.E+03 4.64E+03 8.96E-03 9.8.E+04 2.45E+05 2.84E+00 1.4.E+04 3.40E+04 3.93E-01 2.3.E+03 4.52E+03 5.23E-02 3.4.E+04 8.57E+04 1.10E-01 1.9.E+03 4.15E+03 5.34E-03 3.7.E+04 9.26E+04 2.14E+00 3.4.E+04 7.47E+04 8.64E-01 1.0.E+04 2.05E+04 4.73E-01 2.7.E+04 5.33E+04 8.81E-02 2.2.E+04 4.76E+04 7.88E-02 9.1.E+03 2.00E+04 4.63E-01 1.7.E+04 4.30E+04 9.96E-02 1.9.E+04 4.77E+04 1.10E-01 2.0.E+04 4.13E+04 9.56E-02 1.3.E+04 2.70E+04 6.24E-01 6.1.E+04 2.14E+05 3.14E-02 1.2.E+05 3.79E+05 2.19E+00 9.6.E+05 3.36E+06 3.89E+01 2.3.E+04 5.68E+04 3.29E-01 7.4.E+03 1.47E+04 3.41E-02 4.3.E+05 1.28E+06 2.97E+01 2.7.E+04 9.59E+04 2.22E+00 2.6.E+04 8.95E+04 2.07E+00 2.1.E+04 7.21E+04 1.67E+00 9.2.E+03 2.29E+04 5.31E-01 8.4.E+03 1.75E+04 4.06E-01 2.0.E+05 6.94E+05 8.03E+00 5.6.E+05 1.68E+06 1.94E+01 2.0.E+04 5.09E+04 5.89E-01 Area 2 (m ) Volume 3 (m ) Cumulative volume 3 (m ) 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.23E+07 5.38E+07 5.41E+07 5.42E+07 5.42E+07 5.42E+07 5.42E+07 5.42E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.43E+07 5.44E+07 5.51E+07 5.52E+07 5.52E+07 5.52E+07 5.55E+07 5.55E+07 5.55E+07 5.56E+07 5.56E+07 5.57E+07 5.58E+07 5.58E+07 5.58E+07 5.59E+07 5.59E+07 5.59E+07 5.60E+07 5.60E+07 5.61E+07 5.63E+07 5.67E+07 6.00E+07 6.01E+07 6.01E+07 6.14E+07 6.15E+07 6.16E+07 6.16E+07 6.16E+07 6.17E+07 6.24E+07 6.40E+07 6.41E+07 46 Continuation of table A1… Unit Hb98i Hb99 Hb00 Hb00a Hb00b Hb00c Hb00d Hb00e Hb04 Hb04a Hb05 Hb06 Hb06a Hb06b Hb06c Hb08 Hb09 Length Thickness Date begin Date final Duration (m) (m) (yyyymmdd) (yyyymmdd) (days) 1430 299 1123 1250 1223 2410 1640 2586 145 1223 370 72 38 990 1650 950 181 2.5 2.1 2.7 4 3.5 3 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.2 3 2.5 2.5 3.4 7.5 5.5 2.7 19980918 19991223 20000104 20000110 20000116 20000116 20000122 20000229 20040612 20041223 20050508 20060401 20060401 20060404 20060413 20080723 20090124 19980919 19991231 20000110 20000116 20000116 20000116 20000125 20000229 20040615 20050817 20050515 20060404 20060404 20060407 20080630 20090218 20090130 1 8 6 6 0.5 0.5 3 0.5 3 237 7 3 3 3 78 210 6 Eruption rate -1 (ms ) 2.6.E+05 6.48E+05 7.50E+00 3.2.E+04 6.72E+04 9.72E-02 2.7.E+04 7.31E+04 1.41E-01 1.6.E+05 6.36E+05 1.23E+00 1.7.E+05 6.01E+05 1.39E+01 1.6.E+05 4.80E+05 1.11E+01 2.8.E+05 6.25E+05 2.41E+00 4.2.E+05 1.05E+06 2.42E+01 5.2.E+03 1.41E+04 5.44E-02 5.2.E+05 1.14E+06 5.56E-02 1.1.E+04 3.37E+04 5.57E-02 1.5.E+03 3.75E+03 1.45E-02 3.4.E+02 8.39E+02 3.24E-03 4.1.E+04 1.39E+05 5.35E-01 8.5.E+05 6.41E+06 9.51E-01 3.3.E+05 1.82E+06 1.00E-01 8.3.E+03 2.24E+04 4.32E-02 Area 2 (m ) Volume 3 (m ) Cumulative volume 3 (m ) 6.47E+07 6.48E+07 6.49E+07 6.55E+07 6.61E+07 6.66E+07 6.72E+07 6.83E+07 6.83E+07 6.94E+07 6.94E+07 6.95E+07 6.95E+07 6.96E+07 7.60E+07 7.78E+07 7.78E+07 47 Appendix 2: Table A2. Eruptive vent locations and times of activity. 48 Table A2. Eruptive vent locations and the recorded times. Lava Flow Simbology 19610310 19610310a 19610310b 19610310c 19610310d 19650808 19651212 19660109 19660426 19660521 19670226 19670226 19670226 19670409 19670702 19670902 19671130 19680101 19680103 19680222 19681020 19681124 19690607 19691124 19700906 19691014 19700906 19790906 19711114 19720201 19720202 19720306 19721006 19721006 19721022 19721022 19721022 19721022 19721022 19721022 19740120 19740120 19740120 19740120 19740120 19740120 19740120 19740209 19740209 19740209 19740209 19740224 19741110 19750718 19801005 19801005 19801005 19801005 Hb61 Hb61a Hb61b Hb61c Hb61d Hb65 Hb65a Hb66 Hb66a Hb66b Hb67a Hb67b Hb67c Hb67d Hb67e Hb67f Hb67g Hb68 Hb68a Hb68b Hb68c Hb68d Hb69 Hb69b Hb70 Hb69a Hb70a Hb70b Hb71 Hb72 Hb72a Hb72b Hb72c Hb72d Hb72e Hb72e Hb72e Hb72e Hb72e Hb72e Hb74 Hb74 Hb74 Hb74 Hb74 Hb74 Hb74 Hb74a Hb74a Hb74a Hb74a Hb74b Hb74c Hb75 Hb80 Hb80 Hb80 Hb80 Date begin (yyyymmdd) 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19650806 19651210 19660109 19660426 19660521 19670226 19760426 19670226 19670409 19670702 19670902 19671130 19680101 19680103 19680211 19681020 19681124 19690607 19691124 19700906 19691014 19700906 19700906 19711114 19820201 19720202 19720306 19721006 19721006 19721022 19721121 19721228 19730203 19730401 19730505 19740120 19740416 19740204 19740722 19750206 19751207 19760424 19740209 19740228 19740312 19740426 19740223 19741110 19750718 19801005 19801210 19810122 19810503 Date final (yyyymmdd) 19610530 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610310 19610808 19651212 19660110 19660427 19660522 19670227 19670226 19670226 19670409 19671114 19671231 19671201 19680303 19680103 19680222 19681027 19681124 19690607 19700206 19700915 19691021 19700915 19700915 19711117 19720201 19720227 19720306 19721015 19721015 19721120 19721227 19730202 19730331 19730504 19730708 19740203 19740721 19740415 19750205 19751207 19760423 19760630 19740227 19740311 19740425 19740714 19740707 19741215 19750820 19801209 19810124 19810503 19810610 Easting in m (UTM 15 NAD 27) 488530 488520 488600 488740 488750 488900 488890 488840 488840 488810 488930 488900 488900 488740 488810 488930 488890 488910 488890 488900 488900 488880 488900 488890 488940 489010 488930 488880 488780 488880 488080 488910 488940 488930 487960 488100 487780 487980 487890 487760 488900 488770 488890 488860 488690 488860 488840 488920 488710 488670 488540 488330 488850 489140 488910 488960 488990 488910 Northing in m (UTM 15 NAD 27) 1589000 1588600 1588500 1588500 1588400 1590300 1590300 1590200 1590200 1590200 1590300 1590300 1590200 1590200 1590200 1590300 1590300 1590300 1590300 1590300 1590200 1590300 1590300 1590300 1590200 1590400 1590200 1590300 1590300 1590300 1590700 1590200 1590300 1590300 1589800 1589800 1589800 1589800 1589800 1589800 1590400 1590500 1590500 1590600 1590600 1590700 1590500 1590400 1590400 1590500 1590500 1590500 1590400 1589100 1590400 1590500 1590500 1590600 Elevation (masl) 1667 1541 1531 1541 1535 2378 2375 2333 2334 2312 2410 2415 2385 2266 2311 2412 2384 2386 2379 2382 2388 2379 2385 2387 2423 2419 2417 2378 2316 2418 2005 2407 2421 2414 1783 1812 1749 1764 1755 1732 2384 2283 2339 2269 2211 2206 2335 2405 2269 2225 2154 2049 2358 1811 2415 2422 2408 2345 49 Continuation of table A2… Lava Flow Simbology 19801102 19801102 19811009 19820214 19820214 19820214 19820214 19820214 19830904 19830911 19830915 19830911 19830922 19830922 19831120 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19840303 19840311 19840323 19840509 19840311 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19841219 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 Hb80a Hb80b Hb81 Hb82 Hb82 Hb82 Hb82 Hb82 Hb83 Hb83a Hb83c Hb83b Hb83d Hb83e Hb83f Hb83g Hb83h Hb83i Hb83j Hb83l Hb83k Hb83m Hb84 Hb84a Hb84c Hb84d Hb84b Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e HB84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84f Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Hb84e Date begin (yyyymmdd) 19801102 19801102 19811009 19820214 19820405 19820510 19820726 19821104 19830904 19830911 19830915 19830911 19830922 19830922 19831120 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19831204 19840303 19840311 19840323 19840509 19840311 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840525 19840610 19840610 19840618 19840625 19840709 19840716 19840718 19840718 19840812 19840722 19840820 19840830 19840827 19840909 19840924 19841004 19841012 19841031 19841102 19841107 19841115 19841202 19841209 19841227 19841219 19850120 19850120 19850202 19850202 Date final (yyyymmdd) 19801102 19801102 19811020 19820404 19820509 19820725 19821103 19830206 19830904 19830924 19830922 19830915 19830930 19830930 19831120 19840226 19831210 19831229 19840128 19840128 19840128 19850226 19840311 19840324 19840429 19840516 19840324 19840529 19840602 19840610 19840605 19840614 19850617 19840624 19840708 19840715 19840718 19840721 19840722 19840819 19840811 19840827 19840909 19840902 19840923 19841028 19841030 19841031 19841125 19841128 19841202 19841202 19841231 19841231 19850105 19850120 19850130 19850202 19850206 19850206 Easting in m Northing in m Elevation (UTM 15 NAD 27) (UTM 15 NAD 27) (masl) 489040 1590000 2341 489070 1589900 2296 488970 1590300 2475 488300 1590600 2082 488020 1590800 2015 488390 1590300 2098 488140 1589900 1884 488150 1590400 1988 488920 1590200 2447 488880 1590300 2424 488910 1590300 2442 488930 1590300 2455 488960 1590300 2475 488930 1590300 2453 488920 1590400 2443 488950 1590300 2466 489030 1590600 2355 489000 1590400 2474 489050 1590400 2468 488980 1590400 2470 489020 1590700 2316 488990 1590600 2348 488920 1590100 2374 488930 1590100 2377 489040 1590400 2500 488820 1590300 2381 488920 1590100 2374 488600 1591100 2185 488680 1591100 2176 488850 1591200 2198 488750 1591200 2178 488740 1591200 2176 488770 1591200 2187 488780 1591100 2174 488880 1591100 2176 488880 1591200 2194 488940 1591200 2194 489010 1591100 2194 489050 1591100 2197 488930 1590900 2182 488930 1591000 2176 488850 1590900 2170 488930 1591000 2175 488740 1591000 2168 488860 1591000 2169 488730 1590700 2206 489160 1590800 2268 489050 1590800 2250 489100 1590700 2310 489030 1590600 2331 488930 1590600 2330 488810 1590700 2267 488890 1591000 2171 488940 1591100 2178 488600 1590800 2156 489060 1590800 2235 489060 1590800 2243 489050 1590900 2206 489030 1590800 2224 489050 1590800 2242 50 Continuation of table A2… Lava Flow Simbology 19850119 19850119 19850119 19850119 19850210 19850224 19850303 19850314 19850630 19850728 19860116 19860116 19860116 19860202 19860302 19860309 19861116 19870121 19870125 19870504 19870505 19850518 19870518 19870605 19870605 19870614 19870726 19870806 19870815 19870821 19870827 19870902 19871201 19871201 19880102 19880107 19880128 19880130 19880201 19880223 19880301 19880302 19880311 19880315 19880316 19880319 19880526 19880527 19880601 19880605 19880605 19880608 19880608 19880608 19880610 19880610 19880611 19880611 19880612 19880614 Hb85 Hb85a Hb85b Hb85c Hb85d Hb85e Hb85f Hb85g Hb85h Hb85i Hb86 Hb86b Hb86a Hb86c Hb86d Hb86e Hb86f Hb87 Hb87a Hb87b Hb87c Hb87d Hb87e Hb87f Hb87g Hb87h Hb87i Hb87j Hb87k Hb87l Hb87m Hb87n Hb87o Hb87p Hb88 Hb88a Hb88b Hb88c Hb88d Hb88e Hb88f Hb88g Hb88h Hb88i Hb88j Hb88k Hb88l Hb88m Hb88n Hb88o Hb88p Hb88q Hb88r Hb88s Hb88t Hb88u Hb88v Hb88w Hb88x Hb88y Date begin (yyyymmdd) 19850119 19850119 19850119 19850119 19850210 19850224 19850303 19850314 19850630 19850728 19860116 19860116 19860116 19860202 19860302 19830309 19861116 19870121 19870121 19870504 19870505 19870518 19870518 19870605 19870605 19870614 19870726 19870806 19870815 19870821 19870827 19870902 19871201 19871213 19880102 19880107 19880128 19880130 19880201 19880223 19880301 19880302 19880311 19880315 19880316 19880319 19880526 19880527 19880527 19880607 19880607 19880608 19880608 19880608 19880610 19880610 19880611 19880611 19880612 19880614 Date final (yyyymmdd) 19850126 19850126 19850120 19850126 19850210 19850323 19850310 19850314 19850710 19850806 19860119 19860119 19860119 19860205 19860307 19860309 19861123 19870121 19870125 19870610 19870531 19870527 19870718 19870610 19870610 19870617 19870809 19870812 19870815 19871130 19870902 19871105 19880102 19871230 19880106 19880127 19880229 19880130 19880221 19880227 19880322 19880302 19880313 19880318 19880316 19880320 19880529 19880529 19880607 19880609 19880609 19880609 19880609 19880609 19880610 19880610 19880611 19880611 19880613 19880616 Easting in m Northing in m Elevation (UTM 15 NAD 27) (UTM 15 NAD 27) (masl) 488970 1590400 2472 488990 1590100 2396 488980 1590200 2481 489060 1590200 2485 488980 1590300 2489 488910 1590100 2372 488990 1590300 2489 488970 1590300 2486 488930 1590300 2458 488880 1590200 2398 488970 1590300 2489 488940 1590300 2466 488960 1590200 2464 488900 1590200 2440 488940 1590200 2423 488860 1590400 2407 488450 1590300 2147 488920 1590200 2452 488970 1590200 2470 489000 1590300 2502 489010 1590400 2492 488300 1590700 2102 488910 1590200 2447 489010 1590300 2506 489000 1590300 2503 488920 1590200 2450 488920 1590300 2459 488880 1590300 2438 488910 1590300 2453 488910 1590200 2448 488910 1590300 2453 488910 1590200 2445 488950 1590300 2480 488970 1590200 2478 488960 1590200 2462 488960 1590200 2462 488960 1590200 2462 488920 1590200 2455 488970 1590200 2445 488890 1590300 2442 488950 1590200 2459 488920 1590200 2452 488940 1590200 2466 488920 1590200 2455 488940 1590200 2466 488950 1590200 2471 488920 1590300 2462 488940 1590300 2475 488940 1590300 2475 488960 1590300 2489 488940 1590300 2474 488960 1590300 2488 489000 1590300 2505 488940 1590300 2474 488960 1590300 2488 489000 1590300 2505 488960 1590300 2488 489010 1590300 2507 489000 1590300 2505 488930 1590400 2469 51 Continuation of table A2… Lava Flow Simbology 19880617 19880618 19880619 19880620 19880623 19880623 19880624 19880626 19880626 19880627 19880627 19880627 19880628 19880628 19880629 19880701 19880702 19880703 19880823 19880901 19881001 19881004 19881005 19881007 19881009 19881011 19881012 19881103 19881105 19881106 19881108 19881111 19881112 19881114 19881115 19881116 19881118 19881118 19881118 19881201 19881206 19881208 19881220 19881221 19881224 19881226 19881229 19890307 19890307_a 19890307_a 19890307_a 19890307_a 19900110 19900402 19900714 19900714 19900820 19900915 19901103 19910104 Hb88z Hb88aa Hb88ab Hb88ac Hb88ad Hb88ae Hb88af Hb88ag Hb88ah Hb88ai Hb88aj Hb88ak Hb88al Hb88am Hb88an Hb88ao Hb88ap Hb88aq Hb88ar Hb88as Hb88at Hb88au Hb88av Hb88aw Hb88ax Hb88ay Hb88az Hb88ba Hb88bb Hb88bc Hb88bd Hb88be Hb88bf Hb88bg Hb88bh Hb88bi Hb88bk Hb88bj Hb88bl Hb88bm Hb88bn Hb88bo Hb88bp Hb88bq Hb88br Hb88bs Hb88bt Hb89 Hb89a Hb89a Hb89a Hb89a Ll90 Hb90 Hb90a Hb90b Hb90c Hb90d Hb90e Hb91 Date begin (yyyymmdd) 19880617 19880618 19880619 19880620 19880623 19880623 19880624 19880626 19880626 19880627 19880627 19880627 19880628 19880628 19880629 19880701 19880702 198800703 19880723 19880901 19881001 19881005 19881005 19881007 19881009 19881011 19881012 19881103 19881105 19881106 19881108 19881111 19881112 19881114 19881115 19881116 19881118 19881118 19881118 19881201 19881206 19881208 19881220 19981221 19881224 19881226 19881229 19890307 19890307 19890307 19890307 19890307 19900110 19900402 19900714 19900714 19900820 19900915 19901103 19910104 Date final (yyyymmdd) 19880617 19880618 19880622 19880620 19880623 19880623 19880625 19880627 19880627 19880628 19880627 19880628 19880628 19880628 19880630 19880701 19880702 19770707 19880723 19880918 19881004 19881005 19880506 19881008 19881010 19881012 19881014 19881103 19881105 19881112 19881110 19881113 19881113 19881114 19881115 19881117 19881130 19881130 19881130 19881205 19881207 19881219 19881220 19981223 19881225 19881228 19881231 19890311 19890311 19890309 19890308 19890308 19900110 19900402 19900714 19900714 19900820 19900915 19900410 19910115 Easting in m Northing in m Elevation (UTM 15 NAD 27) (UTM 15 NAD 27) (masl) 488930 1590300 2468 488990 1590300 2502 488930 1590400 2466 488910 1590400 2458 488950 1590400 2476 488920 1590400 2463 488920 1590400 2463 488910 1590300 2458 488910 1590400 2458 488910 1590300 2458 488910 1590400 2458 489010 1590300 2507 488910 1590300 2457 488980 1590300 2498 488970 1590300 2493 488910 1590300 2458 488900 1590400 2452 488970 1590300 2495 488950 1590300 2482 488800 1590400 2388 488960 1590300 2490 488460 1590200 2136 488910 1590300 2457 488990 1590300 2503 488750 1590300 2352 488830 1590300 2409 488690 1590000 2201 488850 1590300 2419 488860 1590300 2426 488860 1590300 2426 488860 1590300 2426 488860 1590300 2426 488860 1590300 2427 488860 1590300 2426 488870 1590300 2432 488860 1590300 2427 488860 1590300 2426 488860 1590300 2427 488870 1590300 2434 488870 1590300 2435 488780 1590300 2367 488870 1590300 2432 488840 1590300 2411 488880 1590300 2469 488900 1590300 2453 488850 1590300 2419 488900 1590300 2453 489080 1590800 2255 487470 1587700 1346 487600 1587800 1359 487610 1587700 1356 487570 1587700 1352 488920 1590300 2467 488900 1590300 2457 488920 1590300 2468 488920 1590300 2468 488920 1590300 2468 488910 1590300 2464 488920 1590400 2472 488930 1590300 2477 52 Continuation of table A2… Lava Flow Simbology 19910104 19910104 19910104 19910206 19910511 19910611 19910614 19910727 19911027 19911110 19920501 19920501 19920506 19920822 19920822 19920906 19920906 19930111 19930921 19930111 19931110 19940205 19930316 19941012 19941012 19941012 19950614 19950621 19950621 19950621 19950621 19950621 19950621 19961010 19961111 19961113 19970730 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980918 19980918_a 19980918_b 19980918_c 20000104 20000110 20000116 20000116_a 20000122 20040612 20040612 20041223 20041223 20041223 20041223 20050508 20060404 Hb91a Hb91b Hb91c Hb91d Hb91e Hb91f Hb91g Hb91h Hb91i Hb91j Hb92 Hb92a Hb92b Hb92c Hb92d Hb92e Hb92f Hb93 Hb93b Hb93a Hb93c Hb94 Hb94a Hb94b Hb94c Hb94d Hb95 Hb95a Hb95a Hb95a Hb95a Hb95a Hb95a Hb96 Hb96a Hb96b Hb97 Hb98 Hb98a Hb98b Hb98c Hb98d Hb98e Hb98f Hb98g Hb98h Hb98i Hb00 Hb00a Hb00b Hb00c Hb00d Hb04 Hb04 Hb04a Hb04a Hb04a Hb04a Hb05 Hb06b Date begin (yyyymmdd) 19910104 19910104 19910104 19910206 19910511 19910611 19910614 19910727 19911027 19911110 19920501 19920501 19920506 19920822 19920822 19920906 19920906 19930110 19930121 19930111 19931108 19940205 19940316 19941012 19941012 19941012 19950614 19950621 19950621 19950715 19950728 19950728 19950831 19961010 19961111 19961113 19970730 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980918 19980918 19980918 19980918 20000104 20000110 20000116 20000116 20000122 20000612 20000612 20041223 20041223 20041223 20041223 20050508 20060404 Date final (yyyymmdd) 19910115 19910115 19910115 19910210 19910515 19910616 19910615 19910731 19920108 19911118 19920507 19920507 19920507 19920823 19920823 19920915 19920915 19930111 19930121 19930112 19931115 19940212 19940316 19941017 19941017 19941017 19950614 19950717 19950728 19950820 19950830 19950830 19950908 19961012 19961112 19961115 19970804 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980520 19980919 19980919 19980919 19980919 20000110 20000116 20001016 20000116 20000125 20000615 20000615 20050817 20050817 20050817 20050817 20050515 20060407 Easting in m Northing in m Elevation (UTM 15 NAD 27) (UTM 15 NAD 27) (masl) 488930 1590300 2477 488920 1590300 2472 488930 1590300 2477 488920 1590200 2449 488930 1590300 2476 488900 1590300 2458 488910 1590300 2463 488910 1590300 2464 488890 1590300 2455 488940 1590300 2482 488850 1590400 2437 488930 1590200 2462 487390 1587600 1327 488880 1590300 2455 488910 1590300 2467 488910 1590300 2466 488880 1590300 2454 488920 1590300 2475 488920 1590300 2475 488960 1590300 2500 488970 1590300 2507 488920 1590300 2475 488940 1590300 2491 488930 1590300 2488 488900 1590300 2471 488940 1590300 2492 488940 1590300 2494 489030 1590800 2278 489110 1590700 2316 489140 1590800 2273 489050 1590800 2282 489060 1590800 2278 488990 1590800 2264 488920 1590300 2486 488930 1590400 2500 488920 1590300 2487 488910 1590400 2491 488930 1590400 2505 488920 1590400 2496 488950 1590400 2511 488960 1590400 2511 489030 1590400 2516 488960 1590300 2516 489030 1590400 2532 488910 1590400 2497 489140 1590500 2482 488120 1589800 1892 488950 1590300 2519 489020 1590400 2520 489000 1590400 2532 488960 1590400 2524 489000 1590300 2533 488630 1590600 2282 488630 1590600 2278 488970 1590300 2539 488990 1590300 2543 489010 1590300 2546 489030 1590300 2553 488740 1590600 2344 489320 1590200 2477 53 Continuation of table A2… Lava Flow Simbology 20060401 20060401 20090124 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20060413 20080723 20080723 20080723 20080723 20080723 20080723 20080723 20080723 19651212 19670108 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19701212 19740224 19740224 19740224 19740224 19741110 19741110 19750718 20000229 19991223 Hb06 Hb06a Hb09 Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb06c Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb08 Hb65b Hb67 Hb70c Hb70d Hb70e Hb70f Hb70g Hb74b Hb74b Hb74b Hb74b Hb74c Hb74c Hb75 Hb00e Hb99 Date begin (yyyymmdd) 20060401 20060401 20090124 20060503 20060413 20061001 20060601 20070401 20060515 20061016 20080301 20080601 20070801 20081130 20080401 20080723 20080915 20081012 20081118 20081205 20090117 20081215 20091119 19651210 19670105 19700906 19700906 19700906 19700906 19701212 19740310 19740415 19740523 19740610 19750529 19741213 19750817 20000229 19991223 Date final (yyyymmdd) 20060404 20040404 20090130 20060831 20060930 20061231 20060901 20070731 20061015 20080228 20080531 20080718 20080430 20091224 20080930 20081031 20081131 20081231 20081225 20090106 20090122 20090115 20090218 19651212 19670108 19700906 19700915 19700915 19700906 19710509 19740418 19740525 19740611 19740707 19750628 19750528 19750910 20000229 19991231 Easting in m Northing in m Elevation (UTM 15 NAD 27) (UTM 15 NAD 27) (masl) 489030 1590200 2525 489020 1590300 2531 487820 1590400 1908 489170 1590700 2358 489400 1590600 2336 489490 1590500 2361 489290 1590700 2302 489300 1590500 2386 489150 1590700 2314 489070 1591000 2232 488850 1590900 2215 488680 1591100 2205 489240 1590500 2445 489120 1590400 2560 489250 1590300 2517 488510 1590300 2249 488410 1590400 2190 488510 1590400 2247 488620 1590200 2306 488480 1590500 2236 488490 1590200 2209 488610 1590400 2336 488600 1590400 2331 488870 1590300 2355 488820 1590200 2319 488880 1590300 2378 488880 1590300 2378 488880 1590300 2376 488870 1590300 2370 488870 1590200 2369 487730 1590300 1816 488080 1590300 1932 488170 1590100 1918 488180 1590300 1963 488810 1590500 2308 488840 1590600 2278 488780 1588700 1594 488950 1590400 2521 488950 1590300 2519 54 Appendix 3: Table A3. Geochemistry of volcanic products. 55 Table A3. Major and trace elements compositions from eruptive products emplaced between. Sample PA-27 PA-28 Age 2000 2000 Major elements (wt %) SiO2 50.0 51.0 TiO2 1.1 1.2 Al2O3 20.3 19.0 Fe2O3 9.3 9.5 MnO 0.15 0.16 MgO 3.21 3 CaO 10.24 9.56 Na2O 3.42 4.08 K2O 0.79 0.98 P2O5 0.24 0.28 Trace elements (ppm) V 276 275 Cr 6 7 Cu 162 220 Zn 75 80 Rb 10 12 Sr 621 605 Y 17 18 Zr 70 86 Ba 414 515 La 10 12 PA-30 2000 PA-14 2000 PA-13 2005 PA-12 2005 PA-2 2006 PA-7 2007 PA-1 2007 PA-10 2008 PA-15 2008 PA-23 2008 PA-25 2008 PA-4 2009 50.3 1.1 20.6 9.0 0.15 3.08 10.35 3.45 0.79 0.24 51.1 1.3 17.9 10.8 0.18 4.09 8.71 3.7 1.05 0.33 51.1 1.2 18.6 10.0 0.17 3.7 9.29 3.72 0.96 0.29 50.8 1.2 18.1 10.3 0.17 4.08 8.99 3.61 0.97 0.28 50.2 1.2 18.0 10.8 0.18 4.43 9.19 3.54 0.93 0.28 50.9 1.2 18.3 10.5 0.18 4.15 9.15 3.57 0.97 0.29 50.6 1.2 18.2 10.6 0.18 4.23 9.18 3.57 0.95 0.28 50.5 1.2 18.1 10.8 0.18 4.52 9.17 3.52 0.92 0.27 51.4 1.2 18.2 10.3 0.18 3.83 9.07 3.7 1.02 0.29 51.1 1.0 19.8 8.9 0.15 3.37 9.61 3.8 0.88 0.24 50.8 1.2 18.1 10.5 0.17 4.14 9.13 3.63 0.95 0.28 51.2 1.2 17.8 10.8 0.19 4.33 8.74 3.64 1.05 0.32 266 6 111 73 10 633 16 69 415 10 277 13 128 90 15 542 21 107 504 14 285 17 110 81 14 570 20 92 474 12 284 17 103 84 15 549 20 94 466 12 300 21 110 86 13 550 19 90 445 12 281 18 114 85 14 557 20 95 476 13 286 19 104 84 14 558 19 92 463 12 276 19 104 85 13 550 19 88 449 11 296 17 115 84 16 552 20 99 492 13 240 15 137 87 12 615 17 75 454 11 287 19 97 85 13 556 19 91 470 12 273 17 151 88 15 537 21 105 499 13 56 Appendix 4: Volcanological Maps of Volcán de Pacaya 1961-2009, Guatemala. 57
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