RETROGRADE EXTRAPOLATION And Other Ethanol Calculations
RETROGRADE EXTRAPOLATION And Other Ethanol Calculations
ACMT American College of Medical Toxicology Seminars in Forensic Toxicology Consultation in the Civil & Criminal Arenas RETROGRADE EXTRAPOLATION And Other Ethanol Calculations Robert. B. Forney, Jr. Ph.D., DABFT. The Hilton Baltimore, Maryland November 13, 2013 Exigent circumstances Court found that blood alcohol evidence is fleeting as the drug is being eliminated from the body. (Schmerber v. California, 348U.S. 757, 86 S. Ct. 1826, 16 L.Ed.2d 908 (1966)) Widmark Equation The amount (dose) of alcohol in the body is proportional to a BAC measured by a proportionality constant, “r” A = c •p •r and c = A p • r where A = Alcohol in the body in grams c = BAC in grams/kg p = Body weight in kgs (rho) r = Reduction Factor (“reduced body mass”) rho = modern Volume of Distribution One compartment model Widmark’s rho • Erik Widmark, Sweden • Earliest use of the distribution of a drug for forensic purposes • Widmark’s rho = Whole body alcohol conc.. Blood alcohol conc. • Now use volume of distribution Calculate the AMOUNT CONSUMED • Assume a 150 lb. male ingests 3 ozs. of 80 Proof whiskey • How much alcohol has he consumed, expressed in grams? Volume Ingested Conversion to mLs Conc. of beverage Specific Gravity = 3 ozs. X 29.6 mL X 40 mL EtOH X 0.789 g . = oz. 100 mL mL Dose 28 g ka Absorption rate constant Widmark’s rho or Volume of Distribution k el Elimination rate constant Who can hold more liquor? Men or Women • MEN Vd Ethanol = 0.68 L/kg EXAMPLE: (180 x 2.2 lb/kg) x 0.68 L/kg = • WOMEN 56 L Vd Ethanol = 0.55 L/kg EXAMPLE: (120 x 2.2 lb/kg) x 0.55 L/kg = 30 L Combining differences in weight and distribution, a dose in a woman may be 1/2 the dose required in a man for the same BAC Elimination Rate • Zero-order (constant rate) process > 0.02 • Normal range (healthy adults) – Men 14.94 (+ 4.5 mg/dl/hr) – Women 18.30 (+ 3.23 mg/dl/hr) KM Dubowski 1976 Alcohol Tech. Rep. 5:55-63 • Alcoholics = 23 mg/dl/hr (+ 5.8 mg/dl/hr) (13 - 36) AW Jones & B Sternebring 1992 Alcohol & Alcoholism 27(6):641-47 • Eskimos, Amer. Indians & Asians <<slower “Zero Order” means a STRAIGHT line on a Linear Plot 0.14 B A 0.12 0.10 0.08 5 * 0.018% = 0.09% 0.06 C 0.04 0.02 5 hours Time (hours) “First Order” means a CURVED line on a Linear Plot 0.14 B A 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 C 0.04 0.02 Time (hours) Characteristics of "Zero-Order" Elimination 1. Straight line with "arithmentic" plot 2. Rate of elimination (or amount eliminated per unit of time) is CONSTANT and INDEPENDENT of the concentration. 3. Halflife (t1/2) and Elimination rate constant DO NOT APPLY! 4. Ethanol elimination is zero order between 0.30 and 0.02% Distribution is determined from a point C 0 ► extrapolated from the elimination phase to the ordinate ► represents conc. after complete absorption + no elimination C0 NOTE on the diagram, the relative plateau between the early rapidly rising BAC and the steadily declining BAC of the post-absorptive state. Absorp/on Status of Drinking Drivers Most are post-absorptive Two blood samples First BAC < Second BAC 12/199 6% Jones (1993) 0/432 0% Lund (1979) 47/2354 2% Neuteboom and Jones (1990) Absorp/on Status of Drinking Drivers PBT 1 2 Evidential Tests PBT 2 161 Arrested Drivers Time between PBTs was 25 to 120 minutes (mean 64 minutes) BrACs ranged from 0.06 to 0.310 g/210 L Gullberg, R.G., and McElroy, A.J., “Comparing Roadside with Subsequent Breath Alcohol Analyses and Their Relevance to the Issue of Retrograde Extrapolation.” Forensic Science International, 57:193-201,1992 Absorp/on Status of Drinking Drivers CONCLUSIONS No evidence that any of the arrested drivers were in the ascending portion (in excess of breath sampling variation) Using 0.015 g/210L/h there was a small but significant overestimation of PBT1 (mean 0.005 g/2lO L) Gullberg, R.G., and McElroy, A.J., “Comparing Roadside with Subsequent Breath Alcohol Analyses and Their Relevance to the Issue of Retrograde Extrapolation.” Forensic Science International, 57:193-201,1992 Absorp/on Status of Drinking Drivers Reference Biasotti Jones Neuteboom Jones Lund Levine Jones Year % Not Increasing 1985 1987 1990 1993 1993 2000 2002 98% 97% 98% 94% 100% 91% 88% Laboratory Drinking Study Six male four female subjects Consumed liquor ad libitum for three hours (range 160 to 181 minutes) BrACs were measured with an Intoxilyzer 5000 every 5-15 mins. Peak BrACs ranged from 0.085 to 0.190 g/210L Time to maximum BrAC was 12 minutes (range 4 to 22 mins.) Increase in BrAC from end of drinking to highest BrAC was 0.005 g/210L (range 0.0 to 0.02 g/210L) Ganert, P.M. and Bowthorpe, W.D., “Evaluation of Breath Alcohol Profiles Following a Period of Social Drinking.” Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 33:137-43, 2000 Laboratory Drinking Study Seven male and four female subjects consumed beer or whiskey (mixed) over two hours and forty-five minutes Mean peak BrAC was 0.113 g/210L (ranged 0.100 to 0.129 g/210L) The peak BrACs were all obtained in first test conducted 15 minutes after the end of drinking Figure 6 Plot of alcohol concentration against time for the mean result for all subjects Cowan, J.M., Dennis, M.E.,III, and Smith, L.F., “A Comparison of Equal Alcohol Doses of Beer and Whiskey on Eleven Human Test Subjects. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 37:137-45, 2004 , BAC Plateau In some cases there is no clear or distinct peak. Instead there is a plateau, in which the rate of absorption is equal to the rate of elimination and the BAC is relatively constant. Watts and Simonick (1989) fifteen drinking subjects with food, six subjects had a plateau (ranged 47 to 89 minutes) BrAC Plateau Time (mins) Duration of Plateau 0 to 124 minutes Ganert and Bowthorpe (2000) Ganert, P.M. and Bowthorpe, W.D., “Evaluation of Breath Alcohol Profiles Following a Period of Social Drinking.” Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 33:137-43, 2000 16 to 106 minutes 46 to 89 minutes Hodgson and Taylor (1992) Watts and Simonick (1989) Plateau/Presumption Lund (1979) deduct two hours then add 0.01 g/lOOmL/h and "possibility of obtaining a too high BAC value by backward calculation is virtually eliminated” Lund, A., “The Rate of Disappearance of Blood Alcohol in Drunken Drivers.” Blutalkahol, 16:395-98, 1979 Loomis (1974) "If the incident-test interval is in excess of 2 hr, then the BAC could not have been lower at the time of the incident than it was at the time of the test, but it could have been higher by an amount equal to a range of rates of disappearance of alcohol from the blood of from 0.01 to 0.02% per hr...” Loomis, T.A., “Blood Alcohol in Automobile Drivers: Measurement and Interpretation for Medicolegal Purposes. I. Effect of Time Interval Between Incident and Sample Acquisition.” Clinical Quarterly of Journal Studies on Alcohol, 35:458-72, 1974 Accumula/on when absorpHon > eliminaHon 22 female and 35 male subjects who consumed either 1 or 2 fl. oz. of 50% v/v alcohol per hour per 70 kg (150 lb) of body weight. Drinking began after a breakfast of toast and fruit juice. Lunch consisted of meat sandwiches. Forney, R.B., and Hughes, F.W., “Alcohol Accumulation in Humans after Prolonged Drinking.” Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 5: 619-21, 1963 Estimation of a BAC or BrAC: Forward extrapolation • at the time of a crash or observed driving • extrapolating FORWARD from a drinking history • often used with refusals Retrograde extrapolation • at the time of a crash or observed driving • extrapolating BACKWARD from a BAC or BrAC • often used when BAC was determined on a sample collected later than statutory limits Forward extrapolation Widmark formula: A = r * ρ * (C t + (ß * t) where: A = dose of ethanol in grams r = Widmark’s rho, a constant = 0.68 L/kg in men; 0.55 L/kg in women Ratio of amt. of alcohol in the body to that in the blood. Now called Vd, the volume of distribution ρ = body weight in kilograms Ct = BAC at time “t” in hours. ß = Widmark’s beta, a constant a zero order elim. rate constant = 0.015%/hr. Retrograde Extrapolation • Extrapolating BAC at the time of driving from an analysis performed some time later. • Cannot simply be done by adding back expected elimination! Absorption may still be occurring. • Exigent circumstances Schmerber v California, 1966 Necessary assumptions: Quantity of unabsorbed alcohol remaining in the GI tract at the time of driving (time of the stop, time of the accident, etc.) Quantity of alcohol consumed after the time of driving OVER ESTIMATION of a prior BAC will result if either quantity is under estimated. Appropriate values for: • Rate of absorption • Volume of distribution • Rate of elimination Retrograde extrapolation of a BAC CANNOT simply be done by adding back for expected elimination using an average rate. Continuing significant absorption means that the BAC will decrease less than expected per unit time until the post-absorptive state is reached. Use CONSERVATIVE assumptions allowing for individual variations in pharmacokinetic parameters Identify the sufficiency of evidence for • time of drinking • time of driving SUBTRACT from the calculation: • alcohol consumed AFTER the time of driving • UNABSORBED alcohol remaining in the GI tract at the time of driving USE retrograde extrapolation to: • evaluate/impeach as appropriate, testimony regarding drinking history (eg. "I only had two beers.") • estimate whether BAC was above, below or close to a given threshold for the assertion of driving "under the influence", "impaired driving", a per se violation or other statute. Breath Alcohol Conc. Observed driving or crash O Measured BrAC X Time (Hrs.) Breath Alcohol Conc. Observed driving or crash O 2 Measured BrACs X X Time (Hrs.) Drinking Pa<erns of Drinking Drivers Extensive interviews with bartenders, servers, drinkers, accident involved drivers in BC Location Drinking Time (hrs) Percent Drink Beer Time Waited minutes Pub 2.0 73% 24 Hotel Bar 2.0 86% 29 Restaurant 2.2 36% 37 Social Event 2.3 39% 42 Own Home 1.8 39% 36 N = 435 Cooper, P.J., and Rothe, J.P., “Drinking Establishment, Driving Risk and Ethno-‐Pharmacology” Proceedings of 35th Interna3onal Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (Vol. 2), Oslo, Norway, 1988. Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Problem #1 Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 1. What would his BAC have been when he was TESTED? Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 1. What would his BAC have been when he was TESTED? a. Calculate the dose ingested: 5 beers x 12 oz. 29.6 ml 3.5 ml 0.789 g x x x = beer oz. 100 ml ml 49 g Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 1. What would his BAC have been when he was TESTED? b. Calculate Co: 180 lbs. x Vd L kg Dose (g) x Weight x 10 kg dL L = 1.0 kg 2.2 lbs. = 81.8 kg 49 g 0.68 x 81.8 x 10 L kg dL kg L = 0.089 g dL Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 1. What would his BAC have been when he was TESTED? C. Calculate Conc. Eliminated: Time for elimination = 8:00 pm to 2:00 am = 6 hours Conc. Eliminated = 6 hrs. x 0.015 % hr = 0.090 % Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 1. What would his BAC have been when he was TESTED? d. SUBTRACT Conc. Eliminated from Co: Conc. Eliminated = 0.090% Co = 0.089% BAC when tested = 0.089% - 0.090% = 0.00 % Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Problem #2 Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 2. What would his BAC have been when ARRESTED? Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 2. What would his BAC have been when he was ARRESTED? a. Calculate the dose ingested: 5 beers x 12 oz. 29.6 ml 3.5 ml 0.789 g x x x = beer oz. 100 ml ml 49 g Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 2. What would his BAC have been when he was ARRESTED? b. Calculate Co: 180 lbs. x Vd L kg Dose (g) x Weight x 10 kg dL L = 1.0 kg 2.2 lbs. = 81.8 kg 49 g 0.68 x 81.8 x 10 L kg dL kg L = 0.089 g dL Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 2. What would his BAC have been when he was ARRESTED? C. Calculate Conc. Eliminated: Time for elimination = 8:00 pm to 1:00 am = 5 hours Conc. Eliminated = 5 hrs. x 0.015 % hr = 0.075 % Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 2. What would his BAC have been when he was ARRESTED? d. SUBTRACT Conc. Eliminated from Co: Conc. Eliminated = 0.075% Co = 0.089% BAC when tested = 0.089% - 0.075% = 0.014 % Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Problem #3 Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 3. HOW MANY BEERS (3.5% v/v) would he have to drink between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am in order to test 0.10% w/v when arrested? Retrograde Extrapolation Problems a. Calculate Dose in grams: BAC = Vd L kg Dose (g) x Weight x 10 kg dL L And, Dose = BAC x g dL Vd L kg x Weight kg 0.10% x 0.68 x g L dL kg 81.8 kg x x 10 dL L 10 dL L = 54.8 g Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 3. HOW MANY BEERS (3.5% v/v) would he have to drink between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am in order to test 0.10% w/v when arrested? b. Calculate the Conc. Eliminated: Time for elimination = 8:00 pm to 2:00 am = 6 hours Conc. Eliminated = 6 hrs. x 0.015 % hr = 0.090 % Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 3. HOW MANY BEERS (3.5% v/v) would he have to drink between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am in order to test 0.10% w/v when arrested? c. Calculate the dose to replace what has been eliminated: Dose = BAC x g dL Vd L kg x Weight kg 0.09% x 0.68 x g L dL kg x 10 dL L 81.8 x 10 kg dL L = 49.3 g Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 3. HOW MANY BEERS (3.5% v/v) would he have to drink between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am in order to test 0.10% w/v when arrested? d. Add the dose to produce a 0.10% with the dose to replace what has been eliminated: Dose = Dose for 0.10% w/v + Dose to replace elimination 54.8 g + 49.3 g = 104.1 g Retrograde Extrapolation Problems Subject weighs 180 lbs. and Drinks five, 12 oz. beers (3.5% v/v) Over a four hour period from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. He is arrested at 1:00 a.m. and Tested at 2:00 a.m. 3. HOW MANY BEERS (3.5% v/v) would he have to drink between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am in order to test 0.10% w/v when arrested? e. Calculate the volume of beer required to deliver a dose of 104.1 Dose (g) Vol. Ingested = conversion x beer conc. x spec. grav. 104.1 g 29.6 ml x 3.5 ml x 0.789 g oz. 100 ml ml = 127.35 ozs. = 10.6, 12 oz Beers Subject Drinking Examples Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time Betw Drinks 34-35 min. 33-49 “ 25-48 “ 35-54 “ 28-32 “ 23-32 “ 32-33 “ 16-38 “ 21-30 “ 25-40 “ 35-45 “ 25-46 “ 10-28 “ 26-56 “ 16-38 “ Means: Time = 32.5 min. No. of Drinks 3 5 6 4 5 7 3 9 9 6 5 5 7 5 7 Drinks = 5.7 Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Peak Time Interval* 12 min. 44 “ 15 “ 26 “ 21 “ 35 “ 14 “ 16 “ 61 “ 55 22 23 26 12 “ “ “ “ “ Mean time = 27 min. *Time FROM when drinking stopped TO peak Subject #1 Sex: Weight: Calculated Vd: 1.0 hr of Zero order elim: Beverage: Male 180 lbs x 1.0 kg = 81.8 kg 2.2 lbs 0.68 L x 81.8 kg = 55.6 L kg 0.015 g x 10 dL x 55.6 L = 8.34 g dL L 5.7 x 360 mL of 4% v/v Beer One drink = 360 mL x 4 mL x 0.789 g = 11.4 g 100 mL mL drink 11.4 g 1.0 L = x 10 dL = 0.020 g/dL 55.6 L Food: Duration of Drinking: Chinese dinner, 1.0 hr. at start 204 mins. 1.0 hr of zero order elim. = 0.015 g/dL = 1.0 drink = 0.020 g/dL Subject #1, male 0.08 C stop 0.06 0.04 C 0.02 40 80 120 160 200 Time (mins) 240 280 320 Subject #2 Sex: Weight: Calculated Vd: 1.0 hr of Zero order elim: Beverage: Male 165 lbs x 1.0 kg = 75 kg 2.2 lbs 0.68 L x 75 kg = 51 L kg 0.015 g x 10 dL x 51 L = 7.65 g dL L 5 x 30 mL of 80 Proof Bourbon One drink = 30 mL x 40 mL x 0.789 g = 9.4 g 100 mL mL drink 9.4 g 1.0 L = x 10 dL = 0.018 g/dL 51 L Food: Duration of Drinking: NIDA dinner, 1.0 hr. at start 193 mins. 1.0 hr of zero order elim. = 0.015 g/dL = 1.0 drink = 0.018 g/dL Subject #2, male 0.08 C 0.06 stop 0.04 C 0.02 40 80 120 160 200 Time (mins) 240 280 320 Subject #3 Sex: Weight: Calculated Vd: 1.0 hr of Zero order elim: Beverage: Female 150 lbs x 1.0 kg = 68.2 kg 2.2 lbs 0.55 L x 68.2 kg = 37.5 L kg 0.018 g x 10 dL x 37.5 L = 6.75 g dL L 3 x 50 mL of 80 Proof Bourbon One drink = 50 mL x 40 mL x 0.789 g = 15.8 g 100 mL mL drink 15.7 g 1.0 L = x 10 dL = 0.042 g/dL 37.5 L Food: Duration of Drinking: NIDA dinner, 0.5 hr. at start 85 mins. 1.0 hr of zero order elim. = 0.018 g/dL = 1.0 drink = 0.042 g/dL Subject #3, female 0.08 C 0.06 stop 0.04 C 0.02 40 80 120 160 200 Time (mins) 240 280 320 Subject #4 Sex: Weight: Calculated Vd: 1.0 hr of Zero order elim: Beverage: Male 235 lbs x 1.0 kg = 106.8 kg 2.2 lbs 0.68 L x 106.8 kg = 72.6 L kg 0.015 g x 10 dL x 72.6 L = 10.9 g dL L 6.66 x 60 mL of 80 Proof Gin One drink = 60 mL x 40 mL x 0.789 g = 18.9 g 100 mL mL drink 18.9 g 1.0 L = x 10 dL = 0.026 g/dL 72.6 L Food: Duration of Drinking: Large meal, 1.0 hr. at start 191 mins. 1.0 hr of zero order elim. = 0.015 g/dL = 1.0 drink = 0.026 g/dL Subject #4, male 012 C 0.10 stop 008 C 0.06 0.04 C 0.02 40 80 120 160 200 Time (mins) 240 280 320