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here - The World Union for Progressive Judaism
Hanukah Report in the FSU
Hanukah is the time of miracles!
Over 1500 Jews celebrated the Festival of Lights, Freedom and Miracle in Belarus. Over 30
Hanukah events were held by leaders of the Progressive Jewish communities around the
Minsk: Members of Minsk Progressive Communities “Sheket”, “Simha” and “Tamar”
welcomed guests from Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Bobruisk and Baranovichi at the Hanukkah
reception held at Beit Simcha. Guests of honor were representatives from diplomatic
missions of the State of Israel, Hungary, Lithuania, Turkey and USA. Special greetings were
received from the German Embassy and the Ambassador Head of the European Union to
Belarus. Lighting the Fifth Hanukkah candle was led by rabbinical student Arseni Nikitenko
along with members from Beit Simcha and “Sheket”.
New Project: Minsk City Hanukkah. This new project brought over 800 young adult citizens
of Minsk together to take part in Hanukah lectures, Jewish food and a musical performance,
organized by Jewish youth leaders and Jewish organizations in Belarus, including the
Embassy of Israel. The Reform movement played a significant role with Rabbi Grisha
Abramovich, Ira Abramovich and Kolia Demjanko leading a variety of lectures about the
holiday and Jewish traditions.
Celebrations at Beit Simcha in Minsk (left) and Mogilev
Mogilev: “Keshet” with the help of Finchley Progressive Community, London, organized a big
event. Executive director of the RUPJ Michael Kemerov lit the first Hanukkah candle together
with “Keshet” community members of different ages. Participants took part in various
educational activities: studied history and lessons of Hanukkah, art projects, theater and
playing Jewish music and enjoyed delicious sufganiot.
Gomel: The “Kadima” congregation organized special Hanukkah classes in the Bar/Bat
Mitzvah School with Rabbi Grisha Abramovich and Education Coordinator Irina Belskaia. The
Eighth Day of Hanukkah celebrations were held at the “Hatikvah” School for 180 children
and their families. Teacher Natalia Kravchenko thanked Unicef Belarus for donating books to
the school. The Festival was full of Light, Life, Joy, Miracles and Hope for the Jewish future in
Belarus. Ludmila Krilisenko, the Vice-chairperson of the department of education, sport and
tourism of Gomel said: “This model of Hanukkah celebration and understanding of national
values should be a role-model of education for thousands of young people in our country”.
Hanukah Celebrations in Gomel
A wide variety of events were held in the city for the holiday with over 600 people taking
part in the different events.
Prior to the holiday, a seminar for young families on Hanukah: “Lights of Chanukah”, was
held November 27-29:
Two significant events took place in Moscow on the eve of Hanukkah. Both feature a new
level of cooperation between Reform Judaism and Hillel in Moscow. The first was a unique
workshop on floristry and was the first time when Hillel held its event at the Moscow Center
for Progressive Judaism, see photos:
The second event was the Chuppa of Marina Shamrai (Coordinator of "Jewish culture and
tradition") and David (Hillel activist) conducted by Rabbi Alexander Lyskovoy, see photos:
Moscow celebrates the miracle of Hanukah with a Chuppah & Hanukah Fest
December 6th, 1st candle: Hanukkah at the MEOD Center for the "Integration" project
(conducted by Rabbi Lyskovoy). The first candle of Hanukkah also included a Beit Midrash on
the Books of Maccabees in the Moscow Center for Progressive Judaism, with Rabbis
Lyskovoy and Bimbat. Around 60 people attended. See photos:
December 8th, 3rd candle was lit at the Beit Din in Moscow (Rabbis Abramovich, Lyskovoy and
Bimbat), with those who completed their conversion: first candles with new status:
December 11th, 6th candle at MEOD (project Sheket for hearing impaired Jews) conducted by
Rabbi Lyskovoy and with Kabbalat Shabbat at Le-Dor va-Dor - about 40 people.
December 12th, 7th candle Shabbat Sacharit and the bat mitzvah Evelyn Beregovsky - 80
December 13th, 8th candle, participation in two events that took place at the same time:
 Hanukkah Fest (Hillel, the Jewish Agency, Netzer) 300 mostly young people and families
with children. The Hanukiah was lit by Rabbi Bimbat together with the director of Hillel
Moscow, Russia Netzer coordinator and coordinator of youth programs JAFI. We are
proud that Netzer was one of organizers of this great event, along with the Jewish
Agency and Hillel. See photos:
Pictures from the event
Hanukah event at the Moscow Center for Progressive Judaism, with around 80 people
attended. Conducted by Rabbi Lyskovoy and Cantor Karpenko.
Moscow Severnaya
 December, 4 - 6 - pre-Chanukah Shabbaton, 24 people
December 13 – 45 people attended big communal event.
 Pictures from Severnaya -
St. Petersburg:
The words “It's our duty and our right to light” became the slogan of Hanukah 5776 at
“Sha'arei Shalom” Congregation. It's the duty and right of everyone, men and women, to
keep the light of justice, respect, kindness and peace!
The first candle was dedicated to the victory of peace over war and terrorism, was lit by the
General Council of Israel, Mikhael Lotem. The guests of the congregation included Catholic
priests, the leaders of the Interreligious Forum of Saint-Petersburg, and the staff of the
Jewish organizations of the city.
Each Hanukah day enlightened so many, with students from our different courses (Giyur,
Hebrew, folk dancing, kindergarten and their parents) taking part in our events.Children
performed their Hanukah fairy tale. Alla Mitelman, the director of the Sunday school,
organized the event with svivonim, hanukiyot, candles and the most delicious Hanukah
cookies. Each child got his or her own "Hanukah gelt". The “Hanukah Intellectual Casino”
was a challenge for our guests as well.
Over 300 people participated in various Hanukah events.
As Rabbi Helena Rubinstein said, “Hanukah is not only a choice, to be or not to be, but also
what kind of person you want to be. It's painful for me, if people would get the impression
about my religion, if it were to be perceived as some kind of a sealed jar with the same
content. My Hanukah is a jar that never dries up; it is constantly filled with fresh and
updated knowledge, understanding and perception. Therefore, it will last not only for eight
days, but forever, and that is the Miracle!”
Hanukah lighting at Shaarei Shalom, St. Petersburg
First candle – 06.12.15
Sunday school Hanukah classes:
Kindergarten photos:
 Video Hanukkah in the kindergarten
 Hanukkah songs -
Chelyabinsk – approximately 250 people took part in the following:
 Big Hanukah party -
 Hanukah Pyjama party -
 Hanukah celebration in Sunday school -
Tyumen - All together 310 people participated in various events. Each day there were
events at the synagogue. See detailed daily report: and photos:
Lipetsk - About 50 people attended Hunukah celebration at Retro Cafe
Krasnodar - 37 people took part in Chanukah celebration on December 6. See photos:
December 7th, the first day of Hanukah was held in the center of Simferopol. It has become a
long-standing tradition to light the Hanukiah in Central Square in front of the Gorky Crimean
Academic Russian Drama Theatre. Gregory Zitser and Acting Rabbi Doron lit the Hanukah
Simferopol celebrates Hanukah in the main square with Kira Grublite our community worker
December 7th, Hanukah in Yevpatoria, Ehie Kapai Congregation celebrated the holiday at the
"Yoskin" café located in the courtyard of the synagogue. Over 50 people gathered to hear
about the history and traditions of Hanukkah led by Chair of Reform Movement in Crimea
Anatoly Gendin.
December 10th - Hanukah in at Ner Tamid Synagogue. Members of the community said a
collective prayer. After the meal, Netzer members led by community workers Kira Grublite
showed the video "What is Hanukah" and conducted art workshops, see video:
December 13th - Hanukah in Simferopol marked the 15th tournament of intellectuals named
"Chatul Madan". A total of 33 participants took part (6 people per team) and the family team
of Kira Grublite received an honorary third place award! - photos
Grublite Family awarded 3rd place & Hamsa Master Class in Yevpatoria
December 14th - Hanukah in Yevpatoria in the "warm house". The synagogue is a big building
and not heated, the holiday was held hear (also on synagogue grounds). All candles were lit
candles through and, Chairman of the community said Maxim A. Yagud blessed the holiday.
Kira Grublite, along with Netzer member Alexander (David) Kovtun led a Hanukah Beit
Midrash, and afterward a master class on Hamsot.
In Kyiv over 300 people took part in the different celebrations in the community. The 3
groups of the congregational kindergarten led by Educational Coordinator Alexandra Haydar
The festival of lights celebrated at the kindergarten and Ha-Tikvah Congregation in Kyiv
held celebrations for both children and parents. Ha-Tivkvah held a special holiday service for
members on the sixth night of Hanukah led by Rabbi Alexander Dukhovny and Executive
Director Alex Haydar, lighting the Hanukiah, saying the prayers and enjoying a special
evening of a concert, traditional Hanukkah money for children and Hanukkah treats. The
congregation also held a separate study session on Hanukah.
Emanu-El had over 60 people
attend Hanukkah celebrations at
the congregation led by Rabbi
Julia Gris.
Hanukah lighting in Odessa
For the first time in 75 years, Hanukkah candles were lit in the building that was once served
as the main synagogue in Lutsk. The synagogue is a listed as a historical monument in the
Red Book of UNESCO. Over 180 people took part in Hanukkah events that included: prayers,
concerts, and studies.
Celebrations in Lutsk and Cherkassy
Over 60 people participated in Hanukkah celebration at the “Haver” Congregation.
Congregants also took part in Hanukah lighting celebrations and a light show held for the
entire Jewish community in the city central square.