RAINBOW SPIRIT - South Carolina: International Order of the


RAINBOW SPIRIT - South Carolina: International Order of the
RAINBOW SPIRIT February 2010
Official Publication of the Grand Assembly of South Carolina
Volume 10 No. 2
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Notes from the Hart
Dear Rainbow Girls and Friends,
Our Grand Year continues to be one in which we “Fly in God’s Garden of
Dreams.” One of our dreams came true when we held our first ever Rainbow Reunion
on November 7 at the Days Inn Southeast in Columbia. Many of our Rainbow Sisters
returned to enjoy refreshments and displays. Each signed in and left contact information.
We are hoping that they will be returning to some of our events in the future.
On December 6, we enjoyed an Official Visit to the Blue Area. We entered a
dining room decorated as a Winter Wonderland with snowflakes falling from the ceiling
and tables decorated with snow. Christmas trees, silver bells, angels and blue candy
canes also adorned the tables. We received favor bags containing an ESV Christmas
Bible and Christmas candy. We also enjoyed a delicious lunch of ham, macaroni and
cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, tea, lemonade and an assortment of
cakes. The courtesy included the Christmas Story presented in a most meaningful way
and included the Grand Officers and Grand Representatives. The meeting afterward was beautiful, with each officer and
protem presenting our ritualistic work in a lovely way.
Mother Advisors and Adult Workers gathered at Dentsville Lodge in Columbia for their annual Seminar. We
discussed Supreme Assembly responsibilities—Annual Reports, Mother Advisor information, Assembly finance reports
and filing form 990N with the IRS. We discussed Grand Assembly responsibilities—Assembly meeting reports, Advisor
Certification forms, Rainbow Spirit articles, ad sales, scholarship forms, Grand Assembly registration and competition
forms, project donations, dues and parent cards, and Assembly supplies. We updated the Assembly Handbooks that are
given to all Mother Advisors, Grand Deputies and Senior Executives. In addition, we reviewed the Supreme Assembly
Youth Protection Program adopted by Supreme Assembly in 2004.
The next weekend, we attended an Official Visit to the Red and Violet Areas. We enjoyed a movie theme this
time, with a courtesy featuring the girls wearing sunglasses and feather boas. We certainly found out some interesting
information about the “stars” in our Order…our Grand Worthy Advisor, our Grand Deputy of the Violet Area, and me.
During the meeting, the Worthy Advisor used quotes from famous film stars to greet our distinguished guests. The
officers and protems did star-quality work as they initiated Aurora Agee into Myrtle Beach Assembly. Afterward, we
entered a dining room decorated with hanging filmstrips, movie posters, popcorn buckets and star napkins. Our delicious
supper consisted of a variety of soups, salads, breads, drinks and desserts. During the banquet, we held our first auction
for the ritual team…netting over $250!
Please continue to support our Grand Worthy Advisor and your Rainbow Sisters at our next jurisdictional events:
Orange and Yellow Areas Official Visit on February 6, Green Area Official Visit on March 6, and Indigo Area Official Visit
and Scholarship Bowl-a-Thon on April 17. Grand Officers will rehearse on May 15 and a dance will be held that evening.
Soon you will be making your plans for our Grand Assembly Session on June 24-27. Be sure that you are selling
ads so that you will be able to attend the Session free, or at least help the Assembly to sell ads so that you will be able to
attend at a reduced rate. The Supreme Assembly Session will be August 1-4. Be sure to look for information elsewhere
in this issue concerning this exciting Session to be held in Omaha, Nebraska.
I hope that you are continuing to use the marketing strategies that you learned at the School of Instruction. Talk
about our Order with your friends that can be recommended by a Mason, Eastern Star or Amaranth. If you don’t know
what to say, simply tell them to check us out on our web site, www.sciorg.org. If you don’t tell anyone about Rainbow,
they will never have the opportunity to be a part of our wonderful organization.
In Rainbow Love and Service,
Dedra A. Hart
Supreme Inspector in South Carolina
In the Garden Hello South Carolina Rainbow,
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. My holiday season began
with the Blue Area Official Visit held at Summerville Masonic Lodge on December 5. I
had a wonderful time from the beginning to the end of the day. We enjoyed a meal of
ham, vegetables and yummy desserts before the meeting. The decorations reminded
me of a winter wonderland. The courtesy was very meaningful and was truly a reminder
that we should always “Keep Christ in Christmas.” I would like to thank the Blue Area
Assemblies for the gifts and donations. These are very special to me. The officers and
protems performed their work well. I was impressed with the ritualistic work and know
that an active candidate would have been very impressed. I also thank the Assemblies
who brought donations for Children’s Garden. Mrs. Alisha Millwood and I took the
donations to Children’s Garden on December 18. The staff was grateful for the
donations and invited us to visit with them any time.
I had a blast with the “STARS” at the Official Visit of the Red and Violet Areas on
January 16. I would like to thank the Areas for their gifts and donations to my special
projects. All of the officers did a great job during this meeting. I was happy to be with
Sister Alexandra when she initiated her sister, Aurora. I know that her initiation will always be a happy memory for her.
The meeting was followed by a dinner with hot soups, salads, and dessert. I enjoyed the auction to help raise funds for
the Ritual Team. I am looking forward to the Official Visit of the Orange and Yellow Areas on February 6. I will be
traveling to Myrtle Beach for the Grand Court of the Order of the Amaranth and for the Grand York Rite meeting in March.
Please keep my traveling companions and me in your prayers.
I hope everyone is working hard in their Assemblies and schools, and for service and church events. Rainbow
teaches us to be true to our homes, churches, schools, and nation. Even the smallest service can lead to something big.
The greatest commandment is that “we love one another.” It is important for us to support the service organizations in our
communities. I ask the Assemblies to bring items for Children’s Garden to each of the Official Visits. Many of the items
on their Wish List can be purchased at a dollar store. I would also like to remind everyone to bring money for the “Just
Desserts” fundraiser to the Official Visits. Containers can be found on the tables in the dining areas at each Official Visit.
The containers are marked with names of individuals who have agreed to get a pie in the face at our Grand Assembly
I leave you with a little thought -- Remember to follow your heart and fly with your dreams!
In Rainbow Love and Service,
Jenna Cascio
Grand Worthy Advisor in South Carolina
Our 2010 Supreme Assembly Session will be held on August 1-4 in Omaha, Nebraska. Attendees are asked not
to arrive any earlier than Friday, July 30. Session activities are listed below:
• Sunday, August 1 – Church Service, Memorial Service, Grand Cross of Color, Supreme Banquet
• Monday, August 2 – Formal Opening
• Tuesday, August 3 – Supreme Session
• Wednesday, August 4 – Supreme Session, Supreme Installation
The Supreme Session will be held in the Civic Auditorium with housing at the Hilton Omaha and Hampton Inn & Suites.
Tours will take place on Saturday, Monday before Formal Opening, Wednesday after Installation, and Thursday. Do not
make any arrangements now…this will be done through our South Carolina Supreme Assembly Session Coordinator,
Mrs. Marilyn Lipscomb. However, be sure that you are making plans to attend…Supreme Sessions are spectacular
The Supreme Assembly Rainbow Service Awards are a way that we can exemplify our lesson of Service.
Everyday there is someone who needs your assistance. It may be someone in your family, your church, your school or
your community. Girls are asked to support their organization by doing unselfish acts of service for others. The criterion
for earning points is one (1) point for every hour of service. The hours of service are divided into seven (7)
categories…each represented by our lessons of our Bow. For 10 hours of service in each category, girls receive a
butterfly charm in the color of the rainbow responding to that category. I suggest that girls start with the violet charm
representing Service. With that charm girls receive the bracelet as well. Then work through the colors in order: red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. All the information is on forms that you may obtain from Mrs. Hart or your Mother
Advisor. Get them filled out and sent to Mrs. Hart as soon as possible.
Our Supreme Temple in McAlester, Oklahoma, houses our offices and many Rainbow artifacts; our business is
conducted and our history is preserved within its walls. Rainbow Girls built it for Rainbow Girls and its maintenance is
important. Currently, it is in need of several thousands of dollars to replace the heating and air-conditioning units. Please
remember our Supreme Temple fund when you make your Assembly donations or when you consider a gift in Mrs. Hart’s
The Supreme Disaster Relief Fund is a way that we can help our Rainbow Sisters in time of need. It must always
have enough money so that when disaster strikes, we can be of immediate assistance. Please remember this fund when
you make your Assembly donations to our projects. This is the Supreme committee on which Mrs. Hart serves this year.
Tips for Getting Ready for Life
Online Messages
1) When you are typing a message, get right to the point. Some people have many messages to read.
2) Do not type in UPPERCASE. It means you are shouting.
3) Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
4) Think twice before using sarcasm. Without hearing your voice or seeing your face, it is almost impossible to
know whether a message is meant to be sarcastic.
5) Stay calm if you get a rude message. Wait a while before answering, then do so in a polite manner.
March 6 – Green Area Official Visit
April 11 – Church Sunday
April 17 – Indigo Area Official Visit / Bowl-a-Thon
June 23-26 – Grand Assembly
Grand Worthy Advisor Pins - $3
Jurisdictional T-shirts - $10
Jurisdictional Decals - $2
Photo CDs of Grand Assembly Session - $10
SCAMM Pins - $4
SCAMM Cookbooks - $15.00
Rainbow Milestones - $5
Goose Creek Assembly #39
Happy New Year to our Rainbow Sisters in South Carolina! In November, we served dinner at the Official Visit of
Goose Creek Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Sister Lauren McBride, Sister Amy Pettengill, and Sister Michaela
Bailey enjoyed serving and eating the delicious meal afterward. They also cleaned up after everyone headed upstairs for
the Official Visit.
In December, we decorated the Christmas tree for our Masons and had a Christmas party and gift exchange.
On January 2, our girls traveled to Myrtle Beach for our Official Visit rehearsal with the Myrtle Beach girls. Thank
you, Ms. Dawn-Marie, for the donuts and coffee! The girls practiced their hearts out and, on the way home, we stopped
by Chick-fil-A for lunch. All that practicing made us hungry!
Our Rainbow Girls provided the entertainment for the Masters and Wardens meeting on January 13. After a
delicious dinner with the Masons, Rebecca Clark introduced the Rainbow Girls and explained how we honor our flag by
saying the Pledge of Allegiance at every meeting. Sister Amy Pettengill presented the American Flag at the altar and all
the Masons joined in to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, Rebecca talked about how Rainbow was founded by a
Master Mason and how a miniature Masonic lambskin apron is given to each girl when she is initiated into Rainbow.
Sister Raven Cox recited part of the Pot of Gold lecture to
Sister Kaitie Smith and Sister Morgan DeChant. Sisters
Kaitie and Morgan each took a miniature lambskin apron
around to show the Masons on each side of the room. The
Masons were impressed; most of them did not know about
our apron. Mrs. Diana Clark and Sister Michaela Bailey
also attended this meeting. The girls did an awesome job!
It was so nice to see everyone at our Official Visit
in Myrtle Beach this year! We were all excited to help
initiate Aurora Agee into Rainbow. On the way home that
evening, we enjoyed ghost stories by Sister Raven Cox
and the girls practiced their singing talents on the rest of
the way home.
We had our Installation of Officers for the next term on Saturday, January 30. Sister Amy Pettengill is our new
Worthy Advisor. Way to go, Sister Amy! Her theme is The Smiling Angels of Rainbow. Sister Raven Cox is Worthy
Associate Advisor, Sister Lauren McBride is Charity, Sister Kaitie Smith is Faith, Sister Morgan DeChant is Love, and
Sister Michaela Bailey is Service.
2010 is off to a great start! Now, we would like some warm, sunny weather to "Fly in God’s Garden of Dreams!"
Fidelity Assembly #56
Greetings from Fidelity Assembly #56 in Clemson. Most of our area was spared the worst of the winter weather,
and we had a good turnout at our January Fun Event. We had 5 girls, Worthy Advisor Virginia King, Pledge
Member Anna Dobrenen, and prospects Tara Nelson, Trista Nelson (yes, they’re twins!), and Hannah Rankin, at our
rolling skating event in Anderson. Even Mom Loey and Daddy Bob skated! Our monthly fun events have proven to be a
great tool for introducing girls and their families to Rainbow and Pledge. We always include one of our charity projects
with our fun event. This month, we asked our members to bring donations of towels and blankets to give to the Anderson
County Animal Shelter, which has experienced a significant increase in the numbers of animals being dropped off. We
dropped off two big armloads of towels, which were very much appreciated by the staff at the shelter for the animals for
which they care.
Our February Fun Gathering should be especially exciting! It will be a movie night and sleepover at Mom Loey’s
house in the foothills near Table Rock. Maybe it will be a dark and stormy night suitable for chilling stories around a warm
fire with our Rainbow Sisters! As always, any girls from other Assemblies who would like to come to our fun events are
We are anxiously preparing for the Green Area Official Visit in West Columbia on March 6, but first we needed to
make it through our Installation of Officers on February 2! All of our new officers are busy memorizing and practicing their
work. We also anticipate initiating several new members at the Official Visit. One new family has two girls in Rainbow,
the mother has joined Eastern Star, and the father is receiving degrees as a Mason. Rainbow is truly a family affair!
Our Assembly will be serving dinner on February 13 when the Eastern Star District 2 Line Officers Club hosts a
hot dog dinner and presents a Pink Degree at the Masonic Temple in Easley. Everyone is welcome. Tickets are $10 and
dinner starts at 6:00 PM. Contact Dr. Loey Krause at (864) 430-3053 for tickets or more information.
Officers for Spring Term, 2010
Pledge Officers
Rainbow Officers:
Pledge Sister: Lindsey Fowler
Worthy Advisor: Virginia King
Associate Pledge Sister: Anna Dobrenen
Worthy Associate Advisor: Ivy Johnson
Kindness: Chandra McDaniel
Charity: Taylor Serna
Happiness: Lexi Lewis
Hope: Anna Newell
Confidence: Fiona Newell
Faith: Rachel Hawkesworth
Drill Leader: Kylie Rawls
Chaplain: Courtney Gambill
Drill Leader: Jewel Willoughby
West Columbia Assembly #36
The Advisory Board of West Columbia Assembly hosted our
Grand Cross of Color Observance on November 23 at Sinclair
Masonic Lodge. We were pleased to have Sister Elizabeth Bostic,
Grand Patriotism, join us for our Observance. We were honored to
have with us Mrs. Trudy Hammond Burnett, Past Grand Worthy
Advisor in South Carolina. Our regular meeting followed the Grand
Cross of Color Observance. Sisters Jenna Cascio, Rebekah Cruse,
Elizabeth Bostic, Elizabeth Poindexter, Kendra Boles, Mrs. Joyce
Bostic, Mrs. Amanda Cruse, and Mrs. Marcia Wadford attended the
Blue Area Official Visit on December 5. We would like to thank the
members of the Blue Area for a very warm welcome and a wonderful
lunch. The Christmas decorations were very unique and put you in
the holiday spirit. The officers of the Blue Area did an excellent job
with their ritualistic work. On December 28, we held our final meeting
of 2009. We went to Riverbanks Zoo after the meeting to see the
“Lights before Christmas.” Sisters Jenna Cascio, Christina
Burroughs, Kendra Boles, Elizabeth Bostic, Rebekah Cruse, and
Elizabeth Poindexter along with Ms. Judy Aughtry, Kenny Ray and
Christy Anna, Mrs. Alisha Millwood and Josh, Mrs. Amanda Cruse
and Keller, Mrs. Joyce Bostic, and Mrs. Marcia Wadford. It was
C-O-L-D!!! But, we had a wonderful time. We saw the new baby
koala and warmed up in the reptile and aquarium exhibit. Although
we are not big fans of snakes, it was nice to have a place to warm
up. We enjoyed s’mores and hot chocolate before leaving the zoo. Mrs. Wadford really enjoyed the kettle corn! We
would like to thank our Adult Workers for taking us to the zoo. We hope they had as much fun as we did.
On January 13, Sisters Jenna Cascio, Rebekah Cruse, Kendra Boles, and Elizabeth Poindexter traveled with Mrs.
Amanda Cruse, Mrs. Alisha Millwood, and Mrs. Marcia Wadford to Myrtle Beach for the Official Visit of Red and Violet
Areas. We met Sister Elizabeth Bostic and Mrs. Joyce Bostic at the Chick-fil-A to have lunch and change clothes. The
Official Visit was a wonderful meeting. The initiation was very special for Sister Alexandra Agee. Sister Alexandra
initiated her younger sister, Aurora. The meal that followed the meeting included soups and sandwiches with desserts.
We enjoyed the auction to help raise money to support the Ritual Team, which will compete at Supreme Assembly in
Omaha, Nebraska in August. We went to our hotel after the meeting to change into comfortable clothes. Mrs. Alisha
Millwood took us to a mall to walk around. The only mall we could find was in North Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Alisha
Millwood and Mrs. Marcia Wadford kept telling us where other malls were located, but we could never find them. Things
seemed to have changed since the last time we were in Myrtle Beach. We enjoyed ice cream and drinks at the mall. We
had breakfast at Hardees before coming home. Again, thanks to the members of our Advisory Board for taking us to the
Official Visit, letting us stay in Myrtle Beach, and getting us home safely again. We met at the lodge on January 18 for a
scrapbook and banner workshop. We had pizza for lunch and worked until about 3:00. January 25 was Sister Christina
Bourroughs’ last meeting as Worthy Advisor. We are having a sleepover on February 5 to work on the scrapbook again.
We will attend the Official Visit of the Orange and Yellow Areas on February 6 at Newport Assembly. Our Installation of
Officers will be on February 9 at 7:00 PM. Sister Jenna Cascio will be installed as Worthy Advisor of West Columbia
Assembly. Mrs. Marcia Wadford will be installed as Mother Advisor. We will help decorate for the Sweetheart Dinner at
the Scottish Rite Center on February 13. On February 16, we plan to serve a meal for Lexington Masonic Lodge. West
Columbia Assembly will host the Green Area Official Visit on March 6. Other plans for this spring include preparing more
meals for local lodges, fundraisers, scrapbook and banner work days, a movie night, a community service project,
Rainbow Church Sunday, and working to build our Assembly membership and start our new Pledge Group. We look
forward to seeing you soon.
Summerville Assembly #28
Summerville Assembly and its advisors would like to thank everyone who attended our Official Visit on December
5. We had more than 90 people present for our luncheon, and our Eastern Star members were thrilled (and so were we)!
We really enjoyed having you with us!
On December 17, our girls hosted a Christmas party for our Pledge Sisters, our family members and guests. We
had an "Open Meeting" that night, and then went downstairs to enjoy a potluck dinner and gifts. The members
of Summerville Assembly brought gifts for Lowcountry Orphan Relief Center, instead of exchanging gifts between
themselves. They also gave their Pledge Sisters gifts of jewelry, and our Pledge Sisters were so excited!
On January 16, we traveled to Myrtle Beach for the Official Visit of the Red and Violet Areas, which we thoroughly
enjoyed. Way to go, Red and Violet Areas! We especially enjoyed watching Alexandra initiate her sister, and the auction
after the meeting. Those crazy advisors will buy ANYTHING, won't they? The food was really great, too!
Summerville Assembly held their Installation of Officers on their second meeting night on January 21. Emily
Robins will serve as our Worthy Advisor again, Amanda Robins as our Worthy Associate Advisor, Jessica Bouknight as
Charity, and Darien Collins as Faith. Kaelyn LeBlanc will serve as Nature; Teran Dami' as Patriotism, and Joy Davis as
Service. We are looking forward to a really fun term, as we begin working on our Grand Assembly projects together.
We hope to see all of you at the Official Visit of the Orange and Yellow Areas on February 6, the Green Area
Official Visit on March 6 and the Indigo Area on April 17. Don't forget, that's also the date for the Bowl-a-Thon for the
Edna D. McLaurin Scholarship Fund, so start getting your pledges ready now!
Dentsville Assembly #40
On December 5, members and Adult Workers of Dentsville Assembly attended the Blue Area Official Visit. Items
were donated to Children's Garden, our Grand Worthy Advisor's Service Project. On December 10, the Assembly held its
annual Christmas party and gift exchange. A covered dish dinner was held prior to the Assembly's regular meeting.
Members also brought gifts for children of Epworth Children's Home for their Angel Program. The Assembly assisted the
Masons of Dentsville Masonic Lodge with the loading and delivery of the gifts collected for the Angel Program to Epworth
Children's Home on December 13. On December 28, thirteen members, guests, and Adult Workers of Dentsville
Assembly sponsored middle school aged girls of Epworth Children's Home and escorted them to see the movie "Alvin and
the Chipmunks, the Squeakal." Everyone had a great time at the movies! The Epworth girls sent handmade thank you
cards to the Assembly in appreciation of their sponsorship.
On January 1, the Assembly held its Annual New Year's Day Good Luck Dinner. The dinner was a great success
and many hands working together made it as such. Thank you to everyone who supported the dinner with attendance,
financial donations, dishes or assistance. A special thank you to Mrs. Vernie Elliott, Mrs. Martha Marcucci, Mr. Ron
Mitchum, Mr. Mike Broom, Mrs. Angie Cooper, Mr. Brian Cooper, Mrs. Rebecca Webb, Mrs. Susan Broom, and Mr. Brian
Young. The dinner was delicious with dishes of smoked ham, hog jowls and fatback, collards, rice, black-eyed peas,
coleslaw, various types of cornbread, several desserts, tea and coffee. On January 9, the jurisdictional Mother
Advisor/Adult Worker Seminar was held at Dentsville Masonic Lodge. On January 14, the Assembly held its Election of
Officers and balloted on the petition of Halei Fiedor, who is the granddaughter of the Secretary of the Scottish Rite in
Columbia, Mr. Earl Nichols. Halei will be initiated at the Official Visit of the Orange and Yellow Areas on February 6 at
Newport Assembly. The Assembly is very excited to receive a new member! On January 16, members of the Assembly
attended the Official Visit of the Red and Violet Areas. The Assembly wrote handwritten messages in Valentine cards to
United States troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq, prior to their meeting held on January 28. The Valentine cards
were individually addressed and mailed to dozens of troops the Assembly has been sponsoring since last May. In the
cards, Valentine love, support, and appreciation was expressed to our troops for their bravery, service, and sacrifice for
our country.
Our dedicated Rainbow Sister, Sister Heather Whetsell will complete her fourth term as Worthy Advisor of
Dentsville Assembly in February. Sister Heather has been a member of Dentsville Assembly for eight years and has
served her Assembly well through her faithful service. Happy Rainbow Birthday, Sister Heather! (Initiated February
2002!) Sister Heather has gone so far as to regularly travel to Columbia from college at USC-Aiken to attend Assembly
meetings, events, and jurisdictional activities. Truly, Sister Heather has been an outstanding and devoted Rainbow Sister.
Sister Heather will receive her Majority at Grand Assembly in June. All of our love, appreciation, and best wishes is
extended to you, Sister Heather!
Dentsville Assembly has many things planned for the upcoming term of office. Our upcoming term will begin with
an Installation of Officers on February 5, with Sister Christina Pressley being installed as Worthy Advisor of Dentsville
Assembly. This will be Sister Christina’s second term of office as Worthy Advisor of the Assembly. Under Sister
Christina’s fine leadership this upcoming term, we will have many community service projects, Masonic-affiliated service
projects, fun activities, parties and dinners, Rainbow Church Sunday, Mother and Father’s Day observances, initiations,
fundraisers, jurisdictional events, Grand Assembly competition workshops, Grand Assembly, and Supreme Assembly. It
is sure to be a busy term of office!
We look forward to seeing our Rainbow Family at the Green Area Official Visit on March 6. Until then, may you
continue to “Fly in God’s Garden of Dreams,” but not faster than your angel can fly to keep up with you! Much Rainbow
Love to each of you!
This publication acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, whose seat of
authority is in McAlester, Oklahoma, and to the Grand Assembly of South Carolina of which Mrs. Dedra A. Hart is Supreme Inspector.
Send articles, pictures, and e-mail addresses to: Amy Broom, 201 North Ridge Road, Columbia, SC 29223 or [email protected]