“Hell Gives No Refunds” - Holiness Messenger Home
“Hell Gives No Refunds” - Holiness Messenger Home
FEBRUARY, 2006 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ In direct contrast, the enemy will paint you a picture of pleasure without a penalty. There is pleasure in sin for a season but then comes fall. We enjoy the pleasantries of summer in the natural sense, and many times endure with a groan the dying leaves, and brisk winds of fall. But we always have that hope, that if we can just make it through fall and winter, that summer will be back again. That is not always the case in a spiritual sense. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ struggle and strain. (For we wrestle not, against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers... ...if any man be my disciple, let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me). Though he is honest about the pain, he is equally honest about the pay. (In my fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you...) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ In spite of all the warnings in Gods word, and those screamed out by conscience, many still prefer to believe the lies of sin and satan, that you can sin and get by. But the devil is a jealous vendor, and he refuses to allow you to partake of his pleasure without paying his price. Be sure your sin will find you out. Take careful notice that this scripture does not read, your sin will be found out, but your sin will find you out. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Once sin has been partaken of, and you realize the torment that giving into temptation brings, all reactions are the same as Judaswe long to undo the dreadful deed. If only we could call back time, or use an eraser on life, we would gladly exchange our failures for success, and our defeats for victories. Many seem to think that if they just ignore the penalty it will eventually go away, but that is just not so. He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world (Job 18:18). When sin is partaken of, it demands payment and refuses to consider a refund. No one can outrun it, or escape it. Psalm 140:11: Evil shall hunt the violent THE HOLINESS MESSENGER P.O. BOX 472202 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74147 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ○ God lets us know up front, that the life of a Christian involves ○ ○ Judas, like many others who have viewed sin with desire, found out that when the bait was swallowed, the penalty and guilt of his sin rushed into his mind at once, and he realized that he had just made the worse deal of his life. Seeing how he has been burned he thus sets out to undo the terrible deed. There is just one problem, hell gives no refunds. ○ ○ Tax time! The time has come that you have waited for all year, some with dread and others with desire. Its hard to imagine anyone harder to deal with than the government. But although they may be tough to deal with, (and they certainly require it their way) they do occasionally give refunds. Thats more than you can say for sin, just ask Judas. ○ ○ ○ Evangelist Mark Lowery Matt. 27:3-5 When Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Hell Gives No Refunds ○ VOLUME 52 NO. 2 (Continued, Page 5) Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Tulsa, Oklahoma Permit 347 cease. It is used to sell everything that is sold in the world, and even in selling good things. Advertizing is propaganda. Editor/Treasurer Ralph Cox P. O. Box 472202 Tulsa, OK 74147 (918) 252-2967 or (904) 824-4253 Trustees: Co-Editor/Publisher Rev. Bill Parks 9743 E. 66th. St. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 249-1944 FAX: 918-252-1244 Aaron Brock, Glen Brashear, Leon Farley, Lloyd Shuecraft "...My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." Ps. 45:1 ARTICLES of FAITH The object for which it is formed is: To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and promote a better understanding among all brethren. The Word of God alone shall be the Doctrine, Practice, and Discipline of this Board of Members: it being understood that we receive it as the inspired Word of God and the Divine rule of faith and conduct. We believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried and arose on the third day according to the Scriptures, afterwards ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, from whence He is come again to judge the quick and dead. We believe in Water Baptism and that it should be administered to every believer according to the Scriptures given by St. Matthew 3:17;28:19; St. Mark 16:15; Acts 8:36-38. We teach that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, and sanctifies the believer, thus making him or her eligible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which is given to them that obey (Acts 5:32) and the evidence of such experience shall be according to Acts 2:4. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the Communion of the saints, the Lords Supper and washing the saints feet. We believe that divine healing for our physical bodies was included in His suffering as mentioned by the prophet Isaiah 53:5. It is still available to all who meet conditions and according to His will (James 5:14). We believe that all ministers should be of good report (1 Timothy 3:7-12) including Pastors, Evangelists, Deacons and Elders (Titus 1:5-7); and husbands of one wife. We believe the Church of Jesus Christ to be a living Organism. The Body of Christ, and habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22), and that each true believer is a member of the Body (1 Corinthians 12:14; Acts 2:47). By Brother Ira J. Roberts The yearly subscription rate for the single subscriber is $6.00. Fill in the blanks below and send with subscription rate. Name Address City State Zip CHANGE OF ADDRESS We must pay return postal rates, and it is an unnecessary cost to us when you do not notify us of your change of address. USE A STANDARD GOVERNMENT CHANGE OFADDRESS, or a postcard. Give your old address as it appears on this issue, and your new address. We appreciate your cooperation. Rev. Ralph & Doreen Cox 9737 E. 66th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 G reetings by way of the printed page. There is an ancient saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." This ancient saying has proven correct. Nothing on earth has done more harm or good than the pen. While the pen is a powerful tool to promote the gospel, it is also a tool that has fell into the hand of the devil. Now I have told you this that you may not be shocked to know that it is used in religion also. The devil used propaganda in "Eden's land of perfect delight" and there are many people who are falling for evil propaganda. I want to remind you that it was a sweet talking, hired prostitute that teddied and babied, cooed and coddled, shouted and pouted Samson out of his seven locks of consecration. All that cute beaut saw was the eleven hundred pieces of silver, while all he saw was her. Beware of all those that propagandize the minds of people; and also beware of the preacher who has a veneer of charisma about him. Beware, for that angel of light may be the devil in disguise. There are some who are making good at disguise and the New Testament has warned us that it would be so. It bothers me is that The word propaganda among full gospel comes from the Latin folks we have a word propagate or A fisherman, when he fringe of people who propagatus, meaning has a great fish on his cant see where they "to spread." Few hook, lets out the line, so are. They cant be people realize to what that the fish may swallow loyal to a home church intent this has been and some even change down the hook, and be carried. When Adolph churches so much that more surely caught. Hitler began his world they have warped the conquest (thank God Even so the devil, when minds of their children he failed) he began by he has a poor sinner with exposure to varipropaganda, saying he upon his hook, doesn't ous twisted doctrines. wanted peace. He allow him to feel the hook These foolish parents made promises he have talked about so at first, but gives him line, could never keep. He many people that they so that he may more told lies often enough really dont know and clever enough that securely hook him. who is living right. they were accepted as Well, I can tell them truth. He undermined who is living right. governments by this Who are they? Why not open your eyes, method and took over lots of countries. for they are all around you. They are at Many wars have been won by this lying church on the weekend and midweek. method. Young folks, just listen to the advice of I think I told you before, but one wicked God's faithful ones and they will lead you movie star though told that smoking mari- right. Parents, our youth get bombarded juana and drugs like cocaine were addic- with enough of Satan's propaganda in the tive, she replied, Dont be ridiculous, Ive world without us being a source of it in used them for years, She smoked herself our homes. to death, as she smoked one hundred per day. Propaganda of the evil sort will never Beware of the fanatical critic who picks Page 2 everyone else to pieces. I got the news of one family miles and miles from the state of Oklahoma that left a church and said "we arent going to raise our children in such a mess," referring to bad propaganda there. I applaud their course. Here we are attempting to live a decent holy life and claiming to be saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost filled, (I am speaking of the holiness movement in general) and we are rejected for some radio preacher that they know nothing about. These tricksters will do anything to keep a crowd except be consistent and stable. There are those when warned to stay away from these money grabbers and false prophets; still go away from a home church that has stood by them for years. Shame on them!! I am going to camp out at Calvary and set my sights on that place called heaven. I am going to write and preach like I am called to do and join Gods children in worship and praise. I am open for correction by any good living person. I am even going to listen to children, teenagers and any aged person that can help me. None of this big shot nonsense for me, I found my place long ago and I am depending on Jesus on a daily basis to keep me saved. There are those who live rotten lives, get caught, and then go join some other movement and run down the independent folks. The organized folks glory in it and take them right in and delight in the scandal of how bad the free people are, when it isnt true at all. This is propaganda, just on a smaller scale of when Hitler stepped out on a small balcony and held up one arm and just said "Germany." The countless crowd would go wild. I saw the news reels as a young boy and it was awesome, but awful. Fires of war and death rolled across the earth, fanned by the winds of propaganda! It was the big jeering crowds who crucified Christ; who themselves were influenced by the propaganda of the Pharisees! The French revolution stirred the huge crowds to do awful things to their fellow humans! Keep your ears free from Hell's propaganda. Let's be charmed by Jesus, who stepped to the bow of a ship in a storm and said "Peace, be still" The waves laid down and the howling wind became calm. He and the disciples calmly rode the smooth waters. What magnetic power there is in Christ! Let's follow Him and propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ! Im running scared but Im unafraid. I agree with Paul who knew he could become a castaway but only if he strayed from the power of Jesus Christ. I have no time for the absurd. Preaching for gold dust is not for me. Jesus is not my idea, but my ideal. Glory to His exalted name!!! Jesus says I am His. He told me how to be and I am trying, thats a fact. The devil tries to imitate the charms of Christ and the gullible fall for it. Why do they do this? They get cold and the devil gets bold. The professional musician says he must practice every day and if not, he notices it. If you neglect prayer and constant contact with the Holy Ghost, you will be charmed by the devil. Watch what you mix with. Unless He (the Holy Ghost) is in it, leave it alone. Bro. Ralph Cox The Holiness Church Directory has been compiled by Troy Pater and printed by Independent Holiness Publishers (Brother Matthew Vance). There have been extra copies printed for those who may have forgotten to order. There are 780 Holiness Churches around the country in this directory and for those of you who travel and can not find these churches you may want to get a copy. It would help if each church would make one order, if that is possible, sending one package to the pastor instead of one package to each person. It would be easier to ship and it will help with the shipping cost. To order call Brother Troy Pater at 864-231-6396 or send $5.00 per copy to 2018 Hwy 29 S., Anderson, SC 29626 g Sis. Shirley Savage has compiled and written a book entitiled "Fruitful Seasons." Along with Sis. Savage, eleven other ladies express their hearts, in hopes of encouraging Holiness Ladies. This is similar to her book "Leaving a Legacy." Available in March will be the fourth volume of the series of books that consist of sermons of Holiness Preachers. It will be titled "Men Leaving Footprints." Also available are Volume 1, Men with a Message. Volume 2, Men with a Call. Volume 3, Men with a Vision. Contact: Sister Shirley Savage, 78 Lizzie Mills Rd. Castleton, VA 22716 #540-937-5380 g From the Mouth of a Babe A 5 year old girl was awakened and dressed every Sunday morning. Her mother would remind her, "We are going to visit God's House." One Sunday morning in the pew, the little girl asked, in a loud voice, "How come God's never home?" Page 3 "Even the Youth...Shall Mount Up with Wings as the Eagles." Bill and Melanie Parks 9743 E. 66th. St. Tulsa, OK 74133 918-249-1944 E-Mail: [email protected] Our guest this month is a young who has recently felt the call into the ministry. He has overcaome a lot of obstacles in his life by God's help. Here's how it happened in his own words. g I n January, I preached a message about how great Jesus really is! There is no way we could ever imagine how great and big he really is. He has proven to me time and time again to be greater than you or I could ever think. Here are some ways he has proven himself to me. On November 18, 2000, it was a cold day and I was out riding a 4wheeler when it turned over on me and ripped my face from ear to ear and several other places. Not only was my face ripped open but all the bones in my face were crushed. This included my eyesockets, nose, cheekbones and palate. Along with the palate my teeth were knocked out. There was a large hole in the side of my head from the skull buckling and breaking from the blow to my head. This caused a blood clot on the brain. They had to remove a portion of the brain, the right lobe that controlled the movements of the left side of my body. Doctors told my parents if I did live I could never move the left side of my body at all. Quite some time later while I was still in the hospital in Dallas, a good preacher friend of mine came in to see me, others were there also and they began to gather in and pray for me. The spirit of the good, sweet, Holy Ghost came into my room and started moving. In just a little bit I started feeling it. My right hand went up in the air and pretty soon the left hand started up out of the cover. It didnt go up quite as high as the right but it was moving and raised praising the Lord!! Not only was my hand and arm moving but I had tears running down my face! I didnt even have tears ducts to cry. They had been torn out also. Let me tell you JESUS IS GREAT! ! ! Time had gone by and I still was blind and unable to talk or walk. I had no balance or strength. One morning I awoke from sleep and I could see!!! My dad could tell there was a difference immediately and ran over to me and said, Can you see me? I shook my head, yes. He asked me to touch him on the nose. I did that and then he asked me to touch my mom on the ear. I did that. I guess he couldnt believe. Ha! He asked me to touch my sister on the eye. I put my finger right up to her eye, but didnt poke it. After all this, they said, I just turned over and went back to sleep. A while later Bro. Larry Wood and Sis. Janice came in to see me. My dad told them I had woke up earlier and was able to see! ! This was approximately two months after the accident. I had been completely blind up until now. After a while I woke up and started climbing out of bed. My dad hurried trying to unhook different tubes that were running out of me. Bro Larry immediately held me up because my legs were so weak and unstable. I pointed to the window so Bro. Larry helped me to it. You have to understand the most I had walked in a day was probably 10 to 15 steps or less with help. Bro. Larry asked, Luke can you see that tree down there? I shook my head, yes. Then he asked if I could see the fence. Again, I shook my head yes. About that time something I call the good Holy Ghost got down in my feet and when it did, I went to jumping and took off running out of my hospital room and up and down the hall!!! I ran and worshipped the Lord for 3 1/2 hours. I would sit down because my parents were worried about me but I couldnt contain it and I would take off again. Jesus proved to me again that HE IS GREAT!!! The doctors said that I would never live but if by chance I did, I would never see, hear, talk, or walk in other words I would be a vegetable. As of right now I have had 61 surgeries and I can see! I can hear! I can talk! I can walk! The last time I checked I have a 98.4% grade point average in school. With all the things Ive had to go through I have never backslid or turned against my parents or God. He has proven to be faithful. God has shown me how big he really is not through my parents or anyone else, but he has done it for me and in me. So whether youre young or old let God work in you, always live for him, do his will and follow his plan for your life. HE IS FAITHFUL!! HE IS GREAT!! I would like to take this time to thank everyone for all your prayers and support for my family and I. I am facing many more surgeries so, please continue to pray for us. I hope that I can help others by giving my testimony and preaching his word. Love, Luke Armbrister 1400 S Reavis Rd. Claremore, OK 74017 (918)342-4082 Page 4 Lord and so faithfully stood by us during this time. Before his death, he told some of the family he wanted the work of the Lord to go on. Shortly after his death, the church voted our son, Daryl, as pastor to carry the work forward. Special thanks to you saints for your prayers and support you have given. Jo Ann Brewer J ust a few lines to express our thankfulness to be raised in such a Godly home. OH, WHAT A HERITAGE!! Our home was filled with such love, and the sweet Spirit of the Lord. Daddy and Mother have showed us the right way to live OH, WHAT A TREASURE!! Daddy taught us such faithfulness to the House of God. The Lord always gave Dad a burden to reach the lost and he alur family would like to acknowledge all the many acts of ways had a word of encouragement for the discouraged. We kindness shown to us during the sickness of our loved will always be thankful for Godly parents. We love and miss Dad greatly. one with cancer. O We appreciate the comforting words spoken at the funeral and grave-side by Bro. Ben Shaw, Bro. Tommy Toliver, Bro. Larry Wood, Bro. Braxton Bigot, Bro. Dennis Knapp and Bro. Kevin Webster. We have many precious memories, even right up to the death of Bro. Brewer. The saints would join our family as we sang the songs of Zion. The presence of God was so near. The day before he passed away, Bro Brewer wanted to hold his Bible and then began preaching while sitting in the recliner. Though weak in body, his spirit was uplifted and he had a desire to do more for the Lord. At 1:24 a.m., as our children and grandchildren were standing by his bedside, he passed to a better land beyond this vale of tears. Right before his departure, the Holy Ghost moved into the room in a comforting way. Then after he took his last breath, The Holy Ghost spoke. How precious it is to know the Lord in times of sorrow. Our first pastorate was in 1964. We pastored churches in Fouke, AR; Fort Worth, TX; Wichita, KS; Citronelle, AL; Coweta, OK; and Athens, AR. In 1991, the Lord directed him to start a work in Broken Arrow, OK, in the Oneta area. He told me (wife) in about a one mile area where he felt God wanted the work to be. Unknowing to us at that time, there was a Holiness Church in the early 1900's with the same name and onehalf mile from where we located. God's work was not finished in this area. The Lord gave us a wonderful group of people that love the The Brewer Family, (Mark, Mike, Lisa, Daryl, Marlin) A TRIBUTE TO DAD When God looks down, He see's the heart of man. But not only God could see the heart of this man, With a heart too big to hideWe could all see what was inside. For there was a love flowing from this man, You could feel it by his outstretched hand. It wasn't just his family that knew this was true, But the whole community knew it too. Dad's ambition wasn't wealth and fame. But his desire was to leave a good name. We know that God is now gone, But his testimony still lives on. For we can see the fruit of his labor, Because his children and grandchildren all know the Saviour. And we all know, a crown he has won, For the Lord has said, "My child well done." I love you Dad. Your son, MIke Page 5 man to overthrow him. The man guilty of sin is hunted as a prey by its predator until he be overthrown. Judas longed to right his wrongs, but found it within the power of self to be an impossibility. Laden by his guilt, he hanged himself, unable to receive a refund from not only the Chief Priests and elders, but supremely from hell. How many tormented souls have found themselves in this same position. Esau, found no repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. Pilate who in washing his hands for eternity would never escape those bloody hands of guilt.We have all been tempted, and will be again, and again, but my prayer for us all is to never forget that hell gives no refunds. John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: From the beginning this has been the intent of the devil. But thank God the devil does not have the final say. No matter how terrible the dealings of the proprietor of hell, there has been sent a pardoner from heaven. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 1 John 3:8 For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Peters fall was just as great and he wept scorching tears of regret just as Judas, but somehow he had the heart knowledge that failure can only be atoned for at the feet of Christ. We have a wonderful promise from the Lord, that he will restore unto you the years that the locust hath eaten. Judas went to the wrong place seeking a refund, you can never get one from hell. Restoration can only be found through Christ, who will gladly pardon the soul who has drifted far, if they will but cry from a heart of conviction, and contrition. Judas came to be known as the supreme symbol of failure. But in all reality, what was his greatest fault? No one will deny the fact that his ghastly deed was indeed horrible, but was it any different than Peters cursing and traitorous denial? His supreme mistake was to run to the chief priests and elders, instead of to God. Peters fall was just as great and he wept scorching tears of regret just as Judas, but somehow he had the heart knowledge that failure can only be atoned for at the feet of Christ. Only He can restore what has been stolen, killed, and destroyed at the hands of Satan. A Word Of Wisdom Let not then your good be evil spoken of... Romans 14:16 It is the tendency of Christians today to only want to live good enough to keep out of Hell. Their question is, "If I do this will it send me to hell?" Their devotion to Christ is not deep enough that they would ask, "If I do or don't do this will I bring glory to Christ?" I must counter this shallow living by saying that we were not just saved to prevent us from the agony of eternal punishment, but we were saved that we may bear the image of Christ and bring glory to Him upon the earth by our witness. I hope you do not mistake me, when I say that a Christian who is interested in more than missing Hell, will hold himself to a higher standard of living than just the ten commandments. It is elementary knowledge that Christians should reflect Christ in our speech and behavior. That is why we are called CHRISTians. That is why Paul admonishes (Romans 14:16) that we should strive to live so that who and what we represent will not be subject to blasphemy (evil spoken of). Adam Clarke's comments upon this verse are thus: "Do not make such a use of your Christian liberty as to subject the Gospel itself to reproach. Whatsoever you do, do it in such a manner, spirit, and time, as to make it productive of the greatest possible good." The story is told of Sophronius, a wise teacher, who would not suffer even his grown-up sons and daughters to associate with those whose conduct was not pure. The father forbade his daughter to visit a reckless girl by the name of Lucinda. "Dear father," said his daughter Eulalia, "you must think us very childish if you imagine that we should be exposed to danger by it." Silently, the father took a dead coal from the hearth and reached it to his daughter and said, "It will not burn you my child, take We have all had moments of heart sickening failure but the it." Eulalia did so and her beautiful white hand was soiled and important fact is if we fall, we not fall on our face, but on our blackened - as well as her dress. The daughter was vexed. knees. Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall he shall not That wise father said, "You see my child, that coals, even if they do not burn, they blacken; so it is with the company of the be utterly cast down: vicious." Hell gives no refunds, but thank God Heaven does. As true CHRISTians we should be concerned not only with what Evangelist Mark Lowery will BURN but what would BLACKEN. Tuscaloosa, AL BP Page 6 Special Services Youth Services Elizabethtown, KY Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference April 7-8 Fri. Night ................. Bro. Ryan Ralston Sat. Afternoon ...... Bro. Kevin Webster Saturday, a devotion will be given by David Brock Jr. and followed by classses taught by Philip Webb and Kevin Lloyd. A class for young ministers will be taught by Bro. Lloyd and Sis. Ruth Brimm will speak to ministers wives. Recreational activities will follow the afternoon rally. Contact: Bro. David Webb 270-735-7550 g Blanchard, OK Trinity Holiness Curch Youth Fellowship Meeting May 5-6 Services, 7:30 PM & Saturday, 10:00 AM (speakers to be announced) Contact: Bro. Lendell Birdsong 405387-2346 or Bro. Jarrod Mize 405-8305946 g Elco, IL Elco Youth Camp June 19-22 Contact: Dwain Galiher 417-257-1055 g Sapulpa, OK Sapulpa Holiness Youth Camp June 27-30 Contact: Doug Hash 918-446-5159 Purcell, OK Central OK Youth Camp July 4-7 Contact: Steve Moore 405-527-3851 g Mt. View, MO Ozark Holiness Youth Camp July 10-14 Contact: Dwain Galiher 417-257-1055 Fellowship, Camp Meetings Idabel, OK Holiness Assembly Holiness Convention, Feb. 22-24 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers 7:30 PM .......................... Bro. Ricky Savage Pastor Philip Snow 580-286-3545 g Sterlington, LA Sterlingtion Holiness Tabernacle Annual Fellowship Meeting, March 10-12 10:00 a.m. ............................... Bro. Bill Parks 6:00 p.m. ................................ Youth Service 7:30 p.m. ......................... Bro. Randy Webb Pastor T. D. Boyd (318) 665-0788 g Wilmer, AL Tanner Williams Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, March 13 7:30 PM ..................... Bro. Lloyd SHuecraft Pastor Donnie Williamson 251-649-2472 g Citronelle, AL Cedar Creek Holy Church of God Fellowship Service, March 13 7:30 Pm ............................... Bro. Joey Hight Pastor D. R. Lakes Jr. 251-866-5779 g Semmes, AL Allentown Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, March 14-17 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers 6:00 PM ............................... Youth Services 7:30 PM .......................... To Be Announced Pastor Eugene Futral 251-645-6599 g Dundee, FL Faith Holiness Church Annual Fellowship, March 16-19 10:00 Am .......................... Visiting Ministers 6:00 PM ............................... Youth Services 7:00 PM ................................ Bro. Don RIch Pastor W. F. Thompson 863-439-3989 g Jacksonsville, AL Pleasant Valley Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting March 21-24 10:00 AM ........................ Bro. Randy Webb 7:00 PM ................................ Bro. Don Rich Pastor Bruce Johnson 256-435-1468 Chipley, FL Spirit of Holiness Fellowship Fast Convention March 22-24 Spkr .............................. Bro. Junior Morgan Contact: W. D. King 850-773-2836 g Springdale, AR Springdale Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, March 24-26 10:00 AM .......................... Visitng Minsiters 6:30 PM ............................... Youth Services 7:30 PM ...................... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft Pastor Dorsie Martin 479-756-6171 g Pensacola, FL Beams of Light Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, March 31 - April 2 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters 7:30 Pm ........................ Bro. Kevin Webster Pastor Philip Deane 850-587-2337 g Coweta, OK Oneta Holiness Church Homecoming, March 31 - April 2 Day Spkr ......................... Visiting Ministers Night Spkr ..................... Bro. Dale Crawford Pastor Daryl Brewer 918-6399 9585 g Franklin, OH Roberts Road Pentecostal Holiness Campmeeting, April 4-6 Day Spkr ........................ Bro. Mike Roberts Night Spkr ...................... Bro. Ralph Horton Pastor Jimmy Jewell 937-866-6467 Conservative Christian Women Ladies Retreat in the Smokies May 18-19 Middle Creek Valley Chalets' McDaniel Conference Center Speakers: Sis. Cindy Birdsong Sis. Bessie Galiher Contact Sis. Connie Harman 276-964-5663 email: [email protected] Page 7 Stuttgart, AR Stuttgart Holiness Church Campmeeting, April 4-7 Day Spkr .......................... Bro. Lee Strickler 6:00 PM ................................. Youth Service Night Spkr ..................... Bro. John Gabbard Pastor Kevin Bloomfield 870-673-1844 g Wilder, ID Calvary Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, April 5-7 10:00 AM ......................... Bro. Nate McCoy &Visiting Ministers 7:00 PM ......................... Bro. Daryle Toliver Pastor Matthew Hunt 208-761-7843 g Decatur, TX Bible Way Church Holiness Campmeeting, April 6-9 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers 6:00 PM ..................................................... 7:30 PM .............................. Bro. Joey Hight Pastor Davy Smith 940-627-9052 g Wallville, OK Wallville Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, April 14-16 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers 6:00 PM (Sat.) ........................ Youth Service 7:30 PM ...................... Bro. Jonathan Brock Pastor Al Hunt 405-238-2560 g Charles Town, WV Mission Tabernacle Holiness Church Holiness Convention, April 18-20 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters 6:00 PM ............................... Youth Services 7:00 PM ................................ Bro. Don Rich Pastor Lee Strickler 304-725-4069 g Raven, VA Westside Holiness Church Annual Homecoming, April 26-30 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters 7:00 PM ........................... Rev. Paul Markee Pastor Mike Roberts 276-963-9497 or 971-2022 g Jacksonville, FL Bethel Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, March 28-30 Night Speakers: Rev. Joseph Chambers, Rev. Joey Yates, Rev. Bob Goodwin 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters Pastor Eugene Smith 904-781-5400 Verona, VA Laurel Hill Full Gospel Church Mother's Day Fellowship, May 9-14 Spkr ................................ Bro. Curtis Cordle Pastor William Strickler 540-248-7872 g Erwin, NC Full Gospel Mission Church Fellowship Meeting, May 11-13 10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters 7:30 PM .............................. Bro. Lynn Head Pastor Glenn Lucas 910-897-7148 g Longview, TX Trinity Holiness Church Annual Homecoming, May 12-14 Sat. Morn ................... Bro. Michael Switzer Sun. Morn ................... Bro. Bobby Norman Night Spkr ................... Bro. Kevin Webster Pastor Paul Hillis 903-276-9902 g Bristow, OK Bristow Holiness Campmeeting June 12-15 Contact: Chairman L. D. Moore 405-387-4421 g Connersville, IN Eastern Indiana Pentecostal Campmeeting, June 20-23 Day Spkr ...................... Bro. Gary Hampton Night Spkr .......................... Bro. Joey Hight Chairman: James Parrett 765-825-3813 g Savannah, GA Holy Church of God Campmeeting, June 25-30 Mon. Night ................ Bro. Michael Switzer Morn. Spkr ......................... Bro. Lynn Head Night Spkr ................... Bro. Kevin Webster Pastor Ryan Ralston 912-748-3335 g Elco, IL Elco Campmeeting July 3-7 Contact: Bro. Geoff Bond 618-262-2784 g Gastonia, NC East Gastonia Church of God Holiness Campmeeting, July 10-14 10:00 AM ........................... Bro. Bill Preskitt 11:00 AM ......................... Bro. L. D. Savage 7:00 PM .......................... Bro. Randy Webb Pastor Glen Mecum 704-263-5105 Verona, VA Laurel Hill Full Gospel Church Holiness Convention, July 11-14 Spkr ...................................... Bro. Don Rich Pastor William Strickler 540-248-7872 g Jacksonville, FL Bethel Holiness Church Campmeeting, July 16-21 10:00 AM ....................... Bro. Curtis Teague Night Spkr ......................... Bro. J. D. Turner Pastor Eugene Smith 904-781-5400 g Paden, OK Trinity Tabernacle Fellowship July 23 - Aug. 6 Contact: Bro. Paul Heard 405-932-4263 or Bro. Steve Green 405-567-0240 g Richlands, VA Richlands Tabernacle Campmeeting, Aug. 6-11 8:00 AM ........................... Visiting Ministers 10:00 AM ................... Bro. Johnny Gabbard 2:00 PM ........................... Visiting Ministers 7:00 PM .............................. Rev. Joey Hight Pastor Ralph Horton 276-964-4124 g Mt. View, MO Ozark Holiness Campmeeting August 14-18 Day Spkr ......................... Visiting Ministers Night Spkr ..................... Bro. David Horton Contact Dwain Galiher 417-257-1055 g Tatum, TX Tatum Holiness Campmeeting, Aug. 2-4 Contact: Bro. Tommy Ferrell 903-576-0113 g Tuscaloosa, AL Harmony Holiness Church Homecoming Fellowship, Sept. 11-16 Saturday, 16th, Homecoming, Night Spkr ........................ Bro. Neil Bridges Pastor Ralph Lowery, 205-752-4147 g Sumter, SC Pocolla Holiness Church Fellowship Meeting, Sept. 22-24 Day Spkr .......................... Bro. Neil Bridges Night Spkr .............. Bro. Bennie Sutherland Pastor Tim Hudson 803-481-3541 g NOTICE Please send us the info for your special services in advance of the meeting 2-3 months if possible. We will post the dates of meetings as early in the year as possible for vacation scheduling. Page 8
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