Schedule of Club Events
Schedule of Club Events
April - 2015 BMWMOA Club #353 & BMWRA Club #339 Schedule of Club Events 4/4 Saturday 9am Social Gathering Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 5/16 Saturday 6:30 Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie- Eurosport Asheville See Pages 8, 9, and 10. 4/19 Sunday 9am Social Gathering South Asheville – Atlanta Bread 484 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC 5/17 Sunday 9am Social Gathering South Asheville – (TBD) 4/21 Tuesday 7:00pm Club Meeting – Jenny Kallista, details on page X Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 5/19 Tuesday 7:00pm Club Meeting – Program TBD Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 6/6 5/2 Saturday 9am Social Gathering Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 (Consignment Gear Sale !$!$!) Saturday 9am Social Gathering Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 6/16 Tuesday 7:00pm Club Meeting – Program TBD Asheville - Eurosport Asheville 30 Bryson Street, Asheville, NC 28803 The Blue Ridge Breeze Mark Your Calendars April 2015 Page | 2 March Meeting By John Koenig April 24-25, 2015 BMW MOA Weekend Getaway Fontana, North Carolina The hills of North Carolina are calling! This popular Weekend Getaway sells out quickly. May 2, 2015 Eurosport Spring Clearance Sale Although we had to wait an extra month due to a winter weather cancellation, our March meeting presentation was worth the wait. Mark Brown, owner and certified professional instructor for MotoMark1, dazzled us with his talent of communication. As he spoke of safe, fun “driving” of a motorcycle, we were all riveted. His style and humor was contagious; it left us all laughing and learning at the same time! Time to break open the piggy bank and spend some CA$H! Browse a large selection of gently or never used gear (Jackets, Pants, Gloves, Boots and Helmets) at Eurosport’s first ever Spring Cleaning motorcycle gear sale. At these prices you won’t need a credit card!! May 16, 2015 Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie Asheville, NC (Starting and Ending Location) Save the date and see the VP-Report for more information. This event is a fundraiser for the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, held in conjunction with Eurosport Asheville. July 23-26, 2015 43rd Annual BMW MOA International Rally Billings, Montana Billings, Montana will play host to BMW MOA members July 23 - 25, 2015 at the MetraPark Fairgrounds. Contact Sue Rihn, Events Committee Chairperson for the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America. In addition to giving pointers on improving skills, gaining confidence, and setting ourselves up (defensively) for the road, he also gave us a summary of the riding courses that his team offers. As part of the club’s 50-50 drawing that evening, Mark even threw in an extra “grand prize,” a free one-day course at MotoMark1. For an investment of a $1.00 ticket, lucky member David Clement went home with the prize! ! On the heels of Mark’s presentation, many of us are discussing a trip over to Burlington, NC to take one of his courses. I’m going for sure, David obviously is, and I’ve heard serious interest from 6 or 7 others October 1-4, 2015 so far. Mark also instructs passengers at no BMW Riders Association 2015 Rally additional cost… two for the price of one. Thomas Harrison, AR The rally site is Boone County Fairgrounds. There has even discussed doing it as some type of informal “shop outing.” If you couldn’t make the are hotels nearby and the park has excellent meeting, check Mark’s firm out at space for tent camping and RVs. If you’re interested in scheduling with us, give Ride the Serpent--in Arkansas. Save the Dates! Thomas or myself a shout. Let’s do it. The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l President’s Message By Jim McMains April 2015 I am writing this in advance for our Newsletter editor since I will still be on vacation when his deadline arrives and I wanted to have something for the April Newsletter. 2015 P a g e | 3 It lets us know you appreciate having this club to belong to and gives us incentive to keep on making it better. New people and ideas always help to kick it up a notch, so step on up. Thanks again to everyone who puts in their time to keep this club going, Thomas and the gang at Eurosport, The Officers and Board members, all the volunteers for our events, plus the members who attend. You know who you are and without all of you, this wouldn’t be happening! Can’t wait for the April meeting, as long as we don’t stay in Bali ;-) I have missed all the March activities, meetings etc., but I am sure things went along just fine without me. I bet some of you didn’t even realize I See you down the Road, was gone. That is probably a good thing, because Jim it shows the Club has grown to point where it has its own life now and you all keep it going because of your participation. April and May will be important for us because we are in the midst of putting on the second high pass boogie in support of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, and it will be the start of planning for the rest of the year’s events and other things we hope to have in store for you. Our Secretary Chris has established a great connection with a local eatery that will probably see us having a few functions a year with. Prices are great and what they offer us is exceptional. We are all about having fun and motorcycling and this place will lend a great atmosphere for both. New club attire should also be in the works soon and you members will be the first to know what we will have to offer. As always, if there are any members out there with an expertise, an idea, or suggestion to help out with the club PLEASE come forward either in person, email or by phone and let us know what it is. We need you and want you to participate however you can, even if all you want to do is come out for a meeting or gathering. The more we have show up the better we feel. Welcome New Members Ken Fussell – Arden, NC Bruce Harris – Burlington, NC Ruth Harris – Burlington, NC Connie Jakubcin – Charlotte, NC John Wozniak - Baton Rouge, LA The Blue Ridge Breeze This month our Eurosport Asheville feature will be on a few of the new Spring 2015 products that we feel are innovative and fresh! Each and every year companies come out with their latest and greatest, some fly and some die. These two new products we feel are a great new take on an old idea. April 2015 Page | 4 Our second feature product is Baja Designs and their fabulous (Blair's voice) lighting systems. They offer a very nice range of lighting from daytime visibility all the way up to desert racing. First, let me introduce you to the all-new Earth X battery. These lithium iron phosphate batteries are not only powerful but very lightweight, compact, and unlike some other lithium batteries, easy to charge. These batteries are not affected by temperature extremes and no special chargers are needed, you can use your existing battery tenders just like lead acid batteries. These batteries are up to 80% lighter than your standard lead acid battery, 80%! Earth X batteries have internal circuitry to protect from over discharge therefore it won't leave you stranded. A full two year replacement warranty is included with no pro rating. Best of all, these batteries are manufactured and made here in the US in their Colorado facility. We purchase these batteries directly from Earth X so please feel free to contact us anytime with any and all questions. These products are proudly manufactured in the US and offer a no questions asked lifetime warranty. All of their lights are waterproof, rainproof, and fully submersible! The range of mounting options go from a universal bar mount to bike specific mount for: F800 and R1200GS. One of our favorite lighting systems offers 3,600 lumens with only 2.8 amps of draw. This system weighs a total of 20 ounces and has incredible daytime visibility and impressive long range coverage. Best of all, this is arguably one of the highest quality lighting systems you can buy and come in at just under $300. If you are looking for BIGGER and Brighter Baja Designs also offers an 8,600 lumen, 7 amp system that obliterates darkness! Come see these in action on our current BMW R1200GS Demo. Mention this newsletter and receive an additional 5% discount on either of these new innovative products here at ESA. Thanks and we hope to see you on the road, RoLL on... The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l VP Report By John Koenig Hi Folks, It’s April and time to put the Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie into high gear. It’s also time to start using the Blue Ridge Parkway more often, noticing its many wonderful attributes. We’re fortunate that the finest sections of the BRP are right here in our back yard. Here in Asheville it’s approaching the time of year to take an early morning breakfast ride to the Pisgah Inn, a mid-day ride up to Mt. Mitchell to escape the heat, or even a casual evening ride to Cherokee. 2015 P a g e | 5 Here’s another challenge. For each of you who register for the May 16th ride, convince at least one other rider to sign up. Invite your friends, neighbors, riding buddies, or future riding buddies. Any brand of bike or style of motorcyclist. Reach out to anyone who rides, and invite them to come along with you. It’s all for a common and worthy cause. Hope to see you participating. As always, be safe, and enjoy… John Random Moto Photo It’s also time to realize the importance of the Parkway. It serves as an outlet for enjoyment. Not just for us motorcyclists, but sports car, classic car, and bicycle aficionados as well. Not to mention the picnickers, photographers, and hikers. We should be aware by now, due to severe federal budget cuts, how important the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is in providing support to maintain and enhance our beloved mother road. Fast forward to our 2nd annual BRHP Boogie. We have a tall challenge to live up to from last year. We had some very generous donors in that inaugural year, and we hope to do even better this year. Although your support by signing up for the Boogie is very helpful, that alone won’t reach our goal. Please consider supporting our event with additional donation funds… maybe even beg your friends to give! Last year the additional individual donations ranged from $40 to over $2,000. Believe me, every dollar is appreciated. Make checks payable to ABMWR (our club). When we award the Foundation with proceeds, you’ll each be credited with your pro-rata by them for your tax purposes. The ABMWR Members of our club share many things in common, including a love of riding, being outdoors, a fondness for BMW motorcycles regardless of type or age, and the camaraderie of our sport. We are a social club, focused on riding, and take full advantage of our area’s beautiful roads and scenery. Although our club is based in North Carolina, membership and participation from all surrounding areas are encouraged. For membership information, view our website at or drop us a line at ABMWR PO Box 5103 Asheville, NC 28813 The Blue Ridge Breeze April 2015 Page | 6 The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l Editor’s Ramblings By Gary Cox ON ANY SUNDAY: MY CHAPTER 2015 P a g e | 7 smoke house while none of the parents were watching. But if we got too quiet outside, they knew we were up to something. Then one Sunday afternoon in the late summer when I was 6, it all changed. One of my uncles I recently had the left to go get something at his house for all of us pleasure of seeing “On cousins to do. When he returned and opened the Any Sunday, The Next trunk of his Mercury Monterey (a huge car with an Chapter,” which is a good even larger trunk) he and my dad pulled out this movie in its own right. The Bronze colored two-wheeled marvel. Yes, it was Next Chapter may not the classic Mini-Bike powered by a 3-hp lawn have quite the same magic as the original but it is mower engine and could not have been more still a very good documentary of motorcycling 43 fascinating to me. Then the fun started, well the years later (hard to believe). While I say it doesn’t fun started after much pulling the starter cord and have the same magic, it might actually have the my dad using words us kids were not supposed same magic to someone much younger than me, to, the little mini-bike coughed and sputtered to say someone who is 9 or 10 years old which life. It certainly didn’t growl or rumble like a would have been the same age was I when I first modern motorcycle, but that sound still makes me saw “On Any Sunday.” Regardless of whether it is smile every time I start my push mower. the original or The Next Chapter, it reminds me of the very Sunday on which I totally got hooked on Continued on next page…. motorcycles. Even though the moment I got hooked was (more than) 35 years ago, I’m 99.9% sure it was a Sunday afternoon. Why? Well partly because scientists say that strong memories are linked to smells and can also be linked to the release of endorphins during exciting events. And when I was growing up I can tell you, for the first 15 years of my life, all the family always went to my grandparents’ house every Sunday. Picture the setting: a little white 3 bedroom, 1 bath house on a 2-acre lot. With grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, my parents, my brother and me could easily make 19 people in this little tiny house. So everyone was thankful for warm weather where all the children could be outside playing. Even at that, we children would often get bored because (let’s face it) there were only so many games of hide and seek you could play before running out of places to hide. Yeah , all of us cousins would sneak into the garage or the old Who’s Who Board of Directors Jim McMains, President John Koenig, Vice President Chris Stewart, Secretary Dan Falkenstein, Treasurer Gary Cox, News Letter Editor Ursula Skoug, Merchandising Director Phil Weinmann, Webmaster Perry Hebard, Club Photographer Stew Stewart, Special Events Dan Thompson, Board Member Sergeant at Arms Adam Stewart Ride Captains Stew Stewart Editor’s Ramblings Continued… The Blue Ridge Breeze Being 6, I was deemed too young and too small (even though I begged unmercifully) to ride the mini-bike myself. But I was happy to spend the rest of the afternoon watching my older brother and all the older cousins take turns riding it around the yard. At the end of the day, as the sun was setting, something miraculous happened. Well, kind of. My dad, with hopes of getting me to shut up, took me for a ride around the yard on IT. I wish there were a picture of this glorious event, because it had to be quite a sight. My dad was nearly 6’7” and at 240 lbs. not a small person. In fact he was a giant of a man, especially to be sitting on a mini-bike with a small kid (me) sitting between him and the gas tank. It would have been a Kodak moment to be sure. I remember those moments all so clearly: the smells of leaking oil and gas, and the smell of the centrifugal clutch burning, doing all it could to haul us around the yard. I had my hands on the inside of the hand grips and my feet resting on the engine (one on the starter housing and one on the clutch/chain guard). As the throttle grip twisted I could feel the little bike surge (lug and strain) forward, and that’s all it took! I was, and have been, totally hooked ever since. Keep the magic alive, Gary April 2015 Page | 8 Club News April Meeting Jenny Kallista is confirmed for the April meeting. She will be presenting on her 2 week trip in Africa with Charley Boorman (Long Way Down/ Long Way Around) and his company. It will be a passionate presentation on an EPIC adventure! 2015 Boogie Update We’re down to the wire for planning the 2nd annual Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie, scheduled for Saturday, May 16th, 2015. The three individual loops are developing well, and now our biggest push is getting folks like you to sign up. Please consider joining our cause. You may sign up on-line at, or just print the registration form on page10 of this newsletter and mail it in. You can also drop registration forms off with check or cash, at Eurosport Asheville. We also have beautiful 11x17 glossy posters available for you to post anywhere and everywhere. There’s a box of them at Eurosport. Stop by for a few, and get them out during your travels. Please contact John Koenig, Event Director, at 828-606-1092 or [email protected] if you need any more information. The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l 2015 P a g e | 9 2015 Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie Promoted By: Asheville BMW Riders In Conjunction With: Eurosport Asheville To Benefit: Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation May 16th, 2015 General Information: The Asheville BMW Riders in conjunction with Eurosport Asheville will hold its second annual Blue Ridge High Pass Boogie, a single day fund raiser for the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. Participants will enjoy scenic mountain vistas and the best motorcycling roads the Blue Ridge Mountains have to offer. You’ll enjoy a choice of 3 different routes. A long challenging 400+ mile pavement ride, plus the options of a shorter paved 200+ mile route, and a very interesting dual-sport loop for the adventure folks. Shortcuts will be available to allow more leisurely-paced riders to select a route that reduces mileage and ride time. This event will follow a loose rally format, although riders will receive directions for the entire route (including short-cut options) up front at check-in. Riders will then depart at their own pace and ride with others (if desired) in small groups according to their riding style or personal preference. The all-paved-road 400+ mile loop will take about 10 hours, the 200+ mile loop will take 4 to 6 hours, and the Dual-Sport (mixed pavement and gravel) will take 6 to 8 hours running at posted speed limits and allowing for fuel stops. Allowing for stops along the way, riders should have plenty of time to re-collect for a buffet dinner at (Wild Wings Cafe) Asheville . Participation includes a commemorative ride t-shirt, bike sticker, A Friday night mixer with PIZZA and BEVERAGES at (EUROSPORT ASHEVILLE), continental breakfast, catered dinner, and many door prizes during dinner. Fuel, food, and rest facilities are readily available along the route. Lunch will be on your own. Eligibility: All riders and brands of motorcycles are welcome to participate in this benefit event. Benefit Info: All proceeds from this event, minus basic expenses, will be donated to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. We couldn’t have found a more appropriate beneficiary for our ride! Date: Saturday, May 16, 2015, Rain or shine. Registration and Cost: Riders must pre-register for this event by sending their name, address, and email address, with the registration fee, or use the Pay Pal feature on our website ( Registration form appears below and is also available at Eurosport Asheville or our website. Registration is limited to 150 participants, and will be on a first-come, first-signed basis. IMPORTANT: The closing date for registration will be Friday April 24th, 2015. Late registration after that date will only be available if space permits, and will not guarantee an event t-shirt. The registration fee is $85 per person, applies to all participants (i.e., 2-up requires two fees) and is nonrefundable. The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l 2 0 1 5 P a g e | 10 The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l 2015 P a g e | 11 Club Merchandise Spring is here!! Warm weather and bright sunny days call for short sleeved T-shirts and ball caps! So look sharp by adding the Asheville BMW Riders logo to your wardrobe. Stand out from the crowd at a social Gathering or Tuesday Night Club Meeting by sporting your official Club merchandise. We have decals, hats and short and long sleeved T-shirts. Ursula Skoug has club items at meetings or keep tabs on the Club Website: (and purchase using PayPal). Shirts Short Sleeve: $15.00 Long Sleeve: $18.00 Decals $1.00 Hats $15.00 Don’t forget to check out the club web site There are many new photos and updates, including the calendar of events. You can also join a Conversation Forum The Blue Ridge Breeze A p r i l 2 0 1 5 P a g e | 12
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