MARTHA’S VINEYARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (7) 800-505-4815; 防止疲勞駕駛 如有需要,可在馬薩諸塞州公路休息站舒展或休息。 BERKSHIRE VISITORS BUREAU (15) 413-743-4500; Br oo k St s r METROPOLITAN BOSTON ov sC t nS Sta r Blv We st St Main Pa rk e Par k Av Av e rk Pa t ridge S t St idge Southb St thbr t St Fron Broad way Sp rin gf ie Liberty St St W or th i Li ng be r to n ty St St St af fo rd s Ave ld St Jame Center St t Hull S St er W eb st Pine St St ra l nt Main St E N LI N LI K N *B oy Ruggles ea ls he C am llin gh Wood Island Airport SL 4 Chinatown Tufts Med Aquarium AIRPORT TERMINALS Logan International Airport W C ay tr Downtown Crossing SOUTH STATION Herald St E. Berkeley St Union Park St Newton St Worcester Sq Mass. Ave Lenox St Melnea Cass SL1 Rental Car Center e State Maverick C o W urth o Si rld ou lv T se er r Li ad n e e Ar y lin ls to g to SL5 n n Park St op l C H Ke SL1/SL2 Broadway DESIGN CENTER Hu Hi ll F ng SL2 m err y Fe rry E Andrew Roxbury Crossing Jackson Sq Stony Brook DUDLEY JFK/UMass SL4 Green St SQUARE SL5 FOREST NewHILLS market Uphams Savin Corner Hill Four Corners/ Fields Cnr Geneva Shawmut Talbot Ave North Quincy ASHMONT Morton St Wollaston RL ha IR M O U N T LI N Pemberton Point (Hull) RL M Quincy Center Route 128 Canton Junction Canton Center STOUGHTON Sharon Mansfield Attleboro S. Attleboro Providence T.F.Green WICKFORD JUNCTION W ey E. mo B ut E. rain h L W tre and ey e in m g/ ou W th .H in g N an ham ta sk et Ju nc tio n FA H F This map was prepared for the MBTA by the Central Transportation Planning Staff © 2016. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this map may be reproduced without the permission of the MBTA. A *Boylston: Accessible for Silver Line only P nm yn ore es B BU U C Ea ent st ral Ya w W ers . R ey ox b H ury ig h la R os n lin Bel d da lev le ue Vi lla ge n er tio en t nc C Ju am ha m dh ee Endicott Dedham Corp. Center Islington Norwood Depot Norwood Central Windsor Gardens Plimptonville Walpole Norfolk Franklin/Dean College FORGE PARK/495 en ox ts bo O ro nl y) t BS sS t Wh arf Rd ton Bo s Rd Pl ng Sti lli Th om so n 12 Elevator/escalator/lift updates: 800-392-6100 Ev t MBTA Transit Police: 911 TTY 617-222-1200 Mass. Ave Fairmount Readville al dS 13 Hyde Park BACK BAY Symphony OL Customer Communications & Travel Info 617-222-3200, 1-800-392-6100, TTY 617-222-5146, ci for GREEN LINE and branches B C D E SL4 SL5 pe nA ve GL SL1 SL2 FR gto SILVER LINE and branches Prudential HEATH (S hin Bin BLUE LINE Free Logan Airport shuttle bus d Ea st Se rvi ce St wo rns Fa t Ne For Wa s 25 BL SL GL E NEEDHAM LINE NEEDHAM HEIGHTS N St er ep rth Sle St t Po cco est St AS el ann Ch er Blv MATTAPAN LINE y North St St n Fu lto St int ch St ort ORANGE LINE ee d t rS No rth rch Mt 90 er St nnel/ illiams Tu To Ted W an Airport toll Log Do 24 el ss ap RED LINE RIVERSIDE Be Un P er P M mm re Se 14 RL OL M N nc h S man Han t ove r St He St St lem Sa no Ha d St Su Av e Linco ln S t Utica St South St St St lem Sa ve W as yS Ki hin Ha t ng gt wl s on Ar S e St ton ch t y St S Ot t is Lincoln St St nc Ch Hud ng P t Tyler S y St Alba n ity St Snow Hill all St Marsh W ay e St ont Trem Ave mut Av e P 10 Co Courthouse Woodland GL D Amtrak service ke t rkS Pa St iford at tl N. Grove St Stan Joy St Brimm Br St rles Cha er St y r Wa Muga bu s n Ave kw y eP dg Ca Co lu m Harris o d Blv nd La mb ri Sha w St au Br or e Gi lm Second Av e to lp h P CLEVELAND GL C CIRCLE FERRY South No 11 Boston rth ern Seaport Av e P P Government Center Northeastern Museum of Fine Arts Longwood Med. Area Brigham Circle Newton Centre Haymarket arket Beachmont Suffolk Downs Orient Heights Quincy Adams BRAINTREE GREENBUSH LINE RL S. Weymouth Holbrook/Randolph Montello Brockton Campello Bridgewater MIDDLEBOROUGH/LAKEVILLE Cohasset Abington Whitman Hanson N. Scituate / N E O LIN ST H G T IN U K MO Y PL on Fan Pier e Av Washington Sq Transfer station Fenway Longwood Brookline Village Brookline Hills Reservoir All MBTA ferry services are accessible BL BOWDOIN Revere Beach MIDDLEBOROUGH/ LAKEVILLE LINE gt t BOSTON COLLEGE Accessible station Rowes Wharf (Ferries to Hingham and Logan Airport) Coolidge Corner GL B Terminus station St. Marys St Eastern Ave NORTH STATION ve ro G ar ed er C utl n e B to v il A M ral t en d C yR t S lle n N Va ape PA C TA AT M Bo COMMUTER RAIL LINES Under construction/future stations Foster’s Wharf 9 Washington St Box District Community College GL WONDERLAND BL SL3 Science Park/ West End Charles/MGH PROVIDENCE/ STOUGHTON LINE r St c Ave Hu nt in Atlanti St son idg e tS t Ea s St t Third S Lopez A ve t dS Thir Hayward St Carleton St St 圖例 India Wharf LECHMERE Kendall/MIT Harvard Ave MYSTIC MALL stown arle Ch Ferry St la At WORCESTER LINE Melrose Highlands Melrose/Cedar Park Sullivan Sq Central ille nv to n ew to N ew . N le W nda r bu ms Au Far ey ills sl le ey H el l W lles Sq y e W esle ter l el en W C k ic k at tic N a .N W am gh in d am lan Fr sh A gh ou or h hb g ut rou So tbo on t es af W Gr s ss ch S N wi St re ng Co c nti WORCESTER Greenwood Assembly Porter Sq Harvard FITCHBURG LINE Le rch t 93 1 WACHUSETT 28 Waterfront Rose Kennedy Greenway St St y fan Tif ple ROCKPORT Gloucester W. Gloucester Ipswich Manchester Hamilton/ Beverly Farms Wenham Prides Crossing N. Beverly Montserrat Beverly Salem Swampscott Lynn River Works Wakefield Wellington RL St Ma Rowley Reading Malden Center Plgd Commercial St ma S er 3 P St South Station e elan liv St Herald St rl Federal ld St O a Pe St ch Main E Grove St Ch ur ch St t rS nte vd Bl Ge y S or g e Was t hin g Kilb Main St St gh am Hin t Ce dd le Mi Forest St d lsto Boy Av e St May ar bo rA ve At la n tic Av e Ma rb Ha lehea rbo d r H Dr re ho W .S Ce t Hil l St For St St Liberty St ou th W ey m Gold t xS t se xS Es e Webster S 收費公路 St ley Shir Sou R y t ul S Ran to St Bridg e Canal St ring Lo d t xS se Es llin dS t Kern w oo Es Jefferson Ave e Av e W es ter n hB ac Be re ve Re Washington St St Cen tre St en tre C Main St St N o rt h St t h St or St S. Main Co t iS d Sho re R er Riv th es lvd P in Nahant Rd ke Tp lem Bro uantum St na Fur ce l a r d St Wil nite Gra St Po nd u e stn Pu las k nS t Lyn n way Broad e Park Av e rn W es te ve Sa y ad wa l Tun ne s m St E. S q um ua nt St Ad am s Randolph Ave d Hu m p St Sylv an Summit St New bur yS t way Bro ad St lem Sa oa d w a Ch Eastern Av y e els ea Cre ek Br Meridian St Br in To b Rd ul Ha Adams St ester A ve Dorch Randolph Ave or o ntros e dway Broa e idg St ord Alf St No rfo St Hi lls ide e gion Hw y St Ma in Fellsway East W as hi ng s to n hic k Washington St St Ave St bio n Al ill Ave Blue H e ill A v eH Blu r hin gt on W as Wa s hi ngt o Verno n St y Hw Tr u m an e Par k Av Hyd e onse t Nep e Av M us ug t Ave Columbus t nS gto hin W as Blue Hills Pkwy Hyde Park Ave A wy Pk am dh De Sa land Woo d mS El ec sp Pro oo k St line Br Av e ne Br i c a w ay Ja C entre S Ave t t Go dd S St Rd West Fellsway Mass Ave oo kli Brook Ha N. r a l th Clyde S ve ro W. Rox bury Pkwy Cen tre W as hin gt on ce H w y u stc St t lS rhi l Fra n We st Wa shin gton Hig St hla nd Av e St. Paul St t tS rke Ma Co Hammond St okl in St t Prov iden Bridge S St ton ing Wa sh dR d lan Up Ri ve le Ave Greenda St ole W alp nS t gto hin W as St n ai M St d R Mis haw um St Com St am edh Ne rd mon St t tre S Cen Ce ntr eS t Walnut St Parker St t St Chestnu Highland Ave St h ig H St Highla nd Av e ak Br er G oo le k n Mill St t Wa rr Walth am Galen St St ton New Moody St Lexi al A ve Cen tr we ington St Lex St le ap M Lexington St t Bacon S South St nS t Sh Grove St St g Sp Grove t nS gto hin W as St Ce ntre St rtw Ha ok Bro bs l Rd Hob r Hil Bea St n to ng hi W as n ai M St Sou th tS d an R Wy m ws Rd heen Sha ve Ri ve r ell A rin d ford Rd Be We lle St ley es W ell r klin dd Mi rl R i n gton il m W Tr eb River Rd rd fo B Old ed L in col n r Rd Tow e th iv e Ha ve Av e les ex d An do ve rR d dR Co nco r Rd ve le Co Bro ok t nt S ume Mon n c o rd Rd Co Pa sR le ar Ch Dover Rd Rd St Bradley e Harkness Av ht Rd North NEWBURYPORT Wyoming Hill OAK GROVE Brophy Park Central Wharf (Ferry to Charlestown) P P 23 Financial District gh Hi Ess St Hera St t P 20 Tufts SxESt t as tS t P Kne P P St Franklin Bea 24 St Kilby Devonshire St rch et ress S South Warrenton St s St nn Milk St P St tte Aquarium OL Wedgemere W. Medford Long Wharf (Ferries to Quincy and Hull. Excursion and whale watch cruises) St Central St Ind Milk 23 P P ia S t St dia B East Inw ter Batt road a ery Ro W St Cong ye Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park St Chatham Bedford afa Center Be n St Unio 21 17 P MAVERICK l FI Margin St t St e S ar Endicott inc N. M Lynn St eL Theater District Tufts Medical P St 24 27 State n ha la al Winchester Center e nn Tu Mishawum MAVERICK is av D E IF W LE A t on lm Be rley e av W m a th al W rts e ob n /R ee is Gr de al gs an nd in Br Ke ast l H Hil er lv n Si col n Li rd co on C d r co on n . C cto W A S. 95 /4 on er et Ay ttl Li ey irl Sh er st in m eo RG . L BU H TC Pr St N Washington rd St fo rly ed St ve Be M St Av P en ue D Chinatown Rd 22 Wi nte Te St r mp le Downtown W es Pl Crossing tS t P inal State St o C St Battery St Salutation Lincoln Wharf Harr St is Clar k S Fle t Sargents et Wharf Eastern 29 n StSt o Av e o M St North Lewis Wharf R ic hm on d Commercial St Wharf St P St rth Clinton No S Burroughs Wharf 30 Rose Kennedy Greenway 26 u rT um ll lt e nn ne Anderson/Woburn n St East Longmeadow Dwig St ge rid Somerset St rk Pa rle Cha sw i e 83 Dickson B wn to es P 20 ool Bro mf ield Chinatown Marg urt Sch LaGrang e St 8 Co St End Haymarket 25 18 P 19 St Constitution Wharf Battery Wharf LOWELL LINE arl ge Bowdoin St 16 Avery St Chu South End P Government Center ter 31 T N ilest St Be on NorthSt nnetSt t 26 S len t rimaVa ke c St ar M 34 on St P rd Cha St New ry bu d Su w Ne ar Hu ll Sh St ea St fe Cooper ay ti W Mer gin Bowdoin Bay W Oak St Village P se u Ca Temple St Lynde St Hancock St Joy St St Cortes St St t lS na St Ca d t ien nd S Fr a rtl Po ster a nc St La ay W ey sn ma rles P P rid Lo Cha P Ch Ballardvale N. Wilmington Wildcat Branch n Alle e er Av Sumn Alle ve ner A Longmeadow LOWELL N. Billerica kwy Sum Allen St ont A ve Forest Park Bradley Rd Roosevelt Av St 21 e R nch P Belm er Av Plumtree S. Bra Andover Wilmington Fiskes Wharf ll B Hi St t ce S St Ip Blvd t nS nto te hi 5 d Breckwoo Be Nathan Bill Park W ge ve elt A t St Vi lla sev Roo St St Dan Baker Cove HAVERHILL Ch r ke un -B im ak ua sh ut St Waln Spru St gton Arlin Stu P r St ndle St Cha rence w t a L nS leto App S Russell St Irving St r eda t St mer Back Bay/ South End P Blossom St Garden St Grove St WC er S P P P Charlestown Navy Yard (Ferry to Central Wharf) 36 S Park St t Boylston t ont S Piedmester St h c t se t in W S lro S e P Me tte op e h y Isabella St Fa an St Lovejoy Wharf y wa 15 Boston Common t Plaza 33 Frog Pond ton S Boyls on ns Locks Dearne St Ashburton Pl P t art S t y S kele Ber St rles Cha t St. ve S eno Caz V y St St t rt y Pl ou S uth P 22 rc kele t on S tmo it Trin t art S Ha nS Ave Sumn m Rd Wilbraha Island Pond Porter Lake 91 除以下車站外,所有的通勤軌道車站都有停車場所: Belmont Center, Mishawum, Morton St., Natick, Newtonville, Prides Crossing, Porter, River Works, Uphams Corner, Waverley, W. Newton, Windsor Gardens, Yawkey. Rd ti titu Co North P Station Cambridge St Mt Verno St Park St J P Beacon Hilln St Swan Boats Arlington 6 St Stu ve lth A e s Av ame 5 Dar B St wea mon rend Cla St Prudential Riv uth en lagd Rd 3 P 4 Ring 2 P Oakland St 1 e Av St Bradford Constitution Plaza 32 Way St Pinckney St Myrtle Public Garden Ber tmo t t on S Dalt St Ave etts hus Rd erly Edg and il Hav Cambria St Scotia St Belvid ere St St Ge rmain St Clearw ay St t h oug Com Copley nS lsto Boy St Cardinal Acorn t St ut S tn s Lime e t Ch ch S Bran n St t ro S y B con Bea t lbor Mar Dar ter S St ls Boy PN ury ewb West End Phillips St Revere St nS P P som St Anderson St Charles St Community Boating St ster St ton sac Mas Fenway y Rive Mudd 1 T Back Bay t 90 Landsdowne St field uce dS Hynes Convention Center P Blos P P Charles/MGH w Bridge co Bea Exe Fair Glo efor Her Charlesgate East Charlesgate West con Bea Kenmore St vd Fruit St Longfello a se el Ch Av e Na Teddy Ebersol’s Red Sox Fields T Dr ord 93 Bl Brim ge Brid Jam Alle n F Agawam Five Mile Pond St Lake Lookout 2 AIRPORT 1 Science Park/ West End rth vard Har ow erf a Rd Esp torr int 35 de lana .S es J 27 Po Marth 7 rles uth Z P. P P r Cha St St 57 ate St Watershops Pond tral ont 3 Mon Lak Breckwood Lake Springfield so End e Bridg e at ve lt A re hi Be St e ev t te S Sta m Rd Wilbraha ck South durt t Cen 83 St St s rk Blunt Park Springfield College tS 4 HAVERHILL LINE rth St d ar on Le CambridgeSide Galleria Mall .25 英里 r Rive nite nu Belm 5 y ha Hw d Blv y St Di 91 ill Longh 57 er 1 英里 E. Bo 5 Cott age Taple St 0.6 公里,英寸 比例尺 W al ple Riv 5 R St ield Henry St ster e Worc 20 lvd Bay St Main Wes tf St 20A Springfield Technical Comm. Coll. Springfield Armory (Nat’l. Hist. Site) rin Basketball Hall of Fame West Springfield 0 ny ba Al Sp Riverdale St No o dsw Wa St 比例尺 Gra ve sA me 3 iver 141 g Pa s oo 291 an Dr Shawinig pee R eB es m Ja . St 4 Br 6 St Ma M 147 MassPike 90 o Chic St St Lechmere South Park St South St .15 公里,英寸 0 Ea Ja ut 5 r e 0 53 r Ca g St Amtrak St e at Bus Station St Museum of Fine Arts Terminal Library City 7 Hall Civic M Center aple l St ia Court or e 6 House em idg ive Rd 291 20 tn es ut R St 13 Hanover Ch St 123 3 St ain 2 n ai Jacobs Pond Assinippi 53 Main St St wR St Me mo 0 ller St. t tS M St in Ne lD oria m Me r D rial 1 英里 Lawrence ve sA A sett chu t st S er mh es Am ssa Ma Massachusetts Institute of Technology 比例尺 Converse St 37 本傑明•富蘭克林出生地 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 黑鷹碼頭. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 快速交通線 波士頓兒童博物館 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 通勤軌道線 波士頓市政廳. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 波士頓會展中心 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Gore St 共用道路 波士頓大屠殺遺跡 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 波士頓公共圖書館 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 行人道路 Cambrid 邦克山紀念碑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ge St 自由之路 考普山墓地. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Otis St 海關大樓. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 黑人人權步行道 Thorndi 法院大樓. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ke 費紐爾廳購物中心/昆西市場. . . . . . . . . . . 27 港口步行道 St Spring S 芬威公園. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 公共衛生間 t 哈奇紀念音樂廳 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hurley 費紐爾廳. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 St 遊客資訊中心 海恩斯會議中心 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Charles 當代藝術研究院 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 P 停車場 St Bent St 美國法院. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 27 出口編號 約翰•漢考克大廈. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 州辦公大樓. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rodgers St 國王禮拜堂. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Binney St 馬薩諸塞州交通大樓 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 科學博物館. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Munroe St 新英格蘭水族館 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Linsky W ay 老市政廳. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 P Athenae ott 老葛蘭奈萊墓地 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 um St er St 老北教堂. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 老南聚會所. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Br oa Cambridge 老州議會大廈. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 d 保羅·熱維爾故居 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Main St way Kendall/MIT 普魯丹特爾中心 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 南站. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 州議會大廈. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 TD花園. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 小托馬斯·奧尼爾聯邦辦公室. . . . . . . . . . 33 t 三一教堂. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 herst S 憲法號巡洋艦(“老鐵殼”). . . . . . . . . . 36 Am Fu MBTA COMMUTER RAIL/RAPID TRANSIT Liberty Plaza 圖例 122 141 Dr nu n ctic Exposition Grounds M y st 20A P.O. 1/ 8 Av rial mo or he Ave nne Me ry mo Ar Armory C Birnie to Ma 勝地/名勝 d 0.6 公里,英寸 0 146 St t n St st St St m 159 DOWNTOWN BOSTON tR t en Main ng 123 St 58 Ar Shriners Bay State Hospital Medical Center 9 Co ion Norwell St V r D High FW P 14 field S e t Rockland 18 139 gt on S Sharp St t Liberty St We hi soi 0 122A Main S Ea pd t Av St in W as ssa 146 st Elms College 116 d En e ir dg B No Un Grove St Accord Pond 3 Ma J Chicopee Van Horn Park rth 5 Liberty Plain 53 15 Ab m ske th Derby St Spring nta ou Cohasset t Ha Na St St ym St Central St Main S ion St Un is Ot sa ea Pl Talbot St St Chicopee Falls ew F Wompatuck State Park Hingham St Weymouth Great Pond St th ou ym Franklin h ut So Pl Chicopee River 91 10 N. Main St 228 1/ 12 North Cohasset 3A Cush ing Hwy tS s Ea 228 South Hingham Grafton St Heywood 7/6 Fairview Ave 11 20 Tuttleville St St ton ing sh St Ra n dolph S Ro St St nt Park Ave bian St nd la ck lem usa Jer Rd g lu m Wa shing ton St 18 n to High St tin Co Holbrook 37 r G 116 Ave t Weymouth 16 West St ln Atlantic lS e Pin Wa St cia 228 Hingham hi t ne er Whitmans Pond 53 co West Hingham W S in Pi Lincoln St Pleasant St 18 3 Braintree Highlands m Nantasket Beach World’s End Sarah Ragged Island Island Hingham Harbor Li n er Ma 37 m Broad St t yS L Co t Hull Langlee Island iv ack R St t ve an Rd Hall 116 CityLibrary Front St 391 91 Weir River Slate Island 3A B outh Weym Gro en S St ver m Ri St lS ercia mm Co South Braintree t North St ite St 17 dS Gre ve yA East 53 Braintree rt ibe N ion St St n Far Un nc ial io Un Sunset Lake Weymo Fore Rivuth er ui St Braintree 37 e St Bridg Q re nt erc Elm 18 Pon Grape Island Houghs Neck Raccoon Island Rock Island yA ve mm St Common West St Bumpkin Island Sheep Island inc Co by 2 Spinnaker Island rn Qu 7/ 20 19 3 391 Hingham Bay Sea St St Ce 1 3 Allerton Nut Island St Wate r 90 George’s Island Quincy Bay 122 e ton d cks Bla iver R R Rd Calf Boston Harbor Islands Island State Park Great Brewster Island Lovell’s Gallop’s Island Island Little Brewster Island Peddocks’s Island Middle River d Park 141 Outer Brewster Island Middle Brewster Island Rainsford Island Hamilton St SPRINGFIELD 燈塔 Green Island Long Island on St on College of the Holy Cross Graft 市機場 年) (常 渡船 Deer Island 12 R 10 14 Vernon Hill Plgd eon 290 Franklin St n Ver McK Hope Cemetery Hope Ave 商業機場 e s 客運鐵路及車站 11 12 停車換乘停車場 (季 渡船 水 自治市 St. Johns Cemetery id mbr Ca Ecotarium 15 122A t ge S Regatta State Park Sh 13 Crompton Park St Mass Biotech Research Park UMass Medical Center Belmont St 9 Cristoforo St Colombo ry bu s Park rew 16 d Av V e t e r an 村 in Ma Cambridge St 停車換乘停車場 ) 節性 州道 地方公路 St Clark University Elm St 9 電子收費通道 (E-Z Pass) 隨訪服 務中心 公園/森林 75 風景道路 P County Court House mon 202 美國國道 橋 次要公路 12 Memorial Hospital 17 siga 5 9 公路休息站 馬薩諸塞灣交 通管理局快速 交通線及車站 Worcester Quin Rd 出口編號 風景道路 共用道路 t 遊客資訊中心 495 Elm Park t w illo y 主幹道 2 2 1 英寸= 2 英里 圖例 州際公路 90 yS Becker College ll S W 0 91 ler St Beaver Brook Park 9 Worcester State Hospital Green Hill Park 18 Mechanics Hall Central St Convention Center P.O. DCU t S t n City a s Plea Bus Hall Terminal Worcester 122 Library Amtrak UMass Station City Campus Chand Mi d Worcester Art Museum Green Hill Pond sigamond 122 1 釐米= 1.2 公里 1.2 0 Elm Park St e Ma tR 互通式立交 Highland St n Ju St Nahant WPI Quinsigamond Ave Worcester State College Salisbury Pond 21 290 20 70 Grove St O e Av 比例尺 Nahant Harbor t St x se Es Little Nahant Rd ve S ry bu e Marblehead St Av ay ey Neck tic w hr y lan At ic B n ce lS ta as o C an ce Fairlawn Hospital han Rural Cemetery St 70 20 290 122A lis 129 Nahant Beach Na Gro Sa St Point of Pines 12 coln Lin Lake Quin t St Fores St 190 19 Salisbury Park t tS t ge St an en as Gre Vil la 114 Pleasant St Devereux Ted 1 St Marblehead e Pl ette S r Pk w hrop int W N. M ai St ry bu lis Sa Lafay Lynn Harbor Webb State Park Eastern Neck Town River Artery Great Bay Hill Wash Germantown Park ington North St Weymouth 3A Quincy an N. nt St 24 Salem Neck Salem Harbor St esco e th ry 93 P 28 Beverly Harbor BB lem Sa 1A 122A St t 114 Humphrey ove St 129 127 1A Swampscott 1A 129 P Gr tt Central St e Av n er st Ea t am S t St u Lynnway 145 u So ar n Rd 139 x St se e Assumption College De 1A di s ara 127 Nahant Bay Boston Harbor Historic Site Qu 8 t West S v Endicott tal ScenCollege as ic St By wa Co x Hale Es s e S rby Salem State College N Snake Island ve lA ba im Br d rR St ze To bot Ca lio St nA ve 高速公路 Main St McKay St El t hS s llin St S St kwy kP oo Adams Br t Great Pond Reservoir 20 dA We bb St St e ridg B nS t 1A Prides Crossing Lynn ve Merrymount Liberty St tte St Hig Co ld ie nf 3A Gr High St t tS Lafaye 139 107 St Ri rth sto East Lynn gto er Moon Island Be ms S Randolph North Stoughton n Ly St Ada 1 Ch 138 St n tral Cen d yR St r ve t St l U n q u it C us hin Riv e Av sh Castle Island Pleasure Bay ale North Randolph Great Pond 28 Reservoir t W as BOSTON Wollaston 9 93 5 Wampatuck St 10 Blue Hills Reservation nS ug No 22 1A North Salem Salem Fla Wollaston Qu Beach in North cy Sh ore Quincy Dr 6 to an s to Bo ers 18 se 12 1 Indian Lake Airport q W. S istratio a Pleas Sherman tS P tR bu 24 Flax Pond Squantum Admin 4/ 21 Bo lan gh Hi Ch ath 129A Ch es tn 129 Thompson Island West Quincy C St t nS 35 114 hingt o as W Spectacle Island 11 Montclair East Milton Rd t Revere Beach Dorchester Bay Brook Rd Milton Academy nv Es 128 WORCESTER Little Calf Island 12 Neponset River Reservation 28 w ata re Fo Wyoma Av m er Winthrop A Logan 90 B International lli a W ve ite A s da e am s ed Re ve nA to n Ca d n Blv Ad d a t og a St Da Neponset t St mon n Gra t kR d d lan Sa Belle Island Marsh C 13 Ash iva X Columbia Point Ashmont 203 Gall e St Reservoir Pond nu al W t nS ll S Hi oo 1 14 Av e Lower Mills B Marine Park Savin Hill 3 Milton Ran d o t Washington St rto t lk S River St Br lp h St St Talbot Ave Talb ot Av e Lincol n A t n S Sa r lvd er Dorchester St 1A yB av Fields G Corner e ik Turnp St 93 va n en L St Rd ne s ma Du t S 15 se a bi m lu Co um Columbus Old Park Harbor rris Se t t 107 Mo yS ter to ing Day Blvd y Blvd inc Blue Hills Reservation Ponkapoag Pond Ponkapoag 138 lon ve .A ss Newmarket 28 ell S S st 25 South Boston Co Ma Qu 3 2 17 16 St Washingt on Wi Old l a Ca 18 l Ho 145 26 27 m ew St iel West Lynn ke St yo l 23 Emerson College 21 20 24 lvd sB Mattapan Blue Hills Reservation x se Es St ne Win Orient Heights East Boston r ne 62 Bridge St t Danversport L an A m e r ic Margina l St Condor St n e Tu nn Tu n a m h Su alla C 27 19 Roxbury Heritage State Park 28 138 St e 107 Chelsea Charles1 town l ne olo nf Walnu t St Beverly Endicot Low South Peabody Sluice Ly Pond n Breeds Pond Revere St nt 16 St St 128 129 Cliftondale k Av d m Ba rt h Lynn Woods 21 22 23 25 26 45/29 H amilto 60 Par 2n ha t Peabody Rumney Marsh 107 1 rge t C r St 19 20 1A t tS n ona Popla t 24 128 South Lynnfield Revere Sa 24 Roxbury St er Riv Ave Eastern t S nn y L t ell S 95 t ec 26 re k y nS y hi Mo al W Hw ano Be Mystic River Hw ps t ins S er St Leb ien m sS m 99 Beach Pk w y R evere St n ai M Ave d rfor the Ru Br Ha es pr Cy e 1 Elm S 99 St St O’ Grove Hall y Hw n gio Le St ut ln Main Main rd fo e 28 Franklin 203 Park an ric mm Su St t rS Low 1 on St d Ave way ed M gr Four Corners/ Geneva Roslindale kwy Glendale M Bu edf nk ord er Hil St lS t e St Ms n V Wa rm Leban ton St Highlan St 29 bridg gto Hu ut St Waln Fa t g Washin e Fells Main rv t in S Ma nk St St Ha kw tS t St t or N ain M e itt k La apowe n an h Av gh p ro th in Elm rtle P o n d St t se S er Qu Hi W 28 Mass Northeastern e Art Av M Mission Hill Sharon 27 Main St St y Tu ham se on 95 t ay 21 n nti a on N ep East Walpole Norfolk n 11 1 Elm S m Canton St Plymptonville 27 g Pk w in 95 Ne p t South St gS rin t St 28 dw Cam P 1 Ded St Sp Dean 1A c Curry College 1/ 12 St North t hS hS i sh ek Enn 13 Norwood Airport St 16 yS 46 Birch Pond Lynnhurst Saugus Iron Saugus Works Everett 22 t on S Jamaica Pond Fowl Meadow Norwood tan d Fres h Po 1 ton rt No Hig St 93 ha dS t t Can Everett St Na rder R ve sA St ton Endicott 128 U niversity Walpole Medfield S. Bo as Mil 60 Wellington St Y St ss Ferr ve Lynnfield St 129 Walden Pond North Lower Saugus Pond Upper Pond Breakheart Reservation Melrose o Cr do Z 44 Hawkes Pond St Salem T Main St 18 t er S 19 Riv 2A MIT er 20 Riv l Dr rles oria Boston em Cha Back M University Bay Hyde Park Brook y Av e roa ay Stony Brook Reservation ue St 95 1 adw Av e m Sprag 14 109 Bro t Arnold Arboretum P Oakdale East St Islington Wa Cambridg e St Cu d raft R 15 R 1A Westwood on St Washingt wy M High St ide Suntaug Lake m St Malden P 1 Main St Maplewood An AA m Sale Upha t G tS o bar St Holte n S t 47 rden a t 43 lls P Pkwy Danvers H Z Pillings Pond 42 n Fe Lyn e t Winona Pond 129 St Av Ple t Crystal Lake 30 Hig Brookline Village es t Ch St t tS Eas mer St 109 Willet Pond Main ey Pk t tre hS St ay eW c Vall tic S t 16 East ot Dedham he r ers nd Su Ave m Som mer S t erv ille Ave St n to shing m M nd St m Riv eS ntr t St Nahan tS asan le Sa 31 Jamaica Plain Ce la 28 hla West Roxbury n Ce Hig n erc Mysti Mys eS Hig t hS St mm t St ng gra St h Jo Co in S ge W VF l St t Ma rid mb Ca d St 60 R St ard li n 33 Somerville B Bea t on St G 109 on ng nu ton t H Boyls ill Av e Hancock Village t 93 32 ass t wy Pk St rn S St on Pk wy Main bu Wo Main St mm nd La t 18 ar W a on mm Water S R lS West Peabody 128 Wakefield r ive ell S R Salem S t Lynn Fells Middlesex Fells Reservation Av e el 48 1 35 62 95 114 Lake St St t igh Br Ha Po m Nee d h a Dedham tan Brighton Ave e dg Av e bri m Ca Brookline Br o mm h Hig St 90 9 St Cutler Riv er Park Co Sum d St 109 e es 17 St va Hammond Pond rS Av e S Brighton Ru h ss r ive 95 St Po 34 nd St Spot Wyo min Pond g Av South Reservoir Harvard UniversityM Arsenal St ke am 16 Mount Auburn t Chestnut Hill Chestnut 30 Hill Boston Reservoir College arl 95 PkB wy ell 129 Greenwood Stoneham 35 wy lleyPk St rattle Low Fra St Marble Medford Radcliffe College nd t 28 Middle Reservoir 2A 41 Spring St Ave Mon St Elm Tufts St University rd rva West Ha Somerville 3 ont S Ba dh t Harding St Medfield Junction in Ma Ave Charles River Village River St North sR ow ad 27 Belm Auburn S Mt. Oak Hill Ch William St Cambridge Waverly Corner St De St Me st We St rk Pa t rS nte ve al A East Arlington Alewife Wa shin Tre gto mo nS nt t St Newton St ton t an rick S N a h le S Farm N. Har din g on ay 40 Broadway n M t St pec os Pr 93 a cV stiBo st My on dw erhil n Lo Wi Upper Falls Na Hospital Rd n N. Bea co St n De dh Newton am 135 60 39 38 37 High St wic St St ai Salem St 28 36 38 oa 17 Newton Crystal Lake Ave ur b Wo North rd Ave 2 Cambridge pe 16 Nonantum Br Conco Tr a ell mm Su ai t ell S Low e Av ss Ma ale o Walp St re T Newtonville Needham 128 Heights Dover nt t tS sa ea lo Belmont St Rd Or ch ard St St urch Ch 60 Spy Pond 60 Kend end k Wedge Pond St 3 St Ro 59 Pl a M Low Hav M Be e Rd St 19 Gre St Ce St ge rid mb Ca St d or df Tpk Glenridge e er t nS North Reservoir Br oo ad rd A ve S St ha Millis S. sex t t hS mm ttl nco Beaver Brook Reservation t Great Plain Ave Dedh a m St dle St t inn Mid en S 16 Co gh lS Chestnut St rles Boylston Su 2 r Beacon St Ba 58 Commonwealth Ave St Cha Hav Farm el U t St Sherborn nA ve Rd ntr t Ch lai Ce tS s rle tP t Needham r n asa Ple t ea ve Ri St South Natick a tS Gr rn Arlington 57 d fts S uld 16 Elio Elio 135 rS ew Babson College e Arlington Heights 36 Olym p Ave ia St tvale Ho 3 2A rles Rive Austin 37C Woburn t Watertown Cra t 38 Horn Pond Belmont Main Cha Go Natick Morseville e t Hi ion n St Un Lexingto 27 t t n Ce E. Wellesley College Waban Lake St l tra nn y Av Wellesle Morses Pond 135 Central St Bacon St da Hu rS U Ce Wellesley ve tS Mystic Lakes sR k Oa n St tow ter Wa 20 rS d Oak S 9 Felchville Q uinobequin ter St es Worc Ri lo en 20 16 21 9 pe t St Hig P dA ve nS de Lin Waban 22 n gto xin s Av or Bentley College 16 Newton Lower Falls Mas Tr a ell Mishawum Rd St St 2A 56 Beaver St da Wellesley Hills Wellesley Fells nR East Natick am St e South Av St 55 West Newton 30 nn Winchester we ll S 4 ol Cummingsville St 225 nc West Auburndale Newton Norumbega Reservoir Fuller Heights ho 35 Wi Le n bur Wo Waltham to ng 14/15 23/25 on Co Rd Brandeis University Ce to Wes t Pine S nd eele North Reading in Lynnfield Low W es North Woburn Sc 33 Rd gt lin lth Wa Rd 30 n cord Cochituate 90 St 95 30 e Av Wo r t h e e Av Con n Westo Weston Reservoir uth Po Main St 117 128 St St 27 26 Weston t n Rd all d rR Wh Rd Lakeview te 20 y sle es P 95 128 34 M a rr e tt R d 53 Trapelo To t Kendal Green d tR os Grove t rth No Silver Hill Hastings So rd S Cambridge Reservoir 117 St Ips St Low Reading 38 129 m Burlington St 3A nM Burlin g t o 54 28 South Lincoln Wayland dfo Trapelo Rd ge Ave 32 r Bu d 2A tt r ve Ri Lincoln id Lexington R Rd 29/ 52 Hall Q ve Mass A 30 nutema n Hi ghw ay Rd e at R d r 225 Lexington Battle Green rr e Ma ury Mi 4 North Great R d Tp ke 95 Dr ge br Bedford St 25/ North 32 Lexington 31 128 Hanscom rid 2A 3 Be sheen Shaw ad Sandy Pond 126 cu ll St W by D d Hanscom Airport am e two rac rk D Ter r d R ell Ha w Ips Lowe Ea C St ford Bed Ne R rtw Battle Ro mb Crosby’s Corner 126 cti nne Co is om Lo St ge d West Bedford Ca Walden Pond ld O d d d 26 Pa 62 at R th R Walden St St u ea Con nP Gre Sou Rd ell T cord B o sto R Bedford dR ich 39 St 38 62 Cros rli Bu Concord pke Rd ton ng d Merriam’s Corner Le Cam Minuteman National brid ge T Historic Park pke 20 on st le R xington Rd Gr Bo ke rlis 62 Q 62 So uth Tp Ca Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge cor Minuteman Monument 117 ex 4 Con n Co 2 3A Bedford Springs Rd Rd rd co Th or es d 225 ford dl rth or St Wilmington ton ing A v e Bu d Pinehurst P No df Carlisle Bed 62 62 Be St id Riverside 3 Rd 225 Nutting Lake 27 M St n Av e Concord St Main Rio Vista Concord t Billerica ee St Rd East S sh aw River St a Great Brook Farm State Park Sh hu s Na 28 Main 3A 4 River 28 38 Middleton St Elm 62 do d Chelmsford 129 East Billerica Park St 93 An nR sto Bo West Billerica 40 Tewksbury d Salem R St Bridge ff uto Sho re D 3 其他重要安全提示 為了您和他人的安全,請:不要做U-turn。不 要在行車道停留。不要在緊急故障道駕駛。司機精力不集中會很 危險---駕駛時請時刻小心。 C ast rthe No MOHAWK TRAIL ASSOCIATION (16) 413-743-8127; 888-426-6688 馬薩諸塞州搭乘網 再生紙印刷 地區旅行理事會 馬薩諸塞州的16個地區旅行理事會是您獲取當地旅遊資訊的重要 資源。(請參閱下版地圖) North 800-872-7245 (TTY) 800-523-6590 服務區消防道嚴禁停車 消防道僅限緊急車輛使用。這項法律嚴 格執行。 FRANKLIN COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (14) 413-773-5463; Lake Ave 遊客資訊 馬薩諸塞州旅行與旅遊辦公室通過網 或垂詢電話800-227-MASS (6277)為您提供詳盡的旅行安排資訊。 美國全國鐵路客運公司(簡稱Amtrak) 安全帶 馬薩諸塞州法律規定所有車輛乘客必須系好安全帶或者有 兒童安全座椅束縛。 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY TOURISM & VISITORS BUREAU (13) 413-584-1900; n St 如未見TTY電話號碼,可通過全州中繼接線員進行溝通,電話800439-2370 (TTY)。 其他旅行服務 馬薩諸塞州交通部(MassDOT)出版 中央交通運輸規劃職員於2016年設計製圖。 本地圖有大號格式可供索取。您如有需要,請聯繫: 中央交通運輸規劃職員。電話: 617-973-7100 (語音), 617-973-7089 (TTY) 或 [email protected] 車輛移道法 遇上緊急車輛請移道並減速。 GREATER SPRINGFIELD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (12) 800-723-1548; tatio 800-392-6089 DISCOVER CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS (11) 508-753-2924; Plan 馬薩諸塞州稅務部 隧道內出故障車輛 如有可能請將故障車輛停靠路邊。打開危險警 示燈。撥打911并遵照指示行事。如果呆在車內安全則呆在車內。 請等待應急事故處理人員援助。 St 617-626-1700 JOHNNY APPLESEED TRAIL ASSOCIATION (10) 978-534-2302; at St 馬薩諸塞州農業資源部 Midstate路27號,12號路旁 MassPike東,Natick公路休息站 Havre 街145號,隧道管理大樓 Square One Mall, 1201 Broadway, Route 1 South Burnco Stephanie Pollack 麻州交通部秘書兼董事 故障車輛 如果車輛出了故障,請開到實線右邊的故障車道上去。 打開危險警示燈,跟車呆在一起,但如有可能請站到防護欄另一 邊。用照明燈顯示你所在位置。勿擋住尾燈。晚上請帶上電筒。 請特別謹慎行事。 METROWEST VISITORS BUREAU (9) 508-879-5600; oln S t 800-235-6426 (TTY) 800-262-3335 請登錄網站或訪問我們便利的客戶服務中心 N R EW O B C U K R PO Y R PO T R LI T N / E Karyn Polito 副州長 Auburn Natick East Boston Saugus 800-227-6277 馬薩諸塞州港口管理局/洛根機場 Charles D. Baker 州長 欲加入 E-ZPass 點。 Linc 撥打511(僅限移動電話) 所有馬薩諸塞州州際高速路上禁止搭便車 馬薩諸塞州嚴格執行這 項法律。 NANTUCKET ISLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (8) 508-228-1700; y 電子收費專案 馬薩諸塞州旅行資訊 馬薩諸塞州旅行及旅遊辦公室 (MOTT) 平等享用 馬薩諸塞州法律為所有人保障任何地方的便利、設施 和權益,而不論種族、宗教、膚色、性別、性別身份或表達、信 仰、世系、退伍軍人身份、背景、祖籍、殘障或性取向。 Harrington Wa 617-412-3680 航空局 CAPE COD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (6) 888-332-2732; tion 殘障停車 全州各處有專為殘障人士設的停車位。馬薩諸塞州認可 其他州頒發的官方身份證明,如標牌、貼紙或車牌。請注意違章 停車會被開罰單或被拖走。 PLYMOUTH COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (5) 800-231-1620; 馬薩諸塞州邀請您使用我們方便的停車換乘停車場。這些停車 場為通勤者提供安全的地方停車,方便通勤者換乘其他交通方 式,如合用汽車、中型客運共乘或商業巴士等。欲知詳情,請撥 打電話888-4-COMMUTE 或訪問網站 parkandride t 617-222-5146 卡車怠速 卡車發動機怠速時間在全馬薩諸塞州服務區域限5分鐘。 S.E. MASSACHUSETTS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (4) 800-288-6263; St Charlie Baker 州長 馬薩諸塞州 垃圾處理 嚴禁在公路上處理垃圾。違者可處以至少200美元或超 過3000美元罰款並吊銷駕照和註冊。請幫助我們保持公路乾淨。 請勿亂扔垃圾。 GREATER MERRIMACK VALLEY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (3) 800-215-9805; 停車換乘停車場 800-392-6100 (TTY) 軌道交通處 槍支法 必須有馬薩諸塞州槍支執照。無執照或未經許可持有槍支 者處最少一年強制性監禁。 yS 我希望您在這裏開心愉快,留下讓您和家人終身難忘的長久記憶。 移動電子設備法律 駕駛員在駕駛車輛時不能使用任何移動電子設 備撰寫、發送,或閱讀電子資訊(包括短信、電子郵件、即時消 息,或訪問互聯網)。18歲以下駕駛員駕駛機動車輛時不能因為 任何原因使用任何移動電子設備。唯一的例外是報告緊急情況。 8 NORTH OF BOSTON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (2) 978-465-6555; 洛根機場距離波士頓市區三英里,可使用公共交通、計程車和 機場接送車輕鬆到達。標有“Massport”的免費交通車經停各航 空站 機場快速交通站(藍線),以及水上短途交通車碼頭。 銀線經停所有航空站。更多有關 的資訊,請訪問網站www. massport.com或撥打電話800-23LOGAN 或800-262-3335 (TTY)。 877-627-7745 (TTY) 508-721-7974 電子收費專案 7 GREATER BOSTON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (1) 888-733-2678; 洛根國際機場 800-392-6100 (TTY) 617-222-5146 醉駕法律 馬薩諸塞州嚴厲執行這項法律。 6 ton 馬薩諸塞灣交通管理局 (MBTA) 5 nta 617-351-4500 (western Mass.) 800-858-3926 (TTY) 877-768-8833 機動車輛登記處 不管您是想順著美國早期愛國者的足跡漫步,還是想在布 萊克斯通山谷騎自行車,或者在美國最老的棒球場領略一 場棒球,或者前往當地農場或鄉村商店停留、或者傾聽一 場世界級的交響樂,甚或僅僅是黃昏時在海邊享受一餐龍 蝦宴,您都可以在馬薩諸塞州做到! 1日通票和7日通票可乘坐當地巴士、快速交通、渡船以及通勤列 車區域1A。11歲及以下兒童在成年人陪伴下免費乘坐。欲知更多 有關 的詳情,請訪問網站www.mbta.com或撥打電話 800-392-6100 617-222-5146 TTY)。 4 Ba 從威廉斯鎮到普羅文斯鎮,從福爾 裏弗到紐伯裏波特,您會發現麻州 人很棒,他們為社區和州倍感驕 傲。不管是客棧老闆還是小艇船 長,不管是伯克郡的藝術家還是昆西的焊接工,馬薩諸塞 灣州的人們總是準備好了迎接您的到來,與您分享他們對 家園的熱情。 危險貨物 嚴禁所有危險貨物和貨罐車通過波士頓隧道。 Pla 617-973-7000 877-623-6846 (TTY) 617-973-7306 薩諸塞州交通部總部 11 12 速度法 遵守限速規定。 1 9 Island Pond Rd 一般資訊 3 oyls 官方交通地圖 在整個波士頓及周圍城鎮提供每日巴士、火車、電車以及輪渡 服務。車站由居白底圓形符號中的黑體字母 標識。您可在位於 各地鐵站和洛根機場航站樓內的500多臺售票機上購買可重複使 用的充值查理卡(塑膠)或查理票(紙質)支付車費。位於街道 路面上的車站以及當地的巴士站則請上車購票。您可在任一臺售 票機上購買無限次乘坐的通票(LinkPass)。 10 14 13 15 nce St 馬薩諸塞灣交通管理局(MBTA)公共交通 馬薩諸塞州交通部 非居民權益 馬薩諸塞州授予非居民與馬薩諸塞州居民同樣的權益。 2 Verno n 我謹代表馬薩諸塞州全體民眾歡迎 您來到本州。在這裏,您在不到三 個小時內就可以從西邊綿延起伏的 群山到達東邊純淨的海灘。您會發 現一個寫滿歷史、富於多樣性的州 向每年來訪的幾百萬遊客敞開著 大門。 州道路法規 16 Provide 聯繫資訊 緊急救援 火災、員警、救護車: 911 Wes tB 歡迎來到馬薩諸塞州! GREENBUSH Halifax KINGSTON PLYMOUTH St 83 10 8 Hoosick Mou n Scen t Greylo ic By c way k r ve Ri River r c Rive an T rail ch i Ap pa la er n Riv Gree K YOR 63 k aw 2 4 Erving 4 2 Farley River 1 2M ohaw 5 Otter River State Forest 68 Winchendon State Forest Baldwinville 1 6 2 3 PerleyBrook Reservoir Gardner Heritage Dunn Pond 3 68 State Park State Park 2 Otter River 6 2 Willard Brook State Forest 31 101 South 12 Ashburnham 119 Pearl Hill State Park 13 13 111 Townsend 2 2 Townsend Harbor Fitchburg State College 2 Hickory Hill Reservoir 111A 3 Nashua 128 3A 3 2 38 8 119 2 West Groton 225 6 Dunstable 3 113 Pepperell 3 111 J. Harry Rich State Forest 2 3 35 2 P 34 Chelmsford Massapoag Pond 33 Groton Knops Pond 40 6 3 32 2 2 34 33 10 1 2 36 3A 47 Methuen 1 133 2 41 40/ 44 2 3 Bradford Ski Area Tewksbury 53 Cleveland Farm State Forest 42 Boxford Boxford State Forest 7 28 2 3 Merrimack College 4 P 7 2 114 4 2 3 52 51 Harold Parker State Forest 3 3 3 2 133 Millwood GeorgetownRowley State Forest 62 3 5 97 3 1 35 AA Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Plum Island State Park Rowley 3 1A Sandy Point State Reservation 133 Halibut Point State Park CraneBeach Bradley Palmer State Park Asbury Grove Hamilton 2 133 1A 5 14 22 Wenham Rockport Annisquam Essex 4 Pigeon Cove Lanesville Ipswich Willowdale State Forest Topsfield 2 Airport 8 7 54 3 Salisbury Beach State Reservation Newbury Plum Island 1A Mill Creek W. M. A 95 1A 2 1 56 Downfall W. M. A Abington H-4 Acton G-2 Acushnet H-5 Adams B-2 Adamsville C-1 Agawam C-4 Alford A-3 Allerton H-3 Amesbury H-1 Amherst C-3 Andover H-1 Annisquam I-1 Aquinnah I-7 Arlington H-2 Asbury Grove H-1 Ashburnham E-2 Ashby F-1 Ashfield C-2 Ashland F-3 Ashley Falls A-4 Assinippi I-3 Assonet H-5 Athol D-2 Attleboro G-4 Auburn F-3 Avon H-4 Ayer F-2 Baldwinville E-2 Bancroft B-3 Barnstable J-5 Barre E-2 Barre Plains E-3 Barrowsville G-4 Becket B-3 Bedford G-2 Belchertown D-3 Bellingham G-4 Belmont H-3 Berkley H-5 Berlin F-3 Bernardston C-1 Beverly H-2 Billerica G-2 Blackstone F-4 Blandford B-3 Bolton F-2 Bondsville D-3 Boston H-3 Bourne I-5 Bournedale I-5 Boxborough F-2 Boxford H-1 Boylston F-3 Braintree H-3 Bradford H-1 Brant Rock I-4 Brewster K-5 Bridgewater H-4 Briggs Corner G-4 Briggsville B-1 Brimfield D-4 Brockton H-4 Brookfield E-3 Brookline H-3 Buckland C-2 Burlington G-2 Buzzards Bay I-5 Byfield H-1 Cambridge H-3 Canton H-3 Carlisle G-2 Carver I-5 Centerville J-6 Charlemont B-2 Charlton E-4 Charlton Depot E-3 Chartley G-4 Chatham K-5 Chelmsford G-2 Chelsea H-2 Cheshire B-2 Chester B-3 Chesterfield C-2 Chicopee C-3 Chilmark I-7 Clarksburg B-1 Clinton F-2 Cochituate G-3 Cohasset I-3 Coldbrook Springs E-3 Collinsville G-1 Colrain C-1 Concord G-2 Conway C-2 Cordaville G-3 Cotuit J-6 Cummaquid J-5 Cummington B-2 Dalton B-2 Danvers H-2 Dartmouth H-6 Dedham H-3 Deerfield C-2 Dell C-1 Dennis K-5 Dennis Port K-5 Dighton H-5 Douglas F-4 Dover G-3 Dracut G-1 Dudley E-4 Dunstable G-1 Duxbury I-4 Dwight D-3 East Brewster K-5 East Bridgewater H-4 East Brookfield E-3 East Douglas F-4 East Falmouth I-6 Salisbury CC 57 2 3 2 110 P 3 3 W. M. A 133 North Andover 58 Newburyport 4 Georgetown Lawrence Airport Andover 125 43 1 1 113 By- 2 Groveland field 55 97 Crane Pond Bradford 125 44 43 495 4 West Newbury Haverhill 49 48 1 42 3 3 52 2 2 45 2 93 39 46 Lawrence 1 45 6 2 213 1 495 Wamesit 37 31 35 3 6 2 38 110 113 4 51 50 Salem Lawrence Heritage & Riverfront P State Parks 46 Dracut 1 110 Lowell 97 48 47 113 Collinsville 38 Tyngsborough Lowell/Dracut/ 3A 113 Tyngsboro State Forest 8 North 28 1 Pelham 4 36 K 6 3 113 2 2 Hudson 1 6 6 3 111 5 Crystal Lake Windham 54 Maudslay State Park 5 53 5 59 55 K 城市、鎮以及地點索引 Seabrook 286 4 nd M ai Tr Ashburnham 3 2 121 1 3 4 Merrimac 110 1 60 Isla Turners 5 2A Falls 26 Shelburne Montague Greenfield City Turners l 7 Ashburnham State Forest Lake Wampanoag 2 Winnekeag Lake ok 111 5 1 J Plum 2 H 4 2 Ashby Reservoir Fitchburg Reservoir West Townsend 11 er 6 12 Bro Ashby 31 3 4 8 6 Townsend State Forest 8 Riv 5 140 101 l 27 Lake Dennison Lower Naukeag Pond 6 3 fal 3 Whitney Pond 202 119 Ashburnham Watatic State Forest Waterville South Recreation Area 5 Royalston 9 Erving State Forest 3 Winchendon Springs Lake ap Tr 4 n Co 78 Winchendon Brook Buckland Shelburne Falls 5 k aw il oh Tra 91 ut tic c ne Royalston Long 4 Pond ce 5 7 ren Tully Law Lake t East Shelburne Gill Mt. Grace State Forest 68 2 111 123 12 Wallace Pond 12 Pries 3 6 5 Mount Hermon k West Royalston 32 Warwick Northfield 10 Br oo 5 130 Brookline 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE k efo rs Hawley 2 28 lls ok Ho Berkshire East Ski Area Bernardston 6 Warwick State Forest 5 112 3 7 Bro 4 P r il a Tr 7 ve Griswoldville Catamount State Forest Colrain 2 7 63 142 3 Adamsville Heath Charlemont Leyden 7 6 13 9 Fa y er 8A Dell 112 Riv Northfield State Forest Scott Broo rth 119 8 31 West Rindge Fitzwilliam 5 l Tul No 5 8 Richmond 10 Elm Grove Ri 3 11 Br oo k 6 Winchester 119 13 H. O. Cook State Forest en k 9 Savoy Mountain Mohawk Trail State Forest State Forest 5 116 Pelham ok Lake Zoar aw oh Adams r New Ashford 3 2 Florida Rowe o Bear Swamp Br m Upper lha e Ri ve Reservoir P r M Alps 5 8A 8 ld 3 ve 10 9 Ri 16 66 Mt. Greylock State Reservation 1 ld Harriman and West Airport South Williamstown Sand Lake 1 Massachusetts 3 College of Liberal Arts Trail Co 43 2 3 5 5 Mohaw k Monroe State Forest e ttl Tu 7 202 119 14 101A 12 10 63 11 Gre 3 Briggsville Deerfie Berlin North Adams 91 12 Sherman Reservoir Monroe k Ta c Tr on ai ic l Florida State Forest 1 Natural Bridge State Park oo Br ar Taconic Trail State Park Clarksburg Williams College nb 22 Clarksburg State Forest 7 Williamstown 20 VERMONT Du 2 9 13 100 5 32 4 8 93 102 Amesbury Plaistow 111 6 6 8 150 125 Derry 3A 10 Milford Wilton Hinsdale 142 Jacksonville Pownal 15 11 101 7 10 ack Petersburg 119 5 10 Merrimack 101 1 4 1 I 95 107 108 121 rrim 1 Peterborough Brattleboro 5 H 12 Me ONT VERM YORK NEW 2 2 100 100 202 2 Fall 7 22 5 9 2 8 an achi Trail pa l Ap North Petersburg G 2 Wilmington 8 Hoosi 7 9 F 9 3 14 E Ess Sce ex Co a nic Bywstal ay 100 Bennington D 5 Everett Tpk 9 21 7 7 C Brook B Connec ticut Rive Scenic By r way A 6 128 13 12 11 127 127A 10 Gloucester 133 15 East Freetown H-5 East Foxboro H-4 East Longmeadow C-5 East Orleans K-5 East Otis B-3 East Princeton F-2 East Sandwich J-5 East Shelburne C-1 East Taunton H-5 East Windsor B-2 Eastham K-5 Easthampton C-3 Easton H-4 Edgartown J-6 Egremont A-3 Ellisville J-5 Elmwood H-4 Erving D-2 Essex I-2 Everett H-2 Fairhaven H-6 Fall River H-5 Falmouth I-6 Falmouth Heights H-6 Farnumsville F-3 Feeding Hills C-4 Feltonville D-4 Fiskdale E-4 Fitchburg F-2 Florence C-3 Florida B-1 Forestdale J-5 Forge Village G-2 Foxborough G-4 Framingham G-3 Franklin G-4 Freetown H-5 Gardner E-2 Gates Crossing F-2 Gay Head I-7 Georgetown H-1 Gilbertville D-3 Gill D-1 Gleasondale G-2 Gloucester I-2 Goshen C-2 Gosnold I-6 Grafton F-3 Granby D-3 Granville B-4 Great Barrington A-3 Greenfield C-2 Griswoldville C-1 Groton F-2 Groveland H-1 Hadley C-3 Halifax I-4 Hamilton I-2 Hampden D-4 Hancock A-2 Hanover I-4 Hanson H-4 Hardwick D-3 Hartsville A-3 Harvard F-2 Harwich K-5 Harwich Port K-5 Hatfield C-3 Haverhill H-1 Hawley B-2 Hayden Row G-3 Haydenville C-3 Heath C-1 Hingham H-3 Hinsdale B-2 Hixville H-6 Hockanum C-3 Holbrook H-3 Holden E-3 Holland E-4 Holliston G-3 Holyoke C-3 Hopedale F-4 Hopkinton G-3 Housatonic A-3 Hubbardston E-2 Hudson F-3 Hull H-3 Huntington B-3 Hyannis J-6 Hyannis Port J-6 Ipswich I-1 Ironstone F-4 Kingston I-4 Lakeville H-5 Lake Pleasant D-2 Lancaster F-2 Lanesborough A-2 Lanesville I-1 Lawrence H-1 Lebanon Mills G-5 Lee A-3 Leeds C-3 Leicester E-3 Lenox A-3 Leominster F-2 Leverett D-2 Lexington G-2 Leyden C-1 Lincoln G-2 Lithia C-2 Littleton F-2 Longmeadow C-4 Loudville C-3 Lowell G-2 Ludlow D-3 Lunenburg F-2 Lynn H-2 Lynnfield H-2 Madaket K-7 Magnolia I-2 Malden H-2 Manchaug F-4 Manchester-by-the-Sea I-2 Manomet I-4 Mansfield G-4 Manville E-3 Marblehead I-2 Marion I-5 Marlborough F-3 Marshfield I-4 Marston Mills J-5 Mashpee J-6 Mattapoisett I-5 Maynard G-2 Medfield G-3 Medford H-2 Medway G-4 Melrose H-2 Mendon F-4 Menemsha I-7 Merrimac H-1 Methuen H-1 Middleborough H-5 Middlefield B-3 Middleton H-2 Milford G-4 Mill River A-4 Millbury F-3 Millers Falls D-2 Millis G-3 Millville F-4 Millwood H-1 Milton H-3 Monomet I-4 Monroe B-1 Monson D-4 Montague C-2 Montague City C-2 Monterey A-3 Montgomery C-3 Montville B-4 Mount Hermon D-1 Mount Washington A-4 Myricks H-5 Nahant H-2 Nantasket H-3 Nantucket K-7 Natick G-3 Needham G-3 New Ashford A-2 New Bedford H-6 New Boston B-4 New Braintree E-3 New Marlborough A-4 New Salem D-2 New Seabury J-6 Newbury H-1 Newburyport H-1 Newton H-3 Nobscot G-3 Norfolk G-4 North Abington H-4 North Adams B-1 North Amherst C-2 North Andover H-1 North Attleborough G-4 North Brookfield E-3 North Carver I-4 North Chelmsford G-2 North Dighton H-5 North Eastham K-5 North Easton H-4 North Egremont A-3 North Grafton F-3 North Leominster F-2 North Leverett D-2 North Middleborough H-4 North Otis B-3 North Oxford E-3 North Plympton I-4 North Reading H-2 North Rehoboth G-5 North Rochester H-5 North Rutland E-2 North Truro K-4 North Uxbridge F-4 Northampton C-3 Northborough F-3 Northbridge F-4 Northfield D-1 Norton H-4 Norwell I-3 Norwood G-3 Oak Bluffs I-6 Oakham E-3 Old Furnace E-3 Onset I-5 Orange D-2 Orleans K-5 Osterville J-6 Otis B-3 Otter River E-2 Oxford E-4 Palmer D-3 Paxton E-3 Peabody H-2 Pelham D-3 Pembroke I-4 Pepperell F-1 Peru B-2 Petersham E-2 Phillipston E-2 Pigeon Cove I-1 Pinehurst G-2 Pittsfield A-2 Plainfield B-2 Plainville G-4 Plum Island I-1 Plymouth I-4 Plympton I-4 Pocasset I-5 Pondville G-4 Ponkapoag H-3 Princeton E-2 Provincetown K-4 Quinapoxet F-2 Quincy H-3 Randolph H-3 Raynham H-4 Raynham Center H-4 Reading H-2 Rehoboth G-5 Revere H-2 Richmond A-3 Ringville B-3 Rochdale E-3 Rochester I-5 Rockland H-4 Rockport I-1 Rowe B-1 Rowley H-1 Royalston E-1 Russell B-3 Rutland E-2 Sagamore J-5 Salem H-2 Salisbury I-1 Sandersdale E-4 Sandisfield B-4 Sandwich J-5 Saugus H-2 Savoy B-2 Saxonville G-3 Scituate I-3 Seekonk G-5 Sharon H-4 Sheffield A-4 Shelburne C-2 Shelburne Falls C-2 Sheldonville G-4 Sherborn G-3 Shirley F-2 Shrewsbury F-3 Shutesbury D-2 Siasconset K-7 Somerset H-5 Somerville H-3 South Acton G-2 South Ashburnham E-1 South Berlin F-3 South Braintree H-3 South Carver I-5 South Dartmouth H-6 South Deerfield C-2 South Dennis K-5 South Duxbury I-4 South Easton H-4 South Gardner E-2 South Hadley C-3 South Hanson H-4 South Middleborough I-5 South Natick G-3 South Royalston E-1 South Sudbury G-3 South Swansea H-5 South Walpole G-4 South Westport H-6 South Weymouth H-4 South Williamstown A-1 South Worthington B-2 Southampton C-3 Southborough F-3 Southbridge E-4 Southwick C-4 Spencer E-3 Springfield C-4 Spruce Corner C-2 Sterling F-2 Still River F-2 Stockbridge A-3 Stoneham H-2 Stoughton H-4 Stow G-2 Sturbridge E-4 Sudbury G-3 Sunderland C-2 Sutton F-4 Swampscott H-2 Swansea H-5 Swift River C-2 Taunton H-5 Tatnuck F-3 Teaticket I-6 Templeton E-2 Tewksbury G-2 Tisbury I-6 Tolland B-4 Topsfield H-1 Townsend F-1 Tremont I-5 Truro K-4 Turners Falls C-2 Tyngsborough G-1 Tyringham A-3 Unionville G-4 Upton F-3 Uxbridge F-4 Van Duesenville A-3 Vineyard Haven I-6 Wakefield H-2 Wales D-4 Walpole G-4 Waltham G-3 Wamesit G-2 Waquoit Village J-6 Ware D-3 Ware Center D-3 Wareham I-5 Warren D-3 Warwick D-1 Washington B-3 Watertown H-3 Waterville E-1 Wayland G-3 Webster E-4 Wellesley G-3 Wellfleet K-4 Wendell D-2 Wenham H-2 West Becket B-3 West Boylston F-3 West Brewster K-5 West Bridgewater H-4 West Brookfield E-3 West Chesterfield B-2 West Cummington B-2 West Dennis K-5 West Falmouth I-6 West Granville B-4 West Groton F-2 West Hanover I-4 West Hawley B-2 West Medway G-4 West Newbury H-1 West Otis B-3 West Springfield C-4 West Sterling F-2 West Stockbridge A-3 West Tisbury I-6 West Townsend F-1 West Upton F-4 West Warren D-3 West Worthington B-2 West Yarmouth K-6 Westborough F-3 Westfield C-4 Westford G-2 Westhampton C-3 Westminster E-2 Weston G-3 Westport H-6 Westville H-5 Westwood G-3 Weymouth H-3 Whately C-2 Wheelwright E-3 Whitinsville F-4 Whitman H-4 Wilbraham D-4 Williamsburg C-2 Williamstown A-1 Williamsville E-2 Wilmington H-2 Winchendon E-1 Winchendon Springs E-1 Winchester H-2 Windsor B-2 Winthrop H-3 Woburn H-2 Woodville F-3 Woods Hole I-6 Worcester E-3 Woronoco C-3 Worthington B-2 Worthington Center B-2 Worthington Corners B-2 Wrentham G-4 Yarmouth J-5 Yarmouth Port J-5 Zoar B-1 Route k Tra 2A il Orange Orange Airport 122 1 14 Wendell State Forest 3 Mattawa Lake 2 1 Swift 13 1 Lunenburg ic 119 3 225 Swif t Eas Brook Mo ose Con n Scenecticut ic B Rive ywa r y MASSACHUSETTS BAY By w le ay dd an nh Ma iver R Mill Broo River il ra eT nch in ch an Br yl Sk Bra B la c Broad M an ha River Ch a Ri rle ve s r River Brook r ve Ri n Worcester Fivemile k River kst Housatonic River 111 BOSTON Green on e s ble Pee ok Bro Brook ot R kap Springfield Appalachian 4 NEW YORK CONNECTI CUT Ho llo w Kon hway itag e Hig er lH na iver Ca Trail Shirley M pal ac Tra hian il 2A 2 r en Rive Sc Ap Fitchburg ett us ch ok Wa Bro iver River Templeton State Forest 20 er ticut R Housatonic 202 Riv Connec 2 11 Mi st We K 3 re Wa ok Westfield e ok er ld Riv Bro ut Ro tfie Wes pot De YOR 2 t Bro k oo Br NEW 18 er ry Riv e Av ey hl As Williams 3 1 River ok r ve Ri Taylor Br ook s er ill M r er Bro Riv Westfield 2 oh M Falls Airport Lake 4 ive Swift R East West Hawley Hawley Dubuque 8A Memorial 16 dle e1 6 Mid ut Co n Scenectic nic ut By Rive wa r y Ro Byway 7 Savoy State W. M. A 112 Scenic 7 k NEW 43 oo Br 22 9 s rd 127 2 50 Wenham Middleton ay 29 2 Lake Forge Byw 4 3 16 Beverly Magnolia nic 17 41 2 62 49 3 Airport 20 19 18 Village Westford Billerica State Forest Sce l 38 Chelmsford a 40 st 128 6 5 2 17 2A 3 P Cheshire 48 2 Z Millers 3 Deerfield E Long ManchesterSc 22 101 22 Gardner Fitchburg Whalom 2 Coa 2 225 32 Savoy 1 110 en 23 3 Warren H. Manning 129 North 2 ex 27 Pond Forge 3 15 Falls 21 by-the-Sea 3 Airport 4 Lake Jiminy Peak 2 Danvers 21 Crocker ic 24 Phillipston 19 3 South River Ess 66 8 State Forest Stafford Hill Cheshire 4 39 Shirley 3 28 3 Wendell 4 Ayer By State ForestB Pond 6 Ski Area Reading Pond 2A Historic Stephentown 2A 47 Reservoir 2 State Forest 2 Pleasant W. M. A Billerica w 5 Lake 30 illi 6 5 23 16 31 3 1 28 ay 3 Deerfield Endicott College 3 8A ng Hancock 32 25 4 Great Brook Farm 31 M 2A 7 s 110 24 1 Templeton North Leominster 2A 2 Deerfield 4 4 2 1 46 2 5 A Wilmington State Park 30 Windsor 4 3 1 Nashoba Valley Gardner South Windsor 110 8 3 Beverly North New 27 28 ch Notown 3A Queen Lynnfield 25 129 38 Ski Area 32 Littleton State Forest Notchview West27 Airport Gardner 1 State Forest 5 26 an 5 Montague 3 Montague Lake Reservoir Salem 28 Br 3 Reading Reservation 95 7 116 2 114 26 225 4 111 minster Wyman 3 Ashfield 33 Carlisle 62 State Forest 41 Lanesborough Pinehurst 4 6 34 68 119 Windsor Petersham 3 Leominster 8 10 202 37C 140 Pond Lo 4 Spruce 4 Salem 4 North Plainfield 42 43 44 3 P 7 st 9 Conway 7 Mill 40 State Forest 39 3 1 45/ Peabody 31 8 116 Leominster Nagog Wahconah Falls Vil 2 38 8 Waite Corner 2 Brainard 1 37 Leverett Route 35 lag Deer Hill P 3 Wachusett 29 Pontoosuc 5 101 River 6 Mt. Pond 2A State Forest 39 State Park Brooks 2 29/ Pond 1 36 2 Burlington 3 116 S 107 e 2 37 Lake 122 3 s 6 State Reservation 26 Sugarloaf Pond 41 cenic 3 Lake Wakefield 40 Sce 2 Marblehead 4 7 3 20 2 63 Bywa Cunningham Wachusett 70 34 35 6 Paradise State nic 5 Acton New Harvard 47 Hubbardston 38 Salem State Pond y 2 Ski Area Lynn 12 36 Pond Shutesbury By 1 129 5 116 2 Reservation Petersham Bedford 5 State Forest College 8 Salem wa East 2 Woods West Lake Wyola State Forest 25/ 3 Ro Mt. Toby Boxborough 112 Bickford 2 ar Dalton 38 Berkshire South 7 7 y in g 4 Gates 2 1 Federated Women’s 129 2 Still 36 5 25 33 2A Windsor Cummington Wachusett Onota 32 State Park D.A.R. Bro Pond 62 Hanscom 28 State 5 Bolton Flats East 1A BB Community 1 Williamsville Peru State Club State Forest 117 ok Crossing Stoneham 2 1 Deerfield Reservation River Mountain Lake Airport 42 9 111 W. M. A College 6 State Princeton 2 Hemingway Brigham Five New 2 W. M. A. 2 35 129 State Hubbardston Woburn 3 24 4 Forest 32 3 Minute Man 190 3 6 Sunderland T 3 Cummington Pittsfield Pond Corners Conway ro Pond Lebanon 31 Reservation 31 495 Ashmere Concord 4 National South ut 3 Saugus 34 9 3 State Forest Swampscott 6 Lithia Highland State Forest Historical Park 5 West 32A 2 3 Lake Br 2 Lakes 3 Leverett 112 116 Q Acton Melrose Lynn Old 3 95 o 8 9 Winchester Whately ok 5 Sterling 3 Swift Reservoir 4 Lancaster Goshen Pittsfield 2 4 ch in Lexington Stow Y Hinsdale 27 3 6 an Shutesbury 62 River 2 5 2A Princeton Sterling 93 ut 62 32 Minuteman 22 3 110 117 Wes Br Peru 143 Pittsfield 107 4 em Airport 20 4 2 y 5 t 70 3 30 47 5 Airport Stow 2 62 68 an Hig h wa 4 5 Chesterfield North 27 4 295 Airport 5 143 23 Malden 4 9 33 7 B 202 Bolton P roo State Forest Sterling Walden Maynard 62 Rutland East Canaan 122 Revere 8 53 1 2 54 Richmond West 2 k 2 31 1 Medford 6 55 3 Pond 3 29 140 9 Nahant Clinton Beach Chatham West Pond 3 62 Barre Worthington Lincoln Q U A B B I N 117 6 3 4 58 3 5 Everett 4 Worthington Chesterfield Bousquet 1 Arlington 28 17 91 6 56 5 North 1 59 56 Ne Cambridge 8 Ski Area Gleasondale Krug Sugarbush Revere 2 Peru 57 Corners 60 R E S E R V O I R 85 w 295 Worthington Amherst 6 6 7 2 Chesterfield Coldbrook Williamsburg Quinapoxet 5 Yo 5 Reservoir 128 Beaver Brook State 90 116 22 2 26 126 L 3 Pantry Brook rk 2 4 3 Quinapoxet 4 2 6 R Springs Forest University of 27 Reservation W. M. A 3 Wachusett St P 41 I Ashley Belmont 110 WACHUSE 2 4 Reservoir 3 143 20 at 12 Massachusetts 62 3 Chelsea e Lake 8 Waltham 3 Hudson Sudbury Th Middlefield Rutland Reservoir Somerville Rutland 2 Richmond Winthrop 4 ru 1 Haydenville 4 Hatfield Washington 1 Berlin MarlboroughState Forest State Park 6 wa Amherst 2 2 Barre 3 2 25/ 27 3 October Mountain Pelham 12 Lenox Woods Gilbert A. Bliss Sudbury y Ringville Connecticut 70 Amherst 3 2 26 S Cambr idge Plains 9 State Forest Wayland 26 Logan Pd 2 West 21 State Forest River State Forest Wheel2 West Tanglewood College South 3 56 X 2 2 Greenway International 190 4 Tanner-Hiller Boylston Watertown 4 122A Leeds 7A 3 Weston wright 4 7 20 Stock3 Berlin Cochituate 4 State Park 3 Airport Airport Boylston Marlborough Middlefield 4 Regis 16 290 2 South State Park1 5 1 Pine Eagle T bridge Stockbridge 17 Hardwick 20 24 3 2 Oakham Dean South 3 Holden Turkey College 1 Hill 12 Sudbury Lake 3 2 22 6 Bowl We 2 Marlboro Pond 122 Hill 30 North 67 D Worthington 9 3 Hadley 25 Florence Reservoir stf Pond 1 20 14/15/23/25 Saxon2 5 24 Airport 24 19 Old iel P 90 85 Sudbury 7 4 126 Becket 6 203 32A D Brookline 20 Lo Hampshire 31 8 d 2 Dwight 140 6 22 1 5 183 2 6 ville st 4 5 College Nobscot Fox State 32 Furnace Smith College Oakham 5 4 V Boston Harbor 4 7 2 7 3 Cochituate 3 Newton 9 Reservoir River 122A 3 1 23C 3 Cusky Northampton 21 Moore illa W. M. A New Holden 20 Callahan State Forest Lee Northampton National Park Area 41 6 3 3 8 Gilbertville 4 Braintree Pond ge N 13 Airport Reservoirs 23 8 State Park State Park 7 70 2 116 4 18 s 5 3 Westhampton U 4 Bancroft 2 7 Paxton Northborough 90 3 Skinner 2 S Allerton V 202 66 30 Southborough 1 Babson Brooks Thompsons cen 19 State Park P Becket 2 Mt. Holyoke Range 2 4 C 2 290 1 5 Shrewsbury 3 9 3 Pond ic College 112 Goose Pond Loudville 4 9 148 Pond 2 6 135 Nantasket Hockanum 10 State Park Hull 20 By 93 12 4 2 23 2 5 102 Littleville 128 Wellesley 2 Ski Ward 8 Chester 10 7 66 4 Beach w 2 Wollaston Wellesley Ski Area 2 Lake Framingham 21 22 Stockbridge ay 11 Spencer Austerlitz 2 140 19 4 3 9 2 9 31 Beach P 135 Knightville College Belchertown 47 1 Nantasket 95 State College 2 2 2 C.M. Garnder 9 State Forest Mt. Tom 5 Ware Tatnuck 18 Natick Needham 2 20 North Easthampton West Spencer State State Park 3 Manville 5 P Cordaville 10 Center 3 Reservation W Airport 18 Brookfield 135 Housatonic Becket Ja Framingham South Westborough Bonny Becket 17 71 112 Huntington 11A/ 5 South 3 1 co White Beartown 6 Mt. Milton State Forest Worcester 17 3 Natick Lake b’s 4 Wickaboag Rigg 7 2 56 Airport 4 22 Reservoir 3 State Forest Granby State Forest Holyoke Hadley Quincy 5 2 20 4 183 4 U 2 7 5 Quinsigamond La 16 4 3 Hopkinton Pond Ware 228 7 9 9 4 Tyringham 30 dd 2 College 2 State Park Ashland 4 30 4 16 Alford 181 Leicester 91 7 Dedham 12 West 8 21 28 Chester- er Cohasset 3 Fountain Pond Spencer 495 Southampton North Holyoke 3A 67 Burncoat Van Tra 141 Ashland Dover Blandford 3 Sherborn Lashaway Brookfield J 135 6 Tighe Huntington 7 Heritage 1161 202 Pond Cedar State Park North Otis il Hingham 53 Duesenville 109 State 10 4 Lake 1 11 22 19 2 15 135 4 State Park 126 2 Blue Hills 7/ Cherry Carmody 148 Forest Holyoke 5 8 State Park 1 Grafton 41 Meadow 122 20 Woodville 8 Spencer 3 10 2 32 14 Great Reservation Reservoir 16 Valley 2 7 90 Pond Community ft 18 State Hopkinton Brookfield 27 2 8 Swi Springfield Barrington East Otis State Forest Whitehall 3 13 1/ Montgomery 2 College 17 290 2 9 Qua Beartown 3 Westwood 2 Ri Airport 56 6 67 2 11 Westover 21 Reservoir State Park boa 4 3 ve Brookfield Forest 12 10A Bondsville 5 P 10 2 P 4 17 State Forest Hayden 3 Weymouth 6 6 g Grafton Great r Holyoke North A.F.B. Otis P Warren River West 6 3A 9 2 33 3 Wompatuck Upton Big West 31 Row 20 Catamount Barrington Braintree Norwood Egremont 16 3 Hampton Quaboag W. M. A 140 Otis Pond 1 State Park State Scituate Rochdale Ponds Quaboag 3 Ski Area 4/ 3 11 10 4 3 are Warren 19 9 23 2 3 Millbury 3 2 Holliston Airport 109 5 Norwood Russell 4 2 Otis 3 State Park 85 7 W Forest 21 6 Pond 5 115 5 53 Three 7 Blandford 3 6 6 Ludlow 6 Hillsdale 228 4 Chicopee 2 Thorndike 16 State 3 138 4 3 O 2 Monterey 122 4 4 122A 6 23 4 148 Jones 8 23 2 8 4 6 Willet 5 202 Rivers Chicopee Memorial Butternut 3 Forest 8 3 P 90 2 3 Medfield 4 Pond Auburn Ashley 15 23 23 5 2 5 East 3 Ski Area 6 Pond 95 State Park 5 6 15 Upton Ponkapoag 28 15 2 5 Quacumquasit Pond 1 4 7 P 146 4 2 6 391 Woronoco 8 5 1 Charlton Otis Pond Canton 20 16 6 Egremont 1 Hartsville 1 3 Farnumsville 11 Barnes 18 South 14 27 2 90 Otis Reservoir Randolph Depot 24 90 2 123 North 4 Wey- P Palmer 126 2 Assinippi Millis 8 5 1A Airport West 8 Reservoir 5 East Mountain 90 2 1 141 5 Pond 3 Oxford Jug End State 14 5 West 2 4 Holbrook mouth Wells 49 3 67 Norwell 2 State Reservation 20 5 Upton 7 3 5 12 Reservation 1 Lake 20 4 3 2 Sutton 5 Tolland 7 Great Walpole 2 State Cobble 20 57 New 4 3 3 3 9 North 2 Northbridge 139 Pond 13 13 3 12 109 2 10 Mountain Copake Little State Park 7 3 123 3 2 Mill 19 Feltonville Medway 4 1/ Wilbraham 20 6 37 Alum 2 Reservoir Marlborough Charlton City Forest 41 2 2 3 Mill 3 53 4 9 139 27 Pond 5 Carpenter Mount 291 Borden 12 3 1 2 Pond 5 Milford 2 3A 5 2 Hopedale Avon 4 4 West Long 6 Brook Reservoir River Westfield 2 Rockland Washington Sheffield Westfield West 115 Montville 3 5 32 Purgatory Chasm 9 Charlton 126 5 2 Pond Reservoir North Abington 19 Sharon Wilbraham Medway State College 2 Whitins Western Brimfield Mount Everett verett Marshfield Fiskdale Oxford State Reservation 3 4 1 2 Ames Nowell Springfield 3 140 20 Noyes Stoughton Norfolk Reservoir Blackstone River & Sandisfield 57 State Reservation ation 18 2 169 N.E. College 3 5 7 4 State Park 2 West 139 31 3 Pond 1 9 South 1 2 Buffumville Canal Heritage Springfield 146 2 2 Sandisfield Bash Bish Falls Hopedale 3 20 Hanover Manchaug Abington 10 Hanover Old 3 139 12 3 Lake New Boston Sturbridge 5 State Park Monson Brimfield 1A Walpole 3 College State Forest State Park Whitinsville 1 Airport Bristol Blake 5 Pond 19 Robinson 3 3 2 Sturbridge P 139 State Forest 5 West 147 5 6 State Reservation 8 8 Manchaug 2 Mendon State Park 2 4 Southbridge 17 18 Village 4 Tolland North 187 Lackey 16 123 5 8 131 1 Unionville 4 Granville Marshfield Brant Rock 4 395 Pierpoint Pondville 1 1 2 4 Pond Airport 27 2 4 Thousand 5 202 1 Uxbridge 7A 1 Franklin Airport 58 8 2 Meadow 2 Hanson 4 4 Feeding 83 Cape East Streeter Acre Swamp Green Harbor 1 Bellingham 2 57 5 3 1 3 14 27 Borderland 2 4 5 Provincetown 3 2 2 Sandisfield Mt. Washington Pond 2 2 2 95 57 12 4 Point 12 Sandersdale 4 Hills 3 4 Douglas 138 Ashley Whitman State Park East 2 Pembroke 1 1 Airport 140 3 1 Southbridge Uxbridge State Forest 4 140 State Forest 2 Franklin 1 Whitin Cookson Campbell Falls 2 1 Brockton Recreation 6 57 Granville 123 4 North Falls Agawam 91 LongGranville 3 Wales Longmeadow Reservoir 3 State Forest Foxborough State Forest Lake 5 2 5 State Park 3 2 1 32 2 Area Dudley State Forest 16 3 Wrentham 2 14 14 6 J Hosmer 198 Easton 8 126 17 Pearl 18 1 Holland 84 meadow Provincetown East 16 2 3 14 F 2 16 2 Wrentham F. Gilbert Hills CONNECTICUT Oldham Cod 83 Cooley Southwick Webster Hampden South 4 11 Douglas North Corner 5 8 7 146A Pond 3 Foxborough 2 187 2 State Forest 3 State Forest 7 Lake 27 Lake 6A 6 31 28 G 5 3 Pond Easton New 6 2 3 2 Hamilton 7 4 53 2 131 Chaubuna2 169 11 7 3 Beach Duxbury Easton Canaan Reservoir 4 East 197 5 Sheldonville North 4 3 4 Douglas South 1 3 12 1 gungamaug B 4 West 1 495 15 20 272 Millville South Bridgewater Hanson 58 36 Truro State Forest Congamond 4 14 24 183 2 41 98 2 96 1 123 CONNECTICUT 4 75 5 Mansfield 106 3 220 121 2 Lakes 12 Duxbury Bridgewater 49 1 819 Blackstone 3 3 140 3 6 6 3A Quinebaug 100 1 3 2 192 3 74 Silver 27 6/ 8 9 3 122 44 5 Myles Standish DD 4 Ironstone 159 4 2 106 2 2 1A 8 44 7 1 106 Lake 4 123 6 Cranland East 10 3 3 106 16 Elmwood 1 Monument 189 6 13 2 4 4 131 12 12 Mansfield 22 198 48 2 186 2 Airport 3 11 Woonsocket 114 1 3 9 DE ISLAND RHO Hartland State Reservation Bridgewater Airport P 190 4 Truro Plainville 4 7 2 18 Halifax 12 182 126 3 Colebrook 3 State Forest 8 8 2 Woodstock National 19 3 3 4 104 North Kingston 3 106 106 10 5 32 2 146 2 202 Somers Bridgewater 4 104 2 Cumberland Salisbury 2 102 395 Norton 138 Enfield 47 190 Attleborough 9 10 12 100 3 Reservoir 4 Hazardville North 5 80 Suffield 6 3 Bridgewater 96 197 5 190 3 2 120 159 8 South State College Plympton 7 1 Millerton 4 P 8 3 8 104 73 5 2 3 58 99 99 819 2 3 12 187 41 Canaan 5 Norton 4 9 7 3 7 44 Harrisville 107 7 3 Plymouth 1 120 1 Wheaton 1 8 122 15 4 Granby 7 190 20 44 Bradley 1 2 College 272 7 72 4 28 3 Plympton 1 2 2/4 Pilgrim Memorial 3 11 International Windsor 30 6 169 152 3 Chartley 123 98 4 80 1 4 3 193 20 46 83 63 Airport State Park Locks 7 Stafford 295 Raynham 2 112 9 3 189 Barrowsville 7/ Attleboro 1 Wellfleet 5 Watson Lake 2 75 6 2 140 Springs P 10 102 1 14 84 Pond Sabbatia 2 3 2 105 3 13 Seashore 2 State Park P 104 4 4 3 Plimoth 3 116 123 4 3 118 140 North 5 Plantation 4 Raynham 97 4 Manomet 3 495 Wellfleet Middleborough 2 3 8 5 Smithfield Center 2 24 Briggs Harbor 4 North 4 4 2 95 152 44 Carver Corner North Taunton 1 1 8 1 去 Nashua, NH 去 Portland, ME 5 44 Plymouth 114 5 8 13 3 去 Brattleboro, VT 2 Rehoboth 5 6 2 2 9 Airport II East 58 2 7 2 2 去 Montreal 去 Concord, NH Middleborough Westville 去 Montreal 30 Taunton 去 Keene, NH 7 122 116 295 3A 去 Burlington, VT Lebanon 4 3 29 Myles Standish 6 LAKE Carver 146 18 Mills 44 3 7 138 28 102 State Forest 4 Massasoit CHAMPLAIN 12 3 91 4 North 7 44 44 3 Tispaquin 2 3 27 Pawtucket 遊客資訊中心 11 Taunton State Park 4 North Eastham 25 26 Pond Airport 105 4 5 Newburyport Dighton 79 4 15 114 2 2 2 89 VERMONT 2 0 3 3 P 140 去 Troy, 5 1 Lawrence 39 Rocky Gutter Ellisville 4 10 NY 0:3 North Adams 高速公路 互通式立交 24 East 6 11 3 Eastham 公路休息站 W. M. A 1:00 4 Lakeville 1 Berkley 495 3 91 Lowell 8 Assawompset Provi87 Greenfield South Carver 0 44 2 28 Myricks 2 6 3 49 : Dighton 公園/森林 3 23 dence 114A 33 Pond 1:00 2 6 6 6 0 495 Burlington 22 Airport Gloucester Ellisville Harbor 5 58 2 Myricks 州際公路 South 1:05 0:40 2 3 4 118 6 24 State Park 2 機動車輛登記處 21 5 3 Middleborough Fitchburg 6 St. Johnsbury 116 3 5 4 2 8 2 1/ Pittsfield Seekonk Long 5 Great Rehoboth 3 61 19 Littleton 人口稠密地區 79 6 20 8 2 2 Dighton NEW 9 1 電子收費通道 4 1:2 7 10 Quittacas Pond 14 Cr 2 2 去 Albany, 18 Rock (每平方英里人口 2 1:16 MAINE Montpelier Orleans 0 (E-Z Pass) 隨訪服 Pond 1/ 95 Hi anb NY YORK 2 0 State 4 gh er 10 1 在2500人以上) 138 Assonet 22 務中心 195 North 45 14 r w East 1A East 3 9 7 Boston 2 Park y Scusset Beach BourneNorthampton 12 主幹道 44 出口編號 4 ay 3 P 140 17 103 4 0:55 Rochester Lee Orleans State Reservation 3 Brewster 2 6A 5 202 dale 6 3 295 1:00 P 3 16 P 停車換乘停車場 11 21 41 20 Snipatuit 4 2 3 風景道路 Nauset Worcester 12 2 Nickerson 25 2 8 Brewster Sagamore 302 5 0:50 East Pond 美國國道 35 1 0:23 Beach State Park y Freetown 3 2 3 a 4 0 Sturbridge Freetown 6 4 : 15 Sandwich w 0 h P GG 6 89 3 ig 6 4 Freetown-Fall River Provincetown Swansea 124 ld K i n g ’s H East 3 8 3 商業機場 Wareham Cranston 3 3 2 Springfield 6 O 105 Buzzards 水 Shawme 37 4 State Forest 90 3 2 Brockton Onset 5 2 Sandwich 14 4 West 18 Dennis 6 7 6 3 Crowell 2 6 Bay 10 103 136 4 2 5 117 2 137 Somerset Brewster State 2 39 Massachusetts Bourne 3 性) 3 13 3 105 3 Forest 6A 3 93 節 Barrington 103 距離 6A Rochester Maritime 2 季 P 24 6 79 Plymouth 11 3 市機場 20 4 2 130 0: 44 船( or Warren 7 Academy 橋 2 (以英里計算) 134 117 b 3 次要公路 1 4 116 Portland r 渡 6 T. F. Green 4 55 ) White Yarmouth 3 Barnstable H a Copicut Hawksnest 75 EE Airport 4 常年 3 South Reservoir Acushnet 去 Hartford, CT 去 New York, NY River Jct Port 6 1/ 9 4 3 10 State Park Yarmouth 4 風景道路 5 North Chatham 船( 2 Cummaquid 28 28 195 3 6 3 Providence, RI Sagamore 6 渡 12 Cedar Swansea 6 113 1 州員警 1 去 Hartford, CT Airport 州道 11 5 5 Warwick 2 P 2 3 8 3 2 Watuppa Swamp Barnstable 7 2 Cape Cod 2 64 5 6 0:28 Forestdale 29 Marion Fall River 5 114 5 117 7 Pond Pocasset 14 JJ 5 2 State 5 4 Airport 3 : 3 Heritage 10 1 0: Chatham 8A 2 South Reservation 140 4 Harwich 3 3 State Fall 3 1 Fall 0:20 New 4 South 136 9 Dennis 3 39 1 Acushnet 燈塔 7 3 Hyannis Park River Hixville Barnstable 3 10 P 132 River 19 Bedford 4 89 Yarmouth 3 Mount 2 8B 95 Mashpee 149 P Airport New Bedford 28 Harwich Port 比例尺 村 自治市 1 地方公路 95 8 Hope Bay Pond Mattapoisett Woods Hole Airport 16 Marstons Bristol West 3 3 渡船 2 Concord 18 7 Sequetucket 2 3 4 East 9 138 P 4 7 28 Patience Mills Dennis Dennis Port 3 1釐米 = 3.8公里 6A 95 15 17 3 1 91 Hyannis Harbor 2 South 24 2 00 = 英里 195 8 Vineyard Greenwich 5 6 Island 2 11 Watuppa Centerville 240 6 3 Mashpee 130 4 0 West 293 12 3.8 km. 87 2/ Hyannis 2 Haven 2 共用道路 14 FF Pond 13 Yarmouth 28A Port 88 3 Bay 6 5 Portsmouth NEW 2 客運鐵路及車站 6 4 FairhavenNasketucket 151 7 Craigville 177 0:00 = 時間 Manchester State Reservation 1 Nantucket 4 Tiverton 114 2 2 HAMPSHIRE Osterville Beach NARRAGANSETT University of 0 6 mi. Sawdy 7 90 Ft. Phoenix Cotuit HH Massachusetts New 1英寸 = 6英里 3 BAY Pond 6 State Reservation 3 Westport 10 Devol Bedford 93 Falmouth 2 Hope Prudence Pond West Island West Airport 28 495 2 Island State Reservation Island Falmouth 8 1 East 77 Monomoy 1 Albany Falmouth 2 South West Central Waquoit New MASSACHUSETTS Island 5 3 95 Island Dartmouth Dartmouth 102 7 Village Village Seabury Monomoy 2 Conanicut South 179 102 2 National Teaticket Poponesset Beach Island Westport Wildlife 2 Adamsville 所有公路休息站都有衛生間, 並可以無障礙通行。 2 190 Refuge Falmouth 4 138 ATLANTIC Allenton 95號洲際公路(I-95) Pittsfield 91 88 South Cape Beach 24號公路(RTE. 24) 114 10 Falmouth Boston State Reservation OCEAN 北行: Mansfield, 經5號出口後。 (G-4) 290 M Z A Bruce Freeman 鐵路自行車/步行道 Gould Independence 林蔭道 Ashuwillticook 鐵路自行車/步行道 9 5 90 7 Heights 北行: Bridgewater, 經14號出口後。(H-4) FD, FL, A Worcester 138 2 Lowell-Acton, 11.7 英里 Island Peabody, 6 英里 Lanesboro-Adams, 12.4 英里 Lexington, 經29號出口後。(G-20) FD, FL, A Demarest Lloyd 2 90 State Park 南行: Bridgewater, 經15號出口後。 (H-4) FD, FL, A Woods Hole B N AA Cochituate 鐵路自行車/步行道 Jamestown 邊界到波士頓南 Southwick 鐵路自行車/步行道 & 南行: Salisbury, 麻州/新罕布夏州交界處。 , V 87 3 Framingham, 1.4 英里 Topsfield-Wenham-Danvers, 8.4 英里 Columbia 林蔭道 146 2 Newport 25號公路(RTE. 25) Provincetown 95 Newton, 經22號出口後。(G-3) FD, FL, A 495 Springfield Dutch s 291 Southwick-Westfield, 9 英里 O Upper Charles 鐵路自行車/步行道 BB Marblehead 自行車道 4 東行: Plymouth, 經2號出口後。(I-5) ,V 1A 24 Island Westwood, 經14號出口後。(H-3) V Horseneck Beach nd Milford-Holliston, 11 英里 Marblehead, 3.9 英里 C a Manhan 鐵路自行車/步行道 State Reservation 138 395 Plymouth l 295 84 128號公路(RTE. 128) 7 495號洲際公路(I-495) Naushon Eastampton-Northampton, 9 英里 44 P Narrow Gauge 鐵路自行車/步行道 CC 邊界到波士頓北 Is 北行: Beverly, 19號出口處。(H-2) FD, FL, A Island h 北行: Chelmsford, 經32號出口後。(G-2) Bedford-Billerica, 3 英里 Newburyport-Salisbury, 3 英里 D Mass. Central 鐵路自行車/步行道 t e Providence Sakonnet Vineyard 2號公路(RTE. 2) b Northampton-Belchertown, 15 英里 NEW Q Minuteman 通勤者自行車道 DD 退伍軍人紀念小徑 南行: Chelmsford, 經33號出口後。(G-2) V 108 Oak Bluffs a Haven Hartford iz Cambridge-Concord, 15 英里 西行: Lancaster, 經35號出口後。(F-2) ,V Mansfield, 1.6 英里 6 E Franklin County 自行車道 YORK l Merrimac, 經53號出口後。(H-1) V E Greenfield-Montague, 4.3 英里 Tisbury 195 R Alewife 林蔭道 EE Phoenix 自行車道 CONNECTICUT 90號洲際公路(I-90) 3號公路(RTE. 3) RHODE Pasque Cambridge-Somerville, 4 英里 F Connecticut 濱江步行路 Fairhaven, 3.5 英里 Joseph Silva 東行: Lee, 經1號出口後。(A-3) FD, FL, A 北行/南行:Plymouth, 5號出口處。(I-4) , FD, A Martha’s 84 84 Island ISLAND Springfield, 5.8 英里 State Beach 95 FF Quequechan R. 自行車道 S Watertown 林蔭道 Gosnold 91 Blandford, 經2號出口後。(B-3) FD, FL, A Vineyard 北行/南行:Sagamore, 1A號出口處。(I-5) ,V G Redstone 自行車道 Watertown-Cambridge 2.5 英里 Fall River, 2 英里 Nashawena 108 Ludlow,經7號出口後。 (D-3) FD, FL, A 1A E. Longmeadow, 1.4 英里 Island 95號洲際公路(I-95) T Dr. Paul Dudley White 自行車道 GG Cape Cod 運河自行車道 Cuttyhunk Manuel F. New Haven Charlton, 經9號出口後。(E-3) FD, FL, A New London H North Central Pathway Newton-Watertown-Boston, 20 英里 Bourne-Sandwich, 14.2 英里 東行: Wareham, 經20號出口後。(I-5) ,V Correllus 7 KK 1 Natick, 經13號出口後。 (G-3) FD, FL, A, State Forest 684 Gardner-Winchendon, 3.5 英里 Edgartown U Bay Colony 鐵路自行車/步行道 HH Shining Sea 自行車道 (僅限夏季)。 I Mass. Central 鐵路自行車/步行道 Chappaquiddick Falmouth, 10 英里 Newton, Needham, 2.7 英里 West Martha’s 6號公路(RTE. 6) ND Edgartown U Vineyard O Road S Barre-Sterling, 15 英里 西行: Lee,經2號出口後。 (A-3) FD, FL, A Tisbury Airport 287 V Pierre Lallement 自行車道 I I Cape Cod 鐵路自行車/步行道 Airport 東行/西行: Barnstable, 6號出口處。(J-5). FD, FL, A AND 95 L 87 S I J Blandford, 經3號出口後。(B-3) FD, FL, A Chappaquiddick Dennis-Wellfleet, 25.7 英里 Boston, 3.9 英里 Blackstone自行車道 ONG L 東行: Yarmouth, 6號出口處。(J-5) ,V Menemsha Island NEW Worcester-Milbury, 2.5 英里 Ludlow, 經8號出口後。(D-3) FD, FL, A W Neponset River 林蔭道 JJ Old Colony 鐵路自行車/步行道 Uxbridge-Millville, 3.5 英里 (僅限夏季)。 South Beach JERSEY Aquinnah Boston-Milton, 3.5 英里 Harwich, Chatham, 5 英里 Charlton,經10號出口後。(E-3) FD, FL, A State Park K Nashua River 鐵路自行車/步行道 (Gay Head) Chilmark New York City 95號洲際公路(I-95)/2A號公路(RTE. 2A) X East Boston 林蔭道 KK Martha’s Vineyard 自行車道 495 Westboro,經11A號出口後。(F-3) FD, FL, A Newark ATLANTIC Ayer-Dunstable, 11 英里 East Boston, 2.5 英里 Martha’s Vineyard, 26 英里 北行: Greenfield, 26號出口處。(C-2) , V, OCEAN Framingham,經13號出口後。 (G-3) FD, FL, A L Assabet River 鐵路自行車/步行道 NEW YU Northern Strand 鐵路自行車/步行道 LL Nantucket 自行車道 Marlborough-Acton, 9.4 英里 YORK 278 FD = 食物, FL = 燃油, T = 遊客資訊, V = 自動售貨機, A = 自動取款機, Everett-Saugus, 7.5 英里 Nantucket, 28 英里 95 = 機動車輛登記處, = 電子收費通道客戶服務中心 Nantucket LL 更多詳情,請訪問網頁 43 7 Athol 收費公路 0: 42 50 0: 37 50 37 0:45 21 0:25 5 35 0:40 22 0:30 18 0 2 0: 30 0:35 52 1:0 5 44 1:00 Pond 25 0:30 ring t Her 12 0:20 4 Grea 22 0:35 22 0:25 140 3:15 CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND 41 0 5 0: 25 0:35 42 5 0:5 143 3:25 3 CAPE COD BAY PROVIDENCE 26 0 0:4 29 0:35 28 0 4 0: 27 0:35 開車距離 2 圖例 70 1:35 41 0:50 13 0:20 39 5 5 0: 19 5 0:2 5 1 :45 ISL E D RHO AND D 6 ND RHODE ISLA Sakonnet River 共用道路 S BA Y 5 2:1 公路休息站 N SOU BU Z Z A R D V 7 IN E Y A R D SO 波士頓公園遊客資訊中心:特萊蒙街(Tremont St.)147號,電話 888-SEE BOSTON(888-733-2678) A B C D U N D NANTUCKET ATLANTIC OCEAN E F G H I J 6 SOUND Madaket Nantucket Nantucket State Forest Nantucket Memorial Airport K Siasconset 7
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