CAL-ALUC Program - Fresno COG Agenda Reader


CAL-ALUC Program - Fresno COG Agenda Reader
March 19 – 21, 2014
Rohnert Park, California
2014 Conference Committee
Steve Dial
Deputy Executive Director/
Chief Financial Officer
Michael Swearingen
Senior Regional Planner
Laura Brunn
Associate Regional
Transportation Planner
Laural Fawcett
Regional Transportation
Ken Brody
Senior Planner
Lisa Harmon
Senior Planner
Corbett Smith
Airport Planner
Maranda Thompson
Senior Planner
Wednesday, March 19
1:15 pm - 1:30 pm
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Opening Remarks
Preparing an ALUCP
CEQA Issues
Afternoon Break
ALUCP Adoption Process
Welcome Reception with Caltrans Staff
Thursday, March 20
7:30 am - 8:00 am
8:00 am - 8:15 am
8:15 am - 9:45 am
9:45 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 11:45 am
11:45 am - 1:15 pm
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
2:45 pm - 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Continental Breakfast
Opening Remarks
How Airports Affect Their Environs and Vice Versa
Morning Break
FAA Guidance on Compatibility Issues
Lunch Buffet – Keynote Speaker
Caltrans Role in Compatibility Planning
ALUC Financial Issues
Afternoon Break
Legal Briefing
The Future – Open Discussion
Reception Hosted by ALUC Consultants
Friday, March 21
Continental Breakfast
Consortium Business
Compatibility Reviews and ALUCP Implementation –
Challenging Issues
10:00 am - 10:30 am Morning Break
Compatibility Reviews and ALUCP Implementation – cont'd
10:30 am - Noon
Noon - 12:15 pm
Ending Acknowledgements
7:30 am - 8:00 am
8:00 am - 8:45 am
8:45 am - 10:00 am
Lewis Michaelson has worked
nearly 30 years designing and facilitating consensus-building programs
for environmental, planning and
impact analysis projects. He is a
Senior Vice President and corporate officer of Katz & Associates
and leads efforts in their San Diego
Using a collaborative problem solving approach, Lewis
has facilitated community outreach and consensus for
projects and issues involving a wide range of subjects,
including transportation planning, energy production
and transmission, wastewater and stormwater projects,
airport facilities, regional water supply facilities, hazardous waste cleanup, watershed planning, military base
closures and expansions and land use management plans.
His keynote presentation will focus on how to promote
collaboration with your stakeholders for better decisionmaking – and how to move forward if they won't or
can't participate in a collaborative process.
In addition to his project and case work, Lewis is the
past president of the International Association for Public Participation. As a board member of IAP2, he was
instrumental in spearheading the development of the
Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation and
the IAP2 Code of Ethics. He was also one of the three
original developers of the Foundations of Public Participation training courses instituted by IAP2. Lewis is also a
qualified member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Roster of Neutrals. He has a BA
in sociology and an MS in conflict management.
Conference Agenda
Session 1: Wednesday Afternoon, March 19 – ALUCP PREPARATION AND ADOPTION
1:15 – 1:30
Opening Remarks and Acknowledgements:
Welcome and Introductions from the Conference Hosts
1:30 – 2:45
Session 1A: Preparing an ALUCP
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans have become increasingly detailed and complex over the years — what are the steps
involved in preparing these plans and what hurdles should be
2:45 – 3:30
Session 1B: CEQA Issues
The Muzzy Ranch decision dictates that ALUCs prepare a CEQA
document prior to adopting or amending an ALUCP — what
does this analysis involve?
3:30 – 3:45
Afternoon Break
3:45 – 5:00
Session 1C: ALUCP Adoption Process
A wide range of stakeholders usually have an interest in the
content of an ALUCP — what are the requirements and best
practices for managing a successful outreach process?
5:00 – 6:30
Ken Brody, Mead & Hunt
Mike Swearingen, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Cindy Horvath, Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission
Dave Fitz, Coffman Associates
John Guerin, Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission
Adrian Jones, ESA Moderator:
Mike Swearingen, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Maranda Thompson, Mead & Hunt
Phil Wade, ESA Moderator:
Angie Jamison, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Dave Carbone, San Mateo County Airport Land Use Commission
Amy Gonzalez, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Dan Landon, Nevada County Transportation Commission
Welcome Reception with Cal-ALUC and Caltrans: Casual Reception with Appetizers and No-Host Bar
7:30 – 8:00
Continental Breakfast
8:00 – 8:15
Opening Remarks
Ken Brody, Mead & Hunt
Steve Dial, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Gary Cathey, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
8:15 – 9:45
Session 2A: How Airports Affect Their Environs and Vice Versa
Airports and ALUCPs are inexorably intertwined — what do preparers
and users of ALUCPs need to know about how airports are designed
and operated?
9:45 – 10:00
Morning Break
10:00 – 11:45
Session 2B: FAA Guidance on Compatibility Issues
The Federal Aviation Administration has a well-defined role in many
aspects of airport design and land use compatibility— what do the
preparers and users of ALUCPs need to know about the agency’s
11:45 – 1:15
Dave Fitz, Coffman Associates
Rick Beach, Pilot
Dan Card, Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission
Austin Wiswell, Pilot
John Guerin, Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission
Brian Armstrong/Margie Drilling, FAA
Lisa Harmon/Corbett Smith, Mead & Hunt
Mark Johnson, Ricondo & Associates
Chris Jones, ATAC Corporation
Lunch Buffet – provided / Keynote Speaker
Session 3: Thursday Afternoon, March 20 – LEGAL AND FINANCIAL TOPICS
1:15 – 2:00
2:00 – 2:45
Session 3A: Caltrans Role in Compatibility Planning
Through various state statutes and the Handbook guidance, Caltrans
plays a central role in airport land use compatibility planning — how
does this role need to factor into the compatibility planning process in
your county?
Lisa Harmon, Mead & Hunt
Session 3B: ALUC Financial Issues
Preparation of ALUCPs and associated CEQA documents are expensive endeavors and the review of individual land use projects takes
time and money, too — how do we pay for compatibility planning?
Mark Bautista, Monterey Peninsula Airport
Raiyn Bain-Moore, Caltrans Legal
Ron Bolyard, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Derek Kantar, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Terry Barrie, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Steve Dial, San Joaquin Council of Governments
2:45 – 3:00
Afternoon Break
3:00 – 4:00
Session 3C: Legal Briefing
Much of what ALUCs do is determined by statutes and case law —
what issues are in the forefront today?
Dan Landon, Nevada County Transportation Commission
Session 3D: Airport Land Use Compatibility Planning /
Open Discussion
It is almost 50 years since ALUCs first came into existence in
California — what have we learned and accomplished from this
experience and where are we headed in the future?
Dave Carbone, San Mateo County Airport Land Use Commission
4:00 – 5:00
5:00 – 6:30
Raiyn Bain-Moore, Caltrans Legal
Amy Gonzalez, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Christy Layton, Miller & Owen
Gary Cathey, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Simon Housman, Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission
Angie Jamison, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Reception Hosted by Cal-ALUC and Conference Sponsors: Casual Reception with Appetizers and No-Host Bar
Conference Agenda
Session 4: Friday Morning, March 21 – CONSORTIUM BUSINESS / PROJECT REVIEWS
7:30 – 8:00
Continental Breakfast
8:00 – 8:45
Session 4A: ALUC Consortium Business
This is now the second conference of the ALUC Consortium —
how do we best keep the ball rolling in the future at conferences
and in between?
Laural Fawcett, Fresno Council of Governments
Session 4B, Part 1: Compatibility Reviews and ALUCP
Implementation – Challenging Issues
Simon Housman, Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission
Where the rubber meets the runway in the compatibility
planning process is in the review of individual local plans and
development proposals — what difficult issues have ALUCs
faced and how have they been resolved?
Marnie Delgado, City of Dublin
Ed Gowens, San Diego County Airport Land Use Commission
Cindy Horvath, Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission
Nick Johnson, Johnson Aviation
Nathan Magsig, Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission
Lorena Mejia, City of Ontario
Tony Whitehurst, Merced County Airport Land Use Commission
8:45 – 10:00
Laura Brunn, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Mark Bautista, Monterey Peninsula Airport
10:00 – 10:30
Morning Break – and opportunity to check out of your room
10:30 – 12:00
Session 4B Continued:
There is so much to discuss in this topic, that we will continue after the morning break
12:00 – 12:15
Ending Acknowledgements
Ken Brody, Mead & Hunt
Steve Dial, San Joaquin Council of Governments
2012 Conference Highlights
2014 California Airport Land Use Consortium Conference
Moderators and Speakers
Brian is the Manager of the FAA Airport Safety, Standards and Compliance Branch. In
his 26 years with the FAA, he has served as an Airport Compliance Specialist, Airport
Safety Inspector, Airport Planner, Airport Environmental Specialist, Program Manager
and Airports District Office Manager. He has a Bachelor's degree in Aviation Administration from CSULA and is a private pilot. Brian and his wife of 27 years are the proud
parents of two adult sons who are also pursuing aviation careers.
Raiyn is a senior Deputy State Attorney who has worked for Caltrans for 22 years.
Raiyn started her legal career in Los Angeles, and transferred to the Caltrans’ Sacramento office in 1997. For the last 13 years she has worked as the legal counsel for the
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics. Her experience includes eminent domain, environmental law (including CEQA), torts, employment law and aeronautics. She is a successful trial attorney and has published appellate court decisions involving aeronautics.
Raiyn is responsible for all legal issues and litigation for the Division, including editing
and making recommendations for proposed legislation.
Terry was appointed as the Chief of the Office of Aviation Planning in December 2000.
This Office is responsible for developing the California Aviation System Plan (CASP),
integrating aviation with the other transportation modes, coordinating aviation research
efforts and collaborating airport land use planning activities with other agencies. The
Office oversees the administration of State laws that relate to ALUCs and ALUCPs and
assists ALUCs and local authorities (cities and counties) in maintaining compatible land
use around public-use airports. He has a BS in Environmental Planning and Management from the University of California at Davis.
Mark received his Bachelor's in Business Administration from St. Mary’s College of
California and his graduate degree in Public Administration from California State University, Stanislaus. Since 1989 Mark has been employed in airport management and
currently serves the Monterey Peninsula Airport District as Deputy General Manager,
supervising the Planning & Development Department. He is a member of AAAE,
SWAAAE and is on the Board for the Association of California Airports (ACA).
Rick advocates for general aviation in land use and flight safety programs. He consulted on the 2011 revision to the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook. In
2007, AOPA awarded Rick the Sharples Award for the greatest selfless commitment to
general aviation by a private individual due to his work in lowering the Sunroad Building
at Montgomery Field. Rick leads the flight safety programs for the Cirrus Owners and
Pilots Association, notably advocating the use of the Cirrus airframe parachute system.
Ron is an Airport Land Use Compatibility Planner who has more than 14 years
experience. Since joining the Caltrans Division of Aeronautics, Ron has contributed
to the publication of the last two editions of the California Airport Land Use Compatibility Handbook and more than two dozen site-specific ALUCPs. Ron has extensive
experience addressing issues associated with land use planning around airports. He is
currently involved with compatibility issues in nineteen southern California counties.
Based in Santa Rosa, Ken’s 35+ year planning career has centered around airports.
He has served as a consultant to airports and airport land use commissions throughout
California leading the preparation of numerous airport master plans, airport land use
compatibility plans and other airport projects. He was a key contributor to the current
edition of the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook published by the California Division of Aeronautics in 2011 and was the primary author of the two prior editions.
Ken earned his Bachelor's in Architecture from UC Berkeley and his Master’s in Urban
Planning from the University of Washington.
Laura is an Associate Regional Transportation Planner for the San Joaquin Council
of Governments. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Hydrogeology from San Diego
State University and has more than 13 years of experience in planning, design and
project management for a wide range of land use and transportation projects. Laura
has been the lead staff for San Joaquin County’s Airport Land Use Commission and
the Regional Congestion Management Program since 2007. Laura’s current ALUC
focus is the 2014 ALUCP update for Stockton Metropolitan Airport.
David has over 35 years of experience in airport/land use compatibility planning
and aircraft noise mitigation. He currently provides staff support to the San Mateo
County Airport Land Use Commission where he oversees the preparation and
implementation of the airport land use compatibility plans for Half Moon Bay Airport,
San Carlos Airport and San Francisco International Airport. He is currently serving
on an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) advisory panel regarding
development of national research methods for understanding aircraft noise annoyance and sleep disturbance. He was recently appointed to serve as an Alternate on
the FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee.
Dan served 10-plus years managing his home airport at Fresno Chandler Executive
Airport and 26 years in the parks service as a ranger. Dan knew he wanted to
build a light-sport aircraft (LSA); he just needed to find the right one. He perfected
a prototype light sport amphibian which is currently in production. Dan was the
manager of Voyager Aircraft around the world non-stop non-refueled for which we
received the Collier Trophy. He has been a pilot for many years and is a member of
the Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission.
Gary has been Chief of the California Department of Transportation's Division of
Aeronautics for the past six years. He is responsible for developing and implementing aeronautical statutes, regulations and policies to sustain and promote aviation
in the State of California. He ensures effectiveness and efficiency for all management aspects of personnel, equipment, and fiscal matters related to the Division of
Aeronautics. Gary manages a staff of 25 and a budget averaging $7.5 million per
fiscal year. He earned a BS in Civil Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a MS in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Gary is an Executive Board Member of the National Association of State Aviation
Officials (NASAO).
Marnie is a Senior Planner in the City of Dublin’s Community Development Department. Marnie has been with the City of Dublin since 2001 working on a variety of
current and long-range planning projects. Her primary interest is on long-range
and regional planning efforts including the housing element update, sustainable
community’s strategy, policy development and implementation, and more recently
the airport land use compatibility plan (ALUCP). Her current efforts related to the
ALUCP include collaborating with ALUC Staff during the multi-year update process,
reviewing local plans for conformance with the newly adopted ALUCP, overseeing development projects during the conformity review period and establishing a
process for implementing the ALUCP
Steve is the Deputy Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer of the San Joaquin
Council of Governments (SJCOG). Steve has been with SJCOG for 25 years. He
is responsible for an operating budget of $7.8 million and an investment portfolio of
$180 million. Steve has a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from California
State University-Fresno and an MBA from the University of the Pacific. Steve is a
Stockton resident with 3 children. He is a private pilot and avid golfer.
Moderators and Speakers
Margie is an Airport Planner within the Los Angeles Airports District Office (LAX-ADO).
She has been with the FAA since 1995. Starting in 2009, the ADO initiated its planning
driven Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) process. Margie is now the primary
focal point for the oversight and development of the ACIP at her assigned Southern
California airports. Her other work involves focusing on the oversight of Airport Master
Planning studies, Wildlife Hazard Assessments, Pavement Maintenance Assessment
Studies and as the primary focal point for the coordination and processing of the Airport
Layout Plans. This July, Margie will complete 37 years of federal government service.
As a regional transportation planning professional for Fresno COG since 2008, Laural
first joined the ALUC in 2010 to provide administrative support. Since then, she has
overseen many changes to the Commission’s membership and participated in a variety
of airport land use related efforts, including a 2011 Joint Land Use Study for Naval Air
Station Lemoore and a 2010 ALUCP update for Fresno Yosemite International Airport.
During its formation in 2011, Laural joined the effort of CAL-ALUC, recognizing its
importance in providing a forum for airport land use professionals and their associates
to learn and collaborate. Laural has a BS in Information Technology. By chance, her
connection in the world of aviation is also related to her great-grandfather Milton Girton,
an early aviator and stunt pilot with Gates Flying Circus.
Dave is a Principal with Coffman Associates and is responsible for the firm’s airport
noise, land use compatibility, and wildlife hazard management sections. During Dave’s
23 years with Coffman Associates, he has served as manager for Part 150 Land Use
Compatibility, NEPA, CEQA, and Wildlife Hazard Management studies at both air carrier
and general aviation airports across the country. In addition to his substantial “on the
job” experience, Dave’s credentials include American Institute of Certified Planner
(AICP) certification and membership in Noise Control Engineering. He received his BLA
in Landscape Architecture and a Master's in Community and Regional Planning from
Iowa State University.
Amy is the Senior Assistant General Counsel for the San Diego County Regional Airport
Authority, which operates San Diego International Airport and functions as the ALUC
for San Diego County. Prior to her current position, Amy served as Deputy City Attorney
for Los Angeles World Airports, the owner and operator of Los Angeles International,
Ontario International, Van Nuys and Palmdale Airports and for the City of Los Angeles.
Amy graduated from Saint Louis University and received her Juris Doctor degree from
Pepperdine University. She is admitted to practice in the State of California.
Ed has been a land use planner for 15 years, the last 7 with San Diego County Regional
Airport Authority (SDCRAA). Ed’s primary responsibility has been to review land use
projects for consistency with adopted ALUCPs. He is also responsible for amendments to ALUCPs as well as local agency implementation of adopted ALUCPs. Prior to
SDCRAA, Ed worked as a planning project manager for the County of San Diego and a
regional land use planner in San Antonio, Texas. Ed holds a Master’s in Community &
Regional Planning and a Bachelor’s in English, both from the University of Texas.
John is a Principal Planner with the Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency and has served as a staff member to the Riverside County Airport Land
Use Commission for six years. During that time, he has participated in the preparation of
CEQA documents associated with adoption of the French Valley, Chino and Perris Valley Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans and amendments to the Jacqueline Cochran
Regional Airport, Hemet-Ryan and French Valley Plans. He has worked for Riverside
County for 28 years. John earned a Bachelor’s degree in Geography/Urban Studies and
a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Southern California.
Lisa is an Environmental and Aviation Planner who has worked on airport projects
almost exclusively since 1999. She has participated in the preparation of ALUCPs
in California and assisted airports throughout the US in the formulation and
development of environmental and land use planning policies. Her current area
of focus is wildlife hazard management and she has participated in more than 40
wildlife hazard assessments and management plans at commercial service and GA
airports nationwide. Lisa earned her MS in Transportation Management. She is a
member of APA, SWAAAE and Women in Aviation International.
Cindy is a Senior Transportation Planner with Alameda County who has been a
Policy Planner for over 20 years in both the private and public sectors. For the
last 14 years she has staffed the Alameda County ALUC. In addition to completing
ALUCP updates to the county’s three public-use airports (Oakland International,
Hayward Executive and Livermore Municipal), she served as a member of the
Technical Advisory Committee for the 2011 Update of the California Airport Land
Use Planning Handbook. She was also a member of the core-planning group for
the Inaugural Airport Land Use Consortium Statewide Conference held in 2012.
Simon is a private pilot and an attorney with 30 years experience, concentrating in
commercial real estate transactions, civil litigation and airport land use planning.
He is a 10-year member of the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission and
Chairman since 2004 where he has adopted and implemented Airport Land Use
Plans for 13 airports, including Palm Springs International Airport and March Air Reserve Base. Recent Airport Land Use oversight includes solar projects, race tracks
and finding consistency of the General Plans of the Cities of Riverside and Hemet.
Angie is the Manager of Airport Planning at the San Diego County Regional Airport
Authority. She has more than 20 years of experience in airport planning and is an
instrument rated commercial pilot. Her current responsibilities include land use
planning around the 16 airports in San Diego County and completion of a new airport Master Plan for San Diego International Airport. The San Diego County Airport
Land Use Commission has adopted 13 Airport Land Use Plans and anticipates the
Land Use Plan for San Diego International Airport to be adopted April 2014.
Mark is a Director with Ricondo & Associates, Inc. and is the firm’s land use
planning services coordinator. He has 28 years of experience in airport land use
compatibility planning, noise analysis and environmental impact analysis. Mark
has an AICP certification. He has also supported local planning departments in
reviewing development proposals for compatibility with nearby airports and advised
the California Energy Commission on the airport-related impacts of a proposed
solar power projects. He has served on Airports Cooperative Research Program
(ACRP) advisory panels on enhancing airport land use compatibility and developing
a national research program for understanding aircraft noise effects.
Nick is an aviation planner with experience leading large master planning projects
including LAX and San Diego International where he helped to facilitate multibillion-dollar redevelopment programs currently underway. Nick is the owner of
Johnson Aviation whose client list includes the FAA, Denver International Airport,
Boeing, NASA, Hertz/Dollar-Thrifty, Los Angeles County Metro, ATAC Corporation, land owners, developers and cities. Nick has 24 years of aviation planning
experience. A private pilot since 1986, he is also a member of the Airports Council
International, American Association of Airport Executives, Aircraft Owners and
Pilots Association and is an active USA Hockey-certified coach.
2014 California Airport Land Use Consortium Conference
Moderators and Speakers
Adrian is a Director with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) and has 19 years of
airport consulting and environmental planning experience. He has significant experience managing airport noise and land use compatibility plans, National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) evaluations and
transportation air quality assessments. Adrian is currently managing the update of the
ALUCP for San Carlos Airport and providing technical assistance for an ALUCP update
in Sacramento County. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies and a
Master's in City and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania.
Chris is a Senior Aviation Environmental Project Manager with ATAC Corporation. He
has 10 years of experience preparing NEPA and CEQA environmental documentation
for aviation projects throughout the United States. Chris was Deputy Project Manager
for the ALUCP update of the five urban airports in San Diego County. He also worked
on the update to the Santa Barbara County ALUCP. Currently, he is preparing NEPA
documentation for the Optimization of the Airspace and Procedures in the Metroplex
(OAPM) initiative projects, which optimize airspace and procedures in various metroplex
environments as a midterm step in implementation of NextGen. He earned his Juris
Doctorate from the Northwestern School of Law, Lewis & Clark College.
Derek is an Aviation Planner with Caltrans Division of Aeronautics. He began his career
more than 30 years ago as an urban and environmental planner. He expanded into
smart growth, green build and aviation planning in 1992. His current responsibilities
include assisting airport owners and operators with programs and projects that support
a more sustainable aviation system in California. He is also the Division’s primary contact for aviation-related disaster response planning activities as directed through FEMA
protocols. Derek holds an MA in Geography from California State University-Fullerton.
Dan has served as Executive Director to the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) since June 1990. He previously worked in Glenn and Butte Counties in
various transportation planning and administrative roles which included airport supervision in Glenn County. Dan has served as the Executive Director of the Nevada County
Airport Land Use Commission and the Truckee Tahoe Airport Land Use Commission
since May 2010.
Christy is Senior Counsel with the Sacramento law firm of Miller & Owen. She
possesses more than 25 years of legal experience and focuses her practice on the
representation of public entities. Christy represents and counsels a variety of agencies,
including transportation agencies, councils of government, joint powers authorities,
and special districts. She earned her Juris Doctorate, cum laude, from the Georgetown
University Law Center.
Lewis is a facilitator, mediator and environmental dispute resolution specialist with
over 28 years of experience in designing and facilitating consensus-building programs
for environmental, planning and impact analysis projects. He is a Senior Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer for Katz & Associates. Lewis is past president
of the International Association for Public Participation and a qualified member of the
US Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Roster of Neutrals. He will give our
keynote speech this year.
Corbett has eight years of experience as an airport planner with Mead & Hunt. He is
responsible for the technical analyses that assist with the preparation of master plans,
airport layout plans and land use compatibility plans. Corbett has training in the use of
the Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), and the FAA’s new air quality model, Aviation Environment Design Tool (AEDT). He has extensive experience
using the FAA’s Integrated Noise Model for preparing airport noise contours for land
use and master planning reports. Corbett is a Certified Member (CM) of AAAE.
Over the last 14 years with the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG),
Mike's transportation career has been quite eclectic. Currently he is responsible for
overseeing the Airport Land Use Commission, Congestion Management, Regional
Transportation Impact Fee, Travel Demand Management, Federal Census Research
& Forecasting Center programs, as well delivering the Regional Housing Needs
Assessment and Interregional TDM Action Plan efforts between the San Joaquin and
Sacramento regions. In addition to his graduate work in the field of special education,
Mike holds a Master’s in Public Administration from USF.
Maranda is a Senior Planner with the aviation group at Mead & Hunt. Maranda has
over 13 years of experience in the practice of aviation planning. She has developed
specialized expertise in the area of airport land use compatibility planning in the state
of California and has an excellent understanding of the federal, state, regional and
local planning framework. Maranda has prepared numerous airport land use compatibility plans and supporting CEQA documents. Maranda has also conducted many
specialized planning analyses of complex and controversial development proposals.
Phil is a senior associate at Environmental Science Associates (ESA) with eight years
of experience in airport land use planning and California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) compliance. Phil has prepared ALUCPs and/or ALUCP-related CEQA documents for airports in Alameda County, Amador County, Sacramento County, Riverside
County and Yuba County. Phil was the deputy project manager for the California
Airport Land Use Planning Handbook update and he was a co-instructor for a short
course on airport land use compatibility planning at UC Davis Extension.
Nathan was first involved with the Fresno County ALUC in 2001, when he was elected
as a Council member for the City of Clovis and appointed as one of the ALUC City
Representatives. He was elected Chair of the ALUC in 2010. Nathan is currently serving the community on seven different boards and also as a Weatherization Director
at the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission. He has an extensive history of
commitment to community service in both the public and private sectors. Nathan enjoys
lecturing at Fresno State, where he earned his Master's in Criminology.
Lorena is an Associate Planner with the City of Ontario Planning Department. She has
been with the City since 2005 working on current and long-range planning projects.
Over the last six years, her primary focus has been on airport land use compatibility
planning matters. Her current efforts include creating a collaborative process for implementing the ALUCP with adjacent jurisdictions.
Tony is a principal at A.R. Whitehurst, M.Sc., Consulting Services, a long time private
pilot and Chairman of the Merced County ALUC. His experience includes serving on
the Merced County Board of Supervisors, Chairman of the Local Agency Formation
Commission (LAFCO), Chief of Staff for his local District State Senator and numerous
related local and regional commissions supporting economic development. In 1990,
he returned to UC Davis for Certification in Land Use and Environmental Planning and
in 1992, he opened his own consulting office in Los Banos.
Austin retired as Chief of the Division of Aeronautics for the California Department of
Transportation in 2005. Since his retirement, he has been consulting with City- and
County-owned GA airports on management and operations of their airport, safety and
security, development planning and adjacent land use compatibility. Prior to his civilian
employment, Austin had a 23-year US Air Force active duty career.
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Your Setting for the 2014 California Airport Land Use Consortium Conference
1. Ballroom Foyer = Registration
3. Chardonnay Room = Lunch
2. Salon III
= Meeting Room
4. Upper
Lobby = Reception
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One Doubletree Drive
Rohnert Park, California, 94928
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2014 Conference Sponsors
Thanks for joining us.
See you next time!