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White Impression Paste 9.65 3 11/12/2015 09:57 IMPRESSION MATERIALS Code Description Budget price Solvents 9.59 Dispenser & Mixing Tips 9798383 DEHP Mixing Tips (Yellow) x 50 15.75 DEHP Mixing Tips (Pink) x 50 9798384 15.75 DEHP Mixing Tips (Green) x 50 9798385 15.75 DEHP Intra Oral Tips x 100 D106771 9.49 CRO02 DEHP Mixing Tips S50 1:4 Light Blue 14.99 9792999 DEHP T-Mixer Gun Dispenser including Slide 31.50 Penta Mixing Tips (Red) x 50 N05P246 29.99 D018782 Affinis Mixing Tips Yellow x 40 0.00 Cool Temp/Affinis Dispenser 50/75ml D458166 53.49 D023139 Expasyl Dispensing Tips x 40 56.95 Expasyl Cartridge Refill 1g x 20 D023144 250.00 Mixing Bowls N06P880 Mixing Bowls Medium 10.5cm 2.99 N06P879 Mixing Bowls Large 13cm 3.45 Budget price ANU01 Anutex Modelling Wax 500g 4.15 ANU02 Anutex Modelling Wax 2.5kg 19.99 KNI02 DEHP Wax Knife Large 2.99 D0515 Wax Beading x 75 9.49 Wax Burners MIB01 Microtorch Burner 49.40 CARDOZO D052576 Bunsen Burner Kisag Gas Refill 270ml 3.89 Gingival Retraction 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Surgery Pack ALZ03 Alkazyme Enzymatic Economy Tub Water Soluble Sachets x 100 49.99 DÜRR DENTAL Surgical Dressing 52.95 34.29 PROCTOR & GAMBLE D143313 Milton Instrument Disinfectant Solution 500ml 2.25 PRESTIGE MEDICAL N09P0127 Maximum PH Plus Instrument Cleaner 16.99 129.95 N06P566 Gigasept Enzymatic 750g 42.90 N11P0345 Alveogyl Paste 10g 29.30 N05P849 Gigasept Instru AF 2 Litre 32.79 D122016 Hemocollagene Sponges x 24 29.49 N12P0255 Gigazyme 2 Litre 15.95 KAL05 Kaltostat 5cm x 5cm x 10 10.99 N06P1086 Gigazyme Plus 1 Litre 16.90 JOHNSON & JOHNSON D122010 Surgicel Haemostat 1.25 x 5cm x 12 6 Code BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 6 11/12/2015 09:57 INFECTION CONTROL Code Description Budget price Bur Cleaning, Disinfection & Cold Sterilisation Description Budget price Thermo Disinfection ALPRO MEDICAL 9792528 DEHP Safe R Bur Cleaner 2 Litre 8.50 9792529 DEHP Safe R Bur Cleaner 5 Litre 14.99 Biosonic UC32 Enzymatic Ultrasonic Cleaner 236ml D147006 19.95 DID220 Durr ID220 Bur Cleaner 2.5 Litre 22.90 Rotasept 2 Litre ROT04 16.85 N05P233 Gigasonic 2 Litre 35.65 N05P234 Gigasonic 5 Litre 81.99 N07P0150 AlproJet W 1 Litre 15.65 N11P0201 Bowie and Dick Test Pack x 20 64.80 ESCHMANN D145779 Bowie Dick Test x 10 52.85 Water Purifying ECO PANADENT RUS01 Rusnon 1200ml 24.85 D143063 Gleam Ultrasonic Cleaner 2 litre 19.55 NAC01 Nusonics NAC Cleaner 5 Litre 17.95 Impression Cleaning, Disinfection & Cold Sterilisation WAT02 Eco Water Distiller Cleaner 340g 19.49 N10P0665 Oxygenal 6 Water Disinfectant 1000ml 28.00 Ultrasonic Cleaning N06P073 Biosonic UC31 General Purpose Cleaner Dispenser 9792534 DEHP Safe R Impression Liquid 1 Litre 14.99 SIV01 Impressiv 1 Litre with Trigger Spray 11.95 SIV03 Impressiv Economy Pack 5 Litre with Dispensing Pump 39.90 D141090 Durr MD 520 Impression Disinfectant 2.5 Litre 35.99 PER01 Perform Disinfectant Sachets 40g x 30 33.95 PER02 Perform Disinfectant Tub 900g 19.70 Impression Tray Cleaning, Disinfection & Cold Sterilisation 25.99 N11P0335 Medi-Check Residual Protein Test x 100 170.00 N12P0200 Medi-Check Residual Protein Test x 50 99.50 N12P0020 Medi-Check Residual Protein Test x 25 56.52 ULTRAWAVE N07P0798 Ultrawave Enzymatic Ultrasonic Cleaner x 120 104.99 Hand Cleaning & Disinfection 9792547 DEHP Safe R Hand Disinfection Liquid 500ml 3.99 9792549 DEHP Safe R Hand Disinfection Liquid 5 Litres 15.99 9792539 DEHP Safe R Hand Wash 500ml 3.75 9792542 DEHP Safe R Hand Wash 5 Litres VOCO TRA01 Traypurol Tray Cleaner Concentrate 1 Litre Code 21.95 Aspirator Solutions 20.99 N08P0730 Sensiva Protective Emulsion 500ml 6.99 N08P0734 Sensiva Wash Lotion 500ml 2.45 MOLNLYCKE HEALTHCARE 9792532 DEHP Safe R Evac System Liquid 2 Litre 9.95 9792533 DEHP Safe R Evac System Liquid 5 Litre 18.95 HIB01 Hibiscrub 5 litre Aspirmatic 2 Litre ASM02 27.99 Hibiscrub Refill 500ml HIB02 3.15 System 2 5 litres plus 20ml Dosing Pump SYS05 54.90 HIB03 Hibisol Handrub 500ml 4.99 Hibiscrub Hand Disinfection Pump Dispenser HIB04 4.99 23.25 Hibisol Pump For Use With 500ml D14209 4.50 18.95 N09P0525 Desderman Pure 500ml 5.29 25.95 N09P0526 Desderman Pure 1 Litre 7.45 D143513 Orotol Plus 2.5 Litre 29.95 N11P0298 Desderman Pure Gel 500ml 4.45 D143518 Orotol Ultra Refill 500g 13.70 N11P0299 Desderman Pure Gel 1 litre N12P0183 MD550 Spittoon Cleaner 800ml 10.99 N11P0402 Saraya Universal Touchless Dispenser 73.95 N11P0404 Saraya Universal Alsoft Hand Disinfectant 1.2 litre 12.49 Saraya Universal Foaming Hand Soap 1.2 litre N11P0403 10.49 VIRILIUM CLE01 Cleartube Virilium 5 Litre D141089 Durr MD 555 Suction Cleaner 2.5 Litre TOL01 Orotol Classic 2.5 Litre KAVO NC2290 Dekaseptol Gel Aspirator Cleaner Starter 77.49 NC2291 Dekaseptol Gel Aspirator Cleaner Refill Pack 6Ltr 55.00 GOB01 Gobble 2 Litre 21.10 OMN01 Omnisan Plus Tub Tablets x 60 10.45 CATTANI 27.95 5.95 Cleaning & Disinfection Accessories DEHP 9792559 DEHP Spray Head for use with 1 Litre Bottle 2.25 PUL02 Puli-jet Plus Disinfectant Concentrate 1 Litre 19.95 9792558 DEHP Dosing Pump for use with 1 Litre Bottle 3.75 PUR01 Purevac Aspirator Cleaner 2 Litre 32.95 9792557 DEHP Dosing Pump for use with 2 and 5 Litre Bottles 4.50 PUR02 Purevac Aspirator Cleaner 5 Litre 62.90 N09P0780 Dosing Pump 500ml/1Ltr Bottle 4.19 System 2 1 Litre SYS04 17.85 N05P613 System 4 Autoclave Cleaning Solution Concentrate 1 Litre 8.65 Thermo Disinfection N10P0613 Demineralised Water 5Ltr 4pk 14.50 MEDISAFE N11P0097 3E-Zyme Bottle 4 Litre 63.65 Auto Water Treatment 4 Litre N12P0024 74.99 NC2780 Thermodent Thermo Cleaning Solution Clear 1 Litre 7.99 Water Line Decontamination Sterilisation Pouches 9792149 DEHP Selfseal Sterilisation Pouch 89 x 254mm x 200 3.75 9792150 DEHP Selfseal Sterilisation Pouch 134 x 280mm x 200 4.90 CYBERTECH 9002723 CyberPouch Selfseal 83 x 159mm x 200 6.50 9002722 Cyber Pouch Selfseal 89 x 254mm x 200 7.95 Cyber Pouch Selfseal 134 x 280mm x 200 9002724 10.45 9002725 CyberPouch Selfseal 254 x 381mm x 200 16.95 ASS03 Assure Sterilisation Pouches 90 x 255mm x 200 11.25 1048346 Dental Unit Water System Cleaner Tub 500g 43.05 ASS04 Assure Sterilisation Pouches140 x 280mm x 200 20.65 N14P0085 Alkapharm Protein Test Kit x 20 Tests 39.95 ASS01 Assure Sterilisation Pouches 2-3/4”” x 10”” x 200 10.75 ASS05 Assure Sterilisation Pouches 7”” x 13”” x 200 26.35 QUALITY WATER SPECIALISTS N06P193 Alpron Starter Pack 92.49 Assure Sterilisation Pouches 12”” x18”” x 100 ASS07 41.65 N06P081 Alpron 1 Litre 30.50 ASS06 Assure Sterilisation Pouches+ 10”” x 15”” x 200 41.55 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 7 7 11/12/2015 09:57 INFECTION CONTROL Code Description CONSUMABLES Budget price Sterilisation Strips Description Budget price Centre Feed Rolls TAP03 DEHP Sterilisation Tape 19mm x 50m 3.05 9792213 DEHP White Mini Towel Roll 1 Ply 21.5cm x 120m x 12/Pk 16.45 9792582 DEHP Sterilisation Roll 50mm x 200m 10.25 DEHP White Midi Towel Roll 1 Ply 21.5cm x 275m x 6/Pk 9792214 17.45 DEHP Sterilisation Roll 75mm x 200m 9792583 14.50 DEHP White Towel Roll 21cm x 160cm x 6/Pk 9792215 17.45 9792581 DEHP Sterilisation Roll 100mm x 200m 19.99 DEHP White Towel Roll 23cm x 60cm x 12/Pk 9792217 16.45 9792580 DEHP Sterilisation Roll 150mm x 200m 26.99 D145772 TST Strips 121 Centigrade 15 Minutes x 100 11.99 MTO01 M-Tork Mini Plus White Roll 2 Ply x12 43.95 TST Strips 134 Centigrade 3.5 Minutes x 100 D145773 10.90 MTO03 M-Tork Plus White 2 Ply x 6 35.95 22.00 COU01 Couch Roll 10”” White Roll x 18 27.95 COU02 Couch Roll 20”” White Roll x 18 27.95 Kitchen Rolls x 20 KIT01 22.95 PROFECTION 9799735 Profection Class 6 Indicator Test Strips 100pk Barrier Protection 9002788 Cyber Headrest Covers Paper White 25x25cm x 500 24.99 SHI01 Disposa-Shield No.1 (Tapes) for Handles, Control Pads and Switches x 1000 29.95 SHI02 Disposa-Shield No.2 (Tubes 55mm) for 3 in 1 and Airmotors x 250 22.95 SHI03 Disposa-Shield No.3 (Tubes 45mm) for Turbines, Tubing and Cavitrons x 250 22.95 SHI04 Disposa-Shield No.4 (300mm) Head Rest Covers x 250 29.95 Disposa Shield HP & Cavitron Inserts No 5 x 500 D146018 22.79 NC4251 Pinnacle Sensor Covers 3.5x20.5cm x 500 17.49 NC4252 Pinnacle Sensor Covers 4x21cm x 500 17.49 NC4714 Pinnacle Syringe Sleeve Cover 6.4x25.4cm x 500 16.29 Pinnacle Cure Sleeve For 7 & 8mm Tips x 400 D146013 22.79 D146027 Pinnacle Cure Sleeve Light 3600 x 500 30.99 D146029 Pinnacle Cure Sleeve Cover-All Clear 3700-C x 1200 25.99 NC3246 Pinnacle Sealtight Air/Water Syringe Tip x 200 37.29 NC3247 Pinnacle Sealtight Air/Water Syringe Tip x 1500 199.99 N11P0241 Pinnacle Syringe Sleeve No 3760 x 500 18.79 Tray Inserts & Paper TORK Couch/Kitchen Rolls Toilet Rolls NC534 Freshline White Toilet Rolls 2Ply x 36 N06P018 Toilet Roll 2 Ply White x 36 10.99 9.95 Face Masks 9791141 DEHP Face Mask Earloop Procedure Blue x 50 1.99 9791139 DEHP Face Mask Earloop Procedure White x 50 1.99 9791142 DEHP Face Mask Earloop Procedure Yellow x 50 1.99 9791140 DEHP Face Mask Earloop Procedure Pink x 50 1.99 9791145 DEHP Face Mask Tie-On Blue x 50 2.19 9791143 DEHP Face 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Free X-Small x 100 3.35 9792718 DEHP EcoGrip Latex Gloves Powder Free Small x 100 3.35 9792719 DEHP EcoGrip Latex Gloves Powder Free Medium x 100 3.35 9792720 DEHP EcoGrip Latex Gloves Powder Free Large x 100 3.35 STODDARD BRU02 Bur Brush Flat 0.95 CONSUMABLES REGENT Mini Tissues 9793149 DEHP Recycled Z-Fold Towel 1Ply Blue 23 x 25cm x 5000 15.82 PETER GRANT PAPERS LIMITED N10P0216 Bliss Tissues x 72 Boxes 20.40 NATIONWIDE PAPER TIS01 Mini Clinical Tissues Recycled 2 Ply 100 Tissues x72 Packs (non boxed) 19.99 21.65 BIO7 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Gloves Size 7 25/Pairs 21.65 BIO75 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Gloves Size 7.5 25/Pairs 21.65 BIO8 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Gloves Size 8 25/Pairs 21.65 BIO85 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Gloves Size 8.5 25/Pairs 21.65 BIO9 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Gloves Size 9 25/Pairs 21.65 HEA06 Healthline Powder Free Gloves Small x 100 7.15 Healthline Powder Free Gloves Medium x 100 HEA07 7.15 HEA08 Healthline Powder Free Gloves Large x 100 7.15 BM POLYCO KIMBERLY-CLARK KLE04 Kleenex Professional Wipes 2 Ply 100 Tissues x 33 Boxes BIO65 Biogel D Latex Powder Free Size 6.5 25/Pairs HEALTHLINE Professional Tissues 43.75 Hand Towels N07P0497 Bodyguard Extra Grip Gloves Large x 100 5.50 N07P0498 Bodyguard Extra Grip Gloves Medium x 100 5.50 N07P0499 Bodyguard Extra Grip Gloves Small x 100 5.50 N07P0500 Bodyguard Extra Grip Gloves X-Small x 100 5.50 BOD05 Bodyguard Latex Pwd/F Textured Gloves XS 100pk 7.50 9792218 DEHP Hand Towel C Fold Recycled 1Ply White 25 x 33cm x 3744 16.55 9792221 DEHP Hand Towel C Fold 1 Ply White 25 x 33cm x 2400 16.55 BOD06 Bodyguard Latex Pwd/F Textured Gloves S 100pk 7.50 9792224 DEHP Hand Towel Z Fold 3 Ply White 32 x 22cm x 2500 30.55 BOD07 Bodyguard Latex Pwd/F Textured Gloves M 100pk 7.50 9792222 DEHP Hand Towel Interfold Z 1Ply White 25 x 23cm x 5000 20.99 BOD08 Bodyguard Latex Pwd/F Textured Gloves L 100pk 7.50 TOW01 Economy C-Fold Recycled Hand Towels Green 1 Ply x 3000 Towels 18.45 Dry Cleaning Cloth 8 Code 9791327 DEHP Lint Free Dry Cleaning Cloth 32 x 36cm x 25 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 8 SHERMOND D506607 Premier Latex Gloves Powder Free Small 100pk D506608 Premier Latex Gloves Powder Free Medium 100pk 2.50 D506609 Premier Latex Gloves Powder Free Large 100pk 7.50 7.50 10.89 11/12/2015 09:57 CONSUMABLES Code Description Budget price Gloves Latex - Powdered Code Description Budget price Cotton Rolls & Pellets GLO09 DEHP Latex Gloves Lightly Powdered Petite x 100 3.30 9792692 DEHP Cotton Rolls No 1 x 870 3.45 GLO10 DEHP Latex Gloves Lightly Powdered Small x 100 3.30 9792693 DEHP Cotton Rolls No 2 x 600 3.45 GLO11 DEHP Latex Gloves Lightly Powdered Medium x 100 3.30 9792694 DEHP Cotton Rolls No 3 x 435 3.45 GLO12 DEHP Latex Gloves Lightly Powdered Large x 100 3.30 Cotton Pellets Size 000 XX-Small D501005 Gloves Nitrile 9.89 D501006 Cotton Pellets Size 00 X-Small 10.59 D501007 Cotton Pellets Size 0 Small 10.19 9792574 DEHP Nitrile Gloves White X-Small x 100 4.29 9792575 DEHP Nitrile Gloves White Small x 100 4.29 9792576 DEHP Nitrile Gloves White Medium x 100 4.29 9792577 DEHP Nitrile Gloves White Large x 100 4.29 RICHMOND 9792578 DEHP Nitrile Gloves White X-Large x 100 4.29 RCP00 Richmond Cotton Pellet Size 0 4.85 9792671 DEHP Nitrile Gloves Blue X-Small x 200 5.20 Richmond Cotton Pellet Size 1 RCP01 4.85 9792672 DEHP Nitrile Gloves Blue Small x 200 5.20 RCP02 Richmond Cotton Pellet Size 2 4.85 9792673 DEHP Nitrile Gloves Blue Medium x 200 5.20 RCP03 Richmond Cotton Pellet Size 3 4.85 9792674 DEHP Nitrile Gloves Blue Large x 200 5.20 9792675 DEHP Nitrile Gloves Blue X-Large x 200 5.20 RCP04 Richmond Cotton Pellet Size 4 4.85 9006042 Cyber Gloves Nitrile P/F Text Pink B/Gum X-Small x 100 4.79 9006043 Cyber Gloves Nitrile P/F Text Pink B/Gum Small x 100 4.79 9006044 Cyber Gloves Nitrile P/F Text Pink B/Gum Medium x 100 4.79 9006045 Cyber Gloves Nitrile P/F Text Pink B/Gum Large x 100 4.79 9006046 Cyber Gloves Nitrile P/F Text Pink B/Gum X-Large x 100 4.79 N05P457 Cyber Gloves Nitrile Powder Free Small 100pk 4.79 NC4160 Cyber Gloves Nitrile Powder Free XSmall 100pk 4.79 NC4163 Cyber Gloves Nitrile Powder Free Medium 100pk 4.79 Cyber Gloves Nitrile Powder Free Large 100pk NC4164 4.79 NC4165 Cyber Gloves Nitrile Powder Free XLarge 100pk 4.79 PEL02 Cotton Pellets Size 1 Medium 8.49 D501009 Cotton Pellets Size 2 Large 7.95 MÖLNLYCKE D500574 Dry Tips Small x 50 6.95 Gauze, Swabs & Throat Pack 9790915 DEHP Throat Pack with Strings Small 5cm x 5cm x 40 4.95 9790916 DEHP Throat Pack with Strings Medium 6cm x 6cm x 50 6.95 GZE01 DEHP Gauze Squares 12.5cm x 12.5cm x 500 4.50 DEHP Gauze Squares 15cm x 15cm x 500 GZE02 5.99 TH001 DEHP Throat Pack Roll 10m 2.75 TH002 DEHP Throat Pack Cut Pieces 22.5cm x 6cm x 50 4.79 TOP01 Topper 12 Swabs 5 x 5cm x 200 1.99 NIT02 Glove Safeskin Purple Nitrile Small x 100 11.25 NIT03 Glove Safeskin Purple Nitrile Medium x 100 11.25 SMITH & NEPHEW Glove Safeskin Purple Nitrile Large x 100 NIT04 11.25 D143201 Surgical Skin Injection Swabs x 100 2.75 N12P0009 BodyGuards Examination Gloves Small x 100 4.99 BodyGuards Examination Gloves Medium x 100 N12P0010 4.99 BodyGuards Examination Gloves Large x 100 N12P0012 4.99 BIB01 Plastic Bib with Velcro Fastening Blue x1 1.85 N12P0011 BodyGuards Examination Gloves Extra Large x 100 4.99 APR01 DEHP Patient Apron White 80 x 54cm x 200 6.25 N10P0620 Bodyguard Gloves Nitrile Pwd/F Blue Small 150pk 6.25 APR02 DEHP Patient Apron Blue 80 x 54cm x 200 6.25 N10P0621 Bodyguard Gloves Nitrile Pwd/F Blue Medium 150pk 6.25 APR03 DEHP Patient Apron Green 80 x 54cm x 200 6.25 Bodyguard Gloves Nitrile Pwd/F Blue Large 150pk N10P0622 6.25 BIB02 DEHP Patient Bib White x 500 9.80 Bodyguard Gloves Nitrile Pwd/F Blue XLarge 150pk N10P0623 6.25 BIB03 DEHP Patient Bib Blue x 500 9.80 DEHP Patient Bib Green x 500 BIB04 9.80 BIB08 DEHP Patient Bib Rose x 500 9.99 Gloves Vinyl VIN04 DEHP Vinyl Gloves Powder Free Small x 100 2.75 VIN05 DEHP Vinyl Gloves Powder Free Medium x 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9792684 Face Shield Visor Frame Green Transparent 4.99 9792685 Face Shield Visor Frame Blue Transparent 4.99 Face Shield Visor Frame White 9792686 4.99 EVA01 DEHP Disposable Evacuator S Curve Vented 1 Side White x 100 1.45 9792687 Face Shield Visor Frame Pink Transparent 4.99 D507515 Concorde Aspirator Tip 11mm x 10 17.99 D507519 Surgitip Aspirator Tip Sterile 2.5mm x 20 25.99 MACO MANUFACTURING CO SGL01 Safety Shield Glasses 3.99 DENTANURSE D759015 Vision Glasses Metallic Blue 5.99 Aspirator Tips D507520 Roeko Aspirator Adaptor 11/16 mm Double 4.89 D507521 Roeka Aspirator Adaptor 11/16mm Single 4.99 D507553 Solo Single Adaptors x 6 D507498 Surgitip Aspirator Tip Sterile 1.2 mm x 20 F E CARDOZO 4.45 28.99 ORSING D758970 Kleersite Glasses Junior 6.49 D758971 Kleersite Glasses W/Sides Clear 6.49 HYG01 Hygovac Disposable Aspirator Tubes 11mm x 100 1.80 NC1079 Kleersite Glasses Grey 6.49 HYG02 Hygovac-Vent Disposable Aspirator Tubes 11mm x 100 1.95 N11P0295 VistaTec Frame Only 15.99 HYG03 Hygojet Disposable Tubes x 25 6.45 D759191 Nuclear Safety Glasses 10.99 HYG04 Hygosurge Disposable Tips x 25 6.45 D759192 Nuclear Safety Glasses Tinted 10.99 HYG05 Hygotip Aspirator Tubes x 25 5.60 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 9 9 11/12/2015 09:57 CONSUMABLES Code Description FILLING MATERIALS Budget price Saliva Ejectors Description Budget price Alloy Powder ANA04 ANA 2000 Non-Gamma Powder 250g 159.90 SAL01 DEHP Saliva Ejectors Transparent Flexible x 100 1.85 DEHP Saliva Ejectors White Flexible Fixed Tip x 100 SAL02 1.85 Cyber Evac Saliva Ejectors Transparent x 100 9002730 2.50 ARI01 Aristaloy 68% Silver 250g 185.00 2.50 Mattiloy Fine 68% Silver Convetnional Alloy 250g D180451 215.99 9002815 Cyber Evac Saliva Ejectors Removable Tip Red x 100 2.50 Aristaloy 21 45% Silver 250g ARI02 139.99 Cyber Evac Saliva Ejectors Removable Tip Ylw x 100 9002816 2.50 GSP01 GS-80 Non Gamma 2 Regular Set 250g 147.40 Cyber Evac Saliva Ejectors Removable Tip Blu x 100 9002817 2.50 Hygoformic U Saliva Ejector x 100 SAL05 2.49 9002814 Cyber Evac Saliva Ejectors Removable Tip Grn x 100 3 in 1 Tips 9792391 DEHP Disposable 3 in 1 Tips x 1000 60.95 Sani-Tip x 200 N10P0224 36.49 Sani-Tip x 250 SAN01 52.45 N05P294 Sani-Tip Bulk Pack (Sanitips x 1500 and Sanishields x 1500) 209.99 Pro-Tip Turbo x 250 N11P0227 26.99 NC3987 Fastips x 250 39.29 Tray Paper D141511 Traymaids 11Inch x 7Inch x 500 39.49 FILLING MATERIALS Alloy Capsules COOKSON Mercury MER01 Mercury - (Triple Distilled) 500g 39.99 D181010 Mercury Spillage & Decontamination Kit 42.65 Amalgam Carriers & Wells 1086195 Cyber Fill Amalgam Gun Straight 5.25 1086198 Cyber Fill Amalgam Gun Curved 5.25 D211016 Premier Amalgam Carrier Curved 35.99 CLARDENT D211051 Amalgam Well Plastic 9.99 D202721 Prisma Compule Gun 26.95 Composites DE HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS SIT01 DEHP Composite Syringe Kit 97.95 SITSA2 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g A2 14.50 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g A3 SITSA3 14.50 SITSA35 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g A3.5 14.50 ALL01 DEHP Amalgam Capsules 1 Spill Non Gamma 2 50/pk 24.90 SITSB2 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g B2 16.50 ALL02 DEHP Amalgam Capsules 2 Spill Non Gamma 2 50/pk 33.20 SITSB3 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g B3 16.50 ALL03 DEHP Amalgam Capsules 3 Spill Non Gamma 2 50/pk 41.40 SITSC2 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g C2 16.50 9006197 Cyber Fill 45 Amalgam NG II H/Copper 1 Spill 50pk 28.99 DEHP Composite Syringe 4.5g Universal Opaque SITSUO 16.50 9006198 Cyber Fill 45 Amalgam NG II H/Copper 2 Spill 50pk 41.29 9006199 Cyber Fill 45 Amalgam NG II H/Copper 3 Spill 50pk 51.89 IVOCLAR VIVADENT 3M ESPE D203558 Filtek P60 Posterior Restorative Syringe 4g A3 52.95 D203559 Filtek P60 Posterior Restorative Syringe 4g B2 52.95 D203560 Filtek P60 Posterior Restorative Syringe 4g C2 52.95 AMA01 Amalcap Plus 1 Spill x 50 44.90 Filtek Z250 Capsule A1 0.20g x 20 Z250CA1 46.90 AMA02 Amalcap Plus 2 Spill x 50 59.95 Filtek Z250 Capsule A2 0.20g x 20 Z250CA2 46.90 74.90 Z250CA3 Filtek Z250 Capsule A3 0.20g x 20 46.90 Z250CA35 Filtek 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Incisal 0.25g Capsule Refill x 20 41.45 SPEA1 Spectrum TPH Compules A1 0.25g x 20 48.95 Grandio OA2 0.25g Capsule Refill x 20 NC3336 41.45 Spectrum TPH Compules A2 0.25g x 20 SPEA2 48.95 NC3337 Grandio OA3.5 0.25g Capsule Refill x 20 41.45 Spectrum TPH Compules A3 0.25g x 20 SPEA3 48.95 NC3338 Grandio BL 0.25g Capsule Refill x 20 41.45 Spectrum TPH Compules A3.5 0.25g x 20 SPEA35 48.95 SPEAB1 Spectrum TPH Compules B1 0.25g x 20 48.95 Spectrum TPH Compules B2 Incisal 0.25g x 20 SPEAB2 48.95 Spectrum TPH Compules B3 0.25g x 20 SPEAB3 48.95 Wave Comp. Syr Ref.1g+5 Tip A3 D204133 Spectrum TPH Compules OA2 0.25g x 10 SPEOA2 27.90 Ice Refill Syringe A2 4g ICE02 21.95 Spectrum TPH Compules OA3.5 0.25g x 10 SPEOA3 27.90 ICE03 Ice Refill Syringe A3 4g 21.95 SPEA4 Spectrum TPH Compules A4 0.25g x 10 27.90 ICE04 Ice Refill Syringe A3.5 4g 21.95 Spectrum TPH Compules B1 0.25g x 10 D196437 27.90 Spectrum TPH Compules C2 0.25g x 20 SPEAC2 48.95 Ice Refill Syringe B3 4g ICE05 21.95 Spectrum TPH Compules C3 0.25g x 20 SPEAC3 48.95 ICE06 Ice Refill Syringe C3 4g 21.95 SPEAC4 Spectrum TPH Compules C4 0.25g x 10 27.90 ICE23 Ice Complet 0.25g A1 Refill x 20 32.90 27.90 Ice Complet 0.25g A2 Refill x 20 ICE18 32.90 135.90 ICE19 Ice Complet 0.25g A3 Refill x 20 32.90 Ice Complet 0.25g A3.5 Refill x 20 ICE20 32.90 ICE24 Ice Complet 0.25g A4 Refill x 20 32.90 Ice Complet 0.25g B1 Refill x 20 ICE25 32.90 ICE26 Ice Complet 0.25g B2 Refill x 20 32.90 ICE21 Ice Complet 0.25g B3 Refill x 20 32.90 ICE27 Ice Complet 0.25g C1 Refill x 20 32.90 D196444 Spectrum TPH Compules D3 0.25g x 10 SDR Intro Kit N10P0163 SDR Refill Pack N10P0164 N12P0697 SDR Eco Refill Universal 0.25g 50pk 44.90 158.79 COLTENE SDI D204131 Wave Comp. Syr Ref. 1g+5 Tip A2 6.39 6.39 N06P266 Synergy D6 Syringe 4g Dentin A1/B1 27.99 N06P267 Synergy D6 Syringe 4g Dentin A2/B2 27.99 N06P269 Synergy D6 Syringe 4g Dentin A3.5/B3 27.99 N06P268 Synergy D6 Syringe 4g Dentin A3/D3 27.99 Synergy D6 Syringe 4g Dentin C2/C3 N06P270 27.99 ICE28 Ice Complet 0.25g C2 Refill x 20 32.90 N06P273 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin A1/B1 0.25g x 10 17.95 ICE22 Ice Complet 0.25g C3 Refill x 20 32.90 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin A2/B2 0.25g x 10 N06P274 17.95 Ice Complet 0.25g D2 Refill x 20 ICE29 32.90 N06P276 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin A3.5/B3 0.25g x 10 17.95 N06P275 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin A3/D3 0.25g x 10 17.95 ICE30 Ice Complet 0.25g D3 Refill x 20 32.90 N06P277 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin C2/C3 0.25g x 10 17.95 ICE32 Ice Complet 0.25g Incisal Refill x 20 32.90 N06P278 Synergy D6 Tips Dentin White Bleach 0.25g x 10 17.95 ICE33 Ice Complet 0.25g Bleach Refill x 20 32.90 N06P279 Synergy D6 Tips Enamel Universal 0.25g x 10 17.95 N06P280 Synergy D6 Tips Enamel White Opalescent 0.25g x 10 17.95 CYBERTECH Composites - Flowable DEF01 DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe Kit 4 x 2g 22.25 DEFA2 DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe A2 4 x 2g 22.25 22.25 9003241 CyberFill Nano Tips A1 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 9003650 CyberFill Nano Tips A2 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 DEFA3 DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe A3 4 x 2g 9003651 CyberFill Nano Tips A2 Dentine 0.20g x 20 18.45 DEFA35 DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe A3.5 4 x 2g 22.25 9003652 CyberFill Nano Tips A3 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 DEFB2 DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe B2 4 x 2g 22.25 CyberFill Nano Tips A3 Dentine 0.20g x 20 9003653 18.45 DEFUO DEHP Flowable Composite Syringe Universal Opaque 4 x 2g 22.25 9003654 CyberFill Nano Tips A3.5 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 9003655 CyberFill Nano Tips A4 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 N05P880 Venus Flow Syringes A1 1.8g 12.95 9003656 CyberFill Nano Tips B2 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 N05P881 Venus Flow Syringes A2 1.8g 12.95 9003657 CyberFill Nano Tips B3 Enamel 0.20g x 20 18.45 N05P883 Venus Flow 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Titanium Finger Spreaders ISO No. 25mm 10 9792394 20 9792395 30 9792396 40 9792397 4/Pk Price Dentsply Maillefer Finger Spreaders - Sterile Size 21mm 25mm A N08P1512 N08P1517 B N08P1513 N08P1518 C N08P1514 N08P1519 D N08P1515 N08P1520 Assorted N08P1516 N08P1521 4/Pk Price 8.25 9.79 21mm 25mm 31mm F1 N08P1428 N08P1433 N08P1438 F2 N08P1429 N08P1434 N08P1439 F3 N08P1430 N08P1435 N08P1440 Kerr Endodontics Finger Spreaders F4 N08P1431 N08P1436 N08P1441 Size 25mm ISO No. 25mm F5 N08P1432 N08P1437 N08P1442 XFine D398251 20 NC645 Price FineFine D398252 25 NC646 36.79 MediumFine D398253 30 NC647 Fine D398254 20-45 NC648 FineMedium D398255 6/Pk Medium D398256 Assorted D398259 6/Pk Dentsply Maillefer ProTaper® Hand Finishing Files - Sterile Size 21mm 25mm 31mm S1 N09P0603 N09P0611 N09P0619 S2 N09P0604 N09P0612 N09P0620 F1 N09P0605 N09P0613 N09P0621 F2 N09P0606 N09P0614 N09P0622 F3 N09P0607 N09P0615 N09P0623 F4 N09P0608 N09P0616 N09P0624 F5 N09P0609 N09P0617 N09P0625 S1-S2, F1-F3, SX N09P0610 N09P0618 N09P0626 SX 19mm N09P0602 6/Pk Price 36.79 Dentsply Maillefer ProTaper® Universal Rotary Files ISO No. Asstd 6/Pk 20 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 20 Kerr Endodontics Finger Pluggers 6/Pk Price 19.99 Price 17.99 Barbed Broaches Gates Glidden DE Healthcare Products Barbed Broaches - Sterile DE Healthcare Products Gates Glidden Drills RA ISO No. ISO No. 21mm 32mm 0 - XXXXFine 9791793 1 9792328 1 - XXXFine 9791794 2 9792329 2 - XXFine 9791795 3 9792330 3 - XFine 9791796 4 9792331 4 - Fine 9791798 5 9792333 21mm 25mm 31mm 5 - Medium 9791799 6 9792334 N08P1416 N08P1418 N08P1420 6 - Coarse 9791803 1-6 9792335 Price 36.79 10/Pk Price 2.25 6/Pk Price 5.50 11/12/2015 09:57 PINS & POSTS Code Description Budget price Code Pins Description Budget price Posts FILPIN FIL01 Filpin Starter Pack Blue x 60 Pins 22.25 Filpin Starter Pack Green x 60 Pins FIL02 22.25 Filpin Bonus Pack Blue x 240 Pins FIL03 71.40 Filpin Bonus Pack Green x 240 Pins FIL04 71.40 SCR01 DEHP Screw Posts Set (Gold Plated Posts x 240 plus Keys) 46.75 N06P808 RelyX Fiber Post Elongation Tips x 10 13.49 N06P450 ParaPost XP Titanium Intro Pack (P780T Sizes 3 x 4, 4 x 5, 4.5 x 5, 5 x 5, 5.5 x 5, 6 x 2, 7 x 2, 159.49 Drills x 7 and Universal Hand Driver) FAIRFAX DENTAL STAB Stabilok Stainless Steel Pins Small Blue x 100 45.75 STAG Stabilok Stainless Steel Pins Medium Green x 100 45.75 STAY Stabilok Titanium Pins Small Yellow x 100 45.75 STAO Stabilok Titanium Pins Medium x 100 45.75 POS01 P/Post Casting Kit P781 154.99 D230147 Stabilok Drill Titanium Pin Small Yellow 0.60mm 4.29 D230148 Stabilok Drill Titanium Pin Medium Orange 0.76mm 4.29 Posts 3M ESPE RelyX Fiber Post COLTENE ParaPost XP COLTENE ParaPost X Drills Size Colour Code Size Colour Code Size Colour Code 1 Yellow N06P801 4.5 Blue POS75145 3 Brown POS423 5 Red POS7515 4 Price 33.99 2 Red N06P802 3 Blue N06P803 Price 84.90 10/Pk COLTENE ParaPost XP 10/Pk COLTENE ParaPost XP Size Colour Code Size Colour Code 3 Brown POS7463 3 Brown POS7443 4 Yellow POS7464 4 Yellow Yellow POS424 4.5 Blue POS4245 5 Red POS425 5.5 Purple POS4255 6 Black POS426 7 Green POS427 Assorted Various D231287 Price 31.49 POS7444 COLTENE ParaPost Fiber 5 Red White 4.5 Blue POS74645 POS7445 5 Red Size 6 Colour Black Code POS7465 POS7446 Blue 5.5 Purple Green D231293 POS7447 POS74655 Dentsply Maillefer Radix Anker Posts 4.5 7 Black Colour Code Price D231294 38.99 POS7466 Size Red 6 7 Green POS7467 1 Yellow D230631 3 Brown POS7433 2 Red D230632 4 Yellow POS7434 3 Blue D230633 4.5 Blue POS74345 1 Long Brown D230629 5 Red POS7435 2 Long Yellow NC1497 3 Long Blue D230628 Price 85.49 5 12/Pk 5.5 Purple D231295 COLTENE ParaPost Fiber Lux 6 Black D231296 Size Colour Code 5/Pk Price 34.99 PF1713 0.90mm Brown N06P066 PF1714 1mm PF17145 1.14mm PF1715 1.25mm Yellow N06P067 Blue N06P068 Red N06P069 PF17155 1.40mm Purple N06P070 PF1716 1.50mm Black N06P071 5/Pk Price 29.99 5.5 Purple POS74355 6 Black POS7436 7 Green POS7437 3 Brown POS7843 4 Yellow POS7844 5 Red POS7845 6 Black POS7846 Price 33.99 20/Pk 3/Pk 12/Pk 21 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 21 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS Sterile Single Use Diamond Burs Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 001-009 001-009 001-010 001-010 001-012 001-012 001-014 001-014 001-014 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 9 9 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse 9791340 9791382 9791341 9791383 9791343 9791342 9791344 9791384 9791392 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Round with Collar 001-023 001-023 001-033 801 801 801 23 23 33 Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse 9791389 9791346 9791390 £13.99£13.99£13.99 002-010 002-012 002-014 002-017 002-017 002-021 802 802 802 802 802 802 10 12 14 17 17 21 Medium Coarse Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse Extra Coarse 9791397 9791398 9791754 9791400 9791401 9791402 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Inverted Cone Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 001-016 001-016 001-016 001-018 001-018 001-018 001-021LP 001-021 001-023 801 801 801 801 801 801 801LP 801 801 16 16 16 18 18 18 21 21 23 Medium Coarse Extra Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse Medium 9791345 9791385 9791394 9791380 9791387 9791395 9791388 9791396 9791381 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Flame 010-012 010-014 010-016 010-017 010-019 805 805 805 805 805 12 14 16 17 19 Medium Medium Medium Coarse Medium 9791347 9791348 9791349 9791404 9791403 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 250-012 250-012 250-012 863S 863S 863S 12 12 12 Extra Fine Medium Coarse 9791376 9791378 9791371 £13.99£13.99£13.99 22 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 22 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS Sterile Single Use Diamond Burs Continued Flame Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Flat End Taper Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Cylinder 172-012 172-014 172-016 847 847 847 12 14 16 Medium Medium Medium 9791358 9791359 9791360 £13.99£13.99£13.99 Flame 110-012 110-012 110-014 110-014 110-014 836 836 836 836 836 12 12 14 14 14 Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse 9791355 9791412 9791356 9791413 9791357 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Pointed Football Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 257-023 257-023 368 368 23 23 Fine Extra Coarse 9791449 9791451 £13.99£13.99 109-010 109-010 109-011 108-011 109-016 835 835 835 835 835 10 10 11 11 16 Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Medium 9791352 9791354 9791353 9791410 9791411 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Cylinder - Long Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 249-012 249-014 249-014 249-015 249-015 249-018 249-018 249-018 862 862 862 862 862 862 862 862 12 14 14 15 15 18 18 18 Coarse Fine Medium Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse 9791445 9791443 9791367 9791368 9791446 9791369 9791447 9791370 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Pear 540-008 540-010 540-010 889 889 889 8 10 10 Medium Coarse Medium 9791452 9791372 9791453 £13.99£13.99£13.99 Barrel 238-014RL 830RL 14 Coarse 9791442 £13.99 Round End Taper 038-033 039-037 039-033 038-033 039-037 811S 811 811S 811S 811S 33 37 33 33 37 Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse 9791405 9791351 9791407 9791406 9791408 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 198-019 856 19 Extra Coarse 9791438 £13.99 23 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 23 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS Sterile Single Use Diamond Burs Round End Taper Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Donut 165-016 858 16 Coarse 9791366 £13.99 067-055 909 55 Coarse 9791409 £13.99 Needle 130-012 130-012 130-015 130-015 885 885 885 885 12 12 15 15 Medium Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse 9791422 9791423 9791424 9791425 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 197-023 197-023 855 855 23 23 Coarse Extra Coarse 9791437 9791364 £13.99£13.99 111-012 111-012 111-014 111-014 111-017 111-017 837 837 837 837 837 837 12 12 14 14 17 17 Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse 9791414 9791416 9791415 9791417 9791418 9791420 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 166-016 166-017 166-019 167-012 859 859 859 859L 16 17 19 12 Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse 9791432 9791433 9791434 9791435 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Round End Cylinder Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Cylinder Bevelled Cylinder Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 199-015 199-016 199-016 199-017 199-018 199-018 199-019 850S 850 850 850S 850 850 850S 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 Extra Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse Coarse Extra Coarse Extra Coarse 9791373 9791439 9791440 9791374 9791441 9791361 9791363 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 Needle Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Round End Taper Flat End Taper 140-012 140-012 140-012 141-014 141-014 141-014 880 880 880 881 881 881 12 12 12 14 14 14 Medium Coarse Extra Coarse Medium Coarse Extra Coarse 9791426 9791427 9791428 9791429 9791430 9791431 £13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99£13.99 174-020 848 20 Medium 9791436 £13.99 24 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 24 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS DEHP Diamond Burs Diabolo Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Diabolo - Long 813-012 536 12 Medium 9792639 £3.05 Round End Cylinder Flame 813L-014 813L-016 537 538 14 16 Medium Medium 9792640 9792645 £3.05£3.05 838-009 838-014 544 545 9 14 Medium Medium 9792641 9792642 £3.05£3.05 860-016 561 16 Medium 9792647 £3.05 4 FREE DELIVERY* Flat End Cylinder Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Football Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 277-023 379 23 Fine 9792037 £3.05 Pointed Football Bevelled Cylinder 257-023 257-023 257-023 257-023 368 368 368 368 23 23 23 23 Extra Fine Fine Medium Coarse 9792027 9791547 9791546 9791548 £3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05 Flat End Cylinder Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 108-009 108-009 109-010 109-010 108-011 108-011 835-014 835-018 835 835 835 835 835 835 542 543 9 9 10 10 11 11 14 18 Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Medium Coarse Medium Medium 9791901 9791903 9791906 9791512 9791902 9791904 9792637 9792646 £3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05 110-014 110-014 836 836 14 14 Medium Coarse 9791910 9791912 £3.05£3.05 Flat End Taper 130-012 885 12 Medium 9791924 £3.05 131-016 886 16 Coarse 9791935 £3.05 Flat End Taper 171-015 846 15 Coarse 9791523 £3.05 249-012 249-012 862 862 12 12 Extra Fine Fine 9792018 9791535 £3.05£3.05 Flat End Taper 846W-016 554 16 Medium 9792644 £3.05 Flame 173-014 173-016 173-016 848 848 848 14 16 16 Coarse Medium Coarse 9791480 9791965 9791481 £3.05£3.05£3.05 25 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 25 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS DEHP Diamond Burs Flat End Taper - Long Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 848L-012 557 12 Medium 9792643 £3.05 Needle Pear - Long 166-018 859 18 Medium 9791532 £3.05 233-012 830 12 Medium 9792010 £3.05 Inverted Cone 010-009 805 9 Medium 9791632 £3.05 Pear Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Inverted Cone 001-009 001-010 001-012 001-012 001-014 801 801 801 801 801 9 10 12 12 14 Medium Medium Medium Coarse Medium 9791598 9791599 9791492 9791493 9791601 £3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05 Round End Cylinder 001-021 801L 21 Coarse 9792066 £3.05 141-014 141-014 881 881 14 14 Medium Coarse 9791551 9791552 £3.05£3.05 Round End Taper Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 111-012 111-014 837 837 12 14 Medium Medium 9791465 9791468 £3.05£3.05 830-014 527 14 Medium 9792638 £3.05 Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Round - Long 234-014 234-018 830L 830L 14 18 Coarse Coarse 9792012 9792014 £3.05£3.05 225-015 225-016 807 807 15 16 Medium Medium 9792002 9792003 £3.05£3.05 Pear Modified Cylinder 199-014 199-016 199-018 850 850 850 14 16 18 Medium Coarse Coarse 9791484 9791487 9792000 £3.05£3.05£3.05 Round End Taper 001-016 001-018 001-010 001-014 001-016 801 801 801 801 801 16 18 10 14 16 Medium Medium Coarse Coarse Coarse 9791602 9791603 9791608 9791609 9791611 £3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05£3.05 198-012 198-018 198-021 856 856 856 12 18 21 Medium Extra Coarse Extra Coarse 9791982 9791995 9791997 £3.05£3.05£3.05 26 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 26 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS HiDi Diamond Burs Tungsten Carbide Finishing Burs Cylindrical Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Long Taper 108-010 109-014 109-018 541 542 543 10 14 18 Medium Medium Medium N05P700 N05P701 N05P702 £8.45£8.45£8.45 Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price Bullet 14 7204 n/a n/a TUC15 £18.95 9 7801 n/a n/a TUC16 £18.95 Tungsten Carbide Burs Round Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 8 10 12 14 16 18 21 23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a TUC01 TUC02 TUC03 TUC04 TUC05 TUC06 TUC07 TUC08 £8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75 Inverted Cone Iso No. Shape Size Grit Code Price 10 12 14 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 3 4 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a D302211 TUC18 TUC19 TUC20 £8.75£8.75£8.75£8.75 4 ORDER ONLINE 24/7 27 BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 27 11/12/2015 09:57 BURS Steel Burs Round Size Code Price 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 9794063 9794064 9794056 9794057 9794058 9794059 9794060 £1.40£1.40£1.40£1.40£1.40£1.40£1.40 Round Size Code Price 7 8 9 10 9794061 9794062 9794065 9794066 £1.40£1.40£3.00£3.00 Inverted Cone Size Code Price CROWNS Code Description X-RAY Budget price Code Veneering System N11P0329 COMPONEER BASIC System Kit - Tips Description Budget price Occlusal X-Ray Film 1046.00 AGF03 Agfa Dentus M2 Occlusal Film 5.6cm x 7.5cm x 25 35.99 KOD50 DF-50 Occlusal Film 5.7mm x 7.6mm x 25 36.99 X-RAY Pantomographic Film X-Ray Processors and Viewers 9792666 DEHP X-Ray Green Sensitive 12cm x 30cm x 100 25.75 9792667 DEHP X-Ray Green Sensitive 15cm x 30cm x 100 29.75 VELOPEX VEL03 Velopex Intra x Daylight Processor 1550.00 MEDIVANCE D590566 Velopex Hi-Lite Viewer Fixer & Developers 9791862 DEHP Manual Concentrated Developer 500ml 9791863 DEHP Manual Concentrated Fixer 500ml 126.29 X-Ray Film Intra Oral (Adult) 9008304 Cyber E/F Speed 3 x 4cm x 100 15.40 AGF01 Agfa Dentus M2 3cm x 4cm x 150 35.95 KOD21 Insight Film IP21 31mm x 41mm x 150 43.50 KOD58 DF-58 Ultraspeed 31mm x 41mm x 150 40.95 N06P055 Velopex Adult X-Ray Film Speed E 30x40mm 1x 50 26.99 X-Ray Film Intra Oral (Child) AGFA 1.95 12.63 9792163 DEHP Readymix Fixer 5 Litre x 2 11.49 9791861 DEHP Auto XR 4 x 1.5L Developer & Fixer 25.95 Fixer & Developers KOD02 X-Ray Fixer 500ml (Makes 2.25 litres) 5.99 6.45 VEL01 Velopex Ready-to-Use Developer 5 Litre x 2 23.45 VEL02 Velopex Ready-to-Use Fixer 5 Litre x 2 19.95 DAD01 Durr Automat XR Developer and Fixer 1.5 Litre 52.30 D555021 Rapid Access Developer 500ml 4.15 D556021 Rapid Access Fixer 500ml 4.15 X-Ray Film Holders AGF02 Agfa Dentus M2 Comfort Child Size 20mm x 30mm x 100 32.99 KODI01 Insight Film IP-01 22mm x 35 mm x100 29.95 BIW01 DEHP Bitewing Tabs 500/Pk KOD54 DF-54 22mm x 35mm x100 32.95 D592009 Rinn XCP/BAI Aiming Ring Post N06P056 Velopex Child X-Ray Film Speed E 22x35mm x 100 24.99 D592003 Rinn XCP R54-2001 Kit With Bitewing Holder BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 28 1.95 9792162 DEHP Readymix Developer 5 Litre x 2 KOD01 X-Ray Developer 500ml (Makes 2.25 litres) CARESTREAM 28 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9794069 9794070 9794071 9794072 9794073 9794074 9794075 9794076 £1.75£1.75£1.75£1.75£1.75£1.75£1.75£1.75 3.99 7.65 125.00 11/12/2015 09:57 XXXXXX X-RAY PREVENTION Code Description Budget price Code X-Ray Film Holders C0ntinued D592018 Rinn Endoray 2 With Ring x 2 62.50 13.50 Rinn Ez-View Mount 16 Horizontal #2 x 100 D591205 41.95 Hawe Super-Bite Assorted Kit (670) Anterior x4 plus SUP02 Posterior x 4 Budget price Plastic Brushes Rinn Ez-View Mount 1 Horizontal #2 67x95mm x 100 D591200 Rinn XCP/BAI Aiming Ring Bitewing NC1598 Description 7.65 75.49 SUP05 Hawe Super-Bite Superbite 1020 Anterior x 2 plus Posterior x 2 45.95 9792108 DEHP Prophy Cup Soft Grey RA 36/Pk 3.75 DEHP Prophy Cup Firm Ribbed White RA 36/Pk 9792109 3.75 9792490 DEHP Bristle Prophy Brush RA 50/Pk 6.95 9792491 DEHP Nylon Prophy Brush RA 50/Pk N11P0424 Cyber Prophy Cups RA Latex Free Pink Soft x 144 6.95 19.99 CORDENT CUP06 Prophy Cups Rubber Cordent 3L x 36 8.19 D215133 Prophy Cups Rubber Snap-on Cordent 3K x 36 5.99 KWI01 Hawe Kwik-Bite x 15 38.90 D19607 Prophy Cup White Screw In x 12 2.99 KWI02 Hawe Kwik-Bite x 5 with Centring Device 32.90 BRI02 Bristle Brushes Jun Cup Screw-In x 50 8.99 SUP04 Super-Bite Film Holder Post Index No.672 x 8 75.49 SUP06 Super-Bite Film Holder Ant with Ring x 4 55.29 SUP07 Super-Bite Film Holder Post with Ring x 4 55.29 X-Ray Film Mounts FIM01 DEHP X-Ray Film Mounts Universal 1000/Pk 18.99 GENDEX NC1283 DenOptix Barrier Envelopes Size 1 x 100 18.99 D591140 DenOptix Barrier Envelopes Size 2 x 100 14.95 NC1293 DenOptix Barrier Envelopes Size 4 x 50 18.99 DenOptix Barrier Envelopes Size 0 x 100 N11P0362 15.99 NYL02 Nylon Brush Jun Cup Screw-In x 50 Prophy Cup Hawe Pro Cup Latch Type x 120 D215991 Plastic Beakers 9792652 DEHP Plastic Beakers Blue x 3000 24.99 9792654 DEHP Plastic Beakers Green x 3000 24.99 9792655 DEHP Plastic Beakers White x 3000 19.95 9792653 DEHP Plastic Beakers Yellow x 3000 24.99 DCS N07P0357 Plastic Cups Squat 7oz White 2000/Pk TROLLEMOUNT 15.79 NC345 X-Ray Film Mount TR6 x 100 28.99 X-Ray Plates 19.95 Mouthwash - Surgery Use 9790863 DEHP Maximint 90ml Minamint 90ml MIN01 NC342 X-Ray Film Mount TR16 x 25 9.99 54.79 6.50 13.95 Mouthwash/Gels/Toothpaste - Patient Use 9792622 DEHP Mouthwash Tablets Mint - Green x 1000 4.95 9792623 DEHP Mouthwash Tablets Thymol - Pink x 1000 4.95 N09P0797 Vista Image Plate Size 2 4pk 320.69 MOU01 Chlorhexidine Mouthwash Original 300ml 1.75 N09P0798 Vista Image Plate Size 0 2pk 142.49 MOU02 Chlorhexidine Mouthwash Peppermint 300ml 1.75 DenOptix Imaging Plate Size 1 NC1294 84.19 NC1295 DenOptix Imaging Plate Size 2 204.19 X-Ray Accessories N08P0360 X-Ray Envelopes 57x57mm x 2000 18.99 D591206 Rinn Universal Collimator CEUTA HEALTHCARE D6372 Eludril Mouthwash Bottle 90ml 1.59 D637201 Eludril Mouthwash Bottle 250ml 3.55 GLAXO SMITHKLINE COR01 Corsodyl Mouthwash Original 300ml 2.60 76.79 COR02 Corsodyl Mouthwash Mint 300ml 2.60 Barrier Envelope Size 2 300pk N09P0785 39.50 COR03 Corsodyl Mouthwash Corsodyl Gel 50g 1.55 N09P0786 Barrier Envelope Size 0 100pk 21.19 N10P0192 Corsodyl Alcohol Free Mouthwash 300ml 3.15 N11P0400 Barrier Envelope Size 4 100pk 36.49 Corsodyl Daily Defence M/Wash F/Mint A/free 500ml N12P0783 3.45 N12P0341 Barrier Envelope Size 1 100pk 23.89 N05P496 Velopex Cleaning Tablets x 36 21.99 PREVENTION 3.75 DEHP Prophy Paste Thymol 300g PAS02 3.75 DEHP Prophy Paste Citrus 300g PAS03 3.75 D130246 DEHP Prophy Paste Oil Free Mint 300g 7.25 D130247 DEHP Prophy Paste Oil Free Orange 300g 7.25 PAS04 SS White Prophy Paste 200g 5.55 PAS05 SS White Prophy Paste 400g 6.99 NUP01 Nupro Prophy Paste Jars Fluoride Free Fine 283g 28.99 NUP02 Nupro Prophy Paste Jars Fluoride Free Medium 340g 28.99 NUP03 Nupro Prophy Paste Jars Fluoride Free Coarse 340g 28.99 D6385 Prophy Paste Zircate 170g 26.29 N07P0405 GC MI Paste Plus 10 Assorted 99.00 Polishing Paste D201631 Polishing Paste Diglaze 2.5g 25.75 N07P0230 Cleanic With Fluoride 100g Tube 15.29 Prophy Powder BD004-01-16-Price Brochure.indd 29 15.99 N12P0789 FluoriGard Alcohol Free 400ml x 6 18.90 CURASEPT PAS01 DEHP Prophy Paste Mint 300g NC5076 DEHP Air Polishing Powder 300g Lemon 5.79 N13P0498 Peroxyl 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