Seaside Jewish Community News December 2015
Seaside Jewish Community News December 2015
Seaside Jewish Community News 302.226.8977 18970 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971 In This Issue Board of Directors 2 President’s Message 2 Federation Shabbat 2 Potluck Oneg Shabbat 2 Committee Chairs 3 Mitzvah Opportunities 3 Oneg Corrdinator Changing 3 Talkfest Thursdays 4 Jewish Film Fest Coming 4 SJC Resource Center 4 Religious School News 5 Religious School Library 5 SJC Honored Vets 5 Rel School Volunteers Needed 5 Mah Jongg Cards 6 Women in Jewish Thought 6 Shabbat Dinner Capacity Crowd 6 November Was Lunch Month 6 Birthdays 6 Thank You 7-8 In SJC Community 8 Pastorial Support 8 Chanukah Blessings 9 Donation Form 10 January Dinner RSVP Form 11 SJC Sponsors 12 Schedule of Services Friday, December 4, 7:30 pm Parashat Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1 – 40:23) Leader: Beth Cohen Saturday, December 19, 10 am Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18 – 47:27) Leader: Beth Cohen Torah Reader: Bob Axelrod Board Shabbat Friday, January 1, 7:30 pm Parashat Shemot (Exodus 1:1 – 6:1) Potluck Oneg Shabbat Saturday, January 16, 10 am Parashat Bo (Exodus 10:1 – 13:16) December 2015 Annual Meeting & Board Shabbat The SJC annual meeting occurred on November 15. At the meeting, committee chairs reported on their committees’ 2015 activities, the 2016 budget was presented, and we elected three new board members – Eric Doroshow, Buddy Feldman, and David Udoff. Jeff Hawtof, Ed Simon, and Sam Smulyan are leaving the board. On Saturday, December 19, at our Shabbat morning service starting at 10 a.m., SJC will recognize and pay tribute to our Board of Directors. Newly elected board members will be installed and current board members and those who have completed their terms will be honored and thanked. Please join us for our annual Board Shabbat and Installation of Officers. Chanukah Party Dec 6 On Sunday, December 6, join us for a congregational Chanukah party, beginning at 11 a.m., sponsored by the Social and Youth Education Committees. The party is open to all, and there is no charge. You do not need to have children in the Religious School to attend. Our Religious School students will lead us in the signing of Chanukah songs and lighting the menorah, and there will be other Chanukah activities. We will have a holiday dairy lunch, followed by Chanukah games. A special art project will be created by the children. This will be a wonderful party and a great opportunity for all of us to share a great day. Please plan to attend, and please bring a new, unwrapped toy for a charity donation. This party was a great success last year, and everyone had a great time. Please plan to attend. Kislev – Tevet 5776 [email protected] SJC’s 2016 Opening Dinner Continue your New Year’s celebration with the annual SJC Opening dinner, this year on Saturday, January 2, 2016. Your RSVP must be received before December 14. We will be dining at Saketumi Restaurant on Coastal Highway in their second floor fully accessible private dining room. Cocktail hour starts at 6 p.m. with appetizers and bar drink (included in the price), followed by miso soup, choice of one of four entrees and cake and fruit for dessert. Diets start on Monday, January 4. Seating is limited for this extraordinary dinner, so get your reservations in early. See the flyer elsewhere in this newsletter for details. Please print out the flyer, write your check, and mail both to SJC before December 14. Tu B’Shevat Seder Jan 24 Celebrate the New Year for trees and the splendid, abundant gifts of the natural world that give our senses’ delight and our bodies’ life. Join us for the Tu B’Shevat Seder and lunch on Sunday, January 24, at 11 a.m. at SJC. To celebrate the holiday, the Seder is filled with fruits and vegetables (nut-free) and 4 glasses of wine or grape juice. Following the Seder, we will enjoy a traditional vegetarian Israeli lunch. Cost is $10/adult and $5/child for members ($15/adult and $8/child for non-members). Your check is your reservation. Send checks to the SJC mailing address. As we have in past years, we will collect money for trees to be given to the Jewish National Fund. Page 2 Board of Directors President Ed Simon 302-424-8020 [email protected] Vice President Jeff Hawtof 302-329-9097 [email protected] Secretary Alyssa Simon 302-644-4034 [email protected] Treasurer Mike Saltzman 302-827-2751 [email protected] At Large Board Members Carole Ash 301-613-8317 [email protected] Allyn Fruman 302-226-2209 [email protected] Howard Menaker 202-215-6101 [email protected] Stanley Silverblatt 443-324-2035 [email protected] Sam Smulyan 302-703-2900 [email protected] Religious Leader Beth Cohen 302-858-2374 [email protected] Religious School Director Joel Simon 302-245-1386 [email protected] Immediate Past President Jeff Hawtof Seaside Jewish Community President’s Message - Ed Simon It’s hard to believe that this is my last President’s Message, as my time on the Board is ending. I am appreciative of the support and help that I received from so many people. It’s been an honor to serve Seaside. I’m pleased with our stable membership and financial condition. Attendance and active participation at our events have been strong. Seaside is a bastion of light in Sussex County. It’s difficult to think what kind of void we would have without it. Where would we pray? How would the children of our community learn about Judaism? Who would conduct life cycle events and support those who are sick and in distress? Where would we be without our excellent Adult Education program? During my term I relied on several persons for their assistance and expertise. Jeff Hawtof has been an excellent mentor for me. Other past presidents have helped guide me as well. I’d like to thank Beth Cohen, the Board, and the committee chairs for their leadership. But without the support of committee members and the general membership we would not have a congregation. I wish I could thank everyone in this article who support SJC, but that would be impossible. But you know where my thoughts are. There are three of us leaving the Board this year. I already mentioned Jeff who knows everything about Seaside. I know that he will stay active and continue to support various December 2015 aspects of SJC. Sam Smulyan is also leaving after six years on the Board. I could always count on Sam when I needed help. He has always been a valuable asset to SJC. Congratulations to the new Board and continued success to Seaside Jewish Community. Federation Shabbat Jan 29 Each year the Jewish Federation of Delaware sponsors a Shabbat dinner and worship service for the entire state’s Jewish community. Several SJC members have attended in previous years. We met, mingled, schmoozed, and got to know folks from the other congregations in our state, and had a wonderful time. This year, the event will be held on Friday, January 29, at Adas Kodesch Shel Emet (AKSE) at 4412 Washington Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802. Contact AKSE directly at 302-762-2705 to obtain the dinner cost and to make your dinner reservations. If you will be attending, please let Cheryl Fruchtman know at 302-542-8094 or c.fruchtman@ so group transportation can be arranged. Potluck Oneg Jan 1 Our first 2016 Shabbat service is on Friday evening, January 1, and we are having a potluck Oneg Shabbat. Start the New Year off with a bang. Bring your best apple cake, chocolate chip cookies, fruit salad, or another item to share. Contact Irene Ullman at 302-9479123 or [email protected] to let her know what you’ll be bringing. December 2015 Committees Adult Ed George Beckerman 202-903-5060 [email protected] Cemetery Harvey Fruman 302-226-2209 [email protected] Communications Jennifer Rubenstein / Chair 302-841-0143 [email protected] Fran Sneider / Newsletter Editor 302-644-4652 [email protected] Robbin Myerberg / Designer 302-396-1163 [email protected] Community Service & Chesed Cheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair 302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094 [email protected] Anita Smulyan / Co-Chair 302-703-2900 [email protected] Beth Cohen / Chesed 302-644-4652 [email protected] House Harvey Fruman 302-226-2209 [email protected] Membership Fran Sneider 302-644-4652 [email protected] Social Fran & Mike Saltzman 302-827-2751 [email protected] Worship Buddy Feldman 301-343-0469 [email protected] Youth Ed Marjorie Kobrin 914-419-2972 [email protected] Seaside Jewish Community Mitzvah Opportunities Programs are sponsored by SJC or outside community organizations. Epworth Soup Kitchen – Seaside’s Team 6 – Every six weeks, Seaside is responsible for Epworth United Methodist Church’s Sunday afternoon soup kitchen. Our next date is December 13. Team members plan, shop, prepare, cook, set up, clean up, and serve the hot meal that Sunday. Team 6 is always in need of additional volunteers. The shopping and preparation occur on a day during the week prior to our given Sunday. Cooking and table set up begins at noon with guests starting to arrive at 2:00. The event is over around 5:00. Those interested in being in the kitchen for prep and cooking need to take a 2 hour online food preparation workshop. Anyone, including young people, can participate in the “outside the kitchen” activities of setting up, serving, and cleaning without the on-line training. If you are planning to participate, please contact Idylle (“Dill”) Patz at [email protected] or 302-792-0171 to let her know you want to be part of the team. She’s looking forward to hearing from you. It takes 10 – 12 people to handle all the activities involved, so we need you! Immanuel Shelter – The shelter in Rehoboth Beach is opening its doors for their sixth season beginning December 1 and will be open until sometime in April. The overnight shelter will be available seven days a week for homeless men and women in Eastern Sussex County. Over 110 individuals were served last winter. The group Page 3 needs prepared dinner meals. At the height of the season, they may serve as many as 50 meals on any given evening. They are searching for folks willing to prepare a family-style meal with a meat, starch, vegetable or salad for a given evening. If you are not able to provide a full meal, then dishes such as crockpot stew, casseroles, chicken, etc. are greatly appreciated. Meal providers bring their hot meal in disposable pans to the shelter around 5-5:30 p.m. It will be kept warm until dinner starts at 6:30. The shelter will also keep a supply of frozen casseroles for those days when inclement weather may keep you from delivering your meal. To volunteer to help, please contact Betty Blue, meal coordinator, at 443-614-8872 or [email protected]. Oneg / Kiddush Coordinator Changing It seems that at every event, we have food. We wouldn’t have an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush meal after our services if it wasn’t for the hard work of our volunteer Oneg/Kiddush coordinator, who finds SJC members to provide the food, set up, and clean up each Oneg or Kiddush. After several years, Myra Sachs stepped down as the coordinator. We thank her for the wonderful job that she has done. We are pleased to announce that Irene Ullman has stepped up to fill the volunteer coordinator’s role. Please contact Irene at 302947-9123 or [email protected] to sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush. Don’t wait for her to call you. Call her! It makes the coordinator’s job that much easier if members call to sign up. Page 4 Talkfest Thursdays Meetings are at SJC at 7:30 p.m. All are invited. First Thursday: Jewish History On December 3, we continue our series on insights into Jewish History gained from the Hebrew Bible as we enter the Bible’s era of monarchs. We will view and discuss a DVD about the book of First Samuel. Saul and David enter Samuel’s story in this book, and the era of unification of the fractious Israelite tribes into their first nation-state is about to begin. The DVD asks us to consider a compellingly timely question. What is compromised in the covenantal egalitarian structure of the Jewish religion by adoption of a monarchical political structure? Then, on January 7, we will complete the story of Samuel and then consider the birth of the monarchies as personified in the stories of Saul and David. Second Thursday: A Taste of Mussar On December 10, we continue our exploration of the middah (virtue or characteristic or soul trait) of Yirah, a Hebrew word that means both fear and awe. Yirah is the last middah in the book we’ve been using, “Everyday Holiness” by Alan Morinis. Following our discussion of Yirah, we’ll review all the middot we’ve studied over the past two years and discuss the spiritual practices in which participants have engaged during this course of study. What practices have worked well and not-so-well? In addition, we’ll talk about 2016 and determine whether we wish to continue our study of Mussar middot or move to something different. In 2016, we will continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month beginning with January 14. Next Seaside Jewish Community month’s newsletter will have details on the topic of study. The class is led by Beth Cohen. Third Thursday: What Matters to Jews Due to the end of the year holiday schedule, our usual Fourth Thursday discussion of Pirkei Avot will be on the third Thursday in December. Then on January 21, we resume our Third Thursday programming by again showing the DVD, “In Your Light We See Light,” and revisiting our understanding of Jewish Renewal and Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi. The DVD celebrates Reb Zalman’s legacy through his words and the words of his students. This film is a wonderful opportunity to view rarely seen footage and to experience Reb Zalman’s teaching in action. On topics ranging from prayer to ecumenism to the Hassidic tradition, we get a taste of how his legacy is alive and growing toward the future. We viewed this DVD over the summer and several folks asked if we would show it again. Our Religious Leader, Beth Cohen, will just be returning from the Jewish Renewal Rabbinic conference, where she will be ordained as a rabbi. How better to celebrate than to learn about the Judaism she has chosen to embrace and the legacy which preceded her. Beth will facilitate the discussion following the DVD. Fourth Thursday: Pirkei Avot On December 17 (a third Thursday) and January 28, we continue our discussion of Pirkei Avot, a compilation of ethical teachings and maxims of the Mishnaic Period, which deals solely with ethical and moral principles. There is little or no Halacha (Jewish Law) in Pirkei Avot. This structure allows us to evaluate, compare, discuss, December 2015 dissect, and reflect upon topics with an eye for when they were written down in the 2nd century CE and their relationship, if any, to the 21st century. All opinions are respected. No previous study is necessary or required. If possible, but not required, bring a Pirkei Avot book. Participation in this course is growing. Please contact Burt Brenman at burtrehab@ or 302-947-2183 so he may send you specifics as to what will be discussed and to remind you of the upcoming class. Jewish Film Festival Coming Save the Date: The Rehoboth Beach Film Society and Seaside Jewish Community are presenting a Jewish Film Festival for all audiences of film buffs. Seven films will be screened from Thursday, March 17, through Sunday, March 20, 2016. Seaside will not be hosting the films showing on Shabbat. SJC Resource Center The Adult Education Committee recommends the book “The Girl from Human Street” by Roger Cohen, published by Alfred A. Knopf. The author, a journalist with the New York Times, traces the history of his family beginning in the 19th century from Lithuania to South Africa to Israel, London, and New York. The episodic displacement of family, the depression and illness of his mother, and the continuing need to adapt to new circumstances, portrays the loss of the past and its effect on each family member. It is another chronicle of the fate of Jewish dispersal from lands where they once felt safe. This book is available through The Delaware Library System. Questions and comments may be addressed to Miriam Zadek at mzadek@ December 2015 Seaside Jewish Community Page 5 Religious School News Religious School Library School Volunteers Needed Religious School continued its busy fall season during the past month. The kids practiced Chanukah songs with Dr. Jeff (Hawtof) and had an art lesson with Ms. Vicki (Albrecht). The Gimmel class continued their study of Jewish history during Roman times, learning about heroes such as Golda Meir and Abraham Joshua Heschel, and studied Genesis. The Bet class continues to learn Hebrew though items like animals and colors, stories from Genesis, and significant things for Jews such as Shabbat and the synagogue. The Alef class continued their study of Hebrew letters, Shabbat, and Mitzvot such as feeding the hungry. SJC’s Religious School is honored to welcome Vicki Albrecht as our newest teacher. Vicki is a retired art instructor and is still very passionate about teaching. Inspired by her desire to serve her new community, she has drafted a Visual Arts Program. The inclusion of art is a relevant component when teaching the Jewish holidays. Vicki will work with the Religious School children to help accentuate their study of the holidays. For December’s Chanukah Party, students will create Chanukah art projects. We are all excited by Vicki’s desire to bring her talents to Sunday morning’s Religious School. Please check out our newly reorganized School Library. We have relevant, beautifully illustrated books appropriate for preschoolers on up. The books are organized by topics: Hebrew, Bible Stories, Holidays, Shabbat, Chanukah, and Pesach. Newly purchased picture books include sensitively written books on the Holocaust, dealing with death, kindness and performing mitzvot. A convenient checkout form is placed above the library shelves. Just sign out the books and return them after you read them. We hope you will check them out for no more than three weeks at a time. Do you like helping children? SJC’s Religious School is looking for a few volunteers to assist our teachers on Sunday mornings. If you are willing and able, contact our Religious School Director Joel Simon, at 302-245-1386 or [email protected] SJC Honored Vets What an amazing program! Seaside Jewish Community honored veterans on November 8 during a beautiful ceremony hosted by SJC member Larry Koch and the Religious School’s Gimmel Class. Those who attended learned about many Jewish heroes throughout history. Some heroes and members of our congregation attended, including Seaside’s own WWII heroes, Dorothy Sinner and Ellan Orkin. Thanks go to Larry Koch for organizing this event. Helping Hands SJC offers support to members who are ill, grieving, homebound, or just need a helping hand. Available support includes sending cards, visiting people at home, preparing and delivering meals, picking up groceries and prescriptions, small repairs around the house, and running errands. New Helping Hand team members are welcome. Contact Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900 Local Honey Available Local organic honey is available from bee keeper/SJC Member Jeri Berc. Jeri will donate money raised through SJC to American Jewish World Service. Cost is $10/lb. Call Jeri at 302-645-4778. There is nothing better than having local honey and contributing to those in need at the same time. Yes You Can Have you ever wanted to attend an SJC event but thought you couldn’t afford it? SJC policy is to work with you if you have a financial hardship. Please contact the treasurer to confidentially discuss your situation. Wednesday Mornings at Seaside Friendly Reminder Children should always be supervised at SJC. If you bring a child to an event they should be with you or another adult at all times. Every Wednesday morning from 9 to 10:30, you will find the SJC doors open for anyone interested in a contemplative, spiritual, peacefilled start to their day. Meditation, chant, and prayer are included. Everyone, including folks wanting to learn the practice of meditation, are welcome. Page 6 Seaside Jewish Community Mah Jongg: Time to Order New Cards Shabbat Dinner Draws Capacity Crowd Please join us on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. at TGI Fridays Restaurant on Coastal Highway to play Mah Jongg. Come early at 11:30 a.m. to join us for lunch. We are ordering 2016 Mah Jongg cards. A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to SJC by the National Mah Jongg League. The price is $8 for a standard print card and $9 for a large card. Please mail a check by January 17, payable to Deborah Markow at 19713 Queen Street, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. Call her at 443-310-9462 to let her know that your check is coming. Please let your friends know about the game. We will teach new players. We look forward to seeing you! SJC’s congregational Shabbat dinner was on Friday, November 6, before services. Rosenfeld’s Jewish Deli in Ocean City catered the dinner. It was a very poplar event with over 50 people attending, and everybody raved about the cold cuts and salads. Thanks to Bea and Lee Horn for another successful event. Women in Conservative Jewish Thought On the fifth Thursday of October, the Adult Education Committee inaugurated a new “Fifth Thursday” series of round-table discussions of the essays that appear in the back of Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary, the book we use at Seaside. On October 29, the discussion was on the essay, “Women.” The essays, all written by present-day Jewish historians, rabbis and philosophers, discuss ancient biblical life as seen from the perspective of contemp-orary Conservative Jewish thought. Rabbi Judith Hauptman, from the Jewish Theological Seminary, wrote “Women.” The 14 people in attendance enjoyed lively conversation during the session and, of course, at the dessert table afterwards. The next of these fifth Thursday events, moderated by Ira Wexler, will take place next Sept. 29,; the essay under consideration for discussion is “Holiness.” November was Lunch Month The Seaside men celebrated together with lunch on Thursday, November 12. Since we are not great planners, we met at the SJC parking lot, and then decided where to go. The winning selection was Nicola’s Pizza, and what a winner it was with half-price Nic-O-Bolis. Everyone had a great time. The ladies of SJC gathered at King’s Creek Country Club for lunch on Wednesday, November 18. There were about twenty women ranging from original members to newbies here only a few months. Many of us stayed after to play Mah Jongg. Thanks to Debby Markow for planning this event. We are all looking forward to our next lunch together. Board Meetings Meetings are open to members. 12/20 10 a.m. at SJC 01/17 Noon at SJC Minutes of SJC Board The minutes are available to interested members after the minutes are approved by the Board. Copies may be obtained by contacting our Secretary. December 2015 Happy Birthday to Our Members DECEMBER 12/01 Edith Calem 12/01 Nancy Schechtman 12/02 Marilyn Gershman 12/03 Terri Steinberg 12/03 Stanley Scherr 12/04 Jeffrey Jackerson 12/05 George Stern 12/05 Mark Widoff 12/06 Elaine Showers 12/09 Irwin Gold 12/10 Joe Kozol 12/11 Diane Daum 12/16 Alan Siskin 12/18 Steven Tischler 12/19 Phyllis Tocker 12/20 Harvey Fruman 12/20 Ira Wexler 12/22 Joel Peters 12/23 Gail Zinar 12/25 Dan Barkley 12/26 David Friedland 12/26 Fred Sobotkin 12/26 Norman Gershman 12/27 Ellan Orkin 12/28 Marvin Roffman 12/28 Mora Lobley 12/28 Phyllis Bloom 12/29 Barbara Fisher Steinke 12/31 Jane Guyer 12/31 Joan Keller 12/31 Riki Sheehan January 01/01 Evey Herschler 01/04 James Garland 01/05 Jerry Kaplan 01/06 Billie Friedland 01/07 Ron Lench 01/07 Sarah Hawtof 01/09 Amy Gersten 01/09 Sol Glasner 01/10 Theda Levitt 01/10 Will Garfinkel 01/13 Michael Kane 01/15 Mark Frisch 01/15 Susan Gladstone 01/16 Jackson Cohen 01/16 Joel Simon 01/18 Micah Krichinsky December 2015 Thank You Seaside Jewish Community gratefully acknowledges the following donations as of November 9. General Fund Matthew & Carole Ash for Community Services program in honor of Beth Cohen Harvey & Allyn Fruman • wishing a speedy recovery & a complete return to health to Edward Mintzer & Cindi Silverblatt • get well wishes to Gloria Bold, Bonne Morrison & Bonnie Quesenberry • contribution for the Shabbat dinner Melvin Goldberg Suzanne Gross for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium Hannah Hannon for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium Lee & Bea Horn in memory of Robin Fantl Michael Kernosh & Arlene Rubin Jody Marten for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium Lee Mussoff for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium and in memory of Dorothy Brecher, Robin Fantl & Marvin Guberman Carole Pollner & Jay Warshawsky for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium Howard Reitkopp for the Dorothy Brecher Memorial Symposium Lionel Saltzberg for the Religious School, wishing a speedy recovery to Callie Dixon Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis Eric & Robin Schwartz Joel & Alyssa Simon, in honor of • their son, Ethan Simon, for reading Torah on Yom Kippur • Ed Simon as he nears the end of his 2nd second year as SJC president • Beth Cohen & Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn for their leadership & dedication to SJC High Holy Day services • Dave & Pam Kaplan for set up, clean up & taking care of logistics for the High Holy Seaside Jewish Community Day services • all of the volunteers that assisted with the High Holy Day children & youth activities Sam & Anita Smulyan for Community Services program in memory of Dorothy Brecher Bess Torgoff for Community Services program in honor of Beth Cohen Dick & Barbara White High Holy Day Donation Anonymous (10 Donations) Bill & Kate Ciment in memory of Lilly & Robert Ciment, James & Shirley Mewskie Beth Cohen & Fran Sneider in honor of Dave & Pam Kaplan with thanks for all they do for SJC Robert Cohen Bill & Joan Davidson Marsha Davis in honor of Howard Menaker Martin & Ellen Epstein Elaine Faye Howard & Rebecca Fisher in memory of Carl & Roslyn Fisher and Bill & Birdie Cowan Arthur Fox in memory of Chana Gold-Fox John & Judith Freid Caren Gandelman Marshall & Linda Gevinson Warren & Linda Gleckel Arnold & Janet Goldberg Elsa Goldstein & Jay Salwen Paul Gorrin Bonnie Haynes in memory of Philippe Cohen Mary Helms Amy Helsel & Jeremy Swerling Jeffrey & Cathy Jackerson Kathy Jackson & Jacob Lapides in honor of Beth Cohen & Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn Hank & Laura Jacob William & Judy Johnstone in memory of Leona & Milton Ramoy Jane A. Josephs David & Pam Kaplan Jerry & Diane Kaplan in memory of Hyman & Betty Kaplan Lorraine Kaplowitz Art & Mindy Kaufman Page 7 Rena Kieval in memory of Rabbi & Mrs. Philip Kieval Barry & Shirley Klassman David & Marjorie Kobrin in honor of the Religious School faculty as thanks for all the work they do in educating SJC’s children Larry & Janet Koch • in honor of Andrew Koch • in memory of Sharon Koch, Sol Koch, Arthur Adler Myra Kramer Michael Krausz in honor of Harvey & Allyn Fruman Lawrence Krevor & Marjorie Norris in memory of their parents Nathan & Frances Krevor and Jillian & Jerome Norris Ken & Bonnie Leshaw in memory of Edythe Lustig, Sam & Jewel Kaplan, Andy Leshaw Laurence & Barbara Levitan Tom & Lucy Mehl for High Holy Day services & the wonderful job everyone did Ron Meltzer & Carol Frank Harriet S. Miller in memory of Esther Orkin Smith Tony & Narda Namrow Carl & Deena Newman Leslie Newman Joelle Norwood in memory of Philippe Cohen Sol & Beverly Peltz Paul & Fredda Pennock George & Naomi Platt in memory of Mollie & Louis Dornfeld, Rita Meltzer & Eileen Meltzer Gannon Roni Posner & Jeri Berc in honor of Beth Cohen’s upcoming ordination Iris Prager in honor of her children Renata Price & Yona Zucker David & Judith Rindler Rhona Rosenberg in honor of the speedy recovery of Cindi Silverblatt Richard & Diane Rosenholtz in memory of Helen Rosenholtz who passed away with full mental faculties in October 2014 at 104 years old Neil Rosenthal Becky Schumacher in memory of Meyer & Ida Kushner Page 8 Seaside Jewish Community Thank You In The Community continued from page 7 Glenn & Teresa Schuster Eric Sheinin Sandra Silberman with thanks for our attendance at Rosh Hashanah services Stanley & Gloria Silverstein Ed & Patricia Simon Joanne Sinsheimer & Margaret Beatty in honor of Beth Cohen’s upcoming ordination Phyllis Spivack in memory of Sara & Sam Spivack Joseph & Judith Stormer in memory of Dorothy & Milton Markowitz, William & Thelma Graf, Benjamin & Frances Stormer Dick & Barbara White Mark & Janet Widoff Howard & Judy Winston Jay & Rhona Zabolinsky in memory of Mark P. Zabolinsky Martin Zotlick Alfred Gross Scholars Fund Suzanne Gross Sam & Anita Smulyan in memory of Alfred Gross Youth Education Fund Tony & Narda Namrow Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors 12/04 Stuart Galkin 12/19 SJC Board in honor of Board Shabbat New Members Barbara Alushin Neil Rosenthal Howard Weinberg Refuah Shleimah – Get Well Wishes We send our prayers and healing energy to Seaside members and loved ones of members who have been hospitalized or injured in recent weeks, or who are facing or have had health challenges. Connie Fazzio Sol Glasner Janet Tischler Please contact SJC Religious Leader, Student Rabbi Beth Cohen, [email protected] or 302-858-2374, if you’d like to add the name of someone you love to the Seaside healing prayer list, to the list of family members who have died, or if there is a celebration in your life which you want to share with the Seaside family. Food, Clothing, Toiletries Needed Yahrzeit Plaques Honor your departed loved one by having a plaque mounted on the wall in the sanctuary. It takes 3 months to receive them. SJC Cemetery Reserve Your Plot(s) today. Contact Harvey Fruman at 302-226-2209 or [email protected] Please help us stock SJC’s storeroom with non-perishable food, gently used coats and clothing, or new toiletries for the needy. So many in our area are in need. Bring these items with you when you come to SJC and put them in the wicker basket at the top of the stairs. The Community Service Committee will pick up your donated items and deliver them to local service organizations. Thank you and please help! December 2015 Pastoral Support – Just A Phone Call Away SJC members visit patients at local hospitals, nursing homes, and rehab facilities. We can help families dealing with the death of a loved one. SJC’s Spiritual Leader is available to help families through the rituals and processes surrounding death, including funeral and burial, Shiva, and notifying the SJC community, while other SJC members take care of providing a Shiva tray or meal of comfort or a contribution in memory of the loved one. New team members are welcome. Contacts: • Beth Cohen, bethcohen@ or 302-858-2374 (SJC Religious Leader) • Anita Smulyan, anitasmulyan@ or 302-703-2900 • Cheryl Fruchtman, [email protected] or 302-227-1056 Sponsor Oneg-Kiddush Celebrate your next birthday, anniversary, or other special milestone with us. Sponsor your own, co-sponsor with someone else or with a group. A great way to share an event with your SJC family. Contact Irene Ullman at 302-947-9123 or [email protected] for available dates and details. Perhaps she can find a co-sponsor for you. Check out the details for sponsoring at Click on Giving and then sponsor Oneg. CHANUKAH BLESSINGS The first Chanukah candle should be lit on the evening of Sunday, December 6. The last candle should be lit on the evening of Sunday, December 13. Recited on all 8 nights 1.Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha'olam, Asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Chanukah Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light. Recited on all 8 nights 2. Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha'olam, She'asah nisim la'avoteinu, bayamim ha'hem baz'man hazeh. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who has wrought miracles for our ancestors, in those days at this season. Recited only on 1st night 3. Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha'olam, She'hecheyanu, vekiyemanu vehigi'anu laz'man hazeh. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season. Donation Form (Please print clearly) Please Return to: Seaside Jewish Community P.O. Box 1472 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Shalom! It is only through the generosity of those who support us that we are able to maintain our program of services, education, and outreach to the community. Thank you for your donation! Enclosed is a donation in the amount of: $ ___________ for: □ General Fund (unrestricted) □ Restricted for: □ Adult Education □ Alfred Gross Scholars Fund □ Building Fund □ Cemetery Program □ Community Service □ Religious School Programs □ Ritual Object Fund □ Worship Programs □ Youth Education Programs In Memory/Honor of (optional) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Please send notification of this donation to (Name/Address) (optional): ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Donor Info: Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: ____________________ Thank you again for your generosity. Seaside Jewish Comm. is a 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details. Seaside Opening Dinner Saturday, January 2, 2016 Saketumi Restaurant, 6 p.m. 18814 Coastal Highway, Rehoboth Beach Phone 302-645-2818 $42 per person, including bar beverage, and must be received by SJC by Monday, December 14 Mail checks to SJC by Friday, December 11 so they arrive in SJC’s mailbox by December 14. (Please note on your check that it is for the dinner) Seaside Jewish Community, P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Menu Appetizers Bar Drink Miso Soup Dinner Selections (choice made at the restaurant): Steak Teriyaki General Tso's Chicken Salmon Teriyaki Vegetarian Pad Thai noodles Dessert Questions? Contact Fran or Mike Saltzman 302-827-2751 or [email protected] Please include this form with your check. Item Number of Dinners: Qty Total $ X $42 = $ Names of Attendees: Phone Number: _________________________________ Seaside Jewish Community P O Box 1472 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Support Our Sponsors If you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider
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