june, 2016 bulletin - Temple Beth Abraham


june, 2016 bulletin - Temple Beth Abraham
5:00pm Sunday Funday Shabbat
6:00pm Family Shabbat Dinner
7:00pm Family Shabbat Service with
Camp Blessing
9:00am Conservative Shabbat Service
11:00am Ben Goldstein, son of Richard
Goldstein and Stacey Katz will be call to
the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
7:30pm Shabbat Services with Torah
9:00am Conservative Shabbat Service
11:00am Arianna and Danielle Stassa,
daughters of Richard and Eileen Stassa
will be called to the Torah as
B’not Mitzvah
6:00pm Erev Shavuot Dinner
7:00pm Reform Shavuot Services with
9:00am Conservative Shavuot Service
with Yizkor
1:00pm Adult B’not Mitzvah Ceremony
7:30pm Reform Shabbat Services with
Board of Trustees Installation
9:00am Conservative Shabbat Service
with Kiddush
4:30pm Madison Gordon, daughter of
Steve Gordon and Marlee ZweifachGordon, will be called to the Torah as a
Bat Mitzvah
7:30pm Reform Shabbat Services
9:00am Conservative Shabbat Service
During This Service We Will Celebrate the
Rachel Aaron Jason Balsan Rebecca Balsan
Nicole Chase Daniel Livingston Kyle Lonergan
Arcadia Wisnik
6:00pm Erev Shavuot Dinner
(reservations required)
7:00pm Erev Shavuot Services
9:00pm Oneg
9:00am Shavuot Morning Service in the
Conservative and Reform tradition including Yizkor
1:00pm Shavuot Service Celebrating the
Ann Adenbaum Laurie Bauer Debra Drattell
Shelley Greenspan Suzan Harrison
Ina Bearak Helfand Diane Werner Osborn
join us for as many events
as you can!
From Rabbi Holtz’s Study 4
25 Leroy Avenue
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Tel: 631-1770 Fax: 631-7872
Dear Friends!
Clergy/Senior Staff
Rabbi David K. Holtz
[email protected] ext. 17
Cantor Margot E.B. Goldberg
[email protected] ext. 11
Director of Temple Operations
Stuart P. Skolnick
[email protected] ext. 13
Educational Director Rabbi Allison Berlinger
[email protected] ext. 22
Office Staff
Facilities Supervisor [email protected] Asst. Facilities Supervisor [email protected] Clergy Coordinator
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Religious School Assistant
[email protected]
Larry Murray
ext. 25
Jaime Valencia
ext. 26
Irene Metz
ext. 19
Stacey Notrica
ext. 10
Alix Brown
ext. 10
Office Volunteers
Melissa Baer
Beulah Tishelman, Librarian
Sheila Buitekant Debra Drattell Miriam Margoshes
Executive Committee
Executiver (First) Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary Treasurer
Herb Baer
Alan Berkson
Jamie Wilson
Marla Peers
Diane Gross
Adult Education
Risa Swersey
Board of Education Steve Gosset, Jen Greenspoon
Fundraising/Development Meredith Siegel, Julie Gur
House Neil Bruckner
Marla Peers
Member Services Allison Fine, Loren Ratner
Tikkun Olam
Kimberly Marcus
Gayle Aaron Debra Drattell
Karen Filler
Liza Karsten
Ronit Lubell
Glen Markowitz
Rick Misrok
Mark Polisar Jen Povman
Roy Solomon Michael Sonkin
Mark Stein
Honorary Trustees
Barry S. Agdern Ruth Biloon Dr. Stephen Gerstman
Robert Harris Michael Karnes David Kaufmann
Farron RoboffPearl Ann Schwartz
Dr. Richard Weiner Robert Zinman
You’d think that I would have learned by now. Every year, I think to myself, “Things
will calm down after Passover.” And every year I’m wrong.
It’s not just that there are so many Spring events in the secular calendar. It’s also that,
despite our focus on the High Holydays, the reality is that with Passover the Jewish
calendar year is just getting started.
You’ll recall from your seder that Passover takes place in the first month of the year.
Very appropriate: the beginning of the calendar year coincides with the moment of
our freedom.
Shortly thereafter, we have the modern holydays of Yom HaShoah and Yom
HaAtzmaut. And then, precisely seven weeks after 2nd seder, we mark the incredible
moment when our ancestors stood at Mt. Sinai to receive the word of God—the
Torah. This is the festival of Shavuot. The order of events makes perfect sense, for
only once they were free could the Israelites freely accept the commitments and
responsibilities of being a holy people. And our tradition indicates that we are each
to see ourselves as though we personally had come out of Egypt, stood at Sinai, and
heard God’s word. Therefore, each one of us is obligated to join together to
celebrate this important festival.
But even if that doesn’t excite you (though I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t!), let me
give you three reasons and opportunities to come to Temple on Shavuot this year.
1)Saturday, June 11 @ 7:00pm – Reform service, including the Confirmation
of our 10th Grade. In the same way that the Israelites stood at Mount Sinai, so
you too are needed to serve as witnesses to this Confirmation of the Covenant
between God and our people. Our Confirmands make their pledge not only to
God, but to each one of us as members of this congregation and of the larger
Jewish community. The ceremony is truly incomplete without your participation.
2)Sunday, June 12 @ 9:00am – Conservative service, including yizkor. In
addition to being a beautiful service whose highlight is the chanting of the Ten
Commandments, this is your opportunity to participate in the yizkor (memorial)
service. Most folks are familiar with yizkor at Yom Kippur, but it actually
happens three other times as well – Shmini Atzeret, Passover, and Shavuot. We
certainly remember our loved ones every day; this is a way to more formally
acknowledge their continued place in our hearts.
3)Sunday, June 12 @ 1:00pm – Adult Bat Mitzvah Service. All year long an
intrepid and dedicated group of women have been studying Jewish history,
theology, liturgy, Hebrew, and much more. On Shavuot afternoon they will be
called to the Torah as b’not mitzvah. They will lead the service, read from the
Torah, and share their journeys. It will be inspiring and moving, reminiscent I
believe of the original moment of revelation 3200 years ago.
Come for any or all of these beautiful events. Make this the year that you celebrate
Rabbi David K. Holtz
4 PAGE 2
Notes from
Cantor Margot E.B. Goldberg
B’chukotai Leviticus 26:3-27:34
B’midbar Numbers 1:1-4:20
Shavuot Exodus 19:1-20:22
Numbers 28:26-31
Naso Numbers 4:21-7:89
B’haalot’cha Numbers 8:1-12:16
June 3-4
June 10-11
June 12
June 17-18
June 24-25
Friday, June 3
Friday, June 10
Saturday, June 11
Sunday, June 12
Friday, June 17 Friday, June 24 Shalom!
Mind, body, and soul! Spirituality! Connection to God! Finding balance! These
“catch phrases” or “buzz words” are all designed to motivate us to focus on
ourselves and to find a way to be the best person we can be. In my October Bulletin
article I wrote about my quest to become closer to God and laid out a plan for
becoming the best me that I can be. I invited you to join me on a journey filled
with study, exercise, nature, and giving back. Although I wasn’t successful with all
of the specifics that I laid out I do feel more focused on myself and I do feel
more balanced.
My year of study was to include weekly readings from Unscrolled, 54 Writers and
Artists Wrestle with The Torah, edited by Roger Bennett. I must admit that I didn’t
This campaign will bring new life to our building, expand the range of programs and
secure our financial future. Together, we can renew the links between our pride in o
find it as compelling as I would have liked and quickly abandoned this part of the
what we have made real, and our dreams of what is possible. journey. To those who purchased the book and patiently waited for further
This cConnecting
ampaign will bring Our
new life to our building, expand th
secure our Tradition
financial future. Together, we coan renew Rich
For information about how to
to gaet involved r m
ake a tghe ift, lin
instructions from me I apologize for not seeing it through.
what w
e hAave made real, and our dreams f wShat is pSossib
contact Campaign Chair Gayle aron at Future
bridges@tba-­‐ny.org or ocall tuart kolni
I also outlined that I would like to spend more time in nature, that I would like to
For information about how to get in
become involved with a mitzvah project, and more time on my physical health and
contact Campaign Chair Gnew
ayle Aaron This campaign
will bring
lifeat bridges@tba-­‐n
wellbeing. These I committed myself to and have to admit that I really do feel more
to our building, expand the range
balanced and closer to God because of these efforts. Although I may not say 100
of programs and services, and
blessings a day I am aware that I do spend more time communicating with God. I
to secure our financial future.
am not so good at petitioning God for the things that I want but I have become
we can renew the
much better at finding gratitude for the things that I have.
I have had a lot to be grateful for in this year. I am still riding high from the
experience of Tamir’s Bar Mitzvah and I am still grateful for all of your support, love,
and encouragement.
I have also had some challenges this year. Last spring I found that I was hoarse, first
when speaking and then when singing. As you can imagine this was very scary. The
idea of losing the instrument that God gave me was unthinkable. The good news
is that the polyp that the ENT found on my vocal cord healed with vocal rest and
therapy. I still have some work to do but I find that my voice gets stronger every day.
In the May Bulletin some of you noticed that I was listed in the section called
TBA Family under Speedy Recovery. My 50th (OK I was 51) birthday present to
myself – a colonoscopy – revealed a polyp that needed to be removed and I had
surgery during Passover. The polyp and part of my colon were removed and there
is no more treatment necessary.
During both of these events I found myself grateful to God for doctors and
therapists with skilled hands and techniques that would heal my body and for the
warmth and love that I feel which helped to heal my soul. Once again I find myself
grateful for the support, generosity, and love from our TBA community. Thank you
for the cards, phone calls, emails, and donations but mostly thank you for being
there for me and for my family. My goal this year was to get closer to God and I did
Continued on page 5
4 PAGE 3
links between our pride in our
past, our joy at what we have
made real, and our dreams of
what is possible.
For information about how to get
involved or to make a gift, contact
Campaign Chair Gayle Aaron
at [email protected] or call
Stuart Skolnick at the Temple.
Movies @ TBA
7pm JUNE 18
From the Director of Education4
Rabbi Allison Berlinger
Wow!!! I can’t
believe the school
year is over and what
an amazing year it
has been.
Our curriculum enhancements were a
smashing success. Launching Hebrew
study in our youngest grades has helped
to cultivate a love of the Hebrew
language among all of our students but
most especially our youngest ones!
Our 4th grade students were the very
first to begin learning our new Torah
curriculum, exploring selected stories
from the Books of Numbers and
Deuteronomy. This allowed them to
expand their experience of Torah
learning beyond Genesis and Exodus.
Hebrew learning on Mondays took on
new excitement as students banded by
skill set and were able to really focus
and hone their skills. We have seen
tremendous reading progress. Mussar,
prayer comprehension, and Torah study
for 6th & 7th grade on Wednesdays was
a welcome addition to our program
giving our students time to think,
discuss, debate, and share. We have
learned a great deal from each other.
Our new Madregot program has been
an incredible success for our school.
How amazing is it that we have a room
staffed with two teachers solely
dedicated to helping any student who
needs to catch up, have specialized
learning, or is in need of enrichment.
What a blessing that TBA is able to
provide a room of this kind in our
Religious School. On behalf of all the
teachers and students I want to thank
the Board of Education for supporting
our vision for this revised Madregot
program and for the amazing Angels
who helped by donating funds to outfit
it with specialized furniture and
materials so all of our students could
learn in this space. If you would still like
to become an Angel, please feel free to
contact me.
Don’t forget to register for
Religious School next year at
Stay tuned to learn about our plans for
2016-2017. We have exciting things
planned for our Hebrew High School
and a meeting to discuss these plans is
in the works. Our commitment to
School Faculty, Religious School
Assistant Alix Brown, the Board of
Education, and myself we wish you a
relaxing summer. Alix and I are in the
office all summer long so feel free to
drop by, visit, and just say “hi”. We will
always have a little something sweet for
you in the office!
Kayitz Tov!
Rabbi Allison
You are warmly invited and
encouraged to join your fellow
congregants as we conduct the
Annual Meeting of the Hebrew
Congregation of North
Tarrytown and Tarrytown
(Temple Beth Abraham’s formal
corporate name) on Tuesday,
June 14, 2016 at 7:30pm to
transact the following business:
JUNE 14 at
• President’s Report
• Clergy Reports
• Annual report of standing
• Vote to Adopt TBA operating
budget for fiscal year July
2016 to June 2017
• Election of Officers and
• Such other matters as may
properly come before the
Congregation according to
TBA’s Constitution and
4 PAGE 4
Please note that only members
who are current in their
financial obligations to Temple
Beth Abraham are permitted to
vote at the Annual Meeting of
the Congregation.
The Board of Education Year in Review 4
The 2015-16 year at the TBA Religious
School ended on May 22, and the
planning for classes and curriculum for
classes in September is well underway.
That’s where you come in. Or, at least,
we hope you will.
The Board of Education is comprised of
a small cadre of volunteers who work
with Religious School Director Rabbi
Allison Berlinger to determine the
school’s direction, manage its finances,
and ensure it remains a vital force that
contributes to the resiliency of the entire
TBA community.
The Board had a busy year. Some
difficult choices were made in order to
craft a budget that better reflected
current enrollment. Toward that end,
there have been constant discussions
on how to bring more children into
our school.
At the same time, we saw the successful
introduction of our Madregot program,
which provides extra attention to
students with particular learning needs.
It has been extensively praised by
parents and students alike. Our Skype
program for fourth and fifth graders will
Christmas in July
Kosher Chinese & “Noodle” (the movie)
Join us at 6:15pm on Saturday, July 9
for dinner* and a movie
$36.00 per person for TBA members
$40.00 for non-members
To purchase tickets: tba-ny.org/noodle
BYO wine, beer, or other spirit
Guaranteed to be a great night out
(We are not offering the movie alone as an option)
continue, and has been found to not
just be a convenience for harried
parents, but a boon for students who
are getting focused Hebrew language
training at a level that’s right for them.
The Board is also working with Rabbi
Allison on a revamp of the Hebrew High
School curriculum, so it caters more to
students’ particular interests and is not
bound by what grade they are in.
All of these programs were developed
and enhanced by discussions held at
Board of Education meetings. We need
more voices contributing to those
discussions. If you have children in the
school, then this is a prime opportunity
to ensure the education they receive—
and that you pay for—is the best it can
be for them and the more than 200
students in the Religious School.
It’s a small investment of your time—
the fourth Tuesday of every month at
7:30 pm, except for August—with a
potentially big payoff.
The success of the Religious School will
help shape the future of TBA as a hole.
Join the Board and let your voice be
heard. Rare is the opportunity to shape
the future. And at the TBA Religious
School, the future really is now.
For more information, contact Board
co-chair Steve Gosset at BoardofEd@
tba-ny.org or 914-332-1242.
Cantor, continued from page 3.
by finding inner strength and the
support of a fabulous community.
* Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions and our caterer will
accommodate you.
In my October Bulletin article I wrote
about the custom of saying 100
blessings a day. If you prayed 3 times
daily, every time you ate, and when your
body opened in the way that it is
supposed to you would get to 100 very
easily. When I started this journey in
October I was not aware of all of my
blessings. Today, I understand that I was
wrong and that I am surrounded by
blessings and by God’s love.
Cantor Margot E.B. Goldberg
4 PAGE 5
Tikkun Olam 4 Tikkun Olam would not exist without u.
Thank you for your time, experience,
donations, and ideas.
Meetings are held on
Sundays 9:00-10:00am
in the TBA Library.
Watch this space for the
next meeting date.
Tikkun Olam
Year in Review
It is with mixed emotions that I write
this, my final communication as Tikkun
Olam Chair. I am so glad that I had the
opportunity to work in this leadership
position. It was a scary leap I took three
years ago and I am so pleased that I did.
It was a challenge for me and stretched
me in ways that I could not imagine. I
have gained confidence and insight into
myself and leadership and am a much
better person for it.
I want to thank all of you, the members
of Temple Beth Abraham, because
without you, Tikkun Olam would not
exist. I know our lives are filled to the
brim, but it is because of you, and the
fact that you pulled away from your
busy lives to donate time, energy,
ideas, and dollars that our programs
succeeded. I thank you from the bottom
of my heart. I could not have taken this
journey without you.
I also want to thank the very many
volunteers that I was able to rely on to
lead and manage our varied programs.
Thank you so very, very much.
Our Fall events included the Backpack
collection – thank you to Ilona Marsh
and Jen Povman for helping with this
program, our annual Honey Drive – a
big thank you to Julie Gur who runs this
program which benefitted Hillel of
Westchester – and thank you to The
Leary Family for helping with the YK
Food Drive and all of the youth who
helped out on the truck. Many, many
thanks to everyone who donated.
During Yom Kippur, TBA had it’s first
ever Cheek Swab. Thank you so much
to Judy Cohen and all of the volunteers
who helped fill out paperwork and
swab cheeks. And of course, thank you
to the members who swabbed!!! What
a mitzvah!
In November, TBA premiered the film
Dreamers Among Us, which told of the
plight of undocumented students. We
also had a panel discussion with the
student filmmakers. Thank you to Ben
Gross and Rabbi Holtz for guidance and
help with this very important program.
We continued with our meaningful Light
One Candle program which benefits La
Asociacion. Our generous congregant’s
donations allow parents of La Asociacion
to make their own holiday gift
purchases. Thank you to all of the
congregants who donated and also to
the many who donated wrapping paper
and time to help wrap gifts.
Once again,TBA hosted DOROT
Westchester’s Winter Package Delivery.
This year, the third grade tied their
mitzvah project into this program which
helped ensure it’s success. We even
made the news! I am looking forward
to our continued collaboration.
In February, congregants volunteered to
pack food at the Food Bank for
Westchester and in March, many thanks
to Jane Silverman for another successful
Midnight Run and thank you to all the
congregant volunteers that joined her.
Many many thanks to Judi Markowitz
and Toby Helfenstein for their many
dedicated hours setting up and working
the TBA’s Annual Blood Drive.
Thank you to Marla Peers for walking in
the March of Dimes Walk.
Our penultimate event for the year will
be TBA’s 2nd Pet Blessing and Pet Food
Drive. Thank you so much to Cantor
Margot, Barry, and Tamir for their help
with the pet food drive.
And a huge thanks to Joyce Licker for
her continued support running Crafts
4 PAGE 6
Tikkun Olam
4Rosh Hashanah Honey Sale
4Yom Kippur Food Drive
4Yom Kippur Cheek Swab
4Backpack Collection for
La Asociacion
4Light One Candle Program for
La Asociacion
4Alt Gift Guide
4Hosted DOROT Westchester’s
Winter Package Delivery
4La Asociacion Adopt-A-Family
4Midnight Run Holiday Cards
4Midnight Runs
4Crafts for a Cause: Knitting
4Blood Drive
4March of Dimes Walk
4Pet Blessing & Pet Food Drive
4Volunteering Food Bank
collaborative baby blanket mitzvah
zproject for Israel’s youngest citizens
which was held on May 22, 2016.
Tikkun Olam could not have these
programs without the volunteers that
run them. Thank you so very much for
your time and effort in helping to repair
the world.
We have approximately 180
congregants and/or families on our
email list. In the 2015-2016 calendar
year meetings were quarterly.
I look forward to assisting the new
Chair(s) of Tikkun Olam. Again, thank
you to the Temple Beth Abraham family
for all that you do.
—Kimberly Marcus
The Temple Beth Abraham family would like to
congratulate the following students as they
graduate from High school:
“Adopt a Family”
La Asociacion
What is Adopt A Family?
Each month La Asociacion selects
a family that is going through a
particularly difficult time. Two TBA
families volunteer to purchase a
suggested list of supplies. The supplies
are delivered to Jennefer Schifman’s
home which is near TBA. She delivers
the supplies to the family in need.
Cost? The cost seems to average
around $50.00 per family.
We would love to have
some new families join us.
Contact: Jennefer Schifman
TBA 914-631-1770
[email protected]
MidnighT Run!
To participate or for more
information please contact
Jane Silverman at
[email protected]
Crafts for a Cause
Meetings take place at TBA
Fridays at 10:30am.
Dates to be announced.
We make beautiful things for various
causes and at the same time have fun
knitting together. We have the supplies
but any donations of yarn and knitting
needles are always appreciated.
For further information,
please email Joyce Licker:
[email protected]
Hope Barkley
Sarah Barkley
Amanda Blass
Zachary Freiman
Caleb Gleit
Joshua Goldberg
Dana Grotenstein
Steven Hartog
Tobias Humm
Francis Iaconetti
William Iaconetti
Jake Leary
Justin Levin
Justin Maron
Benjamin Milan-Polisar
Matthew Mitamura
Leah Monack
Tess Nienaltow
Amanda Nobel
Daniel Pasternack
Tyler Pollack
Melissa Pomeranz
Benjamin Povman
Jordan Schiffman
Nathaniel Schochet
Jake Scott
Zachary Seymour
Sarina Stein
Marni Stempler
Eva Stimler
Rachel Weg
These students will be heading to Colleges and Universities such as:
American University, Binghamton University, Boston University, Clark University,
Cornell University, Hobart College, Hofstra University, Ithaca College, McGill University,
Northeastern University, Oberlin College, Penn State University, Pomona College,
Skidmore College, SUNY Buffalo, Syracuse University, Tufts University, Tulane University,
University of Delaware, University of Michigan, University of N. Carolina - Chapel Hill,
University of Rochester, Washington University - St Louis, Westchester Community College
And from college:
William Black, Santa Monica College with High honors, Associates Degree. He will be
attending UCLA in the fall to study Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering.
Alec Black will be transferring from Westchester Community College to Suffolk
Community College and starting “The Gersh Experience”, an independent living program.
David Ehrenreich, State College at Geneseo, BA in Geography, minor in
Environmental Studies. Lauren Filler, Binghamton University, major in Political Science, minor in Studio Art.
Audrey Frank, Barnard College, BA in Psychology.
Alexander Gelb, Tulane University, major in philosophy. He will be attending law
school in the fall.
Matthew Gideon, Syracuse University, Newhouse School of Communications,
BS in Broadcast and Digital Journalism.
Emily Greenspan, Wesleyan University as a Phi Beta Kappa, double major French and
Government. Will be working next year for Avodah, a Jewish Service Corp in Brooklyn.
Emily Mitamura, Vassar College, major in Political Science, minor in Jewish studies.
She will be attending the University of Minnesota PhD program in Political Science.
Jacey Peers, Bridgewater State University, Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages (TESOL).
Stessa Peers, Binghamton University, BA in History and Judaic Studies. Andrea Rosen, Washington University, BA degree in Global Heath.
Jessica Rosen, Washington College, BA degree in Psychology.
Matthew Schmuckler, University of Rochester, major in Bioethics and minor in Biology.
Emily Shapiro, University of Delaware with honors, Bachelor of Science in
Elementary Education.
Daniel Stein, University of Maryland, BA in History and Secondary Education.
4 PAGE 7
Adult Education 4
Torah Study: Wednesdays at 10:00-11:00am
Rabbi Holtz leads a class every Wednesday morning in the Library
from 10:00-11:00am. The class goes at its own pace through the Five
Books of Moses in English. No previous knowledge is required and
you can join at any point in the cycle.
Saturdays at 9:00am during Conservative Services.
Mah Jongg: Mondays at 1:00pm
A friendly, non-competitive gathering (no betting) at Temple Beth Abraham
to play Mah Jongg on Mondays at 1:00pm. Email [email protected]
to ensure there are enough players for a game. New players are
invited and welcome to join us at any time! $2.00/session for guests.
Movie Mavens: Saturday, June 18 at 7:00pm
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler
The story of Irena Sendler, a social worker who was part of the Polish
underground during World War II and was arrested by the Nazis for
saving the lives of nearly 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them
out of the Warsaw ghetto. A Hallmark Hall of Fame production
directed by John Kent. Filmed on location in Riga, Latvia. Coffee and
Dessert served. Free for members; guests–$5.00 to offset cost of
refreshments. Call the Temple Office at (914) 631-1770 or email
[email protected] to RSVP.
Book Club: Friday, July 15, at 10:00am
The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem by Sarit Yishai-Levi
“This Israeli bestseller is a multi-generational saga of Jerusalem,
extending from the early 20th century when the Turks ruled
Palestine, through the years of the British mandate and the
establishment of the State of Israel, to the early 1970’s. It is the story
of the Emorza family, respected Sephardic Jews who own a
delicatessen in the Jerusalem market. The narrator is Gabriela, the
wild, rebellious daughter of ‘The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem.’
Gabriela gradually reveals the family secrets and lies, but mainly the
inner strengths that family members have to summon in order to
overcome the ups and downs of life along the way.” —The Institute
for the Translation of Hebrew Literature RSVP (914) 631-1770,
[email protected]. $2.00 suggested donation per guest.
4 PAGE 8
Sight, Sound, & Spirit!
Join us to celebrate Israel’s 68th Birthday!
Celebrate Israel Parade Registration Form
Sunday, June 5, 2016
**Bus leaving at about 10:00am from TBA to return by about 3:00** Exact timing TBD
Please fill out the form below and return it to Temple Beth Abraham by Monday, May 16
1. Family Name: _______________________Cell Phone: _________________Email __________________________
2. Please list all participants from your family:
Grade or Adult
T-Shirt Size (YS, YM, YL, AS,
3. If an adult is not planning on attending from your family, please indicate if you have made chaperoning arrangements with
another family.
(if no arrangements have been made, we will pair your child up with another adult)
4. I/We will be (must check one) _________taking the TBA bus
_________taking our own transportation
5. The fee to help cover the cost of t-shirts, transportation, and materials is $20.00 per person. Please make checks payable to
Temple Beth Abraham. Total enclosed: ______
(If this poses a financial burden, please contact Rabbi Allison Berlinger at [email protected])
Participant Waiver
As a participant in the above program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risks of any injuries, damages or loss
which I or my child may sustain as a result of such participation. I further state that I have explained the risk of participating in this program to my child and he/she is still willing to
participate. I further understand that Hebrew Congregation of North Tarrytown and Tarrytown, does not provide medical coverage and it is my responsibility to provide appropriate
coverage. I agree to waive and relinquish all claims and hold harmless Hebrew Congregation of North Tarrytown and Tarrytown, Hebrew Congregation of North Tarrytown and
Tarrytown officers, agents, employees, organizers, and volunteers from any and all claims, including claims that arise due to negligence of Hebrew Congregation of North Tarrytown
and Tarrytown, Hebrew Congregation of North Tarrytown and Tarrytown officers, agents, employees, organizers, and volunteers.
Signature of Parent/Guardian____________________________________________ Date: ____________________
4 PAGE 9
Women’s Circle: Friday, June 24 at 5:45pm ending in time for the
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Celebrate, study and explore Jewish Women’s issues. You do not have
to read or prepare anything in advance. Life experience is the only
tool you’ll need. Members and Guests are welcome. Please call the
Office or email [email protected] to RSVP.
A good time was had by all on
May 2 as nearly 200 children,
teachers and adults were
entertained by the award-winning
Ora Fruchter, a Brooklyn-based
puppeteer, performer, director and
educator. Ora gave two morning
performances—the first at Good
Shepherd Early Childhood Center in
Irvington and the second at the
JCC on the Hudson in Tarrytown, at
which TBA’s nursery school attended
as well. The events were presented
by the Fran Friedman Fund for the
Enrichment of Children.
Each month for children ages 6 months
through 8 years.
To begin your monthly
subscription, visit www.pjlibrary.org/ny/TBA
No affiliation required to sign up!
PJ Library is a gift from Temple Beth Abraham’s Harriet Verter Jewish
Education Fund in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation
If you know of other families who would enjoy participating, please contact us at [email protected]
4 PAGE 10
Family BBQ
The Israel and Adult Education Committees present:
DAVID LISSY speaking on
Our Self-Interest in
Israel as a Pluralistic and
Democratic Society
Family Shabbat SERVICE
at 7:00pm
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and all the fixin’s will be served.
Dinners are by reservation only and will be accepted by mail along with
your check. Your check will be your reservation. Please note that reservations
will not be taken over the phone or after the deadline. Please make your
check payable to TBA and return by Monday, June 27.
Family Shabbat Dinner
Adults $14.00; Children 2-12 $8.00
number of dinners:
David Lissy served as Executive Director and
Chief Executive Officer of the Masorti Foundation
for Conservative Judaism in Israel from April,
2005 to May, 2013. He is currently serving as
the Foundation’s Interim Executive Director.
He considers this his fourth career, following
distinguished service in government, business,
and the law. He served as Associate Director of
the White House Domestic Council and Special
Assistant to the President, Vice President of Ames
Department Stores, and has chaired the UJA
Federation Campaign for Larchmont/Mamaroneck.
He has also served on the board of USCJ and
has been active with the American Jewish
Committee. David is married to Maggie,
Temple Beth Abraham’s bookkeeper.
8:00pm Wednesday, June 1 at TBA
amount of check enclosed
4 PAGE 11
TBA Family 4
The following Lifecycle
Events reflect the known
sorrows and simchas of
our TBA Family.
Speedy Recovery to:
Jack Keltz
Ruby Siegel
Steve Rothkin
Condolences to:
Joan Fine and Allison Fine on the death
of Jerome Fine, beloved husband and father.
Sam Cavior on the death of his wife Helen
Sharon Kirschner on the death of her dear
friend Karl E. Snyder
Fran Friedman Fund for the
Enrichment of Children
Bob and Marilyn Harris
Daniel Steinhauser
David and Ina Helfand in honor of
The Baers and the Gala Committee for
such a lovely evening!
Peter and Lin Bermas in honor of
Herb and Melissa Baer
Jeremy Swerling and Amy Helsel in
honor of Michael Maron becoming President
of the JCC of Tarrytown
Stanley and Harryette Helsel in honor of
our nephew, Michael Maron, President of the
JCC of Tarrytown
Bruce and Deena Goldsmith in loving
memory of Fran Friedman
Jeremy Swerling and Amy Helsel in
loving memory of Fran Friedman
Mel and Ruth Noble in loving memory of
Fran Friedman
Michael Friedman in loving memory of
Fran Friedman
Stanley and Harryette Helsel in loving
memory of Fran Friedman
Donations 4
Library Fund
Stanley and Marcia Bell in loving
memory of Rafael Manspeizer
Mishloach Manot
Malcolm and Marilyn Miller
Ida Doctor in loving memory of Bertha
Greenberg and Joseph Doctor
Jared and Amy Zerman in loving memory
of Mel Zerman
Temple Beth Abraham’s Adult Ed.
Annual Appeal 2016-17
presents: Movie Mavens
Alan Grotenstein and Susan Kronish
Martin and Saara Gallin
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Marc and Nancy Solomon in honor of
Eric’s Bar Mitzvah
Ms. Cynthia Barr-Pfeffer and Mark
Mishler in honor of the Cantor’s officiating
at our wedding
Stanley and Marcia Bell in honor of Tamir
Goldberg’s Bar Mitzvah
Gilbert and Thelma Bergsman in loving
memory of Jacob Bergsman
Jacqueline Egelman in loving memory of
Abraham Egelman
Marvin and Ruda Klein in loving memory
of Ruthie Klein
Marvin and Ruda Klein in loving memory
of Abraham Klein
Barbara Dymond and Marty Spar to
wish a speedy recovery to Cantor Margot
Sheldon and Susan Manspeizer to wish
a speedy recovery to Cantor Margot
June 18
Not Rated
Courageous Heart
of Irena Sendler”
cost of
$5.00 to offset
Conserative Kiddush Fund
David and Ina Helfand
Endowment Fund
Amy Fine in loving memory of Jerome Fine
Gary and Farron Roboff in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Matthew and Jennifer Schwartz in
loving memory of Jerome Fine
Bonus Presen
Temple Beth Abraham * 25 Leroy Avenue * Tarrytown, NY * (914) 631-1770 * www.tba-ny.org
4 PAGE 12
Camp Blessing
Are your kids
going to camp?
Every Saturday
at 9:00 AM
Warm, friendly atmosphere, stimulating
discussion/give and take with Rabbi
David and Cantor Margot. Celebrate a
Simcha or observe a Yahrtzeit with us.
Bagel and Lox Kiddush
Sponsored by the
Conservative Kiddush Fund.
Please join us for Family Shabbat
Services on June 3 at 7:00pm! Whether
your kids are heading off to day camp
or sleep away Rabbi David and Cantor
Margot would like to bless them as they
head off for Summer Camp.
If you would like to join us for dinner
please make reservations with the
Temple Office!
Be Part of the
Torah Reading!
Though it’s only Spring, we’re already
working on the High Holy Days. We’d like to
make our services more participatory. So….
Kiddush is scheduled:
June 18
July 2
July 9
July 16
If you wish to sponsor any
of the dates above or a date
of your choice, please
contact Neil Bruckner at
[email protected]
We are looking for a few good men and women
(over the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah) to read a few lines of
Torah or Haftarah during High Holy Day Reform and
Conservative Services. Basic Hebrew reading skills are
all that’s required – we can teach you everything else!
Please contact Clergy Coordinator Irene Metz at
631-1770 or [email protected] to sign up!
4 PAGE 13
Pincus Fund
Jon and Anna Weiss
Prayerbook Fund
Myra Frankel in loving memory of my
husband, Murray Frankel, and my parents,
Joseph and Regina Davis
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Laurie and Mark Bauer in honor of
Demi’s Bat Mitzvah
Marc and Nancy Solomon in honor of
Eric’s Bar Mitzvah
Malcolm and Marilyn Miller in
loving memory of Dorothy Reisner and
Nathan Miller
Sara Shapiro-Plevan in loving memory of
Jerry Fine
Shirley Cooper in loving memory of
Harry Cooper
The Fran Friedman Fund for the Enrichment of
Children has approved a grant proposal by
Marla Peers that will bring David Arfa, Maggid
(Mah-geed; Storyteller), to Temple Beth Abraham
on Sunday, Nov. 6. Arfa, who is based in Shelburne
Falls, Mass., is dedicated to celebrating Judaism’s
storytelling heritage and renewing Judaism’s ancient
environmental wisdom. He has more than 20 years
experience teaching, performing stories and
leading workshops. More details of the event
will come in the fall.
Temple Fund
Barry and Margot Goldberg in honor
of Ina Helfand creating a beautiful Tallis for
a friend
Herb and Melissa Baer
Audrey Jacobson in appreciation of your
warm welcome
Ellen Greenberg in honor of the Bat
Mitzvah of Ruda and Marvin Klein’s
granddaughter, Deena
Howard Kuflik in honor of the Bat Mitzvah
of Ruda and Marvin Klein’s granddaughter,
Michael Friedman in honor of Herb and
Melissa Baer
Air Engineering Filters in loving memory
of Jerome Fine
Beth Kanter in loving memory of Jerry Fine
David and Ina Helfand in loving memory
of Jerome Fine
David and Jamie Greene in loving
memory of Iris Greissman
Debra Askanase in loving memory of
Jerry Fine
Elliott and Susan Cohan in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Estelle Fishberger
Glen and Judi Markowitz in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Harry and Linda Lubell in loving memory
of Irving Cohen
Howard Kuflik in loving memory of
Harriet Kuflik
Hyson and Rhona Freiman in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Jared and Amy Zerman in loving memory
of Mel Zerman
Jennifer Young and Keith Treyball in
loving memory of Robert Schwartz
2nd Annual
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
Temple Beth Abraham
25 Leroy Avenue
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Interested in attending?
Tickets to TEDxTarrytown are on sale now! Tickets cost $36 each
and only 100 will be sold. Join us for an amazing evening filled
with interesting stories and inspiring ideas. If you've attended before,
you know how enlightening and thought­provoking TEDx can be. If
you have never been to a TEDx event, then come see for yourself
what everyone is talking about. Tickets can be purchased at http://tedxtarrytown.eventbrite.com
Speakers will be announced shortly. We can promise you that there
will be a vast array of provocative and motivational presenters. For
the latest news and up­to­date information please check our website
at tedxtarrytown.com
Interested in Volunteering?
A TEDx event is an exciting opportunity to educate and inspire.
Help us make it a great experience. We can use help in all aspects of
the event including: marketing, stage management, audio/visual,
catering and more. Please email indicating how you'd like to be
[email protected]
4 PAGE 14
Mel and Cynthia Chesner in loving
memory of Clara Stelnick
Mel and Vicki Savitch in loving memory
of Leon Lifton
Morry and Naomi Silbiger in loving
memory of Emil Silbiger
Morry and Naomi Silbiger in loving
memory of Benjamin Kleister
Norman Kleinman in loving memory of
Tillie Kleinman
Robert and Marion Zinman in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Scarsdale Synagogue’s Connected
Congregations Team in loving memory
of Jerome Fine
Scott and Jennifer Gold in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Steven and Risa Goldberg in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Joan Fine in loving memory of Jerry Fine
Judith Lee in loving memory of Herbert
Lawrence and Lucille Fine in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Leonard and Judith Hyman in loving
memory of Morris Siegel
Lester and Lynda Solomon in loving
memory of Joseph Vandroff
Martin and Geri Singerman in loving
memory of Sarah Yorkowitz
Martin and Saara Gallin in loving
memory of Jerome Fine
Marvin and Ruda Klein in loving memory
of Ruda’s mother, Dorothy Kimmel
Marvin and Ruda Klein in loving memory
of Irving Klein
Mary Perchick in loving memory of
Anita Fogelson
Register before July 1st:
Register after July 1st:
* We believe that financial issues should never interfere with participation in
a Temple event. Please contact the Rabbi or Cantor for information.
4 PAGE 15
Susan Bannon in loving memory of her
mother, Billie Epstein
Tedd and Debra Drattell in loving
memory of Jerome Pine
Pincus Scholarship Fund
in support of our Yellow
Candle program
Abraham and Sonia Cohen
Arnold and Marianne Rich
Barry and Jane Agdern
Barry and Margot Goldberg
Beverly Chabinsky
Burton Grad
Donald Kumka and Jane Silverman
Eric and Maria Brown
Gilbert and Thelma Bergsman
Ida Doctor
James Fowler and Susan Weinstein
Leonard and Judith Hyman
Lester Jacobs and Jane Herbert
Malcolm and Marilyn Miller
Mark and Judith Pomerantz
Martin and Saara Gallin
Marvin and Joyce Jeshiva
Marvin and Ruda Klein
Mary Edleson
Mary Perchick
Mel and Vicki Savitch
Miranda Beckenstein
Mitch Weitzner and Judy Tygard
Myra Frankel
Norman and Janet Braun
Paul Levy and Loren Ratner
Pearl Ann Schwartz
Peter and Anne Schaeffer
Randy and Chris Carter
Richard and Linda Okrasinski
Richard Weiner
Rita Joselow
Robert and Eva Fischer
Robert and Marcia Klein
Ron and Julie Latz
Scott and Sherri Luckow
Sharon Gross
Sheldon and Susan Manspeizer
Sidonia Singer
Stan and Gloriane Gamzon
Stanley and Marcia Bell
Stanley and Ruth Biloon
Stephen and Geraldine Borkan
Steven and Laura Finkel
Steven Haber and Sharon DeLevie
Steven Schieffelin
Stuart and Arlene Kolbert
Wayne and Sherri Heller
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Fathers' Day
1:00pm Adult B'not Mitzvah
9:00am Conservative Shavuot
Service with Yizkor
Israel Day Parade
TBA Used as a Polling Place
7:30pm Board of Education
8:00pm HHD Choir Rehearsal
1:00pm Mah Jongg
10:00am Torah Study Group
8:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting
8:00pm HHD Choir Rehearsal
10:00am Torah Study Group
7:30pm Shekelvestors
10:00am Torah Study Group
No CGC Classes
Last full day of CGC Classes
7:30pm Reform Shabbat Services
5:45pm Women's Circle
7:30pm Reform Shabbat Services
with Board of Trustees Installation
6:00pm Shavuot Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Services with
Torah Reading
9:00am Conservative Shabbat
7:00pm Movie Mavens
4:30pm Madison Gordon's Bat
9:00am Conservative Shabbat
Service with Kiddush
7:00pm Reform Shavuot Service
with Confirmation
9:00am Conservative Shabbat
11:00am Ben Goldstein's Bar
9:00am Conservative Shabbat
9:30am CGC 4's Graduation/End of
Year Breakfast/Art Show
7:00pm Family Shabbat Service
7:00pm Family Shabbat Service
with Camp Blessing
8:00pm David Lissy Presentation
6:00pm Family Shabbat Dinner
10:00am Torah Study Group
Jun 1
10:00am Torah Study Group
7:30pm Annual Congregational
Meeting with Ice Cream Social
7:30pm Board of Trustees Meeting
1:00pm Mah Jongg
Shavuot II
1:00pm Mah Jongg
Calendar June 2016
TBA Calendar June 2016
Deadline for upcoming issues:
August 1 for September, 2016
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