Mamiya C220 repair manual
Mamiya C220 repair manual
i -. - stRvl(t t[AHUAT REPAIR MANUAL for MAMfYA C22A Professlonol (mFCI ) I mAmlYA cAmmA co.' !rD. rOKYO JAPAN ,', ; ,j . ,{ :1: CONTLI{TII t. II. l. lllffOf ...................r...o.................'........... !' 2. Foeurlng Scrorrr Frorar .........'....o........o.'..' 2 !a Sldf Pfnll 1. !'|lf A d V u g C f , E X p O e U f aC o u t l t a f 3. Llgbt-ttjlt 6. fOOt ...r........o............oro.......o...o......... Flepl Pf nl nfcf f' '"""""""'r""""' .. o...... r. . ....... Pletf , r...r................t...r.. l.rVaf Afforbly $ |if ...... r.. t ' 13 r...... rD.tUSTi',lt:NtS t. IIl. Page DI$ASSDHBLII{CrND REUiS}:llULtNG(.\DJU3!II{Or CEECKINC) AdJUftln3 thl FOCfff 15 ...o......r.rr...........t.............. l''ttouBtE-sf,ogttl{o. . .gausEll l}lD REPIIR }IETnODS I r. r. t.. ..t............a......... la FOCUftl3 Z. Lt3ht Lagha ...r..r.o........ trr Opontioq l. AdValCt!3 end Rrrlttln3 !. flnd Stop Dolr Not hrnctloo ftld Stop Rrlilrrd . C. Rrhort of Sbuttrr r aa.r r.r...............r......... Button ...' 20 """".-o'r'r"'r"'20 ExpOrurt Countrf '"'."'r' '...r"""r""t""r'!"""' Eotorc Sbuttcr 18 r............t ..""''"r"""'"'"' """ 4 2i 33 I x it i$ i{ i'S :4 ,.; ,.: i ii ! ni I f nt I. DISI$ggHDLlt{G l.!ir} nu.lssEilsl,lt{G thlr rhcn thr l. rlth dcelr chrptcr digmrrbl lng e rplorlcd yiorr. rhlch troublcr end rclslf rbl lng thr rry bs Gncountercd relylng rhllc clncrf, on lflrror {f} Dlrerecrblt. ( 2) trrrrrtrbly to Gxploded vlc;r Rrflr nC{OSl lnto thr breclcts at thc Inecrt thr rimor crnrrr thc body rn0{Ol l rhtto cllora bo{y nl,mor tt;ht rdJuet tht plrnr of rdJurtlog bnckrtr cr!.rl (ln rgrlnrt rlrnor thc Bcrtt and th. thr rnglr ttlted lrrot thr froc above holdhg thc aFf,{0.T3.' thcn dlrretton), rprlst {t drgrrer by turnfn3 p$I .?r2, S8. rlruor r;!y riror rt bodyr cta.rl PeSc 2 r tbr Apply rngl c rdjurt againet thc nirror D.ll' fllr rnglr Bond 'to thr lng tcrsw of tbr thu' bsdy to r;cura .i{ llmckot -rlf[{$f I rE,lOUJ PBI .7x2.EB FU{Ott- eE405I Fl;- I -t- b lf lrror {5t \ \I I F1;. ! ?: . fogrF*nc $cnr3 Tqqr (f l Dimr;rlbly. ( 2) Rrrrelrbly Rrt;r to rrplod;d v? 6 . pr;r vlrrr rI I parta Rcrrlcabl; tr ordtr r! rl rho;n on tbr lf{lee lrcurt ;tth rprlng plrtr tar tho eerest r apptt D.8. Bond to all of ttrc frcsnrl grouad tlacl rer{ttn, ard cclcnt thc purpos.. thls tlgbtrnlng tbr Fif. fE4O9{ lftrr corntrf art botton, ths druO9tr I ualng gaugt crclualvo partr ground gla;e thr tofothsr:lth llrt rurfrcr ln icratr Llnc hvrl vLr; *plodcd ;horn l. lt tha fhoa ell lrft. mrorbhd Short rldr ln tlra ln four tcnr and focurlng 1o placc. t - 2 r \ 3. Side Panel panul nFC{6II 3,1 Ri6ht , ( 1) Dleaaeeubly the disk Talco off lnto l.natruuent I t, thr knob rFC{116. ntrC4?10 lron ths right fivr the then loo6n and tako of f lng panel tro For t lercua otl 481. ? x3' leat}rerct thc tqF€4611i thcnr I'D2xlB and rcrer scrcut a oharp-edged ES'C{11? by ineerting L, btrr unacfot'- FDZxSt thc right pane! Gan ba remoYld. PD2xJS S pc; rFC{?16 EFC{61I nFC{ I t6 PDZxSB I ps Fig.4 (2't Rsaeserbly Reasscorblc all dieasecrnblY. then \-,, Partr Securc thc ln rlth rtvlrll t w o scrort and aPPlYlng D.B. Bond. lcatherettc thc ordrr *BL.7x2 Cemcnt thc of bY t i g l r t T n i r t g dlek and Pliobond. 3 , 1.2 lift purl (r) Olmrrcrbly rl\C{631 rtrlC{Sl9. trkr put thr thr rltchct lnto thr ror.r 3Dr2rICr, ef f thr rprlng thr Itcrovl ptn unlvcnrl rtrml nst pFCSI ll countrrclockrlm, "out, trkrn (z! rnd lllr ;tndlng thr trrthcmttr trkr out thr flvr lrft prarl tro th. sprnner ptn rrtehrt knob rFClSgffA rFC{?l? rcrc;r thr unl,vrrnt rctlonrthr tbtr ott thr tsrn llth plrl thr tron kft cf T-rtE- I fact ttglrtcnrr rharl bc cln Thcn rcnovcd. prncl rFC{62lK2l PD2xll ' and rteov; lcrl; PDAxtr rnd holcl tht rF0f8zlKz. Rcrrrrrbly Porltlon rFC{S*t rho;r button prnrl pgtr :lth (rl thr lnto knqb cover beclc cover o oprn thr lrrrtlng thllr rnd fFC{tgS, pFE$llSr tightrncr frcr of f thr and trhr hft gnnel thr rrrk n$Il$clnr nFC{68X rnrt r rnd ro thrt thr thr ;ltl rtcura proJrctlon thr rltC{682l(gr $ubnquant by thc knob of thc thc lcft groovt rttrch lt r arrlnb Ccnlnt to dtmre*bly. ord* ln rcv.rll lt t lrt ln .crr;t. rindor thr thr rl l b hatharrtte Pllobond. ChreLln3 (3).1 Xovr chragr (31.2 conf,l,rrtng ;FE{Cg1 brch rnd forth lndlcatlon th.t chrn;r fror ov.r to vcrlfy LZA to 2N (rnd Grtr br obrcrvrd vlcr fror tiodor. ?trrn thr knob dE40{Sr ln thr conf lraln; rccordlng corrrctly optmtg lrrkr of thr ov.r vcrlr), thr button thr to tht that thc ehutt;r ilSIl{CIJtT rnd I'llULTftl rlndrr - 1- t*g -6ii' 'ii#:, IFC{O{S pnc6l ll Pncltt l! ang*sl0 Stlr2rtCr rp4? l?*/r' DF€{62IK2 2r(38 (U pcr) flg. ( r pc.) 5 -0' q (Sl.S furn nut t[r ttt: thr {. , ldvrncrr (f ) Ord6 of dl,satsrnbly, Rtfcr to cxPlodcd ( I ) .2 Gr*r I elleklng ,J retchc t noiec rhcn Countcr Erpoaurf fllr Sbouldr uakr thc tha rpool ln rlvrrlt). turntd knob le ( I ) .1 ( thould proprr"lt functLoar that , conf lnlng rccordtngly IoTCt ttgt knob to v6tfy rlndln; (Af tcr vlcrr fcr.t Prfl rrnovin; l;ft thc prn.ll 3 ' ? d;Pl?8f r.:S - t tt nftc*I?z *tF- ( I ) .3 libouldcr tcrft rfE{689 ? (t).* Sboultlcr acrcf rXUf666 E (t)'5 Lcvcr rlrC4s8$ ( I ) .6 SLoul dcr acror \ ong{68''f .A vf N.- (I).? Stidar ( I ) .8 gcra; (I).g Erporum Thl partr countcr bclot abovc art nFlgtS$a aholl I a r q 2. SDrl .412. S picturc llrted nFC{682K9 uranblY ffi thc conditton rftar rll nlnc rqnovtd' -6- q -!fE{tr5{tiz terl cTC{S5l rr0{l9l- - crE{379 cFC{X7O --cE{$89 rtrrC{SSa -cFC{X98 ,cffit[393 rFC{3TT Flg, 6 to f,rfrr glncr thc ll.B. Sond' (t),lO Flg. 6 for hrn3lng mch pr;t gtt{lgrt rry for rprln8 Elnec th lhrlt togrthr ;ltb tbc thr nfC{S83p thr rbrft dlrr:etrblad. fhrn rlth brnk tbr I alppcr, lbrft f,rlctlou thr frlctlon frlctlon ;hrcl tho rhrft ;brrl rllp ;hrrl lrlctlon Hf-llt0f,r trrr rprlng. ruet (f } lc att, rFC{s82 lr ;bcrl hFC{tgA togrtb* htrr0438l rnd htE't$gg bc rtnovrd, f,rlctlon bondrd vlth rhacl dllcd crnrcnted ritb rhcrl ;lth crnnot br ntP hFC{081 r rnrl pul I out tbr gGar hFEfsg3. -7- n v\ -;.hFc{s6l ***dry{38e ll3. 7 ( dlvtdtnS fhr counttr ib..rporur. (Str clt0tt?9. ( zl ll;. etlC{3SI lr rhrft crn br trtcn rl!C{$t{I'z dtrh rmrrbly otf ;hrn Do not lcotrn loorcncd' 6l Arrrrbly . (2).1 nftC40$4ft and thr dl,rh rurbly thr dtvldlng lrrrrblla3 rtlg{3ilf rprln3 6' P13. I tht Insrrt bodf lr :horn rbov*. tbr rbovr tror of thr fpoot. crntrr!. countrr countlrclockrll l[e;n tlth dtvldln3 ad;r boh. dtrk lt of, thc lprlng Ingcrt lhorn rPplytog bondln3 rg;nt rbrft ctl[llStr otrcr to porltlon ln tbr pl,cturc tcnltt. Dt- (rbovr dtsk *ecenbly thc divtding krplng out thr thr crntg lttrr crporurr thtfu t1.ooyrr Frlt plncrttr thc groovG of thc cagcrl rFE4trCg lato :prlnl rotrte thl thr ln thr rpring llth . lsto thr pleturr'r trbovr to tha tlp of th. dtrk tbr dlvtdtng :holr rlSht ] , thln rercobly ..curo lt af ttghtty (2).2 lrlcrbly vlerrr of thr rbrlt f,rlcti.on riecl nF!'lSgZ. (Ssc cxplodcd pagcf 5 and 4) (HI-I-OCKF\ l. B. r'l CI-.- + l+- v\\ ircrgzrxz II-[OCL \ Lcrt*r?6 LnF€{382 = Bouding cgnrt c {+ I {381 ' EPr Grcerg *aa DB Eond PBl. ?x2B' uFC4173 rFC{S83 L: rFC{38{ rnFC4172 rrsr I -9- tl Apply Hf-tr$C1( bonding abovc picturre' of I, f lungrd lr and asgeublc Br Cr aad D. uaG plnc*s that both rtrC4l?S rtth rFC438{ cn both hsad of thr to placer thc of tbc ln thc d.!t38tr Ep groaro, abov* picturcr nf.C{172 ttghtly hollo;-eovfr ;hcel accuring hosk thc rprirtg and thr solrr f,t.S.Bond apply to pr;vtnt ;ith htt0458l, *ftar rhccl friction rhrft DFC{3E5, apply asrot thr tip tcrc; the making lccurl. lealtrt Ugbt tGrQtlr Chccking ( S) .l Conf trn origlnal ritb that thc poritlon a fingcr and thr flngcr dlvldtng it ltt lc turnad countcrcloclnriac ;ben tha dirh (untt1 to nFCa35tlf,2 returns dirk touchor or aLroet touchcr thc etopper) 1g euddsnlgFranoved. - Er Flr.-\r. -.","=*- _IF|C{JZLK? {354K4 nFC44l IXa -rFCdIS6Ka / nFE{36 L nft{51 1A2-/ gFt{t9t thc the order ln clr*ft, rbcrl friction in to tighton nillcd frictlon out rheel lcrewdrlvcr rf,G ;ufflclcntly r gB rnd thc Pgl.? lndtcatad and rccuru ( J) thal of thc for pointed friction slraft the c[,?r13?61 and rhcn acr!; aesecbhd, aurt thc r pin-faccd Urr placcr .rgcnt to thc .-- rFC4391 ,/ ,/ */ -."**mft4396 gFCaS3I nF.C4Sgl Fig. 10 - lO- (3).2 lro eII thr rcrcss trght? ( S) . t Dorr thr prrl arraably {I},{ rl,t{3l,Itrg Do thr lrvsr parl thr dts& uhrR thr At thr letch EFC4S90all 1r clsred trrl gear, and rlll countcr rcsct operatr polnt tlrr cut-off dorr tbc ttp thc tip rtop lcver (rlrcn tt dtek rItC*t5{KA lr dlvidlng tlm; gcar rinding counter ruect Dore thr bcot plecr rhorn)? nFC{386K2 rrct s.rsnbly thc lavrr $t{331 1 thc rind back covor rFC{{ItX,z thc Brror dirrctioo lcv* nF€{$6l, countcr rtect aamubly nf'C4386f,2r ard tltr thr rhen thc lllr 1r turned eountcrcloelcrlrc? asgrubly dt*3?ll(z, rbrn rell SFCafgf oparatr prceerd tn of tbt slnd rtop of tho divlding turned csvqtsrclockvlm? of tbr parl of tbo lrtch lr prcperly nft{396 aeecnbly rtt6{391, and docr it SfC{USl Junp lnto cltp out fror fo back to lts thr tbc hvcr orlglnrl porl.t1on(eecFl.g.1o}rhcnthcbaghcovGriropcnrd? $. Llght-tfgbt F!ry, (Rotcr to crpl,odcd vte;r Lever ,rrearbly pa$€t 3 and {.) (I ) Dl,gareerbty Rotovr th; crnGrr ttrr flap light-tight IdFc{I5. I I I atl ./r tl ;il I'i fl I tbc boclc of I I I fron body. I I I dFc{152I( Ft4l55K2 G rl v 4-{B L,?xz., I ) I I I I \,, '--/----------{l l, -11 r A tt -1. 8y looecnlng tbr abovr snd pultlng rhorn gcar rhaft aeecnbly tha opporltc fl,rp tlght rFC4l2512 (2t UP Grrert rtcerrbly (Bondlnf FC{l2$ dFcrttzKz poaitton of, thc cut rltt of collar df04lt{ l; ln ftj, llr abovr. to thr tlp to eollar the ghora Apply bondlng of thc 431,.7x211, and rccurr rFCflIlXz lLght- and adJuctrent erfaty a;ent thr fron can trc rtmoYod. dtrC{152l( and thc agrnt) thr out dfC{152K eidr, Tha mlrtcd Sgsl .7*. 4BI.?r2.3 rcrc; ecrcr aaf cty thc thc tho dfC{lSAX' ;lth tGfGtr Flg. Thca attach 11 a BgrGtr ralated arserbly poritlon rarl thc Flt. l(ccp tho plaf at of rtth Lrt thc aon. bonding tt' thle thc the flap lever llt rith araembly belon). [Arr froa rrBil touch th; eanGrt r rcr.t of it of lle carcf,ul rc4L6?;XZ (rcc O.5n. -I2- and coeurc a;aeably flap ltght-tlght thr O to rall body by adJuatlng SBrl .?*.8. agent Apply to the f€rGte etaga r the relatlva )k porttlon of the rcd rarnlnt in thc picturu. ( f) Uhen th; df€tl$4K ( 3) .2. condl.tlon lt on thr othrr Confin thrt of thr grro: thc cfltrra Pancl Busk Platc of thc elfcty rlt{t2lfg (C). flep cloccl turnrf k Chtek thlr for ccrtain ln thr by purhlng dlrrctlon tt fron your fing*" rlth (ncftr coltm facer uprerd. thc ll3ht-tf;bt larlr lront sidr at thr bot - thc plcturc Ilkr 11 t thc cut rtlt lhcn thc lock hvcr ( I) 6horn : ,l : tol' of Fig. Frort bc tl Chccklng ( 6) . I . 6r cl,gnel !SE{164K2 nult to crplod;d vlcrr pe3r S) Dirasreably llcnovc thr D.B.Bond ll attrch;d aFC4564I( end thr rtraylng bstrtrn b;trecn tront prnrl cFC{S67 on thr tbr nall rlt{311 ltght l add lrcqucrr thlun* thgl thc etoppcr Gtrarl tsn rcrssl Slncr brlto;g erolbly to ;ncvcnt luhr or rcthyl ;hcn thcy cannot bt mpcratrd. aFC46S3 End pull front. out ths front cthyl of kcton Thcu rcov. pancl frot thc bod,v. Sprelal drlvu nfE{t1? rnC{tl6 aFC{693 2. tBl, ?r30r :---lpf,{tl8 Rrkarc Flf, 12 pll,rr Flg. 13 -13- t{ thr Slncc to ;hlch rlth Lr rppltrd; f,I-I$CK J arftt l.l.{ Fl3. ( 2) l3 brforc thlt oll dierretrbl|,lg to thr or ir flrcd rlth rrkc holm or thr rfC*!16 brrchtt penrl cxplodrd lcrct t;o top (rack) and thr 2.58I.7xSr1 .crcrr inforratloa For othcr dlramclbling. troat th. phtr. rcfcr to oE PetG 5. vlrl Arecrbly thr prnclr front lt rcrottng ln thc knobr lg. lnrcrt Ln tbr nut cFC4?21 rith lcathcrcttc focuelng tn Flg. rhorn ercnblLn3 end eontinur Aftrr tho dl,saescnbf hl Attor opporl,tr on botb tbcr lennGr of froc thr front, dicarecrbly. Erapply aFC{6C2, rdd Plloboud. of rldcr thc Pllobond. I-,2 Grcaar Frc{65S+- sil1{9 (Ucr ;tth af€{662-. rK4673 cFlC{G€3 drt4674 eftl?21 ( 2).1. boadlng rrc{661 Erchanglnr thr rash, plrtr to cxplodrd vlrrr, pafGa tr -]4- dFcr678 and thr gutdc pletr. 4r end ir.) Flg. 1l (Rlfer agrnt) Fig. Vrrrlinr t{ Fi;. Firet, colblnl thc gutdr pletrr oth* thr rnd rFC{etZ ffrf65l rnd aF0t072s rubbln; nft{671 and eddlng ssrt frarc raets plrtcr thr vmollnrr !FC46UI and thc rrck tb;r Um bondln; plrtcr rlth pletc on thc barr lE shorn ln F1;. thr plant an6h st thr thr gutdr platc rlrubfy. fsro;. o f the front by l t g c l f . rr. pan;I, of lsrr thr thrn 1.2I,t lr froat panrl Plrcr 1l rnd &trd,ne thr the focuclng hnobr by thr acrGrr Sl|t{9 (rcc Fl6. Thcn a rrtght uch to mubh arrublin; lftrr onto thc crlGra bodyr adfurt r,nd rgrl,nrt rffnt tLr thc guld; rrc'k plrtr 15 plecrd torqur of IU}. on tho crnt* rhould not rtert rovlng (Fig. fS) AN'USTHI:ilTS 1. rdJurtt n; t, ho Focus ( Rcfcr to eplodcd vlcr, PafG 2, -15_ tt /--Chart-rtend Chrrt of llagnifier - 30 tiaer \{O 0o strndardlrnr---.--* Focueing 6lace Flg. to (f) etanddrd Attrcb (staoderd and thr (2) (I) $ct thr vlcring car.rl on thr tfound etcrao chart. Thsnf rt.thout acrc.D on thr lcna lanei lenr la to thr on. ;hora lr;c11 tholn glaer rovlng €relra tbr ft 1r ral,I lear lC, iGttGrr focuring of back at taklng thr lsnr rdJurt;d) in Ftg. focurinS [ody. thc and focur rttach planr chart can bc |r The chsrt knob, c6ntr. thc I focuclng body, rnalcing Burc that -16- $ \-,, (4) th. clralt ir fhrn thr cbrrt tih I rov. focurd ' th.n rrll ir on th. rdd th. clcarly dro not th. locual!! o! th. knob unttl acrs.t! rtr l$ga th. fiL pl.t FC{O6? rnd thr n h.r 4f Z{r.l irrgr (aoo Fi3. ttShtcn focuring rr.hGr tocua.d foeurcd o! thG flb .caran lr .t vi.lbL. olr thc tfound at tho el.urty l. a..n, untll 3lr.. a focurlng l6.e) thG rcr.r! ali\C,lob6. - EFrC/tO8e .- t. 1; I ltod rlrr ( edge typ; Pig. tip) 16.A \--l - 17 - tq HOTII Brlorc edding ;alhcrr 1.S I rod rl,rcr. tf rho;n tn Ftg. ncthodt lrrrlrbled rII. Inrert for prGpsr. adJu;trnlnt, thr ;ircr lnto thc crlrra 10.11 thcn rdd thr rathlrl. thr ground glaru titlrout focuring lcrucn four iltth body thts can bc dropping thr rllhcrl. tnouBtE-IllototfrHc,. .c^ugEll ANDRt)l'rIR HEtlfotls l. Pocurln; C a u rt (1) ?ocurlng Corrcctl,vr adJurtlrnt 1r i,ry*rf;ct. ection: Rafrr to XI.l. Causl (2, I.enr arrcrbly lr not prralhl egnlnrt ( Inelud;; rrronGout attechrcnt Thtr rttl not happrn tf tbr thc ftlo plmr' of lcse to thc body. ) eatcra ia ulrd under nonal eondi tXonr. \---3'11a Flg. rdr lrvcl L7 -18- "uO CorrcctiYr.rctl,on: (2).1. grronGout Chrck tor pletr o Chaek tbc play o Chcck for brcokrgc Cbrck tl thr ( 2) .3. bcttrrn body and thc rach egGrr rcehsni.r. (nrt* (2, .2. plet rurt pllnr. Ie tbr nptrcr tt thr tbr lenr. thr hnl thc currl vl'r;, {.} Lt projrctln; or rrplrcr orlr rprin6 sFC{67$. tbr ltb plrnt. than the lttr lolrr rollcr or otrir thr Prf,c lll vlltr 1r cunrdr rurtrlnln; Lr colptrtrly rfC{SXl to rrplodci platt brshr brat I Frpr,lr thl h bragkrt clrnp Prfr bl rbout O.LI rnothrr (Rrf* bgr off rollr fih tlth .c!rl. or dropprd rotlor ftlr rollor Cbcek tl uch to rrplodrd thr flls of In tbr ltlro cbrclr lf srlc r rcpair latt* Putr. IFC{Sgl lFc4$1r rr btrr platr Fl3. tg ehrch, thr brch ol Crurr ( 3) le rront. Lenr lteolf Corrcctivc actlon: Chrck tf the trnr, thr front lenr mecrbly aad ehcck thc rcrolutlon -19 ll loolrncd, porcr of the lcnl. I 1) 2. IJght Ledc Causc (11 that rbout (Rcfcr rhadln3 to crploded Comcctlvr vfrrr front prif lnnrl and susll *t4?.24 bctrccn bcllors? S. ) lction: Inrert . bttrrrn I rtrlp light-tight tha tro and .; add D.8.Bond to tt (;lrrn thr etrl,p poaitl,oncd car.rt lr dl,aererblcd tor clranl,ag). Caut; (2) Ir thr light-tt;ht rqul,rod, Correetivc or dom thr back covrr back covar ar on thr clom co:plrtoly? actloa Chcc,k trnd takr propcr action. Caum ( $) tbr fl*p llght-tight Comectivr Rcfer Fg{1551(2 lr not rclI adJurte d. aetlon; to I.!. Caurl (41 ltron rlrll not la plrcrs 3. Opcratlon of hre I bdlo;r Shuttrr hohr or;hcn rorc Frrtt lr. Gtc. Rrltarr Button (Rrfor to Flg. 6 of t.t) - 2a a ^ /tT' rt - v L,,' tFC{33I rrc438612 Fig. I9 Caurl ( 1) Tbr epring cl€{t8e lr oft ( tn thir rprln3 lr not rtrong ctrc, llnd thr rtop dorr not rork). Or thr to hy;r , Jgrp dlvtdtn3 thr tnto raou;b dtrl to f,orcs thc rlnd rtop cmplrtcly. rcttori Corrrctivt Rcact tht or raphco aPrlnS. Cause ( 2) parte gF.c4rrt r ilrc{tr86xe r or rrc{396 Corrcctlvs do not lunctlon proprrly. aetlon: Chrelr and takc ProPCr actlon. Caure (J) Thc :iod not ctop lcver k oll thr rFC'1396, rnd thr latch docr rork Corrccttvc Rcpetr ectloa I or replacc thc Pertl. \- - 2L * {r an4y'or Rmttlng Adnnclng 'Coun'frr Erporurr Cauer (f) Corrcctt rnmgS{ .prlng tbr (gcr cff , Flg. I of I.4' t2}.3} ection: vr thr T,t thr pueb ths becH cov$r ald rryorura countu r;rctsr e1po.urc count* dojj Oprn thc tt lr to I . {r rtfcrrlag octLor oo rpcclrl not rcrct, rhcrll frlctlon slraft by ectlon takc n.cGaltry. fr l2l .2. C.rUll (2) lfrpoaurr Corrretlvr countr kvrr back cov.r rrslt op.nln; dorr not rQlct. actlon: llaova rrtGt ln brck cov.r lavrr thr pancl rf'Clleglf2r lsft rFC{361. tt thr tarl ao that thc levcr lunctlonr thc countrr plal propmly. baeh cov.r lr a\ rlU4dAl|( g - rfC{361 Flg.2A Caura ( 3) thc epring aFC4S59 l r - (Ftg. 8 at I.l' ott. 22 t of thr If aot bo rellt. r11l thc Grposure counttr I rd jurt rhcn thr doer not mturn .$d rcpulr (2).1) thc countor openod, rctlong corrocthr If thr rrpofira countrr cov.r 1r oFrnrdr rct.r 5. find dort not rllrct (2),1, to l.lf trtlag rtrtn thc prop.r beck rctl,on' Stop Docr l{ot Frrnctim Caur (lt Sarc .. Corr;ctl,vr (2) III.5.(!). - t; -*- actlon I I Ch;ck and talrr proprr Lr rctlon. Caurc (2, Sanr lf Comcctivr fII.{. ( 2} setlon: prop.r Chrc,k and t:5r Fi g. 2L ectlon. Caurl ( 3) Thr prut Fi3, 3FC{J31 dou not rcct thr frer prop*ly. (nrfrr to 10) CorractlYt action: $barpan tbr rdgc of rrAr rf th r fth. ;FC{3Sl 6' Ulnd Stop Rrlcarrd Sincc thir Horcvlr, lf aprrcc at rlltf . Bcforr rodel tdJurtltnt Shuttcr fu ro derijnrdl 1r drrlrcd - 28 - lt thlr crnnot bt rrpaimd. €an br dont by rdjurttn; thr
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