NetHelper 6.x Manual


NetHelper 6.x Manual
NetHelper 6.x Manual
NetHelper 6.x
© 2010 IZEX Corporation. All rights reserved.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 1. NetHelper 6.x Introduction .......................................................................................... 4
1-1. NetHelper 6.x Main Function .......................................................................................... 6
1-2. NetHelper 6.x System Configuration Method ................................................................ 7
1-3. NetHelper 6.x Recommendation ..................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2. NetHelper 6.x Install & Uninstall................................................................................. 9
2-1. Preparation before Server Install ................................................................................... 9
2-1-1. Windows Component Install ................................................................................. 9
2-1-2. Other Preparation ............................................................................................... 14
2-2. NetHelper 6.x Server Install ......................................................................................... 15
2-3. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Install ................................................................. 21
2-4. NetHelper 6.x Client Install .......................................................................................... 24
2-5. NetHelper 6.x Server Uninstall .................................................................................... 25
2-6. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Uninstall ............................................................ 26
2-7. NetHelper 6.x Client Uninstall ...................................................................................... 28
Chapter 3. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Function ......................................................... 29
3-1. Understanding of NetHelper 6.x Management Console Program Configuration ....... 29
3-1-1. Menu Box ............................................................................................................ 30
3-1-2. Organization Chart Window ................................................................................ 33
3-1-3. Management Result List ..................................................................................... 37
3-1-4. Management Target Window ............................................................................. 38
3-1-5. User Window ....................................................................................................... 39
3-2. Asset ............................................................................................................................... 40
3-2-1. S/W Asset ............................................................................................................ 45
3-2-2. S/W ...................................................................................................................... 49
3-2-3. H/W Asset ........................................................................................................... 61
3-2-4. Object Asset ........................................................................................................ 66
3-3. Deploy ............................................................................................................................ 72
3-3-1 Create Deploy File ............................................................................................... 76
3-3-2 Deploy File Management ..................................................................................... 80
3-3-3 Deploy Operation ................................................................................................. 83
3-4. Security .......................................................................................................................... 88
3-4-1. Security Policy .................................................................................................... 90
3-4-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management 102
3-4-3. Security Policy .................................................................................................. 104
3-5. Mail ............................................................................................................................... 108
3-5-1. Mail Policy......................................................................................................... 109
3-5-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management 112
3-6. Messenger .................................................................................................................... 114
3-6-1. Messenger Policy ............................................................................................. 115
3-6-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management 117
3-7. Printer........................................................................................................................... 119
3-7-1. Printer Policy .................................................................................................... 127
3-7-2. Printer ............................................................................................................... 129
3-8. IP ................................................................................................................................... 133
3-8-1. IP Setting ........................................................................................................... 134
3-8-2. IP Test ............................................................................................................... 142
3-9. Remote.......................................................................................................................... 143
3-9-1. Process Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 146
3-9-2. Power Management .......................................................................................... 149
3-9-3. Remote Control ................................................................................................. 152
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-10. Real Time Alert .......................................................................................................... 159
3-10-1. Real Time Alert Setting .................................................................................. 160
3-10-2. Daily Total Statistics ...................................................................................... 165
3-11. Power ......................................................................................................................... 168
3-11-1. Power Security ............................................................................................... 170
3-11-2. Outside Company Security Group & Outside Company Security Group Policy
........................................................................................................................................ 172
3-11-3. Power Usage Amount Setting ........................................................................ 174
3-12. Security USB .............................................................................................................. 175
3-12-1. USB Policy ...................................................................................................... 177
3-13. Management Tool ...................................................................................................... 179
3-13-1. Environment Setting ....................................................................................... 179
3-13-2. Management Tool ........................................................................................... 186
3-14. Reporting Service ...................................................................................................... 195
3-14-1. Understanding of NetHelper 6.x Reporting Console Program Configuration
........................................................................................................................................ 195
3-14-2. Menu Box ........................................................................................................ 196
3-14-3. Asset ............................................................................................................... 197
3-14-4. Deploy ............................................................................................................. 205
3-14-5. Security ........................................................................................................... 206
3-14-6. Remote ............................................................................................................ 207
3-14-7. Mail .................................................................................................................. 208
3-14-8. Printer ............................................................................................................. 210
3-14-9. IP ..................................................................................................................... 211
Chapter 4. NetHelper 6.x Client Function ................................................................................. 213
4-1. Open Messenger .......................................................................................................... 214
4-2. Report Error ................................................................................................................. 225
4-3. Error Disposal Report Condition ................................................................................. 226
4-4. Edit User Info ............................................................................................................... 227
4-5. View Detailed Info ....................................................................................................... 228
4-6. Register Info................................................................................................................. 232
Chapter 5. NetHelper 6.x Frequently Ask Question (FAQ) ...................................................... 233
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 255
Appendix 1. MS-SQL 2005 install method ......................................................................... 255
Appendix 2. MS-SQL 2005 Service Pack2 Update ............................................................ 267
Appendix 3. MS-SQL 2005 Express Install Method .......................................................... 273
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 1. NetHelper 6.x Introduction
IT manager of each organization mainly focus management of server or network equipments but
currently, most of problems occurs from individual PC that damage of company image and financial
losses due to use of un-purchased S/W within organization, difficulty of grip integrated composite
asset management status, use of unpermitted IP, IP confliction, etc... In order to solve above
problems, organization usually purchase and apply solution for just one problem solving at a time. The
result of this purchase pattern return back to redundancy of the budget used and loosing solution
effects by half. NetHelper 6.x deliver perfect solution for complex and various problems of IT manager
by block un-purchased S/W use, support clear IT asset management status, IP management, Security
management, etc...
Why you need NetHelper 6.x?
Need to manage and control H/W & S/W of PC
Need to progress and solve for error requests of PC promptly
Need to manage and report internal IT assets
Need to control and block port, accessing unnecessary internet site, media
Need to deploy software to internal numerous number of users and manage
and control un-purchased S/W use
NetHelper 6.x, enterprise Integrated IT Asset Management Solution, is the maximized and optimized
solution can remotely manage integrated IT asset on various network environment.
NetHelper 6.x Benefits
Main Function
PC Error Progress
S/W, H/W Asset
 Difficulty of requested job by
phone and email
 Long time telephone counseling
or visit at site directly
 When progress error report, write
on paper document to record and
report by paper document - waste
of time and manpower
 Difficulty of H/W detailed asset
 Impossible to search installed
S/W on current system
 Impossible to manage history
because of impossible precise
 Inconvenience of H/W & S/W
history management
 Administrator has to check
expiration date often for
replacement of equipment
 Receive error report remotely and
effective management
 Remote error progress using by
administrator's PC
 Use easy and effective report tool to make
error progress result report and can check
details of error progress status and result
online and real-time.
 Real-time and easy H/W & S/W asset
 Protect from illegal S/W use
 On real-time management of H/W & S/W
history and changed history
 Support easy to report as asset report
 Automatically notice to administrator
regarding replacement of equipment on
selected date
NetHelper 6.x Manual
S/W Install, Deploy
Printer Management
System Security
Remote Performance
 When install S/W and file, passive
operating management
 Impossible to operate real-time
and delayed support depending
on administrator's schedule
 S/W operating management by automatic
& political deploy management
 Fast and real-time operate of deploy by
appointment & immediate deploy
 Use large all-in-one imaging
device or printer for just work
 Use default setting of toner
 Impossible to do prior action for
printer status
 lack of security and indiscreet
printer use
 Save usage amount by blocking specific
printer and printer use unrelated to work
 Reduce cost by saving toner
 Possible to do necessary action for errors
as paper jam, paper shortage, etc…
 Easy to check printout log of secret file
and printer usage log unrelated to work
 Often exposed to virus risk
 Disclosure of important document
files by external media
 Inefficiencies in business by
accessing to detrimental internet
 Administrator has to achieve
system info of client PC by
 Loose power usage amounts by
lack of monitor power
 Administrator has to achieve
system info of client PC by
 Management difficulty by
confliction and unauthorized use
of IP
 Blocking Port Function per individual/per
 Prevent disclosure by controlling media
 Increase work efficiency by blocking
access to detrimental internet site
 Extend lifecycle of monitor and save
usage amounts
 Save cost by management of monitor
power effectively
 Save time and reduce loosing manpower
by achieving computer system info of
client remotely
 Assign IP by IP allocation and prevent
confliction by setting to prohibit use IP
NetHelper 6.x Manual
1-1. NetHelper 6.x Main Function
NetHelper 6.x provide management service to manage PC more easy, fast, and smooth based on
below main functions to handle various requests of PC regarding S/W, H/W, and security.
Main Function
Function can maximize work efficiency in organization through managing overall
asset such as S/W, H/W, printers, etc… in central and can politically block & delete
specific software automatically
Function can install & delete software to numerous numbers of PCs remotely by
immediately or assigned schedule and can deploy random file to overall PCs on the
Security media management is organized to manage and control to prevent from
disclosure important internal document by following internal rule politically for
mounted various media at PCs
At client PC, can save sending/receiving mail record and when use mail, can set
selectively block or permit whether use attached file or not. (Option)
Function can monitor details of attached file that send by messenger and can block to
send file. (Option)
As diversification of printer environment in organization, function support efficiency of
printer use in order to reduce costs and increase work efficiency. (Option)
Function can maximize efficiency of IP management to politically manage allocation,
permit, block, prohibit to use of IP by managing IP that use in organization at central.
Remote error management can establish error progress system to process error in
real-time for existing PCs on various network
Function send real-time alert to ask whether approve or not to administrator when
user abnormally access and use asset & policy that are managed and controlled by
Support administrator can progress error request remotely for PC is applied Intel vPro
technology and exist on network
Function can manage power consumption of PC & laptop automatically and can
reduce related usage amount and minimize carbon emissions through saving power
consumption by energy efficiency solution
Security USB
Function can protect outflow of important internal data by authorized to use only
registered USB. (Option)
 Assign Authority: Control NetHelper management by assigning access authority
to managers.
 History Management: Save all history that are used overall console commend
 Un-login User Status: Can search the latest un-login user by per date
 Can check version info for server and client of NetHelper
NetHelper 6.x Manual
1-2. NetHelper 6.x System Configuration Method
NetHelper 6.x can be configured system on various network environments. NetHelper 6.x server is
consists of main server of NetHelper, MS-SQL, IIS server, etc…, can connect with all clients who can
access on network. Above configuration is sample system configuration based on assumption of case
that customer has the head office and branch offices, customer can modify NetHelper 6.x system
configuration per specific network environment and/or status.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
1-3. NetHelper 6.x Recommendation
NetHelper 6.x is client/server version program that is consists of server that gather and manage data,
and client that receive info of PC from managed PC or control PC.
Therefore, in order to operate NetHelper 6.x, be prepared proper H/W spec for server operation and
H/W spec for client operation.
NetHelper 6.x Server H/W Recommended Spec
1,000 users or below
1,000 ~ 3,000 users
3,000 users or above
2.5 GHz or Greater
(2EA or More)
2.5 GHz or Greater
(2EA or More)
2.5 GHz or Greater
(2EA or More)
2GB or Greater
4GB or Greater
4GB or Greater
Minimum 100GB
Recommended 200GB or
Minimum 100GB
Recommended 200GB or
Minimum 100GB
Recommended 200GB or
Windows Server 2000
or Greater
Windows Server 2000
or Greater
Windows Server 2000
or Greater
MS-SQL 2005
or Greater
MS-SQL 2005
or Greater
MS-SQL 2005
or Greater
add additional deploy server
NetHelper 6.x server is system that is connected with clients who save various data to server,
recommended spec of server should be changed by numbers of clients. Above recommendation is
general spec., server recommended spec of NetHelper 6.x can change by speed of network or server
install environment.
NetHelper 6.x Client Recommended Spec
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows Vista
2.0 GHz or Greater
2.0 GHz or Greater
2.5 GHz or Greater
2.5 GHz or Greater
256MB or Greater
512MB or Greater
1GB or Greater
2GB or Greater
40GB or Greater
80GB or Greater
80GB or Greater
100GB or Greater
In order to operate NetHelper client normally, CPU speed, memory spec, etc… should be supported
more than recommended spec. Please, check whether PC meets recommended spec or not before
install NetHelper client program.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 2. NetHelper 6.x Install & Uninstall
This install manual is based on install screen configure of Windows Server 2003.
It may appear differently upon each O/S.
2-1. Preparation before Server Install
2-1-1. Windows Component Install
Click [Start → Control Panel → Add or Remove Program] order.
Click [Add/Remove Windows Components] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
③ Windows components wizard will appear.
Check application server and click [Details] button.
Check ASP.NET. (No necessary if you do not install report server.)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑥ Check internet information services (IIS) and click [Details] button.
Check File Transfer Protocol(FTP) service.
Check World Wide Web service and Click [OK] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑨ When Internet Information Service(IIS) setting page appears, click [OK] button.
When Windows component wizard screen appears, click [Next] button.
Windows Components Wizard screen will appear
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑫ When insert disk screen appears, insert Windows Server 2003 CD and click [OK] button.
When Windows component wizard is completed, click [Finish] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-1-2. Other Preparation
① Basically, MS-SQL2005 should be installed before installation process of NetHelper 6.x in order
to install NetHelper 6.x process normally. Before install NetHelper 6.x Server, you should install
MS-SQL2005. Please, refer appendix for installation of MS-SQL2005.
MS-SQL 2005 Server Install
MS-SQL 2005 Service Pack2 Install
MS-SQL 2005 Server Express Install
Above installation, please, refer appendix.
Please, exclude basic use port of NetHelper 6.x from firewall.
NetHelper Basic Port
9000 ~ 9021(TCP/IP)
Can not change
MS-SQL Basic Port
Can change
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-2. NetHelper 6.x Server Install
The H/W installed NetHelper 6.x Server will be managed and continuously exchanging policy
between H/W and client, therefore we recommend high performance H/W and H/W does not used in
other purposes.
① Run „NH60Server.exe‟ file saved in CD or HDD
② NetHelper 6.x Server install wizard will appear
NetHelper 6.x Manual
③ When NetHelper 6.x Server Setup screen appears, click [Next] button
④ When License Agreement screen appears, click [Yes] button
⑤ When User Certification screen appears, enter Name, Company, License Key and click [Yes]
NetHelper 6.x Manual
License Number
Please enter license number from certificate document.
If you are using demo version, please contact authorized reseller.
⑥ Select folder where NetHelper 6.x Server will be installed, click [Next] button
⑦ When NetHelper 6.x Server component selecting screen appears, select install component
and click [Next] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑧ When database certificate information screen appears, enter server address and SA
password of MS-SQL then click [Yes] button.
Entering Database Info
If SQL Server address or password is incorrect, [Database access denied. Please enter DB and
account information again.] Message will appear. Check SQL Server address and SA password.
⑨ Policy Server Operation Environment screen will appear. Enter SSP address, IIS address
and click [Next] button. (IIS port is set as 9009. Please do not change IIS port.)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑩ When Log Messenger Server Environment Setting appears, enter SSL address, SSP
address and click [Next] button.
⑪ Installation Type selection screen will appear. Select installation type and click [Next] button.
(Basically select [Auto Install Mode].)
⑫ NetHelper 6.x Server Install progress screen will appear
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑬ Pop up question will ask about creating NetHelper 6.x Database or not screen. Click [Yes]
button and create NetHelper 6.x Database.
⑭ When NetHelper 6.x Server Install completed screen appears, click [Finish] button
⑮ NetHelper 6.x Server icon will appear in tray icon list
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-3. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Install
The PC with NetHelper 6.x Management Console is become an administrator‟s PC will be in charge
of management and policy setting.
① Run „NH60ConsoleSetup.exe‟ file saved in CD or HD.
② Install progress will appear. Choose Setup Language and Click [OK] button
Click [Next] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
④ Read [End User License Agreement] cautiously and click [Yes] if you agree, click [No] if you
⑤ Enter Name, Company and Server Address
⑥ Select folder where install file will be installed. (If you wish to install in current folder, click
[Next] button, to install in other folder, click [Find] button to select different folder.)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑦ Select install component of install file then click [Next] button
⑧ Enter Server Address, Port, Login ID and Password then click [Yes] button.
⑨ Install progress will start. When install window closes, it means install process is completed.
If install failure message appears, delete program and reinstall program
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-4. NetHelper 6.x Client Install
The PC with NetHelper 6.x client program will take care of order from console (administrator) as
administrator PC.
① Run „NH60ClientSetup.exe‟ file saved in CD or HD.
② Enter Server IP address in Confirm Server Address area, which is NetHelper 6.x, is installed.
Click [Next] button. (e.g.:
③ When installation process completed pop up InstallShield Wizard window then click [Finish]
button. If installation process failed then reinstall install program after click install program
one more time.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-5. NetHelper 6.x Server Uninstall
Please, make sure to backup database and policy files before you uninstall NetHelper Server.
If you did not backup database and policy files then can occurs reinstall whole client or resetting
whole policy
① Run „NH60Server.exe‟ file saved in CD or HDD.
② When NetHelper 6.x Server Uninstall window appears, click [OK] button.
③ NetHelper 6.x Server Service is stopped.
④ When uninstall NetHelper 6.x Server component window appears, click [Yes] button
⑤ When uninstall completed window appears Click [Finish] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-6. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Uninstall
① Run „NH60Console.exe‟ file saved in CD or HD.
② Extracting file for Uninstall process will start.
③ Confirm window asking uninstall management console will appear. Check database and file
has been backup and click [Yes] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
④ Uninstall process will start.
⑤ When management console file is successfully uninstalled, operation completed window will
appear. Click [Finish] button to complete the process. If other window error message
appears, restart the uninstall process again.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
2-7. NetHelper 6.x Client Uninstall
① Run „AutoUninstallClient60.exe‟ file saved in CD or HDD.
② When uninstall process complete as below message window pop up. Click [OK] button.
Client Uninstall Authorization Key
Basically, client uninstall authorization key can find basic path of NetHelper Server as C:\Program
Files\NetHelper V6.x Server\wwwroot\NH60\CAModule\NH_Emkey.ini
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 3. NetHelper 6.x Management Console Function
3-1. Understanding of NetHelper 6.x Management Console Program
NetHelper 6.x management console is operated by dividing screen into 5 categories in order to
support convenience for user.
 Menu Box: Categorized NetHelper‟s main functions per each function
 Organization Chart Window: Tree Structure arrangement Window of NetHelper‟s client
 Management Result List: Arranged list of each client „s management history
 Management Target Window: Management required target list window per menu box
 User Window: Window can only view specific user info.
Menu Box
User Window
Management Result List
Management Target
Chart Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-1-1. Menu Box
 Asset Menu
Object Asset
H/W Asset
S/W Asset
Asset menu is contained S/W Asset, H/W Asset, S/W, and Object Asset, when select Asset menu then
management target window can use S/W window.
 Deploy Menu
Deploy File Create
Deploy File
Deploy Operation
Deploy Menu is contained deploy operation, deploy file, and deploy file create, when select deploy
menu, can use file management window and deploy policy window.
 Security Menu
Security Menu is contained security that can manage media, individual firewall, system, security log,
internet, traffic, etc… and policy that can manage outside company policy, when select security menu,
can use share folder access control window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Mail Menu
Mail Menu can use policy management that can monitoring mail and can control attached file
 Messenger Menu
Messenger Menu can use policy management that can monitor and control sending file.
 Printer Menu
Printer Menu can use policy management that can monitor printer status and printer management
that can block toner policy and printer using by printer management window that is management
target window.
 IP Management Menu
IP Management
IP Management Menu can manage IP by search latest IP correction, setting the IP address for
protection, etc…, and can use IP Management window that is management target window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Remote Menu
Monitoring a remote
computer performance
File and Process
Remote Control
Error Progress
Submit Error
Remote Menu is contained submit error, error progress, power, communication, remote control,
File and process, and monitoring a remote computer performance, when select remote menu,
management target window can use helpdesk window.
 Management Tool Menu
Management Tool
Environment Setting
Management Tool Menu can use environment setting that can manage environment of each
management program, and NetHelper‟s management tool.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-1-2. Organization Chart Window
Organization chart window is window that display client list registered in NetHelper 6.x to tree
structure. Each client is displayed mutually different icon per equipment type, and can find online/
offline status of client..
Organization chart window is window always displayed whatever function use in menu box. After
select each client or group, can run popup menu using by right hand side of mouse, popup menu
displays usable menu depending on selected function in menu box.
 Organization Chart Window Instruction
Appeared info in organization chart window can
displayed as computer name, if users are many,
can find specific user easily by using user
searching window.
 Client Icon Symbol
Desktop Icon
Laptop Icon
 Selecting button of Client Display
Search User
Computer Name
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search User Window of Organization Chart Window
Search User window is window can find client easy and fast using by various searching condition if
clients who registered in organization chart window are many. Can apply screen control of remote
function to searched client and can save searched client list to CSV file format.
 IP Searching
 Computer name
 User name searching
 User ID searching
 MAC address
 Full searching
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client of Organization Chart Window
 Delete Client
Delete NetHelper 6.x client program that installed in user PC from remote area. This
function delete NetHelper 6.x client program that installed in user PC and also, delete list
displayed on NetHelper 6.x Console.
 Delete Client List
Delete client list in NetHelper 6.x Console but this function doesn‟t delete NetHelper 6.x
client program that installed in user PC.
 Update Client
Update NetHelper 6.x client program that installed in user PC. This function can use if
update file exist in NetHelper 6.x Server.
 Select Mento
This function set general user PC that installed NetHelper 6.x Client to relay user for
 Cancel Mento
Cancel relay user setting for deploy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Select/Done menu of Organization Chart Window‟s Group/User Shift
(Group/User Shift) Select Menu
(Group/User Shift) Complete Menu
 (Group/User Shift) Select Menu
Selecting function to shift group or user in organization chart window
 (Group/User Shift) Done Menu
Select group to shift selected group or user in organization chart, Done function to shift
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-1-3. Management Result List
Management Result List display result of selected NetHelper’s function from organization chart
window, management target window, and menu box. Basically, upper list represents client list in group
and below list represents client status list. Therefore, upper list is composed of main category and
below list is composed of sub category. When click each title of list, sort list to clicked field.
Below management result list is display management result list when select asset management menu
box and select group in organization chart window.
Client List in Group
Client Status List
According to selected function, Management result list can not have upper list, and can appear
register and modify window. Management result list per each function, please, refer NetHelper’s each
Function description of this manual.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-1-4. Management Target Window
Required management target window per menu box are selected and displayed by various type of
management target window per menu box as S/W Window in Asset, File management window in
deploy, and deploy policy window, share folder access control window in security, printer management
window in printer, IP management window in IP management, Helpdesk window in remote, etc…
S/W Window
File Management Window
Deploy Policy Window
Printer Management Window
IP Management Window
Helpdesk Window
Share Folder Access Control Window
Management Target window is represented in separated each function of menu box. For detailed
instruction of management Target window, please, refer NetHelper’s each Function description of
this manual.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-1-5. User Window
User window is window can register and display client info. This window is displayed user info, H/W
info, and version info and can be edited and registered. Specially, user info is displayed registered info
from NetHelper client and can edit it if entered the wrong part
 User Info
Can enter and edit user info as User Name,
Mobile Phone Number, Telephone Number, Email Address, Position, Extension Number,
Responsibility, Work Place, User Detailed
Info, etc…
 H/W Info
Can enter and modify H/W info as PC
Management Number, System Model Name,
Monitor Name, Monitor Size, Monitor
Resolution, Monitor Manufacture Name, PC
Purchased Date, etc…
 Version Info
Display program version info installed in client.
When client‟s program is older version than
server‟s program, distribute newest version of
program using by IIS server of NetHelper
server and use newest version of program
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-2. Asset
Can find and manage S/W & H/W asset status, can categorize S/W to purchase, unpurchase, and
free software and create policy to manage software. Asset can use organization chart window, S/W
window, and User window.
Asset – Organization Chart Window
Use functions as Register Object Asset, Asset Log, Transfer the software license policy, and
Enter H/W Info
 Register Object Asset Menu
Run register object asset/edit window can register and
edit object asset.
 Asset Log Menu
Run asset log setting window can manage all logs
related to asset management
 Transfer the software license policy Menu
Run transfer the software license policy window can
transfer license permitted to user to another user.
 Enter H/W Info Menu
Run enter H/W info window can enter user‟s H/W info.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select Organization Window – Select register object asset
Window can register object asset, can set management alarm
Enter name of
Enter registered IP
address of asset that
can register IP
address such as PC
Display replacement
alarm based on
expiration date
 Item Change
Can register/edit/change real asset item
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select Organization Chart Window – Select Asset Log
Window can set to save change & edit history of asset
Select log save target user
 Log setting List Method
1. Disk Log
Log records replacement of hard disk, etc…
2. Device Log
Log used from user using by various USB composite device
3. Network Log
Log is used network log from user to access network
4. Install S/W Log
Log is software log that user installed S/W or added to install S/W on PC
5. Use S/W Log
Log as user used/run list of S/W, etc...
6. S/W Block Log
Log is created when user use blocked/Altered/deleted S/W
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select Organization Chart Window – Select Transfer the software license policy
Window can use transferring hold license to other user
User Set S/W Policy
User Unset S/W Policy
IP Search
Computer Name Search
User Name Search
User ID Search
 Transfer the software license policy Method
Search user set & unset S/W policy by searching condition and transfer policy by clicking [Transfer]
Asset – Select Organization Chart Window – Select Enter H/W Info
Window can enter and edit H/W info of user.
 Enter H/W Info Method
Save to click [Edit] button after entering PC
administration number, System model,
Monitor name, Monitor size, Monitor
resolution, Monitor manufacture, PC
Purchased date, etc…
Can also find edited H/W info
from user window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – S/W Window
Window can find managed software by NetHelper
 Purchase S/W
Purchase software and management target software should be purchased and be legally
 Unpurchase S/W
Unpurchase software, everyone can use it but should be purchased after certain period of
 Free S/W
Free software, everyone can use it without any legal license.
Group Popup Menu
S/W Popup Menu
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-2-1. S/W Asset
Asset – S/W Asset – S/W Asset Status
Function can view S/W asset status result list of selected group or user in
organization chart window.
S/W Asset List per User
Group S/W Asset Status List
Individual S/W Asset Status List
 S/W Asset Status Use Method
Click S/W asset status button in menu box, when select user group or user in organization chart
window, can view S/W asset status on management result list. Upper list of management result
list displays user list, below list display group S/W asset status if select group in organization
chart window and display personal S/W asset status if select user in organization chart window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – S/W Asset – Blocking S/W Status
Function can view blocking S/W status of selected group or user in organization chart
window by management result list.
Group Block Status List
Individual Block Status List
 Blocking S/W Status Use Method
Click blocking S/W status button in menu box, when select user group or user in organization
chart window, can view blocking S/W status on management result list. Upper list of management
result list displays user list, below list display group blocking S/W status if select group in
organization chart window and display individual blocking S/W status if select user in
organization chart window. Can set blocking S/W policy from S/W window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – S/W Asset – S/W Installation Status
Function can view S/W installation status of selected group or user in organization chart
window by management result list.
S/W Asset List per User
Group S/W Install/Uninstall List
Individual S/W Install/Uninstall List
 S/W Installation Status Use Method
Click S/W installation status button in menu box, when select user group or user in o
rganization chart window, can view S/W install/uninstall status on management result l
ist. Upper list of management result list displays user list, below list display group S/
W install/uninstall status if select group in organization chart window and display
individual S/W install/uninstall status if select user in organization chart window. After
set searching period to last few days on below list, click [Search] button then can find result
of searching.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – S/W Asset- S/W Usage History
Function can view S/W usage history of selected group or user in organization chart
window by management result list.
S/W Asset List per User
S/W Usage History List per Group
S/W Usage History List per individual
 S/W Usage History Use Method
Click S/W usage history button in menu box, when select user group or user in orga
nization chart window, can view S/W usage history list on management result list. Upp
er list of management result list displays user list, below list display group S/W usage
history list if select group in organization chart window and display individual S/W
usage history list if select user in organization chart window. After set searching period
to last few days on below list, click [Search] button then can find result of searching.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-2-2. S/W
S/W can manage software asset that managed by NetHelper per category. Can establish policy
related software as permit license, prohibit use, etc… to software that are completed categorize. If you
want to manage software, Use S/W window that is a management target window to manage software.
Categorized software can find using by management result list after select S/W window. Select
software group in S/W window, upper part of management result list displays process in selected
software group, below part displays user list that installed selected software.
Select user/user group in organization chart window, upper part of management result list displays
user in selected software group, below part displays software list that installed from selected user.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – S/W – Program Management Window
For manage software in NetHelper, can manage using by Program management window.
 Understanding of Program Management Window
Purchase software is software should purchase license legally, Unpurchase software is
software can use without legal license but should purchase license after certain period of time,
Free software is software can use without legal license.
 Purchase/Unpurchase/Free Software Popup Menu Content Detail
S/W Popup Menu
Group Popup Menu
 Program Management Window Use Method
Click [+] sign of registered software. Find target software. Create policy per software.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W window software – Select Edit Policy – Edit S/W License
Window enter selected software license info from S/W Window
Set period of time
can use software
Enter quantity of
holding license for
specific S/W
Select warning
option for
license user
When create risky S/W policy can include/exclude same
name process, select include/exclude option can block
separated by software name and version.
When select warning option that delete after warning, this
function can register uninstallation method..
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window software – Edit Policy – Enter License
Window can enter selected software license from S/W window
Entered License List
After enter holding product key,
enter quantity of key value.
Menu can manage
separated by license type
of product.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window Software – Select Edit Policy – License Allocation
Window can assign license to user if holding software has limited license quantity.
Click [Allocation] button,
can assign legal license of
optional user
Menu can assign license
to user who already
install and use specific
license to user who
doesn‟t install specific S/W
Check box for user who will be not
applied specific S/W policy
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window – Select Group Setting
Window can categorize software to group for same use purpose
S/W List registered software
Select S/W group
displayed per S/W
category on left hand
side, select S/W
register group on
right hand side, click
arrow sign button
positioned on
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window – Select History Setting
Window can set usage history of managed software in NetHelper
Appear user list can find usage
history of software
Select user or
group for setting
use history of
software, transfer
or exclude it
using by arrow
sign button
positioned on
Can set loading time period of usage history info
 History Setting Use Method
Select software that wants to set usage history, select user who record history per each software.
You can create S/W history policy to selected user within loading time period of use history.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window –Select Search S/W
Window can easily search registered software in NetHelper using by searching condition.
S/W Search Result List
Search by name of software or by name of process, when
double click pertinent software, can easily search
pertinent software in management target window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window – Select S/W Hide Setting
Function can set to hide some items on software item among the registered software in
When doesn‟t want to display some
items from visible software item in
organization chart, select pertinent
software and click arrow sign button
then that item moved to hide software
group. Only can not view in Program
management organization chart,
keep maintain pertinent software
This is hide software list. When click
hide software and click transfer
button can register to visible software
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window – Select Manual Process
Window can hide unmanaged software among the registered software in NetHelper
Can enter, edit, and delete name of process to be add.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset Management – Select S/W Window – Select Move S/W
Function can move grouping position of registered software in NetHelper.
When click move S/W menu to S/W want to
move, active S/W move menu.
 Select Move S/W
1. Select software want to move and click move S/W menu.
2. Move to S/W item want to do grouping.
3. Select S/W move by clicking right hand side of mouse.
4. Pertinent S/W function is able to drag & drop using by mouse.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select S/W Window – Setting S/W Policy Exception Target Setting
Use to set group to run excluding process of all S/W policy registered in NetHelper.
Select guest group(generally new group) and include to exclude
target, click OK button. This function is easy to permit to use all
S/W regardless of internal company‟s S/W policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-2-3. H/W Asset
H/W asset is printing function to aggregate user PC’s asset per item. You can search H/W Status per
item, H/W changing history, specific H/W. In order to use H/W Asset function, search status per group,
per user using by organization chart window.
Asset – H/W Window
Window can find H/W managed by NetHelper
 Operation System
H/W asset can find user of OS type.
 Processor
H/W asset can find user of processor type.
 Memory
H/W asset can find user of memory type.
 Disk Drive
H/W asset can find user of hard disk info.
 DVD/CD-ROM Drive
H/W asset can find user of DVD/CD-ROM type.
 Network Adapter
H/W asset can find user of network adapter type.
 Graphic
H/W asset can find user of graphic card type.
 Printer
H/W asset can find user of printer type.
 Monitor
H/W asset can find user of monitor type.
 Mainboard
H/W asset can find user of Mainboard type.
Organization Chart Window H/W Group Menu
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Select Organization Window H/W Group – Management Result List
Function can view selected H/W info user in organization chart window using by
management result list.
Operation System Management Result List
Processor Management Result List
Memory Management Result List
 H/W Management Result List Use Method
Select organization chart window, select info related H/W, you can find H/W user corresponding to
management result list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – H/W Asset – Status of H/W List
Function can view selected group or user of H/W asset status in organization chart
window using by management result list.
Selected group or user list
in organization chart window
Select H/W Item
Asset Status List per H/W Iist
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – H/W Asset - H/W Change History
Function can find changing history within certain period time of selected group or
user H/W asset status in organization chart window.
Selected Group or User
List in Organization Chart
Enter Searching
Period Time
Select H/W Item
H/W Change History List
 H/W Change History Use Method
1. Select searching group or user in organization chart window.
2. Select searching H/W item.
3. When you select searching period of time, can find result in H/W change history list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset Management – H/W Asset – Search H/W
You can search user H/W asset of selected group or user in organization chart
window by applying searching condition.
Selected Group or User List
in Organization Chart
Search H/W List
H/W Searching
Condition Button
 Search H/W Method
1. Select searching group or user in organization chart window.
2. Enter searching condition and click searching button.
3. You can find searching result in search H/W list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-2-4. Object Asset
Asset – H/W Asset – Object Asset Status
Function can manage object asset status registered in NetHelper.
Object Asset List
Register Object Asset/Edit
Object Asset Item
Register/Edit/Delete Window,
register frequently used items.
Alert Setting for
Equipment Replace
 Object Asset Status Use Method
1. Click object asset status button in menu box.
2. When register object asset/edit window displays, register equipment. If you don‟t have
equipment to register then click OK button.
3. Display object asset status in management result list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – H/W Asset – Object Asset Status – Asset Expired & Delete
Function can manage expiration date of object asset registered in NetHelper.
 Object Asset Expiration Notice
When expired registered asset, and when administrator console is logged in, appear below alert
window to administrator console.
 Object Asset Edit & Delete
If you delete or edit policy because specific object asset doesn‟t need to manage anymore, you
can register/edit/delete using by clicking right hand side of mouse in management result list.
If remaining day is “0”, run alert window.
 Object Asset Use Method
Select group/user belong to specific object asset in organization chart window in order to
object asset, click object asset status in menu box, you can edit and register object
asset. Item/Equipment model of object asset type that wants to register can add/edit using by
clicking right hand side of mouse and selecting Item Change menu. If you set alert, you can use
function can notice to administrator before equipment return day. Notice to administrator when
become alert time of equipment return day.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Individual Asset Status Information - S/W Info
You can find S/W install info of individual user.
 Individual Asset Status Information – S/W Info Use Method
1. Select user wants to view S/W info.
2. Move to individual asset status information tab.
3. Find S/W info.
You can find info on one page using by scroll bar.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Individual Asset Status Information – HotFix Info
You can find HotFix install info of individual user.
 Individual Asset Status Information – S/W Info Use Method
1. Select user wants to find HotFix info.
2. Move to individual asset status information tab.
3. Find HotFix info.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Individual Asset Status Information - H/W Info
You can find PC-H/W info of individual user.
 Individual Asset Status Information – H/W Info Use Method
1. Select user wants to find H/W info.
2. Move to individual asset status information tab.
3. Find H/W info.
You can find all H/W info as OS, CPU info, memory type, and also, memory bank number,
monitor resolution, disk info, etc… on one page.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset – Request the software license
Menu can find software license request of user
 Individual Asset Status Information – S/W Info Use Method
1. When receive license request from user, notice by popup window or move to specific tab
and find.
2. Find request details and edit S/W policy or assign license.
3. You can permit to use by deleting policy but we recommend setting exceptional user or
assign license.
Request the Software License
When user request license, use to permit user can use S/W by editing policy. Please, refer 4-5.
View Detailed Info of Chapter 4. NetHelper 6.x Client Function on this manual for details.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-3. Deploy
Deploy can install software and deploy file to many users automatically. Deploy can establish deploy
policy and operate using by file management window and deploy policy window that are organization
chart window and management target window.
Deploy – Organization Window
Use function as register deploy file, create Magic Pack, create Macro, create deploy file, etc…
 Register Deploy File
Run register deploy file that manage to register
S/W install package, file package to server.
 Create Magic Pack
Run create magic pack can create S/W install
 Create Macro
Run create macro can create install package using
by keyboard value during software installation.
 Create Deploy File
Run create deploy file can create selected file
to package..
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Management Result List
Function can view deploy status of selected group in organization chart window by
management result list.
Client Deploy Operation List
Group Deploy Operation Status List
Group Deploy History List
 Group Deploy Status Use Method
If select group in organization chart window, you can find group deploy operation status on
management result list. Group deploy operation, you can view group deploy operation list status,
and if you find group deploy history then you can find deploy status.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Select Organization Chart Window User – Management Result List
Function can view deploy status of selected user in organization chart window by
management result list.
Client Deploy Operation List
Client Deploy History List
 Client Deploy Status Use Method
Select client in organization chart window, you can view deploy status on management result list.
You can find client deploy operation status of management result list and if find deploy history
then you can find deploy starting time, deploy ending time, and deploy status info.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – File Management Window
Window can find deploy file package registered to NetHelper server.
 Register
Function can register install package, and file
deploy package to server.
 Edit Deploy File
Function can edit registered deploy file.
 Delete Deploy File
Function can delete registered deploy file
Deploy – Deploy Policy Window
Window can find detailed info as deploy info & deploy operation name, deploy time, deploy
progress status, etc…
Create Depoly
Function can execute deploy order to client.
Copy and Create New
Edit deployed operation and can execute deploy
order to client.
Function can delete deploy info registered in
deploy policy
Function can stop operation of deploy policy.
Function can restart stopped operation of deploy
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-3-1 Create Deploy File
NetHelper can create and deploy file to 3 types as Magic Pack file, Macro file, and deploy file. When
created deploy file, establish deploy policy and you can deploy file.
Deploy – Create Magic Pack
Magic Pack is create operation of deploy file that is packaged software to be install. It
is easy to use condition without any install process.
This menu is to save package file made by script file
and add operation
Magic Pack Operation Buttons
After install package, can check
whether user use rebooting option
or not if package size is big then
recommendation is rebooting the
 Magic Pack Use Method
1. Prepare software to make Magic Pack, click create magic pack button.
2. Click magic pack start button, assign install program of prepared software.
3. When assigned program start install process, run install process step by step.
4. When install process is completed, click magic pack stop button.
5. Finally, click magic pack create button to save created package.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Create Magic Pack - Package File Creation Process
This is package file creation process run by magic pack (As below instruction is
explaining of process to use specific program case)
1. Select Setup program of install software to click start button.
2. Execute install process of install software, click stop button to stop magic pack.
3. Click create button to assign folder & name of magic pack package.
4. If assign script file for your needs, magic pack create package and script and save them.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Create Macro
Save software installed process to keyboard value and create deploy file to make
package. If you want to know deploy process during deploy operation, it is
convenience to use.
When create deploy file, select whether
include install file or not
Keyboard Entering Value
Display of program during
Save Package
& Test
Install File Info
Start Install &
 Create Macro Use Method
1. Select “Create script exclude file” by proper creation purpose.
2. Select “Search file: to find install software file (Setup.exe, install.exe, etc…)
3. Start to install software to click “Start install key auto record” button (When you click button,
changed name by “Key Save End”)
4. Installation process, follow to software installation instruction (must use only keyboard to
install.) It will be not applied installation process operated by mouse. Keyboard entering value
during installation is displayed on list.
5. When installation completed, click “Keyboard End” button(Control by mouse) to finish
create package operation.
6. Register path & name of package file by “Search File”, save package file to click “OK”
7. Test execution of saved package file to click “Saving Test” button.
Create Macro Deploy File Caution
Macro deploy file is method that install method of install software save to keyboard value and
create deploy file package. Therefore, if you click button or select function by mouse during
installation, install process will not save. Please, must use keyboard for install process.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Create Deploy File
This is create deploy file operation to make files to be deploy to package. It is
convenience to use it when you want to save files don‟t need to have install
Assign folder of deploy
target user PC & Deploy File
Select & add file want to
 Create Deploy File Use Method
1. Select File want to deploy and click add button
2. Assign folder of deploy target user PC, click save button to create deploy file. You can not
use root folder of user PC.
How to recognize Deploy File Use
 Package made by Magic Pack
Use deploy operation that want to deploy and automatically install software with same time
without install process of software.
 Package made by Macro
If install process of software need to display during deploy process then use this method.
 Package made by Deploy File
Use deploy operation needs only save file to specific folder. (General document, Exclusive
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-3-2 Deploy File Management
If you made file want to deploy to package, you can do deploy file management. Deploy file
management can edit and delete of registered info after register created package.
Deploy Management – Register
Register deploy file package to NetHelper server. You can find registered package file
on file management window.
Set User Deploy File Register
Register Package File &
Assign Name
Assign Package File Register Location
Select Compatible OS
deploy file
registration confirmation on file
management window.
 Register Use Method
1. Click register button of menu box.
2. Enter user in deploy file register window and find package file and register it.
3. Package name can make it users randomly but please, make it easy to understand.
4. Search register path and click OK button, then saved package on file management
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Edit
Edit deploy file registered in NetHelper server. Select file using by deploy file window
and edit it.
Set User Deploy File Register
Register Package File &
Assign Name
Assign Package File Register
 Edit Use Method
1. Select deploy file package want to edit in file management window.
2. Click edit button in menu box.
3. When function is active, you can edit package file registered in file management.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Delete
Function can delete deploy package file registered in NetHelper server.
 Delete Method in Menu Box
Select deploy file package want to delete in file management window, click delete button in
menu box you can delete package with alert message window popup. Alert message is
displayed and printed differently depending on deploy file operation.
 Delete Method in File Management Window
Select package in file management window, click right hand side of mouse button, click
delete deploy file button to delete registered deploy file.
Delete Deploy File Package Caution
If you delete deploy file, please, be careful to delete because case of deploy policy is processing
by deleted deploy file, doesn‟t transfer deploy file.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-3-3 Deploy Operation
Deploy operation is operation to install registered deploy file package to user PC. You can create new
operation, delete operation, and stop operation. Use to select proper operation as status of deploy
Deploy – Create Deploy
Function can automatically install file and software to user by creation of package
file & software.
Enter User Name
1. File(Only File)
Can register created file from
[Create Macro] and [Create
Deploy File], select 32bit or 64bit
depending on O/S.
2. Package (S/W Install, Uninstall)
Deploy package file created by
Magic pack.
Enter Operation Name
immediately deploy operation is processing.
2. Select Schedule: Deploy operation will be
processed on assigned time
 Deploy – Create Deploy – Select File
Should change select file by operation type.
1. If operation type is file, select file by select file
2. If operation type is package, select registered
package by select package window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Caution to use searching window on select package screen
Case of deploy package searching, enter accurate search value for execution of accurate
search because all searching condition is consist of “AND”.
Searched package info fit to all searching condition of file name, register user, registered date,
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Deploy – Create Deploy – Select Target
1. Group Policy
Created policy target to selected group
2. Find
Select user in select deploy target window
3. Exclude Target
Exclude selected user from deploy target
Easily find user by IP address, user
name and computer name
Select user or group, click button, then
selected to deploy target
If click searching finished button, selection of user PC is
completed, can exclude user item by exclude target
 Create Deploy Use Method
1. Click “create deploy” button in menu box and enter register user in new deploy operation
2. Select file if operation type is file, select package if operation type is package file.
3. Enter operation name, select deploy date to immediate or schedule.
4. When you select file, select package file and select target.
5. If click searching finished button, applied deploy order to user.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Copy and Create New
Function can save deploy info package to policy package, save after edit.
Select Operation Type separated
by file and package
Enter Register User Name
Enter Operation
Select Deploy Date to
Immediate or Schedule
 Copy and Create New Use Method
1. If click deploy policy window, “copy and create new” menu will be active.
2. Click” copy and create new” button in menu box.
3. Edit deploy operation window will be active.
4. You can edit deploy info and save package.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Deploy – Delete
Select deploy policy in deploy policy window, click delete button, can delete selected deploy
Alert Window
Delete Deploy
Deploy – Stop
Select deploy policy in deploy policy window, click stop button, can stop selected deploy
Alert Window
Stop Deploy
Deploy – Restart
Select deploy policy in deploy policy window, click restart button, can restart selected
deploy policy.
Alert Window
Restart Deploy
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-4. Security
Politically set to all kinds of media and log mounted in user PC, can manage security setting against
Security – Organization Chart Window
Use function as media, individual firewall, system, security log, internet, traffic, access
control, etc…
Group Popup
Run block setting policy to all kinds of media(USB
storage device, CD-ROM, FDD, IEEE1394,
Parallel, Serial, Bluetooth, Infrared Port, PDA)
Individual Firewall
Set blocking direction for TCP/IP port, and run
individual firewall policy.
User Popup Menu
Run release share, system protection mode policy.
Security Log
Run internet, mail, FTP, TELNET, USB Storage
Device log setting policy.
Run internet blocking policy.
Run block whole network on network environment,
traffic management, traffic management period,
maximum traffic management policy.
Access Control
Run share folder management, NetHelper Protect
Setting Policy
Outside Company Security Group Setting
Run outside company security group setting
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Share Folder Access Control Window
Window can set share folder access control, function can set to use access control per
organization chart.
Create Group
Run share folder access control
Function create share group.
Edit Group
Run share folder access control
Function edit name of share group.
Delete Group
Run share folder access control
Function delete share group
Function manually add client in share group.
 Share Folder Access Control Use Method
After create share group, select and save group can access each share folder of group in
organization chart per created each group. After that if use share folder access control per group
then can access individual share folder per organization chart saved in share group, user of
other organization charts didn‟t saved in share group can not access to share folder.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-4-1. Security Policy
You can manage per media, individual firewall, system, security log, internet, traffic. Set outside
company security group, can manage to set outside company security policy.
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy
Management – Select Media
You can set media control item of selected group in organization chart window.
Select whether
control media
or not
Select whether
policy apply time
or not
Select whether
include sub group of
selected group or not
Select whether control
per media type or not
Select policy apply
excluding target among
users in selected group
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy
Management – Select Individual Firewall
Set blocking direction per port number, and set individual firewall policy.
Select whether use
firewall or not
Select whether
policy apply time
or not
Set whether additional
block per port number
or not
Entered port is currently
known as hazardous port.
Select policy apply excluding
target among users in selected
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy Management
– Select System
Set release share, system protection mode policy.
Select whether setting
of system or not
Select policy apply
excluding target among
users in selected group
Select to check using function,
applied policy is applied by
rebooting user PC.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy Management
– Select Security Log
Set policy of internet, mail, FTP, TELNET, USB Storage Device.
Select whether use
security log or not
Select whether
policy apply
time or not
Set whether use per
security log item or
Select policy apply
excluding target among
users in selected group
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy Management –
Select Internet
Manage whether block of WEB Site or not.
Select whether control
of internet or not
Select whether policy
apply time or not
Entering Window of
Address & IP Address
Internet WEB Site
Web Site Blocking List
Select policy apply
excluding target among
users in selected group
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy Management
– Select Traffic
Manage whole network block of network environment, traffic, traffic period, maximum
traffic setting.
Select whether control
of traffic or not
Select setting item of traffic
Select policy apply
excluding target among
users in selected group
If you set to block whole network, then user excluded network related NetHelper6.x, and whole
network is blocked, therefore we are not recommend to block whole network.
If you suspect certain user is virus diffuser, you can use this feature to forcibly block network.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Policy Management
– Select Access Control
Can set whether use of share folder management, NetHelper protect or not.
Select whether
control of share
folder or not
Select control of
NetHelper protect
or not
Access Control
Share Folder Control – Set whether share of selected group or not
NetHelper Protect – Set whether display of process related NetHelper 6.x used on user PC in
process list of Window‟s operation manager or not.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Policy
Can set security policy by each user.
Between group policy and individual policy, the first
priority is individual policy, therefore when group
policy is not applied then please, check whether
individual policy is applied or not.
NetHelper 6.x Security Default Policy Setting
Security Log
Access Control
– You can check setting of USB storage device, CD-ROM, FDD, IEEE 1394,
Parallel, Serial, Printer, and you can also change the setting. USB or CDROM is media often occur external data leakage; therefore, we recommend
to apply for whole system.
– You can check release share, system mode setting and you can also
change the setting.
– You can check usage log of Internet, Mail, FTP, Telnet, USB storage
device and you can also change the setting.
– You can check setting of applied it or not, network status, management
period(Minute), maximum traffic, and you can also change the setting.
– You can check setting of share folder, & NetHelper protect, and you can
also change the setting.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Policy Management
– Security Default Policy Setting
You can set security policy by each user.
Entered port is currently
known as hazardous port.
NetHelper 6.x Security Default Policy Setting
Firewall Management
You can add, delete, edit to hazardous port, In NetHelper 6.x, well known hazardous port is
entered as default. Please, check “apply” to use.
Internet Management
You can block unnecessary web site based on internal policy, you can also, improve work
performance by blocking to access unnecessary web site for work task.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Policy Management –
System Protect Mode
You can set security policy by each user.
1. Manage indiscreet use
of printer by control add
and delete of printer
 Prohibit Automatic drive execution
This function can use for prohibit auto-execution of USB storage device, CD-ROM drive that
user use them randomly. CD or USB is included AUTORUN.INF so they have function to run
Setup.exe file automatically. Prohibit automatic drive execution is function to prohibit running
of file.
 Don‟t save the document history
Function can use don‟t save history of document previously worked by user.
 Block running „Regedit.exe‟
Function can block running registry editor of Windows by user.
 Block running „Cmd.exe.‟(Windows2000 or Greater)
Function can block running command window of Windows by user.
 Block running „Windows Task Manager‟ (Windows NT or Greater)
Function can block running Windows task manager of Windows by user.
System Protect Mode
System protection setting is applied policy normally when target user PC should be rebooted
after set policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Policy Management
– System Protection Mode
You can set security policy per each user.
Applied only user who use
Windows start menu of
pervious version.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Can control user can not delete software that is politically needed
by deleting program add/delete menu.
Can control user can not change network
environment randomly by keeping a limited of
network environment.
You may apply after verifying
security policy supplied from
Microsoft by keeping a limited to
use of security auto update.
Can control user can not change environment of
PC randomly by controlling
properties/management menu of my computer.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-4-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management
Security – Select Outside Company Scurity Group
Window can set target group or user who will be assigned outside company policy.
Selected Group List
Select Target Group Tree
 Setting Method
Select apply target group or user from left screen of group. Selected user will be displayed to
right screen of outside company policy group, click “Save” button to complete setting if
selection is finished.
Select Outside Company Security Group
When you select group in order to establish outside company security, if sub group is not selected
then that group will not be applied policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Media – Select Outside Company Security Group Policy
Set management policy of media when communication to sever is not available.
Setting method of media, individual firewall, system, security log,
internet, traffic, access control, mail, printer, messenger, power is same
with security policy setting.
 Setting Method
Outside company security group policy is displayed same widow with existing security policy
setting. Only name of group security policy – [outside company security policy] is set. Function
is set from this window will be only applied when user PC is located place that can not
communicate with server. When you select outside company security policy in media, media
tab is displayed to set media policy of security policy is the first priority. Click “OK” button after
setting is complete, outside company security policy will be applied.
Outside Company Security Policy
Outside company security policy is operated differently than default security policy. It will be
operated only user PC can not communicate with server. It will be operated different than
existing security policy and policy apply method is same with existing security policy setting
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-4-3. Security Policy
When you select group security policy you can find user list and you can check policy list per each
Check User in Group
When select group in organization
chart window
Check security policy list of group
When select user in organization
chart window
Check security policy list of user
Security Policy
Can check whether security policy applied to group or user or not
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Media Management List
After select user click [Media] icon, displayed default information for user, will active
[Media] tab and you can check media type, block use or not, run beginning/ending time,
policy start/expired date info of selected user.
Individual Firewall
After select user click [Individual Firewall] icon, displayed default information for user, will
active [Individual Firewall] tab, you can check port, direction, run beginning/ending time,
policy start/expired date info of selected user.
Individual Firewall
Blocked port is set default in the NetHelper is registered for purpose of protect system from warm
virus or other malware, we recommend use it without delete except special case.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
After select user click [System] icon, displayed default information for user, will active
[System] tab, you can check setting, apply setting or not, run beginning/ending time,
policy start/expired date info of selected user.
Release Share
Share folder doesn‟t have password is easy to access from external we recommend you should
set password to use. System protection mode will be applied normally after user PC is rebooted.
Security Log
After select user click [Security Log] icon, displayed default information for user, will
active [Security Log] tab, you can check log type, apply setting or not, run
beginning/ending time, policy start/expired date info of selected user.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
After select user click [Internet] icon, displayed default information for user, will active
[Internet] tab, you can check blocked URL, apply blocking or not, run beginning/ending
time, policy start/expired date info of selected user..
If blocking URL is not worked well despite of setting block URL, please, enter just part of URL
you want to block to inside of * sign like as *yahoo*. If blocking is not working well because of
ToolBar, etc… reason then we recommend to operate by commend that block whole specific
If user access URL is already set to block, it will move to internet URL that is entered on block
URL switch page in O/S environment under environment setting.
After select user click [Traffic] icon, displayed default info for user, will active [Traffic]
tab, you can check item, apply setting or not, network status, management
period(Minute), maximum traffic(KB), run beginning/ending time, policy start/expired
date info of selected user.
Block Traffic
Maximum traffic setting is not monitor occurring traffic during download it only monitor traffic
speed during upload.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-5. Mail
You can monitor use history of sending mail from user PC, can block that can not send attached file to
specific site setting by administrator.
Mail – Organization Chart Window
Can use mail policy, outside company policy group setting, mail monitoring, control the
attachment of mail, etc…
 Mail Policy Menu
Run group security policy window can set and change policy
for mail management.
 Outside Company Policy Group Setting Menu
Run outside company policy group setting window can set
group to be assigned policy if communication with server is
not connect smoothly or block.
 Mail Monitoring Menu
Can select whether mail monitoring apply or not <Apply / Do
Not Apply>
 Control the Attachment of Mail Menu
Can select whether block or not per sending type of mail
attachment file. <Protect All / Protect SMTP / Protect WEB /
Do Not Apply>
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-5-1. Mail Policy
Select organization chart window for managing mail policy, establish policy to select mail policy. In
mail, is separately set policy if select group or if select user in organization chart window.
Mail – Select organization Chart Window Group – Select Mail Policy
Window can set monitoring of mail, exceptional user, control/block type/block list of
attachment file to selected group in organization chart window.
Select whether include
sub group of selected
group or not
Select whether control
attachment file or not
Select whether
monitoring of use
mail or not
Select exceptional user for
policy apply within selected
Select block type of
attachment file
Add/delete attachment
file management site
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Mail – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Mail Policy
Window can set monitoring of mail / control the attachment / block type / block list of
selected user within organization chart window.
Select whether
mail or not
Can set policy of block the attachment
file per mail type
 Mail Policy Use Method
1. Mail Monitoring
Can monitor defined Web mail in NetHelper and mail sending from Outlook
2. Control the Attachment of Mail
Can block attachment file by selected type of mail method(Web, SMTP)
3. Block Setting
Permit attachment file with block only entered address, or block attachment file with
permit only entered address
Default Mail Policy of NetHelper
In NetHelper, can control attachment file and monitor to sending mail. However, NetHelper can
not monitor or control attachment file for receiving mail.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Mail – Select Organization Chart Window – Management Result List
Window can check setting regarding mail of users within selected group in organization
chart window and can search monitoring history of selected group and can delete log.
Display all users(including sub group) of selected group in
organization chart window
Can check setting history
of mail monitoring and
block the attachment file
 Search Condition(Monitoring) Use Method
1. Search User Mail Account < Overall / Receiving / Sending >
Can search condition by receiving/sending mail account. Can search by portion of
character string
2. Search Use Period
Can search by per period of time based on transmission time.
3. Character Filtering
Can do filtering by correspond character string within searched result. Filtering search by
corresponding value among overall items.
4. Delete Log
Can select recorded log by monitoring setting and can delete it.
5. Check Body Detail
If click [Body] on right hand side, you can check body details of that mail. Body details of
mail is displayed by popup type.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-5-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management
Outside company policy of mail management, is function to establish policy to apply or keep policy of
user PC when user PC is located at place can not communicate with server.
Mail – Select Outside Company Security Group
Window can set group or user can be assigned outside company policy..
Selected Group List
Select Target Group
Organization Chart
 Setting Method
Select apply target group or user from left hand side of window. Selected user will display
outside company security group on right hand side of window, when selection is completed click
OK button to finish the setting.
Select Outside Company Security Group
When select group for establish outside company policy, if sub list is not selected then that group
will be not applied policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Mail – Select Outside Company Security Group Policy
Window can set monitoring of mail, exceptional target user, control the attachment file /
block type / block list when communication with server is not available.
Setting method of mail autoselection is same with security
 Setting Method
Outside company security group policy is displayed on same window as existing security
policy setting. Only name of group security policy – [outside company security policy] is set.
Set function in this window will be applied only user PC is located at place can not
communicate with server. If select outside company security group policy in mail, mail tab will
be displayed in order to set mail policy first among the security policy. When setting is
completed click OK button to apply outside company security policy
Outside Company Security Group Policy
Outside company security group policy is operated separately than default security policy, this
policy will be only operated if communication with server is not available. Policy apply method is
same with existing security policy method.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-6. Messenger
You can monitor transfer details of attachment file sending by messenger from user PC through
messenger in NetHelper. And also, you can block that can not send attached file. You can manage
messenger using organization chart window and management result list in messenger function, In
NetHelper, so far messenger supports only Windows Live Messenger and NATEON messenger.
Messenger – Organization Chart Window
Can use MSN policy, outside company policy group setting, Transfer File Control, Transfer
File Monitoring, etc…
 MSN Policy Menu
Run group security policy window can set and change
policy for messenger management.
 Outside Company Policy Group Setting Menu
Run outside company policy group setting window can
set group to be assigned policy if communication with
server is not connect smoothly or block.
 Transfer File Control Menu
Can select whether block of sending file control or not
< Block / Cancel >
 Transfer File Monitoring Menu
Can select whether transfer file monitoring apply or not
<Apply / Do Not Apply>
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-6-1. Messenger Policy
Select organization chart window for managing messenger policy, establish policy to select MSN
policy. In messenger, is separately set policy if select group or if select user in organization chart
Messenger – MSN Policy
MSN Policy of messenger manage by if select group in organization chart window
then use group security management policy window, if select user in organization
chart window then use messenger policy window.
If select group in organization chart window group security policy window
will appear on your screen. Group security policy window can be set
messenger transfer file control, whether monitoring apply or not, and can
select exceptional user in selected group.
Select whether
include sub group of
selected group or not
Select whether
block transfer
file or not
Select whether
monitoring of
transfer file or not
Select exceptional user
for policy apply within
selected group
If select user in organization chart window, messenger policy window will
appear on your screen. Messenger policy window can be set messenger
transfer file control and whether monitoring apply or not.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Messenger – Select Organization Chart Window – Management Result List
Window can check setting regarding messenger of users within selected group in
organization chart window and can search monitoring history of selected group and can
delete log.
Display all users(including
sub group) of selected
group in organization chart
Can check setting
history of mail
monitoring and
attachment file
 Search Condition(Monitoring) Use Method
1. Search sending/receiving account of user and transfer file < Sending / Receiving /
Transfer File Name >
Can search condition by receiving/sending messenger account and transfer file name. Can
search by portion of character string.
2. Search Use Period
Can search by per period of time based on transfer time.
3. Character Filtering
Can do filtering by correspond character string within searched result. Filtering search by
corresponding value among overall items
4. Delete Log
Can select recorded log by monitoring setting and can delete it.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-6-2. Outside Company Policy Group and Outside Company Policy Management
Outside company policy of messenger, is function to establish policy to apply or keep policy of user
PC when user PC is located at place can not communicate with server.
Messenger – Select Outside Company Security Group
Window can set group or user can be assigned outside company policy.
Selected Group List
Select Target Group Tree
 Setting Method
Select apply target group or user from left hand side of window. Selected user will display outside
company policy group on right hand side of window, when selection is completed click save button
to finish the setting.
Select Outside Company Security Group
When select group for establish outside company policy, if sub list is not selected then that
group will be not applied policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Messenger – Select Outside Company Security Group Policy
Window can set monitoring transfer file of messenger, block transfer file, and
exceptional target user when communication with server is not available.
Setting method of messenger
auto-selection is same with
security management.
 Setting Method
Outside company security group policy is displayed on same window as existing security
policy setting. Only name of group security policy – [outside company security policy] is set.
Set function in this window will be applied only user PC is located at place can not
communicate with server. If select outside company security group policy in messenger,
messenger tab will be displayed in order to set messenger policy first among the security
policy. When setting is completed click OK button to apply outside company security group
Outside Company Security Group Policy
Outside company security group policy is operated separately than default security policy, this policy
will be only operated if communication with server is not available. Policy apply method is same with
existing security policy method.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-7. Printer
Printer is NetHelper‟s function that can establish policy to all printers connected to user PC. You can
check detailed info of printer such as block use of specific user‟s printer, establish policy regarding
toner use of specific printer, usage amounts of printer use, and use history, etc…
Printer is managed using by printer management window is organization chart window and managem
ent target window, you can see policy per each printer in organization chart window, you can see insta
lled user & printout info per each printer in printer management window.
Printer – Organization Chart Window (Printer Management based on User)
Can use functions such as policy, outside company policy group setting, printer access
protection, toner save mode, status monitoring, use log, watermarking image setting, etc…
 Policy Menu
Run group security policy window can set and change
policy for printer management.
 Outside Company Policy Group Setting Menu
Run outside company policy group setting window can
set group to be assigned policy if communication with
server is not connect smoothly or block.
 Printer Access Protection Menu
Can select whether block printer to user or not
< Block / Cancel >
 Toner Save Mode Menu
Can select whether set toner save mode setting of
printer to user or not. < Apply / Do Not Apply >
 Status Monitoring Menu
Can select whether set status monitoring of printer or
< Apply / Do Not Apply >
 Use Log Menu
Can select whether monitoring or not.
< Apply / Do Not Apply >
 Watermarking Image Setting Menu
Can set image & transparency to use watermarking.
Toner Save Policy
Toner save policy is available only printer has toner save mode function.
Most of color ink printer models don‟t support toner save mode function.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Organization Chart Window – Toner Save Policy
In order to establish toner save policy of printer send printer drive in user PC to server.
1. Select remote of client who
is connected with printer.
2. Click save tool download icon in
remote control window.
3. Set printer to be set save mode of
NetHelper printer search window and
click view printer properties button.
4. In printer register info window,
check to active use button of toner
save under printout quality menu tab
and click OK button.
5. Click data transmission
button to send driver info to
 Toner Save Policy Use Method
Follow as above instruction to send printer driver to server, and use toner save policy function
then you can use with saving toner politically.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Printer Management Window (Printer management based on printer)
Printer management window can use functions such as printer access protection, toner
save mode, usage amount setting, search printer, printer hide setting, group of
administrator organization chart, etc…
 Printer Access Protection Menu
Can select whether block user of printer or not < Block /
Cancel >
 Toner Save Mode Menu
Can select whether use toner save mode of user about
printer or not < Use / Do Not Use >
 Usage Amount Setting Menu
Can manage to set usage cost per each paper of each
 Search Printer Menu
Can search printer by printer name
Organization Chart
 Printer Hide Setting Menu
Can manage to set to hide of printer list that user doesn‟t
use < List Hide / List Setting >
 Group Menu
Can manage to create printer group in administrator‟s
organization chart < Create / Edit / Delete >
Organization Chart
 Menu related organization chart of administrator
organization chart
Go to administrator organization chart icon on window
background and click right hand side of mouse button,
then you can see menu as like left image. You can create
configure of organization chart same with existing group
info or can create to CSV file format info. After you create,
you can edit info. (Only 1 time you can edit info.)
What is administrator organization chart of printer management window?
Organization chart can manage to create/edit/delete group in order to easily manage printer
separately with existing group structure.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Printer Management Window – Usage Amount Setting Menu
Window can set usage cost per each paper of each printer.
Search based on printer name
Set usage cost per paper by each printer
 Usage Amount Setting Method
In this window, when calculate usage cost based on used info of printer, result can display
different depend on setting of cost amount that is used for base to calculation. Before you set,
please, fully discuss with system administrator and set this menu.
1. Enter printer name to be set and click search button to find printer.
2. Enter usage cost per page.
3. Click OK button to save your setting.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Printer Management Window – Search Printer Menu
Window can search printer by printer name in printer management window.
Search based on printer name
When double click selected printer on middle part of this
window then will shift to selected item of printer
management organization chart.
Printer – Printer Management Window – Printer Hide Setting Menu
Window can set printer list to view or hide in printer management window..
Button to set printer list to
view or hide.
Search based on printer name
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Organization Chart Window – Management Result List (Printer Policy
Can check setting related printer of users within selected group of organization chart
window, search monitoring history of selected group, delete log, etc…
Display all users including sub
group within selected group of
organization chart
Can check printer status
monitoring and printer log
setting history
Can search by setting printout info and usage
amount to certain time period
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Printer Management Window – Management Result List (Printer Info)
Can check setting of printer, printer user list, printout info, and usage amount within selected
group in printer management window
Display all printer including sub group within selected group
Display printer user list
Can check printer status monitoring
and printer log setting history
Can search by setting printout info and usage
amount to certain time period
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Printer Management Window – Management Result List (Printer User)
Can check setting of printer, printer user list, printout info, and usage amount within selected
group in printer management window.
Display selected printer
Can search by setting printout info and usage amount to
certain time period
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-7-1. Printer Policy
In printer, can set policy to monitor status of managed printer and manage printer use log.
Printer – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Security
Window can set printer status monitoring, printer log, and exceptional target user list of
printer within selected group of organization chart window.
Select whether include sub group to
selected group or not
monitoring of printer or not
Select whether use
printer log info or not
Select exceptional of applied policy user
within selected group
What is printer status monitoring and printer log?
Status monitoring is function can check printer status such as toner shortage, paper shortage,
paper jams, etc… And printer log is function can check printout info such as used date, number
of printout pages, document title, etc… per each date by recording printout log.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Security
Window can set printer status monitoring and printer log of selected user in
organization chart window.
Click OK button to apply
user policy
 User Printer Policy Use Method
User printer policy use above protect the printer window to set printer policy per each user.
When setting is completed click OK button to apply policy..
Caution of blocking printer & checking toner save info
Printer managed in NetHeleper is operated to apply individual policy per each printer because
each printer is shared by many users. Block printer & toner save info are displayed to 2 different
ways as < Based on printer / Based on user >.
- Check printer info by group unit
Is displayed block printer & toner save info based on printer.
Number of user info is only displayed when check by group unit.
- Check printer info by user unit
Is displayed block printer & toner save info based on user
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-7-2. Printer
Printer – Select Printer Block Policy
Window can view block policy of selected printer per user in printer management
Button to set block/Unblock user
Printer – Select Toner Saving Policy
Window can view toner save policy of selected printer per user in printer management
Button to set block/Unblock user
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Select Output Info and Usage Amount
Window can view output info & usage amount of selected printer per user in printer
management window.
Can check total number of printout pages of selected time period of
selected printer, and can check total usage amount by set usage cost
per each printer
 Output Info & Usage Amount Use Method
1. Search usage time period
Can search by time period based on printout time
2. Character Filtering
Can do filtering by correspond character string within searched result. Filtering search by
corresponding value among overall items.
3. Delete Log
Can select recorded log by log setting and can delete it.
4. Check Log Details
Can check printout info per each user
Check Printer Block Policy/Toner Saving Policy/Output Info & Usage Amount Method
Can check block policy of only selected printer not whole printers
Can check user list of selected group(including sub group) in organization chart window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-7-3. Outside Company Security Group & Outside Company Security Group Policy
Outside company policy of printer is function to establish policy to keep existing policy of user PC or
apply it when user PC is located a place can not communicate with server.
Printer – Select Outside Company Security Group
Window can set group or user to be applied outside company policy.
Selected Group List.
Select Target Group Tree
 Setting Method
Select user or group to be applied from left side of group. Selected user will display to right side
of outside company policy group, when selection is completed click OK button to end the setting.
Select Outside Company Security Group
When select group for establish outside company policy, if sub list is not selected then that group
will be not included policy.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Printer – Select Outside Company Security Group Policy
Window can set status monitoring of printer, printer log, exceptional target user
when user PC can not communicate with server.
Setting method of printer auto-selection
is same with security management.
 Setting Method
Outside company security policy is displayed on same window as existing security policy
setting. Only name of group security policy – [outside company security policy] is set. Set
function in this window will be applied only user PC is located at place can not communicate
with server. If select outside company security policy in printer, printer tab will be displayed in
order to set printer policy first among the security policy. When setting is completed click OK
button to apply outside company security group policy.
Outside Company Security Group Policy
Outside company security group policy is operated separately than default security policy, this
policy will be only operated if communication between user PC and server is not available.
Policy apply method is same with existing security policy method.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-8. IP
Can check IP search & create IP protection policy, and can change name of workgroup/computer
IP – Organization Chart Window
Use function as workgroup change, allocate the network properties, release the allocated
network properties, etc…
 Workgroup Change
Run workgroup change window can change workgroup
name of user
 Allocate the network properties
Run allocate the network properties setting window can
protect to allocate IP of user.
 Release the allocated network properties
Run release the allocated network properties window can
release protection of allocated IP to user.
Create organization
chart by grouping of
users per workgroup
Create organization
chart by creating per
IP of bandwidth that
want to search
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-8-1. IP Setting
IP – Workgroup Change Window
Window can change/integrate workgroup of user by per group unit or per user unit.
Workgroup Change
Change Workgroup of user
Group Popup Menu
Allocate the network
Prohibit to change other than
allocated IP by allocating IP
of user
User Popup Menu
Release the allocated
network properties
Release allocated IP to user
Set up the temporary IP
Change IP of user
Computer Name Change
Change computer name of
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP Management List & IP Change Log
Can search user info & IP change log by each option
Can check IP allocated info, allocated history, IP,
Mac, computer name, the first registered date, the
last changed time, etc… in client list
By user – Selected group or user.
By user – All users
By IP – Selected group or user
By IP – All users
Set IP bandwidth that want to search
Display IP info registered in search group
setting, display all IP info previously
registered in IP search group setting.
User ID
 IP Change Log Use Method
Select searching type & target in searching type & searching target option of IP change log
Select IP bandwidth want to search and search group in search info. Set search time period that
changed IP, check IP change log.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Workgroup Change Window
Window can change/integrate workgroup of user by per group unit or per user unit
 Workgroup change method in group of organization chart window
Select group want to change workgroup, click right hand side button
of mouse and select workgroup change menu.
Enter workgroup name want to change
 Workgroup change method in user of organization chart window
Select user want to change workgroup, click right hand side button
of mouse and select workgroup change menu.
 Workgroup Change Use Method
Select group want to change workgroup, enter workgroup want to change, and click OK button.
If it is group then will appear apply target option window that can set to range of group to be
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Allocate the Network Properties
Window can set to prohibit changing IP of individual user PC by allocating IP to user to
prohibit changing other IP by user.
Target option window ask
allocate new IP with
maintain existing allocated
policy or allocate new IP
without existing allocated
Target option window ask can
change IP if PC continuously
disconnect status to server or
can change IP to other IP but
will be back to assigned IP
when you reboot PC.
Display current setting IP info
of individual user by default,
can change allocated IP
Can set time period of
allocated IP per individual
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Release the allocated network properties
Release allocated IP to group
 Release allocated IP in group of organization chart window
Select group want to release allocated IP, click right hand side
button of mouse and select release the allocated network
properties menu.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Setting the Searching Range of IP Group
Window can create network IP bandwidth group that want to manage and can check
status & condition of IP within that bandwidth group.
Create group name of IP
search bandwidth want to
group that is typed as
organization chart.
IP Search Bandwidth
 Control IP Group
Create by organization chart type, if select specific management target window can check info
on management result list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Management Result List
Result list can check client status per IP bandwidth that registered in search group.
Client List
Used IP
Un-used IP
 Management Result List Use Method
Click organization chart of group per bandwidth in menu box, can view IP status on
management result list. Case of client list(Organization Chart) of management result list, can
check status of all IP per bandwidth. Case of use IP, display use IP bandwidth at general user
PC, Un-use IP, display IP that never use it before at general user PC.
In case of user PC installed in NetHelper 6.x Client, is additionally displayed management
number and user name.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
IP – Setting the IP Addresses for Protection
Window can protect important IP to set user prohibit IP bandwidth in order to
prevent IP confliction because of changing to important IP by users who are not
allocated IP.
Set protection IP
bandwidth, can manage
to enter detailed
Setting the IP Addresses for Protection
When you set user prohibit IP bandwidth, this function can prohibit to change IP into user prohibit
IP bandwidth by user PC that installed NetHelper Client. This function can not control user PC
didn’t install NetHelper Client program.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-8-2. IP Test
Ping & Tracert Test
IP Test – Ping
Order window can check internet line status by checking status of sending signal at
regular intervals and receiving back the signal you sent.
IP Test – Tracert
Order window can check info of path through to reach until the given host and can
track delaying time at each path.
Ping / Tracert Test
Use same general Windows Command.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-9. Remote
Remote can allow to manage many computers from central by administrator. Administrator can view
client‟s PC screen and can directly manage client PC, can solve the problem without visit client PC by
running remote when client PC has occurred some errors or troubles.
Remote – Organization Chart Window
Can use display control, view display, file/process, run remote, messenger, send
message, WOL, restart PC, turn off PC, monitoring a remote computer performance, etc…
 Display Control
Function can remotely use user computer from
administrator’s computer.
View Display
Function can remotely view user’s computer screen.
Function can remotely check file & process of user’s
PC. .
 Run Remote
Run enter program & internet address that want to
run remotely.
 Messenger
Function can communicate messenger to user who
selected by administrator.
 Send Message
Run window can send message to user.
Function can remotely turn on user’s computer by
Restart PC
Function can remotely restart user’s computer by
 Turn Off PC
Function can remotely turn off user’s computer by
 Monitoring a Remote Computer Performance
Function can remotely monitor performance of
user’s computer by administrator.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart User – Run Remote
Run enter program & internet address that want to run remotely.
When Select User
Run & Kill Remote Window
Command Save List
Can enter, edit & delete run command
Caution when run remote
Generally program installed at windows folder or system folder can run remote to enter only
command but if run other programs remotely, you should enter directory path name of program
 Run Remote Use Method
Select organization chart user, click right hand side button of mouse then run remote menu will
display. Enter command in run & kill remote window and click apply button then command will
deliver to user remotely.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Helpdesk Window
Window can check progress status regarding error & error type of user.
Waiting Progress
Display user who requested error report to management result list screen.
In Progress
Display status is administrator received error report and administrator is processing the
Progress Completed
Display status is troubleshooting for user computer is completed.
Select by progress status to display
on management result list screen.
Select by error type to display on
management result list screen.
Received Error Report Search List
When user report error, will appear this popup
window on right below screen of administrator‟s
PC. Can check error details and can process
troubleshooting by clicking „Report error‟ in this
popup window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-9-1. Process Troubleshooting
Remote – Overall
Function can view status of overall troubleshooting by management result list screen.
Can view detail/delete error list
Overall Error Report List
Troubleshooting Waiting Progress List
Troubleshooting In Progress List
Troubleshooting Progress Completed List
 View Troubleshooting Overall Screen Method
Click overall button in menu box, can view status of troubleshooting on management result list
screen, can search by searching date, progress status, and error type, and can view result of
search by each searching condition.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Register
Administrator can manually register details of troubleshooting status when user
request error report.
Display error details item
Register Error Progress
Can search reported user
Can enter progress details
Can progress user‟s error by
handling tool
Register Error Progress Use Method
Click register button in remote menu box, if user request error report by phone, email, etc…,
administrator can manually register & progress error report.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Change Error Type
Administrator can add, edit, delete change error type.
Change Error Type List Screen
Enter value of error type
want to add
 Change Error Type Use Method
Click change error type button in menu box, can add, edit, delete error type, and
click exit button to end the setting.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-9-2. Power Management
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – Turn Off PC
Function can remotely turn off selected user’s PC in organization chart window.
Display all users of selected group
in organization chart window
When Select Group
Display selected user in organization
chart window
When Select User
 Turn Off PC Use Method
Turn off PC function of remote, select group of organization chart or select user of organization
chart and click turn off PC button in menu box.
Caution of when turn off PC function
When apply turn off PC function then this function run immediately therefore if user PC is in use
then please, be careful to apply it.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – Restart PC
Function can remotely restart selected user’s PC in organization chart window.
Display all users of selected group
in organization chart window
When Select Group
Display selected user in organization
chart window
When Select User
 Restart PC Use Method
Restart PC function of remote management, select group of organization chart or select user of
organization chart and click restart PC button in menu box.
Notice Window When User Restart PC
When user restart PC, notice window will be appeared. 30 seconds after system will be restarted
by administrator policy. Please, must save important file, document, etc…
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User - WOL
Function can remotely turn on selected user‟s PC in organization chart
window by administrator.
On/Off Reservation Setting Screen List
 ON/Off Reservation Setting Use Method
Select group or user on organization chart window screen, display user list on management
result list, click right hand side button of mouse to do on/off reservation setting, can set function
of reserve start-up and reservation end..
 WOL Function Use Method
Select group or user in organization chart window, click WOL button in menu box.
Requirement when Run WOL Function
In order to run this function well, LAN card should support WOL function, LAN Power On( Item
name can be differently displayed by BIOS manufacture) of CMOS setting item should turn on to
active status.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-9-3. Remote Control
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – Display Control
Function can allow to control screen of user PC remotely by administrator.
Select user in organization chart window will display
certification setting window. Can set user certification during
control in this window.
When Select User
If check this box certification setting window screen
will not display.
 When Use Certification
If checked certification and click OK button, then administrator can control
screen if user allow to control. Above window is administrator confirm request
window to user when check certification.
 Display Control Use Method
Select organization chart window user, click display control button in menu box.
This function can control screen of user PC.
비인증 사용시
비인증 체크 후 확인버튼을 클릭하시면 사용자 허락 없이 강제적으로 화면제
어가 가능합니다.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – View Display
Function can allow to view screen of user PC remotely by administrator.
Select user in organization chart window will display
certification setting window. Can set user certification during
control in this window.
When Select User
If check this box certification setting
window screen will not display.
 When Use Certification
If checked certification and click OK button, then administrator can view screen if
user allow to view. Above window is administrator confirm request window to
user when check certification.
 View Display Use Method
 비인증
사용시 chart window user, click view display button in menu box. This
function can view screen of user PC.
비인증 체크 후 확인버튼을 클릭하시면 사용자 허락 없이 강제적으로 화면보
기가 가능합니다.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – Display Control & View
Display – User Window Screen
Can check user window screen of remote.
User Window Screen
 File
Menu can do Chatting, File Manager, Run Remote
 Control
Menu can adjust Resolution and select sending key.
 Screen
Menu can adjust screen as control display, view display, etc…
 View
Menu can hide Standard menu & status displayed row menu.
 Help
Menu can view NHMCRemote info.
Number of users can control display control & view display concurrently
User display control
윈 & view display function is available up to maximum 10 users.
 Display Control
& View Display Use Method
Select user of organization chart window in remote, click display control & view display button in
menu box, will appear certification setting control window, if set user certification, will apply
display control &화view display function of user.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – File and Process
Function can remotely check file and process of user PC.
When Select User
User Window Screen
Can end user process
Administrator Window Screen
File Transmission Method
When transmit file from local PC to remote PC, select file want to transmit from [Total] file list
and drag & drop to below window. When transmit file from remote PC to local PC, select file
want to transmit from remote computer file list and drag & drop to below window.
File and Process Use Method
Select organization chart window screen, click file and process button in menu box, can check file
and process of user. Process can be ended by force and can transmit file.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Select Organization Chart Window User – Monitoring a Remote
Computer Performance
Function can remotely monitor user PC performance.
When Select User
 System Info
Can check user system info
 CPU Info
Can check CPU info
 Memory Info
Can check memory info
 Disk Info
Can check Disk info
 Network Info
Can check Network info.
Remote Performance Monitoring
Monitoring a Remote Computer Performance Module Install & Apply Method
Monitoring a remote computer performance module is operated based on .Net2.0 therefore,
executed client PC has to be installed .Net2.0 in order to execute normally. If execute this
module on client didn’t installed .Net2.0 then .Net2.0 will start to install on back ground of
screen automatically by downloading .Net2.0 install file from NetHelper server.
Monitoring a Remote Computer Performance Use Method
Select user on organization chart window, click monitoring a remote computer performance
button in menu box, can check system info, CPU info, memory info, disk info, and network info
of user.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-9-4. Communication Management
Remote – Send Message
Function can send message to group or user
Send Message from Group of Organization Chart
Window Method
When send message, select group, click send message
button in menu box, enter message, select apply target, send
message to group.
Select Apply Target Option
Send Message from User of Organization Chart
Window Method
When send message, select user, click send message button
in menu box, enter message and click OK button, send
message to user.
Enter message want to send to user
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote – Messenger
Can transmit/receive message by connection with user, can transmit file and can
use video communication function.
Video Chatting Monitoring Screen
 File Transfer
Function can send file to connected user..
Enter message want to send
 Request Video Communication
Function can do video communication with connected user.
 Message Save
Function can save communication details with connected
user to file.
Messenger Use Method
Select user on organization chart window, click messenger button in menu box, connect with other
user you want to connect. Can use file transfer, video chatting, message save function.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-10. Real Time Alert
In NetHelper, administrator can check used & changed info regarding S/W, H/W, security, etc… using
by selected alert level (Notification / Caution / Warning) in real time. Administrator can check to
summarize occurred info from previous day using by daily total statistics function.
Real Time Alert – Organization Chart Window
Can use functions as Alert setting, daily total statistics, caution user setting, etc…
 Alert Setting Menu
Run alert setting window can set alert by each function
regarding S/W, H/W, security, etc…
 Daily Total Statistics Menu
Run yesterday summarized info window can check
pervious day summarized info for assigned item by
 Caution User Setting Menu
Set caution user in order find easily
< Setting / Cancel >
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-10-1. Real Time Alert Setting
Real Time Alert – Alert Setting – S/W Management
Can check daily total statistics of selected user/group in organization chart and use info
of S/W management item. All items should select existence of use/do not use & alert
level (notification/caution/warning).
Select whether
include sub group
of selected group
or not.
Assign alert setting
management target S/W
& existence of apply/do
not apply & alert level
Display All S/W Group
Can input/edit/delete process
list to be managed whether
activate well or not, assign
existence of apply/do not apply
& alert level.
Can set whether apply or do not apply per item
of daily total statistics. Daily total statistics
function manages all users who installed client.
 Apply Daily Total Statistics List
Select list in order to check summarized alert of record info used on previous day.
Number of user per Agent version
- Top5 of mail sending log per user
Number of installed Agent
- Top5 of printout log per user
Top5 of used S/W
- Top5 of messenger sending log per user
Top5 of S/W to be expired license
- Total number of error request
New patch info
- Total number of error progress per
type(In progress, etc…)
Top5 of USB composite device outgoing log per user
Total number of error progress per error type(S/W, etc…)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Caution target S/W install & deletion warning alert
Set S/W group for checking user PC info when user PC is occurred installation & deletion of
 S/W license exceed user info
Set to S/W group for checking S/W use info of user didn‟t assigned license.
 Abnormal process activation info
Set process list for checking abnormal process use info of user..
** You should enter use process name exactly (Include extension name).
Real Time Alert – Alert Setting – H/W Management
Can check changed details of H/W management item of selected user/group in
organization chart and can check remaining space of HDD. All items should select whether
use or do not use & alert level (notification/caution/warning).
 CPU, Memory, HDD, Network Card Modification details
Set whether alert apply or do not apply & alert level to CPU, Memory, HDD, Network Card
modification details of user PC.
 Remaining disk-space insufficiency alert
Set whether alert apply or do not apply for certain “%” over remaining disk-space info of
HDD and set alert level & “%” info.
Policy Apply Range
Select user/group in organization chart, if click apply & save button to apply policy
Daily Total Statistics Apply
S/W Management
H/W Management
Security Management
- Others
Will apply all policy set to all items above list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Real Time Alert – Alert Setting – Security
Can do alert setting of info related security of selected user/group in organization chart.
All items should select existence of apply/do not apply & alert level
 Outgoing File
Set file list for checking sending attached file info by mail/messenger.
** Manageable messenger is Windows Live(MSN) / NateON messenger in current.
 Opening of Specific Internet Site Alert
Set internet site list for checking info of visiting specific internet site.
 Mail(Body, Attachment) / Messenger(File Transfer) Alert
Set domain address for checking sending details & file by mail and transferring file info by
** Manageable messenger is Windows Live(MSN) / NateON messenger in current.
**Enter messenger want to manage and representative domain address of user mail account
(e.g. ⇒ )
 Output File Printer Printout Alert
Set file list for checking printout info by printer.
 USB Device Mount
Set alert for checking USB connection info.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Real Time Alert – Alert Setting – Others
Can set alert to patch delete info and IP change info of selected user/group in organization
chart. All items should select existence of apply/do not apply & alert level
 Patch Delete Alert
Alert setting for checking deletion info of patch related Microsoft.
 Remaining disk-space insufficiency alert
Alert setting for checking IP change info of user PC
Setting Item Multiple Selection
Setting items can select multiple items using by Ctrl or Alt button
<Multiple Selection using by Ctrl button>
< Multiple Selection using by Alt button>
Existence of Apply or Do Not Apply/Alert Level Apply to All
Select multiple setting items, click right hand side button of mouse, can apply setting value of
existence of apply or do not apply & alert level to all.
<Screen of Apply existence of use or not to al>
<Screen of apply alert level to all>
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Check Alert Apply Status
User Alert Apply Status
Select user want to check alert apply status in organization chart, click [Alert
Setting] button, can check alert apply status of selected user.
Applied Alert Count Method
<Apply Target Select Screen>
Maximum value of alert setting is 15.
Each sub-group of S/W management and security management is counted 1.
(Caution Target S/W Install & Delete, Outgoing File, etc…)
Each sub-group of H/W management and others is counted 1.
(CPU Change Details, Memory Change Details, Patch Delete Alert, etc…)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-10-2. Daily Total Statistics
Real Time Alert – Daily Total Statistics
Can check pervious day summarized log info of use info, outgoing info, Agent info, &
new patch info, etc… selectively, Should select existence of apply or do not apply on
alert setting window.
Real Time Alert – should set use
of management item or not on
alert setting window.
<Yesterday Summary Info Screen>
 Apply Daily Total Statistics List
Select list in order to check summarized alert of record info used on previous day. .
Number of user per Agent version
- Top5 of mail sending log per user
Number of installed Agent
- Top5 of printout log per user
Top5 of used S/W
- Top5 of messenger sending log per user
Top5 of S/W to be expired license
- Total number of error request
New patch info
- Total number of error progress per
type(In progress, etc…)
Top5 of USB composite device outgoing log per user
Total number of error progress per error type(S/W, etc…)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Real Time Alert – Check Log
Check log is available below of management result list and real time alert window at real
time alert module. (Function related Real time alert icon of tray)
 Check Log Window of Management Result List
Check Log Window.
Can search log by per searching condition
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Real Time Alert – Caution User
If user need to have special management, set to caution user, when check log, set setting
to find specific caution user easily.
Caution user setting can only set per
individual user in organization chart.
Caution user setting can set to select
multiple users in management result list.
When Alarm by Alert Level, Tray Icon Change
Administrator use real time alert function, created real time alert icon on tray.
Display changed icon by alert level (Notification/Caution/Warning)..
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-11. Power
Power can save usage amount of electric power to set screen saver use or power remote
configuration use policy to many users. Power can establish policy and is operated by clicking group
or user in organization chart window.
Power – Organization Chart Window
Use function as policy management, outside company policy group setting, etc…
Run Screen Saver use and or Power Remote
Configuration Use Policy..
Outside Company Security Group Setting
Run Outside Company Security Group Setting
Power Security Function
Screen Saver – Function can set screen saver use and standby time.
Monitor Off Time – Function can set time of turn off monitor.
Turn Off Hard Disk – Function can set time of turn off hard disk.
System Standby Mode – Function can set time of system standby mode.
Maximum Power Saving Mode – Function can set time of maximum power save mode.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Power – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Management Result List
Function can view power saving status of selected group or user in organization chart
window by management result list.
User Power Saving Status List
Power Saving Statistics Screen
When Search Power Saving Statistics Notes
Saving statistics is only applied if set system standby mode and maximum power save mode. It
will not apply other settings as screen saver, turn off monitor, and turn off hard disk.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-11-1. Power Security
Can manage to create policy of screen saver or power remote configuration, and can manage to set
outside company security group.
Power – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select Security – Select Power
Can set power item of selected group in organization chart window.
Select whether use
power or not
Select whether
policy applying
time or not
Select whether include
sub group of selected
group or not
Select whether use
power or not and
time setting
Select policy applying
exceptional user within
selected group
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Power – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select Security
Can set power item of selected user in organization chart window.
Select whether
use screen saver
or not.
When restart PC is
active screen saver,
this function can
protect by Windows
Select whether use
power remote
configuration or not
 Setting Method
Check screen saver use -> Enter standby time
Check power remote configuration use -> Enter monitor off time, turn off hard disk, system
standby mode, maximum power saving mode.
When use Power Remote Configuration, Notes
If you want apply policy of monitor off time, turn off hard disk, etc…, should check to use of
power remote configuration. Power is operated by following order: monitor off time -> turn of
hard disk -> system standby mode -> maximum power saving mode. Maximum power saving
mode time should not less than system standby mode time.
e.g.) System standby mode time to set 20 minutes and Maximum power saving mode time to
set 15 minutes (X)
When use Maximum Power Saving Mode, Notes
When start maximum power saving mode at user PC, will display offline in organization chart
because network will be disconnected.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-11-2. Outside Company Security Group & Outside Company Security Group Policy
Power – Select Outside Company Security Group
Window can set group or user to be assigned outside company policy.
Selected Group List.
Select Target Group Tree
 Setting Method
Select group of user or user want to apply from left side group, selected user will display to outside
company security group of right side, when selection is completed, click OK button to finish the
Select Outside Company Security Group
When select group for establishing outside company policy, if sub list is not selected then policy
will not apply to that list.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Power – Select Outside Company Security Group Policy
When communication with server is not available, set management policy of power
Power Auto Selection,
Setting method is same
with policy setting
 Setting Method
Outside company security group policy setting is appear same window with existing security
policy setting. But it is set to name of group security policy – [outside company security policy].
Functions are set on this window only apply when user PC is located place can not
communicate with server. When setting is completed click OK button to apply outside company
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-11-3. Power Usage Amount Setting
Function can view power consumption and usage amount to enter basic amount and power usage
amount and apply them.
Power – Select Power Usage Amount Setting
Set power usage amount to apply basic amount and power usage amount.
Power Usage
Amount List
Apply Power Usage Amount
Enter Power
Usage Amount
 Setting Method
Set input/edit/delete of basic amount and power usage amount
Apply setting amount
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-12. Security USB
In security USB, can set registration of USB, whether use USB access log or not and can set to block
of USB to many users. Security USB establish policy to select group or user in organization chart
window and can operate.
Security USB – Organization Chart Window
Use USB management function
Run set block of USB, whether use USB access
log or not, and register USB.
USB of Media Control and Security USB Notes
Policy Setting – USB policy setting of security in media control is same with security USB policy
setting. When set policy setting in security USB, it will be changed to policy in
security of media control.
Security USB – Function block all USB except registered USB.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security USB – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Management Result List
Function can view USB status of selected group or user in organization chart window by
management result list.
USB Status List
USB Access Log Search
 USB Access Log Search Use Method
Can set whether use of USB access log or not in USB and can search.
Assign date want to search and click search button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-12-1. USB Policy
Can manage to create policy of USB block setting and whether use of USB access log or not, regis
ter USB in order to use registered USB whether other USB are blocked.
Security USB – Select Organization Chart Window Group – Select USB
Can set USB item of selected group from organization chart window.
Select whether include
sub group of selected
group or not
Select whether use
USB access log or not
USB Block Policy
Registered USB List
 Add USB Method
Click add USB button
and connect USB want to
register to PC, register
Scanning USB screen in
administrator‟s PC
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Security USB – Select Organization Chart Window User – Select USB
Can set USB item of selected user from organization chart window.
Select whether use
USB access log or not
USB Block
Policy Setting
Registered USB List
Add USB to be permitted
 USB Use Method
1. USB Block Policy – Set block/cancel of read & write
2. Whether use USB Access Log – Set Apply/Do not apply of access log
3. Add USB – Add/Delete of Security USB want to register
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-13. Management Tool
Management tool can enter & change setting value related to operate of server, console, and client in
NetHelper6.x. Can set by per operation, asset, deploy, FTP, Gateway, SMTP/document security, can
use additional functions as authority setting, history, delete log setting, search latest contact user,
integrated log, version info, etc…
3-13-1. Environment Setting
Can check setting of operation, asset, deploy, FTP, Gateway, SMTP/document security that basically
applied to operate NetHelper 6.x.
Management Tool – Environment Setting – Operation
Window can set status monitoring of printer, printer log, exception target user list of
selected group in organization chart window.
Check server IP
URL to be converted when access block Site
Default URL when start internet
Check Proxy server IP
Enter/Change AIMS server IP
Use to control use user from
outside company to register IP
when access from outside
company to management console
Notice message to user when edit
user info from client.
Function use when change server
IP. Because of changing server IP
operation of all client will be taken
effect so should check server IP
one more time before save the
Can change alignment type of
group/user displayed on
organization chart.
<Management Console Option Window>
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Operation Detail Items Use Method
1. Using messenger or not
Set whether use messenger function or not at client.
2. Messenger remote control/sending file only
Set whether use messenger remote control/sending file only functions or not
3. Use error report or not
Client has function can report error progress. Set whether use this function or not.
4. Show remote control usage
When use remote control, will appear notice window of remote control use at client
5. Induce register user info
Can enter user info each client. If there has empty space of entering item, will active
message window for every 1 hour to induce info registration.
6. Show client tray icon
Set whether display tray icon of client or not
7. Display dialog box for “Reboot/Exit”
When order reboot/turn off to client, select whether display message window or not. When
appear message window, 30 seconds after will execute order. If will not display message
window order will be executed immediately.
8. Display the detail information for the client
Set whether use detailed info view function or not at client
9. Enable/Disable the modification of user information
Select whether use editing user info function of client or not
10. Use remote control disable function
When use remote control function select whether stop control authority or not at client
11. Purchased, un-purchased S/W Edit Alert
When install illegal S/W to client PC will appear alert window. This window will appear
every10 minutes.
12. Automatic grouping by new registered IP Address
Set IP bandwidth to group so you can set to client who is installed new to register that
specific group automatically.
13. Use H/W info Registration Guidance
Appear window can enter PC management number, system model name, PC purchased
date, etc… If user didn‟t enter required items, then request to re-register H/W info every 10
14. Existence of user H/W info use
Create H/W info register menu of tray icon at client function
15. Existence of Alerting use
Administrator can check used & edited info related S/W, H/W, security, etc… on real time
using by selection of alert level (notification / caution / warning).
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Environment Setting – Asset
Window can set policy management operation time, usage monitoring time, default
block setting per S/W policy, when block alert message of S/W item in asset.
Select whether apply S/W policy
management operating or not
Time of do not
apply policy during
operation time
Policy operation time
Set operation time of S/W usage monitoring.
Assign block setting will be applied default when create per each S/W policy
If select item related warning by each block setting set
warning message to appear to client user per each warning
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Environment Setting – Deploy
Window can set policy apply time of deploy, notice message before deploy, notice
message after deploy, turn off PC after deploy is completed.
Can operate deploy operation apply time
Can set to divide different time ranges
Set notice time (Minutes) to client before execute deploy policy
Set notice message to client
before execute deploy policy
Set notice message to client
after execute deploy policy
Select whether turn off PC or not after
execution of deploy policy is completed.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Environment Setting – FTP
Window can set FTP environment when transfer file by policy of deploy
Can check default value when NetHelper 6.x install
<Select Specific Group Window>
Administrator can enter, edit, and delete FTP
server fit to management environment.
FTP Use Method
When occur over load to server because use so many FTP, can use to decentralize FTP server.
You can decentralize functions of server to enter web server IP, Port, etc… on below items of menu
and set specific group.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Environment Setting – Gateway
When transfer file and if you want to process decentralized progress per Gateway, this
window can set to do.
Can check default value when NetHelper 6.x install
If it has many Gateway can use to register additional Gateway.
Administrator can enter configure, edit, and delete Gateway
server fit to management environment.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Environment Setting – SMTP/Document Security
When new patch update window can set sending e-mail account that administrator can
receive related info by e-mail.
Check box if specific e-mail account needs to have
sending/receiving authorization.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-13-2. Management Tool
Can set and check authority setting, history, delete log setting, search latest contact user, integrated
log, version info that are management part to additional apply to operate NetHelper 6.x
Management Tool – Management Tool – Authority Setting
Window can add, edit, and delete administrator’s account, assign authority per each
When use Authority Setting Notes
When assign authority to only specific menu by creating new administrator ID, can execute
policy order for that specific menu. If you can view other menu it is not a program error.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
 Authority Setting Use Method
1. Administrator Setting
Can edit administrator name, description, ID, password, administrator e-mail address and
can add & delete administrator
2. Group Permission
Set authority per group to selected administrator
3. Use email notice or not
Set whether notify to administrator e-mail when new patch update or not
4. Overall Remote
Can set whole authority & partial authority of remote management
(Turn off PC, Restart PC, WOL, Display Control, Send Message, Messenger, File &
Process, Run Remote)
5. Overall Asset
Can set whole authority & partial authority of asset management.
(Edit and create S/W policy, Create S/W group, Object asset)
6. Overall Deploy
Can set whole authority & partial authority of deploy management.
(File, Deploy policy)
7. Overall Security
Can set whole authority & partial authority of policy management per menu
(Security, Mail policy, Mail log, Printer policy, IP policy, Messenger policy, Messenger log,
IP change log, Client, Group, etc...)
8. Overall Tool
Can set whole authority & partial authority of management tool
(Only admin manager can use. Group authority setting, Environment setting)
Group Authority Use Method
When set authority to group if all groups are not selected then it is assigned authority of all
group. When assign authority to specific group it will be assigned authority to new created group.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Management Tool – History
Window can check executed history of policy & order at console by managers to search by
per menu & per time period, window can save history to CSV file, and can delete history.
Asset Module
Deploy Module
Security Module
IP Module
Remote Module
Other Module
Can save searched history to CSV file
Can delete to select item among searched history
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Management Tool – Delete Log Setting
Window can delete log that saved by log use policy per each menu, per user & time period.
Can select delete user
Button to add/delete user
Can select delete time period
Delete all per each menu & select sub item and delete
Caution when Delete Log
When delete log if you don’t select delete user & delete time period, if you select only menu item
and delete log then log of all users & all time period will be deleted.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Management Tool – Search Latest Contact User
Window can search & delete user doesn’t access to server within certain time period
among users are installed client program.
Enter Un-log in number of days want to search
Can check user list that are un-logged in
to server over number of searching days
Can save searched user list to CSV file
Can delete to select user among searched user list
Caution when delete log
1. Delete user mean delete DB list of users on offline status. If delete searched user list
reason by un-log in certain time period to server please, be careful to delete user list
because deleted user can not access server.
2. If delete user then you can have quantity of licenses same as quantity of your deletion.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Integrated Log – Security, Mail, Messenger, Printer, Security USB, Management Tool
Window is easy to trace security log history management of deleted user
Integrated Log
If displayed to pale
yellow color on integrated log search result it is log info of
deleted user and if it is not then it is log info of user is using the system.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Integrated Log – Search User Condition – Select Organization Chart – User Info
List Display
Can display list of user who is using NetHelper 6.x client, user who is deleted
NetHelper 6.x client, and all users per searching condition.
Display info of user installed client
Display info of user deleted client
Display info of user installed client and user deleted client
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Integrated Log – Log Search Info
Can search use user and deleted user and trace it and can search by per various &
specific searching condition.
Can search USB
composite device log,
FTP log, mail log,
messenger log, Printer
log, deleted user log
Deleted User Log
Use User Log
Searching conditions are various &
specific. Can search by all, user IP, user
ID, outgoing file name, etc…
Log Search Info
If displayed to pale
yellow color on integrated log search result it is log info of
deleted user and if it is not then it is log info of user is using the system.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Management Tool – Management Tool – Version Info
Window can find version of NetHelper6.x, related server, and client files.
Can save version info of server files to CSV file
Can save version info of client files to CSV file
Can check info of all clients
Update latest version info of each file
Management Tool – Management Tool – Exit
Can finish NetHelper V6.x Console
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14. Reporting Service
3-14-1. Understanding of NetHelper 6.x Reporting Console Program Configuration
NetHelper 6.x reporting console is operated by dividing screen into 5 categories in order to support
convenience for user..
 Menu Box: Categorized NetHelper 6.x reporting console main functions per each function
 Organization Chart Window: Tree Structure arrangement Window of NetHelper 6.x
reporting client component
 Management Result List: Arranged list of each client „s management history
 Management Target Window: Management required target list window per menu box
 User Window: Window can only view certain specific user info
As below window is the NetHelper Reporting Console main screen. Can printout report by
per module as Asset, Deploy, Security, Remote, Mail, Printer, IP, etc…
Menu Box
조직도 윈도우
User Window
Management Result List
Management Target Window
Organization Chart Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-2. Menu Box
NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Upper Menu Box
IP Menu
Printer Menu
Remote Menu
Deploy Menu
Asset Menu
 Description of Upper Menu Box
NetHelper 6.x Reporting Upper Menu Box is consists of 5 main menus as Asset
menu, Deploy menu, Remote menu, Printer menu, and IP menu, can search by per
module through management target window or user window menu, and can use
report printout function.
Column Adjustment Menu
Description of Column Adjustment Menu
Menu can adjust column displayed on management
result list
Member Group
User ID
Login Time
Logout Time
MAC Address
Update Time
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-3. Asset
Search NetHelper 6.x Reporting S/W Asset Status
Function can search by applying S/W asset status condition of selected group or user
on organization chart window.
Search S/W Asset Status Method
1. Select user want to search S/W asset on organization chart window. ( ① )
2. Select S/W item wants to search. ( ② )
<Remarks> Before select S/W wants to search, must click “Refresh” icon.
3. In order to search S/W asset status, click “Run Search” icon.
4. Can view search list regarding S/W asset status.
S/W Asset Status Screen Window
Click “Refresh” icon
before search S/W
NetHelper 6.x Manual
S/W Holding Report of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Fixed Form Printout Method
S/W Holding Report Printout Method
Click “S/W Holding Report Print” icon, then printout document by fixed format.
Click S/W Holding
Report Print button
S/W Holding Report Fixed Form Printout Screen
NetHelper 6.x Manual
S/W Install Status Table of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Fixed Form Printout Method
S/W Install Status Table Printout Method
Click “Print Install Status Table per S/W” icon, printout document by fixed format.
Click Print Install Status
Table per S/W icon
S/W Install Status Fixed Form Printout Screen
NetHelper 6.x Manual
S/W Individual Install of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Fixed Form Printout Method
S/W Individual Install Fixed Form Printout Method
1. Select user on organization chart window
2. Click “Run Search” button under organization chart window.
3. Click “Print” icon, printout documentation by S/W individual install fixed format.
Click Print icon
Click Run Search icon
S/W Individual Install Fixed Form Printout Screen
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search H/W Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search H/W status of selected group or user on organization
chart window applying by H/W asset condition.
Search H/W Asset Status Method
1. Select user want to search H/W asset on organization chart window. ( ① )
2. Select H/W item want to search. ( ② )
<Remarks> Before select H/W want to search, must click “Refresh” icon.
3. In order to search H/W asset status, click “Run Search” icon.
4. Can view search list regarding H/W asset status.
Asset Status per H/W item Screen Window
Click “Refresh” icon before
search H/W
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search H/W Install Status of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Method
H/W Install Status Table Printout Method
Click Install Status Table per H/W “Print” icon, printout documentation by fixed format
Click Print button
H/W Install Status Table Fixed Form Printout Screen
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search User H/W Status of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Method
H/W Status Table per User Printout Method
Click “Print H/W Status per User” icon, printout documentation by fixed format
Click Print H/W Status per User icon
H/W Status per User Fixed Form Printout Screen
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search Object Asset Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search object asset status registered on NetHelper.
Search Object Asset Status Method
1. Select User want to search object asset status on organization
chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. Select object asset list want to search. ( ② )
3. In order to search object asset status, click “Run Search” button. ( ③ )
4. Group object asset & individual object asset are displayed on management
result list screen.
Object Asset Status Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-4. Deploy
Search Deploy Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search deploy file info status, deploy schedule info status, deploy
status per user of selected group or user on organization chart window.
Search Deploy Status Method
1. Select user want to search deploy status on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. Select deploy policy want to search on user window. ( ② )
3. In order to search deploy operation, click “Run Search” button. ( ③ )
4. Can check info list regarding deploy operation. ( ④ )
Search Deploy Status Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-5. Security
NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Security Status
Search security status can check policy info status of user such as media control,
individual firewall, system, security log, internet, traffic, access control, etc…
Search Security Status Method
1. Select user want to search security status on organization
chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. Select security menu. ( ② )
3. In order to search security operation, click “Condition Search” button. ( ③ )
4. Can check info list regarding security file. ( ④ )
② ③
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-6. Remote
Search Remote Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search error progress status by per user, per error type, and per
processors of selected group or user on organization chart window.
Search Remote Status Method
1. Select user want to search remote status on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. Select remote menu want to search on user window. ( ② )
3. In order to search remote operation, click “Condition Search” button. ( ③ )
4. Can check info list regarding remote file. ( ④ )
Error Progress Status per User Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-7. Mail
Search Mail Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search mail status, & mail condition search per user of selected group
or user on organization chart window.
Search Mail Status Method
1. Select user want to search mail status, on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. In order to search mail operation, click “Run Search” button. ( ② )
3. Can check info list regarding mail. ( ③ )
Mail Status per User Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Mail Condition Search Method
1. Select user want to search mail status, on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. Set mail search condition. ( ② )
3. In order to search mail operation, click “Condition Search” button. ( ③ )
4. Can check info log regarding use of mail gathered by user. ( ④ )
Mail Status Condition Search Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-8. Printer
Search Printer Status of NetHelper 6.5 Reporting Method
Function can search printer status per user, user status per printer, printer rule status
per user of selected group or user on organization chart window.
Search Printer Status Method
1. Select user want to search printer status, on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. In order to search printer operation, click “Condition Search” button. ( ② )
3. Can check usage amount info / printer usage log gathered by user. ( ③ )
Printer Status per user Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
3-14-9. IP
Search IP Status of NetHelper 6.x
Reporting Method
Function can search IP status per user, and IP status per workgroup/bandwidth of
selected group or user on organization chart window.
Search IP Status per User Method
1. Select user want to search IP status, on organization chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. In order to search IP operation, click “Run Search” button. ( ② )
3. Can check info list regarding IP. ( ③ )
IP Status per User Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Search IP status per Workgroup/IP Bandwidth Method
1. Select user want to search IP status per workgroup/bandwidth, on organization
chart window. ( ① )
<Remarks> When select user, click “Refresh” icon.
2. In order to search IP operation, select organization chart per
workgroup/organization chart per bandwidth on user window, and click “Run
Search” button. ( ② )
3. Can check info list regarding IP per workgroup/IP bandwidth status. ( ③ )
IP Status per Workgroup/Bandwidth Screen Window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 4. NetHelper 6.x Client Function
NetHelper 6.x client supply installed PC info to NetHelper 6.x server, is program can control PC.
NetHelper 6.x client program use to install to management target PC by installation program.
Messenger Function
PC Error Report
Register User Info
View detailed Info
NetHelper 6.x Client Main Function
Can do messenger conversation with other user installed
NetHelper 6.x and also, have remote communication with
NetHelper 6.x administrator.
When occur various error as virus, OS patch, etc… at client PC,
can request error report for help to administrator. Also, can
receive result of error report from administrator and can check
error progress status.
Can register and edit info of user who use PC. Register user info
inform exact user info to NetHelper 6.x administrator support
administrator‟s user operation more easy and convenience. Also,
can manage PC & monitor info to enter H/W info.
Can see policy details assigned from NetHelper console. Also,
client can request S/W license.
NetHelper 6.x Client Function Use Method
In order to use NetHelper 6.x client functions, click right hand side of mouse button on
client icon located at tray of client PC to use them.
Click right hand side of mouse
button, can use popup menu like
as left hand side of screen shot.
Tray Icon
NetHelper 6.x Client Process
NetHelper 6.x client program is displayed installation status by icon to installed PC. But, if block
icon display or block process display from NetHelper 6.x console then NetHelper 6.x client icon
will not be displayed on management target PC. If NetHelper 6.x client is not displayed please,
contact console manager and check whether use block or not.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-1. Open Messenger
Client Function – Open Messenger
Function can have conversation, video chatting, file transfer, remote control, etc…
between users.
 Chat
Can use functions as chat(video chatting) and
file transfer between users within organization
chart window.
 Add Friend
Can grouping of users who communicates
frequently using by chat to organize in friend list
 A/V Setting
Can set environment of video cam, microphone.
Open Messenger
Can open to double click tray icon or click right hand side of mouse button and select open
messenger menu.
User who is inside of „New Group‟ is assumed as unauthorized user so this function is designed
to not display that user on organization chart window.
Also, you can search by user name, etc… in organization chart window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other User
Function can use functions as conversation, A/V connect, file transfer, remote control,
message save, etc… between users.
Enter message you want to
send to other user and click
enter key or send button.
Can control sound volume
when use A/V connect
 Use Method
Double click user within messenger organization chart window to have conversation each
other or can use remote control, file transfer, A/V connect and can save conversation
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other – Remote
Can use remote control function to request/accept of remote control between users
Appear approve/disapprove of
remote control request window
to user who receive remote
control request, if select
approve request button then will
be start remote control function.
 Use Method
Select user want to remote control in messenger, click [Remote Control] button, if receiver
click [Approve Request] button, then you can remote control to receiver PC.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other – File Transfer
Function can use when transfer file between users.
Select File Transfer button on menu, you can select file to be transferred
 Use Method
Select file to be transferred and transfer file using by drag & drop of mouse to conversation
window. Also, default path of receiving file will save at C:\UserDownload and can change
save directory by „File Transfer Options‟
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other – A/V Connect
Function can have conversation with seeing face each other using by cam and have
conversation with sound support using by micro phone.
 Use Method
Select A/V Connect button in conversation window, it will sound phone bell to receiver. When
request A/V connect, will appear popup window to ask approve/disapprove of A/V connect
request to receiver screen.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other – Message Save
Function can save conversation details using by messenger.
 Use Method
When you want to save message during middle of conversation with other user, select
[Message Save] button, appear popup window ask path of conversation details to be saved.
Assign save path & file name and click [Save] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Conversation with Other – Save
Conversation Details Set up
Function can save conversation details automatically using by messenger.
Option menu set to
save conversation
If click […] button
then can change
save path of
 Use Method
When you finish conversation window, you can set auto-save option.
You can set to option as auto save conversation details, do not save conversation details, and
check whether save conversation details or not, if you use check whether save conversation
details or not, appear as below popup window to check save conversation or not when close
conversation window.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Add Friend
You can edit organization chart window to users who have conversation each other
Run add friend window,
can set friend list.
Setting will proceed way
to move from all group to
friend group.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – Add Friend
You can edit organization chart window to users who have conversation each other
Click right hand side
button of mouse to set.
Select user want to exclude
from friend group click
delete button to can delete
from friend group.
 Use Method
Select group want to edit from friend group, change group name or create new group and check
move target and group want to belong and click add or delete button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – A/V Setting
Run setting wizard of audio and video tuning.
If microphone that wants to use/speaker
is more than 2 each, select
microphone/speaker wants to set
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – Open Messenger – A/V Setting
Run setting wizard of audio and video tuning.
Control volume, test
to hear proper sound
loudness using by
test speakers.
Can check volume of
speaking voice by bar
measure if microphone
recognize normal
speaking voice.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-2. Report Error
Client Function – Report Error Progress
If PC has some discomfort for use or occur some errors, report error to administrator to
have help from administrator by remote control & chat.
 Reporter
When report error, reporter item will be entered
reporter‟s PC name. Reporter can change this
name randomly.
 Telephone Number
Enter contact number can receive contact from
administrator. (Default setting is entered contact
number registered in user info.)
 Error Type
Select error type
 Detail
Enter specific and detailed error description.
Limitation of character is up to 255 characters.
 Use Method
Enter reporter info, select error type, enter error
details and click send button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-3. Error Disposal Report Condition
Client Function – Error Disposal Report Condition
Menu can user to check progress result of reported error from chapter 4-2 directly.
Waiting sequence of
users who reported
error to administrator
Result details of error
progress made from
Error report details that user
report to administrator
 Detailed Description & Use Method
When you check waiting sequence of error
report to administrator, you can check by
waiting sequence of error progress report
status. Also, you can take notice of progress
result from administrator by popup window type.
You can check that specific error info by view
detailed info.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-4. Edit User Info
Client Function – Edit User Info
Can update/change individual user info
Menu can edit individual user info like as contact number, e-mail address, etc…
If user‟s position group is changed,
use this menu to open organization
chart group window and select
changed group of user‟s position.
 Use Method
Enter user personal info or changed info and click change button to edit user info. If one
of required item is empty and click change button then it will not be changed or edited.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-5. View Detailed Info
Client Function – View Detailed Info
Can check S/W list and H/W info installed in user PC, can request S/W license for
unlicensed S/W to administrator.
 S/W Info
Displayed S/W list that individual user is using, can check S/W license holding status & product
number of holding S/W per each S/W in the list.
 Individual S/W Asset Status
Can check detailed info of S/W installed in individual user PC, can also check detailed info of
HotFix & H/W.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – View Detailed Info – S/W Info
Can check S/W list installed in user PC, H/W info & current security policy(Block policy), etc…
Can view holding list of S/W that is need to have license for use, & info
of license expiration date among the S/W installed in individual user PC,
and can view product number & authorization number of specific S/W to
select S/W within the list.
Can view holding status of all S/W installed in
individual user PC, and it is easy to check
status because classification of holding status
is displayed by color.
 Request Software License
Among the S/W list installed in individual user
PC, client can request S/W license for
unlicensed S/W to administrator.
Enter reason of request to detail item and click
request button to deliver request to
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – View Detailed Info – Individual S/W Asset Status
Can check detailed info of S/W info, HotFix info, H/W info.
 S/W Info
 HotFix Info
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Client Function – View Detailed Info – Individual S/W Asset Status
Can check detailed info of S/W info, HotFix info, H/W info.
 H/W Info
Can check all H/W info
using by scroll bar.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4-6. Register Info
Client Function – Register Info
Menu can check version info of NetHelper 6.x Client program.
Program Version Info
User Computer Name
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Chapter 5. NetHelper 6.x Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)
Install & Uninstall
Q. I would like to install NetHelper 6.x Server. Is it possible to install on Windows XP, UNIX(LINUX), or
A. NetHelper 6.x Server can be installed only OS from Microsoft‟s Windows. Therefore, you should
install NetHelper 6.x on Windows 2000 Server or greater. NetHelper 6.x server doesn‟t support any
other OS.
Q. I would like to know directory path of log file for NetHelper 6.x Server.
A. Log file of NetHelper 6.x Server save at [C:\Program Files\NetHelper V6.x Server\LOG_SA] folder
by date base.
Q. I would like to change license of NetHelper 6.x. What do I do?
A. Focus on NetHelper 6.x license, you have to change it only from NetHelper 6.x Server. Please,
refer as following instruction and please, proceed it in order at NetHelper 6.x Server.
① Click right hand side of mouse at [NHSS Agent] is located on tray icon of NetHelper 6.x
② Click [Option] of menu displayed at [NHSS Agent]
③ Click [License]
NetHelper 6.x Manual
④ Enter license want to be changed to [License key] item.
⑤ When entering license is completed, click [OK] button.
⑥ Check whether license is changed or not through [Number of user license] item
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑦ Click [Service Monitor] on left side of window, check status of service.
⑧ Click [Stop] button at [Enroll Server] and [Policy Server] item on Service Monitor menu
to stop service.
If stop [Enroll Server] and [Policy Server] item, NetHelper 6.x Client icon is displayed to
offline, connection of server is temporally stopped.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑨ When service is stopped normally, [Start] button of [Enroll Server] and [Policy Server]
item will be active. Click [Start] button.
⑩ Check status of all items on Service Monitor are Started, click [OK] button, then
license change is completed.
Q. During installation process of NetHelper 6.x Client, screen of client PC is occurring flashing
A. During installation process of NetHelper 6.x Client program, the moment when NetHelper remote
driver installation, screen of client PC can be flashing. This symptom is normal load process of
remote driver.
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [Download certificate enrollment configuration file is failed.]
notice window appears on screen.
A. If you see above notice window, please, check as following items:
① Check whether internet works for normal or not
② If internet has some problem then please, check it with internet provider.
③ Enter [http://NetHelperServerIP:9009/index.htm] on Internet Explorer window
NetHelper 6.x Manual
④ If you connect to NetHelper 6.x Server normally, you can see as below screen.
⑤ If you can not see above screen, connection port might be blocked therefore, please,
contact admin or IT manager.
⑥ If you can see above screen normally, then click [here] to check whether can download file
or not.
⑦ If can not download file, it might be have problem with server setting, please, contact local
reseller for technical support.
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [Connection to certification server is failed.] notice window
appears on screen.
A. If you see above notice window it is case of connection to certification server of NetHelper 6.x
Server has failed. Please, check port 9000(TCP/IP) of certification server is open status or not.
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [License term is exceeded.] notice window appears on screen.
A. Case of expired license term, it is expired evaluation term of NetHelper 6.x Server. If you want to
extend evaluation term, please, contact your local reseller in order to reissue NetHelper 6.x license.
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [Number of licenses are exceeded.] notice window appears on
A. Case of exceed license volume, it is exceed number of users for NetHelper 6.x Server. Please,
proceed reinstall process after secure free license to delete long term un-login users or delete
installed redundant information of installed client list on NetHelper 6.x Console. If you want to
purchase additional NetHelper 6.x Server licenses, please, contact your local reseller.
Q When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [Registration failed due to network failure.] notice window
appears on screen.
A. Case of network failure, it is NetHelper 6.x Client can not access to NetHelper 6.x Server because
of network failure. Please, proceed reinstall process after solved network problem.
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, [Load certificate enrollment configuration file is failed.] notice
window appears on screen.
A. Case of certificate enrollment configuration file load failure, it might be occurred when NetHelper
6.x Client is installed at the first time, certificate enrollment configuration file to be set is damaged
on NetHelper 6.x Server. If this case is occurred then please, contact your local reseller for
technical support.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Q. When install NetHelper 6.x Client, can not fetch policy file.
A. You have to change IIS setting. Please, proceed as following instruction :
Select [My Computer], click right hand side of mouse button, click [Manage] button
Computer Management (Local) → Services and Applications → Internet Information
Service (IIS) Management → Web Sites → NH60
Select [NH60], click right hand side of mouse button, click [Properties] menu
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Appear register info of web site window
Move to [HTTP Headers] tab, click [MIME Types] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
When appear [MIME Types] window, Click [New] button
When appear MIME Types, register total 10 types each 1 type at a time.
Extension Name
MIME Types
Click [OK] button, after completed to register all MIME types
NetHelper 6.x Manual
When appear [NH6.x Properties] window, click [OK] button
Q. I would like to delete NetHelper 6.x Client. What do I do?
A. Basically delete, it can be proceed on NetHelper 6.x Console
① Run NetHelper 6.x Console
② Select client want to delete on organization chart, click right hand side of mouse button
③ Click [Client Management → Delete Client] in order, delete NetHelper 6.x Client automatically
④ Case of delete NetHelper 6.x Client on NetHelper 6.x Console, delete process is normally
working only Client PC is online status normally. If Client PC is offline status, then please,
delete NetHelper 6.x Client using by uninstall file provided in NetHelper install CD in order to
progress manual delete process directly.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Asset Management
Q. What are programs that are displayed as black color icon in software?
A. Programs are existed as installed history on client info. If client have installed specific program and
if that client is deleted then that specific program is displayed to black color icon. If that client
reinstall agent or if other client installed same program, install agent then that specific program is
displayed to bright colors icon again.
Q. In organization chart of software, if I create & edit policy to software then software must to be
grouped. Why I can not create & edit policy to ungrouped software and is there has any way to
create & edit policy to ungrouped software?
A. Ungrouped software on organization chart in software is type of program that naturally, registry of
software can not made to be grouped when register to PC. That software can be grouped through
group info setting using by right hand side of mouse button on organization chart in software.
Q. I would like to create policy for specific software because I think it is too hard to create policy to all
software that I have so many software are in not registered S/W category on software organization
chart. But it is hard to find software, I want to create policy among so many software. Is there has
any way to find it easily?
A. If you click right hand side of mouse button on software organization chart, then you can see
search S/W menu. If you use this menu you can easily find software you want on organization
chart searching by per software and per process name.
Deploy Management
Q. In NetHelper 6.x, how many PCs I can do deploy operation at the same time?
A. When execute deployment, numbers of PCs can proceed deploy operation at the same time are
depend on IIS that used in NetHelper 6.x because in IIS, process to execute deploy operation to
many PCs at the same time by adjusting network bandwidth.
Q. I would like to know what is red color icon in deploy management.
A. That is represented Mento function. If size of deploy file is large or if deploy target clients are so
many then this can be a burden on the server. Therefore, client who is assigned to Mento, receive
deploy file first then clients who are belong to Mento‟s group, get deploy file from Mento.
Security Management
Q. For traffic of security management, what purpose I can use it?
A. Traffic means usage amounts of internet or network. If use internet or network normally then traffic
problem is not occurred but traffic can increase without limit due to infiltration of virus, Worm,
hacking, etc… For preparing this case, if traffic increases to over a certain level within assigned
time term, traffic function of security management can block network.
Q. When use traffic (exceed capacity) block function of security management, does occur the load on
client PC or not?
A. Almost does not occur the load on client PC. Usage amounts of process that is for detecting traffic,
and memory can increase little bit but does not cause an overload on the system hold. This
function use info crossing from operating system into network management. This operation
originally executes by operating system continuously. Therefore, does not cause additional load on
the system hold.
Q. In block internet, should I enter whole domain name for blocking internet?
A. Block internet function can be worked well with entering portion of domain name. If you enter
portion of domain name, function automatically match entering value and block all full domains are
included entered portion domain name.
e.g.) If you want to block then you may enter just *yahoo* to block
internet site.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Mail Management
Q When I am checking log of web mail, I can not see sending email using by my company mail server.
If I send email using by company‟s mail server then can I check it or not?
A Case of using company‟s email server, NetHelper 6.x can not gather all logs of overall email
servers because it consists of separate than general web mail server.
Case of web mail log, suddenly, it is not to gather email logs of certain site. How I can do for it?
A If can not gather email log of certain specific site, it can be occurred case of changing policy of
that specific web mail site or changing their email server because of their web site reorganization.
If these cases occur please, contact your local reseller for receiving update version or future
update plan.
IP Management
Q In IP management, what TRACERT function can do?
A TRACERT function is viewing function of all paths info through until reach the specific assigned
host and trace commend internet control message protocol of delaying time at each path.
Q What is allocation IP function?
A Enter network info, and check whether use time period setting and allocate IP or not, then admin
can set IP to specific user remotely, and can do protection setting of IP that can not use that
specific IP from other users.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Remote Management
Q. I would like to know method (procedure) of remote control. What is procedure of request and
A. When execute remote control console and client, it can be controlled by several control methods. If
use 2 IPs when execute remote control then on console use IP has same A class with IP of client
want to control remotely to access.
Q. When use remote control function, appear certification settings window on screen that ask to select
certification or non-certification. If I don‟t select any option is it OK?
A. Basically, appeared selecting window when use remote control function, if you check [Do not
display during current login status] button and click [OK] button, then selecting window does not
display on the screen. But, when you finish NetHelper 6.x Console and re-login to NetHelper 6.x,
then certification setting window will display on your screen again.
Q. Is it possible to know error request without running console?
A. If run console, login to server and DB through authorization of ID and password. If do not run
console, means NetHelper does not connect with DB therefore, you can not know there has error
request from user or not.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Q. I do not want use error progress request function of NetHelper6.x Client. Is it possible to change to
not use this function?
A. Yes, you can change. Please, proceed as following order:.
① Run NetHelper 6.x Console
② Run [Management Tool → Environment Setting → Operation]
③ Release checked box on [Use error report or not] item
④ Click [OK] button, then you can not use error progress request function on NetHelper
6.x Client.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Q. When re-install client program at PC has 2 or more MAC values, how many MAC values NetHelper
compare them to check to verify that a previous client program?
A. Server records to save activated MAC value when client program access with server the last time.
Therefore, when re-install client program if activated MAC value among the holding values is
matched with server value then will overwrite previously installed info. However, if MAC value of
server and client is different, then recognize to another PC and register to new.
Q. When transfer file by messenger, is there remain log at server?
A. Current version of NetHelper 6.x does not remain any log at server when transfer file by messenger.
Q. I would like to use messenger through tray icon. But, I can not see any users within organization
chart. What happen?
A. User who is included to new group then within organization chart, you can not see any other users.
Create to group or if user is belong into new group then you have to move that user to other group
in order to see other users of messenger.
Q. I set all NetHelper 6.x Client Update setting. When does NetHelper 6.x Client update?
A. Basically, NetHelper 6.x Client automatically update as below condition:
① After PC installed NetHelper 6.x Client program is booted, basically check for update every
1 hour cycle automatically. Case of user currently online, maximum within 1 hour updates
are in progress automatically.
② After user PC installed NetHelper 6.x Client executed NetHelper 6.x update, case of re-boot
PC or turn on the PC, be automatically updated.
③ On organization chart of NetHelper 6.x Console, select client or group and click right hand
side of mouse button, and run [Client Management → Client Update] to can progress update
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Q. Which folder of IIS (Internet Information Service) NetHelper 6.x use?
A. If install NetHelper 6.x to default folder, Default path is [C:\Program Files\NetHelper V6.x
Server\wwwroot]. If you can not find folder at this path, you may check folder using by as below
instruction :
① On [NHSS Agent] is located at tray icon of NetHelper 6.x server, click right hand side of
mouse button.
② Click [Option] menu appeared on [NHSS Agent]
③ Click [Policy]
NetHelper 6.x Manual
④ Can check default IIS folder path used by NetHelper 6.x at [IIS Folder]
Method 2)
① Click right hand side of mouse button at [My Computer] on main screen, select [Manage]
Appear [Computer Management] window on screen
② Move [Services and Applications → Internet Information Service (IIS) Management → Web
NetHelper 6.x Manual
③ Among web sites list, select [NH60], click right hand side of mouse button, select [Properties]
④ When appear NH60 Properties window, check TCP port item is [9009] or not
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑤ Move [Home Directory] tab of NH60 Properties, can check local path
Q. NetHelper 6.x Client is not updated automatically. How can I do?
A. It can be happened when does not have authority of file download. Please, refer as below
instruction :
① Make sure to check all NetHelper 6.x Client Update files are copied. (Basically, [Update.cfg]
file and [NetHelper Client V6.x] folder have to be existed.)
NetHelper 6.x Manual
② Make sure to check NetHelper 6.x Client Update file normally copied to IIS path that used on
NetHelper 6.x Server or not. (Default path is C:\Program Files\NetHelper V6.x
Server\wwwroot folder, if path directory is different then please, refer install & uninstall part
of FAQ.)
③ Click right hand side of mouse button at [Update.cfg] file, click Properties menu
④ Appears [Update.cfg Properties] window, move to [Security] tab.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑤ Check [Internet Guest Account] is in [Group or User Name] item
⑥ If [Internet Guest Account] not exist, then should add it
⑦ Move to home directory of IIS used on NetHelper 6.x Server. (Default path is C:\Program
Files\NetHelper V6.x Server\wwwroot folder.)
⑧ Click right hand side of mouse button at IIS home directory, click Properties menu
⑨ Move to Security tab, click [Add] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑩ Appear [Select Users or Groups] window, click [Advanced] button
⑪ Click [Find Now] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
⑫ Select [Internet Guest Account], click OK button
⑬ After check [Internet Guest Account] is added, click [OK] button
⑭ Check whether update proceed as normal or not.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Appendix 1. MS-SQL 2005 install method
1. Should install Internet Information Service(IIS), ASP.NET, Active Server Pages before install MSSQL 2005.
2. Put SQL Server 2005 CD and click [Server component, Tool, Online manual, and Example]
3. When end-user license agreement appears, check [Agreed] and click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4. When install page of required component appears, click [Install] button
5. Install screen of required component come out.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
6. When complete installation of required component, click [Next] button.
7. System configuration check screen comes out
NetHelper 6.x Manual
8. When Microsoft SQL Server Install Wizard appear, click [Next] button.
9. When system component test screen appear, check fault or warning sign and click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
10. Enter register info and click [Next] button.
11. Check “SQL Server Database Services”, “Analysis Services”, and “Reporting Services”, click
[Detail] button
NetHelper 6.x Manual
12. When selecting function screen appears, click “client component” and click [All functions install in
local HD].
13. Click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
14. Check ”default instance” and click [Next] button..
15. Check “use built-in system account”, select [Network Service]
NetHelper 6.x Manual
16. Click [Next] button.
17. Check “mixed mode(Windows Authorization and SQL Server Authorization)”, enter/confirm sa
password and click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
18. When data filtering screen appears, click [Next] button.
19. When report server install option screen appears, check “default component install” and click
[Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
20. When install preparation complete screen appears, click [Install] button.
21. Microsoft SQL Server Install screen appears.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
22. Install progress screen appears.
23. When install progress complete, click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
24. When Microsoft SQL Server 2005 install complete screen appears, click [Finish] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Appendix 2. MS-SQL 2005 Service Pack2 Update
1. Run SQLServer2005 SP2 file.
2. Extracting file screen appears.
3. SQL Server install screen appears.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
4. When Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack2 install screen appears, click [Next] button.
5. When license agreement screen appears, check “Agreed”, click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
6. When selecting function screen appears, click [Next] button.
7. When authorization screen appears, change authorization method to “SQL authorization”.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
8. Enter user name and password, click [Next] button.
9. When fault and use report setting screen appears, click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
10. Check execution process, click [Next] button.
11. When install preparation complete screen appears, click [Install] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
12. . Install progress screen appears.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
Appendix 3. MS-SQL 2005 Express Install Method
1. Install .NET Framework 2.0 (If .NET Framework 2.0 is already installed then ignore install process)
2. When run MS-SQL Server 2005 Express Edition install file, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
install progress screen appears.
3. End-user license agreement screen appears.
4. Check [Agreed], click[Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
5. When required component install screen appears, click [Install] button.
6. Required component install screen appears.
7. When required component install complete, click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
8. When Microsoft SQL Server install wizard start screen appears, click [Next] button.
9. When testing system component complete, click [Next] button.
10. When registering info screen appears, enter user name and company name.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
11. Release “Advanced configure option” and click [Next] button.
12. Selecting function screen appears.
13. Click [Reporting Services], and click [All functions install in local HD.].
NetHelper 6.x Manual
14. Click [Client components], and click [All functions install in local HD.].
15. When complete selecting function, click [Next] button.
16. Assignment of instance name screen appears.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
17. Select [Default instance], and click [Next] button.
18. Service account setting screen appears. Select “Use default supported system account” to
[network service] and click [Next] button.
19. Selecting authorization mode screen appears.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
20. Select “Mixed mode(Windows authorization and SQL Server authorization), enter password, and
click [Next] button.
21. When data filtering setting screen appears, click [Next] button.
22. When component option screen appears, click [Next] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
23. When report server install option screen appears, click [Next] button.
24. When fault and use report setting screen appears, click [Next] button.
25. When install preparation complete screen appears, click [Install] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
26. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition install screen appears.
27. When install complete, click [Next] button.
28. When SQL Server 2005 Express Edition install complete screen appears, click [Finish] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
29. SQL Server configuration Manager screen appears.
30. Select [SQL Server 2005 network configure → protocol for MSSQLSERVER].
31. Select [TCP/IP], click right hand side button of mouse and click [Use] button.
NetHelper 6.x Manual
32. When warning message appears, click [OK] button.
33. Select [SQL Server 2005 service].
34. Select SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER), click right hand side button of mouse and click [Restarting]
NetHelper 6.x Manual
35. SQL Server configuration manager restart service.