K-GMT Science Group (KGSG) Activities
K-GMT Science Group (KGSG) Activities
K-GMT Science Group (KGSG) Activities Narae Hwang Jae-Joon Lee, Joon Hyeop Lee, Ho-Gyu Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Youn Ju Lim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute K-GMT Project Organization Project Management FSMP Development Instrumentation Science Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #2 K-GMT Science Group (KGSG) – Missions 1. 세계 최고 수준의 연구 성과를 위한 국내 연구 기반 확립 – research oriented ⇒ 관측연구 지원 ⇒ 전략적 연구프로그램 (Early Science) 개발 2. GMT 활용 연구를 수행할 핵심 연구그룹 육성 – personnel oriented ⇒ 연구인력 양성 ⇒ 연구그룹 양성 #3 KGSG Activities – Part I v 천문관측연구지원 u K-GMT Science Program 운영 Ø 제1단계 (2009~2013년) : CFHT, AAT, UKIRT • GEMS0 • DREAM Ø 제2단계 (2013~2016 and beyond): CFHT, MMT, etc. • 대상: 한국 천문학계 전체 • Award observing time to successful proposals #4 Current Operation: Science Program v Telescope line-up u CFHT – 4~5 nights/year Ø 3.6m Ø MegaCam – widefield optical imager Ø WIRCam – widefield NIR imager Ø ESPaDOnS – high R echelle spectrograph Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #5 Current Operation: Science Program v Telescope line-up u MMT – 4 nights/year Ø 6.5m Ø Hectospec/Hectochelle Ø BCS/RCS Ø ARIES Ø SPOL Ø SWIRC Ø MMTCam Ø Etc. Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #6 K-GMT Science Program for 2014 v Call for Proposals 2014 u Credit: 이재준 박사 u Call for Proposals for Seasons 2014A & 2014B Ø Made public on Sep. 4th – CFHT Ø Addition of MMT on Sep. 12th u The call for 2014 was closed on Sep. 30th for CFHT and Oct. 7th for MMT Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #7 K-GMT Science Program for 2014 v Subscription Rate (SR) u SR = (request/available) CFHT: SR=1.6 MMT: SR=1.9 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #8 K-GMT Science Program for 2014 v 2013/11/13: K-GMT TAC u CFHT: 3 programs with 11.45 hours (MC: 8.45 hrs, WC: 3 hrs) u MMT: 4 programs with 4.0 nights (HS: 3nts, BSC: 1nt) v Nov. 2013: Scheduling confirmation with CFHT/MMT v 2013/11/27: Notice of TAC results to PI’s v 2013/12/14: Notice of 2014 TAC Panel Review Report Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort #9 K-GMT Science Program for 2015 v (Tentative) Plan/Timeline u Telescopes: Ø CFHT: 2-4 nights (2015A season only – subject to change) Ø MMT: 4 nights (2015A & 2015B seasons) u Proposal Call: 2014. 8-9(?) u TAC: 2014.10. u TAC decision notice to PI’s: 2014.11 v Look forward to your proposals… Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 10 KGSG Activities – Part II v 전략적 연구프로그램 개발 u K-GMT Science White Paper 발간 추진 u 1st Edition expected in 2014 u Revision every 1-2 years u Objective: Korean Science Cases for GMT Early Operation 2019 based on K-GMT Science White Paper(s) # 11 GMT Science Book v Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2. FORMATION OF STARS AND PLANETARY SYSTEMS 3. THE PROPERTIES OF EXOPLANETARY SYSTEMS 4. STELLAR POPULATIONS AND CHEMICAL EVOLUTION 5. GALAXY ASSEMBLY AND EVOLUTION 6. DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY AND FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS 7. FIRST LIGHT AND REIONIZATION 8. TRANSIENT PHENOMENA 9. SCIENTIFIC SYNERGIES WITH OTHER MAJOR FACILITIES 10. GMT SCIENCE CASE SUMMARY Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort 12 Current Operation: Science White Paper v Objective: u Prepare science cases that Korean community can lead in 2020 u Science cases broken down to 6 categories: Ø Galaxy Clustering and Cosmology – 박창범 (KIAS) Ø Galaxy Formation – 이석영 (Yonsei) Ø High-redshift Objects and Reionization – 임명신 (SNU) Ø Stellar Populations and Chemical Evolution – 이명균 (SNU), 이영욱 (Yonsei) Ø Exoplanetary System – 이병철 (KASI) Ø Star and Planet Formation – 성환경 (Sejong) u Adopt observing proposals with GMACS & G-CLEF v Goal: 1st K-GMT SWP written in Korean around mid-2014. Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 13 Current Operation: Science White Paper v Kick-off meeting on July 2nd, 2013: u Decide to invite pre-proposals from the community u Pre-proposals due on Oct. 7th, 2013 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 14 K-GMT Science White Paper v Statistics on K-GMT SWP Pre-proposals § Received 45 pre-proposals in total (as of Nov. 2013) Distribution of Research Topics 23 24 22 20 18 16 15 15 14 12 9 10 8 5 6 4 2 4 2 0 1.Galaxy Clustering & Cosmology 2.Galaxy Formation 3.High-redshift 4.Exoplanetary Objects and System Reionization 5.Stellar Populations & Chemical Evolution 6.Star and Planet Formation 7. 기타 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 15 K-GMT Science White Paper v Statistics on K-GMT SWP Pre-proposals § Received 45 pre-proposals in total (as of Nov. 2013) § After the 2nd K-GMT SWP Committee on Nov. 14th § Confirmation from the authors completed on Dec. 10th Distribution of Research Topics 12 12 10 9 8 7 8 5 6 4 4 2 0 0 1.Galaxy Clustering & Cosmology 2.Galaxy Formation 3.High-redshift 4.Exoplanetary Objects and System Reionization 5.Stellar Populations & Chemical Evolution 6.Star and Planet Formation 7. 기타 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 16 K-GMT Science White Paper v Statistics on K-GMT SWP Pre-proposals Distribution of Target Instruments 34 30 25 20 13 15 10 5 0 G-CLEF GMACS Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 17 K-GMT Science White Paper: Next Steps v Milestones: u K-GMT 과학백서 워크숍: 2014.2.12-15. (담당: 이호규 박사) Ø 참석인원: 약 40명 Ø 발표 제안서: 약 30건 u 1차 원고마감: 2014년 3월 31일 u 1차 원고마감 이후: 제3차 K-GMT 과학백서 발간위원회 개최 u 편집: 2014년 4월~7월 u 2014년 4월: 한국천문학회 보고 (학회 피드백?) u 완성: 2014년 8월 (목표) u 2014년 8월: 제4회 K-GMT 여름학교 교재로 사용(?) Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 18 KGSG Activities – Part III v 핵심연구인력 양성 u K-GMT 계절학교 u KASI-Carnegie Fellowship Program # 19 Current Operation: Summer School v 3rd GMT Summer School in 2013 u Chair: 이준협 박사 u Mission: Prepare observing proposals for GMACS/G-CLEF u 63 participants in total :47 attendants 11 lecturers & panelists 5 staffs Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 20 Current Operation: Summer School Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 21 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 22 25 20 19 21 15 10 5 0 6 0 0 매우 불 약간 불 보통 만족 만족 약간 만 매우 만 족 족 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 23 25 21 20 14 15 10 5 0 0 0 3 8 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 24 2014년도 제4회 K-GMT 여름학교 v 2014년 8월 25일 – 29일 개최 예정 구체적인 일정 및 계획은 추후 공지 Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 25 Some Planned Activities for 2014 v Promotion of G-CLEF Science u 담당: 이호규 박사 u G-CLEF is u GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder u 1st light instrument of GMT u R25k-100k, λλ0.35-0.95 u precision goal ~ 10 cm/s Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 26 GMT 마스터 플랜 First Light / Early Science Operation Full Operation # 27 Instrument Schedule: First Generation 28 Mapping Science to Instruments Science Topic Science book chapter Survey Science Instrument GMACS NIRMOS Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems 2.1 From Stars to Planets 2.2 Young Stars 2.3 The IMF and Planets 2.4 Disk Evolution 2.5 System Architecture 2.6 Solar System Studies Properties of Exoplanetary Systems 3.1 Formation models 3.2 Atmospheres 3.3 Imaging Exoplanets 3.4 Habitable Worlds Stellar Populations and Chemical Evolution 4.1 Populations Studies 4.2 Stellar Archeology 4.3 Abundances in Dwarfs 4.4 Milky Way Halo 4.5 Globular Clusters Assembly of Galaxies 5.2 Local Dwarf Galaxies 5.3.1 Mass Assembly 5.3.2 Dynamical Masses 5.3.3 Gas Kinematics 5.3.4 Mass-Metalicity Relation 5.3.5 Feed-back and the IGM 5.4 Black Hole Masses Dark Matter, Dark Energy & Fundamental Physics 6.1 Cosmological Parameters 6.2 LSST Follow-up 6.3 Clusters & Dark Matter 6.4 Dark Matter in Dwarfs First Light & Reionization 7.2 First Stars & Galaxies 7.3 Early Galaxies 7.4 Population III Stars 7.5 Probing Reionization 7.6 HI Topology 7.7 IGM Spectroscopy Transient Phenomena 8.2 Long-Duration GRBs 8.3 Supernovae Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort 8.4 Other Transients G-CLEF GMTNIRS GMT System Level PDR MANIFEST TIGER GMTIFS G N Modes C PRV, transit spectroscopy Spectroscopy Imaging modes " Little or no Match PRV, High-resolution spectra Imaging modes/channels Some Match High-resolution spectroscopy coronography, high-contrast Strong Match PRV, high-contrast imaging Excellent Match AO imaging, high-res. Spec. High-resolution spectroscopy " " AO Imaging, moderate res. Spec. Multiobject high res. spectroscopy Multiobject mod. Res. spectroscopy IFU spectroscopy IFU spectroscopy, MOS spectroscopy visible & NIR spectroscopy IFU spectroscopy, MOS spectroscopy IFU Spectroscopy, AGN spectra Survey followup " Spectroscopy, IFU Multiobject high res. Spectroscopy near-IR spectroscopy visible & NIR spectroscopy " High & mod. Res. Spectroscopy Ly alpha imaging, spectra High resolution spectroscopy High res. Spectroscopy, photometery Low res. Spectroscopy, polarimetry spectroscopy, photometry # 29 Some Planned Activities for 2014 v Science Operation of IGRINS u 담당: 이재준 박사 u IGRINS is u Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph u First light expected in March 2014 u Joint development by UT and KASI (K-GMT) Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 30 Science Operation of IGRINS v Hire of IGRINS Post-Doctoral Researcher u In process v Legacy Pre-Proposal u Completed in 2013 – 2 programs selected v Korean Legacy Proposal (tentative schedule) u 2014.03 – Proposal call u 2014.04 – Proposal due u 2014.05 – Program selection u 2014.07 or later – start of observation Survey Science Workshop 2014/2/11 Muju Resort # 31 Summary Invitation to Participation K-GMT Science Program K-GMT Science White Paper [Nothing is Too Late!] K-GMT Summer School IGRINS Science Operation Interested? Please contact us via [email protected] # 32 Thank you! Korean Astronomical Society Meeting 2013/10 # 33