Working on the Front Lines of the State Prof. Michael Musheno
Working on the Front Lines of the State Prof. Michael Musheno
Public Lecture: Working on the Front Lines of the State Prof. Michael Musheno University of California, Berkeley Thursday November 15th: 15.15-‐16.30 * Building 1333 (PoliAcal Science), Room 101 (A1) Drawing on a twelve-‐year ethnography of a U.S. urban public high school, Musheno explores front-‐line work of teachers who navigate the terrain of a diverse public high school that is culturally commiPed to inclusiveness, constantly experiencing waves of new immigrant students, and pushed to pursue puniAve measures to improve school safety and learning. He interrogates urban teaching in this context to draw a sketch of work on the front lines of the state, to alter the terrain of front line scholarship and to teach those interested in frontline work a true picture of the challenges they face. Professor Michael Musheno is the director of the Legal Studies Program in the School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. His teaching and wri@ng focus on policing, youth and conflict, everyday legality, and the state’s frontline workforce. He is a field researcher who draws upon many forms of ethnographic data, including social maps, photo-‐essays, trouble cases, and story-‐telling. He has authored several books that feature these themes and methods, including Cops, Teachers, Counselors: Stories from the Front Line of Public Service, co-‐authored with Steven Maynard-‐Moody.