The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Social Media
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Social Media
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Social Media Oon Yeoh New Media Day 1 Social Media Technologies What is Social Media? Beyond the Blog The Good Communication Engagement Branding Crowdsourcing Disney Video Watch the Disney Video Earthquake Watch the Earthquake video Hillary Clinton Watch the Hillary Clinton video The Bad & Ugly Definition of Social Media Crisis • A social media crisis is an issue that arises in or is amplified by social media, and results in negative mainstream media coverage, a change in business process, or financial loss. – Altimeter Group Most Companies Are Unprepared For A Social Media Crisis • In a new study by the Altimeter Group, more than half of the 144 companies surveyed say they don't have a response plan if a real-time technology crisis strikes. • The study - which researched 50 mainstream social media crises since 2001 - found that 76% of crises could have been averted, either with more preparation or a better response to the problem. Industries Affected Platforms BP Slow Response • An oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico which has resulted in 11 deaths and a massive oil spill was a public relations and social media disaster for BP Global. • The incident happened on April 20. Three days later the company issued a news release with a statement from the CEO, stating that employees were the first priority and they were cooperating fully with the Coast Guard to ensure everything possible was being done for them and their families. • It wasn’t until May 3 that the CEO finally made a public statement on MSNBC - indicating that BP was not to blame, and also noting that they would, of course, be responsible for the clean-up. BP Press Conference Watch the BP Press Conference YouTube • The official YouTube channel for BP America on its Gulf of Mexico response to the oil spill was launched on May 18. The branded channel on YouTube cost BP about US$250,000 to create. • Ratings: Comments were disabled, but YouTube users were still able to rate the videos – all of which have dismal ratings with one star as well as “dislike” ratings that vastly overwhelm the “like” ratings. • Response Videos: The recommended or related videos that appear on the right menu next to BP’s videos are overwhelmingly dominated by negative content about BP. BP coffee Spill Watch the BP coffee Spill Video Louis Vuitton LV Darfur LV Brand-jacking • A 26-year old artist named Nadia Plesner has been sued by Louis Vuitton for brand-jacking their famous purses in an anti-genocide campaign. • The artist was trying to make a point that the media cares more for Paris Hilton extravaganza’s more than the genocide in the nation of Darfur. LV Brand-jacking • LV: “Cease and Desist” Luxury has a brand police within its Marketing division to ensure their products aren’t being misplaced or improperly positioned, and it took action by first sending a cease and desist letter. Nadia: “Free Speech” Nadia sent a return note, stating this was her ability to self-express and claimed the logo was not referring to LV in particular. • LV files lawsuit LV has now filled suit against Nadia, claiming damages of over US$20,000 a day, each day the campaign is continued. • The social media backlash Since then the Darfur has grown in awareness, having a Facebook group formed, spread in the news, and hundreds of blogs pointing to her site. Exxon Mobile • In 2008, the Twittersphere was curious, and excited to see a member of Exxon Mobil’s employee ranks join the Twitter conversation … but she’s not a real employee! • “Janet” posed as an Exxon employee, answering questions about the direction of the company, where philanthropy resources are being spent, and even responding about the Exxon Valdez. Wholefoods • In January 2005, someone using the name "Rahodeb" went online to a Yahoo stock-market forum and posted this opinion: No company would want to buy Wild Oats Markets Inc, a natural-foods grocer, at its price then of about $8 a share. • Turns out, Rahodeb was an online pseudonym of John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market Inc (It's an anagram of Deborah, Mackey's wife's name). • Investigations showed that Mackey had spent a ton of time on Yahoo message boards bashing the value of Wild Oats stock -- just before bidding to take over Wild Oats, according to the US Federal Trade Commission. • Rahodeb even defended Mackey's haircut when another user poked fun at a photo in the annual report. "I like Mackey's haircut," Rahodeb said. "I think he looks cute!" MOL • OffGamers is a company that does micro-transactions for game currency, and has a Facebook Page. In it, the company advertises its products. • MOL CEO Ganesh Kumar Bangah left a trolling remark as the first comment on the OffGamers ad. • He went so far as to insinuate that those who would buy from OffGamers are less intelligent than those who would patronize MOL. MOL • The overwhelming majority of comments were in support of OffGamers, with many people claiming distaste for MOL over Bangah’s comments. • What’s quite interesting about the whole thread is that time and again Bangah talks of MOL’s embrace of social media. However, it’s quite obvious that the MOL CEO doesn’t quite grasp the concept of what his words can do. YTL YES • On day of launch, the YTL YES website suffered a Denial of Service attack. YES initially did not offer any customer care hotline numbers for customers to call in. On their materials and device manuals, the only channel for support is via their website or e-mail. • “So far we have sent an email asking them for help with the yes ID but we haven’t heard from them after more than 10 hours. If they are not occupied answering phone calls – which obviously they are not, why can’t they respond more promptly? To make matters worse, there’s no auto responder to confirm if your complaint has been received.” – Soya Cincau Website Down Yes website. The website was down for close to 30 hours after launch Screen capture by blogger Soya Cincau ID Not Working Early adopters couldn’t seem to authenticate their YES despite keying in exactly what was registered and confirmed via e-mail. “Even if you tried to request for a new password, the 4G Network Manager links you back to their website which is obviously down at the moment. Considering yes is pushing for everything to be on the cloud, reliability of keeping things online including their website should be their number 1 priority.” Screen capture & report by blogger Soya Cincau Screen capture by blogger Larry Lim Screen capture by blogger Larry Lim Adwords Debacle Screen capture by blogger Soya Cincau