sept ml - the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey
sept ml - the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey
masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 Contents 4 President’s Message YIPPEE! Another Successful Ramapo Rally! 6 It’s A Wrap Thank You Ramapo Rally Volunteers 8 Giving Back BTCNJ Bike Corral Installed 4 This Month 3 September Membership Meeting Thursday, September 10, 2015, 7:30pm Coming Soon 9 Defensive Biking Skills Workshop Saturday, October 10, 2015 13 6 Annual Fall Foliage Charity Bike Ride Sunday, October 4, 2015 On The Cover: David Pawlyk, John Occidentale and Carlos Moreta take a break on Route 17A during the Annual Arden Valley Hill Festival. Photo by Wilson Palacios PAGE 2 8 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 PRESIDENT Bill Telgheder [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Alan Scherl Harold Todman [email protected] [email protected] SECRETARY RALLY CHAIRPERSON Harriet Einschlag Ethan Brook [email protected] [email protected] RIDES CAPTAIN MASTERLINK Andres Tiribocchi Marc Soloff [email protected] [email protected] WEBMASTER PUBLICITY Larry Schwartz Barbara Augenblick [email protected] [email protected] SPCL. EVENTS/VOL. DEVELOPMENT TOURS Leslie Felsen Don Schlenger [email protected] [email protected] TREASURER ADVOCACY AND SAFETY Franklin Wimer Tom Conlon [email protected] [email protected] September 2015, Volume 38, Number 9. Circulation: approx. 1,500 via electronic download. MasterLink is published 12 times per year as the official publication of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, PO Box 853, Ridgewood NJ 07451. Our website is ©2015 by the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, all rights reserved. “MasterLink”, “BTCNJ”, “BTCNJ.COM”, “Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey” (words and logo), and “Ramapo Rally” are trademarks of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey. MasterLink Submissions: Materials for MasterLink are due the 23rd of each month for publication in the following month’s issue. Please send articles, photos, letters, or comments to MasterLink, at our email address [email protected]. Materials may be edited by the MasterLink staff for length and clarity. Publication of materials submitted is at the discretion of the Editor. All materials submitted for publication become the property of BTCNJ®. Due to copyright laws, any articles, photos, cartoons, art, etc., that have appeared in other publications may not be published in MasterLink without written consent of the copyright holder. Photos in MasterLink may not be reused or republished without prior permission. Protection of the Intellectual Property of BTCNJ® We welcome your creative suggestions for promotional activities using the Club’s brands, however, the Club’s name, slogans, designs and logos are its intellectual property, which embody the “goodwill” of the Club as developed over the years through service to its members and the community, with thanks to the volunteer efforts of countless members. In order to preserve and protect our goodwill, it is critical that all use of the Club’s intellectual property be properly regulated. Please do not reproduce or simulate the Club logo, the names “BTCNJ” or “Bicycling Touring Club of North Jersey”, or any other brands such as “Ramapo Rally” and “MasterLink” on shirts, caps, jerseys, bottles, stickers, or any other merchandise without authorization from our Merchandise Chair, Harold Todman. September Membership Meeting: Ever worry about what you would do if someone was seriously injured while on a ride with you? We all hopefully know that the first thing is to call 911! But what about that time period between the call and when help arrives? Is there something you should or shouldn’t be doing? What should you let the injured rider do or not do? We should all know or at least have an idea of what the right answers are but most of us don’t. That’s why we’ll be having an EMT and a Paramedic coming to speak at the September Membership Meeting. Not only should we know how to help a fellow cyclist in need of medical help, but it would also be nice to know that our fellow riders could help us if we are ever injured on a ride. When: Thursday September 10 Time: 7:30 PM Where: Ridgewood Public Library 125 N Maple Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450 PAGE 3 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: YIPPEE! Another Successful Ramapo Rally! By Bill Telgheder A heartfelt thanks to Ethan Brook, Rally Chairperson, and to Barbara Augenblick, Publicity. I doubt that Ethan sat down for three days or that Barbara left her computer for a week. And a huge thanks to the team leaders, volunteers, and organizers for a job well-done, which exceeded expectations. Your efforts made it look seamless. We all like to hear positives. Well, that’s all I have heard about the 2015 Ramapo Rally. A very satisfied participant took the time to send us an e-mail, which sums up what I have heard from so many riders. “I rode the 100-mile route on Sunday. It was a great job by all of your people who worked the event. Really liked the course. The rest stops were top notch. The positive energy from everyone was outstanding! Will be back next year. All the hard work by staff and volunteers is very much appreciated. Thanks, Luke.” As president, I have asked, “What is the purpose of the rally?” without receiving a clear, concise response. Diana Shikiar, who has been instrumental in developing the rally into what it is today, exhaustedly asked me as we were leaving Campgaw late Sunday evening, “Why are we doing this?” As I worked the rally for three PAGE 4 days, trying to trail Ethan and help wherever needed, I better under- stand why we host the rally in the first place. David Pawlyk’s response, when I posed the question to him after he finished cycling 100 miles, was that there are many purposes, and then he proceeded to list them for me. Yes, after cycling in 93° temperature with soaking humidity, David crystalized for me the purposes of our rally. So, here they are. • Promote bicycling activities for the enjoyment of BTCNJ members • Encourage bicycling as a means of recreation and transportation • Showcase our northern NJ cycling routes to other cyclists • Promote BTCNJ • Raise money for the club and for charity • Facilitate camaraderie among club members • Have fun! This year’s rally fulfilled these purposes with the help of the many volunteers. So much organizational knowledge exists in our club, spread over so many members. That’s a sign of a healthy club! As we begin to plan for the 2016 Ramapo Rally, let’s streamline wherever we can so that more BTCNJ members cycle the rally. And that’s a sure way to have more fun. masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 Chalk Up A Success For Ramapo Rally #38! A number of years ago I included a cute story about an elderly man at a carnival. No, that elderly man was not me. However, five years later it seemed that it was time to tell the story one more time. A large crowd was standing near a stage. He was squeezing a lemon and filling a bucket with the lemon juice. He practically filled the pail with lemon juice. Eventually he couldn’t squeeze any more juice into the bucket. The barker offered a $10,000.00 prize if anyone in the audience could squeeze another drop of juice into the bucket. Many people tried but failed. squeeze. Suddenly, the juice began to flow. The crowd was stunned. The Barker stopped him, gave him a check, and asked a question. “What do you for a living? Answer. OK here comes the punch line.” I am retired. But for years I was a fund raiser and a volunteer team leader for the Ramapo Rally. Is this really a true story? I have no idea. But, I can tell you this. Without the team leaders and all of the volunteers who worked their ...... off to make sure that the Ramapo Rally 2015 was a smashing success, we would not have a Ramapo Rally. The Ramapo Rally volunteers are Yaakov Nadler from Teaneck won the VBT trip. He rode the Rally century. listed elsewhere in this issue, His wife will join him on the trip to Croatia summer of 2016. and I would hate to forget Just before the Barker closed the event, a little voice in the crowd said, “I’d like to try.” even one name. In any event I would personally like to Suddenly, a thin, elderly gentleman came up on stage thank each and every one of you who contributed with and asked if he could try. Nobody moved. The “strong- heart and soul to make this rally outstanding man” handed the lemon to him and gave him the pail. -Ethan Brook, Rally Chairperson The man took the lemon and began to squeeze and Benjamin Salgado won the Giant Momentum bike at the Ramapo Rally. He joined BTCNJ this year and lives in Bloomfield, NJ. He rode the 50 mile route. PAGE 5 RAMAPO RALLY WRAP UP masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 PAGE 6 Thank You Ramapo Rally Volunteers Thank you Ethan Brook & Barbara Augenblick for the amazing job of organizing and working endlessly on the 2015 Ramapo Rally making it a major success! This year an impressive group of approximately 180 volunteers came together to make the 2015 Ramapo Rally a wonderful day for all and a great success. We can’t thank you enough. You tirelessly worked long hours and many of you took on multiple jobs with a smile! Thank you all! This year we had roughly 1000 enthusiastic riders who registered and rode on this beautiful warm day. As it is very difficult to keep up with all of you who volunteered, my apologies if your name does not on appear on this list. Please let me know and you will be covered in next month’s MasterLink. Great job to all! Thanks again! -Leslie Felsen, Special Events and Volunteer Development Ron Aponte Andi Augenblick Barbara Augenblick Paul Baldasare Glen Barnes Jack Bell Peter Bellin Steven Berke Diane Bitritto Helene Blaustein Eric Bos Mary Ann Brand Joanie Brickman Ethan Brook Paul Buch Amado Cabraero Doug Chucka Charles Cino Lenore Cino Jennifer Clark Lindsey Columbo Jo Concepcione Tom Conlon Bruce Dailey Keith Danish Katherine Davenport Bob DeMair Linda Dillman Diane Doherty Jim Dolan Claudia Dukeshire Harriet Einschlag Peter Cafaro Rima Campanelli Alan Candusso Alaine Chahine Sue Chao Justin Fatuzzo Steve Felmeister Alan Felsen Leslie Felsen Nancy Fezell Richard Fine Sue Flaxman Kathy Friedman Renie Gaddi Garcia Freda Eileen Gavin Gail Gelman Greg Gelman Laurie Gibney Cindy Golumbski Dan Goodman Diane Goodwin Jim Grady Steve Greenberg Ilene Greenfield Terry Griffin Brian Hansen-Harding Amy Hass Lorraine Henderson Tom Hobbick Fred Hodde Steve Horvitz Alan Horwitz Jim Hubbard Kelly Hubbard Debbie Hull Sharon Hurwich Steve Jackson Don Kaplan Karen Kaplan Barbara Kauffman Paul Kellner masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 Robery Miller Brian Misek Peter Mooney Dennis Moore Nate Morgenstern Jim Murray Tim Nestler Michelle Nguyen Ray Nutkis Claire Ochiogrosso Mike Optekar Karen Ouriel Liz Pagano Joe Severs Diana Skikiar Larry Silverman Geoffrey Silverstein Mark Simendinger Ray Simonson Razye Simonson Mary Maki Barbara Mallach Arlene Mandell Fred Mandell Joe Manicone Gene Marsh Dave Marston Gerald McBride Paul McEvoy Mary McGreal Doug McMahon Mara Miller Randy Miller Rosemary Panno David Pawlyk Rhonda Pekow Rick Poleshuck Jane Porges Barbara Preziosi Dominic Preziosi Rich Price Ritchie Price Ellen Rader Smith Carol Raff Amy Rafferty John Redin Paul Sisko Craig Smith Jessica Smith Marc Soloff Chuck Solomon Ken Stahl Shari Summers Mark Swanek Kathleen Tabor Bill Telgheder Peggy Telgheder Rita Tesar Andres Tiribocchi Harold Todman Deidre Treitler Eileen Turner Mary Vals Laura VanRiper Marnie Viff Rebecca Wakefield Helen Wallach Chet White Tom White John Wilkes Aaron Winograd Art Wrubel Cathy Zanelli RAMAPO RALLY WRAP UP Veronica Kero Zeke Kilbride Jack Kiledjian Barbara Klein Linda Krauss Valerie Kriney Renate Kulnik Angie Lainhart Judy Lauber Betsey Longendorfer Magda Luppi Cynthia MacVicker Elaine Mahnken Lucy Rieger Patti Rindge Joel Ringer Robyn Ringer Shirley Ripullone Marianne Roman Peter Romano Majorie Rozman Leonard Ruvolo Barbara Sarkisian Dean Scaduto Alan Scherl Keith Schlanger Don Schlenger Tom Schuler Mark Selz Photos courtesy of Ray Nutkis PAGE 7 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 BTCNJ Bike Corral Installed At Fair Lawn Radburn Train Station The Radburn Train Station, located in Fair Lawn, is sporting a beautiful new green bike corral, thanks to our 2014 Ramapo Rally volunteers. Members may recall that in December 2014, BTCNJ set aside Rally profits to fund a new bike corral for the town of Fair Lawn, a town where many BTCNJ rides begin. The BTCNJ bike corral was installed this August. Manufactured by Saris, the company behind the popular vehicle bike racks, the Bike Corral accommodates up to 10 bikes. The bike corral is part of BTCNJ’s philosophy to give back to the community while promoting bicycling. PAGE 8 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 Ride With More Confidence! Defensive Biking Skills Workshop October 10, 2015 • 9am – 4pm Ridgewood Library If sharing the road with motorized traffic makes you nervous, or if you want to improve your cycling handling skills, this workshop will give you renewed confidence on the road. A Note From The Nominating Committee Keith Schlanger has accepted the appointment as Rides Captain effective December 1, 2015. Andres Tiribocchi, current Rides Captain, is resigning in the middle of a two-year term as he is returning to Uruguay. His successor is appointed by the President according to the BTCNJ bylaws. Three other Executive Committee members are resigning effective November 30, 2015. TransOptions and BTCNJ invite you to attend this biking safety skills workshop. Bill Feeney, a League of American Bicyclists Certified bike coach, will teach you street savvy skills that could save your life! • Special Events/Volunteer Development currently held by Leslie Felsen • Publicity currently held by Barbara Augenblick • Rally Chairperson currently held by Ethan Brook Offered at a special rate to BTCNJ members, this day-long course will give you the skills you need to stay safe on our busy roads and streets. Please contact Bill Telgheder at 201-248-4969 or [email protected], if you would like to discuss filling any of these positions. Register by sending a $25 check made out to “BTCNJ”, to Leslie Felsen, 69 Monmouth Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452. Group limited to 20, reserve your seat now! Questions? Contact Leslie at [email protected]. The Executive Committee meets at the Ridgewood Library once a month for two hours. These positions will require some time and effort, but the results are rewarding. b u l C g n i r u o Bicycle T y e s r e J h t r of No se i d n a h c r e M For information about club merchandise, contact Harold Todman at [email protected]. You do not need to be a BTCNJ member to purchase BTCNJ merchandise. The color photos on your screen may differ from the actual item color, due to differences in computer monitors and settings. PAGE 9 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 BTCNJ Bylaw Amendments Ballot The Executive Committee has unanimously approved a resolution asking BTCNJ members to approve the below Bylaw amendments. The amendments require a two-thirds majority approval from Club members responding to the ballot. The Executive Committee recommends a “For” vote for all amendments. The ballot will be emailed to all BTCNJ members in early September. Please watch for your ballot and cast your vote. Deleted sections are bracketed as such “[DELETE:]” For 1. Against This change adds the word “safe” to the purpose of the Club. Article II (Purpose), Section 1. The purpose of the Club shall be to encourage safe bicycling as a means of recreation and transportation and to promote bicycling activities for the enjoyment of the membership. 2. This change will allow members less than 18 years of age to join under a single or family membership; appropriate for single parents or in situations where only one parent cycles. Article III (Membership), Section 1. Membership in the Club shall be open to anyone who rides a bicycle and believes in the purpose of the Club. Those members who are under the age of eighteen [DELETE: must be part of a family membership and have a consent form signed by parent or guardian on file with the Club.] must join with a parent or legal guardian in either a single or family membership, and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all events. 3. This change updates membership registration from a paper form to our current electronic form via the Internet. Article III (Membership), Section 3. All adult members over 18 year of age [DELETE: shall have a waiver signature, as required on the Registration Form, on file with the Club.] must accept all BTCNJ Waiver and Release Agreements. 4. This change corrects when membership dues are payable from the first day of the month to the last day of the month in which the member joined the Club. Article IV (Dues), Section 2. Dues shall be payable when a member joins the Club and shall be payable on an annual basis. Renewable dues shall be payable annually on the [DELETE: first] last day of the calendar month in which the member joined the Club. 5. These changes update voting from paper ballots to our current electronic ballots via the Internet. Article VI (Voting), Section 2. If an election is necessary, [DELETE: voting for officers shall be by secret printed ballot at the annual (November) meeting. Votes may be cast in person or by absentee ballot. The ballot will be published in the MasterLink on the reverse side of the address label to authenticate membership and prevent duplicate votes. The ballots will be returned to an Election Committee, appointed by the Nominating Committee, or to the Secretary, as decided by the President, either by PAGE 10 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 mail or returned at the November General Meeting. Only original ballots will be accepted; however, under the supervision of the Election Committee, photocopies could be provided at the meeting night for members, who have not submitted their original ballot. Members voting with photocopies will have their membership verified against a current roster prior to voting. Ballots received with the original mailing label torn off, will not be considered valid.] voting will be done electronically via the Internet. Section 4. A plurality of the votes cast shall determine which candidates are elected. [DELETE: No sealed ballot may be opened until the November general meeting.] The Election Committee or Secretary will tally the votes, [DELETE: at this meeting] and the Nominating Committee will announce the elected officers at the November general meeting. Article X (Amendments), Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by [DELETE: written] approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Club membership responding to [DELETE: a mail ballot either by returning the ballot in the mail, by email that is submitted only by a member’s email address on file with the Club, or by presenting the ballot at the designated general meeting] an electronic vote via the Internet. 6. This change deletes the requirement of recording of minutes for the Thursday evening Club meetings. Recording of these meetings has not been done for years. Executive Committee meetings will continue to be recorded. Article VIII (Duties of Officers), Section 3. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the [DELETE: Club meetings and the meetings of the] Executive Committee meetings. 7. This change deletes the Finance Committee, which has not existed for years, and allows the Treasurer to enlist an Assistant Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Committee. Article VIII (Duties of Officers), Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep an account of money received and spent by the Club, make payments authorized by the President or the Executive Committee, and present financial statements on request. [DELETE: The Treasurer is also responsible for forming a Finance Committee to offer financial direction to the Club.] The Treasurer may enlist an Assistant Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Committee. 8. This added amendment covers the use of Club trademarks and other intellectual property. Article X (Amendments), Section 4. Club members are prohibited from using Club trademarks or other Club intellectual property without prior written authorization from the Executive Committee. Club members are prohibited from taking any other action that is likely to be perceived as being offered, endorsed, or sponsored by the Club without prior written authorization from the Executive Committee. 9. This change corrects an inconsistency in the bylaws by changing “Executive Board” to “Executive Committee.” All references to the “Executive Board” will be changed to “Executive Committee” for consistency. PAGE 11 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BIKE SHOP The owners of all these shops support BTCNJ. Please tell them you saw their shop in MasterLink. Show them your BTCNJ membership card for a 10% discount off accessories and parts. They are skilled bicycle pros, and we urge you to use their services. Please note that the discount may not apply to sale items and may not allow credit card payment. Please note that the individual shop owners have sole discretion over the definition of “accessories and parts” and of the items in their stock to which any BTCNJ-related discount applies. D.J.s’ Cycles .............................................Belmar 732-681-8228 Toga Bike ...............................................NYC, NY 212-759-0002 Brookdale Cycle .............................Bloomfield 973-338-8908 Nyack Bicycle Outfitters ..............Nyack, NY 845-353-0268 Get-a-way Cycle Center........Bloomingdale 973-291-4163 Pedal Sports .........................................Oakland 201-337-9380 Bikeland..................................................Caldwell 973-403-3330 CampMor...............................................Paramus 201-445-5000 Bikeland II.............................................Chatham 973-635-8066 The Bicycle II........................................Paramus 201-632-0200 Closter Cycle...........................................Closter 201-768-3086 Cycle Sport Cyclery......................Park Ridge 201-391-5269 Congers Bike Shop ....................Congers, NY 845-268-3315 Cycle Craft .......................................Parsippany 973-227-4462 Steve’s Moped & Bicycle ..................Dumont 201-384-7777 Bicycle Depot..................................Pearl River 845-735-8686 Sam’s Bicycle Repair.............Elmwood Park 201-797-5819 Heino’s Ski and Cycle................Pequannock 973-696-3044 Bike Master......................................Englewood 201-569-3773 Piermont Bicycle.......................Piermont, NY 845-365-0900 Strictly Bicycles...................................Fort Lee 201-944-7074 Cycle Center...........................Pompton Lakes 973-835-6339 Carrera Cycles ..................................Glen Rock 201-857-0106 Bicycle Source.......................Pompton Plains 973-835-7595 Marty’s Reliable ........................Hackettstown 908-852-1650 Bike & Ski Shop ....................................Ramsey 201-327-9480 Bike Pad ............................................Hawthorne 973-427-9400 Ramsey Outdoor..................................Ramsey 201-327-8141 Grove Street Bicycles ..................Jersey City 201-451-2453 Ultimate Cycle Shop...........................Ramsey 201-962-9000 James Vincent................................Jersey City 201-420-5151 Marty’s Reliable ....................................Randolf 973-584-7773 Ramsey Outdoor..........................Ledgewood 973-584-7798 Cosmic Wheel ........................Ridgefield Park 201-440-6655 Bicycle Tech ..................................Lincoln Park 973-694-6775 Fit Werx....................................Ridgefield Park 201-440-2025 D.J.’s Cycles..................................Long Branch 732-870-2277 Ridgewood Cycle .........................Ridgewood 201-444-2553 Peddler ..........................................Long Branch 732-229-6623 Bikeworks....................................Rochelle Park 201-843-6409 Cycle Craft ......................................Long Valley 908-876-5600 Original Bike Shop ...................Saddle Brook 973-478-6555 Madison Bicycle Shop.......................Madison 973-377-6616 Valley Cycle .........................Spring Valley, NY 845-356-3179 High Gear Cyclery ...............................Millburn 973-376-0001 High Gear Cyclery................................Stiriling 908-647-2010 Diamond Cycle...................................Montclair 973-509-0233 Bicycle Workshop .................................Tenafly 201-568-9372 The Bikery............................................Montclair 973-744-7252 Fusion Cycles..........................................Tenafly 201-266-6925 Marty’s Reliable .............................Morristown 973-538-7773 Toga Bike..............................Upper Nyack, NY 845-358-3455 Cycle World.................................New City, NY 845-364-2384 Town Cycle............................West Milford, NJ 973-728-8878 James Vincent...........................North Bergen 201-869-1901 Albert’s Westwood Cycle ...........Westwood 201-664-1688 Chelsea Bikes.......................................NYC, NY 646-230-7715 Whippany Cycle ..............................Whippany 973-887-8150 Gotham Bike.........................................NYC, NY 212-732-2453 Wyckoff Cycle......................................Wyckoff 201-891-5500 As proof of BTCNJ membership, you will need to print your membership card through the BTCNJ website. Log onto the site, select Membership Card under the Membership tab. Printing instructions are provided. PAGE 12 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 BTCNJ TOURS In the table below is a summary of the upcoming tours hosted by BTCNJ. For a full description of the tours, please visit our website. You must be a BTCNJ member to participate in a tour hosted by BTCNJ. DATE TOUR TERRAIN DISTANCE PRICE CONTACT CAPACITY Sept 18-20 Amagansett Mostly flat 12-107 mile rides $ 250/person based on dbl occupancy Robert DeMair [email protected] 201-337-4427 or Cell 201-248-9503 Open Oct 2-4 Cape May Flat 12-70 mile rides $ 220/person based on dbl occupancy Tina Boyer [email protected] Open Oct 9-12 Martha’s Vineyard Flat to rolling 20-50 mile rides $ Helene Blaustein or Don Schlenger [email protected] [email protected] Wait List Only 270/person based on dbl occupancy Northeast Community Cycle’s Annual Fall Foliage Charity Bike Ride Sunday, October 4, 2015 Come join us for Northeast Community Cycle’s Annual Fall Foliage Charity Bike Ride. The ride will start at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, CT. There are three routes, a gentler 20-mile, and a more challenging 75K (47 miles) and a 100K (62 miles) traveling through beautiful Fairfield County. Routes will be marked and maps will be provided at registration. Rest areas on route will supply water and snacks. Lunch consisting of our signature chili, cornbread and pie will be provided to all riders at the finish until 2:30. Visit to register. Net proceeds go to provide needy children, adults and local charities with FREE recycled bicycles and new helmets in the Fairfield County Community. Northeast Community Cycles is a nonprofit, community initiative dedicated to providing safe, refurbished bicycles free of charge to underprivileged children and adults in Fairfield County, CT. Through improved mobility and self-empowerment, our bicycles change lives forever by increasing access to employment, education, health care and a healthier life style. PAGE 13 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 BTCNJ RIDE CATEGORIES RIDE LEVEL DESCRIPTION A Average speed 17+ mph - For strong/experienced cyclists. Stops every 30+ miles. B* Average speed 15.0 - 16.9 mph - average speed on flats 17.0 - 18.0 mph. For strong cyclists. Stops every 20 - 25 miles B Average speed 13.0 - 14.9 mph - average speed on flats 15.0 - 16.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C* Average speed 11.0 - 12.9 mph - average speed on flats 13.0 - 14.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C Average speed 9.0 - 10.9 mph - average speed on flats 11.0 - 12.0 mph. For average cyclists. Stops as needed. D Average speed Under 9.0 mph - average speed on flats 10.0 mph. For new, inexperienced cyclists. Frequent stops. F Family ride for families. Frequent stops, child friendly. MTB-B Mountain Bike - Single track with challenging surfaces, rocks, roots, logs and technical terrain. Extended ascents and challenging descents. MTB-C Mountain Bike - Single and double track trails with uneven surfaces and minimal obstacles. Gradual and moderate climbing and descents. MTB-D Mountain Bike - Unpaved wide trails and fire roads with obstruction free riding surfaces. Small and gradual changes in elevation. A, B*, B Categories: No obligation to wait for stragglers if advertised pace is kept and written directions (cue sheets, maps) are issued. C*, C, D Categories: Group will wait for stragglers and assist those having mechanical difficulty. MTB rides: the slowest participant dictates ride pace; no rider is ever left behind. TERRAIN DESCRIPTIONS Hilly: Numerous long and steep climbs Moderately Hilly: Numerous climbs, with no “killer” hills Rolling: Some small hills, farmland ups and downs Flat: Minimal gear shifting required RESPONSIBILITIES FOR LEADERS Bring maps and/or cue sheets. Discourage riders with unsound bikes from joining the ride. Within the first few miles, urge riders who are unable to maintain the advertised pace to leave the ride. Adhere to the advertised speed of the ride. Advise riders exceeding your intended pace that they will be considered to be on their own. RIDE LEADERS MUST SUBMIT THEIR SIGN-IN SHEETS TO EARN RIDE LEADER POINTS. PAGE 14 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR RIDERS Riders must obey NJ motor vehicle laws. Bring tools: tire irons, pump, and spare tube. Bicycle must be in good working order. Don’t ride in a category that is too difficult for you. Advise leader if you are making an unscheduled stop or leaving the group. Rides will not go in the following conditions (unless otherwise noted in the rides description): rain, snow, wet or icy roads, or temperatures under 32°. Rides will leave 15 minutes after the published meeting time (unless otherwise noted.) For rides longer than 15 miles, bring snacks, for rides over 30 miles, bring lunch (unless a deli stop is indicated). Note: anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian on all rides. Every rider is required to wear a helmet that meets CPSC Performance Standards on all club rides. Headphones are not permitted on rides. masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 BTCNJ® EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Executive Summary of Meeting Minutes August 4, 2015 Present: Bill Telgheder, President Harriet Einschlag, Secretary Ethan Brook, Rally Chair Alan Scherl, Vice President Don Schlenger, Tours Leslie Felsen, Volunteer Development Barbara Augenblick, Public Relations Harold Todman, Membership Andres Tiribocchi, Rides Captain Marc Soloff, Masterlink Tom Conlon, Advocacy and Safety Committee Chair Keith Danish, Club Member and Attorney Not Present: Larry Schwartz, Webmaster Frank Wimer, Treasurer Call to Order President Bill Telgheder opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. President: • Bill opened the meeting by welcoming the committee members. • Bill thanked Keith Danish, club member and attorney, for his proposals on club related intellectual property and other waiver & release issues. There was discussion. Keith will submit a revised version, and the committee will vote on the final version next month. • Bill proposed some memorial activities on behalf of Ted Semegran, longtime member who passed away this month. Ted was a former committee member and ride leader who had a significant influence on BTCNJ as far as legislation and advocacy, rides, and tours. • Bill made a motion to accept the proposed bylaw amendments and submit them to membership for approval. Harold seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The ballot will be included in the September Masterlink with voting in early September. • Bill reported that he will announce committee positions that will be open on December 1, 2015 at the next club meeting. Open positions include Special Events/Volunteer Development, Publicity, and Ramapo Rally Chair. The fourth position, Rides Captain, is currently held by Andres Tiribocchi. Andres is resigning in the middle of a two-year term as he is returning to Uruguay. His successor will be appointed by the President according to the BTCNJ bylaws. Vice President: • Alan Scherl reported that the August club meeting will be movie night, with a photo tribute to Ted Semegran. September’s meeting will be about first aid and emergency medicine, and October’s meeting will feature Cosmic Wheel on what to look for when buying a bike. Secretary: • Harriet Einschlag reported on condolence cards and get well cards sent to members. Rides Captain: • Andres Tiribocchi reported that the jersey contest designs have been submitted. There are 8 designs, and PAGE 15 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2015 the first round of voting will occur during October with results received by October 15. If a tie breaker vote is needed, those results will be received by November 1. • Andres advised that all accidents on rides should be reported. This is needed for insurance purposes and to keep track of issues in terms of safety. Accident reports are also required for incidents that occur on club trips. • Andres covered some rally issues including the need for ride marshal volunteers and a phone number on the cue sheets for SAG. • There was discussion of some recent rides where a participant used a music streaming device during the ride. This is not permitted on club rides. After discussion, Andres will add the prohibition on using streaming music devices to ride rules. Volunteer Development: • Leslie Felsen reported that the safety clinic will take place on October 10, and participant cost is $25. Bill Feeney from TransOptions will present the clinic for club members. Public Relations: • Barbara Augenblick requested topics for the August eletter. She will include the safety clinic, September meeting topic, reminder of reporting accidents, and YIR photo solicitation. Membership: • Harold Todman will follow-up with Larry Schwartz to make sure that rally trial members receive all membership information and publications. Tours: • Don Schlenger reported that the Martha’s Vineyard trip is wait-listed. • Tour Leader guidelines have been updated. Each tour leader receives 2 points/day, capped at 10 points. Ride leaders on trips may receive 1 point provided a sign-in sheet is submitted, there are a significant number of riders, and the tour leader approves the point. Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriet Einschlag Harriet Einschlag BTCNJ Board Secretary PAGE 16
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Photo by Nate Morgenstern.
nov ml - the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey
Log onto the site, select Membership Card under the Membership tab. Printing instructions are provided.