Co-ordinated Universal Time
Co-ordinated Universal Time
APMP Technical Committee for Time and Frequency Co-ordinated Universal Time APMP-MEDEA Workshop Participating in UTC Beijing, November 6–7 2014 Michael Wouters, NMIA A brief history of Co-ordinated Universal Time 1955 Invention of the caesium atomic clock 1960 Informal co-ordination of radio time-broadcasts based on atomic time scales by USNO, Royal Greenwich Observatory and NPL 1961 Official beginning of UTC on 1st January. Rate of UTC is set equal to the rate of UT so that steps need to be introduced to maintain synchronization. 1967 Redefinition of the SI second in terms of the 9.192GHz Cs transition. Adoption of the name ‘Co-ordinated Universal Time’ by the IAU 1972 UTC is defined to be offset from TAI by an integer number of seconds and to have a rate equal to TAI. Leap seconds are introduced. APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC - - Co-ordinated Universal Time 2 UTC and international organisations ITU International Telecommunications Union definition of UTC IERS BIPM = BIPM + atomic timescale APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service leap seconds Co-ordinated Universal Time 3 ITU and the definition of UTC Three sectors: 1. ITU-T Standardisation 2. ITU-D Development 3. ITU-R Radio-communication 193 nations, 700 organizations 5000 technical advisors Study Group 7: Working Party 7A “Dissemination, reception and coordination of standard-frequency and time-signal services, including the application of satellite techniques, on a worldwide basis.” UTC is defined by Rec. ITU-R TF.460-6 Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions From Annex 1: “UTC is the time-scale maintained by the BIPM, with assistance from the IERS, which forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals. It corresponds exactly in rate with TAI but differs from it by an integer number of seconds. The UTC scale is adjusted by the insertion or deletion of seconds (positive or negative leap seconds) to ensure approximate agreement with UT1.” ITU-R Working Party 7A is currently considering the future definition and use of UTC. In particular, it is considering the future of leap seconds APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 4 - - - Digression: more about leap seconds 2008-12-31 2012-06-30 Leap second addition 23:59:57 23:59:58 23.59:59 23:59:60 00:00:00 APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 5 Digression: leap second issues Timekeeping on computers Leap second addition 23:59:57 23:59:58 23.59:59 23:59:60 00:00:00 .. but this is not how computers keep time. They simply count the number of seconds since some reference epoch eg Unix-like systems such as Linux and Apple OSX count the number of seconds since January 1st 1970. So what happens during a leap second ? The clock gets stepped back one second. This means that events during the leap second have ambiguous time stamps, creating real problems such as computer crashes. APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 6 IERS and leap seconds INTERNATIONAL EARTH ROTATION AND REFERENCE SYSTEMS SERVICE (IERS) SERVICE INTERNATIONAL DE LA ROTATION TERRESTRE ET DES SYSTEMES DE REFERENCE International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Issues IERS Bulletin C , notifying whether or not there will be a leap second in the next 6 months. SERVICE DE LA ROTATION TERRESTRE OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS 61, Av. de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS (France) Tel. : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 29 FAX : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 91 Internet : [email protected] Paris, 7 July 2014 Bulletin C 48 To authorities responsible for the measurement and distribution of time INFORMATION ON UTC – TAI NO leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2014. The difference between Coordinated Universal Time UTC and the International Atomic Time TAI is : from 2012 July 1, 0h UTC, until further notice : UTC-TAI = -35 s Leap seconds can be introduced in UTC at the end of the months of December or June, depending on the evolution of UT1-TAI. Bulletin C is mailed every six months, either to announce a time step in UTC, or to confirm that there will be no time step at the next possible date. Subscribe to Bulletin C APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 7 The SI, BIPM and CIPM SI Bureau Internationale des Poids et Mesures International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) Consultative Committee for Temperature Consultative Committee for Mass Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency BIPM Time Department definition of the second APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC TAI and UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 8 The Consultative Committee on Time and Frequency • Approximately 30 members, including NMIs and international organisations such as the IAU, URSI, ITU • Criteria for membership are that: the applicant be a national laboratory; be active in research; and contribute to UTC. • Meets in Paris every 2 to 3 years Working Groups • WG on International Atomic Time • WG on Algorithms • WG on Primary and Secondary Frequency Standards • WG on Global Navigation Satellite Systems • WG on Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer • WG on Coordination of the Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques • WG on the CIPM MRA • WG on Strategic Planning • CCL-CCTF Frequency Standards WG APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 9 CCTF-K001.UTC: the key comparison in T&F Measurand [UTC - UTC(k)] in ns UTC(k) is the local representation of UTC maintained by the laboratory k Transfer device(s) Time transfer between participants is carried out using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) Process for joining CCTF-K001.UTC 1. Satisfy the eligibility requirements 2. Contact BIPM Time Department, giving details of clocks and timetransfer equipment 3. BIPM assigns a laboratory identifier and numeric codes for each clock. APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC – Co-ordinated Universal Time 10 - Requirements for participating in UTC Organizational • The laboratory must be an NMI or be sponsored by their NMI • The country must be a Member State of the Metre Convention or an Associate Member Technical • At least one clock (Cs or H-maser) is required • Time-transfer equipment such as a GNSS timing receiver or TWSTFT station APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 11 Overview: the BIPM and UTC Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Paris Clocks are compared over large distances (via GPS typically) Each NMI submits their clock data to BIPM TAI TAI/UTC is calculated as a weighted average of contributing clocks UTC BIPM Circular T reports the offsets of contributing clocks with respect to UTC Circular T APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 12 Calibration of delays in time links antenna amplifier distribution GNSS Rx It’s hard to measure these delays so usually the combined delay is calibrated by comparison with a calibrated receiver. An uncalibrated receiver is given a nominal uncertainty of 20 ns by BIPM. At the international level, calibration of a small number of reference receivers is performed by the BIPM. At the RMO level, calibration of receiver delays is co-ordinated by the eg APMP TCTF Working Group on GNSS. Contact: [email protected] APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC - Co-ordinated Universal Time 13 Reporting data to BIPM Clock data Clock data file - measurements of UTC(k) – clock at UTC0 on MJDs xxxx4 and xxxx9 Time-transfer data CGGTTS data (format defined by the CCTF) and/or RINEX data (format defined by the IGS) can submit data from multiple receivers All data are uploaded to the BIPM ftp server, preferably each day, but required by 4th day of the month. APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 14 Clock data files MJD lab code TA code clock code UTC(lab)-clock 56904 10005 0020005 0002017.0 1400509 0060910.3 1400508 0075879.6 1400506 0089525.5 56904 10005 1400590 0043636.8 1920002 0030073.9 1920001 0032798.0 1351072 0011137.8 56904 10005 1350415 0058735.1 1350128 0061360.1 56909 10005 0020005 0002017.3 1400509 0060924.4 1400508 0076024.0 1400506 0089537.9 56909 10005 1400590 0043636.8 1920002 0030083.4 1920001 0032809.6 1351072 0011191.8 56909 10005 1350415 0058700.3 1350128 0061399.9 56914 10005 0020005 1400509 0060938.7 1400506 12 HEWLETT-PACKARD 5061A 0002017.3 21 OSCILLOQUARTZ 32101400508 0076174.3 50 FREQ. AND 0089550.5 TIME SYSTEMS INC. 4065A 13 EBAUCHES, OSCILLATOM B5000 OSCILLOQUARTZ OSA1920001 3230B 51 DATUM/SYMMETRICOM 56914 10005 1400590 0043637.1 22 1920002 0030093.3 0032823.5 1351072 0011252.3 4065 B 14 HEWLETT-PACKARD 5061A OPT. 4 23 OSCILLOQUARTZ EUDICS 3020 52 DATUM/SYMMETRICOM 4065 C 56914 10005 1350415 0058666.7 1350128 0061432.1 16 OSCILLOQUARTZ 3200 OSCILLOQUARTZ OSA 3235B 53 DATUM/SYMMETRICOM 4310 B 56919 10005 0020005 0002016.6 24 1400509 0060952.6 1400508 0076321.7 1400506 0089564.3 17 OSCILLOQUARTZ 25 HEWLETT_PACKARD 5062C 56919 10005 1400590 0043636.8 30 1920002 0030101.45061B 1920001 0032834.0 1351072 0011309.9 15 DATUM/SYMMETRICOM Cs III HEWLETT-PACKARD 56919 10005 1350415 0058637.3 31 1350128 0061462.75061B OPT. 4 18 DATUM/SYMMETRICOM Cs 4000 HEWLETT-PACKARD 56924AND 10005 0020005 1400509 0000007.7 1400508 19 RHODES SCHWARZ XSC 0002016.6 34 H-P 5061A/B with 5071A tube 0076472.6 1400506 0089579.7 4x HYDROGEN MASERS H-P/AGILENT/SYMMETRICOM High perf. 56924 10005 1400590 0043637.4 35 1920002 0030106.5 19200015071A 0032845.5 1351072 0011370.5 9x PRIMARY CLOCKS1350415 AND PROTOTYPES H-P/AGILENT/SYMMETRICOM 5071A Low perf. 56924 10005 0058600.5 36 1350128 0061489.7 56929 10005 0020005 0002016.2 1400509 0000022.6 1400508 0076632.6 1400506 0089595.6 56929 10005 1400590 0043637.7 1920002 0030114.3 1920001 0032854.7 1351072 0011433.8 56929 10005 1350415 0058568.3 1350128 0061515.2 56922.54 1400509 -060959.5 00000.000 PTB 10005 last line indicates any phase and frequency steps APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC - Co-ordinated Universal Time 15 Reporting of clock steps Reporting of known clock steps is important because they can affect UTC clock step time scale with step time When steps are reported BIPM can: 1. Correctly weight the clock (otherwise it looks unstable) 2. Correct the data so that it is continuous and is reported in Circular T without the step The reported clock step is calculated as NEW_VALUE – OLD_VALUE APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 16 Monthly UTC reporting at NMIA A Work Instruction sets out all steps to be followed in the submission process. Clock records for the last 2 months are plotted and examined for outliers, steps, … The clock data file is generated and checked. The data are then checked again by another person before upload to BIPM. Time-transfer files which are uploaded daily (RINEX, CGGTTS) are checked. The whole process takes about 1.5 hours APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 17 How UTC is calculated clock and link data 400 clocks 70 laboratories weighted mean EAL Primary Frequency Standard evaluations 9 reported in Sep 2014 Echelle Atomique Libre Free Atomic Time correction TAI IERS leap seconds Weights are based on the principle that a good clock is predictable and are derived from the difference between the observed and predicted frequency of a clock over the past 12 months Temps Atomique International International Atomic Time UTC Circular T APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 18 Aside: primary standards The value of a primary standard is defined and its practical realization is then corrected for known perturbations. Type B uncertainties δf/f × 10-15 NIST-F1 caesium fountain Physical effect Magnitude Uncertainty Second-order Zeeman 180.60 0.013 Spin exchange -0.41 0.15 Blackbody -22.98 0.28 Gravitation 179.95 0.03 Cavity pulling 0.02 0.02 Rabi/Ramsey pulling 10-4 10-4 Microwave effects 0.026 0.12 Cavity phase 0.02 0.02 Light shift 10-5 10-5 Adjacent transition 0.02 0.02 Microwave spectrum 0.003 0.003 Integrator offset 0 0.01 AM on microwaves 0 10-4 AC Zeeman (heaters) 0.05 0.05 TOTAL APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC 0.34 Co-ordinated Universal Time 19 How UTC is reported: Circular T CIRCULAR T 321 2014 OCTOBER 09, 13h UTC ISSN 1143-1393 BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES ORGANISATION INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE DE LA CONVENTION DU METRE PAVILLON DE BRETEUIL F-92312 SEVRES CEDEX TEL. +33 1 45 07 70 70 FAX. +33 1 45 34 20 21 [email protected] 1 - Coordinated Universal Time UTC and its local realizations UTC(k). Computed values of [UTC-UTC(k)] and uncertainties valid for the period of this Circular. From 2012 July 1, 0h UTC, TAI-UTC = 35 s. Date 2014 0h UTC MJD Laboratory k AUG 30 56899 SEP 4 56904 SEP 9 56909 AOS APL AUS BEV BIM -9.3 2.1 -153.4 -5.8 1605.4 -6.9 2.7 -150.4 -5.3 1609.4 -3.1 1.1 -164.0 -3.7 1646.2 (Borowiec) (Laurel) (Sydney) (Wien) (Sofiya) SEP 14 SEP 19 56914 56919 [UTC-UTC(k)]/ns -3.6 0.6 -170.9 -3.4 1661.8 -2.1 1.9 -185.4 -5.6 1682.7 SEP 24 56924 SEP 29 56929 Uncertainty/ns Note uA uB u -1.3 2.6 -194.7 -5.5 1700.4 -0.2 2.7 -207.2 -2.7 1699.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.5 1.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 3.5 7.2 5.3 5.3 5.3 3.8 7.4 6 - Time links and their uncertainties ... Link AOS APL AUS BEV BIM /PTB /PTB /PTB /PTB /PTB Type GPSPPP GPSPPP GPSPPP GPS MC GPS MC uA/ns 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.5 1.5 uB/ns Calibration Type 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 7.0 LC(GPS P3) LC(GPS MC) GPS EC/GPS EC BC(TWSTFT) GPS EC/GPS EC Calibration Dates 2011 2012 2010 Oct/2004 2008 2007 Nov/2006 APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Jun Sep Aug Jan Sep Co-ordinated Universal Time 20 Other data available from BIPM Clock weights PPP data and plots change in clock weighting method after 2014-01-01 nb the reference timescale is IGS time not UTC APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 21 - UTCr – Rapid UTC • Purpose is to allow contributing laboratories to better monitor their local UTC(k) and to provide quicker feedback for steering of time scales • Daily values of UTCr – UTC(k) are published each week within ± 2 ns of UTC Note: UTCr is not a Key Comparison APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 22 Using Circular T CIRCULAR T 321 2014 OCTOBER 09, 13h UTC ISSN 1143-1393 BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES ORGANISATION INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE DE LA CONVENTION DU METRE PAVILLON DE BRETEUIL F-92312 SEVRES CEDEX TEL. +33 1 45 07 70 70 FAX. +33 1 45 34 20 21 [email protected] 1 - Coordinated Universal Time UTC and its local realizations UTC(k). Computed values of [UTC-UTC(k)] and uncertainties valid for the period of this Circular. From 2012 July 1, 0h UTC, TAI-UTC = 35 s. Date 2014 0h UTC MJD Laboratory k AUG 30 56899 SEP 4 56904 SEP 9 56909 AOS APL AUS BEV BIM -9.3 2.1 -153.4 -5.8 1605.4 -6.9 2.7 -150.4 -5.3 1609.4 -3.1 1.1 -164.0 -3.7 1646.2 (Borowiec) (Laurel) (Sydney) (Wien) (Sofiya) SEP 14 SEP 19 56914 56919 [UTC-UTC(k)]/ns -3.6 0.6 -170.9 -3.4 1661.8 -2.1 1.9 -185.4 -5.6 1682.7 SEP 24 56924 SEP 29 56929 Uncertainty/ns Note uA uB u -1.3 2.6 -194.7 -5.5 1700.4 -0.2 2.7 -207.2 -2.7 1699.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.5 1.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 3.5 7.2 5.3 5.3 5.3 3.8 7.4 Suppose we want to estimate the frequency of UTC(k) and its uncertainty on Sep 12. Mean fractional frequency offset: Link uncertainty: … and then to interpolate we need to consider eg the stability of UTC(k) APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 23 Another approach Nearly all of the devices (rubidiums, crystal oscillators) we calibrate at NMIA are much less stable than our UTC(k) so the correction to UTC is insignificant. We therefore do not correct to UTC and make a statement in the calibration report like ... The instrument’s oscillator was compared in phase with the National Frequency Standard before and after adjustment. The results of these measurements ... APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 24 Other resources BIPM workshop on TAI Training (2012) APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 25 Thank you! ? APMP-MEDEA Workshop on Participation in UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time 26