Driving Lines - Colorado Driving Society


Driving Lines - Colorado Driving Society
Volume 22
Driving Lines
February 2015
Feb 7
CDS Beginner’s Clinic
Roxborough Public Library
8357 N Rampart Range Rd. Suite 200
Littleton, CO 80125
Feb 12
CDS General Membership Meeting
7:00 PM
Franktown Firehouse
Franktown, CO
At the intersection of 83 and 86
Feb 21
CDE Overview &
Marathon Navigation/Rules
10:00 AM
10625 E Cherry Creek Rd
Elbert, CO 80106
Mar 3-15
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
National Western Complex
Expo Hall, Humboldt St.
Mar 21
Ground Driving Clinic
Sandy Clayton’s Ranch
7158 Hwy 86, Kiowa, CO 80117
19.2 miles East of Castle Rock
Mar 28
April 4
April 11
Ground Driving Clinic Snow Date
Easter Egg Hunt
Indiana Horse Park, Arvada, CO
Snow date for Easter Egg Hunt.
Time to Renew
Your Membership for 2015!
Please print and fill out the form on the back page.
Make your check payable to the Colorado Driving
Society and mail to:
Colorado Driving Society
c/o Marie Harrity
PO Box 1565
Elizabeth, CO 80107
President’s Message
As the new President of the Colorado Driving Society,
I would like to start off by thanking Andrita, Al, Cindy and
Ingo who served as officers and board members this past
year and helped out on our many events and projects.
We welcome new board members: Cathy Allen-Shinn as
Vice President and Education Chairperson, Heike Bartlett
as Membership Chairperson, Ruth Johnson handling
Facebook Page; Susan Tyler chairing Newsletter and
Volunteers Committees; and Steven Allen-Shinn managing
our website. Pat Lamprey will continue on as our Secretary
and Event Coordinator and Marie Harrity will remain as
Treasurer and Equipment Coordinator.
We would like to keep the Colorado Driving Society a
“fun" club to belong to and yet promote carriage driving as
it should be. We have some great speakers lined up for our
meetings this year. Good speakers combined with great
food should get a lot more of our members out to our
monthly meetings. I promise to keep the business portion
"short and sweet".
As you can see on page 2, our calendar is full of great
events for everyone. Put these on your calendar and let’s
have a GREAT YEAR!
Fred Wehrli
In this issue:
2015 Calendar of Events ...................................................2
Monthly Membership meeting (Feb 12) ...........................3
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo (Mar 13-15) .........................4
Carriage Driving 101 Clinic (Feb 7) ....................................5
CDE Overview Marathon Navigation Rules (Feb 21)..........6
Ground Driving/Long Lining Clinic (Mar 21) ......................7
Getting started in CDEs .....................................................8
Derby Driving —What is it? ...............................................9
Reminders for Event Organizers........................................11
Links to Websites ..............................................................11
CDS Board, Officers, and Committee Chairs ......................11
Advertising rates ...............................................................11
Acronyms decoded ...........................................................12
Advertising ................................................................. 12-13
CDS Membership and Renewal Form ............................... 14
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CDS Tentative Schedule for 2015
Please check the CDS website and monthly newsletter to confirm event details
You will see that four scheduled events have “TBD” (to be determined) in the right hand column for
event coordinator. Please consider hosting one of these events. Be a Hero! No Host = No Event!
Contact Pat Lamprey 303-429-7525 or [email protected]. She will provide a step by step manual
to show you what to do.
CDS Board Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
Fred Wehrli
Carriage Driving 101 Beginner’s Clinic
Roxborough Public Library
Jim Rihanek
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
CDE Overview Marathon Navigation Rules
Wiedenhues Residence
Ingo Wiedenhues
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
National Western Expo Hall
Fred Wehrli
7 pm
10 am- 4 pm
7 pm
10 am--1pm
7 pm
F, S 9-7; S 9 -4
9 am - 4 pm
Ground Driving Clinic
Clayton’s Ranch
Lani Piper
9 am - 4 pm
Ground Driving Clinic—Snow date
Clayton’s Ranch
Lani Piper
9 am—noon
Easter Egg Hunt
Indiana Equestrian Park, Arvada, CO
Nina Shilodon
7 pm
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
9 am—noon
Easter Egg Hunt—Snow date
Indiana Equestrian Park, Arvada, CO
Nina Shilodon
Cones Clinic
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Marie Harrity
Jim Rihanek
Greenland Open Space Drive
Greenland Open Space
Bob Ripple
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
Derby Driving
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Dressage Clinic – format and clinician TBD
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
Highlands Fun Drive
Highlands Wilderness area
Carla Baca
Hazards clinic
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
10 am—1pm
20 mile setup
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Susan Tyler
9 am –4 p m
20 Mile House HDT
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Susan Tyler
Pleasure Driving/Reinsmanship Clinic
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Fred Wehrli
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
Greenland Open Space Drive
Greenland Open Space
Bob Ripple
Blue Jeans Show
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Susie Haszelbart
7 pm
7 pm
General Membership Meeting
Franktown Firehouse
CDS Board
7 pm
Highlands Fun Drive
Highlands Wilderness area
Carla Baca
Halloween Poker Run Drive
Salisbury Equestrian Park, Parker, CO
Heike Bartlett
CDS Planning Meeting
CDS Board
Parker/CDS Christmas Parade
CDS Christmas Party
CDS Board
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Colorado Driving Society
General Membership
7:00 PM Thursday,
February 12, 2015
All members are encouraged to attend
monthly general membership meetings.
A guest speaker will be featured.
Coffee and desert will be served.
Get to know fellow club members,
learn more about carriage driving
and help plan club events.
Please call Fred (303) 688-0553 to
tell him you are coming so we will have
enough dessert and coffee.
Franktown Firehouse
1959 S State Highway 83
Franktown, CO 80116
Southwest of the intersection of
Hwy 83 (Parker Rd) and Hwy 86.
Drive down to the
parking area.
Call to Order
Introductions All Around
Presentation of Officers
President Fred Wehrli
Vice President Cathy Allen-Shinn
Secretary Pat Lamprey
Treasurer Marie Harrity
Guest Speaker:
Bill Scebbi Executive Director, Colorado Horse Council
Colorado Horse Development Authority
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
General Meeting
Past Events:
CDS Beginners Clinic
Upcoming Events:
Feb 21 CDS Marathon Rules/Navigator Clinic
Hosts: Al Senzamici, Ingo Wiedenhues
Mar 13-15 Rocky Mountain Horse Expo Display
Host: Fred Wehrli
Mar 21
CDS Ground Driving Clinic
Clinician: Rob McCartney
Hosts: Lani Piper, Susan Tyler
Apr 11
Easter Egg Hunt
Host: Nina Shilodon
Other New Business ?
Event Coordinator - Pat Lamprey
Membership Heike Barrett
Education Cathy Allen-Shinn
Marketing Needed
Volunteers Susan Tyler
Newsletter Susan Tyler
Facebook Ruth Johnson
Equipment Marie Harrity
Parker Christmas
Carriage Parade Jim Rihanek
Website Steve Allen-Shinn
Dessert for Next Month
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Carriage Driving 101 Clinic
Presented by Jim Rihanek
for the Colorado Driving Society
10 AM - 4 PM
February 7, 2015
Roxborough Library
8357 N. Rampart Range Rd. Suite 200, Littleton 80125
Carriage driving is more than just a big draft horse pulling a bunch of sightseers around town.
Carriage driving is one of the fastest growing equestrian sports today, and can be as difficult or
simple as you choose to make it: a simple picnic drive with friends, a trail “ride” through a park,
an exhilarating cross country marathon, a challenging obstacle course, a dressage test as
sophisticated as the highest level of ridden dressage.
You can drive any size horse or pony, from miniature to draft, or drive a mule or donkey
instead. Put that lawn ornament or out-grown pony to work! Put those poor tired hips and knees of
yours on a carriage seat instead of making them straddle that horse!
Just as with any other equestrian discipline, it can take years to become a really successful
carriage driver, but this clinic can get you started. This is a
clinic for first time and existing drivers.
This is a NO HORSES clinic covering harness parts,
harnessing and bitting, carriages, and basic driving styles,
and starting the horse.
There is a $10 materials fee.
Please bring your own lunch.
For more information contact Pat at 303-429-7525 or
[email protected]
Carriage Driving 101
February 7, 2015
There is a $10 Materials fee.
Number attending: ___
Total enclosed $________
10 AM - 4 PM
Make Checks payable to
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Colorado Driving Society
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Mail this form with fee to:
City: ___________________________________ State: ____ ZIP: _____________
Phone: (H) (____)_________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
Pat Lamprey
7231 Eaton Cir
Arvada CO, 80003
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Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
Call for Volunteers
National Western Expo Hall
March 13, 14 & 15
The Colorado Driving Society will be participating in the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo on March 13,
14 & 15 this year with a Booth and Carriage Display to promote Carriage Driving here in Colorado.
We are looking for volunteers to help out in the
booth. The Expo hours are:
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Friday & Saturday and
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday.
Please call Fred Wehrli at 303-688-0553
if you can help out.
Colorado Driving Society and
Rocky Mountain Carriage Club
members staff our Carriage Display and provide information
about Carriage Driving at the 2014
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo.
Photos: Fred Wehrli
Check out the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo website to learn about the many clinics and presenters offered.
www.coloradohorsecouncil.com Expo Grounds Admission
3-Day Grounds badge - $25
Adult 1-Day Grounds pass - $10
Student/Senior 1-Day Grounds pass - $8
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested, there are areas where you can use your talents
to assist the club throughout the year. You do not need to be on the CDS
board to assist in these areas.
If you have interest in any of these areas please contact
Pat Lamprey [email protected].
 Events Coordinator
 Elections
 Equipment Manager
 Event Organizers are also needed . Refer to the schedule of events on
page 2. If “TBD” (to be determined) is marked in the organizer column,
consider volunteering to be the organizer for that event. Contact Pat Lamprey. She will give you instructions and
guidance. If it’s your first event to organize, consider asking a veteran club member to partner with you.
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Combined Driving Event Overview
Marathon Navigation and Rules
Presented by Ingo Wiedenhues & Al Senzamici
10:00 AM
February 21, 2015
10625 E Cherry Creek Road
Elbert, Colorado 80106
A Combined Driving Event (CDE) consists of three competitions
– Dressage, Marathon, Obstacle/Cones that are held over one,
two, or three days. The sport intends to showcase the versatility,
training and talents of both horse and driver.
In this session we will provide an overview of the different types
of combined driving events, the different levels within a CDE and
then focus our attention specifically on the Marathon portion of a
combined driving event.
We will show different horse and carriage and cart configurations. You will learn important information about
marathon sections (they have changed names) and section timing. We will walk through an example to calculate
your minimum and maximum times for a specific marathon section.
Become familiar with some of the signs you will see along the way in a marathon. Get acquainted with
some of the key rules in the marathon. You will even see examples of timing sheets and other documents you
can/will use when out on the marathon course.
This is a No Horse and Carriage presentation and classroom setting only.
Fees: $10 for the training for you or your “team” (you and your navigator;)
$35 for a non-member (or team of 2) includes a single club membership.
Lunch will be provided.
Bring a chair or two.
For more information contact
Ingo Wiedenhues at [email protected] or Al Senzamici at [email protected]
Combined Driving Event Overview —
Marathon Navigation and Rules
10:00 AM, February 21, 2015
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: ____ ZIP: _____________
Phone: (H) (______)_________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
$10 for a member or team of 2,
$35 for a non-member or team of 2
includes a single membership.
Lunch is included.
Number attending: ___
Total enclosed $________
Make Checks payable to
Colorado Driving Society
Please mail this registration form
with fee to:
Al Senzamici
17005 Oak Brush Loop
Peyton, CO 80831
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Colorado Driving Society
Ground Driving / Long-lining Clinic
9:00 am
Saturday March 21, 2015
Clayton’s Ranch
7158 HWY 86, Kiowa CO, 80117
Snow date & more one-on-ones if needed: March 28, 2014
Clinician: Rob McCartney
* Learn to ground drive – prepare your horse for driving
* Polish old skills or learn new ones.
* Get ready for the driving season
* Enjoy your horse in the company of other horse fans
Clinic will start at 9:30am with lecture/demonstration (bring a chair!)
There will be a break for lunch (bring your own!)
The afternoon will be spent with hands-on sessions
Please email Lani Piper at
[email protected]
that you are coming
so she can arrange
for parking.
Note: All horses for the afternoon session must already know how to lunge. Bring your own bridle
with a bit. It would be helpful if you also brought your own lines, surcingle or harness if you have
them. If you don’t have a horse ready for ground driving, we may have horses available for you to
practice with.
Fees: $10 CDS members $35 non-members (includes single membership)
What to bring: Your lunch, a chair, your horse if you have one, bridle with bit, and bring long lines
and surcingle or harness if you have them.
Ground Driving / Long-lining Clinic
Saturday March 21, 2015
Clayton’s Ranch, 7158 HWY 86, Kiowa CO, 80117
Snow date & more one-on-ones if needed: March 28, 2014
Fees: $10 for Members.
$35 for non-members
(includes single membership)
Number attending: ___
Total enclosed $________
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Please bring your own lunch
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Make Checks payable to
Colorado Driving Society
City: ____________________________________ State: ____ ZIP: _____________
Phone: (H) (______)___________________ (C) (______)_____________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
Please mail this registration form
with fee to:
Lani Piper
4966 Flicker Trail
Elizabeth, CO 80107
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Getting Started in CDEs
Ruth Johnson
We asked several of our club members some basic questions Show’s obstacle driving in Oklahoma City. That was fun.
about their experience with getting involved with Combined
CDS: Do you have any advice for people just starting out?
Driving Events (CDE), Arena Driving Trials (ADT) or Horse DrivBN: It helps to get some professional assistance the first few
ing Trials (HDT). I hope you enjoy reading their responses.
times. It’s more of a team sport, than individual. It’s easier
Justinn Harrison
with a helpful team.
CDS: How did you first get involved in CDEs?
Susie Haszelbart
JH: I had always wanted to do CDEs and was going to do it
with my Friesian, who was inexperienced. But then I got
Smoke, my Canadian Horse, who was so good to drive it
seemed a pity to waste his talents. Now I have a horse I can
learn with; a safe horse. He loves it.
CDS: How did you first get involved in CDEs?
CDS: What do you like about CDEs?
CDS: Have you competed?
JH: Because it’s not in an arena and I’m not fan of ring shows.
I used to do 3-day events, so the knowledge will cross over.
I like how horses like it. It encourages diversity in training for
your horse as you have three to four things to work on.
JH: Yes, in an ADT.
SH: Yes, in Colorado and elsewhere. In 2013 I drove in the
Vineyard Classic CDE in California where I won Training Level,
and I competed in Missouri at Longview Lake CDE. In March I
was in Florida so I volunteered at Little Everglades CDE at the
checkpoint for wheel measurements and the health checks.
I met some of the “big names” in person. That was nice.
CDS: Tell me briefly about a memorable CDE experience.
CDS: Tell me briefly about a memorable CDE experience.
JH: My favorite thing was how much Smoke enjoyed himself.
He got very lively and “up in the bridle”, and was enjoying
what we were doing. He gave a few bucks warming up but it
wasn’t wild and crazy, it was as if to say “Yee haw! Look what
we’re doing!” He was enjoying himself.
SH: Watching Chester Weber go through the palm trees with
a four in hand. It was so well executed.
CDS: Have you competed?
CDS: Do you have any advice for people just starting out?
JH: Go! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; that’s part of the
learning process. People in the driving community are very
helpful. It doesn’t matter if you have a work harness and
cheap cart. If you show up, you’re a winner right there.
Barb Nesse
CDS: How did you first get involved in CDEs?
BN: Way back around 25 years ago, I was going to buy a riding horse that also drove. I asked the seller to show me how
he drove. So the guy hitched up the horse and we went driving through the corn fields. I did some showing with that
horse and later did some obstacles. Later still, some driven
dressage. With the Colorado Driving Society, I did some marathon and timed-distance sort of kind of events. All together
that adds up to a CDE (albeit, spread out).
SH: Volunteering at the club’s 20 Mile House event.
CDS: What do you like about CDEs?
SH: Variety. Having a navigator on the back to spend time with.
CDS: Do you have any advice for people just starting out?
SH: Volunteer. I think volunteering is a great way to learn
about CDEs. (1) It gives you perspective on what to expect. (2)
We always need volunteers. (3) It’s a great way to ask questions and find out more.
Also, find out if your horse is suitable for CDEs. After doing
CDEs one year, then last year in Kentucky at the CAA Carriage
Festival, then Walnut Hill and some pleasure show — they are
completely different worlds of driving, pleasure shows and
CDEs. My horse is such a princess and she loves the pleasure
shows but not so much CDEs. I use a heart monitor on my
horse to train her and prepare her fitness level for the CDEs.
Ruth Johnson
CDS: How did you first get involved in CDEs?
RJ: A friend told me it was fun and showed me the amateur
video she had taken at the previous year’s CDE. This was back
in the early 1990s.
CDS: What do you like about CDEs?
CDS: What did you like about CDEs?
RJ: It’s about the horse’s performance and not about how the
BN: I like spending time with my horse and giving him some- horse looks. I was never fond of ring shows.
thing different to do that he likes.
CDS: Have you competed? Tell me briefly about a memoraCDS: Have you competed? Tell me briefly about a memora- ble CDE experience.
ble CDE experience.
RJ: Yes. I won the Best Conditioned Horse Award one year.
BN: I got a Reserve World Champion award in a Morgan
The choice was made by the veterinarian who was checking
(Continued on page 10)
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Derby Driving – What is it?
Al Senzamici
erby Driving is a carriage driving event that
combines all the excitement of cones, hazards, and
other obstacles into a single timed competition. I first
read about derby diving in the November/December
2014 Driving Digest magazine. It may consist of one or
more rounds over a course. A round is run as a timed
competition with penalties converted into seconds. The
times plus penalty scores for multiple rounds are added
to produce final scores and placing.
navigator 14 years or over.
 All persons on the course must wear properly fitted
ASTM/SEI protective headgear with chin strap harness
secured. Protective vest and medical armbands are not
required but recommended.
 Only the driver may handle the reins, brake and whip.
 A whip of suitable size to reach all horses must be
carried in hand while on the course. If the whip is
dropped, the driver or groom can retrieve a spare whip
or the carriage must be stopped so a groom may
dismount and retrieve the whip. In the case of drivers
without a groom, the whip can be restored to the
driver by an outside party. The penalty is the time lost.
The driver will be asked to go through the course
obstacles (such as cones, possibly a bridge, and hazards)
in numerical order. When you come upon a hazard, the
hazards will be driven in alphabetical gate order just as
they are in a combined driving event. After exiting a
 Cone/Obstacle widths will be common width of 175 cm.
hazard the driver will then proceed through more
obstacles (cones or bridges). All obstacles and gates must  Hazard widths will be 3 m minimum
be driven in the correct direction (red flag on right) and
 Obstacle will be numbered with the correct direction to
the correct numerical order. The number of elements
enter each obstacle/gate indicated by a red sign or flag
(obstacles and hazards) on the course shall be
on the right. Entering an obstacle with the red flag on
determined by the size of the arena available.
the left or out of numerical order is an error and cause
The driver with the lowest combined time for all of
for elimination.
his/her runs is the winner.
 Driving hazard gates out of order is “off course” and
Here is a link to Derby videos: http://www.bit.ly/1Dvuzjn
may be corrected by returning to the missed gate and
resuming the course.
 Typical event classes may consist of VSE, (very small
equine) Small Pony, Large Pony, & Horse turned out as
singles, pairs, tandems, unicorns, and four-in-hands.
Other combinations may be considered as determined
by the event organizer.
 A course diagram is made available upon check-in and
a walk through of the course will be done the morning
of the event so drivers can decide on their best route
to obtain their best time.
 All entries except VSE are required to have a navigator
on the vehicle. Navigators may ride with more than
one entry.
 Age restrictions are as follows:
 Hazard gates completed are considered dead and can
be driven in any direction.
 Horses and riders must be turned out in the best
manner possible; poorly presented or unmannerly
horses may be excused from the competition.
 The judges’ interpretation of the rules is final.
 Training level is trot only.
 Course time begins and ends when the horse’s nose
crosses the start and finish line.
 Penalties are added to the elapsed time for total time.
 Entry with lowest total time wins. This can be a
combined time if multiple runs are used.
by a navigator of 18 years or older with the exception
of VSE. Youth drivers over the age of 14 may drive
single in VSE class.
 Ties will be broken by the fewest penalty seconds or a
drive off at management discretion.
(Continued on the next page)
Drivers over the age of 18 must be accompanied by a
Be on the lookout for a Derby Driving event coming to our area!
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Derby Driving
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(Continued from page 4)
Excessive use of the whip
Starting before the signal
10 seconds
Failing to pass through start or finish gates
Numbered cones obstacle driven backwards, out of
order, or more than once
Corrected course, lettered gates
Wrong course, not corrected
A dislodged element is knocked down by any means
5 seconds
Preventing a ball or knockdown from falling
10 seconds
Causing an obstacle to be rebuilt (clock stops)
5 seconds
First or second disobedience
No penalties; time lost
Third disobedience
Loss of effective control
Groom not on carriage when passing Finish Line
Dismounting while carriage is in motion
10 seconds
Groom(s) or Athlete intentionally dismounting, first or
second time
Groom(s) or Athlete intentionally dismounting and
remounting after next numbered gate or finish or carriage does not halt for remount
Driver unintentional dismount
No penalties; time lost
Carriage turnover
Cantering in Training division per occurrence
20 seconds
20 seconds
About the author:
Al Senzamici has been driving for
10 years and started competing
in CDEs in 2009. He is a member
of the Colorado Driving Society
and former board member.
“I read about Derby Driving in
the November/December issue
of Driving Digest. Then, at a
Derby Driving event held recently in Nebraska, I discovered a lot
more information about Derby
Driving and the rules being used.
Derby Driving is growing in popularity at a very fast pace."
Getting Started with CDEs
(Continued from page 8)
heart and respiratory rates. He chose the horse whose rates
came down the furthest during the mid-marathon checkpoint.
I swear I won because my horse was taking a snooze during
the break.
fresher than the veteran competitors. Driving people are as
nice as can be. I have never had anyone be rude and inaccessible. Most will answer questions from newcomers
to the sport.
CDS: Do you have any advice for people just starting out?
About the Author: Ruth Johnson is a writer who enjoys
driving horses. Ruth started a driving club in the early 1990’s
and competed in some CDEs back in the days when the American Driving Society rule book came printed on paper and could
be read from cover to cover. She is a board member of the
Colorado Driving Society
RJ: Read everything you can. Visit events as a spectator and
watch everything you can. Ask questions of other people
whose driving level is similar to yours. Yes, get information
from the experts, but also get tips from people who are also
just starting out — their memory of beginning exploits is
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Reminders for Event Organizers:
 Please see information about organizing events (budgets,
notification, etc.) on the CDS web site.
 After your event, Please send results and a report to the
newsletter editor: [email protected]; or
Susan Tyler, 755 Vista Lane, Lakewood, CO 80215
 Sending a few pictures is very desirable!
 If you incur an expense that needs to be repaid out of the
club’s checkbook you will need to provide a receipt. There
is a form available for this and we will have them at the
membership meetings. We will also provide copies in the
Organizer’s Packet. Receipts are required to keep our
books in order.
 Items that are donated require a receipt for the value of
the item and the word “Donated” written on the receipt for
tax purposes. This can include judge’s fees if the judge
normally charges for their service, but chooses to donate it
to CDS.
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Associations & Organizations:
The American Driving Society
The Carriage Association of America
The Carriage Museum of America
FEI Driving
Pony Team USA
USEF Combined Driving
Combined Driving Links:
ADS Rule Book
ADS Dressage Tests
Colorado Club Links
Colorado Driving Society
Rocky Mountain Carriage Club
Colorado Driving Society
Board Members
Driving Lines is a monthly publication of the Colorado Driving Society.
Pat Lamprey
Fred Wehrli
Marie Harrity
Ruth Johnson
Heike Bartlett
Susan Tyler
Cathy Allen-Shinn
serving through 2015
serving through 2015
serving through 2016
serving through 2016
serving through 2017
serving through 2017
serving through 2017
Fred Wehrli
Cathy Allen-Shinn
Marie Harrity
Pat Lamprey
(303) 688-0553
(720) 982-7933
(303) 429-7525
Committee Chairmen:
Cathy Allen-Shinn (303)-660-9567
Marie Harrity
(720) 982-7933
Event Coordinator: Pat Lamprey
(303) 429-7525
Heike Bartlett
(719) 749-2439
Susan Tyler
(303) 232-1742
Social Media
Ruth Johnson tinyurl.com/pjuedju
Susan Tyler
(303) 232-1742
Steve Allen-Shinn (303)-660-9567
Charges for each issue
Ads up to 50 words
Ads over 50 words,
up to a quarter page
Half Page
Full Page
Charges for one year…
Business Card
Half Page
$ 30.00
$ 60.00
A member may run a maximum of two free ads per month as
described above. Each ad will run in two consecutive issues
unless specified otherwise.
Please submit ads as follows:
1. Send your ad by email to [email protected]
Send the text for your ad in the email message
or attach a “Word” document.
For a logo or pictures attach .jpg or .png files.
2. Also send by US Mail
to Susan Tyler, 755 Vista Lane, Lakewood, CO 80214
 a check made out to Colorado Driving Society
 your name and phone number
 a paper copy of your ad
 the ad size, frequency, and month the ad will start.
Questions? call 303-232-1742
P a g e
Driving Lines
1 2
F e b r u a r y
2 0 1 5
Common Acronyms
ADS: American Driving Society
ADT: Arena Driving Trial
ASTME: American Society for Testing,
Materials & Equipment
CAA: Carriage Association of America
CDE: Combined Driving Event
CDS: Colorado Driving Society
CDT – combined driving trial
CoHoCo – Colorado Horse Council
FEI : International Equestrian Federation
HDT – horse driving trial
NARHA / PATH Intl.—Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International formed in 1969 as the North American
Riding for the Handicapped Association
RMCC: Rocky Mountain Carriage Club
SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) is an independent laboratory that tests helmets
USDFD – US Driving for the Disabled
VSE: Very small equine
Your Headquarters for carriages & harness, serving the western United States
For the very finest Synthetic Harness & Accessories, Minis to Draft, Pleasure, Work
& Competition. All Harness measured to fit. For over 1000 items to choose from,
visit our web site: rockymountaincarriagesales.com
Available in sizes to fit 10-12hh
Approximately 225 lbs
Wheels - 58 cm (23”)
Width – 125 cm (49”)
Seat Height — 40”
Floor Board — 22” off ground
Sassy says: Let Jack custom
fit a new harness for your
horse. He’s the best!
The Bird-in-Hand
Contact Jack for….free consultations for
evaluating your horse & equipment;
custom sizing your horse to a vehicle or
custom fitting a harness to your horse.
Benefit from Jack’s 30 years of
experience: call for reasonably priced
lessons and clinics.
Introductory Price Special
Quality Amish Built Carriages for over 30 years
All Harness & Carriages Amish Made in the USA
Building Carriages for over 30 years
Jack Bloss
Carriage Association of America:
Certified Driver Training
Rocky Mountain Carriage Sales
Berthoud, CO
Business: 970-344-5096
Cell: 303-775-5258
Email: [email protected]
Carriages USA
P a g e
1 3
Driving Lines
F e b r u a r y
2 0 1 5
Hello Everyone;
I’m happy to announce that Freedom Carriages is now
open for full time business!
Freedom Carriages is a complete carriage shop,
specializing in manufacturing carts and carriages
that fit you and your horse. We build carriages for
CDE competitions and for pleasure drivers alike.
We also build carriages for people with special
needs. If you already have a carriage, we can modify
it to fit you and your horse better or make it easier to
get into. We also offer carriage restoration services,
harness sales and fitting, lessons, and training.
Some of the services we offer are:
New carriages and carts from miniature to draft size
 ·Competition vehicles of all types
 ·Pleasure driving vehicles
 ·Custom fitted adaptive vehicles
Restoration and repair service
 ·Body repair
 ·Refinishing – repainting – touch-up
 ·Upholstery replacement
 ·Replacement wheels
 ·Wheel rubber reset or replacement
Custom welding and metal fabrication service
 New custom gates
 Replacement stall fronts
 Additional tie downs for trucks and trailers
 Trailer repair
The new driving season isn’t too far off. To get your
carriage ready, we’re offering a Safety Check Special,
$50.00 for Carts and $100.00 for Carriages. It includes cleaning and checking brakes, cleaning and
repacking bearings, and cleaning and greasing fifth
wheels. [Replacement part cost not included in the
special price.] Remember that your carriages should
have their bearings cleaned and repacked every couple of years and be checked for damage and adjusted
annually. Especially if the carriage is used frequently
or has been in an accident.
Please let us know what we can do for you.
Freedom Carriages
Joe Johnson
[email protected]
Please print.
City:___________________________ State:_____ Zip Code________________
Home:(____)_____________Work: (_____)____________Cell: (_____)______________
Email _______________________________________________ Fax___________
How did you hear about the Colorado Driving Society?
 Friend  Internet
 CDS Website  Flyer  Horse Expo  Facebook  other ______________________
Please send my newsletter  by email
 by US mail ($10 additional membership fee)
 $25 Individual Membership
 $30 FamilyMembership
 $0 to receive newsletter by email
 +$10 to receive newsletter by US mail
$_______ Total enclosed
(Dues are for the calendar year)
Colorado Driving Society
755 Vista Lane
Lakewood, CO 80214
Make checks payable to:
Colorado Driving Society
I am interested in:
 Clinics
 Shows
 Combined Driving
 Picnic Drives, Fun Days
 Dressage for Carriage Driving
 Marathon, Hazards, Cones
 Meetings
 Just Helping Out
 Other___________
Mail to: Colorado Driving Society,
c/o Marie Harrity
PO Box 1565,
Elizabeth CO 80107
 Please have someone call me.