south district
south district
Corporate Sponsors Our sponsors generously donate throughout the year to assist CA4WDC with its fundraising efforts. To become a sponsor, call Ginger at 626-962-3137 or email [email protected] DISTRICT MEETINGS CHECK FOR UPDATES / DIRECTIONS ON CAL4WHEEL.COM NORTH District CENTRAL District south District LOCATION TBA KINGS COUNTY BOWL 1050 E. Lacey Blvd., Hanford LOCATION TBA OCTOBER 10, 2009 • 9 a.m. More info DAVID DOUGLAS 916-783-4678 2 In Gear / August-September 2009 / OCTOBER 24, 2009 • 10 a.m. MORE INFO STEVE EGBERT 559-685-1928 [email protected] OCTOBER 31, 2009 • 9 a.m. More info HELEN baker 818-705-3930 [email protected] CA4WDC, INC. Bonnie Steele, Office Manager 8120 36th Ave. Sacramento, CA 95824-2304 (916) 381-8300 Fax (916) 381-8726 [email protected] W H A T ’ S I N S I D E President’s Message 6 IN GEAR OFFICE CA4WDC Contacts 5 Suzy Johnson, Editor 7245 Nonpariel Ct. Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 550-2804 Fax (866) 888-2465 [email protected] District Meetings 2 What is the CA4WDC? The California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc. (founded in 1959) is a nonprofit organization comprised of member clubs, individuals and business firms, united in a common objective — the betterment of vehicle-oriented outdoor recreation. We represent four wheelers, hunters, fishermen, and other outdoor recreationalists. Ours is the largest organization of its type in California. 7-8 VP Reports Natural Resource Consultants 9-11 Jeep Whisperer 12 Walker Mountain clean-up 14 Border-to-Border comes to Bishop 16-17 Operation Desert Fun 18-19 Membership drive results 20 Don’t get cooked 22 Advertising rates 24 Sweepstakes Vehicle 26-27 License plates 27 Club Directory 28-29 Calendar 30 Associate Members 31 Through a united effort we: • Promote responsible use of public lands. • Prevent legislation that would restrict offroad vehicles and vehicle use. • Develop programs of conservation, • • • education and safety. Encourage state and federal agencies to develop new four wheel drive trails and preserve existing ones. Distribute information to vehicle-oriented recreationalists. Promote statewide activities and four wheel drive events for the enjoyment of members. AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2009 / VOLUME 50 #2 The IN GEAR (USPS 436-110) is published bi-monthly for $10.00 per year by the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc., 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304. IN GEAR is the official publication of the CA4WDC — subscriptions are available only through membership in CA4WDC.Periodical Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA, and additional mailing offices. Permission to reprint items is normally given, provided permission is requested and proper credit is given to both the author and the publication. All views expressed by authors of articles, and photo content herein, are their own and do not necessarily express those of the CA4WDC. CA4WDC does not endorse its advertisers, nor is it responsible for the accuracy of advertising. POSTMASTER: SEND FORM 3579 TO CA4WDC, INC. 8120 36TH AVE., SACRAMENTO, CA 95824-2304 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 3 CA4WDC Application for Membership I pledge to support the goals and objectives of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS, INC., in the protection, respect and the enjoyment of our public domain lands and towards the betterment of off-highway vehicle recreation. I am enclosing: $675.00 for my Life Membership dues. $45.00 for my yearly Individual Membership dues. ($10.00 of your Association dues is for a one-year subscription to In Gear.) Ownership of a 4-wheel-drive vehicle is not a requirement for membership. Please make check payable to: California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs Note: The Federal Tax Reform Act requires that we advise members that contributions or gifts to CA4WDC are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes. NAME_____________________________________________________________________________________ TYPE OF 4X4 VEHICLE______________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER ( YEAR_ ____________________________________ )_ _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_ ________________________________________________________________________________ MARRIED? o YES o NO CITY________________________________________________________STATE_______ ZIP______________ o NO. OF CHILDREN____________ EMAIL____________________________________________________________________________________ SPOUSE’S/CO-MEMBER NAME* Please send information on how I may become a member of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS, INC. by: __________________________________________ o o o o *Must be legally married to share life membership. Becoming an Associate Member (business firm) Becoming a Life Member through your installment plan. Joining an established Club Forming a new 4-wheel-drive club Signed____________________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ Referred by______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Return to: California Association of 4WD Clubs, Inc. 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304 916-381-8300 / 1-800-4x4-FUNN OFFICE USE ONLY Amt. Received__________ Ck#__________ NM List____ NM Mailing________________ Computer____ CA4WDC MEETINGS Board Meetings: August 22-23, 2009 November 21-22, 2009 February 2010 (Convention) North District: October 10, 2009 January 9, 2010 April 10, 2010 For more information: Central District: October 24, 2009 January 23, 2010 April 24, 2010 South District: October 31, 2009 January 9, 2010 April 10, 2010 Contact your district secretary, the CA4WDC office, or visit 4 In Gear / August-September 2009 / CA4WDC WEB LINKS Join online, register for events, chat in our forum, sign up for e-news, download documents, check the event calendar, free online classifieds, and more! - main site - forum Y ou may have noticed that we have been emailing you a lot lately. As an organization, we feel that it is very important to communicate with our members about upcoming events and urgent access (otherwise known as land use) issues. So we have carefully built an email list that now has nearly 2,000 people on it. You’ll know if you are a subscriber if you have been receiving notices from us. We hope that you find them useful and informative. If you are not on our email list, it is simple to sign up. Just go to and look for the subscribe link on the left side, or the Alert box on the right side. We promise to take good care of your email address and will not share it with anyone. You can unsubscribe at any time, although we hope that you don’t. If you have any questions or concerns about the way that we communicate with you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We’ll see you at Sierra Trek. Enjoy! — Suzy Johnson, Editor CA4WDC CONTACTS STATE OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert Reed 925-447-3142 (H) 925-784-4702 (C) [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT Don Spuhler 530-333-2047 [email protected] TREASURER Paula Johnson 916-214-5337 [email protected] RECORDING SECRETARY Steven Gardiner 7702 Alberta Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714-293-8790 [email protected] CENTRAL DISTRICT OFFICERS VICE PRESIDENT Mark D. Cave 559-623-5338 (cell) 559-636-1452 (home) 559-625-2000 (work-msg.) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Dale Lamb 559-594-4591 [email protected] SECRETARY Steve Egbert 559-685-1928 [email protected] SECRETARY Helen Baker 818-705-3930 (home) [email protected] NORTH DISTRICT OFFICERS NATURAL RESOURCES CONSULTANT - SOUTH John Stewart 619-390-8747 [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT David Douglas 916-783-4678 (h) 925-423-4713 (w) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Joe Malloy 916-973-9782 (H) 916-599-9456 (C) [email protected] SECRETARY Barbara Kissler 530-873-3761 [email protected] SOUTH DISTRICT OFFICERS VICE PRESIDENT Harry Baker 818-705-3930 (home) 818-370-3582 (cell) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Heinz J. Leuschner 909-773-1979 [email protected] NATURAL RESOURCES CONSULTANT - NORTH Amy Granat 916-710-1950 [email protected] MARKETING & PROMOTIONS COORDINATOR Ginger Hughes 626-962-3137 (H/F) 626-252-2030 (C) [email protected] WEB PAGE COORDINATOR Suzy Johnson 7245 Nonpariel Ct. Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-550-2804 Fax 866-888-2465 [email protected] DEADLINES: Feb./March - January 1 Aug./Sept. - July 1 April/May - March 1 Oct./Nov. - September 1 June/July - May 1 Dec./Jan. - November 1 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 5 PRESIDENT’S MeSSAGE ROBERT REED President I’m pleased to announce Amy Granat as our new Natural Resources Consultant for the northern part of the state. Amy brings a broad base of knowledge, experience, and understanding of the issues. She has a new approach that should inspire educate, and empower our members to help fight our battles. Amy is a co-founder of the Comments Project. The Comments Project is an ongoing educational program dedicated to teaching off-road enthusiasts about the National Environmental Policy Act or NEPA. The second goal of the Comments Project is to submit the most professional comments we can to each forest in ted proposals for this contract. Each of the applicants was very well qualified, making the BOD’s decision very difficult. At the May board meeting we also renewed John Stewart’s contract for the Southern Area Natural Resources Consultant, and Suzy Johnson’s contracts as the Webmaster and the In Gear Editor. The BOD passed a balanced budget for the coming fiscal year. This will continue to be a challenge given the current economic conditions and the fact that our membership is down and event attendance is down. We need your help in increasing our membership as well as attendance at our events. On June 6, Helen Baker and I attended a combined CLORV/CAMRC (California Motorized Recreation Council) meeting Association Membership North District Central District South District Out of State July 1, 2009 Total Club Members 703 350 705 21 1779 Individual Members 700 223 583 68 1574 Associate Members 39 14 31 8 92 Life Members 143 46 51 20 260 Clubs 62 27 40 2 131 California. Amy also has extensive experience working with CORVA and other organizations. I’m sure she will be an asset to our association. Please join me in welcoming her aboard. I’d also like to thank all of the individuals who submit- ounr trthails open $4elpakem ep o N SS THA FOR LE you can h JOIN NOW! 6 In Gear / August-September 2009 / in Ontario. At this meeting we agreed on a set of bylaws governing how the organizations will participate and the dues structure. There were some challenging agreements, but at the end of the day the participating organizations were in agreement on how to continue working together. Two weeks later on June 20-21, I was at Reno at the first Reno Rocks WEROCK event helping Todd Ockert promote and sell tickets for the sweepstakes vehicle. On this date we actually had two different events going where we were selling tickets. Our vehicle was in the south at Truck Fest. For the show at Reno, we actually borrowed a Jeep from Reno Jeep, which very closely represented ours. We only brought in $256, but it was the first show and we were able to give the promoters input on how to possibly improve the traffic flow next year. On July 18-19 we plan to have the vehicle at the Oroville WEROCK event to be held at Surplus City. We now have our production run of tickets for the Sweepstakes vehicle, so if you need any contact the office or request them on the website. The Jeep is taking shape very nicely. See Todd’s article for the latest on it. I have released the first set of CA4WDC position papers on the website. These detail where our association stands on various issues. Feel free to print and distribute them. Let me know of any additional topics that you would like to see developed. Events Hi Desert Round Up: HDR was held over Memorial Day weekend. This was a fantastic event with activities for everyone. Doug Hough and his committees did a great job – thank you!! While at HDR we did $1,867 in merchandise sales, and $324 in sweepstakes vehicle ticket sales. Victor Valley 4 Wheelers presented a $1,000 donation to the CA4WDC legal fund – THANK YOU. Sierra Trek: Trek will be run under the same venue as last year, which seemed to work very well. By the time this issue is published, Trek will be just a few days away on August 6-8. Hope to see you there. High Sierra Poker Run: This is a growing event with some excellent runs available. The event will be from Sept 4-6 (Labor day weekend). Swamp Lake is a trail well worth experiencing. Operation Desert Fun: ODF will be October 16-17. There are runs for Continued on page 8 VICE PResiDENT’s r MARK CAVE CENTRAL DISTRICT VICE PRESENT This has been a busy couple of months in the Central District. The Sierra National Forest released its DEIS with a very short 45 day comment period which closed June 30. This issue has highlighted the “what does CA4WDC do?” once again. Everyone in the Central District and in the state who uses the OHV trail system, which includes Swamp Lake, Red Mountain and the Dusy-Ershim Trails) will be affected by this plan. While it will not close trails, it will arbitrarily limit access dates, reduce available campsites, and reduce available staging and parking areas. My role has been to encourage clubs and individuals to comment, encourage broad support of club comments, and organize meetings to build consensus among 4x4 trail users in and out of the association. I also was very happy to see Amy Granat appointed the association’s Northern Natural Resource Consultant. One of the most important things that the association does in my opinion is make available knowledgeable and active consultants who are up to speed on the issues we must confront. Both Amy and e p o John Stewart have been extremely helpful in developing my position and course of action to represent CA4WDC interests. Amy in particular helped me understand the importance of working with other user groups to protect all of the trails in our forest. Certainly the majority of closures proposed will impact two-wheeled and ATV users heavily. This may seem like it is outside my job description, but if their trails close we will have more users forced to share the trails that are open to everyone’s disadvantage. Further the heavy impact on those trails will provide a sought after excuse to close the trails that are supposedly protected. Divide and conquer is an age-old strategy and highly likely if we stand by and watch any trail closed even a single track one. You only have to look at Oceano Dunes SVRA (Pismo) to see how reducing available recreation by 90% has only encouraged the anti-access forces to seek the other 10% as well. Amy convinced me that it was critical to work with and support the efforts of the Stewards of the Sierra National Forest and its principal local organizer Mike Wubbles to protect our interests. Some members have asked me directly r t “how is CA4WDC financially involved in this fight?” At this time the association has supported the CORVA Comment Project training sessions with funding and facilities, but the funds to hire the local consultants have to be generated locally. Anyone that wants to lend a hand in supporting the Stewards can log onto [email protected] and join or just contribute. The association does have resources to help out with legal action if it comes to that down the trail. I believe it just might. Meanwhile, planning for the High sierra Poker Run is moving forward. We are growing each year and we hope more of you will come and enjoy our forest and its great system of trails so you can know it as it was. We are fighting to keep it the way it is, but the future is uncertain. Stay tuned for updates. The next district meeting will be 10am, Saturday October 24, 2009 in Hanford at the Kings Co. Bowl 1050 E. Lacey Blvd, Hanford. Take 198 to Hanford from 99 or 5 to the 41 North exit and make the first left (west) on Lacey. The Bowling alley is on the north side of the street and hard to miss. See you there! IG Moving? Send your change of address to CA4WDC, Inc., 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304 or change it online at You may also fax your new address to 916-381-8726. Be sure to include your membership number if it is available. In Gear / August-September 2009 / 7 VICE PResiDENT’s r HARRY BAKER SOUTH DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT It is hard to believe that we are already at the midpoint of the year. It seems that all of the land use issues from the northern part of the state to the south and all points in-between are all coming together at the same time. The proposed expansion of the Marine Base at Twentynine Palms is still in the study stage. There has been a small change in some of the boundaries of the study area, but none of the changes affected the Johnson Valley OHV Area. The changes mostly involved releasing land that is already developed or is limited access land on the east side of the existing base. The proposed Mother Road National Monument, which I reported on last issue, has been reduced to 1.6 million acres by primarily eliminating the existing e p o wilderness areas on the southern edge of the original proposal. There is nothing out in writing as of now, but there is talk that a bill could be introduced in midJuly. This could also include changing the status of the Johnson Valley. There is a proposal out there to support in theory of saving up to 70% of Johnson Valley and making it a National Recreation Area with no specifics on what the regulations or ultimate size would be. If anything develops on this proposal, we will get the information out on the web. It is possible that the Marine Base Expansion, the Mother Road National Monument, The Sand to Snow National Monument and the Johnson Valley National Recreation Area will be all wrapped up in one bill. Whatever the sequence is, it will be up to the US Congress to make the final decision. We are now facing increased pressure President’s report Continued from page 8 all types of vehicles and a raffle to benefit the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association. Panamint Valley Days: PVD will be held November 13-15. There are runs for all experience levels and degrees of difficulty. This is an event that everyone should experience. Membership Our membership drive is continuing. As of this writing, I don’t have the winners of the second quarter yet. Check the website for the latest. We need to increase this several times over, as our members are what we’re about. See the inset for our current membership numbers. Our membership remains down slightly, standing at about 3,705 total members as of July 1. This is up 36 8 In Gear / August-September 2009 / members over two months ago. Land Use Johnson Valley: This is potentially one of our most important issues as there could be a significant impact on some very famous trails if the Marines expand into Johnson Valley. We continue to urge the Marines to look to the east. Wilderness: There are several wilderness proposals circulating which will lock up even more of our areas in the desert. We continue remain opposed to ANY additional wilderness that does not meet the strict definition of the wilderness protection act. By definition, any area with a road, OHV trail, or development of any kind does not meet this definition. IG r t from the energy companies to develop alternative energy sites on much of the land we recreate on. Most of the applications in the desert area are being fast tracked by the BLM to meet the federal mandate. A lot of the actual effect that these sites will have on us, depends on what type of facility is installed, what type of classification the land has and the location. We cannot forget about the state budget mess and what effect it may have on the Grants program and the State Vehicular Recreation Areas. Hopefully the budget will be straightened out before you read this or we may in deep trouble. I’m looking forward to attending the 42nd annual Sierra Trek this month. I enjoy the new location and the ease of being able to just drive a short way off the highway and be in camp. I enjoy it so much that I have volunteered to host an in camp game, no it won’t be log sawing with me in my Lederhosen, it will be a nail pounding contest. How many nails can you drive into a board in thirty seconds. I’ll bring the boards, nails and hammers and we’ll see if the nail amounts that were driven in at the High Desert Roundup can be exceeded. It’s also time to start planning on attending the sixth Operation Desert Fun event held in the Ocotillo Wells SVRA. Angela Cook and her committee always do a bang up job of making this event fun and at the same time benefiting the disabled veterans. And while you are making plans for ODF also include Panamint Valley Days in your planning, because November is just around the corner. A special thanks to Steve Gardiner for all the time and effort he has put into transporting the sweepstakes Jeep to the different vendors for product installation and to the off-road shows. And thanks to all that have been working the shows Continued on page 12 NATURAL RESOURCES AMY GRANAT NATURAL RESOURCES CONSULTANT Rather than starting my first column for the In Gear introducing myself and talking about my goals as a new association natural resource consultant, I am going to dive right in and talk about some of the problems we are facing as 4WD enthusiasts. No matter where you live and where you like to recreate, you are bound to hear about closures. Whether it’s due to Route Designation in our National Forests, proposed wilderness in BLM areas, or alternative energy plans in the desert, it all boils down to the same problem: our trails are on the chopping block. All OHV recreationists have learned the hard way that we can’t sit on the sidelines and expect our favorite trails to come through unscathed, but on the other hand, we don’t always know what to do to save our trails. I’m going to suggest a short-term strategy, and a long-term strategy. Let’s start with what you can do in the short term. The very first thing you need to do is care. Care enough to learn about what’s going on in your local areas, and get to know your local land managers. For the most part, they welcome your questions and are in dire need of your help. After you visit their office a few times and get to know them, you’ll both have the opportunity to learn from each other. They’ll learn that you’re a responsible off-roader who just wants to enjoy the desert or forest, and bring the family DONATIONS trail crew $100 legal fund ViCTOR VALLEY 4 WHEELERS $1000 LEGAL FUND along for the weekend. And you’ll learn that for the most part (but not always) these are hard working federal, state or county employees who understand that off-roading isn’t really that much of a problem, but they are being pressured by the bureaucrats to do something about those “irresponsible wheelers in their rigs with those big tires.” club sponsored events that help veterans, children or the disabled. And we have to include the responsibility of policing our own. If you see people on a trail behaving in a irresponsible manner, judge the situation for yourself, and determine if it safe to approach them and let them know that their behavior is hurting our sport. (But take precautions, and make sure you All OHV recreationists have learned have adequately judged the situation and it is safe to approach.) the hard way that we can’t sit on the Now for the long-term strategy: sidelines and expect our favorite trails Off-road recreation enthusiasts to come through unscathed... have to become a political force to be reckoned with in order to stem the tide of wholesale closures. It is One of the biggest problems we have up to each one of us to contact our legin off-road recreation is that the general islators and representatives, and let them public paints all off-road enthusiasts with know what you think about the issues. the same wide paintbrush. We’re charWheelers are among the most patriotic acterized by the behavior of the worst Americans I’ve ever met, and yet most and most irresponsible among our ranks. of us haven’t become involved in the Whether it’s commercials on television political arena. Well, now’s the time. The showing 4WD SUV’s and trucks splashgroups that are driving the closures are ing through the mud, or the videos on very adept at politics. They have played YouTube made by amateurs showing the game well for many years. Now it off some of the most irresponsible fouris our turn. I’ll have future articles that wheeling possible, this is how the public detail more information about becoming defines off-road driving. The preponderpolitically active, but for now just consider ance of readily accessible material like making your local legislators and reprethis creates a huge public relations prob- sentatives aware that they represent you, lem for us, which then directly translates and you object to all these closures. to road and trail closures. Although So I challenge you to become involved in the future of off-roading in a positive many of the land managers on the manner, and will continue to inform you ground see the considerable amount of good work our association members and about strategies you can use that will help our sport. I am honored and hummember clubs do every month, the rest bled to represent the association as a of the general public have no idea that Natural Resource Consultant, but I need this is taking place. your input! Please feel free to contact me So become an ambassador of goodeither by email at [email protected], will for your sport. Take the time to let or at 916-710-1950. And for current your friends and neighbors know the information about land use issues, please work you and your club members are check out my blog: on the home page doing to help the community. Consider click on the tab that says “public lands” contacting local newspapers and radio then look for the link to the “Access stations, not only to complain about Blog” on the right hand side. IG something being closed, but to talk about the trail clean-ups, or the many In Gear / August-September 2009 / 9 NATURAL RESOURCES john stewart natural resources consultant The Forest Service is undergoing change. Rather than a rigid bureaucratic administrative process mired in history, there is a refreshing breath of new life showing within the agency. Within USFS Region 5 (California), there are 14 Forest Plan revisions scheduled over the next 3 years. Nationwide, many Forests are undergoing similar planning efforts. These planning efforts are directed at updating existing Forest Service Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP). Preliminary information (and actions) indicate that these plan revisions will be conducted using collaborative action processes. Introducing the Inyo NF Plan Revision, a “cadre” representing Forest Service (Washington, DC) conducted a workshop in order to establish a “collaborative action” process for the pending Forest Plan revision. According to information presented, Region 5 is expecting the remaining Forests to engage the public through “collaborative action” processes involving local Forest stakeholders. Initially, the Inyo NF is a pilot project using collaborative action planning developed by the Washington, DC based “cadre.” The “cadre” process was developed from lessons learned from collaborative action used on the Bridger-Teton (Wyoming) and White Mountain (Colorado) National Forests. The California Forests are scheduled to begin their Forest Plan Revisions during the fall of 2009 using the “cadre” format or the services of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution. Or, some blend of the two will be used for Region 5 and other Forest around the nation during their plan revisions. All plans are expected to be under the 2008 Forest Planning Rule (assuming it survives the legal challenge) that is 10 In Gear / August-September 2009 / focused on forest health and sustainability. This means that the LRMPs will provide a strategic framework to guide operational issues within the Forest. The plans will not deal with site-specific issues. Within Region 5, all plans will start as a Categorical Exclusion and develop Desired Conditions. This is important as “Categorical Exclusion” means that the planned activity does not have an “on-the-ground” impact that exceeds normal operation activities. The “Desired Conditions” will be matched with “Current Conditions” to determine the need for change. This is defined as a “Comprehensive Evaluation Report.” The scope of the “need for change” could result in the planning process moving to an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement. Key point is the data to develop Desired Conditions will be accumulated through a collaborative process involving stakeholders. Also important to note is the “Current Conditions” will be based on the current Travel Management Plan, the Recreation Facilities Master Plan and other existing data defining special interest land management categories and environmental issues. At this point, it is important for each Forest to have a “champion” that will be in contact with the Forest. Someone needs to be involved with the Forest Supervisor as well as the specific Ranger Districts. That involvement will give them a voice as a stakeholder while the Forest Plans Revisions move forward. At a meeting held on June 20, the newly formed Sequoia Monument Recreation Council (SMRC) held elections for officers and members of the Board of Directors. Elected to SMRC officer positions were: John Stewart, Chairperson, Pam Canby, Vice Chairperson, Mike Weinberg, Secretary, and Eric Mart, Treasurer. Elected to the Board of Directors posi- tions were: Mike Drake, Hume Lake District, Chuck White, Kern River District, Steve Ladrigan, Western Divide District, Del Pengilly, Gateway Communities, and Orville Hudspeth, At-Large Member. The members represent a variety of recreation, private property, and local community interests with a connection to GSNM and Sequoia National Forest. In the coming months, the Council will engage in community-based collaborative activities to promote public caring for forest lands to enhance the health of the Giant Sequoia National Monument and adjacent forest lands. The Sequoia Monument Recreation Council, Inc. is a non-profit Public Benefit Corporation formed for public charitable purposes to support recreational and educational programs in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountain regions of California; with primary emphasis on the Giant Sequoia National Monument. State budget continues to be an important issue for motorized recreation; specifically at risk in the OHV Trust Fund of approximately $90 million dollars. An initial attempt was made to move the Trust Fund to cover State Parks operations. That was set aside in favor of a $15 per vehicle “fee” to support State Parks. That proposal has failed to advance and continuing focus is on how to fund the State Parks without raising entrance fees or through other “fee/tax” measures. Currently, (as of June 30), the Governor indicates he does not want to close 220 State Parks and will find funding to keep them open. While OHV Trust Funds are not specifically mentioned to be used to fill the gap, there is no doubt OHV Trust Funds, particularly those which go to the grants program are at risk. Energy projects Solar energy projects have been moved onto a fast track for approval. Under initiatives announced on June 29 NATURAL RESOURCES by Department of Interior, federal agencies will work with western leaders to designate tracts of U.S. public lands in the West as prime zones for utility-scale solar energy development, fund environmental studies, open new solar energy permitting offices and speed reviews of industry proposals. The Solar Energy Study Areas, located in Nevada, Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah and outlined in maps to be published in the Federal Register Tuesday, encompass about 670,000 acres. Only lands with excellent solar resources, suitable slope, proximity to roads and transmission lines or designated corridors, and containing at least 2,000 acres of BLM-administered public lands were considered for solar energy study areas. Sensitive lands, wilderness and other high-conservation-value lands as well as lands with conflicting uses were excluded. As part of this initiative, the BLM will segregate the study areas from new mining claims and other actions initiated by third parties under public land laws. This temporary two-year segregation will give BLM time to complete its environmental review and make a determination on solar energy zones. It will not affect rights established prior to the temporary segregation. The public will have the opportunity to comment on these proposed solar energy study areas during the environmental reviews before any final decisions are made. The evaluation is expected to be completed in late 2010. Mother Road In addition, Senator Feinstein is reviewing a proposal to create a “Mother Road National Monument” that encompasses the historic Route 66 segment in the southern California Desert. Indications are this will be rolled into a comprehensive bill that will include the proposed monument and proposed wilderness. The pending proposal has tentative support from both California Senators along with several members of the U.S. House of Representatives representing the included areas. This proposal is linked to the solar energy effort in that some areas of potential solar energy development have been excluded from Solar Energy Study Areas and included in the proposed monument/wilderness bill. Devil’s Canyon After almost three years, the Environmental Assessment for Devil’s Canyon has been released for public comment. The draft EA spent about a year under Fish and Wildlife Service ESA Section 7 review for the bighorn sheep issue. We got BLM cultural resource staff to walk the canyon for a survey/review to identify cultural resource issues. Working with Geared For Fun and San Diego 4 Wheelers, we have managed to open a window where permitted access will be allowed. We are not real happy with the inclusion of insurance and public safety issues tossed in at the last minute. Energy, endangered species, and wilderness are major issues that will have on impact on recreation opportunities within the southern California deserts within the coming months. IG ORDER ONLINE AT CAL4WHEEL.COM Support the association with red white & blue $15 CA4WDC Mugs A hat like this should sell for $20! QTY TOTAL CA4WDC Commuter Mug x $ 5.00 CA4WDC Ceramic Mug x $ 5.00 CA4WDC Bags, cotton, tan x $ 5.00 Bracelet, green, "Working to keep our trails open" x $ 5.00 Hats - red, white & blue with embroidered patch x $15.00 SHIP TO SPECIFY VEHICLE: Suzuki, Bronco, TJ, YJ, XJ (Cherokee), CJ5, CJ7, Landcruiser, Toyota truck, flat fender, JK (4-door) Vehicle T-Shirt, Black Size: ❏ L ❏ XL NAME _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP _____________________________________________________________ PHONE (_______) _____________________________ SEND COMPLETED FORM TO: CA4WDC STATE MERCHANDISE, 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304 916-381-8300 • Order online at QTY TOTAL TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $14.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $16.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $17.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $18.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $14.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $16.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $14.00 TYPE OF VEHICLE: x $16.00 Vehicle T-Shirt, Black Size: 2X Vehicle T-Shirt, Black Size: 3X Vehicle T-Shirt, Black Size: 4X Vehicle T-Shirt, Ash Size: ❏ L ❏ XL (please print or type) $5 Vehicle T-Shirt, Ash Size: 2X Vehicle T-Shirt, Blue Size: ❏ L ❏ XL Vehicle T-Shirt, Blue Size: 2X Kids Only T-Shirt - ❏ TJ & ❏ Flat Fender only QTY: ___ Small ___ Med ___ Large Postage TOTAL AMOUNT DUE No. of items CA4WDC Vehicle T-Shirts $14-18 NEW! x $ 9.00 x $ 1.00 $ JK 4-door In Gear / August-September 2009 / 11 Cal4 has two Natural Resource Consultants, John Stewart in the South and Amy Granat in the North. Contact them and find out what you can do to help keep your trails open. Getting involved, even in a small way, is powerful and necessary. If you already know all this stuff, then grab an extra copy of “In Gear” and give it to someone who doesn’t. Low Range... Personal responsibility... and death wobble Offroading, on two or four wheels, has been an important part of my life since the mid ‘70’s. It’s how I’ve spent most of my vacations, how I’ve met most of my friends (including my wife, Amy), and to a large degree has kept me sane all these years. Call it an escape, a meditation or an adrenaline rush... it’s all of these things and more. I once heard it described as “a modern manifestation of the frontier ethic”... the need to explore and conquer new places. In this compartmentalized, sanitized world we have created for ourselves we all have an inner explorer screaming to escape. If you ‘wheel’ then you know what I’m talking about. If you’re thinking of trying it, (and if you’re reading this it must have crossed your mind,) then you could be on the verge of a profound life changing event. Really. Or, maybe you have no interest, don’t understand why anyone would want to drive anything off pavement, and just don’t get it. By and large, the public doesn’t get it. The average guy has no more understanding of offroading than you or I might have of stamp collecting (my apologies to you philatelists.) So what’s this “Jeep Whisperer” thing anyway, and what’s it have to do with all this? In part, this is an introduction to me, but more importantly it’s the introduction to a philosophy. It’s a philosophy of freedom, knowledge, and truth. It’s also about personal and civic responsibil12 In Gear / August-September 2009 / ity, logical thinking and learning. How does this translate to the real world? “Freedom” is about protecting our lifestyle from those who would outlaw it. Knowledge and truth are the tools needed to wheel responsibly and safely, personal and civic responsibility are the ingredients that will protect our sport, and logical thinking is what will fight for it. And, it’s all about learning. Learn to wheel correctly. Learn how to take care of the trails and the land. Learn about your vehicle, how to keep it running, how to fix it, how to know when something is wrong. Learn what equipment you need, and what you don’t need. Learn what’s going on in the National Forests or BLM land that you visit, and above all learn what you can do to help. Education is the key, and what this column is about. Here’s some homework for you: Find out about clubs in your area. The best way to learn about wheeling is through other wheelers. Study your vehicle. Get under it and look at everything. Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Know what things can bounce off rocks, what can’t, and where they are. Google “Route Designation” and learn about something that is having a profound effect on your life, whether you know it or not. When you see some trash on a trail, stop and pick it up. Future articles will take on technical subjects based on my experiences both as a wheeler and as a shop owner. Today’s subject is “shimmy” or “Death Wobble.” In its minor form shimmy is when you hit a bump, usually between 35 and 50 mph, and you feel the steering wheel “rattle” left and right for a second or two. The Death Wobble is when it doesn’t stop, but rather caused your vehicle to violently shake until you slow down and stop. Not only is this dangerous, it can cause serious damage to your suspension and steering. Shimmy is when your front wheels literally “flap” left and right very fast, just like a shopping cart wheel when you push it too fast. Some believe the “fix” is to get a steering damper... a shock absorber that mounts to your steering. Not true, most of the time. Others will tell you that a steering damper is just a “band-aid.” Death Wobble is caused by one or Continued on page 20 Baker report Continued from page 8 to sell tickets and promote the vehicle and the association. The Big Bear Forest Fest put on by the Inland Empire Four Wheelrs was awesome. Great weather, great venue, great vendor show and one of the best meals at an event that I have ever had. IE4W, I appreciate what you do as a club for your community, the national forest and for the association. And speaking of club events, please put the Victor Valley 4 Wheelers’ Fun in The Desert event scheduled for September 25/27 on your calendar. Thanks to the Hemet Jeep Club for hosting the July District meeting. IG SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Hosted by the Central District Oversized vehicles not recommended on Swamp Lake Trail Camping equipment and food required for overnight run Traction aiding differentials in either front or rear will be required for Swamp Lake Trail Swamp Lake Trail • Sierra National Forest High Sierra Poker Run on Swamp Lake Trail under special use permit granted by U.S. Forest Service High Sierra Ranger District •Towropeorstrap •Seatbeltsforallpassengers •Fireextinguisher •Rollbarorhardtop •Workingemergencybrake •Muffler(notopen) •Firstaidkit •Jackcapableofliftingvehicle •Sparetireandwheel •Tireswithreasonabletread lifeandofoff-roaddesign •33”minimumtiresizefor SwampLakeTrail •Alllooseitemsincluding batterysecured •Antennaproperlyrestrained •Airpressureloweredto15psi maximumbeforeinspection •Towhooksorattachment points •Onelockerrequiredon SwampLakeTrail •Proofofregistration •Allvehiclesmustpasssafety inspectionpriortoentering trail Margarita Blend Off Saturday Night $100 prize! REGISTRATION FORM Name _____________________________________________________ High Sierra Poker Run Options: Phone _____________________________________________________ Two-day run leaving Saturday, camping at Swamp Lake [___] Email ______________________________________________________ Saturday one-day run Swamp Lake Trail [___] Saturday or Sunday SUV run on Bald Mountain [___] Address ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _______________________________________________ CA4WDC Member? o Yes o No Individual? o Club Name __________________________________________________ COMPLETE AND MAIL BEFORE AUGUST 31, 2009 TO: High Sierra 1465 N. “M” Street Registr Tulare, CA 93274 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Escalera (559) 925-0264 [email protected] Steve Egbert (559) 904-1957 [email protected] ation no w available on cal4whe line at Check Here Registration Information Registration includes poker run, one dinner, one dash plaque, one raffle ticket CA4WDC members $50/vehicle $ ___________ Non-member $60/vehicle $ ___________ OPTIONAL T-shirt S__M__L__XL__2XL__3XL__ $15/each $ ___________ Hooded sweatshirts S__M__L__XL__2XL__3XL__ $25/each $ ___________ CA4WDC annual membership $45/family $ ___________ Extra poker hands #___@ $ 5/each $ ___________ Extra adult dinners #___@ $15/each $ ___________ Child’s Dinner (under 12 years) #___@ $ 8/each $ ___________ Contribution to Jack Edwards Legal Fund (voluntary) Total Fee Enclosed (payable to CA4WDC/High Sierra) $ 5 $ ___________ $ ___________ In Gear / August-September 2009 / 13 OREGON TRAIL gets A CLEANUP four-wheelers clean up WALKER MOUNTAIN trail near grants pass Tom Harris Rogue Valley 4WD Club We met at the Grants Pass [Oregon] AM/PM Mini-Mart & Gas Station on June 13 where Manager Trish Herrick had biscuits & gravy with coffee (at no charge) for the prospective garbage divers. Most of us having met at 0730, had time to exchange pleasantries, lies and insults prior to the 0830 departure. Upon our arrival at Walker Mountain, at 0915, we proceeded up Road Number 35-5-9 about a half mile where we met BLM’s Dennis Benson at the affected or infected area. He had some directions and a wealth of large black bags. 14 In Gear / August-September 2009 / This meeting site was also the area with the litter. Evidence of shot shell activity was indicated by a literal sea of spent shot shell casings, remains of old TV screens, assorted electronic device frames, fragmented cans and bottles, a pile of used roofing material and at the center of this litter extravaganza was a fire ring that had, judging by the thousands of nails, played host to some obscure pallet god. I am having a lot of trouble getting my arms around this description so it shouldn’t be any surprise that I haven’t any idea why beer bottles, TV sets and any number of electronic computer stuff had been subjected to point blank short range execution by shotguns. An occasional clay bird had been broken and added to the debris to prevent us from making any kind of analytical determination to this oftrepeated behavior. But back to reality! We 11 souls from the Rogue Valley 4WD Club set about cleaning up this mess that spread over some 70 square yards and two relatively obscure connect- ing roads. One Chevy Silverado pickup cab had been cut into 5 pieces and tossed to the bottom of a 40-foot ravine. A large divan lay just around the bend. A refrigerator, whose odor would drive a skunk to an identity crisis, lay 25 feet down another chasm. A mile away and uphill laid another automotive hulk. A 1977 Mitsubishi rested with no wheels. Our resourceful crew turned it on its top and slid it to the bottom a bit closer to pavement. We finished about noon with a truck and trailer and a Jeep trailer loaded. Our route back to pavement and a date with the dump was further delayed as more sacks were filled with garbage that had been slightly hidden at roadside. Probably the most tedious task was sifting through the piles of refuse that had been raked up into countless piles. Broken glass, countless shot shell wads, plastic pieces, pistol and rifle cartridge casings challenged our fingers and backs. Continued on page 27 “FUN IN THE DESERT” September FUNFEST 25-27 Featuring the “Hammers” (Jack, Sledge & Claw) in Johnson Valley The following trails are being featured both Saturday and Sunday. Please be sure to indicate your preference, by name, for Saturday only on the registration form. Choices will be given by the envelope postmark, in the order in which they are received for COMPLETED registration forms only. All of our trails are rated on a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the most difficult. These trails are tight, with very few escape routes. There is a high probability of body damage or breakage on some of our trails. ‘RATTLESNAKE’ ‘NEW TRAIL’ No locker required. One locker required. ‘SLEDGEHAMMER’ ‘OUTER LIMITS’ A full size vehicle can make this trail, but with probable damage. This trail is not for full size vehicles. Rated: 2+ Rated: 5 ‘JACKHAMMER’ Rated: 5+ Not recommended for full size vehicles. ‘CLAWHAMMER’ Rated: 4+ with a 5+ optional canyon at the top. Rated: 3 Rated: 5 ‘SUNBONNET PASS’ Rated: 4+ This trail is not for full size vehicles. ‘WRECKING BALL’ Rated: 5 No full size vehicles. This trail is not for full size vehicles. ‘AFTERSHOCK’ ‘FISHER MOUNTAIN’ A full size vehicle can make this trail, but with probable damage. Most vehicles with a moderate lift, 32s and rear locker can do this trail. Rated: 4+ Rated: 3+ On Saturday night we will feature a barbecue for those who do not wish to cook. Saturday night the Victor Valley 4 Wheelers will host their famous HAYRIDE and famous QUARTER SAND PILE for the children, so be sure to bring the whole gang and get ready for a weekend of fun family fourwheeling. I have read the safety requirements listed above. Please initial here: ____________ All vehicles WILL BE REQUIRED to adhere to all CA4WDC, Inc. safety requirements listed below. Those not meeting the minimum requirements WILL be turned away with no refund. 1. Roll bar or full cage or factory installed hard top. 2. Functional parking brake or micro lock. 3. Tow strap or rope — recommended rated at 2 times the vehicle weight. 4. First aid kit. 5. Jack capable of lifting the vehicle and a tool capable of removing lug nuts. 6. Spare tire equal or within 3” of existing tires on the vehicle (no temporary spares). 7. Fire extinguisher with gauge indicating good/full appropriately stored. 8. Seat belts for all passengers. 9. CB radio (REQUIRED) with antenna properly secured. 10. Adequate attachment points front and rear, i.e., tow hooks, receivers, etc. Tow balls are not generally recommended. 11. Battery hold downs (no bungee cords) 12. Must have functioning low range in transfer case. ALSO REQUIRED FOR 4+ RUNS LOCKERS: LOCK-RITE, ARB, DETROIT, EZ locker are acceptable in front and rear axle. 33” tires WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED. “456” gears and lower are recommended Please initial the box in the form below to indicate that you have read this list of requirements. THOSE WHO WISH TO RUN TRAILS TOGETHER MUST HAVE ALL REGISTRATIONS IN THE SAME ENVELOPE. NO EXCEPTIONS! CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHILE DRIVING OUR TRAILS IS PROHIBITED BY LAW AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! PRE-REGISTRATION FORM INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED! TRAILS WILL NOT BE ASSIGNED UNTIL THE REGISTRATION FORMS ARE CORRECTED AND RETURNED COMPLETED. Driver’s Name: __________________________________________Name of Club: ____________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________City:____________________________ State:____ Zip: ___________ Vehicle make and model: _________________________________License #:______________________ Phone (____) _____________ Pre-registration required by September 1, 2009 (Onsite registration will be subject to available openings and will be $65. Registration opens at 5:00 pm on Friday.) ITEM Registration (per vehicle) Barbecue dinner(s) Kids hot dog dinner(s) T-SHIRTS Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large 3X-Large COLOR: Ash QTY/PRICE x $55.00 x$13.00 x $ 5.00 QTY/PRICE x $15.00 x $15.00 x $15.00 x $18.00 x $18.00 TOTAL AMT: TOTALS TRAIL SIGN-UP PREFERENCE (Saturday Only): 1st Choice_______________ 2nd Choice_________________ 3rd Choice___________________ Registration includes: 1 dash plaque, breakfast on Saturday, and goodie bag. Raffle to be held on Saturday night. Confirmation of registration, including maps, will be mailed upon receipt of registration and fees. Dinners are extra and must be pre-paid. Limited dinners will be sold on site. Make checks payable to: Victor Valley 4 Wheelers 17329 Donert St. Hesperia, CA 92345 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 15 Bo 16 In Gear / August-September 2009 / order-to-Border comes to Bishop Renn Everhart Celebrating the spirit of the old west and demonstrating the capability of Jeep products brought together a very unusual event recently. A border-to-border crossing on dirt only roads, from the Mexican border to the Canadian border is now underway. The rules are simple: the Jeep can only go on pavement east or west; if they must go north on asphalt for fuel, they must return to the same point in the dirt to start over. Thus, it becomes an all dirt road excursion. On Saturday, June 13, a specially prepared vehicle arrived in Bishop en route to points north. This was day six, with driver Chris Collard of Adventure Architects and Del Albright, a California Four Wheel Association member and Ambassador for Blue Ribbon Coalition. (Blue Ribbon is a national recreation group that champions access to public lands.) Chris is no stranger to these types of trips; last year he drove a specially prepared Hummer through eight African nations! This trip was put together by Four Wheel Drive Magazine, with sponsors such as Jeep, ARB, Warn, Poly Protection and others. The Jeep is a new prototype, labeled an “Overland,” a name such as was used by Willys back in the 50’s and 60’s. Chris reports back to Jeep with this real life shake-down cruise, and they are monitoring the results. The Overland has many nice features; hopefully Jeep will consider adding this model to their line up! The Eastern Sierra Four Wheel Drive Club was directly involved with support, in that we arranged for some minor maintenance work to be done in Bishop. Sterling Barker at Bishop Automotive was instrumental in a quick replacement of the rear shocks with heavier shocks and coil springs, shipped in to Bishop directly from Jeep. This was necessitated by the 1200-pound load of special off-road gear, spare fuel, water tank, lap tops, spare battery, GPS tracking devices, two drivers and Radar, the Wonder Dog. That was never explained to me, sorry. After arriving in Bishop and having the repairs completed, the club met with Del and Chris at the Pizza Factory for dinner. We had a grand time listening to the guys about their trip thus far, and we were able to ask lots of questions. My favorite story was when they thought they were seeing a mirage near 29 Palms, what looked like an umbrella in the distance. But upon nearing the mirage, they found two souls in the absolute middle of nowhere on lawn chairs under a beach umbrella. The two gents turned out to be Marines, who had been flown out to their assignment: sitting out a two-day stint on the bombing range watching out for civilians. They hadn’t seen anybody at all, and were shocked to see the Jeep there. Turns out the road was pointed into the range, and Chris and Del had not seen the signs. Just then two jets swooped down overhead, and our guys elected to alter their course. Each day consists of 10 or 11 hours of driving and camping out each night. On Sunday morning, the Eastern Sierra Four Wheel Drive Club, with nine vehicles total, led the Jeep northbound towards Mammoth, via Casa Diablo. There, Chris and Del intended to join us in our spring cleanup of the Adopt-a-Highway section we have near Mammoth Airport on 395. But of course a “westbound Continued on page 22 17 In Gear / August-September 2009 / Kurt Weiermann BRING WHAT YOU GOT TO ODF ANGELA COOK Every October we meet in the desert to have some wheeling fun and give something back. Come join us October 16-17 at the Ocotillo Wells SVRA where we raise money, not only for the Association, but also for the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association. Whether you have a 4X4, motorcycle, quad or other off road toy, we have a run for you! The 4X4 runs offer choices for all skill levels from “scenic” to “body damage likely.” The motorcycle rides are geared for all experience levels. We also offer a ride for kids on motorcycles or quads. Basically, we offer something for everyone; that includes YOU! Even if you are a man wanting to go on the Powder Puff Run (this one is for the ladies), we allow it on the condition that you dress like a woman! Scott Clark is ready for the Powder Puff Run. 18 In Gear / June-July 2009 / On Friday night we have a “Card” Run hosted by clubs and individuals all competing for your vote as “Best Stop.” With your event registration you receive one game card, and the person with the best hand receives a prize. You will also have the opportunity to buy additional game cards. The PVA receives the proceeds from these cards. We tried something new last year that we are bringing back. We had the “Stops” set up in main camp so more folks could participate. Bring the whole family to walk from stop to stop, with each group requiring you to show varying talents to get your card! Make sure to bring your RC truck with you, because Saturday afternoon before the raffle, we will have an opportunity for you to show off your RC toy on a rock crawling course. This is popular with kids and “big kids” of all ages! Depending on participation, we may even have a competition, so stay tuned. The Cal-Diego PVA receives all the proceeds from the raffle, and we even have a separate raffle for the kids. This worthy cause is completely dependent on donations from folks like us. All donations are tax-deductible, so if you would like to donate money or product, or if you know of a company that would be interested, please contact us. We understand that money is tight, and many folks fighting to keep their homes and jobs, so if you cannot afford to come out to participate, we urge you to register and buy a T-shirt to support your association. It’s no secret that event registrations are way down, so we all have to do what we can to keep the association moving forward. All proceeds from registration go to CA4WDC. This event is not only a great way to give back to a very deserving cause, but it is also a lot of fun! Come join us for a great weekend, or send in your registration and/or donation today. For more information, a registration form, or to register online, go to or contact Angela Cook at 760-505-3579 or [email protected] IG CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS, INC. AND THE CAL-DIEGO PARALYZED VETERANS ASSOCIATION INVITE YOU TO At I i v lo W til Oco VRA S ells OCTOBER 16-17, 2009 ALL 4X4’S, BUGGIES, BAJA’S, ATV’S, MOTORCYCLES WELCOME REGISTER ONLINE AT CAL4WHEEL.COM/STORE REGISTRATION FORM Located at Main St. and Hwy. 78 in Ocotillo Wells near San Diego, CA Rides and Runs on Saturday for all skill levels Drawing for adults and a drawing for kids Vendor Show Friday and Saturday Games Friday night and Saturday All state vehicle codes apply Name____________________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City_______________________ Port-a-Potties on site On Site Cost Multi-Seat Vehicles #____ x $35 = ______ ($40) Single-Seat Vehicles #____ x $15 = ______ ($20) Single Seat Vehicles (17 & under) #____ x $5 = ______ ($10) Registration Includes: One Dash Plaque, Choice of Runs, One Raffle Ticket (Must be accompanied by an adult) Extra Dash Plaque #____ x $2 = ______ Non Cal 4 Wheel Members add: #____ x $5 = ______ *REGISTRATION TOTAL $________ Pre-Registration must be received by October 10 T-Shirts Make checks payable to: CA4WDC And return with form to: Operation Desert Fun 6 c/o Ginger Hughes 1916 W. Lufkin St. West Covina, CA 91790 We will not be mailing confirmations. Please call for confirmation or look for your canceled check. Small($15)______ Med.($15)_______ Lg.($15)_______ XL($15)_______ XXL($17)_______ XXXL($17)_______ T-Shirt #_______ Small($15)______ Med.($15)_______ Lg.($15)_______ XL($15)______ Ladies’ Tops (These run small) Sweatshirts Angela Cook 760-505-3579 Ginger Hughes 626-962-3137 Sweatshirt #_______ Small($13)_______ Med.($13)_______ Lg.($13)______ XL($13)_______ Tank Tops (Please specify Men’s or Women’s) XXL($15)______ Kids’ T-Shirts Top #_______ Small($25)______ Med.($25)_______ Lg.($25)_______ XL($25)_______ XXL($28)_______ For more info: Zip______________ Vehicle type_________________ Club/Organization___________________ E-mail_______________________ Dry camping, no hook-ups Lots of flat, open areas Phone___________________________ Small($11)______ Med.($11)_______ Lg.($11)_______ Tank Top #_______ Kids’ T-Shirt #_______ * SHIRT TOTAL $________ GRAND TOTAL $_____________ CHECK #_______ (*Add registration total $ with shirt total $) Questions? Angela Cook 760-505-3579 OR NOW YOU CAN USE YOUR CREDIT CARD TO REGISTER ON-LINE All proceeds from both raffles go to the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association. All proceeds from registration go to CA4WDC to cover costs and continue to fight land closures. In Gear / June-July 2009 / 19 MOM GAINS SOME SPEED joe malloy north district membership chairman Well folks, we are headed in the right direction. In the second quarter of our (M)arket (O)ur (M)embership drive, new membership numbers beat the first quarter numbers 84 to 51. This is a positive trend, but only if those who are now members stay members. Please don’t drop out. Uncle “Land Use Access” needs you to help our desire to keep our trails open and keep four-wheeling. We need your financial support yes, but we need our anti-access foes and our government agencies to look at us and see huge numbers representing our cause. Greater numbers will help us to better deal with getting certain politicians to listen to us and see things our way. There is terrific power in numbers — just ask the Sierra Club. We need to meet them all head on so please stay in the battle (on our side) and sign up at least one new member this next quarter. Membership Drive Results Second Quarter 2009 SECOND QUARTER RESULTS: Central District: 4x4 Christian Wheelers brought in 3 of the 4 new members in their district for the second quarter. Good Job 4X4CW. North District: Napa Bets takes the prize for the second quarter with 5 new members brought in. Honorable mention goes out to Steve Sampson who brought in another 4 new members. The North District came in second place with a total of 27 new members. South District: Scouts West with 10 new members. Way to go Scouts West !!! Special mention for the South goes to Heinz Leuschner with 9 members; Helen Baker with 6; Steve Gardiner with 5; and Riverside 4 Wheelers with 5 new members. The South District gets top honors for the second quarter with 49 new members brought in to Cal 4 Wheel. Great job in the South !!! So let’s see if we can blow these numbers away in the third quarter summer months ahead. Okay? Also would all previous winners please notify me ASAP as to which CA4WDC run you would like to partake of so I can get the certificates sent to you. My contact info is on page 5. Thanks to all who have been participating in this contest and thanks to all 84 of you who joined us this last quarter. IG Worn control arm bushings can also cause shimmy, fairly commonly on Cherokees, Grand Cherokees and TJ’s, but it’s difficult to test for this at home. “Caster” is a measure of the angle the front wheels pivot on when they steer... it is never vertical. The bottom ball joint is ALWAYS ahead of the top ball joint. In a solid axle vehicle like a Jeep, if you rotate the whole axle housing “backwards” you are increasing the caster. Shimmy can be caused by too much or too little caster. It’s common to find that the axle housing has been rotated in a “forward” direction to raise the pinion (where the drive shaft attaches) and decrease the U-joint angle when a lift is installed, without realizing that this decreases caster by the same amount. With too little caster you’ll have trouble steering in a straight line and the steering will not “self center” when coming out of a corner. If you have a typical lift and large tires, and everything checks out OK but you still have shimmy, NOW is the time to think about a steering damper. It’s possible for changes in mass, flexibility, stiffness... pretty much anything... to cause an unstable system even when everything checks out fine. In this case, you need to add damping... a steering damper. Remember, the steering was stable when it left the factory, but even most stock cars and trucks have factory steering dampers to help that happen... JEEP WHISPERER Continued from page 12 more of these things: worn or loose steering components, worn or loose suspension components, incorrect caster angle (alignment), or modifications to the suspension including non-stock wheels and tires. Do these tests to narrow down the cause: Have a friend turn the steering wheel back and forth just a few inches while you watch all the steering linkages. Look for any movement at any pivot point or bushing, including the track bar. Also make sure your steering box isn’t loose on the frame. Next, jack up one wheel at a time, hold the tire top and bottom, and pull on the bottom while pushing on the top. If there is any movement your ball joints or wheel bearings are bad. These simple tests solve 80% of the shimmy problems. 20 In Gear / August-September 2009 / Joe is the owner of Specialized 4Wheel Drive in Sacramento, and is a Trustee for the Cal4 Conservation and Education Foundation. Info at and Email: joe@ IG PANAMINT VALLEY DAYS November 13-15, 2009 24th Annual • Panamint Valley • Near Trona, CA REGISTRATION FORM (Please Print) Driver’s Name_________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ City_____________________ St_____ Zip ____________ Vehicle Type__________________________________________ Vehicle License # _________________________________ Membership Category: Individual ❏ Club ❏ Associate ❏ CA4WDC # ____________________________________ Name of Club _________________________________________Email __________________________________________ All registrants receive: 1 dash plaque, 1 sweepstakes ticket, choice of runs on Friday, Saturday & Sunday and camping Thursday through Sunday. REGISTRATION: SELECT ONLY ONE! (ON-SITE REGISTRATION IS $55.00 PER VEHICLE, NON MEMBERS $75.00) CA4WDC Member (Per vehicle) $45.00 $ ____________________ State Association (Other than CA4WDC per vehicle) $45.00 $ ____________________ Weekend membership* (Per vehicle) $65.00 $ ____________________ $90.00 $ ____________________ * $20.00 can be used toward new CA4WDC membership fees this weekend only. CA4WDC Membership + Registration ❏ New ❏ Renewal Extra Dash Plaques $ 2.00 # ____________ $ ____________________ Saturday Night BBQ Dinner $15.00 ($18.00 On-site) # ____________ $ ____________________ Saturday Night Kids Dinner $ 5.00 (Ages 12 and under) # ____________ $ ____________________ Children under 6 eat free # ____________ T-shirts and sweatshirts should be purchased in advance. There will be a limited number of T-shirts and sweatshirts available on-site. All T-shirts & sweatshirts will be $2.00 extra on-site. Sizes available S, M, L, XL, XXL & XXXL. Men’s & Ladies’ tanks available in S-XXL. ALL T-SHIRT ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 30, 2009 T-shirts: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $15.00 each $ ____________________ Long-sleeved T-Shirt: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $17.00 each $ ____________________ Men’s Tank Top: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $15.00 each $ ____________________ Ladies’ Tank Top: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $15.00 each $ ____________________ Sweatshirts: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $20.00 each $ ____________________ Hooded Sweatshirts: Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $25.00 each $ ____________________ Kids’ T-shirts: (Pre-Reg only) Size(s) __________________ # _________ @ $10.00 each $ ____________________ Youth sizes S, M & L TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (tax included) TOTAL $ ___________________ Make all checks payable to “ca4wdc” and mail to: Panamint valley days, c/o ray leuschner, 2441 falling leaf ave, rosemead, ca 91770-3129 Pre-registration must be received no later than november 7, 2009!!! All t-shirt orders must be received no later than october 30, 2009 For further information contact ray leuschner 626-280-0308, e-mail [email protected] Or robert “gunner” taylor 626-437-6925, e-mail [email protected] All vehicles will be required to adhere to all ca4wdc safety requirements. Vehicles not meeting the safety requirements will be turned away with no refunds. All refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee. No refunds after the event date In Gear / August-September 2009 / 21 BORDER-TO-BORDER EPIC RIDE Continued from page 17 crossing of Crowley Dam” was fair game, which allowed us to access Tom’s Place Resort for a hearty breakfast first! Then we hit pavement north to the cleanup, where we collected a fair amount of bags. Then south again (the rules) to Sunny Slopes, back across the dam and northward to Canada! Okay, we turned around after awhile, while they continued on. We took them over the Glass Mountain traverse, where we had sun, then rain and then a little snow high in the Aspens! At one point we had a little scare, as Chris and Del drove to an overlook to get in some more photography. We waited down below, but they didn’t come back. We started worrying that perhaps they had thought that the road continued on and drove off what was known to us to be a 50-foot drop off! We had just gotten our stories straight about how they had never made it to Bishop, and we VIEW ONLINE AT were still waiting to meet them, when they appeared on the hill’s horizon. They simply got caught up in taking some great pictures of the Sierras and Whites now freshly covered with snow. Good, I am not so great at conspiracies. Once we could see Highway 120 below us, we shook hands and sent them off on the next leg of their adventure to Bodie, via the Bodie railway. We of course headed for Lee Vining, and the Mono Cone for burgers and shakes, which was the perfect ending to a grand day indeed! Renn is the president of the Eastern Sierra 4WD Club. Follow Chris and Del’s epic adventure on fourwheelermagazine. com; just look for Chris’ Border to Border blog. You can visit the Eastern Sierra Four Wheel Drive Club at or contact Renn at rennz4wheel@ IG DON’T GET COOKED THIS SUMMER tom severin Summer is here and even though the hot season is literally an annual event, many people drop their guard and put themselves at great risk. Understand that the temperature doesn’t have to be above 100° to be dangerous. In fact, many people succumb to heat-related problems with temps in the 80s and 90s. That is especially true on humid days. Nor do you have to be engaged in strenuous activity. Walking, gardening, working on your car and other simple tasks can stress the body if you’re not prepared for the heat. Treat hot weather as potentially harmful at all times. Before we discuss some precautionary measures, let’s review the heat-related ailments. Heat cramps – Caused by loss of electrolytes because you’ve been sweating so much. Your brain can’t communicate with your muscles, so they start to spasm and cramp up. Heat cramps and a headache are usually the first signs of trouble. Watch for those. These will ease over time if you consume electrolytes (potassium or sodium). 22 In Gear / August-September 2009 / Those important minerals are found in many exercise drinks as well as energy bars and other foods. Heat exhaustion – You’ve sweated so much your blood level has dropped to the point it cannot reach all parts of your body. You literally go into a form of shock. Symptoms include a flushed face, headache, severe sweating, muscle cramps, and elevated pulse and breathing. Also, the person’s urine will be a deep yellow. Move the person into a cooler or shaded environment. Heat stroke – The most severe condition that can occur. The core body temperature is at least 105°. Brain damage is a distinct possibility. It’s imperative that you get the person to the hospital. Symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, disorientation or confusion, seizure, and a rapid heart rate. Try to cool the body first. Get the person into a shaded area. Even a vehicle will do in a pinch. Strip him or her down to the undies, and spray water all over the body. Start fanning to get air moving around the person. The evaporating water will help cool the person. Important precautionary steps Before you set out, make sure you know the area well and its current weather conditions. Pack water, food, clothing, and medical/first aid supplies. As for water, a rule of thumb is you’ll need at least one gallon per person per day. Consume liquid and food at least one-half hour before starting your trip or project. This is to begin storing liquid and electrolytes in anticipation of the demand that will occur. Bananas are a great source of potassium, but most foods supply the needed electrolytes. During your time in the heat, drink and snack regularly. The body can absorb at most one liter of water each hour, but can expel two or more liters in that same amount of time. To help maintain that regimen, pack a variety of liquids. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they draw water out of your system. Tom is the president of Badlands Off Road Adventures, Inc., a four-wheel drive school. For more information visit IG 28th Winter Winter Fun Fun Festival Festival 28th January 15-17, 2010 Event is limited to 600 people. Register early to get the trail of your choice. $10 per person surcharge applies after December 15, 2009 The Winter Fun Festival is held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, CA. The event offers meals, trail rides and entertainment throughout the weekend. Look for new, additional ways to have fun in our large facility this year. Register early — popular trails fill quickly. Accommodations: Camping facilities with RV hookups and hot showers are available at the Fairgrounds 530-273-6217: Motels and hotels are available in the surrounding area. Additional information: Contact Pat and Mike Bashore – Registration (530-878-1414) [email protected], Dana Holland – Co-Chair (916-812-2578), Dave Barrett – Co-Chair (916-521-9009). ds Send completed form with payment to: Make checks to CA4WDC Winter Fun Festival Pat Bashore 5225 Thomas Dr. Auburn, CA 95602 Phone 530-878-1414 Safety Requirements All vehicles must be maintained to conform to highway safety standards, as well as meet CA4WDC minimum requirements (exceptions apply for SUVs): 1. Roll bar, full cage or factory hardtop. 2. Functional parking brake or micro lock. 3. Tow strap or rope, recommended rating is two times the vehicle’s weight. 4. First aid kit (what do you want when you are hurt?) 5. Jack capable of lifting the vhiecle and a tool capable of removing the lug nuts. 6. Spare tire equal to or within 3” of existing tires on vehicle. No temporary spares. 7. Fire extinguisher with gauge indicating good, appropriately secured or stored. 8. Seat belts for all passengers. 9. Antennas must be rigid or restrained in a manner to prevent injuries. 10. Adequate attachment points front and rear, i.e., tow hooks, receiver, etc. 11. No Bungee battery hold downs (no cords). Solid battery hold down only. In Gear / August-September 2009 / 23 INGEAR The In Gear is the official publication for the California Association of 4WD Clubs, Inc. It is published every other month (see schedule below) in a glossy magazine format. Approximately 5,000 copies are distributed to our members and off-road businesses in California and adjacent states. Frequency discounts are available. Please call or email for more details. ASSOCIATE MEMBER AD RATES AD SIZE AD DIMENSIONS RATE PER INSERTION 2.5” wide x 1.4” high $75.00 1/8 page vertical 2.5” wide x 2.825” high $125.00 1/8 page horizontal 3.79” wide x 1.9” high $125.00 3.79” wide x 5” high $260.00 1/3 page without bleed 7.75” wide x 3.3” high $350.00 1/3 page with horizontal bleed 8.75” wide x 3.3” high $350.00 7.75” wide x 5” high $500.00 8.75” wide x 5.5” high $500.00 Full page without bleed 7.75” wide x 10.25” high $800.00 Full page with bleed 8.75” wide x 11.25” high $800.00 Cover without bleed 7.75” wide x 10.25” high $900.00 Cover with bleed 8.625” wide x 11.25” high $900.00 Business card 1/4 page 1/2 page without bleed 1/2 page with bleed EDITORIAL CALENDAR ISSUE DEADLINE PRODUCTION SPECS DELIVERY February January 1 End of January April March 1 End of March June May 1 End of May August July 1 End of July October September 1 End of September December November 1 End of November BANNER/PRINT COMBO PACKS Combine your print ads with banner ads on and receive a discount! Contact us for details. 24 In Gear / August-September 2009 / • All ads are full color on glossy stock. • Ads must be provided electronically in CMYK color at 300 DPI with fonts embedded. PDF files are preferred. • All ads should abide by Tread Lightly! guidelines. CONTACT INFO Suzy Johnson, Editor (805) 467-2449 Fax (866) 888-2465 [email protected] 7245 Nonpariel Ct. Paso Robles, CA 93446 51ST ANNuAL 4 Wheel Drive Expo & Trade Show FEBRuARY 19-21, 2010 SACRAMENTO, CA Name(s) of attendees: 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ Voyager(s) Name/Age (male): _______________________________________________ Voyager(s) Name/Age (female): _____________________________________________ Delegate: o Yes o No Life Member: o Yes o No Past President: o Yes o No Armed Services: o Active Duty o Veteran Military Branch _____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: __________________________ Club Name: _____________________________________________________________ # ______ $60.00 per person $ _____________ # ______ $3.00 per extra dash plaque $ _____________ TOTAL $ _____________ DINNER SELECTION: #____ Beef #____Chicken REGISTRATION INCLUDES: • Fridaynighthospitality • Saturdayawardsdinner • Onedashplaque • Manufacturerdisplays • VehicleShow HOTEL INFORMATION Doubletree Hotel 2001 Point West Way Sacramento, CA 95815 916-929-8855 #____Vegetarian T-SHIRTS ADD $2.00 PER SHIRT FOR XXXL, AND XXXXL T-SHIRTS - $17 Size(s)_________ Quantity _____ Total $ ____________________ Online booking code: 201 Long Sleeve T’S - $20 Size(s)_________ Quantity _____ Total $ ____________________ Sweatshirts - $22 Size(s)_________ Quantity _____ Total $ ____________________ Room Rates: $89 Double Triple or Quad $99 Size(s) _______ Quantity _____ Total $ ____________________ Hooded Sweatshirt - $25 GRAND TOTAL $ ______________________ Cut-off date for rooms: January 25, 2010 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO CA4WDC For more information contact: Nellie Malloy 916-973-9782 • 916-216-2226 (cell) [email protected] VEHICLE SHOW Jeff Blewett 209-210-7880 MANUFACTURER DISPLAYS Joe Malloy 916-973-9782 [email protected] Mike Fedderson 925-682-5734 MAIL COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM TO: REGISTER ONLINE AT CAL4WHEEL.COM/STORE Nellie Malloy 5607 Kiva Dr. Carmichael, CA 95608 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 25 SWEEPSTAKES VEHICLE 2010 Here's what we're giving away: First Prize........................... 2009 Jeep 2-door Wrangler Rubicon Second Prize..........Atlas II Transfer case from Advance Adapters Third Prize.....Premier Power Welder from Premier Power Welder Fourth Prize................................................Pull Pal from Pull Pal Seller’s Ticket.....................Certificate for four BF Goodrich Tires Please thank our generous sponsors by patronizing their businesses Magnussen Jeep/Chrysler TODD OCKERT June was busy for the sweepstakes vehicle, with it spending the month in the South District. The vehicle made appearances at the Truck Fest, Big Bear Forest Fest, JK Summer Fest. We had a loaner jeep in Reno for Reno Rocks, and then I attended Moon Light Madness with no vehicle. We sold $2356 dollars worth of tickets in June, our best month so far. Larry McRae also $200 worth of tickets while he had the vehicle at Poison Spyder Customs. Speaking of Poison Spyder Customs: they have installed armor and Rocker Knockers on the Jeep. They are also working on installing a set of tube fenders in the near future. Please take the time to thank our sponsors for their donations to the sweepstakes vehicle. They help make the Jeep the superstar vehicle it is. Thanks sponsors! The sweepstakes vehicle headed to Oroville for the We Rock competition on July 18-19. We hope you saw it there. Special thanks needs to go out to Barbara from the Sands for giving us free booth space at Reno Rocks and Lithia jeep in Reno for letting us use one of their Jeeps in our booth. Also, thanks to Greg Hoffman from JK Summer Fest for the free booth space at this event. Jeff Rush of Rush Advertising Specialties has donated a total of four banners to the jeep. One of just Auburn, CA Great deal on 2009 Jeep 2-door Wrangler Rubicon BF Goodrich Tires for seller's ticket and Wrangler Advance Adapters Atlas II transfer case Warn Winch Tiny Bits of Silver $50 gift certificate Premier Power Welder Premier Power Welder Pull Pal Pull Pal Southern California Tacoma Club Hi-Lift jack Extreme Offroad & Repair Installs Smittybilt Front bumper Poison Spyder Customs Armor, tube fenders Finish Line West PU-Products Rear bumper, tire swing, slides, and Hi-Lift jack mount Roc-Straps, spare backboard rax system, two 5-gallon jacks Safari Straps Window nets and grab handles Continued on page 27 Tuffy Security box DRAWING IS FEBRUARY 20, 2010 Tickets available online at Winner need not be present to win Joe Malloy CB Radio Tierra Del Sol TDS Desert Safari 2010 registration Todd & Larisa Ockert Tire deflators Paul Instrum Tow strap Rush Advertising Specialties 3 advertising banners contact info Contact us for more information: Todd Ockert, Sweepstakes Vehicle Chair 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824 559-904-0551 / [email protected] 26 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 4 West Lift kit install TeraFlex Lift kit Correction: Our apologies to Premier Power Welder for listing their donation as a Ready Welder in last month’s issue. It should have read ‘Premier Power Welder.’ Thank you Premier for your donation. Continued from page 26 the Cal4Wheel logo, and three of a picture of the Jeep and the Cal4Wheel logo that will go to each district so that they can sell tickets if the vehicle is not present. Thanks Jeff for this great donation. Steve Gardiner has made a flyer that clubs can hand out, or take to club meetings. Please email me at [email protected] for a copy if you do not receive one via email or mail. It is also available for download at in the sweepstakes vehicle area. Thanks Steve for this outstanding flyer for our members to hand out to their friends. We are just over $6500 in ticket sales through July 1, and are at 14 percent of our goal. We have our regular tickets SWEEPSTAKES WISH LIST Camping Gear Roof Rack CO2 or onboard air system Wheels GPS Tuffy security box Cash donations Does your club have a creative side? Mary Krupka of 4x4 in Motion suggested that we spotlight creative license plates from our clubs. The next club to be featured could be yours! Simply submit your entries to [email protected]. Photos of club license plates are all that are needed. printed and they should be going out in the mail soon to all members. You may also order sweepstakes vehicle tickets online at Thanks to all who have supported and helped move the vehicle around. Great work by all involved, and it is making a difference, as a few new sponsors walked up and offered donations. IG Trail clean up Continued from page 14 Finally to the Josephine County dump with our hard-earned cargo. After some directions to the proper disposal area we offloaded our bags, furniture, autos, etc. to the tune of 2.5 cubic yards, not including the autos and furniture. We returned to the site and those of us with trailers parked them and availed ourselves of the trails. It was a great two hours and yours truly, who stubbornly refused to air down, owes $5 to some fund that derives cash from those who practice moronic behavior. I plead guilty! As we were about to leave, a visitor who uses the area to teach his young daughter to shoot, thanked us for the clean-up. Four riders — two bikes and two quads — who passed the site, gave a thumbs up for the job. We were visited by a reporter from the Grants Pass Courier. A special thanks to Robert Herrick who coordinated this clean-up. A lot of prep work, contacting BLM, scouting the area with our VP Dick Leever. Our President Rick Thomas, who passed up the trail ride due to furnishing the truck and trailer that really helped to get all of this offensive stuff to the dump. We performed a needed service and finished up with a good trail ride. Not a bad day! Club Members on the run were: Robert Herrick, Rick Thomas, Brent Bradshaw, guest Terry Moore, Dick Leever, Shane and Deb Scribner, Jim Cossolias and Tom/Pat Harris. Rogue Valley 4WD Club is located in Central Point, Oregon. IG In Gear / August-September 2009 / 27 C L U B S Check the list below to see if there is a club in your area. Visit to find out more or contact your district membership chair (see listing on page 5). Most clubs meet monthly and schedule regular trail outings. NORTH 4X4 CLIFFHANGERS of Vacaville meet the second Tuesday of each month at the fire station located on Vine St. off of Gibson Canyon Rd. at 7 p.m. Contact Steve for info at [email protected] or Dan at 707-448-6126. BEDROCK 4 Wheelers, Sacramento. Contact 916-927-4858 for info. BLACK SHEEP 4X4 CLUB of Redding meets the first Wednesday of every month. For info, contact Tony Bruccheri at 530-347-7755 or email [email protected]. BOONIE BOUNCERS 4X4 CLUB (Sacramento). A fun and active club for families and singles that enjoy the great off-road. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Round Table Pizza, located 5424 Dewey Dr., Fair Oaks, CA. See our website at or contact Don at 916-645-1469 for details. CAL SIERRA 4X4 CLUB (Chico) meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Contact Carl Olson at [email protected] or Mel Largent at [email protected]. CALIFORNIA TRAIL RUNNERS. Family and community service oriented 4WD club. Open to 4x4s and SUVs of all makes. Contact Gary Johnson 916-216-JEEP for meeting information. CAPITAL CITY MOUNTAIN GOATS meet at 7:30 p.m. the first Friday each month. Contact Dennis Bartholomew at 916-421-7788 or Tex Texiera at 916-423-1369 for info or visit our website at www. CONTRA COSTA JEEPERS, Walnut Creek area. Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month. Family-oriented club. Short wheelbase, difficult to extreme trails. Contact Jason at 925-838-3838 or Jason@ DIABLO 4 WHEELERS (Concord). Family four-wheeling. Established since 1964. All makes of 4x4 welcome. Activities range from conservation projects, community involvement, Adopt-A-Trail, social runs, easy and hard rock wheeling. Meets the first Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., Round Table Pizza in Martinez. Contact Steve Mallo at 510-799-1063 or [email protected] or visit diablo4wheelers. com. DIXON 4 WHEELERS, families and singles, all types of 4x4’s welcome. First Monday of each month at the Dixon Scottich Meat Pie Store, 7 p.m. Call Ken at 707-678-6840 for info. ESPRIT DE FOUR (San Jose), second Tuesday each month, 7 p.m. at Round Table Pizza, 4400 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose. Activities range from community services, Adopt-a-Trail and safety clinics. We welcome newcomers to our meetings and events. For more info visit FEATHER RIVER ROCK CRAWLERS meet every third Monday at 6 p.m. Call for meeting location. Ken at 530-534-8984 or check our website at FORESTHILL FOUR WHEELERS. Family-oriented 4WD club meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Contact Kurt Huebner at [email protected] or 530-367-3637 for more meeting location and other details. FOUR DICE FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB (San Jose) meets the first Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m. Check out our website,, for more information visit our website at or by email at [email protected] GOLD HILLS POSSE 4x4 Club of Folsom/EDH, a very active family-oriented club, meets at 7:30 p.m., the second Thursday of each month at Round Table Pizza, located at 2222 Francisco Dr. in El Dorado Hills. Please call Brad Bouillon at 916-933-0731, or check our website at for additional information. GRASS VALLEY 4 WHEELERS: Meets first Tuesday of month, at Larry & Lena’s Pizza & Grill, 15690 Johnson Place, Hwy. 49 and Alta Sierra Dr., Grass Valley, 7:00 p.m. Guests welcome. Visit or contact Nancy Troutner at or 530 477-0348. HI LANDERS (Orangevale), meet on second Monday of month at 7:30 p.m., Orangevale Community Center, 6826 Hazel Ave. For more info contact Jerry Hicks at 916-988-2070 or visit our website at www. 28 In Gear / August-September 2009 / JOAQUIN JEEPERS meet every second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Stockton. For more information call Ken Rowe at 209-369-8836. JUST 4 FUN, Sacramento. For meeting information, call 916-247-1500. LAKE COUNTY CRAWLERS, Middletown, CA. Meet first Saturday of each month, call for location. For info contact Aidian at 707-928-1026. LAKE TAHOE HI-LO’S 4WD Club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, in S. Lake Tahoe, CA. Contact Rod at 530-543-0320 for info. MADHATTERS 4WDC, est. 1978, participates in a variety of familyoriented OHV activities. The club meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Round Table Pizza, 1024 E. Stanley Blvd., Livermore, CA. Everyone welcome! Contact Dave Langdon at [email protected], 209-832-4532 or visit for more info. MENDOCINO 4X4 CLUB (Ukiah) meets every second Monday, 6:30 p.m. potluck dinner, meeting at 7:30 p.m. Location varies. For info call Brian 707-462-2266. MOTHERLODE ROCKCRAWLERS (Amador County), family-oriented, all rigs welcome, responsible four wheeling, first Thursday of month, 7 p.m., Gold Country Driving School, 242 French Bar Rd., Jackson, CA. Contact Ron at 209-245-3978 or Gary at 209-295-3313 for info. MOUNTAIN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (MTA) (San Jose) meets on the first Thursday of every month at Stuft Pizza in Campbell, CA. The address is 1461 W. Campbell Ave. 408-871-7171. For info contact David at [email protected] MUDSUCKERS 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUB (Sacramento) meet first Tuesday each month, Round Table Pizza, 5484 Dewey Dr., Fair Oaks at 7:00 p.m. Guests are welcome. Feel free to check our website at or contact Brian at 916-871-3458 for details. NAPA B.E.T.S. 4-WHEEL DRIVE CLUB, an active club and member of CA4WDC. We have one run per month in the summer, one of which is our annual Rubicon Trek. We are open to all 4x4 owners, families and singles alike. For more club information, call Mark Richmond at 707-258-3975. NAPA VALLEY JEEPERS meet the second Tuesday of each month. Families and singles are welcome, as well as all makes of 4x4s. For further info contact Jim MacLellan at 707-432-1479 or email [email protected]. NORCAL 4 WHEELERS, Antioch. Contact us for meeting info and location, [email protected]. NORCAL CRAWLERS meet the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. For more info contact Dan Hiney at 530-518-2101 or Mike Smith at 530-518-5530. NORTH COAST CLIFFHANGERS meets first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. For more info contact Jim Pofahl at 707-464-3961. NORTH TAHOE TRAIL DUSTERS meet the second Tuesday of every month. For info contact John at 530-546-3642 or Don at 530-525-1250. OPHIR GOPHER JEEP CLUB meet first Friday of the month, 1426 Safford St., Oroville. Call 530-589-1434 for more information. PAIR-O-DICE 4 WHEELERS meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., Round Table Pizza (near Safeway) on Clark Road in Paradise. Family club with single members. Runs monthly, AdoptA-Trail, lots of fun, etc. Contact Jim Earl 530-872-8218, or Doug Poppelreiter 530-872-9287 or [email protected]. RAT PACK meets on the fourth Thursday of each month except December at Fat Boy’s Rotisserie & Sandwiches, 829 Twin View Blvd., Redding at 6:30 p.m. All types of 4x4s welcome. Contact Bob at 530244-2581 or Jim at 530-222-7663 or visit ROUGH & READY JEEP CLUB (Sacramento) meets the first Tuesday of each month. For more info contact Jack at 916-991-5756. SACRAMENTO JEEPERS, INC., family Jeeping since 1957. Meets the second Tuesday each month at 7:30 p.m., CA4WDC office, 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento. Please visit our web site at for more information. SACRAMENTO WIDETRACKERS meeting on the first Saturday of each month at the Pizza Factory in Loomis (Taylor Road) at 6:00 p.m. Family-oriented club. Call Gary at 916-652-7889 for info. SANTA CRUZ 4X4 CLUB. Third Thursday of each month, Tony & Alba’s Restaurant, located in King’s Village in Scotts Valley, CA, 7:30-9 p.m. For more info see our website at SANTA ROSA 4X4’s meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Boy Scout Clubhouse on Schurman Drive. Our club accepts singles and families with all levels of four-wheeling experience and all types of four-wheel drive vehicles. We welcome you as a guest at our next meeting! Visit our club website at or call David at 707-575-4160 for more info. SCOUTS WEST-SILICON VALLEY, Scouts West’s fifth and newest chapter. Meetings are held at Anything Scout in San Jose. Contact Cary Riley at Rustic Woods Trophy 408-286-5112 or scoutdude80@ SIERRA NEVADA 4WDC, Concord. For more information on meetings visit SIERRA TREASURE HUNTERS, a family oriented 4WD club, meets at 7:30 p.m. the first Thursday each month in Sacramento. Call Carroll Bryant at 916-991-5601, email [email protected] or visit our website at SOUTH COUNTY TRAIL RIDERS 4X4 CLUB meets at 6 p.m. the first Sunday of the month at Round Table Pizza, 14940 Camden Ave., San Jose, CA (off Hwys. 17 and 85). For more info call Glyn Zeiler at 408224-6549. Please leave a message. TRAILBUSTERS 4X4 CLUB (Solano County) meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Vacaville at the Round Table Pizza, Alamo and Merchant. For more info contact Jason 707-208-0480, jwfiori@ or visit our website at TRI VALLEY ROCK KNOCKERS (Livermore). Call for meeting times and locations. Pierre 925-371-1208 or Rich 925-443-4408. WANDERING WHEELERS JEEP CLUB (Hayward): Meetings first Tuesday, 7 p.m., Round Table Pizza, 20920 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley (map at club web page). Call Al Paiva 925-634-4472 or Paul Tavres 510-783-0263 for info. Guests always welcome. WEBILT 4WD CLUB (Rocklin/Loomis). Aggressive 4-wheel drive club meetings in Loomis on the second Thursday of each month at the Round Table Pizza, 6111 Horseshoe Bar Rd. Contact us on our web site at or call Dave Mcqueary at 916-802-3390 or Rick White at 916-955-3534. WINE COUNTRY ROCK CRAWLERS (Sonoma County). Meet every third Monday night of the month. Location varies. For information email [email protected]. WOMEN OUT WHEELING (Sacramento). Contact Shirley Bramham at 916-383-7128 or Claudia Smith at 30-620-0914 for meeting times and locations. CENTRAL 4X4HIM CHRISTIAN WHEELERS (Hanford/Fresno). Meetings are the 15th of each month, call for place. For more information contact David at 559-904-3207 or [email protected] or visit 4x4Him. com. 4X4 IN MOTION (Modesto/Turlock) meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Families and individuals welcome. Call George Kilian at 209-551-9789 or Mary Krupka at 209-668-7993 for details. BAKERSFIELD TRAILBLAZERS meet the first Wednesday of each month. Guests welcome. Call Rod at 661-398-8581 or Randy at 661-5876888 for location and info. CLOVIS INDEPENDENT 4 WHEELERS meet first Sunday each month at Denny’s, Shaw & Willow, Clovis, at 7 p.m. Please call Kris Adams at 559-292-1956 for more information. EASTERN SIERRA 4X4 CLUB, Inc. meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings alternate monthly between the meeting room at the BLM office, West Line St., Bishop and Bishop Pizza Factory. Please check club website for current month’s location at or contact Renn at 760-914-0688 or Greg at 760-9374849 or email [email protected]. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB OF FRESNO meets second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m., at Lety’s, southwest corner of Chestnut and Clinton. Visit our web site at for a map. Call Bob Wagers at 559-250-5095 or Frank Linnenkohl at 559-217-4311 for more information. FRAZIER PARK 4X4 CLUB meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Contact Phil at 661-248-6259 or [email protected] or visit web site at for more info. GOLD COAST 4X4, Oceano, CA. For more information contact George or Hazel at 805-489-2031. HILL HOPPERS (Fresno), call for meeting info. Shawn 559-324-0372 or [email protected]. KINGSBURG 4WD CLUB meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Call Steve Peckham at 559-897-8771, email peckha4@ or Nancy Rocha at 559-923-9563 for info. LOCK & LOW 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUB of Visalia. Active family oriented club interested in responsible four-wheeling. Meet first Thursday each month. Call 559-597-2008 for info or visit our website at www. MAMMOTH LAKES 4-WHEELERS. Information on club meetings coming soon. Contact Brian at 760-934-8641 or Kathy at 760-934-9705 for more info. MID VALLEY 4 WHEELERS (Merced) meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m., Label Technologies, 2050 W. Wardrobe Ave., Merced. Contact Kristi 209-726-0411 ([email protected]), or Wayne at 209-394-8505 ([email protected]). MOUNTAIN TOPPERS (Fresno) meet first Wednesday each month, 7 p.m. at Denny’s, Shaw & Willow. Contact Steven at 559-827-5977 for info. MUD, SWEAT & GEARS (Sonora) meet the second Saturday of each month at the Pine Tree Restaurant, 19601 Hess Ave., Sonora. Breakfast at 8 a.m., meeting 8:30 a.m., followed by club run. Contact Kathy Avery (president) at 209-533-1068 or [email protected]. RIVER RATS OFFROAD CLUB (Kings County) meets every third Thursday of each month, Purple & Gold Pizza, Lemoore. Families and singles welcome. For more info, call CJ Gonzalez at 559-707-0836. ROCKEATERS 4WD (Modesto) meet the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Check our website for location. We are a family-oriented club open to new members of all types and experience levels. Check us out at SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 4WD CLUB. The SLO 4-Wheelers invite you to come join us on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., Players Pizza, Atascadero. Call Mark at 805-995-1464 or AnEv942@ or visit our web page at SANTA BARBARA 4WD CLUB, first Wednesday of every month, 7:00 p.m., call for location. Call Dick at 805-968-2437 or visit SANTA MARIA 4-WHEELERS meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Giavanni’s Pizza, 1108 E. Clark Ave in Orcutt. Contact John Stewart at 805-733-0813 for more info. SCOUTS WEST (Central Valley Chapter) meets the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at Brooks Ranch restaurant, 4278 W. Ashlan (west of Hwy. 99) in Fresno. Contact Randy Buchanan at 559-2744411 or 559-994-5908 for info. SCOUTS WEST (Grapevine Chapter) meets the second Saturday of each month, 12 noon, at Los Pinos Mexican Restaurant, 133 Frazier Mountain Park Rd. (I-5 North, Frazier Park off-ramp). Contact John Vogelsang at 661-245-3250 for info. SEQUOIA SIDEWINDERS, Porterville. Meet the third Tuesday of each month at Round Table Pizza on Henderson Ave. For info contact Gary at 559-781-0151 or [email protected] TOYS FOR FUN (Fresno). Meetings on third Tuesday of every month at Bingham Toyota, 895 W. Shaw, Clovis at 7 p.m. Contact Jimmy at 559-355-8979, [email protected] or TRAIL BUSTERS (Kings County) 4WD CLUB in Hanford meets on the first Thursday at 7 p.m., Kings Co. Bowl, 1050 E. Lacey Blvd., Hanford. Call Lonnie Ransdell at 559-582-5039 or Paul Amos, 559924-5875 for info. E-mail address: [email protected]. Families and singles are welcome. SOUTH 4x4 FREELANDERS meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 4Wheel Parts, 915 Foothill Blvd., Azusa at 7 p.m. For information contact Shawn at 562-692-2154 or Tom at 951-488-6220. ANTELOPE VALLEY FOUR WHEELERS meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., at the Round Table Pizza, 44204 N. 10th St. West, Lancaster. For additional info, contact Scott at 661-349-2416 or visit BEAR VALLEY 4X4 CLUB, Big Bear. Meet the second Tuesday of each month at Nottingham’s at 7:00 p.m., 40797 Lakeview Drive, Big Bear Lake. Located on the corner of Lakeview Drive and Bartlett Road. Contact Quinn Thomas 909-866-4800 or [email protected] or Dianna Bedwell at [email protected] CAPO VALLEY 4 WHEELERS (S. Orange Co.) meet on the first Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., Wind & Sea Restaurant in Dana Point Harbor, Dana Point. Family-oriented. Contact Chuck Jones at 949-4898283 or visit DESERT DAWGS (Riverside) meet the first Wednesday of each month. Call John Snell for meeting info at 951-318-5806 or president@ Visit our website at DESERT SIDE TRACS (Coachella Valley/Palm Springs/Yucca Valley). Family-oriented, novice to veterans, varied and frequent day and overnight runs, from desert to alpine. Meet second Tuesday monthly at Denny’s, I-10 & Indian Ave. Check us out at or contact us at [email protected] DIRT DEVILS, family-oriented four-wheeling of all calibers, from mild to wild! Join us on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., Lake View Café, 2099 E. Orangethrope Ave., Placentia, CA 92870, 714-572-8521. For more information, Rob 949-633-9674 or Sheldon 949-559-8018 or visit our web site at DRIFTERS JEEP CLUB meets first Thursday of month. For more info, please contact David Meyer (Pres.) at 951-533-3376 (david4x4@ or Bob Bissell at 909-986-6321. EARLY BRONCOS LTD. (1966-77 Broncos) meet second Sunday of month at 5 p.m., Poway (20 miles northeast of San Diego). Contact Steve or Eileen Sampson at 760-788-1142 or sampson@sv-mail. com for info. FORTE-4-WHEELERS (Orange and Riverside Co.). We are a family-oriented off-road club dedicated to safe, fun and serious four-wheeling. We meet quarterly for club business with virtual business conducted as needed. We have monthly club events/runs that can be found on Guests and prospective members are welcome. Please contact Jerry for more information prior to attending meetings or runs. For information email [email protected] or call 951-733-8267 and ask for Jerry. FUN IN THE SUN 4WDC meets the last Wednesday of the month at Don-A-Vee Jeep in Placentia, at 7:30 p.m. Call Robert at 909-9476277 or [email protected] for info or check our website at www. GAD-ZUKS! SUZUKI CLUB meets at 4:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month. All vehicles are welcome. For meeting place info contact Guy 909-466-1513, or Doug 909-989-2151. Check our website at GEAR GRINDERS 4WD CLUB meets the fourth Wednesday of each month (except Nov. and Dec.), 6:00 p.m. for dinner, 7 p.m. for meeting, El Charro Avitia, 1337 N. China Lake Blvd., Ridgecrest. Call Gary Luckeroth, 661-256-2515, or e-mail Mary Grimsley at maranjer@ for info. GEARED 4 FUN 4WD CLUB (north San Diego county) meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Call for more information, contact Angela Cook at 760-505-3579 or Chris Chase at 760-7233661 or visit our website at HEMET JEEP CLUB meets second Wednesday of each month. Call Dan McGraw at 951-652-0213 or [email protected] or call Mike at 951-929-6492 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website at HIGH DESERT FOUR WHEELERS meet first Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at Angel Hall (High Desert Charities), 2101 E. Palmdale Blvd in Palm Knolls Shopping Center, which is on the northeast corner of 20th St. East and Palmdale Blvd. in Palmdale. Contact Bonnie at 661-943-9744 or [email protected] for info or visit www. HILL-N-GULLY RIDERS (Riverside) meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. For meeting location or more info call Pattie Montalvo at 951-689-7275 or [email protected]. INLAND EMPIRE FOUR WHEELRS meets first Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Meetings and outings, monthly cruise night, monthly beginner’s run and more. Contact Mike at 951-565-8197, email [email protected] or visit the club’s website at for more information. INLAND JEEP FREEKS (Temecula area). Meetings on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Dave Patton at [email protected] or Sonny Stowers at 909-677-3037. We welcome ALL Jeep vehicle owners. LOST JEEPS (southern CA). Visit website at for meeting and trail ride information or contact John at jjmat3@ ON-THE-ROCKS meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at Ameci Pizza & Pasta, 1724 E. Avenida De Los Arbolos, Thousand Oaks, at 7:00 p.m. Contact Kristen at 805-579-9666 or Tony at 805-402-4574 for info. OUT FOUR FUN 4WD CLUB (Inland Empire area) meets the second Monday of each month. For location and club info contact Sandy at 951-681-0277 or [email protected] or you can contact Dave at 909-887-3960 or [email protected]. POINT MUGU 4WD CLUB (Camarillo): A family oriented four-wheel drive club. Regular monthly runs, both day runs and overnight runs. Host of the annual Fright Night Event. Adopted and maintains the Lockwood/Miller Jeep Trail. Monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month, 7:00 p.m. at El Gallo Restaurant, 4421 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, CA. Come earlier and hang out with us. For more info contact: Chris Silveira ([email protected]), Robert Woodard ([email protected]), or mail us at Point Mugu 4WD Club P.O. Box 5974 Oxnard, CA 93030 or go to our web site pointmugu4x4. org. RIM OF THE WORLD 4WD CLUB (Running Springs) meets on second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Info Mike Garland 909-882-1476, e-mail [email protected]. RIVERSIDE RUFF RIDERS meet in Riverside on the second Wednesday each month, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Carrows Restaurant at Limonite Ave. in Riverside. Contact Cliff VanDerhyden at 951-736-3064, email [email protected] or visit our website at www.riversideruffriders. com. RIVERSIDE 4 WHEELERS meet on the first Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., at the Sizzler, 1750 Hamner Ave., Norco. Open to all 4x4 owners. (We have a watercraft division.) For more info, contact Michael at [email protected] or 951-737-2454 THE ROUGHWHEELERS IV CLUB (L.A.-South Bay) meet every second Friday at 8 p.m. in Redondo Beach. See for map and details. Guests welcome. Contact Montego 310-538-4342 or [email protected] SAN DIEGO 4 WHEELERS meet the first Thursday each month (except February), at the Automotive Museum in Balboa Park, located at 2080 Pan American Plaza, Suite 12, Park Boulevard, San Diego. See the website for info at SAN DIEGO OUTBACKS 4X4 CLUB meets the second Wednesday at Ramona Community Center. For info call Marc at 760-789-8294. SCOUTS WEST meets the second Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m., at the Carl’s Jr., 3240 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Fullerton. Call John Vogelsang at 661-245-1493 or visit our website at www.scoutswest. com for info. SOUTHERN CAL. TACOMA CLUB. We have monthly family-friendly events specializing in small groups, fun places, and trails of all levels. Our members are located throughout Southern California. We welcome new members to our club and guests on our runs of all vehicle types. For more information on our events and meetings, please see our website at for contact information. SPINNIN’ FOURS (L.A.-O.C.) meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Call Art Hastings at 562-693-2303 for location and information. TIERRA DEL SOL (San Diego) meets the third Wednesday each month at Al Bahr Shrine, 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd., San Diego, 7:30 p.m. For more information contact John Stewart, president, at 619-390-8747 ([email protected]) or Joe Holden, VP, at 619-562-1225 (jdholden@ For information, VICTOR VALLEY 4 WHEELERS meet first Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Sterling Inn Regency Room, 17838 Francesca, Victorville. Family picnic run on third Saturday or Sunday. Call Ted at 760-240-0406, or Chuck at 760-948-1424 or visit WAYWEGOS 4WDC meets 7:30 p.m. on second Tuesday of every month at 201 S. Kinneloa Ave., Pasadena. Contact Don 562-9447256, [email protected], or visit our website at WEST COAST 4WD CLUB (LA & Orange Co.) meets on the first Tuesday of each month in north Orange County. Monthly club runs held the third weekend. Please consult for details and directions. Or email [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions or visit our website at STATE RUBICON 4WD ASSOCIATION. Our club is primarily for Rubicon owners, but others are also welcome. Membership is open to all in the western U.S. Check out our web site at or visit our forum at Contact Suzy at [email protected] or call 805-550-2804 for info. OUT OF STATE NEVADA NOMADS. We hold meetings infrequently by consent of the members. Open to all types of 4WD vehicles. See our website at or contact Larry at 775-246-3212. Need to change your listing? Contact Suzy at [email protected] In Gear / August-September 2009 / 29 EVENTCALENDAR CHECK FOR MORE EVENTS AT CAL4WHEEL.COM AUGUST 2009 26-28 6-8 CA4WDC FUN IN THE DESERT FUNFEST, sponsored by the Victor Valley 4 Wheelers, in Johnson Valley (southern California). See ad in this issue or contact Cindy at 760-948-1424. SIERRA TREK, located in northern California near Truckee. Runs for all levels, meals, camping. Contact Nellie for info at 916-973-9782 or [email protected] 15 GAMBLER’S POKER RUN, sponsored by the Lake Tahoe Hi-Lo’s near Markleeville, 25 miles south of Lake Tahoe. For more information contact Darin at 818-554-5841, or visit SEPTEMBER 2009 4-6 CA4WDC HIGH SIERRA POKER RUN, located in the Sierra National Forest east of Fresno. See ad in this issue, contact Robert 559-925-0264 or broncodealer1@ for more information or to volunteer. Online registration is available at 12-13 SURPLUS CITY FALL MUD & CRAWL, Oroville, CA. See for details. 18-20 SAND SPORTS SUPER SHOW, Orange County Fair and Event Center, Costa Mesa, California. We’ll be there with our sweepstakes vehicle. For info visit 19 ESPRIT DE FOUR 4 X 4 HOW TO CLINIC, Hollister Hills SVRA near Hollister, CA. The clinic consists of classroom instruction, two guided trail tours, and one-on-one guidance through several exercises. Virtually all four-wheel drive vehicles and all levels of driver skills are welcome. Students must provide their own lunch. A barbecue dinner will be provided on Saturday for a nominal fee. For more information contact Doug at GreigDR@, or call Mike at (408) 266-7555. More information is also available at JANUARY 2010 OCTOBER 2009 16-17 CA4WDC OPERATION DESERT FUN 7, Ocotillo Wells SVRA near San Diego, CA. Open to four-wheel drive vehicles and OHVs. Proceeds benefit CA4WDC and the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association. See the registration form in this issue, or contact Angela at 760-505-3579. Registration is available at NOVEMBER 2009 6-8 BRONCO DAZE 2009, sponsored annually by the Early Bronco Registry, the country’s largest Bronco owners association. Headquarters at the Palm Canyon Hotel and Resort in Borrego Springs, CA. Open to all 4WD vehicles, in particular all years and models of Ford Bronco. More information is at or email [email protected] 13-15 CA4WDC PANAMINT VALLEY DAYS, near Trona, CA. Runs for all vehicles and skill levels, dinner, prize drawing. See ad in this issue, or check for more information. Operation Desert Fun 2009 Angela Cook [email protected] Ray Leuschner [email protected] 30 In Gear / August-September 2009 / Putting an event here is FREE to member clubs and associate members! Don’t forget to add it online at Please try to narrow your event location down to a city, if possible, or an easily located region of the state. This helps our members and guests who are unfamiliar with our events. FEBRUARY 2010 19-21 CA4WDC CA4WDC CONVENTION, Sacramento. See ad in this issue for more information. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Frank Funk at [email protected]. ONGOING RUBICON OHV AND IRON MOUNTAIN Road Patrols. Volunteers needed to patrol the Rubicon and Iron Mountain trails on Saturdays and Sundays. Contact Dana Holland for more information at 916-457-7272. Committee members and volunteers are always needed for these events. Get involved! Get started by contacting one of the event contacts below. The events are listed in chronological order. High Sierra Poker Run 2009 Robert Escalera 559-925-0264 [email protected] 1-800-34-TUFFY TO ALL CALENDAR CONTRIBUTORS: ca4wdc event contacts Sierra Trek 2009 David Douglas 916-783-4678 [email protected] See our complete catalog and dealer locator page at or call 15-17 CA4WDC WINTER FUN FESTIVAL, Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley. Several runs to choose from easy to extreme, entertainment, food and activities for the kids. Camping with RV hook-ups is available. Proceeds benefit CA4WDC. Register online or see ad in this issue. Contact Pat at 530-878-1414 or [email protected] for info. Panamint Valley Days 2009 Ray Leuschner 626-280-0308 [email protected] WINTER FUN FEST 2010 Dana Holland 916-812-2578 Dave Barrett 916-521-9009 CONVENTION 2010 Frank Funk [email protected] MOLINA GHOST RUN 2010 TBA HI DESERT ROUND-UP 2010 TBA AssociateMemberS north district ADD PERFORMANCE.................................................... 916-534-3654 11260 Pyrites Way, Gold River, CA 95670; Automotive Service, Repair and Customizing ALEXANDRIA’S CAFE.................................................... 916-361-9216 9648 Kiefer Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95826; Restaurant BOLTON’S WELDING & JEEP REPAIR.............530-622-9353/647-9353 3655 Chuckwagon Way, #C, Placerville, CA 95667 CALIFORNIA JEEP AUTHORITY............... Jeep gifts and apparel COUNTRY ROADS DISPOSAL, INC................................. 530-589-3680 P.O. Box 1103, Berry Creek, CA 95916; Disposal ELLYSON CHIROPRACTIC OFFICES................................ 530-743-2093 605 E St., Marysville, CA 95901; Chiropractic office ENTERPRISE PUBLICATIONS......................................... 916-684-7348 Linda Meusling; 3437 Point Pleasant Rd., Elk Grove, CA 95758-9719 EXTREME GEAR OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS........................ 916-990-0419 6326 Main Ave., Orangevale, CA 95662; 4 wheel drive repair/specialty shop/product sales GARY JOHNSON MECHANICAL DESIGN....................... 916-216-5337 PO Box 340213, Sacramento, CA 95834 GEORGE’S AUTO REPAIR.............................................. 925-484-2290 26 California Ave., Suite E, Pleasanton, CA 94566; Auto repair GOLD CENTER AUTOMOTIVE....................................... 530-272-8473 11960 Plaza Dr., Grass Valley, CA 95945; Tire sales HANLEYS BLACKSMITH & SPRINGS.............................. 916-451-9126 8175 Signal Court Ste E, Sacramento, CA 95824; Leaf springs, coil springs, shocks, lifts & accessories HASKINS HOME IMPROVEMENTS................................ 707-330-9942 1945 Rosewood Ln., Vacaville, CA 95687; Handyman HOOFERS WELDING..................................................... 916-348-0662 5729 Manzanita Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608; Vehicular racks and welding J&M OFFROAD............................................................. 530-273-7627 125 Spring Hill Dr., Suite 6, Grass Valley, CA 95945; 4-wheel drive fabrication J&W AUTO WRECKERS................................................. 916-723-3950 8626 Antelope N. Rd., Antelope, CA 95843; Jeep parts/radiators JEEP JAMBOREE USA................................................... 916-333-4777 P.O. Box 1601, Georgetown, CA 95634; A division of Mark A. Smith Off Roading, Inc. JEEPERS JAMBOREE, Inc.............................................. 530-333-4771 P.O. Box 900, Georgetown, CA 95634,; Jeep trips LAND ROVER ROCKLIN................................................. 916-632-3231 4545 Granite Dr., Rocklin, CA 95677; Land Rover dealership MICHAEL S. LITTLE HVAC & APPLIANCES..................... 707-933-0473 P.O. Box 651, Glen Ellen, CA 95442; Heating and air conditioning METAL CLOAK.COM...................................................... 916-631-8618 3265 Monier Cir., #B, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742; Tube racks/tube fenders MONK’S PLACE JEWELRY............................................. 916-747-2678 5426 Elsinore W, Fair Oaks, CA 95628; Custom jewelry MOTORSPORTS FABRICATION SERVICES...................... 916-599-7230 3120 Wandering Way, Lincoln, CA 95648; Metal fabrication/custom install OFF-ROAD ENTERPRISES.............................................. 209-931-1170 2953 Cherryland Ave., #B, Stockton, CA 95215 OLSON’S 4 WHEEL DRIVE............................................. 530-626-4600 2488 Hwy. 49, Placerville, CA 95667; Auto & 4WD repairs PARTS MIKE................................................................. 530-885-0673 750 Perry Ranch Rd., Auburn, Ca 95603; Internet 4x4 consultant; PERFORMANCE DRIVE TRAIN....................................... 707-795-9100 459 Portal St., Unit C, Cotati, CA 94931; Differential service & repair, parts, Jeeps PRECISION WELDING & OFF ROAD.............................. 530-534-8960 1683 Parker Ave., Oroville, CA 95965; Welding of off-road vehicles RADIO SUPPLY COMPANY............................................ 530-888-8483 PO Box 680, Meadow Vista, CA 95722; CB’s and communication gear ROUNDEYES.COM/OUTBACKTOILETS.COM.................. 530-642-8003 1740 Chili Bar Lane, Ste. A, Placerville, CA 95667; Off-road & outdoor products SACRAMENTO AUTO TRANSPORT................................ 916-627-0626 971 F St., #20, W. Sacramento, CA 95605; Towing/free removal SACRAMENTO SPRING, INC......................................... 800-200-5124 971 F St., #20, W. Sacramento, CA 95605; Spring repair/manufacture SIEMONS MAILING SERVICE........................................ 510-841-1131 742 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710; Mailing and printing services SPECIALIZED 4 WHEEL DRIVE, INC............................... 916-381-6735 8532 Clovely Ln., Sacramento, CA 95928; Repair, modification & restoration SQUARE WHEEL SPORTS.............................................. 408-623-2482 Ben Lomond, CA 95005; Online sales SUNNY ELECTRIC MARINE........................................... 916-487-3868 1500 El Camino Ave., Suite C, Sacramento, CA 95815 SURPLUS CITY JEEP PARTS........................................... 800-353-3772 4514 Pacific Heights Rd., Oroville, CA 95965; Jeep parts and accessories WARN INDUSTRIES...................................................... 916-984-2122 104 Emigrant Ct., Folsom, CA 95630,; Winch manufacturer WEST COAST DIFFERENTIALS....................................... 916-635-8696 2429 Mercantile, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 WEST COAST FABWORKS............................................. 408-206-5398 15457 Herring Ave., San Jose, CA 95124; Fabrication central district A-1 MOBILE SERVICE................................................... 831-422-4620 P.O. Box 3184, Salinas, CA 93912 ADVANCE ADAPTERS................................................... 805-238-7000 4320 Aerotech Center Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446; Engine & transmission components AFC OFF ROAD............................................................. 559-291-1234 2686 N. Clovis Ave., #103, Fresno, CA 93727; Fabrication and installation BIG CEDAR MINI STORAGE.......................................... 209-295-4115 P.O. Box 1464, Pioneer, CA 95666; Storage facility BRIDGEPORT INN......................................................... 760-932-7380 P.O. Box 128, Bridgeport, CA 93517-0128; Motel CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD INC......................................... 209-577-4252 906 N. Carpenter Rd., Ste. B, Modesto, CA 95351-1195; 4x4 & truck parts/ accessories CENTRAL CAL OFF ROAD ADS...................................... 559-647-5908 P.O. Box 346, Reedley, CA 93654; Website/magazine advertising for everything off-road CENTRAL COAST FOUR WHEEL DRIVE.......................... 831-475-8825 2852 Soquel Ave., #B, Santa Cruz, CA 95062-1441 CRAZY SUZY DESIGN.................................................... 805-467-2449 7245 Nonpariel Ct., Paso Robles, CA 93446,; Print/web design & hosting FRESNO FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER.......................... 559-255-5750 4679 E. Hammond Ave., Fresno, CA 93703; 4WD parts and repairs MARLIN CRAWLER....................................................... 559-252-7295 1543-B N. Maple, Fresno, CA 93703; 4WD parts and repairs PICKUP SALVAGE COMPANY........................................ 800-323-1401 2143 S. Union Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93307;; Truck, Jeep & SUV salvage THE REAR END SHOP................................................... 925-454-8946 3212 Triplett St., Modesto, CA 95355 ROUGHSHOD OFF ROAD.......................................................... 93465 400 Crocker St., Templeton, CA 93465; Jeep tube doors WILD HORSES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE.............................. 209-943-0991 640 N. El Dorado, Stockton, CA 95202; ‘66-77 Broncos only south district AGO PRECISION, INC.................................................... 408-727-1178 738 Aldo Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95054; Precision machining ALIEN MACHINE WORX................................................ 760-314-7841 9120 Yucca Terrace Dr., Phelan, CA 92371; CNC Machining/Fabrication ALL J PRODUCTS.......................................................... 909-866-4800 P.O. Box 1888, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315; Jeep aftermarket parts/retail/manufacturing & installation ALL PRO OFF ROAD...................................................... 951-658-7077 541 N. Palm Ave., Hemet, CA 92543 BURKEBUILT MOTORSPORTS........................................ 760-742-0094 43980 Mahlon Vail Cir. #2904, Temecula, CA 92592; Design, engineering & fabrication CALIFORNIA CASUALS SPORTSWEAR........................... 909-880-0860 P.O. Box 9462, San Bernardino, CA 92427; Silkscreen/screenprinting CLASSIC GREEN LIGHT INSURANCE SERVICES OF SO CAL.... 858-779-9288 4692 Mission Blvd., San Diego, CA 92109;; Insurance brokerage CURRIE ENTERPRISES................................................... 714-528-6957 1480 N. Tustin Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807; Rear ends, axles and Jeep parts DIRTY PARTS................................................................ 310-390-9086 12012 Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066-5802;; 4WD parts/accessories/installs EARLY BRONCO REGISTRY............................................ 760-788-1142 17250 Rancho Suenos, Ramona, CA 92065; National Early Bronco Association EL CAJON FLYING SERVICE........................................... 619-977-7238 2098 Snapdragon Ln., Alpine, CA 91901; Aircraft parts FINISHLINEWEST.......................................................... 760-885-6054 11761 Farmington St., Oak Hills, CA 92344;; Jeep parts FOUR WHEEL PARTS WHOLESALERS............................ 310-900-5570 801 W. Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA 90220; Off-road parts & accessories GARVIN INDUSTRIES.................................................... 619-440-7415 316 Millar Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020-4221; roof racks and accessories GEN-RIGHT OFF ROAD................................................. 805-584-8635 1816 Angus Ave., Unit A, Simi Valley, CA 93063; Gas tanks, body armor, and more ICON VEHICLE DYNAMICS............................................ 951-272-4266 1580 Commerce St., Corona, CA 92880; Performance suspension systems JE REEL......................................................................... 909-629-9002 448 S. Reservoir St., Pomona, CA 91766; Driveline service KLEIN LAUNDRY........................................................... 951-847-4482 2960 Champion Way #2002, Tustin, CA 92782 MILLER OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS................................... 888-90-4MORP 330 Elm, Ramona, CA 92065,; Manuf. accessories for Jeeps PAT’S GEAR BOX........................................................... 951-654-1959 775 W. 9th, Unit C, San Jacinto, CA 92582-3801 PU-PRODUCTS................................ 619-334-1913 / 204 Greenfield Dr., Ste. G, El Cajon, CA 92020; Rax Systems, Rok Straps RACEWERKS, INC......................................................... 760-822-2428 330 Woodland Dr., Vista, CA 92083; ROCK BUGGY SUPPLY................................................... 951-926-1142 25299 Sultanas Rd., Homeland, CA 92548 SCOTTY’S JEEP/TRUCK/4X4 WRCKR/REPAIR.................. 909-829-2913 14349 Whittram Ave., Fontana, CA 92335; 4WD parts/access./new/used sPOD............................................................................ 661-755-8139 27804 Zion Ct., Castaic, CA 91384,; Independent switches and power distribution for Jeep Wranglers STAUN Australia; Tire deflators, internal beadlocks, and other off-road products TAG MOTORSPORTS..................................................... 760-741-9300 2181 Meyers Ave. Escondido, CA 92029; Performance, lifts, wheels TRAIL SPORT UNLIMITED INC...................................... 909-825-2818 485 E. Valley Blvd., P.O. Box 108, Colton, CA 92324; Specializing in Jeep CJ & Wrangler sales UDS HARDWARE.......................................................... 310-715-1356 17000 S. Vermont #D, Gardena, CA 90247; Air suspension/hardware VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE.................................................. 818-893-0608 9025 Sepulveda Blvd., North Hills, CA 91343 VILLAGE EUROPEAN AUTO........................................... 760-728-3163 137 W. College Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028; Auto repair Out-of-state ARB-USA...................................................................... 888-427-2872 20 S. Spokane St., Seattle, WA 98134; Air locker distributors B.F. GOODRICH TIRES................................................... 702-853-3260 13260 Fellowship Way, Reno, NV 89511; Regional Mgr. Truck Tires FUN TREKS PUBLISHING............................................... 719-536-0722 P.O. Box 3127, Monument, CA 80132; Off-road guide books HEMA MAPS................................................................ 317-257-4362 921E 86th St., Suite 107, Indianapolis, IN 46240; Maps, atlas, publishing PREMIER POWER WELDER........................................... 970-963-8875 P.O. Box 639, Carbondale, CO 81623; Manufacturer of Premier Power Welder/Pull Pal TINY BITS OF SILVER.................................................... 970-250-3200 202 North Ave., #145, Grand Junction, CO 91501; 4x4 sterling silver jewelry TOM WOODS CUSTOM DRIVE SHAFTS......................... 801-393-4538 3008 W. 5650 South, Roy, UT 84067; Custom drive shafts TUFFY SECURITY PRODUCTS........................................ 970-564-1762 25733 Road H, Cortez, CO 81321; Vehicle security/storage products associate life members ENTERPRISE PUBLICATIONS......................................... 916-684-7348 Linda Meusling; 3437 Point Pleasant Rd., Elk Grove, CA 95758-9719 EXTREME GEAR OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS........................ 916-990-0419 6326 Main Ave., Orangevale, CA 95662; 4 wheel drive repair/specialty shop/product sales J&M OFFROAD............................................................. 530-273-7627 125 Spring Hill Dr., Suite 6, Grass Valley, CA 95945; 4-wheel drive fabrication OFF-ROAD ENTERPRISES.............................................. 209-931-1170 2953 Cherryland Ave., #B, Stockton, CA 95215 In Gear / August-September 2009 / 31 Get There WITH 10% OFF ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS Find it fast at Offer good through 09/30/09 Cannot be combined with any other offers. 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