IHPM 15th Annual Global Conference Making Health and Wellbeing
IHPM 15th Annual Global Conference Making Health and Wellbeing
IHPM 15th Annual Global Conference Making Health and Wellbeing Global Values: Good for People| Good for Business| Good for Global Prosperity World Trade Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates May 27/28, 2015 His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Maktoum Bin Jouma Al Maktoum endorses the IHPM Work Place Wellness Alliance 15th Annual Global Conference on Health & Productivity, Dubai, United Arab Emirates -‐ “The UAE, like the rest of the world, is experiencing increasing human and economic costs of unhealthy lifestyles and needs a strategy for improving the health of its work force to remain competitive in the global economy. This inaugural conference on Health & Productivity presents a new model for investing in health as a valuable resource, and is an encouraging opportunity for business and government leaders to learn more about how to do this." AGENDA Wednesday, May 27th 9:00 WELCOME and Opening Remarks 9:15 Dubai Health Authority: Assessing the Overall Health of the Gulf | Robin Ali, Consultant to the Dubai Health Authority o Panel Discussion: Abbott, Dubai Holding, MetLife, § Panel discussion of the significant health issues in the Gulf Region, leading to a suggested agenda for improving the health and performance of the work force 10:15 Productivity Gains for Global Competitive Advantage: Investing in Health as a Human Capital Asset | Sean Sullivan, President & CEO and Deborah Love, Executive VP & COO, Institute for Health and Productivity Management o Presentation of the Health & Productivity Management Model with its Value Chain, which converts employee health from a “cost” to a human capital asset that produces measurable returns in better work place performance from targeted investments in health improvement 10:45 Break | Networking in Exhibit Area 1 11:15 Data-‐Driven Approach to Health and Wellbeing: Identifying Key Cost Drivers to Target Programs for Best Returns: Eric Butler, Vice President, Global Healthcare and Dana Citron, MPH, Director, Gulf Health & Wellness Programs, MetLife o Building and maintaining a healthy and engaged work force is one of employers’ most critical issues in the global work place. Rising costs and unhealthy behaviors are universal issues, but different health service delivery systems and benefit designs can result in different national outcomes. Structured data analytics enable multinational employers to focus on the underlying health needs of their own populations, which are impacting their companies’ financial bottom lines. 12:00 Recognizing Best Programs: 15th Annual Corporate Health & Productivity Management Award Winners | Sponsor: Abbott 12:15 Health Promotion at the Workplace – a Multinational Perspective | Dr. Rajgopal Thirumalai, Vice President, Global Medical and Occupational Health | Unilever • Unilever’s much-‐honored, Global Award-‐winning Lamplighter Program has few peers in the corporate health and wellness arena – in its total example of top-‐level management vision, practical design and implementation throughout the company, incremental global rollout with adaption to so many distinct cultures where the company operates, and accountability through measurement of results from health improvement programs. This continues to be a leading story of building a successful health and performance model around the world. 1:00 Lunch in Exhibit Area 2:00 Framework for an Integrated Wellness & Wellbeing Strategy | Mike Iddon, Group Healthcare Director, Compass Group o Building a Foundation of Employee Health & Wellness on Lifestyle Behaviors § Nutrition/Movement/Sleep o Raising a “Canopy” or “Tent” of Employee Wellbeing and “Psychological Fitness” on the Health & Wellness Foundation Resilience to deal with stressors at work and in life § 2:45 Presentation of President’s Award | Sean Sullivan, JD 2:55 Dubai Holding’s Journey to a Culture of Health & Wellness | Cedric Betis, Chairman, Dubai Holding Wellness Committee o As work grows more sedentary, the global work force is growing fatter, sicker and less productive because of chronic health conditions. Dubai Holding has been following a carefully planned model in creating its results-‐oriented corporate wellness program, and will reveal its “golden” strategy for combating chronic disease. 2 3:30 Measuring Risk to Manage It: A Global Perspective | Zorianna Hyworon, President & CEO, InfoTech • • The leading business thinker of modern times, Peter Drucker, remarked famously that “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” The discipline of Health and Productivity Management starts with determining the health risks of a defined population, systematically prioritizing them to reduce them through workplace wellness programs, and then measuring the resulting improvements in functional health and work place performance. InfoTech is the leading international collector, evaluator and reporter of employee health risk and productivity data – operating in more than 25 countries around the world. Zorianna Hyworon, the company’s founder and leader, will share highlights of its benchmark global metrics on lifestyle risk factors, biometric clinical markers including diabetes and pre-‐diabetes, stress and depression, sleep and fatigue, and impacted employee productivity – including examples from the Gulf. 4:15 Break | Networking in Exhibit Area 4:45 Focus Session on the Management of Diabetes | Participants TBA o The International Diabetes Foundation projects an 85 per cent increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the Middle East and North Africa over the next 20 years – combined with an overall global increase of 53 percent. Nowhere in the world is the “epidemic” of this chronic disease more serious than in the Gulf Region; this focus session will address the crisis, and point the way to actions that can slow the increase in incidence and reduce the long-‐term prevalence of this leading threat to the future health and wellbeing of the entire region. 5:30 “Connected Health” – Enabling the Rapid Evolution in Both Medical and Information Technology to help Provide Best Medical Practices to Individuals in Need Worldwide through Telemedicine | MBM Health & Medical Performance Services & GlobalMed 6:00 Adjourn Thursday, May 28th 9:00 LeadWELL: Enhancing Human Energy Management | Samantha Horseman, wellcare Administrator, Saudi Aramco o Management leadership development program at Saudi Aramco is built on training in biometrics and functional testing as well as “lifestyle mapping” to help produce 3 high performing leaders for a global energy company already well recognized for the wide spread participation in its wellness program 9:45 Adapting Behavioral Health & Wellness Services to Engage Employees in Different Cultures Around the World | Russ Hagen, CEO, Chestnut Global Partners o Examples of successfully adapting EAP and wellness programs to produce positive results in cultures from different regions of the world – such as China, Brazil and Russia 10:30 Helping Employees in Challenging Situations in Foreign Locations: Corporate Example of Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) Services | Mr. Wang Hongtao, Deputy Director-‐General, China National Petroleum Corporation, International Department 11:00 Break | Networking in Exhibit Area 11:30 Biometric Screening: Key to Assessing Risks to Manage Health (Speakers TBA) More than half of the lifestyle-‐related risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease are unknown to those who have them, and so unreported on Health Risk Assessments. Biometric screenings are required to find these risks and start managing them. This session will share data collected from work place screenings in Saudi Arabia. 12:15 Special Session (TBA) 1:00 Lunch 2:00 The Changing Face of Occupational Health | Dr. John Cooper, Occupational Health Consultant, Work for Health, Ltd. o Occupational medicine developed originally to identify and prevent diseases caused by harmful factors in the work place. As exposure to these factors – like coal dust in mines – was brought under control, occupational diseases lessened and the focus shifted toward assessing fitness for jobs with extra risks or responsibilities – such as pilots. Now, the focus has shifted again, toward promoting a healthier work force in response to mounting evidence showing the business benefits of work place health programs – in reduced health cost “overhead” as well as improved work performance and increased productivity 2:45 Oil & Gas Panel: Health, Wellness & Safety in a Key Global and Gulf Industry o Representatives from leading multinational companies in the Gulf’s leading industry will be joined by local company managers to explore the key connections between health and wellness, safety and productivity. § Dr. Saleem Anwar, BP 4 § § § § Dr. Jawed Iqbal, Shell Ms. Samantha Kozak, Saudi Aramco Mr. Wong Hongtao, China National Petroleum Local company tba WORKSHOP 4:00 Introductory Workshop on the Framework and Fundamentals of the Health and Productivity Management Model | IHPM Team with Abbott, MetLife and Saudi Aramco • • • • Integrating data to assess overall health and wellness of the work force and determine total health-‐related costs or “Burden of Illness” (BOI) Identifying most significant work force health issues and best opportunities for investments to improve health and reduce the BOI Designing and implementing worksite health improvement programs for these issues Measuring the success of these program investments in reducing the BOI ************Continued Updates will be provided as Agenda Items are Confirmed************ 5
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