1 | UAEM Annual Conference - Universities Allied for Essential
1 | UAEM Annual Conference - Universities Allied for Essential
1|UAEM Annual Conference Contents Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Getting to Baltimore: Public Transit Itineraries for Getting to and from the Conference............................ 4 From your airport to Penn Station in downtown Baltimore..................................................................... 4 Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI):............................................................................. 4 Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) ................................................................................................. 5 PLEASE NOTE: If you are arriving to DCA later than 8:45 p.m. on Friday night, you’ll likely need to arrange a pickup or shuttle transportation from the airport, as public transit stops running soon after this time. Please e-mail [email protected] if this is the case............................ 5 Dulles International Airport (IAD) ......................................................................................................... 6 From the bus stations to Penn Station in downtown Baltimore .............................................................. 7 Greyhound ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Baltimore Travel Plaza .......................................................................................................................... 8 Megabus................................................................................................................................................ 8 Bolt Bus ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Leaving Baltimore: Some Additional Considerations.................................................................................. 10 Conference Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 11 Friday ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Saturday .................................................................................................................................................. 11 Sunday..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Important Contacts ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Friday ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Saturday .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Sunday..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Social Events and Dinner Locations ............................................................................................................ 14 Friday: Happy Hour at the Owl Bar ......................................................................................................... 14 Saturday: Free Dinner at Maxie’s in Charles Village ............................................................................... 15 Conference Location Information ............................................................................................................... 16 Saturday: Armstrong Medical Education Building at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine ...................... 16 Saturday Afternoon-Evening: Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus....................................... 17 Sunday: Pharmacy Hall at the University of Maryland, Baltimore ......................................................... 18 Overview Maps of Several Baltimore Neighborhoods............................................................................ 19 2|UAEM Annual Conference Fells Point ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Mt. Vernon .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Charles Village ..................................................................................................................................... 21 General Public Transit Information......................................................................................................... 22 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI) Shuttle ............................................................................ 23 Wireless Networks .................................................................................................................................. 24 Welcome On behalf of all the students, staff and supporters of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, I want to welcome you to our 2011 Annual International Conference. I hope that this weekend will be an incredibly rewarding experience for you – but beyond that, I hope it will be an inspiration to action throughout the coming year, on your campus and across the globe. This packet contains essential information to help you make the most of this weekend. If at any point you find yourself with a question about events, locations or other logistics, it’s very likely that you’ll find the answer in here. Finally, I want you to know that the detail in this packet and the immense planning that have gone into this event are all a product of the dedicated UAEM students at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. I really can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done. If you run into one of the conference organizers this weekend, please, thank them, hug them, buy them a drink, and help express our collective gratitude for organizing this fantastic event. Sincerely, Bryan Collinsworth, Executive Director Universities Allied for Essential Medicines 3|UAEM Annual Conference Getting to Baltimore: Public Transit Itineraries for Getting to and from the Conference Note: These sample itineraries lead to Penn Station in downtown Baltimore, as Friday night’s introductory event will take place at the Owl Bar in the nearby Mt. Vernon. From your airport to Penn Station in downtown Baltimore Friday’s introductory event will be very close to Penn Station, so all of these directions lead there. Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI): There are several reliable, low-cost public transit options from Baltimore-Washington International Airport to Penn Station in Baltimore City, which is very close to Friday night’s event. Directions from Penn Station to the event are below, under “From Penn Station”. (NOTE: Be careful not to purchase the “student” fare for these trains. The student fare is intended for students up to high school age, and ticket checkers will charge you if they find that you have done so.) • Maryland Transit Authority (MTA) Light Rail: Follow the signs in the baggage claim areas of the airport to the Light Rail stop. The walk to the stop can be as much as ten minutes if you fly into terminals A and B. Trains run regularly throughout the day, with departures every 20-30 minutes from the airport. The ride from the airport into the city lasts about 45 minutes. The fare for the light rail is $1.60. One possible point of confusion here is that trains from the airport do not go directly to Penn Station. Instead, passengers must get off one stop before Penn Station, at the 4|UAEM Annual Conference “University of Baltimore - Mt. Royal” stop. This stop is about 3 blocks from Penn Station, and passengers can either walk the rest of the distance, or wait for another northbound train heading to Penn Station. Links to the Light Rail schedule and a map of showing the proximity of the Mt. Royal stop to Penn Station are below. You can also use directions function of Google Maps to search the schedule. o Light rail schedule: http://mta.maryland.gov/sites/default/files/Light_Rail_091.pdf • MARC Train: MARC Trains provide service to the BWI Marshall Rail Station, where free shuttles serve the airport terminal. Shuttle stops are located on the lower level terminal roadway in between door numbers 1 & 2, 8 & 9, 14 & 15, and 17 & 18. Shuttle buses from the BWI Marshall terminal building to the rail station operate every 12 min from 5:00am to 1:00am daily and every 25 min between 1:00am and 5:00am daily. Buses stop adjacent to the rail station garage, directly in front of the rail station. The BWI Rail Station is located one mile from the terminal building. Links to the MARC train schedule and website to track the train’s location and status. The fare from BWI airport to Penn Station is $4 and the trip lasts about 30 minutes: o Schedule (Monday through Friday only): http://mta.maryland.gov/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/penn_Ma y2011.pdf o Train Status Tracker: http://www.marctracker.com/PublicView/location.jsp • Airport taxis are also available outside the baggage claim areas on the lower levels of the terminals. A trip to downtown Baltimore will be $30-40 depending on traffic. Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) PLEASE NOTE: If you are arriving to DCA later than 8:45 p.m. on Friday night, you’ll likely need to arrange a pickup or shuttle transportation from the airport, as public transit stops running soon after this time. Please e-mail [email protected] if this is the case. Public transit from DCA to Penn Station in Baltimore is reliable and runs regularly, but the trip is somewhat longer than it is from BWI (about 2 hours). Itineraries can be planned using the directions tool on Google Maps, departing from “Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Arlington, VA” to “Penn Station, Baltimore, MD.” General directions are as follows: 5|UAEM Annual Conference • • • • Walk to National Airport Metro Station inside DCA. Buy fare to Union Station (around $2) and take the Yellow Line in the direction of Mt. Vernon Square/Fort Totten. Go 6 stops to Gallery Place/Chinatown. When you reach the Gallery Place/Chinatown stop, transfer to the Red Line toward Glenmont/Silver Spring. Take the Red Line three stops and exit at Union Station. At Union Station, take the Penn Line of the MARC Train to Baltimore Penn Station (fare: $7.00). (If you are traveling on Saturday, take the Amtrak train to Baltimore Penn Station instead. The fare is usually about $17.00.) Dulles International Airport (IAD) PLEASE NOTE: If you are arriving to IAD later than 8:30 p.m. on Friday night, you’ll likely need to arrange a pickup or shuttle transportation from the airport, as public transit stops running soon after this time. Please e-mail [email protected] if this is the case. General public transit directions from IAD to Baltimore Penn Station: Itineraries can be planned using the directions tool on Google Maps, departing from “Dulles International Airport” to “Penn Station, Baltimore, MD.” General directions are as follows: 1. Take bus from IAD to Washington, D.C.: Take either the private Washington Flyer bus to the West Falls Church Metro Station ($10.00, 20-30 minutes), or the public 5A bus to the Rosslyn Metro Station ($6.00, 30-40 minutes). Washington Flyer bus timetable: http://www.washfly.com/flyer_bus_schedule.htm 5A DC MetroBus timetable: http://www.wmata.com/bus/timetables/dc/05a.pdf?n 2. Take the Metro (subway) to D.C. Union Station: From both the West Falls Church and Rosslyn Metro Stations, you can buy subway fare to Union Station (around $3), then board the Orange/Blue Line in the direction of New Carrolton/Largo Town Center. When you reach the Metro Center stop, transfer to the Red Line toward Glenmont/Silver Spring. Take the Red Line three stops and exit at Union Station. 3. Take train from D.C. to Baltimore: Take either a MARC Penn Line train or an Amtrak train from Union Station to Baltimore Penn Station. The MARC train is cheaper ($7) and runs slightly later on Friday nights (last train is at 10:30 p.m.); however, only Amtrak ($15-$30) runs on the weekends. 6|UAEM Annual Conference From the bus stations to Penn Station in downtown Baltimore There are several major bus stations in and around Baltimore City. Greyhound The main terminal for Greyhound is at 2110 Haines Street in Baltimore. This area is serviced by one of the public bus lines in the city. A sample travel plan and map are below: • • • • • Take the Number 27 MTA bus northbound toward Reisterstown Plaza Station (displayed on the bus as “Reist Plaz Sta”) from the terminal to Howard Street and Redwood Street (fare $1.60; 5 minutes/5 stops). Walk one block north to Baltimore Street, and board the Light Rail train (Train 200, on the map below) northbound toward Hunt Valley (fare $1.60; 13 minutes/5 stops). Get off the Light Rail at the University of Baltimore – Mt. Royal Light Rail Station. Directions and a map from the Mt. Royal Light Rail Station to Penn Station are available above, in the directions from BWI Airport. Alternatively, a cab trip to Penn Station will take about 10 minutes. 7|UAEM Annual Conference Baltimore Travel Plaza, 5625 O’Donnell Street Several bus companies use the Baltimore Travel Plaza in southeast Baltimore. Taking public transit from Baltimore Travel Plaza to Penn Station will require a transfer. A sample travel plan and map are below: • • • • Take the Number 20 MTA bus westbound toward “Security Sq Mall” from the entrance of the travel plaza, on O’Donnell Street, to Fayette Street and Caroline Street (fare $1.60). At Fayette Street and Caroline Street, board the Number 21 MTA bus northbound toward “Mondawmin” to Preston Street and Charles Street (fare $1.60). Walk 2 blocks north on North Charles Street to Penn Station, 1515 North Charles Street. Alternatively, a cab trip to Penn Station will take about 17 minutes. Megabus Unfortunately, Megabus’s Baltimore stop is a town away in White Marsh, MD. Public transportation will require a transfer and trips will generally last an hour to an hour and a half. A sample itinerary and map are below: 8|UAEM Annual Conference • • • Take the Number 35 MTA bus toward “U.M.B.C” to Guilford Avenue and Centre St (about 43 minutes/60 stops; fare: $1.60) Walk 3 blocks west on Centre Street (to your right when you get off the bus) to North Charles Street, then 1 block north to the intersection of North Charles Street and East Monument Street. Baltimore’s Washington Monument will be right in front of you. Take the Charm City Circulator Purple Route (free), Number 11 MTA bus (toward “Towson”), or the Number 3 MTA bus (toward “Cromwell Bridge”) to Penn Station (about 5 minutes/4 stops; fare $1.60 for MTA busses), or walk. Bolt Bus Bolt Bus drops off at Penn Station. 9|UAEM Annual Conference Leaving Baltimore: Some Additional Considerations Taken in reverse, the itineraries provided above will direct you back to the airport or bus station from Penn Station in most cases. But, there are several important considerations to bear in mind: • • If you would like to consider public transit directions directly from Sunday’s conference events at the University of Maryland, please use the MTA trip planner at http://mta.maryland.gov/, with “20 N. Pine Street, Baltimore, MD 21201” as the starting address. This will be most useful if you are heading to a bus station to get home; if you plan to take public transportation to the airport or train, you will need to go to Penn Station anyway. The MARC train does not run on Saturday and Sunday. If you are going to BWI Airport, you can take either the Light Rail or the Amtrak Northeast Regional train. The light rail will be much less expensive ($1.60 per ride), but does not run quite as often on Sundays. Also, if taking the Light Rail from Penn Station, you will need to transfer to a BWI-bound train at the adjacent University of Baltimore – Mt. Royal stop (see above, in the “BWI” section). If you are going from Penn Station in Baltimore to Union Station in Washington, DC, you can take the Amtrak train. We recommend that you verify schedule and directions using the MTA’s trip planner. 10 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Conference Schedule Friday 7:00 – 11:30 p.m.: Owl Bar (see “Social Events and Dinner Locations” for map and directions) Conference attendees arriving to Baltimore on Friday evening are welcome to head to Owl Bar to meet their housing hosts, check in, and get general advice and information. You can also purchase drinks or dinner at Owl Bar or other nearby locations. Please see “Social Events and Dinner Locations” for details. Saturday Armstrong Building, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (see “Conference Location Information”) TIME 8:00 – 8:45 AM 9:00 – 9:50 AM EVENT TYPE/TITLE SPEAKERS/DESCRIPTION Conference Check-in / Attendees check in, eat breakfast (provided), and receive the Breakfast finalized conference agenda and other key information. Opening Plenary Representatives of Johns Hopkins and U. of Maryland, Baltimore Welcome Messages & The Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, UAEM Board President State of UAEM Bryan Collinsworth, UAEM Executive Director Saturday Morning Breakout Sessions: Introductory/Veteran Tracks 10:00 – Introductory Track 10:50 AM Breakout Session Presented by UAEM Coordinating Committee members UAEM Policy 101: Access & For newer UAEM members, this is an introduction to our two innovation for essential fundamental policy focus areas: socially responsible licensing and medicines enhanced research on neglected global health needs. “Veteran” Track Breakout Session Facilitated by UAEM Staff and Coordinating Committee members UAEM Activism 201: A training for long-time UAEM members focused on more Taking your campus campaign intensive advocacy approaches and tactics including power to the next level analysis, media outreach, and direct action. 11:00 – Introductory Track 11:50 AM Breakout Session Facilitated by UAEM Staff and Coordinating Committee members UAEM Activism 101: An An advocacy and activism training for newer UAEM members, introduction to access focused on chapter startup, recruitment, growth, and methods advocacy on campus for educating your campus community about UAEM issues. “Veteran” Track Breakout Session Facilitated by UAEM Staff and Coordinating Committee members UAEM Policy/Activism 201: For long-time UAEM members, this session will focus on new and Next steps in UAEM access evolving policy questions arising from UAEM’s advocacy work, and innovation policy and begin exploring ways to answer them. 12:00 – Lunch (Provided) Lunchtime will include several important announcements and 12:50 PM brief presentations. 1:00 – 1:50 PM Plenary Panel Non-Communicable Diseases: the new challenge for access and innovation James Love, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, UAEM Board President Kavitha Kolappa, UAEM Board Member 11 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e 2:00 – 2:50 PM Plenary Panel Humanitarian Licensing in Practice Pascale Boulet, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) Danielle Zurovcik, Ph.D. Candidate, MIT Karolina Maciag and Adriana Benedict, Harvard UAEM 3:00 – 3:50 PM 4:00 – 6:00 PM Keynote Speech Stephen Lewis, Co-Director, AIDS-Free World 6:00 – 10:00 PM Dinner (Provided) and After-Hours Events Humanitarian Licensing Advocacy Action at Johns Hopkins University undergraduate campus Sunday Pharmacy Hall, University of Maryland-Baltimore (see “Conference Location Information”) TIME 9:00 – 10:05 AM 10:15 – 10:55 AM 11:00 – 11:20 AM 11:20 AM – 12 PM 12:00 – 12:50 PM EVENT TYPE/TITLE SPEAKERS/DESCRIPTION Plenary Panel Leena Menghaney, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) India A Global Challenge, a Global Priscilla Cesar, UAEM Brazil Coordinator Movement: International Katie Kirk, University of Cape Town UAEM perspectives on health access Aria Ahmad, UAEM Coordinating Committee Policy Breakout Sessions (Participants choose one of the following panels to attend…) Breakout Session #1 Johanne Iverson, UAEM Norway What’s an IGWG? Christoph Mahler, UAEM Germany Understanding international global health structures & UAEM’s impact at institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO). Breakout Session #2 Peter Maybarduk, Public Citizen Washington’s Access and Ben Flink, UAEM Coordinating Committee Innovation Impact How does the U.S. role in global policy impact health innovation and access in the U.S. and abroad? Breakout Session #3 Jessica Jeavons, Northwestern University UAEM University Transparency and Reshma Ramachandran, American Medical Students Association Accountability How do we address conflicts of interest between academia and industry, and how do we ensure schools follow through on access and innovation commitments? Plenary Talk Bryan Collinsworth, UAEM Executive Director What’s Next?: UAEM strategy planning for year ahead Lunch (Provided) Plenary Panel UAEM Campus Advocacy: Strategies for successful access licensing campaigns Ady Barkan, UAEM Board Member Emily Washington, Yale University UAEM Alum Taylor Gilliland, University of California, San Diego UAEM Ciara Lomax, Massachusetts Institute of Technology UAEM Tyler Brown, Johns Hopkins University UAEM 12 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Sunday Afternoon Strategy Sessions: Chapter action plans and ND/Innovation strategy panel 1:00 Track A 1:50 PM Breakout Session Facilitated by UAEM Staff and Coordinating Committee members What’s Next? Chapter action A focused planning session where students develop concrete plans for the year ahead action plans for their chapters with step-by-step support; every attendee will rotate through this workshop. Track B Breakout Session Facilitated by UAEM Staff and Coordinating Committee members The Neglected Disease Session focused on developing a comprehensive UAEM policy Innovation Challenge: framework for enhancing and reforming academic innovation for Developing a “GALF for ND” neglected diseases; each attendee will rotate through. 2:00 Attendees in tracks “A” and “B” above switch places to rotate through other session 2:50 PM 3:00 – 3:45 PM Closing Plenary Bryan Collinsworth, UAEM Executive Director Important Contacts We can’t anticipate everything, and we understand you may need help with questions or situations that come up during the course of the conference. If you need immediate assistance from conference organizers, please call or text the numbers below. (Please note: For police, fire or medical emergencies, dial 9-1-1 on any phone.) Friday Primary Contact: Tyler Brown: 775-843-0926 Alternate Contacts: Kaci Hickox: 410-955-5827 Andrew York: 410-804-1170 Bryan Collinsworth: 646-450-0752 Saturday Primary Contact: Michael Rogers: 443-810-9478 Alternate Contacts: Andrew York: 410-804-1170 Bryan Collinsworth: 646-450-0752 Sunday Primary Contact: Andrew York: 410-804-1170 Alternate Contacts: Bryan Collinsworth: 646-450-0752 13 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Social Events and Dinner Locations Friday: Happy Hour at the Owl Bar UAEM will host an introductory happy hour at the Owl Bar in the Mt. Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore on Friday evening. The Owl Bar is located 3 blocks from Penn Station in Baltimore, where most of the transit directions above lead. The address is 1 East Chase Street, Baltimore, MD, 21202. A map showing a walking route from Penn Station is below. Penn Station is point “A” and the Owl Bar is point “B”: 14 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Saturday: Free Dinner at Maxie’s in Charles Village Following the action on the Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus on Saturday afternoon, UAEM will provide a free dinner/happy hour at Maxie’s, a bar and pizza place in Charles Village. A map showing directions from the campus to Maxie’s is below; point “A” is just south of the east gate of the campus, and point “B” is Maxie’s: 15 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Conference Location Information Saturday: Armstrong Medical Education Building at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Saturday’s conference sessions will take place at the Armstrong Medical Education Building (AMEB) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, located at 1600 McElderry Street, Baltimore, MD, 21205. All sessions will be on the first floor, in two adjacent lecture halls just inside the front door. AMEB is 1 block from the Metro Subway, which can be boarded near the University of Maryland, and is on several MTA bus routes (see “General Public Transit Overview”, below), including the Number 13, which can be boarded at Penn Station, and the Number 21 which can be boarded on Biddle Street in Mt Vernon. It is also easily accessible from the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions shuttle for attendees staying in Charles Village or Mt. Vernon. A map of the Hopkins medical campus with AMEB marked is below, and can be downloaded here: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/directions/campusmap.html. 16 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Saturday Afternoon-Evening: Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus After the conference session, attendees will go the Homewood Campus of the Johns Hopkins University, the location of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, for a rally/action, followed by nearby dinner and after-hours activities, including a film screening. Transportation between campuses will be coordinated by UAEM staff on Saturday afternoon. For attendees staying near the Homewood Campus, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions shuttle picks up nearby and connects affiliates with Mt. Vernon and the medical campus. A map of the Homewood Campus is below, and higher resolution versions can be downloaded here: http://webapps.jhu.edu/jhuniverse/information_about_hopkins/visitor_information/how_to_get_here/ homewood_campus/pdf/homewood_campus_map.pdf 17 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Sunday: Pharmacy Hall at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Sunday’s conference sessions will take place in Pharmacy Hall at the Baltimore Campus of the University of Maryland. Pharmacy Hall is located at 20 North Pine Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. The Orange Route of the Charm City Circulator and the Metro Subway pick up nearby; the Metro is an excellent option for transit between the University of Maryland and the Johns Hopkins medical campus. A map with Pharmacy Hall and the subway stops is below, and can be found online here: http://www.umaryland.edu/map/. 18 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Overview Maps of Several Baltimore Neighborhoods Most conference attendees who have requested housing will be staying in neighborhoods near Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Maps of several of these neighborhoods are provided below for your convenience. Your host can tell you the name of the neighborhood you’re staying in if you aren’t sure! Fells Point Conference points of interest: housing for some attendees. 19 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Mt. Vernon Conference points of interest: Penn Station; Friday night’s event at the Owl Bar; housing for some attendees. Note: Baltimore’s Penn Station is shown at the top of this map. The transit directions in this packet lead to Penn Station. 20 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e Charles Village Conference points of interest: Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus; Saturday’s political action; Saturday’s free dinner at Maxie’s; Saturday’s film screening. 21 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e General Public Transit Information Baltimore’s public transit system is quite reliable but can be challenging to navigate for those used to a more robust subway or metro system—most options in Baltimore are public buses. They usually run a few minutes behind, but are otherwise a very good option in most cases. The fare for a single ride is $1.60, and a day pass for unlimited rides can be purchased for $3.50. Be aware, though, that unless you buy your ticket at a kiosk, you will need to have exact change as fare machines on buses do not give change. Ticket kiosks are available at Light Rail stops throughout the city (see below). Below are brief descriptions of the major public transit services in the city, and a link to the Maryland Transit Authority’s trip planner. This trip planner is usually the best way to figure out which transit option to take. Google Maps also works. If you need to take public transit to conference events, ask your host for the address, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with conference organizers if you have questions. A list of contacts is at the end of this packet. Trip Planner: http://mta.maryland.gov/ Bus Busses run throughout the city for all but several hours in the middle of the night. Use the MTA’s trip planner if you want to find a bus from your host’s home to the conference event locations. Fares for busses are $1.60 for a single trip and $3.50 for an unlimited day pass, and can be purchased while boarding the bus. Note, however, that fare machines on the bus do not give change. Charm City Circulator The Charm City Circulator is a free bus service in Baltimore City. The Orange Route and the Purple Route run regularly until about midnight. Information about the Circulator can be found here: http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/. In general, the Orange Route runs east to west from Harbor East to Hollins Market, and the Purple Route runs north to south from Penn Station to Federal Hall. A schedule and map for the Orange Route can be found here: http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/route/orange-route A schedule and map for the Purple Route can be found here: http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/route/purple-route 22 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e There is also a free “East Side Shuttle” that runs Monday – Friday until 7 PM and connects the Johns Hopkins Medical campus in East Baltimore with the Fells Point neighborhood: http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/content/east-side-shuttle Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI) Shuttle Johns Hopkins University operates a free shuttle between the Homewood Campus in Charles Village, where the Schools of Arts and Science, Engineering, and Education are located, and the medical campus in East Baltimore where the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health are located. The shuttle runs very regularly and late into the night Monday – Friday. It has a reduced schedule Saturday and Sunday, with Sunday service starting at 12 noon. For conference attendees staying in either Charles Village or Mt. Vernon, the shuttle is the best way to get from your host’s home to the Johns Hopkins medical campus. There are several stops in each neighborhood. A link to the current schedule and a map showing stop locations are below. 23 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e JHMI Shuttle Map: http://www.parking.jhu.edu/bin/s/a/JHMI%20Shuttle%20Map.gif JHMI Shuttle Schedule: http://www.parking.jhu.edu/bin/o/i/JHMI_shuttle_schedule%207-1-11.pdf Light Rail The light rail is one of two train transit options within Baltimore City. It runs north-south, connecting areas south of the city with areas north of it. It is a convenient mode of transportation if you are traveling up and down the west-side of the city, and will be especially useful for attendees who are flying into BWI airport (see below), and there are stops near the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and Penn Station. It also connects with the Metro Subway. Maps and schedules can be found here or through the MTA’s trip planner: http://mta.maryland.gov/light-rail Metro Subway The metro subway is the other train transit option within Baltimore City. It runs east-west, from Broadway Street and Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions to the southeast, through the city to Owings Mills to the northwest. It is an especially convenient option for travel between the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Maps and schedules can be found here or through the MTA’s trip planner: http://mta.maryland.gov/metro-subway Wireless Networks Wireless internet will be available free of charge on Saturday at the conference location. Saturday: At the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on Saturday, attendees can log on to the Johns Hopkins Guestnet, named “jhguestnet”. Simply connect to the network, open your browser, and agree to the terms. 24 | U A E M A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e
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