pasadena independent school district
pasadena independent school district
PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Meeting of the Board of Trustees Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at 6:00 P.M. AGENDA The Pasadena Independent School District Board of Trustees Personnel Committee will meet in Room L101 of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at 6:00 P.M. I. Convene in a Quorum and Call to Order; Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance II. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. III. Reconvene in Open Session IV. Adjourn The Pasadena Independent School District Board of Trustees Policy Committee will meet in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at 6:00 P.M. I. Convene into Open Session II. Discussion regarding proposed policies III. Adjourn 1 The Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Independent School District will meet in regular session at the conclusion of any committee meetings on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas. A copy of items on the agenda is attached. I. Convene in a Quorum and Call to Order THE SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED OR CONSIDERED OR UPON WHICH ANY FORMAL ACTION MIGHT BE TAKEN ARE AS FOLLOWS: II. First Order of Business 1. Section II Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections: 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee; 551.071 to consult with district’s attorneys: concerning matters on which the attorney’s duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act when the District seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. III. 2. Reconvene in Open Session 7:00 P.M. 3. Discussion of State Financial Accountability Rating for 2009-2010 (Discussion Only – No Action Required) pages 7-11 5 minutes 4. Special Recognition 30 minutes 5. Public Comments - according to Policy BED(LOCAL), Addressing the Board 30 minutes Consent Agenda Section III 1. Minutes of Meeting on July 21, August 4 & 16, 2011 pages 12-35 2. Informational Pages pages 36-128 2 5 minutes IV. 3. Contract Renewals: pages129-132 Computerized Point-of-Sale Accountability System and Meal Application Software for USDA National School Meals Program, CSP #08-018 Electrical Supplies and Lamps, CSP #10-004 Tools, Industrial Equipment and Related Items, RFP #10-007 Roofing Supplies and Related Items, RFP #10-008 Lawn Care Equipment, Repair Parts, Related Items, and Services, CSP #10-015 A/C Filters, CSP #10-047 Preventative Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Emergency Generators, CSP #11-008 4. Information Summary of Purchase Orders Over $10,000 Personnel Section pages 133-135 Section IV 10 minutes 1. Consideration and Possible Approval of Administrative Personnel V. 2. Consideration and Possible Approval of Additional Sp Ed Paraprofessional Positions page 136 3. Consideration and Possible Approval of Migrant Recruiter page 137 4. Certified Personnel page 138 5. Classified Personnel pages 139-140 Educational Section Section V 1. For Information Only Policies for Pilot Project: 1 to 1 initiative-San Jacinto Intermediate 2. Consideration and Possible Approval to Expansion of Dual Credit Course Options for High School Students page 141 2 minutes 3. Consideration and Possible Approval of page 142 Contract between Pasadena ISD and Harris County Department of Education for the Evaluation of the Teaching U.S. History Grant 2 minutes 3 4. Consideration and Possible Approval of page 143 the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Report for 2010-2011 5 minutes 5. Consideration and Possible Approval of the page 144 Memorandum of Understanding between PMHS and Bayshore Family Medical Practice Providing Health Care Learning Experiences to High School Students 2 minutes 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of the page 145 Memorandum of Understanding between PISD and St. Luke’s Patients Medical Center Providing Health Care Learning Experiences to High School Students 2 minutes 7. Consideration and Possible Approval for the Pasadena Memorial High School Side Kicks and PMHS Art Department to Travel to New York City for Educational Purposes January 11-15, 2012 2 minutes page 146 VI. Student Achievements NONE Section VI VII. Policy Update and Review Section VII 1. pages 147-148 VIII. Consideration and Possible Approval of Resolution to Suspend Portions of EIE (Local) for the 2011-2012 School Year 2 minutes Financial Section Section VIII 1. Consideration and Possible Approval of of 2011 Appraisal Roll pages 149-151 2 minutes 2. Consideration and Possible Approval of pages 152-153 Purchase of Property at Minnesota and Almeda Genoa 2 minutes 3. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase of Property at West Avenue 2 minutes 4 page 154 IX. Operations Section Section IX 1. page 155 Consideration and Possible Approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 26 for the Carmen Orozco Professional Development Complex X. Construction Update Section X pages 156-157 XI. Miscellaneous Section Section XI 2 minutes 2 minutes 1. Communications (NONE) 2. Public Comments (continuation if necessary) 10 minutes 3. For Information Only Discussion and Public Comment Regarding Changes to Board Term Lengths and Board Election Dates page 158 5 minutes 4. Consideration and Possible Approval of Small Claims Lawsuit against Neryda Garcia page 159 2 minutes 5. Set date for next regular meeting suggest Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1 minute 6. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections: 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee; Superintendent’s Formative Evaluation 551.071 to consult with district’s attorneys: concerning matters on which the attorney’s duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act when the District seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property 7. Reconvene in Open Session 5 If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to an item noticed in this meeting notice, then such closed or executive meeting or session as authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071-551.084, inclusive, of said Open Meetings Act, including, but not limited to: Section 551.084 - For the purpose of excluding witness or witnesses from a hearing during examination of another witness. Section 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board’s attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. Section 551.072 - For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Section 551.073 - For the purpose of considering a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation. Section 551.074 - For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. Section 551.082 - For the purpose of considering discipline of a public school child or children or to hear a complaint by an employee against another employee if the complaint or charge directly results in a need for a hearing. Section 551.076 - To consider the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. Section 551.083 - For the purpose of considering the standards, guidelines, terms or conditions the Board will follow, or instruct its representatives to follow, in consultation with representatives of employee groups in connection with consultation agreements provided for by Section 13.901 of the Texas Education Code. 8. Adjournment 9:05 P.M. 6 SUBJECT: Discussion of State Financial Accountability Rating for 2009-2010 (Discussion Only – No Action Required) BACKGROUND: School districts are required to hold a public meeting to report their financial accountability rating to parents and taxpayers. This rating has been determined by the Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) using audited financial data submitted to TEA by the PEIMS reporting system. This financial management performance rating provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is based on its comparison with indicators established by the Commissioner of Education. The report presented by the administration will explain the District’s performance under each of the 22 indicators and the District’s rating. For 2009-2010 the indicators are a combination of Yes/No answers and a point scoring system. Pasadena Independent School District received a score of 75 out of 80 and a Superior Achievement rating by passing 21 of 22 indicators for the seventh consecutive year. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A RECOMMENDATION: No Action Required CONTACT PERSON: John M. Piscacek Anna Winand Don Lazenby BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 7 Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas 2009-2010 DISTRICT STATUS DETAIL Name: PASADENA ISD(101917) Publication Level 1: 6/17/2011 9:03:31 AM Status: Passed Publication Level 2: None Rating: Superior Achievement Last Updated: 6/17/2011 9:03:31 AM District Score: 75 Passing Score: 56 # Indicator Description Updated Score 1 Was The Total Fund Balance Less Reserved Fund Balance Greater Than 4/25/2011 Yes Zero In The General Fund? 7:47:54 PM Was the Total Unrestricted Net Asset Balance (Net of Accretion of 4/25/2011 Interest on Capital Appreciation Bonds) In the Governmental Activities 7:47:54 PM 2 Yes Column in the Statement of Net Assets Greater than Zero? (If the District's 5 Year % Change in Students was 10% more) 3 Were There No Disclosures In The Annual Financial Report And/Or 4/25/2011 Other Sources Of Information Concerning Default On Bonded 7:47:54 PM Yes Indebtedness Obligations? 4 Was The Annual Financial Report Filed Within One Month After 4/29/2011 November 27th or January 28th Deadline Depending Upon The District's 3:43:23 PM Yes Fiscal Year End Date (June 30th or August 31st)? 5 Was There An Unqualified Opinion in Annual Financial Report? 4/25/2011 Yes 7:47:55 PM 6 Did The Annual Financial Report Not Disclose Any Instance(s) Of 4/25/2011 Material Weaknesses In Internal Controls? 7:47:55 PM Yes 1 Multiplier Sum 7 Did the Districts Academic Rating Exceed Academically Unacceptable? 4/25/2011 7:47:55 PM 8 5 8 9 Was The Three-Year Average Percent Of Total Tax Collections 4/25/2011 (Including Delinquent) Greater Than 98%? 7:47:55 PM Did The Comparison Of PEIMS Data To Like Information In Annual 5/10/2011 Financial Report Result In An Aggregate Variance Of Less Than 3 10:02:11 PM 5 5 Percent Of Expenditures Per Fund Type (Data Quality Measure)? 10 Were Debt Related Expenditures (Net Of IFA And/Or EDA Allotment) 4/25/2011 < $350.00 Per Student? (If The District's Five-Year Percent Change In 7:47:56 PM 5 Students = Or > 7%, Or If Property Taxes Collected Per Penny Of Tax Effort > $200,000 Per Student) 11 12 13 Was There No Disclosure In The Annual Audit Report Of Material 4/25/2011 Noncompliance? 7:47:56 PM Did The District Have Full Accreditation Status In Relation To Financial 4/25/2011 Management Practices? (e.g. No Conservator Or Monitor Assigned) 7:47:56 PM Was The Aggregate Of Budgeted Expenditures And Other Uses Less 4/25/2011 Than The Aggregate Of Total Revenues, Other Resources and Fund 7:47:57 PM 5 5 5 Balance In General Fund? 14 If The District's Aggregate Fund Balance In The General Fund And 5/10/2011 Capital Projects Fund Was Less Than Zero, Were Construction Projects 4:05:51 PM 5 Adequately Financed? (To Avoid Creating Or Adding To The Fund Balance Deficit Situation) 15 Was The Ratio Of Cash And Investments To Deferred Revenues 4/25/2011 (Excluding Amount Equal To Net Delinquent Taxes Receivable) In The 7:47:57 PM 5 General Fund Greater Than Or Equal To 1:1? (If Deferred Revenues Are Less Than Net Delinquent Taxes Receivable) 16 Was The Administrative Cost Ratio Less Than The Threshold Ratio? 4/25/2011 5 7:47:57 PM 17 18 Was The Ratio Of Students To Teachers Within the Ranges Shown 4/25/2011 Below According To District Size? 7:47:58 PM Was The Ratio Of Students To Total Staff Within the Ranges Shown 4/25/2011 Below According To District Size? 7:47:58 PM 9 5 5 19 Was The Total Fund Balance In The General Fund More Than 50% And 4/25/2011 Less Than 150% Of Optimum According To The Fund Balance And 7:47:58 PM 5 Cash Flow Calculation Worksheet In The Annual Financial Report? 20 Was The Decrease In Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance < 20% 4/25/2011 Over Two Fiscal Years?(If 1.5 Times Optimum Fund Balance < Total 7:47:59 PM 5 Fund Balance In General Fund Or If Total Revenues > Operating Expenditures In The General Fund,Then District Receives 5 Points) 21 22 Was The Aggregate Total Of Cash And Investments In The General 4/25/2011 Fund More Than $0? 7:47:59 PM Were Investment Earnings In All Funds (Excluding Debt Service Fund 4/25/2011 and Capital Projects Fund) More Than $20 Per Student? 7:47:59 PM 5 0 75 Weighted Sum 1 Multiplier Sum 75 Score DETERMINATION OF RATING A. Did The District Answer 'No' To Indicators 1, 2, 3 Or 4? 'No' To Both 5 and 6? B. OR Did The District Answer If So, The District’s Rating Is Substandard Achievement. Determine Rating By Applicable Range For summation of the indicator scores (Indicators 7-22) Superior Achievement 72-80 and Yes to indicator 7 Above Standard Achievement 64-71 or >= 72 and No to indicator 7 Standard Achievement 56-63 Substandard Achievement <56 or No to one default indicator INDICATOR 17 & 18 RATIOS 10 Indicator 17 Ranges for Indicator 18 Ratios District Size - Number of Ranges for Ratios Low High < 500 7 22 500-999 10 1000-4999 District Size - Number of Low High < 500 5 14 22 500-999 5.8 14 11.5 22 1000-4999 6.3 14 5000-9999 13 22 5000-9999 6.8 14 => 10000 13.5 22 => 10000 7.0 14 Students Between Students Between 11 MINUTES OF THE BOARD July 21, 2011 The Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Independent School District met in regular meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2011, at 5:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas. Board Members Present Mr. Jack Bailey, President, presiding officer Mr. Fred Roberts Mr. Marshall Kendrick Mrs. Vickie Morgan Mr. Jerry Speer Mrs. Nelda Sullivan Board Member Absent Mrs. Mariselle Quijano-Lerma The presiding officer called the meeting to order; Mrs. Sullivan gave the Invocation; Mr. Speer led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Board adjourned into executive session at 5:36 P.M. pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections: 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or changes against a public officer or employee; 551.071 to consult with district’s attorneys concerning matters on which the attorney’s duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act and when the District seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer; 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. The Board reconvened into open session at 7:15 P.M. and discussed the following business. No. 20572 APPROVED Consent Agenda Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the consent agenda, as shown on pages 7-99, Section III of the agenda, and copied below. Minutes of Meeting on May 26, 2011, pages 7-10 Informational pages, pages 11-91 Bid Items, pages 92-98 a. Competitive sealed bids and/or request for sealed proposals: Accommodations for events such as banquets, proms, team building, and meeting facilities, etc., CSP #11-044 12 b. Contract Renewals: Snack trays, food trays, and catering services, CSP #09-040 Vehicle after market/OEM parts, equipment, and services, CSP #10-036 Bus/vehicle repairs, overhauled and rebuilt parts and related services, CSP #10-038 Computer parts, supplies, and related items, SP #10-039 Snack trays, food trays, and catering services, CSP #10-044 Lumber/building supplies and related products, CSP #10-046 c. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 Donations, page 99 Yeas Noes Abstained Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None Trustee Kendrick No. 20573 Motion by Mrs. Sullivan, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that the Board APPROVED approve the administrative personnel, as shown on addendum page A, Administrative Section IV of the agenda, and copied below. Personnel Coe, Sonya, Spec. in School Psychology/Sp. Programs 11 yrs. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20574 APPROVED Rescission of Termination of the Professional Employment Contract of Steven Dockan Motion by Mrs. Sullivan, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that the Board approve the rescission of the termination of the professional contract of Steven Dockan, as shown on page 100, Section IV of the agenda, and copied below. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20575 APPROVED Rescission of the NonRenewal of the Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kendrick, that the Board approve the rescission of the non renewal of the professional contract of Deborah Sawyer, as shown on page 101, Section IV of the agenda, and copied below. The Board of Trustees proposed termination of Mr. Dockan contract for good cause at the April 5, 2011 board meeting. Steven Dockan is now requesting that the district approve rescission of the termination of his professional employment contract. Approve the rescission of the termination of the professional contract of Steven Dockan. The Board of Trustees proposed non renewal of Ms. Sawyer’s contract 13 Professional Employment Contract of Deborah Sawyer for good cause at the April 5, 2011 board meeting. Deborah Sawyer is now requesting that the district approve rescission of the non renewal of her professional employment contract. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20576 APPROVED PDAS Teacher Appraisal Calendar 2011-12 and Local Procedures Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the PDAS Teacher Appraisal Local Procedures and Calendar for the 2011-12 school year, as shown on pages 102-105, Section IV of the agenda. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None Certified Personnel The information below reflects action on Certified Personnel for the 2011 – 2012 school year, as shown on pages 106-109, Section IV of the agenda, and copied below. (July 21, 2011) Approve the rescission of the non renewal of the professional contract of Deborah Sawyer. A copy is available in the Superintendent’s office. 2011-2012 Additional Previously Approved Personnel: First Previously Last Name Location Position Exp Name Appr Groce Donna Community Math 1 New Board Evening approved Castaneda Laurie Miller Int. Math (Grant) 3 pending New Grant Position Boyd Kristen Miller Int. Art 1 Board appr 2011-2012 Replacement Personnel: Last Name First Name Location Randall Athletics Heard Acord Vanelli Allum Darcy Ashley Jackie Janina Beverly Hills Inter Beverly Hills Inter Burnett Elem. Burnett Elem. 14 District Athletic Trainer Math Earth Science SpEd Res. 2nd Grade 07/07/11 07/14/11 24 pending SuptAppr Date 06/23/11 5 0 16 6 06/23/11 07/07/11 06/30/11 07/07/11 Position Dugas SuptAppr Date 07/07/11 Exp 2011-2012 Replacement Personnel: 8 34 2 0 1 2 pending 3 pending 0 6 8 pending Garfield Elem. Garfield Elem. Guidance Center Jackson Int. Jessup Elem. Jessup Elem. Keller Middle Kruse Elem. L. F. Smith Elem. Lomax Middle Bilingual 2nd SpEd Res. 2nd Grade ACE Read/SS Art Biology Cosmetology PE Sp Ed PPCD Learning Res. Spec. Sp Ed Res. Nurse 5th/6th ELAR Math 1st Grade Sp Ed Res. Bilingual 5th 4th Grade 4th Grade Band Director SuptAppr Date 07/07/11 07/14/11 07/07/11 06/30/11 06/30/11 06/16/11 06/30/11 07/07/11 06/23/11 07/07/11 2 pending 16 pending 0 0 2 pending 0 3 0 2 pending 6 pending 06/30/11 06/30/11 07/14/11 06/16/11 06/23/11 07/13/11 06/16/11 07/07/11 07/07/11 06/16/11 Melillo Middle Science (6th) 13 06/23/11 Gonzalez Stewart Laizayas Stewart Novotny Hamilton Roxana Darce Crystal Lauren Iris Laura Amber Yakima Miller Int. Miller Int. Miller Int. Miller Int. Miller Int. Milstead Middle 1 1 18 0 1 pending 4 pending 06/23/11 06/16/11 06/30/11 06/16/11 07/07/11 06/16/11 Beasley Costales Heiserman Amy Kyrbi Carrie Morales Elem. Morales Elem. Morris Middle 17 pending 1 0 06/30/11 06/16/11 06/30/11 Gaukin Chambless Richard Robin Morris Middle Morris Middle P.E. Life Science Spanish Earth Science Reading SpEd/ABLE/Pa ble Music 3rd Grade Science/Social Studies (6th) Band/Orch Dir. Nurse 6 pending 11 pending 07/07/11 07/14/11 Last Name First Name Location Soto Merritt Crities Martinez Preston Buckheit Romero Fletcher Alvaro Roberts Sara Janice Shara Jessica Stacey Steven Amy John Tyler Levi Marti Burnett Elem. Burnett Elem. Bush Elem. DeZavala DeZavala Dobie High Dobie High Fisher Elem. Fisher Elem. Frazier Elem. Simpson Suire Rodriguez Ortega Williams Arrigo Grote Padgett Severson MartinezBenitez Rigdon Heather Joye Laura Maria Candra Elizabeth Rosa Holly John Christina Position 15 Exp 2011-2012 Replacement Personnel: Last Name First Name Location 0 0 SuptAppr Date 06/30/11 06/30/11 0 11 0 3 pending 11 pending 4 pending 5 pending 0 06/23/11 06/23/11 07/07/11 06/23/11 06/16/11 06/23/11 06/30/11 06/16/11 28 pending 3 0 3 pending 1 0 0 7 06/30/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 07/14/11 3 pending 8 pending 0 6 pending 3 1 pending 06/23/11 06/16/11 07/07/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/30/11 10 pending 06/16/11 10 pending 06/23/11 CTE Tech. Ed. 11 pending CTE HVAC 0 Bilingual 3rd 0 06/30/11 07/07/11 06/16/11 Position Pinto Adams Charles Leah Park View Int. Park View Int. Rosselit Reynolds Beames Fox Mozley Silva Poullard Moore Christopher Kimberly Joshua Megan Roy Quirino Samantha Geema Park View Int. Park View Int. Park View Int. Parks Elem. Pasadena High Pasadena High Pasadena High Pasadena Memorial Taylor Henderson Palmer Denke Resendez Whitely Ince Marsalis James Jeffery Kimberly Leah Kristina Rachel Samantha Ryan Pasadena Memorial Pasadena Memorial Pasadena Memorial Red Bluff Elem. Red Bluff Elem. Red Bluff Elem. Sam Rayburn High Sam Rayburn High Behr Bishop Wight Ramirez Viescas Brannigan Andrea Joy Holly Shawnte Elizabeth Laura Sam Rayburn High Sam Rayburn High San Jacinto Int. Schneider Middle Schneider Middle Shaw Middle Garza Maria Shaw Middle Ferguson Stephanie Shaw Middle Scarcella Bishop Moreno David Samuel Karina Skill Center Skill Center South Houston Elem. Coake Shaw Jennifer Karri South Houston High Biology South Houston High SpEd Res 16 Math (6th) ELAR/Art Teacher Math (6th) Peer Facilitator History 1st Grade History/Coach Gov./Coach Chemistry Bus Comp Info Systems P.E. History Biology 1st Grade 2nd Grade 4th Grade Dance SIOP Social Studies English English English/L.A. 5th Grade Bilingual 5th Band/Choir/Or chestra Asst. Bil 5th (Social Studies) Dyslexia Int. Exp 3 pending 14 06/23/11 06/16/11 2011-2012 Replacement Personnel: Last Name First Name Location Position Bell Welch Drew Lindsay South Houston High South Houston High Gill Dixon Davis Hernandez Rahman Sawyer Windell Danny John Angela Michea Deborah South Houston High South Houston High South Houston Inter. South Houston Int. Special Programs Summit High Galindo Meyer Samuel Laura Travis Tiona Teague Elem. Thompson Int. Thompson Int. Pena Grabowski Gutierrez Maria Melissa Rosa Thompson Int. Thompson Int. Young Elem. Classified Personnel Support Facilitation History SpEd (OMEGA) History Choral Director Art Nurse Speech Ther. Character Development Librarian Math/History Life & Earth Science Spanish English Bilingual PK Exp 3 pending 0 07/07/11 06/16/11 10 11 pending 19 pending 0 pending 11 pending 15 06/16/11 06/23/11 06/30/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 06/30/11 12 pending 0 0 07/07/11 07/07/11 07/07/11 11 pending 0 0 06/23/11 07/07/11 06/30/11 The information below reflects action on Classified Personnel during June/July 2011, as shown on page 110, Section IV of the agenda, and copied below. EMPLOYMENT Alfaro, Martha Clayton, Karen Gamino, Brittany Gonzalez, Maria Martinez Alonzo, Eliverto Custodian I (12M) - Beverly Hills Intermediate Purchase Order Clerk - Purchasing Communications Assistant - Printing & Publications Custodian I (12M) - Pasadena High Custodian I (12M) - South Houston Elementary TERMINATION Sellman, Laura Credit Recovery Aide - Community School No. 20577 APPROVED Additional Revisions for 2011-12 SuptAppr Date Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve additional revisions (highlighted in aqua) recommended by legal counsel for the Student Code of Conduct for the 2011-2012 school year, as shown on page 111, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. 17 Student Code of Conduct On February 22, 2011, the PISD Board of Trustees approved revisions (highlighted in yellow) for the 2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct. Those revisions had been suggested by principals and other District administrators. In addition, the revisions had been approved by the District Education Committee (DEC) and legal counsel. Following the conclusion of the 82nd Regular and Special Legislative Sessions, details regarding new discipline-related legislation were made available to the District in July. After reviewing the new legislation with the District’s legal counsel, additional revisions (highlighted in aqua) to the 2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct are now necessary in order to ensure legislative compliance. We recommend approval of the additional revisions (highlighted in aqua) recommended by legal counsel for the Student Code of Conduct for the 2011-2012 school year. A copy is available in the Superintendent’s office. Mr. Kendrick inquired about the portion of the Code stating that the principal and assistant principal can determine whether something is appropriate or inappropriate for a student to wear. Dr. Lewis clarified that this is primarily referring to issues that are not covered in dress code. Mr. Roberts asked about students wearing capri pants and if the air conditioning set point at the schools was 78 degrees. Dr. Lewis explained that the energy policy is 75 degrees across the district. It may be 78 in some of the locations because of the efficiency of some of our air conditioning systems. Ms. Fuqua explained that PreK-5th grade only may wear shorts and this includes grade 5 in middle schools. Mr. Roberts asked that we revisit the shorts/capri issue if the A/C set point is ever raised for the district. Dr. Lewis assured him if the set point was ever raised it would come to the Board for approval and the dress code issue could then be discussed. On those days when we know the A/C is going to be down, working less efficiently, or a chiller is broken, we have told the principals to relax the dress code for both students and staff on those days. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None 18 No. 20578 APPROVED TIPPS Grant Evaluator Contract with BA Associates, LLC for Miller Intermediate School and Pomeroy Elementary School Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the evaluation contract with BA Associates, LLC, as shown on page 112, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. The Texas Title I Priority Schools Grant (TTIPS) requires that a formal, independent audit be conducted annually. We requested and received this evaluation proposal from Dr. Bettye Grigsby, owner of BA Associates, LLC for this purpose. It is important to the continuation of the grant that Miller Intermediate and Pomeroy Elementary be in compliance with the terms of their successful grant applications. This on-going evaluation will assist the campuses in this effort. The scope of the proposal includes continuous progress monitoring, data analysis, and on-going feedback in the following areas: Student Achievement Campus Data (attendance, discipline, etc.) Instructional Program Quality Curriculum Alignment School Climate School Community Relations 2011-2012 $ 44,600.00 from TTIPS Grant Funds (Miller) $ 50, 000.00 from TTIPS Grant Funds (Pomeroy) Approval of the evaluation contract with BA Associates, LLC. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20579 APPROVED Purchase Instructional Materials from Heinemann to Support the Revised Elementary Language Arts Curriculum Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the instructional materials purchase from Heinemann for use during the 2010-2012 school years, as shown on page 113, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. This recommendation is for consideration and possible approval of language arts instructional materials for PK- 4 to support the new language arts vertically aligned curriculum for reading and writing. These materials will support teachers as they implement the new language arts Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and help prepare students for the upcoming STAAR assessment Board consideration and approval are requested as contracts with Heinemann will exceed $50,000 during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. The goal of the materials will be to help teachers implement the genre based Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in both reading and writing thus preparing campuses for the STAAR test. This district wide initiative 19 targets all certified personnel to strengthen instructional consistency across PISD campuses. $58,000.00 from Student Success Initiative Funds $10,000.00 from local funds We recommend approval of instructional materials purchase from Heinemann for use during the 2010-2012 school years. Mrs. Morgan inquired if this is for realignment and preparing us for STARR. Ms. Hickman stated that it is. Dr. Lewis explained that they are asking the campuses to be straight forward with the curriculum being presented because they believe it is specifically geared toward what STARR is going to be asking for. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20580 APPROVED Cooperative After-School Enrichment Program Grant Award (CASE) Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the acceptance of $100,000 in grant dollars, as shown on page 114, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. Two PISD campuses Frazier and South Houston Elementary schools have been awarded after school grants from Harris County Department of Education through its Cooperative After School Enrichment program (CASE). Each of the two schools received grant funds of $50,000. No financial implications. Pasadena ISD Administration recommends the acceptance of the $100,000 in grant dollars. Mrs. Morgan expressed her thanks for the hard work on this. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20581 APPROVED Interlocal Agreement with Region XI Education Service Center Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the Interlocal Agreement with Region XI Education Service Center, as shown on page 115, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code (ICC) was created by the State Legislature to allow public entities to increase their efficiency and effectiveness by authorizing them to contract for the performance of 20 governmental services. This agreement will allow PISD to purchase products and services from Region XI Education Service Center and participate in ESC XI sponsored purchasing cooperatives. In particular, this agreement will be utilized to purchase the Discovery Education Streaming and related Discovery resources. The program is at no cost to the District. We recommend approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Region XI Education Service Center. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20582 APPROVED Contract with ESC Region XI for 201112 for the Subscription Renewal of Discovery Education Streaming Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the contract with ESC Region XI for the 2011 – 2012 school year for the subscription renewal of Discovery Education streaming, as shown on page 116, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. This recommendation is for consideration and possible approval of contracts with ESC Region XI to provide a subscription renewal with Discovery Education streaming and related Discovery resources for the 2011-2012 school year. Beginning now and effective September 1, 2011, the public and non-public schools within the Region 4 area will be contracting for Discovery Education (DE) Streaming and related Discovery resources, and receiving support services for those resources, through ESC Region XI. Discovery Education provides engaging digital resources to schools and homes with the goal of making educators more effective, increasing student achievement, and connecting classrooms and families to a world of learning. Discovery Education produces and distributes high-quality digital resources in easy-to-use formats in all core-curricular subject areas. Discovery Education is committed to creating scientifically proven, standardsbased digital resources for teachers, students, and parents that make a positive impact on student learning. Financial Implications: $100,742.23 We recommend approval of a contract with ESC Region XI for the 2011 – 2012 school year for the subscription renewal of Discovery Education streaming. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None 21 No. 20583 APPROVED 2011-12 Agreement for Education Services at the Academic and Behavior Center – East between Harris County Department of Education & PISD Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve payment to Harris County Department of Education to provide educational services at the Academic and Behavior Center – East for 2011-2012 school year, as shown on page 117, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. Harris County Department of Education has agreed to provide services for 10 units to eligible student(s) with disabilities $195,000.00 to be paid in the following manner: PISD agrees to pay HCDE $19,500 annually per unit. The funding sources for these services are local, state and federal funds. We recommend approval of payment to Harris County Department of Education to provide educational services at the Academic and Behavior Center – East for 2011-2012 school year. Mrs. Morgan asked if this is for 10 units for students with disabilities and if it is the same as last year. Dr. Hill responded that it is the same as last year. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20584 APPROVED 2011-12 Agreement between Avondale House & PISD for Education Services Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve payment to Avondale House to provide educational services at Avondale House for 2011-2012 school year, as shown on page 118, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. Avondale House is a TEA approved non-public day school for children with disabilities. Avondale House has agreed to provide services for 1 eligible Pasadena ISD student(s) with disabilities. PISD agrees to pay Avondale House $3250 per month or approximately $39,000 for the 2011-2012 school year. Additional services based on ARD committee recommendations (related services, etc.) are billed separately. The funding sources for these services are local, state and federal funds. We recommend approval of payment to Avondale House to provide educational services at Avondale House for 2011-2012 school year. Mrs. Morgan questioned the huge difference between ABC and Avondale House, the difference in costs, and whether the choice is the parents. Dr. Hill shared that the difference is in how they bill. Avondale has one 22 of our students this year and it is a year contract. ABC has slots we pay for. One student may stay at Avondale for four months and leave and another student will then take that slot. The district makes the decision on where they go. It must be on a State approved list and the decision is based on the individual student’s needs. If you have slots they will give you a less expensive rate than if you have just one student. Avondale is targeted more too severe autism. Mrs. Sullivan asked if the students are transported by our buses. Dr. Hill replied that we do transport all of our students by district buses except for a situation when we need a private transport for special circumstances. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20585 APPROVED 2011-12 Agreement between Sharon Azar and PISD. Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the contract between Sharon Azar and Pasadena ISD for the 2011-2012 school year, as shown on page 119, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. As part of the Pasadena ISD Special Education Department Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) required by TEA, there is need for district wide training on how to write effective standards-based IEPs. Sharon Azar is a consultant who specializes in providing this type of training. For the 2011-2012 school year, PISD and Sharon Azar have designed a customized technical assistance model that provides staff development and on-site technical assistance to all special education teachers on the IEP process. The staff development and on-site technical assistance includes approximately 55 days of training in which the consultant will visit each PISD campus and provide follow up consultation with special education teachers and other support staff. PISD agrees to pay Sharon Azar approximately $71,500. The funding sources for these services are local, state and federal funds. We recommend the approval of the contract between Sharon Azar and Pasadena ISD for the 2011-2012 school year. Mrs. Morgan asked if this is for IEP training for our Special Education teachers and it the process had changed. Dr. Hill replied that it is for IEP training. There is a need to be more standard based so we are really looking at the curriculum and our IEP’s to make sure they are based on the curriculum. This consultant will be following up, going to campuses, working with the teachers and pulling their IP’s to see how they are doing and help. 23 Mrs. Sullivan asked if this is an individual or a company. Dr. Hill remarked that she is an individual that has worked with us over the last couple of years and worked with Stefan’s who we have used for ten years. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20586 APPROVED 2011-12 Agreement for Education Services at Shiloh Treatment Center between Shiloh Treatment Center & PISD Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve payment to Shiloh Treatment Center to provide educational services at Shiloh Treatment Center for 2011-2012 school year, as shown on page 120, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. Shiloh Treatment Center has agreed to provide services for 10 units to eligible student(s) with disabilities $243,000 to be paid in the following manner: PISD agrees to pay Shiloh Treatment Center $24,300 annually per unit. Additional services based on ARD committee recommendations (related services, etc.) are billed separately. The funding sources for these services are local, state and federal funds. We recommend approval of payment to Shiloh Treatment Center to provide educational services at Shiloh Treatment Center for 2011-2012 school year. Dr. Lewis pointed out that there is an affidavit on file of connection. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20587 APPROVED 2011-12 District Technology Plan Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the 2011-2014 District Technology Plan, as shown on page 121, Section V of the agenda, and copied below. The 2011-2014 District Technology Plan is the outcome of the commitment from the leaders of Pasadena Independent School District to focus on the most important initiatives to support the district in achieving its goals and objectives and the involvement and efforts of 69 members of the District Technology Planning Committee to identify those initiatives. This District Technology Plan is the recommendation and roadmap for PISD over the next three years. The District Strategic Plan serves as the foundation and primary framework for the goals and objectives of the 2011-2014 District Technology Plan. This plan also uses the Texas Long Range Plan for 24 Technology, eToolKit School 2.0 Interactive Model 21st Century Learning Community, Life-long Life-wide Learning, National Education Technology Plan, and researched based best practices as frameworks for this plan. We submit to you, the 2011-2014 District Technology Plan. It is a living document that requires funding support, accountability, evaluation, modifications and assessment to be successful. More than anything, this document is a testimony to a total commitment to student achievement and to enable all stakeholders who will make it possible. This document is a guide to increased success for PISD in accomplishing its mission of technology use throughout the organization. It should also be noted that this document is a plan that will be continually monitored and assessed. Any initiative or item within this plan will still follow all state and local policies regarding procurement and Board approval. No financial implications at this time. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2011-2014 District Technology Plan. Denise Gooden, PISD Executive Director of Instructional Technology, and Steve Wentz, Executive Director of Technology Services, reviewed the District Technology Plan 2011-14 with the Board. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20588 APPROVED Budget Amendments Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the Board approve the budget amendments, as shown on pages 122-132, Section VIII of the agenda, and copied. Budget amendments must be made in accordance with the budgeting procedures set out in the Financial Accounting Resource Guide, which states, “public funds shall not be expended in any manner other than that provided for in the Official Budget, as approved and properly amended. The budget must be amended when a change is made increasing any one of the functional expenditure categories, or revenue object accounts as listed in the Official Budget. Each amendment shall be reflected in the official minutes of the Board of Trustees, and the approved amendments shall be recorded as part of the district’s accounting records. We recommend the approval of the budget amendments. A copy is included in permanent record. 25 Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20589 APPROVED PISD Matching Funds for Bus Purchase Motion by Mr. Speer, seconded by Mr. Kendrick, that the Board approve $10,000 from Pasadena ISD Fund Balance toward the purchase of the new bus, as shown on page 133, Section VIII of the agenda, and copied below. The Harris County Soil and Water Conservation District has offered a grant to purchase a new bus for our District Transportation Department. The conditions of the grant require Pasadena ISD to commit $10,000 toward the purchase of a new, fully equipped 77 passenger school bus. The remainder of the purchase price will be paid by the Harris County Soil and Water Conservation District. Our district would also have to agree to destroy an older bus from the fleet as is customary with previous grant purchased buses. The total bid price of the new 77 passenger bus is $99,994.00 (including buy board fee). Cost to the district will be $10,000 with the grant paying the remainder of $89,994.00 for the new 77 passenger Blue Bird Vision bus. This will be funded from fund balance. We recommend approval of $10,000 from Pasadena ISD Fund Balance toward the purchase of the new bus. Dr. Lewis added that we get one free bus a year. Mr. Roberts stated that we cannot sell it. Dr. Lewis responded that you just have to get rid of it. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20590 APPROVED Salary Schedule Book for the 2011-12 School Year Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the Salary Schedule Book for the 2011-2012 School year, as shown on page 134, Section VIII of the agenda, and copied below. The Board of Trustees previously approved the individual hiring salary schedules for all regular employees on May 24. The Salary Schedule Book for the 2011-2012 school year includes more detailed information pertaining to the various positions associated with the different pay grades and includes the various hiring schedules for each pay grade. It also includes the employee supplements and the one-time extra duty pay rates. The Salary Schedule Book will be published on the PISD web site to 26 give access to all employees and appropriate information will also be published on the web site of the Business Office Procedure Manual. The salary schedules, supplements, and pay rates in the Salary Schedule Book are included in the proposed budget for 2011-2012. We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the Salary Schedule Book for the 2011-2012 school year Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20591 APPROVED Contract with Video Insights Security Camera Recording System Motion by Mr. Kendrick, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that the Board approve the contract with Video Insights security camera recording application, as shown on page 135, Section VIII of the agenda, and copied below. Our current Salient system needs an application upgrade in order to use newer IP megapixel cameras. Along with the Salient application upgrade, we budgeted to replace aging security camera servers. Based on the cost to upgrade the Salient application, we decided to review other applications to see if there were products on the market that would work for PISD. The Video Insights application will provide all our recording needs. The first year cost of $62,000 is covered with current year budget. Over the next five years the cost of the Video Insights system is estimated over $100,000 less than the current Salient system. Current budget funds will cover this contract. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the contract with Video Insights security camera recording application. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None No. 20592 APPROVED Contract for the Renewal of the Mizuni Application Maintenance Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the contract for the renewal of the Mizuni application maintenance, as shown on page 136, Section VIII of the agenda, and copied below. This request is for renewal of our annual maintenance of our Mizuni data warehouse, SIF agents (Pearson, Hays, Nutrikids), and Zone Integration Server. The cost of the proposed renewal is $110,000. 27 Funds are included in the proposed budget for 2011-2012. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the contract for the renewal of the Mizuni application maintenance. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None Construction Update Dr. Lewis stated that there is nothing going on at this time but little fixes here and there. No. 20593 APPROVED Next Regular Meeting Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the next regular meeting for Tuesday, August 23, 2011. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Speer, Sullivan None Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. __________________________________ President, Board of Trustees __________________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees __________________________________ Date 28 MINUTES OF THE BOARD August 4, 2011 The Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Independent School District met in special session on Thursday, August 4, 2011, at 12:00 noon in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas. Board Members Present Mr. Jack Bailey, presiding officer Mrs. Mariselle Quijano-Lerma Mr. Fred Roberts Mrs. Nelda Sullivan Mr. Jerry Ross Speer Board Members Absent Mr. Marshall Kendrick Mrs. Vickie Morgan The presiding officer called the meeting to order; Mr. Roberts gave the Invocation, and Mrs. Quijano-Lerma led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Board adjourned to executive session at 12:04 PM, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee; 551.071 to consult with district’s attorneys: concerning matters on which the attorney’s duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act when the District seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property The Board reconvened into open session at 12:20 P.M. and conducted the following business. 29 No. 20594 APPROVED Administrative Personnel Motion by Mrs. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the Board approve administration personnel, as shown on addenda pages a-e, and copied below Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Quijano-Lerma, Roberts, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20595 APPROVED Rescission of the Proposed Termination of the Professional Employment Contract of Clint Conover Motion by Mrs. Sullivan, seconded by Mrs. Quijano-Lerma, that the Board approve the rescission of the proposed termination of the professional contract of Clint Conover, shown on page 3, and copied below. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Quijano-Lerma, Roberts, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20596 APPROVED Additional Teaching Position for Dobie HS Motion by Mr. Speer, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve one additional teaching unit for Dobie HS, as shown on page 4, and copied below. (Originally PHS but changed to Dobie HS at the meeting.) Karla Compean Corpus Latonya Smith Rhonda Wright Scott William Pollack Wendy Lynn Wiseburn Counselor-Park View Int. Counselor-San Jacinto Int. Grant Coordinator-Pomeroy Elem. Principal-Milstead MS Principal-Frazier Elem The Board of Trustees proposed termination of Mr. Conover’s contract for good cause at the April 5, 2011 board meeting. Clint Conover is now requesting that the district approve rescission of the proposed termination of his professional employment contract. We recommend approval of the rescission of the proposed termination of the professional contract of Clint Conover. The course requests for the students at Dobie High School indicate that additional sections are needed for speech. According to the current master schedule the average class size for speech is 30. We have 54 students who need speech this semester with an additional 150 students who had requested speech but were unable to get into class. By approving another teaching unit for Dobie High School they will be able to reassign teaching assignments and create at least three additional sections for speech. Estimated total cost which includes salary and benefits will be $50,000. This will be taken from the 2011-2012 Instructional Contingency Fund. We recommend approval of one additional teaching unit for Dobie HS. 30 Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Quijano-Lerma, Roberts, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20597 APPROVED CASE 21st Century Community Learning Centers, CYCLE 7 Year 1 Grant Award Motion by Mr. Speer, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the CASE 21st Century Community Learning Centers CYCLE 7 Year 1 Grant Award in the amount of $176,250 in grant dollars, as shown on page 5, and copied below. Kruse Elementary School has been awarded an after school grant through the Harris County Department of Education’s 21st Century, Cycle 7 Year 1 Grant. The grant to Kruse is valued at $176,250. Pasadena ISD Administration recommends the acceptance of the $176,250 in grant dollars. Mrs. Sullivan asked for clarification on what Cycle 7 means. Ms. Rosie Prusz explained that each year of a grant is considered one cycle. This is the seventh year of this grant in the State of Texas, not necessarily in our district, so this is Cycle 7. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Quijano-Lerma, Roberts, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20598 APPROVED CASE 21st Century Community Learning Centers, CYCLE 7 Year 1 Grant Funded Position Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the CASE 21st Century Community Learning Centers CYCLE 7 Year 1 Grant Funded Position, as shown on page 6, and copied below. The 21st Century Cycle 7 Year 1 grant will allow Kruse Elementary School to offer an after school program that provides academic enrichment opportunities, youth development activities, and provides families of students literacy and educational development opportunities. Kruse Elementary will need to hire a site coordinator (Pay Grade E04, 220 Days) to support and oversee program implementation. No financial implications – position is grant funded. Pasadena ISD Administration recommends the approval of this grant funded position. Dr. Lewis remarked that we have learned over the last several years that when we get some of these larger grants we need someone to help manage the process. We want to make sure we are administering it well. These are grant funded positions and the people hired for them receive notice that they are in the position for that period of time and that period only. 31 The meeting closed at 7:45 PM. ___________________________________________ President, Board of Trustees ____________________________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees ____________________________________________ Date 32 MINUTES OF THE BOARD August 16, 2011 The Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Independent School District met in special session on Tuesday, August 16, 2011, at 5:30 PM in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas. Board Members Present Mr. Jack Bailey, presiding officer Mr. Fred Roberts Mr. Marshall Kendrick Mrs. Vickie Morgan Mrs. Nelda Sullivan Mr. Jerry Ross Speer Board Members Absent Mrs. Mariselle Quijano-Lerma The presiding officer called the meeting to order; Mr. Speer gave the Invocation and Mr. Kendrick led the Pledge of Allegiance. No. 20599 Motion by Mrs. Sullivan, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that the Board APPROVED approve the administration personnel, as shown on addenda pages aAdministrative b, and copied below Personnel Janice B. Brody 21st Century Family Coord Specialist Idalia C. Garza Asst Prin-Williams Elem Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20600 APPROVED Rescission of Proposed Termination of Professional Employment Contract of George Ross Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve the rescission of the proposed termination of the professional employment contract of George Ross, as shown on page 3, and copied below. The Board of Trustees proposed termination of Mr. Ross’s contract based upon the reduction of force at the April 5, 2011 board meeting. The Administration is now requesting the rescission of that proposed termination. No financial implications. The recommendation is to approve the rescission of the proposed termination of George Ross. 33 Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20601 APPROVED Additional Secondary Teaching Unit Motion by Mrs. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan, that the Board approve one additional secondary teaching unit, as shown on page 4, and copied below. The administration is requesting an additional secondary social studies teaching unit assigned to Southmore Intermediate to reduce higher than average class loads. The estimated total cost which includes salary and benefits will be $50,000, adjusted in the 2011-12 budget. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Sullivan, Speer None No. 20602 APPROVED Order Calling School Building Bond Election and Containing Other Provisions Related Thereto Motion by Mr. Kendrick, seconded by Mrs. Morgan, that the Board approve an Order Calling School Building Bond Election and containing other provisions related thereto, as shown on pages 5-12. Yeas Noes Trustees Bailey, Roberts, Kendrick, Morgan, Sullivan, Speer None Discussion of the Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for 11-12 Don Lazenby reviewed the changes from the last budget meeting on Draft 6 of the budget to the new Draft 7 of the budget that is included in tonight’s meeting. A copy is included in permanent records. Dr. Lewis explained the process the Future Facilities Committee went through leading up to bringing this bond item to the Board. He reviewed the many projects that would be covered under this bond such as a CTE Campus, completion of the Middle School concept, replacement of four schools, campus renovations/additions/upgrades, technology, purchase of property, and some bus replacements. He assured the Board that they would watch the economic situation and if things change enough that we don’t believe we can do this with a no tax rate concept we will wait until the situation improves. Dr. Lewis added that we have community support for this bond and expect positive things to happen because of it for the district and community. He recommended approving this no tax rate increase bond election. The public was afforded an opportunity to come forward to address any issues they might have regarding the budget. No one came forward. 34 The meeting adjourned at 7:18 PM. ____________________________________________ President, Board of Trustees ____________________________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees ____________________________________________ Date 35 SUBJECT: Check Disbursements for the Month of August, 2011. BACKGROUND: The following pages recap the disbursements made for accounts payable and payroll for the month of August. The accounts payable disbursements have been made for services and purchases in accordance with applicable state and local policies and procedures. In addition, disbursements were paid to board authorized personnel expenses. These pages are for your information. 36 The following is a summary of invoices paid during the month of August, 2011: ACCUMULATED FUND CHARGES 199 LOCAL MAINTENANCE $4,867,358.99 2xx SPECIAL REVENUE 1,094,908.04 240 FOOD SERVICE 1,141,361.75 411 TECHNOLOGY FUND 461 ACTIVITY 511 DEBT SERVICE 63X BOND SERIES 2005, 2006, 2007 691 PAY AS YOU GO 753 GROUP BENEFIT FUND 770 WORKERS COMPENSATION 863 PAYROLL 162,130.42 865 AGENCY 80,140.38 3xx 4xx 15,372.26 201,225.61 90,162.91 111,301.35 0.00 48,639.17 0.00 TOTAL $7,812,600.88 37 The following is a summary of payroll for the month of August, 2011: PAYROLL 199 LOCAL MAINTENANCE 2xx SPECIAL REVENUE 21,903,088.19 2,190,549.01 3xx 4xx 240 FOOD SERVICE 670,489.38 418 TRS SUPPLEMENT 0.00 461 ACTIVITY 0.00 753 GROUP BENEFIT FUND 0.00 865 AGENCY 0.00 TOTAL $24,764,126.58 38 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 56.29 1,292.00 10,948.00 5,712.08 5,349.04 13.86 37.95 26.21 33.45 5.49 2,442.00 5,391.64 15,888.00 294.04 107.40 725.40 792.61 51.12 289.35 1,446.42 599.49 1,056.57 1,166.60 3,750.00 317.00 3,850.00 159.60 235.02 1,888.89 263.22 13.00 2,225.50 219.00 214.60 219.00 39.00 89.00 27.95 985.00 33.77 900.09 10,873.20 4,532.61 79.82 134.28 15,381.20 837.55 16,218.75 698.02 28.16 CD I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I VENDOR NAME 21ST MORTGAGE CORP 360 DEGREE CUSTOMER INC 360 DEGREE CUSTOMER INC 77 EAST EDGEWWOD DR HOLDIN 77 EAST EDGEWWOD DR HOLDIN 99 CENT ONLY STORES 9ER'S GRILL 9ER'S GRILL 9ER'S GRILL 9ER'S GRILL A B F PRINTING SERVICES IN A B F PRINTING SERVICES IN A B FIRE PROTECTION A C COLLINS FORD INC. 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A C P DIRECT A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A C T INC A C T INC A C T/N C E A A M C MUSIC A M C MUSIC A M C MUSIC A M C MUSIC A P EXAMS A PHOTO IDENTIFICATION A S C D A S C D A S C D A S C D A S C D A S C D A S C D A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T A T & T LONG DISTANCE A T & T MOBILITY 39 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/02/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 CK-AMOUNT 7,111.47 135.00 223.18 100.00 100.00 100.00 2,625.00 100.00 200.00 114.94 80.84 37.42 4,795.15 3,495.00 1,012.10 49.97 491.68 29.95 32.45 51.92 136.83 165.58 150.93 498.00 112.00 19,306.27 3,098.61 3,098.61 100.00 2,499.40 476.50 100.00 100.00 60.00 180.97 1,127.07 215.13 2,340.00 55.00 5,406.28 5,747.45 2,034.00 8,053.00 900.00 15,200.00 34.12 1,850.00 3,000.00 282.48 56.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME A T P E AAHPERD AARON BROTHERS Aaron C. Nail AARON D DRYDEN AARON S EBBINGHAUS A-ATHLETIC AND MEDICAL SUP Abigail K. Cork ABRAHAM N NGUYEN ABUNDIA MEDRANO ABUNDIA MEDRANO ABUNDIA MEDRANO ACADEMIC INNOVATIONS ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE ACADEMY / PASADENA STORE ACADEMY / PASADENA STORE ACADEMY LTD ACADEMY LTD ACADEMY LTD ACADEMY LTD ACADEMY LTD ACADEMY LTD ACCENT SCREEN PRINTING INC ACCUCUT ACCU-TECH CORPORATION ACE IMAGE WEAR ACE IMAGE WEAR ADILENE I CANTU ADMIRAL GLASS & MIRROR ADRIAN CASTRO ADRIAN RODRIGUEZ ADRIANA ESTRADA ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF ADVANCED D'SIGN SERVICES ADVANCED D'SIGN SERVICES ADVANCED D'SIGN SERVICES ADVANCED GRAPHICS ADVANCED GRAPHICS ADVANCED GRAPHICS ADVANCED OFFICE SYSTEMS ADVANCED OFFICE SYSTEMS ADVENTURE LAND BOOK FAIRS AFFORDABLE MOONWALKS ETC, AGILE SPORTS TECHNOLOGIES AGUILAR, MARTIN AHA PROCESS, INCORPORATED 40 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 3,975.00 3,090.00 500.00 55.50 88.57 15.19 526.00 5,476.00 188.92 1,500.00 318.25 281.18 100.00 95.64 53.28 330.42 100.00 100.00 100.00 149.18 100.00 208.00 16.55 100.00 118.81 80.00 515.89 114.49 774.00 774.50 1,069.41 1,069.41 485.00 392.75 100.00 35.22 416.09 41.62 359.21 304.19 226.38 80.00 160.00 66.47 229.37 280.72 13,234.33 21.67 52.00 371.42 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME AHA PROCESS, INCORPORATED AHA PROCESS, INCORPORATED AIM FUNDRAISING AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST ALAMO SALES CORP ALAN GEORGE BYARS ALANA MORRIS ALANIS, VIANNEY ALARCON, JOAQUIN & ALBERT AYALA ALBERT CARTER ALBERT CARTER ALCALA, RICHARD & MARIA C ALEJANDRA G GARCIA GALINDO ALEJANDRO SALINAS ALEJANDRO TRIANA ALENA JOAN GRINSTEAD Alexandra Pena ALEXIS QUIROGA ALFONSO VIERA ALFREDO HERNANDEZ ALFREDO MONTERO ALIEF I S D ALISA PEDERSON ALISA PEDERSON ALL AMERICAN FLAGS & BANNE ALL AMERICAN FLAGS & BANNE ALL PRO ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT ALL PRO ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT ALLIANCE FOR MULTICULTURAL ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC ALLISON HALL ALLISON JANELL TAMEZ ALMAGUER, RICARDO ALMAROSA UMANZOR ALVARADO, BLANCA ALVARENGA, ISAIAS & DINA ALVIN B MILLER JR ALVIN HIGH SCHOOL ALVIN I S D ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL AM HERIT LIFE INS AM HERIT LIFE INS AM HERIT LIFE INS AMAYA, PATRICIA & JUAN 41 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/09/11 08/23/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/02/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 113.62 104.19 11.47 14.98 36.85 31.90 2,171.87 7,065.71 6.00 99.00 263.42 364.32 100.00 16.04 245.85 90.50 30.92 129.65 100.00 100.00 100.00 449.15 74.70 209.34 1,013.70 345.28 195.00 100.00 92.50 27.98 30.00 12,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 329.71 111.33 92.00 111.65 100.00 80.85 232.15 89.59 100.00 21.98 100.00 100.00 100.00 355.40 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME AMBAKISYE BANKS AMBER MCCOY AMBER MURPHY AMBER MURPHY AMERICAN ASSN OF NOTARIES AMERICAN ASSN OF NOTARIES AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INS AMERICAN MULTI CINEMA INC AMERICAN RED CROSS AMSAN TEXAS AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LIT AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LIT AMY C. FULLER AMY ELAINE GREEN AMY HOUSE AMY KIEL BROWN AMY MICHELLE WHALEN AMY MICHELLE WHALEN AMYRIZ GARCIA AN H TRAN ANA E. HERNANDEZ ANA PAYNE ANCHOR BOX COMPANY ANDERSON'S ALPHABET U ANDERSON'S MIDDLE ZONE ANDRADE, ROBERT A ANDREA ROSS Andrea Salazar ANDREA ZAPATA ANDREA ZEPEDA ANDREA ZEPEDA ANDREWS KURTH LLP ANESSA M RIOS ANGEL CANO ANGEL PIOQUINTO ANGELA BERTOLASIO ANGELA BERTOLASIO ANGELA BUTLER ANGELA JOY BALCH ANGELEE L. RUSSELL ANGELIKA MISHRA ANGELINA MARTINEZ ANGIE DE LA CRUZ Anita Jamali ANITA MAY GUERRERO ANN E. JOOST ANTERO D MARIN ANTHONY J TRUNCALE ANTHONY LEE ALLEN Anthony R. Lopez 42 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/22/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 300.00 25.98 200.00 153.00 263.00 495.00 365.00 250.00 60.00 220.00 70.00 139.00 200.00 977.50 83.00 95.00 2,231.50 19,001.00 10,625.00 11,954.20 20,396.00 110.20 51.92 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 87.83 5,250.00 370.48 319.84 144.00 54.00 32.00 377.94 463.01 100.00 275.23 31.01 42.38 28.08 34.98 16,828.26 5,632.34 100.00 100.00 120.00 450.00 100.00 400.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ANTHONY W NORVILLE ANTONIA GONZALES GALLEGOS ANTONIO D GARCIA ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL ANTONIO'S ITALIAN GRILL APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APPLE EDUCATIONAL SALES APPLE EDUCATIONAL SALES APPLE EDUCATIONAL SALES APPLE EDUCATIONAL SALES APPLE INC APPLEBEE'S April N. Rosse AQUIB A. HASNAIN ARACELY BERRONES ARACELY GARCIA ARCHIE B DANIELS ARCTEC ASSOCIATES INC ARGUELLO, ALBERTO M ARMADILLO PHOTO SUPPLY ARMAND BAYOU NATURE CENTER ARMAND BAYOU NATURE CENTER ARMSTRONG REPAIR CENTER IN ARMSTRONG REPAIR CENTER IN ARMSTRONG REPAIR CENTER IN ARNDREYA A HOWARD ARNES WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE ARNES WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE ARNES WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE ARNOLD MAGANA ARNOLD MAGANA ARTIST BOAT INC ARTIST BOAT INC ASHLEIGH M. HAYMON ASHLEY B. MONTGOMERY ASHLEY CHADDOCK ASHLEY KEILERS ASHLEY M. CARRAWAY Ashley N. Arnold 43 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/30/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/13/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 181.98 110.00 258.85 2,088.53 29,996.82 496.29 749.95 1,483.08 871.00 200.00 3,008.78 1,362.56 6,449.43 202.50 4,835.75 415.00 189.00 200.00 31.00 864.10 1,096.55 49.51 41.06 127.58 198.15 46.33 153.58 8,199.80 1,855.00 1,772.10 8,540.56 125.10 888.44 180.00 311.98 3,493.00 1,568.40 1,026.00 204.00 1,359.00 39.00 289.70 365.59 533.10 28,656.50 36,420.66 104,011.96 32,274.22 6,300.00 437.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ASSOC FOR SUP/CURR DEVELOP ASSOC. OF TX PROF EDUCATOR ASTRO APPAREL ASTRO APPAREL ASTRO APPAREL ASTRO APPAREL ATHLETIC DREAMS LLC ATHLETIC, MISC EXP ATLAS SIGN SERVICES INC Aubrey.I Adams AUM SAI RAM INC AUSTIN RIBBON AND COMPUTER AUTOZONE INC AVALOS, JOSE L & GEORGIA AVID CENTER AVID CENTER AVIS RENT A CAR SYSTEM, LL AWESOME EVENTS AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES B & G GULF FREEWAY B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & H MUSIC B & H MUSIC B & H PHOTO, VIDEO, PRO AU B & H PHOTO, VIDEO, PRO AU B M I EDUCATIONAL SERVICES B S N SPORTS B S N SPORTS BALDERAS, DANIEL &LOERA BR BALFOUR/ SCHOLASTIC TRADIT BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALFOUR/LONE STAR LETTERJA BALTIERRA, HUGO & BAND SHOPPE BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA BANNER LABS INC BANNER LABS INC 44 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 147.26 9.70 709.89 35.98 74.99 3,835.00 247.50 1,061.25 1,096.37 592.00 50.00 71.00 71.00 877.00 92.75 27.18 302.31 51.80 31.08 220.32 359.70 125.92 4,659.75 357.68 1,420.47 3,317.28 3,221.97 1,285.92 743.80 2,773.05 126.00 275.73 221.49 2,531.15 1,770.93 192.45 150.00 2,551.97 298.82 339.45 202.50 2,975.00 40.61 129.99 183.47 104.94 493.23 119.98 595.10 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BARBARA E DAVILA BARBARA E EIKENBURG BARBARA E EIKENBURG BARBARA KROHN BARBARA L FUQUA BARBERS HILL ATHLETICS BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS I BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS I BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS I BAREFOOT ATHLETICS BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY I BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY I BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY I BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY I BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC #552 BARRERA, ALMA D BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BATH & BODY WORKS #1276 BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUER VISUAL GRAPHICS INC BAUER VISUAL GRAPHICS INC BAUER VISUAL GRAPHICS INC BAUER VISUAL GRAPHICS INC BAULCH, ROBERT L & SHIRLEY BAYOU GRAPHIX BECKIE JEANNETTE BELL BED BATH AND BEYOND BED BATH AND BEYOND BED BATH AND BEYOND BED BATH AND BEYOND BED BATH AND BEYOND BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPAN 45 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 CK-AMOUNT 197.99 189.00 3,698.88 49.99 131.96 59.97 1,338.39 17.98 149.39 200.00 112.00 22.00 30.98 3,447.00 106.00 5,260.30 2,414.60 1,874.00 406.50 200.91 51.45 38.00 1,645.00 321.54 200.00 2,665.32 2,940.62 292.31 816.00 313.45 247.78 21,127.18 96,639.87 3,662.50 2,885.91 2,758.64 4,494.88 95.80 276.30 30.00 780.00 6,860.47 6,860.47 189.57 215.50 100.00 235.00 40,425.00 100.00 197.99 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BENJAMIN H POTTER BENJAMIN J STEWART BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG BEST BUY BUSINESS ADVANTAG Bethany M. Phelps BETTY BROWNING BEVERLY BOLTON BEVERLY JO KRELL BICKERSTAFF HEATH DELGADO BIG LOTS BIG Z LUMBER BIG Z LUMBER BIG Z LUMBER BILL JONES EQUIPMENT CO, I BILLYE SMITH BILLY'S DONUTS BILLY'S DONUTS BIOGIME INTERNATIONAL INC BLACK-EYED PEA BLAKE K. HUDDLESTON BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE WILLOW BOOKSHOP BOATHOUSE SPORTS BOBADILLA, JOSE BOBBY GONZALES BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS BOUQUETS BY BETTY BRADLEY LOUIS HEAD BRADY HULL & ASSOCIATES BRADY HULL & ASSOCIATES BRADY HULL & ASSOCIATES BRADY HULL & ASSOCIATES BRAIDEN N RUCKER BRAILLE INSTITUTE PRESS BRAINPOP.COM, LLC BRANDON THOMAS BRANDON WARE 46 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/15/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/11/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 CK-AMOUNT 70.00 85.00 100.00 45.92 100.00 4,900.00 125.00 65.25 20.00 100.00 7,240.32 387.84 135.72 27.75 61.05 100.00 100.00 200.00 850.00 83.84 106.93 626.38 101.08 330.34 100.00 10,790.00 148.60 816.00 160.00 375.92 770.00 46.99 83.36 448.49 161.90 49.95 52.90 247.50 202.50 20.00 74.09 1,664.50 347.76 772.10 309.00 267.00 11,090.00 1,486.66 1,440.00 202.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BRAUCHLE, KRISTIN BREAKER AND CONTROL CO IN BRENDA L AGUILAR BRENDA MITCHELL BRENDA MORENO BRENDA PARTRIDGE BRENDETTAE J PAYNE BRENT CHAPMAN BRIAN SEARS BRIANNA M HERMAN BRIGHTPOINT LITERACY BRINK'S INCORPORATED BRINK'S INCORPORATED BRITTANY GAMINO BRITTANY GAMINO Brittany K. Seay BRITTANY N. HARRIS BROOKE E. HALL BROOKS DUPLICATOR CO BROOKSIDE EQUIPMENT SALES BROOKSIDE EQUIPMENT SALES BROOKSIDE EQUIPMENT SALES BROOKSIDE EQUIPMENT SALES BROWN, STEVEN BRYANT A GONZALEZ BUCK TERRELL ATHLETICS BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS BUD GRIFFIN CUSTOMER SUPPO BUI, HUYEN T BULLRITOS BULLRITOS BULLRITOS BULLRITOS BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BUSTERS BAR-B-QUE BYRD, CHARLES E & JANIS BYRON EUGENE BUTTS C & D BURGER SHOPPE C & D TROPHIES C B ROBINSON C L WHITTINGTON C L WHITTINGTON C L WHITTINGTON C. LINK CORPORATION C. LINK CORPORATION C. LINK CORPORATION CABALLERO, DAVID & MARGARE 47 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/29/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 52.32 2,022.50 853.00 35.97 500.00 150.00 229.50 153.86 76.93 378.39 200.00 100.00 100.00 324.54 16.99 33.09 282.08 202.50 100.00 334.21 168.75 260.10 157.82 589.90 917.03 125.00 26.09 390.48 633.88 271.13 329.25 1,784.56 42.98 631.86 350.25 2,470.00 4,810.00 200.00 206.30 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 98.33 300.00 130.95 36.00 455.08 100.00 135.04 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CABANA CATERING CADY, MARK D CAITLIN E CAUGHLIN Caitlin N. Patteson CAITLIN R WOODS CAITLIN WHITE CALENDARS CALENDARS CALHOUN, ELIZABETH A CALVERT, JAMES K JR CAMILO A CARIDAD CAMPOS, JESUS CAMPOS, REYNALDO & EDELIA CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT, MISC E CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT, MISC E CANALES, JESUS M CANDACE AHLFINGER CANDACE AHLFINGER CANDACE AHLFINGER CANDY L HOWARD CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, CANTU, SERGIO CANUTU, OSIEL D & ARACELI CAPSTONE PRESS, INC CAPSTONE PRESS, INC CARDENAS, LUIS R & MARIA A CARDENAS, MARIA M & CAREAVAN CAREAVAN CAREY SINK CARLA BEAMES CARLOS CASTILLO CARLOS D SOTELO Carlos I. Ruiz CARLOS V CARDENA CARMEN DOMINGUEZ CARMEN RENTERIA CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL LYNN BEAL CAROL TRAN CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY 48 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/23/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 11.00 179.12 19.42 22.20 230.83 980.01 6,192.49 3,577.97 207.41 314.50 64.89 1,325.00 314.50 148.00 74.00 498.45 311.69 183.70 254.86 36.16 4,132.32 100.00 22.20 143.90 96.40 224.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 330.00 4,637.13 613.88 2,541.71 13,530.12 3,116.18 3,052.56 61.60 2.17 54.25 660.00 200.00 1,242.85 2,266.45 7,362.89 278.69 366.48 497.07 190.89 CD V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CAROLS CASTILLO CAROLYN KAYE POST CAROLYN WALLER CARRIE JOYCE GEIER CARRIE JOYCE GEIER CARRIE MOORE CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC CARSON-DELLOSA PUBLISHING CASA OLE MEXICAN RESTAURAN CASAREZ MEXICAN RESTARAUNT CASAREZ MEXICAN RESTARAUNT CASAREZ MEXICAN RESTARAUNT CASAS CATERING CASAS, VICTOR M & AGUILAR, CASHIER, P I S D CATHERINE SUE DANNA CDR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE CDW-G CECI K BRIZUELA CECIL FLOYD GRAY CECILIA CASTANEDA CECILIA RIVERA CECILY MONIQUE MEDINA CELENY A BENITEZ Celeste R. Larivee CELESTE RODRIGUEZ CELESTE ZAMORA CENTERING ON CHILDREN, INC CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY SRVCS, CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTURY ASPHALT CERAMIC STORE INC CESAR ROMERO JR CHALKS TRUCK PARTS, INC. CHALKS TRUCK PARTS, INC. CHALKS TRUCK PARTS, INC. CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY I CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY I CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY I CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY I 49 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/25/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/22/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/15/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 CK-AMOUNT 146.22 481.20 2,240.00 407.34 94.41 1,062.18 107.76 4,627.19 6,112.39 3,475.12 7,870.33 466.00 11,575.58 3,291.48 648.00 425.00 665.00 200.00 4,093.00 100.00 1,975.28 359.47 40.85 18,322.82 154.07 311.18 215.10 136.50 803.00 56.50 675.00 26.48 135.52 135.00 651.00 145.00 147.70 239.00 63.30 127.60 385.80 80.50 402.90 147.00 147.00 418.00 285.40 109.25 181.50 99.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY, CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY, CHANNEL DOOR, INC CHAPA, ARMANDO JR & ROSA CHAPMAN VENDING AND COFFEE CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS I CHARLES A DANA CENTER CHARLES BOLLINGER CHARLES BOLLINGER CHARLES WASHINGTON CHARTER FIRE PROTECTION IN CHASE B LEE CHASE HOME FINANCE CHAVARRIA, ROBERTO & ELIZA CHEFS PRODUCE CHEFS PRODUCE CHERYL COPERUDE CHERYL PATRICK CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A 50 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/23/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 08/10/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 08/11/11 08/22/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 237.60 394.00 139.50 460.00 49.50 353.20 61.38 225.20 245.05 500.00 32.48 79.68 132.25 618.00 155.20 48.20 319.80 300.00 384.34 156.22 300.00 30.76 173.85 101.71 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 541.72 100.00 30.00 40.00 35.00 35.00 225.00 500.00 18.00 41.00 80.00 25.00 100.00 40.75 299.79 226.67 697.24 227.67 584.53 200.00 302.53 399.99 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHIPOLTE CHOTO, MARIA Chris Huerta CHRIS J GROSS CHRISTINA ABRAMS BOWSER CHRISTINA MARIE SHAW CHRISTINA REYNA CHRISTINA REYNA CHRISTINA SERNA CHRISTINE BUI CHRISTINE P. PHAM CHRISTOPHER A NICKELSON CHRISTOPHER ALLEN QUILLIAN CHRISTOPHER LEE BUSSEY CICI'S PIZZA CICI'S PIZZA CICI'S PIZZA #37 CICI'S PIZZA #37 CICI'S PIZZA #37 CICI'S PIZZA #37 CICI'S PIZZA #37 CICI'S PIZZA #45 CICI'S PIZZA #45 CICI'S PIZZA #45 CICI'S PIZZA #45 CINDY GONZALEZ CINDY LISA COLE CINDY LISA COLE CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CIRILO M OJEDA CISNEROS, NELSON & LORRINA CITIMORTGAGE 51 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 CK-AMOUNT 313.81 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 55.00 117.00 225.00 325.00 210.00 4,025.00 4,073.16 9,495.34 2,963.04 5,100.58 25,640.36 1,410.00 25.00 1,229.03 9,829.48 27,121.14 15,795.48 14,674.42 9,337.34 35,776.35 6,580.08 1,362.46 1,703.68 773.04 506.46 376.37 1,669.30 415.62 2,736.54 100.00 68.32 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CITIZEN, TWANNA Y CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON - PERMIT D CITY OF HOUSTON - PERMIT D CITY OF HOUSTON - WATER DE CITY OF HOUSTON - WATER DE CITY OF HOUSTON - WATER DE CITY OF HOUSTON - WATER DE CITY OF LAPORTE CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA - RESALE CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF PASADENA - WATER D CITY OF SO HOUSTON - WATER CITY OF SOUTH HOUSTON CITY OF SOUTH HOUSTON CITY OF SOUTH HOUSTON CITY SUPPLY INC. CITY SUPPLY INC. CITY SUPPLY INC. CITY SUPPLY INC. CITY SUPPLY INC. Clara Snelson CLARA WILSON 52 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 123.90 106.00 1,179.35 1,415.00 1,305.54 58.23 100.00 2,456.29 80.00 80.00 160.00 525.00 1,000.00 12.00 2,212.76 5,928.12 111.50 379.00 350.00 167.37 100.00 100.00 161.02 80.51 159.26 105.60 121.25 95.00 597.10 44.00 289.26 483.30 25.98 100.00 798.20 103.50 308.56 491.85 260.00 2,536.75 491.20 1,490.00 277.35 330.46 33.90 100.00 500.00 1,729.00 5,312.00 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CLARENCE W MITCHELL, JR CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS, I CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS, I CLARKE DISTRIBUTING CO CLARKE SECURITY PRODUCTS, CLARKE SECURITY PRODUCTS, CLAY B. ELLIS CLEAR BROOK CITY M.U.D. CLEAR BROOK HIGH SCHOOL CLEAR CREEK HIGH SCHOOL CLEAR LAKE HIGH SCHOOL CLEARPOINT CHURCH CLEVENGER, GEORGE CLIFFORD E SMITH CMS COMMUNICATIONS, INC COASTAL ROOFING SYSTEMS, I COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COIN COPIERS COLLEGE BOARD COLLEGE BOARD Collin S. Rogers COLTON T. HINSON COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMMERCIAL ART SUPPLY COMMUNITY EVENING SCH MISC COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES COMPLETE ATHLETE COMPLETE ATHLETE COMPLETE LINE GLASS WHOLES CONDADO, ENRIQUE CONNIE CASTILLO CONNIE N LE CONSTANCE CHESHIRE CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS, L CONTRERAS, ROBERTO G & CONTROL SOLUTIONS INC CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES COOLE SCHOOL COOLE SCHOOL CORNISH MEDICAL ELECTRONIC CORTEZ, ALBERT & CELIA L CORTEZ, LUIS & ESMERALDA CREATIVE EDUCATION INC CREST-COALITION OF READING CREST-COALITION OF READING CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUT CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUT CRISTAL ABREU 53 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 397.95 441.70 520.52 332.70 35.00 226.70 417.85 100.00 346.85 96.84 195.09 931.00 145.00 4,222.90 31.25 10.24 155.88 1,020.00 300.00 4,316.16 495.00 566.70 2,002.10 105.00 464.27 2,164.05 148.75 100.00 350.00 605.00 100.00 32.12 104.82 31.66 235.97 354.34 100.00 1,070.00 3,284.00 1,334.00 405.00 100.00 105.78 20.00 83.81 195.95 300.00 490.09 38.85 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME Cristina Delatorre CROW, ERIC & KEIRA CROWD CONTROL WAREHOUSE CRUZ, LEWIS CRUZ, MARCELO R CRYSTAL GONZALEZ CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS CRYSTAL SLIVA CRYSTAL SOSA CUEVAS, JOSE CULLEN'S , LLC CULTURAL ASSISTANCE PRODUC CUMMINS-ALLISON CORPORATIO CUMMINS-ALLISON CORPORATIO CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES, LLC CYNTHA FRANSSEN CYNTHIA A RION CYNTHIA ANN HENDERSON CYNTHIA ANNE ASKEW CYNTHIA M. ESPINOZA CYPRESS LAWN & TURF EQUIPM D B S TEXAS D B S TEXAS D B S TEXAS D F SALES D F SALES D F SALES D L B EDUCATIONAL CORP DAC T VU DAILY COURT REVIEW DAKTRONICS, INC DALI NACIANCENO DALTILE CORPORATION DALTILE CORPORATION DALTILE CORPORATION DALTILE CORPORATION DAMIAN, GENARO L & ELENA S DANA T NGUYEN DANCELINE PRODUCTIONS DANCEWEAR ETC INC DANCEWEAR ETC INC DANCEWEAR ETC INC DANIEL J ALANIS DANIEL ROYD HOPPIE DARBY HICKMAN DARLA DANETTE MASSEY-JONES DARLA DANETTE MASSEY-JONES DARLENA KAY GIBSON DARLENE DAVIS DARLENE DAVIS 54 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 197.99 9,120.74 162.04 400.08 200.00 100.00 5,772.08 5,772.08 100.00 200.00 155.44 999.98 319.56 100.00 100.00 284.20 375.00 753.11 910.66 546.23 553.11 972.35 58.90 24.78 93.89 212.12 271.88 13.99 10.90 59.94 165.87 18.65 600.00 56.85 518.90 75.00 96.78 493.11 1,956.44 142.40 165.00 367.78 346.14 68.43 9,106.37 17,380.03 21,035.44 30,961.99 11,882.01 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DARLENE SANTOYO DARYL COTTON DATA PROJECTIONS, INC DATA PROJECTIONS, INC DATA PROJECTIONS, INC DAVID CHOLLETT DAVID E GUERRERO DAVID G. PEAKE DAVID G. PEAKE David R.Kolacny DAVID SELL DAVID WINBORN DAVIDSON TITLES INC DAVIDSON, DUSTIN R DAVY CHAN DAYRA GONZALEZ DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEANNA KAY MCBRIDE DEBBIE BARRETT DEBBIE BARRETT DEBORAH J HIRSCH DEBORAH J HIRSCH DEBORAH L JAMES DEBORAH OAKES DEBRA FLOWERS DEBRA KRAMPEN DECKER, INC DEER PARK HIGH SCHOOL DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DELEON TACOS DELEON, DIANA DELEON, SARAH & DELIA ABREGO DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LP DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P 55 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/11/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/25/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/05/11 08/31/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/23/11 CK-AMOUNT 18,080.01 106,002.84 13.92 14.36 13.53 1,015.68 410.73 730.30 80.81 207.16 272.29 200.00 118.55 131.95 140.00 332.90 25.00 62.35 90.61 80.00 308.36 688.89 420.50 29,161.69 100.00 0.03 49.00 100.00 146.96 324.00 63.85 48.32 35.33 202.50 311.10 1,751.05 169.10 100.00 54.00 726.00 49.00 2,051.39 320.00 1,074,168.28 152.00 202.50 457.51 59.00 41.00 17.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELORES LYNN WHITESIDE DELORES LYNN WHITESIDE DELTA EDUCATION INC DELTA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DEMMI N GARCIA DENISE B NANCE DENISE CARTER GOODEN DENISE CARTER GOODEN DENISE CARTER GOODEN DENISE PINEAULT DENISE RIDGWAY DENISE RIDGWAY DENNIS HAYTER DENOVA, ALEJANDRO DEONIARA Z PARRISH DESIREE MEDINA DEXTER D JOYNER DIAMOND M. MENA DIANA GOMEZ DIANA GOMEZ Diana Rivas DIANE WHEELER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIAZ, JULIO & MARIA DICK BLICK DICK BLICK DICK BLICK DIEGO ESTRADA DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING, I DITTA MEAT COMPANY DO, JOHN THANH DOBIE HIGH SCHOOL, MISC EX DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE 56 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/18/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 57.00 82.50 66.69 123.07 64.40 62.77 41.99 81.99 230.00 93.99 119.14 705.19 505.74 35.97 75.47 35.82 235.00 15.90 22.00 114.00 189.75 12.00 49.71 328.44 202.50 3,408.67 237.21 202.50 449.00 44.65 100.00 4,517.28 4,517.28 9,932.00 100.00 502.50 359.17 245.00 630.00 116.25 1,182.26 29.92 200.00 532.00 23.12 12.51 42,684.50 200.00 750.00 3,508.32 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOMINOES PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DONALD R WOEST DONETRUS HILL DONNA ALSDORF DONNA ALSDORF DONNA EDWARDS DONNA G DAWSON DONNA L HUEMME DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DONUT WHEEL DONUT WHEEL DORA MARTINEZ DORIS LINTON DOVE, MAZIE R DOW FENCE & SUPPLY CO DOW FENCE & SUPPLY CO DRISCOLL, EDWARD A DUN & BRADSTREET DUNKIN DONUTS DUSTIN K. SMIERS DUSTLESS AIR FILTER CO DUSTLESS AIR FILTER CO DUSTLESS AIR FILTER CO DUYEN T DINH EAGLE COLLISION REPAIR CEN EAN HOLDINGS, LLC EAN HOLDINGS, LLC ECAMPUS SYSTEMS ECOLAB/GCS SERVICES, INC ECOLAB/GCS SERVICES, INC EDDIE, GENE OEHLERS EDGAR GARCIA EDGEWOOD PRESS INC EDITH CORRIGEUX BARRERA EDITH CORRIGEUX BARRERA EDUCAIDE SOFTWARE EDUCATION CITY, INC EDUCATIONAL ENTERPRISES RE EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS INC 57 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/22/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/30/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 3,536.62 230.80 1,918.27 2,385.33 679.66 32.28 100.00 100.00 95.54 193.54 100.00 48.00 350.00 100.00 225.00 450.00 100.00 100.00 79.92 369.03 76.00 466.85 100.00 26.38 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 20.00 21,686.00 92.73 3,584.00 98.00 100.00 230.25 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 45.88 432.56 46.32 100.00 256.00 100.00 75.50 180.00 145.31 480.00 574.42 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS INC EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS INC EDUCATOR'S DEPOT INC EDUCATOR'S DEPOT INC EDUCATORS OUTLET EDUCATORS OUTLET EDWARD A LEWIS EDWARD J ALVARADO EDWARD LAU EDWARD NELSON EFREN E GOMEZ-PINEDA ELEANOR R MANRY ELENA MENDOZA ELIZAB GUILAMO ELIZABETH A HEDDEN, MD PA ELIZABETH A HEDDEN, MD PA ELIZABETH M HOANG ELIZABETH SANCHEZ ELLEN CRONIN-MORELAND ELLIOTT, REBECCA ELLISON EDUCATIONAL EQUIPM ELMBROOK CORPORATE SERVICE ELMER E RODAS EMILY CRUZ EMILY D ROBBINS Emily Trevino EMMANUEL M SALAZAR EMMANUEL QUIROZ ENCHANTED FLORIST ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA I ENTENMANN-ROVIN COMPANY EOS HEALTH INC EPSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENTERP ERIC A WILSON ERIC LEWIS ERIC R. TEVIS-FUSSELL ERICK GANOA Erik A. Ruiz ERIKA I. GARZA ERIKA NATIONS ERIN JACKSON ERIN JACKSON ERIN T.RAYMON ERMINIA TOBIAS ERNESTO A RAMIREZ ERNIE'S CAFE AND CATERING ERNIE'S CAFE AND CATERING ERNIE'S CAFE AND CATERING ERNIE'S CAFE AND CATERING ESPINOZA, DANIEL 58 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/11/11 08/24/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/23/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 202.50 402.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 11.47 370.00 463.00 4,573.52 17,236.44 582.06 18,248.00 4,657.00 3,389.00 715.00 1,267.20 295.01 275.47 2,375.26 248.72 322.00 348.50 200.00 217.00 186.55 56.81 123.16 517.23 517.23 143.96 223.59 1,702.56 2,527.08 98.52 650.65 11,540.02 1,950.26 128.63 499.51 562.72 100.00 3,539.96 405.81 389.43 396.15 436.46 381.80 39,853.17 119.76 458.68 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ESPINOZA, MARY M ESPINOZA, SIDNEY & ESTEPHANIE RANGEL ESTEYSI SERRATO ESTHEPHANY GARZA EULOGIO BAEZ EVENTS PLUS EVENTS PLUS EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EXALT PRINTING SOLUTIONS EXCALIBUR WOOD SHELVING EXCALIBUR WOOD SHELVING EXCALIBUR WOOD SHELVING EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORA EXXONMOBIL FLEET/GECC EXXONMOBIL FLEET/GECC EYE ON EDUCATION F.H. CANN & ASSOCIATES, IN FAMILY CUISINE FAMILY CUISINE FARAZ MOHAMMED FEDERAL NEWS SERVICES INC FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX KINKO'S FEDEX KINKO'S FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERNANDO D ZUNIGA FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIGUEROA, HECTOR E FIGUEROA, JOANN & ANTHONY FINE ARTS, MISC EXPENSE FINE ARTS, MISC EXPENSE FINNEY, KEVIN L FIRST ONSITE, LLC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FLAGHOUSE INC 59 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/11/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 CK-AMOUNT 203.00 5,000.05 113.90 468.86 1,811.47 6,683.00 465.00 39.81 65.12 353.63 270.00 70.31 365.00 108.00 2,127.50 2,354.50 285.75 59.88 18.87 4,500.00 2,227.50 495.30 2,429.20 4,296.70 13,457.35 3,587.65 522.72 551.25 1,500.00 4,129.00 34.02 11.00 300.00 100.00 27.00 188.82 1,495.33 420.00 318.79 75.00 89,982.50 15.00 21.52 1,614.24 408.06 66.80 93.45 484.33 320.47 445.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME FLAGHOUSE INC FLAGHOUSE INC FLAGHOUSE INC FLAGHOUSE INC FLAGHOUSE INC FLEMING INSTRUMENT REPAIR FLEMING INSTRUMENT REPAIR FLEXI, COMPRAS FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC FLORES, DAVID FLORES, MARLENIS A & FLOWERS & CO FLOWERS FOR YOU FLOWERS FOR YOU FLOYETTE ORIGINALS FLOYETTE ORIGINALS FOOD SERVICE, MISC EXP FOOD TOWN FOODARAMA FORDE-FERRIER EDUCATIONAL FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FORT WORTH RUNNING COMPANY FOSTERQUAN LLP FOUNDATIONAL FITNESS, INC FOUR BROTHERS OUTDOOR POWE FRANCES HERNANDEZ Frank Deleon FRANK J PINA IV FRANKELS COSTUME CO INC FRANKIE SALDANA FRANKIE SMART INC DBA FRANKLIN HOLCOMB FRANKLIN MOSES FRANKLIN MOSES FRED J MILLER INC FRED ROBERTS FREEMAN ELEMENTARY, MISC E FREY SCIENTIFIC CO FREY SCIENTIFIC CO FROG PUBLICATIONS FROG PUBLICATIONS FRY'S ELECTRONICS FRY'S ELECTRONICS FUDDRUCKERS 60 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/29/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 927.63 2,768.64 650.00 100.00 337.36 100.00 100.00 100.00 160.95 295.99 368.81 216.68 35.00 186.00 890.00 1,778.80 364.76 309.40 317.42 202.50 321.75 315.50 354.93 200.00 84.00 140.00 256.50 630.00 168.00 56.00 375.00 28.00 70.00 68.00 678.00 3,333.33 32.86 372.12 291.50 271.87 375.18 379.83 312.76 890.12 8.61 8.61 385.56 9,148.80 542.64 507.82 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME G T DISTRIBUTORS, INC G T DISTRIBUTORS, INC GABBY'S BARBECUE & CATERIN Gabriel A. Riojas GABRIEL FIRST CORPORATION GABRIELA L SILVA GABRIELA M CORONADO GABRIELA ROMERO GAIL WARD GAIL WARD GALAN, JENNY GALLARDO, JESUS & SANTOS GALLERY FLOWERS AND GARDEN GANDY INK GANDY INK GANDY INK GARAY, CHRISTI D & ABRAHAM GARCIA, BALDOMERO & SERGIO GARCIA, CANDELARIO GARCIA, MANUEL & JUANA H GARCIA, MARIA GARCIA, MARIA ELVIA GARCIA, VICTOR GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARRATT-CALLAHAN COMPANY GARRY K WILLMAN GARZA, APRIL CHRISTINE GARZA, CORANDO & JOSEFINA GARZA, DANIEL G GARZA, JUAN F & CLAUDIA GARZA, RALPH GARZA, RUDOLFO I & JACQUEL GAYLORD BROS INC GDI TIMS GDI TIMS GENERAL BINDING CORPORATIO GENERAL BINDING CORPORATIO GENERAL BINDING CORPORATIO General Revenue Corp 61 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/30/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 CK-AMOUNT 7,158.18 14.98 222.40 608.21 200.00 200.00 11,027.00 1,000.00 100.00 64,000.00 652.31 488.21 2,471.80 301,183.36 277,988.85 100.00 454.46 499.38 467.98 79.49 552.00 11,575.30 1,111.33 100.00 495.95 115.00 663.75 18.89 314.76 400.83 35.50 186.00 264,911.73 2,504.48 728.50 3,723.75 655.50 655.50 94.50 8,488.96 3,772.69 1,701.18 105.51 200.00 23.38 1,042.73 1,256.41 18,432.00 170.72 200.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME GENERATORS OF HOUSTON GENIA RIPLEY GEORGE B CARLISLE, JR. GEORGE CRANDALL GERALD COLE GERALD MEYER JR GEYER INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS I GHOBRIAL, ROXANNE GILBERTO GRANADOS GILDER LEHRMAN INSTITUTE O GILMAN GEAR GILMAN GEAR GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLENDA E CARBAJAL GLENDA NEIDECKER GLENDA NEIDECKER GLENDA NEIDECKER GLOBAL SERVICES GLOBAL SERVICES GLOBAL SERVICES LLC GLORIA GALLEGOS GLORIA QUINTANILLA GO FLOW, INC GO STORE IT GOLDEN CORRAL CORPORATION GOLDEN CORRAL RESTAURANT GOLFSMITH GONZALES, FELIPE & OLGA G GONZALEZ MEAT MARKET GONZALEZ MEAT MARKET GOOSE CREEK C I S D GOOSE CREEK C I S D GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GOPHER SPORT GRACE I BLASINGAME GRAND PRIZE BARBEQUE INC GRANT PROFESSIONALS ASSOC GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY I GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY I GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY I GREAT SOUTHWEST PAPER CO GREEN, DEBRA SUE GREG FAIGLE 62 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/05/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/01/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 741.04 170.70 52.27 208.89 197.99 23.86 100.00 236.81 313.20 359.60 202.50 297.24 1,180.00 2,008.05 155.00 2,206.50 450.00 111.20 1,977.73 1,717.40 100.00 348.59 323.68 20.00 58.42 50.00 55.61 81.23 75.35 19.49 39.86 31.56 24,338.23 4,080.00 1,325.00 10,215.00 100.00 377.19 202.50 381.31 368.37 379.53 1,182.72 100.00 3,035.55 2,871.65 465.45 217.69 2,886.00 6,000.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME GRIFFIN, RICKY & BENNETT, GRINGO'S RESTAURANT GRISELDA NEEL GRISELDA NEEL GUADALUPE GARZA GUADALUPE GARZA GUADALUPE RAMIREZ GUADALUPE V TURCIOS GUAJARDO, JUAN H GUDINO, CARLOS GUERRA, ROY H GUEVARA, YOLANDA E & GULF COAST ATHLETIC SUPPLY GULF COAST SPECIALTIES GULF COAST SPECIALTIES GULF COAST SPECIALTIES GULF COAST TROPHIES INC GULF-TEX FEED STORE GUNN, TOMMY W & KIMBERLY A GUSTAFSON MANUFACTURING CO GUSTAVO A HUITRON GUYTON, TIKECIA GUZMAN, LETICIA H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E BUTT GROCERY CO H T E COMPRESSORS INC H T E COMPRESSORS INC H T E COMPRESSORS INC Hadill Calderon HAJ, JAMAL & RIKE DBA HALL, DONNA C HALL, ROBERT K HALLIGAN, PETER HAMILTON, DUSTIN L HAMMOND & STEPHENS CLASSRO HANNAH C. MONTOYA HAPPY FEET HAPPY FEET HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS HARDING HOUSE PUBLISHERS HARLAND TECHNOLOGY SERVICE HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC 63 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 97,500.00 4,400.00 160.00 111.83 250.00 293.00 4,014.00 1,077.00 37.50 737.76 5,223.67 278.67 59,807.32 169.60 1,300.53 1,626.24 773.04 1,452.49 342.58 216.68 12,600.00 100.00 422.39 306.88 3,127.44 2,500.00 1,490.58 500.00 263.49 574.20 2,921.00 2,246.40 8,810.64 1,600.50 1,035.93 62,525.04 110.42 325.88 450.00 250.00 125.00 28.00 202.50 202.50 202.50 202.50 358.10 168.25 94.35 859.72 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLE HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLE HARRIS COUNTY TOLL ROAD AU HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER HARRIS COUNTY-RESALE HARRIS COUNTY-RESALE HARRIS COUNTY-RESALE HARRIS COUNTY-RESALE HARRIS, JANET E HARRIS, PAUL RAYNER & PHYL HARVEY W EMMONS III HAYES SOFTWARE SYSTEMS HEALTH EDCO INC HEALY AWARDS INC HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS, I HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS, I HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS, I HEATHER M.WOITENA HEATHER MOSS HEAVY DUTY BUS PARTS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOK HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOK HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOK HEINEMANN WORKSHOPS HEINEMANN WORKSHOPS HELEN DRAB-STIGANT HENRY ALLEN GRUBBS HENRY AND SONS DUMP TRUCK HENRY AND SONS DUMP TRUCK HENRY AND SONS DUMP TRUCK HERMAN WILLIAMS HERNANDEZ, CELIA HERNANDEZ, GRACIANO & ADEL HERNANDEZ, HENRY C & ELVIR HERNANDEZ, LOUIS & FRANCES HERNANDEZ, MIGUEL & FLOR A HIGHSMITH INC HILLARY WOEST HILLYARD - HOUSTON 64 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/02/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 113.36 202.50 162.82 311.28 133.43 318.25 411.39 237.83 4.49 41.98 95.40 26.07 500.00 386.25 202.87 94.90 373.79 385.91 261.31 55.35 443.95 79.90 61.59 148.64 17.97 54.72 43.64 487.13 72.39 61.95 95.04 26.91 59.77 58.65 114.56 84.94 189.06 181.75 249.40 177.58 91.82 15.94 6.48 221.39 81.98 126.06 218.79 223.78 154.76 514.04 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HILTON AUSTIN AIRPORT HINOJOSA, FELIX B & AMELIA HOBART CORPORATION HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOLLY DIANE BAILEY HOLLY E YOES HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 65 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/11/11 08/30/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/18/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/22/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 492.00 418.69 348.74 26,208.19 21,493.90 500.00 500.00 3,067.50 451.68 286.00 3,150.00 143.00 286.00 387.36 1,177.00 16.98 56.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 65.00 100.00 655.26 830.52 118.65 373.44 127.73 200.00 1,908.98 112.47 100.00 200.00 410.46 150.00 405.00 238.01 30.30 347.69 203.00 277.85 345.75 9.11 100.00 257.84 119.71 655.00 367.85 1,347.00 530.09 100.00 15,445.10 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOOD, EDNA HORN, MESHIA M HOUSTON ADVANCED RESEARCH HOUSTON ADVANCED RESEARCH HOUSTON BAPTIST UNIVERSITY HOUSTON BAPTIST UNIVERSITY HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPE HOUSTON DOOR HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIE HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIE HOUSTON RADIATOR HOUSTON ZOO, INC HUBERT CORPORATION HUBERT CORPORATION HUERTA, SAMUEL HUFF, MARK E & JONY D HUMAN RESOURCES, MISC EXP HUNTER C ESTRARDA HUNTON DISTRIBUTION GROUP HUNTON DISTRIBUTION GROUP HUY P LUU HUY T. TU HUYNH, LOAN BICH & IAN SCHEXNIDER IBARRA, JOSE ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVIN IDALI FERMAN IDEA ART IDEA ART IDENTISYS INC IDVILLE, INC. INDUSTRIAL AUDIO/VIDEO, IN INDUSTRIAL AUDIO/VIDEO, IN INGRID J MORENO INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR 66 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 575.00 8,246.87 134.70 39.00 801.00 1,006.64 3,842.66 224.00 405.78 660.00 233.75 165.00 1,328.53 3,564.75 5,920.97 8,703.04 168,049.42 100.00 310.00 310.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 250.00 58.85 58.85 200.00 400.00 244.30 87.50 41.10 72.99 11.48 444.25 144.03 200.00 427.00 20.42 119.88 119.62 1,617.00 1,392.50 132.10 1,381.50 452.94 87.00 62.22 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN INTERNATIONAL READING ASSO INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOU INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOU INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOU INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOU INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOU INTERSIGN GROUP INTERSIGN GROUP INTERSTATE MUSIC SUPPLY INX INC INX INC INX INC INX INC IRAIDA I. ZAMORA IRS - AUSTIN IRS - AUSTIN IRS - CINCINNATI IRS - CINCINNATI IRS - JACKSONVILLE IRS - JACKSONVILLE IRS - KANSAS CITY IRS - KANSAS CITY IRS - PHILADELPHIA IRS - PHILADELPHIA IRVIN THEODILE Isaac D. Wilhelm ISMAEL CAPELO ISMAEL CAPELO ISMAEL CAPELO ISMAEL CAPELO ISRAEL TORRES ITALIAN PIE ITALIAN PIE ITZEL CANTU IVAN RENE MACIAS IVETTE BISHOP J C PENNEY J DIANE PHELAN J E M RESOURCE J R INC J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS JACLYN LEGENDRE JACOB A. DA SILVA 67 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/09/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 200.00 100.00 78.70 100.00 76.22 21.58 380.00 9.27 1,795.50 1,212.98 304.79 19.16 278.00 278.94 189.00 42.99 25.00 111.61 1,693.72 68.04 100.00 299.00 313.90 625.50 70.49 11.47 64.07 135.15 164.48 70.78 72.58 68.97 60.62 106.57 204.75 234.65 369.60 65.28 287.30 73.48 115.00 334.45 70.72 69.90 255.99 196.18 484.50 133.52 147.64 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JACOB R SCHREINER JACQUELIN M. ESCOTO Jacquelin Y. Duran JAE HOON LEE Jaemi M. Duran JAIME OTTO JAIME OTTO JAIME V GARCIA JAIME V GARCIA JAKS ACADEMIC RESOURCES, L JAMAL CHEEKS JAMAL CHEEKS JAMELLE SETTLES JAMES A HALL JAMES LEWIS JAMES RAY HAMON JAMES SNELL JAMI LORI LUPOLD JAMIE ELLIS TIGNER JAMY SMITH JANET MARTINEZ Janet T Bui JANICE MARIE HUDSON JANICE MARIE HUDSON JARVIS INDUSTRIES JASON FOSSATI JASON GRICE JASON KRUTOWSKIS JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI 68 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 104.56 299.40 351.93 439.98 254.63 307.09 143.75 72.00 209.63 33.99 46.92 88.90 157.31 171.80 200.00 100.00 363.60 158.00 474.47 481.56 171.00 51,537.15 40.00 11.99 208.77 406.68 200.00 100.00 100.00 97.56 100.00 60.95 100.00 140.27 106.23 213.00 100.00 100.00 35.86 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 10,062.51 493.77 175.23 1,890.00 958.50 87.90 200.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JAVIER AGUIRRE JAZZMIN RAMIREZ JEAN CAIN JEAN CAIN JEAN CAIN JEAN CAIN JEAN CAIN JEAN'S RESTAURANT SUPPLY JEFF L DUNNAHOE JEFF L DUNNAHOE JEFFCO , INC JEFFERY GANSKE JEFFERY W LASH Jeffrey Coleman Jeffrey e. Coleman JEFFREY FELIX CURL JEFFREY SALAZAR JENNIFER BERRY Jennifer C. Flores JENNIFER KAATZ JENNIFER KAATZ JENNIFER KIDWELL JENNIFER L. DANNER JENNIFER L. GREEN JENNIFER MURRAY JENNIFER REYNA Jeremie S.Weeden JEREMY M MORRIS JEREMY STAEHLIN JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JERMAINE TAUHAN GASAWAY 69 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 119.54 175.00 115.86 497.04 188.82 100.00 99.33 73.75 200.00 107.17 100.00 200.00 100.00 219.98 100.00 135.66 436.28 3,043.00 340.00 18.00 328.52 92.46 21.99 197.99 935.80 59.95 100.00 350.00 176.00 100.00 91.36 224.00 209.00 134.40 219.00 415.15 174.80 180.50 1,878.31 816.32 1,305.20 365.35 2,280.50 405.83 48.24 390.35 304.54 166.32 604.16 101.26 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JERRIE LEA RICHARD JERRY KRAMPEN JERRY N BURKHALTER JERRY'S ARTARAMA OF HOUSTO JESSE AARON POHL Jessica B. Vega JESSICA BENNETT JESSICA DYESS JESSICA H HUYNH JESSICA MCCOY JESSICA ZAMORA JIM PHILLIPS JIMMY A GUZMAN JIMMY HADLEY JIMMY LY JOANNE HEALY JODA MENDOZA JOE'S BARBEQUE COMPANY JOE'S DELI JOHN A RUBIO JOHN DAVID DISHONGH JOHN ELMER JOHN FOWLER JOHN LEE JOHN P SNELSON JOHN T POWELL JOHN VELASCO JOHN W DONOVAN JOHN W SMITH JOHNNY A MARTINEZ JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON, LAFONDA A JOHNSON, TRACY D & JAIME JOHNSTONE SUPPLY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 70 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 184.62 100.00 100.00 200.00 659.17 200.00 8,442.81 12,194.54 18,910.97 18,308.79 1,268.00 1,268.00 1,497.20 36,131.27 9,410.00 9,789.00 561.13 11,127.00 100.00 35.00 202.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 12.16 400.00 100.00 100.00 140.00 155.00 25.00 67.12 409.00 202.50 44.00 167.39 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 16.40 30.92 100.00 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I V I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JON KIDWELL JONATHAN A ARMENTA JONATHAN CASTREJON JONATHAN JOE GARCIA JONATHAN JOE GARCIA JONATHAN M. GRIFFIN JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JORDAN A JOHNSON JORDAN MCCOMBS JORDAN, RENNA KAY JORGE E LOPEZ JORGE MONTOYA JOSE A GALARZA JOSE A. MEDRANO JOSE D MARTINEZ JOSE E NUNEZ JOSE G LOZANO JOSE L PERALES Jose M. Franjul JOSE PEDRO RODRIGUEZ Joselyne M. Chano JOSEPH A. ELDRIDGE JOSEPH D. MARTWICK JOSEPH EDWARD SINK III JOSEPH EDWARD SINK III JOSEPH SABATELL JOSEPH T GIBSON JOSEPH T GIBSON JOSEPH, KENNETH N JOSHUA FETT JOSHUA LANCE JOSIAH SANDHU JOSUE B SANTOS JUAN A VELASQUEZ JUAN J SALINAS JUAN, MARTINEZ MEXICANO JUANITA ROSAS JUDY M LAMONTAGNE JULIA A KELLEY 71 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 200.00 160.27 100.00 480.19 38.17 21.17 198.00 255.00 2,662.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 139.05 139.05 21.01 89.50 134.42 69.00 200.00 19.99 226.15 46.39 406.14 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 198.91 100.00 189.00 180.98 35.00 58.99 37.70 100.37 100.00 84.00 508.07 305.00 499.00 113.20 72.32 114,000.00 16,013.05 76,613.00 100.00 112.22 200.00 168.99 332.22 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JULIAN A HERNANDEZ JULIE ANN REED Junior S. Reyes JUST FOR KIX CATALOG, LLC JUST RISING DONUTS JUST RISING DONUTS JUSTIN CHRISTOPHER GARNEY JUSTIN L ECKOLS KAGAN CO-OP LEARNING KAITLYN M MCMURROUGH KAITLYN M WALLIS KALIN D.YBARRA KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER KAREL KUJAWA KAREL KUJAWA KAREN ANNE TRAUB KAREN HICKMAN KAREN JAN BEER KAREN LOUISE WHITE KAREN MCCARLEY KAREN R DAIGLE KAREN R DAIGLE KARINA BENITEZ KARLA CHAJON Karla Q. Perez KARLA V GARCIA KASIE FERNANDEZ KATERIN GARCIA KATHLEEN MARY CONNOLLY KATHLEEN MARY CONNOLLY KATHRYN VOLLMER KATHRYN VOLLMER KATHRYN VOLLMER KATHY BAILEY KAYLA A RUSSELL KAY'S KUPCAKES & MORE KEELY ERICKSON KELLEN D GOMEZ KELLEY'S COUNTRY COOKIN KELLI L GREEN-ERWIN KELLI L GREEN-ERWIN KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT Kelly E. Perez KELLY PILLOW KELSEY M SMITH KENNETH DEAN FANTI KENNETH SINK 72 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/23/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/01/11 08/02/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/18/11 CK-AMOUNT 115.10 300.00 11.48 200.00 329.49 61.77 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 562.19 200.00 100.00 288.65 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 109.99 73.08 39.00 143.46 173.58 23.47 100.00 359.43 100.00 59.97 312.93 326.88 434.80 23,703.04 100.00 96.00 68.10 20.77 100.00 100.00 421.20 200.00 100.00 98.22 74.71 21.95 15.85 83.88 101.14 3.36 18.35 177.38 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME KENNETH SINK KENNETH W FUENTES KERI SMITH KEVIN BANKS KEVIN BLAIN KEVIN BLAIN KEVIN K LY KEVIN M PELL Kevin M. Cain KEVIN PERKINS WEST KEVIN ROSS KEVIN VILLALOBOS KHANH PHAN KIETH B PAYNE KIMBERLY A MORENO KIMBERLY C GONZALES KIMBERLY C. RIDGWAY KIMBERLY COOK KIMBERLY FOUTS KIMBERLY KELLEY KIMBERLY KELLEY KIMBERLY POWERS KIMBERLY URIE KIMBERLY URIE KIMBERLY VILLAVICENCIO KIMBLE, RYAN K KIRBY GONZALEZ KIRKLAND'S - 175 - BAYBROO KIRKLAND'S - 175 - BAYBROO KIRKLAND'S - 175 - BAYBROO KIRKLAND'S - 175 - BAYBROO KIRKMONT MUNICIPAL UTILITY Kirsten Wilson KITTY MURRAY WILSON KOHL'S KOHL'S KOHL'S KOHL'S KOMLOSI, STEPHEN S KOREY N. MALONE KRISTEN M LANZA KRISTEN MATHEWS KRISTIN MCCARTNEY KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER 73 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/18/11 CK-AMOUNT 117.95 33.73 36.98 45.61 26.09 28.94 82.20 42.42 14.80 287.63 43.32 32.94 12.96 5.70 5.70 74.03 37.43 68.57 126.41 260.56 67.20 68.19 20.95 61.45 20.00 39.10 65.19 19.03 81.03 128.00 1,374.37 6,151.34 1,579.28 210.00 189.66 298.72 300.00 300.00 2,673.30 3,112.16 138.28 279.66 435.20 273.59 53.22 94.90 359.09 100.00 100.00 58.53 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KRYSTAL LEIGH WALKER KURZ & CO KURZ & CO KWIK-KOPY PRINTING LA BRISA POPSICLE FACTORY LA MANSION DEL RIO HOTEL LA PORTE POLICE DEPARTMENT LADY GATOR BOOSTER CLUB LADY GATOR BOOSTER CLUB LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIA LALLOO, PAULA D LAMAR HIGH SCHOOL LAN H TRAN LANA STAHL 74 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/15/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 CK-AMOUNT 17.67 448.50 344.73 115.00 431.31 4,357.73 180.00 100.00 10.62 80.00 394.32 53.77 231.00 58.25 258.00 156.57 233.02 364.70 47.97 189.24 336.00 2,180.00 13,750.00 100.00 23,792.00 199.00 589.48 5,520.00 275.56 44.93 144.87 715.00 1,571.00 3,702.00 163.97 26.14 100.00 86.93 23.43 300.00 1,240.00 112.00 100.00 85.50 1,055.00 17,163.36 4,800.00 5,150.00 36.90 2,442.75 CD I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LANA STAHL LANDER, THOMAS B & SHELLEY LANDON, CHARLENE H LANDRUM, MIKE LANDRUM, SCOTT MICHAEL LANGUAGE CIRCLE ENTERPRISE LAPORTE HS CROSS COUNTRY B LARISA I RODRIGUEZ LARRY GENE BATES LAS FUENTES REFRESQUERIA LAST GROUP LATAUNYA FONTENOT LAURA DAVIS LAURA QUISENBERRY LAURA QUISENBERRY LAUREN ARNOLD LAUREN HOLLOWAY LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAWRENCE WINDSHIELD REPAIR LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LEAD4WARD, LLC LEAPIN LEOTARDS LTD LEARNING FORWARD LECTORUM PUBLICATIONS INC LEGAL DIGEST LEGRAND, SUSAN LELA MILLS LENNY'S SUB SHOP LENOX CATERING SERVICE LEROY'S SERVICE CENTER LEROY'S SERVICE CENTER LESLIE AXEL LESLIE BROOKE BOND LESLIE M. LOPEZ LETICIA MARIA BALDERAZ LETICIA MARIA BALDERAZ Levi I. Alvaro, Jr. LEWIS F A S T CAMP LEXIE SCHILHAB LEZLY FUENTES LIBBY ESCALANTE LIBERTS, INC LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CONTRAC LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CONTRAC LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CONTRAC LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY LIFE INVESTORS INSURANCE C 75 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/21/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 395.02 1,000.00 223.38 1,743.20 100.00 117.52 181.00 558.20 11,017.70 3,236.00 1,590.00 2,995.75 40.00 375.00 100.00 100.00 167.76 535.07 911.20 137.95 8,893.25 200.00 100.00 560.76 280.07 318.30 202.50 450.18 29.88 1,247.94 338.32 1,136.30 225.00 5,291.25 632.49 120.61 215.95 23.88 73.90 92.56 91.78 357.10 340.52 169.49 345.09 40.89 35.52 202.50 1,587.12 48.61 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LINDA FLETCHER LINDA L HAMMON LINDA RODRIGUEZ LINDA S. YOUNG-HAAS Lisa R. Bemus LISANDRO, ANTONIO ROMERO LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LLIANA I ACAMETITLA LLIANA JUAREZ LLOYD S LOVE LLOYD, VICTORIE J LONE STAR UNIFORMS, INC LONE STAR UNIFORMS, INC LONE STAR UNIFORMS, INC LONE STAR UNIFORMS, INC LONG H VU LONNIE W TANNER LOPEZ, ADRIANA & CEPEDA, R LOPEZ, MARIA M LOREDO, ANGEL & GLORIA LORI DEARDORFF LORI MICHELLE ALEXANDER LOUIS & COMPANY LOVE, JOEL C III & TICEY O LOVING GUIDANCE, INC LOVING GUIDANCE, INC LOVING GUIDANCE, INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOZANO, GEORGE M & LSS DIGITAL PRINT FINISHIN LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY 76 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/18/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 38.80 100.00 387.12 42.68 180.98 624.00 1,665.00 295.00 555.00 12,665.00 956.00 135.54 345.12 781.36 1,859.01 1,804.69 2,546.19 734.96 1,835.16 45.35 201.42 27.50 79.30 57.50 277.50 74.00 132.50 101.70 170.00 245.00 35.40 87.03 186.75 128.00 64.00 325.00 341.75 317.00 353.60 201.67 1,259.56 26.66 92.56 7,624.50 200.00 357.35 30.05 594.34 133.35 75.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LUCY BURCH LUIS F MENDOZA LY, TOMMY H LYNDA J MASSOUD LYNDON WANG M & A TECHNOLOGY M B FLIPPEN & ASSOCIATES M B FLIPPEN & ASSOCIATES M B FLIPPEN & ASSOCIATES M D L ENTERPRISE INC M F ATHLETIC CO INC M S C INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MABRY, DON & AHAMAD ZORIDA MACKIN EDUCATIONAL RESOURC MACKIN EDUCATIONAL RESOURC MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGLIOCHETTI, MARY & MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAIL BOXES MAIL BOXES MAIN EVENT ENTERTAINMENT MAIN EVENT ENTERTAINMENT MAINTENANCE, MISC EXPENSE MAKE MUSIC INC MALAZ O MOHAMAD MALDONADO, ALBERTO & GABRI MANDY WELLS MANN, JAGMEET & MANUEL MORENO JR MARCHING SHOW CONCEPTS 77 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/18/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 128.78 100.00 100.00 11.48 134.40 498.84 32.44 343.00 53.98 100.00 96.00 61.37 100.00 281.72 35.20 79.75 4,560.34 4,705.46 13,533.58 23.22 100.00 225.00 400.00 57.27 4.47 217.04 96.78 100.00 27.00 316.94 100.00 237.58 66.75 175.00 200.00 494.89 120.95 248.08 100.00 200.00 409.22 400.48 285.88 398.79 314.73 945.00 304.02 111.00 100.00 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MARCIA ANN GRIFFIN MARCO A CHACON MARCO A RIOS MARCO ANTONIO VELA MARCY COOK MATH MARDEL INC MARDEL INC MARGARET C JORDAN MARGARET HALE MARIA BIANCA D. QUEZON MARIA DOLORES GARZA MARIA E ESCOBAR MARIA GARCIA GALINDO MARIA LUISA GARZA MARIA T PADILLA MARIANELA RODRIGUEZ MARIANNA INC MARIANNA INC MARIANNA INC MARIBEL BALDERAS MARIELA GARCIA MARIMON BUSINESS SYSTEMS I MARION YVONNE GRANT MARITZA DAVIS MARITZA DAVIS MARK A VARIAN MARK MILLS MARK T ADMANI MARKSMAN INDOOR RANGE INC MARLEEN A DELEON MARLUZVI I LOPEZ MARSHA JONES MARSHA L RILEY MARSHA MCCARLEY MARSHALL D. MENZIES MARSHALL'S MARSHALL'S MARTHA GRIFFIN MARTHA H SOSA MARTHA J SALINAS MARTINEZ, JESUS R & ASHLEY MARTINEZ, JOSE R & MARTHA MARTINEZ, LOUIS A MARTINEZ, MARIO & ROSA MARTINEZ, MICHAEL A MASK US, INC MATA, JOSE MATT BABISAK MATT MENA MATTHEW . KOSTELNIK 78 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 146.00 100.00 25.50 100.00 100.00 32.53 39.61 100.00 433.91 21.15 261.45 191.00 405.00 2,692.67 5,274.99 364.79 236.54 205.44 241.45 359.11 100.00 111.00 23.10 55.00 40.00 153.02 330.54 117.28 100.00 96.00 100.00 351.16 308.18 288.02 569.80 303.53 214.67 100.00 197.99 500.00 185.41 284.04 49.23 100.00 30.00 75.92 96.30 100.00 100.00 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I VENDOR NAME MATTHEW BURKE Matthew Perry MATTHEW WARREN GRAY Matthews S. McDonald MATTIE K. BERRY MATTLE VALVE PRODUCTS LLC MAYRA CAZAREZ MAYTE HERRERA MCCOLLUM, EDWARD & LINDA MCCOY'S BUILDING SUPPLY CE MCDONALD'S MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT MCELROY, STEPHEN B & ELETA MCGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING CO MCGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING CO MCKENZIE, JILLIAN A MEDCO SUPPLY CO MEDCO SUPPLY CO MEDCO SUPPLY CO MEDRANO, DAVID MELANIE AYALA MELANIE STOFFELS MELBA KATHLEEN LARSON MELBA KATHLEEN LARSON MELEISSA CREEL MELISSA COOLEY MELISSA DENISE MEDINA MELISSA JEAN CARPENTER MELISSA K. PARKER MELISSA MEDINA MELVIN R RODRIGUEZ ZELAYA MENDEZ, YOLANDA & RANGEL, MENDOZA, ALICIA & MENDOZA, SYLVIA & SAENZ, D MENTORING MINDS LP MEYER, GERALDINE MI TIENDA MICHAEL A CONTRERAS MICHAEL ACUNA Michael C. Anderson MICHAEL C. FINA CO. MICHAEL C. FINA CO. MICHAEL C. FINA CO. Michael Cantu MICHAEL G WEINMAN MICHAEL G WEINMAN MICHAEL KEITH BOX MICHAEL O IJEH MICHAEL O LJEH MICHAEL P BAEZ 79 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/01/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 CK-AMOUNT 750.00 450.00 150.00 18.87 134.17 38.32 204.74 96.54 433.79 200.00 100.00 76.42 80.00 207.37 100.00 100.00 2,734.00 208.65 35.13 37.76 150.00 46.56 50.79 42.05 29.00 109.98 329.94 27.99 12.22 12.55 16.77 97.97 370.33 27.99 143.30 0.30 186.39 64.08 40.00 35.00 49.00 105.00 100.00 35.00 90.00 55.00 50.00 175.00 253.02 15.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MICHAEL PETER SORIA MICHAEL R HUFFMAN MICHAEL R HUFFMAN MICHAEL Y'BARBO MICHAEL'S MICHAEL'S MICHAEL'S MICHAEL'S MICHAEL'S MICHELLE CANTU MICHELLE CRUZ MICHELLE ESPINOSA MIKE STEPHENS MILLER, FRED J. INC. MIRANDA GLORIA MIRNA A AGUILAR MIRROR PUBLISHERS INC MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR 80 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 CK-AMOUNT 150.00 116.17 80.00 150.00 14.00 23.78 407.00 240.00 355.00 77.00 200.00 35.00 173.60 26.00 96.00 211.50 35.91 11.96 18.95 240.24 10.00 56.70 55.00 29.59 12.78 9.98 84.93 120.31 27.99 375.00 495.00 240.00 324.50 175.00 120.34 150.00 29.50 25.00 170.00 32.00 59.85 73.82 75.00 33.00 307.56 41.94 307.56 157.90 190.00 66.75 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 81 VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 291.12 100.00 63.87 50.32 19.95 67.50 170.00 23.00 196.68 89.85 75.00 34.54 226.00 90.00 125.35 56.52 93.75 30.00 13.65 30.96 10.52 101.25 245.00 84.10 79.98 43.80 34.85 399.00 42.75 44.15 229.45 116.18 47.00 59.54 19.95 79.80 120.42 58.59 375.00 87.03 11.99 10.48 498.00 489.97 86.60 24.00 77.80 428.00 109.47 74.47 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 82 VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/18/11 CK-AMOUNT 125.00 201.63 24.34 50.00 280.00 56.13 56.13 100.00 132.33 132.33 6,381.00 2,988.50 100.00 201.64 200.00 335.95 17.42 353.10 437.72 343.10 407.89 375.40 100.00 62.55 173.50 315.60 343.00 28.75 135.01 202.50 325.00 400.00 400.00 286.00 133.99 201.41 109.81 270.00 751.78 6,806.00 100.00 12,298.74 224.82 7,452.89 750.47 590.00 155.78 157.79 118.00 60.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISDU MISDU MISSAEL A GALVAN MISSISSIPPI DEPT OF HUMAN MISSISSIPPI DEPT OF HUMAN MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT MONARCH REPORTING INC MONICA MOLINA MONICA NEWTON MONTANA K. BLAIR MONTES, JONATHON R & DANIE MOORE MEDICAL LLC MOOSE MATERIALS MORA, FRANK & CONSUELO MORALES, ABRAHAM JR MORALES, JAVIER C MORALES, ROSAMBER & MORGAN N. CALIVA MORNING KOLACHES MORNING KOLACHES MORNING KOLACHES MORNING KOLACHES MORNING KOLACHES MORRISON, KATHLEEN M DBA MOSES, FRED W MOVIE LICENSING USA MOVIE LICENSING USA MOVIE LICENSING USA MOVIE LICENSING USA MOWERS INC MOWERS INC MOWERS INC MUIR, SCOTT A & CHRISTINA MULTIWAVE MULTIWAVE MUNIB A HASNAIN MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC IN MOTION INC MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONA MYRA GAYLE PURCELL MYRA GAYLE PURCELL MYRA GAYLE PURCELL N A B E 83 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/17/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 CK-AMOUNT 110.80 461.16 200.00 439.35 197.43 198.68 189.15 363.14 59.46 363.14 44.65 100.00 72.52 131.52 1,598.13 307.74 3,994.29 672.88 118.40 100.00 130.00 100.00 159.60 45.60 1,118.95 767.00 99.90 250.00 1,072.27 295.46 100.00 100.00 12,868.18 20,030.07 4,365.00 180.00 114.00 1,873.40 211.50 100.00 375.20 100.00 200.00 100.00 193.96 100.00 228.11 87.43 202.50 310.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME N A E S P N C C E P NADINE E ROBBINS NAIL TECHNICIANS SUPPLY IN NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY FLORES NANCY J GARCIA NANCY TABOR NASCO NASCO NASCO NASCO NASCO NASCO NATHANIEL A. SCHWEITZER NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOCIA NATIONAL COUNCIL TEACHERSNATIONAL FEDERATION OF STA NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STA NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLOR NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL PEN COMPANY NATIONAL SCHOOL PUBLIC REL NCP PASADENA LTD NEEDHAM, JUDY A NELCY A JUAREZ NENCY A JUAREZ NETWORK CABLING SERVICES, NETWORK CABLING SERVICES, NEW TEACHER CENTER NEWBART PRODUCTS INC NEWBART PRODUCTS INC NEWBART PRODUCTS INC NEXUS LANGUAGE COMMUNICATI NGOCLINH D VO NGUYEN, PHUONG & LE, RANG NHAT M BUI Nicholas A. Perez Nicholas K. Hargrave NINA DYE NINA E. NINO NORMA RAZO NORMA RAZO NORRIS, RICHARD ALLEN NOVUS WOOD GROUP, LP 84 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/01/11 08/01/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/15/11 08/15/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/21/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 417.47 700.00 1,275.82 675.97 22.21 2,055.00 4,560.63 39.88 369.83 1,271.61 48.65 132.34 318.11 41.05 23.43 14.82 492.15 30.85 218.72 39.98 210.97 29.98 758.71 61.47 44.94 12,544.76 63.17 2,492.84 90.22 12,220.29 101.51 186.89 1,052.35 499.18 491.83 217.61 66.97 89.97 77.98 314.33 7.98 3,695.73 102.05 19.98 49.50 29.15 310.00 77.74 1,330.90 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME NUBIA E VELASQUEZ NYSTROM DIV OF HERFF JONES Oanh N. Hoang OCE IMAGISTICS INC OCE IMAGISTICS INC OCE IMAGISTICS INC OCE NORTH AMERICA INC OCE NORTH AMERICA INC OCE NORTH AMERICA INC OCHOA, MANUEL L OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OLIVE GARDEN OLIVE GARDEN ONE STOP PARTY SHOP OPERATIONS, MISC EXPENSE O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 85 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 CK-AMOUNT 1,065.06 601.07 5,577.59 108.37 536.38 360.72 524.21 276.18 289.17 55.25 68.04 129.33 202.50 202.50 300.00 3,020.00 100.00 187.86 373.04 70.65 22.99 187.94 183.68 32.97 7.95 110.17 205.83 17.64 43.64 54.40 236.36 71.13 250.00 250.00 688.55 482.00 274.50 12.16 42.69 54.30 257.38 93.64 288.92 55.96 167.88 42.98 109.46 83.94 114.94 45.72 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME O'REILLY AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORTEGA, JESUS ORTIZ, GREGORIO & ELLA P OSCAR E. VILLARREAL OSLIN NATION CO OTTMAR N MONTES OWEN THORNHILL OWOJORI, NICHOLAS & OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATE OZIEL CHAPA P C I EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHI P I S D POLICE OFFICERS AS P R MEDIA PACIFIC NORTHWEST PUBLISHI PADDLE TRAMPS MFG CO PAMELA KAY BRIDGES PAMELA KING PAMELA KING PAMELA KING PAMELA TEVIS PAMELA TEVIS PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD 86 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/15/11 08/21/11 08/22/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/26/11 08/01/11 08/01/11 08/10/11 08/18/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 125.91 84.96 52.50 69.95 77.95 111.92 200.00 98.25 116.25 58.25 496.50 66.25 117.25 101.50 87.79 53.25 172.08 181.98 93.91 91.91 856.28 148.35 20.00 17.97 127.35 532.42 118.41 8.98 119.43 11.97 197.36 81.64 138.16 22.97 97.65 236.02 176.79 119.82 22.41 108.32 117.78 165.00 488.59 418.69 10,640.05 33.15 361.60 253.50 70.60 279.15 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V V I I I I I VENDOR NAME PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PAOLA A VELA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPPAS BAR-B-Q PAPPAS BAR-B-Q PAPPAS BAR-B-Q PAPPAS BAR-B-Q PAREDES, SAMUEL & PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMER PASADENA HIGH SCHOOL, MISC PASADENA ISD - TAX REFUNDS PASADENA ISD - TAX REFUNDS PASADENA ISD CHILD NUTRITI PASADENA POSTAL PLUS PASADENA POSTAL PLUS PASADENA POSTAL PLUS PASADENA POSTAL PLUS 87 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/09/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 26.00 187.50 187.50 187.50 165.00 295.00 2,161.00 2,859.45 900.00 2,051.40 225.00 9,801.55 58.99 2,610.50 48.45 58.48 73.26 35.95 110.00 25.00 50.71 37.41 33.00 14.98 52.31 162.77 1,652.00 359.52 200.00 450.00 79.74 49.00 372.96 3,505.43 550.30 4,823.28 493.20 91.82 384.19 245.50 363.64 2,961.87 18,695.52 326.14 995.17 1,223.89 307.80 1,260.55 300.00 73.95 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA SOUTH ROTARY PASADENA SOUTH ROTARY PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PASADENA SPORTING GOODS IN PAT MATHES PATRICIA ANN BRENNEMAN PATRICIA ANN BRENNEMAN PATRICIA BOUDRA PATRICIA EUBANKS PATRICIA GAIL SURFACE PATRICIA HOOKS PATRICIA SERMAS PATRICIA SERMAS PATRICIA SERMAS PATRICIA SERMAS PATRICIA SERMAS PATRICIA TAYLOR PATRICK BOGGS PATRICK STEPHEN PAYNE PATTI DEWITT PAUL H BROOKES PUBLISHING PAUL KELLY PAULA JENNINGS PC & MAC EXCHANGE PC & MAC EXCHANGE PC & MAC EXCHANGE PC & MAC EXCHANGE PEABODY, JOSEPH J & JOAN T PEACOCK'S MARCHING WORLD PEARLAND ALTERNATOR CO PEARLAND ALTERNATOR CO PEARSON / LONGMAN PEARSON DIGITAL LEARNING, PEARSON EDUCATION PEARSON EDUCATION PEARSON EDUCATIONAL MEASUR PEARSON EDUCATIONAL MEASUR PEARSON EDUCATIONAL MEASUR PEDRO D GRIMALDO PEGGY CRAFT 88 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/15/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 29.90 600.00 354.67 202.50 303.75 65.60 798.39 555.43 1,000.00 220.73 324.48 202.50 799.64 149.33 4,783.76 25.86 115.42 2,794.94 1,246.59 302.28 100.00 385.95 24,704.55 6,529.28 30,599.41 2,645.00 4,744.29 1,892.69 95.00 66.38 81.97 432.00 3,000.00 4,400.00 35.00 35.00 100.00 188.27 145.24 371.89 412.50 3,030.00 644.54 107.90 22.50 55.00 68.00 207.50 47.50 88.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PEGGY JORDAN PEGGY RUTH OLIVER HINOJOSA PENA, JUAN PENA, SANTIAGO JR PENDERS MUSIC CO PENDERS MUSIC CO PENDERS MUSIC CO PENDERS MUSIC CO PEPWEAR PEREZ, ESTELLA F PEREZ, HUGO A PEREZ, MICHELE & ARTHUR PERFECTION LEARNING CORP PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERRETT, JULIO C PETER D VU PETERSON MANUFACTURING PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PFEIFFER & SON LTD PFEIFFER & SON LTD PFEIFFER & SON LTD PFEIFFER & SON LTD PHEAA PHI DELTA KAPPA PHILIP LYLES PHILIP LYLES PHILIP LYLES PHONOSCOPE INC PHONOSCOPE INC PHOTOGRAPHY BY R N R PHOTOGRAPHY BY R N R PHUONG K LY PILEIROL RETTA PIONEER CONTRACT SERVICES Pioneer Credit Recovery PISD Cornerstone Club PITNEY BOWES INC PITSCO PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT 89 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/25/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 55.50 29.29 40.38 49.51 32.00 94.81 74.85 24.96 49.90 29.94 65.00 14.97 215.00 25.72 115.00 42.36 35.00 69.00 300.00 400.00 80.68 305.09 1,520.00 152.73 202.50 246.95 195.95 179.25 2,001.95 259.95 1,072.69 179.95 6,824.66 225.10 47.50 132.00 220.00 341.95 362.58 1,437.35 568.07 65.99 2,220.00 528.00 4,493.80 72.00 1,246.50 175.00 241.50 2,449.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PLAN4LEARNING PLAN4LEARNING PLANK ROAD PUBLISHING PLANT INTERSCAPES INC POISED FOR SUCCESS POLICE DEPT, MISC EXP POPE, JIMMY D & MIRIAM R POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSTMASTER POWERUP SURPLUS INC POZO, ELIZABETH PRADO, JEREMY K PRAISE HYMN FASHIONS INC PRESSTEK INC PRESTWICK HOUSE PRIMOS ALARM & TINT PRIMOS ALARM & TINT PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL 90 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/30/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/29/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/11/11 08/18/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 5,397.99 10,159.05 7,454.00 5,778.00 4,685.00 325.00 315.00 7,294.22 7,294.22 370.50 848.00 1,100.00 9,100.00 2,102.00 205.00 116.60 166.65 3,527.00 392.24 202.50 30.00 415.50 1,046.65 764.90 331.95 202.50 200.00 143.76 4,011.00 772.65 520.14 4,830.89 25,173.97 379.75 411.66 449.16 4,229.52 782.68 1,516.21 5,855.00 1,560.00 749.56 106.64 100.00 700.00 30.58 271.11 26.28 35.99 CD I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PRISCILA N RAMIREZ PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PRODUCTIVITY CENTER INC PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS PROGRESS PUBLICATIONS PROGRESS PUBLICATIONS PROGRESS PUBLICATIONS PROMAXIMA MANUFACTURING LT PROMAXIMA MANUFACTURING LT PROMAXIMA MANUFACTURING LT PRUFROCK PRESS PRUFROCK PRESS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PULIDO, HECTOR PURDY, VIRGINIA G PUTT-PUTT FUN HOUSE PUTT-PUTT FUN HOUSE Q E P INC QUAVERMUSIC.COM LLC QUIJADA, ENRIQUE & MIGUELI QUINTERO, NOE JR QUIRINO SILVA QUIZNO'S SUBS R & B INSTRUMENTS INC R & H THEATRICALS R & K COMMERCIAL AQUATIC S R A INTERESTS LTD R B C CAPITAL MARKETS R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R G'S MUSIC REPAIR R G'S MUSIC REPAIR RACHAEL CASTILLO RACHAEL CASTILLO RACHEL A. HILL RACHEL HOFFMAN RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK 91 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/22/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 197.99 300.00 1,373.00 622.00 933.40 271.70 300.00 300.00 328.73 359.09 327.14 28.86 46.07 2,520.00 582.00 100.00 205.00 278.00 100.00 313.68 11,818.07 596.00 100.58 815.41 49.24 629.61 200.00 139.99 209.97 60.00 300.69 2,500.00 2,500.00 573.00 51.00 125.00 1,170.00 150.00 12,199.00 810.00 3,240.00 1,836.00 1,165.00 648.00 1,080.00 3,822.84 540.00 29,755.94 2,643.96 908.69 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME RAFAEL GARZA Rafael I. Alcala RAIN PONCHOS PLUS, LLC RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY RAINGAMES Raj. A Desai Ralph Miguel r. Fonte RAMIREZ, CARLOS RAMIREZ, MARTHA L RAMOS, JOSE A RANDALL DUGAS RANDALL DUGAS RANDALL-PORTERFIELD ARCHIT RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC RAUL CERVANTES, III RAYMOND PRODUCTS CO RBC INSURANCE REALITYWORKS INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REBECAH A. MOORE REBECCA LEE BENNER REBECCA TERRY REBECCAH ROSE FERGUSON REBECCAH ROSE FERGUSON REdS REdS REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION IV EDUCATION SERV C REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XIII EDUCATION SERV REGION XX EDUCATION SERV C RENAISSANCE LEARNING, INC RENEE WANG 92 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 CK-AMOUNT 837.99 30,049.89 250.00 250.00 500.00 237.75 365.76 127.41 125.00 36,000.00 19,900.00 100.00 691.65 216.50 84.00 500.00 4,506.09 370.00 399.68 814.92 2,505.28 569.47 6,131.29 871.50 36.80 66.92 1,603.69 382.94 4,476.06 379.79 36.27 11.28 75.13 428.27 58,785.93 547.60 200.00 1,920.00 1,178.05 23.25 36.96 372.54 100.00 56.51 100.00 40.00 106.56 840.00 21.48 65.72 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME REPUBLIC SERVICES #855 RESPONSIVE LEARNING, LP RESPONSIVE LEARNING, LP RESPONSIVE LEARNING, LP RESPONSIVE LEARNING, LP RETTA K POLLIO REYNA, PABLO RENE RHONDA STECK RIAZ MOHAMMED RICE UNIVERSITY RICE UNIVERSITY RICHARD D. CHARLES RICHARD HICKS RICHARD LYNN MCDONALD RICHARD YOES RICHARDSONS BOOKS INC RICHARDSONS BOOKS INC RICHEY'S COUNTRY COOKING RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG RIDLEY'S VACUUM & JANITORI RIDLEY'S VACUUM & JANITORI RIDLEY'S VACUUM & JANITORI RIFKIN, A CO RIGBY RIOS, CYNTHIA & RISO INC RISO INC RISO INC RIVAS, JOSE M RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING CO RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING CO ROBERT A PHU ROBERT BARTEL ROBERT BOURQUE ROBERT C FAWCETT ROBERT C FAWCETT ROBERT COATS ROBERT D HUDSON ROBERT MENDOZA ROBERTS S. DOUGHERTY ROBIN POOL ROBYN ELAINE GALE ROCHESTER 100 INC ROCIO OCHOA ROCIO OCHOA 93 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/23/11 CK-AMOUNT 1,019.30 47.73 213.12 239.10 351.68 819.55 274.37 301.47 418.30 324.23 162.00 202.50 607.96 54.00 154.00 1,280.00 232.50 8,418.12 310.00 100.00 553.00 3,147.00 399.00 195.00 2,288.99 1,967.00 175.00 5.98 40.00 71.04 500.00 500.00 371.20 36.51 100.00 344.29 100.00 846.33 15.98 5.94 202.50 1,269.88 4,175.34 2,699.82 10,750.00 268.62 248.28 497.84 114.92 64.95 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME RODNEY CHANT RODNEY CHANT RODNEY CHANT RODOLFO GARZA RODRIGUEZ, ALEJANDRO I RODRIGUEZ, ALFREDO & MONIC RODRIGUEZ, CLAUDIA S & RODRIGUEZ, EDUARDO G RODRIGUEZ, ELEAZAR RODRIGUEZ, GRISELDA & RODRIGUEZ, LEONARDO JR & RODRIGUEZ, MANUEL RODRIGUEZ, RENE & MONTES, RODRIQUEZ, RAUL M ROGER DALE GOOLSBY ROGERS ATHLETIC COMPANY ROGERS, MORRIS & GROVER, L ROGERS, MORRIS & GROVER, L ROGERS, MORRIS & GROVER, L Rolando Coronado ROMEO MUSIC ROMEO MUSIC ROMEO MUSIC ROMEO MUSIC ROMEO MUSIC ROMEO MUSIC RONALD FRICK RONALD MARSH RONALD WESLEY BATES RONETTE A SKIRVIN ROOMS TO GO ROOMS TO GO ROSA AYALA ROSA MARIA GUTIERREZ ROSALINA ESPINOZA ROSALYN WEST ROSAMARIA LARA ROSAS, VERONICA ROSE MARY HYLAND ROSE MARY HYLAND ROSE, ANGELA M ROSEN PUBLISHING GROUP ROSEN PUBLISHING GROUP ROSEN PUBLISHING GROUP ROSEN PUBLISHING GROUP ROSIE L PRUSZ ROSIE L PRUSZ ROSIE L PRUSZ ROSS - DRESS FOR LESS ROSS - DRESS FOR LESS 94 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/21/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/02/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/08/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 CK-AMOUNT 202.50 100.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 375.14 339.37 405.00 283.55 2,168.89 3,208.17 24.14 918.05 270.00 73.61 100.00 179.88 200.00 521.38 3,438.50 2,250.00 550.00 430.00 308.18 406.64 322.44 360.68 310.66 500.00 500.00 100.00 944.70 94.88 35.00 478.28 170.83 111.74 341.70 83.46 242.84 309.60 40.82 76.49 210.00 328.26 80.88 338.63 301.14 263.96 110.28 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ROUTON, ROGER & DEBBIE ROXANNA Y PEREZ ROY MOZLEY ROYAL REWARDS RUBEN A SALAZAR RUIZ, PATRICIA B RUIZ, RAUL & CASAREA RUIZ, STEVE C RUPERT LIN ELLIS II RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF TEXA RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF TEXA RUSSELL HANCOCK RUSSELL'S EDUCATIONAL CONS RUTLEDGE, YVONNE B RYAN C PEEL RYAN M. FEHL RYAN NYGAARD Ryan Shores RYDIN DECAL RYE DESIGN S B W V ARCHITECTS INC S B W V ARCHITECTS INC SAGEMONT CHURCH SALDIVAR, LISA & ALFARO, SALDIVAR-MITCHELL, DEBRA A SALGADO, ELISEO I & JESSIC SALINAS, MARTHA & IGNACIO SALINAS, RURE & MARIA SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSI SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSI SAMANTHA GOMES SAMMONS PRESTON SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB 95 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/18/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/21/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 CK-AMOUNT 160.97 300.90 35.00 161.65 106.36 438.23 323.58 239.77 70.00 496.73 90.34 406.37 35.00 460.00 129.24 124.17 208.86 262.50 437.58 112.54 142.74 167.64 422.60 490.43 100.77 132.04 308.38 165.12 347.35 198.68 199.82 142.30 193.23 105.00 409.31 172.62 497.97 459.85 177.32 152.22 158.10 105.78 40.74 182.32 496.34 384.54 373.28 214.85 92.58 39.96 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB 96 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 339.12 26.46 199.90 71.52 36.25 24.29 481.60 489.05 357.28 135.94 196.00 225.20 282.32 320.62 127.31 205.96 387.87 219.19 364.99 179.58 145.66 44.44 99.90 234.23 92.50 306.07 254.28 492.18 580.57 256.52 141.61 106.80 101.52 320.36 45.50 175.00 105.00 57.56 108.47 91.51 200.00 100.00 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 249.00 185.79 232.32 208.36 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMUEL BERNAL Samuel S Stewart SAN JACINTO COLLEGE SAN JACINTO COLLEGE SAN JACINTO COLLEGE CENTRA SAN JACINTO COLLEGE CENTRA SAN JACINTO COLLEGE DISTRI SAN JACINTO COMM COLLEGE D SAN JACINTO COMM COLLEGE D SAN JACINTO COMM COLLEGE D 97 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 84.94 450.00 100.00 449.15 100.00 133.18 75.00 300.00 150.00 3,034.63 100.00 95.60 47.50 56.55 574.35 296.76 100.00 197.99 85.85 100.00 202.50 128.00 135.00 373.00 75.00 1,800.00 235.30 128.70 1,800.00 2,292.53 4,604.30 428.84 263.34 438.90 1,020.00 984.75 2,053.44 88.00 70.59 4,261.67 2,886.00 4,717.00 230.74 575.23 3,417.70 1,910.40 606.26 4,532.40 3,403.13 15,554.70 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SANDRA JOBE SANDRA KAY ALLEN SANDRA MEZA SANDRA SHAFFER SANDY A GARCIA SANDY ROJAS SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL SANTILLANA PUBLISHING CO I SARA GARCIA SARAH CARNES SARAH CARNES SARAH CARNES SARAH J CLARK SARAH LOWELL SARAH R BERMUDEZ SARAH WROBLESKI SARAH WROBLESKI SASHA M ESCAMILLA SAVAGE, JOHN RAY SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE SCHOOL CHECK IN SCHOOL DATEBOOKS INC SCHOOL HEALTH ALERT SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL MATE SCHOOL MATE SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 98 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/23/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 CK-AMOUNT 327.26 171.17 690.18 572.58 57.40 378.68 202.50 1,794.77 1,771.00 203.54 65.55 200.00 348.91 100.00 42.18 68.55 254.56 0.50 167.65 171.44 158.81 13.68 28.73 6,500.00 66.81 100.00 348.56 77.00 133.73 2,152.50 184.08 125.00 200.00 39.99 100.00 3,531.20 1,016.15 1,151.32 486.78 45.00 498.16 2,031.58 674.13 21,360.00 142.80 135.82 41.54 36.90 206.70 31.55 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCIENCE KIT LLC SCIENCE KIT LLC SCIENCE KIT LLC SCIENCE KIT LLC SCOTT DENNIS HARRELL SEAMANS, JAMES A & JANICE SECURITY GENERAL INT'L LTD SECURITY GENERAL INT'L LTD SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICES SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING SEONG A NOH SERRANO, ARTURO SHANA N GRAY SHANE TOUT SHANETTE ELDRIDGE SHANNON GUERRA BLACK SHANNON NEWMAN SHANNON RAYGOZA SHANNON RAYGOZA SHANNON TREJO SHARLA H. ESTEP SHARLON DAVIS SHARON AZAR, INC SHARON L AINSWORTH SHAUN BUI SHAW, ROBERT F & DONNA M SHAWN MULLIGAN SHAWNTE LAMAR SHEAR FIX SHEILA LYNNE WISE SHEILA LYNNE WISE SHEILA LYNNE WISE SHERI L DENNIS SHERIDAN GALVAN SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES I SHILOH TREATMENT CENTER IN SHIPLEY DO-NUT SHOP SHIPLEY DO-NUT SHOP SHIPLEY DO-NUT SHOP SHIPLEY DO-NUT SHOP SHIPLEY DO-NUT SHOP SHIPLEY'S DONUTS 99 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/21/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/23/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 68.31 101.24 94.27 14.49 36.60 50.94 92.13 1,500.00 220.00 11,568.00 200.00 306.96 40.00 32.58 202.50 405.00 144.00 177.82 311.96 1,918.16 1,754.07 498.40 50.40 640.00 381.72 5,481.00 72.00 15.00 1,040.00 3,450.00 1,944.74 2,446.40 100.00 420.00 1,100.00 24.85 200.00 4,320.32 422.22 43,803.70 300.00 1,181.36 3,110.86 1,488.75 6,226.32 5,640.92 10,580.00 19.75 330.75 256.65 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIRLEY BLANTON SHUTTLE BURGER SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC SILK ARBORETUM SILVA, JOSE L SILVIA LUNA SILVIA LUNA SIMMONS, PAT T II & SHIRLE SIMON, GLENN W SKATEWORLD PASADENA INC SMILE MAKERS SMITH, CRYSTAL D SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SNOW, EVERETT P SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SERV SOCIEDAD HONORARIA HISPANI SOLIZ, LAURA SOLUTION TREE, LLC SOLUTIONS STORES SOLUTIONS STORES SONY ELECTRONICS INC SONY ELECTRONICS INC SOPRIS WEST INC SOPRIS WEST INC SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON CHAMB SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON LEADE SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON LEADE SOUTH HOUSTON GOLF CARTS I SOUTHEAST COOP FOR SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUS SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUS SOUTHTEX ASPHALT SERVICES SOUTHWASTE DISPOSAL LLC SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS SOUTHWEST HOUSTON TIRE SAL SOUTHWEST HOUSTON TIRE SAL SOUTHWEST STRINGS SOWELL, KEVIN SPACE CENTER HOUSTON 100 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/10/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/02/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/11/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/30/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 CK-AMOUNT 21.37 19.57 79.76 243.00 134.80 423.50 454.25 370.81 297.84 200.00 30.00 51.73 32.19 100.00 35.00 35.00 400.00 867.60 6.64 716.83 2,211.65 206.21 61.51 189.99 99.75 199.50 30.00 1,203.60 651.14 86.67 86.67 1,838.04 360.58 62.00 119.94 100.00 99.00 100.00 65.64 530.84 427.00 78.92 100.00 100.00 52.46 400.00 62.00 200.00 1,538.76 188.82 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SPARKLETTS AND SIERRA SPRI SPARKLETTS AND SIERRA SPRI SPARKLETTS AND SIERRA SPRI SPEC EDU-SUCCESS-MISC EXP SPECTRUM CORP SPECTRUM CORP SPLASHTOWN WATERPARK SPORTDECALS INC SPORTDECALS INC SPRING CHOIR BOOSTERS SPRINT STACEY LYNN BARBER STACEY MICHELLE GRIFFIN STACY H. NGUYEN STACY, CHRIS STACY, CHRIS STANDARD CHAIR OF GARDNER STANDARD STATIONERY SUPPLY STANLEY J OAKES STANLEY J OAKES STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS STANTON, ROY B STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAR CINEMA GRILL STATE COMPTROLLER STATE OF FLORIDA DISBURSEM STATE OF FLORIDA DISBURSEM STEEL SUPPLY LP STEFANIE MCKINNEY STEFANIE MCKINNEY STENHOUSE PUBLISHERS STEPHAN N LITTLE STEPHANIE DIANE OWEN STEPHANIE G GUEI STEPHANIE KING STEPHANIE MCCLAIN STEPHANIE NICHOLE BROWN STEPHANIE P REED STEPHANIE PEREZ STEPHANYE A HERNANDEZ- MEN STEPHEN ALAN RICE STEPHEN D. ALCALA STEPHEN LAYMON STEPHEN SUTTON STETSON AND ASSOCIATES INC STEVE CLOUD 101 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/23/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/02/11 08/21/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 394.00 14.98 56.99 32.28 115.53 100.00 231.00 430.00 445.00 4,555.00 110.00 52.70 450.00 504.28 52.00 34.75 75.00 69.90 46.24 206.10 270.00 38.95 42.00 65.00 65.00 300.00 300.66 269.25 3,146.69 8.56 80.00 8,326.80 165.00 2,365.20 3,520.18 465.50 3,276.00 4,972.50 27.96 202.57 120.00 54.03 299.81 277.89 100.00 52.91 202.50 157.37 152.50 198.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME STEVE DEVILLIER STEVE DEVILLIER STEVE SMITH STEVE T JAMAIL STEVE T JAMAIL STEVEN RAY BRETZKE STEVE'S WINDOW FASHIONS STEVE'S WINDOW FASHIONS STEVE'S WINDOW FASHIONS STEVE'S WINDOW FASHIONS STEVE'S WINDOW FASHIONS STEWART DEAN RUSSELL STUFF CREATORS STUMPS / SHINDIGZ SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUCCESS BY DESIGN INC SUCCESSORIES LLC SUDIE'S CATFISH HOUSE INC SUMITA T BHAUMIK SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR SUN LIFE FINANCIAL SUNBELT RENTALS SUNCREST PUBLICATIONS SUNDANCE FUELS SUNDANCE FUELS SUSAN B BUCKLEY SUSAN B BUCKLEY SUSAN ELEANOR METCALFE SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN KELLER SUSAN LYNN BAUER SUSAN WADLINGTON SUSAN WADLINGTON SUSANA REYNA SUSANA SLIVA SUTHERLAND, JUNE K SUZANNE ANDERSON SWEET DREAMS SWEET DREAMS 102 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/23/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/21/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 CK-AMOUNT 8.21 52.85 39.00 294.00 2,400.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 260.00 260.00 125.00 125.00 370.00 185.00 746.18 363.00 314.00 677.00 314.00 363.00 35.00 15,068.03 756.00 10,009.71 2,315.25 19,411.79 35.84 293.31 35.00 35.00 400.84 539.31 514.25 136.92 100.00 97.00 20.16 57.07 92.78 20.00 79.90 39.00 9.20 48.00 496.90 136.62 133.37 240.57 44.65 37.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SYLVIA AVILA SYNAMON HIGH SYNAMON HIGH T A S A T A S B T A S B O T A S B O T A S B O T A S B O T A S B O T A S B O T A S B O T A S S P T A S S P T C T A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E S A T G T M P A T S A TRADING INC T S A TRADING INC T S T A T U S E TA, TRAM NGOC TACAC TACAC TAMMIE A HINTON TAMMY LAWRENCE-MAY TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY TANA L HAASS TANISHA N HERNANDEZ TARA LYNN WHEELER TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET 103 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/26/11 08/11/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/19/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/23/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 137.82 60.41 71.43 59.99 244.71 10.43 115.54 2,211.26 353.39 139.85 184.50 74.95 4,283.00 12.95 72.15 75.82 125.10 204.78 442.49 227.00 46.04 19.16 197.99 150.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 15.80 90.00 390.60 150.13 185.00 100.00 358.00 130.00 7.00 70.00 70.00 23.00 270.00 198.00 262.50 1,386.29 261,365.90 29.70 324.00 23.90 1,500.00 89.71 27.94 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME TARGET TARGET STORES TARGET STORES TARGET STORES TARGET STORES TASSP TAX OFFICE, MISC EXP TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY TAYLOR, DANIEL & KATHRYN TEACHER DIRECT TEACHER'S DISCOVERY TEACHING COTTAGE TEACHING SYSTEMS INC. TECHNICAL SERVICES, MISC E TECHNICAL SERVICES, MISC E TEGELER CAREER CTR, MISC TEJAS MATERIALS TEMEKA V BROWN TEMEKA V BROWN TEPSA TEPSA TERESA ABEL TERRANCE HAMMONS TERRY ANDERSON TERRY D WALTERS TERRY, KEVIN H TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TEXAS AFT / PEG TEXAS ART EDUCATION ASSOC TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOO TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOO TEXAS COMPUTER EDUCATION A TEXAS COUNCIL OF ADMINISTR TEXAS DEPARTMENT/PUBLIC SA TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & TEXAS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY TEXAS EDUCATION NEWS TEXAS EVENTS INC TEXAS FOOD SERVICE EQUIPME TEXAS FOOD SERVICE EQUIPME TEXAS PARTY & GIFT WHOLESA TEXAS SCHOOL BUSINESS TEXAS STATE NOTARY BUREAU TEXAS STATE UNIV - SAN MAR TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY 104 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/03/11 08/25/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/12/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 CK-AMOUNT 264.62 95.59 102.18 141.76 59.05 177.62 179.77 72.86 68.84 109.00 100.00 14,353.76 253.45 100.00 80.00 3,090.00 5,300.00 185.00 5,933.02 2,029.78 3,831.08 266.51 274.50 100.00 100.00 268.08 202.50 1,200.00 23.25 800.00 2,000.00 35,825.39 100.00 100.00 132.60 534.79 75.99 200.00 64.74 197.99 37.72 50.00 319.94 24.61 270.30 500.54 341.14 379.73 500.00 3,320.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TOMORROW FUND THANH T NGUYEN THE LEARNING TOGETHER CO THE READING WAREHOUSE INC THERESA E GREENE THINGS REMEMBERED THINKING MAPS INC. THINKING MAPS INC. THIRD COAST AQUARIUM THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS H JOHNSON THOMAS J HOFFMAN THOMAS L VU Thomas R. Slataper THOMAS SWAN THOMAS, PEGGY S THOMASON'S FINE JEWELRY THOMASON'S FINE JEWELRY THOMASON'S FINE JEWELRY THOMPSON & HORTON LLP THOMPSON & HORTON LLP THUY TIEN TRAN THUYEN A LE TIME FOR KIDS TIMOTHY MIKOLAJCHAK TINA JO FLOTTEN TINA KNIGHT-GRAY TOM J DEIBEL TOMAS DELAROSA TOMASA (TAMMY) AGUIRRE TOMORROWS COLLEGE INVESTME TONI D LOPEZ TONIA REED TOP FLIGHT AUTO SALES TORI LYNNE ANDERSON TORRES, DAVID JR & LISETTE TOSCANO, HECTOR S TOUCHDOWN CLUB OF HOUSTON TOWNLABS INC 105 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/24/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/24/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/10/11 08/23/11 08/25/11 08/01/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 CK-AMOUNT 171.41 150.00 97.76 65.91 101.32 100.00 378.00 202.50 452.97 110.97 100.00 32,166.56 211.69 345.37 108.17 162.98 27.46 100.00 11,885.00 604.13 135.00 940.00 549.00 290.46 25.18 304.77 525.34 1,432.92 876.00 131.15 1,352.00 1,209.33 1,349.99 11,581.89 290.20 16.48 190.00 440.00 145.00 84.60 9.68 88.00 252.90 300.00 80.00 336.82 639.36 40.62 1,590.00 399.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME TOWNSEND PRESS TRACI STEWART TRACY L SKRIPKA TRACY L SKRIPKA TRAINER'S WAREHOUSE TRAMANH N NGUYEN TRAN, LAM D TRAN, QUAN BA & THUY BICH TRAN, SCOTT TRANG NGUYEN TRANG PHAM TRANSAMERICA CANCER TRANSPORTATION, MISC EXPEN TRANSPORTATION, MISC EXPEN TRASCHELL LEWIS TRASCHELL LEWIS TREND ENTERPRISES INC TRI N NGUYEN TRIPLE B CLEANING, INC TRIUMPH LEARNING TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROY A MCCARLEY TROY MARK KAPNER TRUJILLO, MARIO TUAN DUY-NGUYEN PHAM TWO BROTHERS PASTA TYLER RUBERG U S A MOBILITY WIRELESS IN U S B ENROLLMENT SERVICES U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIO U S GAMES U S GAMES U S POST OFFICE U S POST OFFICE U S POSTAL SERVICE U S POSTAL SERVICE U S POSTAL SERVICE U S POSTMASTER U S POSTMASTER U S POSTMASTER U S SCHOOL SUPPLY INC U S TECH U S TECH ULINE INC ULINE INC ULINE INC UNIFORM AND DRUM CARTS UNIQUE LEARNING SYSTEM 106 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/10/11 CK-AMOUNT 64,310.40 20,416.00 109.71 3,523.41 558.87 593.68 232.88 483.99 127.00 3,448.43 592.85 1,893.99 700.00 140.00 3,827.00 17,500.00 34.00 100.00 225.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,436.78 200.00 100.00 44,604.10 18,207.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 276.44 203.80 3,417.15 1,144.57 568.21 270.00 350.67 318.87 289.35 1,348.00 866.62 171.98 1,946.57 15,923.55 866.53 49.94 382.59 382.59 354.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE INC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED STATES ACADEMIC UNIVAR USA INC UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON CL UNIVERSITY OF ST THOMAS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS USA BROADWATER DST UYEN TRAN VALERIE SANCHEZ VALERO ENERGY CORP DBA VALERO MARKETING & SUPPLY VANESSA BERUMEN VANESSA L AGUIRRE VANESSA MORALES VARGAS, JR VINCENT & LILI VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS VASQUEZ, ELIZABETH C & ALF VELASCO, IVAN A & NANCY VELASQUEZ, SANDRA VELAZQUEZ, JESUS VELAZQUEZ, MARCO A & VERASTEGUI, SALVADOR VERITAS INSTRUMENT RENTAL VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERMONT OFFICE VERMONT OFFICE VERNA ANDERSON 107 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/23/11 08/19/11 08/31/11 08/25/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/05/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/10/11 08/22/11 08/26/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 CK-AMOUNT 100.00 201.41 100.00 295.93 113.19 557.09 3,261.69 401.79 300.55 546.93 470.06 40.21 300.55 51.95 3,415.93 3,541.49 5,367.54 4,940.15 1,645.89 100.00 46.00 75.58 39.43 171.00 100.00 100.00 62.97 100.00 60,820.00 70.00 100.00 332.00 2,302.80 126.00 46.99 316.10 306.66 313.07 340.12 300.00 102.12 8,361.81 2,477.00 100.00 4,973.75 282.59 6,017.66 10,485.22 432.90 185.15 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME VERONICA BARDALES VERONICA SANDOVAL VERONICA SARABIA VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VESCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS VEX ROBOTICS INC VEX ROBOTICS INC VICKI DINH VICKY LYNN BASYE VICKY LYNN BASYE VICKY LYNN BASYE VICKY LYNN BASYE Victor B. Tran VICTOR J FRAGA VICTOR RAYGOZA Victoria A. Jacob VIDEO INSIGHT VIDEO MASTERS VIET T. DINH VIEVU VILLAGE EMBROIDERY VILLAGE EMBROIDERY VILLAGE PIZZA & SEAFOOD VILLAGOMEZ, BERNARDO VILLALOBOS, HUMBERTO VILLARREAL, NARCISO VILLASANA, HECTOR & VIRGINIA M. GALLARDO VISIONS TECH IN EDUCATION VISTA LAND & EQUIPMENT LLC VOICE PRODUCTS INC VYNESE MAGAMPON W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC WALCH PUBLISHING 108 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/05/11 08/23/11 08/01/11 08/01/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/02/11 08/05/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/11/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/15/11 08/15/11 08/15/11 08/15/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 209.94 38.87 49.72 423.35 54.05 39.98 71.36 111.67 95.29 22.88 174.89 110.10 55.00 22.50 65.44 132.13 20.90 45.05 96.64 305.71 106.50 127.21 99.14 194.76 178.66 142.64 195.44 25.78 52.00 124.97 195.45 61.23 116.73 49.72 322.44 463.44 78.37 294.93 15.96 19.39 112.92 54.97 52.13 66.47 221.09 251.85 116.82 61.68 47.23 375.12 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC 109 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/19/11 08/21/11 08/21/11 08/22/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/23/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/24/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/25/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/30/11 CK-AMOUNT 262.44 81.62 156.20 133.68 29.88 492.12 39.69 127.16 108.46 49.17 186.34 138.24 19.40 45.68 194.18 65.64 103.76 125.47 55.51 157.55 103.59 50.94 451.69 252.40 212.86 167.38 33.31 58.84 33.32 269.88 12.34 7.76 48.89 73.30 84.44 138.00 78.89 133.23 6.32 498.27 159.02 11.20 140.01 70.56 162.00 78.69 56.62 6.00 364.08 46.23 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES 110 INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/30/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/05/11 08/10/11 08/12/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/03/11 08/12/11 08/03/11 08/19/11 08/01/11 08/15/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/10/11 08/31/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/17/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/24/11 08/29/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 CK-AMOUNT 246.17 75.55 46.65 131.81 39.45 36.00 19.08 48.36 3,059.70 332.90 645.65 8,120.72 14,582.30 26,450.66 38.70 321.90 854.30 768.90 202.50 24,248.54 1,771.00 31.50 96.00 45.00 93.45 113.44 83.86 2,393.00 8,366.00 19.90 105.70 162.00 284.85 100.00 74.75 9,087.66 9,087.66 187.05 22.95 109.52 234.37 347.22 642.16 2,350.00 5,319.84 6,301.86 1,968.00 572.87 1,103.42 122.82 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WALTERS SWIM SUPPLIES INC WASHBURN, TINA WASHING EQUIPMENT OF TEXAS WASTE CONNECTION OF TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT WEEKLY READER WEEKLY READER WEEKLY READER WEEKLY READER WEEST, DEERA J WEINGARTEN REALTY WEISSMANS DESIGNS FOR DANC WELDERS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WELDERS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WELDERS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FIN WENDEBURG, RICHARD WENDY M. WALKER WENGER CORPORATION WENGER CORPORATION WEST MUSIC CO WHICH WICH WILES, LARRY D & CATHERINE WILKENS, VIRGINIA William Bracho Blok WILLIAM C MADIGAN WILLIAM E. HEITKAMP WILLIAM E. HEITKAMP WILLIAM M KRUEGER WILLIAM MCMAHAN WILLIAM R DAUGHERTY WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER & WILLIAMS, KEITH O WILLIS OF TEXAS INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON MOHR WILSONART INTERNATIONAL WILSONART INTERNATIONAL 111 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 08-01-2011 THRU 08-31-2011 CK-DATE 08/31/11 08/05/11 08/03/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/31/11 08/12/11 08/17/11 08/24/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/03/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/24/11 08/26/11 08/29/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/19/11 08/29/11 08/31/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/26/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 08/19/11 08/12/11 08/19/11 08/17/11 08/03/11 08/10/11 08/17/11 08/17/11 08/26/11 08/05/11 08/17/11 08/19/11 CK-AMOUNT 186.48 4,034.29 299.70 1,934.53 924.00 210.25 550.00 302.50 3,900.00 1,100.00 100.00 12,459.98 130.35 2,694.88 1,794.88 12,389.28 2,493.45 61.00 1,361.50 928.42 2,253.64 108.13 27.92 216.74 100.00 168.85 100.00 533.92 13.75 100.00 300.00 70.00 100.00 310.54 298.98 320.28 4.49 222.26 659.93 398.68 149.00 100.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WINDHAM PROFESSIONALS INC WINDSHIRE 4.6241 ACRE LP WOMACK, KAREN WOODWIND BRASSWIND WOODWIND BRASSWIND WOODYARD PUBLICATIONS WRITING ACADEMY WRITING ACADEMY WRITING ACADEMY WRITING ACADEMY WYATT A LANG XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XL PARTS XL PARTS XL PARTS YADIRA MONTERO YANELY CANTU YANES, BERNARDA & YASMINE SILVA YORK, LESTER W MRS YOUTHLIGHT YOVANI CANALES YVETTE A. ISIDORI YVETTE MUNOZ ZACHARY A EZZELL ZAMARRIPA, JUAN JOSE ZAPATA, YECENIA ZELDA CRYAR ZENO DIGITAL SOLUTIONS, LL ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY ZEPEDA, ALFRED SR ZEPEDA, CARLOS A ZOOMERANG ZURISADAI B SANCHEZ ___________________ TOTAL CASH* * * DISBURSEMENTS $7,812,600.88 _______________ 112 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Local Maintenance Fund REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 99 Other Governmental Charges 00 Other Uses FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 3600 Undesignated Fund Balance - Beg 3410 Reserve for Inventory 3430 Reserve for Prepaid Items 3440 Reserve for Encumbrances 3510 Unreserved, Designated 3000 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - BEG NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 3000 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - END 3410 Reserve for Inventory 3430 Reserve for Prepaid Items 3440 Reserve for Encumbrances 3510 Unreserved, Designated UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 3600 END Current Budget 111,198,676 239,882,507 3,590,469 354,671,652 Current Month Revenues / Expenditures 181,938 33,431,591 296,380 33,909,908 Year-to-Date Encumbrances - Year-to-Date Revenues / Expenditures 108,233,340 239,614,808 3,758,973 351,607,121 Unencumbered Balance 2,965,336 267,699 (168,504) 3,064,531 209,444,888 5,799,712 5,480,666 4,379,937 29,407,872 13,308,921 171,726 4,158,639 13,013,036 27,930 6,315,961 9,979,605 45,239,854 4,537,090 7,238,936 48,917 320,438 5,105,101 594,000 1,200,000 365,773,229 16,193,640 547,798 678,127 421,811 2,909,018 1,304,166 7,073 349,137 846,955 606,348 1,064,569 4,589,918 332,725 697,598 126,195 30,675,078 403,839 37,104 62,044 28,400 17,592 113,013 217 2,201 185,374 198,437 356,832 143,301 768,430 25 1,214,249 3,531,057 206,496,045 5,434,770 5,082,691 4,111,797 27,984,872 12,343,547 149,238 3,771,506 12,294,574 18,083 5,343,407 9,490,458 41,708,745 4,215,595 5,292,044 11,355 302,204 2,897,554 355,238 1,086,952 348,390,677 2,545,004 327,838 335,931 239,741 1,405,408 852,361 22,488 386,915 716,261 9,847 787,180 290,710 3,174,277 178,194 1,178,463 37,537 18,234 993,298 238,762 113,048 13,851,495 307,254,586 25,980,265 15,981,384 9,017,383 320,438 7,219,173 365,773,229 25,003,888 3,127,780 2,130,790 263,085 149,535 30,675,078 926,733 985,596 44,898 1,573,830 3,531,057 299,557,689 21,236,389 13,823,180 8,885,595 302,204 4,585,620 348,390,677 7,696,897 3,817,144 1,172,608 86,890 18,234 1,059,723 13,851,495 (11,101,577) 63,428,371 1,107,353 3,184,624 5,745,235 13,800,000 87,265,582 (11,101,577) 76,164,005 (1,107,353) (3,184,624) (490,756) (12,068,464) 3,216,443 59,312,809 113 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Debt Service Fund Current Month Current Year-to-Date Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Unencumbered REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources Budget 28,500,000 15,400,000 - Expenditures 70,728 - Encumbrances - Expenditures 26,615,568 14,207,728 1,588,135 Balance 1,884,432 1,192,272 (1,588,135) TOTAL REVENUES 43,900,000 70,728 - 42,411,431 1,488,569 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses 43,900,000 - 297,676 - - 25,451,030 - 18,448,970 - 43,900,000 297,676 - 25,451,030 18,448,970 43,900,000 - 297,676 - - 25,451,030 - 18,448,970 - 43,900,000 297,676 - 25,451,030 18,448,970 FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 44,834,851 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 44,834,851 16,960,401 114 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Campus Activity Funds - Current Month Revenues / Expenditures 138,305 - Year-to-Date Encumbrances - Year-to-Date Revenues / Expenditures 3,450,681 - TOTAL REVENUES - 138,305 - 3,450,681 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES - 150,257 4,587 8,543 102,883 119,332 3,857 389,458 59,567 1,261 93 14,793 15,879 91,592 1,455,242 59,212 9,916 2,093 652,511 3,769 68 1,008,240 41,950 317 3,233,318 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses - 18,195 7,913 210,010 153,340 - 11,662 70,031 9,899 - 76,953 125,292 1,626,260 1,389,611 15,202 - - 389,458 91,592 3,233,318 REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES Current Budget - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 2,010,101 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 2,010,101 217,363 115 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Bond 2004 - Growing Together Current Month Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Budget - Expenditures 41 - Encumbrances - Expenditures 5,177 - Balance (5,177) - TOTAL REVENUES - 41 - 5,177 (5,177) EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service - - - - - Facilities Construction Juvenile Justice Other Uses 5,403,796 - 113,853 - 425,137 - 4,895,710 - 82,949 - FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES 5,403,796 113,853 425,137 4,895,710 82,949 - - - - - 5,403,796 - 113,853 - 425,137 - 4,895,710 - 82,949 - 5,403,796 113,853 425,137 4,895,710 82,949 REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources 81 95 00 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 8900 Capital Outlay Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES (5,403,796) 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 5,283,913 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance (119,883) Unencumbered (4,890,533) 116 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 All Special Revenue Funds Current Month Current REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Revenues / Encumbrances - Expenditures 1,760,025 5,063,827 61,021,298 - Unencumbered Balance (1,760,025) (5,063,827) (61,021,298) - - Expenditures 118,124 146,660 1,118,580 - TOTAL REVENUES - 1,383,364 - 67,845,149 (67,845,149) EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses - 2,781,860 11,834 194,512 171,737 132,793 520,733 8,600 18,744 12,239 49,988 59,635 (7) - 170,617 3,000 3,738 3,960 7,156 62,909 896 - 56,779,835 500,522 2,254,924 1,818,955 2,131,682 6,323,925 71,633 606,421 1,190,717 707 168,787 2,553,433 528,176 278,883 - (56,950,452) (503,522) (2,258,662) (1,822,914) (2,138,838) (6,386,834) (71,633) (606,421) (1,190,717) (707) (168,787) (2,553,433) (529,073) (278,883) - - 3,962,668 252,276 75,208,601 (75,460,877) - 3,012,402 516,569 339,542 77,010 17,144 - 5,947 188,518 2,978 54,833 - 58,571,425 6,681,371 7,036,399 1,148,849 1,770,557 - (58,571,425) (6,687,318) (7,224,916) (1,151,827) (1,825,391) - - 3,962,668 252,276 75,208,601 (75,460,877) FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures Budget Revenues / NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 2200 Beginning Deferred Revenue - 3600 Ending Balance - (7,363,452) 117 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Food Service Current Month REVENUES 5700 5800 5900 7900 Local And Intermediate Sources State Sources Federal Sources Other Revenue Sources Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Unencumbered Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Expenditures Balance 5,792,553 732,274 21,655,021 - 169,578 108,746 - - 4,640,971 613,935 23,063,840 - 1,151,582 118,339 (1,408,819) - TOTAL REVENUES 28,179,848 278,324 - 28,318,746 (138,898) EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses 28,179,848 - 1,927,604 - 115,194 - 28,389,192 - (324,538) - 28,179,848 1,927,604 115,194 28,389,192 (324,538) 11,813,831 94,883 13,920,583 1,568,576 781,975 - 645,157 12,974 955,181 5,146 309,146 - 46,343 10,839 58,013 - 11,330,332 31,827 14,464,510 1,752,134 810,389 - 483,499 16,714 (554,766) (183,558) (86,427) - 28,179,848 1,927,604 115,194 28,389,192 (324,538) FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3450 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 4,584,522 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 4,584,522 (70,446) 118 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of August 31, 2011 Technology Fund Current Month Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Unencumbered REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources Budget Expenditures - Encumbrances - Expenditures - Balance 5800 5900 7900 State Sources Federal Sources Other Revenue Sources 1,439,332 - - - 1,434,786 - 4,546 - TOTAL REVENUES 1,439,332 - - 1,434,786 4,546 1,439,332 - 15,485 - 34 - 1,399,052 - 40,246 - 1,439,332 15,485 34 1,399,052 40,246 650 - - 3,780 695 (3,780) (45) 1,433,998 4,684 - 15,127 358 - 34 - 1,341,098 53,478 - 92,865 (48,794) - 1,439,332 15,485 34 1,399,052 40,246 - - EXPENDITURES 11 12 13 21 23 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 51 52 53 61 71 81 95 00 Instruction Instructional Resource & Media Curriculum & Staff Development Instructional Leadership School Leadership Guidance & Counseling Social Work Services Health Services Pupil Transportation Food Service Co-Curricular Activities General Administration Maintenance & Operations Security / Monitoring Data Processing Community Services Debt Service Facilities Construction Juvenile Justice Other Uses FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 6400 6500 6600 8900 Supplies & Materials Other Operating Debt Service Capital Outlay Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 82,606 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 82,606 35,734 119 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ACTIVITY FUNDS STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of August 31, 2011 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: $294,985 TOTAL ASSETS $294,985 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accounts Payable $294,985 Total Liabilities $294,985 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity $0 $0 Total Fund Equity $0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $294,985 120 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUP BENEFIT PLAN STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES As of August 31, 2011 REVENUES: Investment Interest Premiums/Contributions Stop Loss Recoveries $6,850 $29,449,716 $995,736 TOTAL REVENUES $30,452,302 CLAIMS & OTHER EXPENDITURES: Administration Fees Health Claims Expenditures/Misc Stop Loss Reinsurance Premiums $2,036,659 $29,736,667 $1,176,781 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $32,950,107 Excess <Deficiency> - Revenue over Expenditures For 2010-2011 ($2,497,805) 121 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUP BENEFIT PLAN STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of August 31, 2011 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: Stop-Loss Claims Other Restricted Assets $2,889,447 TOTAL ASSETS $2,889,447 $0 $0 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accounts Payable Accrued Health Claims Payable $0 $2,326,551 Total Liabilities $2,326,551 Beginning Reserve for Self Funded Insurance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity $3,060,701 ($2,497,805) Total Fund Equity $562,896 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $2,889,447 122 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT WORKER'S COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES As of August 31, 2011 REVENUES: Investment Interest Contributions from Other Funds $4,646 $1,800,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,804,646 CLAIMS & OTHER EXPENDITURES: Worker's Compensation Claims & Administration Fees $992,704 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $992,704 Excess <Deficiency> - Revenue over Expenditures For 2010-2011 $811,942 123 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT WORKER'S COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE FUND STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of August 31, 2011 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: Stop-Loss Claims Other Restricted Assets $5,260,248 TOTAL ASSETS $5,260,248 $0 $0 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accrued Claims Payable $3,957,033 Total Liabilities $3,957,033 Beginning Reserve for Self Funded Insurance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity $491,273 $811,942 Total Fund Equity $1,303,215 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $5,260,248 124 Pasadena ISD Tax Assessor/Collector's Report For the Month of August 2011: 2010-2011 School Year Thru Prior Month Original Current Roll (09-01-10) Adjustments Credits/Variance Total Adjusted Current Roll Current Taxes Collected Current Rendition Penalty Late Fee This Month Year-To-Date 8,528,247.42 112.92 (49,729.60) 9.65 118,772,481.93 8,478,517.82 122.57 127,251,122.32 123,465,204.42 93,707.22 350,985.58 2,216.92 123,816,190.00 95,924.14 Uncollected Balance - Current Original Delinquent Roll (09-01-10) Adjustments Credits/Variance Uncollectible Delinquent Taxes Total Adjusted Delinquent Roll Delinquent Taxes Collected Delinquent Rendition Penalty Late Fee 3,339,008.18 (3,474,526.01) (113,984.42) 50,649.83 (3,241.13) (20,784.16) 0.00 14,490,239.27 (3,477,767.14) (134,768.58) 50,649.83 10,928,353.38 (384,188.68) 10,903.62 197,854.21 730.53 (186,334.47) 11,634.15 Uncollected Balance-Delinquent Penalty & Interest Collected Miscellaneous Income, Copies Tax Certificates Court Costs 11,103,053.70 1,723,177.12 2,161,686.83 1,150.00 49,347.89 181,503.08 4,015.37 150.00 6,786.52 Total Amount Collected Attorney Fees Collected 1,904,680.20 2,165,702.20 1,300.00 56,134.41 4,127,816.81 523,222.84 125 102,619.43 625,842.27 Summary of Delinquent Tax Collections Collection Target by June 30, 2012: $3,741,931 All Delinquent Years Prior to 2010 Month Jul-2011 Aug-2011 Sep-2011 Oct-2011 Nov-2011 Dec-2011 Jan-2012 Feb-2012 Mar-2012 Apr-2012 May-2012 Jun-2012 Total Adjusted Collectible Amount for All Other Delinquent Years $11,325,664 Amount Collected $91,055 $177,744 $268,799 (Beginning Bal. has not been adjusted by Tax Deferrals, Govt' Entity status and Uncolletibles. 2010 Delinquent Taxes Only Month Jul-2011 Aug-2011 Sep-2011 Oct-2011 Nov-2011 Dec-2011 Jan-2012 Feb-2012 Mar-2012 Apr-2012 May-2012 Jun-2012 Total 2010 Delinquent Taxes Due $3,741,931 Amount Collected $343,669 $353,192 $696,861 Grand Total Delinquent Collections $965,660 126 SUBJECT: Quarterly Report on Investments BACKGROUND: Section 2256.009 (b) of the Texas Government Code requires that not less than quarterly, a report of the district’s investment transactions shall be provided to the Board. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review the 06/01/11 - 08/31/11 quarterly report on investments. CONTACT PERSON: John M. Piscacek Don Lazenby Compliance Statement: We, the approved investment officers of Pasadena ISD, hereby certify that this investment report represents the investment position of the District as of August 31, 2010, in compliance with Board approved investment policy, the Public Funds Investment Act (Texas Government Code 2256), and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Don Lazenby, Director of Budgets John M. Piscacek, Associate Superintendent for Finance 127 128 PURCHASING AGENDA ITEMS SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 REGULAR BOARD MEETING 1. Contract Renewals Computerized Point-of-Sale Accountability System and Meal Application Software for USDA National School Meals Program, CSP #08-018 Electrical Supplies and Lamps, CSP #10-004 Tools, Industrial Equipment, and Related Items, RFP #10-007 Roofing Supplies and Related Items, RFP #10-008 Lawn Care Equipment, Repair Parts, Related Items, and Services, CSP #10-015 A/C Filters, CSP #10-047 Preventative Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Emergency Generators, CSP #11-008 2. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 Director of Purchasing: Angela Eng 129 CONTRACT RENEWALS: Computerized Point-of-Sale Accountability System and Meal Application Software for USDA National School Meals Program Contract Period: January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 CSP #08-018, November 29, 2007 Board Approved: January 22, 2008 Option: Year 5 of 5 years Vendor(s): Lunchbyte Systems, Inc. ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Mary Harryman $ 254,842.00 Angela Eng Electrical Supplies and Lamps Contract Period: October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 CSP #10-004, August 30, 2010 Board Approved: September 28, 2010 Option: Year 2 of 3 years Vendor(s): Aves Audio Visual Competitive Edge Dealers Electrical Supply Deer Park Lumber Lowe’s Home Centers, Inc. Scott Electric Turtle N Hughes, Inc. ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado $ 315,000.00 130 Tools, Industrial Equipment, and Related Items Contract Period: November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 RFP #10-007, October 5, 2009 Board Approved: October 20, 2009 Option: Year 3 of 3 years Vendor(s): Circle Saw Builders Supply, Inc. City Supply Company, Inc. Dealers Electrical Supply, Inc. Delegard Tool of Texas, Inc. MSC Industrial Supply Snap on Industrial, a Division of IDSC Holdings LLC Texas Storage Systems United Refrigeration ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado $ 35,000.00 Roofing Supplies and Related Items Contract Period: November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 RFP #10-008, October 5, 2009 Board Approved: November 17, 2009 Option: Year 3 of 3 years Vendor(s): Coastal Roofing Systems, Inc. dba Coastal Distribution ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado $ 30,000.00 131 Lawn Care Equipment, Repair Parts, Related Items, and Services Contract Period: November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 CSP #10-015, November 4, 2009 Board Approved: January 19, 2010 Option: Year 3 of 3 years Vendor(s): Alvin Equipment Company Brookside Equipment Sales, Inc. Cypress Lawn & Turf Equipment Company, Inc. Four Brothers Outdoor Power Hlavinka Equipment Company Landsdowne-Moody Company L.P. Mowers, Inc. Top Flight Trailers & Equipment Sales ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Charlie Knight Troy Hill $ 129,160.32 Mary N. Charles A/C Filters Contract Period: October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 CSP #10-047, August 30, 2010 Board Approved: September 28, 2010 Option: Year 2 of 3 years Vendor(s): Dustless Air Filter Company ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado $ 85,000.00 Preventative Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Emergency Generators Contract Period: November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 CSP #11-008, October 5, 2010 Board Approved: October 26, 2010 Option: Year 2 of 3 years Vendor(s): Generators of Houston Waukesha – Pearce Industries, Inc. ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado $ 30,000.00 132 Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 August 1, 2011 thru August 31, 2011 SCHOOL DEPT DESCRIPTION VENDOR PO NUMBER LEGAL AUTHORITY Police Department Bus/School Radios, Accessories and Warranties Bearcom Lot $13,168.00 159614 CSP #09-020 Athletic Department DDR Classroom System Konami Digital Entertainment Lot $10,000.00 159635 Formal Quotes – No Bid Athletic Department ( 20) Indo Rowers Waterrower, Inc. 20 $15,900.00 159646 Formal Quotes – No Bid Curriculum & Instruction Instructional Database Modules Educaide Software Lot $42,684.50 159664 Sole Source Facilities & Construction Land Lease (Buses) Harvey W. Emmons III Lot $12,600.00 159665 CSP #07-021 Purchasing Dept. Copier Rental for Mae Smythe Elementary Xerox Corporation Lot $13,500.24 159722 State Contract Data Processing E-Mail & Web Hosting Services Gaggle Net, Inc. Lot $25,278.00 159747 CSP #09-013 Purchasing Dept. Copier for South Belt Elementary Global Services, LLC Lot $10,549.94 159789 HCDE Facilities & Construction HVAC Chiller Projects at Various District Locations Johnson Controls, Inc. Lot $322,860.00 159985 TXMAS Facilities & Construction HVAC Chiller Projects at Various District Locations Johnson Controls, Inc. Lot $124,712.00 159987 TXMAS Facilities & Construction HVAC Replacement Project at South Houston Elementary A/W Mechanical Services, LP Lot $41,000.00 160067 CSP #11-028 Data Processing Software Upgrade for Cameras Video Insight Lot $60,820.00 160121 HCDE Athletic Department ABL Lab Set Action Based Learning Lot $12,075.00 160126 Sole Source Instructional Technology Brainpop Access (12 Months), LLC Lot $40,425.00 160189 Sole Source Skill Center Copier and Maintenance Agreement Global Services Lot $12,238.00 160211 HCDE Pasadena High School Student Cosmetology Kits Marianna, Inc. Lot $13,670.28 160259 Student Funds Special Education (3) iPad2 Apple Educational Sales 3 $14,370.00 160368 DIR Testing Coordinator (1) Lift Truck and (1) Lift Truck Battery Crown Lift Trucks 1 $20,809.00 160369 Formal Quotes – No Bid Library Services Online Subscription – Powerkids Earth & Space Science Rosen Publishing Group Lot $10,750.00 160517 CSP #09-004 Data Processing Student Storage Tech Plan and Accessories INX, Inc. Lot $86,828.34 160521 DIR Teague Elementary Fundraising – Brochure Sale Joe Corbi’s Wholesale Pizza, Inc. Lot $15,000.00 160610 CSP #11-002 Miller Intermediate Math Together and Reading Together The Learning Together Company Lot $53,227.70 160669 Sole Source Finance Department Scanner Licenses and Maintenance Databank IMX Lot $12,925.00 160674 HCDE QTY 133 TOTAL COST Data Processing Parts for Miller Intermediate PA System Accu-Tech Corporation Lot $13,506.77 160804 ESC 5 Special Programs Renewal of Successmaker Software Pearson Digital Learning, Inc. Lot $18,695.52 160809 Sole Source Police Department (2) Evidence Lockers Southwest Solutions 2 $11,591.85 160889 TXMAS Textbooks Textbooks and Teacher Guides MPS Lot $10,657.20 160892 Sole Source Police Department Dispatch Console System, Monitor Arms and Installation Advanced Office Systems Lot $22,535.00 160903 TXMAS Curriculum & Instruction E-Pat Assess Administrative Fee Peoples Education Lot $20,000.00 160930 Sole Source Facilities & Construction Flooring for Police Department Southwest Concepts Lot $12,562.73 160993 CSP #09-029 Curriculum & Instruction Wireless Keyboards, iPad Covers and Service Apple Educational Sales Lot $19,806.00 161006 DIR Testing Coordinator Crown Work Assist V Crown Lift Trucks 1 $15,355.00 161068 Formal Quotes – No Bid Miller Intermediate (4) HP EliteBook 2740p Tablets, Docking Stations and Batteries Netsync Network Solutions Lot $10,561.20 161070 DIR Printing & Publication Outdoor Signage Installations Atlas Sign Services, Inc. Lot $20,203.00 161203 CSP #09-027 Data Processing Network Department Furniture (Braden Center) Jones & Cook Stationers Lot $36,335.12 161243 ESC 5 Warehouse Paper for Stock Bosworth Papers, Inc. Lot $129,225.60 161250 HCDE Data Processing Cabling Supplies Accu-Tech Corporation Lot $12,503.34 161268 ESC 5 Dobie High School (1) Bassoon and (1) King Tuba Music and Arts Center 2 $12,699.50 161313 Buyboard Jackson Intermediate (1) Bassoon, (1) Oboe and (1) Yamaha Tuba Music and Arts Center 3 $12,757.49 161317 Buyboard South Houston High School Daktronics Galaxy 3500 Series Advanced D’Sign Services Lot $26,675.00 161338 CSP #09-027 Data Processing Annual Mizuni Subscription Renewal Mizuni, Inc. Lot $110,000.00 161344 Sole Source Staff Development Copier and One Year Maintenance Digitex Corporation Lot $13,545.00 161364 US Communities Maintenance HVAC Supplies Coolgas, Inc. Lot $10,309.60 161374 CSP #11-028 Maintenance Electrical Supplies Dealers Electrical Supply Lot $12,701.78 161375 CSP #10-004 Maintenance Motors Heights Armature Works, Inc. Lot $12,392.40 161378 CSP #10-028 Data Processing Accounting Department Furniture Jones & Cook Stationers Lot $14,162.75 161379 ESC 5 Data Processing PISD Network Move To Braden Center Pfeiffer & Son, LTD Lot $35,440.14 161388 CSP #11-016 Maintenance A/C Motors Heights Armature Works, Inc. Lot $12,392.40 161523 CSP #10-028 Maintenance Blanket Purchase Order for Fire Alarm Inspections Wilson Fire Equipment, Inc. Lot $22,000.00 160307-BL CSP #09-035 134 Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for Diesel/Unleaded Fuel Petroleum Wholesale, L.P. Lot $78,800.00 160588-BL HCDE Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for OEM Parts/Bluebird Buses Rush Truck Centers of Texas, L.P. Lot $10,000.00 160590-BL Buyboard Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for OEM Parts Thomas Bus Gulf Coast GP, Inc. Lot $10,000.00 160591-BL Buyboard Operations Blanket Purchase Order for Dumpster Pick-up (District Wide) Waste Management Lot $38,000.00 161013-BL Pasadena City Ordinance 135 SUBJECT: Additional special education paraprofessional positions BACKGROUND: The administration is requesting 10 additional paraprofessional positions due to an increase of students receiving special education services at the following campuses: Teague (1 at C02 pay grade) Melilo (1 at C02 pay grade) DeZavala (1 at C02 pay grade) Turner (1 at C02 pay grade). Queens (1 at C03 pay grade) Fisher (1 at C03 pay grade) Gardens (1 at C03 pay grade) Jessup (1 at C03 pay grade) Bailey (2 at C03 pay grade), FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The budget for a C02 paraprofessional is $19,000 and a C03 paraprofessional is $20,500. The estimated cost which includes salary and benefits will be $199,000. The funding for these positions will be special education federal funds. RECOMMENDATION: Approve 10 additional paraprofessional positions. CONTACT PERSON: Deena Hill, Ed.D. Gloria Gallegos BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 136 special education SUBJECT: Consideration and Approval of Migrant Recruiter BACKGROUND: Pasadena Independent School District receives funding under Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program. The district received $264,044. for school year 2011-2012. TEA requires that part of these funds be used to hire a district wide Migrant Recruiter. The goal of the program is to identify and recruit migrant students who are residing in Pasadena and are enrolled in Pasadena Independent School District schools. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The position is pay grade C04 @220 days @ $28,000 and will be paid from Migrant Funds. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend hiring the required Migrant Recruiter for the Migrant Program. CONTACT PERSON: Gloria Gallegos, Veronica Rodriguez BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 137 SUBJECT: Certified Personnel BACKGROUND: The information below reflects action on Certified Personnel for the 2011 – 2012 school year (September 27, 2011) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: CONTACT PERSON: Last Name Goldfarb Torres Hebert Cason Ramirez Falcon Curry Kaiser Jones First Name Aaron Evelyn Jennifer Michelle Margo Melisa Amber Loretta Sarah Jerry Dennis 2011-2012 Additional Previously Approved Personnel: Previously Location Position Exp Appr DeZavala Band Assistant 9 09/08/2011 Dobie High Special Ed (Incl) 0 09/08/2011 Matthys El. Kindergarten 0 09/08/2011 Meador Elem. 2nd Grade 0 09/08/2011 Meador Elem. 3rd Grade 0 09/08/2011 Meador Elem. Kindergarten 0 09/08/2011 Red Bluff Elem. 3rd Grade 0 09/08/2011 Turner Elem. 3rd Grade 0 09/08/2011 Turner Elem. 4th Grade 0 09/08/2011 2011-2012 Replacement Personnel: Last Name First Name Location Position Shaffer Daphnye Dobie High Cosmetology Gamez Jose Dobie High Chemistry Giron Yvette Dobie High IPC Fortune Kristy Miller Inter. English/LA Garza Gilberto Milstead Middle Bilingual 6th McGinnis Elyse Pasadena High Chemistry Mazur Alexis Red Bluff Elem. 1st Grade Hailey Kayla Red Bluff Elem. SpEd Life Skills Youngblood Lacy Sam Rayburn High Biology Weaver Kasi South Belt Elem. SpEd ABLE Manuel Jennifer Special Programs Speech Therapist Duncan Justin Thompson Inter. English Michalec Michael Thompson Inter. Media Production Caver Jacqueline Turner Elem. PE Shaw Christina Young Elem. Kinder Torres Daisy Young Elem. 4th Grade 138 Exp Supt Appr Date 09/22/11 08/25/11 09/22/11 09/15/11 09/15/11 09/15/11 09/15/11 09/15/11 09/15/11 Supt Appr Date 6 08/25/11 0 08/18/11 5 08/18/11 5 09/15/11 0 08/25/11 0 08/18/11 4 08/18/11 0 08/18/11 0 08/25/11 0 08/25/11 7 09/08/11 1 Aide* 08/18/11 4 08/25/11 2 Aide 08/18/11 0 09/22/11 6 09/22/11 SUBJECT: Classified Personnel BACKGROUND: The information below reflects action on Classified Personnel during August/September 2011. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: CONTACT PERSON: Jerry Dennis BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 EMPLOYMENT Alejandre, Brenda Allen, James Andell, Neifa Austin, Dianna Boles, Joy Camacho Velez, Roy Camfferman, Jaryd Casas, Maria Champion, Jenilee Chavez, Gloria Chicas, Brenda Emeigh, Whitney Escamilla, Jacqueline Escamilla, Roxanna Ford, Lakreisha Franklin, Marcus Glaser, Christie Gomez Villarreal,Guadalupe Gonzales, Priscilla Green, Gabriel Gutierrez, Virginia Guzman, Anna Heintschel, Kellie Hernandez, Julia Hudson, Jerrell Ibarra, Maria Kay, Faye Little, Lewis Lozano Trujillo, Jesus Magee, Saundra Mcswain, Tonya Siop Aide - Pasadena Memorial High School Parking Lot Monitor -Pasadena Memorial High School Coor. 21St Cent Com Learn Ctr -Keller Middle School Credit Recovery Aide - Community School Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Monitor 5.5/Hr - Transportation Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Title I Aide - Gardens Elementary Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Esl Aide Int/High - South Houston High School Instructional Aide - Bobby Shaw Middle School Bilingual Aide - Fisher Elementary Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Sped Aid Dist Wid Behavior Sup - Special Education Sped Aide Able/Pable (Fed) - Milstead Middle School Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Driver Warehouse - Warehouse Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Esl Aide Int/High - South Houston High School Sp Ed Aide Bss - South Houston High School Clerk - Parent Liaison Ttips - Miller Intermediate Sp Ed Aide Bss - Thompson Intermediate Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Monitor 5.5/Hr - Transportation Coor. 21St Cent Com Learn Ctr-L F Smith Elementary Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Bus Monitor 5.5/Hr - Transportation 139 Mendez, Jessica Miner, Veronica Padron, Lina Pompa, Maria Pouliasis, Maria Ramirez, Andrea Ramirez, Carmen Sp Ed Aide Bss - South Houston High School Sped Omega Aide (Hs) - South Houston High School Bilingual Aide - Milstead Middle School Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Bus Driver 5.5/Hr - Transportation Custodian I (10M) - Custodial Operations 140 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of expansion of Dual Credit course options for high school students. BACKGROUND: Our 2011-2012 Pasadena ISD High School Course Selection Guide lists nineteen (19) recommended courses from which students may select for Dual Credit. We would like your permission to work with our Pasadena ISD students, their parents, and the SJCC Dual Credit Directors to create individual student High School Graduation/Dual Credit plans making additional college level courses in Science, Mathematics, Business, Foreign Language, and Technology available to our students. By expanding the course offerings and allowing our High School Counselors to create individual Graduation/Dual Credit plans, our students are afforded the opportunity to earn college credit while completing their high school graduation requirements. We will continue to work from a list of “recommended” courses, but would like your permission to select courses that fit the academic and career goals of our students that may not be individually listed on the recommended course list. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No Financial Implications to the District. Students pay for Dual Credit courses. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of an expanded course selection for Dual Credit students. CONTACT PERSON: Billye Smith High School Counselors BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 141 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of the Contract between Pasadena ISD and Harris County Department of Education for the Evaluation of the Teaching U.S. History Grant. BACKGROUND: The Teaching U.S. History Grant requires an outside evaluation twice annually (January and June). Pasadena ISD has contracted with Harris County Department of Education for the evaluation services. The original contract was for October 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011. Because Pasadena ISD was awarded a two year extension of the Teaching U.S. History Grant, we must extend the contract for the evaluation services. Payments #1-6 totaling $60,000 have already been made leaving payments #7-10 totaling $20,000 (installments of $5,000 each) to be made beginning January 31, 2012 and ending August 31, 2013. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Total $80,000 paid from Teaching U.S. History Grant RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Contract Department of Education CONTACT PERSON: Billye Smith Tammy Lawrence-May BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 142 with Harris County SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Report for 20102011 BACKGROUND: The Texas Education Agency requires that the School Health Advisory Committee provide the Pasadena ISD Board of Trustees with an annual report. The report must detail the work of the committee including: (1) details of the health education curriculum, (2) detailed explanation of the council’s activities during the previous 12 months, and the (3) SHAC committee membership for 2011-2012. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that you approve the Pasadena ISD SHAC Report (attached) for the 2010-2011 school year and the committee membership for 2011-2012. CONTACT PERSON: Billye Smith Pam Tevis Pennie Erskins BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 143 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Pasadena Memorial High School and Bayshore Family Medical Practice providing health care learning experiences to high school students. BACKGROUND: Bayshore Family Medical Practice is offering students in the Health Science Technology courses at Pasadena Memorial High School an opportunity to participate in job shadowing and cooperative education experiences. The program will provide students with real-life experiences and on-site instruction in a workplace environment. Bayshore Family Medical Practice will permit students to engage in activities employees routinely perform during the regular course and scope of business. Students will experience a wide range of patient care through this medical practice during the school year. Health Science Technology instructors from Pasadena Memorial High School will supervise the students participating in on-site experiences. Bayshore Family Medical Practice will charge no fees to the district for the job shadowing opportunities provided. The school district must carry professional liability insurance covering students and teachers in the program. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The premium for required liability insurance is included in the 2011-2012 annual budget. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Pasadena Memorial High School and Bayshore Family Medical Practice. CONTACT PERSON: Sarah Wrobleski Carole Helmle Troy McCarley BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 144 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Pasadena Independent School District and St. Luke’s Patients Medical Center providing health care learning experiences to high school students. BACKGROUND: St. Luke’s Patients Medical Center is offering students in the Health Science Technology Clinical Rotation courses at Pasadena Memorial High School an opportunity to participate in job shadowing experiences. The hospital program will provide students with real-life experiences and on-site instruction in a workplace environment. The hospital will permit students to engage in activities employees routinely perform during the regular course and scope of business. Students will rotate through various departments (i.e., respiratory, radiology, emergency, surgery units & pharmacy) to experience a wide range of hospital procedures and patient care during the school year. Health Science Technology instructors from Pasadena Memorial High School will supervise the students participating in on-site experiences. St. Luke’s Patients Medical Center will charge no fees to the district for the job shadowing opportunities provided. The school district must carry professional liability insurance covering students and teachers in the program. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The premium for required liability insurance is included in the 2011-2012 annual budget. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Pasadena Independent School District and St. Luke’s Patients Medical Center. CONTACT PERSON: Sarah Wrobleski Carole Helmle Troy McCarley BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 145 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval for the Pasadena Memorial High School Side Kicks and Pasadena Memorial Art Department to travel to New York City for educational purposes January 11-15, 2012. BACKGROUND: The Pasadena Memorial High School Side Kicks will be participating in a Master Class with members of the Broadway Dance Center. The Pasadena Memorial High school Art Department will visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While in New York, the students will visit various landmarks important to the nation’s history. Stops on the trip include: The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero-9/11 Memorial, The Empire State Building, and a backstage tour of the Radio City Music Hall. The students will also be attending performances of professional actors and dancers in three Broadway shows. Approximately 30 students will travel with 12 chaperones, 3 directors, and 1 administrator. All chaperones will be trained in school district policy regarding responsibilities and duties prior to the trip. All rules of conduct established by the school district will be strictly enforced. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost will be approximately $1400.00 per student and will be funded through the 60/40 guidelines set forth by the district. Students needing additional assistance will be helped on an as needed basis. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval for the Pasadena Memorial High School Side Kicks and Pasadena Memorial High School Art Department to travel to New York City on January 11-15, 2012. CONTACT PERSON: Dr. Angela Stallings Roneka Lee Laura Duggan Sarah Carter Andrea Canalito Troy McCarley BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 146 SUBJECT: Resolution to Suspend portions of EIE (LOCAL for the 2011-2012 School year BACKGROUND: The Texas Administrative Code and Texas Education code require students in grades 5 and 8 to meet the passing standards on the applicable state-mandated assessment instruments for those grade levels to be promoted to the next grade. PISD EIE (LOCAL) policy requires students in grade 5 and 8 to satisfy the above stated promotion standards in addition to local standards of promotion to be promoted to the next grade. State passing standards for the STAAR grade 5 and 8 examinations will not be established for the 2011-12 school year but only raw score data will be available. The PISD School Board will have to suspend for the 2011-12 school year only the portions of EIE (LOCAL) that require students in grades 5 and 8 to meet the passing standards on the applicable state mandated assessment instruments for those grade levels to be promoted to the next grade. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Pass the resolution to suspend portions of EIE (LOCAL) requiring students in grades 5 and 8 to meet the passing standards on the applicable state mandated assessment instruments for those grade levels to be promoted to the next grade. CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Leach Billye Smith BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 147 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD TO SUSPEND PORTIONS OF EIE (LOCAL) FOR THE 2011-12 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY WHEREAS, Title 19, Chapter 101 of the Texas Administrative code and Section 28.0211 (a) of the Texas Education code require students in grades 5 and 8 to meet the passing standards on the applicable state-mandated assessment instruments for those grade levels to be promoted to the next grad. WHEREAS, the Pasadena ISD EIE (LOCAL) policy requires students in grades 5 and 8 to satisfy the above stated promotion standards in addition to local standards to promotion to be promoted to the next grade. WHEREAS, state passing standards for the STAAR grade 5 and 8 examinations will not be established for the 2011-12 school year but only raw score data will be available. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Pasadena ISD shall suspend for the 2011-12 school year only the portions of EIE (LOCAL) that required students in grades 5 and 8 to meet the passing standards on the applicable state-mandated assessment instruments for those grade levels to be promoted to the next grade. Adopted this _______ day of _____________________, ________, by the Board of Trustees. __________________________________________ President __________________________________________ Secretary 148 SUBJECT: Consider Approval of 2011 Appraisal Roll BACKGROUND: The provisions of Section 26.09(E) of the Property Tax Code require the Board of Trustees to approve the appraisal roll. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the appraisal roll for 2011. CONTACT PERSON: Zelda Cryar John M. Piscacek BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 149 Pasadena Independent School District I, Zelda Cryar, Tax Assessor/Collector, for the Pasadena Independent School District, do hereby submit the 2011 Appraisal Roll, as certified by Harris County Appraisal District, to the Board of Trustees for their approval. The anticipated Debt Collection Rate for the 2011 year and Excess Debt Collections for 2010 are certified as follows: Taxable Value: (Includes new construction value of $83,842,632) Properties under Protest: $8,714,414,473 $376,306,981 Total Certified/Uncertified Taxable Value $9,090,721,454 Value lost due to Over 65 Freeze: $290,000,000 Adjusted Certified Taxable Value: $8,800,721,454 Properties not yet noticed: $306,878,296 Total Adjusted Certified Taxable Value: $9,107,599,750 Anticipated Debt Collection Rate for Debt: 100% Excess Debt Tax Collections for 2010 year: $0 APPROVED: ______________________________ Jack Bailey, President _______________________________ Fred Roberts, Secretary 150 151 SUBJECT: Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase of Property BACKGROUND: The proposed property is a total of +-16.93 acres along the west line of Minnesota, north of Almeda Genoa. The legal description is 8.151 acres of vacant land being part of Tracts 7, 7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D, Block 10, South Houston Gardens, Section 8, Harris County, Texas and 8.780 acres of vacant land being part of Tracts 7,7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D, Block 10, South Houston Gardens, Section 8, Harris County, Texas. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The purchase price is $1,843,000. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend purchase of the proposed property and authorized the Superintendent to sign the appropriate documents. CONTACT PERSON: Kirk Lewis John M. Piscacek BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 152 153 SUBJECT: Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase of Property BACKGROUND: The proposed property is Lot 44, Vince Heights, Section 1, known as 206 S. West Avenue, Pasadena, Texas 77502, County of Harris. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The purchase price is $66,000. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend purchase of the proposed property and authorized the Superintendent to sign the appropriate documents. CONTACT PERSON: Kirk Lewis John M. Piscacek BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 154 SUBJECT: Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 26 for the Carmen Orozco Professional Development Complex. BACKGROUND: The following is a summary of the required changes: AEA-OCC No. 26 – Carmen Professional Development Complex: Orozco Credit for Revisions resulting from miscellaneous changes to the surveillance system and to the toilet room accessories: ($3,057.75) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Proposed credit will be added to the funding provided under the construction contract for the Carmen Orozco Professional Development Complex AEA-OCC No. 26 – ($3,057.75) RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the Allowance Expenditure Authorization No. 26 in the credit amount of ($3,057.75) for the Carmen Orozco Professional Development Complex project. CONTACT PERSONS: Steve Rice BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 155 FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - September 27, 2011 The following projects are in various phases of design or construction: DESIGN None CONSTRUCTION Foundation Repairs and Renovations to the PISD Administration Building Project Budget of $302,762.00 was approved by the Board: 05/24/2011 Foundation work in the southeast portion of the building is complete and everyone (C & I) is moved back in. Foundation work in the northwest portion of the building is complete and everyone (Purchasing Department) is moved back in. Foundation work in the southwest portion of the building is complete. PISD Maintenance started the renovations in the Police and New Grants area and should complete the work by the week of October 15, 2011. PISD Maintenance will start the renovations in the C & I area the week of September 25, 2011 and should be complete with the work by the week of October 25, 2011. Chiller Replacement at 4 PISD Facilities Project Budget of $755,000.00 was approved by the Board: 05/24/2011 PISD Maintenance has priced the work. The price for labor and material is approximately $510,000. PISD Maintenance has lowered the cost by buying the equipment direct from the manufacturer. New chillers have been ordered and should arrive around November 11th. New chiller installations should be complete by the end of the Thanksgiving Holidays. Renovations to Pasadena High School for “College Bound” Program Project Budget of $219,924.00 was approved by the Board: 04/26/2011 Drawings are complete and they have been submitted to the City of Pasadena for demolition permitting. Demolition started the week of 07/11/2011. KBR has started the renovations for a new Science Lab, Prep Room, and Reception Area. These areas should be complete by the end of September. All other areas were ready for occupancy on August 23, 2011. DeZavala Playground / Pasadena High School Football Field This project was originally funded from the remaining Kruse Demolition budget: approved by the Board: 11/17/09. The purpose of this project was to repurpose the original Kruse site into a playground for DeZavala and a football field for Pasadena High School. o Original Project Budget of $99,293.00 - 08/03/2010 o Current Project Budget after changes to scope: $89,537 156 1 KBR will be installing the field grading, required fencing, and landscaping for approximately $89,537. o Additional Project Budget of $25,000 – this budget is funded from the PISD Facilities Budget – This Budget will be used as follows: PISD Maintenance will be installing the storm water piping and the Field irrigation system for approximately $25,000.00. o Total Project Funding: $124,293. PISD Maintenance started the storm water piping the week of August 8, 2011. Storm sewer work should be complete by week of September 27, 2011. KBR will start the field grading the week of September 27, 2011 and should be complete by the week of October 27, 2011. PISD Maintenance will start the field irrigation system the week of October 25, 2011, and should be complete by week of November 4, 2011. KBR will finish the field seeding the week of November 4, 2011. The Carmen Orozco Professional Development Complex Located in the Frank Braden Center for Educational Support Budget of $3,500,000 approved by the Board: 09/22/09. SBWV Architects Fee of $225,000 approved: 09/22/09. Construction Budget: $3,000,000 (Phase I). Additional Funding of $500,000 for Phase II approved: 07/27/10. Contract awarded to Drymalla Construction: 07/27/10 - $3,449,093. Notice to Proceed: August 9, 2010 (240 days duration). Contract Completion Date: April 5, 2011. Construction is approximately 100% complete. Occupants started moving in the week of Monday, May 9, 2011. Contractor is working on the remaining punch list items. COMPLETE 157 2 SUBJECT: Discussion and public comment regarding changes to Board Term Lengths and Board Election Dates. BACKGROUND: The 82nd Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 100 during its session. Senate Bill 100 removed the requirement that counties partner with school districts for elections in May of even numbered years. As a result if PISD were to hold elections during May of even numbered years the cost would be so substantial as to render such action cost prohibitive. In order to maintain May elections the District will have to alter term lengths from 3 to 4 years. The District will also have to move election dates to only May of odd years, as the county will no longer provide equipment for May of even year elections. The District will also have to partner with other entities such as junior colleges and local municipalities in order to defray the cost. Due to constraints built into the bill, the District must take action before December 31, 2011 or it will forfeit its opportunity to effect the necessary changes needed to address the impact of Senate Bill 100. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. RECOMMENDATION: The Board will open the floor for public discussion of the proposed changes to the Board Term Lengths and the Election dates. CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Leach BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 158 SUBJECT: Small Claims Lawsuit against Neryda Garcia BACKGROUND: On February 25, 2011 a 2000 Red GMC Sierra Classic driven by Ms. Nereyda Garcia and our PISD School Bus Number 9049 had a collision. Both insurance carriers and the police report found Ms. Garcia to be at fault in this accident. PISD filed a claim with Ms. Garcia’s insurance company and they informed us that she was excluded from the policy and therefore not covered. Ms. Garcia is now personally liable for the cost of the repairs to the damaged vehicle. The estimated cost of repairs is $6000.00. The District, by means of a letter dated April 20, 2011 and then a second letter in June 2011 demanded payment for the damage. Ms. Garcia never responded to either letter. We now seek permission from the Board to pursue the claim in small claims court for the cost of the damage as well as reasonable court costs and attorney’s fees. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $104.00 Filing Fee with the Justice of the Peace RECOMMENDATION: The Board grant permission to sue Ms. Garcia in small claims court CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Leach BOARD MEETING DATE: September 27, 2011 159
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