Turn to NASW for Resources on Aging
Turn to NASW for Resources on Aging
N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F S O C I A L W O R K E R S Turn to NASW for Resources on Aging NASW AGING PRACTICE RESOURCES ADVOCACY SocialWorkers.org/practice/aging SocialWorkers.org/advocacy Download NASW Practice Perspectives (available only to NASW members), NASW advocates both for issues read NASW’s comments on federal policy issues related to aging, and keep up affecting the well-being of older adults with other developments related to gerontological social work practice. and for the social work profession. Read NASW’s public policy priorities, SOCIAL WORK CONSUMER WEBSITE HelpStartsHere.org including the Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2015 (S. 2173/H.R. 3712). Send a letter to your VVisit our award-winning consumer member of Congress and join NASW’s online Legislative Advocacy Network wwebsite for information and to receive updates and action alerts on topics of interest. rresources on aging, mental and pphysical health, family caregiving, CONTINUING EDUCATION aand more. Social workers are invited SocialWorkers.org/ce tto submit consumer-oriented articles Find NASW-sponsored and approved CE workshops, ffor inclusion on the site. conferences, seminars, and distance-learning courses in the CE Portal and learn how to obtain NASW approval for your next CE program. Participate in FIND A SOCIAL WORKER HelpStartsHere.org/find-a-social-worker The social work consumer website includes links to multiple free national directories, including the National Social Worker Finder, that help people to locate professional social work services quickly and easily. Individual and organizational listings are available to social workers who wish to register. current programs through the NASW Professional Education and Training Center and (for NASW members only) archived Lunchtime Series webinars. NASW STANDARDS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE SocialWorkers.org/practice/standards/index.asp Understand the services social workers should provide, employers should THE SOCIAL WORK CAREER CENTER support, and consumers should expect CAREERS.SocialWorkers.org in a variety of areas, such as cultural Access career development services, such as Occupational Profiles competence, family caregiving, case and Leadership Ladders, and search social work job opportunities management, supervision, palliative and end-of-life care, long-term care, health nationwide. NASW’s career center offers employers the most targeted care, clinical social work, substance use, technology, and social work safety. advertising for social work job openings. 750 FIRST STREET NE, SUITE 800 » WASHINGTON, DC 20002-4241 » 202.408.8600 » 800.742.4089 » SOCIALWORKERS.ORG ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL REVIEW NASW SPECIALTY PRACTICE SECTIONS SocialWorkers.org/nasw/ethics/ethicsoepr.asp SocialWorkers.org/sections 3/3/16 10:14 AM Page 1 Download the NASW Code of Ethics in English or NASW ASW Specialty Practice S ections Sections Articles dealing with Ethics ➡ WHAT’S INSIDE: THE POWER OF YOUR NASW MEMBERSHIP PAGE 2 NASW Specialty Practice Sections (SPS) Spanish and peruse resources related to social work ethics. Learn about ethics consultations, available free of charge to NASW members. ections InterS IN PRACTICE Social Work Ethics & Ethical Challenges in Practice & Research Bulletin is This edition of the InterSections in Practice Annual of comprised of articles addressing the changing landscape ethics in social work practice and research. It includes articles on understaff work environments and how to handle ethical implications of such environments, boundary issues caused by new technology and also looks at what ethical parameters should be adhered to when dealing with minors. Specialty Practice Sections members can earn three ethics CEs when they pass the online post-test for more details visit: socialworkers.org/sections. Professional ethics are the cornerstone of social work. NASW’s Delegate Assembly approved the first edition of the NASW Code has been revised twice Code of Ethics on October 13, 1960. The profession’s many social workers address some since its beginning. The Code continues to help and dilemmas. The Code is a of the most complex and daunting ethical challenges mental health community nationally resource used by various disciplines within the celebrated the 55th birthday of and internationally. On October 13, 2015, NASW the NASW Code of Ethics. AGING BOOK SERIES FROM NASW PRESS CUSTOMIZE • FREE CE credit through InterSections in Practice, the online SPS annual bulletin** ions DID YOU KNOW? tice Sect (SPS) • Cross-Sections highlights stories and information from all 11 practice areas SS CRONS Specialt re and Self-Ca S • e-alerts with timely news, information, and updates • SectionConnection, practice-specific newsletters** • Members-only website • Special Section discounts JOIN OIN ONLINE TODAY AT SOCIALWORKERS.ORG/SECTIONS o r c a ll 2 0 2 . 4 0 8 . 8 6 0 0 e x t. 4 7 6 . * *You must be a current NASW member to join a Specialty Practice Section. **Available online to Sections members only. SPECIALTY PRACTICE SECTIONS • Health • Administration/ • Mental Health Supervision • Private Practice • Aging • School Social Work • Alcohol, Tobacco, • Social and Economic and Other Drugs Justice & Peace • Child Welfare • Children, Adolescents, • Social Work and the Courts and Young Adults 5 NO . ISS UE ion 2015 Fall ice rk Pract Wo Socicial • SectionLink, providing the latest NASW practice ractice news six times per year ECTIO The Office of Ethics and Professional Review (OEPR), provides ethics and professional review education and training, administers the professional of the a part review process, offers ethics consultation to jobs. ty is often on their than s anxie members, and provides information about members ssion of stress of stress n profe high levels ent type ng who have been sanctioned through the NASW ently helpi a differ other the als frequ ers battle professional review process. The OEPR is part of the many l work gs may have profession matter what t. as in socia irmen both . No NASW national office. The staff coordinates with and settin l work re. Many l set impa schoo settings, but well-being In socia lead to ing in provides administrative support for the national placee cultu their ital could ut is work erss work ing in hosp ing on ors that ed. Burnothe care orker ethics committee and chapter ethics committees. l work dr drain charg e stress on Socia ity. ers work that are to ignor onally focusing nsibil emoti l work demands field althy l respo socia ing and in the an ethica For more information on OEPR visit: ter job nt it is unhe nter daunt those be have nal that encou rs can onme SocialWorkers.org/nasw/ethics/ethicsoepr.asp ative worke work wo envir and perso social is imper work ©2015 National Association of Social Workers. All Rights Reserved. • FREE CE webinars y Prac NASW ISSUE NO. 9 SPECIAL EDITION 750 First Street NE, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20002-4241 THERE’S NO BETTER TIME TO JOIN OR RENEW YOUR SECTION MEMBERSHIP with dealing t, Articles re, Burnou Self-Ca Trauma, al Person more… and much ➡ E: T’S INSID WHA DID YOU Edit ? KNOW sional ce of profes rs, it is practi worke ing gh the social rs provid Althou s to all re applie for social worke self-ca l tions. ally critica popula especi atized traum care to IT’S CT A FA ions work d also in social lect. It fact, g done ve situat ine any They shoul re. In neeglect elf-n work s o self-ca f sself-n d exam ce. may rs to percei work. own ype of rod uct of worke ers shoul performanissues that The typee b yp ducts er their l to their work l and h bypro of social consid n tthe is pivota s social judgement often any critica stop to The ability objectively Ethic l is of E with thers ssiona ce. 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For too ssed of j be proac working gemen work of /life balan ers e can f en dismi challengesworkers ft 800 oft often mana ces in the types work work y the l Suite other on NE, social Socia like stressfair practi -4241 take g a health or do work gies issues First StreetDC 20002 ote havin a journal ent ways g strategies. s. 750 prom hectic n ngs on differ y ngton, Worker re is aboutate, start better in readil ive copin staff traini sure they Washi Social effect tion of ting make ing more that self-ca ise, medit to cope d mak al Associa becom ber is can exerc help them t shoul by presen Nation ed. remem ers gemen rces are l may to reme ©2015 Reserv work resou Mana it.htm social All Rights tant thing socia ties which self-care es. rter-k activi sourc impor of the job re-sta work ased atin ating elf-ca de , social of web-b rces/s Outsi stress allevi nately e n /resou n lo.edu prove ts. Fortu are a coupl .buffa nmen below lwork /?358 enviro Author. /socia ble listed nc.org ton, DC: availa • http:/www.nasw Washing r Kit • ethics. code of r rment are Starte NASW f Care fl Impai SelfSelf-C . (2008). ssiona Workers Profe Soci ion off Social l Associat Nationa NASWPress.org Stay current on topics, trends, and policy issues affecting social work practice. Learn about gerontological social work from Earn free CE credits on webinars throughout the year. Join sections in aging, clinical, programmatic, and policy perspectives. administration/supervision, health, mental health, substance use, private NASW Press also publishes books addressing practice, healthcare case management (coming soon), or other practice areas. heath, mental health, substance use, and other topics. Some titles are also NASW members only. available from http://ebooks.naswpress.org as eBooks. LEGAL RESOURCES SOCIAL WORK POLICY INSTITUTE SocialWorkers.org/ldf SocialWorkPolicy.org Read the latest Legal Issue of the Month, Learn about this think tank’s efforts to access resources related to HIPAA, review strengthen the social work profession’s legal briefs filed by NASW, and order legal presence in public policy deliberations, reference booklets. Learn about legal to influence policymaking through the consultations and financial assistance collection and dissemination of information with social work–related legal expenses. on social work effectiveness, and to examine issues in health care and NASW members only. social services delivery. NASW CHAPTERS NASW PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS SocialWorkers.org/chapters SocialWorkers.org/credentials NASW members receive benefits at both the local and national levels. NASW credentials show that social workers have met the highest national Learn about your chapter’s CE offerings, advocacy efforts, and other standards of experience, advanced skill, ongoing professional development, resources. Some chapters have committees or special interest groups and leadership. NASW offers specialty credentials in specialties such as ffocused on aging. gerontology, hospice and palliative care, case management, health care, and substance use. Open to all qualified social workers; NASW members receive discounted rates. ©2016 National Association of Social Workers. All Rights Reserved.
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