GEPS NEWS - Glendale East Public School
GEPS NEWS - Glendale East Public School
GEPS NEWS Term 4, Week 10 Thursday 10th December 2015 Glendale East Public School 8 Margot Street GLENDALE 2285 Phone: 4954 9551 Fax: 4956 6248 Year 6 Farewell Glendale East Public School values Respect, Honesty, Care, Love, Tolerance and Responsibility. Administration Staff Whole School Production Matter of Seconds Musical Capa Groups and Gala Night Locks on Gates Canberra Education Week As you may be aware Mrs Wendy Potts our wonderful School Administration Manager has Speaking been successful in gaining employment as Public a training officer for terms 1-3 in 2016. Wendy will Throughout 2016 the School will be Congratulations to the students who represented Glendale East Public School at the Zone Public Speakbe surely missed in thefollowing front office. Mrs Karyn Creative and Performing Finalsthe at Booragulimplementing Public School. Toll will be replacing her ing from Arts groups of a Wednesday afternoon commencement of term 1 2016 and she has been busy learning the ropes. We wish Wendy commencing in week 6 of term 1. All the best of luck in her new role! students will get the opportunity to work A special congratulations goes to Alex Holliday who received a Highly Commended Awardinforareas her speech on the with different teachers such as day. Well done Alex! visual arts, drama, dance and choir. There will be a culminating Arts Gala night late in term 3 where all students will have the opportunity to “show off” their creations and performances. This is a really exciting initiative and one that we cannot wait to get started on! PSSA PACER Rebate Students Return Staffing Changes Unfortunately two of our outstanding teachers will be leaving us in 2016. Ms Sophie Cowan has been appointed as a permanent teacher to Branxton Public School and Mrs Jessica Littlewood will be taking the year on maternity leave as she welcomes the arrival of her first baby. They will be surely missed as both are outstanding educators! We wish them well in their future endeavours. Mrs Emma Druce will be returning form maternity leave in 2016 for 3 days per week and we are excited to have her back. Ethics If you are interested in becoming an Ethics volunteer in 2016 please contact the school and we will put you in touch with our Primary Ethics coordinator. Please be aware that students return for 2016 on Thursday 28th January. For returning students class lists, teachers and classrooms will be posted on the website and facebook in mid to late January. For new students and kindergarten we will congregate under the COLA on this day. Bloopers Make sure you check out the facebook page and the website next week as Mr Mclean posts the 2015 online news bloopers – should be a great laugh! Getting to School on Time Whole School Production Matter of Seconds Musical Locks on Gates Canberra Hints & Tips for ParentsEducation Week Public Speaking It is essential to establish a regular routine each morning and arriving at school on time is Congratulations to the following students who represented Glendale East Public School at the Zone Public Speakan important part of your child’s morning is important to be at school on time being Finals atroutine. Booragul It Public School. cause: ·It sets up good habits for the future ·It sends a message to your child that you think that being on time is important A special congratulations goes to Alex Holliday who received a Highly Commended Award for her speech on the ·It provides social benefits – good playday. time and discussion among friends. It gives stuWell done Alex! dents time to settle in before the start of the school day ·The school day usually begins with the teacher giving out information to students. Eg. Any changes to school routines, coming events etc. ·It is an opportunity for important teacher pupil interaction before school ·Students who are late to school cause disruption to the class and other students. How to ensure your child has a happy day at school ·Make sure your child has a good night’s sleep and is in bed by a reasonable hour. This may mean insisting on a specific time for bed on a school night. Technology is best avoided at least 30 mins before bedtime. ·Make sure your child gets up early enough to PSSA PACER Rebate -Have breakfast -Get lunch ready -Pack a school bag -Get dressed / showered ·Don’t turn the TV on or let your child use the computer / iPad unless your child is completely ready for school Be organised yourself –help your child pack bags and have homework and sports gear ready for the next day. Be involved with your school l– meet with your child’s teacher and talk regularly. ·Offer your support and help ·Read notes from school and reply on time ·Listen to your child read ·Show an interest in homework If you are late for school ·It is your legal obligation to provide an explanation either written or verbal to the Principal. Be aware that reasons such as “sleeping in” or” running late” are not considered justifiable reasons for lateness. Escort your child to the front office to sign them in. Don’t drop them off at the front gate Gold Awards & Merit Awards 2016 Whole School Production Matter of Seconds Musical Locks on Gates Canberra Education Week Public Speaking Congratulations to the following students who represented Glendale East Public School at the Zone Public Speaking Finalsof at Booragul Public School. There has been an ongoing process collaboration with the school community on developing an award system that is reflective of our school values. As a result there will be changes made to the merit processes for 2016. A special congratulations goes to Alex who received a Highly Commended Award for her speech Class merits will be handed outHolliday at fortnightly assemblies to students who haveon the day. Well done Alex! done something particularly special or tried hard at something in class. THERE WILL BE NO SILVER AWARDS OR ACCUMULATION OF MERITS GOLD AWARDS There are a number of changes to the Gold Award. The criteria for this is as follows. ACADEMIC – students demonstrate that they are meeting their personal learning goals or benchmarks. PARTICIPATION – Students will be expected to participatePACER in all school and class PSSA Rebate activities for example carnivals, public speaking etc. EFFORT – Students must have at least 1 outstanding effort in both the half yearly and yearly reports. BEHAVIOUR – Any student who has a detention or is suspended will not be eligible. GOLD AWARDS ARE PRESTIGIOUS AND HARD TO EARN IT IS EXPECTED THAT NOT EVERY CHILD WILL ACHIEVE THIS. GOLD AWARDS AND LEADERSHIP The school is reviewing its student leadership policy in line with the GOLD AWARD review. At this point in time any students in year 5 2016 must be meeting the requirements for a gold award to be eligible to be nominated to run for a leadership position. There will be more information on this at the commencement of 2016. Positive Behaviour for Learning Whole School Production Matter of Seconds Musical Achievement Award for Sport Locks on Gates Canberra Education Week Congratulations to James on receiving an Public Speaking achievement award for sport at the Hunter Thank you to all the parents who return Sports Sports to the following for students who representedSchools Glendale East Public Association School at the Zone Public Awards Speakthe Congratulations Positive Behaviour Learning ing Finals at Booragul School. thisPublic week. James was recognised for his Surveys. We will now collate the results outstanding achievement in the sports of of this survey with the teachers and the athletics, cross country, soccer, touch children to be guiding in our core values. football, rugby league, rugby union and The parent survey results were as follows: swimming. This is aAward greatforhonour a Highly Commended her speechand on thewe - A special congratulations goes to Alex Holliday who received day. Well done areAlex! very proud of James, not only for Respect his impressive sporting achievements but Responsibility for the level of sportsmanship he Honesty demonstrates at all times as well as his Safety enthusiasm to be involved and assist with Working Together all sports events. Well done James! Resilience Success Tolerance Pride Courage PSSA PACER Rebate SCOPEIT HOSIN SUL TAE KWON DO Have fun , get fit and learn to defend yourself with confidence ! 1st month free after joining ! ½ price registration Fees from $30 / month Family discounts available Glendale East Public School Pandell St. , Glendale Tuesday & Thursday 6.00 – 7.00 pm Phone Wayne 4920 8930 OR CALL IN ON THE NIGHT Our amazing year 6 adventure!!! Whole School Production Matter of Seconds Musical Locks on Gates Education Week Last week the year 6 students were lucky enough to go on anCanberra amazing camp with Mrs Mantle, Ms Bartlett and Mr Pryce. When we hopped off the bus our friendly instructor greeted us. The first activity we did was Tree Tops. Many students conquered their Public Speaking fear of heights. Next we went canoeing where we paddled down the river. A highlight for me was when Mantle tipped and fell into the East water. After that weZone went to mud Congratulations to the Mrs following students who represented Glendale Public School at the Public Speakworld, where we had to crawling through mud. At the end of the course, we lifted each Finals at Booragul Public School. other up out of a cage were we then went down a water slide into the mud! The last activity for the day was the giant swing. It was by far my favourite activity. The swing was 15m high! The next day our class went to archery where we were able to play with real congratulations bow and arrows. and I who made our aown bow out of sticks A special goes toKurtis Alex Holliday received Highly Commended Award and for herstring. speech The on the last activity at camp was the multi climb. The multi climb was where we were day. Well done Alex! harnessed up and 3 students from our class had to hold you and take all your weight (crazy trust exercise) as you climbed up different obstacles that were 12m high. As the day drew to an end we all hopped on the bus with our instructor Mitch (Joel’s bff) and headed off home. We had an amazing few days away with our friends and teachers! Lexxi Sinclair PSSA PACER Rebate Primary Ethics Classes Since early 2011, NSW public school children have had a legal right to attend classes in philosophical ethics at their school if: their parents give permission for them to go to ethics classes and Primary Ethics can provide trained and vetted volunteers to organise and teach the classes. Classes are available to all children from Kindergarten to Year 6 who don’t attend the available Scripture/SRE (Special Religious Education) classes in their school. However, Primary Ethics can only provide these classes if it has trained volunteers from either the school community or the wider community. What are eth i c s cl asses? Ethics is a branch of philosophy that examines ethical concepts and issues, asking what is right or wrong in particular circumstances. Our curriculum comprises a wide range of ageappropriate topics that primary-aged children find interesting. Students learn to think about these ethical matters together and engage in the give-and-take of reasoned argument. This process allows students to properly consider other people’s points of view and to be sincere, reasonable and respectful in dealing with their differences and disagreements. Our K-6 curriculum has 78 topics, starting with Questions and Puzzlement, introducing children to the foundation of ethical thinking. Children in the younger primary years examine issues such as being left out, sharing and bullying, while older children reflect on issues such as homelessness, fairness and teasing to help them consider the feelings and interests of others – one important aspect of moral reasoning. Other aspects include understanding consequences, having empathy and appreciating difference. Research shows that well-reasoned moral judgement does not develop automatically as young people mature and that these skills are best developed using the methods we employ in ethics classes. Once acquired, these skills accompany individuals into adulthood. Starting eth i cs cl asses at your school If there are no ethics classes currently available at your child’s school, you should: let your principal know that you would like ethics classes for your child, go to the Primary Ethics website to find out more about our curriculum, information for parents and volunteering, and email Primary Ethics at [email protected] to let us know the name of your child’s school and the year he/she is in. We will contact you and/or your principal to get things started at your school. No cl asses for your c h i l d ’ s year? If there are ethics classes at your school but none for your child’s year, please contact your principal and the Primary Ethics Coordinator to let them know you would like ethics classes for your child. We will need to find a volunteer to start a class so volunteer yourself or ask your friends/family if they are interested. See Ethics Classes for Glendale East Public School Dear Parents and Carers, Ethics classes are now available in NSW public primary schools as an option for children who are in NonScripture. The NSW government has authorised Primary Ethics, a not-for profit organisation, to design curriculum and deliver these classes. Classes are inquiry based and children use dialogue and discussion to learn how to think about ethical matters through the give-and-take of reasoned argument. Trained and vetted volunteer teachers lead discussions. The curriculum is age appropriate with classes for Kindy, Stage 1 (years 1 & 2), Stage 2 (years 3 & 4), Stage 3 (years 5 & 6). We can start ethics classes at our school in each stage when we have at least 8 children enrolled. Please let me know if you are interested in choosing Ethics for your child by returning the slip below by 16/12/2015. The more children and stages we have requests for, the more teachers we will need. If you are interested in either roles, there is more information at . Please email Primary Ethics [email protected] with any questions you may have. Andrew Pryce Principal ------------------------------------------------------------------------"------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this form if you are interested in choosing Ethics for your child. Child’s Name: ________________________________________________ Class: _____________________ Signed: ______________________________________________________Date ______________________ School to keep this portion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- School to return this section to Primary Ethics GPO Box 4351 Sydney NSW 2001 Yes, please register my interest with Primary Ethics: My name:______________________________________________ In 2016, my child is in year:_________ My email address: _______________________________________________________________________ Primary Ethics will only contact you about Primary Ethics & ethics classes. Your details will be stored securely and will not be passed on to any other parties. Glendale East Public School 8 Margot St Glendale NSW 2285 Term 4 2015 11 Monday 14th December Tuesday 15th December PARTY DAY Wednesday 16th December Students final day Clap out for year 6 2:30pm Thursday 17th December HOLIDAYS Friday 28th December HOLIDAYS Term 1 2016 `Term 1 MONDAY 25 Jan TUESDAY 26 Jan Australia Day WEDNESDAY 27 Jan Staff Development Day No students today 3 1 Feb Best Start Testing 2 Feb Best Start Testing 3 Feb Kindy classes formed THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT SUN 28 Jan STUDENTS RETURN Best Start Testing NEWSLETTER 29 Jan Best Start Testing 30 31 Jan 4 Feb 5 Feb ASSEMBLY Best start rpts out 6 7 Feb Peer support 3 4 8 Feb Meet the teacher Term Letters home 9 Feb Meet the teacher 15 Feb 16 Feb 10 Feb SLT 2:30pm 11 Feb NEWSLETTER 12 Feb 13 14 Feb Peer support 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb ASSEMBLY Zone swimming 20 21 Feb P&C Meeting Peer support 26 Feb 5 22 Feb AOL 23 Feb AOL 24 Feb AOL SLT 2:30pm 25 Feb NEWSLETTER 6 29 Feb 1 March 2 March 3 March Peer support 4 March ASSEMBLY SLT 2:30pm Peer support 8 March CAPA GROUPS 2-3 9 March 10 March NEWSLETTER 11 March 7 7 March 9 10 14 March 15 March 16 March 21 March P and C AGM 22 March CAPA GROUPS 2-3 23 March ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 28 March Easter Monday 29 March 30 March CAPA GROUPS 2-3 11 4 April Parent/teacher Interviews RED DAY AT CANTEEN 5 April 5 6 Mar 12 13 Mar Peer support CAPA GROUPS 2-3 8 27 28 Feb 17 March SLT 2:30pm 24 March NEWSLETTER Easter hat parade and morning tea 31 March 18 March ASSEMBLY HARMONY DAY X COUNTRY 25 March Good Friday 19 20 Mar 1 April ASSEMBLY 2 3 Apr 8 April 9 10 Apr SLT 2:30pm 6 April 7 April CAPA GROUPS 2-3 NEWSLETTER 26 27 Mar