Winter 2014 Edition - St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School
Winter 2014 Edition - St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School
Winter 2014 - Issue 15 More News E H T M O R F R E T T LE HEAD TEACHER saw this term begin to llow fruitfulness . . .’ As we ‘Season of mists and me ticeable too, with the change in weather was no close to an end, with it the y red leaves spilling ing golden orange and fier trees on site suddenly hav rvest time, and, whilst at e is also renowned for Ha tim n tum Au r. floo the to students have still a Harvest collection, the h wit ate ebr themselves. cel t no do school we ers so less fortunate than ive interest in charity work, giving to oth al usu ir the in ped countries, and an act es elo elv dev ms s les of s nes immersed the are aw bal ers, a glo eal, contributing to to nurture a regard for oth Christmas Shoe Box app the to s gift ing nat At St Thomas More we try do , Muftis and collecting money to raise money for a goat, hts are heart-rending, by Paul, and a Read-a-thon de children whose daily plig t cen Vin St the for s a Fun Run to raise monie at we are about. Children In Need, having ups – helping others is wh Gro r Yea all to ne do ll ir part. We week, some students cake sales also played the July. During Enrichment t las d rte sta had we t of ether activities tha fired tiles in remembrance Remembrance, pulled tog site designed, created and on yed November, the month of sta o wh the h ers oug oth ilst you journeyed thr lds of Northern France wh ld not fail to stop you as cou t tha y travelled to the Battle Fie pla dis a in ter er togeth Tristan Car r 1. All events were pulled November 11th itself saw lives lost during World Wa pped you in your tracks. sto ies pp po m. the of 00a s 11: nes at sed in prayer brilliance of the red ion area as the school pau ept main corridor, where the rec in ma the e sid out Last Post on the steps place, three different (Yr11 student) playing the ents’ Evenings have taken Par of st ho A . too er nn ir children. fruitful ma has forged on in its usual celebrate the talents of the ere parents joined us to Academically, the school wh nts eve al tur demic cul l aca era nt), celebrated the with parents and sev nt organisation of this eve elle Mentoring Days/Evenings exc al usu her ool’s Award for Sch ry – the Thinking g (thanks go to Miss Per h another National Award wit ed nis The annual Awards Evenin og e rec s wa ool the sch will see the rich and divers r, and, early on this year you read this booklet, you en Wh e. alik achievements of last yea ts den ‘We stu n reads, m staff and entrusted to us. As the hym much injected efforts fro their time to the students - reaping the rewards of of e giv to ts that ff sta den of stu s nes the h are blessed wit dents, and the willing hout its students, and we wit h activities offered to the stu suc be t . no iety uld soc wo er ute to the wid tter . . . ’However, a school out and what they contrib day in plough the fields and sca day e iev ach y what the You should be proud of er. As the Advent we have – your children. patience. A time of wond of e tim A g. itin wa of e what ced in Advent. A tim t asks us to meditate on s, we will be truly enscon aning of Christmas. Adven me e tru And now, as you read thi the ber em thi , rem to school/work day s is s of December, we pause the full. In the rush of the to y nit ma hu candles light the dark day our res sha e who Jesus personally as someon it means for us to know ha ived home this week wit sometimes forgotten. r children should have arr you of h Eac s. ma Year rist the Ch holy e full circle from r families a peaceful and e Gift of Literacy’ – to com ‘Th : iod per s I close wishing you and you ma rist Ch s es in over thi m us to your child. vel to immerse themselv offer this book as a gift fro and y rac lite of gift gift from the staff – a no the te, we also value in the opening to this no 7 Read-a-Thon mentioned With blessings, Alison Wilshaw St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 1 More News... Uniform reminder PE and Games Kit Boys • White PE shirt with school crest • White or black shorts • White socks • Trainers with white or clear soles (not black) • Towel • Green and white hooped rugby shirt with school crest • Green socks Students who do not comply with the code of • Black jogging suit • Football boots Please can we remind you of the uniform dress code. It is good that most of our students come to school each day in the correct uniform and look very smart. However, there are some students who either do not have their full uniform or choose to wear things that are not acceptable. As a school we pride ourselves on high standards in all aspects and this includes uniform. dress risk being sent home or sent to Isolation in our Emmaus Centre. Girls • Blazer with crest Many thanks for your continued support. Required School Uniform Our uniform can be obtained only from Your School Uniform – see website: www. Boys • Blazer with school crest • White shirt • School tie • Black school crested jumper (optional) • Black or dark grey trousers • Black shoes (no canvas) • White polo-shirt with school crest (summer wear only) • Plain outdoor jacket or coat (no denim or hooded top or fleece like tops) • A protective apron; strong shoes (for workshop use) Vacancies LUNCHTIME ASSISTANTS & CLEANERS THE SCHOOL IS RECRUITING FOR FRIENDLY AND RELIABLE LUNCHTIME ASSISTANTS AND CLEANERS. LUNCHTIME ASSISTANTS WILL WORK ALONGSIDE TEACHING STAFF SUPERVISING STUDENTS IN OUR DINING ROOM AND KEEPING THE AREA CLEAN AND TIDY. CLEANERS ARE NEEDED TO WORK AFTER SCHOOL TO CLEAN ALL AREAS OF THE SCHOOL SITE TO A HIGH STANDARD. INTERESTED? PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL OFFICE/PERSONNEL MANAGER AT ST THOMAS MORE FOR AN APPLICATION PACK on 01234 400222 2 • • • • • • • • • • Black school trousers (Not Fashion) lack school skirt (Not Fashion) – no shorter B than knee length – no stretchy material White shirt School tie Black school crested jumper (Optional) Normal coloured tights or white socks Sensible Black shoes (Not Fashion or Canvas) White polo shirt with crest (summer wear only) Outdoor clothing - plain jacket or coat (no denim or hooded top or fleece like tops) A protective apron; strong shoes (for workshop use) PE Kit - Girls • White PE shirt with school crest • Bottle Green sweatshirt with crest • Black shorts • White/green sports socks (for games) • • • Black or navy jogging suit Towel Trainers with white or clear soles. (Not black) Jewellery • Studs only may be worn; one in each ear – small, plain gold or silver • Earrings or valuable jewellery are not to be worn • Neither nose studs nor any other form of body piercing is allowed • All jewellery worn to school is at the owner’s risk • The school does not accept any responsibility for any jewellery lost or stolen • Shoes with stiletto heels will not be tolerated in school under any circumstances as they can cause damage to floors. • Trainers should be worn only outside for Games or PE. They are not allowed in the dining room. • Outdoor clothing should not be worn in classrooms or in the Library. Hair • Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable – only natural hair colour accepted Make-up • Make-up is acceptable, providing it is discreet and reasonable. In all cases of school uniform, jewellery, make-up and hair, the school will determine what is reasonable and what is not. ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY As a school we place great importance on attendance and punctuality as these have a real impact on the attainment of all students. • The school will not sanction any holidays in school time as directed by the Department of Education • Pupils who are late to school will have a phone call home We are therefore asking for the continued support of all our parents and carers in working towards having no lateness to school each day and the lowest possible absence rate. We have been set a school target of 96%. • Pupils with more than 2 lates will have an after school detention with their Progress Coordinator • We acknowledge that the majority of our students have excellent records of attendance and punctuality. However, for a small minority this is not the case and therefore the following procedures have been put in place; Failure to attend the after school detention or continued lateness will result in a Senior Management detention There is a REWARDS system in place for those students who have good and improved attendance and punctuality. • Pupils falling below 92% attendance will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer • Pupils falling below 85% attendance will have an Attendance Plan St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School If you have any queries about attendance then please contact either Mrs. Bond (Deputy Head) or Mr. Morris (Education Welfare Officer) at the school. Year Group Updates year 7 year 9 “Books, to the reading child, are so much more than books— they are dreams and knowledge, they are a future, and a past.” At half-term all year 9’s with 100% attendance were invited to a special reward lunch of Pizza in the assembly hall. The pupils enjoyed 2 different varieties of pizza and also had cookies, flapjacks and crispie cakes for pudding along with soft drink! It was a lovely lunch and all the pupils enjoyed their treat! Miss Clark Esther Meynell Read-a-thons are a fantastic way to reinforce good reading habits while also raising funds to support literacy in the developing world. The Year 7 students are raising money to give the gift of literacy through the CAFOD Teach Someone to Read charity. The St Thomas More Teaching School Read-a-thon encourages students to read and collect pledges for each book they read. The Read-a-thon ran from the 3rd November 2014—8th December 2014 – look out in the next issue of More News to see how we did! Miss Millar year 10 Year 10 are now well and truly settled into their new GCSE courses. When I go around the school and listen in on Year 10 lessons there is a continued sense of purpose and industriousness that characterised their first year in our school. They may have been shocked by the level of expectation bestowed upon them by Mr Richardson, but already staff are commenting on the quality of the work being produced this early in courses. At the end of last year our group of Y9 sailors completed a course at Priory Marina. They did in fact complete the Level 1 Adult qualification and as is the case most years, a few have decided to continue sailing there as members. Mrs Bennett, to whom thanks must go for organising this, was full of praise for their maturity and how they conducted themselves as ambassadors for the school. Well done! Year 11 Year 11 have returned with a real sense of purpose, ready to attack this academic year. The students are hard at work in lessons and making the most of revision sessions after school in a large number of departments. During PSHCE sessions the form groups have not just been focusing on preparing for the exams but also life after St Thomas More, whatever that might hold. A group of able, gifted and talented students recently took a trip to The University of Cambridge for a seminar on subject selection at A-level. This discussed the importance of selecting the right combinations of subjects for specific career paths. Last summer a number of our year group took their GCSE Italian and GCSE Spanish two years early. Well done to Fabio Liberio, Deborah Addai, Rachele Mensah, Lucia Cifres, Fiorella Bechtle, Gabriella Iannantuono and Mikella Young on a really good set of results and on putting in those extra hours to prepare for the exam! As the stress and anxiety build it is important to remember to balance your life with a little fun. This is currently being provided by this terms Inter-Form competition – Netball. There have been some very competitive games with good performances from players and great support from the spectators. The students have also enjoyed seeing some of their tutors putting on their trainers and “mucking in”! If their excellent attitude is anything to go by, then Summer 2016 is going to bring us a bumper set of results! Year 11 – I hope you all have a restful Christmas break after such a busy and term. You definitely deserve it after all your hard work. Mr Aquino Mr Hopkins St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 3 Sixth Form Sixth Form News Head Girl Tell me a bit about yourself? My name is Chanel Quigley; I am in year 13, which is my last year of sixth form and have recently become the Head Girl of St Thomas More. What made you want to become Head Girl at STM? Throughout my years at St Thomas More, I have joined many extra-curricular clubs which contributed to my choice to apply for Head Girl – things such as Student Voice and Student Researchers enhanced my leadership skills from a young age, allowing me to get a feel for what the role would entail. What does your role as Head Girl consist of? The role consists of many responsibilities that perhaps not all of the students are quite aware of, for example, our team of ‘student leaders’ and I created an action plan for the year which we wish to put in place as part of our contribution to the school’s Improvement Plan. The action plan is an opportunity for the students to contribute to their learning environment. Also, I am often seen at our Open Evenings and Parents Evenings alongside Edem as a friendly face which hopefully both the students and parents will recognise! Of course as Head Girl it is important that I am not just recognised for Sixth Form duties, but wider school activities and initiatives also. What has been your most memorable moment at STM? There have been many memorable moments within STM however, I think it is safe to say my favourite was our celebration for The Diamond Jubilee in 2012. This was a spectacular day which the Student Voice Council had arranged for the entire school – throughout the day we organised activities such as Tommy’s Got Talent, Face Painting, The Great British Quiz and The Great British Bake Off. I found this day was particularly memorable as it gave the Student Voice an opportunity to unite the school years; it was with our team work and the voluntary help of the staff that made the day truly special. Parents are going to be reading this, is there anything you want to tell them? I can safely say that I don’t think my true potential would have been met if it wasn’t for the continuous efforts of the staff here and the community that is St Thomas More! 4 When you move on from STM, what mark do you hope to leave? I hope when I leave St Thomas More that I am remembered for my attempt to give something back to the school, in return for their constant efforts. What is your favourite quote? I have many favourite quotes that range from artists to authors and inspirational leaders; however this quote has been one that sticks with me throughout: “Everyone has inside of them a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” The quote taken from Anne Frank’s wartime diary “The Diary of a Young Girl” gives inspiration to everyone despite their situation. It takes great courage to stay as optimistic and hopeful inspite of the horrendous situation she found herself in; I feel the quote inspires me to stay positive and believe in true goodness! What does the future hold for you? I have just applied to my 5 choices of University for a degree in ‘Law,’ through this I hope to achieve my true potential and achieve happiness in helping others. Head Boy Tell me a bit about yourself? My name is Edem Kelman; I am in my last year of sixth form and fortunate enough to be head-boy. What made you want to become head-boy at STM? The school has done a lot for me, it’s only right I give back – besides who would look better in a suit! What does your role of head-boy consist of? Various different things, a lot of speeches! Often with the senior students and the teaching staff we get together to discuss how we can help the school to progress. I personally mentor two students within the school, one lad in year 9 and another in year 11 - sometimes I can spend an hour helping them with homework, other days we just talk about our hopes for the future and the glorious Arsenal FC! The first term back I really wanted to try and bond with students lower down the school, how did I do that? Well firstly I opened up a few assemblies, tried to make them laugh, smile and so forth; after that it was just really about talking to them individually, making sure they’re okay. I hope I lead by example. I believe if I work hard, then other students shall in turn do the same. What has been your most memorable moment at STM? That’s a very hard one; I’ve made so many good memories. It’s between prom night, results day and Mr Quinn’s legendry speech just before the GCSE exam period. Oh, not to forget all the mini-bus moments on the way to our football match. Parents are going to be reading this, is there anything you want to tell them? Errm, your son or daughter is in perfectly safe hands. I remember being sat at the back of Mr Grimley’s RE lesson as Lodry and I agreed on how amazing it was that some teachers can make you feel like you’re the only student they’ve ever taught. What I’m trying to get across is that here at St. Thomas More the students really do matter. When you move on from STM, what mark do you hope to leave? I hope students lower down the school say to their selves, “well that guy never doubted himself, so nor shall I”. What is your favourite quote? I should really quote Ghandi or Martin Luther King... at the moment it has to be ‘a long way down’ – it’s also the title of Tom Odell’s fantastic album. Often we’re too scared to take risks, but in order for any sort of greatness they’re necessary. It’s that fear of falling the higher up you go. What does the future hold for you? Hopefully greatness, well first a degree in ‘Philosophy and French’ then hopefully another in acting and theatre. I’ll let you into a little secret, I’m actually quite scared of the future – it all seems like a long way down. St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School Sixth Form RUN AND RAISE On a rainy Friday afternoon in November, 6th Form students changed from their normal, ‘academic’, well dressed selves into a rainbow of colours and a multitude of characters and took to the muddy fields of the cross country track. Why, I hear you ask yourself? They were sponsored by theirs friends and family to dress up in fancy dress to raise money that will be used to create Christmas hampers. These hampers will then be given less fortunate families in Bedford, through St Vincent Parish. The 6th Form team will be creating 9 hampers this year to be distributed to 9 families across the town. We hope to help the families have a joyous and fulfilling Christmas by filling their hampers with lots of lovely gifts and food. So, who could be found running (well, slowly plodding) through the fields as the rain came down? We had all sorts of wonderful characters joining in the fun, such as the smurfs, sumo wrestlers, goldilocks and the 3 bears, power rangers, teletubbies and even a bunch of bananas to name just a few! All the students involved had a great time, despite the rain – even the staff enjoyed themselves, coming dressed as school children, pirates and many more! This is an event that takes place each year in the 6th Form and the costumes this year proved to be the best yet. Now all the money has been collected, the students are busy shopping for all the goodies they will need to fill their hampers with. corner out y. r a Well done to Peter Mendy and Yousef El-Badri for winning the attendance draw. This is for u students you have gained 96% or higher in their attendance for a half term. A draw will take n eir a place at the end of every half term. J th corner h t rted aminations Winners of the Fun Run costume prizes: 9 out Best costume: The sumo wrestlers ex h – sta for Best home-made costume: The Smurfs t ow on 6 cut Most inventive costume: The Hawaiian boy n ati n e Best teacher costume: The Pirate (Mrs Malcolm) o av ar . mock e h rep ms c d a l UCAS applications are well under way, many have already corner orm pl hou in p exa been sent off and offers are now starting to come in. ir Well done to those who have received h F ke s s ion e t t h out offers already. 6 l ta en evis t d r il cut w Stu 6th Form Information St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School cut 7 Trips and Activities Morocco Twelve St Thomas More Students went on an expedition to discover the blazing colours and wafting aromas of Marrakech, a cross roads for travellers and traders for centuries and where souks and bazaars offer a continent’s worth of riches. They stepped out of this vibrant world and got their boots dusty as they headed out to the silent wilderness of the Atlas Mountain. The students visited Berber villages and trekked through timeless mountains. Morocco was a nonstop adventure! 12th J uly Didn’t sleep at all up at overnig half t ht - it hree f can-dl was s o r a ha elight, o cold lf fou then s ! Wok r start; e t We st o en f f , equip ate br arted eakfas p o e d f f the waterf w it t by h head t hike w all and orche ith a a cliff nerves. s tee wrack pass, ing in climbin p scramble and hig t he dar over t g rapid h too he k…). I ly (ju ; unfo altitud t was st a l rtunat e sick ittle a ely so really ness b me pe hard t adly a Those ople s rek, nd had of us uffere t o return d from who d howev id reac er, we to cam re tre h the p. blue s ated t p e a kies a k o o f a n M s d t. Tou pectac distan mount ce. A b ular s ains s truly ight; in kal, tretch incred ing aw tense ible fe ay into eling! the m isty remembrance day 2014 On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we will remember them. Here at STM we came together as a whole school community to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts. Students and staff gathered on the front steps while the Last Post was sounded (played beautifully by Tristan Carter, Year 11) and the entire school stopped to reflect during the two minute silence that followed. In addition, a very beautiful and poignant display was created by our Year 9 students for the entire school and it’s visitors to enjoy. YEAR 9 WELCOME MASS AND ACTIVITY AFTERNOON On Thursday 20th October the Year 9’s had their welcome Mass at school. The Mass was led by Father Malcolm and students from each tutor group. In the afternoon students competed in different activities in their tutor groups. These included making an outfit out of newspaper, creating a Form Emblem, writing a poem, completing a quiz and making a form photo collage. At the end of the afternoon the whole year group came back together and presented their work to the judges. There were some fantastic outfits shown on the ‘catwalk’ and the poems and emblems were also very good! All students from each form were involved in an activity for their form and the team spirit and cheering during the presentation was excellent! The winning tutor group on the day was Pope John Paul II ! Well done to them and to all students who represented their tutor group. 6 St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School Trips and Activities cutting!! STM students at the hottest show in town on the hottest day of the year! Visiting the exhibition of Henri Matisse’s cut-out art at the Tate Modern was a great opportunity for students to experience the buzz of a very busy and energetic gallery. There was a real sense of excitement at seeing a collection of vibrant, radical and groundbreaking pieces of work that had not been brought together for over 40 years and the show was packed! It may look simple, but Matisse was able to dynamically transform paper and glue into an impressive collection of art work. We were all really taken with the range of subject matter, size, scale and at times, intricacy of the cuts. These were composed in such a way that only a true master could elevate such basic materials to this level with his dress making scissors. piece of art by seconding a bench in the Tate garden and using paper and found objects that they had to hand. The work certainly gathered interest by other passers-by with some very enthusiastic critique being received! Our Arty activity was followed by a stroll down Southbank, onto the OXO beach for a bit of impromptu paddling, stone clipping and sand sculpture and later watching a number of street art entertainers. What a fantastic day out! Having been wowed by the show, our budding artists Thank you to all of the students who made the day such a lot of set about making their own fun, Miss Perry and Mr Entwistle. A time of waiting… A time of patience… A time of wonder As the Advent candles are lit all over the world, here at St Thomas More during our busy school and work day, we pause. So that Advent isn’t forgotten, our staff have created an interactive Advent display, where students, staff and visitors can take time out of their busy day to stop at the display and add their own word, message, poem or prayer reflecting what Advent means to them. Mr Juma, 6th Form Centre Manager adds his own Advent message St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 7 Trips and Activities Paris 2014 “This annual trip to Paris will be in its 15th year by next July……” Looking back at that line written in January 2014 I’m amazed at the number of constants – the ever-excellent behaviour and community spirit, the energy levels as we hike around Paris, the fact that I am still fitter than all the year 10 students taking part! This year we had a bit of lie-in, meeting up at Bedford station at 5am, rather than 4am. From there it is down to London, Eurostar, Metro, dump our bags at the hostel off to start exploring. As ever we were able to spend four days criss-crossing Paris, cramming in as many sights as possible in such a short stay. We had the added excitement this year of our being in Paris for Bastille Day – we have never managed to be there on this day so we felt very lucky this year. From Sacré Coeur we watched the air show along the Champs Elysées, then in the evening we sat by the Seine and watched the fireworks going off at the Eiffel Tower. We were again blessed with warm weather and from the staff point of view it was a real pleasure to have so many students who enjoyed Flunch so much! 8 Their good-spirits and willingness to open themselves to new experiences made them a great bunch to take abroad. The question remains: “Was their group as good as 2013, or 2012, or 2011, or 2010 or 1999?????’ Plans are already underway for ‘Paris 2015’ and again we are looking for something new to add to the experience of being in Paris in July. Here is a sample of the feedback from the students: Brilliant, especially the amount you get out of each day - Tania Where can we get some of those socks? – Hakeem and Darius Next time, can we walk even further? – Tiffany And some advice for those considering coming next year: If you don’t like to try new things – stay at school If you don’t like walking – stay at school If you are a fussy eater – stay at school If you are enthusiastic, energetic and flexible – sign up! Mr Aquino St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School Trips and Activities THORPE PARK THRILLS Friday 7th November promised a day of extreme experiences and fun as year 7 headed of on their trip to the roller coaster “thrill capital” Thorpe park. Hopes were high for year 7’s first ever school trip at St Thomas More. Many were anticipating the arrival at the theme park wondering whether they had the nerve to go Stealth side or take on the horrors of Saw. Finally the arrival and the first glimpses of the rides .The sights left some staring but most were excitedly shouting to friends. Once we were through the ticket turnstiles it was as if the gate had opened on a herd of wild horses. Everybody was sprinting off in different directions shouts of “come on… let’s go to Saw” or “Stealth first…”were heard as they rushed away. The favourites included Stealth, X, Saw and Nemesis Inferno which were all praised highly by those brave enough to ride. Comments included “it was brilliant”,” let’s go again” or some reported that the selected ride was their favourite by far. Not only were year 7 excited about the day off but so were the teachers whom you spotted occasionally either grimacing or smiling - you couldn’t really tell as they hurtled round the roller coasters. Groans and grumbles ensued as the clocks ticked nearer and nearer to half past four when we had to drag ourselves away from the rides and towards the bus to head home. The only thing negative that anyone said about the day was “I wish that they’d let us stay.” Special thanks to the sixth formers who planned and organized the trip. On behalf of the whole of year 7 we had a blast! Leonie Brunning, Yr 7 Joyce clubtastic! OPERATION CHRISTMAS Lunchtime games clubs are now up and running for both year 7’s and year 9’s and above. The Year 9’s are supporting the Samaritans fundraising initiative, ‘Operation Christmas Child’ this year. Operation Christmas Child is the UK’s largest children’s Christmas appeal and has been running for over 20 years. Thanks to a huge army of volunteers who give their time to help make this Christmas ‘miracle’ come to life, they are able to deliver gift-filled shoeboxes to children in Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. More 4 7 is an exclusive Tuesday lunchtime club for year 7 only. Here students can play games and join in fun activities to help support their literacy and numeracy skills. All year 7’s are welcome so if you haven’t already joined and would like to, pop into to the Library where Mrs Snare and Miss Jones will be happy to sign you up! STM Games Club is for year 9’s and above where a range of games are available. As well as old favourites such as Chess, Drafts, Mastermind and Backgammon we also have lots of new games where problem solving, skill and logic are top of the agenda! This club is open every Wednesday lunchtime so feel free to come in - we would love to see you! Mrs Snare and Miss Jones Each tutor group had to find empty shoeboxes in which they would put gifts for either boys or girls. The gifts brought in by pupils included teddy bears, pens, bubble bath, books and much more. The shoe boxes were then collected and taken to the Operation Christmas Child Headquarters. The boxes will then be sent abroad to children who are less fortunate and they will be unable to unwrap a present at Christmas. St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 9 In the Spotlight awards evening 2014 To mark the wealth of talent amongst us and to recognize the great achievements of our young people in our community, the celebration evening on Thursday October 23rd was a truly wonderful end to the first half term. There were over ninety award’s and prizes presented to students who have excelled in academic, pastoral, community and sporting activities. We were extremely pleased to welcome to present the awards a very special guest who specialises in presenting anthropology, archaeology, social history and adventure programmes. Mary-Ann Ochota has worked on a number of television series for Channel 4, BBC3, Discovery Networks and ITV. Her repertoire includes Time Team, Unreported World, Castaway Exposed and Britain’s Secret Homes. She has contributed to a wide range of Radio shows, BBC Breakfast News and is a regular guest on the Sky Newspaper preview show. Mary-Ann has also written for the Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Sun and The Mirror, she blogs for The Independent newspaper and her book Britain’s Secret Treasures, was published last year in conjunction with the British Museum and ITV. Following the presentations, students, award winners 2014... Year 9 winners: Luca Campopiano - English, Freddie Budek - ICT, Gabrielle Lawrence - RE, Fabrizio Baio - Mathematics, Eryk RATAJCZYK - Science, Ronan Cook - Modern Foreign Languages FRENCH, Gabrielle Lawrence, Rachel Mensah - Learning Resources, Maggie Baker - History, Linda Scaramella - Perf Arts, Samuel Wilthew - Music, Rachele Mensah - EAL, Nataleigh Sutton, Harry Raiswell, Summer Viola - YR 9 - Emmaus/Ind Needs, Urja Patel TEXTILES, Gabrielle Lawrence - FOOD, Matthew Andrews - RMats, Daria Szmitka - Art, James Warren - Graphics TJ, Luca Campopiano - Geography, Andrew Crunkhurn - Year 9 LA Pastoral Prize Year 10 winners: Ifra Ahmed - English, Anna Baldassarre - Media, Christopher Young - ICT, Tameka Brandy - RE, Stephen Popland - Mathematics, MONGIARDI Dario, Naomi Hayes - Modern Foreign Languages - FRENCH, Gabriel Avellaneda - Modern Foreign Languages - ITALIAN, Nathaniel Wedderburn, Niamh Williams - Learning Resources , Christian Esposito - History, Elisa Gray - Perf Arts, Annabel Clarke - Music, Daphen Lu Valena - EAL, Chloe Philips, Francesca Rumble, Hanna Smith - YR10 - Emmaus/Ind Needs, Christian Esposito - Sociology, Evangeline Lawrence, Thomas Andrews - Business, Ancella Nyincho - Health and Social Care, Esree Haynes - TEXTILES, Rebecca Broughton - FOOD, Stephanie Reilly - RMats, Pelin Morgan - Art, Melissa Williams - Graphics TJ, William Bates - Geography, Sam Holland - Year 10 - JH Pastoral Prize 10 St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School More Team In theRacing Spotlight parents and staff thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mary-Ann‘s thought provoking and inspirational recollections of her adventures. Many students took the opportunity to speak to Mary-Ann further about her career experiences, she was happy to share valuable advice for our budding writers and broadcasters and it really was a pleasure to meet her. As she left St Thomas More she tweeted: A privilege and a delight to speak to the students of St Thomas More at their awards night. An inspirational bunch! What a great evening and congratulations to all of the following students: Year 12 winners: Lucy Arpaia - English, Anthony Wickenden - Media, Sam Blanken - ICT, Jack Emsley, Kira Spicer, Farida Ahmed, Rosie Ram, Dani Cocozza, Edem Kelman, Hannah Janes, Perry Toombs - RE, Helen Popland - Mathematics, Hannah Janes - BIOLOGY, Alfie Santaniello - CHEMISTRY, Ben Faulkner - PHYSICS, Edem Kelman - Modern Foreign Languages - FRENCH - General MFL, Monica Verdura, Melvin Joseph - Learning Resources, Jack Emsley - History, Kira Spicer - Perf Arts, Sam Fattorusso - Music, Edem Kelman - Psychology, Aida Veizaj - Sociology, Sam Blanken - Business, Bianka Nurzynska Health and Social Care, Sandra Phan - TEXTILES, EPG engineering, Matthew Davies - RMats, Tamara Phillips - Art, Josh Harlow - Graphics TJ, Sam Fatturosso - Geography, Prince Zisengwe, Matthew Davies - EPQ VM, Edem Kelman - Student Voice AC, Jack Emsley and Sam Fattorusso - Ang Letch – Com service CUP (CS), Hannah Janes and Helen Popland - Outstanding A.S Level Results (CS) special: Reqeal Kumar yr 10 - Media, Perry Toombs yr 12 - Media, Sophia Picciano - ICT, Year 9: Paige Addison, YEAR 10 : Alessandro Endress, YEAR 12: Maisie Carlyle - Mathematics, Riccardo Mazzeo - YR 10 SCIENCE, Helen Popland - Outstanding Scientific Achievement - Krys Hawkins Award, Frederick Budek YR 9 - Modern Foreign Languages - FRENCH , Year 9 special: Maya Acton - History, YEAR 9 SPECIAL: Bartolomeo, Ziccardi - Perf Arts, Year 10 SPECIAL: Anna Baldassarre - Perf Arts, Year 12 Special: Marcello Troisi - Perf Arts, Special year 9: Adam Daisley - Music, Special: Dominik Skreta - Business, Charlotte James, Megan Woodhouse, Sadia Begum - Health and Social Care, Ashley Mawere - TEXTILES, Year 10 special: Michael Sinha - RMats, CAR TEAM: Riccardo Mazzeo, Liam Bunker, James Robinson, Adil Rahman, Jordan Miles, Matthew Andrews, Andrew Crunkhurn, Anthony Tanti, Gabriel Avilleneda, Inderpal Singh, Joshua Farr, Michael Hill, Filippo Bartoli, Michael Furr, Oliver Hull, Michael Sinha, Aadil Shaikh, Christoper Young, SPORTSMAN: Tom Rawes, SPORTSWOMAN: Fiona Swift - Physical Education, Riccardo Mazzeo - Geography, Olivia Freda - Outstanding GCSE Results (RC), SAM HOLLAND - HT Award St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 11 Literacy and Numeracy a gift for christmas Year 7 Accelerated Reader Update Who’s Reading the Most in November? Boy reading the most: Anthony Ukome Girl reading the most: Lara Bacino English class reading the most: Ms Murdoch Well done everyone! This year, St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School will be giving each student in the school a gift this Christmas – the gift of reading. Each student in each year group will be given the following book to take home this Christmas: Year 7 - Wolf by Gillian Cross Year 9 - Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness Year 10 & 11 - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon Year 12 - The Road by Cormac McCarthy Year 13 - The Kite Runner by Khlaed Hosseini The books will be given out by form tutors on Thursday 18th December BRILLIANT RAPPERS EDUCATE INTELLIGENT STUDENTS Rap artist and performer BREIS (Brilliant Rappers Educate Intelligent Students) carried out engaging Literacy Rap workshops with students in Year 7 on Monday 24th November. BRIES performed some of his own Rap lyrics and helped students with the ‘ingredients’ to make their own; including rhymes, metaphors, similes, key words and phrases, humour and emotions. The results were brilliant and all groups (as well as budding solo artists) performed their finished work on a variety of different topics. Special mention goes to Blaise Powell for his fantastic solo performance dedicated to his younger sister. We hope you saw their performance at the Winter Advent Concert on the 9th December! IT ALL ADDED UP…!! On a cold November evening, four intrepid sixth formers accompanied by Miss Jameison headed off to Cambridge University to take part in the Regional Final of the UKMT Senior Team Maths Challenge. Having spent a number of lunch times and evenings practising answering questions under the guidance of Miss Martin, the team felt prepared to face the challenge. Over the course of 3 hours they worked as a team to complete three rounds of challenges which incorporated a variety of mathematical problems to solve. Up against some stiff competition from both private and state schools the team did very well to achieve 19th place out of 39 teams. A big well done to Helen Popland, Ben Faulkner, Liam Mason and Callum Murphy….!! 12 St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School Design Technology DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Meanwhile, our budding Textile designers have been flourishing in the new area which has ample room for machines, screen printing and design activities and offer sixth form students plenty of space to continue their study time in the area too. This certainly enriches the experience of all students in this highly creative and collaborative space where deep thinking and problem solving are always heightened in an environment that is built to grow talent! Over the summer, our design and innovation areas have undergone a complete transformation. Following extensive building work, the space has been enlarged to create an open, bright and spacious learning environment where students are able to develop their design and making skills and explore the varied opportunities that the fully integrated workshop/ design room spaces offer to be independent learners. The Laser cutting machine has been busy once again this week enabling yr 7 - 11 students to achieve high quality project work and gifts ready for the seasonal Music and creative arts concert. This is now located in a purpose built area that will enable the machine to work at even higher production levels than before. The new work benches and workshop space have proved a real success particularly with our Resistant Materials GCSE students who have excitedly been creating prototypes of their design proposals and refining their construction skills ready for the making of their final products. corner out snt e 7 ud 1 st iday to r n -F 6 pe ne o u ol 1 J Termho ay Sc ond 015 M ly 2 sJu t n e ud st ry o t ua 5 1 n 4 pe ebr 20 F ch o l 3 r o 2 Termho ay Ma day Sc ond y 27 oli 3 - y1 M ida r H a ts e d n Fr st n 2 o de 2 Ea -M tu iday y5 s s 5 a y d 4 nt 13 to - Fr da on ay de iday erm ET 015 en pril d M u T n p S o 3 ay - 5 o st - Fr IN ril 2 ol o 14 A -M d 201 n t ary p o y y A T h a 5 a TermSE ary pe nu Sc esd 201 lid IN nu ol o 6 Ja 15 Tu ay ho 5 Ja ho ay 20 M ank 210 m c d y r s S e a m B ay Ter u r u r T b Te M alf e f F al H H cut ates D corner cut out15 T erm 20 corner out cut St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 13 Subject News COMBIEN SAVEZ-VOUS DE NOTRE ECOLE ? QUANTO SAPETE DELLA NOSTRA SCUOLA ? Répondez aux questions dans la langue de la question. Donnez vos réponses à un des profs de langues avant la fin de la première semaine de janvier 2015. Les noms de ceux qui auront gagné seront mis dans un tirage au sort pour gagner un prix. Ouvert à tous les élèves et personnel du lycée. Rispondete alle domande usando la lingua della domanda. Date le vostre risposte ad uno dei professori di lingua alla fine della prima settimana di gennaio 2015. I nomi di quelli che avranno vinto saranno messi in una lotteria per vincere un premio. Aperto a tutti i nostri alunni e il personale del liceo. 1.Certains élèves iront dans un pays en Afrique pour une visite scolaire? Quel pays? 2. Quanti professori lavorano qui da più di 28 anni? Chi sono? 3.Chi lavora principalmente nell’aula a sinistra dell’aula del Signor Grimley? 4. Comment s’appelle l’actuel directeur du lycée? 5. Comment s’appelle le nounours de Madame Gillies? 6. Cosa non puoi usare all’interno dell’edificio? 7. En quelle année est-ce que l’école a été ouverte? SOCIOLOGY Year 13 Trip to the Luton and South Bedfordshire Magistrates’ Court Year 13 students are currently studying crime and deviance and so a trip to the Magistrates’ Court in Luton was arranged to deepen their understanding of the topic. The day started with a seminar which was held by a magistrate. He explained his role and that of the Criminal Justice System in general and engaged us in a lively discussion about the issues affecting the crime rate in our local area. Next, came the opportunity to sit in on several hearings and listen to the arguments put forward by the defence and the prosecution. Defendants who had spent the night in the cells at the police station were brought through to the court room via the underground tunnel. The cases included drugs offences, domestic abuse and criminal damage. We were even fortunate enough to be able to speak to two criminal barristers who answered our questions with enthusiasm. Club ork! Sociology ith your w w some help get Come and nesday Every Wed hool X4 and after sc e m ti h c n Lu 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Il signor Chapman tifa per quale squadra di calcio? In mensa cosa non offrono da mangiare il venerdì? La signora Hawkins viene da quale paese? Le tournoi de tennis aura lieu où? Que fait Madame Cooper? Quelle matière étudie-t-on dans la salle T2? Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à gauche de la porte de la salle 12? Il tie-break! Chi è la persona più importante della scuola? Perché? Bon retour.... Shona Magill, Ciaran Smith, Anna Surricchio and Aby-Gaël Messey have just come back from their respective year abroad. Welcome back and good luck for your final year! Littorio Luongo and Marianna Liberio are due to start internships with major companies in Paris as part of their university course in French and Business at Aston University. Both chose a course taught mostly in the foreign language and are now impressing companies with their combined skills. Littorio will be with the multinational Thales, whilst Marianna will be with the telecommunications group Orange. Geography Year 7 have been learning about the wonders of volcanoes and more recently, super volcanoes. This subject matter has really captured their imagination and they have really enjoyed learning about the global effects a super volcanic eruption would have. They have recently been making papier mache models of super volcanoes to demonstrate the size and surprisingly flat shape of a super volcano. Meanwhile Year 9 has been investigating urban environments, looking closely at life in the favelas of Brazil. This has culminated in them devising an improvement plan for their own favela, for which they have drawn a map to show the improvements and written a letter to the Brazilian government to explain their proposed improvements. Year 10 have begun in earnest to study the modules required to complete their GCSE. They have already finished learning about tourism and the impacts it can have in various places including the Lake District, Jamaica and Antarctica. They have subsequently begun their second module ‘The Restless Earth’ investigating the wide variety of landforms and events associated with plate tectonics. Finally, Year 11 has spent the vast majority of this academic year completing their controlled assessment that will make up 25% of their final GCSE grade. 14 St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School Subject News TUDOR LECTURES REVIEW On Thursday 13th November, our history class set off to London, where by we received four lectures from three well respected and renowned historians; John Morrill, John Guy and David Starkey at the City Temple Church in Holborn. The first lecture we received was from John Guy. This was based on Cardinal Wolsey and the influence he had on Henry VIII reign. I was surprised about how much influence he actually had and all the work that he had put in behind the scenes for King Henry VIII. For example, Wolsey met Henrys demands by getting him the title of ‘Papal Legate’ something that he craved from the beginning of his reign to become well known throughout Europe. However this lecture also spoke about the Wolsey losing control and effectively letting power get to his head. He tried to strike an agreement with Charles V; Holy Roman Emperor to make him become acting Pope in return for the alliance of England and Spain. However this did not work out and Charles V in the words of John Guy “Ratted him out”. The second lecture John Guy delivered was about the reign of Mary Tudor, otherwise known as ‘Bloody Mary’. This was a very detailed lecture recalling events from the reign of Mary Tudor and explaining the importance of them. He argued that Mary Tudor’s reign was a failure due to the fact she was unable to produce and Heir to the Throne. Something knew I had found out from this lecture was the fake pregnancy of Mary Tudor and the impact of this. She claimed to be pregnant however this was just a condition that caused her belly to swell, hence not actually being pregnant. This brought great humiliation towards her and the monarchy. John Morrill’s lecture was based on the reformation in Henry. Again like the previous lectures this provided a very detailed insight to the reformation and cleared a lot of queries I had. King Henry was not actually fully protestant, just a Catholic reformer. The six articles signed by Henry VIII shows this. The lecturer spoke very clearly and was very concise, getting straight to the point. The closing lecture was delivered by David Starkey focusing on Edward VI and was a very assertive lecture. The main point of his argument was how King Edward VI could have developed into a very powerful king. He brought up interesting points about his short lived reign, stating how clever he was and showed a great passion in everything he had done. He brought up an anecdote from Edwards diary describing the loss of a jousting match which was interesting to hear, explaining how angry Edward VI was and the passion he showed over the slightest thing. David Starkey also spoke about the downfall of the Duke of Somerset. The main reason for his downfall was the lack of money and this affected his control over Scotland. Overall this trip was very useful and a good day out. All the lectures were well delivered and very detailed. I took away a lot of new information which I will put towards both my part A and part B. By Giacomo Pozella, Year 13 Science The 6th formers have been running a weekly Science club in Lab 6 this term. There has been a variety of activities including fire writing and making a cell out of biscuits! There is a twice weekly homework club held by the Science department on a Tuesday and Thursday. This is open for all year groups from Year 7 to 13 and held in Lab 7. r e d n i Rem touch keep in to to us To enable, please remember your: to with you any changes of telephone tell us , Contact Email. and Address Number ks han t y n a M St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 15 Subject News YOUNG MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR Tuesday 14th October saw our annual Young Musician of the Year competition, ably judged by Miss Millar, Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Betteridge. Judging the event was extremely difficult due to the high standard of entries. The event was sponsored by The Sound Garage, who provided the winner’s prize - time in their recording studio! Overall winner – Bethan Nicholson Ensemble winners – Adam Daisley and Chloe Sansom Solo winner – Chris Howes Composition winner – Elisa Gray On Wednesday November 19th we held our St Cecilia’s Day concert (patron saint of music). This was very capably organised by two of our year 12 music students, Jacob Frederick and Eric Vermeulen and ably supported by many fabulous musicians who player an eclectic mix of music from Eminem and Adele to songs from Frozen and Les Misérables. Performers: Madelyn Harding, Rosie Armitage, Eric Vermeulen, John Mozobo, Chloe Sansom, Prince Zisengwe, Meo Ziccardi, Ellen Stanton, Jacob Frederick, Nathaniel Ivy, Rochelle Blake, Debbie Baugh, Vanessa Kadji, Weronika Bagienska, Adam Daisley, Liam Daisley, Niamh Williams, Chipo Maseko, Freddie Budek and Gabriella Lawrence. Many congratulations to everyone who took part! Siân Smith BONDING WITH BUSINESS As part of our Applied Business A level, Unit 13: Organising an Event, we were asked to plan and arrange a trip for the new Year 7 arrivals into St Thomas More. The trip was to be designed as a bonding day, enabling Year 7 pupils to make new friends and feel welcomed into their new school. We decided that this trip should involve loads of thrills and excitement; allowing the trip to meet the needs of an active bunch of students. To find out what we came up with and to see what the students thought of the day, take a look at the report written by Leonie Brunning on page 9. By Donatas Sidlauskas and Sam Blanken, Year 13 16 An evening with Roald Dahl On Wednesday 17th December it is my pleasure to present ‘an evening with Roald Dahl’. This evening will consist of performances from Revolting Rhymes, Dirty Beasts and musical numbers from the West End hit musical Matilda. The cast of ‘an evening with Roald Dahl’ is made up of every year 7 student as well as cameo appearances from year 12 students Sophia La Rosa and Claudia Gawel. I cannot praise the year 7 students any more if I tried! I am incredibly proud of the work they have produced so far; their dedication, commitment and talent does not stop surprising me week by week. This event is something for the whole family and you won’t be disappointed! From the year 7s and I, we hope to see you all there! Details Date: 17/12/2014 Time: 7:00pm Cost: Free of charge Venue: St Thomas More, Performance Hall Miss Damon St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School A.O.B. CHARITY UPDATE THE FIRST AID COURSE Since the beginning of the term students and staff have been raising money for a range of charities. In October, a group of Health and Social students with other members of St Thomas More 6th Form took part in a first aid course. Our committed 6th Form has raised hundreds of pounds to buy gifts for needy families through their annual fun run. In addition, the 6th form also has been raising awareness of the plight of people who have been trafficked in different ways across the world. Staff and students paid to wear luggage labels saying “Not for Sale!” This prompted an assembly to raise awareness about human trafficking and the dignity of human life. Staff and students have also raised money for Cancer Relief through coffee mornings; Year groups have taken on projects including CAFOD “Teach a Child to Read” where every gift of £10 enables a child to be taught to read in a developing country. Since 1990, more than 113 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of a simple shoebox gift and this year our Year 9 students contributed to this very worthy cause. We are proud of all of our staff and students and that the school is an outward looking school with justice at the heart of its fundraising. We all found it extremely beneficial and worthwhile because it covered skills which could be the difference between a life lost and a life saved, such as choking or severe bleeding. The course itself was very enjoyable as we all learned the different skills via different methods e.g. verbal - discussions with the trainer, analysing scenes and identifying the dangers. I would highly recommend this course to everyone as you never know when you could be faced with a life or death situation. Completing the course not only saves lives but it also looks very worthy when it comes to writing CV’s, personal statements or even subjects at school like Health and Social Care. At the end of the course, once you have been observed, you receive a legitimate certificate to say you are a fully trained first aider! “Very enjoyable and worthwhile” “I can now save a life” “Fundamental skills for everyone to know about” Student Voice Council is a coming together of students from all year groups to represent the whole school community as a single voice. To reflect this, SVC have created our own Mission Statement which is proudly displayed as posters around the school. Students – please get in touch with SVC if you have a question, wish to share an idea or raise a query – we are here to help! Sam Holland, YR11 St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 17 More Racing MORE RACING UPDATE More Racing qualifies for the Greenpower International Final! After a successful race at Rockinghan in July, both teams cars successfully qualified for the International final at Goodwood. Although the team has qualified for the National finals twice before, this year was the first time both cars achieved this incredible achievement. STM002 (the older car) qualified in 54th place out of 220 cars and STM005 (the new car) qualified in 67th place out of 220cars. Race Day The International final was held on Sunday the 12th of October at the Goodwood race track in Sussex. In preparation for the day, the pit crew loaded the two cars and all of the race equipment into the van during the morning of the day before the race with the Team arriving at 5am! on race day. Three hours later and the cars arrived at Goodwood and immediately got to work setting up the garage, attending the event briefing and getting the cars ready for inspection. Both cars passed the pre-race inspection without any problems and the team then went on to finish a successful practice session during which each driver completed one lap of the track. The first one and a half hour race was a total success with both cars completing the race. Between the end of the first race and the start of the second, the pit crew was very busy preparing and where required, repairing both cars. Despite experiencing a few minor problems, not to mention the horrendous wet weather which did cause a number of cars to crash out of the race, once again our car team was triumphant with both cars finishing the race. The final overall results gained by the team were; STM005 – finished in 57th place STM003 – finished in 63rd place Once the last race had finished, the team were again very busy packing all of the equipment and cars back into the van before the team headed home. Arriving at the school at around 8pm, the van was unpacked and the team all went home – it was a very long and tiring day but so rewarding for everyone who took part. The team and Mr Prudden would like to thank Miss Perry, Miss Chalmer and Mrs Clacton for all of the fantastic help that they provided the team during the race 18 day. Without the help of all three, the team simply could not have made it to race day or been successful as they were. More Racing Wins the ‘Best Engineering Club’ at the 2014 Big Bang Fair The day after the Rockingham Greenpower race, the team attended the Eastern Regional 2014 Big Bang competition at held at Duxford. During the day the team displayed both cars and was interviewed by three groups of judges. The team members involved handled these pressurized situations really well and the judges were so impressed, the team won the Best Engineering Club award for the Eastern region! This fantastic achievement only goes to support all of the hard work that has been put in by the team during the previous four years. More Racing attends the University Formula Finals at Bedford Modern More Racing was once again invited to attend the annual finals of the University Formula event held at Bedford Modern on Wednesday 12th November 2014. At this event, the top three university teams who have designed, built & raced their high performance cars are required to talk about their projects and answer questions from experts as well as the audience. More racing displayed both cars as well as photos and other information about the team. A large number of people from the engineering industry were most impressed by what the team has achieved and many commented on how professional the team has performed at both regional and International events. As a direct result, two of the organisations have offered to sponsor the team for the 2015 racing season. More Racing Prepares for the 2015 Greenpower racing season As with any motor sport team, More Racing cannot stand still if it wants to succeed during the forthcoming 2015 racing season. In preparation for the new season the team has undertaken or is begin to complete the following tasks. -Recruitment of new team members – During September the team interviewed and selected a group of Yr7 & 9 pupils to undertake a range of roles including driving, pit crew and designers. It is St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School the first year that it has been possible to recruit Yr7s and four out of the six new drivers for the 2015 season will be Yr7 pupils, giving the team a great advantage their smaller build enables the cars to be much lighter and quicker. -Development of the cars – In preparation for the construction of STM006 which will take place next year, the team for the 2015 season will be further developing the two existing cars. The team has identified a wide range of improvements that could be made and this work will be undertaken during the winter and spring. -Development of team performance – The team has identified a number of methods that could, if completed correctly, vastly improve the performance of both the cars, the drivers and the team as a whole. So not to give away any competitive advantage these modifications will provide, I cannot tell you any more about this at this stage – what I can tell you though is that the team will be working on these ideas during the winter months and I will update you of our progress in the next More News. -Team Physical Training – Matthew Davies will continue to organise and run the training sessions that are held in the school gym. The goal of this training is to ensure that the team are fit and that the drivers in particular are strong enough to drive the cars during the races. Team Sponsorship During the last few weeks, the team has received generous funding from the school itself as well as from the Sixth Form Study Fund. But, as with all motor sports, the team is always looking to secure additional funding and to help achieve this, the team itself will be undertaking a number of fund raising events over the coming months so please support them generously! If anyone would like to sponsor the team or you know a company that may be interested in sponsoring More Racing, please get in contact with Mr Prudden. Sports St Thomas More’s PE & Sport department have had a fantastic start to the year in terms of both competition and participation. For the first time, the school has seen teams of boys and girls representing each year group from year 7 to 6th form in a range of sports and already we have had our fair share of success… Football Basketball Boys’ teams from years 9, 10, 11 and 6th form and a girls’ team of mixed year 9-11 have participated in friendly, County and National Cup matches. The year 9 boys made it as far as the 4th round of the National Cup where they were unlucky to go out to King Edward VI School in Suffolk. They are, however, still going strong in the County Cup along with the year 11 and 6th form teams, with the District Cup coming up after Christmas. Our under 18 team were the first to compete in the district competition but were up against some tricky competition from Mark Rutherford and Sharnbrook in particular. Our under 16 team are currently in the middle of their campaign and have started with excellent victories against Rutherford and Biddenham. Rugby Wednesdays in November saw teams from years 9-11 compete in the County Rugby Festivals across 4 different venues at Biggleswade, Ampthill, Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard. The boys achieved mixed results but there were also great wins in friendly matches against Mark Rutherford, Biddenham and Sandy. Our year 7 boys, in their first ever Rugby game, beat their now local rivals Beauchamp to pick up their first ever win! Also, the year 9 team got into the final of the County Plate competition. YEAR 9 INTERFORM Year 9 have been playing Interform on Fridays since September. Each half term we play a different activity with each form having 6 players - 3 boys and 3 girls. If they win they go through to the next round. Before half term the activity was Basketball. The winners were Gandhi! CONGRATULATIONS! Well done to everyone who represented their form and played and of course to the supporters on the side-lines for their encouragement and cheering! This half terms activity is Ice Hockey (Without the Ice!) Netball Girls in years 9-11 have been taking part in their district competitions on a Tuesday rotation at Bedford Academy. On some days the girls have had to play as many as 4 games in one afternoon, but despite that they have had some excellent victories against the other upper schools in the area including Stratton and Bedford Free School. Our year 7 girls also got their first taste of competition with a 9-0 win against Beauchamp! Find out in the next edition of More News who the winners were!! SPORTS LEADERS As part of their Community Sports Leaders Award, this year’s group have been busy undertaking courses and helping to set up, organise and run a variety of activities. On Wednesday 12th November all the Lower schools in the Bedford and Kempston School Sports Partnership came up to St Thomas More where they took part in a multi skills sports event. The purpose of the day was to help improve and develop the children’s multi skills. The day was overseen and run by our Sports Leaders – everyone did a fantastic job and all the children had a fun day! On the 26th November, the group completed an Emergency First Aid Course. In it they covered Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation, CPR, bandaging and much more. They were all successful and can now use their qualification to help run children’s activities in and out of school. Well done to all the group! A busy term for the Sports Leaders!! St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 19 Club Focus ‘It appears that St Thomas More’s cheerleading team STM Elite continue to go from strength to strength with yet more success in competition. Having started the year as National Champions, the team travelled over to Samuel Whitbread Academy to take part in the BEST regional competition. Although the competition was on a reduced scale compared to the previous event due to rescheduling from the summer, our girls did an excellent job of rearranging and refining last year’s routine in order to perform it to a fantastic standard at this event. In fact, with no less than 8 of the girls having only joined the team in September, their achievement was even more remarkable. For the first time in the school’s history, girls from each year group 7-13 represented the school and continued their victorious ways by winning the senior (containing any student(s) over 13) category! STM Elite are gaining a fierce reputation for truly being one of the best teams around, this time fending off competition from 5 other teams to take home the trophy. As if that wasn’t enough, there were further awards given out to Katie Peace for Best Tumbler and Miss Biggins for Best Choreography. Our girls even won the ‘chicken in a hen house’ fun competition. The team will now be working on a brand new routine as they build towards more regional and national competitions in the coming academic year – we may even be seeing them performing as the home side at a competition to potentially be held here at St Thomas More. Congratulations again girls and watch this space!’ school clubs Something for Everyone! Extra-Curricular Activities at St Thomas More for dates, times and locations please see the club notice board outside the LRC or look on the VLE. Art and Graphics Club Art and Graphics GCSE/A Level Catch up Business Studies - Catch Up Business Studies - Intervention Concert Band Drama - Stage School Drama - Storytelling Club Drama Club - Stage Speak ESU Mace Debating Club ESU Speaking Competition Meetings Games Club Geography Revision Club Grease Band Health and Social Care Revision Club History - Churchill Club Homework – Independent / Supported ICT Achievement Session Languages - Independent / Supported Published by St Thomas More Design and print by Baines: Tel: 01707 876555 A63024 St Thomas More School,, 020 8888 7122 WE ARE SEEMINGLY THE BEST AROUND – WHY NOT SHARE THE NEWS? Lyrics Club Maths - Revision Help Maths Club - Homework Media Coursework - Catch Up More 4 7 More Singers Choir Music GCSE/BTEC Support Music Recital Open Rehearsals Poetry Club School Show Rehearsal Science Drop In Club - Revision, Homework or Classwork. Science Experiment Club Sociology Club Sports Clubs STM Car Club Student Voice Forum St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School 20