10 - De La Salle Lipa
10 - De La Salle Lipa
great things from small beginnings... like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade. de la salle lipa president’s report | 2014 About the Cover School year 2013 – 2014 is the first of the next 50 years of De La Salle Lipa. What this years will bring – we have yet to know. We can only plants seeds and do our job well and give the task to the next. Likened to a tree’s pyth, our efforts will forever be marked on the tree. Etched forever on the rings of a tree, amongs its pyth dates, are the annual stories of a tree. A tree’s ring tell interesting stories: years of great growth and slow ones; years of good weather and harsh conditions; years of nourishment and years of stress; years of trimming and movements; years of wind changes, diseases and even pollution. Through it all, the tree survives to tell its story albeit a painful telling if one needs to cut the tree down in order to make new growth from the stump in a traditional method called coppicing. These stories are yet to be written by De La Salle Lipa. By its next Brother Presidents, administrator, teachers, students, parents, stakeholders, alumni, industry and community partners. But the story of our beginnings is crystal clear and mostly, like our Founders gift to leave a legacy to generations by documenting his practices, was written down to guide the next generation in their path to the next 50 years of the institution. Where we want to go is also crystal clear and there are already time markers to look forward to. The getting to the end of the next 50 years – our 100th year – will be an exciting journey. Table of Contents President’s Message 7 Photosynthesis 8 Germination 10 Respiration 22 Osmosis 35 Dispersal 42 Transpiration 52 Storage 64 Appendices 71 President’s Message Greetings of peace and joy! Our theme for this year is nature inspired. This is because we are inspired and sustained by nature not only in our physical needs but also in our educational endeavors. It is easily evident that when you go around the campus you will see various plants, shrubs, trees, grasses and ferns that grow in unison to make our campus truly green. In the same light, we see the school as a complex system of interacting and relating units much like an ecosystem to support the educational needs of our youth in the Batangas province and in the Calabarzon. In order for any educational institution to work, there must be support processes such as the general services, the human resource and the information technology departments to name a few who make the school ‘s operations a reality. With the ambitious but well thought out campus plan, these offices have an integral role in making facilities and Lasallian partners perform optimally. While the main deal of any school is really instruction, in the plant kingdom, this is photosynthesis, the core process that makes food for the plant. Instruction has been getting a lot of attention lately due to the emphasis on learner centered approaches, technology enhanced instruction and academe industry linkages to ensure job ready skills for the college graduates and college ready skills for the basic education students. 7 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Allied to instruction is the faculty and staff development programs and activities, an experience of osmosis, how can we promote 21st century learning if our Lasallian faculty are too far behind in facilitating learning? Research is thus essential, research that is applied to finding best ways of learning, research that is in aid of community transformation and development within the school and in the community outside its walls. Thus seeds of wisdom, of knowledge and service must come forth from our school community. It is my privilege to share this report as a testament of our enduring proof of the realization of De la Salle LIpa’s vision and mission objectives. I thank the Presidential Management Team and the College Publication team Lavoxa for their hard work and creativity in this report. I will continue to do all my actions for the love of Thee, In St. La Salle, Br. Joaquin S. Martinez FSC, D.Min. President and Chancellor De La Salle Lipa PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 7 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process that drives nearly all of the energy economies on Earth. It can therefore be considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providing the source of energy that drives all their metabolic processes. The chemical process captures the most important thing (the sun) needed for life on earth, combines it with carbon dioxide and water from the environment and converts it into food (glucose) while creating oxygen and water as byproducts.1 Much like the mandate of the members of the Board of Trustees, each of them carry knowledge in their particular field which they harness and combine with the resources that De La Salle Lipa has to create the best possible environment for learning to prosper and for the institution to serve its Mission well. 1 Importance of Photosynthesis | Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/science/photosynthesis-importance-photosynthesis.html#ixzz3LTrIDoSq 1 http://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/sciences/how-is-photosynthesis-essential-to-life-on-earth 8 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Board of Trustees Corporation Members Br. Raymundo B. Suplido FSC Br. Raymundo B. Suplido FSC Br. Dante R. Amisola FSC Br. Dante R. Amisola FSC Br. Joaquin S. Martinez FSC, D. Min. Br. Joaquin S. Martinez FSC, D. Min. Br. Felipe C. Belleza FSC Br. Felipe C. Belleza FSC Mr. Ulysses L. Atienza Mr. Ulysses L. Atienza Ms. Maria Rosario Victoria R. Pacheco Ms. Maria Rosario Victoria R. Pacheco Dr. Herminia D. Torres Dr. Herminia D. Torres Mr. Lawrence Sison Mr. Lawrence Sison Sr. Corazon P. Manalo, DC Sr. Corazon P. Manalo, DC Dr. Joselito S. Sandejas Dr. Joselito S. Sandejas Br. Augustine L. Boquer FSC Br. Augustine L. Boquer FSC Br. Antonio Cesar J. Servando FSC Br. Pedro Victor M. Maralit FSC Br. Roberto O. Casingal FSC 9 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 9 The process by which a plant grows from a seed, starts when a seed is provided with water. Germination This quintessential process has been nurtured by the unto water, provide the nurturance and guidance to fine weather and favorable conditions that is in De La enable the students to discover and aim to reach their Salle Lipa. From its inception in 1962 up to present, full potential – products of the Lasallian tradition of it has always been seen as an institution rich in flora. excellence. To date, De La Salle Lipa has in its care a total of 320 trees belonging to different families and species As De La Salle Lipa turned a year older after celebrating planted within the campus. its golden milestone, a strong foundation has already been established. This foundation continues to grow The students, likened unto seeds, must be nurtured into a fine masterpiece - the Integrated School - that in order to become growing plants. The school, its continuously aims and updates itself to reach the programs, policies and its teachers and staff, likened standards of academic excellence, starting from the toddler years going to high school. 11 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 The Integrated School enrollment for SY 2013 – 2014 increased by 3% compared to previous school year. Kinder level remarkably increased by 30%. Student Population INTEGRATED SCHOOL ENROLLMENT HIGHLIGHTS SY 2013 - 2014 Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 SBJHNHS NEW OLD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 ENROLLMENT GRAPH: OLD VIS-A-VIS NEW STUDENTS SY 2012 - 2013 SY 2013 - 2014 GRAND TOTAL OF STUDENTS GRAND TOTAL OF STUDENTS 4239 12 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 30% 10% 4346 107 students difference 3% 800 NURSERY 1 total student enrollment increase KINDER total student enrollment increase TOTAL STUDENT enrollment increase GRADE TWO total student enrollment increase 20% GRADE 10 total student enrollment increase 10% Faculty Development With the growing number of student population, faculty qualifications and competencies must also keep up. 68 3 Grade School Faculty Ongoing Graduate Studies for MA 26 Grade School Faculty with Masters Degree Grade School Faculty PRC License (LET) PROFILE OF INTEGRATED SCHOOL FACULTY 96 High School Faculty PRC License (LET) 30 10 High School Faculty with Masters Degree High School Faculty Ongoing Graduate Studies for MA 13 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 13 The pillars of educating the young in the Integrated School (IS) are its faculty, who continuously honed minds and transformed them into a full grown plant. Learning is incessant and, recognizing this, our teachers continuously enrich their knowledge through post-graduate studies and pursuit of national certifications in their subject specializations. Early this school year, our Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) teachers acquired the National Certifications issued by TESDA: • NC II in Commercial Cooking: Edlyn Ebreo, Jasmin Inciong, Mercy Lescano, Michelle Macaraeg, Randy Palestina and Arlene Vallejo • NC II in Computer Hardware Servicing and TESDA Trainer’s Methodology Course: Jonas Lara • NC III in Bookkeeping Assessment (highest national certification issued by TESDA): Mercy Lescano, Vic Loreto, and Randy Palestina IS faculty and staff also attended different trainings and seminars sponsored by the institution and outside organizations in the regional and national levels. IS Faculty and Staff Trainings and Seminars 44% of the in-house seminars were designed to enrich the skills of IS faculty and staff like English Proficiency, Research Seminars, Lecture-Demo on Fitness and Healthy Diet, to name few. 44% 15% 41% 0 10 National 14 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 20 Regional 30 40 DLSL 50 As to seminars and conferences hosted in the region, Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP) assembly, workshops on the use of Revised School-Based Management, Network of Calabarzon Educational Institutions (NOCEI) Education Summit, and other learning sessions were participated by selected IS faculty and staff. In the national level, which comprises 41% of the total trainings and seminars attended for the school year, sessions on the Integration of K-12 Curriculum, Creative Teaching Strategies, Curriculum Mapping, and Spiral Progression approach were designed to prepare the institution in the implementation of the enhanced basic education curriculum (refer to Appendix 1 for the complete list of Seminars / Workshops / Trainings attended by IS faculty and staff). 30% of the seminars attended by the IS Faculty and Staff this year focused on preparation for the K-12 curriculum and teaching strategies for the enhanced basic education curriculum. Integrated School faculty members likewise facilitated enhancement seminars among the faculty and staff. For SY 2013 – 2014, 11 seminars were conducted which focused on the following topics: English Proficiency, Organizational Skills, Grammar Rules, Professional Typing, Accent and Intonation, Business Writing, and Common Conversational Errors (refer 1 infographics 97 percent.pdf 10/21/14 11:30 AM to Appendix 1 for the complete list of Seminars and chapter Trainings facilitated by IS 5faculty). “ The English Proficiency Program helped me improve my business writing skills specifically grammar, proper terminologies and words. 15 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 ” 97% satisfied participants of the English Proficiency Program seminars facilitated by the faculty and staff PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 15 Grades 1, 2, 7 and 8 curricula are now aligned with the K-12 program Chinese Mandarin is now offered to Grade 6 students Language and Reading subjects are integrated into English from Grades 4 to 10 SpeP GILAS (Special Program for the Gifted Lasallians) sessions are given to academically gifted students 16 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Curriculum and Instruction As a response to the challenges in the Philippine education system, a standard learning module has been implemented from Grades 1 to 10. Grading system for Grades 1, 2, 7 and 8 follows the Knowledge, Process or Skills, Understanding and Product (KPUP) Scheme as prescribed by the Department of Education Order #31 series of 2012. Similarly, some programs were retooled and new ones were introduced in support of the K-12 program. In addition to seminars and workshops attended by faculty and staff, further training on Test Construction for Process and Understanding levels were enhanced. In the Grade School department, learning modules were also adopted. Students’ Performance Tasks were also designed across various subject areas. On the other hand, summative tests measuring understanding were implemented among Junior High School students. Student Life Integrated School students’ activities are not only confined inside the classrooms, but outside as well. The Student Activities Office (SAO) provided venues where students can show their talents and skills and share their knowledge to their fellow students and their counterparts from other schools. This school year, various trainings and seminars were spearheaded by the SAO like teambuilding sessions, leadership training seminars, club assemblies and meetings, power dressing seminar, and moving up activities (orientation of Grade 9 students about life in Grade 10). These activities were initiated by the student leaders of the Student Coordinating Board (SCB) who represents the IS student body. As to activities showcasing the students’ talents and activities, LOL (Lasallians Out Loud) Upgraded noon time shows were staged. To instill awareness on social issues, “Earth Hour,” “One Day Peace,” “World Teachers’ Day”, “Mission Yolanda,” and “Anti-Bullying” campaigns were promoted by the SAO and SCB. SAO also spearheaded the “LakaRUN” fun run activity participated by the IS students and the “Wellness Day for Teachers and Staff” where faculty and 17 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 staff were given a free whole day massage, hair cut, foot spa, and nail treatments. DLSL was shortlisted for the ‘Largest Event’ category of the Face to Faith Peace One Day Awards 2013 which was participated in by 102 schools from 13 countries, namely, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, UAE, UK, Ukraine, and USA. As to spirituality, vocation awareness, search-in programs, SIKAT formation of volunteers, and Coffee with Bro, were also initiated by the SAO and SCB in partnership with the Vocation Office. Our students also had the chance to attend camps and trainings sponsored by outside organizations. A cultural exchange program was participated by Hannah Mae Dy (Grade 9), Kathleen Kate Suarez (Grade 9) and Charlene Antinor (Grade 10) in the Asian Bridge Summer Camp of the Confucius Institute last October 20 - November 2, 2013 at the Fujian Normal University in China. In the national level, the 25th Young Men’s C h r i s t i a n Association (YMCA) National Assembly for High School students was held at the Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City last 3-6 November 2013 and was attended by IS representatives’ Jonathan Coronel and Maloi Averilla. Among the 746 participants all over the country, they were awarded as one of the Top 10 Delegates. The “Masquerade” Graduation Ball of the Grade 10 students was also hosted by the SCB as one of the sendoff activities of the graduating students. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 17 Student Achievers: Curricular and Co-Curricular Integrated School students excel in various competitions, be it curricular or co-curricular. In international academic competitions, two bronze medals were brought home by Angelo Vince Perez (Grade 5) from the International Mathematics Competition in Singapore and the 3rd Asian Science and Mathematics Olympiads for Primary Schools in Bandung, Indonesia. Gerald Pagcaliwagan (Grade 3), on the other hand, was the bronze medalist in the 22nd King of Mathematics International Competition and received the Merit Award in the Gifted Mathematics Green World Cup International Tournament in Hong Kong. Contemporary Category held in Los Angeles, California. In national competitions, Lila Andrea Vien Hernandez (Grade 6) was hailed 2nd runner up in the 11th National Science Quest Impromptu Contest held at the Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City. In the field of performing arts, Grade 9 Tinuviel Esguerra won Silver Medal in the 17th World Championship of the Performing Arts – Junior Lila Andrea Vien L. Hernandez 3 rd Placer SCI-IMPROMPTU Grade 6 11th National Science Quest (Private Schools) Coach: Ms. Pines Domingo Pangan February 10-12, 2014, Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City 18 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 AWARDS RECIEVED IN REGIONAL COMPETITIONS 14 13 5 CHAMPION st 1 RUNNER UP nd nd 7 1 RUNNER UP st 5 CHAMPION 10 2 RUNNER UP 2 RUNNER UP AWARDS RECIEVED IN LOCAL / DIVISION LEVEL COMPETITIONS Out of the 32 regional competitions hosted by various organizations and schools, 14 championship awards were received by the participating IS students. These competitions include the Tech-No Competition 2014, SciMath Interschool Challenge, Karibok ang Tuktok and MTAP Regional Challenge. Thirteen first runner up awards and five 2nd runner ups were also added in the IS bucket of awards. In 22 divisions level and local contests, 10 championship titles were won by the Integrated School. These contests include the Division Press Schools Convference, Science Impromptu Quiz, MTAP Math Challenge Division Round, Science Quest Quiz Bee, and I Speak Declamation Contest. Five first runner up and Seven second runner ups were also added in the roster of IS achievers. 19 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 For a complete list of awards received by IS students in the international and local competitions, refer to Appendix 1. STUDENT COMPETITIONS PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 19 Student Achievers: Sports Integrated School student athletes also had the chance to compete in international and national competitions. The High School Volleyball Boys’ Philippine Team emerged as second runner up in the 5th ASEAN Games held last 22-30 June 2013 at Hanoi, Vietnam. The De La Salle Lipa delegation was led by Head Coach Mr. Rossel Sumcad, Asst. Coach Mr. Pedro Perez Jr., and athletes Reneil Roxas, Lawrence Magadia, Jerard De Castro, Levin Dimayuga, Kit Canobas, and Joshua Diaz. 2013 June Volleyball Boys Philippine Team 2nd runner up 5th Asean School Games Hanoi, Vietnam The High School Football Girls, led by Coach Miriam Merlin, also contributed in the international awards received by the Integrated School by being the 3rd runner up in the 2014 Guam Youth Games held last 14-18 May 2014 at Guam, USA. As to national competitions, four DLSL athletes contributed in the Calabarzon Team’s medal tally during the 2014 Palarong Pambansa held in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Swimmers’ Ivon Elroi Adelantar (Grade 10) won gold medal in the 4x50 meter Freestyle Relay while Ethan Roy Go (Grade 5) received silver medal in the 4x50 Medley Relay and bronze medal in the 4x100 meter Freestyle Relay. Volleyball 20 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 2014 PALARONG PAMBANSA TEAM CALABARZON Silver Medalists Elementary Volleyball Girls Alleiah Jan Malaluan Grade 5 Secondary Volleyball Boys Joshua Diaz Grade 10 Silver Medalist 4x50m Medley Relay Bronze Medalist 4x100m Freestyle Relay Ethan Roy Go Grade 5 Gold Medalist 4x50m Freestyle Relay Ivon Elroi Adelantar Grade 10 players’ Alleiah Jan Malaluan (Grade 5) of the elementary girls’ division and Joshua Diaz (Grade 10) of the secondary boys’ division both won Silver Medals as part of the Calabarzon Volleyball Team. SPORTS MEDAL TALLY In the regional level, seven gold medals were received by the IS student athletes in the following tournaments: Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, League of Southern Manila Schools, and National Collegiate Athletics Association – South (NCAA South). De La Salle Lipa, likewise, was awarded as the overall champion in the 15th NCAA South which is incidentally hosted by DLSL. In the division and local level, DLSL athletes emerged with 12 golds in the Area Meet competition. For a complete list of medals received by IS student athletes in the international and local competitions, refer to Appendix 1. 21 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 GOLD SILVER BRONZE INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL DIVISION PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 21 Respiration Plant respiration converts photosynthesis (sugars) into energy for growth and other life processes; it burns photosynthates to do the internal “work” of living. From germination, this process is The substantial population of trees The most represented families essential to see the plant towards in De La Salle Lipa makes possible becoming a sturdy, magnificent were Moraceae, the enjoyment of fresh, unpolluted Palmae. tree. As much as the process takes air. Fabacea and To the people enjoying The 320 trees belong to the shade of these trees, these carbon dioxide from the external ten (10) plant families namely families are known here as Madre environment Palmae, Verbenaceae, Myrtaceae, Cacao, Fire Tree, Ipil-Ipil, Caballero, as an essential ingredient, it gives back oxygen. Moraceae, And this give and take enables the Burseraceae, students, stakeholders and visitors Meliciae, Fabacea, Acacia, Narra, Bani, Langka, Is- Anarcardiaceae, Is, Balete, Kalios, Bamboo Palm, Annonaceae, and Apocynaceae. 2 Bunga, Palmera, Bunga de Jolo, of the institution to enjoy fresh, Tikal, and – as our DLSL school clean air around the campus. logo will attest to – the Coconut Tree. 2 Lunar, Bernardo C., The Carbon Computing Stock of Trees towards Carbon Neutrality in a Private Higher Educational Institution, De La Salle Lipa, 2011. References to DLSL tree population and statistics in the other chapter introductions also came from the sam research. 23 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 SY 2008 - 2009 Enrollment Statistics 24 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 JURIS PRUDENCE NOT YET OFFERED CIHTM CBEAM STUDENTS STUDENTS 949 1,325 128 STUDENTS COLLEGE OF NURSING 83% increase in 5 YEARS 1, 245 STUDENTS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ARTS AND SCIENCES 49% increase in 5 YEARS 1, 876 STUDENTS COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING 72% increase in 5 YEARS 2, 283 STUDENTS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTANCY & MANAGEMENT 849 STUDENTS COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY & TOURISM MANAGEMENT (offered beg. SY 2010 - 2011) 51 STUDENTS The Colleges continue to harness the student’s competency into complex processes that are the specialized fields of their choice. Working on the learning foundation of each student, DLSL provides the avenue - through curriculum and instruction, experiential learning, and values formation – for the student to transform into a contributing member, and a change agent, of the community. Effective communication, critical thinking, socially responsible actions and life-long learning attitudes are the trademark. DOCTOR OF JURISPRUDENCE SY 2013 - 2014 Enrollment Statistics CITE CEAS NURSING STUDENTS STUDENTS STUDENTS 1,258 681 681 6,341 Students 58% Male 95% Student Survival Rate 42% College Community Profile 21,3 12 Ave stud rage n v the ents umbeisits libr visit r of ary s to Female 3 S 8 orgtude to ani nt joi za n tio ns the internal work of living in the Colleges... FACULTY CBEAM C E A S C I T E C I H T M NURSING 7% DOCTORATE 131 FULL TIME 206 PART TIME 13% 38% ONGOING DOCTORATE MASTERATE Colleges Logos 3 out of 10 students you meet on the halls of the college are students of CBEAM (College of Business Economics, Accountancy & Management) having the most number of students comprising 35% of student population at an average growth of 5% per year. PROGRAMS 28 DEGREE PROGRAMS 4 CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS 1 GRADUATE SCHOOL PROGRAM 25 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 25 Curriculum and Instruction The De La Salle Lipa curriculum is in its best shape to meet the challenges of the times and make College education more responsive to the youth entrusted to its care. Among its steady benchmarking measures are consultations with industry heads for curriculum content, which helps the learner become the best that he can possibly be. Consistent with its commitment to provide the proper instructional equipment that are most conducive to learning and provision for continuity of experiences, DLSL enables for students to handle and utilize equipment that are industry staples. In the Batangas province, DLSL is the sole educational institution with basic genomics and proteomics instruments that serve the BS Biology coeds. Used for both student thesis and faculty research, these equipment are some among many that the institution has in place to serve the field specializations of its courses. Aside from effective instruction, the curriculum also strives to accommodate individual learner differences through the use of student and instructional assessment data. The Collegiate General Education Achievement Test or CGEAT Intervention program is an ongoing program to this end. Administered by the College of Education, Arts and Sciences 26 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 (CEAS), the intervention program aims to address areas for improvement in the learning competencies of the students, pinpoint relative strengths and present opportunities to improve curriculum and instruction. Ascertaining that areas for improvement are notable in academic literacy, statistical analysis and probability, graphing and interpreting data and evaluation of scientific evidence, an intervention program designed by the CEAS focused on four areas: 1) a review of the course syllabi in GE English, Math and Science; 2) incorporating the learning competencies as objectives in the course syllabi of English, Math and Science; 3) allocating a longer time frame for the topics under the areas of concern (those learning competencies with low results); and, 4) developing learning modules that will address the learning competencies that cannot be incorporated in the existing GE English, Math and Science courses. With the intervention program in place and implemented, DLSL students have significantly improved in the curriculum strands measured in CGEAT as seen in stanine levels and in scores. In the English subtest, pretests indicated only 17% of the students were at the Stanine (SN) 7 to 9 levels but after the intervention, post-test results indicated that 57% of the students belong to Stanine (SN) 7 to 9 levels. The Math subtest results, indicating only 18% were in the SN 7 – SN9 levels, now showed that 28% were in the category. The Science subtest, indicating only 22% were in the SN7 – SN9 levels, now indicated that 35% of the students were in the SN7 – SN9 levels. It is evident that DLSL’s curriculum and instruction in English, Math and Science have addressed the standards. To strengthen instruction, departments engage various techniques and fora to supplement what students are given in the classroom. It encourages students to grow and take on more challenges beyond the boundaries of the classroom. As such, for example, the Mathematics 27 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Department had a tie-up activity with the Mathematical Society of the Philippines – Calabarzon Chapter to hold the 2014 Math Students’ Convention. Participated in by 451 attendees from 21 schools, 32 student paper presentations of math related undergraduate thesis and papers were discussed in parallel sessions. Of the papers presented, seven (7) were delivered by DLSL students: two were from BS Education Major in Mathematics and three were from BS Mathematics. The papers presented were as follows: • “On the Generalized Formula for the Triangular Number of the Sum and Product of Natural Numbers,” Jonjie Catibog (BS Math) • “On Pictorial Proofs in Parity Checkerboard Problems,” Francis Gerard Magtibay (BS Math) • “How Do You Slice the Bread? A Mathematical Procedure of Slicing Two Equal Parts of Irregularly Shaped Geometrical Figures,” Julie Rosario and Karen Mae De La Pena (BS Math) • “On the Divisibility Properties of Power GCD and Power LCM Matrices,” Harlene Liwag (BS Math) • “On Kaprekar Triples,” Sarah Navarro and Gladys Perez (BS Math) • “The Relationship of Students’ Performance and Anxiety Using Cooperative Learning Approach,” Bernadette Cabungcal, Karmela Espiritu and Lealyn Titular (BS Educ - Math) • “Technology: Bridging Mathematics and Reality,” Ronalyn Cruzada and Carolain Kennan (BS Educ - Math) PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 27 Faculty Development Teachers are agents of transformation and change. In order for them to do the task well and convert students’ basic knowledge into complex and applicable knowhow that will benefit his fellowmen and his environment, the teacher must also be equipped to exact this transformation. Through capability development, attendance in seminars, conferences and workshops, DLSL encourages and supports its College teachers and staff to keep updated with the standards of the industry where their specializations and fields of knowledge are channeled. In total, there are 218 manpower development activities undertaken by both faculty and staff. 73% of the capability development activities are external - eight (8) of these were international conferences in locations around South East Asia. Likewise, in preparation for the impact of RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act, administrators and general education instructors and professors have also attended several national conferences on K–2. The remaining 27% of seminars were held at DLSL. For a complete list of seminars and conferences attended by Colleges faculty and staff, refer to Appendix for Chapter 2. 28 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 The College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management (CIHTM) supported its faculty and staff to gain certification as Red Cross first aiders to enhance the competencies for the College programs under hospitality and tourism sectors. Also, some of its faculty and hotel operations staff, Chef Patrick Maravilla and Chef John Gordo and Noli Rodaje, respectively, passed the TESDA National Certification Exam II on Commercial Cooking. This is to strengthen CIHTM offering as Assessment Center for Cookery National Certification II (NCII). Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) PROGRAM TITLE DURATION REGISTRATION NO. (CoTVETPR ) DATE ISSUED COOKERY NCII (CERTIFICATE IN CULINARY ARTS) 1817 Hours 201404012124 B r. J o a q u in S. M a r t in e z F SC , D . M in . , Pre s i d e n t Sept. 17, 2014 www.dlsl.edu.ph Global Mathematics Certification Sugaku Test Passers Mr. Roberto M. Marcelo Jr., Ms. Jester S. Martinez, Ms. Iezyl U. Torino, Dr. Ivee K. Guce, Ms. Lerma R. Ilao, Mr. Nyses P. Velasquez chapter 2 infographics_5.pdf As of last school year, 7% of the faculty has Doctorate degrees and 13% have ongoing Doctorate studies, most of which will earn them by 2016. Masterate degree holders are at 38% and those earning their Masterate degrees are at 23%. 5 10/27/14 4:41 PM 35 25 15 10 Doctorate SY 2013 Faculty Programs 20 Ongoing Doctorate 30 Ongoing Masterate 40 Masterate The caliber of Lasallian faculty members continues to notch higher as six faculty members of the Mathematics Department of the College of Education, Arts and Sciences (CEAS) recently passed the Global Mathematics Certification Sugaku Test conducted last 23 November 2013. The successful examinees in the 3rd Kyu (level) were Dr. Ivee K. Guce, Mr. Roberto M. Marcelo Jr., Ms. Jester S. Martinez and Mr. Nyses P. Velasquez. Earning similar success in the Pre-2nd Kyu are Ms. Lerma R. Ilao and Ms. Iezyl U. Torino. Based on international standards, the test is a global mathematics certification program that certifies that a teacher is qualified to teach at a high level of proficiency. 5 0 29 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 29 Student Life and international developmental activities. The international study tours and conferences attended were held in Japan, Korea and Singapore. Singapore, which hosted most of the international exposure, was visited by DLSL sophomore students for World Geography & International Tourism on 26-28 September 2013, DLSL third year HRM students for International Cuisine (Seminar on International Cuisine and Bartending in Singapore Hotel & Tourism Education Center) on 6-8 March 2014 and DLSL senior Electrical Engineering students for an educational tour on 7-10 April 2014. Coeds at De La Salle Lipa have many opportunities to develop their skills and hone them to serve the fields that they choose as their careers in life. Curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are ever present and only student schedules and availability stand in the way of doing it all. Of 38 club organizations that are active in the colleges, 55% are professional organizations that focus on developmental activities centered on interests of existing degree programs. The rest of the club organizations are socio-civic and religious organizations or SCRO (29%) and special interest organizations or SPIN (16%). For a complete list of the different accredited College Clubs and Organizations, (refer to Appendix for Chapter 2). Tallying up the activities attended by the students for the school year, 258 student development programs have been availed: 69% were internal programs, seminars and conferences and the remaining 31% were regional, national 30 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 To round up the holistic formation of the College students and to supplement the academics, recollections, retreats and formations were regularly conducted with the recurring developmental themes of faith, service and communion in vision. Further information are discussed in Chapter 3. Student Accomplishments PHILIPPINE BUSINESS FOR EDUCATION (PBEd) CHAMPION Education students Jonathan Ibuna (lead producer), Rodie Rose Bonavernte and Maria Penny Lumbera (co-producers) emerged as Champion in the PBed 1000 Teacher’s Program video contest. Ibuna’s group was inspired to make the 112-second video titled “Gusto Ko Sana, Kaso . . .” due to the country’s compelling need for more teachers. Their winning video captured the very essence of PBed’s campaign to encourage the best and brightest students to consider teaching as their profession. The group won the grand prize of P50,000.00 cash, tax-free. 1000 Teachers Program Video-Making Contest Maria Penny Lumbera Jonathan Ibuna Rodie Rose Bonavente 3rd Year BSED Major in English 2nd Place “Beyond Difference” University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, California, USA. 9th Annual My Hero International Film Festival AB Communication Katrina Lantin, Carissa Bautista, Trissia Desamero, Rizza Leus, Fuma Yamamoto, Tiffany Tec, Audine Villarama, and Mervea Librea Roan Contreras 3rd year AB Multimedia Arts Game Developer 2 nd Place Manila Game Jam 2014 DLS - College of St. Benilde January 25, 2014 31 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Student accomplishments in the national level run high where video and film making is concerned. Romejohn Maramo, Carmina Cillion and Alyzza Mae Escala Best Print PSA Practitioners’ Choice Award ADSPEAK 2014 February 14, 2014 Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manila ABComm 4th Yr. students Karla Teresa Carig, Mary Viviene Pesigan, Vladimir Riccardo Macalintal, Monette Landicho, and Maria Duchess Morada won Best Picture Award (New Wave Student Short Film Category) for “Ang Paglisan” in the 39th Metro Manila Film Festival held last 27 December 2013 at the Meralco Theater, Pasig City. Two other ABComm coeds, Carmina Cillion and Allyza Mae Escala, won Best PSA – Print in Adspeak 2014 held last 14 February 2014 at Letran College, Manila. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 31 Further adding to national accolades for the school, CIHTM students Micah Erika Dizon, Daryl Malveda, Richard Marco, Crystal Sulit with Coach Chef Patrick Maravilla won 1st Runner-up in the Manila Foods & Beverages (MAFBEX) Inter-School Competitions: Market Basket Competition last 14 June 2013 at the World Trade Center, Manila. Committed to show the best of journalists are at De La Salle Lipa, John Michael Bucal bagged 1st Place - Editorial Cartooning at the 25th CAMPUS JOURNALISM AWARDS held on 25 January 2014 at De La Salle University, Manila. Colleague Jyjde Ayap took 2nd Place in Photojournalism at the same competition. CBEAM 4th year Accountancy coeds Dency T. Topacio, Mark Z. Ibayan, Mary Jane A. Claveria, Jessyl D. De Castro garnered 2nd Runner-up in the CIMA Global Business Challenge Philippines last 21 June 2013 at Century Park Hotel, Manila. In the MANILA GAME JAM 2014 held last 23-25 January 2014 at De La Salle-College of St. Benilde, Manila, CITE student Roan Contreras won 2nd Place in the On-the-Spot Game Design and Development (48 hours). For a complete list of other national and regional accomplishment and awards, refer to Appendix for Chapter 2. Board Examinations Performance DLSL’s performance in its programs with professional licensure examinations remains consistently above the national passing percentage. In the October 2013 Certified Public Accountants Licensure Examination, DLSL scored a 60.96% passing percentage. 32 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 The program has already produced 330 accountants since its initial offering in SY 1995-1996. For the past ten years, it has produced an average of 77% passers vis-à-vis its graduates per batch. The BS Nursing program, also, scored above the national passing percentage at 31.43% in the December 2013 Nurse Licensure Examinations. In the September 2013 and March 2014 Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET), the Bachelor in Secondary Education scored 90.91% and 66.67%, respectively, while the Bachelor in Elementary Education program scored 70% and 100%. Both programs have consistently scored way above the national passing average. The Certified Industrial Engineer’s Board passing rate for DLSL is at 66.67%. The December 2013 examinations also went well with 37.31% passing percentage for the Electronics Engineer (ECE) Licensure Examination and 86.49% passing percentage for the Electronics Technician (ECT) Licensure Examination. The later high score placed DLSL as 2nd among schools with 30 or more examinees nationwide. This was further affirmed in the March 2014 ECT Licensure exam where the school garnered a 91.67% passing percentage. This translates to 22 new ECTs and ranked DLSL as the No. 1 Top Performing School among ECE Schools with 20 or more examinees nationwide. Finally, in the February 2014 Registered Master Electrician (RME) Licensure Examination, DLSL scored an 85.94% passing percentage thus earning the No. 1 rank in the Top Performing Schools Nationwide (in the category of 50 or more examinees) and coed Gil Angelo De Castro Magpantay landed in the 10th spot – making it to the Top 10 national list - with a rating of 84.5%. Batch 2013 Passers of Licensure Examination for Teachers BEED Asupre, Jenny A. Awat, Alona Joy V. BSE Calawood, Carandang, May Steeve Ivan G. Ann Joyce A. Tapalla, Ruth D. Bayhon, Mary Jean Calalo, Maria Ghea D. Camille C. Care, Ren C. Conde, Dimaculangan, Jane Carla C. Leizel M. Guce, Eisle T. Lindog, Gretzel C. 100% Passing Rate for BEED 95.24% Passing Rate for BSE #1 #2 With 20 and above. Examinees for BSE Below 20 Examinees for BEED in Batangas National Passing Percentage: BEED – 31.18% BSE – 39.75% Magay, Gelen L. Mendoza, Elka Shien A. Perez, Maria Carmina S. Perez, Rizel Joy L. Vergara, Sabaybay, Criselda D. Mark Anthony M. Nurse Licensure Examination Passers Abecia, Levy Susy C. Angelia, Ruy Angelo Miguel C. Avena, Mitchell C. Briton, Jameela Mae M. Chavez, Kathryn Joy S. Flores, Amiel M. DLSL Passing Percentage: 31.43% National Passing Percentage: 30.94% Gamboa, Rupert George G. Hernandez, Vhen Joseph R. Maglinte, Carlo Jose G. Masilang, Mark Molinyawe, Mary Ann K December 7-8, 2013 TOP 10 Gil Angelo D. Magpantay Registered Master Electrician Licensure Examination February 2014 March 2014 Electronics Technician (ECT) Licensure Examination Passers Sherry Maria Naneth Chloe Marjorie Aquiatan Richelle Ann de Hernandez Alday Bulosan Castro de Vega Leon Garcia Kenn Ardie Banaag Mayuga Richard Lester Galvin Benjamin De Claro Balahadia Naguit Navaluna Daniela Erika Beredo Inandan James Calvin Balios Potoy Alyssa Jane Mallari Isana Dennis Antonio Jc Jomari Shiem Anthony Aeron Paul Reyes Precious Librada Jewell Moster Librea Sayosa Lopez Mendoza Magnaye Suarez Maranan Ronnel Jay Serrano Denmark Bagadiong Marcel Joseph Tejada Teves Alvarez Tolentino No. 1 among schools with 20 or more examinees nationwide! 33 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Jhonafe Miranda Lasi Ralph Jinco Loudette Delgado Matibag Torres Vargas Rizza Mae Tiquis Villanueva DLSL Passing Rate: 91.67% - National Passing Rate: 65.12% PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 33 Osmosis A tree will not reach its maximum potential, let alone live, without the aid of osmosis – a fundamental and indispensable process that helps a plant absorb water and nutrients. This selectivity process within a plant ensures that only the things that are necessary for survival and growth continue to fortify and strengthen the tree. Relative to maximum potential, a study of the tree population of De La Salle Lipa show that the average height of the surveyed trees was 8 meters. The tallest tree recorded has a height of approximately 12 meters - easily as tall as the 4-storey halls of the institution’s buildings - and the shortest tree recorded has a height of 3 meters. 35 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Research Optimum result in the case of education is far from reality in the absence of research. Unless it is supported by relevant, effective and applicable research outputs, the most basic instruction will defeat its purpose. Continuous research is quite imperative to insure the relevance and enhancement of every program present in the institution as it, likewise, addresses the community’s state and well-being, as a whole. As much as a tree can not do without the process of osmosis, so is the institution without the research outputs. In our unceasing quest to cultivate furtherance of education in one of its essential forms, research, we encourage members of the community, primarily, the faculty to be even more participatory in scholarly works. The affirmative turn out and response yielded higher productivity in terms of number, quality, and relevance, and consistently grows especially with the recent developments, researchers are more motivated. Incentive upon completion of research raised by 100% One of the hallmarks of an educational institution is a strong research culture. Working towards that end, DLSL has strengthened its incentives to support the researchers to grow high-caliber outputs and draw the attention of international audience who seek their presentation in various continents. Below are the presentations in the international and national fora. Author Vivian Titular, Ph.D. Vivian Titular, Ph.D. Title of Paper Affirming Spiritual Culture of Trust: A Model of People Empowerment in Isla Verde, Batangas, Philippines Affirming Youth Spirituality: A Positive Development Approach through Photovoice 36 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Title of Conference ICSA 2013 Conference Changing Boundaries: Mindfulness, Spirituality and Education Conference Place Date Findhorn Community and Ecovillage, Scotland June 26-28, 2013 Dublin City University, Ireland July 4-5, 2013 Haidee Angeles Subli: And the Gospel Became Dance Conference on Language, Literature and Culture 2013 Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 29December 1, 2013 Macatangay, Jose Content Analysis on Task Components of an English Learning Package for Grade VII in the Philippines Conference on Language, Literature and Culture 2013 Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 29December 1, 2013 Psychological Organization for the Promotion of Mental Health (POPMH) Batangas Chapter Philippines: A Case Study Conference on Language, Literature and Culture 2013 Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 29December 1, 2013 Angeles, Haidee and Rosales, Marineth The Role of Culture in ESL Classroom for Korean: The De La Salle Lipa Experience 12th IALIC International Conference on Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Critical Approaches to Theory and Practice Hong Kong Baptist University November 29 – December 1, 2013 Padura, Vivienne Environmental Audit of Swine Waste Management System in Lipa City, Philippines International Conference on Agriculture, Food and Environmental Engineering Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia January 15-16, 2014 Castro, Edgar Allan Ph.D. Implications of Credentials, Employee, Selection Process and HEI Quality on Graduate Employment Success: Employment Transition Patters in Labor Market of Batangas, Philippines Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research Royal Bintang Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia February 7-8, 2014 Magboo, Romaine Are You With Me, With Us? Exploring “Gemeinschaftsgefuhl” and its Positive Impact International Youth and Educators Summit Euro Hotel and Convention February 7-10, 2014 Center Boracay, Aklan Industry Participation in Developing Competencies for Employment Success: Learning from a 3-Year OJT Program of a Philippine Higher Education Institution Widyatama International Seminar (WIS): International Seminar Grand Inna Kuta Hotel Bali, on Quality Assurance and Indonesia Sustainability of HEI Magboo, Romaine Castro, Edgar Allan Ph.D. 37 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 February 14-15, 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 37 Talens, Joy Ph.D. Creative Thinking Skills through Problem Based Learning in Physical Science 2014 Asia Pacific Teaching Professor Conference Tokyo, Japan March 28-30,2014 Resurreccion, Analiza Dependence of Digital Economy on Free Labor 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanity Seoul, South Korea April 12-13, 2014 Magulabnan, Ma. Theresa Ph.D. Pamilyang Pinoy: A Phenomenological Study on the Success Journey of Traditional Filipino Families International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) American Canadian Conference Toronto, Canada May 19-22, 2014 Resurreccion, Analiza Dependence of Digital Economy on Free Labor PACE National Conference 2014 La Trinidad, Benguet April 3-5, 2014 Mangulabnan, Ma. Theresa Ph.D. Pamilyang Pinoy: A Phenomenological Study on the Success Journey of Traditional Filipino Families International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) American Canadian Conference Toronto, Canada May 19-22, 2014 Ramos Michael Deuteronomy 26:27 “The Curse of the Law” Shall the People of God be Identified by Law or by Christ 2nd International Conference on Asian Studies 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka July 14-15, 2014 Kasilag, Renan Relationship between Parent’s Overseas Work on the Left-Behind Children’s Quality of Life and Career Choice Intention 2nd International Conference on Asian Studies 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka July 14-15, 2014 Paper Presentation in National Level • Maria Madel Ocampo, Important Hospitality and Tourism Management Skills as Perceived by Lasallian Hospitality Educators in the Philippines, 3rd Annual LATHE Convention, DLSU-Dasmariñas, Cavite, May 31 - June 1, 2013 • Roy Aguba, Competency Requirements for Entry Level Positions of Selected Deluxe Hotels in Metro Manila: A Guide for Effective Education, Training and Skill Enhancement, 3rd Annual LATHE Convention, DLSU-Dasmariñas, Cavite, May 31 - June 1, 2013 38 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Andrenelyn Varona, Understanding Local Residents’ Perceptions Towards Tourism Development in San Juan, Batangas, 3rd Annual LATHE Convention, 3rd Annual LATHE Convention, May 31 - June 1, 2013 • Arvie Andal, Development and Evaluation of an Educational Story Telling Courseware for Children with Autism, National Forum on Current and Emerging Practices in Teacher Education: Challenges, Innovation and Transformations, PNU, July 10-12, 2013 • Maligaya, Renato, Ang Sinkretismo sa Paniniwala ng mga Tsinoy sa Birhen ng Caysasay bilang si Ma-Cho, 35th Annual Conference Ugnayang Agham Tao, Ateneo De Davao, Davao City, October 24-26, 2013 Paper Presentation in Regional Level • Romaine Magboo, Psychological Organization for the Promotion of Mental Health (POPMH) Batangas Chapter Philippines: A Case Study, DLSU-Dasmariñas Research Week 2013, De La Salle University Dasmariñas, Cavite, November 18-20, 2013 • Darwin Magpili, Positive outcomes from Negative Experiences: Youth Oriented vs. Adult Oriented Organization, DLSU-Dasmariñas Research Week 2013, De La Salle University Dasmariñas, Cavite, November 18-20, 2013 • Arvie Andal, Design Considerations for Developing an Educational Multimedia Courseware for Children with Autism, DLSU-Dasmariñas Research Week 2013, De La Salle University Dasmariñas, Cavite, November 18-20, 2013 • Arvie Andal, Development and Evaluation of an Educational Multimedia Storytelling Courseware for Introducing Number Sense to Children with Autism, 1st CALABARZON Research Summit, LPU-Cavite, Gen. Trias, Cavite, November 20-22, 2013 • Michael Ramos, Subli: And the Gospel Became Dance, 1st CALABARZON Research Summit, LPU-Cavite, Gen. Trias, Cavite, November 20-22, 2013 • Ma. Theresa Kalaw, Ph.D., Realistic Mathematics approach Communication Skills and Problem Solving Skills of High Functioning Autistic Children: Case Study, 1st CALABARZON Research Summit, LPU-Cavite, Gen. Trias, Cavite, November 20-22, 2013 39 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 39 Paper Presentation in Local Level • Merlita Durana, DBA and Lani Garachico, Evaluation of BS Accountancy Program of De La Salle Lipa by Graduates of Batches 2002 to 2011, De La Salle Lipa Journal of Management, Vol. 1 Issue 1 ISSN 2350-7802 Jan 2014, January_2014 • Jasmin De Silva, Sheila Maloles, and Teresita Rosales, Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Practices of the Ten Companies in the Philippines, De La Salle Lipa Journal of Management, Vol. 1 Issue 1 ISSN 2350-7802 Jan 2014, January_2014 • Merlita Durana, DBA, Teresita Linatoc, and Lanie Santos, The Philippine Economy: A Descriptive Study and an Assessment Based on Selected Work Indicators, De La Salle Lipa Journal of Management, Vol. 1 Issue 1 ISSN 2350-7802 Jan 2014, January_2014 • Edgar Allan Castro, Ph.D., Jasmin De Silva, and Nerissa Lucasia, Instrument Development for Industry Based Competency Assessment of Employment Readiness of New Graduates of Business: Evidence for the Quality of Educational Service Delivery, De La Salle Lipa Journal of Management, Vol. 1 Issue 1 ISSN 2350-7802 Jan 2014, January_2014 The research agenda is anchored mainly on five major research thrusts that reflect the focus of the topics or subjects by the researchers. These research thrusts include: 1. Education and Lasallian studies; 1 2 3 4 5 54% 15% 12% 7% 12% Education & Lasallian studies Health, safety, security & environment Humanities, arts & culture Community development & Social Involvement Business & Information Technology 2. Health, safety, security and environment; 3. Humanities, arts and culture; and, 4. Community development and social involvement; and, 5. Business and information technology. 40 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 CEA S For the entire school year, successful researches shown have made it to the approval stage. 10.15% College of Education Arts & Sciences 1.2% CIHTM College of International Hospitality & Tourism Management Considering the basic criteria and the processes that one research project goes through, the grueling time and the painstaking attention that a researcher dedicates in every project, not to mention the cost, an accomplished output is a major achievement, indeed. 13.20% CBEAM College of Business Economics, Accountancy & Management 8.12% The Integrated School make-up 33.51%, the College of Economics, Accountancy and Management with 13.20%, the College of Education, Arts and Sciences with 10.15%, the College of Nursing with 8.12%, and the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management with 1.2%. NURSING For a complete list of completed research project of the DLSL community for SY 2013-2014, refer to Appendix for Chapter 3. College of Nursing 33.51% Integrated School 41 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 41 Dispersal Dispersal is the movement or transport away from the parent plant or from birth site to breeding site as well as the movement from one breeding site to another. Such movement not only has benefits to the plant itself but also to its environment. In quest for more learning and growth of students and co-workers (seeds, seedlings or plants), they are being exposed outside the perimeter of DLSL, to the community (from birth site to breeding site or from one breeding site to another). Such movement brings benefits not only to the Lasallians of Lipa but also to the partners (alumni, community, donors, etc.). 43 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 The Culture of Giving Among Students The culture of giving has been planted and pruned in students through extra-curricular activities and course requirements. Through the joint efforts of Community Involvement Office and Student Activity Offices, Integrated School and College students were dispersed to different partner communities, schools and parishes. In the Integrated School, the seed of a giving culture has been planted and enriched among Grades 4 to 10 students through different outreach missions. Every grade level has a specific outreach activity, Community Involvement Developmental Outreach Activity (CIDOA), which fostered awareness and developed care for the community members and environment. The giving culture was also very much alive in the Mission Collection (Grades 1 to 10) which was held every Tuesday of the week. During SY 13-14 a total of PhP 445,550.85 was generated from the weekly collections. The collected amount was used to support the Catechetical and Religious Emmisaries or CARE and St. Br. Jaime Hilario FSC Night High Schoolchapter programs. 4 infographics_HS.pdf 1 11/6/14 1:25 PM Community Involvement Developmental Outreach Activity KAPATIRAN 4 social interaction with students from public elementary schools 44 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 5 KAPALIGIRAN awakens the consciousness of the pupils to become responsible stewards of the environment KAAGAPAY 6 aims to develop a sense of compassion and care for children with special needs, and appreciate their own uniqueness KADAMAY 7 exposure to and outreach to drug rehabilitation centers KAPAMILYA 8 opportunity to share their skills, talents and resources to the greater outside of the community KAPUSO care for the elderly members of the society 9 KA - GK 10 community outreach programs in various barangays College students through their respective student clubs and organizations and courses organized their own community involvement programs which were in the forms of: TIO ND ENT LVEM NVO L I Y IT A MUN ENTT ITY COM ELOPM ACTIV H V C E D REA OUT RIV E ADOPT - A - CHURCH ENVIR O RELA NMENTA TED P L ROJE CTS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT G IN RP IT VIS BLOOD D ONATION / BLOOD LETTING ICE RV SE A LE BM RN 45 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 CEN TI M TER E & VISI TA TAT LEN I ON TS / HA RIN G NA L / TUTORIA LECTURES KILLS DEV. S / SESSIONS DO PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 45 The Culture of Giving Among CoWorkers The co-workers’ inherent giving culture has been dispersed inside and outside the campus. They selflessly facilitated seminars, workshops, sports clinic and formations for students, fellowworkers and partners. Co-workers also spent time with individuals with special needs through visiting them in home for the aged, National Center for Mental Health, among others. They also spent time in sustaining the efforts for the environment by joining in several mangrove planting activities at Palanas, Lemery. 46 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 DLSL Rehabilitation Effort for Yolanda Victims De La Salle Lipa responded to the call for help in the eastern Visayas and one with the rest of the La Salle schools under the direction of De La Salle Philippines (DLSP) in carrying out the rehabilitation plan of the Philippine Sector. The Lasallian community of Lipa was able to received cash gifts and goods for rehabilitation phase from students, coworkers and partners. A team from DLSL headed by Vice Chancellor for Mission Violeta Ramirez joined the DLSP team in flying to Tacloban City to start the implementation of the rehabilitation plans and pledge of commitment on rebuilding the communities and classrooms of the public schools. Intervention and worthwhile programs were conducted such as art therapy, facilitated by DLSL Integrated School (IS) Guidance Head Jojo Berana, with guidance counselors Wilmer Adajar, and Renie Fabon, and faculty member Violeta Andaleon; cooking demonstration by Lipa Institute of Culinary Arts Head Chef Shirley De Jesus; teachers’ training by VCM and IS faculty member Dennis Dimaala; and games and special presentations facilitated by the Community Involvement Officers Maricel Perez, Reanrose Dragon, Arnel Dimaano and the guidance counselors. DLSL likewise donated school supplies to pupils as well as teachers’ kits. 47 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 47 Donation Drive Several student organizations held several activities that gave students the opportunity to give. The Junior Philippine Computer Society held tin can drive for the benefit of Cathedral Parish of San Sebastian’s Pondong Batangan. Members of Les Lasallian Lumieres had a Sponsor-A-Color drive which aimed to collect coloring materials which they donated to the students of public elementary and high schools of Division of Lipa City. All throughout the SY 2013-2014, DLSL made several gift giving activities to different public elementary and high schools of Divisions of Lipa City and Batangas Province. DLSL donated sports equipment, computer units, TV sets, DVD players, books, teaching materials, overhead projectors, toys and school furniture (cabinets, book shelves, teacher’s tables, chalkboards, etc.) ALITAGTAG BATANGAS: Dalipit West Elementary School Dalipit Elementary School BALETE BATANGAS Kilo-kilo Auto Savings Association Makina Primary School Makina Sangguniang Barangay Malabanan Day Care Center LIPA CITY Tibig Elementary School Abundio Torre Elementary School Cumba Elementary School Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School Lipa City National High School Bugtong na Pulo National High School Tambo Elementary School Our Lady of Sheshan Major Seminary of the Institute of the Word Incarnate - San Celestino Rizal Elementary School Kayumanggi Elementary School San Isidro Elementary School Sen. Claro M. REcto Memorial School ROSARIO BATANGAS: Mavalor Elementary School Balibago Elementary School Alitagtag LOBO BATANGAS St. Michael the Archangel Parochial School OTHERS: Legaspi City Albay Bohol Cebu Tacloban Samar 48 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Support to Local Church De La Salle Lipa continuously supports the Divina Pastora Parish and the Local Church of Batangas – the Archdiocese of Lipa. The DLSL through its representatives attended several events and activities organized by the Archdiocese and regularly giving donations to Divina Pastora Parish and St. Joseph Seniorate through mission collection. Institutional Lasallianization Thorough preparations were evident in the conduct of formations and facilitation of reception of sacraments through the Institutional Lasallian Family Office. Recollections, retreats and formations were conducted for students, co-workers and partners (parents, guards, etc.) as part of the vocation promotion initiatives of the school. Sacrament of the Eucharist was regularly held on weekdays during morning and mid-day. Anticipated mass was regularly held during Saturday afternoon. The De La Salle Lipa Alumni Association, Inc. (DLSLAAI) held in December the traditional Simbang Gabi. Reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance was also made available especially during the months of October and November. On November 28-29, 2013, DLSL underwent sectorwide assessment on compliance with the standards or manifestations of living the Lasallian Mission. Dubbed as Lasallian Appreciation and Reflective Study (Lasallian CARES), the study results showed the strengths of DLSL as a Lasallian institution: 1. Signs of strong prayer life and living a culture of prayer in the institution is affirmed by all sectors of DLSL. 2. There is, in all sectors, a strong commitment to the plight of the vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society 3. There is expressed commitment among faculty and staff towards service beyond the call of duty, with members willing to personally attend to students beyond work hours and weekdays. 4. In response to the expressed desire to grow in their faith life, programs to nurture spirituality are welcomed. Scholarship Since DLSL’s establishment in 1962, the school has remained faithfully committed to Lasallian mission of serving the youth of Lipa City and Batangas Province through education. With the help of partners (alumni, benefactors, government agencies, foundations, students and friends), DLSL assures the Lasallian education and formation of poor yet deserving scholars in the Lasallian tradition of educational excellence. During SY 13-14 the Office of the President for Advancement and Lasallian Assistance Management Program Office received a gift of education amounting to PhP 17,930,398.58. The number of scholars increased from 3,071 to 3,172 and the institution had a full scholarship equivalent (FSE) of 23.54%. 49 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 49 Donation Distribution as to Donors (in Pesos) DLSL STUDENTS 100,000.00 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES DLSL EMPLOYEES LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT ALUMNI FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS 50 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 2,626,627.54 59,400.00 9,680,750.54 1,222,546.50 3,944,942.51 64 1. % 14.94% Private Funded Local Government Unit 26.32% Government Agencies 25.66% Athletes Tuition Discount 9% Out-Reach 20.49% Non - Academic 1.3 4. 00 % % 5 5.5 Academic Scholars Statistic 51 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 SY 12–13 18.35% FSLE SY 13–14 23.54% PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 51 Transpiration Transpiration in plants move essential substances from the root to all parts of the plant. It is the distribution of nutrients throughout the plant to ensure growth and survival. Its essential roles are the movement of minerals to nourish the plant, cooling through its evaporative effects and turgor pressure which keeps plants upright to gain a competitive advantage when it comes to light. 53 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Similar to the process, the support offices of De La Salle Lipa attend to the little details that complete an efficently running system. For the teachers to do their mandate, they must have the tools to execute. And for the students to learn well, they must have a conducive learning environment. The mechanism that makes this possible is in the realm of the support services. and communications technology and procurement support the logistical requirements of the academe and ensures that the needed tools and resources to enable teaching to our students are within easy reach. The support offices of De La Salle Lipa sustain the daily humdrum of academic life. They are the backstage in every theater, the kitchen in every restaurant, the cell and membrane that hold together every beautiful, glorious plant and tree. It is important that the system is efficient and the implementation of programs and processes is effective to ensure smooth delivery of services to the students entrusted to De La Salle Lipa’s care. In its annual Service Awardees recognition in the Institutional General Assembly held annually every May 15th, 87 service awardees were given tribute: The offices that support the academic core of the institution comprise of the departments largely under the Vice Chancellor for Administration and the Office of the President. Departments under the Office of the President comprise of alumni linkages and advancement, planning, marketing and communications and linkages. External networks, fund raising and strategy planning and execution, in support of the efforts of the President and Chancellor, are the thrusts of these offices. DLSL has approximately 700-strong employees in its roster – both teaching and non-teaching. 4 AWARDEES 25 Years 9 AWARDEES 20 Years 44 AWARDEES 15 Years 3 AWARDEES 30 Years Under Administration, departments comprising of human resources, general services, information 21 AWARDEES 10 Years SERVICE AWARDEES SY ‘13 - 14 54 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 The Retirement Preparation Program of the institution aims to assist employees who are a few years away from rertirement. The program was created to prepare all retiring employees by providing helpful insights on how they will be able to enjoy their retirement and continuously improve themselves and be productive in another field through spiritual formation, engaging in meaningful activities and exploring new opportunities. Better stuctured this school year, the program areas included exploring new hobbies and interests, financial wellbeing, health and wellness programs, emotional and psychological preparedness, spiritual formation and community/volunteeer work. For those who retired this school year, a simple program in grateful tribute to their contribution to the institution’s growth was held at the Chez Rafael Hotel last 15 April 2013. The retirees had an average employment service of 23 years with the earliest retiring after 15 years of service and the most experienced retiring after 30 years of continuous service. Heath and wellness programs initiated by the HRD were varied throughout the school year. Considering that 66% of all full time (FT) employees are in ages 35 years and above, the high occurrence of hypercholesterolemia (at 12.8% of all FT employees) and hypertension (at 10.22%) are expected concerns. Because of this health profile, programs and activities to mninimize and prevent this health issues were implemented. Among them were diet counseling (in partnership with Metro Lipa Medical Center), seminar on diet and nutrition and lecture-demo on health and wellness. To keep fit all year round, the male employees engaged in a friendly basketball tournament, with the Administration team emerging as the Champions and ICT staff Paulo Jerome Lescano landing the Most Valuable Player award. For the female employees, several signed up for the 55 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Gardening Club which activities included visits to flower and garden shows, trip to the Quezon Memorial Circle Horticulture for Tourism, Wellness and Livelihoood and to a dish garden and plant exhibit during the DLSL annual fair in February 2014. On areas of professional growth and accomplishments, HR Assistant Juliet Dimayuga was elected as Pag Ibig Fund Coordinator’s Vice President for Lipa, Malvar, Sto. Tomas & Laguna Cluster, proof that even in the administrative personnel ranks, DLSL employees do well. The Central Procurement Department had seen a steady increase of vendor count over the past five years. With an average increase of 11% per year in vendor count, DLSL shows solid strength in executing good business practices with the increasing number of local and international partners that join its roster of suppliers. Totalling 791, the vendor partners provide products and services that include supplies, construction materials, capital expenditure items, books, subscription, maintenance and travel requirements. 791 VENDORS 2013 638 VENDORS 2011 715 VENDORS 2012 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 55 With the acquisition of additional lot area adjacent to the current campus, the General Services Department’s projects centered on preparing and developing the land for future insfrastructure projects. The Campus Development Plan outlines the timeline for the different major infrastructure projects that were and will be undertaken by the department. For the current school year’s projects, the road network that will serve as the main access nerve of the extension to the main campus has 100% completion of Phase 1 and the DLSL Learning Resource Center is at 75% completion rate, capped with a Topping Off ceremony held last May 2014 to celebrate the highest point that the building will reach. The groundwork for the next school year’s infrastructure projects, such as the calls for bids for the CBEAM building and the Ground Breaking ceremony for the Retreat Complex, has been laid. Other minor construction projects were renovation of the College lobby and Side gate waiting area to provide parents and fetchers of students a more comfortable and pleasing area upon which to wait for their wards. In the pursuit of a secure and safe environment upon which students’ learning can take place, ongoing projects and existing measures were checked and adjusted to maintain 56 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 complaince to safety standards. Walkways with heavy Integrated School traffic and prone to rain water splashes, as regularly assessed by the department, have been retrofitted with skid-free tiles and mats. Round-the-clock monitoring is provided by 114 CCTV cameras installed all over the campus. Additional blind corner convex mirrors, now totalling 10, were installed in the elementary-heavy areas to further increase the safety awareness of the people within the campus. Installation of Fire Detection Alarm System FDAS at the main student halls were further undertaken and a Fire Safety Permit Certification granted to the Chez Rafael, among others granted, by the Bureau of Fire Protection for compliance. As a consequence, visitors are sure to see a fire extinguisher all over the campus in as little as 100 meters apart from each other. For the Information and Communications Technology Center, the full implementation of online viewing of grades in the Integrated School has been welcomed by many. Accessible and on time, parents not available for the usual card giving can now view wherever they are the academic performance of their children and can arrange a consultation with the subject teachers on a later date or attend the consultation day appointed by the IS for the said purpose. Also, a rehabilation of the College Enrollment System has been put into action to better serve the college student. Also, installation of emergency cabinets with rescue tools, self-contained breathing apparatus and first aid kits were also completed. Use of the tools and equipment in these cabinets were also taught in mini-seminars scheduled throughout the school year. Testing the waters for sutainable source of natural energy, the department has isntalled solar powered lighting at the institutional advertisement wall along JP Laurel Highway. These lights also serve as main lighting for the side of the main road that students and people from the surrounding subsdivisions and barangay take going to major tranport stations surrounding the campus. Finally, recognizing that students take frequent trips off campus to supplement the learning experience and coworkers have periodical needs for transportation in groups, the institution has added another vehicle to its fleet to ensure safe and comfortable transport to big group travels by the institution’s stakeholders. A brand new 45-seater Higer bus now serves the institution. 57 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 57 Presidential Management Office To further the immediate initiatives and tasks that answer the long-term plans of the Office of the President and Chancellor and carry out institutional projects that cut across all departments, the offices under the Office of the President initiated programs aligned with the institution’s vision-mission yet serving their specific department’s nature. 51% accomplished ACTION PLANS 58 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 33% ongoing ACTION PLANS Under the Planning Office, updated institutional accomplishment reports were provided to the Board of Trustees and their stakeholders. As of school year end, 51% of action plans are accomplished, 33% were ongoing and the rest were retired programs. The ongoing projects – largely from CBEAM, the Student Services Directorate and Compliance Office were programs that needed several years for implementation and are thus categorized as such. Those departments with mostly accomplished plans weere the College of Nursing, Community Involvement Office and the Sports and Culture Directorate. To communicate the strategic initiatives and priorities of the institution, a DLSL Map of Strategies and Priorities has been produced. To further foster open communication and transparency, the President’s Time with the commuity has been expanded to become the President’s Council (PC) Time this school year. The PC Time is a session with the President, together this time with the Vice-Chancellors, where employees are made up-to-date with the projects under their helm and an opportunity for the employees to conduct a direct dialogue. The employees were clustered into 10 groups which were visited on identifed schedules. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 59 K-12 Program Support The Marketing Communications Department launched the “I am Ahead” campaign to promote the senior high school program. DLSL embarked on massive campaign in the region with its early implementation of the enhanced basic education curriculum. Aside from enhanced marketing collaterals, events were also hosted in support of the K to 12 program. A seminar on the “Enhanced Basic Education and its Benefits” was given to school administrators in the region, with resource person Mr. Elvin Uy of the Department of Education, last 6 September 2013. 60 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Various events were also organized by the Marketing Communications Department in support of the academic programs of the institution. Workshops on art and literary writing, Career Fair Exhibit and Children’s Fair were some of the events participated by students from different schools. These efforts supplemented the seminars and conferences on the Enhanced Basic Education Act (K-12 Act) that were attended by the academic community members. 61 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 61 Rights Granted to DLSL Br. Buknoy, the official maascot of De La Salle Lipa (though it started as official mascot only for the DLSL Book Mobile and Reading Program), is now registered under the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the Philippines. The school is given complete ownership over the uses of Br. Buknoy’s image and exclusive right to prevent all third parties, not having the owner’s consent, from using identical or similar signs for the production of their own goods or services. (PIC) Likewise, Br. Buknoy is now also in the Visayas region. Another mascot has been produced as per request by La Salle Academy in Iligan City. Similarly, DLSL passed the Philippine Council for NGO Certification standards and was granted three-year certification for donee institution status. Donors of the institution shall be entitled to “full or limited deduction” and “exemption from donor’s tax.” Over the years, the institution’s efforts, through the Advancement Office, bore fruit to reciprocate the generosity of the donors who unceasingly support variety of advocacy and programs of DLSL. Strengthened Alumni Relations • Facilitated the reunion and induction of officers of DLSL High School Batch 1970. • De La Salle Lipa High School ’88 celebrated their Silver Anniversary by hosting the 2013 Grand Alumni Homecoming. • DLSL Batch ’86 conducted their annual blood donation activity during this year’s Foundation Week Celebration. • “Brew with Bro” – a get-together event of alumni from different batches with DLSL President International Relations. • Three (3) Chinese volunteer teachers from the Confucius Institute handle the Mandarin classes of Grade 6, CIHTM and CBEAM students. 62 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Business Development For the fist time in its history, the institution installed its in-house 19-stage water filtration facility. Quenchers served 74 offices and had deployed 26 hot and cold water dispensers. Its first 500 bottles were donated to the “Habagat” victims during the height of typhoon Maring. A thousand pieces of its 1-liter bottled water were likewise donated to the Mission Yolanda project. Outreach and Support for the Environment DLSL President and Chancellor Br. Joaquin Martinez FSC, D.Min. signed a pledge of commitment with the Department of Education, in behalf of the 16 La Salle schools, for the rehabilitation of nine classrooms in Tacloban City, Eastern Samar and Northern Negros Occidental that were destroyed by Supertyphoon “Yolanda.” DLSL hosted the meeting of the De La Salle Philippines’ commission members for the Lasallian Institute for the Environment (LIFE). This activity, which is consistent with the environmental advocacy of De La Salle Lipa, aims to increase the awareness of DLSP schools on green building and the BERDE Green Building Rating System and to introduce the green schools framework. 63 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 63 Storage Storage is the process where energy and essential nutrients are evenly apportioned and, some saved, to ensure growth in spite of the different conditions that the plant may face. De La Salle Lipa’s financial statements show a sustainable financial standing, true to its call to remain financially sound in order to serve the Batangueño youth and more. The School’s Statements of Financial Position and Statements of Activities were comparatively presented in compliance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) and has been authorized for issue by the Board of Trustees on September 4, 2014. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with that of the previous financial years. The financial statements provide comparative information relative to the previous period. In addition, the School presents additional statements of financial position as at 2012 due to the retrospective application of PAS 19, Employee Benefits (Revised 2011). Highlights of the Operation The School ended fiscal year 2014 with an increase in Net Assets of Php 112.6 million and an increase in cash and cash equivalents amounting to Php 86 million. Increase in Net Assets comprises of 179% increase in Unrestricted, 7% increase in Temporarily Restricted and 8% increase in Permanently Restricted Funds. Cash and Cash equivalents increases due to cash inflows provided from the operation (Php 193 million) net of cash outflow from investing activities Land, Building and its Improvements 14.6 million Library books and Laboratory Equipment 11.1 million Transportation, Furniture, Tools and other Eqpt. 26.4 million Construction in Progress 60.6 million (Php 108 million). Investing activities were mostly due to acquisition of properties broken down as follows: Gross Receipts from tuition, donation and other fees were reported at Php 772.6 million while School Expenses were recorded at Php 652.6 million. These were at 3% increase and at 0.28% decrease from last year respectively. Excess of Income over School Expenses is at Php 119.72 million or a 16.8% increase from last year. An independent auditor’s report conducted by SYCIP GORRES VELAYO & CO. (SGV) certifying to the fair presentation of the financial statements of De La Salle Lipa as at May 31, 2014 and 2013 can be found at the Appendices for Chapter 6. 65 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 66 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 | 67 68 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 | 69 70 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 Appendix Roots and shoots; Starts and beginnings; Read on to see Highlights and winnings! Chapter 1: Germination SEMINARS AND TRAININGS ATTENDED BY IS FACULTY AND STAFF National Level • 1st Workshop on the Students Involved in Geophysical, Weather and Atmospheric Studies (SIGWA) (2-3 August 2013), Bagares, Lorna; Faeldonia, Liliosa; Landicho, Jerami; Litan, Embelle; and Samson, Mina. Br. Andrew Hall, De La Salle University. • 2nd Digital Education Conference: K to 12 Teaching and Learning with Technology (20-21 May 2013). De Vera, Mark; Mantuano, Mayolisa; Martin, Imelda; Sanchez, Jaylyn; and Yanga, Edna. Philippine Normal University, Manila. • 2013 MTAP Convention and Seminar Workshop (2425 August 2013), Grade School Math Teachers. San Francisco High School, Manila. • BEC Learning Leaders’ Congress (7-9 May 2014), Curriculum Coordinators. De La Salle College of St. Benilde, Manila. • CEAP-NBEC National Seminar-Workshop on MTBMLE Spiral Progression Approach and Assessment (29-30 May 2013), Alarcon, Joana Marie; Magnaye, Margie; Orozco, Jovito; and Vergara, Eugenia. Fleur-delis Theater, St. Paul University, Manila. • CEAP Regional Assembly (28-30 April 2014), Villanueva, Rene. Phoenix Development Center, Quezon City. 72 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Center for Educational Measurement Anniversary Conference (6 September 2013), Mantuano, Mayolisa and Samonte, Maria Angelica. New Makati Hotel, Makati City. • Collaborative Learning Spaces in Libraries: Design Consideration Forum (13 September 2013), Garcia, Edgar and Rabino, Lilian. • Critical and Creative Teaching Strategies for Implementing K to 12 Curriculum (16 November 2013), Joint Academic Council Members. Luxent Hotel, South Triangle, Quezon City. • Curriculum Mapping for Effective Teaching and Learning (12-13 February 2013), Samonte, Maria Angelica and Vergara, Eugenia. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas. • Effective Supervision of Teaching to Standards (1011 September 2013), Fanoga, Minerva and Pangan, Agripina. Pan Pacific Hotel, Malate, Manila. • First National Congress on Home and School Collaboration (25 January 2014), Baon, Hirodian; Capati, Lorenz Anne, Hernandez, Nerissa; and Manalo, Arnel. SM Aura, Bonifacio Global City. • Forum Workshop on Life after PDAF (12 February 2014), Rosales, Marineth. De La Salle University, Manila. • Interpreting and Utilizing CEM Achievement Test Data (4-5 July 2013), Africa, Editha; Dimaala, Dennis; Orozco, Jovito; and Pangan, Agripina. CEM Function Room, Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower, Makati City. • K to 12 Forum Part II: Enhanced Features of the K to 12 (26 July 2013), Dimaala, Dennis; Limbo, Rizza; Pangan, Pines; and Yanga Edna. Br. Andrew Hall, de La Salle University, Manila. • Lasallian Summit on the K-12 System: Transitions and Lasallian Education (7 May 2014), Villanueva, Rene. De La Salle College of St. Benilde, Manila. • Math Global Education Forum and Effective Math Teaching Workshop (6 September 2013), Dimaala, Dennis and Africa, Editha. VibalVTech Tower, Araneta Ave., Quezon City. • Philippine Home Economics Association: 65th Annual Conference and Training (22-24 November 2013), Lara, Jonas and Loreto, Vic. Camarines Sur Water Sports Complex, Cadlan, Pili, Camarines Sur. • Road to Competitiveness: International Benchmarking in Science (10-11 October 2013), Orozco, Jovito. The Bayview Hotel, Roxas Blvd., Manila. • Seamless Integration of the K-12 Curriculum Towards 21st Century Learners: Standards Based Education for 21st Century Learning (25 October 2013), Mantuano, Mayolisa and Martija, Rowena. Sofitel Philippine Plaza, Roxas Boulevard, Manila. • Seminar-Workshop on Achieving Breakthrough in Professional and Personal Life (27 November 2013), Berana Jr., Loreto. Centro Escolar University, Manila. • National Early Childhood Leadership Connection and Teaching Strategies (22-24 November 2013), Tan, Olivia. Hotel Supreme Convention Plaza, Baguio City. • Special Program in Sports: Training on the Physical Fitness Tests (14-17 November 2013), Bautista, Angelie Rose and Merlin, Mirriam. Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City. • National Seminar Workshop for School Administrators on the Implementation of K to 12 (22-25 November 2013), Orozco, Jovito and Palestina, Randy. Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center, Madapo, Davao City. • Transformative Student Discipline Beyond Punishment and Liability (29 November 2013), Gutierrez, Lailanie and Petalio, Alvin. University of Sto. Tomas, España, Manila. • Philippine Education Conference 2013 (2-3 December 2013), Mantuano, Mayolisa; Samonte, Maria Angelica; and Vergara, Eugenia. SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City. • Wisdom and Wonder: Tracing the Trail Toward Love for Literature, De Leon, Ailene and Sagbang, Emelita. Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 73 Regional Level • CEAP Region IV-A Assembly (6-7 September 2013), Amul, Fred and Lirio, Jose. St. Mary’s College, Boac, Marinduque. • Gender and Development Regional Cluster Conference for Region IV-A (2-3 September 2013), Mantuano, Mayolisa. Batangas State University, Batangas City. • NOCEI Education Summit on K to 12 (29 May 2013), Marquez, Rowena and Mayuga, Luisa. St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City. • Orientation Workshop on the Guidelines on Assessment and Use of Revised School-Based Management (SBM), Assessment Process and Tool (APAT), and PASBE Accreditation Process (29-30 August 2013), Samonte, Maria Angelica and Vergara, Eugenia. Division Conference Hall VSR Bldg., Lipa City, Batangas. • Pondong Batangan General Assembly (18 May 2013), Amul, Fred; Balaoro, John Henry; Lirio, Jose; Peña, Marian; and Yanga, Edna. St. Therese Academy, Bauan, Batangas. • Seminar on Legal Matters Concerning Private Schools (July 2013), Amul, Fred. Luntian Resort, Brgy. San Sebastian, Lipa City, Batangas. • Seminar – Workshop on Strengthening the Classroom Approach in Teaching Mathematics (7-9 May 2014), Asupre, Jenny and Landicho, Leonie. Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School, Lipa City, Batangas. • Southern Luzon Hunger Conference: Mainstreaming Hunger through Innovation and Partnership: Concerns, Issues and Realities (28-30 January 2014), St. Francis de Sales Major Seminar, Marawoy, Lipa City, Batangas. 74 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Summer 2014 In-Service Training for Grade Nine Teachers of Private Schools (5-7 May 2014), Bautista, Mae Bernadette and Cantos, Darius. Lyceum of the Philippines University, Laguna. • Technology-Powered Math and Filipino Resources for Effective Learning (23 November 2013), Alarcon, Joana Marie; Beltran, Rodelia; Capati, Lorenz Ann; and Landicho, Leonie. St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City. • De La Salle Lipa Code RED (29 October 2013), IS Faculty and Staff. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • e–Learning Management System Seminar (7 August 2013), Computer Teachers and Technicians, Secretaries and Office Assistants. Computer Lab, LS Bldg, De La Salle Lipa. • English Proficiency Program for Non-Teaching Personnel (August – September 2013), Baldevarona, Adela;Corona, Jennefer; Gomez, Lorena; Kalaw, Marivec; and Manguiat, Myrasol. FHP Function Room, CM Recto Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • English Proficiency for Teachers (22 May and 31 July 2013), Grade School selected Faculty. BB 32, BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Face to Faith Orientation Seminar (24 May 2013), Jerusalem, Buena; Kalaw, Rafael; Maganito, Olive; Magnaye, Margie; Mantuano, Mayolisa; Paras, Raul;,Petalio, Prospero, Glenford; Alvin; Samonte, Maria Angelica; Valencia, Erlene; Vergara, Eugenia; and Yanga, Edna. Yellow Room, Diokno Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Improving Organizational Skills in the Workplace (22 November 2013), De Ocampo, Adelmo and Martija, Ronald. FHPD Function Room, C.M. Recto Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Lecture – Demo on Fitness and Wellness (12 February 2014), Diokno Auditorium, De La Salle Lipa. • Lecture - Demo on Healthy Diet for Retirees (18 October 2013), LICA Cooking Lab, De La Salle Lipa. • Lecture on Dish Garden Making (23 January 2014), FHPD Function Room, C.M. Recto Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Managing Your Documents and Your Time Thru Effective Use of Email (10 October 2013). Computer Lab, LS Bldg, De La Salle Lipa. • Occupational Safety (September – October 2013). FHPD Conference Room, C.M. Recto Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • RCPE – PEACE Integration Seminar (30 May 2013), Amul, Fred; Anog, Reinard; Dimaculangan, Arthur; Jerusalem, Buena; Martija,Rowena; Paras, Raul; Petalio, Alvin; Prospero, Glenford; Vallejo Jr., Silverio; and Yanga, Edna. Mini Auditorium, Mabini Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Research Seminar (4 June 2013), IS Faculty. Lounge, Diokno Hall, De La Salle Lipa. LIRD • Research Seminar (22 July 2013), Diokno Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Research Seminar (29 May 2014), IS Faculty Advanced and Neophyte Groups. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Retirement Preparation Program (28 March 2014), Diokno Auditorium, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Business Correspondence (30 May 2013), IS Administrators. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Customer Service (8 October 2013), Librarians and Staff. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Diet and Nutrition (11 February 2014). FHPD Conference Room, C.M. Recto Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on the Computation of Grades (18-19 July 2013), Trial 1 Teachers. Computer Lab, LS Bldg., De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Managing Documents thru Googlemail (11 October 2013), Baldevarona, Adela; Corona, Jenefer; Gomez, Lorena; Kalaw, Marivec; and Manguiat, Myrasol. Computer Lab, LS Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Non-Violent Communications (28 May 2013), RCPE Core Group members. Mini Auditorium, Mabini Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Pursuing a Happier Life: Tips from Positive Psychology (31 May 2013), IS Faculty. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar Workshop on Standard Based Assessment (7 November 2013), High School Faculty and Grade School Academic Council. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Standard-Based Assessment Seminar (28 May 2014), Grade School Teachers. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 75 • Systems Thinking Seminar (16 May 2013). BB 44, BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Team Building Seminar (8 August 2013), Administrators. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. IS • Time Management Seminar (24 January 2014). Internet Lab, De La Salle Lipa. • Training on Computer Hardware Servicing (9 June 2013), Computer Teachers and IS Technical Support. BB Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Melo, Michael (13 September 2013), Accent, Pronunciation, and Intonation, Batch 1. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Petalio, Alvin (23 August 2013), Most Common Conversational Errors, Batch 1. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Petalio, Alvin (30 August 2013), Most Common Conversational Errors, Batch 2. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. SEMINARS AND TRAININGS FACILITATED BY IS FACULTY • Petalio, Alvin (6 September 2013), Most Common Conversational Errors, Batch 2. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • De La Salle Lipa De Villa, Mona Liza (13 December 2013), Improving Organizational Skills in the Workplace. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Samonte, Angie (23 September 2013), Know and Practice the Basics of Business Writing, Batch 1. FHPD Function Room ,CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. • Embalsado, Santa (16 August 2013), Review of Grammar Rules and Application Batch 1. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. STUDENT ACHIEVERS: Curricular and Co-curricular • Fanoga, Minerva and Obre, Glenda (7 August 2013), Learn Typing the Professional Way, Batch 1. Computer Lab C, HLS Bldg., De La Salle Lipa. Silver Medalist • Esguerra, Tinuviel, 17th World Championship of the Performing Arts – Junior Contemporary Category, 15 – 22 July 2013, Los Angeles, California. Bronze Medalists / Second Runner Up • Pagcaliwagan, Gerald, 22nd King of Mathematics International Competition, 24-28 July 2013, Hong Kong. • Fanoga, Minerva and Obre, Glenda (10 October 2013), Learn Typing the Professional Way, Batch 2. Computer Lab C, HLS Bldg., De La Salle Lipa. • Magbojos, Dr. Josephine (9 September 2013), Accent, Pronunciation, and Intonation Batch 2. Diokno Auditorium, De La Salle Lipa. • Mantuano, Mayolisa (17 September 2013), Confidence and Motivation in Speaking the English Language, Batch 1. FHPD Function Room, CMR Hall, De La Salle Lipa. 76 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 International • Pagcaliwagan, Gerald, Merit Award, Gifted Mathematics Green World Cup International Tournament, 24-28 July 2013, Hong Kong. • Perez, Angelo Vince, International Mathematics Competition, 2-5 August 2013, Singapore. • Perez, Angelo Vince, 3rd Asian Science and Mathematics Olympiad for Primary Schools (ASMOPS) 2013, 8-14 November 2013, Bandung, Indonesia. National Second Runner Up / Third Place • Hernandez, Lila Andrea Vien, 11th National Science Quest Impromptu Contest, 11 February 2014, Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City. Regional Champion / First Place • Abu, Kariza Pamela; Dimaano, Dale Raphaelle; and Ortiz, Gabrielle John, Tech-No Competition 2014: Digital Video Designing, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • ADLAW Members and selected Grade 7 students, SciMath Interschool Challenge – Sci Math Music Video, 26 October 2013, DLSU Science and Technology Complex, Laguna. • Aquino, Andromer; Caraan, Sophia; and Mendoza, Emman, Tech-No Competition 2014: Anime Drawing Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Ambal, Carlos Antonio; Gonzales, Carlos Jerome; and Santiago, John Andrew, Tech-No Competition 2014: Digital Photo Enhancement Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Carandang, Junior, Tech-No Competition 2014: Photography Competition, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Cruz, Frances Joyce; Makalintal, Mikaella Joy; and Malabanan, Matthew, Tech-No Competition 2014: IT Spelling Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Esplanda, Kristine; Macatangay, Joshua Andrei; and Recinto, Daniel, Tech-No Competition 2014: Tech-No Quiz Bee, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Guico, Rizelle; Jayin, Krishen; and Rocafort, Allen, Tech-No Competition 2014: Robotics Competition, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Kho, John; Mendoza, Macneil; and Perez, Gener, Karibok ang Tuktok – Quiz Bee, 22 October 2013, St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City. • Kho, John Anthony and Sarmiento, Shagne, 2014 MTAP Regional Challenge, 7 February 2014, Antipolo National High School, Antipolo City, Rizal. • Lumbang, Diane Catheren, Tech-No Competition 2014: Digital Poster Making Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Mendoza, Macneil, Tech-No Competition 2014: On-theSpot Essay Writing Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Perez, Angelo Vince and Tagulao, Rafael, 2014 MTAP Regional Challenge, 7 February 2014, Antipolo National High School, Antipolo City, Rizal. • Torculas, John Ervy, Karibok ang Tuktok – Extemporaneous Speaking, 22 October 2013, St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 77 First Runner Up / Second Place • Abu, StephanieElisha; Ditan, Iris; Mendoza, John Macneil; and Perez, Gene Carlos, Sci-Math Interschool Challenge – Sci Math Race, 26 October 2013, DLSU Science and Technology Complex, Laguna. • Alcantara, Marielle, 7th Sta. Teresa of Avila Academic and Cultural Show – Solo Singing Competition, 16 October 2013, Sta. Teresa of Avila, Bauan, Batangas. • Alday, Xeix; Remo, Roland; and Tipan, Uriel, Tech-No Competition 2014: Tech-No Quiz Bee, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Awatin, Bernadette, Tech-No Competition 2014: Digital Poster Making Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Bisenio, Zachary Nazarene, 2013 Batangas Inter-High School Academic, Skills and Cultural Competitions – Extemporaneous Speech Contest, 5 October 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas. • Bisenio, Zachary Nazarene, Karibok ang Tuktok – Essay Writing, 22 October 2013, St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City. • Bulik – The Official Publication of the High School Department, Best School Paper; Best Opinion Page; and Best Photo Essay, CALABARZON Mass Communication Convention, 1-2 October 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas. • Ditan, Iris; Kho, John Anthony; Mendoza, John Macneil; and Perez, Gene Carlos (Grade 10), 13th Chem Collission, 27 September 2013, Batangas State University Amphitheater. 78 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • High School Debate Team, SLIDE UP 2014 The Southern Luzon Interschool Debate Encounter, 1-2 February 2014, UP Los Baños, Laguna. • Leron, Anton Gabriel, Ecology Quiz Show, 16 October 2013, UP Rural High School. • Modern Dance Club, 7th Sta. Teresa of Avila Academic and Cultural Show – Modern Dance Competition, 16 October 2013, Sta. Teresa of Avila, Bauan, Batangas. • Sandoval, Rene, Tech-No Competition 2014: On-theSpot Essay Writing Contest, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Sarmiento, Shagne Patrice, Mathdoku, 16 October 2013, UP Rural High School. Second Runner Up / Third Place • Almonte, Alyssa Jane; Andal, Alliza; Laygo, Demi; Leron, Anton; Lumbang, Diane; Macatangay, Rogend; and Mendoza, John Macniel, Regional Schools Press Conference 2014, 26 – 29 January 2014, De La Salle University – Dasmariñas, Cavite. • Aquino, Aimee Kristine, 7th Sta. Teresa of Avila Academic and Cultural Show – Declamation Contest, 16 October 2013, Sta. Teresa of Avila, Bauan, Batangas. • Bisenio, Zachary Nazarene, Sci-Math Academic Contest, 16 October 2013, UP Rural High School. • Mercado, Terrence Dale; Monzones, Tyra Meris; and Reyes, Katrina Grace, 7 February 2014, Kalayaan Christian School, Ibabao, Cuenca, Batangas. • Jon Ervy, Sci-Math Interschool Challenge – Eco Extemporaneous Speech, 26 October 2013, DLSU Science and Technology Complex, Laguna. Local Champion / First Place • Awatin, Bernadette (Grade 5), Division Schools Press Conference – Editorial Cartooning. • Briones, Lorenz Gabriel and Uy, Naomi Ashley (Grade 1), MTAP Math Challenge Division Oral Round, 30 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Cruz, Alyssa Marie Cruz (Grade 5), Division Schools Press Conference – News Writing. • Hernandez, Lila Andrea Vien, Science Impromptu Quiz, 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Ilagan, Gerard Elmer and Torres, Paolo Miguel (Grade 4), MTAP Math Challenge Divisions Oral Round, 30 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Torres, Paolo Miguel, Science Quest Quiz Bee, 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. First Runner Up / Second Place • Bautista, Nina Claire and Briones, Patricia Marie, Kindergarten Festival of Talents, Story Telling Contest in English and Filipino Categories, 9 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Bulloso, Alexander Benedict and Yabut, Divine Clarisse (Grade 2), MTAP Math Challenge Divisions Oral Round, 30 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Dalangin, Daniel Matthew, Science Quest Quiz Bee, 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Gamboa, Nicole Ann, I Speak Declamation Contest (Grades 7 and 8), 22 October 2013, The Nazareth School, Lipa City. • Loreto, Roman Gerard, I Speak Declamation Contest (Grades 9 and 10), 22 October 2013, The Nazareth School, Lipa City. • Perez, Angelo Vince, Science Quest Quiz Bee, 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Mayo, Raymond (Grade 10), 34th National Science Quiz Bee Division Level, 27 September 2013, Lipa City Division Office. Second Runner Up / Third Place • Cuenca, Ma. Jillian (Grade 5), Divisions Schools Press Conference – Science Writing. • Ng, Daphne Angelique (Grade 6), 34th National Math Super Quiz Bee Division Level, 27 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • De Jesus, Dhenise (Grade 6), Division Schools Press Conference – Pagsulat ng Lathalain. • Perez, Angelo Vince and Tagulao, Rafael (Grade 5), MTAP Math Challenge Division Oral Round, 30 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Flores, Karl Andrei, Science Impromptu Quiz, 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Mendoza, Danica (Grade 5), Division Schools Press Confernece – Photojournalism. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 79 • Ng, Daphne Angelique and Santiago, Franz Pietro, MTAP Math Challenge Division Oral Round, 30 January 2014, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Go, Ethan Roy (Grade 5), Swimming Calabarzon Team, Palarong Pambansa 2014, 4-10 May 2014, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. • Sandoval, Rene, Essay Writing (English), 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. • Malaluan, Alleiah Jan (Grade 5), Volleyball Elementary Girls Calabarzon Team, Palarong Pambansa 2014, 4-10 May 2014, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. • Santiago, Franz Pietro, Essay Writing (English), 30 September 2013, Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School. STUDENT ACHIEVERS: Sports Bronze Medalist / Second Runner Up • Go, Ethan Roy (Grade 5), Swimming Calabarzon Team, Palarong Pambansa 2014, 4-10 May 2014, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. International Regional Bronze Medalist / Second Runner Up • High School Volleyball Boys (Philippine Team), 5th ASEAN Games, 22-30 June 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam. Gold Medalists / Champion • Abitan, Hann Christian (College), Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. Third Runner Up • High School Girls’ Soccer Team, 2014 Guam Youth Games, 14-18 May 2014, Guam, USA. National Gold Medalists / Champion • Alcantara, El Roi (Grade 10), Swimming Calabarzon Team, Palarong Pambansa 2014, 4-10 May 2014, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. • High School Football Girls, RIFA 2nd Division, October 2013, International School Manila, Bonifacio Global City. Silver Medalists / First Runner Up • Diaz, Joshua (Grade 10), Volleyball Secondary Boys Calabarzon Team, Palarong Pambansa 2014, 4-10 May 2014, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. 80 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Biazon, Jaime (College), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Elementary Volleyball Boys, League of Southern Manila Schools (LSMS), August – October 2013, Brent International School, Laguna. • Elementary Volleyball Girls, League of Southern Manila Schools (LSMS), August – October 2013, Brent International School, Laguna. • High School Volleyball Boys, National Collegiate Athletics Association – South (NCAA – South), August – October 2013. • High School Volleyball Girls, National Collegiate Athletics Association – South (NCAA – South), August – October 2013. • Macatangay, Leobert (College), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Lubi, Argel Joseph (High School Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. Silver Medalists / First Runner Up • Basketball High School Boys, National Collegiate Athletics Association – South (NCAA – South), August – October 2013. • Montalbo, Zoe Yah Vlamir, (High School Girls), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Brillo, Dezziel (College), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • De los Reyes, Ted Mattheus (High School Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Dimaculangan, Rachel (High School Girls), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Garing, Angela Nicole (High School Girls), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Rampas, Chris Justine (High School Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Salazar, Lorenzo Carlo (High School Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. Bronze Medalists / Second Runner Up • Boys Division, 15th NCAA – South Taekwondo Tournament, August – October 2013. • Claveria, John Rico (Elementary Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Girls Junior Division, 15th NCAA South Taekwondo Tournament, August – October 2013. • Garing, Kirk Marcus (Elementary Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Golfo, Micah Angela (High School Girls), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • Garing, Naz Paulo Raphael (Elementary Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • High School Volleyball Boys, League of Southern Manila Schools (LSMS), August – October 2013, Brent International School, Laguna. • Oliva, Alecs Andrei (High School Boys), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. • High School Volleyball Girls, League of Southern Manila Schools (LSMS), August – October 2013, Brent International School, Laguna. • Pablo, Dexiree (College), Philippine Taekwondo Association Regional Competition, 14 July 2013, SM City Lipa. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 81 Local Gold Medalists / Champion • Angeles, Zeena; Arada, Angel; and Mora, Beatrice (Elementary Badminton Girls), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Angsico, Gio; Cabiscuelas, Krisandra; and Ferolina, Allen (High School Table Tennis), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Balderama, Justine (High School Chess), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Delfin, Rey Gabriel and Balderama, John (Elementary Chess), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Elementary Basketball Boys, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Elementary Volleyball Girls, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Fabia, Joseph and Hernandez, Marvin (Elementary Chess), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • High School Basketball Boys, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • High School Volleyball Boys, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • High School Volleyball Girls, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Laylo, Dave and Reano, Jessther (High School Chess), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. • Table Tennis Men, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. 82 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Tipan, Athryn Jill (Elementary Badminton Girls), MiniOlympics, October 2013t Silver Medalists / First Runner Up • Elementary Volleyball Boys, Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. Bronze Medalists / Second Runner Up • Cantos, Maricris, Bronze Medalist, 37th Milo Marathon, 7 June 2013. • Masacayan, Marjie Faye (High School Chess), Area Meet, 30 September – 2 October 2013. Chapter 2: Respiration COLLEGE STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENT National Champion • Champion, PBed 1000 Teachers Program, Jonathan Ibuna (lead producer), co-producers: Rodie Rose Bonavernte, Maria Penny Lumbera, 21 March 2014, Makati, Philippines. • Top 90 Delegates, 8th Aboitiz Future Leaders Business Summit, Maria Rizabel Del Rio, Don Carlo Bravo Cuya, 16-17 August 2013, Marco Polo Plaza, Cebu City • Best Picture Award “ANG PAGLISAN” (New Wave Student Short Film Category), 39th Metro Manila Film Festival, 4th Yr. ABComm students: Karla Teresa Carig, Mary Viviene Pesigan, Vladimir Riccardo Macalintal, Monette Landicho, and Maria Duchess Morada, 27 December 2013, Meralco Theater, Pasig City • Best PSA – Print, Adspeak 2014, Carmina Cillion, Allyza Mae Escala, 14 February 2014, Letran College Manila • Outstanding Delegation, 38th YMCA National Congress of College Students, De La Salle Lipa, Dec 3-8, 2013, Teachers’ Camp Baguio City • Champion-Debate Best Speaker, 38th YMCA National Congress of College Students, Mr. Rizaldy Luistro Jr., Dec 3-8, 2013, Teachers’ Camp Baguio City • Champion-Essay Writing English, 38th YMCA National Congress of College Students, Maria Concepcion Mendoza, Dec 3-8, 2013, Teachers’ Camp Baguio City • Champion, Oratorical Contest, National Rizal Leadership Institute 2013, Avi Helena Babao, Dec 1216, 2013, Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City • Finalist; One of the Awardee, Jose Rizal Model Students of the Philippines, Maria Rizabel del Rio, Dec 9, 2013 (Interview) Dec 10, 2013, Awarding at Manila Hotel 1st Runner Up • 1st Runner-up, Manila Foods & Beverages (MAFBEX) Inter-School Competitions: Market Basket Competition, Contestants: Micah Erika Dizon, Daryl Malveda, Richard Marco, Crystal Sulit, Coach : Chef Patrick Maravilla, 14 June 2013, World Trade Center, Manila • 1st Place Winner Editorial Cartooning, 25th CAMPUS JOURNALISM AWARDS, John Michael Bucal, 25 January 2014, De La Salle University, Manila • Finalist, 2013 Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines, Nikaela Katrina Gamboa, 29 August 2013, Malacañang Palace 2nd Runner Up • 2nd Runner-up, CIMA Global Business Challenge Philippines,: Dency T. Topacio, Mark Z. Ibayan, Mary Jane A. Claveria, Jessyl D. De Castro PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 83 • (4th year Accountancy Students), 21 June 2013, Century Park Hotel, Manila. Prizes received: Cash-P30,000.00 (team), Cash-P5,000.00 (mentor), Digital Duplicator (school), Trophy, CIMA medals • 2nd Place Winner Photojournalism, 25th CAMPUS JOURNALISM AWARDS, Jyjde Ayap, 25 January 2014, De La Salle University, Manila • 2nd Place Winner: On-the-Spot Game Design and Development (48 hours), MANILA GAME JAM 2014, Roan Contreras, 23-25 January 2014, De La SalleCollege of St. Benilde, Manila • 2nd place over-all national SGV Cup Meet the Standards, 16th National Mid Year Convention( JPIA), James Wilnard Paala, October 22-25, 2013, Skylight Convention Center, Puerto Princesa, Palawan • 2nd Place Tuklas Talino Quiz Bee, 38th YMCA National Congress of College Students, Maria Concepcion Mendoza, Dec 3-8, 2013, Teachers’ Camp Baguio City Regional Champion • Overall champion, 7th Annual Batangas Society of Industrial Engineering Students Friendship Games 2013, 3rd year – 5th year IE students, 19-21 July 2013, FAITH, Tanauan. • Finalists, Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines, Rizaldy Luistro Jr. and Nataniel Olan • Champion, Regional Statistics Quiz, Jan Heraldace Tubigan, October 25, 2013, NSO Batangas • Champion Level 3, 3rd Sotero H. Laurel Cup, Mary Jane Claveria, Jessyl De Castro, Mark Ibayan, Dec 8, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines Laguna 84 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Overall Champion, 3rd Sotero H. Laurel Cup, DLSLJPIA, Dec 8, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines Laguna 1st Runner Up • 1st Runner Up, 26th Sublian Festival: Pasiklaban ng Kalderetang Batangas (44th Batangas City Foundation Day), Contestants: Marivic Llanes, Richard Marco, Salvacion Casteñeda, Cristal Gay Sulit, Coach: Chef Patrick Maravilla, 18 July 2013, Batangas City Sports Coliseum. • 1st Place Winner, Best Digital Photography MAFIA WARS 2014, Kerwin Dayrit, 25 January 2014, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas • 1st Runner-up Level 1, 3rd Sotero H. Laurel Cup, Angelica Joy Roxas, Melissa Mei Sumulong, Andrea Jelyn Tapia, Dec 8, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines Laguna 2nd Runner Up • 3rd Place (Devcomm Writing – English), Luzonwide Higher Education Press Conference Pauline Navarro, 12-14 February 2014, Lucban, Quezon • 2nd Place Winner (Editorial Cartooning-Filipino), REGIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE, Emmanuel Sambayan, 4-6 DECEMBER 2013, Angel’s Hills, Tagaytay Local Champion • Overall Champion, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, DLSL-JPIA, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas • Champion Level 3, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Mark Ibayan, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas 1st Runner Up • 1st runner-up Level 1, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Melissa Mei Sumulong, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas • 1st runner-up Level 2, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, James Wilnard Paala, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas • 1st runner-up Level 3, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Aries De Roxas, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas 2nd Runner Up • 2nd runner-up Level 1, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Andrea Jelyn Tapia, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas • 2nd runner-up Level 3, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Mary Jane Claveria, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas • 2nd runner-up Level 2, 5th Peter P. Laurel Cup, Kathleen Marcelo, Dec 6, 2013, Lyceum of the Philippines, Batangas STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENT IN SPORTS National • 1st Runner Up, National Cheerleading Championship Southern Luzon Qualifier, DLSL Pep Squad (DANZCOM), 8 December 2013, FILINVEST, Alabang Regional 18 August – 26 October 2013, Southville International School, DLS HIS, DLSL, Brent International School • Champion – Cheer Dance Level, 37th MILO MARATHON, DLSL Pep Squad DanzCom, 21 July 2013, San Pablo City 1st Runner Up • 1st Runner up, Southern Luzon Colleges Universities Athletics Association (SLCUAA), Basketball Men, 26 January 2014, Brent International School • Basketball Women Jan 24, 2014 2nd Runner Up • 2nd Runner Up, Southern Luzon Colleges Universities Athletics Association (SLCUAA), Volleyball Women, 18 August – 26 October 2013, Southville International School, DLS HIS, DLSL, Brent International School 3rd Runner Up • 3rd Runner Up, Southern Luzon Colleges Universities Athletics Association (SLCUAA), Volleyball Men, 18 August – 26 October 2013, Southville International School, DLS HIS, DLSL, Brent International School • 4th Place, National Collegiate Athletics Association – South (NCAA-South), DLSL Basketball College – Women, August – October 2013 Local Champion • Champion – Cheer Dance Level, 37th MILO MARATHON, DLSL Pep Squad DanzCom, 7 June 2013, SM Lipa City Champion • Champion, Southern Luzon Colleges Universities Athletics Association (SLCUAA), Table Tennis Women, PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 85 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES International National • 3rd International Conference on Education and E-Learning, (August 26 and 29, 2013). Mr. Arvie Andal. Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore • 1st National Conference on Tourism Governance: Sustainability & Inclusivity in Governance of Tourism Destinations, (November 25-26, 2013). Ms. Andrenelyn Varona. SMX Convention Center. • Environmental Audit for swine Waste Management Systems in Lipa City Philippines, (January 15-16, 2014). Ms. Vivienne Rhea Padura. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • ICSSH 3rd International Conference, (April 12 – 13, 2014). Ms. Analiza Resurreccion. Seoul, South Korea • POPMH Batangas Chapter Philippines: A Case Study – International Conference in Language, Literature, Culture Teaching in learning in local and Multicultural, (November 29 – 30). Ms Romaine Magboo. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. • Seminar on F&B and Bartending, (March 6-8, 2014). Ms. Evangeline M. Necio and Chef Patrick Maravilla. Singapore Hotel & Tourism Education Center (SHATEC), Singapore. • Seminar Workshop on International Cuisine & Bartending,( March 7, 2014). Ms. Evangeline Necio & Chef Patrick Maravilla. Singapore Hotel & Tourism Education (SHATEC) Singapore • Singapore Educational Tour, (April 7 – 10, 2014). Engrs. Malou Umali & Mae Dimaculangan, Singapore Singapore Educational Trip, (April 7-10, 2014). Camille Hernandez, Nelia Rocamora, Grace Madolid, Michelle Malvar, Anna Magundayao. Singapore 86 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • 1st National Convention on Forensic Psychology: A Comprehensive Workshop to Understanding its theory and practice, (January 24, 2014). Ms. Violy Andaleon. Lipa City Auditorium • 1st PACE National Conference, (April 2 – 5, 2014). Ms. Analiza Resurreccion. Benguet State University, Mt. Province • 1st Tourism & Hospitality National Convention. Theme: “Transcend: elevating Standards of Hospitality and Tourism Towards sustainable Growth”, (October 6-8, 2013). Mses. Evangeline Neco & Joreen Rocamora. L’Fisher Hotel, Bacolod City • 2nd National Seminar-Workshop in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language, (Dec. 6-8, 2013). From LLC: Ms. Corazon Reyes, Ms. Shirly Bagui and Mr. Joseph James Villanueva, From ELA: Ms. Imelda Marquez. UST • 3rd Go Negosyo Technopreneurship Summit, (February 19, 2014). Emil Macaso and Anna Magundayao. SMX MOA • 3rd National Conference in Cathechesis and Religious Education : “Religious History and Religious Education”, (April 26, 2014). Mr. Rodrigo Rodriguez Jr. Waldo Perfecto Hall, De La Salle University-Manila • 4th Annual Lasallian Association of Tourism and Hospitality Education (LATHE) Convention, (May 2931, 2013). CIHTM Dean, Department Chairs, Hotel Manager and Faculty. Hotel Benilde • 5 National Medical Congress and Peer Review Workshop, (Jan 23-24, 2014). Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bañaga. Tagaytay Highlands th • 10 International Students Conference, (Oct. 23-25, 2013). Ms. Aileen Joy Saul representing the LLC. College of St. Benilde th • 10th Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, (January 30-February 1, 2014). Mr. Julius Ballesteros and Ms. Eisle Guce.(partially sponsored and personally-funded.) DLSU • 12th NSTP Congress, (April 28-30, 2014). Bernadette K. Dimaculangan and Joseph Angelou I. Ng. NSCC Plaza, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur • 12th Philippine Association of Marine Scientists (PAMS) Annual Convention, (Oct 24 – 26, 2013). Mr. Bernard Lunar. UP Visayas Tacloban Campus • 13th Annual Convention of the School Course, (November 12 – 14, 2013). Bro. Hans Moran. Century Park, Ocampo St. Malate Manila • 17th Philippine Press Institute, (June 13- 14, 2013). Ms. Cherie Glo Cabungcal and Ms, Joannne Marie Jumarang. New World Hotel • 29th Annual National Dance Educators ConventionWorkshop, (April 25-29, 2014). Ms. Ruby L. Cubilla. Dagupan City. • 38th Annual Convention for Filipino Psychology, (November 20 – 25, 2013). Ms. Violy Andaleon and Mr. Darwin Magpili. University of Caceres, Naga City, Bicol • 38th IIEE Annual National Convention & EXPO 2013, (November 27 – 30, 2013). EE Faculty members. SMX Convention Center, MOA, Pasay • 40th Annual Convention Phil. Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, (Dec. 4 -5, 2013). Ma. Cristina F. T. Dimaculangan. DLSU – Manila • 64th IECEP Midyear Convention, (May 29 to June 1, 2014). Engr. Robert de Luna, Engr. Evelyn Falsado. Boracay Island • 2013 Cisco Networking Academy Instructors’ Conference, (Sept 10-13, 2013). Engr. Imelda Martin Engr. Agnes Perez Engr. Aisa Mijeno. Crimson Resort and Spa, Mactan Cebu • 2013 IECEP Annual Convention, (November 21-23, 2013). Engr. Stephenn L. Rabano, Engr. Zarina E. Malaluan, Engr. Robert G. de Luna, Engr. Evelyn M. Falsado, Engr. John Kennette C. Doce, Engr. Mark Joseph I. Lian, and Engr. Aileen F. Villamonte. SM Aura Convention Center, Taguig • 2013 National Seminar – Workshop in Teaching Literature, (September 21 – 22, 2013). Mary Ann A. Illana. UST, España, Manila • 2014 IIEE MID-YEAR CONVENTION, (May 22 – 24, 2014). Engrs. Ramon Flores & Jozen Albert Cantal. Radisson Blu Hotel, Cebu City • Accenture Shaping the Future Forum in Manila, (July 31, 2013). Ms. Camille Hernandez, Mr. Emil Macaso, Mr. Dante Chavez, Mr. Dennis Malasmas and Engr. Aissa Mijeno. Edsa Shangrila, Mandaluyong • Accenture Shaping the Future Forum in Manila, (July 31, 2013). Engr. Aisa Mijeno with other CITE faculty members. Shangrila, Mandaluyong PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 87 • Accenture Student Leadership Conference, (Jan 31Feb 1, 2014). Engr. Kim Waldolf Andaya. First Pacific Leadership Academy, Antipolo City • ADPCN Annual Convention, (April 25-26, 2014). Dean A. Barte. Crown Legacy Hotel, Baguio City • Agrigenomics Sequencing, (Dec. 2, 2013). Ma. Cristina F. T. Dimaculangan. National Science Complex UP Diliman • Alliance of Hospitality Educators and Practitioners of the Philippines (AHEPP) General Assembly: “AHEPP 3d: Discover, Define, Deliver”, (October 18, 2013). Ms. Geness Aclan, Chef Patrick Maravilla. Traders Hotel Manila • Ang Papel ng Filipino sa Programang K to 12 Tungo sa Pagkamit ng Kamalayan at Kasanayan para sa Ika – 21 Siglo, (April 27 – 30, 2014). Maria Leonora Leynes. Seminar Room, 4th Floor, Yuchengco Bldg, DLSU, Manila • Ang Wikang Filipino sa Edukasyong Tersyaryi: mga Hamon ng Patakaran at programa sa Edukasyon, (October 17 - 19, 2013). Jennifer Casabuena. University of the Philippines • Annual Manila Studies Conference (featuring papers on Manila studies highlighting various aspects of Manila’s history and culture), (August 27-29, 2013). Robert delos Reyes. Thomas Aquinas Research Complex, UST Manila • APCAS Annual Convention, (October 3 – 4, 2013). Ms. Tessie M. Palma. Ateneo de Naga University • APCAS Conference, (Oct. 3-5, 2013). Bernadette K. Dimaculangan. Ateneo de Naga University 88 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Book-launching of “Ferdinand Blumentritt and the Philippines: Insights and Lessons for Contemporary Philippine Studies” by FP Demetrio III, (July 3, 2013). Faculty and Students of De La Salle Schools – Aristotle Balba. Henry Sy Hall, DLSU Manila • Business Analytics Seminar, (April 7-11, 2014). Rodante S. Chavez. IBM Ayala Techno Hub, UP Diliman Q.C. • CCNA Bootcamp, (May 26- 30, 2014). Engr. Agnes Perez. Makati City • Certificate Program in Teaching Literature, (May 17 – 23, 2013). Mary Ann A. Illana. Sta. Catalina Center For Spirituality, Baguio City • Chemical Security and Safety Training, (April 30 to May 4, 2014). Virsely Navarro. Crown Regency Resort and Convention Center Boracay Philippines • Creativity and I.T. Security Conference for Schools, (March 5, 2014). Rodante S. Chavez and Dennis Malasmas. WSI Corporate Center, Makati City • Curriculum Mapping for Effective Teaching and Learning, (February 12- 13, 2014). Ms. Eugenia Vergara and Ms. Maria Angelica Samonte. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas • C# Programming, (June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27). Ms. Anna Magundayao. UP Diliman • Deans in Management of Change, (February 17 – 18, 2014). Ms. Tessie M. Palma. Ateneo de Manila University • DLSU Lecture Series: Empowering Mathematics and Staistics Beyond K-12, (December 12-13). Dr. Ivee K. Guce. DLSU Manila • Educational Leadership for Global Competitiveness and Sustainability”, (Dec. 2-3, 2013). Alicia Barte. SMX Convention Center, Pasay City • “Embracing Strategic Changes in Nursing Education towards Global competitiveness”, (Oct. 3-4, 2013). Dr.Alicia Barte. Manila Hotel • Faculty Renewal of Specialization, (April 28-30, April 28-May 9, May 5-9 April 28- May 9). Dean A. Barte, Dr. Anita Urbi, Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bañaga, Mr Ronnie Amazona. National Center for Mental Health, San LAzaro Hospital • First National Congress on Home and School Collaboration, (January 25, 2014). Mr. Hirodian Baon, Mr. Arnel Manalo, Ms. Nerissa Hernandez, Ms. Lorenz Anne Capati. SMX Convention Center, SM Aura, Bonifacio Global City • FIT Seminar, (April 23-24). Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bañaga. Xavier School Valenzuela City • Forum Workshop on Life after PDAF, (February 12, 2014). Ms. Marineth Rosales. De La Salle University • Frontiers & Innovations in Teaching (FIT 2014), (April 23-25, 2014). Chef Patrick Maravilla. Xavier School San Juan City • Frontiers and Innovations in Teaching: Learning at your fingertips, (April 23-25, 2014). Viviene Rhea Padura. Xavier School San Juan Manila • Frontiers and Innovations in Teaching, (April 23-25, 2014). Engr. Evelyn Falsado. Xavier School, San Juan • From Print to Digital: The Advantage of E-books in Today’s Academe a lecture by Dr. Isagani Cruz sponsored by C & E Publishing, (Sept. 12, 2013). Mr. Roy Dalisay (voluntary). SMX Convention Center • “Gat Andres Bonifacio: Huwaran ng Katapangan, Sandigan ng Kabayanihan”, (August 22-24, 2013). Aristotle Balba. Skylight Hotel, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan • Geotourism: Making the Philippines an Authentic, Sustainable & Creative Destination, (February 11, 2014). Ms. Maria Madel Ocampo, Chef Patrick Maravilla & Ms. Joreen Rocamora. Crossroads Convenarium, Quezon City • GLISS II 2014: GoldenBat Laboratory Innovation Seminar and Show, (February 17, 2014). Selected Faculty. Quezon Ballroom Hall Aberdeen Court Great Eastern Hotel Quezon City • Graphic Expo 2013 Seminar, (June 21, 2013). Lorna A. Achico. SMX Center, MOA • GRAPHIKA MANILA 2014, (February 1, 2014). Lorna A. Achico, Steve Cardona. SMX Center, MOA, Manila • Hasaan 4: Silip, Sipat, Sikap: Ang Guro sa Pagharap at pagtugon sa mga Hamon ng Pagtuturo at Pananliksik, (October 16 – 18, 2013). Aileen Joy Saul. UST, España, Manila • Hotel & Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP) Biennial Assembly, Theme: “Looking Forward: Perspectives and Prospectives on ASEAN Integration 2015”, (October 1, 2013). Chef Shirley de Jesus, Mses. Evangeline Necio & Joy S. Zapata. Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila Ballroom • IBM-SPSS Training Workshop, (September 1213,2013). Ms. Lerma Ilao and Ms. Iezyl Torino. Adamson University PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 89 • IECEP and Board of ECE Electronics Code Revision, (June 1, 2013). Engr. Stephenn L. Rabano and Engr. Robert G. de Luna. Club Filipino, Greenhills, Mandaluyong City • IIEE CSC National EE Quiz Show and Math Wizard, (November 29, 2013). EE Faculty members & Students. SMX Convention Center, MOA, Pasay • Industry Immersion Meeting with Microsoft, (July 8, 2013). Mr. Mark De Vera, Ms. Camille Hernandez, Mr. Emil Macaso, Microsoft representative. Microsoft Ayala, Makati • Industry Immersion Meeting with Pointwest, (July 9, 2013). Mr. Mark De Vera, Mr. Dennis Malasmas, Ms. Camille Hernandez, Mr. Emil Macaso, Pointwest representatives. Pointwest Diliman, QC • Industry Immersion with Seminar Trends in Hospitality focused on F&B and Housekeeping Operations, (October 29, 2013). CIHTM Faculty & Staff. St. Francis Suites & Resort Manila • Industry Immersion: Abacus Functionalities, (October 22-25, 2013). Mses. Jean Aggari, Rhikie Rose Maranan & Joreen Rocamora. Trafalgar Plaza, Makati City • Input-Output Modeling (IIM) for Disaster Risk Management, (Sept.25, 2013). Ms. Vivienne Rhea S. Padura. Traders Hotel • International Franchise Conference: Franchise Asia Philippines 2013 (“Asia to the World – The World to Asia’), (July 17 – 18, 2013). Nerissa O. Lucasia, Leonardo Magaling, Nora M. Sarmiento. SMX Convention Center, Manila, Philippines • LAkbay NSTP: Meeting with UE NSTP Administrators for NSRC Implementarion, (June 5, 2013). NSTP Faculty Members and NSTP Lingkod Lasalyano officers and 90 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 members. University of the East-Recto • Lasallian Special Studies Institute (LSSI) 2014, (April 21-May 3, 2014). Dr. Ma. Theresa M. Mangulabnan. De La Salle Zobel • Lasallian Summit on the K-12 System: Transitions and Lasallian Education, (May 7, 2014). Ms. Tessie M. Palma. De La Salle College of Saint Benilde • Lasallian Summit on the K-12 System: Transitions and Lasallian Education, (May 7, 2014). Mr. Rene Villanueva. De La Salle College of Saint Benilde • Life After the PDAF, (February 12, 2014). Dr. Ma. Theresa M. Mangulabnan. De La Salle University-Manila • Meeting with Dr. Esmeralda Cunanan, (July 25, 2013). Atty. Emerito Enginco. Fullbright Commission, Ayala Avenue Makati City • Midyear National forum on Library Education and Practice, (July 12, 2013). Noel Savadera, Maria Chona Chavez, Emelita Sagbang. SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City • Moodle Training: Cutting Edge in On Line Education, (May 2-3, 2014). Chef Patrick Maravilla, Mses Evangeline Necio, Madel Ocampo & Andrenelyn Varona. Philippine Social Science Center, Diriman Quezon City • National Capability Enhancement Training in the Successful Program Implementation of NSTP HEIs, Theme: Mobilizing the Youth for Disaster-Resilient Communities, (July 29-30, 2013). Bernadette K. Dimaculangan. TUP, Ermita, Manila • National Volleyball Referees Congress, (August 23,2013). Ruby L. Cubilla, Peter M. Perez. University of Cordilleras, Baguio City • Oral Arguments Re RH Law, (July 9, 2013). Emerito Enginco, Rachel Joy Alzate. Supreme Court P. Faura Manila • Organ/System Integrated Curriculum, (Jan 27, 2014). Mr. Ronnie Amazona, Dr. Richard Logro, Dean A. Barte. NTTC, U.P. Manila • Orientation on the Revised Policies, Standards & Guidelines on Student Internship Abroad Program (SIAP), (August 22, 2013). Ms. Evangeline M. Necio. CHED Auditorium, 2nd/Flr HEDC Bldg., Quezon City • Outcomes Based Education Seminar, (November 25, 2013). Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bañaga, Dr. Anita Urbi, Rosemarie Mendenilla, Dr. Alicia Barte. University of the Philippines • Overview of Transformative Learning, (July 22, 2013). Dr. A. Urbi, Dr. Banaga, Rosemarie Mendenilla. NTTCU.P. Manila • PAGE Execom Meeting, (Sept 11-13, 2013). Dr. Joy Talens. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City • PAPJA Convention, (January 17, 2014). Mr. Darwin Magpili. SMX, Mall of Asia • PAPJA Convention workshop, (January 18, 2014). Ms. Violy Andaleon. University of the East • Peace Education Workshop for Philippine Colleges of Education, (October 16 – 18, 2013). Dr. Maria Theresa B. Kalaw; Maridel Q. Mendoza. Miriam College, Quezon City • PEMSEA Capacity Building for Integrated Coastal Management, (June 6-7, 2013). Richard Magsino, Vivienne Padura. Sulo Hotel, Quezon City • Philippine Education Conference 2013: Educational Leadership for Global Competitiveness and Sustainability – Responding to the Challenges of ASEAN 2015, (December 2-3, 2013). Deans and department heads, deans. SMX Convention Center, Pasay City • Philippine Nurses Association Annual Convention Theme “ Gearing up for the Greater Challenges of Equity and access to Health Care”, (Oct. 21-24, 2013). Ronnie Amazona. Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan • Philippine PEN Conference: Literature of Concord and Solidarity: The Writer as Peacemaker, (December 3 – 4, 2013). Mary Ann A. Illana, Evangeline Moog, Romil Silva. Multipurpose Room, 4th flr, Henry Sy Sr Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila • Philippine Society for Microbiology Cluster Symposium, (Sept.14, 2013). Mr. Edmerson Geronimo, Ms. Catherine M. Precioso. Miriam College, Quezon City • Philippine Volleyball National Congress, (October 1113, 2013). Ms Ruby L. Cubilla, Mr. Peter M. Peres. University of Cordilleras, Bagiuo City • Post K-12 Scenarios: Administrative Issues and Concerns, (December 5 – 6, 2013). Ms. Tessie M. Palma. Casino Español de Manila, TM Kalaw St. Manila • Post K-12 Scenarios: Administrative Issues and Concerns, (December 5 – 6, 2013). Mary Ann A. Illana. Casino Español de Manila, TM Kalaw St. Manila • PSBMB, (December 4-5, 2013). Mr. Edmerson Geronimo and Ms. Ma. Cristina Francesca T. Dimaculangan.l DLSU - Main PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 91 • PSITE 16th National Convention, (Februay 27-March 1, 2014). Michelle Malvar, Anna Magundayao, Engr. Imelda Martin, Engr. Kim Waldolf Andaya. St. Louis University, Baguio City • PSITE National Conference, (Feb 27- March 1, 2014). Mark De Vera Imelda Martin, Waldolf Andaya, Michelle Malvar, Anna Magundayao. Baguio City • PSITE National Conference, (February 2014). Selective CITE Dept. Chairs & Faculty Members. • PSM Cluster Symposium, (Sept. 14, 2013). Mr. Edmerson Genomino, Ms. Catherine Precioso. Miriam College • Reference Management Platform: All Systems Go! A Holistic Approach to Modern Reference Service, (May 8-9, 2014). Maria Chona Chavez. DLSU- Manila • Research Culture in the Graduate School, (Sept 28, 2013). Dr. Joy Talens. Pamantasan ng Cabuyao, Cabuyao City • Responding to the Asian 2015 Challenge: Implications to Mathematics Education, (January 29-30, 2014). Ms. Vicenta L. Mayuga. Bayleaf Hotel, Intramuros, Manila • Rootcon Security Conference, (Sept. 14 -15, 2013) Engr. Imelda Martin Engr. Agnes Perez Engr. Aisa Mijeno. Parklane International Hotel, Cebu. • Scoping of ICM Priority Sites for the GEF/UNDP? PEMSEA project on Scaling up the Implementation of the SDS-SEA in the Philippines, (March 7, 2014). Viviene Rhea Padura, Jesirene Villanueva, Bernard Lunar. UP Marine Science Institute, Quezon CIty • Seminar, (July 29, 2014). Atty. Emerito Enginco. UST Seminar “The Fear and I”, (July 5, 2013). Ms. Violeta L. Andaleon, Ms. Romaine G. Magboo, Mr. Darwin C. 92 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Magpili, Mr. Julius Martin Katigbak. V. Luna Medical Center, Quezon City • Seminar on Intensive Journal Writing for Stress Relief sponsored by Abiva Publishing, (Sept.14, 2013, 1012 nn). Mr. Roy Dalisay (voluntary). SMX Convention Center • Seminar on Personality Development, (September 16, 2013). Ms. Violeta L. Andaleon. University of the East, Metro Manila • Short Term Course on Laboratory Management for Laboratory Custodians/ Technicians (Course 1), (May 5-6, 2014). Virsely Navarro. Centro Escolar University Manila • SOLIDWORKS HANDS-ON TEST DRIVE, (April 10, 2014). Engrs. Joselito P. Roxas, Oscar Bryan Magtibay, Rodelio Cabrera & Domingo Paulo Chavez. Unit 110 MCS Tower, Makati Square Complex, 1299 Chino Roces Ave, Makati City • Stress Management for Healthy Living, (August 3, 2013). Ms. Violeta L. Andaleon, Mr. Darwin C. Magpili. Film Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City • Textbook Writing Seminar sponsored by Abiva Publishing, (Sept.14, 2013, 12-2 pm). Mr. Roy Dalisay (voluntary). SMX Convention Center • The 2nd EdukCircle International Convention on Education Management: “Current Issues, Trends and Strategies in Education”, (January 25, 2014). Mary Ann A. Illana, Aileen Joy G. Saul. UP Film Institute, UP Diliman, Quezon City • The Role of the Laity in Building Christian Community: A Biblico-Pastoral Perspective, (May 10, 2014). Fulltime Reled and Philo Faculty. William Shaw Little Theater, DLSU-M. • Training in Fundamentals of SQL, (April 26-May 25 (Saturdays). Nelia Rocamora, Camille Hernandez. UP Diliman ITTC • Training of Trainors (PACE – ABS-CBN Faculty Development Project), (October 22 – 26, 2013). Cherie Glo S. Cabungcal; Analiza Resurreccion; Joanne Marie Jumarang. ABS – CBN, Quezon City • Training Workshop for NSTP Implementers and Community Extension Workers on Integrating Community development Perspective and Service Learning, (Nov. 13-15, 2013). Kathryn Trivino, Joseph Ng and Bernadette Dimaculangan. CSB, Manila • Type of Examination in Microbiology Laboratory: Its Effects on Students’ Achievement, (November 26-28, 2013). Mr. Edmerson Geronimo and Mr. Bernard Lunar. Manila Mariott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines • UFTE General Membership Meeting and Seminar, (March 29, 2014). Mses. Marie Grace Masilungan, Maria Madel Ocampo & Andrenelyn A. Varona. Treston International College. • UGAT 35th Annual National Conference, (October 24-26, 2013). Renato G. Maligaya. Ateneo de Davao, Davao City • Writeshop for Climate Change Adoption Plan, (July 4-5, 2013). Mr. Bernard Lunar. BayView Hotel Regional • Advance and Current Trends in Teaching/Learning Methods (8 May 2014). Ms. Vioeta Andaleon ( speaker), Suncrest Tropical Resort, Balisong Taal, Batangas. • CEAP Regional Assembly (28-30 April 2014). Mr. Rene Villanueva, Phoenix Development Center, Quezon City. • CEAP Regional Assembly (28-30 April 2014). Ms. Tessie Palma, Phoenix Development Center, Quezon City. • COHREP Forum “ASEAN 2015 Challenges, Innovation and Opportunities” (30 April 2014). Ms. Geness Aclan, Chef Shirley de Jesus & Ms. Joy S. Zapata, Microtel Inns & Suites, Sto. Tomas Batangas. • DOST Rice (21 June 2013). Ms. Virsely Navarro, Ms. Marisol A. Laguardia, Mr. Bernard Lunar, Walter Mart Tanauan, Batangas. • Environmental Audit of Swine Waste Management System in Lipa City, Philippines (25-26 November 2013). Ms. Vivienne Padura, UPLB, College of Forestry. • Food Caterer’s Association of the Philippines Convention (25 July 2014). Chef Pamela de Leon, Chef Patrick Maravilla, Lyceum University of the Philippines Batangas. • “From interview to feedback: What you need to know about Psychological Assessment” (6 December 2013). Ms. Violy Andaleon, Cavite Center for Mental Health. • Gender and Development Consultation (2 -3 September 2013). Ms. Tessie M. Palma, Batangas State University. • “Hands-on/Minds-on Microscale Chemistry for Chemistry Teachers” (21 June 2013). Marisol A. Laguardia, Virsely Navarro and Bernard Lunar, Walter Mart, Tanauan, Batangas. • HRDC-Region 1V-A Seminar (6 March 2014). Full time Faculty, De La Salle HSI, Cavite. • ICM Training Center (11 February 2014). Ms. Vivienne S. Padura, PG-ENRO Bldng., Capitol Site, Batangas City. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 93 • IECEP Batangas Technical Seminar (3 May 2014). Engr. Stephenn Rabano, Engr. Aileen Villamonte, BSU, Batangas City. • JPCS National Assembly (1 March 2014). Grace Madolid, Nelia Rocamora, Kawit Cavite. • KOHA Seminar Training (10-11 April 2014). Lilian C. Rabino, FAITH, Tanauan. • Lakbay Aral Seminar-Workshop on the Disease Concept of Addiction (20 July 2014). Mr. Roy Aguba, House of Sobriety, Tagaytay City. • Lakbay-aral Activity (24 October 2014). Librarians and Office Assistants, DLSU-Dasmarinas & DLSU-Health and Science Campuses in Cavite. • LASAC southern Luzon Hunger Conference,Theme: Mainstreaming Hunger Through Innovation and Partnership, Concerns, Issues and Realities (28- 30 January 2014). Kathryn Trivino and Maridel Mendoza, LaForce, St. Francis Seminary, Lipa City. • Librarians @ Work : Project Management for Information Professionals (8 May 2014). Noel Savadera, Emelita Sagbang & Lilian Rabino, DLSU-D. • MSPC General Assembly (12 October 2014). Faculty Members of Math Department, DLSU Dasmarinas. • NOCEEI Seminar (8 August 2014). Joy S. Zapata, Phinma Training Center, Tagaytay City. • NOCEI Education Summit (29 May 2014). Lilian Rabino, St. Bridget College, Batangas City. • PMHA Seminar for Exceptional Children (12 July 2013). Ms. Odessa Bagos, Ms. Kristel Mendoza, Luntian Resort and Restaurant, Lipa City. 94 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • PSITE 14th Regional Conference: “Strengthening Research and Entrepreneurial Skills in IT Education” (17 January 2014). Rodante S. Chavez, Emil Macaso, Michelle Malvar, Dennis Malasmas, Anna Magundayao, Engr. Agnes Perez, Engr. Kim Waldolf Andaya, FAITH Tanauan City. • PSITE Regional Conference (3 September 2013). Mr. Mark De Vera, Mr. Dante Chavez, Mr. Dennis Malasmas, Ms. Camille Hernandez, Ms. Michelle Malvar, Ms. Anna Magundayao, Ms. Nelia Rocamora, Collegio De San Juan De Latran – Calamba, Laguna. • Resource Description Access (RDA) SeminarWorkshop (25 October 2013). Noel Savadera, Lilian Rabino, Aileen De Leon, Eileen Magadia, Clifford Torres & Merlie Flores, University of Batangas. • Seminar on Animal Physiology (28 June 2013). Edmerson Geronimo, Catherine M. Precioso, Jesirene Villanueva, UP Los Banos. • Seminar-Workshop on Outcomes-Based Education (25-26 June). Dean A. Barte, Sol Y Viento Pansol Laguna. • Site Level Scoping Workshop for Scaling Up ICM (8 April 2014). Jesirene Villanueva and Bernard Lunar, Days Hotel Batangas City. • South Luzon Presummit of the 2nd Professional Summit by PRC (3 September 2013). Engr. Stephenn L. Rabano and Engr. Robert G. de Luna, Sta. Rosa, Laguna. • Southern Luzon Hunger Conference with the theme: Mainstreaming Hunger through Innovation and Partnership: Concerns, Issues and Realities (28 - 30 January 2014). Ms. Edna Yanga, Main Conference Hall, LAFORCE Bldg., St. Francis de Sales Major Seminary Compound, Marawoy, Lipa City. • TVET Congress “Enhancing TVET for Industries of the 21st Century” (22 June 2014). Chef Shirley de Jesus, Eldar’s Tent Enchanted Kingdom, Sta. Rosa Laguna. Writeshop on Development of Research Tools and Instruments for Economic Valuation (17 July 2013). Mr. Bernard Lunar, Batangas State University. Local • 2014 Math Students’ Convention: (Casio Calculator Workshop for the fx-991ES plus Math Calculator) (25 January 2014). Dr. Ivee K. Guce, Ms. Lerma Ilao, Ms. Vedes Ann Laylo, Mr. Roberto M. Marcelo Jr., Mr. Aljay Martinez, Ms. Jester Martinez, Ms. Vicenta Mayuga, Ms. Tessie Palma, Ms. Rhea Sabaybay, Ms. Iezyl Torino, Mr. Nyses Velasquez, BB Roofdeck, DLSL. • Authentic Educational Change for Sustainability (19 September 2013). Ms. Tessie M. Palma, De La Salle Lipa. • Authentic Educational Change for Sustainability (19 September 2013). Ms. Iezyl Torino, Yellow Boardroom, 2F Diokno Bldg., DLSL. • Basic Occupational Safety Seminar (22 October 2013). Ms. Virsely A. Navarro, FHRD Function room, CMR, De La Salle Lipa. • Biotechnology Information, Education and Communication Forum (29 April 2014). Mr. Bernard Lunar, Ms. Catherine Precioso, Ms. Virsely Navarro, Dr. Joy Talens, Mr. Edmerson Geronimo, Diokno Auditorium , DLSL. • Blended Learning Seminar “Becoming Lifelong Digital Learners: Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom” (May 11 2013). Ms. Violy Andaleon, Mr. Arvie Anda, Mini Auditorium 9:00 – 12:00. • Blood Olympics Seminar (10 Jnauary 2014). Dean A. Barte, Mignodel Morales, AVR -Lipa City Hall. • “Building Good relationship and Communication skills” – Family Day (18 October 2013). Mr. Darwin Magpili, Mr. Arvie Andal, Ms Violy Andaleon, Ms. Romaine Magboo, BLUROZE Farm, Brgy. Lodlod , Lipa City. • Change Management, Issues and solutions in School Administration (19 September 2014). Bernadette K. Dimaculangan, 2F Board Room, JD Hall. • Climate Change and Environmental Law (22- 24 January 2014). All Fulltime Faculty, Amphi Theatre, MB. • Climate Change and International Environmental Law (21 January 2014). Mr. Michael Ramos, De La Salle Lipa. • Code Red Seminar: Readiness on Emergencies & Disasters (28 March 2014). Ms. Geness Aclan & Mr. Noli Rodaje, DLSL. • COMM Para sa KOMunidad : Project Kaalaman (February 1, 2014). Faculty Members of Communication Department acted as Workshop Facilitators: Mr. Fredevel Bruce Banaag, Mr. Marianito Dio, Jr., Ms. Joanne Marie Jumarang, Ms. Analiza Resurreccion, Mr. Marwin Salvador, Mabini Auditorium, De La Salle Lipa. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 95 • Computer Hardware Servicing with NC2 Review by Mr. Delas Alas (26 May 2014). ITE Faculty, MB110. • CS Teaching Pedagogies and Research 101 by Dr. Abacan (6 March 2014). ITE Faculty, MB110. • How to Effectively Evaluate Employee Performance (26 November 2014). Vice Chancellors, Integrated School Principal and Assistant Principals, Directors, Deans and Department Chairs, 5F Diokno Audi, DLSL. • Demo on Fitness & Wellness (December 02, 2014). Ms. Geness Aclan, DLSL. • How to Effectively Evaluate Employee Performance (26 November 2014). Dr. Ma. Theresa M. Mangulabnan, De La Salle Lipa. • E4AM Student’s Presentation of their Instructional Materials Output in Instrumentation in Math (May 06, 2013). Math Department Faculty, MB501. • ICM Strategic Planning (10- 11 December 2014 AM). Marisol A. Laguardia, Matabungkay Beach Resort Lian, Batangas. • Echoing of a Seminar organized by the Philippine Association on English Language and Literature (PAELLT) and the Philippine Education Conference (14 April 2014). Ms. Marineil Alilei Abante, Ms. Asuncion Atienza, Ms. Joy Aguilar, Mr. Frederick Cumagun, Ms. Michelle Rio Dueñas, Ms. Abigail Ocampo, MB 501, De La Salle Lipa. • Improving Organizational Skills in Workplace (22 November 2103). *Marjeric Buenafe, FHP Function Room DLSL. • In-house IBM SPSS Echoing Workshop (22- 23 October 2013 AM). DMAP statisticians, GZ 2F. • Enhanced Basic Education and Its Benefit (June 09, 2014). Ms. Iezyl Torino, 5F Diokno Audi, DLSL. • Exposure Trip to GMA 7 Network Facility and Broadcast Equipment (18 October 2014). Engr. Stephenn L. Rabano, Engr. Robert G. de Luna, and Engr. Evelyn M. Falsado, GMA Network Center, EDSA cor. Timog Ave., Diliman, Quezon City. • First Aid Training for Hotel & Restaurant and Resort Personnel (4-5 June 2014). Faculty & Staff Hotel Operations, Chez Rafael. • Fullbright Scholarship Opportunities (21 January 2014). Mr. Michael Ramos, De La Salle Lipa. 96 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Introduction to Basic Sign Language (26 March 2013). Ms. Violeta Andaleon, Luntian Resort, San Sebastian, Lipa City. • K to 12 Seminar (06 September 2013). Deans and Area Chairpersons, 5F JDiokno Hall. • Leadership Seminar (2 March 2014). Dean A. Barte, LIRD Sen Dikno Bldg.. • Learn Typing Professional Way (10 October 2013). Ms. Virsely A. Navarro, Computer Lab C, De La Salle Lipa. • Lecture on Change Management by Dr. Dennis McLaughlin (19 Sepetember 2013). Deans and Department Chairs, Boardroom, Diokno Hall, DLSL. • Lecture on Enhanced Basic Education and its Benefits by Mr. Elvin Uy of DepEd (06 September 2013). Mr. Roy Dalisay, Diokno Auditorium, DLSL. • Lecture on Handling Bullying Incidents in School by Atty. Ramel Muria and Mr. Michael Kasilag (22 October 2013). Department Chairs, Auditorium, Mabini Hall. • Responsible Environment Stewardship for the Nursing Profession (13 November 2013). Full-time and Parttime Faculty, Mini-Audi MB De La Salle Lipa. • Lecture/Demo on Blended Learning sponsored by EduPower Publishing (06 November 2013). Ms. Marineil Abante, Ms. Joy Aguilar, Ms. Asuncion Atienza, Mr. Roy Dalisay, Dr. Josephine Magbojos, Ms. Imelda Marquez, Ms. Maria Isabel Naval, Ms. Monica Tugade, Ms. Jamie de la Paz, Amphitheater, Mabini Hall. • Seminar on ADOBE CLOUD (09 May 2014). Lorna A. Achico, ICT Center. • Neuro Science & Leadership Seminar (Jnauary 30 , 2014). CIHTM Dean, HRM and Tourism Department Chairpersons, Chez Rafael, DLSL. • Seminar on Bullying (08 January 2013). Mr. Pablito Sarmiento, De La Salle Lipa. • Neuroscience and Leadership (January 30, 2014). Dean A. Barte, Chez Rafael Hotel. • Orientation of Turnitin (25 July 2014). Ms. Evangeline Necio & Andrenelyn Varona, MB 510, DLSL. • PMHA 4th Quarter Lecture Forun entitled (Making It Work” Personalities – How to Deal with Difficult People. (12 December 2014). Mr. Arvie Andal, Ms. Violy Andaleon, Ms. Odessa Bagos, Mr. Julius Martin Katigbak, Mr. Darwin Magpili, Ms. Romaine Magboo, Ms. Kristel Mendoza, Blue Saphire, Tambo, Lipa City. • Professional Education Program (9 units) (October 14November 7 2014). Ms. Lerma Ilao, DLSL. • Professional Education program (PEP) (October 14November 8, 2014). Richard Magsino, De La Salle Lipa. • Public Lecture on Climate Change and Environmental Law (21 January 2014). Mr. Roy Dalisay, Mabini Auditorium, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Authentic Educational Change for Sustainability (19 Sepetember 2014). Ms. Violeta Andaleon, Board Room. • Seminar on Effective Powerpoint Presentation (09 May 2014). Ms Carol Basconcillo and Mr. Jesus Catapang, Computer Lab D, 2/F Hall of Lasallian Saints. • Seminar on Enhanced Basic Education and Its Benefits (06 September 2013 AM). Ms. Violy Andaleon and Other Area and Department Chairs, 5th floor Auditorium Diokno Bldg.. • Seminar on Enhanced Basic Education and Its Benefits (06 September 2013). Ms. Tessie M. Palma, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on How to Effectively Evaluate Employee Performance (26 November 2013 AM). Mr. Roy Dalisay, Diokno Auditorium, Diokno Hall. • Seminar on National Nursing Core Competency Standards (13 November 2013). Full-time and Part-time Faculty, Mini-Audi MB De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Neuroscience and Leadership (30 January 2014). Ms. Violy Andaleon, Chez Rafael. • Seminar on Neuroscience and Leadership (30 January 2014). Dr. Ma. Theresa M. Mangulabnan, Chez Rafael, De La Salle Lipa. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 97 • Seminar on Neuroscience and Leadership (30 January 2014). Ms. Tessie M. Palma, Chez Rafael, De La Salle Lipa. • Seminar on Sustainability (19 September 2013). Ms. Lorna Achico, Diokno Boardroom. • Special Lecture on Teaching Writing by Dr. Sterling Plata (13 November 2013). Faculty of English Language Area, Amphitheater, Mabini Hall. • SPSS Training (22-23 October 2013). Ms. Melanie Lugo, De La Salle Lipa. • Time Management (24 January 2014). Ms. Jobelle Manalo, 4/F Sen Jose Diokno Hall, DLSL. • Training on Establishment and Application of Integrated Information Management System (IIMS Module 1) (1-4 April 2014). Viviene Rhea Padura, Jesirene Villanueva, Bernard Lunar, Marisol Laguardia, Catherine Precioso, Edmerson Geronimo, Ma. Cristina F. Dimaculangan, Richard Magsino, Shercon Resort Mataas na Kahoy Batangas. • Training on Using Turnitin Software for the Research Paper in COMSKI2/EFFWRIT (12 December 2013). Ms. Marineil Abante, Ms. Asuncion Atienza, Dr. Josephine Magbojos, Ms. Imelda Marquez, Ms. Monica Tugade, Ms. Jamie de la Paz, Mr. Lawrence Icasiano, Ms. Abigail Ocampo, MB 302 De La Salle Lipa. • Turnitin Anti-plagiarism Software Orientation (11 and 25 July 2013). Dr. Ivee Guce, Ms. Iezyl Torino, MB510. • Turnitin Meeting (04 June 2014). Research Teachers and Coordinator, MB 510. • Turnitin Orientation (04 July 2013). Mr. Roy Dalisay, Ms. Marineil Abante, Ms. Asuncion Atienza, Ms. Maria Isabel Naval, MB 409. 98 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 • Turnitin Orientation (25 July 2013). Dr. Ma. Theresa M. Mangulabnan, Computer Laboratory, De La Salle Lipa. • Turn-It-In Orientation (04 July 2013). Lorna A. Achico, MB510 Computer Lab • Turnitin Orientation (25 July 2013). Ms. Violeta L. Andaleon, MB 510. • Workshop on Appropriate Teaching Strategies in the Social Science Disciplines (with Team-Building) (05 November 2013). Area Chair and Faculty Members of Social Science Area, Jesus and Mary Resort, Plaridel, Lipa City. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS DIVISION The Association of Computer Engineering Students (ACES) is the official professional organization of the Computer Engineering Student of DLSL. It is an organization that seeks alliance, commitment, optimism, enhancement and service. The Association of Communication Students used boxes to symbolize the equality every students must have in the society while the icons represent the image of the guilds this Association has. The Association of Integrated Management Technology Students (AIMTECHS) is the official professional organization of all DLSL students taking up BS in Management Technology. The Biology Society composed of biology major students that embodies the value of life in the environment, exemplifies high interest in biological sciences and are able to apply this in their institution and community. Educator’s Circle, serves as a potent instrument towards molding of competent upcoming educators who would “teach the minds, touch the hearts, and transform lives” of their imminent students. Gourmet Club Avenir, the official organization of Hotel and Restaurant Management students of DLSL aims to share the interesting and varied skill in hospitality. It is involved in various activities that strengthen the welfare of each member from technical to soft skills enhancement. The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines - De La Salle Lipa Student Chapter envisions itself as innovative organization that provides its members with curricular and non- curricular learning opportunities as guided by the Lasallian core values of Faith, Service and communion. The Interactive Artist Multimedia Design is the professional organization of the Multimedia Arts student in De La Salle Lipa. iMedia fuses art and technology together and is set to strive hard in innovating and developing artistic and imaginative minds of the new generation. The Junior Financial Institute of the Philippines De La Salle Lipa chapter is a recognized professional organization of legitimate Financial Management students that commit to maintain its mission in providing services with values of Trust, Prudence, Integrity and Dignity. The Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS) is the official student organization of the Philippine Computer Society (PCS). It is to be exclusively for the Computer Science, Information Technology and Information Systems students in De La Salle Lipa. The Junior Philippine Economics Society is a professional organization in De La Salle Lipa. It is designed as assisting in the development of Business Economics majors to become academically competent students and socially responsible future business leaders and nation builders. The Junior Institute of Accountants De La Salle Lipa (JPIA- DLSL) is the official and accredited student Professional organization composed of competent and proficient Accountancy and Accounting Technology students of De La Salle Lipa. Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers is an organization that aims to make every Industrial Engineering students of De La Salle Lipa an individual who is: Judicious, Preserving, Intellectual, Industrious and Excellent. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 99 The Junior Marketing Association, the professional organization of all the college students at De La Salle Lipa taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management, aims to instill to its members the values of leadership, service and commitment. Psychology Society is an organization which believes that the psychological aspect of every individual should be nurtured for the progress of his whole being by fostering mental health and providing basic knowledge in the said field applied not only in the campus itself but also to the outside community. The Junior Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers or JIIE does not only stand as an organization for educators but as a community of individuals with dreams that amount to levels greater than others. It is not a service but a hope that will benefit students to extend their most gratitude towards students alike. The Students’ Tourism Society is the official organization of all tourism students in De La Salle Lipa. The organization facilitates various activities that hone the students’ skills to better equip them spiritually and academically. It also promotes exposure on different community involvements, Lasallian Jurists, an assembly of Legal Management Students, is designed to mold future responsible leaders by developing social awareness among students and more notably among members developing not only a mere group of open- minded citizens but advocates of social betterment. The program aims to train professionals in the art and science of establishing and growing small- scale business using innovative business strategies. It combines management, marketing, accounting, finance and information technology. Lasallian League of Nurses (LNN) serves as a ground for unification of competent and skills nursing students of De La Salle Lipa to partake in bringing about innovations in the nursing profession Sociedad Mathematicas is the official organization of BS Mathematics students in De La Salle Lipa. It is organized to effectively represent the interests and initiatives and events that enrich the student experience. 100 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 SOCIO CIVIC AND RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS DIVISIONS Anak Lasalyano is an organization specialized to the OFW children in De La Salle Lipa. This is organization aims to provide a source group for values, formation for the children of the overseas workers who are directly affected by the migration of their parents. The De La Salle Lipa Campus Ministry Choir (DLSL - CMC) is a socio- civic and religious organization established for students and volunteers, endowed with the spirit of service not only in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist but also in other community services. Discipline Marshalls as a Socio-Civic Religious Organization in De La Salle Lipa that aims to promote the importance of discipline and service to the school without seeking any recognition and become role models that will serve as future leaders, thus living by the motto, Service Above All. At DLSL Earth, the plant at the center of the earth symbolize that among the creations that exist in our life, nature plays the big role for it. It shows Nature’s importance that must be always recognized, take care, and preserve of all the individuals. The HONOR Society is dedicated to Academic achievement and culture of excellence in the service of the student body, community and society. Upholding the Lasallian banner in interaction among academes and spreading knowledge and awareness of important issues. Lingkod Lasalyano are composed of bona fide college students of De La Salle Lipa, who are currently taking up or had passed the NSTP course and has complied with the requirements of the recruitment procedure as prescribed by the Lingkod Lasalyano officers. The Les Lasallian Lumieres’ emblem represents the guiding light of the Lasallian star provided to the institution’s working scholars. The three extending hands in different hues identify its consisting bodies who are mainly clerical assistants, maintenance assistants and FEBRES scholars. The Peer Facilitators’ circle envisions itself to become of assistance to fellow students in addressing emotional, interpersonal, mental and physical needs. The group seeks to uplift the mind and spirit of fellow students for them to become personally aware, serviceoriented and responsible. The Red Cross youth’s mission is to educate and empower the children and youth in the spirit of Red Cross through constructive trainings and effective leadership, and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing their energy and idealism into worthwhile humanitarian activities. Stallion Drive, a student-oriented organization of DLSL, hereby commits to the belief of Mother Theresa, “It doesn’t matter” and be an exemplary of unconditional love and service for the betterment of the college community. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 101 The YFC Campus Based is CFC Youth For Christ’s Official evangelization program based within college or university level campuses. It caters to the student’s holistic development in their tertiary level of education. It is based on the words of scripture: “Unite all things in Christ” (Eph. 1:10). SPECIAL INTEREST DIVISION Bridje! Is an organization that aims to connect Filipino and Japanese culture. It encourages its members to show their creativity in their passion related to Japanese culture such as cosplaying, drawing anime and manga. Lasallians who have a heart for social issues, a mind for arguing and a soul for expressing opinions. Hear hear! De La Salle Lipa’s Debate Society is always ready for witty battles. Fashion and Attitude Diplomats is an organization that empowers fashion with the right attitude in reinforcing optimal self-development. Musikalista is an organization of Lasallian musicians, which is part of the SPIN division. This organization aims to increase the passion of students in music. 102 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 The Pautakan Club organizes board games, logic games, quiz bees, and learning activities that will encourage the competitive minds, develop the thinking capability, and rebuild the moral values of the Lasallian Students. In DLSL Salindayaw Dance Company, the logo shows a dancer with a heart of a Lasallian. Dancer with an Animo spirit that shares his/her God-given talent to others. This logo represents all the dancers who inspire others by being one with the Lasallian mission. The Samahang Lasalyanong Retratista (SLR) logo represents the merging of the organization’s interest in Photography as a subject of Profession and hobby; and the core Lasallian values that guides the establishment of the org. Teatro Lasalyano is an organization of talented individuals in acting, and even in singing and dancing, whose God-given talents are ignited and nourished. The De La Salle Voices serves as the official Choral group of DLSL. Since its formation in 1998, the group has been renowned with its local, national, and international performances. OTHERS The Student Government is the highest governing body of the of the student representatives of DLSL. Its primary concern is to promote, protect, empower, and advance students right and welfare. Council of Student Organizations. The CSO, the coordinating body of the institutions accredited student organizations aims to bring about the holistic development of it’s constituents, through different activities and events supported and guided by its mission and vision. To provide for activities that contributes to the development of the students and guides the organizations in achieving the same purpose. The De La Salle COMELEC as an independent organization that handles and facilitates election to the college department of DLSL. The Committee on Election is mandated to give life and meaning to the basic principle that sovereignty resides in the students and all student government authority emanates from them. It exists to maintain authority and independence in the conduct of election. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 103 Chapter 3: Osmosis RESEARCH Michael M. Ramos Galatians 3:13: Justification by Faith and by Law Lani M. Santos Relationship Between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Examining the Role of Profile, Organizational Communication Satisfaction and Job Motivation at De La Salle Lipa Joel M. Osorio Correlates of Organizational Effectiveness of De La Salle Lipa-College of Business Economics Accountancy and Management Nora Sarmiento Perceived Service Quality of Academic Advising Program of De La Salle Lipa: It’s Effect on Student Retention and attrition Dr. Merlita Durana and Ms. Lani Garachico Comparative Analysis of Pre-employment Assessment and Performance of B.S. Accountancy Graduates Mr. Renan Kasilag Relationship between Parent’s Overseas Work on the Left-Behind Children’s Quality of Life and Career Choice Intention Minerva J. Fanoga Comparison of a Two Continuous Hour Computer Class and a Split Two-Hour Computer Session 104 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Eugenia A. Vergara Assessment of Kinder Admissions Test: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Test in Language Dennis R. Dimaala Relationship of Grade 3 Pupils’ Reading Comprehension and Ability to solve Word Problems in Mathematics Myrna R. de Castro Using Common Core Standards Strategies in teaching English: Impact on Grade 5 Students Achievement in English5. Noriel C. Navita Teachers’ Multicultural Awareness of Environment: Basis for a Proposed Enhancement Program the School Multicultural Santa S. Embalsado Assessment of Preschool Admissions Tests: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Tests in Reading Agripina D. Pangan Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the CEM test in Science 1: Input to Curriculum Improvement and Revisions Mayolisa R. Mantuano Assessment of Preschool Entrance Tests: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Tests in Mathematics Mayolisa R. Mantuano Satisfaction Level of Parents of De La Salle Lipa on the Academic Services of the Integrated School Olive L. Tan The Relationship of Entry Age to Academic Achievement of Kinder Pupils of De La Salle Lipa Wenifredo F. Angeles Research Based Instructional Material on Teaching Justice and Charity Glenford M. Prospero Assessment of the Operation and Documentation of the Student Monitoring System Haidee M. Angeles and Marineth Rosales The Role of Culture in ESL Classroom for Koreans: The De La Salle Lipa Experience Daycel M. Martija The Impact of the Peace Bell Project for the Promotion of Peace and Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament Rizza R. Limbo Paggamit ng Datos ng Resulta ng NAT6 sa Asignaturang Filipino: Katuturan tungo sa Rekomendasyon at Pagsasaayos ng Kurikulum Lorna D. Bagares Comparison of National Achievement Test (NAT) Results in Science of Grade 6 of De La Salle Lipa for three Consecutive School Years 2010-2011 to 2012-2103 Everlinda U. Aleta Epekto sa Pagkatuto ng Mag-aaral ng Antas 8 sa Pagsasanib ng Iba’t-ibang Asignatura sa isang Performance Task Eva Jonson Assessing Communication and Collaboration Skills of Grade 9 Students of De La Salle Lipa Mona Liza P. de Villa The Implementation of Centering Prayer in Grades 4 -6 Christian Living Classes Gally Casala Happiness Project: Its Implication to Student’s Academic Success and Self Satisfaction Buena T. Jerusalem Assessing Grade 1 Pupils’ Readiness to Peace Education: Input to Peace Education Initiatives in Social Studies Silverio Vallejo, Jr. Comparison of a Two Continuous Hour Computer Class and a Split Two-Hour Computer Session Maria Angelica G. Samonte Effects of Cooperative Learning to the Individual Academic Performance as Perceived by LS 205 Students SY 20132104 Edna Yanga Using Common Core Standards Strategies in teaching English: Impact on Grade 5 Students Achievement in English 5 PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 105 Completed Researches: Michael M. Ramos, Galatians 3:13: Justification by Faith and by Law Lani M. Santos, Relationship Between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Examining the Role of Profile, Organizational Communication Satisfaction and Job Motivation at De La Salle Lipa Joel M. Osorio Correlates of Organizational Effectiveness of De La Salle Lipa-College of Business Economics Accountancy and Management Nora Sarmiento Perceived Service Quality of Academic Advising Program of De La Salle Lipa: It’s Effect on Student Retention and attrition Dr. Merlita Durana and Ms. Lani Garachico Comparative Analysis of Pre-employment Assessment and Performance of B.S. Accountancy Graduates Renan Kasilag Relationship between Parent’s Overseas Work on the Left-Behind Children’s Quality of Life and Career Choice Intention Minerva J. Fanoga Comparison of a Two Continuous Hour Computer Class and a Split Two-Hour Computer Session Eugenia A. Vergara Assessment of Kinder Admissions Test: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Test in Language 106 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Dennis R. Dimaala Relationship of Grade 3 Pupils’ Reading Comprehension and Ability to solve Word Problems in Mathematics Myrna R. de Castro Using Common Core Standards Strategies in teaching English: Impact on Grade 5 Students Achievement in English5. Noriel C. Navita Teachers’ Multicultural Awareness of Environment: Basis for a Proposed Enhancement Program the School Multicultural Santa S. Embalsado Assessment of Preschool Admissions Tests: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Tests in Reading Agripina D. Pangan Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the CEM test in Science 1: Input to Curriculum Improvement and Revisions Mayolisa R. Mantuano Assessment of Preschool Entrance Tests: Input to the Development of the Revised Admissions Tests in Mathematics Mayolisa R. Mantuano Satisfaction Level of Parents of De La Salle Lipa on the Academic Services of the Integrated School Wenifredo F. Angeles Research Based Instructional Material on Teaching Justice and Charity Haidee M. Angeles and Marineth Rosales The Role of Culture in ESL Classroom for Koreans: The De La Salle Lipa Experience Rizza R. Limbo Paggamit ng Datos ng Resulta ng NAT6 sa Asignaturang Filipino: Katuturan tungo sa Rekomendasyon at Pagsasaayos ng Kurikulum Everlinda U. Aleta Epekto sa Pagkatuto ng Mag-aaral ng Antas 8 sa Pagsasanib ng Iba’t-ibang Asignatura sa isang Performance Task Mona Liza P. de Villa The Implementation of Centering Prayer in Grades 4 -6 Christian Living Classes Buena T. Jerusalem Assessing Grade 1 Pupils’ Readiness to Peace Education: Input to Peace Education Initiatives in Social Studies Maria Angelica G. Samonte Effects of Cooperative Learning to the Individual Academic Performance as Perceived by LS 205 Students SY 20132104 Olive L. Tan The Relationship of Entry Age to Academic Achievement of Kinder Pupils of De La Salle Lipa Glenford M. Prospero Assessment of the Operation and Documentation of the Student Monitoring System Daycel M. Martija The Impact of the Peace Bell Project for the Promotion of Peace and Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament Lorna D. Bagares Comparison of National Achievement Test (NAT) Results in Science of Grade 6 of De La Salle Lipa for three Consecutive School Years 2010-2011 to 2012-2103 Eva Jonson Assessing Communication and Collaboration Skills of Grade 9 Students of De La Salle Lipa Gally Casala Happiness Project: Its Implication to Student’s Academic Success and Self Satisfaction Silverio Vallejo, Jr. Comparison of a Two Continuous Hour Computer Class and a Split Two-Hour Computer Session Edna Yanga Using Common Core Standards Strategies in teaching English: Impact on Grade 5 Students Achievement in English 5 Award-Winning and InternationallyAcclaimed Researcher The culture of initiating, collaborating and engaging in research is gradually taking its course based on hundreds upon hundreds of research projects being submitted for approval every year. But select researchers have already taken this program to heart and brought it into a whole new level. There are researchers who have produced highcaliber outputs which drew international acclaim. One of them is Bernard Lunar, Science Area Chair, awarded with Outstanding World Research Leader for his leadership and involvement, international publication and achievement, and conferred as the World Research Expertise Award 2013 as a keynote speaker during the International Conference in Social Sciences, Health and Environment, at Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay Sydney, Australia, September 24-26, 2013. PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 107 Chapter 5: Transpiration ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability Workshop 5 - Project Management, Environmental Reporting and Environmental Marketing (May 23, 2013). Ms. Remian T. Santos, Mega Trends In Global Supply Chain Management (June 4, 2013). Ms. Remian T. Santos and Mr. Joseph Magpantay, How to Manage Change in a Supply Environment (June 4, 2013). Mr. Gerardo Bolaños and Mr. Ferdie Mercado, IS Administrators Team Building (August 8, 2013) Resource Speaker: Ms. Mary Ann Lumban. IS Administrators, BB 44 & 45. Legal Compliance and Environmental Marketing (June 27, 2013). Engr. Isidro Frio, Mr. Florentino Magsino, Ms. Remian Santos, Engr. Mar Tagapulot, Mr. JC Gutierrez, Mr. Noel Majodo, Berjaya Hotel. 108 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Electronic Records Management (August 12, 2013). Ms. Noemi De Torres, Annapolis Greenhills, San Juan. Energy Conservation (February 7, 2014). Engr. Isidro Frio and Mr. Florentino Magsino, Jr. , Ateneo de Manila University. ROOTCON: 7th Annual Hacker Conference & Information Security Gathering, (September 12 – 14, 2013). Engr. Imelda Martin and Mr. Ruben Frane, Parklane International Hotel. Green Building Workshop (March 6-7, 2014). Engr. Isidro Frio and Mr. Florentino Magsino. PICE (Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers) Annual Convention (November 7 – 9, 2013). Engr. Isidro Frio, SMX Convention Center, Davao City. Training for Receptionist (March 10, 2014). Anna Reyes. PGENRO-PEMSEA Training on IIMS ICT (April 1 – 4, 2014). Mr. Marc Joseph Ian Generoso II and Mr. Arnel Albis. Supply Chain Management (December 5, 2013). Ms. Remian Santos, Crown Plaza Manila. PSHOA 34th Anniversary & 33rd Annual Convention. Ma. Theresa Atienza and Lea Pasia, Unilab Mandaluyong. Fortifying Access to Intelligent Total Health Care (FAITH) (December 7, 2013). Ma. Theresa Atienza, Lea Pasia and Kristine Buño, Glaxo Smith Kline, Makati City. 115th Canton Fair - China Import & Export Fair (May 5, 2014). Ms. Remian T. Santos, China. SY 2013-2014 ADMINISTRATORS President’s / Chancellor’s Office Director, Presidential Management Office Mr. Arnold Capuloy Director, Linkages and International Relations Directorate Mr. Arnold Capuloy (concurrent) Director, Finance Ms. Jhyn Concordia (concurrent) Manager, Financial Resource Department Ms. Portia Araque Manager, Marketing and Communications Department Ms. Ma. Lourdes Malaluan Supervisor, Treasury Ms. Luz Magpantay, CPA Supervisor, Payroll Ms. Nilda Bernarda Casas Officer, Institutional Planning Ms. Dfezie Torres-Tipan Officer, Alumni Linkages Office Mr. Israel Tan (concurrent0 Officer, Advancement Office Mr. Israel Tan Officer, Marketing and Promotions Office Ms. Donabel Orcena Officer, Public Relations Office Ms. Catherine Perez Officer, Publications Office Mr. Noel Pascual Officer, Compliance Office Ms. Girlie Navarro Business Development Coordinator Ms. Marita Quizon Vice Chancellor for Academics And Research Dr. Alicia Botardo Director, Research & Publications Office Ms. Gina Dimaano Head, College Library Ms. Chona Chavez Head, Integrated School Library Ms. Emelita Sagbang Head, Technical Library Mr. Noel Savadera Manager, Admissions Office Mr. Randolph Renegado PAASCU Coordinator Ms. Maria Theresa Mangulabnan College of Education, Arts and Sciences Dean Ms. Tessie Palma Department Chair, Communication Ms. Cherie Glo Cabungcal Department Chair, Multimedia Arts Ms. Lorna Achico Director, Academic Services Mr. Ruben Rubis Department Chair, Mathematics Ms. Iezyl Torino Registrar Mr. Ruben Rubis (concurrent) Department Chair, Psychology Ms. Violeta Andaleon Assistant Registrar, College Ms. Romana Levinia Silva Department Chair, Education Dr. Maria Theresa Kalaw Assistant Registrar, IS Ms. Fe Rezaba Department Chair, Biology Ms. Ma. Cristina Francesca Dimaculangan Chief Librarian Ms. Lilian Rabino Area Chair, English Language Mr. Roy Dalisay PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 109 Area Chair, Literature, Filipino, and Art Appreciation Ms. Mary Ann Illana Hotel Supervisor, Chez Rafael Ms. Jovita Morada Area Chair, Social Sciences Mr. Hermogenes Panganiban College of Business, Economics, Accountancy and Management Dean Ms. Lani Garachico Area Chair, Sciences Ms. Marisol Laguardia Area Chair, Mathematics Ms. Iezyl Torino Area Chair, NSTP Ms. Bernadette Dimaculangan Department Chair, Business Administration Ms. Nerissa Lucasia Area Chair, Physical Education Ms. Ruby Cubilla Department Chair, Accountancy and Accounting Technology Ms. Nerilyn Falceso Department Chair, Entrepreneurship and Management Technology Dr. Edgar Allan Castro Department Chair, Legal Management Atty. Ramel Muria College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management Dean Ms. Joy Zapata College of Information Technology and Engineering Dean Engr. Imelda Martin Department Chair, Hotel and Restaurant Management Ms. Evangeline Necio Department Chair, ECE Engr. Robert De Luna Area Chair, Religious Studies and Philosophy Ms. Maria Theresa Mangulabnan Department Chair, Tourism Ms. Andrenelyn Varona Department Chair, LICA Chef Shirley de Jesus Hotel Manager, Chez Rafael Ms. Geness Aclan 110 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Department Chair, Computer Science Mr. Mark de Vera Department Chair, Information Technology Mr. Dennis Malasmas Department Chair, Information System Mr. Rodante Chavez Department Chair, Industrial Engineering Engr. Lorena Gomez College of Nursing Dean Dr. Alicia Barte Chair, Levels 1 & 4 Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bañaga Chair, Levels 2 & 3 Mr. Ronnie Amazona, R.N, MAN College of Law Dean Atty. Emerito Enginco Department Chair, EE Engr. Joselito Roxas Integrated School Principal Ms. Mayolisa Mantuano Department Chair, CoE Engr. Agnes Perez Assistant Principal, High School Ms. Maria Angelica Samonte Department Chair, Industrial Engineering Engr. May Macatangay Assistant Principal, Grade School Ms. Eugenia Vergara K to 12 Lead Coordinator and Secretariat Mr. Rene Villanueva IS PAASCU Coordinator Mr. Mauricio Lingao High School Curriculum Coordinators: English Ms. Violeta Remo Grade School Curriculum Coordinators: English Ms. Noralyn Balhon Science Ms. Agripina Pangan Math Mr. Dennis Dimaala Science Mr. Jovito Orozco Social Studies Ms. Rose Cornejo Math Ms. Editha Africa Christian Living Ms. Edna Yanga Social Studies Ms. Marineth Rosales Christian Living Mr. Raul Paras Computer Ms. Minerva Fanoga Computer Ms. Minerva Fanoga TLE Mr. Jonas Lara PEHM Ms. Imelda Mendoza Filipino Ms. Everlinda Aleta St. Br. Jaime Hilario Learning Community Mr. Fred Amul HELE Mr. Jonas Lara MAPEH Mr. Joseph Vallejo Filipino Ms. Rizza Limbo Preschool Ms. Marilyn Camitan Moderators: Preschool to Grade 3 Ms. Lerma Castro Grades 4-6 Ms. Rowena Martija Grade 7 Ms. Lani Gutierrez Grade 8 Mr. Noriel Navita Grade 9 Mr. Alvin Petalio Grade 10 Mr. Glenford Prospero Vice Chancellor for Administration Ms. Jhyn Concordia Director, Services Engr. Jose Maria Radito Isidro Frio Manager, General Services Mr. Florentino Magsino Manager, ICTC Engr. Imelda Martin (concurrent) Manager, HRD Ms. Maria Cecilia Quigley Manager, CPD Ms. Remian Santos Supervisor, GSD Engr. Marino S. Tagapulot Supervisor, HRD Ms. Ma. Shiela Alvarez Supervisor, IPMS Ms. Elvira Mendoza PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 111 Supervisor, Buildings and Grounds Engr. Marino Tagapulot Head, College Student Activities Office Mr. Protacio Mea Vice Chancellor for Mission Ms. Violeta Ramirez Head, IS Student Activities Office Ms. Jocelyn Rosos Director, Lasallian Ministries Ms. Violeta Ramirez Director, Sports and Culture Office Ms. Emily Babasa Director, Student Services Office Dr. Erickson Martinez Manager, Community Involvement Office Ms. Judith Alcaraz Manager, LAMP Office Mr. Henson Ola Head, College Discipline Office Mr. Michael Kasilag Supervisor, College Athletics Office Mr. Ryan Paul Puertollano Supervisor, IS Athletics Office Mr. Renan Lumbera Lead Lasallian Family Formator Br. Raffy Reyes FSC Manager, Institutional Lasallian Family Office Mr. Richard Merano Head, College Guidance Office Ms. Maria Theresa Medina Head, IS Guidance Office Mr. Loreto Berana 112 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Chapter 6: Storage ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES SyCip Gomes Velayo & Co. 6760 Ayala Avenue 1226 Makati City Philippines Tel: (632) 891 0307 Fax: (632) 819 0872 ey.com.ph BOA/PRC Reg. No. 0001, December 28, 2012, valid until December 31, 2015 SEC Accreditation No. 0012–FR–3 (Group A) November 15, 2012, valid until November 16, 2015 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT The Board of Trustees De La Salle Lipa, Inc. Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of De La Salle Lipa, Inc. (a nonstock, non–for–profit organization), which comprise the satatements of financial position as at May 31, 2014 and 2013, and the statements of activities, statements of changes in net assets and statements of cash flows for the years then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing. Those standards require the we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 | 113 the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonbleness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of De La Salle Lipa, Inc. as at May 31, 2014 and 2013, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards. Report on the Supplementary Information Required Under Revenue Regulation 15–2010 The supplementary information required under Revenue Regulation 15–2010 for purposes of filing with the Bureau of Internal Revenue is presented by the management of De La Salle Lipa, Inc. in a separate schedule. Revenue Regulation 15–2010 requires the information to be presented in the notes to financial statements. Such information is not required part of the basic financial statements. The opinion on the basic financial statements is not affected by the presentation of the information in a separate schedule SYCIP GORRES VELAYO & CO. Dionabee B. Señeres Partner CPA Certificate No. 97133 SEC Accreditation No. 1196–A (Group A) March 8, 2012, valid until March 8, 2015 Tax Identification No. 201-959-816 BIR Accreditation No. 08-001998-98-2012 January 11, 2012, valid until January 10, 2015 PTR No. 4225219, January 2, 2014, Makati City September 4, 2012 114 | PRESIDENTS REPORT 2014 Credits: Editor in Chief Br. Joaquin S. Martinez FSC, D.Min. Editors: Frederick Cumagun Dfezie Torres–Tipan Writers: Malou Malaluan Catherine Perez Israel Tan Dfezie Torres–Tipan Concepts and Design: Lorna Achico Noel Pascual Photography: Rosmeny Boncajes Joseph Albert Climaco Melissa Ishikawa Noel Pascual Julius Recio Layout and Production: Noel Pascual Technical Support: Marinette Lina Donabel Orcena Marita Quizon Jorela Tipan Raquel Villanueva