business aviation - Aéroport Toulon Hyeres
business aviation - Aéroport Toulon Hyeres
monaco nice cannes fréjus saint-tropez CONTACTS Port-Cros Porquerolles AT THE HEART OF THE FRENCH RIVIERA Toulon Hyeres Airport benefits of the exceptional location in the heart of the French Riviera. Weather travelling by car or helicopter the world-famous beaches are easily accessible. BY HELICOPTER Saint-Tropez : 15 mn Cannes : 30 mn Nice : 35 mn Monaco : 40 mn BY CAR Saint-Tropez : 52 km, 55 mn Cannes : 130 km, 1h26 Nice : 155 km, 1h45 Monaco : 176 km, 1h56 vinci-aviation affaire 2a-GB-042015.indd 1 HANDLING REQUESTS www.toulon.ppr OPERATIONS Signature Flight Support +33 (0)4 94 38 20 00 / +33 (0)6 75 22 19 70 [email protected] COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Business aviation VINCI Airports regional developer +33 (0)6 66 12 03 06 [email protected] Internet website : - 05/2015 - Crédit photos : ©Thinkstock hyères B U S I N E S S AV I AT I O N BETWEEN PROVENCE AND FRENCH RIVIERA Agence toulon FREQUENCiES Toulon approach : 126.325 – 118.825 (1) transit VFR 126.325 – RAI except ATS TWR : 121.0 Ground control : 121.8 ATIS : 129.650 2015-04-30 15:20 TOULON HYERES AIRPORT : EXCEPTIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR BUSINESS AVIATION A LA CARTE SERVICES PASSENGERS SERVICES l I A strategic location close to Saint-Tropez and the worldfamous beaches of the French Riviera l l Passenger lounge with a dedicated experienced team On-site immigration and customs VIP catering and conciergerie services Hot drinks and refreshments Ground transportation and helicopters l l I A simple technical environment with optimal weather conditions and no special qualifications required CREW SUPPORT l I A dedicated business aviation terminal l l l I Aircraft parking opposite to the terminal building: direct access to the ramp and short walkable distances to the aircraft Up to date weather and NOTAM information Flight tracking using CFMU Crew lounge Hotel accomodation and transport AIRSIDE SERVICES Marshalling Baggage handling Refuelling - TOTAL RD Toilet and water service GPU Push l l I Possibility of night stops and long term parking for all aircraft types l l l l I PPR: an optimal system for the efficient processing of your slot requests technical data l I Handpicked quality partners for ancillary services: limousine, helicopter, catering, hotel, taxi l l l l I Tailor-made services for passengers and crews I An airport of the VINCI Airports group vinci-aviation affaire 2a-GB-042015.indd 2 ICAO code: LFTH Main runway: 2120 x 45 m / second runway: 1902 x 45 m QFUs: 05/23 & 13/31 Location: 43 05 50 N / 006 08 46 E Elevation: 12 ft ILS:Cat I - GCA/DME - lightning HI/BI + PAPI Fire category: 7 l l MAPS AND MANUELS 2015-04-30 15:20
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