moisture adsorption behavior of the banana flours (musa
moisture adsorption behavior of the banana flours (musa
División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. MOISTURE ADSORPTION BEHAVIOR OF THE BANANA FLOURS (MUSA PARADISIACA) UNMODIFIED AND MODIFIED BY ACID-TREATMENT Andrés Aguirre-Cruza*, Roselis Carmona-Garcíab and Luis A. Bello-Pérezc a Universidad del Papaloapan. Instituto de Biotecnología. Circuito Central #200, colonia Parque Industrial, C. P. 68301, Tuxtepec, Oax., México. México. Tel: + 52 287 8759240; Ext. 220 fax: 52 287 87 59240 ext 230. E-mail: [email protected] b Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtepec. División de estudios de posgrado e InvestigaciónDepartamento de Ingeniería Química y Bioquímica. Calzada Dr. Víctor Bravo Ahuja S/N Col. 5 de Mayo 27, C.P. 68360. Tuxtepec, Oax., México. c Centro de Desarrollo de Productos Bióticos del IPN. Km 8.5 Carr. Yautepec-Jojutla, Colonia San Isidro, Apartado Postal 24, 62731 Yautepec, Morelos, México. RESUMEN: Las isotermas de adsorción de la harina de plátano sin tratamiento (UBF) y harinas de plátano con tratamiento ácido (ATBF) se determinaron mediante el método estático gravimétrico de soluciones salinas saturadas a una temperatura de 30 ºC. Se evalúo la actividad de agua (aw) en un rango de 0,14 y 0,97. El equilibrio de humedad de los datos se ajustaron a cuatro modelos de sorción ecuación Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Guggenheim, Anderson y de Boer (GAB), Smith y Chirife Iglesias. El contenido de humedad en la monocapa (X0) para UBF y ATBFs fue de 4.06-5.47 (modelo BET) y 3.87-5.88 (modelo de GAB). El modelo de GAB fue el que mas se ajuto a los datos experimentales, modelo más adecuado para describir las isotérmas de sorción de agua de la UBF y ATBF en los intervalos propuesta de aw. Los valores X0 de ambos modelos (BET y GAB) aumentan con el aumento de aw. La harina de platano tratadas durante 11 días (ATBF3) presenta el mayor valor de X0 en comparación con todas las muestras. Este resultado sugiere que el mecanismo de adsorción de agua y la estructura molecular en ATBFS se vio afectado, lo cual, se atribuye a cambios en la morfología y la cristalinidad de las muestras sometidas a tratamiento ácido. ABSTRACT: The moisture sorption isotherms of untreated banana flour (UBF) and acid treated banana flours (ATBFs) were determined using the static gravimetric method of saturated salt solutions at temperatures of 30 ºC. The range of water activities (aw) were calculated to be in the range of 0.14 and 0.97. The equilibrium moisture content absorption data were fitted to four sorption models Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation (BET), Guggenheim, Anderson and de Boer (GAB), Smith and Iglesias-Chirife. Monolayer moisture content (X0) for UBF and ATBFs were found in the range of 4.06-5.47 (BET model) and 3.87-5.88 (GAB model). The GAB model was found to be the most suitable model to describe the isothermal water sorption of UBF and ATBFs in the intervals proposed of aw. The X0 values of both models (BET and GAB) increase with increasing aw. The Banana flour treated for 11 days (ATBF3) presents the highest value of X0 compared with all samples. This result suggests that mechanism of adsorption of water and molecular structure in ATBFS was affected, attributed to changes in morphology and crystalinity of the samples with treatment. KEYWORDS: Banana flour, acid treatment, water sorption isotherm FH261 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. INTRODUCTION Starch is the main reserve carbohydrate synthesized by superior plants that constitutes an essential source of energy to many living organisms, principally the man (1). This represents the majority component of a large number of agriculture products like the cereals (corn, wheat and rice) and some fruits, unripe banana, which can have starch content from 70 to 80% (Bello-Pérez et al, 1999). Banana is one of the fruits that grow well in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world and are mainly transported to urban areas, where they would be eaten as fruit. However, unavoidable delay in transport, poor post harvest technology and fluctuating market demand result in overripe and senescence of fruits prior to market delivery. For this reason, large quantities of fruits are lost during commercialization as a consequence of deficient postharvest handling. Therefore, nowadays, new economical strategies of banana uses are now considered, such as the production of unripe banana flour (BF) due to its high starch content (2, 3). On the other hand, controlling the moisture content during the processing of foods is an ancient method of preservation. This is achieved by either removing water, or binding it such that food becomes stable to both microbial and chemical deterioration (4). Water activity is an important property for food quality, stability and safety. It is widely utilized in the food industry for quality assurance and is an integral part of the FDA’s definition of potentially hazardous foods. Both water activity and moisture sorption isotherms are important for new product development, ingredient research, shelf-life estimation, and to fully understanding the moisture within a product (5, 6). The relationship between the total moisture content and water activity of the food, over a range of values, at a constant temperature and under equilibrium conditions, yields a moisture sorption isotherm when expressed graphically (Al-Muhtaseb et al., 2004). Besides, thermodynamics of water sorption has been used to explain the behavior and the structure of water at the surface and inside the foods (7). Nowadays, the new product development area in those industries is interesting in searching for starches with improved functional products such as viscosity, solubility, low retrogradation and syneresis tendency, etc. Since some years ago, the tendency is looking for alternative sources to obtain starches exhibiting better physicochemical and functional characteristics. The native starches present limitations that reduce their use at the industrial level. Therefore, in recent years, it has been studied the acid modified starch, because their potential application. The modification with acid is widely used in the starch industry to produce thin boiling starches for use in food, paper, textile and other industries (8). Acid modification treatments change the morphological, crystalline, gelatinization (transition temperatures and gelatinization enthalpy) and viscoelastic properties of starch. Beside acid modification of starch could be very helpful to understand the inner structure of starch granules (9, 10). Accordingly, this study evaluates the water sorption behavior of untreated banana flour (UTBF) and acid-treated banana flour (ATBF), as a function of reaction time. Sorption isotherms were fitted to four models and their result were correlated to structural modification of the starch granules. MATERIALS AND METHODS PREPARATION OF BANANA FLOUR (BF) FH262 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. Commercial hard green (unripe) preclimateric banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) fruits were purchased from the local market in Cuautla, Morelos State, Mexico. Fruits were cut into 1 cm slices and were immediately rinsed in citric acid solution (0.3% w/ v). The slices were dried at 50 ºC, ground with a commercial grinder (Mapisa Internacional Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, México, Distrito Federal) to pass a US 50 sieve, and stored at 25 ºC in sealed plastic containers until further analyses to be carried out. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BANANA flOUR (BF) The dietary fiber contents were analyzed according to AACC methods 32.05 (AACC, 2000). ACID MODIFICATION OF BANANA FLOUR (BF) Acid hydrolysis of samples was done by reacting 100 g of BF in 400 mL of 1.6 M HCl at 38 °C for different reaction time (1-20 days) with a stirrer operating at 200 rpm. After the reaction, the blend was neutralized with NaOH at the same concentration of HCl used; the pH was adjusted to 7.0. Thereafter, the wet powder was washed with distilled water. The residue was dried in an oven at 50 ºC for 24 h. DETERMINATION OF SORPTION ISOTHERMS Water sorption isotherms were obtained gravimetrically by exposing the sample at different humidity contents in sealed containers by the aid of different salt solution (ASTM E10402). Three grams of the samples were placed in weighed sample holder dishes and dehydrated and vacuum oven at 70 °C for 8 h (11). The samples by triplicate 3 g dry basis, of untreated banana flour (UBF) and acid-treated banana flour (ATBF) were put inside desiccators containing saturated solutions, prepared as specified in Table 2 (11). The samples were allowed to equilibrate until there was no discernible weight change, as evidenced by constant weight values (±0.001 g), during a period of approximately 7 to 8 days. After that time sample were weighed and dry mass was determined gravimetrically by using a thermo balance OHAUS MB 45 at 130 ºC for 15 min. DATA ANALYSIS BY SORPTION MODELS Sorption model that are used in the in the present communication are briefly explained: BET : X m = X0 CB aw /(1− aw )+(CB −1)(1− aw ) aw GAB : Xm = X0 CG aw /(1− k aw )(1− k awCG k aw ) Smith : Xm = B+Alog(1− aw) Iglesias −Chirife : Xm = B1(aw /1− aw )+B2 The BET model (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) represents a fundamental milestone in the interpretation of multilayer sorption isotherms, particularly Types II and III (Timmermann, 1989). Many researchers have modified the BET model and modified equation to give a good fit up to water activity (12). The GAB model (Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer) is one of FH263 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. the most widely accepted models for sorption isotherms (11, 13). The Smith model (1947) is useful in describing the sorption isotherm of biological materials, such as, starch and cellulose, similarly the semi-empirical model (14), is used for understanding the equilibrium moisture content of cereal grains. Where X0 is the equilibrium moisture content, g water/g dry matter, X0 is monolayer moisture content, g water/g dry matter, aw is the water activity, CB constant of GAB model, CG and k constants of BET model, B and A constants of Smith model and finally B1 and B2 constants related to heat of sorption of monolayer in the Iglesias-Chirife model. To evaluate the fitness of each model, the mean relative percentage deviation modulus (%E) was used, which is calculated by: %E = 100 ∑ mi − mpi mi i =1 Where mi is the experimental value, mpi is the predicted value, and N is the number of experimental data. The mean relative percentage deviation modulus (%E) is widely adopted throughout the literature. If it is obtained a modulus value below 10% indicates of a good fit for practical purposes (15). X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS X-ray diffraction allows the determination of crystallinity and composition of crystalline phases in starch samples. The samples were stored at room temperature before analysis. They were scanned in the angular range 3-37.8 (2θ) with an Advance D8 MCA Bruker AXS (Coventry, UK) at 35 kV with Cu Ka radiation (1.542 Å). SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (SEM) Samples were fixed on aluminum stubs with the aid of a conductive double glued tape of copper in order to allow surface and cross-section of samples be visualized. All samples were examined using an accelerating voltage of 5 kV with a JEOL JSMP 100 (Japan) Scanning Electron Microscope. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT The adsorption isotherms for UBF and ATBF at 30 °C are shown in Figure 1. These curves represent a typical sigmoidal shape, reflecting a B.E.T. Type II isotherm, which are the most frequent ones in foods, such as fruits and vegetables (Brunauer et al., 1940; Martínez et al., 1998). This typical physical adsorption behavior has been seen for potato starch (Lagoudaki, et al, 1993) and grapes (Rouquerol and Sing, 1999). FH264 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. Fig. 1 The adsorption moisture isotherms of untreated banana flour (UBF) and acidtreated banana flour (ATBF) observed data at 30 °C; ATBF1: modified for 1 day, ATBF2; modified for 5 days, modified for 11 days and ATBF; modified for 20 days. The equilibrium moisture content at each water activity represents the mean value of three samples. The sample data showed an increase in equilibrium moisture content with increasing water activity (0.3-0.97), at constant temperature (30 °C). The starch sorption isotherm is mainly attributable to hydrogen-bonding of water molecules to the available hydroxyl groups of amylose and amylopectin chains, those in the amorphous regions and on the surfaces of the crystallites (Urquhart, 1959). The crystalline regions exhibit resistance to solvent penetration. Hence, water affects the structure acting as a plasticizer of the amorphous regions. At low aw<0.3 the plasticizing affect is very small and the mobility of the amorphous regions is restricted. However, as the water activity increases (0.3-0.97), the absorbed moisture causes a subsequent swelling of the granules of starch, the degree of crystallinity decreases, and there is an increasing availability of the polar groups to the water molecules (16). Constants obtained from each equation (BET, GAB, Smith and Iglesias-Chirife) and the mean relative percentage deviations (% E) for adsorption are presented in Table 3. The values of the molecular adsorbed moisture in a monolayer (X0) showed in table 3, for UBF and ATBF calculated by BET model varied of 4.06-5.47 and using the GAB model this value varied of 3.87-5.88. These values were higher than values obtained from BET model; however, they present the same trend. Chirife and Iglesias (14) and Yanniotis (17), reported average values of a monolayer (X0) of 7.36 for starchy foods at a temperature of FH265 XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. 30°C, using the BET model. Tsami et al., (18) reported values of X0 in the range of 9.7 of 17.3 in dried fruits (raisins, currants, figs, prunes and apricots) by using the GAB model. More recently Erbas et al., (19), conducted a study on the behavior of the absorption isotherms in semolina (from hard wheat) and farina (from soft wheat), reporting value X0 of 4.32-4.39 (by BET model) and 6.45-6.01 (by GAB model) at temperature 35 °C. In the same way the values (20.29-75.82 to semolina y 8.77-31.95 to farina) of the constant CB y CG, respectively, are within the ranges calculated in this communication. Menkov and Durakova (2007) reported a value of X0 of sesame flour of 5.2 (using GAB model). It can be seen that X0 values using the model of BET and GAB are the most consistent with the results reported by other researchers (20). The differences between UBF and acid-treatment banana flours (ATBF1, ATBF2, ATBF3 and ATBF4) suggest that the mechanism of water adsorption by chain starch involves other factors than the hydration affinity of the characteristic groups, such as, the availability of the polar groups in the molecule, the distribution and arrangement of these groups in the starch granule, conformation, the degree of crystallinity and packing of the chains (21). The water adsorption isotherms of the samples changes as a function of reaction time. Water uptake has small increments as the acid reaction time increases in comparison with UBF. Table 1. Estimated values of coefficients and mean relative percentage deviation moduli obtained for adsorption models applied to experimental adsorption data for UBF and ATBF. Models BET Samples aw 0.1-0.7 %E UBF 6.2 ATBF1 4.5 ATBF2 7.5 ATBF3 3.2 ATBF4 6.0 X0 4.8239 5.2966 5.4725 4.47 4.060 CB 82.92 94.4 16.6090 48.608 49.26 0.9921 0.9921 0.9932 99.45 0.9885 Constants 2 R FH266 XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca GAB Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. 0.1-0.97 %E 6.9 4.3 5.9 6.2 4.0 X0 5.0032 5.4011 5.8791 4.7363 3.8764 CG 18.0305 18.6570 19.3363 17.8507 16.604 k 0.6520 0.6528 0.6515 0.650 0.6701 R 0.989 0.9767 0.97 0.989 0.974 %E 9.2 8.9 10.2 11.6 10.5 A -16.92 -17.549 -18.396 -16.59 -15.873 B 5.4916 5.8909 6.3113 5.1601 5.1601 2 Smith 0.1-0.92 2 IglesiasChirife 0.1-0.7 R 5.4916 0.9735 0.9294 %E 9.9 B1 10.3 10.9 4.7318 5.2432 5.7762 5.2432 3.8888 B2 5.3367 5.4622 5.635 5.4622 5.0116 2 0.9884 0.9891 0.9894 0.9935 0.985 R 0.9735 9.7 0.9664 11.3 ATBF1 (one day treatment) is has practically the same water adsorption isotherm curve as UBF. Once reaction time is increased, ATBF2 (five days treatment), ATBF3 (eleven days treatment), isotherm curve presents a shift toward upper values of adsorbed water. This tendency does not repeat with ATBF4 (twenty days treatment), on the contrary, it present opposite behavior, adsorbed water are smaller than UBF. This apparently unusual behavior can be fully explained in terms of changes in crystallinity. The higher the reaction time the higher the crystallinity of the treated banana flour (obtained by X-Ray diffraction), except for ATBF4, in which, crystallinity decreases. Therefore there exists a correlation between crystallinity of the samples with water adsorption isotherms, because in this ATBF crystallinity is smaller than the rest of the samples and it is precisely when tendency changes, the curve is located underneath that the one corresponding to UBF. In summary, adsorbed water in Banana Flour was found to be a function of crystallinity. The values of the constants, B1 and B2, for the model of Iglesias-Chirife for UBF and ATBF were in the range of 4.7-5-3 y 5.6-5.77, respectively. FH267 XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. These values are higher than those reported by Erbas et al., (19) in semolina (from hard wheat) and farina (from soft wheat). Chirife and Iglesias (14), and Ayranci et al., (21) applied their model to evaluate the data sorption in nine foods with high sugar (mostly fresh fruits) content. In this works, they reported that the model has a good fitness for foods with high sugar content. X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS The results of crystallinity percentage of ATBF and their UBF counterpart obtained by Xray diffraction were shown in Table 2.The percent of crystallinity for UBF was 19.3% and ATBF1 of 18.9%. This corresponds perfectly with SEM micrographs because no obvious external structure difference between UBF and ATBF1 for one day of acid treatment, was observed (compare figure 2a with 2b). This is perhaps due to hydrolysis time was very short to detect changes. However, when time of hydrolysis are increased (5 to 11 days) the percentage of crystallinity raise up to 20.5% (ATBF2) to 22.2% (ATBF3). This is due to the fact that acid treatment selectively removed amorphous regions of starch granules (amylopectin) and, thus, yielded materials enriched in amylopectin crystallites, as was demonstrated in previous results (22-25). Table 2. Shows the values of crystallinity of the different samples Sample UBF ATBF1 ATBF2 ATBF3 ATBF4 Crystallinity (%) 18.9 19.3 20.5 22.2 17.0 Usually the acid treatments of starches seem to produce partial rupture of the branching points in the amylopectin molecule, increasing amylose (increasing crystallinity) content such as Aparicio-Saguilán et al., (24) reported. Therefore, starches with the highest content of amylose have the highest rate of retrogradation (22). One beneficial effect of retrogradation would be the formation of this aid degradation structures (crystalline structures organized best) which are highly resistant to enzymatic attack, forming resistant starch. This is an interesting finding because this type of starch has been associated with the prevention of diseases such as colon cancer, reduction of cholesterol and glucose in blood, as well as problems of obesity (26, 24). SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (SEM) SEM micrographs of UBF and ATBFS (Acid Traded Banana Flours) are displayed in Fig. 2.The micrographs of banana starch and UBF are very similar and show the presence of large oval and small quasi spherical granules (Figure 2a and 2b). The surface of the granule appears to be smooth at that magnification, with no evidence of any fissures in both samples. During the first day of reaction slight erosion and fissures of granular surface was observed (Figure 2c). These fissures are formed due to the surface attack of FH268 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. the starch granule by the acid (27). It can be noted that the acid hydrolysis does not occur uniformly because some granules are more intact than others. Figure 2. Scanning electron microscopy of banana starch (a), untreated banana flour (b), acid-traded banana flour 1 day (c), acid-traded banana flour 5 days (d), acid-trated banana flour 11 days (e) and acid-treated banana flour 20 days (f). Jiping et al., (28) propose that the acid acts by first attacking the surface and forming the cracks on the surface, causing surface alternations and degrade the external part of the granule by erosion. It is clear that, the more time granules are in the reaction vessel, the more degradation they have. It is clear that as the reaction time increases, zones of complete granules coalition appeared. These results are similar to those reported for other researchers (29, 30). In that reports, it was showed that the acid preferentially attacked the exterior of starch granules and then the interior, to generate this coalition. FH269 División Ciencias de la Vida Campus Irapuato-Salamanca XII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de Mayo de 2010 Guanajuato, Gto. After 5 days of hydrolysis (Figure 2d), some granule starch show in the surface erosion and destruction, due to extensive hydrolysis. This effect becomes more evident at the 11 and 20 days of the hydrolysis. The starch granules show fractures and some holes start to appear (Figure 2e). Shujun et al., (30) found similar structures in yam starch when subjected to 16 days of hydrolysis. After 20 days of acid hydrolysis, any intact starch granules could not be found and all the fragments were conglomerate together due to the heavy acid erosion (Figure 2f). This is due to all the starch granules were completely destroyed. This phenomenon demonstrated that the hydrolysis time is a key factor in the process of acid modification of starch generating different morphological structural and functional properties. CONCLUSIONS Equilibrium moisture contents were found to increase with increasing water activity in acid treated and non-treated banana flour.The behaviour of water adsorption for acid treated and non-treated banana flour is best fitted with the BET model in comparison with GAB, Smith, and Iglesias-Chirife model. Calculations of the monolayer moisture values obtained from the models used in the present communication were comparable with other values reported in the literature for various cereal grains and starches. Starch degraded by acid treatment presents morphological and crystalline changes corroborated by X-ray Diffraction and SEM techniques. Besides, adsorbed water in Banana Flour was found to be a function of crystallinity. REFERENCES 1. Buléon, A., Colonna, P., and Leloup, V. 1990. Les amidons et leurs dèrivès dans les industries des cèrèales. Industries alimentaires et agro-industrielles. 515-532. 2. 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