Mass Booklet - Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart


Mass Booklet - Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
We were founded with vision and courage
precisely to undertake a new experiment
to live as religious had not lived before,
and to work under conditions
that had not been experienced before.
The first Sisters of St Joseph
sensed the spirit of a new world
in a way that has left its mark
on the history of Australia and New Zealand.
We who have taken up the task of the
first sisters of St Joseph
must press on into each age as it unfolds
in a like spirit of daring,
strong in our commitment to love.
Drawing on the past,
we will never take refuge in the past,
but together, in partnership with the Holy spirit,
we will confront the world of the future fearlessly
to bend that future
to the dynamic purpose of the Creator.
Constitutions of the
Australian-New Zealand Federation
of Sisters of St. Joseph 1969
Celebration of Fusion
of the
Sisters of St Joseph Perthville
with the
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
3rd May, 2014
St Joseph’s Convent, Perthville
Celebrant - Bishop Michael McKenna
Concelebrants - Bishop Kevin Manning, Fathers Doug Akehurst cm,
Tim Cahill, Joe Dooley, Philip Filby, Owen Gibbons,
Joshy Kaithakulangara cmi, Garry McKeown, Augustine Matthew cmi,
Mark McGuigan, Brien Murphy, Martin O’Mahoney, Pat Ruane,
Maurice Sullivan cm, Greg Walsh cm, Michael Walsh cm.
Musicians - Josephite Sisters and the Perthville Chapel Choir
Sister Monica Cavanagh - Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St
Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
Final Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Perthville Sisters Therese McGarry, Margaret Flood, Maureen Sanderson,
Maria Sullivan.
Cover Design - Leonie Mann and Jacqueline Chan
1975 1976
1980 1981 1981
1981 1982
1983 1983
1983 1984
1988 1989 1989
1992 1993 1993
1994 1994
1995 M Cecilia Bray
M Gerard Brady
M Felicitas O’Donnell
M Martina Godfrey
M Tarcisius Lynch
M Bede Crowley
M Teresita Flynn
M Eymard Collins
M Canice Collins
Marie Anthony McAneney
M Pascal Cavanagh
M Clotilde Collacott
M Eugenie Glawson
M Joseph Walsh
Teresa Maria Carey
M Aquinas Clancy
Mary Ryan
M Dorothea Kiely
M Alphonsus Callaghan
M Cyril Dalton
M Perpetua Thomas
M Josepha Breen
M Maria Joseph Looney
M Augustine Relihan
M Kostka Sloane
M Rita Fitzgerald
M Raymond White
Philomena Gearon
M Brenda Crowe
M Benedict Gummer
M Camillus Whitehead
M Lucy White
M Paula Pini
Marie Agnes Collins
M Conrad Crowley
M Stanislaus Crowley
M Basil Middleton
M Declan Crotty
M Enda Skelly
M Peter Griffin
Catherine Dykes
M Berchmans Lennox
1996 1996
1996 1996
1997 1997
2000 2000
2001 2001
2005 2007 2009
2010 2010
2013 2013 Patricia Dunne
M Ignatius Murray
Janice Ryder
Joan Williams
M Thomas Milliss
M Cletus Tomlinson
M Fidelis Kennedy
M Alphonsa McAneney
M Luigi Logan
M Martha Clarke
M Sabina Johnstone
M Kieran Hudson
M Julian Aubrey
Anne Fitzgerald
Winifride Turner
M Laurence Morrissey
Mary O’Leary
Marie Kelly
M Ephrem Nagle
Thelma Pellitt
Veronica Pattison
M Vianney Andrews
Marie Williams
Margaret Schiemer
Aidan Commins
Leo Ryan
Marie Therese Slattery
Mary Gearon
Jennifer Buckley
Paula Wilson
Elizabeth Dowton
M Philippa Collins
Margaret Press
Catherine Ryan
Mary Maloney
Kathleen Murnane
Mary Farrell
Marie Pattison
Chanel O’Neal
Clare Askew
Gemma Castello
Sisters of St Joseph, Perthville 2014
Margaret Baker
Janine Keatinge
Margaret Bolger
Therese McGarry
Madeline Breen
Robyn McNamara
Jean Cain
Ann Morrison
Betty Carroll
Christina Morrissey
June Cleary
Catherine O'Brien
Mary Comer
Pat Ryan
Sheila Conliffe
Maureen Sanderson
Ruth Croome
Mary Schiemer
Kath English
Maureen Schiemer
Joan Farrell
Regina Seigel
Margaret Flood
Carmel Sheridan
Marie Celine Gallagher
Alice Sullivan
Winifred Gearon
Helen Sullivan
Helena Grant
Maria Sullivan
Mark Hagerty
Margaret Tomlinson
Marie Hopper
Fidelma Travis
Kathy Jennings
Welcome to Country - Monica Ingam & Denise Doolan
Welcome and Introduction - Sr Therese McGarry
Introductory Rite
Entrance Procession - Richard Mason , Margaret Smith, Janice
Tuena, Sr Catherine Shelton, Brian Turner, Sr Monica Cavanagh, Sr Maria
Christ be Our Light
Christ be our Light! Shine in our hearts.
Shine through the darkness.
Christ be our light! Shine in your Church
gathered today.
Longing for light, we wait in the darkness.
Longing for truth we turn to you.
Make us your own, your holy people,
Light for the world to see.
Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has power to save us
Make us your living voice.
Longing for food, many are hungry.
Longing for water, many still thirst.
Make us your bread, broken for others,
Shared until all are fed.
Longing for shelter, many are homeless.
Longing for warmth, many are cold.
Make us your building, sheltering others,
Walls made of living stones.
Many the gifts, many the people,
Many the hearts that yearn to belong.
Let us be servants to one another,
Making your Kingdom come.
© 1993 Bernadette Farrell. OCP Publications.
Used with permission WOL License 1471
Greetings and Introduction -Bishop Michael McKenna
Blessing of Water and Sprinkling Rite
Water from the well at Perthville (Sister Therese McGarry) and from the
Mary MacKillop well at North Sydney (Sister Monica Cavanagh), will be
poured into a common bowl, blessed and sprinkled on the Congregation as
a reminder of our Baptismal commitment.
Blessing of Water
Dear sisters and brothers,
let us ask our ever-living God
to bless this gift of creation, living waters,
which will be sprinkled on us
as a memorial of our Baptism.
May God bless us with the grace
to remain faithful to the Spirit we have received.
Ever-living God,
be pleased, we pray, to + bless this water.
Renew the living spring of your grace within us
and grant that by this water we may be defended
from all ills of spirit and body,
and so approach you with hearts made whole
and worthily receive your salvation.
Through Christ our Lord.
The sprinkling - Bishop Michael McKenna, Kittie Dwyer, Helen Ryan,
Sr Karen Muir, Sr Anne Burke, Sr Bernie Evans rsm
During the sprinkling the congregation sings -
The Deeper River There’s a river running deep within the silence of our souls
where the quenching, healing waters carve their art.
At its source a spring of living water surging and sustained;
it’s the voice of Jesus waiting for the listening of our hearts.
When the living waters flow in us, when the living waters flow again,
they will carry us, they will wash us down, they will quench our thirst again.
Sometimes the river of our life winds wandering away.
Sometimes the rapids tumble restlessly.
Comes the time to stop and find the deeper river running strong,
to drink refreshing waters and to hear the Spirit’s song.
Hear the call to thirsty people, there’s no need to thirst again.
To the weary, come beside still waters lie.
Full of goodness, full of mercy, our cup will overflow,
when the call of that deep river is a voice we’ve come to know.
© 1994 Digby Hannah. Willow Connection.
Used with permission WOL License 1471
Prayer After Sprinkling
May Almighty God cleanse us of our sins and through
the celebration of this Eucharist make us worthy to share
at the table of his kingdom. We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
Gloria - Mass of St Francis
Opening Prayer
Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that by Saint Joseph’s intercession
your Church may constantly watch over
the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation,
whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading - 1Peter 3: 8-15 - Sr Maureen Sanderson
This “Epistle of the Institute” was chosen by Fr Julian Woods and appears
as part of the Rule and associated documents at the beginning of the
Institute in Adelaide.
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 89
Cantor, then All
I will celebrate your love forever, O God,
Age on age, my words proclaim your love.
For I claim that love is built to last forever,
Founded firm your faithfulness.
I have made a covenant with my chosen,
given my servant my word.
I have made your name to last forever,
built to outlast all time. R
Happy the people who learn to acclaim you.
They rejoice in your light.
You are our glory and you are our courage.
Our hope belongs to you. R
They will call to me, ‘My Father! My God’
for I make them my firstborn ones.
I cannot take back my given promise.
I’ve called them to shine like the sun. R
© 1973 Words and music by Karen Barrie. Used with permission WOL License 1471
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia Alleluia
How happy they who dwell in your house, O Lord;
continually they sing your praise!
Alleluia, Alleluia
Gospel - Mathew 1:16, 18-21, 24
Homily - Bishop Michael McKenna
Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Response I do.
Introduction - Sr Margaret Flood
We proceed now with a Ritual that proclaims Rome’s approval of our
request to merge or fuse with the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
The Decree will be read and the Perthville Sisters will be asked by their new
Congregational leader, Sister Monica Cavanagh, to accept a new set of
Constitutions as their way of vowed life.
They will be presented with a new emblem and will renew their vows
together with all Sisters of St Joseph present here and elsewhere via the
web stream.
Rev Dr Philip Filby
Prot.n. dd.28522/2013
The Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Perthville, a
religious Institute of diocesan right, whose Generalate is located in the
Diocese of Bathurst, having obtained the favourable vote of its members,
requests the Holy See to approve the fusion of this Institute with the
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a religious Institute of pontifical
right, whose Generalate is in the Archdiocese of Sydney, for the reasons
The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of
Apostolic Life, having carefully studied both the request and the letter
with which the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the
Sacred Heart accepts this proposed fusion, and having obtained the
consent of the Congresso of 28 February 2014, with this present Decree,
in accordance with canon 582, authorises the fusion of the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Perthville with the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
All members of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Perthville
who pass to the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred
Heart remain in the same condition of religious profession in which they
are at present. A new religious profession is not required.
Furthermore, all goods, both moveable and immoveable, of the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Perthville, shall be duly ascribed the Congregation of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Special funds or pious bequests,
if there be any, must be used for the purpose intended by the donor or
testator; likewise, the rights of others, must be preserved intact insofar as
the case demands.
All things to the contrary notwithstanding.
Given at the Vatican, 19 March, 2014.
Solemnity of St. Joseph
Jose Rodriguez Carballo, O.F.M.
Archbishop Secretary
Joao Braz Aviz
Sister Monica Cavanagh reads the names of the Perthville Sisters and as
each name is read the Sister stands. Monica invites the Sisters to pray
Creator God, you have been with us all on this journey
of unity and discernment. We give you thanks that
your gentle guiding Spirit has led us to fusion. May our
actions today bring hope and joy to all and lead to unity
and reconciliation in our church and in our world. May
we continue to minister to all in the spirit of Joseph our
patron, and our founders St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
and Father Julian Tenison Woods.
The Sisters sit
Receiving the Constitutions - Sr Alice Sullivan, representing the
Sisters comes forward.
Sister Monica Cavanagh
Sisters, receive the Constitutions of The Sisters of St Joseph of
the Sacred Heart. You have generously lived your religious life
according to the way of life described in ‘A Future and A Hope’,
the Constitutions of the Australian-New Zealand Federation
of the Sisters of St Joseph. That same spirit, mission and
charism are described in the Constitutions of The Sisters of St
Joseph of the Sacred Heart. I invite you Sisters to accept these
Constitutions as your way of consecrated life.
May the Constitutions inspire, encourage and strengthen you
in your Josephite life as you continue to share in the Mission of
Jesus and live generously with the spirit of Saint Mary of the
Cross Mackillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods.
May these Constitutions come alive in you as you ‘serve in a
variety of ministries of being and presence, of suffering and
healing, of education and caring. Through these ministries may
you continue to experience and revel God’s loving kindness’.
(Constitutions n.4)
Sister …………. accepts the Book of Constitutions, on behalf of the Sisters.
Perthville Sisters
We accept these Constitutions as our way of vowed life as Sisters
of St Joseph and pray that with God’s help we will continue to live
faithfully in the spirit of our co-founders, Saint Mary of the Cross
MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods.
Receiving the Emblem
Sister Monica Cavanagh
Sisters, yesterday you received the emblem of the Sisters of
St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a sign of your way of life as a
consecrated religious.
Perthville Sisters
We will wear this emblem as a symbol of our membership of the
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and our commitment as
Josephite women.
Words of Welcome - Monica Cavanagh
Renewal of Vows
Sister Monica Cavanagh invites all Sisters of St Joseph to stand and renew
their vows:
Sisters of St Joseph Stand
As a Sister of St Joseph, and before all here present,
I renew my vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience.
Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit
and encouraged by the example of Mary and Joseph,
Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods,
I commit myself wholeheartedly
to my way of life as a Sister of St Joseph
and pledge to express this commitment
in generous service of God and God’s people.
Prayer of Intercession - John McNamara, Sr Helen Saunders ,
Rhonda Gleeson, Sr Ruth Croome, Marie Crowley, Greg Schiemer
Bishop We come together in praise and thankfulness for God’s
goodness and love in our lives, let us bring to our God
those intentions that are uppermost in our hearts today.
For the Church throughout the world, Pope Francis, Bishop
Michael and all who minister and serve your people. May
they know and appreciate God’s love in their lives. With
faith we pray.
Response O Lord hear us we pray, O Lord give us your love.
All Sing
For all of us gathered here today. May God continue to
shower blessings upon us. With joy we pray. R
For Josephite Sisters throughout the world. May they, like
the first Sisters of St Joseph, live in a like spirit of daring,
in partnership with our Creator God. With gratitude we
pray. R
For our families, friends, associates, ex-students and
partners in ministry who have walked with us on our
journey. May the compassionate heart of God continue
to hold each in gentle embrace. With love we pray. R
For all young people. May they be open and aware of
God’s great love, enabling them to grow and respond to
the needs of our times. With hope we pray. R
For all who have gone before us: our deceased Sisters of
St Joseph, family, friends, benefactors and co-workers.
May the light of the risen Christ shine on them forever.
With trust we pray. R
Bishop Bless us loving and gracious God, with the grace of hope
and fidelity as we continue to serve God’s people. We
make our prayer through your Son, Jesus and the Holy
Spirit, now and forever.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts - Sr Patricia Snudden, Sr Flo Snell, Jan
McGuire, Brad Cooper, Sr Mary Baker, Robyn Finau, Paul Favero
Bread, wine and water for the Eucharist and produce from the Central
West for distribution are carried in procession.
Let God’s Dream Be Born
Open hearts and open minds give the spirit freedom.
Let God’s dream be born in us - let God’s dream be born.
Hearts that wonder at the Word hear the Word with freedom.
Let God’s Word be gently heard - let God’s Word be welcome.
Voice and hands that speak the Word give the Word with
Let God’s truth be well explored - let God’s truth be spoken.
Open hearts and open minds break the bread of freedom.
Jesus, bread for all our needs, break our heart gifts open.
Come, Lord Jesus, live in us, come to life among us.
Let us breathe your Spirit free - be the gift we carry.
Open hearts and open minds give the spirit freedom.
Let God’s dream be born in us - let God’s dream be born.
© 1991 Kevin Bates. Used with permission WOL License 1471
Prayer over the Gifts
We pray, O Lord that, just as Saint Joseph served
with loving care your Only Begotten Son,
born of the Virgin Mary, so we may be worthy to
minister with a pure heart at your altar.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface Holy Holy - Mass of St Francis
Eucharistic Prayer - Jesus The Compassion of God from Masses
for Various Needs and Occasions
Memorial Acclamation
When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
until you come again.
Amen - Mass of St Francis
Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Lamb of God - Mass of St Francis
Communion Rite
We Give You Thanks For the bread and wine we share here,
For the friends that we embrace
For the peace we find in healing
For all who gather in this place,
For the faith of those around us
For the dead and all those here
For the hope we find in mem’ry
For the love that draws us near:
We give you thanks, we give you thanks
For the grace to receive, in you we believe,
We give you thanks, we give you thanks,
With faith and hope and love we give you thanks.
For the movement deep within us,
For the stories that we bring
For the signs of God’s compassion,
For the journey that we sing,
For the Word that holds our promise,
For the gifts that we can claim
For the wonders that surround us,
For the song that sings our name.
For the water bringing new life,
For the fragrance of release
For the fire that blazes forward
For the call to bring forth peace,
For the blindness now enlightened,
For the bound that now are free,
For the brightness of your new day,
For the kingdom we will be.
David Haas © 1998 GIA Used with permission WOL license 1471
The Myst’ry Is This The myst’ry is this; Christ is among us.
Christ our hope of Glory.
The myst’ry is this; Christ is among us.
How rich the ways of God.
©Michael Herry fms 1995 Used with permission
Come Weave Your Dreams
Spirit of God, come weave your dreams R: Come weave your dreams
In marrow, joints and in between R: Come weave your dreams
And sew in them our hearts, and sew in them our hearts.
Spirit of God, come weave your dreams.R: Come weave your dreams.
Come father mother of the poor, R
Our endless overflowing store, R
The source of all love’s arts, the source of all love’s arts.
Come father mother of the poor. R
You are our comfort unsurpassed, R
Contentment, as when home at last,
Refreshment when we thirst, refreshment when we thirst.
You are our comfort unsurpassed. R
When we’re burdened, you are rest, R
Keen to give at our request, R
An energetic burst, an energetic burst.
When we’re burdened, you are rest. R
Share with us Christ’s consciousness, R
In whatever wilderness, R
Send us, aim us true, send us, aim us true.
Share with us Christ’s consciousness. R
When we’re dull and unaware, R
When we miss the mark, be there,R
Guide our way anew, guide our way anew.
When we’re dull and unaware. R
In our soul’s most hidden reach, R
There you breathe and there you teach, R
Dark but flaming night, dark but flaming night.
In our soul’s most hidden reach. R
In the garb of everyday, R
There you weave your gentle way, R
Jesus’ mind and sight, Jesus’ mind and sight.
In the garb of everyday. R
Bound by racing time and space, R
Human mind cannot keep pace; R
In loving awe we bow, in loving awe we bow.
Bound by racing time and space. R
Absolute, you are beyond us, R
Yet, within, the fire that bonds us;R
Silent, you surround us, Silent, you surround.
Absolute, you are beyond us. R
Words by Susan Connelly rsj – Music by Ann Fleming rsj
Prayer After Communion
Defend with unfailing protection, O Lord, we pray, the
family you have nourished with food from this altar,
as they rejoice at the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, and
graciously keep safe your gifts among them. Through
Christ our Lord.
Sister Monica Cavanagh missions the Perthville sisters to the NSW Region
Sister Mary Ellen O’Donoghue welcomes the Perthville Sisters to the NSW
Tribute to the Sisters of St Joseph Perthville Mrs Judy Kilby
Concluding Rite
Solemn Blessing
Bow your heads and pray for God’s Blessing
Presider God is the glory and joy of St Joseph.
May God’s blessing be with you always.
Presider May St Joseph’s example of holy living,
turn your thoughts to service of God and neighbour.
Presider May the love of God unite you in God’s family,
praising his name until you reach your eternal home.
Presider May almighty God,
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
bless all who have taken part in these sacred celebrations.
Dismissal Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
Thanks be to God.
We Are Called Come, live in the light!
Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
To live in the freedom of the city of God!
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,
We are called to serve one another;
To walk humbly with God!.
Come! Open your heart!
Show your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless
So all hatred and blindness will be no more!
Sing, Sing a new song!
Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign and we’ll walk with each other
as sisters and brothers united in love!
David Haas © 1988 GIA Publications. Used with permission WOL license 1471
Announcements and Grace - Sr Madeline Breen, Sr Robyn
Fusion Celebration Grace
Hospitable God, You gather us as friends for this
celebration meal.
Response Give us joy-filled welcoming hearts!
Generous God, You give us an abundance of the
fruits of the Earth.
Response Give us mindful, appreciative hearts!
Loving God, You hold in being our food, all who
prepared it, all who serve it and all who share
Response Give us glad and grateful hearts! Amen
History of Sisters of St Joseph, Perthville
The Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph was founded by Fr Julian
Tenison Woods and St Mary MacKillop, (the first canonised saint of
Australia) in Penola in South Australia in 1866. This was an Australian
Religious Congregation especially suited to Australian conditions and needs
and whose Rule was written by Father Woods.
As the Congregation expanded, the Mother House moved to Adelaide from
where Mother Mary MacKillop continued as Superior General. In 1872,
after a request from Bishop Matthew Quinn (Bishop of Bathurst), for Sisters
to open schools in his vast diocese, three Sisters and one young lay woman
made a foundation at The Vale (later renamed Perthville) - a village near
Bathurst. Mother Mary MacKillop, as Superior General, visited the Sisters
there twice during 1875. By 1876 when the Congregation had increased
to over thirty Sisters, there were convents and schools established in
six centres in the Diocese. However, Bishop Quinn did not agree with
centralised government under the authority of the Superior General. The
Bishop gave the sisters the choice of returning to Adelaide or remaining at
the Vale under his jurisdiction. Consequently, in February 1876, seventeen
Sisters returned to Adelaide while fourteen women remained at The Vale
under the authority of Bishop Quinn. Of these there were two professed
sisters (Sr Hyacinth being a member of the founding community), one
novice and eleven postulants. Nine of the latter were recent postulants
brought by Bishop Quinn from Ireland. This was the beginning of the
Diocesan Sisters of St Joseph, with their Motherhouse at Perthville.
As a Diocesan Congregation under the authority of the Bishop, the Sisters
of St Joseph expanded throughout the diocese of Bathurst. It was from The
Vale that other Diocesan Congregations were founded: in New Zealand
(1880), Goulburn NSW (1882), Lochinvar NSW (1883), Westbury, Tasmania
(1887) and Bungaree Vic. (1891). Each of these Diocesan foundations
came under the authority of the respective bishop.
In the main, the Perthville Sisters taught in the smaller centres in the
Bathurst Diocese conducting Primary and Secondary Schools. They lived
simply in small isolated communities, supported by community prayer and
the generosity of the local people. Many communities had Mass only once
a week and those who did have a Priests in their parish provided them with
kindly support. With dedication and extraordinary generosity, the Sisters
took the message of the gospel to the corners of the extensive Diocese.
(Until 1892 the diocese covered half of NSW with Bathurst on the eastern
fringe). Often the Sisters met one another only once a year at Perthville
when they gathered for an annual retreat and summer school.
Frequently without resources, and in trying conditions, the Perthville
Josephite Sisters gave extraordinary service to the rural people of this
inland Diocese. After the Sisters took over the running of the small Catholic
school at The Vale in 1872 until more recent years, Catholic education and
the teaching of music, in the country towns of the Bathurst diocese, along
with conducting St Joseph’s College, Perthville – a boarding college for
girls predominantly from rural towns, has been the major ministry of the
Congregation. To that end sixty foundations were made during the years
1872 to 1992, including foundations in PNG. The Sisters were welcomed,
supported and loved in the small communities, frequently seen walking to
visit the families of the school children and people in hospital.
In response to the directives of the Second Vatican Council, the
Congregation over several years revised the Rule, saw to the updating of
modes of dress and various customs, initiated means of the sisters coming
to a deeper understanding of the vowed religious life and encouraged ways
of personal renewal in the spirit of the Council. Significant among other
changes following the Council was the establishment of The AustralianNew Zealand Federation of Sisters of St Joseph in 1967. As a Federation
of the various Diocesan Sisters of St Joseph, it brought together those
foundations which had their beginnings at The Vale.
After the Second Vatican Council the Sisters were exhorted to return to
the original charism of their founding, and to make a preferential option
for the poor. New ministries developed alongside the school ministry.
Lay people began to find employment in the schools with the assistance
of State Aid to Catholic Education and some Sisters moved into more
marginalised ministries. The present work of the Sisters covers a diversity
of ministry including Adult Faith Education, Caring for the Aged, Operation
of a Retreat and Conference Centre, Pastoral Work in Parishes and Aged
Care Facilities, Visitation of the Sick, Aged and Bereaved, Ministry to
Refugees, Administration of Congregational Affairs and Catholic Education
and School Administration. The facilitation of the Josephite Foundation No
Interest Loans Scheme has also become a priority of the Congregation.
The decision to seek merger/fusion with the Sisters of St Joseph of the
Sacred Heart came after many years engaged with other Josephite sisters
in shared endeavours, justice initiatives, ministry, meetings, exploring
our histories and combined Josephite Retreats and Pilgrimages. A more
intensive process of ‘Strengthening our Unity as Sisters of St Joseph’ began
in 2011. The Canonisation in 2010 of our co-founder Mary MacKillop was
a rich, inclusive experience of being Sisters of St Joseph together. Three
Federation Congregations (Tasmania and Goulburn in 2012, Whanganui NZ
in 2013) have previously fused with the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred
No history of the Perthville Sisters of St Joseph is possible without
recognising the close and mutually enriching relationship between the
families, the priests and the sisters within the Diocese. Without the
amazing connection of friendship, shared vision, dreams, sorrows, joys,
failures and achievements, this story would not be possible. As Sisters of
St Joseph of the Sacred Heart the Perthville sisters will continue to journey
with the people of the Bathurst Diocese as we all move together into the
future with faith and hope.
Our Josephite Future has been the focus of intensive reading, reflection and
discernment for the Perthville Josephite Sisters as we considered our future
as a Diocesan Congregation. Our discernment led to our Chapter decision
of July 15, 2013 to seek fusion with the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred
Heart, to engage in the process of our two communities joining together to
form a single entity. The Vatican Decree dated 19th March 2014, the feast
of our patron St Joseph, authorised our fusion. The Perthville Congregation
now takes on a new identity and becomes one with the Sisters of St Joseph
of the Sacred Heart, from whom we were originally founded.
Deceased Sisters of St Joseph Perthville 1876-2013
1876 M Teresa McDonald
1877 M Aloysius Braham
1881 M Rose Hartnett
1887 Brigid Mary Power
1890 M Beatrice Carroll
1890 M Kilian Purcell
1894 M Martina Sullivan
1894 M Martha Gray
1894 M Malachy Carmody
1894 M Kevin Power
1894 M Ursula Hackett
1894 M Francis Hadlock
1895 M Ildephonsus Lynch
1896 M Agnes Mary Dwyer
1896 M Mathias Enright
1897 M Louis Sullivan
1898 M Marcellus O’Grady
1899 M Francis Cummins
1899 M Magdalen Norris
1900 M Andrew Dwyer
1901 M Aquin Brady
1903 M Leo Webster
1905 M Liguori Nevin
1905 M Joseph Lyons
1908 M Ita Carroll
1909 M Thomas Sullivan
1910 M Berchmans Wallace
1911 M Columba Galvin
1911 M Veronica Cullen
1911 M Columbkille Bennett
1916 M Teresa Cooke
1917 M Monica Kennedy
1919 M Ildephonsus Renshall
1919 M Scholastica Martin
1919 M Dorothea Roarty
1919 M Angela McInerney
1920 M Stanislaus Ryan
1920 M Bernadine Glass
1921 M Julian Byrne
1921 M Joseph Sewell
1922 M Alphonsa Egan
1922 1922
1923 1923
1926 1928
1929 1929
1930 1930
1932 1934
1934 1934 1935
1935 1935
1936 1937
1937 1937
1938 1938
1938 1939 1939 1939
M Augustine Donelly
M Augustine Fergus
M Raphael Harnett
M Levinus Fitzharris
M Matthew Kennedy
M Thecla Dennis
M Germaine Gardiner
M Gabriel Gunn
M de Pazzi O’Brien
M Catherine Wallace
M Lawrence Clifton
M Anthony O’Dea
M Xavier McDonagh
M Cecilia Keegan
M Columbanus Dolby
M Brendan Dowdall
M Clotilde Jordan
M James Sweeney
M Agnes Renshaw
M Immaculata Webster
M Lucy Cuffe
M Hyacinth O’Loughlin
M Anselm Lyons
M Michael Pedder
M Edmund Madden
M Josephine Saffrey
M Ignatius O’Brien
M Dominick Dwyer
M John Clifton
M Gertrude Herrick
M Finian Hennessey
M Alphonsus Herrick
M Sebastian Carden
M Marcellus Hanney
M Felix Gainey
M Damien Dennis
M Michael Holt
M Regis Forde
M Camillus Thompson
M Sylvester O’Connor
M Pascal Campbell
1940 1941
1942 1943
1945 1945 1946
1948 1948
1949 1950 1950
1951 1951
1953 M Aloysius Webster
M Boniface Mahon
M Winifred Carroll
M Borgia McKeown
M Paulinus Farrington
M Benedict Hickey
M Jerome Kelly
M Clement Conway
M Fabian Baker
M Paul Broderick
M Alacoque Maloney
M Brigid Toner
M Madeline Breen
Margaret Mary Markey
M Pius Breen
M Clare Byrne
M Gabrielle McCarthy
M Imelda Markham
M Agatha Doyle
M Philomena Hanney
M Vincent Cleary
M Loyola Ryan
M Genevieve Dalton
M Borromeo McMahon
Brigid Mary Gleeson
Margaret Mary Carden
M Columba Sweeney
M Hilda Sharkey
M John Meagher
M Dympna Foody
M Bernard Brightman
M Elizabeth Midlane
M Leonard Nevin
M Evangelist Donnelly
M Bernadette Carroll
M de Paul Fitzgerald
M Ambrose Power
M Loretto McHugh
M Mechtilde Dulhunty
M Celestine Combes
M Nolasco Brightman
M Patrick Dwyer
1954 1955
1956 1956 1956
1957 1958
1959 1959
1959 1959 1959
1962 1962 1963 1963
1965 1966 1967
1969 1969
1970 1971
1972 1972 1972 1973
1973 1974
M Joan Healy
Joseph Mary Bowler
M Adrian Fisher
M Killian Horan
M Zita Dwyer
M Cecilia Higgins
M de Sales Markham
M St Roch Crowley
M Majella White
M Barbara Gleeson
M Le Merci Steere
M Assissium Dwyer
M Gonzaga O’Connell
M Benedicta Fitzgerald
Gertrude Mary O’Connor
M Francis Morrissey
M Justinian Flanagan
M Rose Healy
M Malachy McGrath
M Ursula Tuohy
M Ita Conlon
Agnes Mary Burke
M Margaret Midlane
M Seraphim Lynch
M Carmel O’Connell
M Kevin Crowley
M Dominca Stapleton
M Magdalen O’Halloran
M Rosarii Stapleton
M Alexius Spilling
M Patricia Carey
M Celsus Lennox
M Reginald Byrne
M Beatrice Traynor
M Martin O’Connor
Francis Mary White
M Veronica Gleeson
M Antonia Fitzpatrick
M Monica Hudson
M Angela Leabeater
M Raphael Sullivan
M Liguori Stokes Celebrant - Bishop Michael McKenna
Concelebrants - Bishop Kevin Manning, Fathers Doug Akehurst cm,
Tim Cahill, Joe Dooley, Philip Filby, Owen Gibbons,
Joshy Kaithakulangara cmi, Garry McKeown, Augustine Matthew cmi,
Mark McGuigan, Brien Murphy, Martin O’Mahoney, Pat Ruane,
Maurice Sullivan cm, Greg Walsh cm, Michael Walsh cm.
Musicians - Josephite Sisters and the Perthville Chapel Choir
Sister Monica Cavanagh - Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St
Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
Final Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Perthville Sisters Therese McGarry, Margaret Flood, Maureen Sanderson,
Maria Sullivan.
Cover Design - Leonie Mann and Jacqueline Chan
1975 1976
1980 1981 1981
1981 1982
1983 1983
1983 1984
1988 1989 1989
1992 1993 1993
1994 1994
1995 M Cecilia Bray
M Gerard Brady
M Felicitas O’Donnell
M Martina Godfrey
M Tarcisius Lynch
M Bede Crowley
M Teresita Flynn
M Eymard Collins
M Canice Collins
Marie Anthony McAneney
M Pascal Cavanagh
M Clotilde Collacott
M Eugenie Glawson
M Joseph Walsh
Teresa Maria Carey
M Aquinas Clancy
Mary Ryan
M Dorothea Kiely
M Alphonsus Callaghan
M Cyril Dalton
M Perpetua Thomas
M Josepha Breen
M Maria Joseph Looney
M Augustine Relihan
M Kostka Sloane
M Rita Fitzgerald
M Raymond White
Philomena Gearon
M Brenda Crowe
M Benedict Gummer
M Camillus Whitehead
M Lucy White
M Paula Pini
Marie Agnes Collins
M Conrad Crowley
M Stanislaus Crowley
M Basil Middleton
M Declan Crotty
M Enda Skelly
M Peter Griffin
Catherine Dykes
M Berchmans Lennox
1996 1996
1996 1996
1997 1997
2000 2000
2001 2001
2005 2007 2009
2010 2010
2013 2013 Patricia Dunne
M Ignatius Murray
Janice Ryder
Joan Williams
M Thomas Milliss
M Cletus Tomlinson
M Fidelis Kennedy
M Alphonsa McAneney
M Luigi Logan
M Martha Clarke
M Sabina Johnstone
M Kieran Hudson
M Julian Aubrey
Anne Fitzgerald
Winifride Turner
M Laurence Morrissey
Mary O’Leary
Marie Kelly
M Ephrem Nagle
Thelma Pellitt
Veronica Pattison
M Vianney Andrews
Marie Williams
Margaret Schiemer
Aidan Commins
Leo Ryan
Marie Therese Slattery
Mary Gearon
Jennifer Buckley
Paula Wilson
Elizabeth Dowton
M Philippa Collins
Margaret Press
Catherine Ryan
Mary Maloney
Kathleen Murnane
Mary Farrell
Marie Pattison
Chanel O’Neal
Clare Askew
Gemma Castello
We were founded with vision and courage
precisely to undertake a new experiment
to live as religious had not lived before,
and to work under conditions
that had not been experienced before.
The first Sisters of St Joseph
sensed the spirit of a new world
in a way that has left its mark
on the history of Australia and New Zealand.
We who have taken up the task of the
first sisters of St Joseph
must press on into each age as it unfolds
in a like spirit of daring,
strong in our commitment to love.
Drawing on the past,
we will never take refuge in the past,
but together, in partnership with the Holy spirit,
we will confront the world of the future fearlessly
to bend that future
to the dynamic purpose of the Creator.
Constitutions of the
Australian-New Zealand Federation
of Sisters of St. Joseph 1969
Celebration of Fusion
of the
Sisters of St Joseph Perthville
with the
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
3rd May, 2014
St Joseph’s Convent, Perthville